HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071815 Ver 1_Emails_20071210The Meadows delineation and buffer calls 2006 Part 1 of 2 Subject: The Meadows delineation and buffer calls 2006 Part 1 of 2 From: "Trevor Dickerson" <TDickerson@bscgroup.com> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:28:11 -0500 To: <ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net> CC: <rshank@lstamericanbuilder.com>, "Peter Fraccaroli" <PFraccaroli@bscgroup.com> Mr McMillan To assure size limits are not exceeded I am sending this email in two parts. Part 1. Attached you will find the previous history of "The Meadows" in wake Forest, North Carolina (DWQ#07-1815). BSC GROUP is sending the attachments listed below per our conversation Thursday December 6th, 2007. The two attachments; wetland delineation letter.pdf. and DWQ Stream Form and DWQ Mtg Letter.pdf, contain responses pertaining to site visits conducted by USACE and DWQ. You will receive the additional hardcopies of the attachments along with the rest of our response to DWQ request for more information dated November, 29, 2007. Should you have any questions or need additional information before then please do not hesitate to call. Thank You Trevor Dickerson Ecological Scientist BSC Group 701 Corporate Center Drive Suite 163 Raleigh, NC 27607 Ph: 919-854-0811 Fax: 919-854-0812 Cell: 919-369-8688 Email: tdickerson@bscgroup.com Disclaimer Notice: This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute, or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free as information can be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard copy version. BSC Companies, Inc.; BSC Group, Inc.; Geonetics, Inc.; TerraSphere, Inc. 15 Elkins Street Boston, Massachusetts 02127 USA. www.BSCGroup.com. http://www.bscgroup.com/ Content-Type: application/pdf wetland delineation letter.pdf Content-Encoding• base64 i DWQ Stream Form and DWQ Mtg Letter.pdf Content-Type: application/pdf Content-Encoding: base64 1 of 1 12/10/2007 4:11 PM OCT-Od-2006(WEO) 12:19 ist Aaerican (FRX)9193038524 P. 005/011 ., 'So31 ~ E~v~.rorsi~e~.ta1~~C~oxxsul~ants, P ;,, ~,: , ' :: :'~ .11010 ltiivan Ridge Road Ra7rJgh; NoiW Caaollsa 27614 ••.:Phon~ (919} 84b-5900; • I+B~ {91~:846.s~467 • ' • WETLAND & $TREAM.DELINEATION REM7RT lF'01~•WAKL.FOREST PR~JTtrT , ~ • ~. . • ~ ..'• - • . ,• ' On July ~2 I, 2006,• S&EC personnel completed ~a detailed ~wctTttnd delineation' and stream ~ . ~ • ' • ' : ~ ovaiuation on'the Walco For Pr ect t ~ acres . Tiio. ~ - •'' • est of (~$. )' subjactp;topcrs}-islocatcd' . . ' • • ap~roximatcly~:2 rocs ogtsiilc o>itTic Town of Wake F.orest~gn North'~Mmiu 3trect.:Figura'1' and, • _• • ~ : . i~igurc 2 shovS- tha locution of the site on a USGS~ top6graphic :cjuaclrangle and•~akc County.Soil • ' • ' • ' • : ~ •Survey,'resp©ctivcly.. ' • ' • ..' ~ ' .' • : •. • . • •,' .. , - .. . • 'We:I>ave determined that approximately one intermittent strum; one. perennial stream gcnerAlly'' • ~~ ' , acco~uat'f6r. the j•uzisdict'ional•ivatora observed oa the site. •The attached wetltind sketch map .. • .. :• •~ ,dopict`s•t}ie'approxirnrite~tocation•ofwetlands'nncl stre~ns. ~Plc~asc;rcfir to thc•'skctch•map'and~thc•' ' ..• ~ ' ' ~ results• and mcomiricndatians sccdonbclow for more detailed• information, ' . ' . • • .' • . . ~ • • • • :. ~ The detai]~d wetltind•delineation`consisted:ofpedastrlan•re~unaissancc b~thcproperty to• ~ ~ ~ .. , ... . • oxmidinc soils; vegetation; ~abd hydrolo$y'across. the site to ~ideiltify areas flint meet the oritr~iu fo . ~ ~ ' . • . ' . ~ jurlsdictioizal"wetlands as~ describe ~ roceiliues `-~ . d by the p t~et fortkl;in the Cbr,~s'rlf En~lneers: . ' • Wetlands bclineatlori Manu, al flan' arv~'•I4_g~ ~ ~ R~,~t1; ,~~ on t~e.sitc with'positivc ` . • ~ ' • • - ,• iudi'catbr$ ofhytiric soils;:e~dcrice ofwetlfliid~h3+'cio~isgy, al?d pra~~ces of hy,'dr+~ph~Nc • . ~ . .. ' " . itvg~tion •were tluggeci with segpentially i~utntiered,;p~nk S&EC logo'~lagging.. Pmof of . .. , •. , wetland hydroloSy would'bc~tl~c cxistaicc of hydric,soIls with bxiclz~d',coot cha~iools,ira the ~ ' • ~ `upper' 12 inches of the~soil profile. water bomo deposits; drift`]iztes,, sr:,~ur: marks, ~cirain,a~,a•. '. ~ . ~ .: .. ' • patterns; ro~onai iiidicators•of soil saturation, etc.:5itrfacc waters such as iate~utterit add •.: . ' . ~ . . • • percnniai:stceam ,clianaels, ponds and•lalces, wluch:ard,also:•subject to.regnilatibit b~•the I7S. ~. ~ . • ' ,' ~• . • Army Corps,ol'Engineers (TJSACE) as waters.of thaUS, wcrc,also.identificcl. ~ Thir'se surface • , . ' • ' waxers~may'also be eferred-tn as jwisdictional waters to indicate that.they nrn within tie' . • ,.. '. ' . • juri'Sdiction ofthe~U$ACE,::It.is'importatrit tp,tiote that wetlands arc'a]so classified as cvaters.of • - • . . . the Us• any regulated by t>i~ usACl:. ' . • .. .: .: , ... .. .: • • . .: . . •. ; ~ . ; .... