HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080915 Ver 3_ SCDNR support letter_20160331Soat Card;na Department of Natural Resources 1000 Assembly Street Suite 336 PO Box 1'n Columbia, SC 29202 all.j. iszF..s /rift Orrice 803.734.9809 Fax yerryl5cuanr.sc.gov January 15, 2016 Hanciable Kimberly D. Bose_ Secretary FcUcral t,.e, gy Regulatory C:unlnlissiou 883 F;rat Strcct, NP, Washington; liC 20426 �dr HAVAG rtivin n. i aylor Director Robert D. Perry Director, Office of Environmental Programs LETTER OF SUPPORT: Duke Energy's Request for Rehearing of Order Issui"r, Ncvy License_ Catawba-Wateree Hydraclectric Project FERC Project No. 2232-522 Dear Secretary Bose; u.. Dccumber 21, 2015, Duke Energy submitlea a request for rehearing of the order issuing the new licen3c mr Mc Latawon-Waturee HyaleelCCt<ic Project lo%�atea in No,th Una South Carolina. The South Carolina Department ur Nertu.al Resp,... -,v3 (SCDNR) respeuttully subllllta this letter of support of the Duke Energy request for rehearing. SL:DNR has startutary lasponsibility for the fish arta wildlife management in the state as provided by South kCc —Vl;na Code ur Loris, Title 50. SCDNR as the steward of the ,tate natural MbDU CN and is responsible for the t.ruteut;un w.d manage...cnt of these te3ources frit the use and enjoyment of the public. Natural resources within SCDNR'3 p......,.,, incluac3 tnc full range of land, wake, mineral and biological resources. U,.on review, SCDNR is plZrOCU to see the UUL13e adopted lllany of the ,Measures proposed in the Comprehensive Relicensins Av'-.c n-,nt (CRA) uc,,cfuped thruugn an e..haustive staTcchuldur prucess giving consideration to a wide range of interests and vµt..z3 m3u%.iatea "An the Catawba- Wateree Riva system_ iucluaing fish and wildlife resuurces; recreation, water quality m.a riot-,. Supply, cultural 1G3uLuzc5, energy ptvauction and cuun5ervadun. The CRA represents the stakeholder -3 attL...pt to DalztnZ , and uptim;4c tnu3e interests ana values_ and this is a significant testament to the relicensinr, 1,rucum c...ptuycd Dy Dura Energy, the zommAments of all 5tdkeholaer participants and the evaluation conducted by FERC 3to . Su—DNR uph.es tnat alt involved = to be ComltlC11W. In their reque3t rue -c i4c—Ulng, Dux-, Energy nos lzd3ud a numMiL at ;55ues. The most important fmrn a SCDNR perspective, is the term urmc ncri licen3c. fnc .,cw licen3Z pluvide5 s;gltittcant enhartcellle11t5 to fish and wildlife habitat through mandatory conaitiun;ng oy Stat-, arra Federal agenc;-,5. Examples include measures regarding insrrearn flow; water quality and fish r3agu. Hvnimble Kiu,bC,1y D. Buse Duku Energy --3 Rcque3t tu, Rehearing of Oder Issuing New License, Catawba-WaEeree Hydroelectri-V P zjcct FERC. P.ujuct No. 2232-522 January 15, 2016 Provisions in the CRA will provide permanent protection T% -,r pland hat);tat and riparia, meas, continued support to, fish and wildlife habitat enhancement and establishment of a nory fah and w;tatife racm-un rund, ,,,easu,es not typically associated with a FERC license. These measures are critical to St -;DNR and its ,,,s3v.. and I�u„t;,,ue to be p,incipal in our support of the settlement process. Additional measures tnat woulduurrtn,. protect upland habitat and „pariah cunidors are provided in the CRA contingent on Duke receivin., a 50 -your licen3c. mese i„4lude the pe„namunt protection of an additional 10.2 miles (124 acres) of riparian habitat un the Lata,,ba Rive and Lake Wate,ee (the su,,, ut land areas protected under Sections and 14.6.2./- of the CRA), ..d. add;t;u.,al $1.5 ,,,illi„ dollars designated fu, habitat acquisition (Section of the CRA). SCDNR-s pv3itiun support;,.g a longe, 1;ce„se