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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029033_Other_20180628■ 8:12 AM Owner / Facility Names:NC0029033 Wake Inspector:Cheng Zhang EPA Major Basic Facility Information Inspection Prep NPDES WW Majors Page 1 Certification inactive Certification inactive y Certification active y Certification active Backup Operator(s): Kelvin Brown (WW-4) John Kiviniemi (WW-4) Current Permit: Effective 2/1/2016 - 2/29/2020 Active, >180 days until permit expire Active, will expire within 180 days Expired, renewal application received timely Expired, renewal application overdue NC0029033 - Neuse Ri Friday, October 12, 2018 A Permit Number: Last inspection conducted: Note/Comment: Inspection Assigned (FY/QTR): FYI9 / Q3 Orrf Receiving Waters Stream: Neuse River Classified: C-NSW River Basin: Neuse Planned Inspection Date: Jj/asTZtfpT'g? Annual fee(s) paid Annual fee(s) overdue Note/comment: City of Raleigh / Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility 11/30/2017 Facility Treatment Classification: Permitted Flow: ORC: Nathan Howell (WW-4) Certification active Certification inactive No designated ORC Note/comment: 919-996-3684 Ao Dos: y Schedule inspection site visit .Note/comment: _\AReview last inspection report y Review permit file y Generate Bl MS reports: Permit Enforcement History & MR Violations (2-yrs of data) y Pull 2-yrs. of DMRs ^/Generate NPDES WW Permit Contacts Report v/Prepare inspection agenda V\-Enter inspection into BIMS V Prepare inspection letter/report 7^4./O NC0029033 County: Phone Number Email V- Facility Contacts: Name Affiliation x. John_Gib*6>H, fdiilllV manager Facility contact ^rc>\ Inspection Agenda euse River RRF, NC0029033 June 27, 2019 -—I---- 1 | P a g e Opening Conference J y Purpose of inspection y* Flow of inspection J• Overview of plant layout (treatment components) Note: Do not select July 2017 eDMR. Measurement Meter calibration date > On-site flow measurement (ISCO handbook) £ Chart recorder vs. flow meter, consistent? C Permit Requirements ^/* NPDES WW Contacts Report J • Permit status Expanded & operating at 75 MGD J • Electronic reporting-1st eDMR: Feb. 2<z—• Annual Pollutant Scans due: 2016, 2017 and 2018 y/ • Other 'X)fcVc«ry • Treatment Components ORC logbook Preliminary treatment A4?-p o Screenings management 4o Vx-' ' Primary | Secondary | Tertiary treatments Clarifiers-sludge depth | weir level | floating solids I algae . .i nof.OiJam< M* 3 Sludge hauler frequency Sludge holding volume-total capacity | current volume Paper Trail - Data Comparison (Lab Data to DMRs) 'S• Review period: May 2017-April 2019 • Selected DMRs (n=2 max.): ; ■\J/ o / • Disinfection ( (• Sludge treatment L ° Backup Generator • Run schedule • Auto switch on | run under load? Laboratory -/ • Parameters analyzed ’ >/'• Meter calibration logs and standards - Calibration frequency -y Paccj y/ • Incubator temperatures (fecal, BOD) 2.^°C tAoJlcA • Analytical bench sheets 1------------------—1 / • Thermometer calibration date(s) - NIST certified & in-house thermometers QVJ June 27, 2019 2 | P a g e Closing Conference BIMS inspection checklist Findings Expectations Receiving Waters / • Appearance Inspection Agenda ^euse River RRF, NC0029033 Sample Collection Composite sampler - program setup sX Sample storage temperature ^/. Tubing appearance m /' ' ' ' V • Sample handling after collection ' Wake CountyNPDES Permit: NC0029033City of Raleigh - Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility Wastewater Treatment Units Effluent->Disinfection •V 8 