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' '+ ~ RE,^lITLTS &•RECOMMENb~TIdiY3,• . , , . • ,• • . ~The•ri~ultsofthawetlanddelineation•rind,stri~an~evaluatinas~arc.discusscd•bdo~v.' ,- • Wetlgnds and Jurisdictional •Waters: • • • ~ • • • . , :. ; ' . . • ~ • ' - > . •. .• . ' ~ • . • ' ~ We liuve•deterrnined thaf jurisdictional watery (i,e., streams) exist on.thc site. Plcascicfer to the - ~ ' • - •- attachod "~ctland•'Skctch 1GIap"..for specific .flag numbers ~aiid approximate lnc~itiotis. • ' • ~ ~ ' 1 •• ~, •• .. •. .~ .• ,• .. , • • • • . t .. • , • • • .. ' '• .. ~ ~ .. .'r '.•. •• . ,' , ,, ,. , . ~ she n ' 236 Le1'hillip Court, Suita'C- , . ~ - , 381~•E Lowridalo Dtivc ~ ' ' Concord, NC 281125 '• ... ' '. . . {7 ) 0.9405. C3cv~bo~o. T!C 27455 ' ~~ are ~ .. ,.'. Pox .(704) 7z0-Q40G. ~ ~ ~ • . .. ~ - ~ .. Ahdna (336j 5AOd1234 , . .. ~ .. .• Fax: {3.36)540=8235' . OCT-Od-2006(YED) 12:19 Ist Rueritan (FRX)919-303852a P. 006/011 .August 1; 200b - ' ~. • • ~ ~•• :. 58iEC•Projaw#: 10313.W1 • • ' w ... , ~ Page 3 of4 ' •• -thresholds. as•discusscd below may.not apply.and impacts to wetlAnd,R mustb~e consicIeied•inligM ' - of existing permits, .. • . ~ • . .. - : - • ~ •- - . . _ .. • • PrcconstnicCionnotlfication to the IISACE and the NC-D'WQ is not squired for wetland impacts ~ ~ -~ • . • that meet the'generai conditions ofNationwide•7'ermit 3~ and that impact less than,lll0 acxe per • ~ ~ . ' ', •. pmj.~ct. Precor+siTUCtion notificatiari grid approval by the tJSACE is required for wetland ; ' • ' ~. • . •. • .impacts.that excecd'1110~.of an acre aad /or~g~y stream chauitel impacts: Prccanstrvetion' ~ • . • ~ - ' . ' • 'notification andapprova! by the~N.C-DW(~ is requiced'for wottanti iiripackx that'exeeed 1/~0 - . of an acre iif the property 1s wast~of 1(-95.or 113 0~ an~acrc If tine project is east, of I-95.: ~ , • •. ', .' •Prcconstructioatr notification and applroval by t[re N~DV~Q`.ts-requ~ed•foX a,,,,~strcam.~• ~ ~ • . . . . ~ ' •.~ohannel Impacts witliln.uui~'eret! basiris'(l.e: the Neuso,')<'ar.Pa.mltco, Randlieman, ands .. ,. ,' . • . portions of •tlia CatarYba Basins) •or fqr cu~alativ~ strearii [mpacts that exceed ISb•liinaar • ~• ~ • ' • . .' • 'feet'in son-tiuffered'basins.~ ~lfdcvelopmeni;•impacts csxcted the~thresholds~fornotificatioa and • • •. ~' . ~ ' propgsed impervious•area fee tlio projector any.part of thc;prpject e~ccQds-3q`/a.tliai ~starmw~itei • ~ . • .. • . treatment to.mcxt:tlie •poliitXant iemoval design standard of 8S%, ramoiral of total susprndcd' • • - -. .~ • ~ solida'(i.ey wet'de~tentloriiyasins,•stormw;atcr wctlaids,~bio~otaition.areas,•ct•a) and 3f1%o of • .. . • • ' . ' 'Nitro$cn' wiil•1ikcly.be required••bjr the NC~WQ. Tlia. m~cimum per'inaiieat.impact allowed per' .. _ • - - . • ' .'proj~t undoi' ~a•natipnwide permit's~is 1/2'acre'of wctlaad and'/'or 3041incar feet Qf UaACE ' ~ ~ • • • . •ixripoiiant stream channel: Nationwide Pecmit`39 limts,abova~ade.fills wiihiti 1.00=year' .. ' • • tlaodpl'ains:spt:cifically prgliibitin~ above-gtadQ iill v~rlthii the floodwa "Additiogt<lI ' ' • • . y . y,..' • - :Nstloawide~Perniit3~9•Iirizits ~rc~m•c~annelizatiod:and relocation to;stre<uns~with. ~ avcxagc. •, '. " : ~. , • anaual• tlow'af less Tian .1 cfs. • .. ' . • .. ~ ' ~ • ~ ~ ' ' .. • . ' , ~ . •.: . •. Pcr prajcct'imgaet's to vegetated wetlands~in accassof l •aCPd~or. impacts t0 streams that contain' ~ _ ' . . •. ' "srgriificanf aquatic•fiuictian"~in•azcess.gf,tSO Hnear'feot will most•]~cly.