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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029033_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20211124 (2)DocuSign Envelope ID: 65515EB5-AAB6-47A0-1 I-D1A6FFB6BAC9
Environmental Quality
November 24. 2021
Dear Mr. Massengill:
The NPDES Compliance evaluation inspection consisted of the following:
Findings during the pre-inspection file review were as follows:
• Review of the NPDES permit
• Review of the Owner/facility information
• Review of May 2019 - August 2021
• Cursory Inspection ofNeuse River RRF analytical lab
• On-site inspection of the w ater treatment units; and
• On-site inspection of the discharge outfall
Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection
Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
NPDES Permit NC0029033
Wake County
Robert Massengill. Public Utilities Director
City of Raleigh
PO Box 590
Raleigh. NC 27602
On Wednesday. October 27. 2021. Jason Robinson. Scott Vinson and Stephanie Goss of the NC
Division of Water Resources' (NCDWR) Raleigh Regional Office conducted a compliance
evaluation inspection of the City of Raleigh's Neuse River Resource Recover} Facility located at
8500 Battle Bridge Road in Raleigh. Mr. David Phillips of the US EPA also attended to observe
DWR's inspection. The purpose of this inspection was to ensure compliance with the subject
NPDES permit. During the inspection, the presence and cooperation of John Kiviniemi (bORC).
Lisa Joseph. Nathan Howell (ORC). Michael Stevens (bORC). Erika Bailey. Jeff Bognar. Darrell
Crews and Robin Scudelaris was appreciated.
North Carolina Department of Ln\ ironmcntal Quality Division of Water Peso
Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609
<)!>» .791.4200
1. The facility is a Grade IV Biological Water Pollution Control Treatment System w ith a
permitted and as-built flow of 75 MGD that treats domestic and industrial wastewater and
discharges through outfall 001 to the Neuse River, a waterbody classified as C. Nutrient
Sensitive Waters within the Neuse River Basin.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 65515EB5-AAB6-47A0-(-D1A6FFB6BAC9
Findings during the inspection were as follows:
10. The plant's SCADA system was observed prior to a walk-thru of the plant.
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5. As required by North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.IC(a), the City has prepared and
made available to its customers the wastewater annual report for fiscal year 2020-2021 on the
City of Raleigh's website. Links to this are included in customer's water bill. The report
summarizes the performance of the City's collection and treatment facilities, improvements
that have been made, and the extent to which any permit requirements have been violated.
The most recent NPDES permit was issued on August 1. 2020 and expires on February 29.
2025. A new application was received on September 10. 2020 requesting to incorporate an
increase in the facility's TN Load limit in Condition A.( I) of the permit due the purchase of
13.000 Ib/yr of delivered (estuary) nitrogen allocation from International Papers. The draft
permit recently went out for public comment which ended on November 15. 2021.
Special Condition A.(8) of the current permit requires the permittee to perform an Effluent
Pollutant Scan during the calendar ears 2022, 2023 and 2024. The previous permit required
this to be done in 2016. 2017 and 2018.
For the review period May 2019 - August 2021, there were no DMR violations detected and
no enforcement actions. The self-monitoring reports have been submitted to the Division as
required, and the City has been compliant w ith its Whole Effluent Toxicity limit and
monitoring requirements.
The operator's log and supporting analytical documentation were consistent and up to date.
These and other documents are kept on Team and/or Sharepoint.
The on-site laboratory (certification number 51) is certified for and self-reports monitoring
data for most of the permit-required parameters. The following parameters are analyzed out
of house: Chronic Toxicity (Meritech (#165) & Pace (#40)). Low Level Hg (Waypoint
Analytical - #402). Priority Pollutant Scan - PPA (Meritech - #165 and Waypoint - #402
starting in May 2022).
The inspector selected random reported eDMR values for different parameters for both
December 2020 and June 2021 and asked Raleigh staff to show the inspector the bench lab
data for the values. No discrepancies were noted. Bench data, chain of custody and lab
results were reviewed, and no issues were found.
