HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000458_Approved SWMP_20241118 Stormwater Management Plan
Town of Hope Mills, North Carolina
10J 112024
Hol7e Mills
Clean Water, Clear Choice
Table of Contents
PART l: I TR DUC7ION...................-....................................................................................................I
PART2. CERTIFICATION.........................................................................................................................2
PART3. M S4 IN FORMATION..................................................................................................................3
3.1 Permuted MS4 Area.............................................-.......................................................................3
32 Existing MIS4 Mapping.................................................,.................................................... ..........4
3.3 Reoeiving Waters..........................................................................................................................4
3-4 MS4Int.=onnection•...............................................................—............,.....................................5
3.5 Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMDLs)........................................................................................5
3-6 Endangered and Thrmt ncd Species and Critical Habital ............................................................6
3.7 Industrial Facility Discharges................................................................................................. ---...6
3-8 Non- for water Dischargcs.........................................................................................................7
3.9 Targel Pollutants and Sources........................................................................... ••.-.... ...-.-.,....,8
PART 4; STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADM INI TRATION.....................................9
4,1 Organizational Structure.............. ... ..........................................................................................4
41 Program Funding and Budget I..........................,.....,,.,...,.,.........................................................
4.3 Shared Responsibility. ......... ..... .. .. .. . . ...........................................................................11
4ACc-Permijtees-. ................................„.............................., ............ ..... ......, ..., ..............., ......, 12
4.5 Measurable Coals for Program Administration...................................................................... —12
PART 5: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PRO RA .........................................................14
PART 6. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION PROGRAM...........................................17
PART 8: CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM................................................... 1
PART 9: POST-CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM........................................23
List of'tables
Table 1: Summary of MS4 Mapping
Table 2: Summary of MS4 Receiving Waters
Table 3: Summary of Approved TMDLs
Table 4: Summary of Federally Listed Species.'Habitat Impacted by Surface Water Quality
Table 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial Facilities
Table 6: Non-Stormwater Discharges
Table 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources
Table 8: Summary of Responsible Parties
Table 9: Shared Responsibilities
Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact Information
Table l 1: Program Administration BMPs
Table 12: Summary of Target Pollutants& Audiences
Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs
Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs
Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs
Table 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control Program
Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs
Table 18: Qualifying Alternative Program(s) for Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Program
Table 19: Summary of Existing Post-Construction Program Elements
Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs
Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs
The purpose of this Stormwater Management Plan(SWMP) is to establish and define the means by which
the Town of Hope Mills will comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and the applicable provisions of the Clean Water
Act to meet the federal standard of reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff to the maximum extent
This SWMP identifies the specific elements and minimum measures that the Town of Hope Mills will
develop, implement, enforce, evaluate and report to the North Carolina Department of Environmental
Quality(NCDEQ) Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources(DEMLR) in order to comply with
the MS4 Permit number NCS000458,as issued by NCDEQ. This permit covers activities associated with
the discharge of stormwater from the MS4 as owned and operated by the Town of Hope Mills and located
within the corporate limits of the Town of Hope Mills.
In preparing this SWMP, the Town of Hope Mills has evaluated its MS4 and the permit requirements to
develop a comprehensive 5-year SWMP that will meet the community's needs, address local water
quality issues and provide the minimum measures necessary to comply with the permit. The SWMP will
be evaluated and updated annually to ensure that the elements and minimum measures it contains
continue to adequately provide for permit compliance and the community's needs.
Once the SWMP is approved by NCDEQ,all provisions contained and referenced in this SWMP,along
with any approved modifications of the SWMP, are incorporated by reference into the permit and become
enforceable parts of the permit. Any major changes to the approved SWMP will require resubmittal,
review and approval by NCDEQ,and may require a new public comment period depending on the nature
of the changes.
NCS000458 SWMP
Town of Hope Mills, NC
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By my signature below I hereby certify, under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were
prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the
information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete.
I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of
fines and imprisonment for knowing violations.
I am also aware that the contents of this document shall become an enforceable part of the NPDES MS4
Permit, and that both the Division and the Environmental Protection Agency have NPDES MS4 Permit
compliance and enforcement authority.
❑ I am a ranking elected official.
❑ 1 am a principal executive officer for the permitted MS4.
® lam a duly authorized representative for the permitted MS4 and have attached the authorization made
in writing by a principal executive officer or ranking elected official which specifies me as(check one):
® A specific individual having overall responsibility for stormwater matters.
❑ A specific position having overall responsibility for stormwater matters.
Print C r T"�l�
Name: (�15(l�fJ��r1 �C PY'OWYJ
Slormwaler Administrator
Signed this 13th da •of November 2024 .
NCS000458 SWMP
Town of Hope Mills, NC
10 1i2024
Page 2
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3.2 Existing MS4 Mapping
The current MS4 Mapping system is comprised of sheet flow, open ditches, swales,curb and gutter, and
drainage pipes. It serves mainly to provide roadway drainage. Sheet flow and open ditches with culverts
at crossings are common in the older residential portions of the Town, while curb and gutter are more
common in the commercial areas and newer residential subdivisions. The Natural Resource Conservation
Service describes the predominant soils as excessively to well drained. There are many locations in the
MS4 service area where infiltration is predominant and consequently many areas from which there is no
surface water discharge to mapped receiving streams.
The Town is currently under contract with a consultant to provide online mapping through ESRI that will
be accessible to the public and assist in outfall mapping. The entire system is updated annually but not
available online.
Table l: Summary of Current MS4 Mapping
Percent of MS4 Area Mapped 100 %
No. of Major Outfalls* Mapped 56 total
*An outfall is a point where the MS4 discharges from a pipe or other conveyance (e.g. a ditch) directly
into surface waters. Major outfalls are required to be mapped to meet permit requirements. A major
outfall is a 36-inch diameter pipe or discharge from a drainage area > 50-acres; and for industrial zoned
areas a 12-inch diameter pipe or a drainage area > 2-acres.
