HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071815 Ver 1_More Info Received_20080118~BSC GROUP TRANSMITTAL To: Mr. Ian McMillan Date: 01-18-2008 NC Division of Water Quality Proj. No: 06020.00 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Project: The Meadows Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 iD --~ We are sending you: ~Q ~ 1 8 200 ® Attached ^ Under Separate Cover DENFt - WATEk (~rU,quTY MIETLANDS AMD STORMWATER Via: ^ Overnight Delivery ^ To be picked up by Recipient ^ Regular Mail ® Messenger ^ Direct from printer ^ Other: One 1 Ori final and Four 4 co ies of Re uest for More Information Packet which includes: - Cover Letter - 3 Documents of Pro~ect Histor - Overall Site Dia ram & Cover sheet - Im act Exhibit 1 - Bioretention su lemental sheets for Bioretention Areas #1, #2, #3, and #4. - O&M A reements for Bioretention Areas #1, #2, #3, and #4. - NC EEP letter of Acce tance Five 5 sets of stormwater drains a lans for The Meadows with Level S reader Calculations One 1 CD of the Di ital Files This information is: ^ For Your Information ^ Approved as submitted ^ Resubmit _ copies for approval ^ Unchecked ^ Approved as noted ^ Return corrected prints ^ Preliminary ^ Disapproved ®Submit _ copies for ^ Revised Plans ^ Returned for corrections distribution ^ Final Plans ®Sent for your review & comment Remarks: Response to Request for more information DWQ Project #07-1815 15f American Land, Rob Shank Copy to: BSC File #06020.00 Signed: Patar Frarrarnli P F ~D 701 Corporate Center RAMCH~e, Suite 163 DRaleigh, NC 27607 Tel: 919-854-0811 Fax: 919-854-0812 Note: If enclosures are not as noted, please contact us immediately. BSC GROUP Iran sto~'mit:g rite Luii~ar! ewirnu rcieai; COI Cor[lOrate Center Dr. Suite X63 Raleigh, NC z76o7 January 18, 2008 Tel: 9~9-as4-oau NIr. Ian McMillan aoo-zae-a~~3 Division of Water Quality Eax. v'9 as4-Oa'z 401/Wetlands Unit 1650IvIai1 Service Center www.bscgroup.com Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Re: Response to Request For More Information The Meadows Subdivision, Wake Forest, NC DWQ Project # 07-1815 BSC Project #06020.00 Dear Mr. McMillan: On December 3, 2007 BSC Group received a copy of the Request for More Information Letter, dated November 29, 2007, from your office pertaining to the above referenced project. A total of Five (5) copies of this response package are included, as requested. Pete Fraccaroli and Trevor Dickerson spoke with you, on December 6, 2007, for clarification on soma of the requests. As a result of the conversation we provided to you, via a Cwo part email sent December 1-0, 2007, Che site history (delineation and regulatory personnel site visit letters), and Exhibit 1, Drawing #2, with the stream centerline highlighted. That information is included in this package. The information requested in the November 29t1i letter is provided below and attached to this letter. 1. Please indicate all stream impacts, including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. RESPONSE: Non-erosive stream flows entering and exiting the culverts will not Engineers require dissipaters. Headwalls are proposed at the inverts (nouthside) and the outlets (northside) of the culvert. The fill slope for the south side is 3.46:1 and Env;ronmenta] Scientists 3.6:1 for the northside. GIS Consultants 2. This Office believes that flows will be directed from tlxe road crossing directly into landscape the dowrastreani strecanbank and be forced to make a 90° turn immediately. This architects area will t72en erode. Please realign the crossing into a straight segnxerzt of stream - ~ Planners Surveyors [p ~ ~~ ;vj or make provisions to armor this segment of stream which will increase your strecmc and buffer mitigation requirements. RESPONSE: As discussed during the December 6th phone conversation and shown on the information previously provided in part 2 of 2 of the December 10th e-mail, the proposed stream impact does not make a 90° turn. Impact Exhibit #1 of this submittal indicates the stream centerline. The new exhibit sheets provided, dated 1-18-08, have been modified from the previous submittal to eliminate this confusion. It is also important to note that the stream flow is heading North towards Richland Creek. 3. The filter strips for all four of the proposed level spreaders are too steep to allow for diffizse,flow. Per the DWQ BMP Mmuzal, the,filter strip is defined as all of the land between the level spreacZer lip cznd t72e receiving stream or ditch. According to that definition, the filter strip slopes exceed IS percent for all fatty of the proposed level spreaders. Please adhere to the guidcaace provided irz the DWQ BMP Mcunectl, `7f the topography of the filter strip is too steep for a level spreader, a different type of BMP will be needed. If the intended filter strip is an area protected by the Riparian Bctffer Rcdes, then the stonnwczler will hove 1o be treated by a BMP that renxoves 30 or more percent of the nutrients rather than tesirag a level spreader. The outfall of this BMP can then be routed directly through the buffer with written approval from the DWQ. " ba your rerttbntittcd, please provide a DWQ BMP Supplement Fonn with all required items for each prroposed BMP. BMP Supplement Forms are available on the following web site: httt~://122o.enr.state.nc.us/scrlbnap fonns.htna. RESPONSE: On December 5, 2007 Pete Fraccaroli and Steve Rice discussed different BMP options for this project because level spreaders would not be approved. Ms. Lucas stated that we could provide bioretention areas that would treat the first inch of runoff and any stormwater above the first inch threshold could be routed directly to the stream through a bypass swale. Pete Fraccaroli reviewed the detailed design of the bioretention areas with Ms. Lucas during a December 10, 2007 meeting. Ms. Lucas approved the methods in which we sized the bioretention and the conceptual design of the BMPs. A sputter stivctme has been provided to ensure only the first inch of rain enters the bioretention area and the reminder is discharged into a bypass Swale. She stated that a outfall structure would not be needed in the bioretention area if we provided an emergency spillway. She also stated that two feet of soil media could be used and that the entire biorention area could be planted with grass only. Details of this design have been provided with this submittal. a 4. Please explain why yon requested 73 linear feet of stream mitigation fi•onti NC EEP. RESPONSE: The proper NC EEP mitigation acceptance letter has been provided. Thank you for you assistance regarding this matter. Should you have any question or need any additional information please contact me at 919-854-0811 or Trevor Dickerson tickerson@bsc~p:com. Very holy yours, BS~® ete Fraccaro Director of Operations, Raleigh CC: Jamie Shern, USACE, Raleigh w/ attachments Robert Shank, 1" American Land w/ attachments BSC GROUP File No. 06002.00 DCT-04-2006(t9ED) 12:19 1st American (fRX}9193038524 P. 005/011 ~~ ' ~'''° So31.& Eliwironmer~tal~:Colt~lsultarits, PA - 11610 Ragen Ridge Roma Raleigh; North Caoolma 27614 •.:Plume (919) 846-5900: • Fa:c (919),846x9467 '' ~ www.SandEC.cam WETLANb & STREAM.DEI:INEATiON REPORT F'OR WAKE FOREST PROJECT -;, ~ On JuIy21, 2006; S&EC personnel completed a detailed wetland delineation and stream • .evaluation on'the Wake,Forest Prpject (~38.A~ arees): The.subjcct propca3y islocatcd ' ap~,raximatcly .2 ulilcs outsiclc of ttic Towa ni Wake Forestgn IVorth~ Maio Street. Figure l and. ;Figure 2 show the location of the site on n USGS topographic .quadrangle and Wakc County.Soil .'Survey; respeotivcly..:. ~ ...' :. ' .. . . ExECirl'IVE SUMrviARY .. - : Wehave determined that approximakely one intermittent strpm; one perennial stream geaeratly ~: acconat for. the jurisdictional waters observed tin the site. Tale rlttuched wetland sketch map depicfs:the approximate tobatibn'ofwetlands anii streams. Please refer to the sketch map and the results and rccorniricadations scction.below for more detailed information.. ' . ' • SCOPE l7F WOlttc." :. ,., ... The detailed wetland delineation consisted efpedestrian-reconnaissance bf the property to ; : •examine soils,. vegetation, ,and hydiology~across. the site tb identify. areas that meet the criteria for. . jurisdietiofial~wetlaads as described by the procediues set forth in the Corps of Engineers: . Weklands 1]clfneation Manual (Jannarv 3987 -Final Renortl: A;cas oa thesite with~positive • indicators of hydric `soils, evidence ofwetland hyiioltsgy, ar}d presence of hydrophyha .. uegetittian were flagged vnth sequentially numbered,.pink S&EC logo Slagging. Proof of - • ,wetland hydrology wou18 be the existence of hydric sods with oxidized.root channels in the upper;l2 iaohes of the soil profile, water borne deposits; dri4l lines„ scour msrks, drainage . patterns; rogional indicators of soil saturation, etc. 