HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120946 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20160224MORGAN CREEK FLOODPLAIN RESTORATION SITE #258 Mason Farm Biological Reserve — UNC -Chapel Hill — Orange/Durham Co. Cape Fear River HUC# 03030002-060080 MY -5 (2015) ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT (Final) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services (DEQ -DMS) -- Contract # 16-005217 Data Collected: Sep -Dec 2015 Final Report Submitted: Jan 2016 NC Division of Environmental Quality C; DEQ Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Environmental DMS Project Manager: Kristie Corson Quality Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table of Contents 1.0. Project Summary...............................................................................................................................3 1.1. Project Goals and Objectives...............................................................................................................3 1.2. Project Success Criteria.......................................................................................................................3 1.3. Project Setting & Pre -Restoration Conditions.....................................................................................4 1.4. Project Components and Mitigation Assets.........................................................................................5 1.5. Project Design Approach.....................................................................................................................5 1.6. Current Conditions and Performance, 2015.........................................................................................6 2.0. Project Monitoring Methods..............................................................................................................7 3.0. References............................................................................................................................................8 Annendix A. Proiect Background Tables Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Table 1. Project Components & Mitigation Credits Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Attributes Annendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2. Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) Figure 3. Floodplain Conveyance Assessment Table 5. Vegetation Condition Assessment Photos: Vegetation Plots & Berm Gap Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Monitoring Data Table 6. CVS Vegetation Plot Success Summary Table 7. CVS Stem Count Total & Planted MOGENSEN MITIGATION. INC Robert J. Goldstein 8r Associurtes ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS MOGENSEN MITIGATION INC. P O Box 690429 Charlotte, NC 28227 704-576-1111 rich@mogmit.com 919-872-1174 gpottern@r]gacarolina.com Appendix D. Stream and Wetland Hydrology Data Figure 4.1-4.10. Groundwater Gauge Plots with Precipitation Data Figure 5. Monthly Rainfall Data with Percentiles, 2015 Table 8. Verification of Bankfull Events Table 9. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment e -Table: Groundwater & Rain Gauge Raw Data e -Table: Morgan Cr Stream Gauge Raw Data Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 2 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. 1.0. Project Summary 1.1. Project Goals & Objectives The Morgan Creek Floodplain Restoration Site (DMS # 258) is located on the Mason Farm Biological Reserve (MFBR) in the Jordan Lake watershed (Haw River, Cape Fear River, USGS HUC # 03030002- 060080). In the 1940's a soil berm (artificial levee) was constructed along the southwest bank of Morgan Creek to reduce flooding frequency, and ditches were excavated to further drain the floodplain and facilitate farming. The berm, drainage ditches, and land -use activities have degraded the former bottomland wetlands on the site. This restoration project is designed to restore natural floodplain hydrology by constructing five rock -stabilized openings through the berm to increase floodwater access from Morgan Creek, and by replanting native trees and shrubs on poorly vegetated or weed -dominated areas on the floodplain to restore a natural Piedmont Bottomland Forest community. The project includes 14.37 acres of wetland restoration, 5.61 acres of wetland preservation, and 3200 linear feet of riparian buffer preservation along the south bank of Morgan Creek. Specific goals and objectives for the Morgan Creek Floodplain Restoration project are identified below: Project Goals: 1. Facilitate regular flooding of the Morgan Creek floodplain behind the berm; 2. Promote attenuation of sediment and nutrients on the flood plain; 3. Reduce downstream flooding by creating additional storm water detention; 4. Reduce erosion by limiting flooding shear stress on Morgan Creek banks ; 5. Restore more natural hydrology to 14.37 acres of impacted wetlands; 6. Preserve 5.61 acres of existing forested wetlands; 7. Re-establish a natural plant community through plantings and invasive species control; 8. Preserve 3200 linear feet of riparian buffer on the south bank of Morgan Creek. Project Objectives: 1. Create five stable openings in the existing artificial berm to allow flood waters to access the floodplain with the conservation easement area; 2. Plant 14.37 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands with desirable native trees and shrubs; 3. Demonstrate jurisdictional hydrology in 14.37 acres of restored wetland by measuring groundwater using RDS continuous recording groundwater gauges; 4. Preserve the entire Site through means of a conservation easement or deed restrictions in perpetuity. 1.2. Project Success Criteria Post -construction monitoring (2011 to 2015) will evaluate the project's success in restoring flood hydrology through the berm openings, groundwater hydrology in wetlands, and reestablishment of native bottomland forest vegetation. No stream channel work was conducted, and no channel morphology monitoring or stream stability success criteria are included. