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A Field Guide To NC Wetlands
SPA # 9~4fi~ - 94i041fl January 1996 Report 1Vo. ~!~ - 01 Department of Environment, Health and N ral .Resources Division of Environmental Management A FIELD GUIDE TO NORTH CAROLINA WETLANDS EPA #9048-94/001 DEM Report No. 96-O1 Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Phone: (919) 733-5083 (919) 733-1786 500 copies of this public document were produced at a cost of $12,470 or $24.94 per document. Contents Preface ................................................................................................................. vi The Status of North Carolina Wetlands Today .................................. l Characteristics of Wetlands Defining .`Wefland" ..................................................................................3 Hydrology ................................................................................................. 4 Hydric Soils ...............................................................................................7 Wetland Plants ...........................................................................................1 l Values of Wetlands Values Based on Human Perspective ....................................................... 17 Hydrologic Values .................................................................................... 19 Water Quality Values ................................................................................20 Habitat Values ...........................................................................................23 Duect Use Values ..................................................................................... 28 Values of Wetland Types .......................................................................... 31 Major Types of North Carolina Wetlands Classifying Wetlands ................................................................................ 3j Explanation of Type Description .............................................................. 33 Key to Wetland Types ...............................................................................39 Wetlands Sustained by Rainfall ................................................................ 42 Wet Flats ..................................................................................... 44 Pocosins ..................................................................................... 50 Ephemeral Wetlands ................................................................... 53 Wetlands Sustained by Ground Water Discharge ..................................... 56 Seeps ........................................................................................... 57 Wetlands Sustained by Ground Water and Surface Water ....................... 60 Mountain Bogs ........................................................................... 61 Bog Forests ................................................................................. 64 Headwater Forests ...................................................................... 67 Wetlands on Rivers and Lakes .................................................................. 70 Bottomland Hardwood Forests ................................................... 73 Swamp Forests ........................................................................... 77 Freshwater Marshes .................................................................... 81 Wetlands on the Ocean ............................................................................. 85 Estuarine Fringe Forests ............................................................. 87 Brackish Marshes ....................................................................... 89 Salt Shrub Wetlands ................................................................... 92 Salt Marshes ............................................................................... 94 iii The Future of North Carolina Wetlands Natural Processes of Change ...................................................... 97 Duect Modification of Wetlands ............................................... 98 Modifying Watersheds of Wetlands ...........................................101 Envisioning a Future With Wetlands ..........................................104 Appendix 1: Comparison of Major Types to Natural Heritage Program Types .................................................................................... 107 Appendix 2: Contacts for Wetland Information ..................................110 Appendix 3: Common and Scientific Names of Plants ........................113 Glossary of Wetland Terms ................................................................... 116 Selected Bibliography ............................................................................. 121 Index .........................................................................................................125 i ^ iv Sidebars Using This Field Guide ........................................................................................... vi No Single Definition for Wetland ........................................................................... 4 Examining Hydrology ............................................................................................. 7 Determining Soil Texture ........................................................................................ l l Examining Wetland Plants ...................................................................................... 15 Illustrations Figure 1. Hydrology of a generalized wefland ........................................................ 4 Figure 2. Seasonal fluctuations in wetland hydrology ............................................ 6 Figure 3. Functions occurring in wetlands .............................................................. 17 Figure 4. Nitrogen removal from wetlands ............................................................. 21 Figure 5. Freshwater wetlands by source of water .................................................. 34 Figure 6. Physiographic provinces of North Carolina .............................................35 Figure 7. Key to major wetland types ..................................................................... 39 Figure 8. Ground water discharge on hillside ......................................................... 56 Figure 9. Floodplain formations and wetlands ........................................................70 -~ Tables Table 1. Levels of Saturation or Inundation ............................................................6 Table 2. Forms of Wetland Plants ........................................................................... 12 Table 3. Indicator Status of Common Plants .......................................................... .14 Table 4. Water Storage by Wetlands ...................................................................... 19 Table 5. Shoreline Stabilization by Wetlands ........................................................ 20 Table 6. Pollutant Removal by Wetlands ............................................................... 22 ', Table 7. Wildlife Habitat in Wetlands .................................................................... 24 Table 8. Aquatic Habitat in Wetlands ..................................................................... 26 Table 9. Special Ecological Attributes of Wetlands ............................................... 27 Table 10. Recreation and Education in Wetlands ................................................... 29 Table 11. Timber Production in Wetlands .............................................................. 30 Table 12. Hunting Leases in Wetlands ................................................................... 31 Table 13. Wetland Types and Typical Values ........................................................ 32 Table 14. Modifications to Wetlands ...............................:.................................... 99 Table 15. Modifying the Watersheds of Wetlands ................................................ 102 PREFACE Wetlands have been a source of great controversy in the past few years as regulators have sought to protect wetlands and to improve regulatory programs. Increasingly, wetlands are a focus of interest for ecologists, hydrologists, soil scientists, and resource managers because they represent a dynamic interface of land and water systems. However, many people have little understanding of the characteristics which make an area a wetland. Many people regard wetlands as waste places which could be best used by filling or draining. Other people fail to recognize the wide diversity of wetlands, particularly freshwater wetlands, that occurs in North Caro- lina. This Field Guide to North Carolina Wetlands serves as a general guide to wetland characteristics and types in North Carolina. As an introduction to the ecology of wetlands, it concentrates on what can be observed in the field. This Field Guide is not intended as a guide for wetland delineation or plant identification, as there are other manuals which address these needs. Similarly, this guide does not attempt to explain how the 404/401 regulatory program or other wetland programs operate. The changing nature of regulatory programs makes it essential for anyone who intends to alter an area which may be a wetland to contact the appropriate agencies, some of which are listed in Appendix 2. However, this guide may serve to alert landowners to a wetland's presence and values. It will also be useful to regulatory staff needing a basic background in wetland ecology. This Field Guide was developed under a State Wetland Protection Development Grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency under EPA Grant No. CD004936-91 to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. It has been subjected to the Agency's peer and administrative review and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommen- dation for use. This Field Guide draws heavily on information developed by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) and expertise provided by the NHP staff. However, any omissions in the guide are solely the responsibility of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. USING THIS GUIDE 1. Use wetland characteristics to recognize the presence of a wetland. 2. Use the key to initially identify the type of wetland. 3. Check the wetland description to confirm or refute the type. 4. Observe evidence of values provided by the wetland. 5. Consider what modifications have been made to the weQand. vii NORTH CAROLINA WETLANDS TODAY To a casual observer, North Carolina appears to have an abundance of wetlands. Driving to North Carolina's beaches can reveal thousands of acres of wet pine forests, swamps and salt marshes. However, a large portion of the freshwater wetlands of the coastal plain have been converted to agriculture, forestry or urban land use. For example, 83 percent of Carteret County is believed to have been wetlands prior to European settlement (DEM 1991). By the 1950s, about 73 percent of the county was still covered by largely natural wetlands (wetlands with little distrubance and intact systems of hydrology, hydric soils and wetland plants). However, by the mid-1980s, only 52 percent of the county was covered by largely natural wetlands. Only 2 percent of the wetlands which were modified were salt or brackish marshes; most were freshwater wetland forests. One estimate, based on the presence of soils which develop in wet conditions, is that North Cazolina had nearly 7.5 million acres of wetlands prior to European settlement (DEM 1994). Nearly 95 percent of these wetlands were located in the coastal plain. According to estimates by the N.C. Division of Environmental Management, about 34 percent of North Carolina's original wetland acreage has been impacted. Of this acreage, about 2.5 percent has been converted to urban land use, about 18 percent has been converted to agriculture and about 13 percent has been converted to forestry. Most of the land converted has been marginally wet areas rather than extremely wet areas. Wetlands are much less common and extensive in other areas of the state, with only four percent of the state's wetlands in the piedmont and one percent in the mountains (DEM 1994). Few data are available for the rate of modification in the piedmont, but the rate is probably high. Piedmont wetlands are often located in the fertile soils along larger streams and rivers, and are therefore vulnerable to being converted to agricultural use. Many piedmont wetlands have become flooded by the construction of water supply and recreational reservoirs. One study of moun- tain wetlands estimated that 95 percent of the wetlands in Buncombe County have been modified (Moorhead 1993). Mountain wetlands frequently occur along river valleys and are in the path of urban development, road and railroad corridors and conversion to agricultural use such as pasture and cropland. Although wetlands continue to be modified at a rapid pace, the values of wetlands are becoming more widely recognized. Adoption of the Coastal Area Management Act in 1976 greatly reduced the modification of estuarine wetlands. In recent years, Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act have worked together to WETLANDS TODAY restrict modification of many freshwater wetlands. Estuarine wetlands are the focus of exhibits at the three North Carolina Aquariums (Pine Knoll Shores, Fort Fisher, and Roanoke Island), and freshwater wetlands will be the focus of new exhibits at the state's Museum of Natural Sciences (Raleigh) and Zoological Park (Asheboro). State, federal and private agencies have produced numerous posters, brochures and educational guides focused on wetlands. Some of these may be reviewed through the state Office of Environmental Education. Until this Field Guide, however, there has been no guide for general use by those interested in observing wetlands found in North Carolina. By using this guide in conjunction with plant and animal guides, observers will be able to analyze a particular wetland to identify the wetland type and to obtain an understanding of its ecology and values. Each chapter presents a step in analyzing a wetland in the field. "Chapter One: Characteristics of Wetlands" presents an overview of the wetland definition currently used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with the characteris- tics to look for in the field. It discusses the scientific principles associated with the three criteria-wetland hydrology, hydric soils and wetland plants-used in wetland identification. "Chapter Two: Values Provided by Wetlands" explains the distinctions between functions and values, ability and opportunity. It then discusses the types of values that wetlands can provide and suggests which wetland types might be expected to provide each value. "Chapter Three: Major Types of North Carolina Wetlands" presents 14 wetland types which are widely distributed throughout the state with diagnostic information for each type. Pages 39-42 present a simplified key that can be used to make an initial identification of a general wetland type. "Chapter Four: The Future of North Carolina Wetlands" discusses modification of wetlands as well as trends in protecting wetlands and [heir values. "Appendix 1" compares the types included in this guide to those used by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation (NHP). The NHP has conducted extensive surveys of wetland types in developing a classifica- tion system for wetlands. The NHP classification has greater detail and precision than the general classification used in this Field Guide. "Appendix 2" gives sources of wetland information, from identification manuals for plants and animals to a telephone "hotline." "Appendix 3" lists the common and scientific names of all plants and animals mentioned in this guide. A "Glossary of Wetland Terms" follows the appendices. The "Selected Bibliography" lists texts and articles that were particularly useful in preparing this guide and that may be of interest to the user. To make the best use of this Field Guide, begin by visiting a local wetland. If you are unaware of the location of wetlands or if you cannot obtain permission to visit a local wetland, visit the sites listed in this guide. Then use this guide to duect your observation of wetland characteristics, type, values and modifications. ,~~ ^ ^ t CHARACTERISTICS OF WETLANDS Some wetlands are easily recognized as wetlands while others may only be rewg- nized by specialists. Distinguishing between wetlands and non-wetlands can be difficult because of the diversity of wetlands and the subtlety of wetland chazacteris- tics. This chapter discusses those characteristics that a majority of wetlands shaze- wetland hydrology, hydric soils and wetland plants. DEFINING "WETLAND" Wetlands are areas where aquatic and terrestrial communities interface, or they aze areas where soils are frequently saturated, or they are pools that fill and evaporate over the course of a year. By their nature, wetlands are characterized by change and complexity. For many of We scientists, regulators, and landowners confronted with wetlands, they are also characterized by controversy. A major source of controversy has been the definition of a wetland. There are currently many definitions in use which have arisen from the need to study or manage these azeas. Hydrogeologists investigate the relationship of the water table relative to the ground surface. Soil scientists study hydric soils and evaluate their suitability for uses such as farming or forestry. Botanists are interested in how plants adapt to wet conditions. Resource managers manipulate wetlands to provide habitat for waterfowl and wildlife as well as rare species. Regulators wish to identify and protect sites which provide a balance of values to society. With these differing perspectives, it is not surprising that disagreements abound about the definition of "wetland." Some of the disagreement arises out of the complexity of wetland systems. Wetland characteristics can change dramatically from year to year and even from season to season. Wetlands have some characteristics of aquatic communities and some characteristics of terrestrial communities, but they ar;, neither -they are unique. For a field guide, the definition of what constitutes a wetland should be (1) broad enough to encompass a wide variety of wetland types, and (2) based on chazacteris- tics which can be observed in the field. The definition currently used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers meets these criteria. According to this definition, wetlands are "those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (Corps of Engineers 1987). In practice, this definition examines wetland CHARACTERISTICS OF WETLANDS chazacteristics in terms of wetland hydrology, hydric soils and wetland plants. While some disturbed sites may not exhibit all of these chazacteristics, an experi- enced observer can generally make some guesses about what the undisturbed wetland would be like. 'There is no single, correct, indisputable, ecologically sound definition for wetlands, primarily because of the diversity of wetlands and because the demarcation between dry and wet environmc~ts lies along a continuum. Cowardin et al. 1979 WETLAND HYDROLOGY Hydrology is the single most important chazacteristic in determining the presence of a wetland and its characteristics. Wetlands are more sensitive to changes which affect their hydrology than to changes in either soil or vegetation. If plants are removed from an azea but the hydrology remains, wetland plants will invade. Hydric soils will eventually develop as organic matter accumulates and chemical elements change form under saturated conditions. If the hydrology is altered, however, then hydric soils and wetland plants will be lost over time. Hydrology refers to the inflow and outflow of water as well as the degree of soil saturation or inundation. Water flows into wetlands in a variety of forms, as illustrated in Figure 1. Precipitation enters wetlands duectly as rain, sleet, fog and snow, with rainfall providing the greatest volume in North Carolina. While rainfall is usually fairly well distributed throughout the year, summer rainfall is greatest with July as the wettest month. Runoff Tides Streamflow Overbank flooding Groundwater ,~.;;~„ discharge ~;~'."'~,, Rainfall ~y Figure 1. Hydrology of a generalized wetland Evapotranspiration 4Q ~:' Runoff Streamflow s Groundwater recharge `~ a r r WETLAND HYDROLOGY Autumn is the driest season with November as the driest month. Rainfall varies across the state. East of the mountains the average annual precipitation is 40-55 inches (NOAA 1985). Precipitation is highly variable in the mountains due to variations in topography. In the southwest, moist southerly winds are forced over the mountains and the average annual precipitation is greater than 80 inches. Only 50 miles away in a sheltered valley of the French Broad River, the average annual precipitation is only 37 inches. In the majority of wetlands, ground water, surface water or a combination of the two is the primary source of water. Ground water is the water which collects between soil particles, in soil layers above impervious layers and in layers of rock called aquifers. Ground water is discharged where the water table intercepts the surface of the ground, generally on slopes on hillsides. In some wetlands, surface water or shallow ground water may seep into deeper ground water aquifers. In many other wetlands, surface water and shallow ground water are isolated from the underlying water table by impervious layers of soil or rock. Shallow lenses of ground water isolated from underlying ground water reservoirs are referred to as perched water tables. Surface water enters wetlands as runoff, streamflow (channelized flow), and overbank flooding. Runoff consists of sheets of water that is not contained in channels. Streamflow occurs in channels. Overbank flooding occurs when streams fill their channels and spill over onto the relatively flat area parallel to the stream, which is often referred to as the floodplain. The amount of surface water flowing into a wetland depends on watershed characteristics such as the amount of impervi- ous cover, the soil types, the slope, and the height of the stream bank. The landscape position of the wetland also determines the amount of surface water flow. Estuarine wetlands also receive surface water in the form of tides, either as direct overland flow or through inland flow in tidal creeks, streams and rivers and in artificial canals and mosquito ditches. Water leaves wetlands in the form of evapotranspiration, runoff and streamflow. Evapotranspiration is the combination of evaporation of water (from surfaces of soil, water and plants) and transpiration of water vapor (from plant leaves and stems). About two-thirds of all rain falling returns to the atmosphere, most of it through evapotranspiration. Some wetlands may also lose water when water in surface layers of soil drains into deeper layers or aquifers. Water accumulates whenever inflow exceeds outflow. Water accumulates first in pore spaces between soil particles. When virtually all pore spaces are filled and the water can flow through the soil by the pull of gravity, the soil is said to be saturated. If the water pools above the surface of the ground, the area is said to be inundated. If streams overflow their banks and submerge the surrounding area, the area is said to be f boded. In many wetlands, the accumulation of water is increased due to impervious layers of soil, such as clay or rock. Table 1 shows levels of saturation or inundation used in this guide to describe wetland types. There are no distinct breaks between the eight levels, which may lead to differences in opinion as to how wet an area is. CHARACTERISTICS OF WETLANDS Table 1. Levels of Saturation or Inundation Irregularly saturated -generally dry with occasional periods of soil saturation Seasonally saturated -soil saturated from December to March, dry from mid- summer through mid-fall Semi-permanently to permanently saturated -soil saturated most of the time Irregularly inundated or flooded -standing surface water for brief periods several times a year Seasonally inundated or flooded -standing surface water from December to March, absent from mid-summer through mid-fall Irregularly inundated by tides - inundated by (brackish or saltwater) wind tides on an infrequent basis Regularly flooded by tides -inundated by (brackish or saltwater) lunar tides twice daily Semi-permanently to permanently inundated or flooded -inundated most of the time but may be exposed during droughts adapted from Tiner 1988 Most nontidal wetlands show seasonal fluctuations of saturation or inundation, as illustrated in Figure 2. From winter tomid-spring or early summer, accumulated '!~ wEvapotranspiration Rainfall P y _..~ _.n. Runoff Streamflow a'~h= Runoff ot.oa.aturationi Streamflow January -February Evapotranspiration Rainfall i Runoff Streamflow _ - y ___ .~• . •.+.'t• • Runoff b ~44po o~ao 0000000 op X00 0 0od~ ~ Level of soil caturatlon ~ September -October Figure 2. Seasonal fluctuations in wetlands hydrology 1 i i f r r i t WETLAND HYDROLOGY water may be at or above the surface of the ground. From summer to mid-September or October, the water level drops as days lengthen, air temperature rises and evapo- transpiration increases. From mid-fall to mid-winter, water accumulates as tempera- tures decrease, deciduous trees and shrubs lose their leaves and herbs die back. However, there are exceptions. Wetlands with dense stands of pines may have relatively high evapotranspiration rates during warm periods in winter. Wetlands created by ground water discharge are less susceptible to seasonal changes in their saturation or inundation since the ground water flow is more constant. Despite its importance as a wetland characteristic, wetland hydrology can be difficult to recognize in the field. The photographic key which follows, Indicators of Wetland Hydrology, shows indicators which may be present at some sites during some periods. However, there are many times when the observer must rely on soil and plant characteristics to infer the presence of wetland hydrology. EXAMINING HYllROLOGY 1. Consider the season of the year and the likely level of saturation or inundation. 2. Consider any preceding events -drought, heavy rains, floods, heavy snows followed by, thaws. lixamine the local terrain for possible sources of water. Look for indicators of wetland hydrology. INDICATORS OF WETLAND HYDROLOGY (from less to more wets soft or wet ground water-stained or silt-covered leaves many wind-thrown trees water channel marks and scotu recent deposits of sand or silt water-carried debris or "drift lines" around trees water-carried debris in branches water-stained or silt-covered trunks of trees and shrubs water marks on structures HYDRIC SOILS Wetland hydrology results in periods of soil saturation or inundation. Predictable changes in soils caused by saturation can be used to infer long-term patterns of hydrology. The primary effect of extended saturation or inundation on soil is the development of anaerobic, orlow-oxygen, conditions. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation Service) defines hydric soil as "soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part" (SCS 1985, 1). Inundation itself does not cause anaerobic conditions since floodwaters often contain ample levels of dissolved oxygen. Anaerobic conditions occur as dissolved oxygen in soil water is used up by soil organisms. When the temperature is high enough, soil organ- isms use dissolved oxygen to break down organic material in soil, depleting the oxygen supply. If saturation or inundation is extended, the oxygen may not be replenished by diffusion because oxygen diffuses more slowly through water than through air. In this situation, anaerobic conditions are created. Anaerobic conditions interfere with the biological breakdown of organic material. Soils which are primarily composed of organic matter in their upper 16 inches (40 centimeters) are generally classified as organic soils. Organic soils are generally assumed to have developed under prolonged saturation or inundations. Soils which are continuously saturated or inundated develop thick layers of muck or peat. In some wetlands, peat accumulates to depths of several feet and may form domes above We surrounding landscape. Highly porous peat absorbs water well but transmits it poorly. As peat builds up over the years, the lower layers form a largely impermeable base similar to clay or rock. Silt-covered leaves Wind-thrown trees i i ^ L, Water channel marks and scour Soils which contain relatively little organic material, referred to as mineral soils, also respond [o anaerobic conditions by undergoing changes. Soil scientists refer to these changes as redoximorphic features. In mineral soils that are seasonally saturated, anaerobic conditions can cause mottling or gleying. This is caused when microorganisms convert ferric iron (Fe's to ferrous iron (Fe+~, the reduced form. Ferrous iron is easily leached from soil, causing the color of the soil to change from bright-colored to neutral, greenish or bluish gray. Where the soil is alter- nately saturated and aerated, it becomes marked with spots or blotches of contrast- ing color called mottling. Where the soil is almost continuously saturated, the gray or black color is almost continuous and is referred to as gleyed. Because soil color is highly variable, soil scientists use Munsell color charts to allow them to identify the precise hue and chroma of soil and the presence of mottling and gleying (Munsell 1992). WETLAND HYDROLOGY Water-carried debris or 'drift lines' around trees CHARACTERISTICS OF WETLANDS Mottled soil Gleyed soil The accurate interpretation of soil color is difficult and may require extensive knowledge of and experience in soil science. Mottling and gleying do not readily occur in sandy soils or in recent deposits from streams, so they cannot be used to I infer hydrology in these situations. Anaerobic conditions and gleying may occur even in non-saturated conditions in clay soils due to the extremely slow diffusion of oxygen. Mottling and gleying can indicate that the soils were anaerobic in the past, but they may persist even if the soil becomes aerated as a result of drainage. ~ Some redoximorphic features are more easily interpreted. Under prolonged anaerobic conditions, microorganisms convert sulfur and organic material to hydrogen sulfide ~i S) and methane (CH ). The rotten egg smell encountered in swamps is the release of pockets of hydrogen sulfide. Methane may accumulate and bubble out when soil is disturbed. Manganese and iron in soils are sometimes converted [o persistent hard black or dark brown balls called concretions or nodules. Because of the difficulty of interpreting redoximorphic features, non-experts should be cautious about drawing conclusions about soil wetness. For information about soils in the general area, consult the Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey and the list of hydric soils for the county. The Natural Resources Conserva- tion Service may be able to provide a list regional indicators of soil saturation. For information about a specific site, non-experts should consult someone experienced with wetland soils. DETERMINING SOIL TEXTURE Soil texture may be difficult to identify, but try these techniques for a general idea. Rub wet soil between your thumb and fingers. Organic soils peat -contains fragments of the original plant materials. muck -looks homogeneous and feels slippery. Plant materials are broken down into fine particles. Mineral soils sand -feels gritty. silt -feels flour- or talcum-like when dry, not sticky when wet. clay -feels sticky and forms a continuous ribbon when pressed out between thumb and fmgers. Clay may form clods when squeezed into a ball. Brady 1974 WETLAND PLANTS Saturation and inundation generally interfere with plant growth and reproduction, but some plants have developed adaptations which allow them to survive and flourish in wetlands. The presence of plants exhibiting these adaptations gives evidence of long-term wetland hydrology. The photographic key which follows this section shows some of the more apparent plant adaptations. Wetland plants must adapt to the stress of anaerobic conditions by pumping oxygen into their roots. Although some plants species are capable of temporary anaerobic respiration, roots of most wetland species need oxygen for respiration and growth during the growing season. If oxygen is not present in the soil, plants will die unless they pump oxygen into their roots. Gleyed soils are sometimes threaded with rust- colored root channels (oxidized rhizospheres), showing where oxygen has leaked from living roots and oxidized iron in the soil. 11 CHARACTERISTICS OF WETLANDS Table 2. Forms of Wetland Plants Herbs -non-woody plants other than vines aquatic bed plants -free-floating plants, floating-leafed rooted vascular plants and