HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071505 Ver 4_More Info Received_20160307CLearWaLer Nj March 3 2016 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. ��� www.ewenv.com Mr. David Brown US Army Corps of Engineers -Fl 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 .i.iG -„ Asheville, North Carolina 28801 RE: Response to Corps Comments Seven Falls Bonded Phases Henderson County, North Carolina Action ID SAW -2013-01159; DWR Project # 07-1505 v4 Dear Mr. Brown, Please reference the letter dated January 6, 2016 (Attachment A) sent by the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) in response to the permit application submitted by C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC), on behalf of Henderson County represented by Mr. Marcus Jones. The permit application requested written authorization for the unauthorized impacts associated with development of the Seven Falls residential development. The comments provided by the Corps are summarized and discussed below. Comments Provided by the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) The WRC offered several recommendations regarding on-site sedimentation and the proposed mitigation. Responses to each of the WRC's concerns are discussed in a separate letter addressed to the Corps dated March 3, 2016. Comments Provided by the Corps Corps Comment #1 - "Per letter dated November 9, 2015, (ER 07-0660) from the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the applicant will need to submit a summary of the actions to be undertaken at archaeological site 31HN220 in order to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act." After review of recent aerial photographs (Figure 1) and a visit to the site (photographs attached, Attachment B), it is the opinion of CEC that portions of site 31 HN220 within the road corridor lack integrity and have been destroyed as a result of road construction in 2008. The area is devoid of vegetation and the ground surface has been graded and significantly disturbed. Data recovery within previously disturbed areas of the road corridor would not likely yield significant 32 Clayton Street Asheville, NC 28801 828- 698-9800 Tel Mr, David Brown 03,03.16 Page 2 of 6 findings due to the extensively altered ground surface. To verify the assumptions regarding the integrity of site 31 HN220 within the road corridor, CEC has invited a representative of SHPO to the site to review and assess current conditions. Portions of site 31 HN220 that have not been disturbed are within Lot 154 which is not owned by Henderson County. Henderson County has no development rights on the lot and cannot legally pursue data recovery within Lot 154. Henderson County is not proposing a Memorandum of Agreement or Data Recovery Plan as a part of the proposed project. Corps Comment #2 - "In the supporting documents submitted with the permit application, future plans for sewer and water corridors indicate possible impacts to waters of the US outside the bonded area. The permit application states that the applicant has no authority to expend funds from the bond in areas outside the bonded phases. Please explain this inconsistency." At present, the Court has not allocated funds for additional infrastructure improvements or permitting (other than roads); therefore, utilities were not included in the permit application. However, conceptual plans for water and sewer were completed in September of 2014 and provide an overview of desired on-site and off-site utilities for the site. In an effort to be transparent, these plans were included in the permit application to show the desired and most logical place for utilities should the bonding funds be available to complete them and should development rights be granted. At present, conceptual plans place utilities under existing roads within the Seven Falls development and off-site utilities in the road shoulder of existing DOT roads. It is important to note that these plans are conceptual and subject to change. For instance, ideally sewer would be gravity - fed; however, to accomplish this for Seven Falls, sewer lines would need to traverse property owned by Seven Falls, LLC. At present, Henderson County has not been granted development rights for property outside of the road rights-of- way. As such, Henderson County cannot legally pursue a sewer connection through property owned by Seven Falls, LLC (as shown on the Sewer Collection System plan). At this time, utilities are not proposed as a part of this project. Once bond funds are allocated for utilities and if additional development rights are granted, additional permits and/or modifications would be requested, if needed. Regardless of the final utility plans, any crossing of the French Broad River would be directionally drilled. Corps Comment #3 - "Existing impact areas 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 do not meet the requirements for aquatic life passage. Please submit a plan which details how these crossings will meet this requirement or submit an explanation as to why aquatic life passage is not warranted at the respective impact sites." It is the understanding of the applicant that the issued permit would require provisions for aquatic life passage at the road crossings previously installed at Mr, David Brown 03.03 . 