HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011670 Ver 1_Emails_20011204401 review Subject: 401 review Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2001 18:20:41 -0500 From: Megan Owen <Megan.Owen@ncmail.nee Organization: NC DENR, DWQ . To: Cyndi Karoly <Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.nee Cyndi: I didn't send this email message to anyone else, so let me know if I still need to continue sending these review messages to Todd & John D. 011675 (Edward Ristaino, Mecklenburg Co_) -Property in WS-IV. Shoreline stabilization project and rebuilding of dock .for single family residential using masonry and rock. As far as the WSWP Rules as concerned it is a water dependent activity and therefore allowed. Disturbed vegetation will need to be replaced. Catawba Rules also apply and he.e it's an allowable use but, no avoidance and minimization was given or practical alternative_ Conte Lea that the 'masonry and rock" will not allow for percolation. 011609 (James Mitchem, Gaston Co.) - ?r~erty in WS-IV. Shoreline ~~ stabilization project for sincle family =esidenLial using riprap. As far as the-WSWP Rules as conce=ned it is a :cafe= dependent activity and therefore allowed. Disturbed vegetation ;Dill need to be replaced. Cataw:~ Rules also apply, mind avoica`oe ann minimization given, but no practical alternative. An allv:ed ~,=e_ 011378 (Robert Wilson, Lincoln Ca.) - ?=o/arty in i~JS-IV. Shoreline stabilization project for singe E=mily __sid~tial using riprap. As 'SS.I~ far as the WSr7P Rules as conce_-ned it is a a2te= dependent activity and there.c.e allowed. Disturbed ve;etativa ;rill nod to be replaced. But the Ca:.~aba Rules also apply, ~nri ro p c=i cal alternatives language desc=i:~d in the packet I was giver_ ~ 311fl-.~ed use. There was a very '-+:n:r~~istic summary of how tb; v.-per zoo-.a1d try to keep the damage to a minir. --~. I think he should go fisr`~e_T, ~ d I Biggest making him replant as m~-rf trees as he removes. 011670 (Panther Creek - Raleig i.~, ~ria~ Co.) - Twat a monster of a proj~-t! ! ! This project is in h'5-337-PP tea= Gordan Lake. Neuse Rules ` __ don't a=ply. The Wake County.:ci31 Wean tD =e-ri~J project for BUA, ~/1l~Vl sto~.a.er, buffer requirements. ~j gnu is that it's a high density projer-t, «-hich will require starter ~ s aYd 300' buffers. They're loofa-,.- to have another 5 stre~:Ja~=faz ~ossincs for access around the site. 7 crossings were allo-~3 e--s=s.- a 3:_e-rious permit. WSWP Rules do not ally these crossings since it's a :rate project. Of course we can't ceny access to a site, bct they ~-~.~ay have 7 and I don't think they ~~d all 5 of the ones tbPf're asr;-*~ for no-a. Strict adherence to the K~d2 ?.ales would say deny `..~.+e r'--~?t_ $1t 1f we have-to allow it, the cxssings must minimize ELTA, dives-~t ~flfi ~.~y from surface waters, use~'u'-s, and show no practical. alte*-~~~--±7e. ire was no summary - incl - "~ an hv+~ there was no pr~`~ica~l. a3`,~Tnative summary given for the 5 aces crossings they're req•~stir~g ID~LC. Plus they don't want to pay for uitigation for 4 of the 5 mints sip they already paid for them in the prFrious permitting process. it's n~ tsar vault.their permit ran out :syfore they built them. It's a n~c ~rmit rand I think they should hale :.fl pay again - but WSYJP Psales d.^~'t. r„a-~e c..--ything to say about that. 0116?? (Yvan o= Hillsborough, bra: ce Cfl.~ - T1Sn? and Neuse Rules apply. ~/n Fs f~ as 4lSrTP Rules are conce:..ed, it's a pu3lic project and therefore )~V ally to cross the buffer. Site 1 is ~t in Tz~ anyway. Site 2 is in iiS-.--Cr. At site 2, if the buffer is disturbP3 they need to replant. 1 0(? 1 JS/01 9:00 ~