11. During a w alk-thru of the wastewater plant, several units of each part of the treatment train
listed in the permit were observed. All units were not observed in the interest of time. The
inspector noted the follow ing observations of the treatment components:
An inspection of the meter calibration logs, standards, buffer expiration dates and incubator
temperatures showed the laboratory to be compliant with record-keeping requirements. The
thermometers used in the facility's self-monitoring program are NIST certified or checked
against the NIST certified thermometers.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 65515EB5-AAB6-47A0-
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12. Effluent flow measurements at the treatment plant is performed within each of the six
effluent flumes. The flow measurement from each meter is totalized and reported on the
Influent pump stations: The facility has eleven (II) variable speed influent pumps per
the permit. No issues were observed.
Preliminary Treatment: The facility has four (4) mechanical bar screens and four (4) grit
removal units. The mechanical bar screens compactors and grit chambers were in
operation and did not appear to have any issues that would affect proper operation. The
area around these units was clean and well maintained. The plant operators haul the
screenings and grit collected in a dumpster to the landfill. No issues of concern were
Primary Treatment: The facility has a 32-million-gallon equalization basin that is used as
needed to manage influent flow. The facility has four (4) primary sedimentation basins
with oil/grease and scum removal (primary clarifiers). Three of these were in operation
al the time of the visit. No issues of concern were observed.
Tertiary Treatment: The facility has twenty-two (22) top-fed. single-media deep-bed
sand tertiary filters with methanol addition for final denitrification. These are
backwashed every 72 hours, and a nitrogen-wash is performed every eight (8) hours. The
beds are cleaned twice a year. A fair amount of algae was observed in the beds.
Please explain how algae accumulation will be minimized in the future.
Disinfection: The facility has twelve (12) ultraviolet disinfection units and six (6)
effluent parshall flumes for flow measurement. Each disinfection unit is comprised of
160 bulbs. No issues of concern were observed
Solids handling: The facility has eight (8) aerobic digesters, two (2) aerated sludge
holding tanks, three (3) gravity belt thickeners, and three (3) belt filter presses and one
(I) centrifuge per the permit. The inspector observed the aerobic digesters. Much of the
rest of the equipment was in a construction zone and was not observed
Effluent discharge: The effluent pipe was observed, which is located on the bank of the
Neuse River. The discharge appeared to have excessive foam that was observed to
remain present as it floated to the middle of the river and downstream (See Pictures
in Attachment A). Section A.(l)(b) of your permit states that “There shall he no
discharge of floating solids or visible foam in the [the effluent! other than trace
amounts''. Please provide a w ritten response that addresses the possible causes of
the foam and action that you w ill take to resolve and minimize discharge of foam
from this facility. As part of this w ritten response, please provide a list of industries
that discharge to this facility.
Secondary Treatment: The facility has six (6) fine-bubble aeration basins with
biological nitrification and denitrification zones (BNRs). Four (4) of the basins were in
operation at the time of the visit. The facility has fourteen (14) center-fed secondary
clarifies with covered weirs. The weirs are cleaned annually.
DocuSign Envelope ID 65515EB5-AAB6-47A0-I-D1A6FFB6BAC9
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Thanks again for your cooperation with this inspection. Within 30 days, please submit a
formal written response addressing Items 11(e) and 11(h).
If you have any questions regarding the attached reports or any of the findings, please contact
Jason Robinson at
Attachments: Attachment A: Picture of Foam in Effluent Discharge
EPA Water Compliance Inspection Report
14. The facility has four (4) generators. The generators are tested weekly and tested under load
monthly. The facility has a contractor for generator maintenance.
monthly self-monitoring reports. The flow meters are calibrated twice a year and were last
calibrated on October 13. 2021. No issues of concern were observed.
13. Grab samples and composite samples are taken at both the influent and effluent. The
composites samplers are set-up to collect flow-proportional samples over a 24-hour period:
100 mL every 130.000 gallons (every 13 pulses, one pulse is 10.000 gallons each) for a 24-
hour period. The observed temperature in each composite sampler was less than 5 degrees
Celsius. No issues of concern w ere observed with the composite samplers.