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 3 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Restoration of wetland hydrology is evaluated using specific soil saturation criteria for two different soil units delineated by The Catena Group in 2008, based on field analysis of redoximorphic features. Soil Unit #1, which occupies most of the fallow field in the east -central portion of the project easement, is expected to achieve saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for at least 12.5% of the growing season (27 days). GW monitoring gauges # 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 are located in Soil Unit #1. Soil Unit #2 lies to the west of Soil Unit #1 and includes the western part of the fallow field and adjacent forested land. Hydrology in Soil Unit #2 is expected to achieve saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for at least 5% of the growing season (11 days), and includes GW monitoring gauges # 3, 9, A, B, and C. The climatic growing season in Chapel Hill is from March 28 to Nov 3 (227 days). Restoration of floodplain function is evaluated using crest stage gauges (granular cork type) installed at each of the five berm openings. These manual gauge data are supplemented with stream stage data recorded at USGS stream gauge #02097517 located 1,600 feet upstream of the project site. On average, the berm openings are expected to convey overbank flows from Morgan Creek 2 to 3 times per year. Five 10 x 10 meter CVS vegetation plots were established, marked and monitored in the planted wetland restoration area following the CVS-EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol. The success criteria requires a minimum survival rate of 320 native woody stems per acre in MY -3, 288 native woody stems per acre in MY -4, and 260 stems/per acre in MY -5. Areas with low density of native woody stems (planted plus volunteers) and/or exotic invasive species problem areas are identified and mapped in accordance with thresholds specified in the current EEP monitoring guidance document. 1.3. Project Setting & Pre -Restoration Conditions The Morgan Creek Floodplain Restoration Site (DMS # 258) is located on the Mason Farm Biological Reserve (MFBR) which straddles the Orange/Durham county line, in the Jordan Lake watershed (USGS HUC # 03030002-060080). The project site is within the Durham -Sanford Triassic Basin, an area with broad floodplains due to ancient geologic rifting. Floodplain elevations on the project site are 240 to 245 feet (NAVD83). MFBR is owned by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is currently used for ecological research and teaching, but prior to the 1980's the floodplain portion of MFBR was used for agriculture. About 1940 an earthen berm (artificial levee) 3,800 feet long and 6 ft high was constructed along the southwest bank of Morgan Creek, 30 to 60 feet from the top of the creek bank. The berm was constructed to reduce flooding frequency, and floodplain ditches were excavated to further drain the area and facilitate farming. These actions significantly degraded wetland hydrology, hydric soil indicators, and native wetland vegetation. Prior to project construction, approximately 17.5 acres within the project area showed relict redoximorphic features or other evidence of historically supporting wetland hydrology. A 7 -acre remnant of intact wetland remains on the easternmost portion of the project site. This area was not effectively dewatered by the berm and ditches, apparently due to beaver dams, log jams, and other factors causing backwater flooding effects around the southeastern end of the berm. The drained wetland areas suitable for restoration include 12 acres of old field scrub and 5 acres of plantation forest. Both the field/scrub and forest areas contain a mix of native and exotic species, described in the Restoration Plan (Ward Consulting Engineers, 2008). Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 4 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Morgan Creek adjacent to MFBR has a drainage basin area of 41 square miles. Normal baseflow water surface elevation in the creek is typically 2.5 to 3.5 ft below the adjacent floodplain on the project site. Based on USGS gauge records and pre -construction surveys by the project designers, stream flows exceeding 1,000 cfs begin overtopping the banks of Morgan Creek and filling the depressional areas behind the natural levees along the stream banks. Flows above 1,300 cfs (calculated bankfull flow presumably flooded the project area prior to berm construction in the 1940's. The 6 -ft berm height was built to contain the 10 -year storm event, and would have required flows above 3,400 cfs to flood the project area prior to 2010 when the berm openings were constructed. 1.4. Project Components & Mitigation Assets The project includes five rock -stabilized trapezoidal openings (gaps) excavated through the berm. Each gap is 15 feet wide at the base (at the existing floodplain elevation) and roughly 50 feet wide at the top of the berm. Mitigation assets include 14.37 acres of wetland restoration (1:1 ratio) and 5.61 acres of wetland preservation (5:1 ratio), generating a total of 15.49 wetland mitigation units. The project conservation easement contains 31.5 acres, including 3200 linear feet of riparian buffer preservation along the south bank of Morgan Creek (Jordan Lake watershed). No mitigation credit is sought for the buffer preservation component. 1.5. Project Design Approach The Morgan Creek Floodplain (Mason Farm) restoration project was designed by Ward Consulting Engineers (2008) with assistance from The Catena Group, and constructed in 2010. The five berm gaps are located along a 1,400 foot long berm segment in the northwestern portion of the project area. Gap locations were selected to coincide with segments of stable stream bank, adequate space between the bank and the berm, and low areas on the creek side of the berm (behind the natural levee) to facilitate flow passage most easily. The berm gap bed elevations range from 244.1 ft (upper gap) to 242.4 ft (lower gap) and are generally 2.5 to 3.5 ft above normal baseflow elevation in Morgan Creek. Flow through the berm gaps is expected when stage at the USGS stream gauge upstream reaches 7.8 ft. The berm gap openings were modeled as lateral openings in the HEC -RAS computer model, and discharges were generated from each opening to reflect the volume of water applied to the fields. A second HEC -RAS model was then generated in the floodplain beyond the berm using the peak discharges flowing through the openings to predict the extent of flooding within the MFBR. This second model approximated maximum storm water levels within the existing parking lot and the frequency and duration of flooding in Big Oak Woods (BOW) natural area south of the project area. Flooding into BOW was controlled in order to avoid potential adverse ecological impacts of increased flooding depth, frequency, or duration. The wetland restoration planting plan was developed from lists of native species found in nearby natural floodplain wetlands along Morgan Creek. The Catena Group conducted post -construction monitoring from 2010 to 2012, after which Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. (MMI) conducted the remainder of monitoring from fall 2013 through 2015. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 5 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. 1.6. Current Conditions & Performance Summary MMI conducted the MY5 monitoring work during Sep -Dec 2015; monitoring methods and reporting were done following the EEP/DMS Monitoring Report Template, Feb 2014 version. Vegetation: CVS vegetation plot data were collected in September 2014. The five plots had 6, 5, 7, 5, and 0 surviving planted stems; only plot #3 exceeded the 260 stems/acre success criterion based on planted stems alone (Tables 6-7). However, four of the five plots have large numbers of volunteer native trees (Diospyros, Fraxinus, Liquidambar, and Ulmus) and exceed the success criterion when volunteers are included. The failing plot (#1) missed the success criterion by only one stem. Plots #1 and #5 (no surviving planted stems) are overgrown with dense grasses and herbaceous weeds that impede survival of tree seedlings. Total native woody stem densities (planted plus volunteers) range from 243 to 1,133 stems per acre, and average density for all five plots is 769 stems per acre, nearly three times the success criterion. Native woody stem density in the remainder of the planted areas appears adequate; no low- density area greater than of 0.2 acre was observed. Exotic invasive weeds are common throughout the project site in both the field/scrub areas and forested areas. Common invasives observed on the floodplain include Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), Japanese honesuckle (Lonicera japonica), Dahurian buckthorn (Rhamnus davurica), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), White mulberry (Morus alba), Porcelain -berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata), Fescue (Festuca spp), and Sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata). Two areas with concentrations of "High Concern" invasive species (mainly Rosa) totaling 0.62 acre are included in Figure 2 and Table 5. Elsewhere, "High Concern" invasives are at relatively low densities and/or primarily occurring as groundcover beneath tall shrubs and saplings, and do not appear to be threatening re-establishment of a forest community. Japanese stiltgrass (Low/Moderate Concern) is abundant throughout most of the field/scrub portion of the project and some wooded areas. Stiltgrass combined with other dense herbs is impeding planted tree survival in plot #5 (no planted stems) and volunteer recruitment in plot #1 (no volunteers). Additional invasive species observed along the Morgan Creek streambank and berm include Kudzu (Pueraria montana) and Paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera), but these areas are currently forested and the exotic plants are not threatening to project success. Hydrology: Nine of the ten groundwater wells met their respective wetland hydrology success criteria in 2015 (Table 9). Only well #4 did not meet its criterion, missing the goal by only 2 days). Over the five year monitoring period (2011 to 2015), four of the five wells in Soil Unit #1 met their 27 -day saturation criterion during 3 or more years. Of the five wells in Soil Unit #2 (11 -day saturation criterion),well #3 succeeded during only 1 year, well #9 succeeded every year, and the new wells A, B, C all succeeded during their one year of monitoring. Daily precipitation data for 2015 were compiled from CoCoRaHS gauge # NC -DH -33 located at Meadowmont about one mile northeast of the project site. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 b MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. The berm gaps appear to have conveyed flow from Morgan Creek into the floodplain during at least five storm events in 2015 (Mar 5, Apr 19, Oct 2, Nov 9, and Nov 19) as documented in Table 8 and the stream gauge data included in Appendix D support files. October 2 had the highest recorded stage at the USGS gauge, and cork levels recorded on the berm gap crest gauges were probably deposited on this date. Peak water depths through the berm gaps in 2015 based on crest gauge measurements ranged from 0.7 to 2.7 feet. The berm gap erosion problems reported in 2013-2014 were repaired in 2015, and all five openings are in good condition as of Dec 2015. Easement Condition: The Morgan Creek Floodplain conservation easement boundary is not fenced, but is marked by signage on posts at regular intervals along the western and southern boundaries. Existing trails on the MFBR property including the project site are frequently used for walking and wildlife watching, but no evidence of any damage by users was noted. There is no livestock kept on or adjacent to the project site. Some grazing damage by deer and other wild herbivores was noted during CVS plot monitoring. 2.0. Project Monitoring Methods 2.1. Vegetation Methods Five 10 x 10 meter square CVS vegetation plots were established in 2011 and monitored according to the CVS-EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol for Recording Vegetation 4.2 (Lee et al 2008). Each plot corner is marked with 1" PVC and/or steel conduit pipe and survey flagging, and plot corners are mapped using a Trimble sub -meter GPS unit. Planted trees and shrubs are measured during Sep -Oct each year, native volunteer stems are counted, and invasive species abundances are described. CVS plot locations are mapped in Figure 2, and vegetation plot data are provided in Tables 6-7. Plant identification manuals used are Radford (1968) and Weakley (2015). Each CVS plot was digitally photographed, usually from the 0,0 plot corner unless dense vegetation or other constraints required photographing from a different corner. 2.2. Hydrology Methods Nine RDS Ecotone groundwater monitoring gauges were installed between Jun 2010 and Aug 2011 following Technical Note HY lA-3.1 (USACE 1993). Groundwater Gauge #s 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are within the fallow field planted portion of the project, and Gauges #6 and #9 are in areas with existing forest canopy. Gauge #7 was installed in 2010 a reference wetland on the Morgan Creek floodplain upstream of the project area, but was moved in 2012 to a nearby location due to beaver activity at the original site. This well at the new location is referred to as Gauge #10 in the 2012 to 2014 reports. It was damaged and removed in 2014 e s. Gauge #8 was installed in a wetland in the Big Woods area of MFBR south of the project area, and was not monitored after 2012. Three additional gauges designated A, B, and C were installed by DMS in the fall of 2014 in the forest plantation area of the project, near gauge #9. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 / MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Two different success criteria for wetland hydrology are based on soil morphology differences described and mapped by The Catena Group (Ward Consulting Engineers, 2008). Groundwater Gauge #s 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are within Soil Unit #1, where saturation for 12.5% of the growing season is required. Gauge #s 3, 9, A, B, and C are within Soil Unit #2, where saturation for 5% of the growing season is required. Gauge data and success attainment are provided in Table 9 and Appendix D support files. Flow events through the berm gaps are evaluated using manual crest stage gages (granular cork type) installed at each of the five berm gaps. Cork levels on the stake inside the gauge are measured at least twice a year, and the gauges are cleaned and reset at each visit. Stage data from USGS stream gauge #02097517 located 1,600 feet upstream of the project site are used for dating the peak events recorded by the crest gauges and documenting other dates when peak flows are likely to have flooded through the berm gaps. 3.0. References Dunn, J.L. (1977). Soil Survey of Orange County, North Carolina. USDA Soil Conservation Service (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Raleigh, NC. Ward Consulting Engineers (2008). Mason Farm Wetland/Floodplain Restoration Plan, Chapel Hill, Orange & Durham Counties, North Carolina. Prepared for NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program, Ra- leigh, NC, July 2008. Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Roberts, Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. (2008). CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation version 4.2, October 2008. Retrieved September 2011, from: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. (2014). NC-EEP Monitoring Report Template and Guidance version 1. 0, February 2014. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/eep/dbb-resources Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell (1968). Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill, NC. US Army Corps of Engineers (2003) Stream Mitigation Guidelines. US Army Corps of Engineers, US Environmental Protection Agenmcy Region 4, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and NC Dept. Environment & Natural Resources. Weakley, Alan (2015). Flora of the Southern and Mid -Atlantic States, Working Draft May 2015. http://www.herbarium.unc.edu/flora.htm. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Appendix A. Project Background Tables Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Table 1. Project Components & Mitigation Credits Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Attributes Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 9 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. i t; Table 1a. Project Components -- Morgan Creek Floodplain - DMS# 258 Restoration Level Project Riparian Wetland (Ac) Non-Ripar (Ac) Upland (Ac) Buffer (Ac) BMP Riverine Non- Riverine Restoration Existing Restoration Enhancement I Feet or Creation Mitigation Mitigation BMP Component Approach Stationing Comment Feet/Acres Level Acres Ratio Units Elements or Reach ID Wetlands 14.37 R 14.37 1:1 14.37 Wetlands 5.61 P 5.61 5:1 1.12 1 = BR = Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; DDP = Dry Detention Pond; FS = Filter Strip; Grassed Swale = S; LS = Level Spreader; NI = Natural Infiltration Area, O = Other; CF = Cattle Fencing; WS = Watering System; CH = Livestock Housing Table 1 b. Component Summary -- Morgan Creek Floodplain - DMS# 258 Restoration Level Stream (If) Riparian Wetland (Ac) Non-Ripar (Ac) Upland (Ac) Buffer (Ac) BMP Riverine Non- Riverine Restoration 14.37 5.61 19.98 15.49 Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II Creation Preservation Totals (Feet/Acres) MU Totals Non -Applicable Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Morgan Creek Floodplain - DMS# 258 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Task Completion or Delivery Conservation easement MOA NA Aug -05 Restoration Plan Jul -06 Aug -06 Final Design — Construction Plans Aug -06 Nov -08 Permanent Conservation Easement NA May -09 Construction NA Jul -10 Bare root & containerized plantings NA Dec -10 MY -0 Baseline As -built Monitoring Mar -11 Aug -11 Year 1 Monitoring Nov -11 Dec -11 Year 2 Monitoring Oct -12 Nov -12 Year 3 Monitoring Sep -13 Dec -13 Year 4 Monitoring Sep -14 Oct -14 Year 5 Monitoring Nov -15 Dec -15 Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 12 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table 3. Project Contacts -- Morgan Creek Floodplain - DMS# 258 -- Orange County NC Designer Primary project design POC Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. 8368 Six Forks Rd, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 - Becky Ward 919-870-0526 Construction Contractor Construction contractor POC River Works, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Will Pedersen 919-459-9001 Survey Contractor Survey contractor POC Turner Land Surveying, PLLC 3201 Glenridge Dr Raleigh, NC 27604 Elisabeth Turner 919-875-1378 Planting Contractor Planting contractor POC Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27930 Charlie Bruton 919-424-6555 Seeding Contractor Contractor point of contact River Works, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Will Pedersen 919-459-9001 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource 336-855-6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Cure Nursery 919-542-6186; Mellow Marsh Farm, Inc. 919-742-1200; Dykes & Son Nursery 931-668-8833; ArborGen (SuperTree Seedlings) 800-222-1290; NC Forest Service (Claridge Nursery) 919-731-7988 Monitoring Contractor MY 0-2 The Catena Group Inc., 410-B Millstone Dr, Hillsborough NC 27278 Monitoring Contractor MY 3-5 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc., P.O. Box 690423 Charlotte, NC 28227 R.J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. 