UV units J Planned inspection: 2019June27 Secondary Treatment Tertiary Treatment Receiving Stream • Aeration / basins wi V Cl. -ft. eep wic Ltors /4 ~ Parshall /Flumes • / Flow meter v * y 4/ KeO I V • Tertiary /filters J (n=22) '<<? N [fJ-pfuesit ' (At (c>>*v**' Si J'xd-' ‘ Xe^t^Z*-/5 \/ • / Neuse v River „ . Preliminary &Influent -> --—v 2Primary Treatment r» 13 /• 3 Mechanical^ ) Influent bar screens | y purrips 3 Grit removal \Z , I Junits J •2 1 F,owE(-*basini s Primary- \ -€tef^ ••'ith BNR 12 Clarifiersi -ft. •* diameter & deep jf* ..'SVefobic /4^Z/^ ( P^'f Wake CountyCity of Raleigh - Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility NPDES Permit: NC0029033 Planned inspection: 2019June27 Solids Handling Treatment Units • Three Gravity belt thickeners • Three Belt filter presses • One Centrifuge • Two Aerated sludge holding tanks Cr Other Treatment Units i • Emergency generators, n=_^_^ / XyjArJw<^ •’ _z 4. ✓ ______ ---------------**" /------/_*^.r-_-M-------W*-> L JL----»-- f— ‘’■ff C'/^h -CoZ __Afto/^Zd ■ «Z/f ^5c '^_r SZ/XeYW, T^ ^//yf 3X Process fyr S. ’fe ______ _f _ _ 2.4 £> y^rh^i o-yor' faJ X fa Ccrjfi fa ^fa fa> <rfa--h~- fac -X< ’T<< ta- ^2 fa ^cyfaf^ rfac 7PA 4v fhrXt^0~'Y^>fe^ »<s N CeJ & nrce>\^^l fafrifafa/ ^Coo2‘jc>J3 (iJaKc a^- /)l^> 'yZle-v-y t^_l/T L a-2y^ t fa e£. fa ^HT fafafa'P'r^fa-- r'fa^c^fa o4^€vs (Ofafa fa-^fa /^eY/7 . 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CONFORMED JULY 2015JAM­DATEPUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SMH 30446DRAWNRALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MJMCH£C*!:> ALSPRO.'FNCft. 27^.jNS j •XET UV FACILITY MECHANICAL BOTTOM PLANNEUSE RIVER WWTP EXPANSION TO 75 MOD - PHASE 4 WE SCALE BAR SHOWN ALLOW ME.ASWES ONE INO1 LONG ON WE ORIGINAL DRAWING H It S JOB NUMBER UV EFFLUENT Cl'AWNd CCK TRACI Nuvata DRAWING NUMBER M500 iSi ' PLASTIC ShAll BE Si ft AS ON Hazen and Sawyer Environment!! Engineers A Sciontists _______________________________________ii' • I. • - . ).l, • - ■ •• .. MIO- •• CTXOeETE BAFFLE. Trn-----•. ....... \ UV INFLUENT CHANNEL (sll NOtt J) ■»a^— (Hili^yXALW UL1RAS0NIC UVtk IRANSOULLR ANU TRAMSOUCtR SUPPORT, 1YP J. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE 4" UV WFLUENT CHANNEL BAILS S! TO A STORAGE lOCABON ON Si T OWNER. BALLS FROM ... DELvERED DWCTEO BY <1 .OtiiOJA 1 J* i! S c* 8 I § 1 ,-------REPLACE RECTANGJLAR BfV. SEE NOTE 1, TYP 1 OF 4 x u-«a. 4011 IWMiChtne Suite >30 Ralegh. North Caoitia 27607 icenw No C-0J81 ‘ BOTTOM PLAN J/1»' ■ 1,-0‘ EFRUENT SAMPIE PUMP 1 CMTRACTOR MAY USE EXISTING SlOP PIANK FRAMES TO ISOLATE UV INLET VALVES, CON TN AC ICR SHAlL FJRNISH STOP PLANKS if CCNTRACTCR DCOOES TO USE EXrSTNG FRAMES. 2r.24* 5LUC CATE REMOVE 4 EXISIftG RFCTANCULAR BUTTERn.Y VALVES AND MOTOR ACTUATORS. INSTALL 4 NEW JG'xJtT RECTANGULAR BUTTOWLY VALVES AND MOTOR ACTUATORS (CHANNELS 9-12}. SEE DRAWING M»2 I OR ADO TON AL REOUIRI MINTS. Manuel, Vanessa Much thanks, Wren! Maintain Permit Incidents Affiliations HI Billing Permit: HC0029033 Version: 3.1 Status: Active Entity Title Cancel 4 Affiliations found.Ready 1 Facility Facility Owner Permit History Inspections Structures C etails 2 ’Affiliation F . Contact Person Contact Person Owner Billing Enforcements Reviewers Violations Related Permits Class Desig E Waiver Events '.'.