John.Kiviniemi; Nathan.Howell n
RRO Files
DWR Laserfiche
f-----DocuSigned by:
----B2916E6AB32144" . r> • IOVanessa iviaiiuci, /A^bibidiit Regional Supervisor
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Raleigh Regional Office
Division of Water Resources. NCDEQ
Attachment A: Picturesoi Foam in Effluent Discharge:
5 of 5
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-4974-'-38A4CD2E5080
Section A. National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS)
12NC0029033 21/10/27
'i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ri6211
Section B Facility Data
Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date
20/08/0102:00PM 21/10/27
Exit Time/Date
21/10/2705 30PM
Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s)Other Facility Data
Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number
Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated)
Section D Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary)
(See attachment summary)
Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers DateName(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s)
DWR/RRO WQ/919-791 -4200/Jason T Robinson
Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date
■ Permit ■ Flow Measurement
S Self-Monitoring Progran | Facility Site Review
Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW. also include
POTW name and NPDES permit Number)
Nathan D Howell/ORC/919-996-3700/
Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
8500 Battle Bridge Rd
Raleigh NO 27610
John Kiviniemi.PO Box 590 Raleigh NO 276020590/Resource Recovery
Form Approved.
OMB No. 2040-0057
Approval expires 8-31-98
Permit Expiration Date
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Washington. D.C. 20460
Water Compliance Inspection Report
Inspection Work Days
671 I
Facility Self-Monitoring Evaluation Rating
Signature of Management Q A Reviewer
.------DocuSigned by:
_tWxss/i AuwutL ___
- - B2016E6AB32144=...EPa i-orm dobu-j (Kev y-S4) previous editions are obsolete.
73LM74 75l I I I I I I I
Inspection Type
■ Operations & Maintenar ■ Records/Reports
| Effluent/Receiving Wate | Laboratory
71 u
Transaction Code
1 M 2
x-----DocuSigned by:
DocuSign Envelope ID 87D23A93-72EB-4974 -38A4CD2E5080
The NPDES Compliance evaluation inspection consisted of the following:
Findings during the pre-inspection file review were as follows:
Findings during the inspection were as follows:
5. As required by North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 C(a), the City has prepared and made
available to its customers the wastewater annual report for fiscal year 2020-2021 on the City of
Raleigh’s website. Links to this are included in customer's water bill. The report summarizes the
performance of the City's collection and treatment facilities, improvements that have been made, and
the extent to which any permit requirements have been violated.
6. The operator's log and supporting analytical documentation were consistent and up to date.
These and other documents are kept on Team and/or Sharepoint.
Review of the NPDES permit
Review of the Owner/facility information
Review of May 2019 - August 2021
Cursory Inspection of Neuse River RRF analytical lab
On-site inspection of the water treatment units: and
On-site inspection of the discharge outfall
Inspection Type
18 L£JJ11I1712l
1. The facility is a Grade IV Biological Water Pollution Control Treatment System with a permitted
and as-built flow of 75 MGD that treats domestic and industrial wastewater and discharges through
outfall 001 to the Neuse River, a waterbody classified as C, Nutrient Sensitive Waters within the
Neuse River Basin.
2. The most recent NPDES permit was issued on August 1, 2020 and expires on February 29. 2025.
A new application was received on September 10, 2020 requesting to incorporate an increase in the
facility’s TN Load limit in Condition A.(1) of the permit due the purchase of 13,000 Ib/yr of delivered
(estuary) nitrogen allocation from International Papers. The draft permit recently went out for public
comment which ended on November 15, 2021.
4. Special Condition A.(8) of the current permit requires the permittee to perform an Effluent
Pollutant Scan during the calendar ears 2022, 2023 and 2024. The previous permit required this to
be done in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
3. For the review period May 2019 - August 2021, there were no DMR violations detected and no
enforcement actions. The self-monitoring reports have been submitted to the Division as required,
and the City has been compliant with its Whole Effluent Toxicity limit and monitoring requirements.
