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GW1--06843_Well Construction - GW1_20241115
• • . . • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fee:Nepal Use ONLY:. . pis Iona eattbeased foi stogie iT multiple welh. 1.Welt caittrattar Information: il4i.W.ATEKT.ONLV .• .. . ... . . Rich Lemire . • pito,m•• TO . ' or.scrtiPinoN WOl'OLititrOor t§eme ft.. • ft. ft'. • 2593A 1 *--,1kbUTEltei...-9:ING'ffdii.rttailtPeasetiti$:•elisy..01tLfiNfEll.fltap illeabky, - NC.Well Contract&CerfiliCatioit Nitakei. FROM' TO '' 'DIAMETER- ' 101E10,7E5-S' MATERIAL „it. hi '• la, . SAEDACCO . . •:',16.14NNERtASI1G:OR.11.113B4Glgiotteinialikised4iapy,!,;i: Oativany Name' ,FROM TO, ' DIAMETER TRICKNESS• MATERIAL .,.12.'W.0.101litTII41011-0ETIIIII 14: . -0 ' it. 10 •ft., 2" . , lai SCH40 PVC ,r4stiritAiyitle,,miet4.41pwinift*1 i,; au.Ity.Are.Verfarr ,frbrecOrg'oc;) • II. ft. • '3•:*dit..Uig.(0traelFATeil use).: ' "at:SCREEN . •Water Suppl Well -.F.Rol.V. 1,1-0 . - :01tictlitt ST..OT ME. . THICK a tlis 1 MarEatAt. y • • , -. - 10 It. 30• .ft; 2" ir.. .010 SCH40 • PVC in Aglieudfltral• - 0MonicipalMoblic, . 0, - 0 GeothennaltlicatingiCooling•Supply). DResidentiat Water Supply(single). . II. -hi I' 4-•-• - ,-.. "4''. , • - - -, •..- .--- ClIodustirial/Contntercial 0Residential.Water Supply(shar ite GROUT ed) •----- ' —'----'• -- .-,, -"'" • - -- ---"-'' - "- ' - TO - • MATERIAL - ENIPLACESIENT METHOD&AMOUNT OIrriatitien. 0 ft. 6 it; PORTLAND POURED • -.N,on,Witter Supply Welk.: . *Monitoring . _ 1j.ItcCPIKIY : h. ft, • . , Injection Well:.- ' ' • . ...ft.:: ....- 0 Aquifc0Ceharge Ocontindwatet gOntediiitiOn '-1197::SAND/ORAVEL,P.ACkiitrait,pli6-bleK7'-'-..--.'-'7*--*---.7„..:f.:. .1-. . ..', 7f,--:-'''' 'FROM' .TO-• .-•" -.MATF,RIAL'.. ' EMMA:CI:AD:NT METTIOD, i:14(illike Si0IRO,IIRCE!3-40,y0' r1-&1-11R-IV•BIIII'ke- ,. 8 * it.. 30 It. SAND : : #2 .4" 0 Agitifektest. .- 1:11tirriawatet utninage• ,. 'ft,, . P.„..1cperintental ITeeltrinina P1bSitleacet.....cilt1taj: . .. . • flIVORILLING:E0GlattactiadditionalibeTatiltaceetsaril . -- — tn.:06mila! Closed Loop) °Tracer. FROM' .TO DE.500Fr1oN(tour.tuiranoi,sniwiwk otte.grain,.•.ix.e,ite.1 , EIGeotitenual(HeatingiCooling.Rotun). 00ther(explain under 021 Rentaiks). 0 ' ft. 12 ft DARK BROWN SILTY SAND • - • . •- 12 ft,, 26 , ft, BROWN DRY SILTY SAND . . • 4.mite wcum•cooijmede.10-25-2024-Weft itt#M0-10 . . -. - .- 26 ft, 30 ft. WET SILTY SAND Si.•Will Oteirtiorn. - tt.• ft, rl''• ""--..,--;-, ;,„,:,.., • .• WHITE STAR . .ft. ft:. i " ''""' •••••,'i—:J .r?'.'4 faciiityothw.90,1app Facility Pk'*tif,apptiCable) , R. - ft; ' NOV1. .. 