3.3 Receiving Waters
The MS4name MS4 is located within the Cape Fear River Basin and discharges directly into receiving
waters as listed in Table 2 below. Applicable water quality standards listed below are compiled from the
following NCDEQ sources:
o Waterbody Classification Map
o Impaired Waters and TMDL Map
o Most recent NCDEQ Final 303 d List
Table 2: Summary of MS4 Receiving Waters
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Receiving Water Name Stream Index/ Water 303(d) Listed Parameter(s)
AU Number Quality of Interest
Rockfish Creek 18-31- 18 B N/A
Unnamed Tributary to Rockfish 18-31-22-(1) B
Creek near Hope Mills
Permastone Lake
Rockfish Creek 18-31- 23 C N/A
Little Rockfish Creek 18-31-24- 4 C N/A
Beaver Creek 18-31-24-5 C N/A
Little Rockfish Creek - Hope 18-31-24-(6.5) B N/A
Mills Lake Lake Bed#4
Little Rockfish Creek 18-31-24-7 B N/A
3.4 MS4 Interconnection
The Town of Hope Mills MS4 is not interconnected with another regulated MS4 and directly discharges
to the receiving waters as listed in Table 2 above.
The MS4 does interconnect with the statewide NCDOT MS4 and includes:
a. The interconnection is receiving stormwater from the NCDOT MS4. The number of
interconnections is unknown. Quantity: NIA
b. The interconnection is discharging stormwater into the NCDOT MS4. The number of
interconnections is unknown. Quantity: N;"A
c. The Town of Hope Mills MS4 mapping does identify interconnections with the NCDOT
MS4. All public, private and State maintained infrastructure is mapped in ArcGis.
d. The Town of Hope Mills MS4 mapping does include NCDOT MS4 outfalls, if they are
located in the jurisdictional mapping boundaries.
3.5 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
The TMDL(s) listed in Table 3 below have been approved within the MS4 area, as determined by the map
and list provided on the NCDEQ Modeling& Assessment Unit web page. The table also indicates
whether the approved TMDL has a specific stormwater Waste Load Allocation(WLA) for any watershed
directly receiving discharges from the permitted MS4, and whether a Water Quality Recovery Program
has been implemented to address the WLA.
The Town of Hope Mills does not currently have any TMDL's for the waterways located inside Town of
Hope Mills jurisdiction or the watershed directly receiving discharges.
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Town of Hope Mills, NC
1011 i2024
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Table 3: Summary of Approved TMDLs
Water Body Name TMDL Pollutant(s)of Concern Stormwater Water
Waste Quality
Load Recovery
Allocation Program
3.6 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical Habitat
Significant populations of threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitat are not identified
within the regulated MS4 urbanized area. Based upon a review of the Endangered and Threatened Species
and Species of Concern by County for North Carolina Mai and Listed W. cies believe to or known to
occur in North Carolina maX as provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the species listed in Table
4 have the potential to occur within the regulated MS4 urbanized area. Of those species listed,Table 4
summarizes the species that may be significantly impacted by the quality of surface waters within their
Table 4: Potential Federally Listed Species/Habitat Impacted by Surface Water Quality
Scientific Name Common name Species Group Federal Listing
Myotis Northern Long Eared Mammal Threatened
Se tentrionalis Bat
Danaus plexippus Monarch Butterfly Insect Candidate
Fusconaia masoni Atlantic Pig Toe Clam Proposed Threatened
Lindera melissifolia Pondberry Flowering plant Endangered
Neonympha mitchelli Saint Francis Satyr Insect Endangered
franscisci Butterfly
Picoides borealis Red Cockaded Bird Endangered
Lysimachia Rough-leaved Flowering plant Endangered
as erulaefolia loosestrife
Schwalbea americana American Chaffseed Flowering plant Endangered
Alligator American alligator Reptile Threatened
Rhus michauxii Michaux's sumac Flowering plant. Endangered
Notropis Cape Fear Shiner Fishes Endangered
3.7 Industrial Facility Discharges
The Town of Hope Mills MS4 jurisdictional area does not currently include any industrial facilities which
hold NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permits, as determined from the NCDEO Maus& Permit Data web
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Table 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial Facilities
Permit Number Facility Name
3.8 Non-Stormwater Discharges
The water quality impacts of non-stormwater discharges have been evaluated by the Town of Hope Mills
as summarized in Table 6 below. The unpermitted non-stormwater flows listed as incidental do not
significantly impact water quality. The Town of Hope Mills has evaluated residential and charity car
washing and street washing for possible significant water quality impacts.
Street washing discharges are addressed under the Pavement Management Program in Part 10 of this
SWMP. The Division has not required that other non-stormwater flows be specifically controlled by the
Town of Hope Mills
Wash water associated with car washing that does not contain detergents or does not discharge directly
into the MS4 is considered incidental. However,these types of non-stormwater discharges that do
contain detergents have been evaluated by the Town of Hope Mills to determine whether they may
significantly impact water quality. The Town of Hope Mills has found there are no significant impact to
water quality but we continue to educate the public, specifically if permits are obtained for charity car
washes, we see residents washing on impervious areas and we have a Commercial flyer that addresses
wash water that are distribute to business owners.