■ells Sites Comments Eft. Guidelines Details 1 Phor • ’ ■ 1 9 (919} (g19j- Manuel, Vanessa Tuesday, July 02, 2019 1:05 PM Thedford, Wren RE: BIMS Owner Contact Info - NC0029033 (Neuse River RRF) From: Sent: To: Subject: From: Thedford, Wren <> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 12:26 PM To: Manuel, Vanessa <> Cc: Weaver, Charles <> Subject: RE: BIMS Owner Contact Info - NC0029033 (Neuse River RRF) Name J:seph Lisa - Kiviniemi. John Massengill. Ro&ert Kiviniemi, John Hey Wren - Thanks. If any of the above changes require a written request from the permittee, let me know. 2 As a result of a recent inspection at the Neuse River RRF (NC0029033), the following contact information needs to be updated in BIMS: • Facility Contact Person - Remove John W. Gibson (retired) and add John Kiviniemi and Lisa Joseph. For John K.: Title, NRRRF Manager; phone, 919-996-3712; email, For Lisa J.: Title, Operations Superintendent; phone, 919-996-3684; email, Lisa.Joseph(a) Address, no change. • Permit Billing Contact Person - Remove John Gibson and add John Kiviniemi. See above for John's contact info. Vanessa E. Manuel Environmental Program Consultant Division of Water Resources - Raleigh Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Manuel, Vanessa Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:29 AM To: Thedford, Wren <> Cc: Weaver, Charles < > Subject: BIMS Owner Contact Info - NC0029033 (Neuse River RRF) Nothir "sg Comp 919 791-4255 office vanessa. manuel@ncdenr.qov Physical: 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Mailing: 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Raleigh, NC 2761Q Owner Information Details: Owner Name:Citv of Raleigh Government - MunicipalOwner Type:Owner Type Group:Organization Robert Massengill Title:EP RO Box 590 Fax: Owner Contact Person(s) Contact Name Address Phone Fax Title EmailContact Name Address Phone Permit Billing Contact Person(s) Title EmailTitleFax Page 16/5/2019 Fax 919-662-5707 Permit Number: Permit Type: Facility Name: Facility Addressl: Facility Address2: City, State & Zip: Owner Affiliation: Addressl: Addressl: City, State & Zip: Work Phone: Email Address: MUST submit a Change of Name/Ownership form to DWR to make any changes to this Owner information. ( Click Here for "Change of Name/Ownership " Form) NC0029033 Municipal Wastewater Discharge, Large Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility 8500 Battle Bridge Rd Contact Name JohA-W-&bsen Phone 919-996-3684- 3712. Phone 919-996-3684 371 2 Fax 919-662-5707 Type Permit Irt C . 3°^ Address RO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 Phone 919-996-8684- Raleigh, NC 27602 919-996-3479 Address RO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 Address RO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 Email ci. ra leig h, nc, u * J11 in .'im f a'a^vi John. K i J i n i etxn't (01 ii] c <yyj Email jQha.gib6oni@ci.raloigh,ne,u kjicility Contact Person(s)________ 3 Contact Name Title Mb Jebft-W-6teOTl--------- NRWWTP fac mgr \ Tohw HiiAigivt'* NJisARF (^0X4^eiz________________ P^rmk Contact Persons with Signatory Authority *** Legally Responsible for Permit *♦♦ (Responsible corporate officer/principle executive officer or ranking elected official/general partner or proprietor; or any other person with delegated signatory authority from the legally responsible person.) Contact Name John Giboon Mi v i n i w i i Raleigh, NC 27610 Designated Operators Facility Classification:WW4. Role Cert#Operator Name Cert Type Cert Status 999733Nathan D Howell ORC WW-4 Active 7/29/2015998576Kelvin T Brown Backup WW-4 Active 5/7/201810773John Michael Kiviniemi Backup WW-4.Active 5/24/201810774Michael R. Loveless Backup WW-4.Active 7/29/2015989368Michael Roy Stevens Backup WW-4.Active 6/5/2019 Page 2 Ktiil Permit Number: Permit Type: Facility Name: Facility