HomeMy WebLinkAboutGWWMC_MeetingSummaryForApproval_13Nov2024The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
November 13, 2024
Tim Baumgartner, Vice-Chair Presiding
The Groundwater and Waste Management Committee (GWWMC) of the North
Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) addressed the following
at its November 13, 2024, meeting:
GWWMC Members in Attendance:
Mr. Tim Baumgartner, Vice-Chair Mr. Steve Keen
Ms. Yvonne Bailey Dr. Jaqueline MacDonald Gibson
Mr. Bill Yarborough
Other Commissioners in Attendance:
EMC Chair Mr. J.D. Solomon
Others Present:
Ms. Elly S. Young, EMC Counsel
I. Preliminary Matters:
1. In accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 138A-15, Vice-Chair
Baumgartner asked if any GWWMC member knew of any known conflict
of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any item on the
November 13, 2024, GWWMC agenda. None of the members stated there
was a conflict.
2. Commissioner Yarborough made a motion to approve the September 11,
2024, GWWMC meeting minutes. Commissioner Bailey seconded the
motion. The vote taken was unanimous and the minutes from the
September meeting were approved.
GWWMC Meeting Summary Draft Date: December 5, 2024
November 13, 2024 Approval Date: TBD
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The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
II. Action Items
1. Request Approval to Proceed to the EMC with the Periodic Rule Review
Reports for 15A NCAC 02L, 02N, 02O, and 02P
(DWM) Jessica Montie
Jessica Montie, with the Division of Waste Management (DWM), presented
a request to proceed to the EMC with the 2024 Periodic Review of 15A
NCAC 02L, 02N, 02O, and 02P pertaining to groundwater quality and to the
underground storage tank (UST) program. Ms. Montie gave an overview of
the periodic rule review process and the rules under review and their
proposed determinations of “necessary.” She explained that Sections .0100
- .0300 of Subchapter 02L are administered by the Division of Water
Resources, and 02L Section .0400 and .0500 and Subchapters 02N, 02O,
and 02P are administered by the Division of Waste Management’s UST
Section. She also gave an outline of the expected rule review timeline.
Following the presentation, Commissioner Keen asked about impacts from
Hurricane Helene on underground storage tanks in western NC. Vance
Jackson, Underground Storage Tank Section Chief with the Division of
Waste Management, replied that the Section is reviewing and evaluating
the circumstances in the areas that were impacted by Hurricane Helene
and working on the process and procedures for the newly created
Emergency Infrastructure Bridge Loan Program for Commercial USTs
established by the General Assembly in S.L. 2024-53, s. 4C.8, and clarified
that any clean-ups from releases could proceed immediately to the existing
commercial leaking tank clean-up fund (administered under 15A NCAC
02P), which is currently adequately funded to handle such clean-ups. He
stated that the Division is also requesting federal funds for clean-up
assistance and is asking the General Assembly for additional funding for the
oil pollution fund to handle above-ground storage tanks also.
Commissioner Keen asked about the permitting or re-permitting aspect in
the impacted areas, and whether any variances or exemptions are
necessary. Mr. Jackson replied that the Division is using discretion with
GWWMC Meeting Summary Draft Date: December 5, 2024
November 13, 2024 Approval Date: TBD
Page 3 of 9
The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
permits in the impacted areas, meaning that while the permit fees and
requirements are not being waived, the Division is giving latitude in the
timing of permit fee payments with the understanding that sites that are
not operating are not generating revenue until they are back up and
operating again. Director Scott also clarified that other programs in the
Division are doing similar evaluations and looking for ways to support
permittees and provide latitude where possible to help the facilities return
to operating status as quickly as possible.
Commissioner Bailey asked if any additional amendments had been made
to the rules in the subchapters being discussed since the completion of the
previous rule review and readoption process. Ms. Montie responded that
the only amendments made to the rules since the prior readoption was
completed was the amendment to 15A NCAC 02L .0202 regarding
groundwater standards and IMACS, effective April 1, 2022. Vice-Chair
Baumgartner also confirmed that Rule .0202 is proposed for amendment
again and is currently published for public comment.
Commissioner Keen asked if any consideration is needed to amend or
adopt rules as a part of rule readoption to prepare for potential future
impacts to allow for exceptions or latitude during storm response. Director
Scott replied that this stage in the process is only to make the
determination as to whether the rules are necessary or unnecessary, and
any considerations for rule changes could be made during the subsequent
rule readoption part of the process.
Commissioner Bailey made a motion to proceed to the EMC with the
Periodic Rule Review Reports for 15A NCAC 02L, 02N, 02O, and 02P.