submerged plants growing beneath the water's surface. emergent plants -rooted plants whose stems and leaves normally extend above the water's surface or which grow erect from periodically inundated or saturated soils Vines -non-woody or woody plants whose young stems are long, slender and flexible, trailing on the ground, climbing or [wining Shrubs -woody plants, including young trees, whose height is less than 20 feet Trees -woody plants whose height is greater than 20 feet adapted from Tiner 1988 Plants adapt to frequent saturation by developing mechanisms that allow roots to survive when the soil is saturated and anaerobic. Willow trees and some herbs and tree seedlings have the ability to grow roots on stems where roots are not normally found. These adventitious roots survive and take in oxygen when soil saturation kills deeper roots. Individual trees often respond by developing shallow or exposed roots. To prevent being toppled by wind, well-adapted tree species develop extensive intertwined root networks for stabilization. They also adapt by develop- ing enlarged bases with extensions called buttresses. Some botanists believe that cypress knees serve to stabilize cypress trees in saturated soil. Some plant species develop special structures to take in or circulate oxygen. Cattails, sedges, grasses, water lilies and many rushes have hollow air-filled tissues called aerenehyma in stems and roots. Some arrowhead (Sagittaria spp.) species develop broad, floating leaves when submerged and narrow, upright leaves when exposed, referred to as polymorphic ("many forms") leaves. Water lilies and some aquatic bed plants have floating leaves or stems. Other plants have developed internal structures which are not apparent in the field. The water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) has developed special respiratory organs called pneumatophores that extend above the soil to allow oxygen to diffuse to roots. A few species develop enlarged pores in their stems, called hypertrophied lentieels, to promote the transfer of oxygen into the plant. Just as roots require oxygen to function, most seeds require oxygen to germinate. While cypress trees are well-adapted to inundated conditions, their seeds germi- nate only when water levels are low enough to expose the soil. Some plants have developed seeds which can float to more favorable sites for germination. Saturation of soils may expose plants to toxic concentrations of certain chemical 12 CHARACTERISTICS OF WETLANDS Table 3. Indicator Status of Common Plants OBLIGATE WETLAND (OBL) -plants which almost always occur in wetlands (estimated probability >99%) Arrowhead, Sagittaria sp. Cattail, Typha sp. Smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora Bald cypress, Taxodium distichum Black willow, Salix nigra FACULTATIVE WETLAND (FACW) -plants which usually occur in wetlands (estimated probability 67-99%) Jewelweed/touch-me-not, Impatiens capensis Tag alder, Alnus serrulata American elm, Ulmus americana American sycamore, Platanus occidentalis River birch, Betula nigra FACULTATIVE (FAC) -plants equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (estimated probability 34-66%) Poison ivy, Toxicodendron radicans American holly, Ilex opaca Loblolly pine, Pinus taeda Red maple, Acer rubrum Sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua FACULTATIVE UPLAND (FACU) -plants which usually occur in non- wetlands but are occasionally found in wetlands (estimated probability 1-33%) Common dandelion, Taraxacum officinale Eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis Flowering dogwood, Corpus florida Longleaf pine, Pinus palustris White oak, Quercus alba OBLIGATE UPLAND (UPL) -plants which almost always occur in non-wetlands in this region, but which occur in wetlands in another region (estimated probability >99%) Chicory, Chicorium intybus Galax, Galax aphylla Queen Anne's lace/wild carrot, Daucus carota Black jack oak, Quercus marilandica Scrub pine, Pinus virginiana National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands, FWS 1988 14 WETLAND PLANTS elements. Anaerobic conditions cause chemical elements such as manganese, iron and sulfur to be converted to their reduced forms and dissolved in water. Small amounts of these elements are needed by plants, but when reduced and dissolved, they become concentrated in soil water. Under these conditions, plants take up too much of these elements and become damaged. Salt is also toxic to plant tissues. Wetlands subjected to brackish or salt tides only contain plants which have devel- oped adaptations to reduce or reverse salt intake. For example, salt marsh grasses excrete crystalline salt particles through specialized salt glands in their leaves. In general, wetlands have greater diversity and productivity when water flows through them rather than stagnates. Nutrients and oxygen are regularly brought into these systems and toxic chemicals are removed. Prolonged flooding reduces the number of species present because this promotes the formation of anaerobic conditions. Many plant species without obvious adaptations are more abundant in wetlands than elsewhere. Dominance by these species at a site can also suggest wetland hydrology. The National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands (Reed 1988) classifies plant species by their frequency of occurrence in wetlands. Lists are available for specific regions of the United States, including the southeastern region. Table 3 shows the five categories of wetland plants with their definitions and some common North Carolina examples. Plants on the edge of a category may be further identified using plus (for plants tending toward wetlands) or minus (for plants tending toward uplands). Areas in which 50 percent or more of dominant plant species fall in the facultative, facultative wetland or obligate categories suggest the presence of wetland hydrology (according to the Corps of Engineers 1987 Delineation Manual). 1 Water-stained trunks of trees, Pitt County WETLAND PLANTS EXAMINING WETLAND PLANTS 1. Note any obvious plant adaptations to wetland conditions. 2. Identify the species of dominant plants and thew indicator status. 3. Calculate the percentage of obligate, facultative wetland and facultative plants. Over 50 percent (combined) of obligate, facultative wetland and facultative plants suggests the presence of wetland hydrology. ADAPTATIONS OF WETLAND PLANTS Shallow, exposed roots on red maple. Also found on laurel oak and others. Buttressed tree trunks on swamp tupelo. Also found on bald cypress, red maple, green ash and water tupelo. Knees on bald cypress. Adventitious roots on willows. Also found on box elder, sycamore, pin oak, green ash, water tupelo and various herbs. Polymorphic leaves on arrowhead. Also found on water parsnip. Floating leaves and stems on spatterdock. Also found on white water lIly, pondweed and water shield. Air-filled stems in cattails. Also found in cordgrass and many rushes. Buttressed tree trunks and knees of bald cypress CHARACTERISTICS OF WETLANDS Q~ Floating leaves and stems on spatterdock, Trent River, Craven County Cattails contain air-filled stems i • i • i r r VALUES PROVIDED BY WETLANDS Wetlands were considered wastelands in the past, but many people now recognize their values. As wetland scientists understand more about the functioning of wetlands and their importance to human society, interest in protecting wetlands has increased. This chapter examines the values provided by wetlands in general and by specific types of wetlands. VALUES BASED ON HUMAN PERSPECTIVE The terms functions and values are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. Functions are "ecological, hydrological or other phenomena that contribute to the self-maintenance of the wetland ecosystem" (Brinson in press). Functions are processes taking place within the wetland ecosystem irrespective of their effect on human society. Net primary productivity-production of organic material above what plants need to survive and grow-is an example of a wetland function. Figure 3 illustrates some of the functions occurring in wetlands. Values, on the other hand, denote "something worthy, desirable, or useful to humans" (Hirsch and Gosselink 1993, 508). Values are derived from ecosystem functions that are perceived to have positive impact on people. They are centered on the needs and perspective of human society. Frequently, values are those functions that have received sufficient recognition to be protected by law. For example, plant production in salt marshes is critical for fish and shellfish harvests so salt marshes are given stringent protection in law. Because the perceptions of human society changes over time, values may also change. PLANTS slow water INFLOWING WATER take up nutrients carries sediments Shade Streams dissolves nutrients`' build organic matter shapestopogrephy `„t , • • SOIL s ~ ~ ~ • ,, buries sediments ~ ~ ' ' 'binds phosphorus transforms nitrogen Figure 3. Functions occtring in wetlands 17 vrc -94:3 OUTFLOWING WATER ~ carries nutrients distributes detritus VALUES OF WETLANDS The value of a wetland depends on its ability and opportunity to provide value. Ability is based on characteristics of the wetland itself. Ability relates to whether a wetland has the necessary plant structure, hydrologic regime and topographic position to provide a particular value. For example, the ability of a wetland to remove pollutants depends on (1) retention of sediments by wide, dense bands of persistent plants, and (2) periodic flooding remaining long enough to create anaerobic conditions that alternates with drier conditions. Opportunity is based on characteristics of the surrounding area and the watershed. Opportunity determines how much of its potential a wetland will fulfill. For example, the opportunity of a wetland to remove pollutants depends on the actual amount and type of pollutants it is receiving from the watershed. Ability and opportunity work together to provide value. A broad bottomland hardwood forest (BLH) with dense shrubs and vines on a low gradient stream which periodically floods the wetland for several weeks a year has the ability to remove pollutants such as phosphorus and nitrogen. Any BLH with similar charac- teristics will have the ability to remove pollutants; however its opportunity to remove pollutants will differ due to its position in the watershed If the BLH is on a major river in a forested watershed it will only receive a limited number of pollut- ants. This is because forested watersheds contribute less runoff and pollutants than watersheds which are predominantly agricultural or urban. Wetlands on major rivers receive relatively more of their water from overbank flooding than wetlands on smaller streams that receive relatively more of their water from runoff. On the other hand, if the BLH is on a smaller stream in an urban watershed, it receives more pollutants and, consequently, can provide more value for pollutant removal. The values provided by wetlands can be classified as hydrologic values, water quality values, habitat values and duect use values. This discussion of values is based on an extensive literature search conducted by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEM 1993). 18 s HYDROLOGIC VALUES HYDROLOGIC VALUES Hydrologic values derive from wetland functions which slow and retain surface water. Wetlands provide value to people by providing water storage and shoreline stabilization. Water storage refers to the value wetlands have in temporarily storing heavy rain, surface runoff and floodwaters. This reduces downstream flood damage and the ', need for structural protection such as artificial dikes and levees. The ability of a wetland to store floodwaters depends on its position within the watershed, size, depth, frictional resistance, and shoreline shape. The opportunity of a wetland to store water depends primarily on the topography of the watershed. Table 4. Water Storage by Wetlands Value depends un: ~ with more value if: wetland position • adjacent relative to stream or lake ~:XA1l4PLFJi~:XPLANAT10i~{ Salt shrub wetlands and salt marshes stabilize many shorelines along the coast. pan cover In we an • a east ee Freshwater marshes can provide good Wlde shoreline stabilization along artificial • IOW grOWing, impoundments. Low-growing wilbws (Salix bendable trees sp.) and alder (Alnus sp.) are examples of with deeply trees which are excellent for stabilization. penetrating roots Bulrushes (Scirpus sp.) grow in dense beds and growth from and can also be effective. suckers OR • dense stands of emergents and rooted aquatics which persist over winter S Ore Ine SOI S • more er a In general, Piedmont soils are more erodable • evidence of scour than the sandy soils of the Coastal Plain and Or flow benefit more from the presence of wetlands. fopogr-~2pfly In~-~--~ tile------~ • Sfeep gfadlen[~---~~ Bog forests siaiiilize irie shorelines of smaii watershed • evidence of scour streams draining steep Mountain watersheds. or flow __ anduse Iri [fie ~"""-~ _ _ - • PredOfTlln2~~ ~ ~ --~~_.--°--------°-----~.~_-_~----------9- v _-°°---- Bottomland hardwood forests in hi hl Watershed urban urbanized watersheds are more valuable for stabilizing shorelines because the shorelines are more stressed b sudden h' h flows. Shoreline stabilization refers to the stabilization of soil and vegetation along streams, rivers, lakes and sounds. It is desirable because it reduces the amount of sediments being carried into streams and lakes. Sediments carry nutrients into streams and lakes and cover gravel stream bottoms needed by many aquatic animals. Streambank stabilization also prevents the loss of adjacent land and plant cover. Overhanging trees and shrubs keep water temperature cooler, resulting in higher levels of dissolved oxygen. They also supply organic matter such as leaves and logs which are essential for stream-based aquatic life. VALUES OF WETLANDS The ability of a wetland to stabilize a shoreline depends on its position relative to the stream, its topography and the land use in the watershed. Table S. Shoreline Stabilization by Wetlands Value depends on: ; w+th more value if= € EXAMPLb1EXPLA~IATION Wetland position • adjacent ' Estuarine cringe forests aril salt marshes on relative to stream or the edge of estuaries can store floodwaters lake from storm surges, reducing inland flooding. wefian~slze •~af9@r Salt and brackish marshes cover man acres and can store substantial amounts of water. ep ~ Of-ClepfeSSlOfI _._.~ ___ _ _ ~@p@r ~~~ ~.r. ~ Deeper backswamps can store more water than shalbw bottomland hardwood forests of the same size. ~fr'~cliorial"resistari'c'e'i'n""" ~~ wtcler'bariil~~of~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~aoii'o"miard'~nardwood~t«vsfs~aien~nave"~~~~~~~~~ the wetland plants thick shrub and vine layers, which slow • logs, boulders, floodwaters. They may also have many dead and hummocks trees, stumps and holes left by trees which • most plants upright ~~ been bbwn down. These create small and woody, variations in topography that can store standing above substantial amounts of water. floodwaters OR • dense stands of rooted aquatics and emergents which persist over winter .. m ...............~--...........---.......----~----------__..~..--------------~ ........ m......_.__.~.~.~ sfream~ank or sInUOUS and • Coastal swamp toresis with sinuous streams shoreline shape Irregular sbw floodwaters and increase overbank floodin . ._.~..~---~---°-°--------°--_-°_~.~-------------°---°---~.~. .~__ ._._ _ ___~.. ~ Wafers l~e(j~opogra~}ly _ .... - ---~°.._....T. • 9ent~y sfoping In general, Coastal Plain wetlands store more water than Piedmont wetlands because of the bwer volume and velocity of surface runoff from Coastal Plain watersheds. WATER QUALITY VALUES Many wetlands are valuable for water quality because they remove pollutants from surface runoff and small streams. Wetlands with the right characteristics can filter runoff and transform nutrients into forms that are less available to plants. This reduces the likelihood of algal blooms, fish kills and nuisance plant growth in streams and lakes. Water quality values help to ensure that North Carolina waters remain useful for water supply, aquatic life habitat, recreation and education and economic uses. One way that wetlands remove pollutants is through retaining sediments and adsorbed pollutants. Sediments cazry nutrients and toxicants such as phosphorus, heavy metals, PCBs, and pesticides adsorbed on their surfaces. Clays are particu- lazly effective in binding phosphorus in relatively permanent colloids. The principle factor affecting the ability of a wetland to trap sediments is the change in velocity or energy level of runoff and stream flow. As sediments are carried into wetlands, heavier sediments settle out first. Finer sediments such as 2(1 i r WATER QUALITY VALUES clays settle very slowly and may remain suspended. In many situations, sediments which settle to the bottom are merely temporarily retained before being moved downstream. For sediments to be retained longer, they must be buried beneath new sediments. Wetlands also remove pollutants by transforming the nutrients nitrogen and phos- phorus into unavailable forms. Tfiese two elements limit the rate of plant growth in many wetlands and streams, lakes and estuaries in North Carolina. In more aquatic wetlands such as freshwater mazshes, an overabundance of nitrogen and phosphorus may cause algal blooms. Wetland plants temporarily remove nutrients when they absorb them to build plant tissue. When the plants die or defoliate, microbes and chemical processes in We soil begin to decompose the plant tissue and release the nutrients. However, the alternat- ing periods of inundation and dry down in weflands can create conditions in which these nutrients may be permanently removed. Figure 4 illustrates the chemical reactions which can permanently remove nitrogen from a wetland. When wetlands are inundated, animals in the soil and water begin to ~~ _ organ("" ~ ~~ ammonium -~ nitrate ~,~ 9ase9us nitrogenmicrobes NH q+ NOg- microbes niN2 en Saturated, anaerobic conditions Figure 4. Nitrogen removal from wetlands ~oogp o NFi 4' nucruue~ ryU3- o 0 0 0 oodo Dry, aerobic conditions VALUES OF WETLANDS Table 6. Pollutant Removal by Wetlands Value depends on:' position relative to stream, lake or estuary with more value if; ~ • adjacent to stream • on lake, pond or estuary shoreline EXAMYLFJEJCPLANATION' wetlands loser to surface water receive more frequent and proonged flooding. y ro ogy • su ace wa er Swamp forests along unchannelized Coastal rather than rainfall Plain rivers have high rates d phosphorus or ground water removal because d frequent and prolonged • perlOdlC overbank ov«bank flooding. Gradual topography in the flooding area surrounding the wetland suggests that • flooding remains flooding will remain f« long periods. long enough to create anaerobic conditions • gradual topography around wetland _ ___ pan COVer _ _ _ _ _ • WI er anc~ _ _ ~ W _ Dense, wide bands d plants in bottomland • dense Stands Of hardwood forests retain sediments and perSlStent attached phosphorus. herbaceous or woody plants '~" ' ' ' 'loca'tion ~iri''wat'ershed""" ~~~fieadwater'o'r'small"' iiansiorm ieiair. and can 'iieadwaie'r'io'resis Stream nutrients in surface runoff before they are ~ washed into mai« streams. land use to WaterS~le~ • UriJan, agrlCUhUraf Rundt from urban and agricuflural land or otherwise altered generally contains more nutrients than runoff landscape from natural areas. Wetlands that receive more nutrients have greater opportunity to remove nutrients. consume dissolved oxygen, eventually creating anaerobic conditions. In these conditions, organic nitrogen in plant tissue is broken down into ammonium by bacteria. Some ammonium escapes to the atmosphere. When the wetland dries and aerobic conditions return, aerobic bacteria convert the ammonium to nitrate by a process called nitrification. When the wetland is inundated again, another set of anaerobic microbes converts the nitrate to gaseous nitrogen by a process called denitrit-ication. The gaseous nitrogen enters the atmosphere and is lost to the wetland. This complicated process is so effective that lack of nitrogen often limits the growth of plants in salt marshes and rice cultures. The alternation of aerobic and anaerobic conditions also helps in removing phosphorus. Organic phosphorus in plant tissue is broken down into phosphates by microbes. In flooded anaerobic conditions, the phosphates typically occur in dissolved form. In aerobic conditions, the phosphorus binds with iron or alumi- num, becomes insoluble and precipitates. The long-term removal of phosphorus precipitate depends on deep burial. The ability of a wetland to remove pollutants depends on its position relative to a stream or lake, its hydrology, and its plant cover. (The loading rate will also determine the wetland's ability: above a certain loading rate, the ability of the wetland to remove pollutants is overwhelmed and no further removal is possible. _~2 WATER DUALITY VALUES This factor is of great importance in considering wetlands for treating wastewater or stotmwater runoff). The opportunity of a wetland to remove pollutants depends on its location in the watershed and the land use in the watershed. HABITAT VALUES Many wetlands supply habitat for plants and animals that benefit people. People value plants and animals for both moral and practical reasons. Many people believe that preservation of plant and animal species and their habitat is a moral responsibil- ity. Others value plants and animals for their pharmaceutical, commercial and industrial uses that may be discovered in the future. Both groups can appreciate the knowledge that can be gained through the study of wetland communities and individual plants and animals. Some people recognize that wetlands function as vital components in ecological systems, acting as nursery, food pantry and refuge. Wildlife habitat refers to the value wetlands have in providing habitat for terrestrial or semi-aquatic animals. Like the other values, the habitat value reflects human values and priorities, so there is a bias toward mammals, birds and a few reptiles and amphibians which are popular for nature study or hunting. Wetlands provide unique possibilities for wildlife. The mix of aquatic and terrestrial habitats provides a variety of food sources and cover. The high productivity of marshes provides abundant food for resident and migratory wading birds and waterfowl. Wetlands may be avoided as land is developed, providing refuges for wildlife in urban and agricultural areas. Wetlands provide value to both resident and transient wildlife. Waterfowl and mammals such as muskrat, beaver, river otter and mink spend most of Weir lives in wetlands and adjacent water. Many other animals normally use wetlands but are no[ . ~ Flooded wetland I VALUES OF WETLANDS necessarily restricted to them. Deer, bear, foxes, rabbits and turkeys may seek wetlands for food and shelter. Standing dead trees or "snags" aze important for wood ducks, woodpeckers, squirrels, bats and deer mice. Semi-aquatic crayfish often dig underground burrows with conspicuous chimneys on muddy flats. Many snakes and turtles spend considerable amounts of time hunting, foraging, or taking shelter in water and wetlands. The ability of a wetland to provide habitat depends on plant cover, sources of food, access to water, and size. The opportunity of a wetland to provide habitat depends on the adjacent land use. Except for the extensive azeas of wet flats, pocosins and estuaries in the Coastal Plain, most wetlands supply only portions of the habitat needed. The wildlife in most wetlands must depend on adjacent land and travel corridors to supply adequate habitat. Table 7. Wildlife Habitat in Wetlands Value defends on: plant cover with morevalue if: forested wetlands- • well-developed tree, shrub, vine and herb layers • mosaic of species • greater than 80% canopy closure • presence of mature trees • presence of snags herbaceous wetlands- •mosaic of aquatic bed, emergent and shrub species • greater than 80% cover es of tooa • mast-~eanny hardwoods • cone-bearing trees • trees, shrubs and vines with fleshy fruits • variety of aquatic bed and emergent wa feet use connection to permanent water • part of a wetland complex _ • greater tFian 3b0 feet wide • greater than 12 acres in size • toresteo or wan natural vegetation EXAMPLE/EXPLANATION Pocosins are often used as refuges by black bear that prefer to forage in wet flats and bottomland hardwood forests. Bottomland hardwood forests with oaks, ashes, shrubs and vines bearing nuts and fruits support larger mammal and bird populations than forests without these plants. Freshwater marshes attract a great van wildlife in late summer when other water sources are dry. Brackish marshes support large populations of wading birds and ducks. Piedmont and mountain wetlands will seldom meet these criteria, even though they provide important habitat. .-°----~. ._~__~.~_. ----------------- Wetlands surrounded by natural areas tend to have higher populations of wildlife than those surrounded by urban areas. ~~ Aquatic habitat refers [o habitat for animals which are dependent on water for their entire lives or some portion of their lives. These animals include fish, amphibians, and invertebrates, although the human bias is toward fish. All of these animals require the presence of surface water at some time during the year to survive or to reproduce. However, their preferred habitat differs. Some animals inhabit permanent bodies of water within wetlands. Fish will typi- cally be found in permanently flooded freshwater marshes and in streams and lakes adjacent to wetlands. These areas also provide habitat for aquatic crayfish, adult insects such as whirligig beetles and insect larvae such as mayflies, caddisflies, dragonflies and mosquitoes. Some salamanders are aquatic and live their entire lives in pools in mountain bogs and in seeps. Wetlands which are periodically flooded provide a second type of aquatic habitat. Bottomland hardwood forests that are flooded during the spring provide excellent feeding and spawning areas for fish which live in the adjacent stream. Flooded salt marshes, salt shrub wetlands and brackish marshes are critical to many species as marine nurseries. Ephemeral wetlands that are not directly connected to surface water provide valuable habitat for many amphibians. These wetlands typically fill in winter and evaporate in summer. Many frogs and salamanders lay their eggs and pass through juvenile stages in temporary pools. Fish typically prey on the eggs and young of amphibians but cannot survive in wetlands which periodically dry down. The adult frogs and other amphibians inhabit the wetlands and surrounding uplands. To provide good habitat for a variety of amphibians, these wetlands should fill between November and January and retain water to at least mid-May. Wetlands that remain filled until July offer even more favorable habitat. However, ephemeral wetlands which receive only rainfall may become too acidic; waters below pH 4.5 inhibit amphibian survival and reproduction (Braswell 1993). 25 The bog turtle, which inhabits mountain bogs, is a threatened species in N.C. VALUES OF WETLANDS Table 8. Aquatic Habitat in Wetlands Value depends. on: 's with snore t-aloe ~f: ; E!CA~IPLFII:XPLAN,A7"IOE~i > hydro{Ogy • CdrBdtEf than 10% Freshwater marshes with permanent of area With inundation support more fish and aquatic standing water all invertebrates. Bottomland hardwood forests year O R which are seasonally flooded provide • overbank flooding spawning, feeding and nursery areas for fish during spring OR and invertebrates. Pools in ephemeral • inundated only wetlands, seeps, and mountain bogs provide during winter and fish-free waters for amphibian reproduction. Flooded estuarine wetlands provide rich Spring With no habitat for estuarine fish and shellfish. connection to surface water OR • inundated by lunar tides pfanf~cover -~-- ~ g~ealer~tban T~~T- when Hooded, bottomland hardwood forests Cover by broad- supply large amounts of detritus to aquatic leaved deciduous grazers. Freshwater marshes and saM vegetation OR marshes are highly productive and provide a • greater than 25% wide variety of habitats. cover by well- interspersed patches of plants and water or diffuse open stands _ Tarid use wifhin 360~~-~~ ~~ _ "~ natu'rally vegeiatec3- _ 'weiia~ds'ir; more und~siurbed waie~sneds feet generally receive fewer toxicants. The ability of a wetland to provide aquatic habitat depends on its hydrology and plant cover. The opportunity of a wetland to provide aquatic habitat depends on the adjacent land use. Special ecological attributes refer to the value some weflands have as unique ecological types. Unique ecological types are important because they provide the specialized, isolated habitat needed by many rare or endangered plant and animal species. In addition, study of how unique wetlands differ from typical wetlands can help us understand functions in all wetlands. There are three ways in which a wetland may provide special ecological attributes: as a rare wetland type, as habitat for rare or endangered plant or animal species, or as an exceptional example of a more common wetland type. Some types of wetlands are extremely rare in North Carolina, occurring at fewer than 20 sites across the state. Maritime wetland forests on barrier islands, interdune ponds and wet marl forests are examples. These types generally formed under special circumstances and probably were never common. Because of their uniqueness, these wetland types are not included in the descriptions of wetland types in this field guide. To obtain information about these rare types, consult the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation. Wetlands can also be unique in providing habitat for rare or endangered species. The red-cockaded woodpecker is afederally-listed endangered species which is HUMAN USE VALUES most commonly associated with mature upland pine forests. In North Carolina, it can also be found in wet flats. The American alligator, afederally-listed threatened species, is a fairly common inhabitant of swamp forests and freshwater marshes south of Dare County and within 50 miles of the coast. The Venus' flytrap is found in wet pine savannas (a subtype of wet flats) and other wetlands only within a 75- mile radius of Wilmington. Bog turtles are found in scattered locations in bogs, bog forests and wet meadows throughout the mountains. Many other species are considered endangered, threatened, or of special concern by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission or the North Carolina Plant Conservation Program. About two-thirds of these plants and animals occur in wetlands. Three wetland types described in this field guide frequently provide habitat for rare species. These wetland types were more common in the past but have become uncommon or rare due to drainage and conversion to other uses. Wet pine savannas were once abundant on the Coastal Plain, but examples of good quality are now rare because of conversion and fire suppression (NHP 1993). As a consequence, many of the herbs characteristic of natural pine savannas have become rare or endangered. Similarly, the shrubs and herbs characteristic of undisturbed mountain bogs have become rare. Many ephemeral wetlands have been filled or drained, eliminating the habitat that many amphibian species depend on for breeding. Finally, some wetlands are unique as exceptional examples of more common wetland types. Undisturbed old growth forest is rare in North Carolina and it is considered valuable whether it occurs as bottomland hardwood forest, swamp forest or another wetland type. Wet flats dominated by mature bottomland oaks or mixed hardwoods are also unusual. In addition, a more common wetland type which occurs in a physiographic province where it would not be expected is considered "disjunct" and therefore valuable. A wet pine savanna or mountain bog occurring in the Piedmont is an example of this type. Table 9. Special Ecological Attributes of Wetlands Value depends on: 3 with more value if. k EXAMPLFJEXPLAt~JATIOIV "extrern'ely rare wetland ~ listed as~§ucfi in ~" ° The iocaiions oi~aii'documenied maritime ~""~~~ type Natural Heritage wetland forests are listed in the NHP Pro ram data base database. wet an type nown to • pine savanna Mountain bogs provide favorable habitat for support rare species • mountain bog bog turtles as well as rare amphibians. • ephemeral wetland excep Iona examp e o • un lstur e o The swamp forests along the Black River are a COmmOn type growth forest remarkable f« their great age and stature. • wet flat in Coastal Plain dominated by hardwoods 27 VALUES C1F ti'UE ~ LANDS DIRECT USE VALUES Direct use values are based on the direct use of wetlands by people. Some drrect uses of a wetland can occur without removing or permanently decreasing other wetland values. In contrast, filling wetlands that provide hydrological, water quality or habitat values in order to construct urban development or roads will permanently remove wetland values. Wetlands can often continue to provide these other values when they are used for recreation and education, timber production or hunting leases. Recreation and education refers to the value wetlands have in providing areas for boW consumptive and non-consumptive use. Consumptive uses involve hunting and fishing while non-consumptive uses include studying birds or plants, canoeing and aesthetic appreciation. Use of wetlands for recreation and education can provide health benefits through physical conditioning and relief of stress. In addition, purchases of recreational equipment, travel and lodging provide economic benefits to equipment manufacturers and local communities. Boardwalk through a cypress swamp at Pettigrew State Park, Washington Co. VALUES OF TYPES The ability of a wetland to be used for recreation and education depends on plant and animal populations, aesthetics, direct access to open water and amenities. The opportunity of a wetland to be used for recreation depends on adjacent land use and public accessibility. For wetlands, accessibility may be via public roads or public waterways. Table 10. Recreation and Education in Wetlands Valuedepend~ on: ~ with mare value if: j - - EXAMPLEIE?CPLANATION plant and anima{ ~ • healthy, diverse Many visitors are drawn by the possibility of populations populations sighting animals or observing unusual plants • rare species or in pine savannas. unusual specimens a--BSthe~ics o~-W@~lanCd~-- -~ no evl~c ence of- It access is possible, pristine sites are more and surrounding disturbance popular with visitors. The absence of trash landscape • no trash or may discourage littering. abandoned cars ____ access-fo open wafer ____ _ __ • difeC~ Views ahci _ _ _ Open water in marshes attracts both animals aCC2SS and visitors. -amenities ___- ~ ~~-pa~kirig i`aciliiies State parks with parking, boardwalks and • Well-malntalned restrooms receive more visitors than trails or boardwalks undeveloped sites. • docks, decks and boat ramps • restrooms _ _ a JBCBfIf ~n usCl------E --~---- _ • un Is urged na~Urar Trails along New Hope Creek in Duke Forest COmmunttlOS Or are popular, despite the close proximity of agriculture residential development. The deveopment is •low-density, Well- low-density and atiradively landscaped. landscaped residential • predominantly natural sou nd s aCCOSSIiJlilty ____ _ _ __ _ • near pu6~ic roads Development of a canoe trail and canoe rental • on publicly facility al Merchants Millpond State Parts accessible greatly increased the number of visitors. waterwa s Timber production refers to the economic value of wetlands for producing sawtim- ber and pulpwood. Most of the wetlands which are dominated by trees today have been logged in the past. Many will be logged in the future. In addition, thousands of acres of wetlands in eastern North Carolina are being managed for the production of pine. In North Carolina, timber is produced through both natural regeneration and intensive management. Intensive management usually involves site preparation, planting, fertilization, and sometimes controlled burning to reduce hardwood competition. Some wetlands such as wet flats can be productive with no additional drainage or fertilization. Other wetlands such as powsins require elaborate drainage systems and soil fertilization in order to be productive. Best management practices can be used to provide the best assurance of the continuing value of wetlands for timber production. In cooperation with the forest industry, the State has developed recommendations for road construction and maintenance, stream crossing, erosion control, harvesting and logging, and regeneration and reforestation (FRD 1990). 