Addressl: Facility Address!: City, State & Zip: NC0029033 Municipal Wastewater Discharge, Large Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility 8500 Battle Bridge Rd Effective Date 5/24/2018 If the designated operators listed below are incorrect or no longer associated with the collection system, the information can be updated by submitting a completed "Operator Designation Form " (Click Here for ORC Designation Form). Please provide specific details as to the changes requested, including the addition/remova! of designated operators. For all other operator questions or issues, please call 919-S07-63S3. Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing and Self Monitoring Summary NEU02Basin:SOCJOC:Wake Region:RRO 7Q10: 98.7 PF:60.0NonComp: Single Freq: Q O DSJJAMJ Basin:NEU02 SOCJOC:Wake Region:RRO VAR7Q10: 0 PF: O DSJJAMJ Basin:NEU02 SOCJOC:Wake Region:RRO PF:7Q10: 0 NA 0 D5JJMAJ Feb May Aug NovBasin:NEU02Region:RRO SOCJOC:Wake IWC:7010:PF:Freq: Q12/1/2017 DSOJJMAJ Jan Apr Jul OctBasin:CPF09WSRO SOCJOC:Region:Ramseur WTP PF:IWC:7010:Freq: ABegin:Ceri48PF N DSAJMF Pass Page 91 of 124Legend: P= Fathead minnow (Pimohales oromelas), H=No Flow (facility is active), s = Split test between Certified Labs 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 J Pass Pass Pass F H H H H H M H H H H J Pass Pass Pass A H H H H N H H H H F >100(s) >100 24.5 >100>100(P) >100(s) >100(s) F H H H Pass H NC0082376/002 ' chr PF monit @ 90% M >100(s) >100 >100 >100(P) >100(s) * M H H H H A H H H H N H H H H F Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass A Fail Pass Pass M Pass Pass Pass Pass M Pass A Pass Pass Pass Pass O Pass Pass Pass N Pass Pass Pass Pass County: NonComp: County: NonComp: County: NonComp: Raleigh- E.M. Johnson WTP- 002 Ceri7dPF Begin: Raleigh - Neuse River WWTP Ceri7dPF Begin: Raleigh Convention Center Ceri7dPF Begin: A >100(s) >100(s) >100>100(P) >100(s) NC0082376/001 ' chr monit @ 90% NC0029033/001 County: 2/1/2016 chr lim: 49% @ 60 M NC0074454/001 County: Randolph 6/1/2017 Acu Monit: 90% -An NonComp: N >10° Jfc>100 >100(Pp >100 >100(s) Feb May Aug Nov IWC: 100 Freq: Q Feb May Aug Nov IWC: 100 Freq: Q Raleigh-E.M. Johnson WTP-001 I Ceri7dPF Begin: 12/1/2017 NC0088137/001 11/1/2017 Chr Lim: 90% Feb May Aug Nov IWC: 49.0 1 of 106/05/19 Page:Report Date:MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: MRs Between 5 - 2017 and 4 - 2019Permit: nc0029033 Param Name %Facility Name: % Major Minor: % REGION: RaleighCOUNTY: WakeNC0029033PERMIT: Monitoring Violation VIOLATION ACTIONVIOLATION TYPELIMITFREQUENCYPARAMETEROUTFALLLOCATION No Action, BP JFrequency ViolationIbs/yrAnnually12/31/18Effluent12-2018 001 i, 2^/7 MONITORING REPORT FACILITY: City of Raleigh - Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility Nitrogen, Total - Quantity (Yearly) Region: Raleigh County: Wake VIOLATION DATE UNIT OF MEASURE Violation Category:% Subbasin: % CALCULATED VALUE Program Category: NPDES WW Violation Action: % % Over Manuel, Vanessa Categories:Inspections Lisa, If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me. Jot hint) Hello again Vanessa, 1 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Vanessa E. Manuel Environmental Program Consultant Division of Water Resources - Raleigh Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality From: Joseph, Lisa <Lisa> Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 12:24 PM To: Manuel, Vanessa <> Cc: Crews, Darrell <> Subject: [External] voicemail Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Manuel, Vanessa Friday, June 28, 2019 12:41 