HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141127 Ver 1_Meeting Min Notes_20160318 Meeting Min Notes for MudLick Creek 3-17-2016 Project # 20141127 Attendees at Green Sq Greg Melia and Jeff Schaeffer (DMS), Mac Haupt and Ginny Baker (DWR), Andrea Hughs (ACOE) Greg Melia said he had conferred with Dan Line and Jerry Miller in regards to number of water quality sampling events that would result in a statically valid and representative study of a site. Greg was saying 12-14/yr although later he introduced me to Jamie, a new employee at DMS who thought the number was 17. DMS is proposing to change the methods to 12-14 sampling events / yr, base flow and multiple storm flows. Sampling would be done for base conditions and yrs 4-7 in the latter half of the study. Wildlands has already collected base information and turned into DMS. Greg has not evaluated so does not know the number of base samples yet. DMS will bid out the biocriteria and wq work for years 4-7 as wildlands with cataena as a subcontractor was way too expensive. The wq and biocriteria sampling for mudlick creek was DMS’s idea not Wildlands (as I had thought). I asked Greg to reference the Professors, Dan Line and Jerry Miller in the wq directions as well as reference the DWR lab for the biocriteria methods. Greg said that no credit will be sought if the baseline data indicates that it is not really possible to obtain improvement due to the wq parameters being too poor OR too good etc. This fact was not clear from reading the final draft. Baseline work will not be compensated for in credits if no further work is done. Andrea said she found some emails that supported the change in the crediting from 300-500 credits to up to 10% of the credits. Greg assured they just wanted to get paid back for doing the work. I (ginny) asked about deploying the ISCOs that DMS picked up from the lab but Greg said the DO sensor in all of them needed to be repaired which is $2500/each. ???? Was this as they were stored with the membrane or stored in our non-air conditioned shed? Strange that all seven would need repair. Greg seemed open to deploying them later on in the study. It would be really interesting to compare the individual data sets taken and results to constant data sets taken with the Isco. Andrea and Ginny were both concerned about putting success criteria in this study as it may be precedence setting for some future study. We both wanted definitive success criteria to be removed throughout, including with the biocriteria. Although I had said based on my conversations with the DWR lab (Brynn Tracey and Larry Eaton) that I felt the increase in a bioclass was potentially a valid way of showing improvement. I was more concerned about putting success criteria on the wq. As it now read and ave improvement in the mean would constitute success. Greg to rewrite methodology with changes next week and will evaluate baseline data in a few weeks.