HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160268 Ver 1_401 DWR Cover Letter-Signed_20160318to C March 9, 2016 Ms. Karen Higgins NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Supervisor 512 North Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Poplar Cove Creek (Corpening) Stream Restoration Project Section 401 Permit Ms. Higgins, Wolf Creek Engineering, pllc Engineering and Environmental Consulting Resource Institute, Inc. (RI) is seeking approval from the NCDEQ for a Section 401 Permit for construction of the Poplar Cove Creek (Corpening) Stream Restoration Site (the Site) in Macon County, North Carolina. Restoration is proposed for approximately 618 linear feet of Poplar Cove Creek, 0.5 miles upstream from its confluence with Cartoogechaye Creek. Funding for the proposed restoration efforts is being coordinated by RI and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), and is a combination of state funding and the NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). RI has contracted with Wolf Creek Engineering to provide design and construction oversight services for the implementation of the restoration. The construction plans are included as an attachment to this permit application. The following is a brief description of the site conditions and the proposed restoration efforts. Project Location The Site is located in the southern Appalachian mountains of Western North Carolina, in Macon County, approximately six miles southwest of Franklin. The upstream end of the Site lies at LAT/LONG 35°7'57.28"N, 83°30'3.79"W and extends downstream on Poplar Cove Creek for approximately 700 linear feet. The Site drains to Cartoogechaye Creek and then to the Little Tennessee River (USGS 8 -digit Hydrologic Unit Code 06010202). Property and Land Use The Site includes four privately -held tracts of land totaling approximately 12.2 acres. Two of the four tracts of land have most recently been used for hay production. The remaining two tracts of land are occupied as residences and contain stands of mature trees. 12'/z Wall Street, Suite C • Asheville, NC 28801 • 828.449.1930 • www. wolf creekeng.com Restoration Goals and Objectives The primary goal of the Poplar Cove Creek Stream Restoration Project is to repair a degraded reach of stream through implementation of sound restoration techniques, including bank stabilization and in -stream structure installation. The project objectives include the following: Improve water quality and reduce sediment input into Poplar Cove Creek by stabilizing actively eroding banks Establish a buffer maintenance policy with the property owners to provide a riparian buffer on the left channel bank within project limits Increase aquatic habitat and channel bed form diversity through the installation of in - stream structures Correct channel incision and restore floodplain -stream interaction through the excavation of a floodplain at bankfull elevation Reduce the risk of flooding to an existing residence by restoring the existing channel alignment to a stable condition. Existing Conditions Within the project area of the Site, the left side of Poplar Cove Creek is bordered by an existing residence and an agricultural field that has been used for hay production for at least the last 20 years. The right side of the creek is forested. Based on historic aerial imagery and personal accounts, the left bank of Poplar Cove Creek began rapidly eroding following Hurricane Irene in 2011. Poplar Cove Creek flows from west to east towards Cartoogechaye Creek, with a contributing watershed of approximately 3.7 square miles. The watershed is approximately 89% forested, with agricultural and low-density residential land use composing the remainder. At the Site, the average bed width is approximately 15 feet and the average depth -to -terrace is approximately 4 feet. Most of the left channel bank is vertical, with a rapidly eroding bluff which contributes significantly to the sediment input into Poplar Cove Creek. Additionally, the current channel alignment poses a high risk of flooding to an adjacent residence. Restoration Methods A geomorphically stable pattern will be returned to Poplar Cove Creek by re -meandering the upstream portion of the channel through the Site. A new floodplain will be excavated at bankfull elevation which will increase flood conveyance and reduce flood stages, therefore reducing stress on the bed and banks during flood events. In -stream log and boulder structures will be installed to increase bed form and aquatic habitat diversity, and will be constructed using onsite material whenever possible. The proposed channel bed will be constructed of onsite, native bed material. Wetland and Stream Impacts Jurisdictional wetlands have not been delineated within the limits of the proposed construction activities. Unavoidable, temporary stream impacts will occur along the entire length of Poplar Cove Creek within the Site boundary in order to re -meander the channel along its proposed alignment and provide approximately 618 linear feet of restoration. Efforts will be made to minimize the impacts to the channel banks and, where disturbances occur, bank stabilization techniques will be implemented to re-establish native vegetation. 12'/z Wall Street, Suite C • Asheville, NC 28801 • 828.449.1930 • www. wolf creekeng.com Summary We anticipate that the immediate effects of implementing this project will be ground disturbance due to the use of heavy equipment in the construction of the stream components. These activities are necessary to reverse the extensive disturbance and degradation of the Site. The long-term effects of the project will be an overall enhancement and restoration of stream functions, riparian buffer, and human safety. Should you have any questions, or if you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at my office (828) 449-1930. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, Wolf Creek Engineering, plic s Christopher M. ngle, P.E. Project Manager Attachments: Application Fee of $570.00 (Check # 5628 ) Pre -Construction Notification (4) Construction Plans, Half -Size (4) Bound Copy of Supporting Documents (4) 12'/z Wall Street, Suite C - Asheville, NC 28801 • 828.449.1930 - www. wolf creekeng.com