HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051225 Ver 2_More Info Received_20080123~~t~ ~~ ~~a~er~~ ,f ,~" January 17, 2008 Ms. Cyndi Karoly Wetlands Program Development Unit 401/Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650 Q~~~od~~ JAN 2 3 2006 DENR • WATER•QUAl1TY yyETLANDS AND 5TORMWA'TER BRANCH Subject Property: City of Raleigh -Fred Fletcher Park Extended Detention Wetland Ut to Pigeon House Branch [030402-22-33-18, C, NSW] DWQ Project # OS-1225 Dear Ms. Karoly: On January 14, 2008, I received your request for more information regarding the permit application submitted for the Fred Fletcher Park Extended Detention Wetland on January 4, 2008. Included with this packet are five copies of the following items providing the documentation you requested to complete the review of the permit application. 1. Plan sheets L-1 "Landscaping and Planting Plan" and L-3 Landscaping Details" at 1"=20' scale illustrating a detailed planting plan for the extended detention wetland, including the following information a. A variety of suitable species (not including cattails), b. Sizes, spacing, and locations of plantings, c. Total quantity of each type of plant specified, and d. A planting detail. 2. Two contract specifications have been included to demonstrate the fertilizer and watering requirements to establish vegetation: a. Sec. 02930 - Loaming and Seeding, and b. Sec. 02955 -Wetland Replication. 3. A signed and notarized Inspection and Maintenance Agreement for the extended detention wetland is included. In addition to the items above, excerpts from the construction contract have been provided below to further demonstrate the commitment to ensure the vegetation is established and maintained properly: VII. CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTIES (Page BD-13) The CONTRACTOR, in executing this Contract, warrants that he will be responsible for the maintenance or correction of any work completed under this Contract that may become Page 1 OFFICES 222 WEST HARGETT STREET POST OFFICE BOX 590 • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 RECYCLED PAPER Fred J. Fletcher Extended Detention Wetland Project January 17, 2008 defective due to faulty workmanship or materials for a period of one (1) year after final acceptance of the work performed. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that work done under this Contract shall be subject to all ordinances of the City of Raleigh relating to work done in the public streets or other public property of the City. Particularly, reference is made to the provisions of Part 10, Chapter 7 and Part 11, Chapter 6 of the Raleigh City Code. The CONTRACTOR has provided and attached hereto a Certificate of Insurance indicating compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in the Raleigh City Code and applicable hereto. PLANTING MAINTENANCE (Project Suecial Provisions, Page PSP-9) All planting areas will either be continuously or intermittently watered by the Contractor to maintain moist soil conditions until plants have passed inspection and been accepted by the City. The application rates and depths of water shall be controlled by the Contractor to maintain moist conditions for optimum growth of the wetland plants during the construction period. Watering shall be done in coordination with the City. Provisions for the watering containment shall be integrated with the planting work plan, such that water can be supplied at all stages of planting. As successful areas are planted and supplied with water, the containment features separating each area planted previously shall be completely removed. The containment methods shall not interfere with subsequent planting stages. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for water control during all planting and plant maintenance operations. The watering of these planted areas is important to reduce desiccation of plant materials. Heat stress and desiccation can affect the survival of plants as specified. The methods of water containment and control of water depths and flow rates as required establishing the watering is at the discretion of the Contractor subject to review of the work plan submittals. In all cases, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for survival and viability of plants as specified throughout the project construction until the acceptance of the project by the City. All water control activities shall be conducted without causing substantial erosion damage or deterioration of site grades. The Contractor shall be responsible for adjusting water control during planting to reduce erosion or substantial site damage. Maintenance: The Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance of all plantings. This control is granted to the Contractor because of the City's need to hold the Contractor fully responsible for the maintenance of the plantings; the Contractor is encouraged to consul with the City concerning methods to optimize plant growth and survival. Weed Control: During the maintenance period, the Contractor shall remove and or control weeds and noxious plants before they compete with desire plant species within the planted areas. Weeds and noxious plants are defined as those plants have been determined to be aggressive and potentially detrimental to the establishment ad long term growth of the planted species. Weeds and noxious plants shall be mechanically removed and or controlled with herbicides. The Contractor shall submit for review by the City, the herbicide materials, means of application, and applications rates before use. The Contactor shall be responsible for replacing desirable plants damaged by weeds and noxious plant control measures implemented. Period of Maintenance: The Contractor is responsible for maintenance of the plants until all planting areas have inspected by the City at the specified inspection date determined by the City on the basis of the period(s) when actual plantings occur. At the inspection dates, the City will Page 2 Fred J. Fletcher Extended Detention Wetland Project January 17, 2008 inventory the plantings and determine if they meet minimum levels of survival and growth as described below. Inspection and Acceptance: At the inspection dates, the City will make an inspection to determine if the satisfactory stands of plantings have been established, as previously defined in this section. If the requirements for satisfactory stands are met, the plantings will be accepted and the City will assume responsibility for the continued plant maintenance. If any stands are not found to be satisfactory, the Contractor shall replant those areas at his own expense until satisfactory stands are judged by the City to be achieved. The City will inspect any replanted areas within 4 weeks following replanting and will determine if those replanting efforts are satisfactory. The Contractor shall be responsible for replanting and continued plants maintenance until all plantings are re- inspected and then accepted by the City. The subcontractor that has been selected for the landscaping on this project is Carolina Silvics from Edenton, North Carolina. Due to current bidding laws, the City cannot specify a nursery to be used by the contractor; however, this information can be provided as soon as the nursery is selected. The City is anxious to move ahead with this wetland project. Five (5) copies of the additional information have been included with this letter in five separate packets. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 890-3940 or our engineer, Brenan Buckley, P.E., of CDM at (919) 787-5620 if you have any further questions about the project. Thank you for your consideration of this important project. Sincerely, /v' arl Dawson Public Works Director City of Raleigh Page 3 ~- ~ ~~.~~ %~ / <t/ ~~f ~~~~~e~h -~, ~- <`/.