7. The on-site laboratory (certification number 51) is certified for and self-reports monitoring data for
most of the permit-required parameters. The following parameters are analyzed out of house:
Chronic Toxicity (Meritech (#165) & Pace (#40)), Low Level Hg (Waypoint Analytical - #402), Priority
Pollutant Scan - PPA (Meritech - #165 and Waypoint - #402 starting in May 2022).
Section D Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary)
On Wednesday. October 27, 2021, Jason Robinson, Scott Vinson and Stephanie Goss of the NC
Division of Water Resources' (NCDWR) Raleigh Regional Office conducted a compliance evaluation
inspection of the City of Raleigh’s Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility located at 8500 Battle
Bridge Road in Raleigh. Mr. David Phillips of the US EPA also attended to observe DWR’s
inspection. The purpose of this inspection was to ensure compliance with the subject NPDES permit.
During the inspection, the presence and cooperation of John Kiviniemi (bORC), Lisa Joseph, Nathan
Howell (ORC), Michael Stevens (bORC). Erika Bailey, Jeff Bognar, Darrell Crews and Robin
Scudelaris was appreciated.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-4974 -38A4CD2E5080
10. The plant's SCADA system was observed prior to a walk-thru of the plant.
Permit: NC0029033
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021
8. An inspection of the meter calibration logs, standards, buffer expiration dates and incubator
temperatures showed the laboratory to be compliant with record-keeping requirements. The
thermometers used in the facility's self-monitoring program are NIST certified or checked against the
NIST certified thermometers.
9. The inspector selected random reported eDMR values for different parameters for both
December 2020 and June 2021 and asked Raleigh staff to show the inspector the bench lab data for
the values. No discrepancies were noted. Bench data, chain of custody and lab results were
reviewed, and no issues were found.
11. During a walk-thru of the wastewater plant, several units of each part of the treatment train listed
in the permit were observed. All units were not observed in the interest of time. The inspector noted
the following observations of the treatment components:
a) Influent pump stations: The facility has eleven (11) variable speed influent pumps per the permit.
No issues were observed.
b) Preliminary Treatment: The facility has four (4) mechanical bar screens and four (4) grit removal
units. The mechanical bar screens compactors and grit chambers were in operation and did not
appear to have any issues that would affect proper operation. The area around these units was
clean and well maintained. The plant operators haul the screenings and grit collected in a dumpster
to the landfill. No issues of concern were observed.
c) Primary Treatment: The facility has a 32-million-gallon equalization basin that is used as needed
to manage influent flow. The facility has four (4) primary sedimentation basins with oil/grease and
scum removal (primary clarifiers). Three of these were in operation at the time of the visit. No issues
of concern were observed.
e) Tertiary Treatment: The facility has twenty-two (22) top-fed, single-media deep-bed sand tertiary
filters with methanol addition for final denitrification. These are backwashed every 72 hours, and a
nitrogen-wash is performed every eight (8) hours. The beds are cleaned twice a year. A fair amount
of algae was observed in the beds. Please explain how algae accumulation will be minimized in the
g) Solids handling: The facility has eight (8) aerobic digesters, two (2) aerated sludge holding
tanks, three (3) gravity belt thickeners, and three (3) belt filter presses and one (1) centrifuge per the
permit. The inspector observed the aerobic digesters. Much of the rest of the equipment was in a
construction zone and was not observed
Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
d) Secondary Treatment: The facility has six (6) fine-bubble aeration basins with biological
nitrification and denitrification zones (BNRs). Four (4) of the basins were in operation at the time of
the visit. The facility has fourteen (14) center-fed secondary clarifies with covered weirs. The weirs
are cleaned annually.
f) Disinfection: The facility has twelve (12) ultraviolet disinfection units and six (6) effluent parshall
flumes for flow measurement. Each disinfection unit is comprised of 160 bulbs. No issues of concern
were observed
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-497 -38A4CD2E5080
12. Effluent flow measurements at the treatment plant is performed within each of the six effluent
flumes. The flow measurement from each meter is totalized and reported on the monthly
self-monitoring reports. The flow meters are calibrated twice a year and were last calibrated on
October 13, 2021. No issues of concern were observed.