Table 6: Non-Stormwater Discharges
Non-Stormwater Discharge Water Quality Impacts
Water line and fire hydrant flushing Incidental
Landscape irrigation Incidental
Diverted stream flows Incidental
Risin roundwater Incidental
Groundwater infiltration to separate storm sewers Incidental
Pumped groundwater Incidental
Discharges from potable water sources Incidental
Foundation drains Incidental
Air conditioning condensate Incidental
Irrigation water Incidental
Springs Incidental
Water from crawls ace pumps Incidental
Footing drains Incidental
Lawn watering Incidental
Noncommercial car washing Possible
Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands Incidental
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Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges Incidental
Street wash water Possible
Discharging from firefighting activities Incidental
3.9 Target Pollutants and Sources
In addition to those target pollutants identified above, the Town of Hope Mills is aware of other
significant water quality issues within the permitted MS4 area. These include vehicle maintenance,
residential/commercial landscaping and lawn care,pet waste, sediment and litterlillegal dumping.
Based upon citizen complaint and windshield inspections by staff, the target pollutants are address
through direct mails, signage in parks, local events and the Town's website. The Town partners with
CWEP to provide television, radio and movie theater advertisements, they also have annual updates to the
target pollutants that have covered the Town of Hope Mills target pollutants over the last 4 years. Vehicle
maintenance is addressed to the homeowner directly through citizen engagement and education.
Residential and commercial landscaping is addressed through advertisement, brochures,public events and
directly when found. Pet waste doesn't have a significant impact at a residential level but has been
noticeable in the parks owned by the Town of Hope Mills. Staff installed signage in two parks this past
year and maintains pet waste stations for cleanup. The Town of Hope Mills also has a dog park which in
inclusive and staff maintains daily what doesn't get cleaned up by the pet owners. Sediment is contained
to construction areas and this is regulated by DEMLR,as the Town of Hope Mills is not delegated
Erosion Control authority. Litter is mostly found on the NCDOT roadways but Town Staff cleans these
weekly along with all major Town streets. Illegal dumping is addressed through IDDE and Town Code
Table 7 below summarizes the water quality pollutants identified throughout Part 3 of this SWMP, the
likely activities/sourcesitargeted audiences attributed to each pollutant, and identifies the associated
SWMP program(s) that address each. In addition, the Town of Hope Mills has evaluated schools,
homeowners and businesses as target audiences that are likely to have significant stormwater impacts.
Table 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources
Target Pollutant(s) Likely Source(s)/Target Audience(s) SWMP Program Addressing
Target Pollutant s /Audience s
Vehicle Maintenance Residents, Businesses Public Education& Outreach,
Public Involvement, IDDE
Residential/Commercial Residents, Businesses Public Education& Outreach,
Landscaping and Lawn Care Public Involvement, IDDE
Pet Waste Residents Public Education& Outreach,
Public Involvement
Sediment Contractors, Developers Construction Site Runoff
Controls, Post-Construction
Stormwater Management
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Litter/Illegal Dumping Residents, Business Public Education& Outreach,
Public Involvement, Pollution
Prevention and Good
Housekeeping for Municipal
Operations, 1DDE
4.1 Organizational Structure
The Town of Hope Mills Stormwater Department (2 positions)manages all aspects of the SWMP. It is a
stand-alone Department reporting directly to the Town Manager. The Town of Hope Mills is a weak
Mayor system form of government that operates with an at-large Council. Town Manager position is the
only direct report to the Board of Commissioners and the Department Heads report to the Town Manager.
' Town . • -
Chancer McLaughlin
Stormwater Public Works
Department Department
Elisabeth Brown Don Sisko lamauo Morriwn
Maxey Dore
Tyler R ddle Bruce Clark Kefrn BIV.M
Table 8: Summary of Responsible Parties
SWMP Component Responsible Position Staff Name Department
Stormwater Program Stormwater Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
Administration Administrator
SWMP Management Stormwater Department Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
T ler Riddle
Public Education& Stormwater Department Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
Outreach Tyler Riddle
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Public Involvement& Stormwater Department Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
Participation Tyler Riddle
Illicit Discharge Deputy Stormwater Tyler Riddle Stormwater Department
Detection & Administrator
Construction Site Environmental Melissa Joyner DEMLR
Runoff Control Specialist
Post-Construction Stormwater Department Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
Stormwater Tyler Riddle
Pollution Stormwater Department Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
Prevention/Good Tyler Riddle
Housekeeping for
Municipal Operations
Municipal Facilities Stormwater Department Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
Operation& Tyler Riddle
Maintenance Program
Spill Response Program Stormwater Department Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
T ler Riddle
MS4 Operation& Stormwater Department Elisabeth Brown Stormwater Department
Maintenance Program Tyler Riddle
Municipal SCM Street Maintenance All Staff Public Works
Operation& Division Department
Maintenance Program
Pesticide, Herbicide& Street Maintenance Bruce Clark Public Works
Fertilizer Management Division, Department
Program Parks and Recreation Keith Bryant Parks and Recreation
Vehicle& Equipment Public Works Don Sisko Public Works
Cleaning Program Department Department
Pavement Management Public Works Don Sisko Public Works
Program Department Bruce Clark Department
Total Maximum Daily N/A
Load (TMDL)
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4.2 Program Funding and Budget
In accordance with the issued permit,the Town of Hope Mills shall maintain adequate funding and
staffing to implement and manage the provisions of the SWMP and comply with the requirements of the
NPDES MS4 Permit. The budget includes the permit administering and compliance fee, which is billed
by the Division annually.
The Town of Hope Mills stormwater programs is funded through a stormwater utility fee charged to
property owners located within the Town of Hope Mills jurisdiction. The fee is charged on the property
tax by the Cumberland County tax office and collected through their office. Detached single family
residential customers are charged 1 Equivalent Residential Unit(ERU)of$5 per month and all other
properties$7 per ERU of impervious area on the subject property.
1 ERU is equivalent to 2,266 square feet.
The stormwater utility fee sufficiently funds program needs and services, a staff of 2 employees full-time.