'Surface waters such as iaternlittent and perennial:stream chancels, ponds,• and~lakes, which°are ulso.sub~ect to regulation by the US. ~. ..Army Carps of Engineers" (USAGE) as waters.of fheUS; wcrc;also.idcatificd. These surface waters may also be iefeaed to as jurisdictional waters to indicmte that.they are within the . jurisdiction pfthe USAGE.: Itis important to?i6te that wotlahds arc also classified as watcrs.of • - . • ~ the US aad regulated ti"y the US.°CE. ' ' . .:. ., ,. ., ,.,.. .. RESDLTS&~RECOM1~iENbAT10NS•; ',; The results of the wetland delineation and,stream evaluations arediseusscd_ bclo~v. •~ Wellgirds and Jurisdictional iYatcrs: ~ .. ' We }iave'detennin'ed thafjurisdictional waters (i,e., streams) exist on.thc site. Please refer to the • , • attached "Wetland SkctCh Ivlap":.for specific flag numbers and approximate lnctitioris.. • CharloneOllice: ~ ~ ~ ~ .. 236I.c1'hillip Court. Suitc'C- Ctr~'rnsbom Oftc~• Concord, tJC 28025 3817•E lawddala Ikivc . ~ Grcensh6cx~. NC 27455 Phanc: (704) 720.9405,' Phiin~ (336y 540.8234 Fax (704) 720.44tlG. .: Fax: (3311) 540=8235 . OCT-Od-2006(UEO) 12:19 Ist American (FRX)919303062d P. 006/O11 ' ~ Auguet I; 2006 .. SNcEC Pinjed#: 10313.W 1 ' Page 3 off thresholds. as-discussed bolow may.not apply. and impacts to wetlands must lie considered in light - of existing permits, _ - - Prixonstructiounotlfication to the USACE and the NC-17WQ is not required for wetland impacts , . that meet the general conditions ofNationwide Permit 39 and• that impact less than,l/10 acre per project. Preconstruction notification and approval by the USACE is required for wetland ; impacts.that exceed l/l0.of an acre and /or an stream channel impacts: Prcconstcuetion' ' notification andtapproval by the NC-DWQ is regaired'for wetland impacts thati exceed 1/10 of an acre if the property Is westwf 1C-95.or I/3 of an-acre if ttic project is east, of I-95.: ; , -. Prccanstruction notification and approval by t--e NC-DWQ is requtredfir a,~strc8m. •claanxigl lanpacts wfthla lsu~axtrd basiffis (I.e: the Neuse~ 7Caa"i'amleEO, I3anilletauin, and:.., . portions of Clio Catawba Basins)'or far comulativc.'stream impacts that exceed 1$0•fiiiear feeYin aoa-tiuffered'basins. If development impacts exceed the thresliolds'for notificatioa and _ . progased impervious ,area, for ells pr+ojcct: ar any.part of the protect exceeds30"/o; then stormwater tecattncnt to.mcct+the pollutant removAl design standard of 85% reiroval of total suspended - sords (i.e„ wet detenHbnbasind, stormwatcr wetlands, biorctcntion.areas,'etc.) and 30%of ' . ~-- Nitrogen will likclybe required•by the N~=17WQ. Tho ms~cimum permanent impact allowed per ~; project under the nationwide pennits~is T/2 acre of wetland and/or 30Q linear feet of USACE ixnpoi~hant stream channel: Nationwide Pemut`34 limits,above-grade.fiUs within 100,yrar' . floodplains.specifically prohibiting above-grade fill wtthii the floodway.. Additionally,.. - . • .Nstionwide~Pertnit'39lunits sfrctm~c'hannelization.and reIvdation to~,streams with an average. ~. annual slow of less .than . l cf's.. • . - ~ .. - ,.: Per projcet'impaets to vcgeta4ed wetlandffi: in excess:of 1 acre ai•. impacts to streams that contain ...: stgriif cant aquatic function" in: excess of, T SO linear feet will mast lt~tcly:rcquire mitigation by , ' the NC-DWQ. Tlte'IJSACE may rcyuirc mitigation for any'wetland/jurisdigtional waters . ° ' ' impacts:. Actual mitigation requirements ale typically determined on a case-by=cnsc basis' Wetland mitigation is a complex process that:requiras planning and~monitoring, SBiEC will' - ' ~ discuss rrritigation issucs.tvitfi you.if wc.believe:your•pi••oject may require mitigation, , .' - Impacts taehann'els containing "si~mificant aquatic function" inezccss of thcaotification ' thYesholds may require mitigation: Channel mitigation is'typically intended to•replace lost signif cant aquatic'funations and.values.,l2elocatingchannels is considered to be an adverse ` impact and typically results in mitigation within tlio ncjv channel: Therefore, this type of ..: , .. mitigation usualIyrequiresthat meanders be'cceated within.COnstructed channcls:.Siitc-slopes . and beds be vegetattyti;'riprap is discouragrri.. .. .. - A complete NC-IaWQ 40•] Water Quality:Cettifxeation'application for aNationwide Permit tins a ' • 'maximum 60-day processing perod . •A complete USACE.Natibnwide Permit application has a. '. 45=tlay'processutg'peiioii, whilelndividual Permit applications submitted to the U$ACE'liave no ' maximum processing periods:::The USACE rcquires'thaf,all'impacta to wotlands or Waters. of.thc US, less than 1/10 acre; he reported toahe USACE`withia 30 days of the complctiion: . ..of construction. '•, ~ - .. - Natianwidc.Pcrmits can potentially be utilized if the project.is designed to impact up to,1/2 acre ,bf jurisdictional.wetlands ar wafers of the US including a maximum of 300 linear feet of important stream channel impact under NV+'P 39... Cumulative impacts per•praject overthese OCT-04-2006(19E0) 12:20 1st Rmerican (FAX)9193038524 P. 008/Dil • :August 1, 2006 . ~ S&EC Projccc N:. t 0313dV I - `. , .. - - Page2of4. Two: jurisdictional strcams.wcrc obscrvcd.duriag thc.sito cbaluation, thCappraximate locations of which. are iliustratecl on the attached wetland sketch, map: Photos of these areas are ineluded ~ . . ~ in Appendix i,.Streams identified on=site include:• • • Feature A liordcrs the property to the Noitli. This,fcaturc begins as intermittent tuiil . becomes perennial at the #lag labeled St, Perennial. - S&EC believes t}iat the USACE . • .~ .. would classify this stream as•"important'.,', exlv'biting iriiportant sgilatic, function. ~ ' . ' • Feature. B is an intermittent stream that begins: at' ilag,501. S&EC bclic6cs that:the . USACE would classify this,stream as "important", exhibiting.iingartant aquaticfunction. •- . A pond was identified.on-site which.we believe to benon-jurisdictional (isblatedj, The • USACE.will•nccd to confirm our dctcrminatians rc~,ardirig.bath jurisdictional and:n®n-°` " ':jurisdictional features: ... '. • "Surface waters on-this -site flow info 12ich1and~Creek which has been classified in NC-DWQ's . • "Classification'arid Water Quality Standards Applicable to Surface Waters and'Watlands o£ :.. North~.Carolinan as. C; NSW.... .... -... .., . 'All S&EC flags comprising tlie,wetland and jurisdictonalwaters delineation sliould•be surveyed • _ and a Wetland Delineation Map genera4ed for.use in site; plaririvig:and US.4CE.approval stud, ~ - perinrtttng. Tiic,artirc Iargth of each stream featuee was riot flagged; liut will rieed,to lte survey . - ..' • : locatcd,'fbr th¢.V~ctland'Dcltncatioll.Msp. Stream features may bc•Iocatcd either along t$e... cartcrlinc (with channel ~vidthsnotcd at each survey point) oc at the top=of beak; .T.he: Wetland .Delineation 141ap should'include all of the information listed,an the attached".`.Rcquircments fog Wetland bclincatian Maps,"' : S&EC. iielitieafion flag xtumbers should be shown'on the wctland~ . survey: S&EC lies coritacfcd thc•USACE~ to schedule a sitcxneetin~ to confirm out ~ ~. • - • . . wetlandJstream delineation.... '' :' ~ .. SyrPam Buffeii:.. ~ .. ~ ' ' ~ .: .. :: - -. The surface waters (i,o:, iritenirittent stream;.perenniaYl :sti•e<un,.and Pond) potentially subjept to • , .: the 50=foot Ncuso River Buffers include fcaturos A-C. asdabclcd,on the Wakc sail survey'and . TJ5GS, No other surfaoe.waters'aie~indicated on either the USGS topographic pr Wake""County ~ • • -Soil Survey maps. ''The'only surface waters.that S&1;G actually bclicvcs'azc subjgct to the . ~ , = ~ buffers consist of features A and B. ~ •. = :::: - :. , . ..$0gulations ~ '. ' .. .. A general list`of regulationstltat apply to jurisdictional wetlands, and waters present on the.site • ".. aze discussed belawi please be aware that other local',.state,, and. fcdcral•rcgtilaCions:not included , , . ~ . in this .list may ;also sppl}i, S8c)JC personnel are available to discuss these regulations as they ' . ' .apply to your project:.. .. ' WetlandPerminirt~: :' ~ .. Wetland impact-petmits.are issued on~aper-Project basis as,deterniinesl•bythe.USACE. The ~. :US.ACE has d'eterminezl.that impacts on parcels slib-dividcd_flam.lazger tracts arc sometimes - . considered to:be cumulative to existing impacts far the large tract. " if this is the case, then ~ , . OCT-04-20D6(WED) 12;21 1st American (FAK)9193038524 P.009lD11 '.