Commissioner Yarborough seconded the motion, and the motion passed
GWWMC Meeting Summary Draft Date: December 5, 2024
November 13, 2024 Approval Date: TBD
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The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
2. Request Approval to Proceed to the EMC with a Recommendations to
Initiate Rulemaking to Establish Groundwater Quality Standards for
Bentazon, Boscalid, Fluometuron, and Metolachlor in Place of the
Established IMACs (DWR) Bridget Shelton
Bridget Shelton, with the Division of Water Resources (DWR), presented a
request to proceed to the EMC with a recommendation to initiate
rulemaking to establish groundwater quality standards for bentazon,
boscalid, fluometuron, and metolachlor in place of the established interim
maximum allowable concentrations (IMACs). Ms. Shelton gave an overview
of IMACs and the guidelines and process for establishing, changing, or
removing IMACs in 15A NCAC 02L .0202. The IMAC requirements in this
Rule were recently amended effective April 1, 2022, and this is the first
time the Commission would be carrying out the new requirement in the
Rule to return to the Commission within a year of establishing an IMAC to
make such a request. She explained the source of the request for these
IMACs, explained that they had been established by the Director of the
Division of Waste Resources on January 18, 2024, and provided information
on the levels of the four IMACs.
Ms. Shelton stated the Director of DWR recommends that the EMC
establish groundwater quality standards for bentazon, boscalid,
fluometuron, and metolachlor in place of the IMACs during the next
groundwater standards triennial review. She concluded by stating the
request before the Committee to approve to proceed to the EMC with a
recommendation to initiate rulemaking to establish groundwater quality
standards for bentazon, boscalid, fluometuron, and metolachlor in place of
the established IMACs.
Following the presentation, Vice-Chair Baumgartner asked what the
practical quantitation limit (PQL) was for each of the four constituents. Ms.
Shelton stated that she could follow-up on that question, and both agreed
that the existing PQL level (which is the current compliance level) was likely
much lower than the levels of the developed standards.
GWWMC Meeting Summary Draft Date: December 5, 2024
November 13, 2024 Approval Date: TBD
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The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
Vice-Chair Baumgartner also conveyed that in preparation for today’s
meeting, he had asked the Divisions to reach out to the Pesticide Section of
the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
(NCDA & CS) for feedback on the developed standards, as these
constituents are all either herbicides or fungicides. Director Scott confirmed
that he had communicated with the Director of the Pesticide Section and
that Ms. Shelton followed up with their toxicologist and shared information
on how the levels were developed which they are reviewing, and Ms.
Shelton will continue to follow-up with them. Director Scott expressed
appreciation for the recommendation to reach out; and said that
NCDA & CS also appreciated the opportunity to provide feedback.
Commissioner Yarborough asked for clarification on any feedback provided
so far from NCDA & CS on the developed standards, since these
constituents are regularly used for agriculture purposes, and he wanted to
ensure that the statewide standards would not negatively impact
agricultural uses. Ms. Shelton clarified that the NCDA & CS Pesticide
Section’s toxicologist had done an initial review of the provided information
and was in agreement with most of them, but did point out one correction
needed in the development of the standard for bentazon, which Ms.
Shelton was reviewing and if needed, could be incorporated during
rulemaking if the EMC decides to initiate rulemaking.
EMC Chair Solomon commented that the IMACs were requested to provide
regulatory relief for one site only, but the IMAC and any standard
established would apply statewide. He said that the Commission may want
to know whether a statewide standard is necessary to provide relief for one
site, or it there is some other path that can be taken to provide relief for
one facility without having a statewide impact.
Vice-Chair Baumgartner also clarified that the site for which the IMAC was
requested is a site under remediation for groundwater contamination, and
not a site applying for a permit. [Note – it is a site under remediation via
DWM’s Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch].
GWWMC Meeting Summary Draft Date: December 5, 2024
November 13, 2024 Approval Date: TBD
Page 6 of 9
The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
Commissioner Keen asked what other existing options there are to move
forward and provide some relief for this one site, aside from the two
options that appear to be on the table, which are enforcing the PQL as the
standard or establishing a standard in Rule .0202, without having to make
any type of rule or other regulatory change.
Director Scott confirmed that the developed standards, if adopted, would
be applicable to groundwater quality statewide, and if they are not
adopted, the compliance level would then revert to being the PQL at the
site. He said other options such as entering into a site-specific agreement
with the facility would need to be discussed.
EMC Chair Solomon said another question at the Commission would be
how many sites are using the IMAC or would use the standard if adopted. Is
it just one location, or multiple locations for one company or industry type,
or multiple industry types across the state? If it’s needed for multiple
locations statewide, adopting a standard may be the right path, but if not,
what are the other options for just one site or just a few sites?