The staff consists of a Stormwater Administrator and a Deputy Stormwater Administrator that oversee all
aspects of the stormwater utility as specified by Town Ordinance. The stormwater utility fee collects
approximately$950,000 annually with an operating budget of roughly $400,000 annually.
The Town Board increased the fee for the 2022 fiscal year to allow for more project funding.
4.3 Shared Responsibility
The Town of Hope Mills will share the responsibility to implement the following minimum control
measures, which are at least as stringent as the corresponding NPDES MS4 Permit requirement. The
Town of Hope Mills remains responsible for compliance if the other entity fails to perform the permit
obligation, and may be subject to enforcement action if neither the Town of Hope Mills nor the other
entity fully performs the permit obligation. Table 9 below summarizes who will be implementing the
component, what the component program is called, the specific SWMP BMP or permit requirement that
is being met by the shared responsibility, and whether or not a legal agreement to share responsibility is in
Table 9: Shared Responsibilities
SWMP BMP or Legal
Permit Requirement Implementing Entity&Program Name Agreement
Construction Site Runoff DEMLR Erosion and Sedimentation Control N
Public Education and Triangle 1 COG—CWEP(Clean Water Education Y
Outreach Partnership)
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4.4 Co-Permittees
The are no other entities applying for co-permittee status under the NPDES MS4 permit number
NCS000458 for the Town of Hope Mills.
Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact Information
Co-Penmittee MS4 Contact Person Phone& E-Mail Interlocal
Name Agreement
4.5 Measurable Goals for Program Administration
The Town of Hope Mills will manage and report the following Best Management Practices(BMPs) for
the administration of the Stormwater Management Program.
Table 11: Program Administration BMPs
Permit 2.1.2 Program Implementation
Ref. Measures to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the SWMP program components at least annually.
Results shall be used by the pentnittee to modify the program components as necessary to accomplish the intent
of the Stormwater Program. The self-assessment LTorting veriod is the fiscal year Jul 1 June 30 .
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#1. Annual Self-Assessment
Perform an annual evaluation of 1.Prepare,conduct and 1.Annually 1. YcslNo
SWMP implementation,suitability of document an annual
SWMP commitments and any evaluation of all the
proposed changes to the SWMP program components
utilizing the NCDEQ Annual Self- including the Town's
Assessment Template. Stormwater website and
#2. Shared Responsibility(Permit Ref. 1.4)
Agreements with CWEP and 1. Review both 1. Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No
NCDEMLR on behalf of the Town of agreements and confirm
Hope Mills will be reviewed to that they meet all
confirm that the entity has agreed to requirements outlined in
implement part of the program on the 1.4 of the MS4 permit.
municipalities behalf and that all
required documentation will be
submitted to the municipality for
documentation and reporting
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Town of Hope Mills, NC
10;`1 12024
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Table 11: Program Administration BMPs
#3. Minimum Control Measures(Permit Ref.2.2.2)
Written programs will be created to 1. Written programs will 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No
assure compliance with part 2.2.2 of be created to assure
the MS4 Permit. Written programs compliance with part
shall be reviewed on an annual basis 2.2.2 of the MS4 Permit.
and modified if needed to best outline Written programs shall
the program and needs of the be reviewed on an annual
municipality. basis and modified if
needed to best outline the
program and needs of the
2.. Review written 2. Annually 2. Yes/No
programs and
modif ?u date.
#4. Funding and Staffing(Permit Ref.2.1.1)
The funding and staffing status of the 1.Review and analyze 1. Annually 1. Yes/No
program will be evaluated by Town the current funding and
of Hope Mills staff to confirm that staffing of the program.
the program is meeting permit
Permit 1.6: Permit Renewal Application
Ref. Measures to submit a permit renewal application no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of the
NPDES MS4 permit.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#5. Permit Renewal Application
Submit a permit renewal 1. Draft SWMP 1. Permit Year 5 1. Yes/No
application and Draft SWMP no applicable to the
later than 180 prior to permit proceeding 5 years
expiration. following permit re-
2. Certify the stormwater 2. Permit Year 5 2. Date of permit renewal
permit renewal application submittal
renewal application form
and Draft SWMP for the
next 5-year permit cycle)
and submit to NCDEQ at
least 180 days prior to
ennit expiration.
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The Town of Hope Mills will implement a Public Education and Outreach Program to distribute
educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of
storm water discharges on water bodies and steps the public can take to reduce pollutants in storm water
The target audiences and identified pollutants listed in Part 3.9 of this SWMP, which will be addressed by
the Public Education and Outreach Program, are summarized in Table 12 below. In addition, the Town of
Hope Mills is required to inform businesses and the general public of the hazards associated with illicit
discharges, illegal dumping and improper disposal of waste.
Table 12: Summary of Target Pollutants& Audiences
Target Pollutants/Sources Target Audience(s)
Vehicle Maintenance Residents General Public),Businesses
Residential/Commercial Residents(General Public),Businesses
Landscaping and Lawn Care
Pet Waste Residents General Public
Sediment Contractors, Developers
Litter/Illegal Dumping Residents, Business
The Town of Hope Mills will manage, implement and report the following public education and outreach
Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs
Permit 3.2.2 and 3.2.4: Outreach to Targeted Audiences
Ref. Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to
share educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of
stormwater discharges on water bodies and how the public can reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The
permittee shall provide educational information to identified target audiences on pollutants/sources identified in
table 12 above, and shall document the extent of exposure of each media,event or activity, including those
elements implemented local!y or through a cooperative agrrBement.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#6. Public EventslIn-person
Distribute pollution prevention 1. Distribute brochures 1. Annually I. Number of
brochures. Include information on and stormwater brochures distributed
steps to reduce pollution sources giveaways at 4 Town at each event and date
including proper disposal of oil, events. of event.