~<-rI/ ~~r1o/rile January l7, 2008 JAN 2 3 2008 Ms. Cyndi Karoly Wetlands Program Development Unit OENR-WATERQUAUTY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH 401/Wetlands Unit ] 650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650 Subject Property: City of Raleigh -Fred Fletcher Park Extended Detention Wetland Ut to Pigeon House Branch [030402-22-33-18, C, NSW] DWQ Project # OS-1225 Dear Ms. Karoly: On January 14, 2008, I received your request for more information regarding the permit application submitted for the Fred Fletcher Park Extended Detention Wetland on January 4, 2008. Included with this packet are five copies of the following items providing the documentation you requested to complete the review of the permit application. Plan sheets L-I "Landscaping and Planting Plan" and L-3 Landscaping Details'' at 1"=20' scale illustrating a detailed planting plan for the extended detention wetland, including the following information a. A variety of suitable species (not including cattails), b. Sizes, spacing, and locations of plantings, c. Total quantity of each type of plant specified, and d. A planting detail. 2. Two contract specifications have been included to demonstrate the fertilizer and watering requirements to establish vegetation: a. Sec. 02930 - Loaming and Seeding, and b. Sec. 02955 -Wetland Replication. 3. A signed and notarized Inspection and Maintenance Agreement for the extended detention wetland is included. In addition to the items above, excerpts from the construction contract have been provided below to further demonstrate the commitment to ensure the vegetation is established and maintained properly: Vll. CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTIES (Page BD-13) The CONTRACTOR, in executing this Contract, warrants that he will be responsible for the maintenance or correction of any work completed under this Contract that may become Page l OFFICES 222 WEST HP.RGEn STREET POST OFFICE BCX 59O RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 27602 RECr'C LLD PAPER ~ .. Fred J. Fletcher Extended Detention Wetland Project January 17, 2008 defective due to faulty workmanship or materials for a period of one (1) year after final acceptance of the work performed. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that work done under this Contract shall be subject to all ordinances of the City of Raleigh relating to work done in the public streets or other public property of the City. Particularly, reference is made to the provisions of Part 10, Chapter 7 and Part 11, Chapter 6 of the Raleigh City Code. The CONTRACTOR has provided and attached hereto a Certificate of Insurance indicating compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in the Raleigh City Code and applicable hereto. PLANTING MAINTENANCE (Project Special Provisions, Page PSP-9 All planting areas will either be continuously or intermittently watered by the Contractor to maintain moist soil conditions until plants have passed inspection and been accepted by the City. The application rates and depths of water shall be controlled by the Contractor to maintain moist conditions for optimum growth of the wetland plants during the construction period. Watering shall be done in coordination with the City. Provisions for the watering containment shall be integrated with the planting work plan, such that water can be supplied at all stages of planting. As successful areas are planted and supplied with water, the containment features separating each area planted previously shall be completely removed. The containment methods shall not interfere with subsequent planting stages. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for water control during all planting and plant maintenance operations. T'he watering of these planted areas is important to reduce desiccation of plant materials. Heat stress and desiccation can affect the survival of plants as specified. The methods of water containment and control of water depths and flow rates as required establishing the watering is at the discretion of the Contractor subject to review of the work plan submittals. In all cases, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for survival and viability of plants as specified throughout the project construction until the acceptance of the project by the City. All water control activities shall be conducted without causing substantial erosion damage or deterioration of site grades. The Contractor shall be responsible for adjusting water control during planting to reduce erosion or substantial site damage. lvfaintenance: The Contractor shah be responsible for maintenance of ail plantings. This control is granted to the Contractor because of the City's need to hold the Contractor fully responsible for the maintenance of the plantings; the Contractor is encouraged to consul with the City concerning methods to optimize plant growth and survival. Weed Control: During the maintenance period, the Contractor shall remove and or control weeds and noxious plants before they compete with desire plant species within the planted areas. Weeds and noxious plants are defined as those plants have been determined to be aggressive and potentially detrimental to the establishment ad long term growth of the planted species. Weeds and noxious plants shall be mechanically removed and or controlled with herbicides. The Contractor shall submit for review by the City, the herbicide materials, means of application, and applications rates before use. The Contactor shall be responsible for replacing desirable plants damaged by weeds and noxious plant control measures implemented. Period of Maintenance: The Contractor is responsible for maintenance of the plants until all planting areas have inspected by the City at the specified inspection date determined by the City on the basis of the period(s) when actual plantings occur. At the inspection dates, the City will Page 2 ~. s Fred J. Fletcher Extended Detention Wetland Project January 17, 2008 inventory the plantings and determine if they meet minimum levels of survival and growth as described below. Inspection and Acceptance: At the inspection dates, the City will make an inspection to determine if the satisfactory stands of plantings have been established, as previously defined in this section. If the requirements for satisfactory stands are met, the plantings will be accepted and the City will assume responsibility for the continued plant maintenance. If any stands are not found to be satisfactory, the Contractor shall replant those areas at his own expense until satisfactory stands are judged by the City to be achieved. The City will inspect any replanted areas within 4 weeks following replanting and will determine if those replanting efforts are satisfactory. The Contractor shall be responsible for replanting and continued plants maintenance until all plantings are re- inspected and then accepted by the City. The subcontractor that has been selected for the landscaping on this project is Carolina Silvics from Edenton, North Carolina. Due to current bidding laws, the City cannot specify a nursery to be used by the contractor; however, this information can be provided as soon as the nursery is selected. The City is anxious to move ahead with this wetland project. Five (5) copies of the additional information have been included with this letter in five separate packets. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 890-3940 or our engineer, Brenan Buckley, P.E., of CDM at (9l 9} 787-5620 if you have any further questions about the project. Thank you for your consideration of this important project. Sincerely, /~' .. arl Dawson Public Works Director City of Raleigh Page 3 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: 27-33-18 Stormwater Wetland Inspection and Maintenance Agreement The City of Raleigh Stormwater Management Division of the Public Works Department will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced within a reasonable period. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the stormwater wetland is established, the wetland plants will be watered as needed until the plants become established. - No portion of the stormwater wetland will be fertilized after the first initial fertilization that is required to establish the wetland plants. - Stable groundcover will be maintained in the publicly owned portions of the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet detention basin. - Once a year, a qualified individual will inspect the entire facility for integrity and function. After the wetland is established, a qualified individual will inspect it once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches. Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired within a reasonable period. BMP element: Potential roblem: How I will remedate the roblem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is resent. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to wetland erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer a lication. Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a an lon a ro riate hei ht. The inlet device: pipe or The pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the Swale a licable . sediment in an a ro riate manner. The pipe is cracked or Repair or replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if a licable). Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the swale if necessary to Swale (if applicable). smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future roblems with erosion. Form SW401-Wetland I&M-Rev.2 Page 1 of 4 BMP element: Potential roblem: Haw I will remediate the roblem: The forebay Sediment has accumulated in Search for the source of the the forebay to a depth that sediment and remedy the problem if inhibits the forebay from possible. Remove the sediment and functioning properly. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to revent future erosion roblems. Undesirable plant species are Remove unwanted plants in an adversely affecting the appropriate manner. If a pesticide function. is used, wipe it on the plants rather than s ra ' The deep pool, shallow Algal growth covers over Consult a professional to remove water and shallow land 50% of the deep pool and and control the algal growth. areas shallow water areas. Cattails, phragmites or other Remove the plants in an appropriate invasive plants cover 50% of manner such as mechanical means the deep pool and shallow or by wiping them with pesticide water areas. (do not spray) -consult a rofessional as necessa Shallow land remains flooded Unclog the outlet device. more than 5 days after a storm event. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide aone-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessa Best professional practices Prune according to best professional show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Sediment has accumulated Search for the source of the and reduced the depth to 75% sediment and remedy the problem if of the original design depth possible. Remove the sediment and of the deep pools. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Form SW401-Wetland I&M-Rev.2 Page 2 of 4 BMP element: Potential roblem: How I will rernediete the roblem: The embankment A tree has started to grow on Consult a dam safety specialist to the embankment. remove the tree. An annual inspection by an Make all needed repairs. appropriate professional shows that the embankment needs re air. Evidence of muskrat or Use traps to remove muskrats and beaver activity is present. consult a professional to remove beavers. The micropool Sediment has accumulated Search for the source of the and reduced the depth to 75% sediment and remedy the problem if of the original design depth. possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Undesirable plants are Remove the plants by an adversely affecting the appropriate means. If a pesticide is function of the micropool. used, wipe it on the plants rather than s ra in . The outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment in a suitable location. The outlet device is dams ed Re air or re lace the outlet device. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919- outlet. 733-1786. Form SW401-Wetland I&M-Rev.2 Page 3 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party, Project name: Fred J. Fletcher Park Extended Detention Wetland BMP drainage area number: 27-33-18 Staff Contact: Mark Senior Title: Senior Project Engineer Address: 222 West Hargett Street, Room 301 PO Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 Phone: (919) 890-3940 Email: mark.senior ci.r G\;~~ pF Ra(lc`~ti Print name: J. Russell Allen Title: Cit Mana r Signature: ~ Date: % - l 7 -,l1 ~4' CI4~t0~iG Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners asso~s more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, ~C)Irl e- ~. ~---. ~ S , a Notary Public for the State of ~('}(/4'~1 C,t~tirQll~l c~. ,County of LNG ~ , do hereby certify that J• ~USS~~ ( ~ ~~~--- personally appeared before me this 17 day of Qn UGty _, ~fk~~3 ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing stormwater wetland maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, "~R1E D.~~"' ,,, •, O-M•NN~•N~•M~~ ,, 4 ;~••'~ a0 Tq,Q~ .~~~N *** ~ € Z' ~~ ,~ ~ v ':9~~~ (/B LAC' ~ ~ ,. i ••~NNNNNN •~ , '~...COUN~ ,.. NNNN N.aNN, SEAL My commission expires 1P ~ ~G ~ 2 ~ t c> Form SW401-Wetland I&M-Rev.2 Page 4 Of 4 SECTION 02930 LOAMING AND SEEDING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required and place loam, finish grade, apply lime and fertilizer, hydraulically apply seed and mulch, and maintain all areas as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein, including all areas disturbed. ] .02 RELATED WORK A. Site Preparation is included in Section 02100. B. Earthwork is included in Section 02200. C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control is included in Section 02270. D. Landscaping is included in Section 02900. E. Wetland Replacement is included in Section 02955 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Samples of all materials shall be submitted for inspection and acceptance upon Engineer's request. B. Schedules for seeding and fertilizing must be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to the work. C. Certified statement of the quantity and weight of hydroseed materials to be used per 100 gallons of water. This statement shall also specify the application rate. 1.04 DELIVERY A. Mix or amend topsoil, if required, prior to delivery to the site. B. Fertilizer: Deliver to the site in original unopened containers, each showing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis conforming to applicable state fertilizer laws. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL A. Existing topsoil from the site may be re-used if it has been screened and segregated from existing covers soils, vegetation and other objectionable items, and amended to meet the requirements of Loam in this Section. Topsoil shall be kept separated from drainage material, sand, and organic 6672-50070 02930-1 12/19/2007 surface amendment prior to placement. Excess screened topsoil materials shall be removed from the site. B. Loam Analysis a. Loam material shall be screened and reasonably free of stumps, vegetation, roots, heavy or stiff clay, stones equal or larger than 1-in in any dimension, lumps, gravel, noxious weeds, sticks, brush or other litter. It shall contain no toxic materials. Add soil amendments including organics if required at no additional cost to the Owner. b. After loam material has been stockpiled and prior to placing and fine grading, loam shall be tested for nutrient fertilizer requirements, pH, lime requirements and organic content. Loam shall contain not less than 4% nor more than 6% organic matter as determined by the loss on ignition of oven dried samples. Test samples shall be oven dried to a constant temperature of 100 degrees, Centigrade. The loam shall be amended, prior to placing and final grading, by the addition of leaf mold, yard waste compost or peat moss. Use of organic amendments is acceptable only if a soil test indicates a need and the material is thoroughly incorporated. c. The pH value shall be between pH 6.0 and 6.5. d. Fertilizer and lime shall be spread and incorporated as per soil test recommendations after the loam is spread but prior to fine grading. Fertilizer and lime shall be spread a minimum of two weeks apart. Under no conditions shall they be spread within this time period. 