` ,)I i! ~',~~ ~~.\ -- I 1 ~. -. `` `. \\ \\ r `J I '~ ~r i ~ ~ I! f I 1, i '. ,, ; r, I+! ~ , :1 1 '1+..1 1 ,, I`,,'I . I " = 300' 07/27/06 _„ - -. `~1~\ Map 7~tlel Flgure 3 -Sketch Map Wake Forest Pro~ecti N. Mam f 5t Amertoan Land Wake County Luke Tuschak ~l \._ .. \ + ~+. t + \_ ; I ~ ~'\ \ ...~\,'``;4\;...~_I +L`\\\~\ ~~,L\\`'; 111 \ \\_``- \ 1 ~~ "~.. ~ - ~ .' l~l . / i .. _ _ .___ _ - ~. .. ..J" i \ ..~-~ $011 &Envtmnmental Coneultante, PA 11016 r+aen gAge Ra,• pAlelph, NC7161a fetal eaa~6 • iereteas6asr Web Pepe: wwN.SrldE6.cwn 1 •~ •l I I '\ 1 \ 1 l+ 1~ \\ ~\\\ '\\'•A l I V l ~~\~'•. 11 1 I 111\ ~~~` .~ .. _ .. t _ /^_.~ ,' 1 ,f-' ._, ' ~ i .1 `~-- - Legend •~ ~ e~'- {~ +~~~ ~~~ ~~4ExMYGMNSPV••1~Wx•r~Y ~x1PJ.G WIGLMO .m1FMIlrxlEtw.u.P••~•ugwl•.we.mwwspvuxMax.vnol YgnlEDfq®bw&enNRM.~Mw.RiwaN rwwCe.uxCA91 r .~!'-•-~_:` eoaOexaLPmeevld CaePOhvh PA ~~~ ~ ~ it //~~ 110106rb. ixlyAud,eJwW~ C~.e.. ]14N ._'•. V I l i r k' ~, ® erLxr: N>tANUwD Y:..IDP.7 sassiw .. g '.1 I l l r r vi'. IBS+'4 1 1 1 I (f f~ arWi.m~x.w.Mxin.gl'° w.~.M,yery _.J ' 1'511 I l 1 ~ ~ Il ~ ; 'ewe.s...x•nx x..+lv~wpnwx.~..."' n4 _ :~ ' 1 .•. 11 • i ~...emn.nM..w..r.m..eexwn x*m.lw. l 11`x•. '\:.y •l t,l I ,1 MamYalw~..~. ...r~wlnW.du~w •~..u iw~•a~..evail:na .'~.h + \.~+: . ,+ I r wru.d4u.uahDV M.l e.yax• I '~ \\. \I. '. I l I :it. ~-~~- .;, ~ .'+ Intermittent C . nriel-- ~~~ ~- - ~ -~ ienn7al I ~ lid \ \ i i / .._.-.~_ - ~'- - \ ...__.-.. \\.,..'\\~\~_~\\\~ ~.r'~l}'tl+\+\~+\ `'ter r^ ____-. ,~ -~\ 1 _._ .~. __.\\1\ ..ti'\\, ~,1 1 ` ' 8 ' • ~ ` ' 1 \ ~t \ ~'' ,~1 I'mo' \ ., ~_' . =~~_ q: . \. • . \ .\ ..___\\; \\1\•\ \ ~, 1 `I \11 .1 I ~ i \ \ \ I 1.' "\\ \ \ I , 1 _,. _~.:. Numbcr: 10313.W1 ~- Manager: GF \` __ •\ ~\ .\ ~, '.I 11111 I 1 OCT-Od-2006(WED) 12:21 1st American (FRX)919303852d P.O10/011 " ~~ _~"~~~ `Soil.& Environnientah Corisul"tants, PA 11010 Raven'~Ridge Road • ~Raieigtt, .Noith Carolina 27Gr4 ! Phone: (919)846-59UU • Fac~(919) 846:9467 ... _~., -•......~ - ~~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ .' ,. ~ wwwSandEC.~rom ~ ..~ ,~ . :: `' . September 7; 2006 '. - .. S&EC Prajegf ## 103.33,W l ... ., . T°t.American Laced . ~ . Atht: Robert Shank. . 2514. Reliance Avenue • Apea, NC 27539. ~ . 13car Mr: Shank::. - . ;... - . : ~ ... On Septenilicr 6,.2006 S&EC meet with the [Jnited States Army Corp. of Engineers at the North Ivlain Street Sitein Wake Forest. At this site.meeting, we . determined ttigt the~pond, tabclcd feature C on tlic sketch map, was non jurisdictianal.: In: ,. • : additiori,'fcature.A was determined to..be an important channel from the start.permnial ~. flog just to.thewes~t pf.the powerlirie. The seccioa of fcaturc'A~that islabcled "perennial itnportarit" would require aritigationata 2a ratio'for any impabts. A1su, feature B's.sfart :' .. - channel location was moved downstream'and was.identifed as being intcrnrittcat` ..: ...:. ::.' unimportant. If you have any qucsflons+in regards in lctYcr or thc,staius of the project' • please call. ~ . - ~ '. SinCOrely;! . : :/rte ~~: " . -~ C~i.~,i~ .. `F-Paurcw.%d u' Luko'Il~schak Chris Flowers . . Wetland Scientist ~ '; •' ~ - Wetland'ScientistlProjcctMatiaget.: ~. " Attach'rrrentsf: '.. •. Figrirc 1: U$GS Map ~:. _ , . Figurc2: Wake County SOiI Survey . . Figure 3: Updated Wetland Sketch Map ... .. CC: United States Army.Corp. of Engnccrs ', , `Attn: Thomas Brown . 6508~Fulls ofNeuse Road,: Suite 126 Raleigh, NC 27615. .: . r'ilarlllLlC ORCC: id6FFllilWAli?iYYtW :236 LsPltlllip'Court,'5olto C: .. '3817-E Luvmdala ihiva Concord, NC Z8O25 , greens6oro; NC'27455 Phone: .. (704) 720.9405 ., Phone: (3?6)SAO-82.74 ' . ..Fox: (704) 720-9406 .. ::Fax: (336y540.8235 OCT-04-2006(NEO) 12:22 lst American (FRX}9193D3852A P. 011/011 ',', :\; ''+,\. ; ; ~ \. i"j !;~;, `~: '''~-- - ,.~_° Legend t •... .. _' __ ~ Feet--- 1 i , . t., ,. , `2\. ;,~01 iT00`$00,'`. ,t4~bz~_-:-600';=-=;800:x.`•\ _ _ _~., ~ ' __ ,•`t ', \`'. •~.:\ '. •~ • -_ _-~ .-_ `\ \.,i \ ~~ `~1 •reuv¢uonMaP+r.aw•.::.:ew+.r~htcuesxcm!v r. %'^i~`~'` j '+"..'__, _": , `. _,•'1\.\:•,~. ,,•' 1 1't 't. `.\ •.Ji .w~reerm,ro>,rnw.~.a.,w.ww...w..aaouuwrconal 'Y'stfi;r ,.r ;.. _~„Sl _. ~~:a:. ~•r""• ',: \`• 1~! .'~1 :1t`'.• 1 I O .r~/'%/,•„___J.~v-r.'Y~ti.£^'='___-"':\•~~`~v\~`; t`•\`\\y`\'.. •; ~'~ .eowmraa ~sw~r.:6~wr.w..•erwuua.enconatl ' ! r' ' ~ ~-. '~` z. ~ ..--,:'may `-_`: 4v \\ : \ \.\. \\ t ! 1 i ( :, .~~/ :i: ':-^`.::_ry--_.:\\, _ __ ~~ .. -.~,'.~-~,~ ,iL-r-tp'--.;i.: PcmAnial GhannG: -•` i'. , i ~ ",i' .--'=.t\.•: -- _ -:_•:•.' ''.\ ill ; t ,Important g1a111101"i • _ _- ,. :\ •,. .1.; is-` --•.. w \~\ `\.\ p`:~~••- ~\:\~ r(':1 ( \'•.. \.~ FC! I~il (ill :, .`.,4w~. ~/L-'. :,,''•T.~. \':~ Opt a+.1 't ~ \ \•\ '1\~2•~. ' :. b~Hf}.~~f1171B~-1(f~Ip~[It.~. J~Iq~[~p1..__ ~ \ ,~. - ~,'~: r///+l l:~i ';lr•-_-'~/ _ ~2w~~~.i; \\.``\~~.. '`y;•. •ft 1~'i j I_ - /:•. (t'•\ .. ._.: '1 ill' 1 \ ~--_.. • \ b:t "1 i /~(1:...i 'r r; i~ i i~Ir~ , l,_•`,~`,. ':\1~.: \\:_ Q~,-.i .r._~r..., ~\\\t'. ~•yti.,.,, 't '. 1 I I r r'ti .,`l. • \~~ _`.-__ ' _ .;\~_.~ ~~ iii :'ir .i'1! :\ - \ ~tl Vl.y.1 _ _ ~' ~`:SL:\ \~\11.1:• II!I ;t i..\•~\ \~ ~:~~~:.._______ ___ / . 1 ~ ,. - \ ~- ~r .\.•`. 'Jti+' 1 17te Itlanc Bnlrri i (! .. 1 \ ~,. - -•'-\. ,. \ ; . \"~_:_:: -\ ~`~\^\,~ ~ \„: ~\ 1 ~ ~ 1 rrit _ ___POttlnf Clta/Onel-.- ~ =::5«' . i i \ ~•\.. '. is i ~.~ :, ,-`.: :-~ ~.\ ,. 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I 7 111.1 iii - ~ _____ 1 '~ - _b£':~•+~r~~'.~+\'~ \' ,~1 ~~'1 `t\x`'1'1\`t `. , .+\: ; r~~~ -___ '\\w •._~\ ~\, .,~-.~i% ii 11'ti~ {' 1. ~•\ i~ 1. :1 t t! 1 \ r! 1 tl~lr - ` t\~ •l' !1 t ` +\ '\ `t I)tl ;'f' \~~ "y:~ +\~. ,i 1 ,\ ~t '. \ : ~I i 1 i i / _-•-~.- \\ •'. ~li( /! I f '\.\\.\. ~`\ . - /i%r~•~ :,•..~ ~ \- .tit` \ •4 v... )•., \ '. t, . \ • ,• 1 ,l \ ..'t • ;•. l t , a '\v , J~I I '`: ;~~-- \:'`~:`\'._'_ _.,;h`';w ~\\`'~'` t ''\i1 iii Isolated Paad'. .,t :. ..~ 's,,., 3 • . i ',\~i i '~ = -~= `~~.. "` _ '~ •~'~: \ `~^ .1`. X11 ' t (1 i I ; 1 (NonJOtlsdidioita - -~~ / ) ; 1 f _ -- ~ 1ry'ietintttent Ghanoeh~_~ ~ ~r _ "~= ' ~1 ~~'\ 1 1\`~ ____'_ `-• \ • 'i ! :~ ~ // / ' .ice /: JUSAC~S1~Ch~nne4F~ ' ~ ` - ~` : 1 ~ r ~ _ _ • _ __ _ . 9E~19R' a991R91:---' •`~~ it •; ,'i /~: /__.`__---'-''`_-- ~; . /__---~'% i : • .___ goferitiafStart~utta~e"'efi(~tnel ;•': ~ ; ''-- -~ --- ~\ ~l I ,Ir...:l i'r/lam -''_~ ___-~-.___ _- _'_ _., {1: 1 i r` .. -_....\` ~~,•_--_ __/-r ~\\.':•..,\111 \III' ~il iiirlf j /' _-` •'.. .•'`., ~'`/'//j •: '1 1 i __`r ':i ' ••' .__. 's'ir 'Ar!li i~~l (/ 1``` ! i .._ _ ~. __ _ Project Number: y Map TItIe: 103 ! 3.W ! Flgure 3 -Sketch Map Project Manager: G~ Wake ForesC ProBectl N. Maln 1St Amencan Land ~ .soil&BnvicunmenWl.Censullants, PA Scale: Wad CAUniy 11010 Re~en FGdgo Rd.•Ralelgh, fiIC27G1d I " = 300' win a ~.s~ ae~c,r~ Dater Pro arod Cry: 091 t 2/06 Luke Tuschak i st American Land Attn: Robert Shank 2514 ,Reliance Avenue Apex, NC 27539 Re: Buffer Meeting with NC-DWQ `Fake Forest/North Main Street Site, Wake County, North. Carolina Dear i~rlr. Shank: October 14, 2006 S&EC Project #10313.W1 On October 3, 2006, S&EC conducted a site meeting with the NC-DWQ at the Wake Forest/North iUiain Street Site. At this meeting it was determined that features A and B are subject to the 50 foat Neuse River Basin Buffers. Impacts to the perennial channel will require mitigation at a 2:1 ratio. Impacts to the intermittent channel will require 1: mitigation as well. If you have any questions please call. Sincerely Luke Tuschak Wetland Scientist Attachments: Updated Wetland Sketch Map Chris Flowers Wetland Scientist/Project Manager Charlotte Office: Greensboro Office: 236 LePhil[ip Court, Suite C 3517-E Latvndale Drive Concord, NC 28025 Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: (704} 7201-9405 Phone: {336) 540-8234 Fax: (704) 720-9406 Fax: (336) 540-8235 Environnze:ntal Cons~,-~ltar~ts, Road Raleigh, Nardi Carolina 2761,4 • Phone: {919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) Feet 0 1OE} 200 40p 600 800 Legend 0~0 .,;~' ., 'Ots 'Ots ~ ~PERENNIa.CHANNEI.(BUNare9lmpoganl muss lie confimwtlt,y USACE a~w NCAWQ e1NFERtAf(TENT CHANNEh(BuHtlreMmpodsnl merit#mnlirtnad by 4lSACE and hlCAWp] ~~ 1 ISCUcTED PONp (ryomBufletad PoM, must Ee rortffnlad>h' 1ha USACE snd NGDWp) Perennial Impoitarit/Buffered Channel ~. - - - - ,- -- -_ S f ~1 Start.