29 VALUES OF WETLANDS The value of a wetland for timber production depends on the wetland type, the value of standing trees and the size of the tract. The value of a site for long-term intensive management also depends on soil fertility and, quite frequently, on the practicality of drainage. Table 11. Timber Production in Wetlands ~ Value depends on: with more value if-. i EXAMPLFIEXPLA(~IATIOf~T wetland type ' • mature bottomlarid ' these weuand types nave higher potential hardwood forest growth rates due to greater soil fertility and • Wet flat less wetness. • high pocosin ine savanna __ ______ ___ _ sian~g `trees - ~~ ~ ~ _ ___ ~~ healt}1y Pines, ~~~~~ ~ _ Stands of large healthy trees produce more Oaks Or SpeClalty limber at greater economic value. Specialty WOOdS woods such as Atlantic white cedar have • average diameter is greater economic value per board toot. greater than 10 inches • basal area >_ 100 square feet per acre size o we an • grea er ~an f Large trails are less expensive to manage acres and yield more timber. y r0 Ogy • re atlVery-- C~r)% ---~~~~--~~~_ Wetlands with these characteristics are • drainabe by easier to convert to intensive management. ditching SOI e I I ~Ertlle fTlln~-~B~B~-SOI)~ Wetlands with these characteristics will re uire less fertilizer to be reductive. ATING THE AMOUNT OF LUMBER How many square feet of lumber could be produced from a given stand of trees? Foresters use a prism to estimate the basal area, but you can also sight by hand. Extend one arm parallel to the ground at chest height with fist closed and thumb pointing up. Count how many trees are equal to or wider than your thumb. Continue counting as you rotate 360 degrees. Multiply the number of trees by 10 to yield the number of square feet of lumber per acre of timber. A tract with greater than 100 syuare feet per acre and with average tree diameter of greater than 10 inches is a good site. Hunting leases refers to the economic value obtained by leasing wetlands for hunting. In North Carolina, waterfowl, bear, dear, raccoon, and turkey are often hunted in wetlands. Leases generally run from September to May with the land- t 1 1 VALUES OF TYPES Table 12. Hunting Leases in Wetlands Valuedepends on: s;. ; with inure v31ue ifc j:EXAIG1PLElEX1'L,~NATIOf~T ?= specialized habitat for ~ • mosaic Of marsh ~ Hunters may be willing to pay more for hunting game species ~ plants for waterfowl leases in choice waterfowl habitat than for Q R other types of hunting. Freshwater marshes • new growth and have been leased for $25300 per acre while open canopy for leases for deer habitat bring about $1 per deer OR acre. Brackish marshes visited by migratory • flooded trees for ~'~'aterfowl are also popular in North Carolina. wood duck OR Swamp forests are popular for hunting wood • good cover but duck and turkey. passable by hunters and dogs for game birds ...... .................................... a lOr1 ......... .... ..... ... y.,....... •OU~~SId@ O~'Cli" flml~'S ............9.......................................y...........ry........ Huntin leases in Halifax Count are ve • privately-owned popular, as this area lies about t30 miles from land Raleigh on major highways. Leases in • within a One-hour Granville, Nash and Johnston Counties are drive of a population increasing, as these lie about 30 miles from center Raleigh on major roads. _ size ~ greater 1Fiati~ Wetlands must be of adequate size to provide acres of specialized habitat and to minimize safety hazards on habitat OR adjacent properties. • greater than 100 acres owner reserving the right to renew. North Carolina trappers generally do not purchase leases but obtain written permission from landawners. Publicly-owned land is also valuable for hunting, but this is considered a recreational use since no lease is necessary. The value of a wetland for hunting leases depends on good habitat for game animals, accessibility and location. VALUES OF WETLAND TYPES Values are ultimately tied to specific wetlands because they depend on site specific factors such as location, human population pressure and the relative extent of the resource. Even with a type, wetlands vary significantly in their hydrology, vegeta- tion and soil. However, it is possible to identify types which demonstrate particular values well. Table 13 lists the values~that the 14 types of wetlands discussed in the Field Guide are likely to demonstrate. The values marked are for wetlands in their natural state reacher than a modified condition. Pocosins, for example, are not considered highly valuable for timber because they require draining and heavy fertilization. `31 VALUES OF WETLANDS Table 13. Relative Values for the Wetland Types H YtSgO=' ;i,INA 1"EA lOG1CA~ 'QUAI.- lfABITAT YAI.V~ UIRUGT ~It11 a` YALFIE'' 7TY (VALUE';. VALUE a ~° cr WE1"LANb ° ~ ~~~ ~ o `~~ ~ ~ r`A/ c~°~ Cp'~'~~ ~ ~,~5~ ~a~~ J°r ~O ca ~c~ Jc T V g G '. ~ a~ .P ~° a .Q' O ,A r wet~flats ~~.::~~~ r__ _ pocosins ephemeral wetlands See l~ ti ~~ ......:: ......:. mountain bogs c ........i 5 ........I ~ t .......:i .. ......i ........> ~ .......:I ~. ......... E j:......::. __ bog forests ' , headwater forests ° E - - ': bottomland ~~.,. hardwood r ~ `r~.,v € ~~~~~~~~~ t forests swamp forests a freshwater marshes estuarine fringe: forests € brackish marshes ............................... .:.............. ............ ........... p........... . ......... ....... E ...... salt shrub wetlands : ................................. salt marshes a....................... . ........................ . ' .........;......... .. .. .. 1 s i ^ ^ i s 1 TYPE DESCRIPTIONS MAJOR TYPES OF NORTH CAROLINA WETLANDS Classification of wetlands combines wetlands with similaz characteristics and values to facilitate the description of these systems. This chapter presents 14 major wetland types grouped by their hydrologic characteristics. By using the wetland key and the descriptions of wetland types, you should be able to identify many wetlands that you encounter in the field. CLASSIFYING WETLANDS There aze many different classification schemes for wetlands. Some schemes like the National Wetlands Inventory use detailed descriptions of hydrology and vegetation to classify wetlands. Others rely primarily on the identification of plants. All schemes must deal with the difficulties of assigning wetlands which occur along a continuum into discrete categories. Because of the diversity of wetlands, it is inevitable that observers will encounter examples which do not fit well into established categories. This problem is increased by examples of wetlands which have unique characteristics. The classification scheme used in this Field Guide is based on those characteristics observable in the field which were introduced in previous chapters. These include the source of water, the level of saturation or inundation, the composition and texture of soils, and the form and species of dominant plants. In addition, this classification considers the general appearance of the wetland, its position in the landscape and its general shape. Based on these characteristics, North Cazolina wetlands aze classified into 14 general types in this chapter. EXPLANATION OF TYPE DESCRIPTIONS Hydrology determines the chazacter of wetlands-those wetlands which shaze common sources of water also share certain features. To simplify the presentation of wetland types in this chapter, the fourteen types aze grouped based on their hydrologic characteristics. Four of these groups, shown in Figure 5, aze freshwater wetlands: • wetlands sustained primarily by rainfall. These receive little ground or surface water. • wetlands sustained primarily by ground water dischazge. These receive little surface water. • wetlands sustained by a combination of freshwater sources which may include 33 TYPES OF WETLANDS surface runoff, streamflow, overbank flooding or ground water flow • wetlands on rivers or lakes, sustained by overbank flooding, surface and ground water flow parallel to streams A fifth group is made up of those wetlands which are influenced by the ocean: • estuarine wetlands which are heavily influenced by the ocean through lunar tides, flood fides and salt spray. In the pages that follow, each of these five groups of wetlands is preceded by an overview of their formation and common characteristics. Then a description of each wetland type in the group is presented. The description for each wetland type includes six sections: Profile, Overview, Value, Threats, Similar Types and Sites to Visit. To assist you in using the description for each type, the terms and contents used in each section are discussed here. `' c ~ ~ ~ pocosins, ~~ a wet flats `' n ay~ CJC ephemeral tl d o' N~ ~ ~v, ~ \ we an ~~ ° c ~---' ~O'~ 7 ~ .mac o o~ ~~ ~ headwater forests, ~ rd d mountain bog forests ~ o 7 '~ ~'o - bogs-----~~ ~ freshwater marshes ~ bottomland hardwood seeps ~ forests, swamp forests increasing reliance on surface water Figure 5. Freshwater wetlands by primary source of water (adapted from Brinson 1993) DISTRIBUTION North Carolina may be described in terms of five physiographic provinces: the Mountains, the Piedmont, the Sandhills, the Inner Coastal Plain and the Outer Coastal Plain. The location of each of these provinces is shown in Figure 6. While the Sandhills, the Inner Coastal Plain and the Outer Coastal Plain provinces may all be considered parts of the coastal plain, it's convenient to discuss these areas separately since they have distinct landforms, hydrology, soils and vegetation. The Mountains province is made of up of the steep mountainous terrain of the Blue Ridge Mountains system, a portion of the southern Appalachian Mountains. 34 1 a 1 1 ^ i 1 TYPE DESCRIPTIONS The Blue Ridge system in North Carolina contains portions of the Great, Smoky, Unaka, Unicoi, Black, Pisgah, Nantahala and other mountain ranges. Its land- forms vary from steep mountain ridges to broad basins and valleys between the mountains. These landforms are the result of three separate geologic periods of mountain raising followed by extended periods of erosion. The underlying rocks are primarily granite or other silica-containing rocks. Ground water percolating through these rocks becomes slightly acidic, supporting the development of plant communities made up of acid-tolerant plants. Wetlands are relatively rare in the Mountain province, making up no more than 1 percent of the landscape (DEM 1994). Mountain bogs and bog forests are most characteristic of the higher elevations above 1,200 feet. In the lower Mountains, seeps and headwater forests may occur on lower hillsides. Bottomland hardwood forests and freshwater marshes are found in the lower elevations in broad stream valleys. Ephemeral wetlands and swamp forests are rarely found in Mountain stream v~na.,~ LEGEND Mountains ®InnerCoastalPlain Piedmont Outer Coastal Plain 0 Sandhills In the western Piedmont, low isolated mountains rise from We flat plain, a land form which reminded early settlers of the foothills or "piedmont" of southern Europe (Godfrey 1980). However, the Piedmont has come W refer to all of the area between the Blue Ridge escarpment and the fall line at the edge of the Coastal Plain. The central and eastern Piedmont varies from gently rolling hills to long low ridges. Despite its gentle landscape, the geologic history of the Piedmont is complex, featuring faults and rifts, mountain raising and erosion, marine volcanoes and inland seas (Beyer 1991). Wetlands are somewhat more abundant in the Piedmont province than in the Mountains. Wetlands make up about 4 percent of the landscape of the Piedmont (DEM 1994). Seeps and headwater forests occur in the foothills, on hillsides and at the base of slopes above floodplains. Bottomland hardwood forests occupy portions of floodplains along medium to large stream valleys. Swamp forests occur along a few large rivers. Freshwater marshes have developed along many reservoirs and, with the rettun of the beaver, in beaver ponds. Ephemeral wetlands occur in depressions and floodplains scattered across the Piedmont. ;5 TYPES OF WETLANDS The Inner Coastal Plain occupies the area from the fall line to the Suffolk Scarp and the southeastern portion of the state, excluding estuarine azeas. The fall line is identified by low rapids where rivers descend from the Piedmont uplands to the flat Coastal Plain. Below the fall line, streams slow and broaden, eventually discharging into the Atlantic Ocean. The Suffolk Scarp marks the easternmost of a series of ancient shorelines extending across the Inner Coastal Plain. North Carolina's Coastal Plain is composed of a series of flat terraces from the fall line to the present shoreline. Beginning 1.7 million years ago, world-wide climate changes caused sea level to rise or fall as ice caps and glaciers melted or expanded. Over hundreds of thousands of years, the sea advanced and retreated over the land, leaving behind a series of shoreline terraces. Beach scarps, or steep slopes, marked the edge of these terraces just as they mazk the edge of modem beaches. Remains of the easternmost scarp, the Suffolk Scarp, can sflll be seen along State Routes 32 and 306 in Gates, Washington and Beaufort counties. The remains appeaz as a low ridge up to 15 feet high, with the land sloping away to the east. Unlike the Suffolk Scarp, most of the scarps separating the terraces have been eroded away, leaving a nearly flat landscape cut by wandering, low gradient rivers. Carolina bays are unique landforms in the Inner and Outer Coastal Plain. In aerial photographs, they appear as oval ponds or forests with their long axes oriented from northwest to southeast. Many geologists now believe that the Cazolina bays were formed 40,000 years ago by wind-generated wave action. During a glacial period with lowered sea level, high rainfall and high water tables created thou- sands of shallow ponds in the Coastal Plain. Prevailing strong winds created wave patterns in the ponds that eroded their shorelines. Over time, the ponds were shaped into similar oval shapes with a uniform orientation from northwest to southeast. Aerial photographs suggest that there may be as many as 20,000 bays in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, most of them in North and South Cazolina and Georgia. Because the hydrology and plants in Cazolina bays vary from site to site, a variety of wetland and non-wetland community types occupies bays. Wetlands aze abundant in the Inner Coastal Plain. Wet flats and powsins cover thousands of acres in interstream divides. Headwater forests grade into extensive swamp forests and bottomland forests along most rivers. Freshwater marshes can be found in natural lakes in Carolina bays and at the mouths of sounds. A few ephemeral wetlands may be found in floodplains or in clay-based Carolina bays. Carolina bays may also contain swamp forests or pocosins. In the southwestern corner of the Inner Coastal Plain adjacent to the Piedmont, an area with distinct chazacteristics is referred to as the Sandhills. Geologists believe that this azea, like many azeas of the Inner Coastal Plain, was orginally covered by sandy clays washed down from the eroding Piedmont (Beyer 1991). These sandy clays were gradually eroded into a landscape of rolling hills. At the same time, rainfall seeped through the soil, transporting clay particles from surface layers to deeper layers. The loose sands left in the top layers were reworked by ;~ . t i S TYPE DESCRIPTIONS winds into sand dunes and interdune depressions. As a result, rainfall drains rapidly through the soil, a situation which is generally unfavorable for the formation of wetlands. However, lens-shaped deposits of clay beneath hillsides and in interdune depressions allow wetlands to develop where ground water accumulates or emerges as seeps. Wetlands are less common in the Sandhills province than in the Inner or Outer Costal Plain, but they are more common than wetlands in the Piedmont. Seeps and headwater forests occur on hillsides and along narrow drains between slopes. Wet flats (particularly wet pine savannas) and pocosins are found in interstream divides in the Sandhills. Along medium to large streams, bottomland hardwood forests and swamp forests may be found. Freshwater marshes may develop in beaver ponds. Ephemeral wetlands occur in isolated locations in interdune depressions or in floodplains. The Outer Coastal Plain consists of the area from the Suffolk Scarp to the upper limit of mean sea level, including those areas along the southeastern vast influ- enced by salt water. Like the Inner Coastal Plain, this province includes faint traces of terraces and ancien[ beach scarps and barrier islands. The scarps and islands have been eroded away in most areas, leaving an almost flat landscape for the 30 to 80 mile width of the Outer Coastal Plain. The character of the northern coast, from the Virginia border to Morehead City, differs from that of the southern coast. After the last glacial period about 14,000 years ago, the Atlantic Ocean began rising rapidly, depositing marine sediments in estuaries. Along the northern coast, the rising sea flooded estuaries and the mouths of rivers and created embayed, or enclosed, sounds. (While the rise in sea level has slowed in the last 5,000 years, it is still estimated to rise at about one foot per century.) The southern coast has neither large estuaries nor embayed sounds. The terraces of the Outer Coastal Plain are crossed by sediment-filled rivers from the Piedmont. As these rivers discharge into sounds, they create estuaries at their mouths. The Chowan and the Roanoke Rivers, originating in the Virginia Pied- mont, flow into Albemarle Sound. The Tar-Pamlico and Neuse Rivers flow into Pamlico Sound. The Cape Fear River, which drains the southern part of the Coastal Plain, discharges duectiy into the Atlantic Ocean. The Outer Coastal Plain also includes the barrier islands, which represent the dune ridges on the outermost terrace of the Coastal Plain. About 5,000 years ago, the rising sea separated these ridges from the mainland by shallow embayed sounds. Wetlands are abundant in the Outer Coastal Plain, although relatively few types dominate. Salt marshes and brackish marshes cover extensive areas. Salt scrub wetlands and estuarine fringe wetlands are common, although they cover less area. Wet flats and pocosins are abundant in interstream divides. Freshwater marshes occur at the mouths of rivers that are removed from ocean inlets. Ephemeral wetlands occur in a few locations in interdune depressions or on barrier islands. }7~ TYPES OF WETLANDS PROFILE Each wetland type has a characteristic profile which describes its distribution, landscape position, typical hydrology, soils, and dominant plants. The "Land- scape position" is the geographical position where you're likely to find each type of wetland, varying from interstream divides to estuaries. However, each wetland type may occasionally be found in other locations than those listed. `"Typical hydrology" describes the amount of saturation or inundation and the likely source of water. "Soils" describes whether the soils are organic or mineral. In some cases, specific textures can be listed for a wetland type. (For more complete listings of soil series, consult the Classification of Natural Communities of North Carolina, NHP 1990). "Dominant plants" lists the common name, scientific name, and indicator status of the dominant plants for each type of wetland. The plants are listed in general order from most dominant to least dominant. Scien- tific names are listed according to Radford et al. (1968). The codes for indicator status are presented in Table 3. A "plus" with the indicator status suggests that the plant tends towards wetlands; a "minus" suggests that the plant tends toward non-wetland conditions. OVERVIEW The discussion of each wetland type includes an overview that discusses the wetland's general appearance, distinctive features, subtypes, associated types and abundance. Subtypes are wetlands which fit the category in general terms, but which may vary in one or more characteristics from the predominant type. Associated types are wetlands which can be expected to occur in the same vicinity as the wetland type. VALUES While it is impossible to specify the values of any wetland without examining it in detail, it is possible to make some generalizations. Because the wetlands within a type have similar characteristics, they may be expected to provide similar values. This section discusses these values. TI~iEATS This section discusses human activities that threaten the type. These activities may range from suppression of fue to filling weilands for urban development. The next chapter discusses modifications to wetlands in greater depth. SIMII,AR TYPES Each wetland type shares certain characteristics wiW other wetland types. Similar types of wetlands will ordinarily occur together in the wetland key or within the same grouping. Characteristics which will help you to distinguish between types are suggested in this section. STIES TO VISIT Identifying a wetland type often relies on perception of subtle differences and overall character. It is often helpful to visit a good example of a type before attempting to identify an unknown example. This section offers a list of publicly- 38 KEY TO TYPES owned, reasonably-accessible wetlands which exhibit variations of the type. A compass icon by an example shows that this is an example of exceptional quality. To visit these sites, you will need a good map, such as those in an atlas, to follow in addition to the directions in this guide. KEY TO WETLAND TYPES To assist you in making an initial identification of the wetland type, a key to types is shown in Figure 7. This key focuses on those characteristics which are easiest to identify in the field---the landscape position, form of plants and, in some cases, obvious hydrologic indicators. You may notice that some types appear more than once in the key; this occurs because different plants may dominate in different circumstances. To identify the type of a particular wetland, follow the key as a first approxima- tion. After you've made an initial identification of the type, check the description under the type for consistency. If the particular wetland does not seem to fit the description, check the similar types. If the wetland does not seem to fit one of these types, attempt a different path through the key. While wetlands vary dramatically, most wetlands will fall into the 14 categories presented here. However, there will be exceptions. no plants present - soe pago 42 '. shrubs -see Pa4o 40 estuarine not estuarine I cbse away from varlery of herbs in mountains to inlets inlets and dominated by Sphagnum salt marsh j (brackish marsh BEGIN HERE ~ plants present ~ predominantly herbs zones of mowteln small area ~ with no aquatic & aquatic plants emergent plants P~ ° mB~ heshwat wetland marsh Figure 7. Key to Wetland Types (herbs) TYPES OF WETLANDS This classification does not include wetland types which occur at fewer than 20 sites across the state, according to the records of the Natural Heritage Program. For information on rare types of wetlands, consult the more extensive classifica- tion scheme included in Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation (NHP 1990). shrubs uy ~ not estuarine estuarine salt shrub I mostly waxy wetland evergreen shrubs pocosin I in the mountains and underlain by Sphagnum mountain bog Figure 7. Key to Major Wetland Types [shrubs] with few trees immufureor disturbed wotlanda typo -project mature state end sea page 42 ~: KEY TO TYPES mxares of trees, ehnbe end Mfie on margin of nol on margin estuary of aeaary estuerlne iringe tweet no dislncl steam pooAy drained large area on present or tandwabr bottornlande In rnanWtta myor s tream stream or fiver bog tweet smell depression at base of dope on ddge or along stied b reintell large area on broad ~ re g rourM water Madwater stream inlersheam divide r ~ s ephemeral wedand wep MadwaW tweet diverse, wdl- domneted by sense shrubs Oevebped tree, gpreea andror mostly waxy shnbe mostly ahM and Mrb apeb gum with evergreens de°duous or layere law Mrbe absent pocoein wet flat bottomlarM ewemp lonel hardwood tweet Figure 7. Key to Major Wetland Types [trees, shrubs and herbs) TYPES OF WETLANDS no plants present cleared disturbed area- `'hydrology may small area 'suggest original with evidence '''w©tland type' of periodic drying aphemerel wetland Figure 7. Key to major Wetlands Types (no plants) stream or deepwater - habfia! not a wetland WETLANDS SUSTAINED BY RAINFALL On the broad interstream divides of the North Carolina Coastal Plain, rainfall is the primary source of water for wetlands. But rainfall also creates small wetlands in depressions across the state. Three general types of wetlands are sustained by rainfall rather than surface or ground water: wet flats, pocosins and ephemeral wetlands. These wetlands develop where rain accumulates in depressions or over impermeable layers of soil. FORMATION Wet flats, pocosins and ephemeral wetlands require an impervious base of clay or peat in order to hold rainfall. Ephemeral wetlands occur in a variety of soils. Wet flats typically develop on mineral soils with subsurface layers of clay or fine, compacted silt. Such wetlands can be effectively drained by ditches if the ditch penetrates the impervious layer. Pocosins typically develop where layers of peat, the decayed remains of plants, have accumulated. In some areas, peat deposits several feet thick have developed over centuries, blocking ancient stream valleys and filling depressions. Peat domes slightly elevated above the surrounding landscape have developed in a few areas. Peat-based wetlands are difficult to drain by ditching. Peat tends to hold water rather than conduct it, so ditches only drain water from the immediate area. However, severe fires can burn through thick peat layers and are believed to be the origin of lakes such as Lake Mattamuskeet. area inundated 42~- t RAINFALL CHARACTERISTICS The hydrology of wet flats, pocosins and ephemeral wetlands results primarily from the interaction of rain and evapotranspiration. Due to the low gradient in these areas, there is little surface runoff except subtle sheet flow. Most rain remains where it falls. In winter, rain accumulates because of low evapotranspira- tion. Depressions fill and perched water tables rise above the soil surface. Standing surface water may linger for several months. As spring progresses into summer, however, evapotranspiration increases and water levels are drawn down. During the summer and fall, these wetlands may not even appear to be moist at the soil surface. In the Coastal Plain, the soils in wet flats, pocosins and ephemeral wetlands usually consist of reworked marine sediments, clay and peat with limited amounts of the nutrients necessary for plant growth. Thick peat is especially poor in nutrient content, resulting in stunted plants with slow growth. Ephemeral wetlands in the Piedmont and Mountains occur as small inclusions in a variety of soil series. Fire plays an important part in the ecology of wet flats and pocosins. Under natural conditions, these wetlands were subject to wildfires which reduced the amount of leaf and branch litter and released nutrients in the form of ash. The accumulation of peat was governed by the ratio of plant production, biological breakdown and removal by burning. Over time, the frequency and severity of fires interacted with the hydrology and depth of peat to determine the wetland type. However, most of these wetlands have been greatly affected by efforts to suppress natural fires. Some of the plant species that are most common in these wetland types have special adaptations to periodic fine. Seedlings of longleaf pine spend up to five years in the "grass" stage, developing a long tap root but little above-ground growth. Then in a single growing season, the shoo[ grows to a height of five to eight feet, above the level of low-intensity fires. The pond pine has adapted to fue by developing cones which only release sheds when they are heated. This ensures that seeds are released when the soil is most fertile, after a fire releases nutrients from litter. Many rare herbs occur only in areas which have been burned to allow sunlight in and release nutrients. Pocosins are dominated by shrubs of the Families Ericaceae and Aquifoliaceae; these shrubs sprout readily from their roots after their tops are burned away. The pond pine also sprouts from its trunk after fires, making it appear to be covered with coarse green fur. In general, wet flats and powsins are common and extensive in the Coastal Plaii-. However, many acres of these types have been converted to agriculture or pine plantations. Ephemeral wetlands are poorly documented, but undisturbed examples are thought to be rare in North Carolina. a;.. TYPES OF WETLANDS WET FLATS PROFILE Distribution: Sandhills, Inner and Outer Coastal Plain. Landscape position: generally flat areas in interstream divides. Subtle differences in internal topography may be present. Stream channels are usually absent but ditches are frequently present. Typical hydrology: seasonally saturated or inundated by a high or perched water table. Summer water tables may be three or more feet below the surface. Soils: mineral soils or slightly organic soils. Longleaf pine subtypes tend to occur on moist sandy soils