=cquirpmitigationby -' • • the,Nr~;l]WQ. The•XJSACE ~may.rcquirc mitigatioa for aay'watland/jurisdictianal v--aters • ~ . - • '' impacts:. Actual miti~tion'regitirements'•ara typically deternilned~~on •a case-by ;case basis: • ~ - ~ • • ' ' , Wctl~utd•mita~atian is~a complex proce$s tlut:regtiires plainnixig•and~monitoting; S&EC will: ~ ' • ~ • • • • discnss~mitigationisstics.withyou.ifwc.bclicve~yourpi;ojcct'may•r~quircmit~gatioa. •• • ' lznpact's ta'chandcls containing "significruitnquati'c function" iii•excc;ss.of thcnotification • • ' . thresholds may~r+aguire mitigation: Clianacl mitlgation~ is' • intended a replace' iosk • typically'. f • ' •, sigruficantac~atic'functions'and-.values. •ltolocatir~g'channets is eonsicii~ed to bean adverse •..• . ~ . ' . :. -impact uncl typically results iri~mittgatioa witliin~th`e nc~-~chan~;e1: Therefgre, this'tyge of ••;. : ' '. • • ~ •mitigatiori usualfy''requiresthat maaodcrs be•c~~-ted within.constructed chsurnc~s:.Sian-slopes - . • : ,' ~ and beds•bavegetated;'i~prap is discouraged:. ' ~ : ~ '•• ~: • .~ . • • ' • : ..' '• ~ ' • A core°leta~NC-U1?VQ ~p•] Water Qumlity_Certi$cation~applicatioa for"a Nationwide Paimit'l~as• a ~ • . " • . ~ . maximum 60-daY pr~a~m8 p'criod. •A complete USAGE.Natianwide Permit appHc$tion has a. ~. ~ • • : 4S~dayproccssing'period, whilelndividudl Permit appli~tions su6mittcc3 to the LTSACE'liavc no~ • ' • .• maximum prgcessingperiods::Thc USACE requires'tliitf•all~impacts to iyotlands. or WBtcrs. ~..' •. •• Af .the US,•lcss't6an 1110 acre,' 6c• reported •toalie CJSACE'`withln 30 days of rho completion .- . • • • ,;ot' construction. •. ..' • • ~ : '. ••• . , •,.. ' • ' • - . - •' _ • . . • Nationwidc•Ecrmits can potentially be utilized if the pmjcct.is designed to impact up to 112 acre ~ ~ ~ • :.•,bf jurisdictional .wetlands•dr wafers ofthe US'incluciing a maxiawm of 300 linear feat of •' ~ .~ . ' ' • important stream chennel•impact undcr;NWP 39.,•.Comulative~impacts perproject averthesa• ~ . ' • . OtT-Od-2006(IiED) 12: 2D lst Rnerican (FRX)919303852a1. P.OOZI011 ... • . .. . ' . ~ .. . ' ~ ' • ,' ~ Au~ixt 1. z00b • . • .. ~ ~ • ' ~. - ~~ 5ikl?C project#: '10313.w1 ~ ~~ ~ ~ • . '.. ~ ~ • Page 4 of 4 . . . .. ~ ~ nationwide thresholds will rapuite'An individual permit. individ..uu]• Pennies require en analysis to . determirid.that thC:prppased~ impact is the ]enst envirciamcatalfy datnagirig praatical'altecnativc ~~ . typic~Uy require campcnsatory mitigatian;•notification to adjacent prvpcrty owners, a pubic • .! notice, aad may~require ~ public hearing.', Alt impacts ~rexiter than 11] 0 acre require writtca ..- • • .. . ' .: .. .. • .COntCt.UStoly : .... .. .. . . ' ' • ' The''Wakc Forest Projcct•cvaluatcd by.S'&EC during J"u1y, 2QOG, contains two stireams and~a ' potentiallybufferedrsolated pond. A,survey lovation'v£~S&EC's wet]atid delineation flags ... ~ . . ' should be •cOnductetl to integrate these; site ~constrai~ts• into planning-for property develo~me~t.,, , : ~ ".. ' ~ . • . ' . . S&EC has•contactcd'thc USACL and NO-I)WQ agent respvnsible~for Wake Co~?nty'to•schedule. ~ • • . ... ,: meetingR to cvniirm our wati~rtd And.stream delineation an~•.Neuso'Riverl3uffcrdctcxmiitations::1 • ' ~' . ' :. A. follow up.loktcr'ra~arding the results of the.mcctin,~s will be seat to you raf3crth~ meeting has . ' ' _• . . , .. . • been conducted. • '~• • ~ . • • • '' , ,'. .. ' ' '.. ' OCT-04-2006(tdEO) 12:20 ist A~aerican (FAX)919303852a P. 008/Oli • . ~ .. - • • ' . ' . . ; - ~ - - •,.Au~us't 1, 2006 ~ - ' . . . ' . ' ' . . • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S&BC Projcat N:'.10313.Ni - - - . ' t - ~ -.. .. .. Yaffe 2 of ~ .- :• ' ~ ~'. Two:jurisdictiorsal strcams,wcrc obscrvcd.during thc.sitc cviiluation, thc'appzoacimatelocations ~ - ' '• of wluch. arc illustrated .on the attached wetland sketch, map: Photos of theme •areas aid included •. - . ~ . ~. •- . ~ -in-Appendix 1...Streams. identified an=site includ_ e:. •- ~ - .: • . -" ~ ~ " ~ - . ~ - . ~ • Fcaturc A lsordcrs'thc'propcrty to the North. This,fcaturc begins as intermittent and ~ . ' .. : • . becarnes perennitti~ at•tho #?ag labeled St, Perennial. ••S&BC believes:.t}artt tfie i,FSACfi .' ~ • • . • .- .. would classify this.atream as'"important", exliibititig~irYiportant aquatic, function. ' ' ' , .. ' :.. " .- . .. ' • • Feature B is an intarlnittemt strc~ri that -bcj•a£ flag~S01. S&EC ticlicvcs that:chc • • . •• '. ' ~ USAGE vi-oald classify this,stream as "important", e7chibiting.importAnt aquaticfurrctt'on. • ,' ' ' ~ ' ;~ .