1221 Corporation Pkwy, Raleigh, NC 27610 Stream Monitoring POC N/A Vegetation Monitoring POC Rich Mogensen (MMI) 704-576-1111; Gerald Pottern (RJGA) 919-872-1174 Wetland Monitoring POC Rich Mogensen (MMI) 704-576-1111; Gerald Pottern (RJGA) 919-872-1174 Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 13 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table 4. Project Attribute Table -- Morgan Creek Floodplain DMS# 258 Project County Orange/Durham Physiographic Region Piedmont (Triassic Basin) Ecoregion Central Piedmont Project River Basin Cape Fear River Basin USGS HUC for Project (14 digit) 3.03E+12 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project 3/6/2006 Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? Haw River (Jordan Lake) WRC Hab Class (Warm, Cool, Cold) Warm % of project easement fenced or demarcated 100% Beaver activity observed during design phase? No Restoration Component Attribute Table Site Drainage area N/A Stream order N/A Restored length (feet) N/A Perennial or Intermittent N/A Watershed type (Rural, Urban, Developing etc.) N/A Watershed LULC Distribution (e.g.) N/A Residential N/A Ag -Row Crop N/A Ag -Livestock N/A Forested N/A Etc. N/A Watershed impervious cover (%) N/A NCDWQAU/Index number N/A NCDWQ classification WS -IV -NSW 303d listed? Yes Upstream of a 303d listed segment? Yes Reasons for 303d listing or stressor Standard Violation Total acreage of easement 31.54 Total vegetated acreage within the easement 19.75 Total planted acreage as part of the restoration 18.36 Rosgen classification of pre-existing N/A Rosgen classification of As -built N/A Valley type N/A Valley slope N/A Valley side slope range (e.g. 2-3.%) N/A Valley toe slope range (e.g. 2-3.%) N/A Cowardin classification N/A Trout waters designation N/A Species of concern, endangered etc.? (Y/N) No Dominant soil series and characteristics Chewacla Series Depth Clay% K T Use N/A for items that may not apply. Use "-" for items that are unavailable and "U" for items that are unknown Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 14 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2. Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) Figure 3. Floodplain Conveyance Assessment Table 5. Vegetation Condition Assessment Photos: Vegetation Plots & Berm Gap Photos Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 15 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Berm Opening #1 ' Berm O r pe,#2 GW-9 •GW-B GW -C 4 Ve PI t 1 GW -A 2 GW -1 ff- V ,Galpllyz -1111 L j Cge10 M USGS 5trearp Q� . f 9Gauga,- s, GaugeAGpbg.B.•�GSU Gauge Gauo4 1 Gauge 4 -_ Gauge 6 -N, Gauge 5 ,a ,. Fi I Berm Operiing #3 Gauge e :1 OVERALL GW 3 = a urges jiiJll � Vsu ii3i�t r Berm pening #4 111 d t�iirr^ °JN}G'� i i�, U�GJo 0�;?,�wJA •a tri �7t � �0> . GW -2 x. Berm Opening -#5' : A y+._ Ve PI t 3 Vegcp�t 5 GW4 GW -5 GW -6 X 1996110.92 11 100 1 200 4001, • •.1996377.94 Feet IIIIIIIIIII� � i 11 • • • • • o J PhJ-*L- a lra�wa. [9- eveq o 9k, n-Y*as L USM, U A" 0- s iw ppk , A.)t's fol 9q)h, 0o- ? Awl -seeps nhaj 3iva *- M - R7 Morgan Creek Floodplain -- DMS #258 -- 2015 (MY5) Table 5. Vegetation Condition Visual Assessment Planted 11.8 acres Acreage' Vegetation Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage Category Very limited cover of both Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 1. Bare Areas woody and herbaceous 0.1 acre none 0 0.00 0.0% of Concern material. Woody stem densities clearly 5. Easement 2. Low Stem below target levels based on Encroachment Areas or points (if too small to none Density Areas MY3, 4, or 5 stem count 0.1 acre none 0 0.00 0.0% criteria. Areas Total 0 0.00 0.0% Areas with woody stems of a 3. Areas of Poor size class that are obviously Growth Rates or small given the monitoring 0.25 acre none 0 0.00 0.0% Vigor year. Cumulative Totall 0 0.00 0.0% Easement ArrPanPZ 31.5 acres Vegetation Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Easement Definitions Category Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 4. Invasive Areas Areas or points (if too small to 500 SF Green polygon 2 0.62 2.0% of Concern render as polygons at map scale). 5. Easement Encroachment Areas or points (if too small to none none 0 0.00 0.0% s render as polygons at map scale). Areas Note: Planted stem survival was poor in some areas, but native volunteer trees have filled in, and no planted area of .25 acre or larger presently has low density of native woody stems. 1 = Enter the planted acreage within the easement. This number is calculated as the easement acreage minus any existing mature tree stands that were not subject to supplemental planting of the understory, the channel acreage, crossings or any other elements not directly planted as part of the project effort. 2 = The acreage within the easement boundaries. 3 = Encroachment may occur within or outside of planted areas and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. In the event d into items 1, 2 or 3 in the table and is the result of encroachment, the associated acreage should be tallied in the relevant item i.e., item 1,2 or 3) as well as a parallel tally in item 5. 4 = Invasives may occur in or out of planted areas, but still within the easement and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. Invasives of concern/interest are listed below. The list of high concern spcies are those with the potential to directly outcompete native youngq'' woody stems in the short-term (e.g. monitoring period or shortly thereafter) or affect the community structure for existing, more established tree/s-hrub stands over timeframes that are slightly longer (e. . 1-2 decades). The low/moderate concern group are those species that generally do not have this capacity over the timeframes discussed an, tfierefore are not expected to be mapped with reqularit , but can be mapped if in, the judgqement of the observer their coverage, density or distribution is suppressinq the viabilityy density, or growtFi of planted woody stems. decisions as fo whether remediation will be needed are based on the integration of risk factors b ESP such as species present, their coverage, distribution relative to native biomass, and the practicality, of treatment. For example, even modest amounts of Kudzu or Japanese Knotweed early in the protects history will warrant control, but potentially large coverages of Microstegium in the herb layer will not Ilkley trigger control because of the limited capacities to impact tree/shrub layers within the timeframes discussed and the potential impacts of treating extensive amounts of ground cover. Those species with the watch list" designator in gray shade are of interest as well, but have yet to be observed across the state with any frequency. ,Those in red italics are of particular interest given their extreme risk/threat level for mapping as points where isolated specimens are found, particularly ealry in a projects monitoring history. However, areas of discreet, dense patches will of course be mappe was polygons. The symbology scheme below was one that was found to be helpful for symbolzing Invasives polygons, particulalr for situations where the conditon for an area is somewhere between isolated specimens and dense, discreet patches, In any case, the point or po�ygon/area feature can be symbolized to describe things like high or.low concern and species can be listed as a map inset, in legend items if the number of species are limited or in the narrative section of the executive summary. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 18 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Vegetation Plot Photos - Morgan Creek Floodplain #258 - MY5 (2015) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 19 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 77 yi. f Z IA 1-17 CVSr CVS VeaPlot 2: MY -5 22.2015 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. PIP - 32i, .. a9, o ,t •' •-j--�YTs�- �i,� L- w stl, �ibti 'ti-�!`v� *1 �P �� �.!Y '��I J,.� •kf.�y,, a 'a._a;f, �k �` � S �,e`�,. e Sy � 04 +Jv ijp —L 411 qp r P �• Vegetation Plot Photos - Morgan Creek Floodplain #258 - MY5 (2015) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 21 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Berm Opening Photos - Morgan Creek Floodplain #258 - MY5 (2015) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 22 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Berm Opening Photos - Morgan Creek Floodplain #258 - MY5 (2015) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 23 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Appendix C: Vegetation Plot Data Table 6. Vegetation Plot Success Summary Table 7. CVS Stem Count Total & Planted Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 24 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table 6. CVS Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary, Morgan Cr Floodplain #258 - MY5 (2015) Morgan Creek Floodplain (DMS #258) Vegetation Plot Summary Information: MY -5 (22 -Sep -2015) Plot # Riparian Buffer Stems' Stream/ Wetland StemsZ Live Stakes Invasives Volunteer Tota 14 Unknown Growth Form 0001 n/a 6 0 0 0 6 0 0002 n/a 5 0 0 17 22 1 0003 n/a 7 0 0 16 23 1 0004 n/a 5 0 0 23 28 0 0005 n/a 0 0 0 16 16 0 Wetland/Stream Vegetation Totals (per acre) Plot # Stream/ Wetland StemsZ Volunteer Tota 14 Success based on Planted Success based on Total 0001 243 0 243 No No 0002 202 688 890 No Yes 0003 283 648 931 Yes Yes 0004 202 931 1133 No Yes 0005 0 647 647 No Yes Project Avg 186 583 769 No Yes Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals (per acre) Plot # Riparian Buffer Stems' Success Criteria Met? 0001 n/a n/a 0002 n/a n/a 0003 n/a n/a 0004 n/a n/a 0005 n/a n/a Project Avg n/a n/a Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements by 10% Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements by more than 10% Stem Class Characteristics: 1 Buffer Stems: Native planted hardwood trees. Does NOT include shrubs, pines, or vines. 2Stream/ Wetland Stems: Native planted hardwood trees and shrubs. Excludes live stakes, vines. 3 Volunteers: Native woody trees and shrubs NOT planted. No vines. 4Total Stems: Planted + volunteer native woody trees, shrubs, & live stakes. Excludes exotics, vines. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 25 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table 7.1. CVS Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary, Morgan Cr Floodplain #258 - MY5 (2015) -- Current Year Data Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements by 10% Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements by more than 10% Pnol-S stems/acre -- success based on Planted Stems only (excl live stakes). Total (T) stems/acre -- success based on Planted + Volunteer Native Stems. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 26 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Current Year Plot Data (MY5 2015) Annual Means Scientific Name Growth Common Name Form E258-01-0001 PnoLS [Pall T E258-01-0002 Pnol-S P -all T E258-01-0003 Pnol-S P -all T E258-01-0004 Pnol-S P -all T E258-01-0005 Pnol-S P -all T MY5 (2015) Pnol-S P -all T Acer negundo boxelder Tree Acer rubrum red maple Tree Alnus serrulate hazel alder Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory Tree Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Diospyros virginiana persimmon Tree 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 5 5 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 7 3 4 2 16 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Juniperus virginiana eastern redcedar Tree 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 8 13 13 10 44 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar Tree Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Sambucus canadensis common elderberry Shrub Staphylea trifolia bladdernut Shrub Ulmus americana American elm Tree 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 9 Ulmus rubra slippery elm Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry Shrub Viburnum dentatum southern arrowwood Shrub Stem count plot size (ares) plot size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 61 31 2431 61 1.0 0.0247 31 2431 6 3 2431 51 51 2021 51 1.0 0.0247 5 2021 22 7 8901 7 5 2831 7 1.0 0.0247 S1 2831 23 7 9311 5 3 202 51 28 1.0 0.0247 31 7 2021 11331 01 01 1.0 0.0247 01 01 01 01 16 4 6471 23 9 186 23 95 5.0 0.1236 91 12 1861 769 Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements by 10% Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements by more than 10% Pnol-S stems/acre -- success based on Planted Stems only (excl live stakes). Total (T) stems/acre -- success based on Planted + Volunteer Native Stems. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 26 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table 7.2. CVS Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary, Morgan Cr Floodplain #258 - MY5 (2015) - Annual Means MYO to MY5 Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements by 10% Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements by more than 10% PnoLS stems/acre -- success based on Planted Stems only (excl live stakes). Total (T) stems/acre -- success based on Planted + Volunteer Native Stems. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 27 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Annual Means - All Plots Scientific Name Common Name Growth Form MY5 (2015) PnoLS [Pall T MY4 (2014) Pnol-S P -all T MY3 (2013) PnoLS P -all T MY2 (2012) Pnol.S P -all T MY1 (2011) PnoLS P -all T MYO (2011) Pnol.S P -all T Acer negundo boxelder Tree 4 3 Acer rubrum red maple Tree 1 6 Alnus serrulate hazel alder Shrub 2 2 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory Tree 1 1 1 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 6 6 18 6 6 6 7 7 7 Diospyros virginiana persimmon Tree 5 5 8 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 16 8 21 18 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree 1 Juniperus virginiana eastern redcedar Tree 1 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 44 52 106 57 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oal< Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 Sambucus canadensis common elderberry Shrub 1 5 5 5 7 7 7 Staphylea trifolia bladdernut Shrub 5 5 5 Ulmus americana American elm Tree 1 1 9 1 1 3 2 Ulmus rubra slippery elm Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 13 1 1 1 Vaccinium corymbosum 1highbush blueberry Shrub 4 4 4 Viburnum dentatum isouthern arrowwood Shrub 1 1 1 3 3 3 8 8 8 Stem count plot size (ares) plot size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 22 9 178 221 5.0 0.1236 9 178 94 12 761 24 9 194 24 5.0 0.12360.1236 9 194 95 12 769 25 9 202 25 5.0 9 202 160 15 12951 35 11 2831 35 149 5.0 0.1236 11 18 2831 12061 44 12 3561 44 5.0 0.1236 12 3561 44 12 356 65 14 5261 65 5.0 0.1236 14 526 65 14 526 Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements by 10% Exceeds 260 trees/acre requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet 260 trees/acre requirements by more than 10% PnoLS stems/acre -- success based on Planted Stems only (excl live stakes). Total (T) stems/acre -- success based on Planted + Volunteer Native Stems. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 27 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Appendix D. Stream Survey Data Figure 4.1-4.10. Groundwater Gauge Plots with Precipitation Data Figure 5. Monthly Rainfall Data with Percentiles, 2015 Table 8. Verification of Bankfull Events Table 9. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment e -Table: Groundwater & Rain Gauge Raw Data e -Table: Morgan Cr Stream Gauge Raw Data Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 28 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Figure 4.1. Groundwater Wells and Daily Precipitation Data, 2015 (MY5): Morgan Cr Floodplain Site #258. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 29 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 1-MY5 (2015) 100 3 L so m N f m M z 2.5 C ' O � bQ 60 E N A in m c 2 E ^ R 40 g16 m C v in 40 o l7 0 1.5 r u s m 20 O c 0 C O _ w 20 � 2 nq m ., - x d to 0 x v 0 v l7 m M a` a` M -20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.5 -20 cAJWWUU� 0 A 3 vCL WLL UALA 4A JU -40 Um-rL'jv1=- 1-26 Days -I j L U o �0 ULJ -0.5 0 C7 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) - - - 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) 1-42 Days --1 -60 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 1u1-15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater - - - 12 Inches Below Surface Stream Stage Grow End Precipitation Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 29 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 2 -MY5 (2015) 100 3 r � s0 'o 2.5 � o w � bQ 60 E N A in c 2 E g16 C v in 40 o 0 s 1.5 c 0 w 20 2 nq ., - x d to 0 v l7 a` M -20 3 v JU cAJWWUU� 0 A 0 2 -40 1-26 Days -I -60 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) - - - 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 29 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Figure 4.2. Groundwater Wells and Daily Precipitation Data, 2015 (MY5): Morgan Cr Floodplain Site #258. m N u M O Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 4 -MY5 (2015) Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 3 -MY5 (2015) m m c •� 100 m N M 3 100 a V c 8© v g O O 2.5 i+ 60 C O NA Am I l _m C 80 2 5 m m c 2 E m `� 2 o v 40 — m 40 t +`• l7 t 0 1.5 � V 1.5 E — a c m c 20 c 0 20 Mm ou Q y to 0 1 c = d 0 d M m m n` io -20 a m tc -20 3 a 3 AJWWUW A] �L UbOUI( M o AA 0 0 1-14 Days -I l7 -60 -0.5 -60 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul --15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar15Apr-15 May 15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct15Nov-15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) - Precipitation (in) m N u M O Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 4 -MY5 (2015) e O m m m c •� m c O c� O 100 o � w 3 ZZ I l —25 Days -1 C 80 2 5 m 60 = 2 E — m 40 t 1.5 E — a c m c 0 20 Mm ou Q 1 c = d 0 m m 0.5 a m tc -20 3 A] �L �L ULJ NLA bYJ JU o 0 -40 l7 -60 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul --15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) - - Precipitation (in) m N u M O • o e O m m m c •� m c O c� O o � w I l —25 Days -1 Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 30 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Figure 4.3. Groundwater Wells and Daily Precipitation Data, 2015 (MY5): Morgan Cr Floodplain Site #258. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 31 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 5 -MY5 (2015) Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 6 -MY5 (2015) 100 m N m 3 m N Z 80 V O 2.5 z 25 0 o O o 60 i= 60 m _m W S p�j C x d m >_ v _ _ O t ^y W 40 D � y m t w+ l7 � 0 s O � °^ 1.5 u c � C .2 m C W C O t 20 N x 0 R bq m a 01 0d — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0.5 m A -20 —7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � — — — — — 0.5 1 l\O -20 r 1LWU_UA 11 UUL,,,—t I -60 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) 0 -40 I---- 42 Days -1 -0.5 -60 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USCS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 31 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 6 -MY5 (2015) 100 N m 3 t c 80 u O o 25 o i= 60 _m W S p�j C 2 d m 40 _ _ t D � y m 0 s 20 °^ .2 m x 0 m a — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0.5 m A -20 c A- WU,-- U� JLA- � 0 --- ---46 Days -----1 -60 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) - Precipitation (in) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 31 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Figure 4.4. Groundwater Wells and Daily Precipitation Data, 2015 (MY5): Morgan Cr Floodplain Site #258. Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 9 -MY5 (2015) 100 3 N [M1 I v ° ,t 80 _ 2.5 C O C O N 60 m W 2 N c 2 E o 0 40 d _ L w+ ° 1.5 m 20 c N 'Fy GU u Y 1 Q = 0 m m a` 05 m -20 v AJWWUUU12 U ��L�k INU--AIULJL� o d0 --3 1-41 Days ---I0 -60 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches 'Below Surface — USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge "A" -MY5 (2015) 100 3 N[M1 �i O r 80 2.5 e ° m m 60 m = 4y c 2 C N ° a m 40 _ s ° ° c 1.5 = � m p 20 O L 'i"u 1 °a s 0 m — — — —f qf 0.5 d -2D m 3 JUL-- 'o 0 �D 1-20 Days ---I -60 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 lun-15 Ju1-15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 32 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Figure 4.5. Groundwater Wells and Daily Precipitation Data, 2015 (MY5): Morgan Cr Floodplain Site #258. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 33 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge "B" -MY5 (2015) Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 'C'-MY5 (2015) 100 rmi m 3 C 80 ' o O 2.5 50.0 moa 60 C a m T 2.5 –y _ g ' m ' c � 60.0 2 4© m �Ci S y n 2 W 0 2 E 'b V5 40.0 3 1 5 C s a e � 20 1.5 � v l7 N •01❑A � a 1 .d x d O � 20.0 o m 05 6 a -20 3 0 JbAiRM LLJ Ll Lj a AJUIUUU -m 0 o -40 Ill Days -1 ©.s -20.0 -60 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 JUL�Z�ljll Groundwater Depth (in) – – – 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 33 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 'C'-MY5 (2015) 100.0 3 s 50.0 eo N m � Z 2.5 c g ' ' c a 60.0 a h n m m 2 E 'b 40.0 3 s a e 1.5 � v l7 � a � 20.0 o m Y 0 a ©.s -20.0 W�L UALA bILA JUL�Z�ljll 0 u -40.0 1--- 40 Days --I -60.0 -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Al May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater – – – 12 Inches Below Surface Stream Stage Grow End — Precipitation Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 33 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Figure S. Monthly Rainfall Totals for 2015, with 30th and 70th Percentile Climate Normals, Chapel Hill, NC Month & Year Rainfall at Third Fork Cr Gauge, inches 1980 - 2010 monthly climate normals 30th P* 70th P* Jan -15 2.91 2.55 4.92 Feb -15 2.76 2.44 4.59 Mar -15 3.61 3.42 5.57 Apr -15 3.46 2.16 4.02 May -15 2.03 2.29 4.12 Jun -15 4.65 3.01 5.48 Jul -15 5.19 3.42 5.20 Aug -15 2.59 3.04 5.53 Sep -15 5.54 2.61 5.07 Oct -15 5.07 2.50 4.57 Nov -15 5.83 2.47 3.81 Dec -15 2.35 3.69 Monthly rainfall totals at Third Fork Creek, USGS Gauge# 355511078570745 ( 4 miles ENE of project site) Monthly Climate values are based on the 30 year period from 1981 to 2010 at Williams Airport, Orange Co. VA 6 6i d L U E- 4 C 0 M a3 V N CL` 2 1 0 2015 Rainfall Monthly Percentile Graph, Chapel Hill, NC Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Date Rainfall 2015 -30th Percentile -70th Percentile Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 34 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table 8. Bankfull Events Accessing Floodplain Through Berm Openings Morgan Creek Floodplain -DMS # 258 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Data Method /Evidence Photo # 17 -Dec -10 unk Visual observation of wrack lines MY -01 #6 3 -Jun -11 27 -May -11 USGS Gauge height > 11.0 feet, Visual indicators / wrack MY -01 #7 1 -Aug -11 31 -Jul -11 USGS Gauge height > 9.0 feet, Visual indicators / wrack MY -01 #8 7 -Sep -11 7 -Sep -11 USGS Gauge height > 8.5 feet n/a 23 -May -12 23 -May -12 USGS Gauge height > 8.0 feet n/a 28 -Jul -12 28 -Jul -12 USGS Gauge height > 9.7 feet n/a 3 -Sep -12 3 -Sep -12 USGS Gauge height > 9.3 feet n/a 19 -Sep -12 19 -Sep -12 USGS Gauge height > 10.1 feet, Visual indicators / wrack MY -02 #6 30 -Jun -13 30 -Jun -13 USGS Gauge height > 8.5 feet n/a 1 -Jul -13 1 -Jul -13 USGS Gauge height > 8.5 feet n/a 7 -Mar -14 7 -Mar -14 USGS Gauge height > 8.5 feet n/a 16 -May -14 16 -May -14 USGS Gauge height > 8.5 feet n/a 2 -Sep -14 unk *Berm Gap 1 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 2 feet n/a 2 -Sep -14 unk *Berm Gap 2 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 3 feet n/a 2 -Sep -14 unk *Berm Gap 3 - Damaged n/a 2 -Sep -14 unk *Berm Gap 4 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 2.3 feet n/a 2 -Sep -14 unk *Berm Gap 5 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 3 feet n/a 5 -Mar -15 5 -Mar -15 USGS Gauge height > 8.0 feet n/a 19 -Apr -15 19 -Apr -15 USGS Gauge height > 9.5 feet n/a 2 -Oct -15 2 -Oct -15 USGS Gauge height > 10.2 feet n/a 9 -Nov -15 9 -Nov -15 USGS Gauge height > 7.9 feet n/a 19 -Nov -15 19 -Nov -15 USGS Gauge height > 8.0 feet n/a 16 -Dec -15 2 -Oct -15 *Berm Gap 1 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 0.7 feet n/a 16 -Dec -15 2 -Oct -15 *Berm Gap 2 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 1.5 feet n/a 16 -Dec -15 2 -Oct -15 *Berm Gap 3 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 1.2 feet n/a 16 -Dec -15 2 -Oct -15 *Berm Gap 4 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 2.7 feet n/a 16 -Dec -15 2 -Oct -15 *Berm Gap 5 - Crest Gauge Flood Elevation 1.9 feet n/a Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 35 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. Table 9. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment, Morgan Creek Floodplain -- DMS #258 Gauges 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 are in Restoration Soil Unit 1; success criterion = 12.5 % of growing season (27 consecutive days) Gauges 3, 9, A, B, C are in Restoration Soil Unit 2; success criteria = 5% of growing season (11 consecutive days) Growing Season (Chapel Hill, NC)= March 28 to November 3 = 227 days. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 36 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011-15 Gauge # Max # Consec Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max # Consec Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max # Consec Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max # Consec Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max # Consec Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max # Consec Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Years of Success 1 20 9 No 61 28 Yes 35 16 Yes 50 22 Yes 46 21 Yes 42 19 Yes 5 of 5 2 53 24 Yes 34 15 Yes 8 4 No 23 10 No 39 18 Yes 27 13 Yes 3 of 5 3 5 2 No 5 2 No 3 1 No - - 7 3 No 14 6 Yes 1 of 4 4 3 1 No 8 4 No 23 10 No 48 21 Yes 39 18 Yes 25 11 No 2 of 5 5 24 11 No 53 24 Yes 61 28 Yes 52 23 Yes 46 21 Yes 42 19 Yes 5 of 5 6 23 10 No 51 23 Yes 25 25 Yes 51 23 Yes 46 21 Yes 46 21 Yes 5 of 5 9 0 0 No 32 14 Yes 11 11 Yes 32 15 Yes 45 20 Yes 41 19 Yes 5 of 5 10 reference wetland - 61 18 Yes 42 42 Yes 169 76 Ye - - - I - - 1 3 of 3 A - - - - - - - - 20 9 Yes 1 of 1 B - - - - - 40 18 Yes 1 of 1 C - - - - - - - - - 40 18 Yes 1 of 1 Gauges 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 are in Restoration Soil Unit 1; success criterion = 12.5 % of growing season (27 consecutive days) Gauges 3, 9, A, B, C are in Restoration Soil Unit 2; success criteria = 5% of growing season (11 consecutive days) Growing Season (Chapel Hill, NC)= March 28 to November 3 = 227 days. Morgan Creek (Mason Farm) Floodplain Site: DMS #258 36 MY5 (2015) Final Monitoring Report, Jan 2016 Orange/Durham County: Cape Fear HUC 03030002 Mogensen Mitigation Inc / R.J. Goldstein Assoc.