while non-pine subtypes occur on clayey or slightly organic soils. Loblolly pine subtypes occur on a wide variety of soils. Wet flats often have a dense layer of clay two to three feet below the surface. Dominant plants: Loblolly pine subtypes-variable depending on human activities but usually dominated by loblolly pine. Trees: Loblolly pine, Pinus taeda FAC Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC Sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua FAC+ Swamp tupelo, Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora OBL Shrubs: Horsesugar, Symplocos tinctoria FAC Hollies and gallberries, Ilex spp. FAC to OBL Herbs: Cane, Arundinaria gigantea FACW Longleaf pine subtypes-an open to sparse tree canopy usuall y dominated by longleaf pine, with few shrubs to scattered shrubs and awell-developed herb layer. The herb layer is usually dominated by wire grass, but on some sites may be highly diverse. ~ Trees: Longleaf pine, Pinus palustris FACU+ Pond pine, Pinus serotina FACW+ Shrubs: Hollies and gallberries, Ilez spp. FAC to OBL Huckleberries, Gaylussacia spp. FACU to FAC Herbs: Wire grass, Aristida stricta FAC- Cane, Arundinaria gigantea FACW Beakrush, Rhynchospora spp. FAC to OBL Non-pine subtypes-well-developed tree layers, sparse to dense shrub layers and sparse herbs. Bald cypress and swamp tupelo dominate on somewhat wetter sites with slightly organic soils. Wetland oaks dominate on somew hat drier sites with loamy or clayey soils. Trees: Bald cypress, Taxodium distichium OBL Swamp tupelo, Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora OBL Swamp chestnut oak, Quercus michauxii FACW- Laurel oak, Quercus laurifolia FACW 44 i Cherrybark oak, Quercus falcata var. pagodaefolia Red maple, Acer rubrum Sweetgum, Liquidambar sryraciflua Loblolly pine, Pinus taeda Shrubs: Sweet pepperbush, Clethra alnifolia Herbs: Cane, Arundinaria gigantea Virginia chainfern, Woodwardia virginica Netted chainfern, Woodwardia areolata Sedges, Carex spp. Sphagnum moss, Sphagnum spp. Vines: Laurel-leaf greenbriar, Smilax laurifolia RAINFALL FAC+ FAC FAC+ FAC FACW FACW OBL OBL OBL to FAC FACW+ Shrubby forests, both natural and managed, still cover much of the Coastal Plain and Sandhills of North Carolina. Despite their dry appearance in late summer and fall, many of these forests are sufficiently wet to have hydric soils and to support wetland plants. Wet flats are characterized by wide fluctuations in the level of their water tables. In the winter, rainfall saturates the ground and can create localized inundation. When trees increase their evapotranspiration in spring, the water table drops rapidly and by late summer the ground surface may be dry. The character of wet flats varies widely due to human modification. Much of the area that formerly supported longleaf pine and non-pine subtypes has been drained and converted to loblolly pine subtypes. Some of these areas are managed as pine plantations, with regular burning to control hardwoods, scheduled timber harvesting and replanting in loblolly pine. Pine plantations typically have greater tree density and size than more natural communities. The greater density of pines leads to higher rates of evapotranspiration and, conse- quently, less saturation and inundation during the winter months. In areas where the original subtypes remain, they differ according to soil texture and fue frequency. Frequent low-intensity fires on moist sandy soils favor the development of the longleaf pine subtypes. Sites that are burned most frequently may become wet pine savannas. The term "savanna" is used throughout the world to denote communities with a grassy, meadow-like herb layer and an open tree canopy with litfle shrub layer. In North Carolina, some of these park-like forests are seasonally saturated, meeting the criteria for wetlands. Sites that are burned every 3 to 5 years during the growing season develop a highly diverse herb layer and a suppressed shrub layer. On these sites, grasses, sedges, asters, goldenrods, sunflowers, orchids or lilies may occur in addition to wiregrass. Suppression of fires in longleaf pine subtypes allows more shrubs and hard- woods to survive. Today, the majority of sites dominated by longleaf pine have scattered shrubs. Those sites with evergreen shrubs may resemble open pocosins. a5 TYPES OF WETLANDS Wetflat A savanna, a subtype of wetflats, located in the Sandhills gamelands, Scotland Co. t i RAINFALL Few Fires on clayey, loamy or slightly organic soil favor the development of non- pine subtypes dominated by bald cypress and swamp tupelo or by wetland oaks. These wet flats are superficially similaz to swamp forests and bottomland hazd- wood forests. However, they are somewhat drier than these riverine wetlands and are inundated by ground water rather than overbank flooding. Many of these sites have been altered by harvesting bald cypress and Atlantic white cedar. Drier conditions caused by ditching have allowed red maple and sweetgum to become more common. At their edges, wet flats grade into upland communities, pocosins, or swamp forests. The difference between wet flats and adjacent communities is often very subtle and difficult to identify. Longleaf pine subtypes often contain seeps or ephemeral wetlands. Wet flats, particularly loblolly pine subtypes, are widespread in the North Carolina Coastal Plain. Longleaf pine subtypes are more common south of the Neuse River, while non-pine subtypes aze more common north of the Neuse River. Good quality examples of wet pine savannas and subtypes dominated by oaks have become very uncommon. VALUES Because they cover thousands of acres of We Coastal Plain of North Carolina, wet flats have considerable influence on the hydrology of this region. This wetland type stores rainfall, allowing it to slowly drain from saturated soil into surface streams and ground water. In the Outer Coastal Plain, wet flats help to stabilize the salinity of estuarine systems. Converting wet flats to agriculture or forestry can change their hydrologic regime, affecting the salinity of nearby estuarine systems. Most subtypes of wet flats are common and do not typically provide habitat for many raze species. The exceptions are wet pine savannas and wet flats dominated by wetland oaks. More rare plants are associated with the wet pine savanna subtype than with any other natural community in the state. A few examples are Cooley's meadowrue, savanna indigo-bush, golden sedge, rough-leaf loosestrife, and Carolina goldenrod. The high herb diversity provides food for a variety of rare butterflies and moths, including the amgos skipper, the sundew cutworm moth and Buchholz's dart moth. Rare birds such as the red-cockaded woodpecker and the Bachman's sparrow may also be found in pine savannas. The eastern diamondback rattlesnake, the pygmy rattlesnake and the mimic glass lizazd are rare reptiles found in savannas. Wet flats dominated by swamp chestnut oak, laurel oak and cherrybazk oak have become a rare subtype of this wetland type. Wet flats are valuable for timber production, both in their natural state and as managed plantations. They provide shelter and food sources for deer, black bear, fox, raccoon, opossum, gray squirrel and rabbits. Wild turkey and songbirds also frequent these areas. Because of the abundant wildlife, wet flats aze valuable for nature study, binding, botanizing and recreational hunting. ~7' TYPES OF WETLANDS THREATS Wet flats are threatened by a variety of human activities. The greatest threat to wet flats is conversion to agriculture. Many subtypes are becoming uncommon due to conversion to pine plantations, which may increase evaporation rates and decrease inundation. Pine plantations aze often managed by planned burning. While this converts the tree layer from long-leaf pine to loblolly pine, frequent burning can maintain the characteristic herb layer of wet pine savannas. On the other hand, suppression of fire has resulted in the increasing rarity of good examples of wet pine savannas. Suppression of fire allows shrubs to develop whose shade eliminates the habitat for razer plants (NHP 1993). SIMII,AR TYPES • Pocosins are heavily dominated by dense evergreen shrubs with little or no herb layer. • Seeps are small areas with evidence of ground water discharge even in summer. • Headwater forests are small azeas and often show evidence of surface water flow. STTES TO VISTT When visiting these sites, take precautions to prevent bites by ticks and chiggers. Be alert for poisonous copperheads. Timber rattlesnakes may be encountered in large, uninterrupted tracts of forest. The eastern diamondback rattlesnake and the pigmy rattlesnake may also be encountered. Examples of exceptional quality are identified by Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, Dare County. From Manteo, drive west on U.S. Highway 64/U.S. Highway 264. Follow either road where they split. Carolina Beach State Park, New Hanover County. From Cazolina Beach, drive north on U.S. Highway 421 to State Park. West of 421. * Croatan National Forest, Millis Road Savanna and Pocosin, Carteret County. From Morehead City, drive west on U.S. Highway 70 to Newport. Turn south on Nine Foot Road (SR 1124). West of Nine Foot Road and south of Millis Road (FS 128). * Holly Shelter Game Land (southeastern section), Pender County. From Wihnington, drive north on U.S. Highway 17 to Woodside. Northwest side of 17. Sandhills Game Land natural areas, Richmond and Scotland Counties. From Rockingham, drive north on U.S. Highway 1. * Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, Gates and Camden Counties. From Elizabeth City, drive west on U.S. Highway 17/158 into Gates Co. Both sides of highway. RAINFALL Venus fly trap Melissa McCaw, NCWRC Venus fly traps and pitcher plants, both insectivorous, are examples of rare plants found in wet pine savannas. Pitcher plant Melissa McCrea, NCWRC TYPES OF ~'JETLANDS POCOSINS PROFILE Distribution: Sandhills, Inner and Outer Coastal Plain. Landscape position: poorly-drained interstream divides and depressions such as Carolina bays, swales and limesinks. Stream channels are generally absent although streams may originate on the edges of pocosins. Ditches may be present. Typical hydrology: seasonally saturated or inundated by a high or perched water table. Soils: organic soils or mineral soils with organic surface layers. Short pocosins have layers of peat several feet deep. Dominant plants: dominated by broad-leaved evergreen shrubs with scattered pond pine, although a more substantial tree canopy of pond pine and bay may occur. Herbs are nearly absent. Trees: Pond pine, Pinus serotina FACW+ Sweet bay, Magnolia virginiana FACW+ Loblolly bay, Gordonia lasianthus FACW Red Bay, Persea borbonia FACW Shrubs: Fetterbush, Lyonia lucida FACW Ti-ti, Cyrilla racemiJlora FACW Hollies and gallbemes, Ilex spp. OBL to FAC Sweet pepperbush, Clethra alnifolia FACW Blueberry, Vaccinium spp. FAC to FACW Vines: Laurel-leaf greenbriar, Smilax laurifolia FACW+ Pocosin r 1 RAINFALL Pocosins are marked by dense, nearly-impenetrable thickets of shrubs and vines with pools of water or soggy areas beneath them. The name pocosin comes from an Algonquin Indian term meaning "swamp on a hill" While some pocosins occur on slight elevations, many more pocosins are found in interstream divides or shallow depressions fed by rainwater. Under natural conditions, pocosins are subject to periodic severe wildfires during droughts. The broad-leaved evergreen shrubs which dominate pocosins display a variety of adaptations to these fires. Plants dominating a specific pocosin are determined by the duration of saturation or inundation and the thickness of the peat as well as fire frequency and severity Pocosins may be divided into short pocosins and tall pocosins. Short pocosins occur in wetter areas with thick peat and low nutrient input and availability. Generally, they develop where the peat has accumulated to more than three feet deep, often creating a domed wetland, or over nutrient-poor sands. Lack of nutrients may limit plant growth in short pocosins and explain why most trees and shrubs are less than five feet tall. Tall pocosins are relatively richer in nutrients and have vegetation of normal height. They develop where peat is generally one foot or less deep. Pocosins dominated by any of the bays-sweet bay, loblolly bay ~ red bay-are often called "bay forests." Bay forests and other tall pocosins have tree canopies that include pond pine, a species that is less prevalent in short pocosins. A rare subtype of pocosin dominated by Atlantic white cedar was once widespread in the Coastal Plain, but has become rare due to fire suppression and logging. Pocosins grade into wet flats or non-wetland communities at their edges, but their dense growW and peaty soils distinguish them from adjacent communities. While pocosins occupy thousands of acres in North Carolina, their geographic range is limited to the Coastal Plain from Virginia to Georgia. VALUES Pocosins generally provide limited value for special ewlogical attributes, although further study is needed. North Carolina has more acres of peat-based pocosins than any other state in the geographic range, so the type cannot be considered rare in this state. Pocosins tend to have low numbers of rare species; a few such as spoonflower, cranberry and rough-leaved loosestrife survive on edges with pine savannas and in openings created by fire. Pocosins constitute important wildlife habitat because of their extent, excellent cover and heavy berry crop. Black bear, bobcat and the reintroduced red.wolf survive in eastern North Carolina because of the extensive territory and isolation provided by vast pocosins. While these species range through a variety of coastal communities, they seek refuge in pocosins. Songbirds, such as the pine warbler, gray fox, deer, small mammals, and a variety of snakes and amphibians also make use of pocosins. Because of the wildlife populations, pocosins are desirable for hunting leases. Hunters typically use dogs to flush game from the dense shrub thickets. S1 TYPES OF WETLANDS THREATS Many pocosins aze threatened by conversion to agriculture or pine plantations. In most cases, powsins must be drained in order to be used for these activities. There have been proposals to mine peat from pocosins to produce power, although no mining operations aze presently taking place. The mined pocosins would be converted to agricultural use. SIMII.AR TYPES • Wet flats are dominated by longleaf or loblolly pine and deciduous shrubs rather than by pond pine and evergreen shrubs. • Seeps aze small azeas with evidence of groundwater dischazge even in summer. Headwater forests aze small areas and often show evidence of surface water flow. SITES TO VISTT When visiting these sites, take precautions to prevent bites by ticks and chiggers. Be alert for poisonous copperheads. Timber rattlesnakes may be encountered in large, uninterrupted tracts of pocosin. Examples of exceptional quality are identified by *. Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, wet flats and pocosins, Daze County. From Manteo, drive west on U.S. Highway 64/U.S. Highway 264. Follow either road where they split. Bladen Lakes State Forest, pocosins in Carolina bays, Bladen County. From Elizabethtown, drive north on U.S. 701/41/242. Continue straight on Bladen County 242. Both sides of road in depressions. * Croatan National Forest, Great Lake and Catfish Lake pocosins, Craven County. From Morehead City, drive west on U.S. Highway 70 through Havelock. Turn left on Catfish Lake Road (SR 1100). Follow Forest Service roads. Encircling Great Lake and West of Catfish Lake. Croatan National Forest, Millis Road Savanna and Pocosin, Carteret County. From Morehead City, drive west on U.S. Highway 70 to Newport. Turn left on Nine Foot Road (SR 1124). West of Nine Foot Road and south of Millis Road (FS 128). Holly Shelter Game Land, northeastern section, Pender County. From Wilmington, drive north on U.S. Highway 17 to Woodside. Northwest from Highway 17. i,~ RAINFALL EPHEMERAL WETLANDS PROFILE Distribution: All provinces. Landscape position: depressions in uplands. Also in depressions in floodplains but usually not duectly connected to streams. Typical hydrology: seasonally to semipermanentiy inundated or flooded. The source varies by location but precipitation is frequently responsible. Overbank flooding may contribute in floodplains. Soils: usually not distinguished in soil surveys. These soils occur as small inclu- sions in hydric and non-hydric soil types. Dominant plants: vary by location and the depth and dtuation of inundation. Plants may be few or absent during heaviest flooding and in areas with prolonged inundation. During drier seasons, a dense herb layer may develop. Trees or shrubs may be present on the edge or scattered in the center. Ephemeral wetlands are small, subtle and easy to overlook. During the wet season, they may be recognized as isolated pools of water, often a foot or more deep. The water level is lowered through evapotranspiration astemperature rises and plant growth increases as spring progresses. During summer and fall, they may be completely dry except after heavy rains, but indications of their hydrology may remain. 5; Ephemeral wetlands during winter, Guilford County TYPES OF WETLANDS Ephemeral wetlands are typically small in size, usually wvering less than an acre even during eazly spring. They often occur as inclusions in other wetland types, particularly bog forests, swamp forests, bottomland hardwood forests and pocosins. They also occur as inclusions in upland community types. The cypress savanna subtype is restricted to the southern part of the Inner Coastal Plain in clay-based Carolina bays. Its plants generally consist of an open canopy of cypress with swell-developed herb layer. This subtype is very rare in North Carolina but somewhat more common in South Carolina. The upland depression swamp forest subtype occurs from the eastern to western Piedmont. In Mecklenberg County, this wetland subtype develops in mafic depressions (depressions over a basic clay hardpan) and is chazacterized by ground water with a pH neaz neutral. Willow and overcup oaks aze characteristic trees in these mafic depression wetlands. Although many aze undocumented, undisturbed ephemeral wetlands are thought to be rare throughout North Carolina. They are particularly rare in the Mountains VALUE Because of their hydrologic cycle, ephemeral wetlands are critical breeding sites for amphibians. In most aquatic habitats, fish prey upon the eggs and aquatic young of amphibians, but fish aze unable to survive the annual dry-down in many ephemeral wetlands. As populations of amphibians continue to decline, ephemeral wetlands offer important breeding and foraging sanctuaries. The raze mole salamander and four-toed salamander breed in ephemeral pools in floodplains. Coastal Plain depressions and cypress savannas may host We gopher frog and tiger salamander. Ephemeral wetlands in the Piedmont and Mountains are generally not chazacter- ized by rare plant species. Ephemeral wetlands in the Coastal Plain may contain many rare plant species, including the West Indies meadow-beauty, awned meadow beauty, pine barrens smokegrass, coastal beakrush and pondspice. THREATS Ephemeral wetlands are an extremely threatened type because of human alter- ation. Because many are small, they may fail to be identified or protected by existing laws for wetland protection. Even if they are protected, they provide limited habitat if surrounding natural communities aze altered. SIMII.AR TYPES • Headwater forests experience less flooding and often show evidence of surface flow. • Freshwater mazshes aze semi- to permanently inundated with well-established herb zones. ~~,.. RAINFALL SITES TO VISIT When visiting these sites, take precautions to prevent bites by ticks and chiggers. Examples of exceptional quality are identified by *. * Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve, Cary City Parks and Recreation, Wake County. From Cary, drive south on Kildaire Farm Road to Preserve. Adjacent to boardwalk on lower portions of the trail. Mason Farm Biological Reserve, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Big Oak Woods, Orange County. From Chapel Hill, drive souW on U.S. 15- 501. Turn left on Mason Farm Road. Trail along Morgan Creek. * Morrow Mountain State Park, Montgomery County. From Badin, drive south on Valley Drive, turn left on Morrow Mountain Road. Ephemeral pool on right about one mile within park, near the junction of the road to the moun- tain and the camping area. * Uwharrie National Forest, Badin Upland Depression Swamps, Montgomery County. From Troy, drive west on State Route 109. Turn left on Forest Road 576 and follow to Badin Dam. Depressions on hilltop about one-half mile east of the dam. 5S Dry ephemeral wetlands during summer, Guilford County TYPES OF WETLANDS WETLANDS SUSTAINED BY GROUND WATER DISCHARGE Wetlands can develop wherever flowing ground water is discharged at the surface. Seeps are groundwater-based wetlands which develop at the base of slopes, in valley bottoms or on hillsides. FORMATION Seeps occur where the water table intercepts the land surface, as shown in Figure 8. In the mountains and isolated locations across the state, this occurs where underly- ing-rock strata are close to the surface. Mountain seeps also occur where freezing and thawing have created faults in the rock, allowing discharge of deeper ground water. In the Piedmont and Sandhills, seeps are more likely to form where lens- shaped deposits of clay direct ground water to the surface at the base of slopes. CHARACTERISTICS The hydrology of most seeps is sustained by the flow of ground water from higher areas. These wetlands are more consistently saturated than surrounding areas, although they may experience some drying during droughts. Seeps are best- developed in areas where the hydrology has become blocked, preventing ground water from rapidly draining away. When the ground water does leave the seep, it may combine with surface water runoff to form headwaters -small channels linked to downstream drainage systems. Soils in these wetlands are frequently shallow with an underlying layer of rock or clay. Cooler temperatures and saturated soil allow peat to accumulate in the lower Mountains and at a few sites in the Piedmont. Underlying granite and silica- containing rocks makes the ground water acidic in many mountain seeps. The vegetation of seeps varies with hydroperiod, elevation, and soil acidity. Sphagnum mats develop in more acidic conditions along with pitcher plants and other bog vegetation. In the Sandhills, seep vegetation varies with the frequency of burning as surrounding plant communities burn. Figure 8. Ground water discharge on hill side 56 These wetlands are fairly numerous but generally small, occupying little overall acreage. Good quality undisturbed examples of seeps are very rare. GROUNDWATER SEEPS PROFILE Distribution: Mountains, Piedmont, Sandhills and Inner Coastal Plain. Landscape position: sloping hillsides or at the base of floodplain slopes where impervious layers force ground water to the surface. Typical hydrology: semi-permanently to permanently saturated by ground water discharge. Soils: mineral or organic soils. Seeps are often too small to map but may appear as inclusions in other soil series. Dominant plants: similar to nearby wetlands, with Mountain sceps resembling bogs and bog forests and Piedmont seeps resembling bottomland hardwood forests. Sandhill and Inner Coastal Plain seeps often have a dense shrub layer of fetterbush and sweet pepperbush and may resemble pocosins. With regulaz burning, these seeps develop a diverse herb layer. ~; Seep on a hillside TYPES OF WETLANDS Trees: Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC Sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua (Piedmont) FAC+ Green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Piedmont) FAC- Willow oak, Quercus phellos (Piedmont) FACW Pond pine, Pinus serotina (Sandhills, Inner CP) FACW+ Sweet bay, Magnolia virginiana (Sandhills, Inner CP FACW+ Shrubs: Fetterbush, Lyonia lucida (Sandhills, Inner CP) FACW Sweet pepperbush, Clethra alnifolia (Sandhills, Inner CP) FACW Herbs: Cinnamon fern, Osmunda cinnamomea FACW+ Orange jewelweed/touch-me-not, Impatiens capensis (Piedmont) FACW Royal fern, Osmunda regalis (Piedmont) OBL Seeps are small, indistinct areas where ground water dischazge allows wetland plants to dominate. They may be similaz to nearby wetlands except that their saturation or inundation may be more frequent or prolonged. Lazger seeps show plant zonation from herbs at the ground water source to a shrubby or forested edge. The high elevation seep subtype occurs only on upper slopes or ridge tops. It usually does not have well-developed Sphagnum mats. Seeps may be connected by stream channels to downslope riparian wetlands. They may grade imperceptibly into headwater forests, bottomland hardwood forests, pocosins or wet flats. When they occur in upland communities, they generally show distinct edges. Seeps aze a fairly common, if not extensive, wetland type in the Mountains, Piedmont and Sandhills, but aze less common in the Inner Coastal Plain. VALUE Mountains seeps may contain species similar to those of bogs, although they are generally smaller. Seeps in the Piedmont may contain a few rare plant species such as littleleaf sneezeweed and small-anthered bittercress. Good quality Sandhill seeps are very rare. Those seeps which experience regular burning or disturbance may contain many of the same species as wet pine savannas. Seeps often remain wet during seasons when the surrounding wetlands become dry, providing important sanctuaries for wetland species such as amphibians. Piedmont seeps often provide safe aquatic habitat for amphibians to breed. Dusky salamanders (Desmognathus spp.) and eastern mud salamanders use seeps for breeding. THREATS Because of their small size, seeps aze not prominent features of the landscape. They may not be identified as wetlands and may be filled or cleared for agricul- ,~ RAINFALL tural use. Even if they aze protected, they will provide limited habitat if surround- ing natural communities are altered. SIMII.AR TYPES • Headwater forests occur in headwater areas or on upper ridges. Their sources of water aze rainfall and runoff rather than ground water. • Mountain bogs and bog forests have well-developed Sphagnum mats. STTES TO VISTT Examples of exceptional quality are indentified by * Duke Forest, Blackwood Division, Orange County. From Durua.~; drive north on N.C. Highway 751. Turn right on Mount Sinai Road and left on Rigsbee Road. Trails along New Hope Creek. * Sandhills Game Land, Still Lane seepage slopes and Bone Fork natural areas, Richmond and Scotland Counties. From Rockingham, drive north on U.S. Highway 1. Turn left on Ledbetter Road, then right on Millstone Road towards McKinney Lake National Fish Hatchery. Road crosses Bone Fork. * Uwharrie National Forest, Abner Seepage Bog, Uwharrie National Forest, Montgomery County. From Troy, drive north on N.C. Highway 109. Turn left on checking Station Road (SR 1153), then right on Forest Road 576, then left on Forest Road 555. Slopes above Uwharrie River on TYPt=S OF WETLANDS WETLANDS SUSTAINED BY GROUND WATER AND SURFACE WATER Mountain bogs, bog forests and headwater forests are created by complex hydrol- ogy which may include both ground water and surface water sources. They occur in subtle depressions in the bottoms of valleys and along headwater streams. FORMATION Mountain bogs, bog forests and headwater forests develop over layers of clay or shallow rock on ridges and headwater areas. They frequently occur in the bottoms of U-shaped valleys. In the Mountains, these valleys may have steep sides; in other provinces the valley shape may be very subtle and there may be no discernible stream channels. Bog forests and headwater forests also occur in valleys laced with small headwaters. CHARACTERISTICS Mountain bogs, bog forests and headwater forests reflect the complex interaction of rainfall, surface water, ground water and evapotranspiration. While all of their inputs are ultimately dependent on rainfall, the form of delivery varies. Overland surface flow, overbank flooding and channel flow often combine to provide water for these wetlands. Ground water discharge from seeps or adjacent uplands may be a factor for some sites during some parts of the year. Water is released from these wetlands as stream channel flow, surface runoff and possibly as ground water recharge. Because of these interactions, the water level in these wetlands fluctuates over time. Mountain bogs may contain beaver ponds with areas that remain inundated for long periods. Bog forests may experience only soil saturation in late winter and spring while headwater forests may experience seasonal inundation. As these wetlands vary widely in the depth and length of inundation, they also vary in the types of plants which dominate. Mountain bogs aze saturated or inundated long enough to limit the establishment of trees. Bog forests and headwa- ter forests have the least inundation and can support dense stands of shrubs and trees. While mountain bogs and bog forests are fairly common in the mountains, undisturbed examples are rare. These wetland types aze rarely encountered in the upper Piedmont. Headwater forests are believed to be abundant across the state, particularly in the Inner and Outer Coastal Plain. 60 GROUND AND SURFACE WATER MOUNTAIN BOGS PROFILE Distribution: Mountains. Landscape position: flat or gently sloping areas, generally in valley bottoms that aze not subject to flooding. Predominantly at elevations between 1,200 and 5,000 feet. Typical hydrology: semi-permanently [o permanently saturated by ground water discharge and surface runoff. Bogs also receive rainfall, fog and snow. Soils: organic soils or mucky mineral soils. Dominant plants: zones of shrubs and herbs underlain with sphagnum. Trees occur as a sparse canopy or on the borders. Trees: Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC Shrubs: Tag alder, Alnus serrulata FACW+ Swamp rose, Rosa palustris OBL Rhododendrons, Rhododendron spp OBL to FAC Herbs: Sphagnum moss, Sphagnum sp. Sedges, Carex spp. OBL [o FAC Cinnamon fern, Osmunda cinnamomea FACW+ Royal fern, Osmunda regalis OBL Sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis FACW Etowah Bog, a mountain bog, located in Henderson County ~~ ~ ~~ TYPES OF WETLANDS From above, mountain bogs appeaz to be a quilt of shrub thickets and herb- dominated areas stitched onto a green mat of sphagnum. Mountain bogs are relatively open wet areas underlain with sphagnum moss in hummocks or in the form of a dome or blanket. These areas are small in size, usually one to five acres. Local residents refer to all of these wetlands as bogs. Some classification systems for wetlands discriminate between bogs, fed by ground water, and fens, fed by surface water. In these systems, bogs aze also characterized by acidic ground water while fens have neutral ground water. By this criterion, nearly all examples in North Carolina are bogs due to the acidity of underlying rocks. Bluff Mountain Preserve in Ashe County contains the only known example of a fen in North Cazolina. Mountain bogs vary considerably with wetness, depth of organic matter and location. Bogs in the northern mountains have disjunct plant species more characteristic of bogs in the northeastern United States. Bogs in the southern mountains often contain species typical of the coastal plain, such as pitcher plants. Mountain bogs frequently occur in association with bog forests. At their edges, they often grade into headwater forests or into upland community types. VALUES Mountain bogs aze valuable for their special ecological attributes. Undisturbed examples are rare and contain a concentration of rare plant species. Some more northerly species are relicts of climatic changes caused by Pleistocene glaciation. Numerous threatened plant species which require a cooler, wetter climate (such as northern white beakrush, Canada burnet and bog fern) grow in bogs. Mountain bogs also support plants native to the southern mountains, such as Gray's lily, mountain sweet pitcher plant, and bunched arrowhead. Many bogs in lower valleys have been cleared and are being used for pasture. While most rare plant species cannot survive grazing, the threatened bog turtle frequents these "meadow bogs." Springs and pools in mountain bogs provide aquatic habitat that is isolated from the predation of fish. They provide important breeding habitat for amphibians, such as the spotted salamander, mountain dusky salamander and seal salamander as well as various frogs. The small pools of permanent water and interspersed patches of plants and water increase the value of this aquatic habitat. THREATS Mountain bogs aze threatened by the invasion of shrubs and trees at the expense of herb development. Flooding by beavers, grazing by large mammals, clearing by Native Americans or burning may have kept these areas open in the past. Today heavy grazing, ground water pumping, or increased nutrient input may favor growth of woody plants. Open areas tend to be more diverse than areas dominated by shrubs, so the overall species diversity is decreasing. 