PM Joseph, Lisa Crews, Darrell RE: [External] voicemail External email. Do not dick links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Thanks for relaying my message to Darrell. Federal regulations specify that the parameters on Priority Pollutant list must be analyzed using approved analytical methods. I spoke with the supervisor of the Complex NPDES permitting group, and she was not aware of any requirement that the scan must be performed by a 3rd party lab. If I hear differently or find regulatory language that states otherwise, I will let you know. 919 791-4255 office vanessa.manuel@ncdenr.qov Physical: 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Mailing: 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 2 I just listened to the message you left this morning and have relayed the information to Darrell that it is within his purview to run the pollutant scan analysis that they are certified for. I am cc'ing him here for your reference. Thank you for looking into this so quickly! Plant Operations Superintendent City of Raleigh, Public Utilities Office: (919) 996-3684 Mobile: (919) 795-0530 Manuel, Vanessa Categories:Inspections Sorry ... I should've hit reply all... 1 CAUTION: From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: From: Manuel, Vanessa Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 12:19 PM To: Joseph, Lisa <> Subject: RE: [External] Site inspection Thanks, Lisa, for the composite sampler program logic, which shows a flow pulse is 10,000 (gallons). I will place this in our files. Please tell Wendy thanks for providing this information. It was a pleasure meeting and working with you and your fellow staff. Vanessa E. Manuel Environmental Program Consultant Division of Water Resources - Raleigh Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Manuel, Vanessa Friday, June 28, 2019 12:22 PM Joseph, Lisa Gresham, Wendy RE: [External] Site inspection External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to From: Joseph, Lisa <> Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 12:03 PM To: Manuel, Vanessa <> Cc:G re sham,Wendy <> Subject: [External] Site inspection 919 791-4255 office vanessa. manuel@ncdenr.Qov Physical: 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Mailing: 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 l I Good Afternoon Vanessa, It was very nice to meet you and we look forward to hearing from you. Have a good weekend, 2 Thank you for your visit yesterday and for sweating it out with us throughout the facility. We appreciated your patience during the time it took us to compile some of the information requested. Regarding the samplers, our integrator sent a photo of the program logic and Wendy asked me to forward it to you for your information. I have attached it here. My contact information can be found below for your reference as well. Plant Operations Superintendent City of Raleigh, Public Utilities Office: (919) 996-3684 Mobile: (919)795-0530 lisa.ioseph@raleiqhnc.qov A -CMP- 1 -CPT 2 -<EN> v J Filter_Bypass_Flow_total Compare Expression Filter_Bypass_Flow_total>=10000 Timer Preset Accum 5253.7466 <■ Expression Fitter_Bypass_Flow_totaH 0000 Compute Dest I”- FilterBypassFlow_Pulse <Local:6:O.Data.5> -----------CL)----------- FilterBypassFlow_Pulse <Local:6:O.Data.5> --------------(U)-------------- F ilterBy passFlo w_Pu Ise <Local:6:O.Data.5> -------3E------- Filter_Bypass_Flow_timer.DN ------------------------------------ ----------------------TON---------------------- Timer On Delay Filter_Bypass_Flo wjimer 1000 4-(DN>— 0<- 11-F,°wr