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Commercial fertilizer, peat, humus, sand or other additives shall be used to counteract soil deficiencies as recommended by the soil analysis and as directed by the Engineer. B. Fertilizer shall be LESCO 10-10-] 0 or approved equal for use as a starter fertilizer. It shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers each showing the manufacturer's certificate of compliance and guaranteed analysis and shall comply with the North Carolina and United States Fertilizer Laws. Store fertilizer so that when used it shall be dry and free flowing. At least 50% by weight of the Nitrogen content shall be derived from organic materials. Fertilizer shall contain not less than the percentages of weight of ingredients or as recommended by the soil analysis. C. Lime shall be ground limestone of an approved agricultural dolomite limestone containing not less than 85% of total calcium or manganese carbonates. Limestone shall be ground to such fineness that 50% will pass through a 100 mesh sieve and 95% will pass through a 20 mesh sieve. D. Humus shall be natural humus, reed peat or sedge peat which has been stockpiled for at least one year prior to its use. It shall be free from excessive amounts of zinc, low in wood content, free form hard lumps and in a shredded or granular form. According to the methods of testing of A.O.A.C., latest edition, the acidity range shall be approximately 5.5 pH to 7.6 pH and the organic matter shall not be less than 85% as determined by loss on ignition. The minimum water absorbing ability shall be 200% by weight on an oven dry basis. 6672-50070 02930-2 12/19/2007 E. Peat moss shall be composed of partly decomposed stems and leaves of any or several species of sphagnum moss. It shall be free from wood, decomposed colloidal residue and other foreign matter. It shall have an acidity range of 3.5 pH to 5.5 pH as determined in accordance with the methods of testing by A.O.A.C., latest edition. Its water absorbing ability shall be a minimum of 1,000% by weight on an oven dry basis. F Superphosphate: Superphosphate shall be composed of finely ground phosphate rock as commonly used for agricultural purposes containing not less than 18% available phosphoric acid. G. Mulch for hydroseed shall be a specially processed cellulose fiber containing no growth or germination-inhibiting factors. It shall be manufactured in such a manner that after addition and agitation in slurry tanks with water, the fibers in the material become uniformly suspended to form a homogeneous slurry. When sprayed on the ground, the material shall allow absorption and percolation of moisture. Each package of the cellulose fiber shall be marked by the manufacturer to show the air dry weight content and not contain in excess of 10% moisture colored green dye to visual application location referencing. H. Straw mulch shall be as specified in Section 02270. 2.03 TOPSOIL TESTING A. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and submitting loam samples of on-site and imported topsoil for testing to ensure that .installed loam materials conform to the specifications as stated herein. All costs for testing will be paid for by the Contractor. B. Tests shall be combined hydrometer and wet sieving in compliance with ASTM C422 after destruction of organic matter by ignition. C. Prior to delivery or spreading, Contractor shall submit a minimum of one test result of loam from each sample location or source. D. Samples shall be submitted to testing laboratory at least 60 days prior to ordering or use if stockpiled on site. Contractor shall deliver samples to Engineer and testing laboratory and have testing report sent directly to the Engineer. Contractor shall amend topsoil based on results E. Mechanical and chemical (pH soluble salts) analysis shall be done in accordance with the current standards of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. One pint samples shall be submitted to A&L Eastern Agricultural Laboratories, 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237, Tel. No. (804) 743-9401 or equal for analysis by test methods SI A, S2, particle size analysis and lead content. Copies of test results shall be provided to the Contractor and Engineer at least 30 days prior to anticipated loam delivery and placement. F. Soil samples shall be tested for Nitrate, Nitrogen, Ammonium Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium Aluminum, Soluble Salts and show the acidity of the soil. G. Based on the test results, the loam shall be identified as "Acceptable", "Acceptable with certain fertilizer and limestone applications", or "Unacceptable" by the Engineer. If the loam is found acceptable, the fertilizer and limestone requirements will be as specified or as recommended by the Engineer or testing laboratory. If the loam is found unacceptable, the Contractor shall be 6672-50070 02930-3 12! 19!2007 responsible for identifying another source of loam and shall incur all expenses associated with testing additional samples. H. All loam incorporated into the site shall match the samples provided. The Engineer reserves the right to require Contractor to furnish additional testing of loam samples delivered to the site. 2.04 SUBGRADE MATERIALS A. Subgrade fill material used below loam shall be common fill as specified in Section 02200. Additional loam from on site sources may also be utilized as subgrade materials in other areas approved by the Engineer. 2.05 SEED MIXTURES A. Seed shall be labeled in accordance with USDA Rules and Regulations under the Federal Seed Act and applicable state seed laws. Seed shall be from the same or previous year's crop; each variety of seed shall have a percentage of germination not less than 90, a percentage of purity not less than 85 and shall have not more than 1 percent weed content and contain no noxious weeds. The mixtures shall consist of seed proportioned by weight and applied in the appropriate areas as follows: Lawn Area Seed Mix for all disturbed areas unless otherwise noted on the drawings. 90% Rebel Blend Tall Fescue ] 0% Baron Kentucky Bluegrass Other seed mixes shall be as specified in Wetland Replication Section 02955. B. The seed shall be furnished in sealed bags or containers bearing the last date of germination, which date shall be within a period of 6 months prior to commencement of planting operations. Seed shall be delivered premixed in the proportions specified above. A manufacturer's certificate of compliance to the specified mixes shall be submitted by the manufacturer for each seed type. These certificates shall include the guaranteed percentages of purity, weed content and germination of the seed and also the net weight and date of shipment. No seed may be sown until the Contractor has submitted the certificates. C. Prior to start of hydroseeding, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a certified statement of the number of pounds of materials to be used per 100 gallons of water. This statement shall also specify the number of square feet of seeding that can be covered with the quantity of solution in the Contractor's hydroseeder. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Under no circumstances shall loam or topsoil be removed off site. If additional loam is available after completion of finish grading, it shall be spread in a manner approved by the Engineer. All excess loam obtained from on site shall remain property of the Owner. 3.02 SUBGRADE INSTALLATION 6672-50070 02930-4 12/ 19/2007 A. Subgrade common fill shall be installed as specified in Section 02200. Do not place common fill between layers of loam. B. Contractor shall engage a Registered Professional Engineer or Registered Land Surveyor or other qualified individual as approved by the Engineer to set grade stakes to establish finish grades as follows: Establish a 20-ft grid based orthogonally on Glenwood Avenue for the water garden. Additional stakes shall be placed by the Contractor as required by the Engineer. 2. Stakes shall be placed 40 ft on center in the centerline of swales. Place stakes in a continuous line. Centerline stakes shall define the alignment and grade of the walkways. 4. Mark grade stakes to show location of finish grades. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining grade stakes throughout construction and shall immediately replace and mark elevations on damaged or removed stakes. 3.03 LOAM INSTALLATION A. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, loam shall be placed to depths as specified herein. B. The subgrade of all areas to be loamed and seeded shall be raked and alLrubbish, sticks, roots and stones larger than 2-in shall be removed. Subgrade surfaces shall be harrowed, raked or otherwise loosened to a depth of 4-in. Large stones and boulders shall be removed or buried 12- in below finished grade. Subgrade shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before loam is placed. C. Loam shall be placed areas so that after natural settlement and light rolling it will conform smoothly to the lines, grades and elevations shown on the Drawings. No loam shall be spread in water or while frozen or muddy. Topsoil and loam shall not be handled or moved when in a wet or frozen condition. Minimum depth of loam shall be 4-in layer minimum. Minimum depth of loam in water garden shall be 6-in minimum. Surface of loam shall be left in a roughened condition with 0.25 foot surface variation. Loam structure shall not be destroyed through excessive and unnecessary handling or compaction. Deterioration of soil structure will result in rejection of loam for use. D. After topsoil has been spread, carefully prepare it by scarifying or harrowing and hand raking. Remove all stiff clods, lumps, roots, litter and other foreign material from the loamed area and disposed of it as approved. The areas shall also be free of smaller stones, in excessive quantities, as determined by the Engineer. Then roll the whole surface with a hand roller weighing not more than 100 lbs/ft of width. During the rolling of lawn areas, fill all depressions caused by settlement of rolling with additional loam, regrade the surface and roll until a smooth and even finished grade is created. 6672-50070 02930-5 12/ 19/2007 E. There shall be no application of loam without prior approval of the finished subgrade by the Engineer. F. Resupplying of loam to eroded or settled areas to finish grade shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall match previously utilized material. 3.04 AMENDMENT INSTALLATION A. Soil additives shall be spread and thoroughly incorporated into the layer of loam and the upper l- in of the underlying soil by harrowing or other methods approved by the Engineer. The following soil additives shall be incorporated: Ground limestone as required by soil analysis to achieve a pH of 6.0 to 6.5, but the maximum amount applied shall be 1 pound per square yard. Fertilizer (10-10-]0) at the rate of 5 pounds per 1,000 square feet, or more, as recommended by the soil analysis. Fertilizer may be applied hydraulically in one operation with hydroseeding and fiber mulching. Superphosphate at the rate of 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet. B. Limestone may not be mixed with fertilizer for application and shall be applied a minimum of two weeks prior to fertilizer application. After the loam is placed and before it is raked to true lines and rolled, limestone shall be spread evenly over loam surface and thoroughly incorporated with loam by heavy raking to a least on-half depth of loam. C. Fertilizer shall be uniformly spread and immediately mixed with the upper 2-in of topsoil. D. Fertilizer shall not be installed in the isolated wetland area. 3.05 MATERIALS INSTALLATION A. Contractor shall order seed mixes early to ensure availability at time of scheduled seeding. B. Schedules for seeding and fertilizing shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to the work. Seeding as specified herein shall be accomplished between the period of April 15 to June ] or August 15 to October 15. Seeding during the period from October 16 to March 31 shall only be undertaken upon approval of the Engineer. Seeding during the period from June 2 to August 14 shall only be performed if irrigation is provided. 3.06 SEED AND MULCH APPLICATION A. Lawn Area Mix shall be applied at the rate of 6 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Water Garden Overseed Mix and Naturalized Seed Mixture for swales shall be applied as specified in Section 02955. B. Mulch for Lawn Area Mix shall be fiber mulch applied at the rate of 40 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Mulch for other areas shall be fiber mulch applied at the rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square 6672-50070 02930-6 12/ 19/2007 feet with an additional layer of straw mulch and tackifier applied at the rates specified in Section 02270. C. Seeding shall be done immediately following soil preparation and only when the bed is in a, friable condition, not muddy or hard. The soil on which the seed is laid shall be reasonably moist and shall be watered if so directed D. All seeded areas shall be kept evenly moist until full germination has been achieved. Continue to water throughout the maintenance period as required. E. After grass has germinated, reseed all areas and parts of areas which fail to show a uniform stand of grass. Reseed repeatedly until all areas are satisfactorily covered. An established seeded area shall have a minimum count of 60 plants per square foot. F. Seed shall be applied hydraulically at the rates and percentages indicated. The spraying equipment and mixture shall be so designed that when the mixture is sprayed over an area, the grass seed and mulch shall be equal in quantity to the specified rates. G. The Contractor shall hydroseed only on a calm day. H. When newly graded subgrade areas cannot be loamed and seeded because of season or weather conditions and will remain exposed for more than 30 days, the Contractor shall protect those areas against erosion and washouts by temporary mulching as specified in Section 02270. Prior to application of loam, any such materials applied for erosion control shall be thoroughly incorporated into the subgrade by discing. Fertilizer shall be applied prior to spreading of topsoil. I. Contractor shall protect existing surfaces and edging, surface utility structures, new basketball court, walking paths, retaining walls and sculpture by placing a temporary cover or other .approved method on top of or over protected areas prior to seed application operations to prevent spillage onto areas to be protected. If retaining walls show grass growth at any time during or at the end of the construction contract, Contractor shall be required to weed and completely remove vegetation and mulch materials. 3.07 MAINTENANCE FOR PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE A. Maintenance shall begin immediately after any area is seeded and shall continue until final acceptance. In any case, the minimum period of maintenance for all turf areas shall be l 2 weeks after all seed is installed. When entire planted areas are established, the Contractor shall request an inspection of the work by the Engineer and the Owner. Maintenance shall continue in all areas until a uniform turf is established over the entire site. B. Maintenance shall include reseeding, removal of dead plants and installation of new seed or plants, mowing, watering, weeding and fertilizing. C. Watering of seeded and planted areas: Contractor shall note that the site is not provided with an automatic subsurface irrigation system. Temporary irrigation shall be provided by the Contractor to ensure adequate turf establishment. 