HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080008 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20160224Lewis Creek Stream Restoration Henderson County, North Carolina DMS Project #733 NCDEQ Contract #5631 MY — 05 Monitoring Report Data Collected: September -November 2015 Submitted: December 2015 Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones St. Suite 3000A Env ronrnental Quality Raleigh, NC 27603 Prepared by: Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. P.O. Box 690429 Charlotte, NC 28227 DM MOGEN5EN MITIGATIONS INC TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives......................................................3 1.2 Background..........................................................................3 1.3 Vegetative Conditions..............................................................4 1.4 Significant Flood Events...........................................................5 1.5 Stream Assessment..................................................................5 1.6 Wetland Conditions................................................................6 1.7 Problem Areas........................................................................7 Methodology 2.1 Vegetation Methodologies..........................................................8 2.2 Wetland Methodologies.............................................................8 2.3 Stream Methodologies...............................................................9 References.............................................................................................................10 APPENDICES Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map & Background Figure 1. Vicinity Map...................................................................... 12 Table 1. Project Components & Mitigation Credits ..................................... 13 Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History .......................................... 14 Table 3. Project Contacts.................................................................... 15 Table 4. Project Attributes................................................................. 16 Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2.0-2.4 Current Conditions Plan View ............................................ 18 Table 5. Visual Stream Assessment....................................................... 23 Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment ............................................... 23 Stream Cross Section Station Photos........................................................ 24 Vegetation Plot Photos....................................................................... 26 Photo Point Photos............................................................................ 27 Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criterion Attainment ........................................... 37 Table 8. CVS Stem Count Total & Planted ............................................... 37 Appendix D. Stream Survey Data Figure 4.0-4.4 Cross Section Data ......................................................... 39 Figure 5 Longitudinal Profile Data.......................................................... 44 Figure 6.0-6.2. Pebble Count Data.......................................................... 45 Table 9.0-9.1 Baseline Stream Data Summary.............................................48 Table 10.0 Monitoring- Cross Section Morphology.....................................50 Table 10.1 Monitoring- Stream Reach Morphology ..................................... 51 Appendix E. Hydrologic Data Table 11 Verification of Bankfull Events .................................................. 54 Figure 7.0 Rainfall Percentiles............................................................. 55 Figures 8.0-8.5 Groundwater Gauge Data ................................................ 56 Table 12. Wetland Gauge Attainment..................................................... 62 Figure 9. Wetland Delineation Data Forms ............................................... 63 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Based on our field observations and review of the data collected in during the fall of 2015, we conclude that the Lewis Creek project is trending toward a successful restoration project. 1.1 Project Goals & Objectives The Lewis Creek Stream Restoration Site (Lewis Creek Site) is located in an active agricultural community and many of the forest lands in the area are being converted to orchards or residential development. The Lewis Creek Site is protected in perpetuity and is located immediately adjacent to a preserved mountain bog. The segment of Lewis Creek that underwent active restoration is classified by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR) as Class C, trout waters (NCDDWR, 2007). The following is a list of Goals & Objectives to be gained from this project: Goals 1. Reestablishing stream stability and capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment load by restoring 1,750 linear feet of stable channel morphology; 2. Re -introduce a more frequent hydrologic connection between the stream and the floodplain; 3. Establish native riparian bottomland hardwood tree and shrub community; 4. Reduce nonpoint source sediment pollution and excessive nutrient inputs; 5. Enhance the flood storage capacity of the Site by adjusting channel and/or flood plain elevations while improving the hydrologic connection of the stream to its floodplain. Objectives 1. Utilize natural channel design principles to create a more stable pattern, profile and dimension morphology and improve stream habitat using grade/bank stabilization structures; 2. Lower floodplain berms along Lewis Creek to allow more access by flood events; 3. Successfully plant riparian and flood plain areas with native woody trees and shrubs conforming to the density requirements specified below; 4. Eliminate accelerated bank erosion, exclude livestock, and reestablish native riparian buffers substantially greater than 50 feet in width; 5. Reestablish floodplain connectivity; 6. Preserve the entire Site with a Conservation Easement in perpetuity. 1.2 Background The Lewis Creek Site is located in Henderson County, North Carolina, northeast of the City of Hendersonville. The Site is located within the French Broad River Watershed (USGS HUC Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 3 of 72 06010105) and is a third order tributary to Clear Creek. A Vicinity Map is included in Appendix A. The land use is dominated by agriculture (primarily fruit orchards and row crops) and forest. Much of the surrounding forested land is being converted to orchards and sod farms. New residential development is also encroaching toward the Lewis Creek Site. The project area consists of 1,750 linear feet of stream restoration on the main channel of Lewis Creek. The Site begins at North Ridge Road culvert crossing and continues downstream for 1,7501f to the end of the project. Approximately 10 acres of forested wetlands are located along the south side of Lewis Creek, most of which extends beyond the conservation easement. This area is owned by the Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy (CMLC). CMLC is actively involved in the management of this site and we have coordinated closely with them during the monitoring field work. Prior to restoration activities Lewis Creek had been impacted by straightening and berm construction. The design was done by Jordan, Jones & Goulding, Inc. (JJG) and constructed by Carolina Environmental Contracting for the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), now Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). The fifth year monitoring field work was completed in September 2015 by Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. (MMI). The monitoring was done in conformance with the NCDMS Monitoring Report Template dated February 2014. The Lewis Creek Site was constructed in April 2011 and MY -01 was completed in 2012 by JJG. No monitoring occurred for MY -02. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. (MMI) conducted the monitoring for MY -03 in October of 2013, the monitoring for MY -04 in September of 2014 and MY -05 in September 2015. The Lewis Creek Site includes 1,7501f of stream restoration and a small area of riparian wetlands (approximately 0. 18 ac.) on the Lewis Creek floodplain. During this fall monitoring season (September, 2015, MY -05), in addition to the usual monitoring tasks, MMI has delineated the wetlands and mapped the extent using GPS survey equipment. Wetland Data Forms are included in Appendix E. The existing stream reach that was available for restoration was 1,663 if of Lewis Creek. The stream restoration consisted of Priority Level 2 restoration along the main channel of Lewis Creek resulting in 1,7501f of restored stream. The restoration plan also included planting the stream banks and riparian zones with native tree and shrub species. The designed channel dimension was based on a combination of dimensionless ratios from the reference reach along Raccoon Branch, NC Regional Curve for Rural mountain streams, Rosgen stable reach data ranges (Rosgen 2004a) and existing conditions. Appendix A includes more details on the Site's location, history and watershed background information. 1.3 Vegetative Conditions In September 2015, each of the five pre -established 10 x 10 meter vegetation plots were re- located, flagged and surveyed by MMI staff using Version 4.2 of the CVS-EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol (Lee et al., 2008). According to this protocol, both planted and Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 4 of 72 volunteer stems were resampled. For this monitoring year (MY -05 2015), the success criterion specified in the mitigation plan requires a minimum survival rate of 260 live stems/per acre. In 2015 the five CVS monitoring plots had surviving planted stem densities of 81 to 364 stems per acre (average 210 per acre), and three plots did not meet the MY -05 success criterion (260 stems per acre) based on planted stem survival. However, the total density of planted plus native volunteer woody stems ranges from 931 to 7729, and all plots have densities far exceeding the success criterion when volunteer stems are included (Appendix C, Table 8). Predominant volunteer species include Salix nigra, Salix cinerea, Alnus serrulata, Betula nigra, and Cornus amomum. 