-A-poadw~sidentificd.on-sltewhich.webcliove~to'baron jurisdictional•~sbl~ltedj,•The ~ - USACE.will.nccd to confirm our ~detcrminstians.rcgardirig both jurisdictional acid non "~ • - • - - • ~. - : jurisdiotion•'a> futures: .. - . • " • .. .. .. . ' Siufacc waters an-this,•"site ow :.: •. • :'' ~.... ~ - • • ~ . ' ~ . •. ~. . ~ fl into Itichland~Crcelc which has•been classified in NGDWQ s . - .' ' •' "Classi$ciiEian'arid Water Qualityr S1:andards Applicable to'Surfacc Wfltcrs'and'Wotlands'o£ ' •r .. • • North.Carolina'~ as. C; NSW... • . ~ :. ~ . ' ... •, , " .. • ' • ~ • ~ • ~ ' .~ - " '. ~ All S&LC•tlags coniprising~tlie•wetland•agd jtuisdictionaTwatcrs•delit~ution slioulcl•bc'surveyed• , ' - - • • " ~ and a Wetland Delin~itian Map'generafec# for.use~in sita'pla~ag•arld LJS.4CEapproval~siid, ~ . • ".. " - - ' . • pcrinitting `I'l,-c,fintis•c length of cach• $tr+egai feariue was mot 9~gged; but grill riecd•to he serve ~ ~• • • ' .. • • • .. : ' locatcit.~'or'thc. V[rctlarad Dcltncatloi~.Iviap: Scrcani features may bc~ located ~ith~r~algiig tlic . Y. • ' • _ ~ • . .. . • ccatcriiric-(with cbanucl widths•notcd at cacti 'survey Point)`oi~ at the top~o~ bapk; .The Wetland` • . " . • . "• ~':Aelineadoit•]vlap shauldinclude all of the infoitnation listed on the atfached;`.`>I~equlrc~cnts fo~~'• ~ • • ~ ' :• Wetland bcltiicatiori'Mapg ~ : ~&EC. delineaflon flag •ztumbers should be shawn'an'thc wcttand~ ~ ' _ • . - : survey:r"S8clrC T>8s •coritacfcd thc•USACE• to schedule a sita~neetin~ to conf rm our ~•'. ' ' • • . • .' • . • .. •' . wetlaniUstrcam dglirica#ion.. - • .: • •• ... ~• • • . , • , • ,. - . . •, •The surface waters (i.a:, iriterinitteni stream;..pdrennial :stie~un,,and Po»d) potentiatly,subjecf to - . - the 50=foot Ncuse River Buffcrs~includc fcatuios A-C. as•labclca .on,'-the Welcc soil sucvey~and - - • ,r XlSCiS. No''other surface.wafers'are•indicated on either th4 USQS tapag;aphic or Wake-Caunty, -. ~ . , • ' . -Soil Survey maps. 'Tlie only surfaco•.waters.tl~at~SBr.~lG actually bclicvcs'arc subject to tlic ' ' ~. • ' - • ~ . '. • ~•baff'ers co 'Waist of features A`and~B.'• ~ "'• - ' ' , '~~ • - ; • • ~ ' - ~• :: ~ . 'A general ,list`of regulations that apply to jurisdi~tionttl 'wetlands, and waters pres4i~t an••tlie.site ' • - ' : ' . ' are" discussed belaw: Please be aware that other local;, stato,. aad. fcdcral• rcgiilatxons :not iwcludcd ' .. ~ • ' ' ' . . in this ,list ~iayalso apply. S&EC personnel are available to dis'sa~ss these t • • f ' . . egulauons •as they • • . • :. ' . apply•to'your project.: , ~ ' • ' ' .. ".. • ' ~ • , ~ ' - ' . • - :. , ~ • ' • • ~ " ' . ' We#larrd Permitting: ~ ', . • " , .: ' ~ ... ": . • . . . ~ • WatTartd impact pcrmits.are issued an a•p'cr-projacc basis as detcxmined•by the USACE.~ The ~ ..' ~• .' • • •- ~ ;USAGE has d'etermined:that im ~ acts on arccls'stib-divldcd~8•om. ~ ~ `•.• . P P largcr~tincts arc sometimes • '. .", . • ~ considercil to:bc cumulative to existing• impacts far the large tract, " If this is the case, then - ~ : ' OCT-04-2006(IiED) 12,21 1st Aneritan (FAX)9193036524 `\\\\ \ ''S5it ,5'~`\ \ \\,\ ` ` \ 'S \\ . t.• 5 'i . . . \ t\\ 1 \ 1 i. \ ,~\ ~ . I ii\, ~~il ~ \\ I\ \5 •, 1, `151 •~+ 0, \ \,' Vii r -`j l ~^ ,,..-. 1 ! l /r~~ /i t I / ! it '! r/ '/iii'l ~ i,i'~!i ( !i5 !! ,~ ,fl 1151'+ -'k~ ~ ~ - •\ ti / •/r J• f ~! I 5 ~1~. \ '. ` , . \. \ ~~•..` t\\• ~t '~~11~"1 5 \• 5 5~ I I \ 1 1 •\. '- / i ~;;\\~ `-400: -~'~,00=~.~ 8001 1 \ ~ \ \ ~ ~.=•,~r ~ ^:,\~ \~ ~ \`\111 ` i \. \ ,~ \• 111,511'..., .\ `'~' Perenr ~\~,, li 1 1 `5 5- ~~ ~• '~ 51'1 \'. ~t, `. .! ' ,•+ legend 1 P. 009/D11 i ..~"~, r~• \~ .7~ ./vRNMLDWOapMM~M.rrw.IW KIRd6 W/IO•C1110 \ •• ~ ~~^'. {~ +~~~ .wiMRWlpwwar+w.aw'nrwrw..rw..~'urwca..r54~c5W ~~~ - - Ngl/gFD10W /~-iWlh+i.nrbw.iww~rMW1Cf wM0~6n01 •-~ •, t - ,\ '\ 'S ' 1 --• , / 151 \'•5 .5.,\\ t'• ~`~ '•• \\. `I1,~ 1 ~ ~ t J r~ Dn~a NUl Me.eWD 14n ID1al Hb.s-ta7 `~~ ;,1 ~ , ~ ~ t ~.+.r...wr~~Mav ~ . 51.x'.1\ 51 I 1 l ~ 'w~o~..M. tlNw'IrW.a4wr.wnwh.te.rq ~~•. Onw~ YY/gY/1rUlllrrl N.~Ilw •5 ~.;;~ i5 \~1. I5 I I AOD~y~yI~yW1iMP0WtlIry L~y~'Ii4aLPM1~uNi~y `: `i , i I ~ 1116w... M..w~a ...L~.., 'L ~ ~ l\~5 \, ii Ii ' 1 y ~ w1rtMyu.9l h.w~1 ~ C. \\\\\ \L, , i 1 :.'1, \-•~_ ~;. ~'?'r '' •\ + lntermit~ent•Ck~nel~ _ ; '-'- :'_-•--; \•\ ~ ~,, IS,~ tit. ~ \\'1 1 ~ / '`•.-.._ ~ ~• ~.