62 GROUND AND SURFACE WATER Mountain bogs are threatened by conversion to agricultural, forestry or urban uses. Even low-impact activities such as tourism may damage bogs, since their sphagnum mats are extremely sensitive to damage by foot traffic. Mountain bogs are also threatened by the removal of upslope forests. This can change the volume and chemistry of ground water discharge and surface runoff. SIMILAR TYPES • Bog forests consist primarily of forested thickets with small bog openings. • Seeps contain well-developed tree and shrub layers and are less dominated by sphagnum. They generally occur on slopes. STIES TO VISTI Examples of exceptional quality are identified by Blue Ridge Parkway, Flat Laurel Gap Bog, Haywood County. North side of parkway at Flat Laurel Gap, milepost 409, Julian Price Recreational Area, Boone Fork, Sims Branch, Cold Prong Bogs, Watauga County. Blue Ridge Parkway milepost 296. Boone Fork Trail from picnic area on north side of parkway. South side of parkway across from picnic area. Upstream of Price Lake on south side of parkway. * Nantahala National Forest, Nantahala River Wetlands, Macon County. From Franklin, drive west on U.S. Highway 64. Turn south on USFS 67. Between 67 and the Nantahala River immediately upstream and down- stream of Standing Indian Campground and in Whiteoak Bottoms. * Pisgah National Forest, Pink Bed Bogs, Transylvania County. From Brevard, drive north on U.S. 276 past the Cradle of Forestry in America. Turn east on USFS 1206. East and south of 1206. 63 Sphagnum moss Ken Taylor, NCWRC TYPES OF WETLA~J(~S BOG FORESTS PROFILE Distribution: Mountains. Landscape position: poorly drained bottomlands, generally with irregular topography of small ridges and depressions crossed by small headwater streams Typical hydrology: seasonally to permanently saturated by ground water dis- charge and surface water runoff. This type also receives rainfall, fog and snow. Soils: mineral soils deposited by streams. Dominant plants: forested thickets with small boggy openings in depressions. Sites are generally dominated by red maple or Eastern hemlock with a shrub layer of rhododendron, mountain laurel and dog hobble. Trees: Eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis FACU Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC White pine, Pinus strobus FACU Black willow, Saliz nigra OBL Shrubs: Rhododendron, Rhododendron spp. OBL to FACU Tag alder, Alnus serrulata FACW+ Silky dogwood, Cornus amomum FACW+ Herbs: Sphagnum moss, Sphagnum spp. Cinnamon fern, Osmunda cinnamomea FACW+ Royal fern, Osmunda regalis OBL Sensitive fem, Onoclea sensibilis FACW Pineola Bog in Avery County is an example of a bog forest. ~ T•r~~ xcwec GROUND AND SURFACE WATER Bog forests resemble overgrown bogs, with thickets of trees and shrubs inter- spersed with patches of sphagnum moss. However, bog forests usually occur in mountain bottomlands interlaced with small headwater streams. They are sustained by flooding from the streams as well as by ground water discharge, surface runoff and precipitation. Elevation and hydrology determine which species will dominate a particular bog forest. In higher elevations, which are somewhat drier, bog forests are dominated by eastern hemlock. A rare subtype found at even higher elevations is dominated by red spruce, Picea rubens. Bog forests in lower elevations along relatively wetter valleys are dominated by red maple. Elevation and hydrology also deter- mine the relative amounts of closed forest, shrub thicket and bog. Bog forests are often associated with mountain bogs, which occur where drainage . is blocked and streams are absent. In other circumstances, bog forests grade into upland communities. Numerous examples of bog forests are scattered throughout the mountains, although they occupy little total acreage. . VALUES Because of their position in the watershed and plant cover, bog forests are valuable . for storing water. They also stabilize shorelines along small headwater streams, preventing erosion of the streambanks and siltation of the streams. This value is . due to their landscape position and their woody thickets of trees and shrubs. These characteristics also make it possible for them to retain sediments carrying phos- . phorus and to remove nitrogen as the water level fluctuates. Thus they are also valuable for pollutant removal. Bog forests do not usually support as many rare plant species as mountain bogs, ' but some bog species may be found in openings. Canada yew, pitcher plants and bog turtles are a few of the species found in this wetland type. Undisturbed r examples of bog forests are rare. Bog forests provide aquatic habitat for adults and larvae of salamanders and frogs. The wood frog and green frog, the three-lined salamander and several species of dusky salamander (Desmognathus spp.) may be found in pools and along streambanks in these wetlands. THREATS Many bog forests at lower elevations have been altered by draining, damming or clearing for pastures. Sphagnum mats in bog forests are also susceptible to damage from foot traffic. SIMILAR TYPES • Headwater forests have little sphagnum moss. • Mountain bogs consist primarily of openings with scattered trees and shrub TYPES OF WETLANDS thickets. • Seeps are less dominated by sphagnum moss and usually occur on slopes. SITES TO VISIT Examples of exceptional quality are identified by *. * Nantahala National Forest, Nantahala River Wetlands, Macon County. From Franklin, drive west on U.S. Highway 64. Turn south on USFS 67. Between 67 and the Nantahala River immediately upstream and down- stream of Standing Indian Campground and in Whiteoak Bottoms. '~ Pisgah National Forest, Pink Bed Bogs, Transylvania County. From Brevard, drive north on U.S. 276 past the Cradle of Forestry in America. Turn east on USFS 1206. East and south of 1206. GROUND AND SURFACE WATER HEADWATER FORESTS PROFILE Distribution: All provinces. Landscape position: linear depressions in headwater areas and on upper ridges of Coastal Plain swamps. Typical hydrology: irregularly inundated or flooded by surface runoff. At some sites, ground water discharge also contributes. Soils: a variety of mineral soils, generally with underlying layers of clay or shallow rock. Dominant plants: swell-developed tree layer with diverse shrub and herb layers. Trees: Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC Sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua FAC+ Green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica FACW Willow oak, Quercus phellos FACW- Loblolly pine, Pinus taeda FAC American elm, Ulmus americans FACW Sycamore, Platanus occidentalis FACW- Tuliptree, Liriodendron tulipifera (Pied.) FAC Black gum, Nyssa sylvatica (Pied. & C.P.) FAC Headwater forests are highly diverse wetlands that develop in the upper parts of drainage basins where streams first begin to form. Here rainfall and surface flow are sufficient to support wetland vegetation but surface runoff may not form Headwater forest 67 . TYPES OF WETLANDS distinct stream channels. Headwater forests are generally found in small linear depressions of varying widths. Because of the small watershed, inundation and flooding of the depressions will be highly variable in frequency and volume. Plant communities in these forests vary widely with hydrology and human alteration as well with physiographic province. Headwater forests often resemble the communities of bottomland hardwood forests, with rich and diverse tree, shrub and herb layers. However, the zonation present in bottomland hardwood forests is greatly reduced. Small headwater streams cannot create the variety of landforms present along major rivers. Coastal Plain headwater forests may resemble small swamps or pocosins with streams emerging from them. Headwater forests frequently include seeps. Strings of headwater forests may be connected by stream channels or they may grade imperceptibly into bottomland hardwood forests or swamps. In the Coastal Plain, headwater forests may grade into pocosins or wet flats upslope. When they are surrounded by upland commu- nities, their borders are often indistinct. Headwater forests are abundant throughout the state but are most wmmon in the Coastal Plain. VALUES Headwater forests are valuable for pollutant removal. Due to their position in the upper reaches of watersheds, their dense vegetation and their fluctuating hydrol- ogy, these forests can retain sediments and transform nutrients before they are carried into larger bodies of water. Like bottomland hardwood forests, headwater forests can provide valuable wildlife habitat. Their vaned plants provide good cover and fruit- and nut-bearing plants for songbirds and mammals such as gray squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, opossums and deer. In some headwater forests, small streams and pools are valuable for the adults and larvae of amphibians. However, many of these wetlands are too dry to provide substantial aquatic habitat. Headwater forests are also valuable for timber production. Stands with mature loblolly pine, tuliptree or black gum have high market value and many have been logged in the past. The fertile soil and moderate wetness of headwater forests make them valuable for future timber production as well. Rare or endangered species are not generally characteristic of this type. The type itself is common in North Carolina. THREATS Many headwater forests have been impounded or drained and converted to pastures, agriculture or urban development. ~x GROUND AND SURFACE WATER SIMILAR TYPES • Bottomland hardwood forests have similar tree species but occur along major floodplains. Their source of water is primarily overbank flooding from the river. • Seeps are fed by groundwater only and are saturated or inundated for longer periods. SITES TO VISIT Bladen Lakes State Forest, Turnbull Creek Swamp, Bladen County. From Elizabethtown, drive north on U.S. 701/41/242. Continue straight on Bladen County 242. Bear left to Bladen County 5. Road runs parallel j to Turnbull Creek, with USFS roads extending towards creek. Croatan National Forest, Holston Creek, Carteret County. From Morehead City, drive west on U.S. 70, then bear left on N.C. 70 towards Swansboro. Turn north on County 58, then east on USFS 126 (Great Lake Road), then north on USFS 134 (Holsten Hunter Road). The road crosses Holden Creek. Sandhills Game Land natural areas, Richmond and Scotland Counties. From Rockingham, drive north on U.S. Highway 1. Both sides of highway. 69 , TYPES OF WETLANDS WETLANDS ON RIVERS AND LAKES Wetlands form complex systems in floodplains and at the mouths of many of the larger streams and rivers of North Carolina. Similar wetlands also occur on the edge of impoundments and natural lakes. The major types of wetlands in these areas are bottomland hardwood forests, swamp forests and freshwater marshes. FORMATION Larger streams are dynamic systems that continually alter their floodplains. While wetlands occur along streams in all provinces, floodplain swctures are best illustrated by the rivers of the lower Piedmont and the Inner and Outer Coastal Plain. In these provinces, streams flooding over their banks deposit coarse materials first, creating natural levees along the stream banks. As time passes, the streams migrate laterally over the broad flat floodplains, leaving depressions and oxbows in their abandoned channels. Sometimes, the streams excavate deeper channels and floodplains, leaving sewnd terraces which are flooded infrequently. As shown in Figure 9, bot[omland hardwood forests and swamp forests may develop in various locations along these streams. At the mouth of larger rivers, water spreads and drops its load of sediment, creating broad deltas. Along many rivers, these are occupied by vast swamp forests or freshwater marshes. Along some rivers, like the Roanoke, deep peat has developed in these deltas, blocking drainage and allowing plant communities similar to pocosins to develop. Swamp forests and freshwater marshes are also wmmon along the edges of impoundments and in beaver ponds. Permanent impoundments include natural Bottomland Hardwood .Oxbow Lake ^- ~,.~~, Figure 9. Floodplain formations and wetlands 711 a RIVERS AND LAKES lakes, ponds in deep depressions and artificial reservoirs. Natural lakes are fairly numerous in Cazolina bays in the Inner and Outer Coastal Plain. They are virtually absent elsewhere in the state, but many Piedmont rivers and some Mountain rivers have been impounded for recreation or water supply reservoirs. Swamp forests and freshwater marshes may develop behind beaver dams or along the shorelines and upper ends of farm ponds. They also develop in sounds at the mouths of rivers where there is sufficient freshwater inflow and distance to saltwater inlets. Freshwater marshes occasionally develop where lenses of clay allow water to collect in interdune depressions along the coast. CHARACTERISTICS Bottomland hardwood forests and swamp forests aze characterized by seasonal and yearly changes in flooding patterns. Overbank flooding and surface and ground water flow parallel to the stream are probably the primazy sources of water. Surface and ground water also enters these wetlands from surrounding uplands. The actual flooding depends on the land use characteristics of the watershed and the degree of stream channelization. Freshwater marshes may also receive water from a variety of sources, including surface runoff and ground water flow as well as inundation by adjacent streams, lakes or reservoirs. Wet- lands in sounds at the mouths of rivers may also receive wind or lunaz tides and storm surges from hurricanes. Water leaves these systems by surface runoff and evapotranspiration, with some possible loss through ground water rechazge. Depth and duration of flooding determines whether an area will be bottomland hardwood forest, swamp forest or freshwater marsh. Freshwater marshes gener- ally occur in azeas that are inundated more continuously than areas with bottom- land hazdwood forests or swamp forests. Complex patterns of higher and lower ground in the floodplain mean that these wetlands do not generally occur in predictable strips along the river. However, Figure 9 suggests some locations where bottomland hazdwood forests and swamp forests may be found. Natural levees often extend along the bank of larger streams. Because they usually lack hydric soils, this guide does not consider levees as wetlands. The area in back of the levee may be bottomland hardwood forest or, in parts of the Coastal Plain, extensive backswamps. Depressions and oxbows may support either swamp forests or deepwater habitats. Shallower depressions in floodplains may contain ephemeral wetlands sustained by both rainfall, surface flow and overbank flooding. Beaver ponds on medium to large streams often contain swamp forests in their early years; the ponds may become freshwater marshes as the inundated trees die and fall after several years. Bottomland hardwood forests and swamp forests aze more extensive and highly developed along the lower portions of streams where sediments are being deposited. Coastal Plain streams may be divided into brownwater streams and blackwater streams based on their place of origin and the types of sediments they carry. Brownwater streams originate in the Piedmont or Mountains and carry greater loads of nutrient-rich sediments. Blackwater streams originate in the Coastal Plain. The black color of the water is due to the presence of tannins and 71~ TYPES OF WETLANDS other organics derived from plant litter. These streams carry less sediment and dissolved nutrients but more organic detritus. Swamp forests and freshwater marshes are also found along the shorelines of natural lakes and reservoirs. In these locations, their flooding patterns are dictated by water levels in the lake or reservoir. Their soils may vary from mineral sand to organic muck, depending on how the lake was formed and the pattern of inunda- tion. The vegetation of bottomland hazdwood forests, swamp forests and freshwater mazshes varies greatly according to flooding characteristics. Cypress and willow oak are most tolerant of flooding, although both require exposed soil for seeds to sprout. Cypress is primarily restricted to the Coastal Plain and eastern Piedmont. Willow oak occurs throughout the Coastal Plain and Piedmont. Water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) is restricted to the Coastal Plain, whereas the swamp tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora) ranges inland to the eastern Piedmont. Freshwater mazshes can often support vegetation which is more typically aquatic, including water lilies, bladderworts and duckweed. Bottomland hazdwood forests are common in the Coastal Plain and lower to mid- Piedmont and rare in the upper Piedmont and Mountains. Swamp forests are common in the Coastal Plain but rare in We Piedmont; they are essentially absent in the Mountains. Freshwater marshes are fairly common in beaver ponds, along reservoirs and in some stream bottoms throughout the state. Freshwater marshes in natural lakes are raze because natural lakes are rare and mostly restricted to the Inner and. Outer Coastal Plain. There are large areas of freshwater marsh in the Outer Coastal Plain at the mouths of rivers and in freshwater sounds like Currituck. 72 Keo Tayla, NCWRC Aerial view encompassing bottomland hardwoods, swamp forest and riverine wetlands. RIVERS AND LAKES BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD FORESTS PROFILE Distribution: All provinces. Landscape position: along medium to large streams and rivers. In the Piedmont, these forests are often found where tributary streams join or the stream gradient changes. Typical hydrology: irregularly to seasonally flooded. Overbank flooding and surface and ground water flow perpendicular to the stream channel are likely sources. Soils: predominantly mineral although mucky soils may occur in the Coastal Plain. Dominant plants: a sparse (in disturbed sites) to closed tree canopy with well- developed shrub and vine layers. Dominant plants vary with the type of sediments and subtle changes in elevation as well as the frequency and duration of flooding. Mountains Trees: Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC River birch, Betula nigra FACW Sycamore, Platanus occidentalis FACW- Eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis FACU Shrubs: Tag alder, Alnus serrulata FACW+ Rhododendrons, Rhododendron spp. OBL to FACU Bottomland hardwood forest TYPES OF WETLANDS Herbs: Royal fern, Osmunda regalis OBL Orange jewelweed/touch-me-not, Impatiens capensis FACW Piedmont, Sandhills and Coastal Plain Trees: Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC Green ash, Frazinus pennsylvanica FACW American elm, Ulmus americans FACW Sweetgum, Liquidambar sryraciflua FAC River birch, Betula nigra FACW Ironwood, Carpinus caroliniana FAC Swamp chestnut oak, Quercus michauxii FACW- Willow oak, Quercus phellos FACW- Water oak, Quercus nigra FAC Sycamore, Platanus occidentalis FACW- Shrubs/Vines: Poison ivy, Toxicodendron radicans FAC Greenbrier, Smilax spp. FACW+ to FACU Buckeye, Aesculus sylvatica (Piedmont) FAC Coastal dog hobble, Leucothoe axillaris (Coastal Plain) FACW Swamp dog hobble, Leucothoe racemosa FACW Virginia willow, Itea virginica (Coastal Plain, eastern Piedmont) FACW+ Sweet pepperbush, Clethra alnifolia (Coastal Plain, eastern Piedmont) FACW Ti-Ti, Cyrilla racemiflora (Coastal Plain) FACW Herbs: Lizard's tail, Saururus cernuus OBL Cinnamon fern, Osmunda cinnamomea FACW+ Royal fern, Osmunda regalis OBL Cane, Arundinaria gigantea FACW Orange jewelweed/touch-me-not, Impatiens capensis FACW Virginia chainfern, Woodwardia virginica (Coastal Plain) OBL Sensitive fem, Onoclea sensibilis FACW Netted chainfern, Woodwardia areolala OBL Bottomland hardwood forests are highly diverse wetlands, but they share a com- mon characteristic: they develop along the floodplains of medium [o large streams. In the Coastal Plain, bottomland hardwood forests and other wetlands cover almost the entire floodplain. Only natural levees, which often do not have hydric soils, contain non-wetland plant communities. In floodplains of the Piedmont and Mountains, wetlands occur in a matrix of other community types. Dominant plants vary from west to east across the state. Mountain bottomland hardwood forests often contain hemlock in addition to bottomland hardwood i TYPES OF WETLANDS species. Piedmont sites tend to be dominated by hardwoods but may include dense thickets of cane. Coastal plain sites have the common Piedmont species as well as trees and shrubs more native to the Coastal Plain. Bottomland hazdwood forests in the Coastal Plain may be divided into the blackwater subtype and the brownwater subtype, according to the type of river. In general, the brownwater subtype has more diverse plant and animal communi- ties due to its higher nutrient content. Brownwater rivers originate in the Piedmont and carry greater loads of nutrient-rich sediment. At their edges, bottomland hardwood forests grade into swamp forests, freshwa- ter marshes and various upland communities. They may include ephemeral wetlands or seeps. VALUES Bottomland hardwood forests are valuable for water storage, shoreline stabiliza- tion and pollutant removal. Their position along streams and their dense stands of woody plants make them able to slow and retain floodwaters. These same chazacteristics allow them to stabilize streambanks, reducing erosion and the sedimentation of rivers and lakes downstream. As floodwaters spread out and pass through sieves of woody plants, sediments carrying phosphorus, heavy metals and other pollutants drop out. Bottomland hardwood forests aze also valuable in removing nitrogen through their fluctuating hydrology. As the water level fluctuates, bacteria in bottom sediments convert nitrogen to its gaseous form, allowing it to escape into the atmosphere. Removing phosphorus and nitrogen helps to prevent algal blooms in lakes, reservoirs and sounds down- stream. Bottomland hazdwood forests are also extremely valuable as habitat. Their varied plants provide cover and food for songbirds, gray squirrels, rabbits, deer and wild turkey. Mink, otter, and beaver make their homes along the streams. Raccoons and opossums are typical foragers but black bear may be encountered in lazger tracts in the eastern portion of the state. The ready access to water makes these forests valuable for amphibians such astwo-lined, three-lined, marbled and southern dusky salamanders. Spotted turtles, snapping turtles, water snakes and ribbon snakes may also be encountered. Even narrow bottomland hardwood forests may function as corridors for wildlife movement between larger natural areas. The diversity of wildlife and access to water make bottomland hardwood forests popular for recreation and education. They aze also popular for hunting leases. THItEATS Because of their fertile soil and moderate wetness, most bottomland hardwood forests have been logged in the past. These forests continue to be logged as trees reach marketable size, demonstrating their value for timber production. 75 RIVERS AND LAKES Many bottomland hardwood forests have been impounded or drained and con- verted to pasture, agriculture or urban development. SIMII,AR TYPES • Headwater forests occur in headwater areas or on very small streams or on upper ridges of Coastal Plain swamps. • Wet flats occur on interstream divides where stream channels are usually absent. STTES TO VISTT When visiting these sites, take precautions to prevent bites by ticks and chiggers. Be alert for poisonous copperheads. Cottonmouths may be encountered in the lower Piedmont and Coastal Plain and timber rattlesnakes may occupy large forested tracts. Examples of exceptional quality are identified by B. Everett Jordan Lake, New Hope Creek Bottomlands. From Durham, drive south on N.C. 751, turn right on Stagecoach Road. Walk south on abandoned railroad right-of-way. . Lake Waccamaw State Park, Waccamaw River. From Wilmington, drive west on U.S. 74/76. Turn south on Old Lake Road to town of Lake Waccamaw, turn east on N.C. 214, turn south on SR 1757, turn left on SR 1947 (Bella Coola Road). * Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge, Brown Creek floodplain, Anson County. From Wadesboro, drive north on U.S. Highway 52. Turn right on Grassy Island Road (SR 1627) then turn right on Pinkston River Road (SR 1634). * Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge, Bertie Counties. From Williamston, drive north on U.S. 17/13. Both sides of the river for 20 miles. 7 fi.. RIVERS AND LAKES SWAMP FORESTS PROFILE Distribution: Most numerous and extensive in the Inner and Outer Coastal Plain, also in the Piedmont. Landscape position: along rivers in backswamps, sloughs and oxbows and along blackwater streams. Also along shorelines of freshwater lakes and reservoirs and in beaver ponds. Typical hydrology: seasonally to semi-permanently flooded to depths of up to several feet. Overbank flooding and surface and ground water flow perpendicular to the stream channel are likely sources. Soils: organic or fine-textured mineral soil. Deposits of sandy sediments are characteristic along blackwater streams. Dominant plants: swell-developed tree layer with little or no shrub and herb layers. Trees: Bald cypress, Taxodium distichium (Coastal Plain) OBL Water tupelo, Nyssa aquatics (Coastal Plain) OBL Swamp tupelo, Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora OBL Willow oak, Quercus phellos (Piedmont) FACW- Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC Swamp forests are one of the most familiar types of wetlands. Majestic cypress trees with knees, standing water for long periods of time and poorly developed shrub or herb layers are obvious indicators of this type. Swamp forests develop along large rivers and lakes where overbank flooding and surface and ground water flow combine to create frequent and extended flooding. These conditions shape swamp forests and select for plants and animals with high tolerance to water stress. Swamp forest along the Roanoke River, Bertie County Nt~ TYPES OF WETLANDS The plant species in swamp forests vary across the state. Bald cypress has a very high tolerance to flooding and shares dominance with tupelos in swamp forests east of the fall line. In wetlands experiencing the greatest flooding, bald cypress may be the only tree. In Piedmont and Mountain swamp forests, willow oak, swamp tupelo and red maple are more typical. In the Piedmont, willow oaks may indicate sites with greater or more prolonged flooding. Plant communities in swamp forests vary in other ways. In the Coastal Plain, bald cypress and water tupelo dominate along brownwater rivers while bald cypress and swamp tupelo dominate in poorer soils along blackwater rivers. Bald cypress depends on dry conditions for seed germination, so continuous inundation will eventually lead to loss of the tree layer as older trees die. Dominance by pines anywhere may, indicate draining or an extended dry period. Previous logging may have selectively removed Atlantic white cedar, swamp tupelo or cypress. Swamp forests grade into bottomland hardwood forests, pocosins and freshwater marshes at their borders. This type is widespread in the Coastal Plain, unwmmon in the lower Piedmont and rare in the upper Piedmont and in the Mountains. VALUES Because of their position along sinuous streams and their depressional characteris- tics, swamp forests are valuable for water storage. As river waters spread over swamp forests, the water is slowed and sediments carrying phosphorus and other pollutants drop out. Swamp forests are also valuable in removing nitrogen through their fluctuating hydrology. Removing phosphorus and nitrogen helps to prevent algal blooms in lakes, reservoirs and sounds downstream of swamps. Swamp forests generally do not support many rare species. Anhingas may nest near remote ponds and the American alligator may be present within 50 miles of the coast. The southern twayblade orchid may also be observed. However, some swamp forests harbor ancient trees that are valuable because of their extreme age. Swamp forests along the Black River in southeastern North Carolina are known to contain 1,600-year-old cypress trees. These represent the oldest living organisms on record in North Carolina. These trees have survived because of their inaccessibility and their unsuitability for timber, since many of them are hollow. The presence of mature trees and snags, food sources such as gum seeds and access to water make swamp forests important for wildlife habitat. Black bear is fairly common in large swamp forests. Beaver, muskrat, otter and mink make their homes along the rivers and shorelines. Hawks, owls, and woodpeckers are full-time resi- dents while songbirds and waterfowl visit for parts of We year. Hollow snags (dead trees) in standing water are critical for wood duck nesting. Deer, raccoon, opossum, and other mammals may be found. Mud "chimneys" indicate the burrows of semi- terrestrial crayfish. Water snakes and the eastern ribbon snake may be sighted in swamp forests Wrough- out the state, but cottonmouths are most common in the Coastal Plain. Swamp forests ~x . RIVERS AND LAKES are also occupied by the spotted turtle and snapping turtle. Swamp forests also offer important aquatic habitat. They may offer any of We three types of habitat: semi-permanent water with plenty of detritus, spring- flooded wetlands or fish-free waters for amphibians. Forage minnows may be permanent residents if there is sufficient water, while larger fish may visit for spawning and feeding during flood stages. Infrequently flooded sites are important for breeding and larval stages of amphibians such as marbled, three-lined, dusky and eastern mud salamanders as well as numerous frog species. Because of the variety and richness of habitats, swamp forests are also valuable for recreation and education, especially if amenities are provided. Swamp forests are popular for recreational hunting of wood duck, deer, black bear, and raccoon. Canoeing and nature study are also options. Hunting leases in swamp forests are also in demand. Swamp forests are valuable for timber production because of their stands of mature specialty woods. Valuable species such as Atlantic white cedar, bald cypress, green ash and oaks yield premium timber. SIMILAR TYPES • Bottomland hardwood forests have a diverse tree canopy with well-developed shrub and vine layers. They are subject to less frequent and less prolonged flooding. Mud 'chimney' made by crayfish TYPES OF WETLANDS • Wet flats include the non-riverine swamp forest subtype, which is primarily sustained by rainfall. It is somewhat drier and more shrubby than typical riverine swamp forests. • Ephemeral wetlands are generally inundated to two feet or less and for only the winter season. They generally support awell-developed herb layer. SITES TO VISTT When visiting these sites, be alert for poisonous cottonmouths. Timber rattlesnakes could be encountered on large tracts. Examples of exceptional quality are indicated by *. * Black River swamp forest, Pender, Bladen and Sampson Counties. From Wihnington, drive north on N.C. 53/11. Turn right on Ranking Street. Public boat landings and bridge crossings at N.C. Highways 53/11 and 210 and SR 1201/1550. B. Everett Jordan Lake, New Hope Creek Bottomlands. From Durham, drive south on N.C. 751, turn right on Stagecoach Road. Walk south on abandoned railroad right-of-way. * Merchants Millpond State Park, Lassiter Swamp, Gates County. From Murphreesboro, drive east on U.S. 158. Turn south on SR 1403 and into park. Rental canoes in park. Canoe trail or land trails to upper end of pond. Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge, Brown Creek, Anson County. From Wadesboro, drive north on U.S. Highway 52. Turn right on Grassy Island Road (SR 1627) then turn right on Pinkston River Road (SR 1634). * Pettigrew State Park and Lake Phelps, Washington County. U.S. Highway 64 at Creswell on SR 1155 and from Cherry Point on SR 1164. Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge, Great and Goodman Islands, Bertie County. From Plymouth, drive east on U.S. 64. Turn north on 308/45/3. RIVERS AND LAKES FRESHWATER MARSHES PROFILE Distribution: All provinces. Landscape position: deep depressions and natural lakes in the Coastal Plain or in reservoirs or beaver ponds throughout the state. Freshwater marshes also develop in sounds at the mouths of large rivers and in some stream bottoms. Typical hydrology: semi-permanently to permanently inundated or flooded. The source may be stream flow, surface water runoff or ground water discharge or a combination of sources. In the Coastal Plain, many marshes are crossed by mosquito ditches. Soils: generally not mapped, but often sands, silts and clays deposited by streams or lakes. Dominant plants: vary with zones of emergents, submergents and floating plants. Shrubs may occur around the edges or growing on old tree stumps in artificial impoundments. Trees: Black willow, Salix nigra OBL Shrubs: Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occiderttalis OBL Tag alder, Alnus serrulata FACW+ Swamp Rose, Rosa palustris OBL Wax myrtle, Myrica cerifera (Coastal Plain) FAC+ Swamp rose mallow, Hibiscus moscheutos OBL Freshwater marsh TYPES OF WETLANDS Emergents: Cattail, Typha spp. OBL Rush, Juncus spp. OBL to FACW Bulrush, Scirpus spp. OBL Spikerush, Eleocharis spp. OBL to FACW Sedges, Carex spp. OBL to FACW Arrow-arum, Peltandra virginica OBL Pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata OBL Arrowhead, Sagittaria spp. OBL Blue flag, Iris virginica OBL Floating plants: Water lily, Nymphaea odorata OBL Duckweed, Lemma spp. OBL Bladderwort, Utricularia spp. OBL Dense stands of wetland plants, such as cattails, interspersed with open water make freshwater marshes easy for most people to identify. These wetlands develop where standing water is generally present throughout the yeaz so that trees cannot become established. In the Coastal Plain, freshwater marshes develop along the shorelines of natural lakes, in deep depressions and at the mouths of large rivers. Since natural lakes occur only in the Coastal Plain in North Carolina, most inland freshwater marshes develop where streams enter Piedmont reservoirs. Freshwater marshes also develop behind beaver dams or along the shorelines and upper ends of farm ponds. Many freshwater mazshes exhibit complex zonation. A shoreline with gradual slope supports the development of swell-developed emergent zone. If the water is sufficiently clear, a diverse submergen[ community may form. Soft substrate and moderate depth allow the development of floating plants. If the water is temporarily or permanently removed, a tree overstory may develop and form a swamp forest. Tidal freshwater marshes are a common subtype in areas of sounds which aze distant' from ocean inlets. The northern part of Currituck Sound near the Virginia border contains wetlands which are affected by tidal variations, but which are not saline enough to be considered brackish. Freshwater marshes grade into a variety of wetland and upland communities as well as deepwater habitats. In the Mountains, they are intermixed with mountain bogs anc bog forests. In the Piedmont, freshwater marshes grade into bottomland hardwood forests or non-wetland communities at their upper borders, and into deepwater habitats at their lower borders. In the Inner Coastal Plain and Sandhills, they may grade into pocosins or wet flats as you move upland from bays or natural lakes. Freshwater marshes are often associated with brackish marshes and swamp forests in the Outer Coastal Plain. Freshwater marshes are fairly rare in the Mountains and more common in the Piedmont, Sandhills and Coastal Plain. R2 i i RIVERS AND LAKES VALUES Freshwater marshes are valuable for storing water and for protecting water quality. With their dense stands of emergent plants and shrubs, freshwater marshes stabilize shorelines along natural lakes and reservoirs, preventing bank erosion and siltation of the bottom. Their plants also act to retain sediments washed in from streams and uplands, reducing pollution by phosphorus. As the water level fluctuates, bacteria in the bottom sediments and plants of freshwater marshes act to remove nitrogen. Limiting inputs of phosphorus and nitrogen helps to prevent algal blooms in lakes, reservoirs and sounds. Because of the scarcity of natural lakes, freshwater marshes associated with natural lakes are fairly rare in North Carolina. Rare plants such as beaked spikerush, smooth sawgrass, and ribbed bishopweed have been identified in these freshwater marshes. Within 50 miles of the coast, the American alligator may be observed in freshwater marshes. However, this wetland type is not generally noted for its rare species. These wetlands provide a variety of valuable habitat for wildlife because of their mosaic of plants and water, good cover and food. Freshwater marshes offer homes for muskrats, mink, herons, egrets, bitterns, rails, mallards and other waterfowl. Many small freshwater marshes develop where beavers have dammed streams and felled or girdled trees. Snapping turtles and several species of water snakes are common. Along the edge of the marsh, the viceroy butterfly lays its eggs on willows; its caterpillar devours the willow leaves and pupates on these trees. Red- winged blackbirds, northern harriers and kingfishers are frequently seen over marshes. Raccoon, fox, and deer may visit the marsh to feed or drink. Freshwater marshes also provide aquatic habitat for many species. Crayfish and many aquatic larvae such as those of midges, mosquitoes and craneflies may be observed. Bullfrogs, leopard frogs and three-lined salamanders depend on marshes for reproduction. Freshwater marshes which are deep enough and connected to permanent water provide habitat for a variety of stocked and native fish such as bream, sunfish, bass, eels, catfish or minnows. Because of their diversity of wildlife and access to water, freshwater marshes are popular for recreation. Freshwater marshes provide some of the most desirable azeas for hunting because of the prevalence of waterfowl habitat. Hunters may be willing to pay more for hunting leases in choice waterfowl habitat than for other types of hunting. Fresh- water mazshes are extremely popular for hunting in areas where adjacent urban development does not prohibit it. Privately-owned marshes which provide choice waterfowl habitat may be leased for as much as $25-300 per acre. THREATS Marshes along some water supply reservoirs aze protected because their contribu- tion to water quality is recognized. However, other marshes in the upper ends of lakes are threatened by dredging. Some freshwater marshes will be destroyed by tl3 . TYPES OF WETLANDS the construction of new reservoirs, although new marshes may develop in the reservoir backwaters. Smaller freshwater marshes may be altered through removal of beaver dams and draining. Many freshwater marshes in the Piedmont and Mountains are becoming more like bottomland hardwood forests or swamp forests as shrubs and trees become established. SIMILAR TYPES • Mountain bogs are not permanently flooded and have sphagnum hummocks. • Brackish marshes occur only in the outer Coastal Plain and are dominated by salt meadow cordgrass and black needlerush. • Ephemeral wetlands are not permanently flooded and do not support aquatic plants. STTES TO VISTT When visiting these sites, be alert for poisonous wttonmouths in dense beds of plants. Water snakes, although not poisonous, are aggressive and can inflict a painful bite. Examples of exceptional quality are identified by ~` Goose Creek Slate Park, Beaufort County. From Washington, drive east on U.S. Highway 264. Turn south on Camp Leach Road to park. Boardwalks and trail. Haw River~Troublesome Creek azea. Along Highway Business 29 and Southern Railroad tracks between Reidsville and Greensboro. Lake Crabtree County Park, Wake County. From Raleigh, drive north on U.S. 40. Exit right at Exit 285, Airport Boulevazd. Turn west onto Airport Boulevard, then south into park. Follow trails to marshes on southwest shore of lake. * MacKay Island National Widlife Refuge, Currituck Sound, Currituck County. From Elizabeth City, drive east on U.S. 158, tum north on U.S. 168. Between 168 and the sound, or use ferry to cross to Knotts Island and refuge. Nantahala National Forest, Nantahala River Wetlands, Macon County. From Franklin, drive west on U.S. Highway 64. Turn south on USFS 67. Between 67 and the Nantahala River immediately upstream and down stream of Standing Indian Campground. * Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Lake Phelps, Washington County. From Williamston, drive east on U.S. 64. Turn south on Newland Road. Turn south on Keep Road. South shore. xa OCEAN ~ WETLANDS ON THE OCEAN Estuarine fringe forests, brackish marshes, salt shrub wetlands and salt marshes are shaped by the influence of the ocean, even when it is not the primary source of water. These wetlands occur only in the Outer Coastal Plain on the margins of estuaries and sounds. r FORMATION Salt marshes, brackish marshes and salt shrub wetlands develop in a complex . mosaic in the areas which are periodically inundated by tides. Marshes develop wherever sediments accumulate faster than the land subsides and provide a stable base for plants. In the early history of a marsh, slight variations in topography create many tidal creeks. As the marsh matures, most of these creeks fill with . sediment. Although they appear flat, tidal areas are marked by subtle differences in topogra- phy. Rivers and tidal creeks in these areas flow both inland, carrying shoreward- , bound tidal water, and seaward, carrying ocean-bound freshwater. As they flood over their banks, tidal creeks and river outlets create natural levees or deltas with . slightly higher elevation. These areas may support plants associated with salt marshes, brackish marshes or salt shrub wetlands, depending on the elevation. Behind the levee, saltwater may be retained in pools where it becomes highly concentrated through evaporation. Further back from the levee, saltwater is diluted . by freshwater inflows and salt marshes grade into brackish marshes. The margins of the area affected by tides may support salt shrub wetlands. r Estuarine fringe forests develop on higher areas on the margins of estuaries and sounds which are dominated by freshwater runoff or streamflow. CHARACTERISTICS Estuarine fringe forests, brackish marshes, salt shrub wetlands and salt marshes . reflect various combinations of freshwater and salt water inflows. Freshwater flows into these wetlands from rain, surface runoff, rivers, tidal creeks and ground water . discharge. Salt water enters these wetlands from incoming lunar and wind tides, tidal creeks or storm surges. Estuarine fringe forests receive most of their inflow from rain and surface runoff and are rarely flooded by tides. On the other hard, low salt marshes are inundated twice daily by lunar tides. Water flows from these wetlands in outgoing tidal creeks and tides and possibly as . ground water recharge. In summer, evapotranspiration from marsh plants may represent a substantial water loss. These wetlands are generally based on reworked marine sediments which are . typically poor in nutrients, particularly nitrogen. These sediments would support only low plant productivity were it not for regular inputs of nutrients from surface . runoff or tides. Organic material and muck only accumulate where outgoing tides or surface flows allow. s ~ TYPES OF WETLANDS Plants and animals in these wetlands aze subject to salinity fluctuations, alternate drying and submergence and daily and seasonal temperature variations. These environmental stressors are more of a problem for plants and small animals with limited mobility than for larger or more mobile animals. These wetlands tend to be dominated by those plants and animals which have developed strategies to endure these environmental stressors. Within brackish mazshes, salt shrub wetlands and salt marshes, plants occur in zones reflecting the balance of fresh- water and tidal inflow. Despite stress caused by environmental factors, salt marshes and some brackish marshes are some of the most productive ecosystems in the world. The high productivity is appazentiy due to overbank flooding and tidal flushing. Overbank flooding deposits nutrient-rich sediments from uplands along tidal creeks, promoting plant growth. When marsh plants die, they break into fragments of organic material called detritus. While few animals feed upon marsh plants directly, many species feed on detritus. Bacteria and fungi feed upon plant detritus, enriching it with their bodies and making nutrients more available to other grazers. Once it begins to be broken down, the enriched detritus is flushed throughout the marsh and adjacent estuaries by regular tidal flooding. There the detritus forms the basis of many food chains for marine and estuarine fish and shellfish. Estuarine fringe wetlands aze seldom subjected to fides, but they are nonetheless heavily influenced by the ocean. Salt spray and strong winds prune woody vegetation and select for salt-tolerant species. Large bodies of water moderate temperatures, allowing more tropical plant species to extend further north. Periodic flooding by wind tides brings sediments and nutrients into these wet- lands. Estuarine fringe wetlands aze fairly abundant in North Carolina. Brackish marshes, salt shrub wetlands and salt marshes are common and often extensive. OCEAN ESTUARINE FRINGE FORESTS PROFILE Distribution: Outer Coastal Plain, more common from Cape Lookout north. Landscape position: along the margins of estuaries and freshwater sounds. Typical hydrology: semi-permanently to permanently saturated; rarely flooded by salt or brackish tides. Soils: organic or sandy soils, usually with recent deposits of sand or silt. Dominant plants: swell-developed tree and shrub layer and sparse herb layer Trees: Loblolly pine, Pinus taeda FAC Red maple, Acer rubrum FAC Sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua FAC+ Swamp tupelo, Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora OBL Shrubs: Wax myrtle, Myrica cerifera FAC+ Gallberry, Ilex glabra FACW Vines: Greenbrier, Smilax laurifolia FACW+ Herbs: Netted chainfem, Woodwardia areolata OBL Cinnamon fern, Osmunda cinnamomea FACW+ Estuarine fringe forests are most easily identified by their location along shorelines of estuaries or sounds in the northern half of the Outer Coastal Plain. These wetlands are sustained primarily by rainfall and surface runoff with occasional tidal flooding. Flooding from the adjacent estuary is indicated by sandy deposits overlay- ing the native soils. x;.. Estuarine fringe forest in background TYPES OF WETLANDS Estuarine fringe forests are dominated by plants that invade areas after severe disturbances such as intense fires or prolonged flooding. These forests may be found between wetlands that are flooded more regularly, such as (tidal) freshwater and brackish marshes, and inland communities that are burned more frequently, such as pocosins or wet flats. In other areas, estuarine fringe forests grade into non- wetland communities such as maritime forests. This wetland type is fairly abundant in North Carolina, especially along the mainland facing Pamlico Sound. VALUE Because of their location, estuarine fringe forests are valuable for water storage and shoreline stabilization. During coastal storms, these forests store tidal surges and reduce flooding in areas located inland from the estuary. Their trees, shrubs and vines stabilize estuarine shorelines and absorb the energy from coastal storms This type is a recent addition to the types identified by the Natural Heritage Program and has not been investigated in any depth. The likelihood of finding rare animals or plants in these communities is unlrnown. THREATS Because of federal and state regulations, these wetlands are seldom converted to other uses. They may be altered by fires spreading from adjacent uplands, although they will become re-established over time. Rising sea level will permanently convert some of these wetlands to brackish marshes in the future. SIMII,AR TYPES • Wet flats and tall pocosins are often found in the same general area but extend inland from the estuary. They lack recent deposits of sand or silt. SITES TO VISIT When visiting these sites, take precautions to prevent bites by ticks and chiggers. Be alert for poisonous copperheads. Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, Durant's Island, Dare County. From Manteo, drive west on U.S. Highway 64/U.S. Highway 264. Follow 64 to East Lake Landing. Waterways to island. Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge, Hyde County. From Belhaven, drive east on U.S. 264. Turn south towards Rose Bay. Both sides of road. Theodore Roosevelt Natural Area, Carteret County. From Atlantic Beach, drive west on N.C. 58. Facing Bogue sound. xs OCEAN BRACKISH MARSHES PROFILE Distribution: Outer Coastal Plain. Landscape position: margins of sounds and estuaries, usually located away from inlets. Typical hydrology: irregularly or regularly flooded by salt or brackish water and freshwater. Many brackish marshes are dissected by mosquito ditches. Soils: typically organic but occasionally mineral soils. Dominant plants: herb layer heavily dominated by salt meadow cordgrass and black needlerush with no tree or shn~b layers. Herbs: Black needlerush, Juncus roemerianus OBL Salt meadow cordgrass, Spartina patens FACW Giant cordgrass, Spartina cynosuroides OBL Sawgrass, Cladium jamaicense OBL Saltgrass, Distichus spicata FACW+ Glasswort, Salicornia spp. OBL Brackish marshes are distinguished by their lack of trees and shrubs and by the dominance of cordgrass and needlerush. Despite apparent uniformity, the plants actually form a mosaic reflecting subtle changes in salinity. These wetlands probably burned on a regular cycle under natural conditions. Without fire, black needlerush grows into dense stands which may clog drainage ways. Brackish marsh TYPES OF WETLANDS Brackish marshes develop where freshwater from rivers dilutes saltwater from tides. Some brackish marshes are regularly flooded by tides while others experi- ence only occasional flooding, depending on their location and elevation. They may be found interspersed between freshwater marshes and salt marshes or salt shrub wetlands as the mix of freshwater and saltwater changes. Extensive brackish marshes face into sounds such as Pamlico Sound from both the mainland and from barrier islands. This wetland type is very common in North Carolina. VALUE Because of their location, brackish marshes are valuable for storing floodwaters from both rivers and tides. North Carolina's rivers now carry more water than previously because of increased runoff from impervious surfaces such as parking lots and buildings. Brackish marshes help to absorb the flush released by coastal rivers at their outlets. During coastal storms, brackish marshes store tidal surges and reduce inland flooding. Brackish marshes also help to absorb the energy of stones and to reduce damage to inland areas. Brackish marshes are among the most productive ecosystems in the world. Flooding brings nutrients into the marsh and moves detritus into estuaries and deep water where it forms the basis for many food chains for marine organisms. The high productivity makes brackish marshes very valuable as wildlife habitat. They are favored areas for migrating waterfowl as well as for resident muskrat, nutria, raccoon, and wading birds. Canada geese and snowgeese arrive in great numbers during the winter. Snowgeese may consume all grasses in an area, creating an "eatout" channel which may persist for many years. Muskrats typically build small beaver-like lodges but they may also burrow into banks like coypu (nutria). Because of their high value for wildlife, brackish marshes are also popular for hunting leases. THREATS Due to federal and state regulations, brackish marshes are seldom drained or filled at present. However, many marshes have been affected by former construction of mosquito ditches. Coastal storms occasionally close inlets such as the former inlet at Currituck Banks, reducing the influence of tides and converting brackish marshes to freshwater marshes. Runoff from urban areas on the coast may bring high levels of nutrients and bacteria into brackish marshes. This runoff may contaminate oysters and other shellfish and make them unfit for consumption. Suppression of natural fires alters the hydrology of many brackish marshes and may reduce their productivity. Common reed (Phragmites spp.) is invading many brackish marshes, seriously reducing species diversity. SIMII,AR TYPES • Salt marshes are located near inlets and dominated by smooth cordgrass. • Freshwater marshes are characterized by plants such as cattails and pickerel weed which cannot tolerate salt or brackish water. They only occur in sounds distant from inlets at the mouths of rivers. r 1 1 r ^ • • ^ ^ ^ ^ • OCEAN STTES TO VISIT When visiting these sites, be alert for poisonous cottonmouths. Biting salt-marsh mosquitoes, sandflies (no-seeums), greenhead flies and deer flies are abundant in summer. Examples of exceptional quality are indicated by Cazolina Beach State Park, New Hanover County. From Wilmington, drive south on U.S. 421. Turn west on Dow Road (SR 1573) and follow signs. Sugarloaf Trail has boardwalks through mazshes. Croatan National Forest, Cedar Point Tidewater Trail, Cateret County. From Morehead City, drive west on U.S. 70. Bear left on N.C. 24. Turn north on SR 58. Turn west on Dudley Road to Cedar Point. Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, Dare County. From Manteo, drive east on U.S. 264/64. Turn south on N.C. 12 and cross Oregon Inlet to refuge. Brackish marshes in waterfowl impoundments. * Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge, Carteret County. From Beaufort, drive east on U.S. 70. Turn north on N.C. 12. Both sides of road in refuge. Shows zonation of plants with different flooding and salinity. * Goose Creek State Park, Beaufort County. From Washington, drive east on U.S. Highway 264. Turn south on Camp Leach Road to park. Boardwalks and trail. Marshes affected by rise in ocean. Shows marshes affected by rise in ocean level. TYPES OF WETLANDS SALT SHRUB WETLANDS PROFILE Distribution: Outer Coastal Plain. Landscape position: landward margins and higher areas of salt and brackish marshes. Typical hydrology: irregularly saturated or inundated by (saltwater) wind tides. Soils: organic or mineral. These areas are generally mapped the same as adjacent marshes or uplands. Dominant plants: primarily shrubs. Shrubs: Marsh elder, Iva frutescens FACW+ Silverling, Baccharis halimifolia FAC Wax myrtle, Myrica cerifera FAC+ Sea ox-eye, Borrichia frutescens OBL Salt shrub wetlands can be identified by their lack of trees and their position along the margins of sal[ or brackish marshes. Their higher elevation protects them from frequent flooding so woody plants can thrive, but trees and less-tolerant shrubs cannot invade due w the salinity. In some cases, saltwater bewmes trapped in salt shrub wetlands and, through evaporation, becomes more concentrated than seawater. Because of these environmental stressors, salt shrub wetlands do not change into estuarine fi-inge forests. ~~~ ,.. ~ ,fir. = - Salt shrub wetlands, Cedar Island NWR, Carteret County H~ OCEAN Salt shrub wetlands grade into estuarine fringe forests, pocosins or wet flats on their ^ upper boundaries. They typically adjoin salt or brackish marshes along their lower boundaries. Salt shrub wetlands are common all along the North Carolina coast. VALUE . Salt shrub wetlands are often valuable for stabilizing shorelines along estuaries. Their location and dense woody vegetation make them highly effective in slowing and retaining floodwaters. THREATS Because of federal and state regulations, these wetlands are seldom converted to other uses. They may, however, be altered by natural processes. Fires spreading from adjacent uplands may bum shrubs in dry years although they will become re- . established over time. Salt shrub wetlands on barrier islands are subject to overwash and sand deposition. Rising sea level will cause these wetlands to become more regularly flooded, probably converting them to marshes. SIMILAR TYPES • Estuarine fringe forests have well-developed tree layers. SITES TO VISTT When visiting these sites, be alert for poisonous cottonmouths. Biting salt-marsh mosquitoes, sandflies (no-seeums), greenhead flies and deer flies are abundant in summer. i Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Bodie Island, Dare County. From Manteo, drive east on U.S. U.S. 264/64. Turn south on N.C. 12. Both sides of road. Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Ocracoke Island, Hyde County. From r Ocracoke, drive north on N.C. 12. Croatan National Forest, White Oak River, Carteret County. From Morehead City, drive west on U.S. 70. Bear left on N.C. 24. Turn north on N.C. 58. At Kuhns turn west on Kuhns Road. Turn west at Stella. Near bridge at river. Fort Fisher State Recreation Area, Zeke's Island and others, Brunswick County. From Carolina Beach, drive south on U.S. 421 to Fort Fisher. Follow road past ferry dock to dead end. Access to island via the "Rocks" breakwater. Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, Dare County. From Manteo, drive east on U.S. 264/64. Turn south on N.C. 12 and cross Oregon Inlet to refuge. Sound side. TYPES OF WETLANDS SALT MARSHES PROFILE Distribution: Outer Coastal Plain, particularly south of Cape Lookout. Landscape position: margins of sounds and estuaries. This type is usually located in close proximity to inlets. Typical hydrology: regularly flooded by (saltwater) lunar tides. Many salt marshes are dissected by mosquito ditches. Soils: sands and silts. Dominant plants: herb layer heavily dominated by smooth cordgrass with no tree or shrub layers. Herbs: Smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora OBL Glasswort, Salicornia sp. OBL Salt meadow cordgrass, Spartina patens FACW Saltgrass, Distichlis spicata FACW+ Salt marshes are found in low, flat, protected areas which are flooded by ocean tides on a regular daily schedule. They are easily identified by their lack of trees and shrubs and by their position on the margins of sounds and estuaries. Most salt marshes are drained by intricate networks of tidal creeks and mosquito ditches. Ken Taylor, NCWKC Salt marsh, Hammocks Beach State Park, Onslow County OCEAN The plant and animal communities of salt marshes aze adapted to daily inunda- tion and drying as well as high salinity. Because of the environmental stressors, this wetland type is heavily dominated by relatively few plant species. The plants which have adapted to these conditions, such as smooth cordgrass, can be highly. productive because of regular inputs of nutrients. The extreme environ- ment wmbined with wide distribution and lack of isolation causes salt marshes to contain very few rare plant species. The upland borders and slight rises in salt marshes may develop into salt shrub wetlands. Salt marshes also gradually grade into brackish marshes as distance 1 from the ocean and the influence of freshwater sources increases. On their lower borders, salt marshes grade into deepwater communities. Salt marshes are common and extensive all along the North Carolina coast. They are best developed in the middle and southern portions of the coast where the tidal amplitude is greatest. VALUE Because of their location and extent, salt marshes aze valuable for storing floodwaters during coastal storms. Their position along the margins of estuaries and their dense stands of persistent plants make Wem valuable for stabilizing shorelines. Salt marshes help to absorb the energy of storms and to reduce damage to inland azeas. Salt marshes and their mudflats are extremely valuable in providing habitat for a variety of animals. Because regular tides distribute nutrients, salt marsh plants are among the most productive in the world. Few animals consume the cordgrass directly but many consume the detritus and the detritus~aters. Ribbed mussels clinging to cordgrass and clumps of oysters on the banks of tidal creeks filter detritus from the water. At low Ede, fiddler crabs emerge from their burrows to forage among plants. Tides retreating from the salt marsh carry detritus into estuaries where it forms the basis of many food chains for marine organisms. Salt marshes are essential for maintaining populations of estuarine and marine fish and shellfish. Salt marshes also provide habitat for more terrestrial animals. A wide variety of waterfowl, shorebirds and wading birds visit the marsh at various times of the year. Of the smaller birds, red-winged blackbirds and seaside sparrows are most numerous. Clapper rails are commonly heard and occasionally seen in the marshes. Great and snowy egrets, green and great blue herons, and black- crowned night herons may be seen wading in pools and tidal creeks.l-Iundreds to thousands of sandpipers and other shorebirds forage in the tidal mudflats. American black ducks breed and raise their young in the salt marsh. The runways of rice rats and footprints of raccoons indicate their presence but mink, . river otters, and red fox are also present, if less noticeable. ~ ~' TYPES OF WETLANDS The abundance and variety of wildlife as well as the access to water in salt marshes makes them popular for recreation. Visitors enjoy fishing, shellfishing, birding, studying plants and recreational hunting. THREATS Due to state and federal regulations, few salt marshes are being filled for urban uses. However, stormwater runoff from urbanized areas may carry high levels of sediment, nutrients, toxics and bacteria into salt marshes and estuaries. This runoff may contaminate oysters and other shellfish and make them unfit for consumption. SIMII.AR TYPES • Brackish marshes are dominated by salt meadow cordgrass, big cordgrass or black needlerush in contrast to smooth cordgrass. They are located away from inlets. • Freshwater marshes have plants which are less tolerant to saltwater. They are located in sounds at the mouths of large rivers. STTES TO VISTT When visiting these sites, be alert for poisonous cottonmouths. Biting salt-marsh mosquitoes, sandflies (no-seeums), greenhead flies and deer flies are abundant in summer. Examples of exceptional quality are indicated by * Cedar Island National WIldlife Refuge, Carteret County. From Beaufort, drive east on U.S. 70. Tum north on N.C. 12. Both sides of road in refuge. Shows zonation of plants with different flooding and salinity. Croatan National Forest, Cedar Point Tidewater Trail, Cateret County. From Morehead City, drive west on U.S. 70. Bear left on N.C. 24. Turn north on SR 58. Turn west on Dudley Road to Cedar Point. Tideland Trail. Fort Fisher State Recreation Area, Zeke's Island and others, Brunswick County. From Carolina Beach, drive south on U.S. 421/3/5 to Fort Fisher. Follow road past ferry dock to dead end. Access w island via the "Rocks" breakwater. Hammocks Beach State Park, Bear Island, Onslow County. From Morehead City, drive west on U.S. 70. Bear left on N.C. 24. Pass Swansboro and turn south on N.C. 172. Turn east on Shell Rock Landing Road and follow to landing. Take public ferry to island, passing through salt marshes. Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, Dare County. From Manteo, drive east on U.S. 264/64. Tttrn south on N.C. 12 and cross Oregon Inlet to refuge. Salt marshes on sound side and beneath the Oregon Inlet bridge. Fort Macon State Park, Bogue Sound, Carteret County. From Atlantic Beach, drive east on N.C. S8 to park. 96 THE FUTURE OF NORTH CAROLINA WETLANDS Wetlands are not static features of the landscape but are dynamic systems. They undergo change over time caused by both natural processes and human modifica- tion. This chapter examines the changes wetlands are undergoing and what the future of North Carolina wetlands may be. NATURAL PROCESSES OF CHANGE Even when [hey are undisturbed by human beings, natural systems change over time. Traditional ecological theory proposes that this change follows a predictable process called succession. The classical theory of succession was that plants occur in groupings called communities. Over time, plants in a community change their environment and prepare the site for the next community in a successional series. Succession proceeds until a climax community that is characteristic of the climate is established. Early communities are considered relatively unstable while later communities are considered more stable. Are wetlands more like early successional communities or mature communities? How stable are wetlands? As the previous chapter illustrates, wetlands often have distinctive groupings of plants. These groupings, however, are more often caused by environmental factors than by succession. Plants that have similar tolerances to saturation or inundation and disturbances such as fue tend to occur together. In many cases, the occurrence of particular species depends on the hydrology and micro-topography of the site. The availabIIity of seeds and what species first reach the site after disturbance are also important. Plants in some wetlands alter their environment through formation of peat deposits made up of decomposed plants. Under the right conditions, peat deposits can create raised domes and reduce the level of inundation. Early theorists observed this trend and predicted that wetlands will succeed from lakes to bogs to wet forests to upland forests as depressions fill with peat. However, this theory is not supported by field observation, and it has been abandoned by most wetland scientists (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). The accumulation of peat appears to be limited by the upper limits of saturation: above this level, organic material breaks down rapidly and peat does not accumulate. Peat wetlands may become less inundated, but they generally do not become uplands without external alteration of their hydrology. 