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Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs
proper handling of fertilizer and 2_Distribute brochures 2.Annually for HHW 2.Number of mailings
pesticides and public reporting of through direct mailings. Cleanup
illicit discharges.
3. Distribute brochures in 3. Continuously 3. Yes/No
response to citizen
#7. Stormwater information webpage
Maintain stormwater information 1. Basic Stormwater 1. Annually 1. Yes/No
webpage on the TOHM website. information.
Provide information on water quality, 2. Stormwater pollutants 2. Annually 2.Yes/No
stormwater pollutants,ways to
minimize stormwater impacts and 3. Stormwater impacts 3. Annually 3.YesINo
stormwater projects and activities.
4_Projects;'Activities 4. Annually 4. Yes/No
5. Development 5. Annually 5. Yes/No
#8. Annual Public Education Meeting/Citizens Academy
Staff will conduct an annual 1. Annual Public 1. Annually 1. Yes/No
informational workshop during Board Education
meeting'Citizens Academy Program.
Information will include Town's
SWMP,municipal projects and ways
for the public to enhance water
No. Schedule for Annual Reporting
Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Metric
#9. Educational Materials/School Presentations
Utilize age-specific educational 1. Provide age specific 1. Annually 1. Number of contact
information in schools and for stormwater presentations hours.
presentations to school age children 1-2 times per year.
in appropriate forums. 2. Letter to schools in 2. Annually 2. Yes/No
TOHM jurisdiction of
-programs offered.
3. Macro invertebrate's 3. Annually 3.Number of Contact
with Middle Schools hours.
#10. Business Outreach Program
Conduct an educational campaign to 1. In-person visits 1. Annually 1.Number of visits
inform businesses of illicit
discharges,reporting requirements, 2. Business education 2. Annually 2. Yes/No
improper waste disposal,sources of workshop offered
nutrient and fecal coliform pollutants through Hope Mills
Chamber of Commerce.
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Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs
and action they can take to reduce 3. Chamber of 3.Annually 3. YeslNo
stormwater impacts. Commerce Lunch and
#11. Advertisement through various media resources
Run advertisements on local 1. Advertisement 1. Continuously L YeslNo
television,radio stations,direct campaigns(Annual
mailings and newspaper Report from CWEP)
advertisements about stormwater
Partnership with the Clean Water
Education Partnership CWEP
Permit 3.2.5: Stormwater Hotline
Ref. Measures for a stormwater hotlinelhelpline for the purpose of public education and outreach.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#12. Hotline/Online Complaint Investigation requests
The TOHM website and main phone 1. Review and update 1. Annually I. YeslNo
line allows residents to report any website.
type of complaint to the Stormwater
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This SWMP identifies the minimum elements and implementation of a Public Involvement and
Participation Program that complies with applicable State,Tribal and local public notice requirements.
The Town of Hope Mills will manage, implement and report the following public involvement and
participation BMPs.
Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs
Permit 3.3.1: Public Input
Ref. Mechanisms for public involvement that provide for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#13. Board Meetings/Public Meeting
Staff representative attends 2 monthly 1. Board Meeting 1. Continuously 1. Yes/No
public meetings. Staff is there to
engage residents and answer during 2. Public Meeting 2. Annually 2. Yes/No
public comments or at Board request
on stormwater matters. Annual Public 3. Public Event Displays 3. Annually 3. Yes(No
#14. Support Clean Sweep
Promote and participate with NC 1.Clean Sweep 1. Annually I.Tonnage or number of
Clean Sweep and provide Shred and bags
Household Hazardous Waste drop 2. Shred Event 2. Annually 2.Tonnage of Material
off. Coordination with Parks and Shredded
Recreation,Finance Staff. 3. Household Hazardous 3. Annually 3. Yes/No
Waste Event
Permit 3.3.2: Volunteer Opportunities
Ref. Measures to provide volunteer opportunities designed to promote ongoing citizen participation.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#15. Storm Drain Labeling
Placement of marker on storm drains 1. Staff installation 1. Annually 1. Yes/No
with message regarding protection of
waterways. The Town staff installs 2. Volunteer%Group 2. Annually 2. YeslNo
and work with volunteers to installation
encourage public involvement.
#16. Adopt-A-Drain
Continue Adopt-A-Drain program. 1. Advertise on website. 1.Continuously 1. Number of
The Town will continue to advertise Participants
on the website and encourage public
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The Town of Hope Mills will develop, manage, implement, document, report and enforce an Illicit
Discharge Detection and Elimination Program which shall, at a minimum, include the following illicit
discharge detection and elimination BMPs.
Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs
Permit 3.4.1: MS4 Map
Ref. Measures to develop,update and maintain a municipal storm sewer system map including Stormwater
conveyances, flow direction major outfalls and waters of the United States receiving stormwater discharges.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#17. Stormwater System Inventory
Maintain and update the Town's 1.Add data for new 1.Continuous 1. Yes/No
Stormwater Inventory map. stormwater inventory.
#18. IDDE Program
Inspect and eliminate illicit I. Review detection and 1.Annually I. Yes/No
discharges and connections through elimination SOP.
Town's IDDE inspection program. Update as needed.
Quarterly ambient monitoring is 2. Ambient monitoring 2. Annually 2. Yes/No
completed to maintain a baseline for plan.
water qualit in the Town's streams.
#19. CCTV
CCTV footage of all storm drainage 1. Maintain inventory 1. Annually 1. Hours of CCTV work
infrastructure is required prior to and address issues found.
street acceptance on all new
development. Footage is completed
in conjunction with cleaning
Permit 3.4.2: Regulatory Mechanism
Ref. Measures to provide an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that provides legal authority to
prohibit, detect,and eliminate illicit connections and discharges,illegal dumping and spills into the MS4,
including enforcement procedures and actions.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#20. Enforcement
Update and enforce Illicit Discharge 1. Review and update as 1. Annually 1. YeslNo
Ordinance as necessary. The necessary.