1.4 Significant Flood Events Observations of the crest stage gauge (CSG) in September, 2015 suggest that at least one storm event did reach overbank flooding during the winter/spring of 2015 (Table 11). This most likely occurred during June 2015 when the NC mountains experienced two weeks of rain. MMI noted the height of the flooding (8") and removed the existing CSG during the site visit field work. Each monitoring year for the last three years the site experienced a bankfull event, therefore, this criteria has been achieved. 1.5 Stream Assessment Observations from this year's fall monitoring field work indicate that the stream banks and the present stream dimensions along the restored reach appear to be stable and within acceptable parameters. The entire 1,7501f reach of Lewis Creek was surveyed and assessed from the project origin at North Ridge Road bridge to the project terminus. This assessment included five surveyed cross- sections (Figure 4), a longitudinal -profile survey (Figure 5) visual stability (Table 5) and field verifying the Current Condition Plan View (Figure 2). During our fall site visit in September, MMI observed evidence of an active beaver dam at approximately station 7+75 just upstream from VP -03 that was backing up water for roughly half Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 5 of 72 the project. MMI staff manually removed this dam to facilitate the longitudinal survey, and informed DMS about the presence of beaver at that time. A DMS contractor was subsequently notified in September 2015 and is conducting monthly site visits to trap beaver and remove dams as necessary. Several center bars persist in the stream channel and have been closely watched in all monitoring years. Larger bars occur at approximately Stations 8+50 and 11+50. Smaller center bars that had been observed downstream in past years were flooded this year due to the beaver activity. In general, these center bars are not a cause for concern as the streambank vegetation along these reaches is preventing lateral migration of the stream. The stream flows continue to be adequate to keep most in -stream vegetation from overtaking the stream channel even in summer months. The sediment and substrate loads were a mix of sand in slower moving stream reaches and cobble & gravel in the riffles (see Pebble Count data below). Based on the recent monitoring data and our visual inspection the restored stream channel appears to be functioning as designed, maintaining stability, and adequately passing bedload sediment. Stream bank erosion was not observed anywhere along the restored reach. All structures appear to be functioning as designed and are not showing any signs of erosion or piping. Cross-section survey data indicates that channel geometry remains stable with only slight changes in channel morphology evident. 1.6 Wetland Conditions Data from groundwater monitoring gages 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 supported by field observations suggest that these areas are not close to meeting jurisdictional wetland hydrology (see Appendix E). It is important to note, however, that between the fall monitoring periods of 2014 & 2015 several of the gauges have malfunctioned at times resulting in data gaps, despite routine checks, maintenance, recalibration, and even replacement of Gauges 1 & 6 in May 2015. We have supplemented the incomplete gauge data with field measurements of saturation depth (manual readings taken with a tape measure) during each site visit. We recognize these occasional data points cannot document the duration of shallow saturation, but the limited evidence they provide does support our opinion that the wells are probably not meeting wetland hydrology success criteria in these areas. Water tables at gauges 2 through 6 remained far below 12" from January through March prior to the growing season, except for brief spikes. Thus it is unlikely that they achieved saturation for Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 6 of 72 extended periods during the growing season. For gauge 1 we do not have any January to March data for 2015, but during Jan to Mar of the previous year there were only a few intermittent days when it rose above the 12" depth threshold. Field observations further indicate that these areas did not exhibit wetland indicators such as dominant wetland vegetation and/or hydric soils. Observed trends in vegetation, surface water, and groundwater data suggest that the only jurisdictional wetland area is in the vicinity of Gauge 3, as described below. Field observations indicate that any wetland hydrology in the vicinity of Gauge 3 is based on surface flows from the adjacent mountain bog. On numerous occasions during the last three years of monitoring, we have observed standing water in this area during periods when the gauge readings clearly showed the water table more than 12 inches below the surface. MMI staff have repeatedly used manual measurements with a tape measure to insure that the gauge was working correctly in these incidences. The manual measurements have confirmed that there was a disconnect between the surface flows and the groundwater in the wetland area. Although the jurisdictional wetland area found on the Lewis Creek site is relatively small (-0.18 acres), it contains a high diversity of native wetland shrubs and forbs. According to the Cowardin Classification System it is considered a Palustrine Scrub -Shrub Broad -Leaved Deciduous with Saturated Water Regime (PSS IB). The wetlands are dominated by river birch, black willow and silky dogwood in the canopy layer and alder and grey willow in the shrub layer. The herbaceous vegetation includes sedges, rushes, jewelweed, woolgrass, Joe-Pye weed, boneset, seedbox and cardinal flower. The soils are mapped Codorus silt loam with inclusions of Hatboro silt loam which is a Hydric A soil. The soils are saturated and mucky in the wetter areas. As noted in the Methodology Section, the wetland boundaries were delineated using the latest state and federal rules for determining jurisdictional waters of the United States. Routine Wetland Determination Data Forms were completed for this wetland area and included in Appendix E. 1.7 Problem Areas One new, active, beaver dam was found to be backing up water for >700 linear feet of the project. This dam was removed by hand to the best of our abilities during the site visit and DMS was notified at that time. A DMS contractor was subsequently notified in September 2015 and is conducting monthly site visits to trap beaver and remove dams as necessary. With respect to planted vegetation, the only minor problem we observed in 2015 is the continuing sand deposition in isolated flood plain areas, as noted in previous years. Cumulatively, these areas represent a relatively small amount of the site area below the mapping threshold (-0.1 acres), as noted on table 6. These Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 7 of 72 areas of sand deposition tend to support annual herbaceous vegetation that can root quickly in the new sand piles. No other problems were observed to exist at this time. 2.0 METHODOLOGY Monitoring methodologies follow the CVS-EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al. 2008). All photos were taken with a Cannon digital camera and are available electronically. A Trimble Hand Held GPS unit was used to locate veg. plot corners, groundwater gauges and problem areas. For gauges 1 & 6 a laptop equipped with PC TRANSFER and ODYSSEY software was used to download the data from the groundwater gauges. For gauges 2, 3, 4, 5 an HP calculator and Dell Laptop computer were used to download the data. All graphics have been done using ArcGIS and are available electronically. 2.1 Vegetation Methodologies Five 10 x 10 square meter veg. plots were installed and monitored according to the CVS-EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008). The plot corners are marked with 1" Aluminum or PVC pipe and flagged with bright red flagging tape. Data collected from each plot is included in Appendix C. Monitoring plot locations are shown on the maps in Appendix B. Plant identification was aided by the publication Flora of the Southern and Mid - Atlantic States (Weakley 2012). 2.2 Wetland Methodologies Six (6) Infinities Continuous -Read Groundwater gauges were installed by MMI in 2013 according to the Technical Note HY-IA-3.1 (USACE 1993). Three gauges (1, 2, 3) are located on the south side of Lewis Creek and three (4, 5, 6) are located along the north side of Lewis Creek (per directions from Mike McDonald NCDMS PM). The gauges are set to record data every 24 hours and are downloaded at regular intervals through the year. All six (6) groundwater Monitoring Gauges were downloaded most recently in November, 2015, and were checked regularly throughout the growing season. Data is provided in an Excel spreadsheet and may be supplemented with data from the NC CRONOS database, Station ID NC -HN -15 and field observations. This year, project wetland boundaries were delineated (figure 2) using the Routine Wetland Determination method (Level 2 -Onsite Inspection; field sheets available in Appendix E) as defined in the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual, as required by our contract. Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 8 of 72 2.3 Stream Methodologies Five cross-sections and 1,750 linear feet of stream long -pro were surveyed in September 2015 using a Trimble RDK survey -grade GPS unit. The survey data locations were plotted using ARC GIS 10.0 and Excel. Cross-sectional data was based on a linear alignment between end points marked by metal pins. Measurements at each cross-section include points at point of origin, bankfull, top of bank, toe of slope and thalweg for each stream side supplemented with photos. Long -pro measurements include thalweg, and water surface taken at the head of feature (i.e. riffle, run, pool glide) in addition to pool depths. It should be noted that due to the change in water levels resulting from beaver activity it was difficult to establish the exact location of some features, particularly the pools. For this reason, only one pool was measured in 2015. In addition, visual and photographic assessment of in -stream structures was conducted to determine overall project success. Structure failures include collapse of structure, undermining, abandonment of channel, piping around the structure. Stream assessment data are included in Appendix D with cross-sections and monitored stream reaches indicated on maps in Appendix B. In addition, MMI used manual crest stage gauges to verify bankfull events. All raw data supporting the tables, figures and graphs in the appendices are available to NCDMS upon request. Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 9 of 72 3.0 References Doll, B. A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K. A., Halley, J., Harman, W. A. Jennings, G.D., Wise, D.E., (2003). Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook. NC Stream Restoration Institute, NC State University. Lee, Michael T.; Peet, Robert K.; Roberts, Steven D.; Wentworth, Thomas R. (2008). CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. - Based on a (2008) publication by the same authors - A flexible, multipurpose method for recording vegetation composition and structure. Castanea 63:262-274. JJG March 2013. Monitoring Report Year #1 Rosgen, D. L. (1996). Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. Weakley, A. S. (2012). Flora of the Southeastern and Mid -Atlantic States. Working draft of November 2012. University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU), NC Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Miller, James H. (2003). Invasive Plants of Southern Forests. A field guide for identification and Control. USDA Forest Service Southern Research station General Technical Report SRS -62. Wolman, M. G. (1954). A Method of Sampling Coarse River -Bed Material. Transactions of American Geophysical Union 35:951-956. Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers (33 CFR Part 328) & US Environmental Protection Agency (40 CFR Parts 110, 112, 116 et al). Clean Water Rule: Definition of "Waters of the United States": Final Rule. Various NCDMS Guideline Documents as noted. Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 10 of 72 Appendix A: Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 13 of 72 Mitigation Credits Nitrogen Nutrient Phosphorus Stream Riparian Wetland Non -Riparian Wetland Buffer Offset Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RER RE N/A N/A N/A Totals 1,750 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Project Components Restoration Restoration Project Stationing/Location Existing Feet/Acres Approach or- Footage or Mitigation Component Restoration Acres Ratio Equivalent Lewis Creek 0+00— 17+50 1,6631f PH Restoration 1,7501f 1:1 Component Summation Non - Restoration Stream (if) Riparian Wetland (ac) Riparian Buffer (sq ft) Upland (ac) Leel Wetland (ac) Riverine Non-Riwrine Restoration 1,750 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Totals 1,750 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes N/A N/A N/A N/A BMP Elements BR= Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; DDP= Dry Detention Pond; FS = Filter Strip; S= Gauss Swale; LS = Level Spreader, NI = Natural Infiltration Area; FB = Forested Buffer SMU= Stream Mitigation Unit; WMU= Wetland Mitigation Mitigation Unit Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 13 of 72 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Activity or Report Data Collection Completed Actual Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan September -07 December -07 Final Design - Construction Plans August -09 August -09 Construction September -10 April -11 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area April -11 April -11 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments April -11 April -11 B&B plantings for reach/segments April -11 April -11 Bare root and livestake plantings for reach/segments April -11 April -11 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0 Monitoring -baseline) July -11 December -11 Section 404 Permit September -07 February -08 Year 1 Monitoring June -12 November -12 Year 2 Monitoring NA NA Year 3 Monitoring October -13 February -13 Year 4 Monitoring September -14 November -14 Year 5 Monitoring September -15 December -15 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 14 of 72 Table 3. Project Contacts Table Designer Jordan, Jones and Goulding, Inc. 309 E. Morehead Street, Suite 110 Charlotte, NC 28202 Matthew Clabaugh, PE 704-527-4106 Construction Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. P.O. Box 1905 Mt. Airy, NC 27030 Stephen James 336-320-3849 Planting Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. P.O. Box 1905 Mt. Airy, NC 27030 Stephen James 336-320-3849 Seeding Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. P.O. Box 1905 Mt. Airy, NC 27030 Stephen James 336-320-3849 Seed Mix Sources Green Resources Rodney Montgomery 336-215-3458 Nursery Stock Suppliers Mellow Marsh Farm, Inc. 919-742-1200 Monitoring Performers: Jordan, Jones and Goulding, Inc. Baseline -Year 1 309 E. Morehead Street, Suite 110 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-527-4106 Monitoring Performers: Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. Year 3-5 PO Box 690429 Charlotte, NC 28202 Stream Monitoring, POC Rich Mogens en, 704-576-1111 Vegetation Monitoring, POC Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 15 of 72 Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Project Information Project Name Lewis Creek Stream Restoration Project County Henderson County, NC Project Area (acres) 2.53 Project Coordinates 35022'40.5"N 82°20'56.1"W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Region Blue Ridge Project River Basin French Broad USGS HUC for Project (8 digit) 06010105 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project and Reference 04-03-02 Project Drainage Area (acres) 2,560 Project Drainage Area Percentage of hnpervious Area 0 CGIA Land Use Classification 2.01 Reach Summary Information* Parameters Length ofreach (linear feet) 1,750 Valley classification VIII Drainage area (acres) 1,856 NCDWQ stream identification score N/A NCDWQ Water Quality Classification N/A Morphological Description (streamt e) Perennial Evolutionaly trend Agricultural Underlying mapped soils Codorus and Hatboro loam Drainage Class moderate to por Soil Hydric status Hatboro - hydric Sloe 0.0030 FEMA classification 100 year floodplain Native vegetation community Montane Alluvial Forest and Piedmont/Mountain Alluvial Forest intermediate community type Percent composition ofexotic invasive vegetation U Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters ofthe United States - Section 404 Yes Yes DWR#08-00008 Waters ofthe United States - Section 401 Yes Yes SAW -2008-0072 Endangered Species Act Yes Yes SAW -2008-0072 Historic Preservation Act N/A N/A N/A Costal Zone Managemetn Act (CZMA)/Costal Area Management Act (LAMA) N/A N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes No Henderson County Floodplain Development Permit Issued 5/20/08; LOMRA roved 11/23/11 Essential Fisheries Habitat N/A N/A N/A *This site is within the Mud Creek LWP and is in a Targeted Local Watershed "N/A": items do not apply / "-": items are unavailable / "U": items are unknown Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 16 of 72 Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Planted Acreage 2.53 Mapping Num er % of Num er ootage juste Major Combined Planted Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, with with for Channel Channel N/A Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Category Sub -Category Metric as Intended As -built Segments Footage as Intended Woody Woody Wood 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) 1. Aagradation - Bar formation/growth suffcienito significantly deflectflow laterally (not to Include point bars) map scale). 0 0 100% 0.0% 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate- Riffle maintains coarser substrate 10 10 0.0% 100% Cumulative Total 0 0.00 0.0% 3. Meander Pool Condition 1 Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth :Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 13 13 100% 2. Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of down atrem riffle) 13 13 100% 4.Thalweg Position 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 12 12 100% 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 11 11 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simplyfrom poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Banks undercutlowrhanging to the extent that mass wasting 2. Undercut appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, 0 0 100% 0 0 100% a ear sustainable and are amending habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, caking, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Engineered Structures 1 Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders orlogs. 13 13 100% 2. trade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 5 5 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 0 0 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not 3. Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring 0 0 100% guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining - Max Pool Depth : Mean 4. Habitat Bankfull Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs prodding some cover at 13 13 100% base -flow. Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Planted Acreage 2.53 Easement Acreage 14 Mapping % of Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Planted Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous 0.1 acres N/A 0 0.00 0.0% material. 2. Low Stem Density Areas* woody stem densities clearly below target levels 0.1 acres yellow 0 0.00 0.0% N/A based on MY5 criteria. 0.00 polygon map scale). Total 0 0.00 0.0% 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are 0.25 acres N/A 0 0.00 0.0% obviously small given the monitoring year. Cumulative Total 0 0.00 0.0% Easement Acreage 14 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 23 of 72 Mapping % of Threshold CCPV Number of Combined Easement Vegetation Category Definitions SF Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 4. Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at 0 N/A 0 0.00 0.0% map scale). 5. Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at 0 N/A 0 0.00 0.0% map scale). Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 23 of 72 Cross Section 1 Upstream MY 5, 2015 Cross Section 1 Downstream MY 5, 2015 Cross Section 2 Upstream -. _ ,•tom- --. MY 5, 2015 Cross Section 2 Downstream MY 5, 2015 Cross Section 3 Upstream MY 5, 2015 Cross Section 3 Downstream MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 24 of 72 fy,z . . d./vliA . . . Cres Section 4Upstream MY %2015 Cross Section Downstream 9Y y 2015 . ^ \ � �: • © Cross Section 5Upstream 2Y % 2015 Cross Sec,lon5Downstream MY y 2015 Legis Creek 783. December 2015. Monitoring Years 0 « Page 25 0 72 of 1 MY 5, 2015 Veg Plot 2 MY Veg Plot 3 MY 5, 2015 Veg Plot 4 Veg Plot 5 MY 5, 2015 5 MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 26 of 72 fi MY 5, 2015 Veg Plot 4 Veg Plot 5 MY 5, 2015 5 MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 26 of 72 Photo Point a1 Photo PGM 1(North) MY % 2015 %f 4.\�. .