14. The facility has four (4) generators. The generators are tested weekly and tested under load
monthly. The facility has a contractor for generator maintenance.
Permit: NC0029033 Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
h) Effluent discharge: The effluent pipe was observed, which is located on the bank of the Neuse
River. The discharge appeared to have excessive foam that was observed to remain present as it
floated to the middle of the river and downstream (See Pictures in Attachment A). Section A.(1)(b) of
your permit states that “There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in the [the
effluent] other than trace amounts”. Please provide a written response that addresses the possible
causes of the foam and action that you will take to resolve and minimize discharge of foam from this
facility. As part of this written response, please provide a list of industries that discharge to this
13. Grab samples and composite samples are taken at both the influent and effluent. The
composites samplers are set-up to collect flow-proportional samples over a 24-hour period: 100 mL
every 130,000 gallons (every 13 pulses, one pulse is 10,000 gallons each) for a 24-hour period. The
observed temperature in each composite sampler was less than 5 degrees Celsius. No issues of
concern were observed with the composite samplers.
Permit Yes No NA NE
# Are there any special conditions for the permit?
Record Keeping Yes No NA NE
Laboratory Yes No NA NE
Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit?
Is all required information readily available, complete and current?
Are all records maintained for 3 years (lab. reg. required 5 years)?
Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs?
Is the chain-of-custody complete?
Dates, times and location of sampling
Name of individual performing the sampling
(If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new
Is the facility as described in the permit?
Results of analysis and calibration
Dates of analysis
Name of person performing analyses
Transported COCs
Are DMRs complete: do they include all permit parameters?
Has the facility submitted its annual compliance report to users and DWQ?
(If the facility is = or > 5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate 24/7 with a certified
operator on each shift?
Is the ORC visitation log available and current?
Is the ORC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification?
Is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility
Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public?
Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection?
Is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on site?
Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review?
Permit: NC0029033
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021
Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-4974^^
New application received on 9/10/20 requesting to modify permit to reflect recent
purchase of nutrient allocation.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-497-'1-38A4CD2E5080
Laboratory Yes No NA NE
■ Are field parameters performed by certified personnel or laboratory?
Are all other parameters(excluding field parameters) performed by a certified lab?
# Is the facility using a contract lab?
Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE
Is the plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping?
Grit Removal Yes No NA NE
Type of grit removal
Is the grit free of excessive organic matter?
Is the grit free of excessive odor?
# Is disposal of grit in compliance?
Grease Removal Yes No NA NE
# Is automatic grease removal present?
Is grease removal operating properly?
Pump Station - Influent Yes No NA NE
■ Is the pump wet well free of bypass lines or structures?
Is the wet well free of excessive grease?
Are all pumps present?
Are all pumps operable?
# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0
degrees Celsius)?
Incubator (Fecal Coliform) set to 44.5 degrees Celsius+/- 0.2 degrees?
Incubator (BOD) set to 20.0 degrees Celsius +/-1.0 degrees?
Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable
Solids, pH, DO, Sludge Judge, and other that are applicable?
Permit: NC0029033
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021
Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-497-1-38A4CD2E5080
Pump Station - Influent Yes No NA NE
Are float controls operable?
Bar Screens Yes No NA NE
Type of bar screen
Influent Sampling Yes No NA NE
Flow Measurement - Influent Yes No NA NE
Equalization Basins Yes No NA NE
Are the bars adequately screening debris?
Is the screen free of excessive debris?
Is SCADA telemetry available and operational?
Is audible and visual alarm available and operational?
# Is composite sampling flow proportional?
Is sample collected above side streams?
Is disposal of screening in compliance?
Is the unit in good condition?
# Is flow meter used for reporting?
Is flow meter calibrated annually?
Is the flow meter operational?
(If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter?
Is proper volume collected?
Is the tubing clean?
# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0
degrees Celsius)?
Is sampling performed according to the permit?
Permit: NC0029033
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021
Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-497-
Equalization Basins Yes No NA NE
Is the basin aerated?
Is the basin free of bypass lines or structures to the natural environment?
Is the basin free of excessive grease?