16 Page 3 of 6 Seven Falls. The project engineers have reviewed the crossing locations identified by the Corps and have developed remedial actions to be included as Special Conditions of the issued permit. The identified crossings are noted on the attached map (Figure 2). Remedial actions include installation of a "splash rock" and an "engineered solution". Installation of a splash rock would include placement of a large flat boulder (minimum 2 -foot by 2 -foot) below the culvert and angled down to meet the existing stream bottom. The boulder would be installed so that the culvert would be overlapping the boulder by at least 4 inches (Figure 3). The engineered solution would include excavating a small portion of the road embankment, cutting off a portion of the existing culvert, and installing two junction manholes. Between the junction manholes would be an angled culvert that decreases the elevation of the culvert so that the culvert outlet would be at the existing stream bed elevation (Figure 4). A site-specific design for each engineered solution would be prepared and submitted after issuance of the permit. Remedial action would require additional stream impacts at each crossing location. Listed below are the culverts identified in the comment, the proposed remedial action, and the additional stream impact required. • Culvert #3 — Splash rock, 5 additional linear feet of stream impact required. ® Culvert #5 — Splash rock, 5 additional linear feet of stream impact required. ® Culvert #9 — Culvert #9 would need to be increased to 115 linear feet (per permit application); the culvert diameter also needs to be increased. The existing culvert would be removed and replaced with a culvert of the required length and diameter. The new culvert would be installed to allow for aquatic life passage. ® Culvert #10 — Engineered solution, 30 additional linear feet of stream impact required. ® Culvert #11 — Engineered solution, 30 additional linear feet of stream impact required. • Culvert #12 — Engineered solution, 30 additional linear feet of stream impact required. An additional 75 linear feet of stream restoration would occur below Culvert #12. Natural channel design including activities such as the installation of step -pools, bank sloping, and supplemental plantings would be included in the plan. A conceptual plan is included for review (Figure 5); a final design would be provided for review and approval after issuance of the permit. • Culvert #13 — Splash rock, 5 additional linear feet of stream impact required. Each culvert location identified above would be visually monitored for one year. Results of the monitoring would be submitted to the Corps and NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) for review. Mi. David Brown 03.03.16 Page 4 of 6 Corps Comment #4 — "Per letter dated December 2, 2015, from DWR, provide an assessment for all streams in the project area. ff sediment impacts are identified in a particular reach, then a description of the impacts are to be included in the assessment for the respective stream. Please provide a plan detailing how the applicant will address sediment impacts within project area streams." It is the understanding of the applicant that the issued pen -nit would require removal of accumulated sediment within several stream channels at Seven Falls. CEC conducted an assessment of all streams and wetlands within the bonded phase of Seven Falls during June of 2015 and has developed the following sediment removal strategy to be included as a Special Condition of the issued permit. The applicant would propose to remove sediment only in areas dominated by pockets of fine sediment and sands in excess of 4 inches. Any sediment accumulation less than 4 inches and areas with sediment deposition mixed with native gravels and cobble would be left in place. CEC identified four stream reaches as needing sediment removal: three unnamed tributaries (UT) to Folly Creek and one UT to Little Willow Creek (Figure 2). Each reach is discussed below. ® Sediment Removal 1 (UT Little Willow Creek) is below Culvert #3 and Culvert #4. There is approximately 70 linear feet of stream channel that has accumulated sediment below Culvert #4 due to silt fencing in the stream. As a part of remedial action requested by the DWR for this area, the silt fencing would be removed and the stream channel below Culvert #4 would be rerouted into the stream channel below Culvert #3 (Figure 6). A site-specific design for remedial actions below Culvert #3 and Culvert #4 would be prepared and submitted after issuance of the permit. Some sediment would need to be removed from behind the silt fence prior to removal to eliminate chances of sediment entering the channel below Culvert #3. Any remaining sediment would be matted and seeded in place. Sediment removal in this location would likely take place by hand (shovels and buckets). The sediment would be placed at least 30 feet from the strearn channel and stabilized. • Sediment Removal 2 (UT Folly Creek) is located immediately upslope of an old logging road. It appears that an old debris jam caused sediment to collect in this area. Sediment removal would be limited to the area behind the debris jam. Sediment removal in this location would take place by hand (shovels and buckets). The sediment would be placed at least 30 feet from the stream channel and stabilized. • Sediment Removal 3 (UT Folly Creek) is located immediately upslope of a fallen tree in the channel. It appears that the fallen tree caused sediment to collect in this area. Sediment removal would be limited to the area upslope of the fallen tree. Sediment removal in this location would likely take place by hand (shovels and buckets). The sediment would be placed at least 30 feet from the stream channel and stabilized. Mr, David Brown 03.03.16 Page 5 ol'6 Sediment Removal 4 (UT Folly Creek) is located in the steep valley on the southeastern property boundary. Sources of sediment include an unstable headcut within Lot 139. Sediment is concentrated in localized areas