~ ~~ _ _-.,,•`\ti Vti ` ~/\5~\ : 5' 1 II ~ 1 ~^.--'•'_'.-~' Imo"-._. -.\ j~i,` ' i \..... _'~~~~ \ •`---~• •\ t,\\ `•~~Mt 5• \tii i 1 \,l t t iI f t/ t.rr~•' 1 1 1.15 ~~, \` \• \` ,\ `•_.. '\ ,... 1 I l,. 1 } ~ ~ 1't 1 I ,....^•. I `~_. 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Main t >tit AmertCan Land Wake County Luke Tvscl~k i3ot1 & Bnv~ t+oaenental Coneulta nt~a, PA t Soto a,van ~ Ra,• Ncxrau (iJ'14) b165Y0Q • (i10~8~8•A46t Web Pnpe: wwle.BndECaan OCT-04-2006(UEO) 12:21 1st American (FRX)919303852tt P.O10/Oll . ~Sv11•..& E.nviro~nnie.~nt•al~ Co~ri.sul-tarits, I',A; • `~ ~ ~`~~ I IQIO Raven' Itidg~-Road • • Iialeiglt, .North Carolina 27G14 ! Phone: (414)$4G•5900 • l~ax:•{919) A46•-9'157 . •fi .. •• ,. tvwwSand6C.wm • .. • • ~ • ' • ' ' ~ ~ - September 7; 2006 - • - . • • .: " - . ' - . , • . •• . S&EC Prajecf•# 1 U3,13.W1. . ". • . •' - T"Amccicau Lead . ~ • , • . , . • , •Attd: Robert Shank .• • .. .. -• • ~ • ~ . ~ '.. • .. . • ' • • ' , ~ 2S 14 Reliance Avenue • • . ' ~ ~ . • .. • . - . ; • • . Agta~, NC 27539 , • ~ . ' . • ~ ' . :. ~ , ' ' ~ • • - . •. • ~ . . ~ • .. 'Dosir Mr: Shrink' ., . , ' . • • . , , , . • .. .. . •, • • • , . - • . :. ~ • ...' Qri Septeinbcr'6,.ZOOti 5&EC mcct with the United States .Army Carp. of ~ .• . . Engineers at the North'•Iviain~ Street Sit:rin Wake Forest. At this sito.m0eting, we • : ' ~ • ~ ~ . ~~ ': defersnin~cl•tli~it•the pond,,labalcd ~fcatvrc C on the stcctch map, was nan jurisciicfianal.:' In, ' ' • • . , . • , ' : additiori,'fcaiure.A wag determined tv_be nn important ~ch>!rtini~l From the start-pcrcanial " . • - '. : ~:~ag just to.thewegt o'fthe powerliiia The scxtlon of fcatnrc`A•that islabclod "geceniual '• . •~ •'. ' • - . ... '. . important" wauld'rogttirc•aiiti~tion ata 2:1 ratio•fac alayimgttcts. A1sa, feature B'a.start• ,•~• •, . _ - ' . .channel lacatiou was moved dowristreaim•urtd wt~.ldentiRed as'~eing intcrmittcnt'• .. ` ' • ~ ~ • . • ' • .• .• . unimportFtnt. Ifyot<have anX~quosdons~~n regards t4 lettcror tfie,status of the•proJod'• • '. ' - ' . . - ... plcasc call. • ' . ' • • . . :. ... . • :.. . . .• ., . :. • • . • • ~ Sincerely;. •: ~ •... ' • .. .. - •>rulco•Tuschak ~ .. ~ .. '.Chris glowers ... .. ' .Wetland Scientist ~. . •• ~ ' . '.. :~ ..WeElssnrl'SdentistlProjcctMeaager ' : .. .. •~ • Attriclimtrttts;• .. .. • ; • ~ • ~ ^ ' . - • • •. , j ~ :• • • : - ' • • Fitg-irc 1: ~US.GS Map • . •. . ~ ~ ~ .. ~ , • .. . . .' : ~ Figurc2:.Wtika County SCiil Survey ~ ' , ' . • •• . ,.. . • - , . ,' • - • • :Figure 3 ~ LTpcirited Wctlt{nd • Skctch_ Map . • ~ ' • ' ~ , • - :. ' • • • - ~ CC: United Suites Army.Corp. of Engineers '' ~ - •• • ~ . ~ • • • ~ • • •, . .. ' Attni ,Thomas Brown - • _ .. • ~ • ' ~ ~ . ~ ' • ~ . • 6508•F~lls oFNause Road,:Suite 120 : • . • ' . ~ - . • • . • Rald,~,'NC 27.615. • ~ : • • ' . . Ch,rcYottn ORc~ . • . • 13~..~1RC; ' ' ' -• . ~23Gi.ePi>ti1,p•Coort;'5vltoC•: - .• ~ '3819.8I.uwruhslaAtivb• . . Coaocxd, NC•28025 •. • . '- • ~ ... Gi+een~6oro,•NC'27453 . Phone:.. (704) 720~94US . . • ~ .Ftuc: , ' (7.04) 720-9406 .. - Phone: Css~ 540-6x.4 • . .. .. :Fax: (336) •340-$23S . OCT-04-2006{t~EO) 12122 1st American {FRX)9193038524 P.OIIl011 ~ .1 '.,`\ \, ..: ,1 , 1 ~'' '~ ~''• •:~•~;~_ __..;: ~ ; , Legend t Il ~ ,\. ~•• 1 I LSLI°,; iltrl ;T 1200, \~ ..~\ 4~',.~'_^'•-80b';~ ~=: ~00.~. ~ ~ `\ :+ '11 .\ .\. ^_--~'-.•, -`~ i t,', i 1~~ .~acnauoYU~P~r+4rr..rr ..r~nruoKa.rwaaMa /~• _ L /~ .=~~~. w- • \`• Z: w::'•* "^ ,--:`.` •L• '• ; ~ 1 \' • ww•..rr.~r+.rr YNwwr •!/i i ~'% •' ~ i'af• h~ •'" `.1.~`~=~y,r. ~$i$~ ~ r .',1t1 S, t r ,'' 1 , , ! ' `• 5•t i~-~ "^ew~onw«n .~.r..~~- >reNot L•f / ~ r ,' _' -~ ~SSMY ~"a :..w....,._ • ~~ .'.~ ~~\~•t~\ L. L• ~ ~ \~ 1 '•.•1 i 1 • oaaoroa ~I.a.wwrra..rr.+.'.wwurl~.r,waR1 / :%.~' f.• :~~'• "- •+ _,_-•~ ":.~v,1y` ~ \ t\. 5~, ) PORihinlBfC~flilMc'I1 1 , t S r r ,. ~ '. ~ . ~..... \•.. ':~ ~- _~;:: -•. _fi., ^. ! \ , 1 # o rlt anrlNl •. , t.:1 ••.`. ,t I1.1{i:.~ ..;Jim \\• \°~ ~y~. .••\ ~~\ til:(' `~.,\. ,~ L~, L 1~~ .' 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Pro 0~/ ~ ~/~6 Luke Tuschak t ~:~ ~ Soi1 & Environmental Consultants ~'A. 11010 Raven Ridge Road • ~ Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com Transmittal To: 1~,~nr~,n ~n i n ~~ Project #: (0 1' lA~l _ Date: ~~~ J ~_ - ~ ~ ~~~.~- ~ ~ / Project Name: l.