Vice-Chair Baumgartner asked whether either Division has seen
contamination from these compounds at other sites around the state aside
from the requesting site. Ms. Shelton and Director Scott both confirmed
that while these compounds are used statewide, other sites with known
contamination from these constituents have not been identified at this
time. Director Scott stated that the Department would not have existing
widespread data on these compounds because the Department does not
conduct assessments on agricultural land. The requesting site is unique in
that it is a closed agriculture research facility which was undergoing
environmental assessment for future uses at the discretion of the property
owner. Vice-Chair Baumgartner asked if the constituents were released
due to a storage or spill issue, and Director Scott replied that the facility
grew crops for the purpose of researching/testing various pesticides, so
there may have also been storing and transportation of such materials, but
the Division cannot be certain of the cause.
GWWMC Meeting Summary Draft Date: December 5, 2024
November 13, 2024 Approval Date: TBD
Page 7 of 9
The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
Commissioner Bailey asked how far along in the assessment process the
facility has gotten, and what the impacts to the facility would be if the
compliance level that they are using for their assessment of the plume goes
back to being the PQL, and they are not able to meet the PQL after
monitoring for a number of years.
Adam Ulishney, Deputy Director of DWM, responded that they have the
option to enter the risk-based program. He explained that if the site
identified the extent of the contamination plume for the remedial action
plan using the IMACs as the compliance levels (meaning an exceedance of
the health-based IMAC meets the definition of “contamination” in 02L), and
the compliance level changes to the PQL based on laboratory capability
because the IMACs expire (meaning an exceedance of the PQL meets the
definition of “contamination” in 02L), this could expand the size of the
contamination plume. A larger plume might require changes to the
assessment and to the remediation plan.
There was some discussion on the new requirements and processes for
IMACs in Rule .0202 to determine what action the Committee needs to take
at this time to meet the requirements of the Rule, and when or if the IMAC
would expire depending on the Commission’s actions. In summary, the
IMAC procedures require only that the Director of DWR provide a
recommendation to the full Commission on whether to initiate rulemaking
to adopt standards to replace the IMACs within one year of establishing the
IMACs. In this case, the recommendation is due to be presented at the
Commission’s January 2025 meeting. At the January 2025 meeting, the
Commission may take the action to initiate rulemaking or decline to initiate
rulemaking (or take no action). If they do not take the action to initiate
rulemaking, the IMAC expires on the day of the January meeting. If they
elect to initiate rulemaking but, in the course of the rulemaking process,
they take an action to decide not to adopt the proposed standards, or take
an action to terminate the rulemaking process, the IMAC expires at the
time of such action by the Commission.
GWWMC Meeting Summary Draft Date: December 5, 2024
November 13, 2024 Approval Date: TBD
Page 8 of 9
The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
EMC Chair Solomon offered to add this presentation as an information
item to the agenda for the Commission’s meeting the next day, November
14, 2024, to solicit feedback and any questions from the full Commission
and update them on the process. Commissioner Bailey supported this idea
and requested that the Committee delay making a recommendation to the
Commission on initiating rulemaking until the January 2025 GWWMC
Commissioner Bailey made a motion to add this presentation as an
information item to the agenda for the full Commission meeting the next
day (November 14, 2024). Commissioner Keen seconded the motion, and
the motion passed unanimously.
Following the vote, Vice-Chair Baumgartner acknowledged DEQ Secretary
Kelley who stated she would be delivering a Hurricane Helene update at the
next day’s EMC meeting and thanked the Committee for all their work and
all that they do for the state.
III. Information Items - None
IV. Upcoming Items
• November 14, 2024, EMC Meeting Agenda Items
o Request Approval of the Final Determinations for the
Periodic Review of the Rules Report for 15A NCAC 02S –
(DWM) Jessica Montie
• Future Committee Meetings
o Next Committee meeting will be in January 2025
V. Director’s Remarks
Division of Waste Management Director, Michael Scott, thanked the
Committee for their attention to the two action items discussed. Mentioning
Secretary Kelley’s expected Hurricane Helene update at the next day’s EMC
GWWMC Meeting Summary Draft Date: December 5, 2024
November 13, 2024 Approval Date: TBD
Page 9 of 9
The recording of the November 13, 2024, GWWMC meeting can be accessed at this link:
meeting, he thanked all the staff that have been engaged in the ongoing
response effort in western North Carolina. Lastly, he shared the update that
the IMACs in groundwater for the eight PFAS compounds were signed into
effect by the Director of the Division of Water Resources in mid-October.
Those compounds included PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, GenX, PFHxS, PFBA, PFBS,
and PFHxA.
VI. Closing Remarks
Following the Director’s remarks the meeting was adjourned.