('erennial Important CfSanr~l ' - ~ °(We§t of Powerlin2} ` A . :_ . _ Intermittent UnimportanilBuffered Channel - ` . _.~~ ,. ~ _ - `. _ ~ ~ - - 6011 R,Lnvleaml~tN Gb+mvua¢te. PA ' -- 13V l0 Haven-Hidac KoM, Ma1gg6, NMh (:arolssia'1'l614 Pkune: (9 [~846S90V flan-(919J 846B4fi: ~ - .. ... - - WetLad:.APpcoxLnaflon - ... suir~fo. oreti.ii~ry ge~n~oi; a~Iy ' - .. ~w~rsgcd tld'nm~(wna med•[yfE~:nz~aPdaiumw~okro ~lEv,.x'k - - - ., - _ ,... - - nppvaimvfrwrr viers maM.i veng ttfee'aPbic rttaia andar n'd kalh{ag Ifihvmsreoea~elvpe -ttd h. ttb+aFpored eed _ SgrcuUEd lry'Ihe V.S,Amry Cava a.tnanvwa 'Isolated .Pond _ ` , 4Non-JurisdictionaClNon-Butfereci} r :: Project Number: Map Tttle; I D3 1 3.W 1 Figure 3 -Sketch iviap Pra~ect Manager: ~~ Wake forest Project/ N. ivlaln I st American Land ~ Snil & Environmental Consultants, FA Scale: Wake Coun 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, NC 27614 (919}.846-5900 • {91B) $46-9467 ~~ = 3~Q~ Web Page: www.SandEG.com Date: Pre ared By: ~- ~ x/6/06 Luke Tuschak O~ ~~~.,~~ Michael F. Easley, Governor ~~,» Q~ °"'~ "°~ William G. Ross Jr., Secretary ,~ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources h ~ Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director b ~,~~ ~ Division of Water Quality October 24, 2006 Mr. Chris Flowers ~'"' - - ~ ~ ~ I Y ~ '~ Sail ~. Environmental Consultants, PA QC~ ~ ~ ~~06 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 By: Suit 6 Ertrironmental Eansultnnts, PA 1`~BRR4 06-244 County: Wake BASn~: Neese X Tar-Pamlico (15A NCAC 2B .0233} (15A NCAC 213 .0259) Buffer Determination X Incident Project Name: Walze Forest Project/N. Main Street Location/Directions: Site is located oTa tlae west side of N. Main Street, approx 0.5 miles south of the Wake- Franklan County line in Wake Forest. Subiect Stream: UTs to Richland Creek Date of Determination: I O/3/06 Feature Start Buffer GPS Points {if provided} End Buffer Stream Form Appeal Call Located on Soil Survey Located on USGS Topographic A Subject X X B Subject at Start B >f;lag X C Not Subject (Pond} X X NOTE: Feature A perennial at Start A Perennial Flag. This on-sire deter•~nination shall expire five (5} years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and drat it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director irz writing c% Cyndi Ruroly ,DWQ Wetands/4U1 Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Raleigh, NC 276U4M226U. Individuals that dispute u rleternzination by the D 13'Q or Delegated Local Authority t/zat "wempts"a surface water from the buffer rule may ask far an arl judicatory hearing. You must act within 6U days of the date tlirtt you receive this letter. Applicants are herehy rrafifier! that the 6U-day statutory appeal tune does not start until the affected party (including dowrrstr•eanz and adjacent landowners} is notifed of this decision. DWQ recommezarls that the applicrraz.t conduct this notification in order to be certain that third parry appeals are made in a timely znanzaer. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforrzrs to One NorthCarolina ~/~LI~IIf~d~~l~ North Carolina Division of Wafer Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Internet: h2o.enrstate.nc.us 1b28 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-t 62R Phone (9l9) 791-4200 Customer Service FAX (9I9) 571-4718 1-877-623-6748 An Equal DpportunitylAftirmawe Actipn Employer-50°I° Recycied110% Posl Consumer Paper 10/24/2006 Page 2 of 2 Chapter I SOB of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Rlail Service Center, Raleigh, N. C. 27699-6714. This rletermirratian is fanul and binding zrnless you ttsk for a hearing within 60 Clays. The {owner/futzrre owners} should notify the Division of Water Quality (including any other Locul, Stztte, and Federal Agencies) of this decision corrcerrring any fixture correspondences regurdirrg t{re subject property (stated above). This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Qrzality (Central Office) at (919)-733-1786, and the US Army Corp of Eng/i^neer (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) ut (919)-876-8441. ~ l Fric W. CC: RRO/SWP Files Central Files L7WQ Wetlands and Stornnwatex Branch Bill Surnniexs -Town of Wake Forest III Na rthCaro)i as ~/~Llttfl'LI~~J North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh. Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone {919) 791-4200 Customer 5ervicc lntemet: h2o.enrstate.nc,us 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 PA3~ (919) 571-4718 1-877-b23-(1748 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmatiue Action Employer- 50% Recycled110% Past Consumer Paper r ~~. 7 i ,~ ~' f I'O ECG T~O. ~ °~ ~ a ~ os 1 ~.wl Top®graph~c ~2uadr~ng$e ~~~ ~~ ~ Prodect Mgr.: Wake Forest Project/ N. Pvlafn i ~~i1 ~a~~ri~~attt~~.t~l ~an~>baltaYtt~~ 1'!-~ CF 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.4 Raleigh, NC 27614 1 5t American Land Scale: Wake County, NC (919) 846-5900 ~ (919) 846-9467 web Page: wrww.Sar~dEC.cvm I " = 2,000' Wake forest, ~olesvdla, Prankl~nton, 06/26/06 Grisham Quadrangle 3 ~ 4 ~ : CeGz CeC. ~I ~~ c2 .C Ce62 1 \\ •! l ' ~rJ eeca `~~ n Ce82 ..- 1 k~ ~. `~ . C:eB lA /": CeCZ . rt //f ~1~ . '- / ' , Q CeCZ ~ P,pC _ :. ,_ •` ' Pro~eCt ~o. ~Igure 2 - NI~CS So(I -- -- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ purvey Map .~, ~ _~ ,~ Project Mgr.: C~ tNake forest Project N. Main , ~ r. S®~I ~ E~v~~n~~r~ta~ ~®~~~r~t4~t~, ~~. , ! 5t Amerjcan Land ~ ~ ~ ~ F.. 1101 Raven Ridge Rd.a Raleigh, NC 27694 Scale: Wake County, IVG ~ ~~ ~~ X999) 846-6904 a (9'f9) 546-9467 ~~ ~,,~~~~ 1Neb Page: u,~A,uf,SandEG.eam 1 Soil Survey County 501 Survey 06/26/D6 7 Feet 0 100 2{30 40fl 600 800 Legend ~~ ~~~ ~~ +. PERENNIAL CHANNEL(ButlereNlmporlarti nwa nn cenl'xmad by lYSACE art6 MGOWQ ~8~ ~0~ 1^~ a INtEflMITTENC CFWMJEL~ButtelBMirtPatazA mua b9 COMukwdby l53ACE and NC-0.•VF ~ ~ ~~ ~ _ y` ~ 150LATEDPOtEQ (NorvBuNerod POM, mUa 60 CtlnlinrKdby iha USACE enQ NC•DwQi Pe~erinial Channel � F-4 ZZV//4j A FA \ _ i f 40\ \ _00 00 Fn s D N n w , 0 0 c c 181 0 O m w w Cb L R N 3 7p � rn N Q O n O O N R N N N - 00 LQ 3 3 3 O 75 v v N' N N 9 =��'^ O cn C A < C N as� m Do a `< 1 2e X 3 A N S a Z m'r7 ,r E5 00 0 O :3 o m n O Ao N m� X O ^oZ = cn C _ co m Z O LA CD m Z z a 8 c C n CD m Permit (fo be pra.;dad ~f' C=~4N(>lJ ~~ ~~ : 'T OF W ATF~ 02 QG , i, ~r~ V ~ > y NCDENR STORNfWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APRLICATION FORM BIORETENTION CELL SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part!!() must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required infomTation. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name The PAeado~n~. Contact name Peter Fraccaroli, P.E. Phone number (919) 85~-0811 Date January 18,2008 Drainage area number Bioretention i rea #1 II. QESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 191,664 ft Impervious area 55,583 ft` Percent impervious 29.0% Design rainfall depth 1.0 inch Peak Florr Calculations Is prelpost control of the 1-yr, 24hr peak flow required? N (Y or N) 1-yr,24-hrrunoff depth in 1-yr, 24-hr intensity inlhr Pre-development 1-yr, 24hr peak flow ft3tsec Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow ft3tsec Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control ft3tsec Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Design volume 4,951.0 ft3 Storage Volume: SR Waters Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3 Post development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3 Minimwn volume required 0 ft3 Volume provided ft3 Cell Dimensions Ponding depth of water 12 inches OK Ponding depth of water 1.00 ft Surface area of the top of the Bioretention cell 4,951.0 ft O K Length: '127 ft OK Widtl1: 39 ft OK -or- Radius ft Soils Report Summary Drawdowntime,pondedvolume 12 hr OK Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface 36 hr OK Drawdown time, total: 48 hr !n-situ soil Soil permeability 0.52 inlhr OK Planting media snit Soil permeability 1.00 inlhr OK Soil composition °1o Sand (by weight) 86% OK °loFines(byweight) 10°k OK Fomn SV'J401 -Bioretention-R ev.2 Parts I and II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Organic (by weight} Phosphoruslndex(P-Index) Basin Elevations Temporary pool elevation Planting elevation (top of the mulch) Battam of the cell Planting depth Depth of mulch SHWT elevation Are underdrains being installed? Total: How many clean out pipes are being installed? What factor of safety is used for sizing the underdrains? (See BMP Manual Section 12.3.6) Additional distance between the bottom of the planting media and the bottom of the cell to account for underdrains Battam of the cell required Distance from bottom to SHWT Type of bioretention cell (answer "Y" to only one of the two following questions): Is this a grassed cell? Is this a cell with treeslshrubs? Planting Plan Number of tree species Number of shrub species Number of herbaceous groundcover species Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the bioretention cell? Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What isthe length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet if SA waters}? Is the BMP located at least 100 feet from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3:1? Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? Inlet velocity (from treatment system) Is the area surrounding the cell likelyta undergo development in the future? Are the slopes draining to the bioretention cell greater than 20%? Is the drainage area permanently stabilized? Pretreatment Used (Indicate Type Used with an "X" in the shaded cell) Gravel and grass (8'inches gravel followed by 3-5 ft of grass} Grassed swale Forebay Permit 4°lo O K 100°l0 24 (unitless) OK 344 imsl 343 fmsl OK 341 fmsl 2 tt Grassed Cell inches Insufficient mulch depth. 338 fmsl OK Y (Y or N} 5 OK 10 OK 1ft 340 imsl 2ft OK Y (Y or N) OK N (Y or N} Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N} OK 1 D~ ff (to he provided by OWQ) N (Y or N} Show haw flow is evenly distributed. Y (Y or N} OK Y (Y ar N) OK Y (Y or N} OK Y (Y ar N) OK 1 ftlsec OK N (Y ar N) OK N (Y or N} OK Y (Y or N} OK OK X Form SW401-Bioretention-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit (fo be pra.;dad ~f' C=~4N(>lJ ~~ ~~ : 'T OF W ATF~ 02 QG , i, ~r~ V ~ > y NCDENR STORNfWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APRLICATION FORM BIORETENTION CELL SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part!!() must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required infomTation. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name The PAeado~n~. Contact name Peter Fraccaroli, P.E. Phone number (919) 85~-0811 Date January 18,2008 Drainage area number Bioretention Area #2 II. QESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 213,444 ft Impervious area 61,889 ft` Percent impervious 20.0% Design rainfall depth 1.0 inch Peak Florr Calculations Is prelpost control of the 1-yr, 24hr peak flow required? N (Y or N} 1-yr,24-hrrunoff depth N!A in 1-yr, 24-hr intensity NIA ir~lhr Pre-development 1-yr, 24hr peak flow N/A ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow ft3tsec Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control ft3lsec Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Design volume 5,513.0 ft3 Storage Volume: SR Waters Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3 Post development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3 Minimwn volume required 0 ft3 Volume provided ft3 Cell Dimensions Ponding depth of water 12 inches OK Ponding depth of water 1.00 ft Surface area of the top of the Bioretention cell 5,513.0 ffz dK Length: '136 ft OK Widtl1: 4'I ft OK -or- Radius ft Soils Report Summary Drawdowntime,pondedvolume 12 hr OK Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface 36 hr OK Drawdown time, total: 48 hr !n-situ soil Soil permeability 0.52 inlhr OK Planting media snit Soil permeability 1.00 inlhr OK Soil composition °1o Sand (by weight) 8li% OK °loFines(byweight) 10°k OK Fomn SV'J401 -Bioretention-R ev.2 Parts I and II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Organic (by weight} Phosphoruslndex(P-Index) Basin Elevations Temporary pool elevation Planting elevation (top of the mulch) Battam of the cell Planting depth Depth of mulch SHWT elevation Are underdrains being installed? Total: How many clean out pipes are being installed? What factor of safety is used for sizing the underdrains? (See BMP Manual Section 12.3.6) Additional distance between the bottom of the planting media and the bottom of the cell to account for underdrains Battam of the cell required Distance from bottom to SHWT Type of bioretention cell (answer "Y" to only one of the two following questions): Is this a grassed cell? Is this a cell with treeslshrubs? Planting Plan Number of tree species Number of shrub species Number of herbaceous groundcover species Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the bioretention cell? Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What isthe length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet if SA waters}? Is the BMP located at least 100 feet from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3:1? Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? Inlet velocity (from treatment system) Is the area surrounding the cell likelyta undergo development in the future? Are the slopes draining to the bioretention cell greater than 20%? Is the drainage area permanently stabilized? Pretreatment Used (Indicate Type Used with an "X" in the shaded cell) Gravel and grass (8'inches gravel followed by 3-5 ft of grass} Grassed swale Forebay Permit 4°lo O K 100°l0 24 (unitless) OK 354 imsl 353 fmsl OK 351 fmsl 2 tt Grassed Cell inches Insufficient mulch depth. 348 fmsl OK Y (Y or N} 6 OK 9 OK 1ft 350 imsl 2ft OK Y (Y or N) OK N (Y or N} Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N} OK Qd f+ (to he provided by OWQ) N (Y or N} Show haw flow is evenly distributed. Y (Y or N} OK Y (Y ar N) OK Y (Y or N} OK Y (Y ar N) OK 1 ftlsec OK N (Y ar N) OK N (Y or N} OK Y (Y or N} OK OK X Form SW401-Bioretention-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit (fo be pra.;dad ~f' C=~4N(>lJ ~~ ~~ : 'T OF W ATF~ 02 QG , i, ~r~ V ~ > y NCDENR STORNfWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APRLICATION FORM BIORETENTION CELL SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part!!() must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required infomTation. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name The PAeado~n~. Contact name Peter Fraccaroli, P.E. Phone number (919) 85~-0811 Date January 18,2008 Drainage area number Bioretention Area #3 II. QESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 200,376 ft Impervious area 58,710 ft` Percent impervious 29.3°k Design rainfall depth 1.0 inch Peak flout Calculations Is prelpost control of the 1-yr, 24hr peak flow required? N (Y or N} 1-yr,24-hrrunoff depth N!A in 1-yr, 24-hr intensity NIA ir~lhr Pre-development 1-yr, 24hr peak flow N/A ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr, 24hr peak flow ft3tsec Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control ft3lsec Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Design volume 5,176.0 ft3 Storage Volume: SR Waters Pre-development 1-yr, 24hr runoff ft3 Post development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3 Minimwn volume required 0 ft3 Volume provided ft3 Cell Dimensions Ponding depth of water 12 inches OK Ponding depth of water 1.00 ft Surface area of the top of the Bioretention cell 5,176.0 ftZ dK Length: 124ft OK Widtl1: 45 ft OK -or- Radius ft Soils Report Summary Drawdowntime,pondedvolume 12 hr OK Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface 36 hr OK Drawdown time, total: 48 hr !n-situ soil Soil permeability 0.52 inlhr OK Planting media snit Soil permeability 1.00 inlhr OK Soil composition °1o Sand (by weight) 80% OK °loFines(byweight) 10°k OK Fomn SV'J401 -Bioretention-R ev.2 Parts I and II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Organic (by weight} Phosphoruslndex(P-Index) Basin Elevations Temporary pool elevation Planting elevation (top of the mulch) Battam of the cell Planting depth Depth of mulch SHWT elevation Are underdrains being installed? Total: How many clean out pipes are being installed? What factor of safety is used for sizing the underdrains? (See BMP Manual Section 12.3.6) Additional distance between the bottom of the planting media and the bottom of the cell to account for underdrains Battam of the cell required Distance from bottom to SHWT Type of bioretention cell (answer "Y" to only one of the two following questions): Is this a grassed cell? Is this a cell with treeslshrubs? Planting Plan Number of tree species Number of shrub species Number of herbaceous groundcover species Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the bioretention cell? Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What isthe length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet if SA waters}? Is the BMP located at least 100 feet from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3:1? Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? Inlet velocity (from treatment system) Is the area surrounding the cell likelyta undergo development in the future? Are the slopes draining to the bioretention cell greater than 20%? Is the drainage area permanently stabilized? Pretreatment Used (Indicate Type Used with an "X" in the shaded cell) Gravel and grass (8'inches gravel followed by 3-5 ft of grass} Grassed swale Forebay Permit 4°lo O K 100°l0 24 (unitless) OK 374 imsl 373 fmsl OK 371 fmsl 2 tt Grassed Cell inches Insufficient mulch depth. 368 fmsl OK Y (Y or N} 6 OK 9 OK 1ft 370 imsl 2ft OK Y (Y or N) OK N (Y or N} Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N} OK d7 f4 (to he provided by OWQ) N (Y or N} Show haw flow is evenly distributed. Y (Y or N} OK Y (Y ar N) OK Y (Y or N} OK Y (Y ar N) OK 1 ftlsec OK N (Y ar N) OK N (Y or N} OK Y (Y or N} OK OK X Form SW401-Bioretention-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit (fo be pra.;dad ~f' C=~4N(>lJ ~~ ~~ : 'T OF W ATF~ 02 QG , i, ~r~ V ~ > y NCDENR STORNfWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APRLICATION FORM BIORETENTION CELL SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part!!() must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required infomTation. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name The PAeado~n~. Contact name Peter Fraccaroli, P.E. Phone number (919) 85~-0811 Date January 18,2008 Drainage area number Bioretention Area #4 II. QESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 182,952 ft Impervious area 53,056 ft` Percent impervious 29.0°k Design rainfall depth 1.0 inch Peak flout Calculations Is prelpost control of the 1-yr, 24hr peak flow required? N (Y or N} 1-yr,24-hrrunoff depth N!A in 1-yr, 24-hr intensity NIA ir~lhr Pre-development 1-yr, 24hr peak flow N/A ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow ft3tsec Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control ft3lsec Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Design volume 4,726.0 ft3 Storage Volume: SR Waters Pre-development 1-yr, 24hr runoff ft3 Post development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3 Minimwn volume required 0 ft3 Volume provided ft3 Cell Dimensions Ponding depth of water 12 inches OK Ponding depth of water 1.00 ft Surface area of the top of the Bioretention cell 4,726.0 ftZ dK Length: '147 ft OK Widtl1: 34ft OK -or- Radius ft Soils Report Summary Drawdowntime,pondedvolume 12 hr OK Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface 36 hr OK Drawdown time, total: 48 hr !n-situ soil Soil permeability 0.52 inlhr OK Planting media snit Soil permeability 1.00 inlhr OK Soil composition °1o Sand (by weight) 8li% OK °loFines(byweight) 10°k OK Fomn SV'J401 -Bioretention-R ev.2 Parts I and II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Organic (by weight} Phosphoruslndex(P-Index) Basin Elevations Temporary pool elevation Planting elevation (top of the mulch) Battam of the cell Planting depth Depth of mulch SHWT elevation Are underdrains being installed? Total: How many clean out pipes are being installed? What factor of safety is used for sizing the underdrains? (See BMP Manual Section 12.3.6) Additional distance between the bottom of the planting media and the bottom of the cell to account for underdrains Battam of the cell required Distance from bottom to SHWT Type of bioretention cell (answer "Y" to only one of the two following questions): Is this a grassed cell? Is this a cell with treeslshrubs? Planting Plan Number of tree species Number of shrub species Number of herbaceous groundcover species Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the bioretention cell? Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What isthe length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet if SA waters}? Is the BMP located at least 100 feet from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3:1? Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? Inlet velocity (from treatment system) Is the area surrounding the cell likelyta undergo development in the future? Are the slopes draining to the bioretention cell greater than 20%? Is the drainage area permanently stabilized? Pretreatment Used (Indicate Type Used with an "X" in the shaded cell) Gravel and grass (8'inches gravel followed by 3-5ft of grass} Grassed swale Forebay Permit 4°lo O K 100°l0 24 (unitless) OK 379 imsl 378 fmsl 376 fmsl OK 2 tt Grassed Cell inches Insufficient mulch depth. 370 fmsl OK Y (Y or N} 5 OK 10 OK 1ft 375 imsl 5ft OK Y (Y or N) OK N (Y or N} N/A OK NIA OK NIA OK Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N} OK 4R ft (to he provided by OWQ) N (Y or N} Show haw flow is evenly distributed. Y (Y or N} OK Y (Y ar N) OK Y (Y or N} OK Y (Y ar N) OK 1 ftlsec OK N (Y ar N) OK N (Y or N} OK Y (Y or N} OK OK X Form SW401-Bioretention-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Bioretention Inspection and Maintenance Agreement l~ to ~R.ET6ntTi oN A2CTR ~~ '1'NE MEgD~W S I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BNIP. Important inspection and maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the bioretention cell is established, the plants will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Snow, mulch or any other material will NEVER be piled on the surface of the bioretention cell. - Heavy equipment will NEVER be driven over the bioretention cell. - Special care will be taken to prevent sediment from entering the bioretention cell. - Once a year, a soil test of the soil media will be conducted. After the bioretention cell is established, I will inspect it once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential roblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is resent. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to bioretention cell erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-lime fertilizer a lication. The inlet device: pipe, The pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the stone verge or Swale a licable . sediment off-site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if a licable). Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the Swale if necessary to Swale (if applicable). smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future roblems with erosion. Stone verge is clogged or Remove sediment and clogged covered in sediment (if stone and replace with clean stone. a IicaUle). Form SW40L-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 1 Of 4 BMP element: Potential roblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The pretreatment area Flow is bypassing Regrade if necessary to route all pretreatment area and/or flow to the pretreatment area. llies have formed. Restabilize the area after adin . Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than three sediment and remedy the problem if inches. possible. Remove the sediment and restabilize the retreatment area. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to reventfutureerosion roblems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. The bioretention cell: Best professional practices Prune according to best professional vegetation show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide cone-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessar . Tree stakes/wires are present Remove tree stake/wires (which six months after lantin can kill the tree if not removed . The bioretention cell: Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch if there are only random soils and mulch has floated away. void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining much and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum de th of three inches. Soils and/or mulch are Determine the extent of the clogging clogged with sediment. -remove and replace either just the top layers or the entire media as needed. Dispose of the spoil in an appropriate off-site location. Use triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if ossible. An annual soil test shows that Dolomitic lime shall be applied as pH has dropped or heavy recommended per the soil test and metals have accumulated in toxic soils shall be removed, the soil media. disposed of properly and replaced with new lantin media. Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 2 Of 4 BMP element: Potential roblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The underdrain system Clogging has occurred. Wash out the underdrain system. if a licable) The drop inlet Clogging has occurred. Clean out the drop inlet. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The dro inlet is dama ed Re air or re lace the dro inlet. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality 4D1 Oversight Unit at 919- outlet. 733-1756. Form SW40]-Bioretention 1&M-Rev.2 Page 3 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: The Meadows BMP drainage area number: Print name: Michael Dean Chadwick Title: Owner Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, lhe.~i~rte~ C, ~---uti5k , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina ,County of Wake , do hereby certify that f~'1~clr,cxe.1 Ue~.v~ (~a~tx7ic~C,personally appeared 41~. before me this~~-day of ~a.v~ucL.ru ~~~ and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing bioretention maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ,.~'`~~4PIE ~A, ,8pd,~ *< ~ t't1flUG r~ ~ s ~$ ~~`' •''~ V e 5 s~ { roa.... .~•: r~ °el> r~tJt`i ` ~ 1 L7'~PJU/1151/ ~,~j~~ SEAL My commission expires ~~~ I L Form SW401-Bioretention t&M-Rev. 2 Page 4 Of 4 Date: \ -1 l~ ' ~ Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Bioretention Inspection and Maintenance Agreement '131o'ltFTitN?~oN A2Sq ~'1 THE rtG~RndWS I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important inspection and maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the bioretention cell is established, the plants will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Snow, mulch or any other material will NEVER be piled on the surface of the bioretention cell. - Heavy equipment will NEVER be driven over the bioretenfion cell. - Special care will be taken to prevent sediment from entering the bioretention cell. - Once a year, a soil test of the soil media will be conducted. After the bioretention cell is established, I will inspect it once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential roblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is resent. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to bioretention cell erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer a lication. The inlet device: pipe, The pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the stone verge or Swale a licable . sediment off-site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if a licable . Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the Swale if necessary to Swale (if applicable). smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future roblems with erosion. Stone verge is clogged or Remove sediment and clogged covered in sediment (if stone and replace with clean stone. a licable . Form SW4l)1-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 1 Of 4 BMP element: Potential problems: How I will remediate the roblem: The pretreatment area Flow is bypassing Regrade if necessary to route all pretreatment area and/ or flow to the pretreatment area. hies have formed. Restabilize the area after adin . Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than three sediment and remedy the problem if inches. possible. Remove the sediment and restabilize the retreatment area. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to reventfutureerosion roblems. Weeds axe present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. The bioretention cell: Best professional practices Prune according to best professional vegetation show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide aone-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessa Tree stakes/wires are present Remove tree stake/wires (which six months after lantin can kill the tree if not removed . The bioretention cell: Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch if there are only random soils and mulch has floated away. void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining much and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum de th of three inches. Soils and/or mulch are Determine the extent of the clogging clogged with sediment. -remove and replace either just the top layers or the entire media as needed. Dispose of the spoil in an appropriate off-site location. Use triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if ossible. An annual soIl test shows that Dolomitic lime shall be applied as pH has dropped or heavy recommended per the soil test and metals have accumulated in toxic soils shall be removed, the soil media. disposed of properly and replaced with new lanling media, Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 2 of 4 BMP element: Potential problems: How I will remediate the roblem: The underdrain system Clogging has occurred. Wash out the underdrain system. (if a licable) The drop inlet Clogging has occurred. Clean out the drop inlet. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The dro inlet is dama ed Re air or re Iace the dro inlet. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919- outlet. 733-1786. Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 3 Of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project BMP drainage area number: Print name: Michael Dean Chadwick Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, t;Cct~etri vie. C°,. Lt~1~ , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina ,County of Wake , do hereby certify that YV~ id~cxe ~ ~~~ ~`tt~ u9 t c~C-personally appeared t~ before me thislle~day of ~Catflll~cLY~ a~o~ ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing bioretention maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ~4i a.. - t ~~^~~,~~'r~Pl N F ~; ~,~~ s $ "UBLIG i 8 .~`~ ~. ae e,{ ae ~~''cdUN~'~V `` SEAL ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~R1~i~e C. l-~sk My commission expires ~~~I 1I Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev. 2 Page 4 Of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Bioretention Inspection and Maintenance Agreement 3~Oi2E'f-c:rvTicN R2EA *''3 "rHEnc~~Rae,./S I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BIvII' elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important inspection and maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the bioretention cell is established, the plants will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Snow, mulch or any other material will NEVER be piled on the surface of the bioretention cell. - Heavy equipment will NEVER be driven over the bioretention cell. - Special care will be taken to prevent sediment from entering the bioretention cell. - Once a year, a soil test of the soil media will be conducted. After the bioretention cell is established, I will inspect it once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County}. Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problems: How I will remediate the roblem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is resent. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to bioretention cell erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer a lication. The inlet device: pipe, The pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the stone verge or Swale a licable . sediment off-site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if a licable). Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the Swale if necessary to Swale (if applicable). smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future roblems with erosion. Stone verge is clogged or Remove sediment and clogged covered in sediment (if stone and replace with clean stone. a licable . Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 1 of 4 BMP element: Potential roblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The pretreatment area Flow is bypassing Regrade if necessary to route all pretreatment area and/or flow to the pretreatment area. llies have formed. Restabilize the area after adin . Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than three sediment and remedy the problem if inches. possible. Remove the sediment and restabilize the retreatment area. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to revent future erosion roblems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. The bioretention cell: Best professional practices Prune according to best professional vegetation show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide aone-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessar . Tree stakes/wires are present Remove tree stake/wires (which six months after lantin can kill the tree if not removed . The bioretention cell: Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch if there are only random soils and mulch has floated away, void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining much and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum de th of three inches. Soils and/or mulch axe Determine the extent of the clogging clogged with sediment. -remove and replace either just the top layers or the entire media as needed. Dispose of the spoil in an appropriate off-site location. Use triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if ossible. An annual soil test shows that Dolomitic lime shall be applied as pH has dropped or heavy recommended per the soil test and metals have accumulated in toxic soils shall be removed, the soil media. disposed of properly and replaced with new lantin media. Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 2 of 4 BMP element: Potential roblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The underdrain system Clogging has occurred. Wash out the underdrain system. (if a licable ' The drop inlet Clogging has occurred. Clean out the drop inlet. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The dxo inlet is damn ed Re air or re lace the dro inlet. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919- outlet. 733-1786. Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 3 Of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: The Meadows BMP drainage area number: Print name: Michael Dean Chadwick Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, ~~'~Et>-! v1.2~ ~ • ~--t~S~ , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina ,County of (f' Wake do hereby certify that aY1 ic~GtP~ Deray~ ~Yt~cc9icKpersonally appeared `~- before me this ~~a~y of ~rw quo-~ru , ~-C~A~, and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing bioretention maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ~, ,,,_, g,;, ^C , ,.. ..,,a pr f ti~ pP • 9o i+ s tivlti•S'r by 'v PUIIt.1G i ~ /ae~,r"WTI` ~ SEAL ~~ ~ . Ka`eVLPX i ink C ~ ~.C~-5 My commission expires~l ~ l Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev. 2 Page 4 of 4 Address: 2514 Reliance Avenue Apex NC 27539 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Bioretention Inspection and Maintenance Agreement "131ofLEr4Nr~oN A2~A~ #S~ 'rHEMEADOWf I will keep a maintenance record on this BIvIP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important inspection and maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the bioretention cell is established, the plants will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Snow, mulch or any other material will NEVER be piled on the surface of the bioretention cell. - Heavy equipment will NEVER be driven over the bioretention cell. - Special care will be taken to prevent sediment from entering the bioretention cell. - Once a year, a soil test of the soil media will be conducted. After the bioretention cell is established, I will inspect it once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential roblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is resent. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to bioretention cell erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer a lication. The inlet device: pipe, The pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the stone verge or Swale a licable . sediment off-site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if a licable). Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the Swale if necessary to Swale (if applicable). smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future roblems with erosion. Stone verge is clogged or Remove sediment and clogged covered in sediment (if stone and replace with clean stone. a licable). Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 1 of 4 BMP element: Potential xoblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The pretreatment area Flow is bypassing Regrade if necessary to route all pretreatment area and/ or flow to the pretreatment area. llies have formed. Restabilize the area after adin . Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than three sediment and remedy the problem if inches. possible. Remove the sediment and restabilize the retreatment area. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to revent future erosion xoblems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. The bioretention cell: Best professional practices Prune according to best professional vegetation show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide aone-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessar . Tree stakes/wires are present Remove tree stake/wires (which six months after lantin can kill the tree if not removed . The bioretention cell: Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch if there are only random soils and mulch has floated away. void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining much and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum de th of three inches. Soils and/ or mulch are Determine the extent of the clogging clogged with sediment. -remove and replace either just the top layers or the entire media as needed. Dispose of the spoil in an appropriate off-site location. Use triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if ossible. An annual soH test shows that Dolomitic lime shall be applied as pH has dropped or heavy recommended per the soil test and metals have accumulated in toxic soils shall be removed, the soil media. disposed of properly and replaced with new planting media. Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 2 of 4 BMP element: Potential roblems: How I will remediate the roblem: The underdrain system Clogging has occurred. Wash out the underdrain system. (if a licable The drop inlet Clogging has occurred. Clean out the drop inlet. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The dro inlet is dama ed Re air or re lace the dro inlet. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919- outlet. 733-1756. Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev.2 Page 3 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: The Meadows BMP drainage area number: Print name: Michael Dean Chadwick Title: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, ~a~Paf i ~~ C ~ ~-t~S~e.- , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina ,County of Wake do hereby certify~~yyt~~hat CYt:c,~nctp,l ~CA.YI ~.~Vlcz~k ta~Ccl~ Personally appeared before me thisll.¢~d"ay of Sav-tt_cct~~ , ~, and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing bioretention maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, 'y~• ei ,~ `R\Py~ G, ~°tl'~~ tii ti > ~f C~~jiARy- a ~ t '{, PUBL~G ~ a~ ~L ' V '+'~',~, SEAL C~'tv ~tv'X t Yl E / My commission expires ~ ~~ ~~ Form SW401-Bioretention I&M-Rev. 2 Page 4 of 4 r~ ,F~cosstem , ~'~~ ~'~p ,~'1~~~y.~1 ~.. ,,. a.a t ~ 3.A PN06RAM November 1, 2007 Robert Shank Ist American Builders 2514 Reliance Ave. Apex, NC 27539 Expiration of Acceptance: May 1, 2008 Project: The Meadows Residential Development County: WAKE The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancemea[ Program (NCEEP) is willing [o accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to deteanine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six months from the dale of [his letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 PermiU401 Certification/CAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility [o send copies of the permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting [he authorized work. The amount of [he In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.nceep.rtet. Based on [he information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the followin table. NEIJSE 03020201 Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I (Sq.FL) Duffer II (Sq. FtJ Cold Cool Warm Ri avian Non-Ri avian Coastal Marsh Impacts 0 0 I50 0 0 0 8030 4838 Credits 0 0 300 0 0 0 24,090 7,257 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing [he compensatory mitigation. If the regulatory agencies require mitigation credits greater than indicated above, and the applicant wants NCEEP to be responsible for [he additional mitigation, the applicant will need [o submit a mitigation request [o NCEEP for approval prior to permit issuance. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between [he N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams a[ (919) 716-1921. Sincerely, ~. William D. Gilmore, PE Aireclor cc: Cyndi Karoly, NCDWQ Wetlands/401 iJnit Jamie Shern, USACE-Ra]eigh Pete Fraccaroli, agent File RP~StDi'I.L(~... EK,GCA.!?,GLH~... PYOr`P,C~7.K~ OGGY Sr~"GL;~P. ern ~DlTIR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Cenier, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.nel