and varies in depth from 4-16 inches. Sediment removal would be limited to the localized areas. Sediment removal in this location would take place by hand (shovels and buckets) and, due to steep terrain, the sediment would be placed 5-30+ feet from the stream channel (depending on location) and stabilized. Prior to sediment removal at each of the removal areas identified, two coir logs would be staked into the stream channel at different locations downstream of the removal areas. These logs would act as temporary sediment dams during the removal process. Sediment removal would be conducted upstream to downstream and sediment that is resuspended and collected behind the logs would be -removed upon completion of the sediment removal in the upstream reach. A report documenting existing stream conditions at each sediment removal location would be submitted prior to commencement of the proposed work. Subsequently, a report documenting stream conditions after sediment removal occurs would also be submitted for approval. CEC would monitor on-going sediment removal at regular intervals and DWR would approve the work when complete. Corps Comment #5 — "The Corps has reviewed and evaluated the applicants proposed compensatory mitigation ratio of 1:1 for unavoidable stream impacts and loss of associated aquatic functions. Compensatory mitigation will be required at a 2:1 ratio. This determination is based upon the Corps' original 2001-2008 evaluation of the condition for the aquatic resources in the project area, prior to these resources being heavily impacted by sediment inflows associated with construction and development of' the Seven Falls subdivision since 2008. The applicant has proposed that compensatory mitigation will be in the form of payment into the state's in -lieu fee program administered by the NCDEQ-Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Therefore, for the 1, 792 linear feet of unavoidable stream impacts and loss of aquatic function, the application is to obtain 3,584 linear feet of cool water stream credits in the French Broad River basin (06010105) from DMS. The applicant may revise the proposed mitigation plan submitted with the permit application. If so, provide the Corps and DWR a revised mitigation plan explaining how the applicant will provide compensatory mitigation at the 2:1 ratio discussed above." It is the understanding of the applicant that the issued permit would require 2:1 mitigation for existing impacts at Seven Falls. The applicant would like to modify the existing mitigation proposal to include payment into the NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) at a 2:1 ratio for total mitigation credits of 3,584 linear feet of streams (1,792 x 2). The proposed payment does not include mitigation for impacts associated with the engineered solution, splash rocks, Mr. David Brown 03.03.16 Page 6 of 6 stream restoration, or headcut repair. By letter dated September 29, 2015, DMS has indicated they are willing to accept payment for impacts that may require compensatory mitigation up to 1,792 linear feet associated with development of the Seven Falls bonded phases. The acceptance letter is enclosed for review (Attachment Q. The applicant believes the information submitted in this package addresses all issues set forth by the Corps in their letter dated January 6, 2016. Should you have any questions or comments concerning this project please do not hesitate to contact me at 828-698- 9800. Sincerely, Rebekah N. Reid R Clement Riddle, P.W.S. Senior Project Manager Principal t f, NC ,Div fWater Resources , Jennifer Burdeft, Seven Falls Bonded Phases (+/- UZ AU) SevenFalls Bonded Phases (+/- 302 AM EX. RO/ CULVER rnut,uz)Lu �)rLxZ)n MuUM BOULDER TO BE INSTALLED BELOW PIPE (MIN BOULDER SIZE 2'X2'\ \&YG[A Engineering, PLLC CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS SEVEN FALLS NC License No: P-|342 BOND PROJECT z|+w.King Street HENDERSONCC)UNTY ne"uer,m`,/xe w[2orpZ ' NORTH CAROLINA (828) 687-71771\:�3API |wglaxom SPLASH ROCK PERCHED REPAIR ]o6#: |S|44 Dons |Z/|S EXISTING ROADWAY FILL EMBANKMENT PROPOSEDTRANSITION PIPING EX. "PERCHED"OUTLET CONDITION EX. ROADWJAY ...... I CULVERT EX. STREAM BELOW FILL SLOPE PROPOSED JUNCTION MANHOLE (4- DIAMETER) PROPOSED --j PIPE OUTLET TO OR BELOW GRADE ry SE Not or Figure \»VGL/\Engineering, PLLC PIPED PERCHED CONSULTING ENGINEERS aLAND PLANNERS SEVEN FALLS PIPE REPAIR NC Licen,eNn: P-|]42 BOND PROJECT 214w. King Street 130roA HENDERSDNCODNTY : 15144 job — Hendersonville, NC2eno NORTH CAROLINA Date: 12/15 (828)687-7177 | | wglaxom Scale: N.T.S. WGL/\ Engineering, PL[C IMPACT #12 CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS SEVEN FALLS STREAM CHANNEL NC License No: P-1342 BOND PROJECT RESTORATION 214 N. King Street HENDERSDN COUNTY Ucodcraon�Uo NC 28792 --- "'-� � ' (828) 687-7177�NORTH CAROLINA Dot*5 | | ' "= ��' w"/",� | | Sco|e�l 5U. ouuu/cn,D c^ FILL ORIGINAL, STREAM CHANNEL WGL./\ Engineering, PLIC CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS SEVEN FALLS STREAM CHANNEL NO License No: P-1342 BOND PROJECT RESTORATION 214 N. King Street HENDERSON COUNTY Hendersonville, NO 28782 --- #.15144 NORTH CAROLINA Dote� � � (828) 5D7 -7l77 �{= | | �' / � | Scol�1 50. | � wg|ozom / / / Attachment • l DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WI LM INCTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 January 6, 2016 Action ID: SAW -2013-01159 ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. Attn.: Clement Riddle 32 Clayton Road Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: Corps Comments and Request for Additional Information — Seven Falls Bonded Phases Permit Application Dear