Ordinance specifies the Town's
program and legal penalties
associated with violations or non-
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Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs
Permit 3.4.3: IDDE Plan
Ref. Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal
dumping and any non-stormwater discharges identified as significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4.
The plan shall provide standard procedures and documentation to:
a) Locate priority areas likely to have illicit discharges,
b) Conduct routine dry weather outfall inspections,
c) Identify illicit discharges and trace sources,
d) Eliminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge,and
e) Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#21. Written IDDE Plan,Detection and Elimination
Maintain and implement written 1. Continue to update the 1.Annually 1.Yes/No
IDDE Plan. Detect and identify illicit IDDE Plan as required
discharges and connections,conduct by changes in Local
dry-weather outfall monitoring, Ordinance,State Statute
respond to citizen complaints,train or Federal Regulation.
staff on identifying and reporting. 2. Continue to respond to 2. Continuously 2. Yes/No
IDDE's,train staff and
conduct outfall
3. Maintain program and 3. Continuously 3.Yes/No
equipment to detect
IDDE's and analyze
stormwater samples.
#22. Outfall Inspections
Perform regular dry weather(no rain 1. Inspect 75%of all 1. Annually 1.Number of outfalls
within 72 hours prior)outfall major outfalls and 25% inspections
inspections to identify illicit non-major outfalls within
discharges and connection. the Town limits.
Permit 3.4.4: IDDE Tracking
Ref. Measures for tracking and documenting the date(s)an illicit discharge, illicit connection or illegal dumping
was observed,the results of the investigation, any follow-up of the investigation,the date the investigation was
closed the issuance of enforcement actions,and the ability to identi chronic violators.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#23. NOV Tracking/Documentation
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Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs
NOV's with description,date and 1. Illicit discharge 1. Continuously 1.Number of reports,
time. Hard copy files with pictures enforcement form,Field number of
and follow-up documentation. NOV form and investigations,number
Confirmation of ID of NOV issued and
11 Removal form completed resolved
for all ID.
Permit 3.4.5: Staff IDDE Training
Ref. Measures to provide training for municipal staff and contractors who,as part of their normal job
responsibilities,may observe an illicit discharge, illicit connection, illegal dumping or spills. Training shall
include how to identify and report illicit discharges, illicit connections, illegal dumping and spills. Each staff
training event shall be documented, including the agenda/materials,date,and number of staff participating.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#24. Staff Training
Provide annual staff training for all 1. Maintain employee 1. Annually 1.Number of staff
municipal staff. Training includes training program and trained
how to identify,report and contain update as necessary.
illicit discharges. Staff is also trained Make the Call cards for
on illicit connection, illegal dumping all staff vehicles passed
ands ill prevention. out.
Permit 3.4.6: IDDE Reporting
Ref. Measures for the public and staff to report illicit discharges, illegal dumping and spills. The mechanism shall
be publicized to facilitate reporting and shall be managed to provide rapid response by appropriately trained
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#25. Stormwater Hotline
Hotline number managed between 8- 1. Continue to promote 1. Continuously 1. Yes/No
5 M-F and digital option when staff and publicize hotline
not maintained to report Stormwater number. Update Website
violations. to promote using online
system for reporting.
#26. On-Call Staff
Stormwater staff is issued Town cell 1. Continue to promote 1. Continuously 1. Yes/No
phones and are on-call for any issues and publicize hotline
after hours. number.
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In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0153, the Town of Hope Mills relies upon the North Carolina
Sedimentation Pollution Control Act(SPCA)of 1973 as a qualifying alternative program to meet a
portion of the NPDES MS4 Permit requirements for construction site runoff control measures. The
SPCA requirements include reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff from construction activities that
result in land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre,and includes any construction activity that
is part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more. The state SPCA
Program is either delegated to a city/town, delegated to a county, or implemented by NCDEQ in non-
delegated areas.
Table 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control Program
Permit fState or Local Program Name Legal Authority Implementing
Reference Entity
3.5.1 - State Implemented SPCA 15A NCAC Chapter 04 NCDEQ
3.5.4 Program
The Town of Hope Mills also implements the following BMPs to meet NPDES MS4 Permit
Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs
Permit 3.5.6: Public Input
Ref: Measures to provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed
erosion and sedimentation problems.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#27. Municipal Staff Training
Train municipal staff who receive 1. Train municipal staff 1.Annually 1.Number of staff
calls from the public on the protocols on proper handling of trained.
for referral and tracking of construction site runoff
construction site runoff control
control complaints.
complaint .
#28. State Programs/Public Complaint Records
The TOHM supports NCDEMLR 1. Support NCDEMLR 1. Annually 1. Yes/No
and NCDWQ existing programs,
works in conjunction with State staff 2.Complaints emailed or 2.Annually 2.Yes/No
and forwards all concerns to called in depending upon
NCDEMLR regional office. severity.
Permit 3.5.5: Waste Management
Ref. Measures to require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials,concrete
truck washout,chemicals, litter,and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impact to
water quality.
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Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs
BMP Schedule for Annual Reporting
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Im lemeutation Metric
#29. Standards and Specifications
The Town of Hope Mills maintains 1.Continue to promote 1.Continuous 1. Yes/No
Standards and Specifications for all and maintain Standards
development. Design Compliance and Specifications
Certification signed when permit Manual. Update as
obtained. Preconstruction meetings. needed.
2. Continue 2. Contiuous 2. Yes/No
Ref. Standards and Specifications preconstruction meetings
found online,Chapter 2. Sections where Design
2.2.3 and 2.2.4. TOHM Website. Compliance Certification
are signed.