Are all pumps present?
Are all pumps operable?
Are float controls operable?
Are audible and visual alarms operable?
# Is basin size/volume adequate?
Primary Clarifier Yes No NA NE
■ Is the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater?
Is the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier?
Are weirs level?
Is the site free of weir blockage?
Is the site free of evidence of short-circuiting?
Is scum removal adequate?
Is the site free of excessive floating sludge?
Is the drive unit operational?
Is the sludge blanket level acceptable?
Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately 74 of the sidewall depth)
Aeration Basins Yes No NA NE
Ext. AirMode of operation
Are surface aerators and mixers operational?
Are the diffusers operational?
Is the foam the proper color for the treatment process?
Does the foam cover less than 25% of the basin's surface?
Is the DO level acceptable?
Is the DO level acceptable?(1.0 to 3.0 mg/l)
Type of aeration system
Is the basin free of dead spots?
Permit: NC0029033
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021
Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-497 1-38A4CD2E5080
Aeration Basins Yes No NA NE
Nutrient Removal Yes No NA NE
# Is chemical feed required to sustain process?
Is nutrient removal process operating properly?
Secondary Clarifier Yes No NA NE
Is the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater?
Is the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier?
Are weirs level?
Pumps-RAS-WAS Yes No NA NE
Filtration (High Rate Tertiary)Yes No NA NE
Down flow
Are pumps in place?
Are pumps operational?
Are there adequate spare parts and supplies on site?
Is the site free of weir blockage?
Is the site free of evidence of short-circuiting?
Is scum removal adequate?
Is the site free of excessive floating sludge?
Is the drive unit operational?
Is the return rate acceptable (low turbulence)?
Is the overflow clear of excessive solids/pin floc?
Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately % of the sidewall depth)
Type of operation:
Is the filter media present?
# Is total nitrogen removal required?
# Is total phosphorous removal required?
Permit: NC0029033
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021
Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Comment: Sludge blankets excessively high in two of the clarifiers per the SCADA
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-497-'1-38A4CD2E5080
Filtration (High Rate Tertiary)Yes No NA NE
Comment: Fair amount of algae observed
Disinfection - UV Yes No NA NE
Are extra UV bulbs available on site?
Are UV bulbs clean?
Flow Measurement - Effluent Yes No NA NE
Pump Station - Effluent Yes No NA NE
Effluent Pipe Yes No NA NE
Is the filter surface free of clogging?
Is the filter free of growth?
Is the air scour operational?
Is the scouring acceptable?
Is the clear well free of excessive solids and filter media?
# Is flow meter used for reporting?
Is flow meter calibrated annually?
Is the flow meter operational?
(If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter?
Is the pump wet well free of bypass lines or structures?
Are all pumps present?
Are all pumps operable?
Are float controls operable?
Is UV intensity adequate?
Is transmittance at or above designed level?
Is there a backup system on site?
Is effluent clear and free of solids?
Is SCADA telemetry available and operational?
Is audible and visual alarm available and operational?
Permit: NC0029033
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021
Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D23A93-72EB-497 1-38A4CD2E5080
Effluent Pipe Yes No NA NE
Effluent Sampling Yes No NA NE
Is composite sampling flow proportional?
Standby Power Yes No NA NE
Is right of way to the outfall properly maintained?
Are the receiving water free of foam other than trace amounts and other debris?
If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly?
# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0
degrees Celsius)?
Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type
Is sample collected below all treatment units?
Is proper volume collected?
Is the tubing clean?
Is automatically activated standby power available?
Is the generator tested by interrupting primary power source?
Is the generator tested under load?
Was generator tested & operational during the inspection?
Do the generator(s) have adequate capacity to operate the entire wastewater site?
Is there an emergency agreement with a fuel vendor for extended run on back-up
Is the generator fuel level monitored?
Permit: NC0029033
Inspection Date: 10/27/2021
Owner - Facility: Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
A fair amount of foam was observed at the effluent that remained as it floated to the
center of the River and downstream. This should be examined to try to determine the
cause of the foam and if a diffuser is needed.