~al~Q__ ~,ce~~ N o rah ~ ~, -~ot i NC, ~7~~q ~ File: We Transmit to you Herewith: ^ Drawings ^ Specifications ^ Brochures or photos . [~.. Correspondence ^ As' per your request [~ .For your information and files ^ For comment or approval ^ Returned for correction, resubmit ^ Approved as noted Under Separate Cover; (~ By mail ^ By courier ^ By express Na_Conies Document No. ~ Date Descri tion Remarks: If enclosures are not as listed as above, kindly notify us at once. BY~ _~ I`-Pain/ Kd ~. Charlotte Office Greensboro Qffice: 236 LePhillip Court, Suite C 3817-E Lawndale Drive Concord, NC 28025 ~ Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: (704) 720-9405 Phone: (336) 540-8234 Fax: (704)720-9406 Fax: (336) 540-8235 ls` American Land Attn: Robert Shank 2514.Reliance Avenue Apex, NC 27539 Re: Buffer Meeting with NC-DWQ Wake Forest/North Main Street Site, Wake County, North. Carolina Dear Mr. Shank: October 19, 2006 S&EC Project #10313.W1 On October 3, 2006, S&EC conducted a site meeting with the NC-DWQ at the Wake Forest/North Main Street Site. At this meeting it was determined that features A and B are subject to the 50 foot Neuse River Basin Buffers. Impacts to the perennial channel will require mitigation at a 2:1 ratio. Impacts to the intermittent channel will require 1:1 mitigation as well. If you have any questions please call. Sincerely; `;~~ ~~~ Luke Tuschak Wetland Scientist Attachments: Updated Wetland Sketch Map C~~o ~~~ xd ct Chris Flowers Wetland Scientist/Project Manager Charlotte Office: Greensboro Office: 236 LePhillip Court, Suite C 3817-E Lawndale Drive Concord, NC 28025 Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: (704) 720-9405 Phone: (336) 540-5234 Fax: (704) 720-9406 Fax: (336) 540-8235 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com Feet 'o goo ?o0 400 6ao soo Legend ~o .~~~ .PERENNIAL CIW/NfLIBuf•rWlmp•Nm mwlES OOnf ad by USACE tntl NFOIW e` ~~~ " -. ~ ~ _ _ - ~ ~{I .INTERMITTENT CWWNELIfufHWN0o1gn1 mumwmmmwaey ufACi amI NC•OWOI ' .. . ''' O ~ ~ . NIOLATEO POND INarvBNaroa PdM, mua a aenMwe WjmaU9ACi and NGOWOI ... .. Pergnnial ImportariUSuffered Channel . . _:. Start;l~erennial Important Ch~nnei -- (We§Tof Powerline) ' A 1 ' ' ` ~ Intermittent Unimportant/Buffered Channel _ ~ ~ :.. _ _ ~ . ~ BdLB:Eavkoamwhl ComNlAnG PA 17010 NAVm~Nidpe X•ad, Xda~, NmtL ' '1'!b II . .. ... ._ P6m.c 1914JE96S9O0 Faa: (9191 l96-9961 \ '. ~ ~ '• ~ ,~ ~ .. _. .. ~ WOt1a4dAPPc>dmdlon ~ SuirWla Prtknmry R•nniryffby .. .. ... •. _ ~ ~ I 0&CC.v.x,e.O~Y.V19'w mNbfytlur inp Wad •n nsn fxdm+~W v..,~,eddlmu,w.na~ranamw~w~nk..,ni~on. "°°n'°~in'iin»..~rw~:we: wd. r"'°~mpe,~,e ue~v ad~wmbs .. ... -. _.. _. R•rnillW b,"Ilw U.8. Artrp Cap•a'EnVneu•. ,. ~ .. •' , '+. -- : , , ` V . Isolal;eri pond ;:. - .. (Na'n~.1(irisdictionallNort•$uffered) In el Ci _.... ~;... ..:.. - termittent Chann -. , ffi _ - ~ ~_- ~ Pond ~ - - USAC~ Start'G~hannel Flag (Orange Fi gig} Project Number: 10313.W1 Project Manager: CF Scale: I"=300' Date: 10/6/06 Map Title: Figure 3 -Sketch Map Wake Forest Pro~ectJ N. Maln f st American Land Wake County ~y: Luke Tuschak Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11090 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, KC 27614 (919).846-5900 • (918J 846-9467 Web Page: www.SandEGcom O~ WAr~9 Michael F. Easley, Governor O~ QG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary ~ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director "~ Division of Water Quality O ~' October 24, 2006 Mr. Chris Flowers Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 2'7614 BASn1: Neuse X (15A NCAC 2B .0233) ey: Soil 6 Ernirunment~ Const~ltrmts. PA Tar-Pamlico (15A NCAC 2B .0259) NBIti20 06-244 County: Wake Complaint NOV Buffer Determination X Incident # Appeal Call Project Name: Wake Forest Project/N. Main Street Location/Directions: Site is located on the west side of N. Main Street, approx 0.5 miles south of the Wake- Franklon County line in Wake Forest. Subiect Stream: UTs to Richland Creek Date of Determination: 10/3106 Feature Start Buffer GPS Points (if provided) End Buffer Stream Form Appeal Call Located on Soil Survey Located on USGS To o ra hic A Subject 't X B Subject at Start B Flag X C Not Subject (Pond) X X NOTE: Feature A perennial at Start A Perennial Flag. This on-site determination