�. Photo Point ](South) MY 5,2015 Photo Point ](We ( mI%zJIQ Legis Creek 783. December 2015. Monitoring Years 0 5 Page 27 0 72 2Ile Photo PGG 1(East) MY % 2015 Photo Point ](South) MY 5,2015 Photo Point ](We ( mI%zJIQ Legis Creek 783. December 2015. Monitoring Years 0 5 Page 27 0 72 Photo Point #2 wow o Point 2 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 2 (East) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 2 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 2 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 28 of 72 it %rOf �... Photo Point 2 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 2 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 28 of 72 Photo Point #3 Photo Point 3 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 3 (East) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 3 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 3 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 29 of 72 r. Ah v 1 '• G � w Photo Point 3 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 3 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 29 of 72 Photo Point #4 Photo Point 4 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 4 (East) 10, wR y b - way Photo Point 4 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 4 (East) wR y b - way Photo Point 4 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 4 (East) Photo Point 4 (South) MY 5, 2015 IVI T 0, LV 10 Photo Point 4 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 30 of 72 wR y Photo Point 4 (South) MY 5, 2015 IVI T 0, LV 10 Photo Point 4 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 30 of 72 Photo Point #5 Photo Point 5 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 5 (East) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 5 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 5 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 31 of 72 Photo Point #6 Photo Point 6 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 6 (East) MY 5, 2015 i �y� ���' � �'�• 4 f / y�h� 1i e v INN9 YY. Photo Point 6 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 6 (West) IVI I J, GV 1 J Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 32 of 72 Photo Point #7 ". F .� ,,�ti `. ■ 4. Photo Point 7 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 7 (East) MY 5, 2015 OF 063ifl: f '4 ♦J � - nr lei __{ .4i �_ [7 1 �.• - � .. d ,.: - ice. a . r fj Photo Point 7 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 7 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 33 of 72 Photo Point #8 Photo Point 8 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 8 (East) a r J " 40' Photo Point 8 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 8 (East) MY 5, 2015 r J " 40' :+. 1_'0. � F 1 '�•'� � t � 1 *�Y ,a �x�� e� t MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 8 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 8 (West) Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 34 of 72 J " 40' Photo Point 8 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 8 (West) Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 34 of 72 Photo Point #9 Photo Point 9 (North) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point (West) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 9 (South) MY 5, 2015 Photo Point 9 (West) MY 5, 2015 Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 35 of 72 Appendix C: Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criterion Attainment Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met (Y/N) Plot 1 N Plot 2 Y Plot 3 N Plot 4 Y Plot 5 N *Note that when volunteer stems are considered, each plot has met the success criteria with the site exhibiting an overall density of 3,051 stems per acre in MY5. Table 8. CVS Stem Counts Total & Planted _Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of S. Page 37 of 72 Current Means Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS Plot 1 P -all T Pnol5 Plot 2 P -all T Plot 3 PnoLS P -all T PnoLS Plot 4 P -all T PnoLS Plot 5 P -all T PnoLS MYS (2015) P -all T MY4 (2014) PnoLS P -all T MY3 (2013) PnoLS P -all T MY1(2011) PnoLS P -all T MYO (2010) PnoLS P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 1 2 2 6 16 1 2 2 24 2 2 27 2 2 23 2 2 2 2 2 2 Acer saccharinum silver maple Tree 1 1 1 Alnus serrulata hazel alder Shrub 3 6 5 5 1 1 5 1 1 24 11 Asimina triloba pawpaw Tree 0 8 8 33 12 12 12 12 12 12 Baccharis spp. eastern baccharis Shrub 01 1 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 11 211 5 51 1701 91 1 1 211 5 5 111 12 12 232 12 12 2231 14 14 2241 15 15 151 15 15 15 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 0 1 11 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 5 1 2 2 12 4 4 7 3 7 7 28 7 7 23 9 9 24 9 9 9 9 9 9 Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 0 1 Ilex opaca American holly Tree 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus falcata southern red oak Tree 1 1 1 1 11 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 Rhus glabra smooth sumac lShrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 11 1 1 11 1 Robinia pseudoacacia black locust Tree 5 1 1 5 1 5 1 4 Salix cinerea graywillow Tree 17 3 9 14 33 1 42 Salix nigra black willow Tree 8 4 ;;;2 S 5 3 25 27 37 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species counti Stems per ACRE 2 2 1 0.02 2 2 81 60 7 2428 7 7 1 0.02 2 2 283 191 7 7729 2 41 1 0.02 1 1 6 81 1659 91 91 62 1 0.02 6 6 10 364 2509 6 6 1 0.02 2 2 243 23 5 931 26 26 5 0.12 8 8 210 377 271 17 7 3051 5 0.12 271 368 7 13 219 2978 401 40 5 0.12 9 9 324 356 12 2881 56 5 0.12 30 561 56 10 30 453 453 58 5 0.12 30 58 58 30 10 469 469 _Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Lewis Creek -733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of S. Page 37 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Figure 4.0 Cross-sectionwithAnnual Overlays Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Project Name Lewis Creek Elevation EEP Project Number 733 0.00 Cross -Section ID XS -1, Pool,+292.52 SureeyDate 9/2015 0.43 S UN VIARY DATA m 1 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 2152.17 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (It) 247.80 Bankfull Width ft 23.10 FloodProne Area Elevation (ft) 2154.83 Flood Prone Width (ft) 120.00 Bankfull Mean De b (ft) 1.06 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.66 W/D Ratio 21.79 Entrenchment Ratio 5.19 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 Station Elevation Notes 0.00 2155.30 LPIN 0.43 2154.68 m 1 2.35 2154.05 x41 4.50 2153.41 xs 1 7.57 2152.02 xs I 10.01 2151.79 xs 1 15.90 2151.93 XS 21.72 2152.08 )SI 28.37 2152.70 ]is 1 35.09 2153.25 xs 1 36.04 2153.32 xs 1 41.85 2153.71 LTB 46.01 2152.06 m 1 48.14 2150.80 LEW 49.44 2150.17 xs 1 50.30 2149.51 THW 52.02 2149.38 xs 1 53.96 2149.53 M 1 58.52 2150.30 xs 1 60.97 2150.57 REW 61.76 2151.25 xs 1 64.95 2152.37 RTB 69.99 2152.58 Xs 1 74.70 2153.06 14S1 81.40 2153.06 M 1 86.99 2153.27 xs 1 94.55 2153.66 Xs 102.53 2153.94 xs 1 107.97 2152.37 xs 1 111.02 2153.14 xs 1 114.53 2154.17 xs I 119.18 2154.63 NS 119.83 2154.71 RPIN XS -1: Upstream XS -1: Downstream Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 39 of 72 Lewis Creek Cross -Section 1- Pool 2157 2156 2155 2154 a 2153 Q 2152 2151 2150 2149 2148 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Baukfull - Water Surface - As -Built (4/2011) MY1 (6/2012) - MY3-(10/2013) - MY44/2014) � MY5 (9/2015) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 39 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Figure 4.1 Cross-section with Annual Overlays Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Project Name Lewis Creek 2156 2155 FFP Project Number 733 Cross -Section In XS-2,Riffle +511.9 Sures Date 9/2015 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Flevetion (ft) 2151.48 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft') 330.90 Bankfull Width ft 23.93 Flood Prone Area Flevadon (ft) 2154.17 Flood Prone Width ft 120.00 Bankfull Mean De (ft) 1.68 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.69 W/D Ratio 14.24 Entrenchment Ratio 5.02 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 Notes xs2 XS -2: Upstream XS -2: Downstream Lewis Creek Cross -Section 2 -Riffle 2156 2155 2154 0 a 2153 0 Q 2152 2151 2150 UJ/ 2149 2148 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Water Surface ' ' ' ' Bankfull - As -Built (4/2011) - MYl-(6/2012) - MY3-(1(k/2013) - MY4-(8/2014) 7rMYS (9/2015) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 40 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Figure 4.2 Cross-section with Annual Overlays Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Project Name Lewis Creek Uevation EEP Project Number 733 0.00 Cross -Section B) XS -3, Riffle, +641.70 Surve Date 9/2015 1.64 SUMMARYDATA xs3 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 2151.186 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area(It) 372.50 Bankfull Width ft 25.58 Flood Prone Area Elevation (R) 2154.35 Flood Prone Width (ft) 120.00 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 0.79 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3.16 W/D Ratio 32.38 Entrenchment Ratio 4.69 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 Station Uevation Notes 0.00 2153.35 TLP 1.64 2152.46 xs3 3.32 2152.40 -3 9.16 2150.50 - xs3 15.94 2151.03 xs3 22.38 2150.79 xs3 29.47 2151.37 xs3 37.11 2151.29 xs3 44.69 2151.60 xs3 51.27 2151.50 TLB 54.17 2150.85 xs3 56.58 2149.82 LEW 57.94 2148.91 xs3 60.27 2148.03 THW 62.57 2148.06 xs3 64.77 2148.35 xs3 67.14 2148.52 xs3 69.17 2148.57 xs3 71.02 2149.40 REW 73.55 2150.67 xs3 76.85 2151.19 TRB 82.55 2151.01 xs3 88.64 2151.3 ] xs3 97.18 2151.16 xs3 106.30 2151.17 -3 113.18 2151.28 - xs3 119.28 2152.47 xs3 124.04 2154.50 TRP XS -3: Upstream XS -3: Downstream Lewis Creek Cross -Section 3 - Riffle 2155 2154 2153 2152 : \� 2151 - 2150 2149 2148 2147 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Bankfull - Water SuHace -As-B uilt(4/2011) -MYI-(6/2012) -MV3-(10/2013) -MY4-(8/2014) MYS (9/2015) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 41 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Figure 4.3 Cross-section with Annual Overlays Lewis Creek StreamRestoration/DMS Project No. 733 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Project Name Lewis Creek Elevation EEP Project Number 733 0.00 Cross -Section ID XS4, Riffle 1+214.24 .Surve Date 9/2015 6.48 SUMMARYDATA xs4 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 2150.16 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 62.30 Bankfull Width(ft) 279.90 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) 2153.59 Flood Prone Width(ft) 150.00 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.58 Bankfull Max De (ft) 3.43 W/D Ratio 482.59 Entrenchment Ratio 0.54 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 Station Elevation Notes 0.00 2151.75 TLP 6.48 2151.41 