2024 I 610 Lakeland St., DURHAM, NC, 27701 . • .ft,;.: ' ft.' ; . e-;•••;•-,-4.',-4 Ts -P1.1Mc..y11.A.44i.cgst clY•aP1410 ,21;iKENIARKs',,,, - r-,':; ' ' .'''',1-•`-', U''.",,! DURHAM BENTONITE.FROM 6' TO 8'1 ., • .....i V't,c',...N...";'.:3 • c.olittly-. . • . - .Parte]tdeptiti4adah•No,MN) - - . . '. I, . .„ .. . . .. ,. . . .. . .. . ;51f,Liititildcluid 1.II ligyude in.degreesiminuti4/SCeoridS or iNch0.11.dcgrOsi 22.Certifleatirtit: dtlin10-("mid,nne IlitilotigiastilTiik.i4 * - '' •-• • . .N •W .144 . • ,, 0e) - -g, 10/25/2024 . . . . Si ofistaM ei actil 'Weil&tulacidi i'-''''... . Date • 6.Is(ale)the:Well(A): RIPernianeat or 0Tenipority.. ttx,N;gn in 2,10.46:711,..1 Irireby crigfy that the was)war..f isrm)-cw.tyinrcted iti amcillarice with!1 It Isrptc 02C.piqo or I M 1,101C 02 -,I.209,MI1 Cosenififoir avidards mks.06(i!Ai 7,4;thiS tr_ref*to an existing well: pv0,- or glilit. '05)5.0:Ns nyonifritslit,;-ft prqiiided iii,tfieilITIlitinfor, ffrfris116,rep*,fii.i on;ky#V1110.11CASI MelltitT1111PrOariP q,a11(1 evpia0;the naryre of lie •. - -repar&der$21.it-marks gedkri or r:vi the'bra".k of thn(arm, .23.Site.iiiitgrmii,or additiatta1w6a details: - ._ •. . '57411 way use the back of this nnge io•provide 4adiiipitii-wo.,4e detail's'.or Well S.Nmobeiro,f wells couStructed: 1 • • construCtioridefids. You ntay'alsti.attach additiOnal oges:if necesiary. For nuildpkInfeakntoe am-litger smppl,r ircIf-ONLY with or rt!rl..c,411ilrirctlo.h.„wm aro • ictimitoqciforrn.• ' .t SEUMMULIES: —1110164 ‘S-1 0.tliiii welt'depth below!mid surface: 30 '00 24a. lair All Walk S,iibniii.11iis'.fgriii ,s;:iihio MI daya.,cireMapiellinn of Wej! Fok tirtarlbie-velklit tea ATMs ItcrIffeiwoIT lextriopfe 3€100!and.2@lOtry ionstioction to theioltoing-.: li : ' . - • 1., . :. . 10.Static waiter level below tap'of tasifig: 20 (it) - Driiiitte of Water Itretortireis fo Inrntation Pitieett.itut Unit, 11*titer level izirlteNe f.ersti.J&,.: rue'-'+ ," 1617 Mail iiervice.tetater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1.617 i • • • . IC Borehole diameter:8.28" :(in,) illy.Esiunjtesayajk ONLY: in addition to Sending,tile form to the.add tess.in '24a,Ogit... lso snlnnit a cony of this faun within 30•da:,' •of;SmpletiOn of well 12.12,Well construction method:AUGER 'et:Mimetic:in to the following:- : (i.e a&gor..redary...cable:.ditect iiish.ptc:.}• PivCifoil.9f Water flcsoures,Underground ftglection Control.Pi.Ogratm, FOR1FATERS.qPPLYWELTIS 01‘4,17f . i636 Mail Service-penter,,Raleighi,NC-27699-1626 - I i •f 2.le,rot Water.Sup RlY tVe itkectitin Wells: 133,'iftelil(ggru) Method Of test: Also&dna one copy of this.fiSnit'Within.110 rdaySof Ootopletion of 131J.,Dliinfetitin Oriiin._ Amount: well-construction to the connty141th department'.or the comity where- . coitstnicted. Fono.GW-1 North Catalina DeparnamitofVEIVICOMMCM artd Norma!Resourecs-Melee of Water Retras Reyhed Atgust MA • 1 : I , , •