shall expire five (S) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the D WQ or Delegated Local Authhority that a surface water exists and t/iat it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c% Cyndi Karoly, DWQ Wetands/401 Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260. Individuals that dispute a determination by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an ad judicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that tl:e 60-day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected parry (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. DWQ recommends that the applicant conduct this notiftcation in order to be certain that tl:ird party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to o1C Caro ina ~~1lCR~~j' North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791-4200 Customer Service Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 FAX (919) 571-4718 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpporfunitylAffirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper 10/24/2006 Page 2 of 2 Chapter 1 SOB of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail ', Servke Center, Raleigh, N. C. 27699-6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. The (owner/future owners) should notify the Division of Water Quality (including any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Quality (Central Office) at (9I9)-733-1786, and the US Army Corp of Engineer (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919)-876-8441. Eric W. CC: RRO/SWP Files Central Files DWQ Wetlands and Stormwater Branch Bill Summers -Town of Wake Forest III No~~`hCazolina ~atura!!y North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791-4200 Customer Service Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 PAX (919} 571-4718 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycledll0% Post Consumer Paper 6 ~,;~ `{y ~ ~ ~ tl'1,.,•_~ r i / ~ i `~... L .~..~~` ~ d ~ ~- it :, 1 t ~ `_ '' 1, .~ . ~'• r r ,~; ~ ' "` ' i' ~> Y f •~~ ~ ~ j .. ~h~ ~ ~ .,r ,. i / •r w / ~~.. f~ ~~,T~M ;,~a~ .~.-r~ lye. act, f ,. w~• i j r /. ,t'~'.~ .,,y, t- ~~ ~ ~~ J ~ 1. ~:ll ~af ~ ~ I~~ ,^~JF.~e.i•-"s s~` ~ ..i~~ ~~`~ \i` t.,t 1 s ~. ) ~~^ ~ ~+ y ~, * _ - L, \ ~ 1\ i J. '.. ~ ,• ~~ ~4~./ ~' ~~' may' 1` ,1G \,( (~.. ~~~'°I _'; 8M ~ ~. .,~ ~fJ , ` ~, ~ ~• \~ r ...~ /i~^?` r.}-~,,.t)~.%r`~ ~~ ~ ....1. I r•~~\~~ 1 I ~~s _ ~i iv~ ~^'~. ~5 ~ \ ~ , .''` ~` S ` L • ~.•,` ~:rf. ~ • ~ r 'l A r `~ 471 ~ ~ ~.7 fti.( ~ *s7; ~` c. ~ ` ~f ~ ~,y ,,;,mac ~~ ~_ . 1 - ~ f a '~ ~ 4 r ~t ((( lKf ~ ~ r ~ a ~~~ ~ J ~t ~ .~ B ~ i ^. ,. ~~ .'. O ,~ r I ~ ~ ~ r y . ~ C _ ~ Q I . 1` j . F'ro~ect No. F'Igut'e I - I : 24K USGS ~~~1j-~ l ~ ~' !rte 10313.W1 Topographic Quadrangle Project Mgr.: Wake Forest Project/ N. Main Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA CF 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, NC 27614 I st American Land scale: Wake County, NC (919) 846-5900 • (919} 846-9467 Web Page: www.SandEC.com Wake Forest, Rolesvd(e, Frankimton, X6/26/06 Gnsham Quadrangle n ; CeCT ~ CeC2 `•\ D I / r" -___ ~1 ~_ CeC ~ ` ---' CeD ,' ~.a $ CeB2 ` .; MdD2 raG ~ ;/.CeC •-..~ ./ •~ ~ ~ Ce62 .tea CeB2 ~• ~ `*-. \ CeC2 ,'`• Ce ~. ~~... ~ y 1. ~C ~. fWw.~'. " ~ ~ r.. . ~; ' Fa62 ~ ~ 1 Se~2' ~ie . ~ ~ 1 :. ' . Ce82~~2 . CeG / I i' . ~ Ce6 ' ,,. n !. ~' ~. 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ISIXAtfiOPOND (!bn•iuller•a role, muM a cenlM~M tri q• VS~GY ene t#•Ow01 Perennial Chahrtel Attn: DENR Email List Users Subject: Attn: DENR Email List Users From: Don Liles <Don.Liles@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 14:39:40 -0500 To: "DENR.Everyone.old" <DENR.everyone@ncmail.net> DENR ITS is in the process of converting it's email lists to a listserv known as Mailman. The conversion is underway but incomplete at this time. Please take note that Mailman lists are different from your current lists in that the domain portion of the list name is @lists.ncmail.net instead of @ncmail.net. Please carefully examine your list name when sending messages to be sure you are using the former c~ncmail.net, rather than @lists.ncmail.net. As email administrators continue to make modifications, your results may be inconsistent unless you use the old list. We regret whatever inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your assistance in this area. Don Liles Don Liles Business Technology Analyst Environment and Natural Resources Information Technology Services 1 of 1 12/10/2007 4:23 PM Fw: Notification of a Public Notice from Wilmington District Regula... Subject: Fw: Notification of a Public Notice from Wilmington District Regulatory Division, US Army Corps Of Engineers From: "Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net" <Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:05:07 -0500 (EST) To: ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net CC: laurie.j.dennison@ncmail.net Ian - looks like we got our first new pn by email. Please follow a routine of printing these when they arrive, then passing them along to Laurie. I believe she has a date stamp, and can then proceed with adding them to the file record. The date stamp can be the day we print the notice, and doesn't have to be the date it was issued. That will still make most of them arrive far earlier than they did historically. Thanks. ----Original Message---- From: Nan_cy.Wallace@usace.army.mil Date: Dec 7, 2007 11:30 To. Subj: Notification of a Public Notice from Wilmington District Regulatory Division, US Army Corps Of Engineers As you requested, you are hereby notified that Wilmington District, United States Army Corps of Engineers has issued a Public Notice. The text of this document can be found on the Public Notices portion of the Regulatory Division Home Page. Each Public Notice is available in ADOBE ACROBAT (.pdf) format for viewing, printing or download at http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands/notices/current notices.html. AS with anything you download from the Internet, be sure to check for viruses prior to opening. The current notice involves: PUBLIC NOTICE ISSUE DATE: December 7, 2007 COMMENT DEADLINE: January 7, 2008 CORPS ACTION ID#: SAW-2007-3481 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources seeking Department of the Army authorization to impact 1.47 acres of open water on Lake James (Catawba River) at Lake James State Park (West End Park) associated with construction of a 1.47 acre swim Beach, near Nebo, in McDowell County, North Carolina. POC: Steve Chapin, telephone (828) 271-7980 extension 224 Expiration Date: 5:00 p.m., January 7, 2008 1 of 2 12/10/2007 4:24 PM Fw: Notification of a Public Notice from Wilmington District Regula... 2 of 2 12/10/2007 4:24 PM [Fwd: Test of Mailman Distribution List Structure for DWQ] Subject: [Fwd: Test of Mailman Distribution List Structure for DWQ] From: Cyndi Karoly <cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 09:56:16 -0500 To: "DENR.4010EP" <DENR.4010EP@ncmail.net>, Joseph Gyamfi <joseph.gyamfi@ncmail.net> To all 401 staff: please send me an email confirming that you received the message directly from Daniel Price (not just this version forwarded from me), or that you did not. Joe in particular. Subject: Test of Mailman Distribution List Structure for DWQ From: "Daniel Price" <Daniel.Price@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 09:25:47 -0500 To: "DENR.DWQ" <DENR.DWQ@lists.ncmail.net> This email is a test of the Mailman distribution list structure for the top-level DWQ distribution list DENR.DWQ cr,lists.ncmail.net. This list will soon replace the existing DENR.DWQ(a~ncmail.net. Supervisors -please poll your staff to be sure each person on your team received one copy of-this email. If anyone did not receive a copy of this email, or if anyone received more than one copy of this email, please notify etusupport(cr~,ncmail.net. Thank you! DENR.DWQ mailing list DENR.DWQ@lists.ncmail.net denr.dwq.swps mailing list denr.dwq.swps@lists.ncmail.net denr.dwq.wetsh2o mailing list denr.dwq.wetsh2o@lists.ncmail.net DENR.DWQ.4010EP mailing list DENR.DWQ.4010EP@lists.ncmail.net 1 of 2 12/10/2007 4:24 PM [Fwd: Test of Mailman Distribution List Structure for DWQ] Content-Type: message/rfc822 Test of Mailman Distribution List Structure for DWQ Content-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain 'Part Content-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain Part '' Content-Encoding: 7bit 'Content-Type: text/plain Part' ', Content-Encoding: 7bit 'Content-Type: text/plain 'Part ', Content-Encoding: 7bit 2 of 2 12/10/2007 4:24 PM