xs4 9.94 2150.40 xs4 13.51 2149.63 xs4 20.58 2150.04 xs4 27.68 2150.23 xs4 33.84 2150.10 xs4 41.74 2150.00 xs4 49.36 2150.16 TLB 53.41 2149.43 xs4 56.28 2147.17 xs4 57.26 2147.02 LEW 59.02 2146.75 xs4 60.36 2146.73 TWG 62.69 2146.59 xs4 64.21 2146.80 xs4 66.40 2147.12 REW 67.53 2148.08 xs4 69.50 2148.50 xs4 71.04 2148.98 xs4 73.49 2148.90 xs4 75.80 2149.81 TRB 80.99 2149.93 xs4 87.71 2150.11 xs4 98.88 2150.12 xs4 118.58 2150.18 xs4 133.03 2150.13 xs4 139.64 2150.21 xs4 144.15 2150.94 xs4 148.51 2151.36 TRP XS4: Upstream XS4: Downstream Lewis Creek - MY4 Cross -Section 4 - Riffle 2153 2152 2151 c 0 2150 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2149 2148 2147 2146 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (ft) Bankfull Water Surface - AsBullt (4/2011) - MYl-(6/2012) - MY3-(10/2013) - MY4-(8/2014) MY5 (9/2015) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 42 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Figure 4.4 Cross-section with Annual Overlays Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Project Name Lewis Creek Elevation FEP Project Number 733 0.00 Cross -Section ID XS -5, Pool, 1+564.9 Survey Date 9/2015 3.42 SUMMARYDATA xs5 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 2148.78 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft') 210.90 Bankfull Width (ft) 24.16 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) 2152.13 Flood Prone Width (ft) 75.00 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 2.14 Bankfull Max Depth 1t 3.35 W/D Ratio 11.29 Entrenchment Ratio 3.10 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 Station Elevation Notes 0.00 2150.71 TLP 3.42 2149.30 xs5 15.49 2149.11 xs5 28.45 2148.78 TLB 31.22 2147.86 LEW 33.20 2146.50 xs5 33.84 2145.99 xs5 36.99 2146.11 xs5 40.38 2146.04 xs5 43.38 2145.43 THW 45.12 2145.34 xs5 46.45 2148.02 xs5 49.88 2149.44 xs5 52.61 2150.06 TRB 55.38 2149.95 xs5 64.65 2150.21 xs5 69.24 2151.47 xs5 73.58 2151.78 TRP >v XS -5: Upstream XS -5: Downstream Lewis Creek - MY4 Cross -Section 5 - Pool 2153 2152 2151 2150 0 0 2149 2148 s 2147 2146 2145 2144 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (ft) 80 Bankfa0 - - Water Surface - M -Built (4/2011) MYl-(6/2012) - MY3-(10/2013) - MY4-(8/2014) -6-- MY5 (9/2015) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 43 of 72 LI] -1 2152 2151 2150 2149 2148 - C 0 2147 W 2145 Figure 5.1. Letiv is Creek Longitudinal Profile (Sta. 0-1000) 2145 0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 600.04 700.00 800.00 900.00 1000.00 Station (ft) —*—T1nWMY5(9/2015)—"IHWMY4 THWMY3 THWMYI----THWAs-Built ! BIVKFL t1 Grade-coutrol Structure X WS MY5 (9/2015) Figure 5.2. Lewis Creek Longitudinal Profile (Sta. 1000-1700) _l ;n 2149 2143 214"i 2146 a ': 2145 L-1 • p •!! ! ! • • ! ! • !00 • of • • • Cross Section 4 • ! X Cross Section 5 • • • • • •Cross X • Section 2 • Cross Section 3 L All 2145 0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 600.04 700.00 800.00 900.00 1000.00 Station (ft) —*—T1nWMY5(9/2015)—"IHWMY4 THWMY3 THWMYI----THWAs-Built ! BIVKFL t1 Grade-coutrol Structure X WS MY5 (9/2015) Figure 5.2. Lewis Creek Longitudinal Profile (Sta. 1000-1700) _l ;n 2149 2143 214"i 2146 a ': 2145 L-1 2144 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Station (ft) —FTHW MY5 (912015) —+— THW MY4 THW MY3 THW MY1----THW As -Built ! BNKFL o Grade -control Structure X WS MY5 (9/2015) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 44 of 72 •!! ! ! • • ! ! • !00 • ! Cross Section 4 • ! X Cross Section 5 X 2144 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Station (ft) —FTHW MY5 (912015) —+— THW MY4 THW MY3 THW MY1----THW As -Built ! BNKFL o Grade -control Structure X WS MY5 (9/2015) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 44 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Figure 6.0 Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Monitoring Year 5 Name: Lewis Creek Reach: 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 0 0% 0% very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 0% fine sand 0.250 4 4% 4% Sand mediumsand 0.50 3 3% 7% coarse sand 1.00 5 5% 12% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 12% very fine gravel 4.0 1 1% 13% fine gravel 5.7 4 4% 17% fine gravel 8.0 5 5% 22% medium ravel 11.3 10 10% 32% Gravel medium ravel 16.0 10 1 10% 42% course gravel 22.3 10 10% 52% course gravel 32.0 10 10% 62% very coarse gravel 45 10 10% 72% very coarse gravel 64 2 2% 74% small cobble 90 3 3% 77% niediumcobble 128 0 0% 77% Cobble large cobble 180 2 2% 79% very large cobble 256 4 4% 83% small boulder 362 1 1% 84% smallboulder 512 9 9% 93% Boulder mediumboulder 1024 2 2% 95% large boulder 2048 5 5% 100% Bedrock I bedrock 1 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 100 100% 100% Smmna Data D50 21.0 D84 362.0 D95 1024.0 �' • ■■111111■■�IIIIII■■�IIIIIIII/� ■■�IIIIII■■�IIIIII■■�IIIIIII/I �' • • ■■111111■■�IIIIII■■�IIIIII%/I� ' • ■■�IIIIII■■�IIIIII■■�IIIII�%/� '' • • ■■111111■■�IIIIII■■t1►11i1II► . , • • ■■�IIIIII■■�IIIIII■■�/1►III/t ■■�IIIIII■■�111111� � IIiIIII�_ ■■�IIIIII■►I��Illii�I_■i%� •��� �E-IsParticle Size (mm) ii�r�llllll■� MY3-(10/2013) — MY1-(6/2012) Individual Class Percent 0111 e 'y — MYO-(4/2011) 30% 25% v ... 20% u a 15% M u @ 10% 3 N. a M 5% c 0% O• O• Particle Size (mm) ■ MY5-(9/2015) ■ MY4-(9/2014) ■ MY3-(10/2013) ■ MYl-(6/2012) ■ MYO-(4/2011) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 45 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Figure 6.1 Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Monitoring Year 5 Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 46 of 72 Project Name: Lewis Creek Cumulative Percent 1001/6 90% 80% 70% V 60% d 50% a 9 40% m 3 30% E 20% 10% Reach: 2 Feature: Riffle(XS3) MY5-(9/2015) Description Material Size mm Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 0 0% 01/0 very lime sand 0.125 0 0% 0% fine sand 0.250 1 1% 1% Sand mediumsand 0.50 2 2% 3% coarse sand 1.00 16 1 16% 19% very coarse sand 2.0 0 1 0% 19% very fine gravel 4.0 1 1% 20% fine gravel 5.7 6 6% 26% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 26% medium ravel 1 11.3 20 20% 1 46% Gravel medium gravel 16.0 4 4% 50% 0% 11, o' , do yon tion Particle Size (mm) —MY5-(9/2015) —MY4-(9/2014) MY3-(10/2013) —MY1-(6/2012) —MYO-(4/2011) Individual Class Percent 30% 25% course gravel 22.3 13 13% 63% course gravel 32.0 10 10% 73% very coarse gravel 45 1 1% 74% very coarse gravel 64 10 10% 84% sma0cobble 90 4 1 4% 88% mediumcobble 128 1 1% 89% Cobble large cobble 180 0 0% 89% very large cobble 256 0 0% 89% small boulder 362 1 1% 900/0 small boulder 512 2 2% 92% Boulder mediumboulder 1024 3 1 3% 95% large boulder 2048 4 4% 99% el W Bedrock bedrock 40096 1 1% 100% 1 TOTAL % of whole count - 100 100% 1000/. V So ry Data D50 16.0c D84 64.0 D95 1024.0 64.0 m`LO% v — 5 % U 0% JAII ,, O�O'L tilt' O,1� Oy 1 'L P ,'�'\ 1ti? ti° titi'? 3ti Ay 6R 00 411 y�0 ryy6 +11 ytiti O• O• Particle Size (mm) ■ MY5-(9/2015) ■ MY4-(9/2014) ■ MY3-(10/2013) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 46 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data FSgure 6.2 Pebble Count Plots with Annual Ove days Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Monitoring Year 5 Sand Gravel V V Cobble V Boulder Bedrock TOTAL. °/� of t Name: Reach: 3 silt/clay rnediumboulder 0.062 very fine sand 0.125 fine sand 0.250 mediumsand 0.50 coarse sand 1.00 cry coarse sand 2.0 very fine gravel 4.0 fine gravel 5.7 fine gravel 8.0 medium ravel 11.3 medium ravel 16.0 course gravel 22.3 course gravel 32.0 cry coarse gravel 45 ety coarse gravel 64 small cobble 90 mediumcobble 128 large cobble 180 cry large cobble 256 small boulder 362 small boulder 512 11 1024 large boulder 2048 bedrock 40096 whnle rnnnt 4% 250 10.0 DE 55.0 D95 90.0 1 1% 1% 1 1% 2% 1 1% 3% 2 2% 5% 22 22% 27% 4 4% 31% 4 4% 35% 4 4% 39% 3 3% 42% 20 20% 62% 2 2% 64% 10 10% 74% 4 4% 78% 4 4% 82% 11 11% 93% 2 2% 95% 4 4% 99% 0 0% 99% 0 0% 99% 0 0% 99% 0 0% 99% 0 0% 99% 1 1% 100% 0 0% 100% 100 100% 100% 100% 90% 80% 70% d 60% d 50% a 40% m 30% E 20% 10% 0% ooti oy Particle Size (mm) —MY5-(9/2015) — MY4-(9/2014) Cumulative Percent MY3-(10/2013) — MY1-(6/2011 ti MYO-(4/2011) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 47 of 72 Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 48 of 72 Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Table 9.0 Baseline -Stream Data Sununary Tables Lewis Creek StreamRestoration/DMS Project: 733 Parameter Crauge Regional Curve Prc-Existing Condition I Reference Reach Data Design Monitoring Baseline Dimension and Substrate - Riffle 1,L LI. Min Mean Med Max SD n MinFMcanjMcdMaxSD n Min Med Max Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft) 221.11 - - 22.21 - 3.00 15.44 - - - 24.71 - 22.65 23.98 23.81 25.38 1.08 5.00 Flood rove Width ft) >100 - - - - 100.00 - - - 60.00 - 70.91 114.25 114.93 148.86 28.02 5.00 Bankfull Mean De th (ft - - - 2.12 - - 2.56 - 3.00 1.49 - - - 225 - 1.60 1.96 1.89 2.60 0.39 5.00 Banldull Max De th fl 3.55 - - 4.58 - 3.00 2.40 - - - 3.39 - 2.64 3.55 3.09 5.87 1.31 5.00 Banldull Cross -Sectional Area fta ---51.41 - - 55.22 - 3.00 23.74 - - - 55.50 - 36.31 47.15 44.25 65.97 11.29 5.00Width/De th Ratio - - - - 8.25 - - 11.51 - 3.00 10.03 - - - 11.00 - 9.76 12.56 12.36 14.62 1.94 5.00 Entrenchment Ratio - >2.2 - - - 6.00 6.29 - - - 2.40 - 2.79 4.79 4.95 6.25 1.25 5.00 nkht Ratio 1.53 - - 1.79 - - 125 - - - 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 Pattern Channel Beltwidth(ft) 2200 - - 51.00126 - 52nO - - - 49.42 - 98.83 49.42 - - 98.83 - - Radius ofCutwature ft 14.37 - - 69.28 8.50 - - 15.80 - - 49.42 - 76.60 49.42 - - 76.60 - - Rc:BankfuRwidth ft/ft) 0.7 - - 2.75 0.54 - - 1.01 - - 2.00 - 3.10 2.00 - - 3.10Meander Wavelen th (ft) 40 - - 163 30.00 3.32 - 84.00 - - 197.67 - 296.50 197.67 - - 296.50MeanderWidthRatio - - - - 2 - - 6.47 - - - - - 2.OU - 4.00 2.00 - - 4.00 - - Proflle Riffle Length (ft) 7.64 - - 21.50 - 9.00 - - - - - - 9.70 - 121.90 11.75 34.18 - 58.75 - - Riffle Slope ft/ft) 0.00 - - 0.02 - 9.00 - 1.74 - - - - 2.40 - 2.88 0.01 0.02 - 0.05 - - Pool Length ft 6.90 - - 294.11 - 19.00 - - - - - - 30.30 - 125.40 14.92 19.39 Pool MaxDe th ft 3.5 - - 4.7 - 3.0 - - - - - - 4.9 - 5.4 0.5 0.8 - 12 - - Pool Spacing (ft) 35.60 - - 84.58 - 16.00 42.00 - - 163.00 - - 76.30 - 172.00 62.64 188.30 - 277.42 - - Trmisp,etParmneters Reach Shear Stress (co etenc )Ib/ftp - - - - - 0.42 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.33 - - - - - - - Max art size mtn mobilized at baok., - - - - - - - - - - - - 22.16 - 79.91 - - - - - - StreamPower(transport capacity) W/mZ - - - - Additional Reach Parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ros en Classification ES/CS E5 E5/C5 C5 Bankful Velocity s 2.63 5.50 2.52 31.46 Bankful Dischar e(cfs) 140 131 140 Valley Length (ft) - - 1326 1379 Channel Thalweg Length ft 1750 1750 Sinuosity (ft) 1.11 1.30 1.32 1.29 Water Surface Slope(ft/ft) - - - - 0.0030 0.0109 0.0025 0.0022 BFslo a ft/ft Bankful Flood Iain Area acres % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 48 of 72 *2007 restoration plan did not include data for these parameters. Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 49 of 72 Appendix D. Stream Survey Data Table 9.1 Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Bank and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distributions) Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Parameter Pre -Existing Conmion Reference Reach Data Design As-bailt/Baseline Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% * * * 20/25/27/22/4 SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% / Be% * * * 0.01/0.53/0.13/0.29/0.02 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) 0.08/0.17/0.28/5.02/13.14 0.12/0.30/0.75/64.00/150.00 d50=17.65 /* /* /19.30/110.18/126.39 Entrenchment Class<1.5/1.5-1.99/2.0- 4.9/5.0-9.9/>10 2.0 > %100 < 4.9 (2.2) 5.0>%l00<9.9(6.29,6.48) 2.0>%100<4.9(2.40) 2.0 > %100 < 9.9 (2.79,6.25) Incision Class <1.2/1.2-1.49/1.5-1.99/>2.0 1.5 > %100 < 1.99 (1.53,1.79) 1.20 > %100 < 1.49 (1.25) %100 < 1.20 (1.0) %100 < 1.20 (1.0) *2007 restoration plan did not include data for these parameters. Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 49 of 72 * Data was not provided PARAMETER Appendix D: Stream Survey Data Table 10.0 Monitoring - Cross -Section Morphology Data Table Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project Number 733 Cross -Section 5(Pool) PARAMErE P, Baseline NWI-2011 NM -2012 MY3-2013 MY4-2014 MY5-2015 Cross -Section 1 (Pool) 23.3 24.0 N/A 22.6 Cross -Section 2 (Riffle) 24.16 Floodprone Width (ft) DIMENSION Baseline MY1-2011 MY2-2012 MY3-2013 MY4-2014 MY5-2015 Baseline MY1-2011 MY2-2012 MY3-2013 MY4-2014 MY5-2015 Bankfull Width ft 23.4 25.3 N/A 20.5 22.77 23.10 22.70 23.2 N/A 23.3 26.46 23.93 Flood rove Width ft 114.9 114.0 N/A 117.2 117.79 120.00 114.20 116.1 N/A 123.6 119.05 120.00 Bankfull Mean Depth 1.9 1.6 N/A 1.5 1.71 1.06 1.60 1.5 N/A 1.3 1.26 1.68 BankfullMax Depth ft 3.2 3.3 N/A 3.3 3.42 2.66 1 3.10 2.6 N/A 2.6 2.73 2.69 Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 44.3 40.6 N/A 31.1 3885 36.00 36.30 34.5 N/A 29.3 33.28 28.10 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 12.4 15.8 N/A 1 13.5 13.35 21.79 14.20 15.5 N/A 1 18.5 21.04 14.24 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 4.9 4.5 N/A 5.7 5.17 5.19 5.0 5.0 N/A 5.3 4.50 5.02 Bankfull Bankhei ht Ratio 1.0 1.3 N/A 1.0 1.27 1.0 1.0 1.0 N/A 1,0 1.00 1.0 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft 2) 46.8 46.8 N/A 266.2 247.4 247.8 347.1 347.1 N/A 334.9 368.9 330.9 d50 (rmm)l 0.2 2.0 N/A N/A N/A I N/A 1 105.40 5.0 N/A 7.0 11.0 1 21.0 PARAMETER Cross -Section 3(Riffle' Cross -Section 4(Rifle) DIMENSION Baseline MY1-2011 NM -2012 MY3-2013 MY4-2014 MY5-2015 Baseline MY1-2011 MY2-2012 MY3-2013 MY4-2014 MY5-2015 Bankfull Width ft 24.7 25.8 N/A 25.0 21.07 25.58 23.80 23.4 N/A 19.3 19.78 26.44 Floodprone Width ft 122.3 120.3 N/A 99.7 119.07 120.00 148.90 147.8 N/A 130.7 143.47 150.00 Bankfull Mean Depth 1.7 1.5 N/A 1.5 1.42 0.79 2.00 1.8 N/A 0.9 1.90 0.58 BankfullMax Depth ft 2.6 2.6 N/A 2.6 2.49 3.16 3.00 2.9 N/A 2.1 3.26 3.43 Bankfull Cross-sectional Area ftZ 41.7 38.3 N/A 36.9 29.91 52.10 47.60 40.9 N/A 51.0 37.66 62.30 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 14.6 17.4 N/A 16.9 14.84 32.38 11.90 13.4 N/A 22.4 10.39 45.59 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 5.0 4.7 N/A 1.2 5.65 4.69 6.3 6.3 N/A 6.8 3.62 5.67 Bankfull Bankhei ht Ratio 1.0 1.0 N/A 1.0 1.24 1.0 1.0 1.0 N/A 1.0 1.00 1.0 Cross Sectional Area between end pins(ft Z 335.7 335.7 N/A 353.6 376.23 372.5 335.7 335.7 N/A 309.6 327.91 279.9 d50 mm )1 32.0 14.7 N/A 10.0 12.0 16.0 19.30 7.3 N/A 8.9 16.0 10.0 * Data was not provided PARAMETER Cross -Section 5(Pool) DIMINSION Baseline NWI-2011 NM -2012 MY3-2013 MY4-2014 MY5-2015 Bankfull Width (ft) 23.3 24.0 N/A 22.6 19.78 24.16 Floodprone Width (ft) 69.8 68.8 N/A 72.7 71.57 75.00 Bankfull Mean Depth 1.7 1.9 N/A 2.0 1.90 2.14 BankfaUMax Depth (ft) 3.3 3.6 N/A 4.0 3.26 3.35 BankfullCross-sectionalArea ftZ 40.0 45.1 N/A 1 44.7 37.66 42.40 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 13.5 12.8 N/A 11.4 10.39 11.29 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 3.0 2.9 N/A 3.2 3.62 3.10 Bankfull Bankhei ht Ratio 1.0 1.0 N/A 1.0 1.00 1.0 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft2 )1 217.2 217.2 N/A 192.7 175.3 210.9 d50 (mm)l 0.4 0.8 N/A N/A I N/A N/A Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 50 of 72 Appendix D. Stream Survey Data Table 10.1a Monitoring - Stream Reach Morphology Data Table Lewis Creek StreamRestoration/DMS Project No. 733 Parameter Baseline M Y01-201 1 MY02-2012 DIMENSION Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfufl Width (ft) 22.70 2173 23.80 24.70 3 .I I I A A Flood rone Width (ft) 114.20 128.47 122.30 148.90 3 116.14 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.60 177 1.70 2.00 3 BankfullMax Depth ft 2.60 290 3.00 3.10 3 BankfuhCross Sectional Area ft2 36.30 4187 41.70 47.60 3 A A Width/Depth Ratio 11.90 1 13.57 1 14.20 14.60 3 Entrenchment Ratio 5.00 5 q3 5.00 6.30 3 BankHeightRatio 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 3 Bankfull Velocity s PROFH E Riffle Length ft 11.75 34.2 _ 58.75 _ 3 30.62 51.02 - 3 N A Riffle Slope ft/ft 0.0100 0.0120 _ 0.0500 _ 3 O.U101 Pool Length ft 14.92 19.4 _ 23.86 _ 3 - PoolMaxde th 0.5 0.8 _ 1.2 3 - Pool Spacing ft 62.64 188.3 277.42 3 - PATIERN Channel Beltwidth ft 49.42 98.83 49.42 98.83 Radius of Curvature ( ft 49.42 76.60 49.42 76.60 Meander Wavelength R 197.67 296.50 197.67 296.50 jj� Meander Width Ratio 2 4 2 4 -77- ADDHIONAL REACH PARAMETERS Ros en Classification C5 C4 N/A Channel Thalweg length ft 1750 1750 N/A Sinuosity ft 1.29 1.29 N/A Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.0022 0.00266 N/A BF slope (ft/ft) 0.0024 0.00247 N/A Ri%/Ru%/P%/G /S% 20/25/27/22/4 20/26/28/24/4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be % 0.01/0.53/0.13/0.29/0.02 16/185/290/9/0 d 16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 d50=19.30/d84=110.18/d95=126.39 0.46/2.76/5.98/21.70/36.73 % ofreach with erodingbanks Channel Stabdity or Habitat Metric Biological or Other 0.01% OREJEA 0.01% N/A Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 51 of 72 Appendix D. Stream Survey Data Table 10.1b Monitoring - Stream Reach Morphology Data Table Lewis Creek Stream Restoration/DMS Project No. 733 Parameter MY03-2013 MY04-2014 MY05-2015 DIMINSION Min Mean Med Max SD ❑ Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft) 19.30 22.54 23.30 25.03 2.93 3 19.78 22.44 21.07 26.46 2.89 3 23.93 25.32 25.58 26.44 1.28 3 Flood tune Width ft 99.74 118.01 123.58 130.71 16.22 3 71.57 103.23 119.05 119.07 22.39 3 120.00 130.00 120.00 150.00 17.32 3 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 0.86 1.20 1.26 1.48 0.31 3 1.26 1.53 1.42 1.90 0.27 3 0.58 1.02 0.79 1.68 0.58 3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.12 2.43 2.58 2.60 0.27 3 2.49 2.83 2.73 3.26 0.32 3 2.69 3.09 3.16 3.43 0.38 3 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) 29.30 39.07 36.93 50.98 11.00 3 29.91 33.62 33.28 37.66 3.17 3 28.10 47.50 52.10 62.30 17.56 3 Width/Depth Ratio 16.91 19.28 18.49 22.44 2.84 3 10.39 15.43 14.84 21.04 4.37 3 14.24 30.74 32.38 45.59 15.74 3 Entrenchment Ratio 1.14 4.40 5.30 6.77 2.92 3 3.62 4.59 4.50 5.65 0.83 3 4.69 5.13 5.02 5.67 0.50 3 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 L00 3 L00 1.08 1.00 1.24 0.11 3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 3 Bankfull Velocitys 1.23 1.52 1.46 1.86 0.32 3 1.36 1.45 1.45 1.54 0.07 3 0.81 1.11 1.05 1.47 0.33 3 PROFH.E or Riffle Length ft 30.10 59.47 94.04 18.76 50.14 98.40 18.76 50.14 98.40 Riffle Slope ft/ft) 0.0101 0.01 0.0245 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.03 Pool Length (ft) 24.39 40.51 65.72 19.72 19.72 19.72 19.72 19.72 19.72 Pool Maxde th 3.31 3.63 3.95 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 Pool S acro ft 24.39 93.99 - 193.21 - - NA NA NA NA NA NA PATTERN Channel Beltwidth ft 49.42 98.83 49.42 98.83 49.42 98.83 Radius of Curvature ft 49.42 76.60 49.42 76.60 49.42 76.60 Meander Wavelength ft 197.67 296.50 197.67 296.50 197.67 296.50 Meander Width Ratio 2 - - 4 - - 2.00 - - 4.00 - - 2.00 - - 4.00 - - ADEIMONAL REACH PARAMFURS Ros en Classification C4 C4 C4 Channel Thalweg length ft 1750 1750 1750 Sinuosity (fl) 1.29 1.29 1.29 Water Surface Sloe Channel ft/ft 0.0017 0.00171 0.00171 BF slope(ft/ft) 0.00247 0.00308 0.00308 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S % 17/28/21/27/5 9/28/1/27/5 9/28/1/27/5 SC%/Sa % /Ci'/ /C°/ /B% /Be% 0/17.6/92.3/0/0 5 / 2.3 / 87.3 / 0 / 5.3 / 0 0.3 / 20.3 / 63 / 6.7/ 9.3 / 0.3 d16/d35/d50/d84/d95 3.6/7.0/8.6/15.66/22.16 5.7/ 11.3/ 16/32/362 2.5/8.1/ 15.7/ 160.3/712.7 % ofreach with eroding banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biolo icalorOthet 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 52 of 72 Appendix E: Hydrologic Data Table 11. Verification of Bankf ill Events Date of Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo # (if available) Feet Above Average Bankfull Elevation Sep -12 Unknown Crest Gauge; visual indicators NA 1.5 Oct -13 Sping/Summer Crest Gauge; visual indicators NA 0.8 Aug -14 Spring/Summer Crest Gauge; visual indicators NA 1 Sep -15 Spring/Summer I Crest Gauge; visual indicators Below 0.7 Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 54 of 72 Figure 7.0 Percentile Graph for Rainfall 9 S 7 ,� 6 a z V c. 5 Percentile Graph for Rainfall 2015 2 1 Ct. Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Date Rainfall 2015 30th Percentile 70th Percentile Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 55 of 72 Figure 8.0 Daily Groundwater Data — Gauge 1 40 Lewis Greek Groundwater Gauge 1-MY5 (2015) 3 2.5 -40 60 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 —Groundwater Depth (in) - - - 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 56 of 72 Z_ 0.5 9 -0.5 Figure 8.1 Daily Groundwater Data — Gauge 2 60 40 w 20 C s CL CU G 0 d 3 -20 0 0 -40 -60 Jan -15 Lewis Creek Groundwater Gauge 2 -MY5 (2015) 3 2.5 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 57 of 72 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Precipitation (ln) T 0.5 0 0 -0.5 Figure 8.2 Daily Groundwater Data — Gauge 3 60 40 Lewis Creek Groundwater Gauge 3 -MYS (2015) 3 2.5 U -40 -60 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) - Precipitation (in) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 58 of 72 0.5 0 -0.5 Figure 8.3 Daily Groundwater Data — Gauge 4 60 - 40 - LL, -40 - -60 Jan -15 Lewis Creek Groundwater Gauge 4 -MYS (2015) W N u o .ju m T � E m ' Rug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 C Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Vnches Mow Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) O L7 o [� v c Feb -15 Mar15Apr-15 May 15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Rug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Vnches Mow Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 59 of 72 3 2.5 m 0.5 0 -0.5 Figure 8.4 Daily Groundwater Data — Gauge 5 60 40 Q -40 -60 Jan -15 Lewis Creek Groundwater Gauge 5 -MY5 (2015) W m N L U l9 N - O 0. C N O � N Qj C i O C7 0d � m 0 Lq -- --- --' -- ' --- - - - - --- ----------- - ---.