HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06844_Well Construction - GW1_20241115 • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD. ,...._1 \ -2 - . . • - . . This form calibc•oscd for'sioglO or.Ouiltililo volli, , .. • ., 1.WOLC.011IraiIdr Information: \•-..." Forlorcpal t.r.s ONLY). . . . ... ..... .. . !..:.-1:liAVATERIONES' • Rich Lemire ' PROT TO oiciCettnioN . . toLf4r4Iorst4aing - ft, ft. . . I ' - • . , . . 2593A . : .1 . . . • .41OUTER.CASING!airifiiiiiltelliii:Ur TOZLINER,rrritif NC Well Contractor Cerliftootbil Nil:1113'd ;FROM TO " DIAMETER, ' . THICKNESS' . MATERTAI.- i.it. . fr. An. •.SAEDACCO I. - •.c.921mImy MAIO' 162:INNERtAS aowTUBIT4W ;ii5itiiennirdtisw-d4atiq.?Y. • • • ' .. ,FROM TO. . DIAMETER , TIIICICUSS. MATERL4L _ . • .:wC.IltonstruitiOn Permit#1 - - 0 R. 3 . ' ft. 2" I, IA: scH40 : . PVC . /..f.ge oft iikiticroi,wellpeiliii-41q,c,Cemmt.,..?;Skit;11-4rigircA;,frfectiql'41c;) It, O. ' : .4k'• • ' •• , voutv.§g( 11.ociF:rvell use) ' ..;t7SSCRsEN.: . . ' . • Water Supply ViigItt." - FROM '1•40 . i:nriatrrga 'SLOT SIZE. . THICSNrSS .".. MATERIAt. • . 3. 'It 13- .IR 2" "i* .010. SCR4 0 PVC 1:3 AgricnIturat• C3MtniicipabrPnblic. • ft. . i - . . 12C3tothennakileating/CoolingS1lyty). CiResidOltial Water Supply(single)' . . - in: 01.%'ROUT_:---L.=- -'-=•-:::;-:_,,..-7.--.7,_=::---.-_-• .„,-7.--.."--T_-,--.-.- -....,-.--:::,...,--.i-..-- _ t:Ifficlustiial/Coiontereial EIRcsidential.Water:Supply(shared). -'. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&ASIOUNT • .,Clirrititition. • ' . • . 0 • . It. 2 ft. PORTLAND " POURED .. son-Water Supply Well:. . . - • . . IL .Ucoyety . . . . . • .. to.MQPit9ri.T.1g. . 1:1.1 . Injeel ion Welt:•- ft • • • . .. .. El Anutfci:Recharge tic000ilwatot Hmo0iiftiori . . ,419:7:SANDZGRAVEL,PAC5 (ilalicatite)1.1T-7 7 --.----.,:::= 7::..r..- r"- FROM TO , ." ••I.MATEIHAL. . HNIPIACEAWIT METHOD I:/Airillike SIOR.10 aloig-q6f3. aidinity i4arrir. . „ • ,.. ' 2.5 fte. 13 . .It' SAND " #2 I - • 1:1 AgligeT•ICSI, •, 17.106rriksvatt 1)04.1Rge.- .. . . .ft. ' ft .. 1;1 .xpctimcgill Technology 1;1Subsidence CorstroI. . s,',20,:inilliLING:t0Biiiitaell'4iddliiolial.Aiiiiiiiitestoil-- -- _:--" ---= IDGc.otitennai Closest Loop) . CITracer. . . FROM'% • TO - 'DESCRIPTION(Won kirdn'esicsoiWock Aix:'0,311'Alen iitA EIGWiliennlit(IleainigiCaoliD,OeiUln). Dottier(eV13iil Wider.gi.Reiriattis) 0 . "ft. 13•- ft. DARK'BRowN. SILTY SAND' . _ • . • • it. rt. . . ..i.foiii.e.wid.ks)cimilikied:.10-24-2 02 4 Attell ID#MW-8 . ' ,f,l,- • ft. • V 4,,,„,Li . ..s4..wo to,eAti".m. . • .rt. fi, ' WHITE:STAR _ft.. et,- Faeilityittoirwr-pewe - - . Fdepity tb Ai(if,applicable) -- - --,- - ' - NOV-1-.;; 610 Lakeland St., DURHAM, NC, 27701 . . :. - rti f.);-:',;C:17)"11 ft; . . ft. . . • • ' . . . ' •-PlAysiail.t9droSs;,*City;and ZiO• ,,,. .R EmA1tgs4, • . . . ,. • ' DURHAM - BENTONITE FROM 2.0 TO 2.5'.' . _ . -. • • . OMinly. _ • Pait el.16-.;:itific.:100040.