6672-50070 02930-7 12/ 19/2007 2. Contractor shall furnish and install water to irrigate all newly seeded and planted areas at his/her expense. First week: The Contractor shall provide all labor and arrange for all watering necessary for the vegetation establishment. In the absence of adequate rainfall, watering shall be performed daily or as often as necessary during the first week and in sufficient quantities to maintain moist soil to a depth of at feast 4 inches. Watering shall be done early in the day and should not be done during the heat of the day. 4. Second and subsequent weeks: The. Contractor shall water as required to maintain adequate moisture in the upper 4 inches of soil until final acceptance. Watering shall be done in such a manner which will provide uniform coverage, prevent erosion due to application of excessive quantities over small areas, and prevent damage to the finished surface by the watering equipment. The Contractor shall furnish sufficient watering equipment to apply 1 complete coverage to the seeded areas in an 8 hour period for each day and for each site. D. Mowing: The first mowing of seeded lawn areas shall not be attempted until the seed is firmly rooted and secure in place. Not more than 40% of the grass leaf shall be removed by the initial or subsequent mowings. Grass shall be maintained at 2 inches until acceptance. Care shall be taken not to damage tree trunks, curbs, fencing, utility and irrigation equipment, etc. when mowing. All damages shall be reported to the Engineer, regardless of cause, as soon as possible. Mowing shall not occur in areas where water garden or naturalized seed mixes have been applied. E. Fertilizing: A second application of fertilizer, as specified herein, shall be applied approximately 6 weeks after installation or as directed by the Engineer. Fertilizer shall be applied at the rate of 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Fertilizing shall not occur in areas where water garden and naturalized mixes have been applied. 3.08 PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE A. The Contractor shall keep all newly seeded areas watered and in good condition, reseeding or replanting areas if and when necessary until a good healthy, uniform turf is established over the entire area, and shall maintain all areas in an approved condition until provisional acceptance. B. The Engineer will inspect all work for provisional acceptance at the end of maintenance period, upon the written request of the Contractor, received at least ten days before the anticipated date of inspection. C. The maintenance period must occur during the growing season between April 15 and October I S and shall include a minimum of 6 mowings in Lawn Areas. Water garden and naturalized seed mix areas shall not be mowed. D. A satisfactory stand of seeded areas will be defined as an area that has: No bare spots larger than three square feet. No more than ten percent of total area with bare spots larger than one square foot. Not more than fifteen percent of total area with bare spots larger than six inches square. 6672-50070 02930-8 12/19/2007 4. Areas seeded with water garden and naturalized seed mixes shall have a minimum 75% cover of seeded vegetation. E. The Contractor shall furnish full and complete written instructions for maintenance of the seeded areas to the Owner at the time of provisional acceptance. F. The inspection by the Engineer will determine whether maintenance shall continue. Continue maintenance until all areas of the site meet the minimum requirements specified above. G. After all necessary corrective work and clean-up has been completed, and maintenance instructions have been received by the Owner, the Engineer will certify in writing the provisional acceptance of the seeded areas. The Contractor's responsibilities for maintenance of seeded areas shall cease on receipt of provisional acceptance. 3.09 GUARANTEE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. All seeded areas shall be guaranteed for not less than one full year from the time of provisional acceptance. B. At the end of the guarantee period, inspection will be made by the Engineer upon written request submitted at least ten days before the anticipated date. Seeded areas not demonstrating satisfactory stands as outlined above, as determined by the Engineer, shall be reseeded and maintained meeting all requirements as specified herein. C. After all necessary corrective work has been completed, the Engineer shall certify in writing the final acceptance of the seeded areas. END OF SECTION 6672-5 0070 0293 0-9 12/ 19/2007 SECTION 02955 WETLAND REPLICATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Wetland Replication is required for creation of the water garden stormwater wetland feature. B. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to construct wetland replication area, install erosion control measures, place loam, finish grade, apply soil amendments, install plant stock, apply seed and maintain the replication area as specified herein and detailed on the Drawings. C. Construct replication area as indicated on the Drawings, including excavation, placement of loam, installation of plants and applying seed. D. The Work includes: 1. Supply loam as specified in Section 02930. 2. Excavate planting pits. 3. Furnish and plant shrubs. 4. Prune plant materials as specified. 5. Maintenance. 6. Final cleanup and all other Work required to complete the requirements of this Section. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Earthwork is included in Section 02200. B. Erosion and sedimentation control is included in Section 02270. C. Landscaping is included in section 02900. D. Loaming and seeding is included in Section 02930. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit, in accordance with Section 01300, the following: I . State Nursery Inspection Certificates and samples of material for inspection and acceptance for inspection and approval. 6679-50070 02955-1 12/19/2007 2. Certification by the landscaping contractor that all plant stock obtained for this Work is the plant indicated and of quality as specified. Documentation showing the certification of the proposed Certified Professional Wetland Scientist (CPWS). 4. Complete written instructions for maintenance of the materials for use by the Owner after the maintenance period specified in this Section. 1.04 CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL WETLANDS SCIENTIST A. The Contractor shall provide the services of a Certified Professional Wetland Scientist (CPWS) to supervise wetland replication work. ] .OS DEFINITIONS A. Wetland Replication is the construction of a new wetland community in a location that does not currently support a wetland community. To construct a wetland, the replication area is excavated to establish an elevation for wetlands to develop. B. Installation Inspection: The CPWS will inspect all- Work performed under this Section at the completion of installation, upon the written request of the Contractor received at least 10 days before the anticipated date of inspection. The CPWS will inspect said Work for compliance with the plans and specifications specifically with regard to number of plants, plant sizes, species, and location. Any and all corrective Work identified during the inspection shall be performed at no additional cost to the Town. C. Final Inspection: The CPWS will inspect all Work performed under this Section at the completion of 2 complete growing seasons, approximately April 15 to approximately October 15, following Installation Inspection. The Engineer will inspect all areas for compliance with the plans and specifications. 1.06 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Standard for Nursery Stock, ANSI Z60.I . B. Tree and Shrub Transplanting Manual by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). 1.07 WARRANTY A. For a period of one year from the date of Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall warrant to the Owner that the wetland replication conforms to these Specifications and is free from defects in materials and workmanship. 6679-50070 02955-2 12/ 19/2007 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 Soils A. Organic rich loam shall meet the following requirements: The material shall be a mixture of sand, silt and clay particles exhibiting sandy and clayey properties in approximately equal proportions. 2. Organic Matter: 8 to 10 percent as determined by the loss of ignition of samples ovendried to constant weight at a temperature of 230 plus/minus 9 degrees F. The acidity range of the loam shall be pH 5.5 to pH 6.5. The Contractor shall have the soil analyzed and if necessary add ground limestone on sulphur as required. Final soil test analysis shall be submitted to the Engineer. 