- - �- O a .� .... ... o_. Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface Ju[ -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 60 of 72 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 i Precipitation (in) 3 2.5 m 0.5 0 -0.5 Figure 8.5 Daily Groundwater Data — Gauge 6 Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 61 of 72 Lewis Creek Groundwater Gauge 6 -MY5 (2015) 60 3 no N � U v 40 2.5 C ju�? D Ln U C 20 C 7 EA C td C a 2 p o C7 .L m 3 ---------------------------- y ------------------------------ = 1 m CL =� o -20 t�A4 0.5 n -40 0 -60 - -0.5 Jan -15 Feb -15 Mar -15 Apr -15 May -15 Jun -15 Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 act -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 61 of 72 Table 12. Wetland Gauge Attainment Data MY4 (2014) MY5 (2015) Gauge # Max # Conseq. Days %Growing Season Success Criteria Attained %of Growing Season Monitored 1 0 0 NA 46% 2 0 0 NA 63% 3 0 0 NA 63% 4 2 1 NO 100% 5 2 1 NO 100% 6 2 1 NA 63% MY4 (2014) Max# Conseq. Days �� Growing Season Success Criteria Attained % of Growing Season Monitored 3 1 NA 18% 0 0 NA 75% 1 1 NA 75% 0 0 NA 75% 4 2 N O 100% 2 1 N O 100% Lewis Creek 733. December 2015. Monitoring Year 5 of 5. Page 62 of 72 MY3 (2013) Max# Conseq. Days %Growing Season Success Criteria Attained %of Growing Season Monitored 0 0 NA 5% 0 0 NA 34% 0 0 NA 23% 0 0 NA 35% 0 0 NA 24% 0 0 NA 34% WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Eastern Mountains and Plasmon Region Projp lite: Lewis Creek Stearn Restoration Site clry/counry: Henderson County Samplbg pate: 9-18-15 nppilcamrorm: NC DEO ONision of Mid9agon Services ems: NC sampkg Point: DP H7 meeGgeeer(a): RichandMo9ensenMeath Caldwell Sector, ToxlnMp, Range: tanarorm %kNepe, talism. etc): Floodnain Lowl retar(cancat2, cpmreX. res): Flat Skspe(%11 Subregion(I.RR ordla ): MLRA N-1388 UL M=a[3.2T N Loon: 8221902.72-W Oelun: NAD -83 Soil Map ups Nem,: Codom4Hatbom Inclusions NWI Gaasifrcatlen: PSS1B Are GimaYc/IlydrdeBlcmMitlore en McE101ypksl fortllis tial, of yeaR Yes X No— (Ifm.expleMln Reoprs.) Me Veget n ,SM_,or HyNWcpy_slgndcanlly46tw M? Na-Nonml Cirevmlances'ple0,n[? Yes X NO NeVeae4tbn_,SM_�wHytlmlOpy_nalulylty pmdanaYCP (If neepeE,arylaln dry 0rrewrsln Rema�ka.) .. "I . , r,,.r.,..w—mmi w mW map eneynng sampling pointlocations, transacts, Important features, ste Hydrophrlicvegelanm Paaenn Yea X No d�sampkea u.e Hybl Sell Posn? Yea =NO wXIIIna WMantl? Yw X Xe WeCaM Hydrology Present? Yea X NO Remarks: Area Is adjacent m mountain bag and is a jurisdictional Wetland. MTUKULUUY Weekend Hydrates [reactions: Sispor Ind in ��numl�d P mM k II 1 _ SuReceSd Crops (86) X_ SURKU Warner (At) _ Tre Abse: Plants (B14) _ Sparsdy Vegetate] Conraue SURace(88) _ Hith Water Talaa(PQ _ Hydrogen SWfitle oder (CI) _Dalrege Pauems(81ej X Situation (M) _ Odtlhed RhlaoapNeres an Wag Sense (C3) _ Mos, Tom Lewis (8161 X water mass (91) _ Presence of NeWred lmn(Gq _ DrySerson Waley Takes (C2) _ Wheent Deposits(83) _ Respond Iron Release In Well Sees (C6) _ CreyAah Burmvs(CB) _ Do Deposils(63J _loin dlMC Sukece(CT) _ Saturation Visible on Abram lmegery(C9) _ Aytel Mat w come (M) _ other (Explain In Rentals) _ Stores! or SVesseO Plants (01) — Iron ceP08ke (05) _ Geompgtle PoeNon (02) _ Inlm]eWn Ulsible m Aellal lmagery(B7) _ SWIlMsicSib d(W) z_ Water-SUIred Loaves(W) _ MiaotapogrepM1lc ReIM(OQ _ Agwgc Fwm (613) _ FAG-Neubat Teee N)q Fled Obeervatlww: Surface water Presets YnX NO Deps(BWwe): 3' Watar Tads Present? Yen— Me NM(ildeas): saNral Present? yeas No DepM (In des): ly WNIend Hydmlegy Pmwm? Year X No Iodupd a ca2allaorbi e Describe Reported OMs (abeam assets, rroni1d61g xNl, secret pMtae, Prevpia Inspadblsl. naaailabk: Remarks: Surface water was present at every site visit for the last 3 years. The surface hydrology appears to be disconnected to groundwater as indicated by the groundwater gauge data. Hydrology seems to be flowing over the surface from the adjacent mountain bog. us amycom? o(Emlmbs Finsen hamsters area Piedmont—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Four S4ata)— Use scientific names of plans. Sampling Pohi OP k1 Modern Tree seahnn (Pbtalza: 1 1, Aoxrvnum m AmggN Doer Inmwmr %Cdrcv Scetlex> Mahn 15 Y FAC oamlmnmTedwndmn.rt NumtergoamlmM Spedea That We OHL. FACW. or FAC: 13 (A) Taal Number q Dormant spades Aams Al straw: 13 (e) PeematgDominant sor1 s OOy Thal Pm OHL, FACW.a FAC. (A6) 21 Debi qgm 12 Y FAM 3, Seex nigm 12 Y OBL 4, Camuearomum f0 N FACW — S. -- 0. >, Prwe10nC0In0axworkMeat TOIN %Cecerof MUMON W' 0. 3aom/Shmbs (Plq su:e:30flPla�n f 1.AlnusserrvWa _=Total is Cotter V OHL OHL spenes x1= FACWspedas x2= FAC speces x3= FACU Seri x4= UPL species x5= CNumn Took; (A) (8) Premknm More: =BIA= 2, Belt anergia 1R Y FACW 3 Amr Mori 0 Y FPC 4. s. 0. T, lfydropi v.g. mal WIMCm: _ t- RaW Test for"hiptrytic Vegewtlon _2-13PrnelNR Ted fa 50% _3-Prevekvlce lrol" 10' 4- Morphological AdaptaSors (ProvWa suppeNryl tlaW in RemeMa Of On e separa@sheen _ Problematic Hydmplybc VvjetWM'(&plain) ifidiml0n of hydric sell ant vretland hydMegy mit be Present, unless dieWNM wprohlemalic. B. p. 10. --- =Yowl Cow Herb Straum(Plasiore: 3gfldkm ) i Cama Intra 1a Y OaL 2, JUnws e0uws 15 Y FAM 3, Vemmb nO.eMlereK 12 Y FACW 4.ImPdwm referent 12 Y FAM 5, StlgAe0ypet lua 10 Y FACW OngnWansofFWrVegd nSbad: TMO- Woody Plain. excluding view 3 lim Q 6 M) Or MOM in dionn r M must height {Dail, rcga kasof hegM. aepllngl3hmb- Moi porn, exdWhit Nms. One; Wan Sin. DSH ant greater Nen or equal 103.28 R 11 m) hill. Nero -Al heMMOSOUGM wordy) Plants. regardless q sire. ant w00dy Plants Jess Hot 120 h MY. WOOD"Mo di vim xvyvilns greala Man 3R0fl in he M. B. PNYgorn^ hydropipaMMes 10 OHL LEN}rDtt�iym pwrFureym 6 N FAC 0. Euterner mpeddeWm e N FACVI B. BolgsW mpwa 5 N FAC 1g_Lobehe mNbulls 3 N FACW 11.1ndvAgis etleanlfob 3 N FACW 12. WoodhiWm-TotelCmer _ m(Plq a'¢e: 'io 4i Drew. ) 1. TwtiwtleNmn mdimm 10 V FAC 2. Vias sPP 6 N WA Hydrophygc VpoMlwn pm Yr % No 3, Pubus alleghanlends a N FACU 4 PdlWenedswa yuinpxfdn 5 N FACU 5. — — — B' _=TOIaICOw RbNAs:(Indutle phgO numbers here er onamp0falesC ) Hydrophytic vegetation dominant in each strata. US Amry Crops of egllgara Eaekm Mwlldlns ant Pietlmml-VamIM 20 SOIL Senile pond: DP" Progb DeaCIRPIR : (Malarkey is the Rapid mewed b document the mdleabr or wrMm the aEal of lnseabm.) Depth Metro n"meL color lmoist) fig_ ReCkW Failures colmim ) ram, Lae Textum Rem.nu; 08 7.5 YR 314 0 samyloen 6-12 10YR311 W Moping 20 sandy Lome law chrome will prombeld madtliN 12-24 10YR 311 95 Mottling 20 Loam C=Conttddlraw DDuqdoaffl RM=RMIaM M", MS=MaaX¢d Send G2ilm kocoon: FL-Ivei-ed ,M=MaNa. HyddC S011 Indicators: Imil mbrWdabmeYcHydricSeib- _ISelosolCAI) _Dank Swlace(Sn _tan Mud (Allo RIM 147) _ HIMC Eplpalon(A2) _Pul lw Balm Swlace(SIS PAM 147, 111) _ Cwst Prairie RMoz(A1th _Sleek Move; 3) Hydrogen Su1nM (M) thin Dank SurMcc(53)(Ml 147, 143) RIM 147. 143) _ LOamy Gleyed Mall (Fre) _ Piedmont FlmdpleN Sole (Fig) _ 31236M U%ws (A5) _ DeplNed deal (F3) RIM 136,147) 2 on Mud (Aid)(LRR M) % OBpIMM S¢Icw DaM SurtMe (A11) _ Pm&DeMSmmokI2) _ Rudy DaIk SURam(F6) _ Very Sh011ow DmUSUIMre(1F12) _ Deplaw Gary Surface (F7) _ Otlmr(F�yMin si RemeMs) Redac Depressions dr6) _ Sandy Mucky Mimml(St)(LRR N. _Iron-Marganeae Planes (F12)(MR IN, MM 147, 146) MLM 136) _ Sandy Glow Manuel (m) %Sandy RMm(55) _ UmnSudam(F13)(MLM13%IM 11MiWt=0TM1ytlbphyAcvuRetou mW _ P¢cmom Floodgaln Sao (Fig)(MLM 143) veueM hydbbgy must � pbaee. _ Stripped Maw(Sld _ Rod Panama MMeMaI(F21) ryLM 1P, 147) unless alluded m pbldemetlu RxlrMtive layer M obsama): Type: Depm(IMhed: Hydde SMl Pread7 Ym Mo RemeMa: Mapped as Coeloms which is a Hydric B soil with inclusions of Hatboro silt loam. Hatboro is a Hydric A soil which appears to be present at the wetland area. US Any Cons of Engineers Entem Moumains and Medmant- Version 20 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FOM —Eactem Mountains and Piedmont Region Prgecpsge: Lavas Creek Stream Reslorehon Site City/county: Henderson County Samp ilg Dale: 9-15-15 ApplkawOMw: NC DED Division of Mltagon Services Stare: NC SamMlm POM: DP ill Inventoriarlq: Richard MagenemJHeaN CaldwNl Sadkn, Tosalahlp, Range: Lanrxam (Ngslope, tensa, eta): R00dP1alA Local rel if (concave, convex. none): Nm Slope (°b): 1 supagkn(LRPor MtRA): MLRA LIB 35'2T43.27'N Lag: 8221'02.'r2'W opium: NAD -83 Soil Map unit Name: CodomBlHattsom inclusion; NWIdassmamn: PSSJB Me GimaYc/hytlmluglcMMNammVe we lypkal krtl11E 11M1k afyea(I Ye¢ X No_(ano,egdalnln Ramarso) MVegetalbn_.SM_,er Hydrolpgy_agnificanwdkWmetli Are•Nomul ClmumMancee'proxMi Yes X No Pre Vegektlon_,Sell_or Hydmlcgy_Imlurelty pmliamatic9 (if ne¢tl¢d¢%plain any monis in Remans.) chommaana ur nnulnw—^=cn aro map anngnng sampang point Ideations, trarwecb, important titanium, etc Hytlminitc Vegetation assistant? Ya¢ X No Is tlw Sampktl Arae Hydric SolPreaenli Yes %No armina WalNndi Yas X No We11aM Hydrology Prea9n? Yes X No Remarks: Area is adjacent to mountain bog and is a jurisdictional Welland. HYDROLOGY WNMntl Hydrology IMkaMa: Bryandary IMwassom loss roof Mo reolllretll all _ Surtaa so Cram (BB) X_Swka Wakr(All _ Tme Aquado Plants S314) _ S"Ohly Vegelated Cassava Surface (Be) _ High YAW Tede(A2) _ Hydration Blxrge WOr(C1) _ C(ainage Params(BID) X SeWmtlon(A3) Ovdad RNzasphmes on Uying ROMs(C3)_ Mass Trim Llnas(Bta) � Wa1tt MCAE (Bt) _pimenta MRMU NIrM (CA) _Bry-Season Water TaOk (C2J _ Setllment Depaene(B2) _ Ream Iron Redudgn in Tgkd SAW(Car _ Crayfish Burtwrs ICN DMI Connote (63) _ TMn Muck Sudan(C) _ Saturation VlSlEk an Aerial final(Cg) _ Agan Mat or Clust(BN _ Other (Explain fin RemMke) _ Shinned or Spormad Plants (01) _ Iran Comas (BS) _ Oeomoryhic Pai (132) _ IrvvMaXm VklNe en Asohl lmagary(B7) _ Shallmx AqulkN(W) % WakrSfalnedt sres(89) _ MisoMposgrepmc RHM(D4) Aquatic Fauna(B13) _ FAICN%yat Taa(N FkN Oa¢ervnaom: Statue Wakr Preeail] Yea X No_ Laptipnoll 3' Winner Tape Present! Yee_Nox Drops finch ): SstureBm Present? YasX No_Deplh (IMgNe):p WMWHydrology PMa YeaX No mdtdescaIlls What) Daaht Recorded Deal (stream pauge, nwwMng v JI, astral phosaa, preWwn imppappro ), Havaffirs, Bahamas Surface water was present at every site visit for the last 3 years. The surface hydrology appears to be disconnected to groundwater as indicated by the groundwater gauge data. Hydrology seems to be flowing over the surface from the adjacent mountain bog. US Amy Cams of Ensmoam Esskm Mowkms and Piedmont —Vomlon 7,0 VEGETATION(Four Strata)- Use scientific names of planta. SamDlino Point UP 42 Tree wmM1im (p101 ai#: 30RIBan I 1, Acer Woman AbadNe M_cow 15 DpNneM InOldlor Sddu RMUS Y FAC Domidnd TeatrM NumdrMncrrcnan[Spegpb That OK. FTCW. w FAC: IS (A) Total Number of DomiroM gperyei Avozs All Wale: 13 (B) ceof DorMnenl Spetie3 That Pfe 0121, FACW, w FAC: 100 0 (AB) 2_ ascii dpe 12 V FACW 3. SeLx roam t2 Y OBL 4. Cornua amamun 10 N FACW S. —Pelnl --- 6. 