Mr. Riddle: Reference is made to your September 30, 2015 Department of the Army (DA) permit application, submitted on behalf of Henderson County, associated with the completion of subdivision road infrastructure and permitting of existing, unauthorized stream impacts in the 302 -acre bonded phases of the residential development known as Seven Falls in the Etowah community of Henderson County, North Carolina. Based on our review of the application and comments recently submitted by supporting agencies, the Corps is requesting the following additional information. Per letter dated November 9, 2015, (ER 07-0660) from NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the applicant will need to submit a summary of the actions to be undertaken at archaeological site 3 1 HN220 in order to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. In the supporting documents submitted with the permit application, future plans for sewer and water corridors indicate possible impacts to waters of the U.S. outside the bonded area. The pen -nit application states the applicant has no authority to expend funds from the bond in areas outside the bonded phases. Please explain this inconsistency. 3. Existing impacts areas 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 do not meet the requirements for aquatic life passage. Please submit a plan which details how these crossings will meet this requirement or submit an explanation as to why aquatic life passage is not warranted at the respective impact sites. 4. Per letter dated December 2, 2015, from DWR, provide an assessment for all streams in the project area. If sediment impacts are identified in a particular reach, then a description of the impacts are to be included in the assessment for the respective stream. Please provide a plan detailing how the applicant will address sedirrient impacts within project area streams. The Corps has reviewed and evaluated the applicants proposed compensatory mitigation ratio of 1:1 for unavoidable stream impacts and loss of associated aquatic functions. Compensatory mitigation will be required at a 2:1 ratio. This deten-nination is based upon the Corps original 2007-2008 evaluation of the condition for the aquatic resources in the project area, prior to these resources being heavily impacted by sediment inflows associated with construction and development of the Seven Falls subdivision since 2008. The applicant has proposed that compensatory mitigation will be in the form of payment into the state's in -lieu fee program administered by the NCDEQ - Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Therefore, for the 1,792 linear feet of unavoidable stream impacts and loss of aquatic function, the applicant is to obtain 3,584 linear feet of cool water stream credits in the French Broad River basin (06010105) from DMS. The applicant may revise the proposed mitigation plan submitted with the permit application. If so, provide the Corps and DWR a revised mitigation plan explaining how the applicant will provide compensatory mitigation at the 2:1 ratio discussed above. Please provide the information requested by February 29, 2016. If you have any questions please contact me at 828-384-1890, extension 232. Sincerely, David Brown, PG Regulatory Specialist/Geologist Asheville Regulatory Field Office Copy: Henderson County Attn.: Marcus Jones, Director of Engineering I Historic Courthouse Square Hendersonville, NC 28792 USFWS Attn.: Bryan Tompkins 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 NCDEQ-DWR Att.: Zan Price 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 NCWRC Attn.: Andrea Leslie 20830 Great Smoky Mountain Parkway Waynesville, NC 28786 NC DNCR-SHPO Attn.: Renee Gledhill -Earley 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 Attachment Photo 1. Looking west. Cultural resource area within the road corridor has been cleared and graded. Photo 1. Looking northwest. Cultural resource area within the road corridor has been cleared and graded. Attachment C DMS Acceptance (dated September 29, 2015) Pat McCrory Governor Marcus Jones Henderson County I Historic Courthouse Square Hendersonville, NC 28792 Project: Seven Falls Division of Mitigation Services September 29, 2015 Donald R, van der Vaart Secretary Expiration of Acceptance: March 29, 2016 County: Henderson The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the pennit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification/CAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS, Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at http://portal.ncdenr.org/webicep. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. Upon receipt of'payment, DMS will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 707-8915. Sincerely, C Jame," Stanfill Asset Management Supervisor David Brown, USACE-Asheville Rebekah Newton, agent 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 Phone: 919-707-89761 Internet: http:i'lpomal.ncdenr,org/web/eep An Equal Opporlur,A) 1 Affirinatim Action Ernpdclyef - Made in pan from recycled paper River Basin Cu Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I Buffer 11 LA)eation (Sq. Ft) (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non -Riparian Coastal Marsh [Impact French 06010105 0 1,792 0 0 0 0 0 0 Broad Upon receipt of'payment, DMS will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 707-8915. Sincerely, C Jame," Stanfill Asset Management Supervisor David Brown, USACE-Asheville Rebekah Newton, agent 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 Phone: 919-707-89761 Internet: http:i'lpomal.ncdenr,org/web/eep An Equal Opporlur,A) 1 Affirinatim Action Ernpdclyef - Made in pan from recycled paper