term is justified based on the adequacy of the measures provided in the license, m:, p.Z=33 in wn;cn the license was developed, the adaptive measures included to address future changes; the cal itui cu3ts u5suc;atcd with add.z;33ing land p.utectior,, ,ec,eational and water quality improvements and the additional land protecti%n mcioures p,u,,;dcd in the CRA. Also of signiticant concern to the SCDNR is the risk to the pr:,t=t;un, m;t;gat.un and z;nhancen,u„t measures ;dentifred ill the CRA if the CRA is "rebalanced,” as explained in t:RA sect;u„ 20.2.5. A3 w—. c,.ample, tun or partial tund;,,g for a atuuber of measures negotiated in the CRA such as land j roteut;un, the fi3n and wildlife n,itigatiun Lund described in CRA section 4.6.2 and the habitat enhancement program desu.=75 ;n t.:RA 3CCt;un 14.2 Could be at ,;5k. For t$c5e ,easons_ SCDNR suppnns Duke Energy's request for a 50 -year 1;4cn3c term. In m,.,r rcque3t ru. ,uncaring, DuKe Energy identified several other issues in need of clarification. Our comments focus on tn-muc ;33ucs relat--d to St;DNR, a3 tulluws: I. SCDNR concurs with Duke Energy's request to modify Articiu 407 addre33;ng the tern, ut the RMP („u,ube, III in the rehearing request) and note that the requirement in m% n%-Iw liwnse to zq.;re a reC,enfimial use and needs study every 10 years diffbrs significantly from the recom.z:ndat;ons pf,-;dud in the t,,,51 EIS. SuDNR is cuntiderit that the recreational improvements identified and tris i,nplcme,.tat;un 3che3ulu developed tu, the nCxt twenty years_ in aadidun to bi-annual reporting to FERC; ta-0 the re-c,M.zrtion of rectuat;onal needs ,squired ill year 20 and every 10 years thereafter will adequutm., Zddrrs3 tnc .cc.cntional aspects of the Pruject. 2. SCDNR concurs with Duke Enemy that me Wutzree tim;apiain ;nu„dation ptocedu,C described in the CRA was not intended as a license article (n,...&C, V of Enc ,chearing request). The CRA p,ovides SCDNR and other interested pasties an opport..,,iry tv uvaivate v7ulu„tary ope,at;unal changes intended to gradually reduce floodplain inundation on the River. i n;s ,;Il be i,nple,nented fur a 10 -year period to give SCDNR and other interested stakeholders �.. uppurtunity to zyaluate any beuctrtb u, consequences associated with those events and to consider needs fur ....y future Kcunsu ainend,,,cut3. 2 HunurabIC Kl...bcrly D. Bo3c Duke Enemy :3 Req.c3t rur Ren�ari..g of Orde. I33uing New License, Catawba-Wateree Hydroelectric Project FERC Project Nu. 2232-522 Ji-.-...ary 15, 2016 3. SUDNR concurs with Duke Energy that there should be some flexibility in tnc 3;Lv uf tn;,- signs u3ed to aC Ic3s the "Stip the Aquatic Hitchhikers" program established under license ArtivI� 405 for tnc .uzmu,,3 me..t;uncCI (numbe, IX in the rehearing request). I„ closing_ SCDNR is pleased with the Other terms and conditiun3 ;.. the i33utu.va: uf the ..ew license tu-r the Uatawba-WaLelce PrujeUL. Issuance of the new license represents the cuiminat.un ur m..;.y y�ar3 ur erturt by a „umber of SUDNR staff_ and this agency is confident it adequately addresses protectiu.., m;t;gut;on anu cnnn..cement a cmwes needed to protect uatu al resources. Fo, the compelling reasons outlined, SCDNR supports Duke Ener,,y'3 rcqucst fur .mcaring, ana advocates that their ,uquest for 50 -year license term is warranted. Thank you in advance rut tnc FERC'3 favuramr. cu..ideratiun ut these sc;c„cc-based pu,itia,ts of the natural resources agency Of the State of South l;z.uI...a. $n,cc,ely. T Bub Perry Di,cctu,, Office Of Envirotuttental Programs c: Tu... Mct uy USFWS Mark Oakley Duxc E..crgy Alvin A. Taylor Ken Renticrs E..,ily Cupe B.cck C;a.m,.;cnacl Bill Marshall Dick Christie