4. The loam borrow material shall contain no toxic materials. B. Lime stone shall be as specified in Section 02930. C. Seed shall be received in the manufacturer's original unopened container bearing the date of the last germination test, which date shall be within a period of six months prior to commencement of seeding operations. Seed shall be from same or previous year's crop; each variety of seed shall have a purity of not less than 85 percent, a percentage of germination not less than 90 percent, shall have a weed content of not more than I percent and contain no noxious weeds. The wetland seed mixture for overseeding the wetland replication area shall be as follows: Water Garden overseed mix shall be a seed mix specifically designed for wet meadows and basins such as Wetland Seed Mix as manufactured by NEWP - www.newp.com, or Retention Basin Floor Seeding Mix ERNMX-127, by Ernst Seed - www.ernstseed.com, or equal. This seed mix shall contain some or all, but shall not be limited to the following species: Bearded Sedge (Carex comosa) Hop Sedge (Carex lupulina) Lurid Sedge (Carex lurida) Blunt Broom Sedge (Carex scoparia) Fox Sedge (Carex vulpinoidea) Soft Rush (Juncus effusus) Green Bulruh (Scirpus atrovirens) Woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus) Soft Stem Bulrush (Scirpus validus) Sensitive Fern (Onoclea sensibililis) Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) Flat Topped Aster (Aster Umbellatus) Nodding Burr Marigold (Bidens cernua) Spotted Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium maculatum) Blue Flag Iris (Iris versicolor) Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) Monkey Flower (mimulus ringens) Blue Vervain (Verbena hastate) 6679-50070 02955-3 12/19/2007 The seed mix shall contain none of the following: Duckweed (Lemna spp.) Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense) Purpie Loosestrife (Lythrum saiicaria) Asiatic Dayflower (Murdannia keisak) Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) Common Reed (Phragmites australis) Giant Duckweed (Spirodela spp.) Cattail (Typha spp.) 2. The Naturalized Seed Mixture (NSM) shall be a seed mix specifically designed to include both herbaceous and shrub materials such as Roadside Matrix Wet Meadow Seed Mix as manufactured by NEWP - www.newp.com, or Wildlife Food and Shelter Shrub Mix ERNMX-138 by Ernst Seed - www.ernstseed.com, or equal. This seed mix shall contain some or all, but shall not be limited to the following species: Fox Sedge (Carex vulpinoidea) Virginia Wild Rye (Elymus virginicus) Creeping Red Fescue (Festuca rubra) Deertoungue (Panicum clandestinum) Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum) Steelebush (Spiraea tomentosa) Arrowwood (Viburnum dentataum) D. The seed shall be furnished and delivered premixed. A manufacturer's certificate of compliance to the specified mixes shall be submitted by the manufacturer for each seed type. These certificates shall include the guaranteed percentages of purity, weed content and germination of the seed and also the net weight and date of shipment. No seed may be sown until the certificates have been submitted and approved. E. All plant stock shall be labeled by common name and Latin binomial and certified as the correct species by the plant supplier. All plant stock shall conform to standards specified in Paragraph 1.06. F. Mulch shall be as specified in Section 02900. G. Straw mulch as specified in Section 02270. H. Tackifier as specified in Section 02930. Water used in this Work shall be provided by the Contractor and shall be free from ingredients harmful to plant life. Water, hose and other watering equipment required for the Work shall be furnished by the Contractor. 2.02 PLANT MATERIALS A. Trees shall be as indicated. Plants shall be nursery grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the Worksite and shall conform to the variety and sizes indicated. Plants 6679-50070 02955-4 12/ 19/2007 shall conform also to the indicated botanical names and standards of size, culture and quality for the highest grades and standards as adopted in the American Standard for Nursery Stock. B. All plants shall be dug for this project. No heeled-in plants or plants from cold storage shall be used. Plants shall be healthy and vigorous, well-branched and densely foliated when in leaf; shall be free of disease, insect pests, eggs or larvae and shall have healthy, well-developed root systems. All parts of the plant shall be moist and shaif show active green cambium when cut to demonstrate plants are healthy and vigorous. C. The height of the trees, measured from the crown of the roots to the top of the top branch, shall not be less than the minimum size indicated. The trunk of each tree shall be a single trunk growing from a single unmutilated crown of roots. No part of the trunk shall be conspicuously crooked as compared with normal trees of the same variety. The trunk shall be free from sun-scald, frost cracks, or wounds resulting from abrasions, fire, or other causes. No pruning wounds shall be present having a diameter of more than 2-in and such wounds must show vigorous bark on all edges. D. Container-Grown Stock shall have been grown in a container long enough for the root system to have developed sufficiently to hold its soil together, firm and whole. No plants shall be loose in the container. E. Balled and burlapped stock shall be dug with a firm natural ball of earth in which the stock is grown and then wrapped and tied according to ANSI 260.1. Balls shall be drum laced for sizes 30-in or greater. Ball size shall be in accordance with ANSI 2.60.1 for the tree type and size. F. If larger plants are used, the spread of roots or ball of earth shall be increased in proportion to the size of the plant. G. If growing, plants shall appear healthy with no foliar spots, discolorations, wilting or other evidence of disease or of insects. If dormant, new healthy shoots (for herbaceous) shall be apparent or stems (for woody) shall be turgid, pliable and exhibit healthy cambium. Plugs (herbaceous) containing shoots that are soft or mushy or otherwise appear rotten and plugs (woody) containing brittle stems having unhealthy cambium will not be accepted. H. ]f collected, plugs (herbaceous) shall be a minimum of 5-in square or diameter and 3-in thickness. Plugs (woody, seedling) shall have widths that are at least to the limb lines of the seedlings and have depths that are at least ] /3 the height of the seedlings. Plants shall have solid soil/root masses with the soil in place. Roots shall appear clean and white in coloration. 2.03 INSPECTION OF PLANT MATERIALS A. Plants shall be inspected by the landscape contractor before digging. B. Plants may also be inspected and approved by Engineer upon delivery for conformity to specified requirements as to quality, size and variety. Such approval shall not impair the right of inspection and rejection during the progress of the Work. C. Plants shall be accompanied by State Nursery inspection certificates. 6679-50070 02955-5 12/ 19/2007 D. No plants will be accepted with plastic wrap or if the ball is cracked or broken. 2.04 SUBSTITUTIONS A. The Engineer must approve all plant substitutions. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 WETLAND REPLICATION (WATER GARDEN) A. The wetland replication (water garden) area shall be graded to establish sub-grades 6-in below finish grades. Finish grades shall be established by filling with Organic Rich Loam as specified in Paragraph 2.OlA herein and shall be placed to a minimum depth of 6-in throughout the wetland replication area and on the adjacent slope up to 1 foot above the normal pool elevation of the replication area. The area shall be rolled with a hard roller weighing not more than 100 pounds per foot of width and raked smooth. The surface shall then be scarified or power raked and the following then performed: 1. Lime shall be applied at the rate of fifty pounds per 1,000 square feet or as determined by a soil test to bring topsoil pH to a range of 5.5 to 6.5. The soil test shall be performed by the Contractor's Independent Testing Laboratory as described in Section 02930. 2. Trees, shrubs, and herbaceous material shall be installed with the species, density, number, and sizes shown on the drawings and following procedures as specified herein. 3. Water Garden overseed mix shall be applied at the rate of 1 pound per 2,000 square feet unless otherwise indicated by the supplier for this use, on the floor of the replication area and on the adjacent slope up to 1 foot above the floor elevation. 