2 —PMN OR; nd lMexworlWrest Tow%Covuot MultloHbr g, Sadl $d (PIM sud, 300 MOM 1 1. Amue enruleta 15 •TMgC Y 091. 0131 Merles x1= FACWapevkM X2- FAC apetles x3= FACU spetiee x4= UPLapMea x5= CMlxm Tolas: W (9) PrevelmdlMex =BIA= 2. Salk darns 12 Y FACW 3, Acerrukum V FAC 4. x _ _ 8. —WY arop yec Vegela Indedld m: 1- Rapid rest for foroplyacVegetation =2-Dominand Tdtls, 0 _3- PmValence lMex is s30' _4-Mosrp Biral Pdaplissrol yodi;O auppdmg MOM in Remand; or on a separate sMen _ Pmbkmeuc Hyernplylic Ve bon'(F len) 'IMIWM; of holne sml and vialand tryJrolegy must to Paden(, areas iaturted orproNemaGc 3. -- 8_ 10, --- eTo181CMb HW Walum(Plut size. 30 ft clean _ ) 1_Camxlwda la Y 0% 2_Junus affuaos 15 Y fzw 3. VMmnia noveboremle 12 V FACW 4 lMWOOM dpmas 13 y FpCW 5 Sdrpus oixonus 10 Y FACW OMnWl &Four VegoNaon Store: Trw -MWIF NOW extlutling vines, 3 in. p.6 on)or more M diemelef at broat legm(DBH), regaoll¢ of dent. Sapllnpl9mub- Woody plants, excluding vires. less Wen 3 in 0&t and goodur Nan Or equal W 328 Rn Nara-Mdma#PuMost)s, regamlass ofsltt,aM xmdplants OreMOM 3.28fl iad. wady Voda -NI moody vima pmeter Man 318 R in hadyind. B. Pdygotmn lrytlmpipemldes 10 Y OBL 1. Evi4rockmm FAC g. EUPMWUM prooi&um 8 N FACW g 6olklago mgw 5 N FAC 10. 1cidaw cmdldge 9 N FACW I t worige allemNdiain)NO, 3 N ACW 12 --- VdoMv Vlne9lrem 4 _•Total Cadr (RMshe: '0O u p,'eT j 1. rdlweendmn radldd 19 v FIND 2, urns MP a N wn Hyddpbytle vegeoulan Pta9eM'I Yes K No 3. Radius allegbanisnsis 0 N UPI. 4 Pandrecissus OUYalUORAd 5 N FACU 5. — — 3 — — — =TNtl CaaEr Rmnerin: gntlWa plleb numbers bete or on eeepareRaMt) HYCIMphytic vegetation dominant in each strata. USAmy Cppa alEnglden F1abm MWnMbn ON Plasmas SOIL Sam,Rn ftim DISQ Prollb leeusipbon:(D9 lebtlre Eeplb Sea JeXb ii; i mint aw InEkNmwcpnMrmtl S abmnm Mlndir ) Deem Mabk M FeSSMOS Conches) caor Imam K corer mast %_ Isms! re R11ppp04 M 7.5 YR 3/4 0 _ tmMyL m 6-12 10 YR 3I1 66 OW no 20 __ sa�dywem (Xnv Mrom Wien pewNmrR mdtlitg 12-24 10YR3/1 95 Moairg 20 Lwm ' G=Concentratlan R k8on RM=RMuaM MatrM MS=MaNM 8eM Greene. °LGcaBon: PL =Pore Unen . M=MaMx. Hydric Sollbgkatrs: Indkestm for Pmblemnec Hydda Sains': _Hlslesd UI) _ HMO EDWedEn(P2) _asci[HMO (A3) _ Hydmgmi Sulfide (M) _Sbei Layers(AM _ 2 pm MU&(AID)(MR N) _Cepltlee Selwv polk$Vkm (A11) _ Tnick Dare Surface (Al2) Dare Sudune(Sn _ 2 an Mock(A10)(MUSA 141) _ Potyvalue Bebw Sudace(S0)1MLM 147, 148) _ Caast Prairie Redox (Afb) _Thin Dark Susece(SO)(MLRA 147,148) ROMA 147, 140) _ LOS" GkyM Maha(F2) _ Piedmont Flrcdgain Soils(F19) _ Destined Matte (113) (MLM 133 147) _ RBdox DeA SuXa2(Fb) _ Very SWIM MA SuRace ff 12) _ canteen Dark Surface(F7) _ OMn(FaWeln in Rereads) _ RMox Depressions (FS) _ SSMdy Mutlry Mlneml(Si)(LRR N, _ImnMmgaresB Me%ee(F12)(LRR N, MLIU 141,140) MMU 1081 Sandy GkyM Mantis Re) X Sandy Sixtus (Set _SMppM MCMx(%) _ UmMc Swams(F13) RIMS IN, 122) 'IMWi Of bynmary4c vegetation and _ PIMmwt RoMptin Sinus (F19)(MLRA 148) xeband hydrology must be pmdeM, _ RM PaRN MaIMa(F21) MLM 127,147) uNessdialur4tlwprdtktreeic RYWdMLayn(Rob rvoM: Type: Depth (IMse: Hydric SOII PmaM> Yea X Ne Ramada; Mapped as Codorus which is a Hydric 8 soil with inclusions of Hatboro sift loam. Hatboro is a Hydric A soil which appears to be present at the wetiand area. llSAmry Cwpa of Enpineem Eastm Mwnmins aM Pkdmap- V¢rsion2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM — Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region Prgecpc,e. Lewis Creek SVezm Restoration Site City4ounty Henderson County sampnte Dale: 12-5-15 rowiwmlDyma: NC DEO Division of Mitigation Services appor NC Series Popp. DP #3 Inwstigwor(s): Ri oM MogenaenMmffi Cakwell Sedkn. Tom p, Range: Lentiform (nillalope.lelwce. tilt.): Floodplain Lml relkl(cwww, ounces. none). Flat slope(%): 1 Saloniam(LRRor MLRA): MLRA tp. 3522'41.94' N ping. 82'20'58.4?' W DeMm: NAD -83 sou Map Drvl Name: Codorus NYN dassilki UPL Pre Gimakclhydrobgk wrdNwaon mesh (Wiwi Nrmis timeayeaR Yee X No_(IfnoeapWn in RemaMa.) Pfevesunkon_, Sal �m Hydrology_ signiecenhy crimped? Pae'Nonwl Clrolanelencee'presenl? Yes X No ANVeliplakon _, call � or Hydrolopy_money prydemekif (If needed, explain any awvaers in Reims ) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS—Attach site map shoving sampling point locations, transects, important features, all HyampM1ytic Vegetation Pream? Ysa_ No In Ma s.mpkd Anna Soil pulmonary Yes_ No within a Wetter? Yea No X WeIIaM Hydrology Pwaem? Yes_ No Remarks: Area is upland floodplain adjacent W mountain bog and is not a jurisdictional Welland, too obvious signs of surface or subsurface hydrology. HYDROLOGY W nd Hydrology IM"Wria: sewndary IMMaMrs Imtrilmum oflwa regi reT P ndlcalw m I _ Surface Son Cracb(as _Surtem WeM(N1) _ Trwlpualic Plamsur l) SWMey Vegemed CmwK SUdace(BB) _ High wafer Tape (AU _ Hydrogen Same Color (01) _ Drainage Paaems (810) _ expansion (A3) _ Causal RhNosphere9 on Lane Rgda(C3)_ Moss Tem Uraan(816) _water Marva SU) _PMallum of RMu Vmn lG) _py-Sarson Waley TAW (U) _Sediment claimants (82) _ Recenllron Reduction m rapol San (M) _ Cnayfish Bunovs lees s_ Drift Deposits (133) _ T wi Muck SurFace(ED _ Samilun Vkibla on Amil Imagery (C9) _ Neal Mat or Ernst all _ Other (Explain In RemeNa) _ SWmed or ahnsM PNma(D¶ Iran Deponas (es) _ Geomorphic position (pn Inundinan Visile on Aerial Imagdy (D7) _ sMllcwfurlilbm (D3) water -Salved Leaves(B9) _MWinmin eNo Rare (134) _ Aqua& Fauna Ml 3) _ FAC Heuml Test (D5) FiNd DExrvatlpy: Sconce Wakr Pmamd? Yes _NoX DepOI(eMNq: Wakr Tape Piewnl? van _No=D"impa: Sa mbon P2wnr2 Yes_ No K Depth (IM¢s): WetlaM Nydrology PrsineW Yea, No X indWe3w ill Desmibe Retarded Data (stream gauge, monXamg wee, serial proles, prenws Impecoons), g aveikba : Remaoa: NO signs of standing water. Groundwater gauges and regular field measurements taken over three years throughout the Lewis Creek Floodplain do not indicate wetland hydrology is present. US Anny Corps of Eglnwn Eaakm Panama ar d Piedmont— Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Pant: OP #3 Tine Seaw (Elden¢' 3080Ym ) 1 Acprubum A4301Ne Dominant Indicator - 15 Y FAC Oamlmnna Tina( al: Numbarof DonlmntSpedw TRat Are OBL. FACW, ar FAC: B (A) Spa NumeerM =Inmt SPecles Agoss al Seam: 11 an PdxM dO1,FACK or FA TlwIAre OBL, FACW, or FAC: 72Ne (Na) 2 Basle also 8 N FACW 3 Salix en pie 20 Y FAC q, 1pupem0aratyieonw 15 Y FAC B Pmgiub0o benmis 5 FACW 6 J_ — — — PrevakncelMazworkalweh res %Covere NOIEde W. B aaplmBhrob SaaWm(Pldare:30Rtllam 1 1 LpumamberstyMAua 15 -ToNlfmvN Y FAC 00L speriea x1= FACWspedes x2• FAC apeci x3- FACU ape01s) x<= UPLspecies x5= WisanTorok: W er Finaabllas Imex =BIA= 2,aeluMinorite 12 Y FACW 3.Acermbum a FAC a. Plnus5rDbsls 5 N UPL 5. 6. J. HydroDhYBc VegemRan Indaslors: _ 1 -Rape Test for HycropMc Vegapnon _ 2 -Denial Teat k>50% _ 3- Prevalence Index Is v.W —s- MoNAaogkal Adaphmis1(Provke suploofling dab in Remarks or on a sepanm man) _Fr001artd40 HytlrapkylicvegemEon'fExPlam) llnc a m of hydnc sail are'.MIa1M Rydrdlgy mut W PreSem, wA066 dlsmrb al or prabkmatia. 0, B. 10. =TdY cove HeN smWm(plot sRe: 00 R dam ) 1. Amdoaa pallraxp 25 Y FAG 2. APks amehas1e tb Y FACW 3_Agknanla 8rypoaePak 10 Y FACU A impedes aspirin 5 N FACW 5, Scghum hamparea 5 N FACW Oeflnnbns of Four Vegemibn Strain: Trail -Macy pairs, excluding amen, 3 In. (7.6 m) or more in diamHtt at breast hcgM(DBH). regardless of I1e9M. Nanli nM Ilknile excluding plants. exclung Nms. less Maser Nen or equal m "B R (1 m)mll. Hart -M hedAneO somas )pled, regaMless a sire, are woody pante Was Man 3,28 Rroll. Waetly Nne-alwoMy Area gRarartllan 3.20fl m i-etilm g. Pdyaaum penmyNenim N FAC J. Sdicano ngasa 8 L_ FAC e BMnusasmdemk a FACU �1�_ g. Fshln Me rnnyall fT) FAC 10 — — 12 _=TaW Cpver WPffiV VIre 9eaWm (PIW Sim: 3n Qri:iam ) 1 Tovcctlentlmnratllun 10 Y FAC 2,VMxyV S N WA Hydrophytic vegeh0on Present? Yea No 3. Rubu afthenknsis 25 Y FACU A. PaMvfwhms quinqueWis 5 N FACU 5 Rosa mul6aaa 10 Y FACU — B' =Tomlcovx Remedy: (Include plwto wnibert Mrearonasepable aRB01.) Hydrophytic vegetation isnY dominant in any strata. us amrcoma w Diglreare caatem mouimen air FiadneM-vwvon za SOIL Samplig Palm DPa PmRle aooMiAlon: (DoecrlEa W No deah needed b document Me lndkator or cenAno Me absence M Indicators.) DooM Mahe Redox Feale .amble)— colorlmok0 % Color%_o_I-ve Tam Ranmrim OJ 2.5 Y 718 100 Sand 8-10 2.5Y Sri 85 -- Loam 10-24 2.5 Y&4 95 MMIM 20 Gay Lwm Some mottling GConxownmlon R Won. RM=Rmucsd MNdx V 9Maaked SVM GraMe. 21pce4pn: R=Pme Wing. M-MaMx. Hyddc 8011 tlgemem: IMlcarorarorPmbMmatic NyddC sone _HMOM(Al) _ peek SURace(ST) _ 2 am MU&(AIM (MLRA 147) _ Hb110 EPiamon (q2) _P palue Relow Sudaw(U)(ULM 147.148) _CoadP Ift Redox (AIM _ Macc HISMc (A$) _ Pnin Dmk Surtom (S9) (MCRA 147.148) (MLM 147,148) Hydm9en3uMda(M) _ Loamy Geyed MMda(F2) _ Redmmd FlocdpMin sA$(F19) _ Stre118ed Layers(A6) _ Eepleted Matr6(F3) (MLRA136,147) _ 2 on Muck(A1o)(MR NI _ RMm Gnk Saofam(F6) _ Very Sinaloa, GaM Sudem(I`12) _ mepMled eelaw OaM SYRam(AL 1) _ Depleted Dark Serrano (F7) _OMm(EVIaIn In Remarks) _ ThIQ DIM Surtace (Al2) _ RWOX Wonessions (I'M _ Sandy Mucky Mineral (81)i -W N, _Iron-Maganese Wasm; F12)(LRR N. PALM 147, 148) 111136) _ Sandy Gbyod Mabd(S4) _ HmMC Swfece(F13)(MLR413Q 1") rindiwbm of hydr hydc pinanon ant _sandy Redox (8 _ Pkdmanl FlOWMMn Soda(F19)MLM148) wetland hydrolgy must W pmsem. _ Stripped Matra (SM _ Red Parent MalMa1(F21) NN -RA W.147) unless dlslubed mpmLMlmik. RgblgNe Layer (N eburved): Type: DeMh (aches): Hydric soa PnmM? Ya,_ Ne l RmNAs: Mapped as Codorus which is a Hydric B soil and can be a wetland or upland soil depending on the aquic moisture regime. Not a wetland soil. us A" Coo afErglnees EesMn MV VMMs ala, PMdmem-Vmvm 2 p