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This SWMP identifies the minimum elements to develop, implement and enforce a program to address
stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to
one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or
sale, that are located within the Town of Hope Mills and discharge into the MS4. These elements are
designed to minimize water quality impacts utilizing a combination of structural Stormwater Control
Measures (SCMs)and/or non-structural BMPs appropriate for the community, and ensure adequate long-
term operation and maintenance of SCMs.
In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0153 and_1017, the Town of Hope Mills implements the following
State post-construction program requirements, which satisfy the NPDES Phase II MS4 post-construction
site runoff control requirements as Qualifying Alternative Programs(QAPs) in the MS4 area(s)where
they are implemented.
Table 18: Qualifying Alternative Program(s) for Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Program
State QAP Name State Requirements Local Ordinance/Regulatory
Mechanism Reference
None N/A N/A
The Town of Hope Mills has existing requirements other than Qualifying Alternative Program(s) for
implementation of the NPDES Phase I[ MS4 post-construction program requirements. These existing
requirements are codified in local ordinance(s), and implementation is further defined in guidance,
manuals and/or standard operating procedure(s)as summarized in Table 19 below.
Table 19: Summary of Existing Post-Construction Program Elements
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Permit Requirements for Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) Date Adopted
Plan Review and Approval and/or Document Title(s)
3.6.2 a Authority Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.88 1-22-2008
3.6.3(a)& 15A NCAC 02H.0I53(c) Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.89 1-22-2008
Federal, State& Local Projects
3.6.3 b Plan Review Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.90, 82.98 1-22-2008
3.6.3 c O&M Agreement Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.108 9-20-2010
3.6.3 d O&M Plan Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.108 9-20-2010
3.6.3(e) Deed Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.111 1-22-2008
Restrict ions/Covenants
3.6.3 Access Easements Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.114 1-22-2008
Permit Requirements for Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) Date Adopted
Inspections and Enforcement and/or Document Title(s)
3.6.2 b Documentation Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.112 1-22-2008
3.6.2 c Right of Entry Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.116 1-22-2008
3.6.4 a Pre-CO Inspections Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.100 d 1-22-2008
3.6.4 b Compliance with Plans Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.100 c 1-22-2008
3.6.4 c Annual SCM Inspections Town of Hope Mills Chapter 81.109 1-22-2008
3.6.4 d Low Density Inspections Town of Hope Mills Chapter 81.109 1-22-2008
3.6.4 aQualified Professional Annual Inspection Notification Letter 1-22-2008
Permit Requirements for Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) Date Adopted
Fecal Coliform Reduction and/or Document Title(s)
3.6.6(a) Pet Waste Town of Hope Mills Chapter 10.49 3-11-2015
Town of Hope Mills Chapter 82.59 11-5-2007
3.6.6(b)On-Site Domestic Town of Hope Mills does not handle any N/A
Wastewater Treatment wastewater treatment. Fayetteville PWC
operates the municipal lines and Cumberland
County handles all septic tank installation,
maintenance and removal.
The annual reporting metrics for the post construction program are provided in Table 20: Post
Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs below.
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Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs
Permit 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: Minimum Post-Construction Reporting Requirements
Ref. Measures to document activities over the course of the fiscal year(July 1 .-June 30) including appropriate
information to accurately describe roffless, status,and results.
BMP No. Schedule for Annual Reporting
Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Metric
#30. Standard Reporting
Implement standardized tracking, 1.Track number of low 1. Continuously 1.Number of plan
documentation, inspections and density and high-density reviews performed for
reporting mechanisms to compile plan reviews performed. low density and high
appropriate data for the annual self- density.
assessment process. Data shall be 2.Track number of low 2. Continuously 2.Number of plan
provided for each Post-Construction/ density and high-density approvals issued for low
Qualifying Alternative Program plans approved. density and high density.
being implemented as listed in Tables 3. Maintain a current 3. Continuously 3. Summary of number
18 and 19. inventory of low-density and type of SCMs added
projects and constructed to the inventory;and
SCMs including SCM number and acreage of
type or low-density low-density projects
acreage, location and last constructed.
inspection date.
4.Track number of SCM 4. Continuously 4.Number of SCM
inspections performed. inspections.
5.Track number of low- 5. Continuously 5.Number of low-
density inspections density projects
performed. inspected.
6.Track number and 6. Continuously 6.Number of
type of enforcement enforcement actions
actions taken. issued.
Permit 3.6.2: Legal Authority
Ref. Measures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to: (a)review
designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater
control measures will be installed, implemented,and maintained, (b)request information such as stormwater
plans, inspection reports,monitoring results,and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance
with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program,and(c)enter private property for the purpose of
inspecting at reasonable times any facilities,equipment,practices, or operations related to stormwater
discharges to determine whether there is compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management
Program. This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program,see references
provided in Table 19.
#31. This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program,see references provided in Table
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Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs
Permit 3.6.3: Plan Review and Approval
Ref. Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to: (a)Require Federal,
State, and local government projects to comply with Post-Construction Program requirements throughout the
entire MS4 permitted area,unless the entity is subject to its own NPDES MS4 permit or a qualifying alternative
program, (b)Conduct site plan reviews of all new development and redeveloped sites that disturb greater than
or equal to one acre,and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of
development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H .10 17 and the qualifying alternative programs that
apply within your jurisdiction,(c)Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Agreement that
complies with 15A NCAC 02H .1050(12), (d)Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Plan
that complies with 15A NCAC 02H .1050(13), (e)Ensure that each project has recorded deed restrictions and
protective covenants,that require the project to be maintained consistent with approved plans,and (f) Ensure
that each SCM and associated maintenance accesses be protected in a permanent recorded easement per 15A
NCAC 02H 1050 (9)and(10). This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program,
see references in Table 19.