(PN) . • • • - . . . • . 6..,Li.gftude'Aiild 1..I.iiigitude iii dcgcte0iliflt*IsFiiiii!1.5'dr tiCCiiii;II'dcg licsi" .22;cc/Ili-143 dui'.: • 41'401:acid;on/...itailtUig•ig s411.10cni) .. . .. . „ .. ., --• :;:74i ..--- ..1 . . c,e ,,,,o _ ., . ... „, , .. ..... .4,..0.........4... 10124,2024 Siriltzieeer,Ccrtif.C1-Vicil Ceitliacte.r , „ '. . Da,O 6.Is(are)theAVet1(): %Peril-raiment :or -EITetitimrary ' • By.Jiphig,dri.v.fiernt.1 lr ereby.et,igry rhal,rhv we/i(r)was.fwgri*criyinrckfl ill iii."4.1rtiance . • ivirk al NOIC OZC.4)/(r or 154 kicAc 92c.:020;!'isii Cottsrnicri'n Starmtarrik asni'f'.7 7.Is this,s trOairtaatie.iii.itint well qite4- or Estio. ' cciijr.nf this reeve('/*Jac liki,11 pOijided riiitioiiriliiit'arei. lithis ii 17 r.epali..fill!NO fir/c/Ot we1/;a5nonk.r1mbiforraarjaq.aarl oyilaia the ltipre of Mc . • reisiiirtiirder 021 iiinarki At'egora iii-ivilhe ihk*,,tir this foilir. .23.Site.diagratir,or aitditionatli.ell 4tetait:. - . . - • - . . . Yon may use the back of this page to.proVide,r.iddiflortatiyell site.delAik:•Or welt 8:N.umber.olwilli cottStrocred: 1 copstruCtioti'detatis:You tuay'aLso‘,attach.a•iiiiitional pagesif necessaty. ' For nuiltiplOrtfeez1oko?apa-raer iupply.tells-ONLY with rk...yrine.au/Prim/tau,Kki,ean , , . . .. . icannitoni form: ',SUBMITTAL INSTUCITONS 1 . • 9..toliil welt depth het*laud orfitotii 13 „. (ft.) 2.12. Par,AU Wellio Siihniit IhiS form within 30 day .of-oatortetioti of'islet' For 4ttilrlyge wells-Hie aUeep.thr 1/40:1!toi/(aronpf6.3@21)0'/441.2@mq •eonstniction to-the.foltoninz;. i. . . . 19.Staticwater levet below tap of rasing: 5.2 (ft.) Dftiiion of Water ItesOu rtes.InformatiOn'Prtfresiog((nit, If'Oiler level I's illtoevasiij,g;axe"1-', 1617Ni:tit AerviCe-Ceriter;lialeiVii NC 37659-16 i7 •If.Borehole diameters 8•25" 'On.) 24h.for titivoion Wt,ft ONLY: In addition to etitlitk..,the-romt.to tkacichiss in 24a.ahOVe.."alse.sibmit a cbby of this form within.10 dO.of completion of*II 12,Writ construction Method:AUGER •L'OliSliu;tioH to the tatIow.ing:- ! : . (i.C:men intary,..cntAo::tlifect posk cto..) • [ -' - - • - Dirbioitof Water Resou reek,Underground Injection control PlOgram; FORWATER.Sb:PPLYWELliS ONLY 1636 1636 Mart Service Center,Raleigh,-NC.2760-9-1636 1 . - - 14e:For-WateSupply&Injection Welts: 1.30.1.(041m) Method Of test: __ _ - Also sObliiit one copy of this foirq'Within.30 tlaySof eotof)letion of 1312.Llkinfeetion types .pez. . Anioun,t: AVell.-congruction to the county licalth departnnt-•at the calmly where• . -co.hstAicto. FOrtnIGW71. .Notilt Corollna Ds.lutasnent.of Vavirotnneut and Npnaul Resources-lkilision of Wnicaft -atrc fierhed AigusfL2OB