97 . FUTURE OF WETLANDS According to the theory of succession, mature communities aze believed to have greater resistance to change than early successional communities due to the complex interactions between plants and animals. Mature communities aze believed to have productivity that just balances death and decomposition. This productivity is based on recycling nutrients within the system. They generally have complex food webs based on detritus-eaters. Mature communities are well- organized spatially, with many well-defined vertical and horizontal zones. Many of their animals have complex life cycles. Based on these criteria, wetlands seem to have characteristics of both immature and mature communities (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). In some types of wetlands, productivity is high because nutrients aze carved in from outside the system by water. Some wetlands, such as salt marshes, have complex food webs based on detritus-eaters. Others, such as mountain bogs, support few animals indepen- dently. Their animals must rely on adjacent uplands to provide additional sources of food and shelter. The spatial organization of wetlands is generally created by small environmental differences rather than well-defined zones of plants. Wet- lands often have many animals with complex life-cycles, but these have devel- oped to enable the animals to survive rapid environmental change rather than to exploit unique habitats. While ecologists now recognize that succession is invariably interrupted by natural disasters and disturbances, the idea that wmmunities develop over time remains. For wetlands, abiotic factors, such as hydrology and fue, appear more critical to change than "self-imposed" change created by plants and animals. Few wetlands become terrestrial ecosystems unless the water table is lowered or the land is raised by geological forces or human modification. Pine savannas may develop into wet pine flats in the absence of fire. On a larger scale, coastal wetlands are migrating inland due to the continuing rise in sea level. Sea level is presently rising at the rate of about one foot per century. This incursion of salt water causes salt marsh plants to invade brackish marshes and brackish marsh plants to invade freshwater marshes and swamp forests near the mouths of rivers. While this process appears to be merely an inland migration of wetland types, in many areas development has taken place along the margins of estuaries which may prevent the migration (Brinson 1991). DIRECT MODIFICATION OF WETLANDS Human beings modify their landscape in many ways, both duect and indirect. Direct modification involves making changes within the wetland itself as opposed to making changes in the watershed that will ultimately affect the wetland. Table 14 presents a sample list of direct modifications. Modifications which have the greatest impact on wetlands aze those which change all three characteristics-the hydrology, the soils and the plants. Mining wetlands results in the disruption of hydrology and removal of plants and soil. Depositing fill destroys wetland hydrology and buries plants and surface soils. However, this 98 . r i i r 1 DIRECT MODIFICATION Table 14. Modifications to Wetlands MODIFICATIONS TO WETLANDS phosphate mining sand/gravel mining peat mining depositing fill dirt ditching, channelizing or piping removing beaver dams withdrawing water from streams or lakes dredging constructing reservoirs converting to pine plantations harvesting trees burning or suppressing fire foot, bicycle or off-road vehicle traffic introducing non-native plants collecting rare plants collecting reptiles or amphibians for pets does not generally occur in estuarine wetlands. The Coastal Area Management Act restricts dredging or filling in all salt marshes and brackish marshes and in many salt scrub wetlands and estuarine fringe forests. Modifications which affect only hydrology can be just as effective in destroying wetlands as modifications which change all three characteristics. Changing the hydrology will eventually change the plants and soils as well. Ditching wetlands, channelizing or piping streams and removing beaver dams frequently alters the hydrology of wetlands by allowing water to drain faster. Converting wetlands to agricultural use generally requires ditching as well as removal of plants and soil preparation. Ditching is usually required because the removal of trees greatly FUTURE OF WETLANDS reduces evapotranspiration and increases inundation, leaving the site wetter than it was originally. While not intended to alter wetlands, withdrawing water from streams or lakes for agricultural, industrial or municipal uses can reduce inundation levels in wetlands on lakes or streams. On the other hand, dredging freshwater marshes or constructing reservoirs can flood existing wetlands and convert them to deepwater habitats. In some wetlands, it is possible to alter the plant cover without significantly changing the hydrology. Some wetlands can be converted to pine plantations without ditching or bedding the site. In addition, many areas of eastern North Cazolina aze harvested for timber that is then allowed to regenerate naturally. As part of forestry management, many wet flats are burned to reduce weedy hazd- woods and flammable litter; this practice can change the species composition of tree, shrub and herb layers. Plant composition may also be altered unintentionally. Sphagnum moss and herbs in mountain bogs, seeps and ephemeral wetlands aze very susceptible to damage by foot, bicycle and off-road vehicle traffic. The species composition of wetlands can also be altered by the introduction of non-native species. Many bottomland hazd- wood forests (especially neaz cities) have been invaded by Japanese honeysuckle and Chinese privet. Common reed (Phragmites spp.) has invaded many brackish marshes and has greatly lowered plant and animal diversity. Thankfully, the most aggressive invader of southern roadsides, kudzu, survives poorly in wetlands. In recent yeazs, interest has arisen in the potential use of wetlands to treat wastewa- ter or stormwater. Research suggests that some wetlands can effectively remove many pollutants from wastewater and urban runoff. Partially treated wastewater may be sprayed into forested wetlands, an attractive idea in some coastal areas that have few other options. This method has been successful in other states when the systems were properly designed and operated. The initial trial of this method in North Carolina was unsuccessful, appazentiy due to design error. In Brown Marsh Swamp neaz Clarkton, 98 percent of the trees in the area receiving spray application died (Kuenzler 1987). Nevertheless, stream sampling showed that the swamp system removed sufficient amounts of nutrients to handle the pollutants in the wastewater. In other communities across the state, stormwater runoff from subdivi- sions is presently being directed into riparian wetlands. The greatest difficulty with these systems is effectively collecting runoff and then dispersing it into sheet flow. The methods and rate of application (loading rate) appear to be critical to the success of these systems as well as domestic waste applications. The use of wetlands to treat wastewater and stormwater is likely to increase in the future. These activities increase the amount of water and nutrients entering wet- lands and can alter hydrologic patterns. The use of wetlands for these purposes should be carefully monitored over the life of the project to avoid overwhelming the wetland's capacity to absorb additional water and nutrients. 1111 INDIRECT MODIFICATION MODIFYING THE WATERSHEDS OF WETLANDS Modifying the watersheds of wetlands also affects wetlands, primarily through changing hydrologic inputs or patterns of burning. Modifications to watersheds over the past several hundred years continue to affect wetlands today. Based on his interpretation of the work of Stanley Trimble, Wade Nutter has described the evolution of Piedmont river valleys and predicted their future development (Trimble 1973). His work suggests that, because of past modification of land cover, river valleys in the Piedmont are changing in ways which will change riparian wetlands over relatively short time periods. Prior to European settlement, most Piedmont streams flowed on bedrock through forested watersheds. Wetlands were more characteristic of the Coastal Plain. Since the fast settlement by Europeans, large amounts of land have been cleared and intensely cultivated. These efforts culminated in the early 1900s with clearing of most upland areas. As a consequence, more runoff entered streams, causing headwater streams to cut into their banks. In medium to large streams, topsoil was deposited as layers of sediments. Nutter (1993) found deposits as deep as seventeen feet in streams in northeastern Georgia. Over time, these deposits blocked flow and encouraged overbank flooding, creating complex drainage patterns of braided channels, levees and backswamps in broad floodplains. Where the channels were later straightened or dredged, the streams became deeply incised in the floodplain deposits and approached their orginal base levels. Since the abandonment of large areas of agricultural land during the 1930's Depres- sion, land use practices have improved. Many upland areas have been converted to pastures or managed forests. As a result, less runoff and sediment is entering streams. With less sediment being washed into them, headwater streams in the upper Piedmont are gradually flushing out their sediment as they seek stable Stormwater diverted to wetlands FUTURE OF WETLANDS bedrock. Old dams, mill races, low water bridges and cut tree stumps are reappearing in some areas. Larger streams and rivers in the lower Piedmont are receiving these sediments, but eventually these streams will also be washed clear and become incised into the landscape. These changes may mean a loss of wetlands in the upper Piedmont as streams return to bedrock and overbank flooding declines. In the lower reaches of streams, deposition of sediment may create new wetlands. However, these too will be abandoned over long periods of time as sediment is washed into coastal estuaries. Nutter's research and its implications for Piedmont wetlands show how changes in watersheds affect wetlands. Table 151ists some modifications to watersheds which affect North Carolina wetlands over a much shorter time period. Modifying the watersheds of wetlands has the greatest effect on wetland hydrology and water chemistry. Pumping groundwater from shallow aquifers beneath coastal freshwater marshes and mountain bogs has lowered ground water in some local areas. Harvesting trees from the watershed can also alter the amount and chemistry of ground water flowing into wetlands. Converting areas with natural vegetation to urban, agriculture or forestry land use, constructing highways, and harvesting trees results in relatively more runoff into wetlands. Besides its effect on hydrology, such runoff carries sediments, nutrients and toxicants into wetlands. Table 15. Modifying the Watersheds of Wetlands MODIFYING THE WATERSHEDS OF WETLANDS Altering groundwater flow into the wetland- reducing infiltrahon through paving upslope areas ~~~~~ pumping groundwater from aquifers ~~~~~~___, harvesting trees Increasing runoff into the wetland- converting to urban land uses ~~ ~ ~~~~ constructing highways ~ ~~ converting to pine plantations, pasture or annual row crops harvesting trees W_ ~.,-,__________._ _ Altering streams flowing into the wetland- ~~channelizing or piping streams ~~~ diverting runoff or streamflow from the wetland ~~ withdrawing from streams or lakes, releasing water in another basin Isolating the habitat in the wetland-~~~~~~~~ converting all surrounding land to urban land uses bulkheading 1112 INDIRECT MODIFICATION Altering streamflow into wetlands can also affect wetland hydrology. Channelizing or piping streams in the watershed above wetlands increases rate of streamflow into riparian weflands, increasing flood frequency, height and duration. (This situation contrasts with channelizing streams through or around the wetland, which decreases flooding frequency, height and duration.) Reservoirs constructed on streams above wetlands generally store floodwaters and release them over longer periods. The effect on downstream wetlands is fewer and lower but longer floods. In some urban areas, water is withdrawn from one watershed and released into another, as when water is withdrawn from a reservoir, used and then treated and released from a wastewater treatment plant into a stream in another watershed. This interbasin transfer may reduce streamflow in the first watershed and increase it in the second. Modifying watersheds also affects the wildlife habitat of wetlands through isolation. When the areas sturounding a wetland become urbanized, the wetland becomes isolated habitat. This isolation greatly reduces the wetland's value as wildlife habitat, especially for smaller wetlands which rely on adjacent uplands to fulfill habitat needs. Salt marshes, salt shurb wetlands and brackish marshes may also become isolated if bulkheads are built on their inland border. These bulkheads prevent the marshes from migrating inland in response to sea level changes. 1113 Forested wetland used as wastewater treatment near Myrtle Beach, S.C. FUTURE OF WETLANDS ENVISIONING A FUTURE WITH WETLANDS The future of wetlands in North Carolina depends on the interaction between ecological processes and modifications brought about by human beings. Modifica- tions are driven by social and economic forces tempered by federal, state and local regulatory programs. While this manual cannot focus on the specifics of regulatory programs, it can examine general trends which will affect the future of wetlands. The future of wetlands which are influenced by saltwater seems relatively secure in North Carolina. The state Coastal Area Management Act enacted in 1978 restricts the dredging or filling of saltwater-based wetlands. These wetlands, however, are vulnerable to rising sea level. In some areas, bulkheads and other development may prevent inland migration of wetlands. The future of freshwater wetlands in North Carolina is less secure. In 1990, the adoption of federal Swampbuster regulations eliminated farm-program benefits for crops produced on newly converted wetlands. These regulations have nearly ended large-scale conversion of wetlands to agriculture in North Carolina. About the same time, federa1404 and state 401 programs requiring permits for filling wetlands were strengthened. However Division of Environmental Management records indicate that each year about 500 acres of North Carolina freshwater wetlands are permitted to be cleared, mined or filled. These are generally wetlands with lower wetland values, but wetlands with higher values are unavoidably lost as well. Concern for preserving wetland values is leading to the expansion of wefland programs. Various state and local governments are developing recommended practices that reduce the impact of certain land uses on wetlands and waters. For example, foresters are encouraged to use the Best Management Practices for Forestry in the Wetlands of North Carolina (FRD 1990). Regulatory review and monitoring is increasing and may slow the conversion and fill of wetlands. Efforts to restore or create wetlands as mitigation for wetlands which are destroyed are becoming more common. Restoration of degraded (often filled) wetlands usually has a greater chance of success than creation of wetlands where no wetland was previously. Current programs are probably unable to totally prevent freshwater wetland fill or to restrict land uses around wetlands, even if this were appropriate. New state or federal laws would be needed to provide broader protection for wetlands. Purchase (either fee simple or easements) of wetlands with special ecological attributes would offer the greatest protection for these areas, but additional funding would probably be necessary. Any expansion of wetland programs would have to be carefully balanced against respect for private property rights and consideration of program costs. Ultimately, the future of North Carolina wetlands will depend on the public desire and political will to protect them. ~; ENVISIONING The future for weflands will brighten if North Carolina's citizens recognize the value of wetlands and take responsible action. In this future, the most valuable wetlands would be identified and purchased or protected by binding agreements. Reduced taxes would be available for those who agreed to preserve wetlands on . their land. Wetlands would be identified and incorporated into river basin plans and local land use plans. Developers would design site plans to take advantage of wetland values on their property. Land-owners would recognize and protect remaining wetlands and buffer areas in subdivisions, shopping areas and industrial parks. Experimental sites for stormwater and wastewater treatment would be set up, based on careful planning and long-term monitoring. Federal and state agencies and private corporations would form partnerships to identify and restore degraded and filled wetlands, and universities would cooperate in providing research for these i efforts. Best management practices would be followed to protect the value of all of North Carolina's wetland and aquatic resources. • This future will depend on citizens who are knowledgeable about the characteris- ' tics, values and types of North Carolina wetlands. While reference books provide a basis for this knowledge, appreciation comes only from walking, wading or . paddling through a variety of wetland types. It is hoped that this Field Guide will contribute to your observation of wetlands in North Carolina. f i i • Appendix 1 Comparison of Types to Natural Heritage Program Types WETLAND I PAGE NHP TYPESa TYPE ( ! PAGEa (RARITYe ~ Wetlands sustained by rain- wet flats 44 nonu~erine wet hardwood forest ~ 203 Gl Sl ___ _ nonnverine swamp forest _ 205 G2G3 S3 __ _. _ i pine savanna ~ ~6 i G3 S2 ~ pocosins ~ 50 i ° wet pine flatwoods 'low pocosin _ hi h i ~ 223 C,3G4 S3 207 G3 53 209 G'1 ~ { ocos n S P ~ _ _ ____~ _. I pond hmc v.oodland _211 G4G5 S4 j _ _ peadand AUan~c White Cedar forest tray forest {~ 214 G2 S2 ~ 216 G3G4? S3? G2? Sl? __~ _ _. _ _ _ small de ression ocosin _ _ P_..~ P _. __ _ l 221 _ _ __ 171 G3? S2 ephemeral 53 floodplain poo wetlands ! _.__ _________r ___._ upland depression swamp forest 197 G3 S2 !vernal pool 232 C~3 S2 ~ c ress savanna '_ t } G2~ El Wetlands sustained by groundwater discharge- W_. _:_ . __~~_...... ~ ., _...~ seeps ~% _ ~ _._. ~_.~..__ ____~ _ high elevation seep ___. _ W _ .._. . 191 ~ G3 53 __, ;low elevation seep i 200 i G4? S3 __ _._. ....._._„ ,f~w,_ ° P sandh~ll see _ __,_ _ . _ ___ _.~~ ~._~~ __._, ~ 229 G2 S2 __.~_ _.__m.. Wetlands sustained by ground water and surface water- W .__. ~._ ~._. ~ 61 mountain bogs _ _ r~.,µ._., _. _. _.... _ ~ ~ . _____. _ _ southern Appalachian bog (northern) ~~ - __ u ~ 183 3 G1T1 Sl _ ~ _ southern Ap~alacluan bog (southern) ~ 186 i G1T1 Sl wuthern A ala h~an fen 189 G1T1 Sl bog forests mm ~ _ ~64 _ s~.'arnp tc~resi i t .g complex (southern) 179 ~ G2G3T2 S2 swamp forest{bog complex (spruce) 181 G3T1 Sl .. headwater 67 coastal plain small stream swamp !; 161 GS SS forests i (blackwater) _ __ _ coastal plain small stream swamp _ 163 GST3T4 S2S3? = i rownwater y ~ ~ ~€~ edmont/low mountain alluvial forest 175 GS S5 .. ... a , _. ~ __ ._ montane alluvial forest ~~ -- .,- ____... .~ __.,.,.~ - ` ] 78 ~ G2? Sl I _ ,freamhead pocosin 218 I G4 S3 __ streamhead Atlantic White Cedar forest 220 ~ G3? S2 Wetlands on rivers and lakes- bottomland : 5 (coastal plain butlomland hardwoods 152 ; G5T5 S3 hardwood ~. '; (blackwater) _ ,____ ~ forests '. ,coastal plain-bottomland hardwoods GSTS S4 i 155 I ~brownwater) ~ i ~p~edmont/mountain bottomland forest 169 < S3? swamp forests 80 cypress-p~um swamp (blackwater) 147 <,S IS S5 c ress m swam rownwater ~ Pro ~ ~ 1 ~o ~~ 1~ _ _ ~` oxbow lake 1 58 GS ~~ coastal plain semipermanent ~ 1 ~9 ~. GS S4 impoundment ~ ~~ picdmont/mountain swamp lurest ~ - 1 07 C'2 Sl ~ (tidal cypress-gum swamp --- 253 G4 S3 _ - -- freshwater 70 piedmont/mountain semipermanent 173 G5 S4 marshes upoundment _ ~ ____~____ _ ..___.____,v ~s_ _,__ ___~ small depression pond ? {6 G3 S2 ~ natural lake shoreline ~ {a ~2 `;2 ~~~~ ___ manhme wet rassland~ ~~ ~~~ ._.___., 8 ~ __ ___ -~-. ? 11 C,~' S2~ _ _._ : ~ tidal freshwater marsh 250 ' C4 53 Wetlands on the ocean - estuarine fringe 85 ;estuarine fringe loblolly pine fomst ~ 249 G3? S3? forests brackish 87 'brackish marsh _ _ ~ <~~ 57 marshes I salt shrub 89 i salt shrub ' 6U , C,5 S4 wetlands salt marshes 91 ~ salt marsh 255 GS SS salt flat ~ 259 ~ GS S4 APPENDIX 1 aNatural Heritage Program (NHP). 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation. By Michael P. Schafale and Alan S. Weakley. Raleigh: Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Depart- ment of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. bNatural Heritage Program (NHP). July 1993. Natural areas database. Raleigh: Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. bRarity from NHP database, July 1993. Global Ranks (as assigned by scientific experts, various natural heritage programs and The Nature Conservancy) Gl =critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity or threat; 5 or fewer occurrences or less than 2,000 acres re- maining G2 =imperiled globally because of rarity or threat; 6-20 occur- rences or 2,000-10,000 acres remaining G3 =either very rare and local throughout its range or found locally in a restricted range or because of threat; 21-100 occurrences or 10,000-50,000 acres remaining G4 =apparently secure globally, although maybe quite rare in parts of its range G5 =demonstrably secure globally, although may be quite rare in parts of its range G_? =unranked or rank uncertain G_G_ =rank believed to fall between two or three ranks T_ =rank of a subtype within a community North Carolina ranks (as assigned by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program based on The Nature Conservancy's system) S1=critically imperiled in North Carolina because of extreme rarity or threat; 5 or fewer occurrences or less than 2,000 acres remaining S2 =imperiled in North Carolina because of rarity or threat; 6-20 occurrences or 2,000-10,000 acres remaining S3 =rare or uncommon in North Carolina; 21-100 occurrences or 10,000-50,000 acres remaining S4 =apparently secure in North Carolina, with many occurrences SS =demonstrably secure in North Carolina and essentially ineradicable under present conditions S ~ =unranked or rank uncertain S S =rank believed to fall between two or three ranks 11 APPENDIX 1 NOTE: Some NHP wetland types are not covered in this Field Guide because they occur at fewer than 20 sites in the state. The wetland types discussed in this field guide do not include: Upland pool 195 (page in Classification) Hillside seepage bog 198 Interdune pond 246 Wet marl forest 201 Maritime swamp forest 243 Maritime shrub swamp 244 Appendix 2 Contacts for Wetland Information Books for Further Reading Beyer, Fred. 1991. North Carolina: the years before man. A geologic history. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press. Readable geologic history of the state, from the big bang to recent changes in the barrier islands. Corps of Engineers. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. Vicksburg, MI: United States Department of the Army. "Official" guide to identifying and delineating wetlands. Includes discussions of hydrologic indicators, hydric soils and hydrophytic vegetation as well as guidance for delineating disturbed sites. Mitsch, William J. and James G. Gosselink. 1993. Wetlands. 2nd edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. Textbook for wetlands study, covering everything from biochemical processes to valuation and management of wetlands Natural Heritage Program (NHP). 1990. Classifccation of the natural communiites of North Carolina: third approximation. By Michael P. Schafale and Alan S. Weakley. Raleigh: Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. More detailed classification of wetlands in North Carolina with lists of typical soils and raze species. Niering, William A. and Alfred A. Knopf. Audubon Society Field Guide: Wetlands New York: Audubon. General field guide to wetlands in the United States. Tiner, Ralph W. 1993. Field guide to coastal wetland plants of the southeastern United States. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. Field guide to wetlands with clear line drawings of many wetland plants and nontechnical keys. Tiner, Ralph W. 1988. Field guide to nontidal wetland identification. Baltimore: Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Field guide to Maryland wetlands with many photographs of wetland plants and advice on field work. 1_il- ^ 1 i f APPENDIX 2 Educational Programs and General Information Environmental Protection Agency (Federal) publications and general information Wetlands Protection HoUine ...................1-800-WET-LAND (832-7828) Fish and Wildlife Service (Federal) publications and assistance such as grants-in-aid 4401 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, Virginia 22203 ...................................................................703-358-1817 Office of Environmental Education (State) clearinghouse of resources for teachers and general information 111 Hillborough Street, P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 ...................................................919-733-0711 Division of Parks and Recreation (State) programs for teachers and the general public in state parks 512 North Salisbury Street, P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 ...................................................919-733-4181 Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation (State) identification and registration of natural areas 512 North Salisbury Street, P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 ...................................................919-733-7701 Wildlife Resources Commission (State) determining status of animals in the state and educational programs 512 North Salisbury Street, P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 ...................................................919-733-7133 Plant Conservation Program (State) determining status of plants in the state 512 North Salisbury Street, P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 ...................................................919-733-3610 Divison of Forest Resources (State) assistance to landowners and programs in state forests 512 North Salisbury Street, P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 ...................................................919-733-2162 111 APPENDIX 2 Regulatory Programs Army Corps of Engineers (Federal) delineation of wetlands and 404 permits for dredging and filling Wilmington District Regulatory Branch 69 Darlington Avenue, P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ......................................910-251-4511 Natural Resources Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture (Federal) delineation of wetlands on farmlands County Soil Conservation Service - in the local telephone directory Division of Environmental Management, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (State) 401 water quality certifications and mitigation Wetlands and Aquatic Plants Environmental Sciences Building 4401 Reedy Cr. Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 ........................................................919-733-1786 Division of Coastal Management, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (State) permits to alter wetlands and waters in coastal counties Parker Lincoln Building P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 ..............................................919-733-2293 112 ^ ^ _1 ~. Appendix 3 Common and Scientific Names of Plants (Common name in italics indicates a rare or uncommon species.) COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME Alder ........................................................................... Alnus spp. Alga(e) ........................................................................ too numerous to list American elm ............................................................ Lllmus americana American holly .......................................................... Ilex opaca Arrow-arum .............................................................. Peltandra virginica Arrowhead ................................................................. Sagittaria spp. Ash ...................................................... ........................ Fraxinus spp. Atlantic white cedar ................................................. Chamaecyparis thyoides Bald cypress ............................................................... Taxodium distichum Beaked spikerush .......................................................... Eleocharis rostellata Beakrush ..................................................................... Rhynchospora spp. Blackjack oak ............................................................. Quercus marilandica Black needlerush ....................................................... Juncus roemerianus Black willow .............................................................. Salix nigra Bladderwort ............................................................... Utricularia spp. Blue flag ..................................................................... Iris virginica Blueberry .................................................................... Vaccinium spp. Bog fern ....................................................................... Thelypteris simulata Box elder .................................................................... Acer negundo Buckeye ...................................................................... Aesculus sylvatica Bulrush ....................................................................... Scirpus spp. Bunched arrowhead ..................................................... Sagittaria fasciculata Buttonbush ................................................................ Cephalanthus occidentalis Canada burnet ............................................................. Sanguisorba canadensis Canada yew ................................................................. Taxus canadensis Cane ............................................................................ Arundinaria gigantea Carolina goldenrod ...................................................... Solidago pulchra Cattail ......................................................................... Typha spp. Cherrybark oak ......................................................... Quercus falcata var. pagodaefolia Chicory ....................................................................... Chicorium intybus Cinnamon fem .......................................................... Osmunda cinnamomea Coastal dog hobble ................................................... Leucothoe axillaris Common dandelion .................................................. Taraxacum officinale Common reed ............................................................ Phragmites spp. Cooley's meadowrue .................................................... Thalictrum cooleyi Cordgrass ................................................................... Spartina spp. Cranberry .................................................................... Vaccinium macrocarpon t~ APPENDIX 3 Cypress ....................................................................... Taxodium spp. Duckweed .................................................................. Lemma spp. Eastern hemlock ........................................................ Tsuga canadensis Fetterbush .................................................................. Lyonia lucida Flowering dogwood ................................................. Cornus florida Galax ........................................................................... Galax aphylla Gallberry .................................................................... Ilex glabra Giant cordgrass ......................................................... Spartina cynosuroides Glasswort ................................................................... Salicornla spp. Golden sedge ................................................................ Carex sp. l Gray's lily .................................................................... Lilium grayi Green ash ................................................................... Fraxinus pennsylvanica Greenbriar .................................................................. Smilax spp. Holly ........................................................................... Ilex spp. Horsesugar ................................................................. Symplocos tinctorla Ironwood .................................................................... Carpinus caroliniana Laurel oak .................................................................. Quercus laurifolia Laurel-leaf greenbriar .............................................. Smilax laurifolia Littleleaf sneezeweed .................................................... Helenium brevifolium Lizard's tail ................................................................ Saururus cernuus Loblolly bay ............................................................... Gordonia lasianthus Loblolly pine .............................................................. Pinus taeda Longleaf pine ............................................................. Pinus palustris Marsh elder ................................................................ Iva frutescens Mountain dog hobble ............................................... Leucothoe recurva Mountain sweet pitcher plant ..................................... Sarracenla jonesii Netted chainfern ....................................................... Woodwardia areolata Northern white beakrush ............................................. Rhynchospora alba Oak .............................................................................. Quercus spp. Orange jewelweed/touch-me-not .......................... Impatiens capemsis Overcup oak .............................................................. Quercus lyrata Pickerelweed ............................................................. Pontederia cordata Pin oak ........................................................................ Quercus palustris Pitcher plant .............................................................. Sarracenla spp. Poison ivy ................................................................... Toxicodendron radicans Pond pine ................................................................... Pinus serotina Pondweed .................................................................. Potamogeton spp. Queen Anne's lace/wild carrot .............................. Daucus carooa Red bay ....................................................................... Persea borbonia Red maple .................................................................. Ater rubrum Rhododendron .......................................................... Rhododendron spp. Ribbed bishopweed ....................................................... Ptilimnium costatum River birch .................................................................. Betula nigra Rough-leaf loosestrife ................................................... Lysimachia asperulifolla Royal fem ................................................................... Osmunda regalis Rush ............................................................................ juncus spp. Saltgrass ..................................................................... Distichus spicata 114 ^ APPENDIX 3 Smooth cordgrass ..................................................... Spartina altern flora Salt meadow cordgrass ........................................... .Spartina patens Savanna indigo-bush .................................................. .Amorpha georgiana var. confusa Sawgrass .................................................................... .Cladium jamaicense Sea ox-eye .................................................................. .Borrichia frutescens Sedge .......................................................................... . Carex spp. Sensitive fern ............................................................ .Onoclea sensibilis Silky dogwood ......................................................... .Corpus amomum Silverling ................................................................... .Baccharis halimifolia Small-anthered bittercress ........................................... Cardamine micranthera Smooth sawgrass ......................................................... Cladium mariscoides Soft-stemmed bulrush ..........................................:.. . Scirpus Southern twayblade orchid .......................................... Listera australis Spatterdock ................................................................ Nuphar spp. Sphagnum moss ....................................................... . Sphagnum spp. Spikerush .................................................................. .Eleocharis spp. Spoonflower ................................................................. Peltandra sagittifolia Swamp chestnut oak ............................................... .Quercus michauxii Swamp dog hobble ................................................... Leucothoe racemosa Swamp rose mallow .................................................Hibiscus moscheutos Swamp rose ...............................................................Rosa palustris Swamp tupelo ........................................................... Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora Sweet bay ...................................................................Magnolia virginiana Sweet pepperbush .................................................... Clethra alnifolia Sweetgum ..................................................................Liquidambarstyraciflua Sycamore ....................................:............................... Platanus occidentalis Tag alder .................................................................... Alnus serrulata Ti-ti .............................................................................. Cyrilla racem flora Tuliptree ..................................................................... Liriodendron tulipifera Venus' flytrap .............................................................. Dionaea muscipula Virginia chainfern ..................................................... Woodwardia virginica Virginia pine .............................................................. Pines virginiana Virginia willow ......................................................... Itea virginica Water lily .................................................................... Nymphaea odorata Water parsnip ............................................................ Siam suave Water shield ............................................................... Brasenia schreberi Water tupelo .............................................................. Nyssa aquatics Wax myrtle ................................................................ Myrica cerifera White oak ....................................:.............................. Quercus albs White pine .................................................................. Pines strobes Willow oak ................................................................. Quercus phellos Willow ........................................................................ Salix spp. Wire grass .................................................................. Aristida siricta 11 Glossary of Terms Ability. Characteristics of the wetland which determine, in part, the values provided by a specific wetland. Adventitious roots. Roots that occur in an abnormal position, allowing them to get oxygen. An example is roots growing from aerial stems of wetland plants. Aerencbyma. Plant tissue with air spaces which allow the diffusion of oxygen to and through roots. Aerobic or aerated soil. A condition in which molecular oxygen (02) is present, either in pores between soil particles or dissolved in water. Alga (pl. algae). Single-celled, colonial or multi-celled plants without we roots, stems or leaves. Usually grow in water or damp locations. Algal bloom. A rapid, uncontrolled multiplication of algae plants that clogs waterways. Decomposition of dead plants from such blooms depletes oxygen in waters and can kill large numbers of fish. Alluvial (soils). Soil that develop from streams or deltas. Anaerobic soil. A condition in which molecular oxygen (02) is absent. Aquatic bed plants. Non-woody plants that grow on or below the surface of the water during most of the year. Occur asfree-floating masses underwater, floating-leaved masses on the surface or rooted masses on the bottom. Aquifer. Any water-bearing layer of rock. Barrier islands. A series of narrow, linear islands along the North Carolina coast. Basal area. A measurement used by foresters to estimate the amount of board feet of lumber that could be obtained from a stand of timber. Buttressed tree trunks. Swelling of the base or extensions from the base of trees such as black gum which help to stabilize the tree in saturated soil. Carolina bays. Oval or concentric shallow depressions occuring in the inner coastal plain, primarily in North and South Carolina. Their long axes are generally aligned in a northwest to southeast orientation. Clay. A soil textural class characterized by the predominance of very fine particles under .002 millimeters in diameter. When moist, clay is plastic (moldable) and firm. Concretions. Round or semi-round hard objects formed when dissolved iron or manganese comes out of solution in the presence of oxygen. Also referred to as "nodules". Concretions are a redoximorphic feattue of soils. Deciduous. Plants that lose their leaves once a year, usually in winter. Contrast with evergreen. Detritus. In wetlands, fragments of bark, leaves, stems, flowers and other organic materials. Embayed sounds. Shallow estuarine bodies of water which were previously estuaries at the mouths of rivers, but which have been flooded by rising sea level. Emergent plants. Aquatic or wetland herbs which are rooted in soil whose stems and leaves extend above the water surface. Estuarine, estuary. Areas which are semi-enclosed by land but have open, partially obstructed or sporadic access to the open ocean. In the estuarine I1 ` ^ 1 t GLOSSARY system, ocean water is at least occasionally diluted by freshwater run-off or streamflow. (Cowardin et al. 1979) Estuarine fringe forests, brackish marshes, salt shrub wetlands and salt marshes are considered estuarine. Evapotranspiration. The combined loss of water to the atmosphere as evapo- ration of water from surfaces of plants, soil and water and transpiration of water vapor from plant leaves and stems. Evergreen. Plants which retain their leaves throughout the year. Contras[ with deciduous. Facultative plant (FAC). Plants which are equally likely to occur in wetlands or nonwetlands (estimated probability 34 to 66 percent). Facultative upland plant (FACU). Plants which usually occur in nonwetiands but are occasionally found in wetlands (estimated probability 1 to 33 percent). Facultative wetland plant (FACV~. Plants which usually occur in wetlands (estimated probability 67 to 99 percent). Fall line. A line of shallow falls and rapids-where streams leave the Piedmont and enter the flat landscape of the inner coastal plain. Flooded. A condition when streams overflow their banks and inundate the surrounding area. Floodplain. The area along a river which is periodically inundated by overbank flooding. In the Piedmont, portions of the floodplain may not meet the definition of wetland used in this guide. This is because they may not be inundated or saturated long enough to create hydric soils. Functions. "Ecological, hydrological or other phenomena that contribute to the self-maintenance of the wetland ecosystem" (Brinson in press). Contrast with values. Gleyed soil or gleying. A characteristic of mineral soils in which the predomi- nant soil color becomes grey due to the reduction, and subsequent removal, of iron by leaching. Indicates that the soil has been almost continuously saturated. Gleying is a redoximorphic feature of soils. Ground water. Water that collects between soil particles and in soil layers above impervious layers or deep aquifers. Contrast with surface water. Headwater stream. A small stream that arises in the upper reaches of a watershed. On a topographic map, a stream channel having no tributaries or the first joining of streams having no tributaries (fast and second order streams). Herbs. Non-woody plants other than vines. Hummock. A low rounded hill, often covered with sphagnum moss and generally formed over logs or irregularities in the ground. Hydric soil. "Soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part." (SCS 1985) Hydrologic connection. An obvious surface water connection between a wetland and a deepwater habitat, usually as stream channel. Hydrology (of a wetland). The sources of water, degree of soil saturation or inundation, and pathway of water into and from a wetland. Hypertrophied lenticels. Enlarged pores for the exchange of gases in stems of certain plant species. 11~ ` GLOSSARY Impervious surface. Surfaces where water infiltration is blocked by imperme- able materials on top of the soil (such as concrete or asphalt). Inner coastal plain. The physiographic province extending from the fall line to the Suffolk Scarp which runs through Beaufort, Washington and eastern Gates Counties. Interstream divide. An area between streams and floodplains with no obvious stream channels. Inundation. A condition occurring when water pools above the surface of the ground. Knee (cypress). A woody, knobby- orcone-shaped projection growing upward from the roots of cypress. Knees are believed to stabilize the trees in saturated soils. Larva (pl. larvae). Immature forms of certain animals which change structur- ally when they become adults. The larvae of salamanders, frogs, toads and many insects develop in bodies of water. Litter. In this context, the layer of dead and partially decayed leaves, twigs and blossoms on the surface of the soil. Lunar tide. Tides created by the gravitational attraction of the moon. In North Carolina, two high fides and two low fides occur approximately every 24- hour period. Marl. Basic impervious rock that creates ground water with near neutral pH. When broken down, marl yields a crumbly soil consisting mainly of clay, sand and calcium carbonate. Mast. Nuts such as acorns, beechnuts or chestnuts. Mineral soil. Soil which contains relatively little organic material, from a trace up to 18 percent, in its upper 16 inches (40 centimeters). Mineral soils consist of mineral materials, organic matter, air and water (Brady 1974). Mottled soil or mottling. A characteristic of mineral soils in which the soil color consists of a predominant wlor (the matrix) interrupted by spots or blotches of contrasting color. Generally an indication that the soil has been alternately saturated and aerated. Mottling is a redoximorphic feature of soils. Mountains. The physiographic province of North Carolina which contains mountain ranges. It is generally characterized by highly irregular topogra- phy and steep slopes. Muck. Organic material in soil in which the plant materials have been broken down so as to be unrecognizable. Nontidal. Estuarine areas which do not receive lunar tides. Obligate upland plant (UPL). Plants which almost always occtu in uplands in ttus region (estimated probability greater than 99 percent), but which occur in wetlands in another region. Obligate wetland plant (OBL). Plants which almost always occur in wetlands (estimated probability greater than 99 percent). Opportunity. Characteristics of the watershed or area surrounding a wetland which determine, in part, the values provided by a specific wetland. Contrast with ability. Organic soil. Soil which is primarily composed of organic matter in its upper 16 1 GLOSSARY inches (40 centimeters). Belonging to the class of soils designated "histosols." Outer coastal plain. The physiographic province of North Cazolina which extends from all azeas above mean sea level to the Suffolk Scarp running through Beaufort, Washington and eastern Gates Counties and including estuarine areas along the southern coast. Oxidized form (of chemicals). The form of chemical elements or ions in which oxygen is attached, the negative charge is reduced or the positive charge is increased. Often formed by microorganisms under aerobic wnditions. In aerated wetlands, manganese, iron, and sometimes sulfur may become oxidized. Contrast with reduced form (of chemicals). Oxidized rhizospheres. Rust-colored root channels which sometimes occur along roots growing through gleyed soils. An indicator that soils have been saturated. The Soil Conservation Service refers to these as iron pore linings. Peat. Organic material in soil in which the fragments of the orginal plant materials are evident. Perched water table. Shallow lens-shaped bodies of ground water that are isolated from deeper aqufiers by impervious layers of soil or rock. Piedmont. The area of North Carolina from the mountains to the fall line. Pneumatophores. Special respiratory organs chazcteristic of such wetland plants as tupelo gum. From "pneuma" which means to breathe. Pollutant. A harmful chemical or waste material discharged into the water or atmosphere. Polymorphic leaves. Leaves which take different forms depending upon the conditions when they were formed. Literally means "many shapes". Characteristic of wetland plants such as some arrowhead species. Province. An area of the state based on physiographic characteristics. This guide uses five provinces but other combinations are possible. Pulpwood. Smaller or less valuable trees that, upon harvesting, are likely to be converted to pulp for the production of paper and wood products. Contrast with sawtimber. Rare species. A species which appears on Federal or state lists as endangered, threatened or of special concern. Redoximorphic features (of soils). Soil features formed by the removal or accumulation of iron and manganese. They include concretions, soft iron masses, oxidized rhizospheres, and gleying or mottling. These features form in soils that have been saturated or inundated and have become anaerobic, causing reduction of chemicals. Reduced form (of chemicals). The form of chemical elements or ions in which oxygen is removed, the negative charge is increased or the positive charge is decreased. Often formed by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions. In saturated wetlands, manganese, iron, and sometimes sulfur may become reduced. Contrast with oxidized form (of chemicals). Riparian wetlands. Wetlands which occur along the banks of rivers which are primarily sustained by overbank flooding and by surface and ground water flow parallel to the stream. Bottomland hardwood forests and swamp forests are riparian wetlands. GLOSSARY Runoff. Surface water which moves across the surface of the ground in sheet form rather than in distinct channels. Sand. A soil textural class characterized by the predominance of gritty particles (predominantly quartz). The soil particles are larger than silt, generally with diameters of 0.05 to 2.0 millimeters. Sandhills. The physiographic province of North Carolina in the southeastern coastal plain consisting of rolling sand dunes and interdune depressions. Saturated soil. A condition in which most pores between soil particles are filled with water and water will flow from the soil into large holes, ditches or drainageways. Sawtimber. Larger, more valuable trees that, upon harvesting, are likely to be converted to timber and boards. Contrast with pulpwood. Shrubs. Woody plants, including young trees, whose height is less than 20 feet. Silt. A-soil textural class characterized by the predominance of fine particles which are similar to sand but much smaller. Silt particles are larger than clay particles, with diameters of 0.002 to 0.05 millimeters. Snag. A standing dead tree with a diameter of more than ten inches, that provides habitat for wildlife. Soil texture. The relative proportions of sand, silt and clay in a portion of the soil. Storm surge. An abnormally high tide created by violent storms at sea. Sucker. A shoot springing from the roots or stem of a plant. Surface water. Water travelling over the surface of the ground as runoff, streamflow or overbank flooding. Contrast with ground water. Tidal creek. Small stream channels dissecting salt or brackish marshes which conduct tidal flow inland and streamflow to the sea. Tidal. Within the influence of lunar tides. Toxicants. Any substance present in water, wastewater or runoff that may kill aquatic life or be harmful to public health. Trees. Woody plants whose height is greater than 20 feet. Values. "Something worthy, desirable, or useful to humans" (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Wetland values are frequently identified and protected by law. Vines. Non-woody or woody plants whose young stems are long, slender and flexible, which grow trailing on the ground, climbing or twining. Waterfowl. Buds such as swans, geese, diving ducks, tipping ducks and dabbling ducks. Water table. The top of the zone in soil that is saturated with water. It is equal to the level that water will reach after it flows into a soil auger hole or ditch. The depth to the water table in a soil is not constant, but changes in re- sponse to rainfall and drainage of water. Wetlands. Various definitions. "Those areas which are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (Corps of Engineers 1987). Wind tide. A tide caused by winds out at sea which enters estuarine waters in no discernible pattern. 1211 ^ 1 Selected Bibliography Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study (APES). 1989. Fringe wetlands in Albemarle and Pamlico sounds: landscape position, fringe swamp structure, and response to rising sea level. Project No. 88-14. By Mark M. Brinson. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. Beyer, Fred. 1991. North Carolina: the years before man. A geologic history. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press. Biggs, Walter C., Jr., and James F. Parnell. 1989. State parks of North Carolina. Winston-Salem, N.C.: John F. Blair. Brady, Nyle C. 1974. The nature and properties of soils. 8th Edition. New York: Macmillan. Braswell, Alvin. 1993. Interview by Annette Liggett. Raleigh, North Carolina. 30 August. Brinson, Msrk M. (in press) Changes in the functioning of wetlands along environmental gradients. Wetlands 13. Quoted in Mark R. Wallbridge, Func- tions and values of forested wetlands in the southern United States. Journal of Forestry 91(5): 15. . 1993. Changes in the functioning of wetlands along environmental gradients. Wetlands 13 (2): 65-70. Corps of Engineers. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. Vicksburg, MI: United States Department of the Army. Cowardin, Lewis M., Virginia Carter, Francis C. Golet, and Edward T. Lance. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS-79/31 Washington, D.C.: Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. DepaR- ment of the Interior. December. Division of Environmental Management (DEM). 1991. Original extent, status and trends of wetlands in North Carolina: a report to the N.C. Legislative Study Commission on Wetlands Protection. Report No. 91-01. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. January. . 1992. Interim guu~iance for wetlands protection. Report No. 92-03. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. May. BIBLIOGRAPHY . 1993. Indicators of freshwater wetland function and value for protection and management. Report No. 93-O1. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. May. . 1994.Water quality progress in North Carolina: 1992-1993 305(6) report. Report No. 94-06. Raleigh: North Cazolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. Forest Resources Division (FRD). 1990. Best management practices for forestry in the wetlands of North Carolina. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Godfrey, Michael A. 1980. A Sierra Club naturalist's guide: the Piedmont. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books. Kuenzler, Edward J. 1987. Impacts of sewage effluent on tree survival, water quality and nutrient removal in coastal plain swamps. Report No. 235. Chapel Hill: Water Resources Research Institute, University of North Carolina. Mitsch, William J. and James G. Gosselink. 1993.Wetlands. 2nd edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company: Moorhead, Kevin K., Irene R. Mackun, C. Reed Rossell, Jr., and James W. Petranka. November 19, 1993. Restoring Wetlands for a Mitigation Bank for Surface Transportation Projects in North Cazolina. Grant Proposal to the Center for Transportation and the Environment. Mansell Soil Color Charts (Mansell). 1992. Revised edition. New York: Macbeth. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1985, Climates of the States. 3rd edition. Vol. 2: New York-Wyoming. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Company. North Carolina Geological Survey. 1991. Generalized geologic map of North Carolina. Raleigh. North Cazolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP). 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina: third approximation. By Michael P. Schafale and Alan S. Weakley. Raleigh: Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. . 1993. Biennial protection plan, 1993. Raleigh: Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY . July 1993. Natural areas database. Raleigh: Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. Radford, Albert E., Harry E. Ahles and C. Ritchie Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Reed, P.B., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: North Carolina. Biological Report NERC-88/1833. Washington, D.C.: Fish and Wildlife Service. Richardson, Curtis J. and J. Whitfield Gibbons. 1993. Pocosins, Carolina Bays, and Mountain Bogs. In Biodiversity of the southeastern United States: lowland terrestrial communities. edited by WIlliam H. Martin, Steven G. Boyce and Arthur C. Echternacht. New York: Wiley. Rce, Charles E. 1987. A directory to North Carolina's natural areas. Raleigh: North Carolina Natural Heritage Foundation. Soil Conservation Service (SCS). 1985. Hydric soils of the United States. Na- tional Bulletin No. 430-5-9. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture. Tiner, Ralph W. 1988. Field guide to nontidal wetland identification. Baltimore: Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Tiner, Ralph W. and Peter L.M. Veneman. 1989. Hydric soils of New England. Revised Bulletin C-183R. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension. Trimble, Stanley W. 1973. A geographic analysis of erosive land use on the southern Piedmont. Ph.D. diss., University of Georgia. Quoted in Wade L.Nutter, Review of Wetland Hydrology in the Southeastern U.S. Piedmont Province. Paper read at Environmental Protection Agency meeting, March 1993, at Atlanta, Georgia. Vepraskas, Michael J. 1992. Redoximorphic features for identifying aquic conditions. Technical Bulletin 301. Raleigh: North Carolina Agricultural Re- search Service. 123 i i f i f INDEX Definitions to technical terms are found in the glossary, which is not indexed here. ability 18 adventitious roots 12, 15 air-filled stems 12, 15 algal blooms 20 Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge 48, 52, 88 amount of wetlands 1 amphibian breeding in wetlands 54, 58, 62, 65 anaerobic conditions 7-8 formation of, 8 aquatic bed plants 12 aquatic habitat in wetlands 25, 26 Atlantic white cedar 51, 78 bald cypress 14, 72, 77, 78 barrier islands 37 B. Everett Jordan Lake. See Jordan Lake, B. Everett. blackwater stream 71 Black River swamp forest 78, 80 Bladen Lakes State Forest 69 Blue Ridge Parkway 63 bog forests 60, 64-66 bottomland hardwood forests 70-72, 73-76 brackish marshes 89 brownwater stream 71 buttresses 12, 15 INDEX Cape Hatteras National Seashore 93 Carolina Beach State Park 91 Carolina bays 36 Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge 91, 96 channelizing and piping streams 100, 104 clay 11 and formation of wetlands 42, 56 Coastal Plain conversion of wetlands in, 1 (see also Inner Coastal Plain; Outer Coastal Plain) concretions 10 conversion of wetlands 1, 99-101 Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army 112, 114 Croatan National Forest 48, 52, 69, 91, 93, 96 cypress savanna 54 definition of wetlands 3-4 no single, 4 delineation of wetlands 112, 114, 126 distribution of wetlands 1 ditching wetlands 100 Division of Environmental Manage- ment, North Carolinh 114 INDEX Duke Forest 59 education about wetlands 2, 28-29, 113 emergent plants 12 ephemeral wetlands 42-43, 53-55 estuarine fringe forests 87-88 estuarine wetlands 85-86 evapotranspiration 5 exceptional wetlands 27 as special ecological attributes 26 Black River swamp forest 80 filling wetlands 99 fire and wetlands ecology 43, 44-45, 47-48, 88 floodplain formation 70, 102-103 floating leaves 12, 15 flooding 5 forestry. See timber production. Fort Fisher State Recreation Area 93, 96 Fort Macon State Park 96 404/401 programs. See regulatory programs. freshwater marshes 81-84 freshwater wetlands 33, 37 functions 17 gleying 9, 11 Goose Creek State Park 84, 91 Gosselink, James G. 112 granite and silica~ontaining rocks 35 greenish, gray or black soi19 ground water 5 acidity of, in mountains 35 as source for wetlands 56 changes in watersheds 103 Hammocks Beach State Park 96 Haw RiverfI'roublesome Creek azea 84 Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve 55 herbs 12 Holly Shelter Game Land 48, 52 high elevation seep 58 hunting: on public lands 28; leases 30-31 hydric soil 7 hydrogen sulfide see sulfur hydrology 4 importance of, 4 indicators of, 7 seasonal fluctuations in, 6 difficulty in recognizing, 7 examining, 7 impacts to wetlands. See Conversion of ~ wetlands; Modifying watersheds. ~ indicator status of plants 13-14 ~I Inner Coastal Plain 36-37, 44, 50 interbasin transfer of water 104 inundation 5 levels of, 6 iron reduction of, 9 toxicity of, 12, 13 Jordan Lake, B. Everett 76, 80 Julian Price Recreational Area 63 key to types 39-42 I r a i knees 12, 15 Lake Crabtree County Park 84 Lake Waccamaw State Park 76 longleaf pine 43, 44, 45 MacKay Island National Wildlife Refuge 84 mafic depression (upland depression swamp forest) 54 manganese reduction of, 10 toxicity of, 12, 13 Mason Farm Biological Reserve 55 Merchants Millpond State Park 80 methane 10 mineral soils 9, 11 mining in wetlands 99 Mitsch, William J. 112 modifying watersheds 102-103 Morrow Mountain State Park 55 mottling 9 mountain bogs 60, 61-63 Mountains conversion of wetlands in, 1 description of, 34-35 muck 8, 11 Munsell charts 9 Nantahala National Forest 63, 66, 84 National Wetlands Inventory 33 Natural Heritage Program 108-110, 112, 113 natural lakes 70-71 natural levees 71, 74 INDEX Natural Resources Conservation Service 7, 11, 114 nitrogen removal by wetlands 21-22 non-native plants, introduction of 101 Nutter, Wade 102 opportunity 18 organic soils 8, 11 Outer Coastal Plain 37, 44, 50 overbank flooding 5 patterns 5 Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge 91, 93, 96 peat 8,11 domes 98 Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge 76, 80 Pettigrew Park and Lake Phelps 80 (see also Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge). phosphorus removal by wetlands 20- 22 physiographic provinces 34-37 Pisgah National Forest 63, 66 Piedmont 35 pine savanna see wet pine savanna plant(s) adaptations 11-13 forms 15 Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge 84 (see also Pettigrew Park and Lake Phelps). INDEX pocosins SO-52 sandhills 36-37, 44, 48 pollutant removal by wetlands 20-23 Sandhills Game Land 59, 69 pond pine 43, 44 saturation 5 polymorphic leaves 12, 15 levels of, 6 precipitation 4, 47 sea level, changes in 104 productivity of estuarine wetlands 86 sediments: filtering of, 20-23; depos- rare or endangered species ited in streams 102 as special ecological attributes shoreline stabilization 19-20 26 short pocosin. See pocosin. in wetland types 47, 62, 65 shrubs 12 rare wetland types silt 11 as special ecological attributes special ecological attributes 26-27, 105 26, 27 (see also specific wetland types). not included in types 40 stability of wetland systems 99 recreation in wetlands 28-29 streamflow 5 red spruce bog forest 65 stormwater treatment by wetlands 101 redoximorphic features 9 succession in wetlands 98-99 regulatory programs 105, 106 Suffolk scalp 36-37 reservoirs 70, 71, 104 sulfur restoration of degraded wetlands 105 reduction of, 10 Roanoke River National Wildlife toxicity of, 13 Refuge 76, 80 surface water 5 root(s) swamp tupelo 72, 77 and anaerobic wnditions 12 Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge channels 11 88 shallow 15 Theordore Roosevelt Natural Area 88 runoff 5, 102, 103 tidal freshwater marshes 82 (see also salt marshes 94-96 MacKay Island National Wildlife salt shrub wetlands 92-93 Refuge) saltwater tall pocosin. See pocosin. toxicity of, 13 tides 5 sand 11 timber production 29-30 INDEX management of, 29-30 estimating, 30 in wetlands, 47 Tiner, Ralph 112 trees 12 values 17-18 vines 12 Uwharrie National Forest 55, 59 wastewater treatment by wetlands 101 water quality and wetlands 20-23, 32 (see also specific wetland types). water storage 19-20 water tupelo 72, 77 wet flats 44-48 wet pine savanna44-48 wet pine flats 448 Wet hardwood flats 47 wildlife habitat 23-24, 32, 104. (see also specific wetland types). willow oak 72, 77