#32. This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program,see references provided in Table
Permit 3.6.6: Fecal Coliform Reduction
Ref. Measures to control,to the maximum extent practicable, sources of fecal coliform per 15A NCAC 02H
.1017(7). At a minimum,the program shall include: (a)A pet waste management component,which may be
achieved by revising an existing litter ordinance,and(b)An on-site domestic wastewater treatment system
component, if applicable,which may be coordinated with local county health department,to ensure proper
operation and maintenance of such systems.This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-
construction program,see references provided in Table 19.
#33. This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program, see references provided
in Table 19.
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This SWMP provides a comprehensive pollution prevention and good housekeeping strategy for the
Town of Hope Mills municipal facilities and operations. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping is
accomplished through the implementation of seven required programs, which collectively address the
ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations such as parks and
open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and
municipal storm sewer system maintenance.
Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations includes the following programs:
1. Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program
2. Spill Response Program
3. MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program
4. Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program
5. Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program
6. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program
7. Pavement Management Program
The Town of Hope Mills will manage, implement and report the pollution prevention and good
housekeeping BMPs as specified in Table 21 below for each required program.
Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs
Permit 3.7.1: Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program
Ref. Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for generating polluted
stormwater runoff. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of municipal facilities;perform facility inspections
and routine maintenance;establish specific frequencies,schedules,and standard documentation;provide staff training on
general stormwater awareness and imp ementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping ractices.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#34. Operation,Maintenance Plan,Inspections and Inventory of Municipal Facilities
Maintain and update a written 1. Implement written 1. Annually 1. Yes,filo
operation and maintenance plan. plan and update
annual) .
Update and maintain inventory of 2. Review and update 2. Annually 2.Number of facilities
municipal facilities that have the municipal facilities identified
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Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs
potential to generate polluted 3. Perform municipal 3. Annually 3.Total number of
stormwater runoff. facility inspections on inspections
those facilities that have
the potential to pollute
#35. Municipal Employee Training
Conduct annual stormwater training 1. Employee training 1. Annually I. Number of employees
covering general stormwater, trained
pollution prevention and spill
response and IDDE reporting.
Permit 3.7.2: Spill Response Program
Ref. Measures for facilities and operations that store and/or use materials that have the potential to contaminate stormwater
runoff if spilled. The permittee shall maintain written spill response procedures and train staff on spill response
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#36. Spill Response Plan
Written spill response plan for 1. Review and update 1.Annually 1. Yes/No
facilities with potential stormwater spill response plan and
pollutants. facilities with plan.
2. Spill response training. 2. Annually 2. Number of employees
Permit 3.7.3: MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program
Ref. Measures to minimize pollutants in the stormwater collection system. The permittee shall provide operation and
maintenance staff training on stormwater awareness and pollution prevention,perform MS4 inspections,maintain the
collection system including catch basins and conveyances;and establish specific frequencies,schedules,and standard
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#37. Municipal Operation and Maintenance Plan
Inspection and maintenance plan for 1. Review and update 1. Annually 1. Yes/No
stormwater infrastructure. plan.
#38. Inspection and cleaning of 2. Inspect 20%of 2. Annually 2. Percentage
stormwater infrastructure. infrastructure
Permit 3.7.4: Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program
Ref. Measures to manage municipally-owned,operated,and/or maintained structural stormwater control measures(SCMs)that
are installed for compliance with the permittee's post-construction program. The permittee shall maintain a current
inventory of SCMs,perform SCM inspections and maintenance,and shall establish specific frequencies,schedules,and
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#39. Municipal SCM Inventory
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Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs
Update inventory of municipally 1. Update Inventory in 1. Continuously 1.Total number
owned SCMs. I ArcGis.
#40. SCM Inspection and Maintenance
Regular inspections and maintenance 1. Conduct SCM 1.Continuously 1. Total Number of
of municipal SCM. Annual inspections by certified Annual SCM Inspection
inspection reported. stormwater Staff. Form
Maintain as required.
Permit 3.7.5: Pesticide,Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program
Ref. Measures to minimize water quality impacts from the use of landscape chemicals. The permittee shall provide routine
pollution prevention and chemical use,storage and handling training,and shall ensure compliance with permits and
applicator certifications.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#41. Training for Municipal Staff Applying Pesticide,Herbicide and Fertilizer
Training for Town Staff who apply 1. Maintain list of 1. Annually 1.Number of staff
chemicals that are possible pollutants. training certifications for licensed.
All staff is trained by NC State. Staff and include in
annual training.
Permit 3.7.6: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program
Ref Measures to prevent and minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from areas used for municipal vehicle and
equipment maintenance and/or cleaning. The permittee shall ensure that municipal industrial facilities subject to NPDES
industrial permitting comply with those permit requirements,provide routine pollution prevention training to staff,
perform routine inspections,and establish s ecific frequencies,schedules and documentation.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#42. Municipal Training
The Town of Hope Mills has no 1. Conduct annual 1. Annually 1.Number of staff
municipal industrial facilities training for municipal trained.
however Staff is trained on Staff.
Permit 3.7.7: Pavement Management Program
Ref. Measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets,roads,and parking lots within the
permittee's corporate limits. The permittee shall implement measures to control litter,leaves,debris,particulate and fluid
pollutants associated with vehicles and establish specific fre uencies schedules and documentation.
No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting
Implementation Metric
#43. Street Sweeping
Street sweeping of Town and I. Maintain program and 1. Annually 1. Miles.'tonnage
NCDOT streets done on a quarterly update annually.
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Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs
#44. Loose LeaflYard Waste Collection
Loose leaf cleanup is done during 1. Maintain program and 1. Annually 1. Number of loads
spring.4all months as an added update annually.
service to weekly yard waste
collection taken to Cumberland
Count Debris Site.
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