4. The adjacent slopes will be finish graded with 6-in of loam as specified in Section 02930. 5. Naturalized Area seed mix as specified in Paragraph 2.01 C.2 shall be applied in swale and adjacent disturbed areas between drainage structure DI-3 (Shown on Drawings) and the water garden plantings as shown on the Drawings. 6. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes equal or greater than 24 percent (4 horizontal to 1 vertical) per manufacturer's instructions. B. Limestone shall be applied a minimum of 5 days before the application of fertilizer. Limestone may not be mixed with fertilizer for application. Limestone shall be spread evenly over the soil surface and thoroughly incorporated by heavy raking to at least one half the depth of loam. C. Straw mulch and tackifier shall be applied the same day as seeding operations. Tar tackifier shall not be used. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Previously established grades, as indicated, shall be maintained in a true and even condition. 6679-50070 02955-6 12/19/2007 B. Organic rich loam shall be placed over prepared areas so that after natural settlement and light rolling, the complete Work shall conform to the lines, grades and elevations indicated. No loam shall be spread iri water or while frozen or muddy. C. After organic rich loam has been spread, it shall be prepared by scarifying or harrowing and hand raking. Remove and dispose of all stiff clods, lumps, roots, litter and other foreign material. The area shalt also be free of stones greater than 2-in in diameter. D. Submit schedules to Engineer for approval 30 days prior to planting, seeding and fertilizing. Seeding, as specified herein, shall be accomplished between the period of April 15 to June 1 or August I S to October 1. Planting shall not be done between June 2 and August l4. Provide irrigation for all planting. Hydroseed and straw mulch shall not be applied when weather conditions prevent installation at specified coverages. E. Planting or seeding shall be done within ten days following soil preparation, in accordance with all requirements specified in Section 02930. F. If the wetland replication area cannot be topsoiled and seeded because of season or weather conditions and will remain exposed for more than 7 days, protect the area against erosion and washouts by means such as straw applied with a tackifier. Tar tack shall not be used in the Wetland Replication Area. Prior to application of organic rich loam, any such materials applied for erosion control shall be thoroughly incorporated into the subgrade by discing. G. Any washouts which occur shall be regraded and reseeded until a stabilized slope is established at no additional cost to the Owner. H. Every effort shall be made to plant materials in the dry with most water drained from the site. If planting under water, ensure that plants and fertilizer are firmly installed within the sediments to prevent them from floating. Plants that are found floating shall be re-installed by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. 3.03 DIGGING, HANDLING AND PROTECTION OF PLANTS A. Plants shall be dug with firm natural balls of earth, of sufficient diameter and depth to include most of the fibrous roots and conforming to the standards of ANSI 260.1. B. Roots or balls of plants shall be protected at all times from sun and from drying winds. C. Plants which cannot be planted immediately upon delivery shall be set on the ground and be protected with soil, bark mulch, or other acceptable material. D. No plant shall be bound with wire or rope at any time so as to damage the bark or break branches. 3.04 PLANTING OPERATIONS A. Stake out locations as indicated and secure the Engineer's approval before excavating plant pits. B. All plant pits shall be excavated with sloped sides. 6679-50070 02955-7 12/19/2007 C. Plant pits shall be three times as wide as the rootball with sloped sides and sufficiently deep to allow for the rootball to sit directly upon undisturbed soil. Backfill material for all pits shall consist of the existing material (loam) as excavated from the pit. D. Plants shall be set in center of pits plumb and straight and at such a level that after settlement, the crown of the plant ball will be at the surrounding finished grade. E. All burlap, rope, wire and similar materials shall be removed from the plants and disposed of off- site. F. Backfilling Plants When balled and burlapped plants are set, loam shall be tamped lightly. Loam shall not be packed so firmly as to drive out all the fine air spaces needed for a well aerated soil. All burlap, ropes or wires shall be removed from the top 1 /3 of the balls. 2. Loam shall be backfilled in layers of not more than 9-in and each layer watered sufficiently to settle before the next layer is put in place. 3. To complete backfilling, ensure that trunk flare is completely exposed and that the top of the rootball is not covered with loam. Immediately after the plant pit is backfilled, a saucer or shallow basin slightly larger than pit shall be formed with a ridge of soil to facilitate and contain watering. 4. Remove and dispose of containers prior to planting. a. To encourage immediate root development, the outer one-half inch of the root ball shall be gently loosened. b. When shrubs are set, loam shall be tamped lightly. Loam shall not be packed so firmly as to drive out all the fine air spaces needed for a well aerated soil. 3.05 PRUNING A. Each plant shall be pruned at the time of planting in accordance with ISA Standards. B. Pruning shall be done with clean, sharp tools. 3.06 WATERING A. Plantings shall be flooded with water twice within the first 24 hours of the time of planting. B. Apply water at an average rate of 1 inch per week. C. Irrigation water for planting and maintenance shall be provided by the Contractor and shall be free from ingredients harmful to plant life. The Contractor shall furnish his/her own hose and hose connections or other watering equipment. 3.07 MAINTENANCE 6679-50070 02955-8 12/ 19/2007 A. After areas are planted and seeded, the Contractor shall request an inspection of the. Work by the Engineer. At this inspection, areas will be defined by the Engineer as "approved," or "not approved." Areas noted as "approved" shall show active growth. Areas noted as "not approved" are subject to immediate correction by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Town. Maintenance shall begin immediately after areas are planted and seeded and shall continue to completion of project. B. Corrective measures shall include reseeding, removal of dead plants, and replacement within new plants, watering, weeding and fertilizing. C. The Contractor shall provide at least 7S percent re-establishment of water garden with indigenous wetland plant species within two growing seasons of their planting. The growing season for wetlands revegetation areas shall be April 15 to October 15. Plant species shall be selected based on their appropriateness for the wetland type and general soil moisture characteristics. If after 180 growing days, it is evident in the opinion of the Town that it is unlikely that the 7S percent re- establishment requirements will be achieved, the Contractor shall supplement the plantings as necessary to achieve the required coverage at no additional cost to the Owner. If at the end of two growing seasons, 7S percent re-establishment has not been achieved, the Contractor shall provide and plant additional new plant material to achieve 7S percent re-establishment at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.08 INSPECTION A. The CPWS shall inspect all Work as it is being performed under this Section including the Installation and Final Inspections. Based on the findings of the inspections, the Contractor shall immediately correct all Work not in accordance with the above standards, at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Inspection reports shall be submitted to the Engineer and Owner within 30 days of completing the inspections specified above in Paragraph 3.08A. END OF SECTION 6679-50070 0295 S-9 12/ 19/2007