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GW1--06821_Well Construction - GW1_20241115
. . ' • , t , . . WELL CONSTRUCTION.RECO.RD • For.igopal i*.1)1ILY.;. ' This-farm can bcltscd fafsingla cf.ntuttittle..welfa. • ' I '1.Well IntottnatiOn:• • ' ,....1BrATE/C.ZONES.• . .- .. .... - . Rich Leiaire FROM' TO . I DESCRIPTION W411.C.ne4tiC0r Nanic ft;-. ft, . .R. ff. - 2593A -;15:011TER.CASING VoiriiitittgeankifiVitWOZILINEKT(it lin'Alenbkly NC-.11,c11Connadcit CcrilftdatinilNutrbei . FROM' TO '" DIAMETER' ' Totaiter..ss HATEEttAl. • ft. ., ft. SAEDACCO . . „ •? 6'...4NNERI&sING7OFCTUBING 'rioiReiniii ibiLcid4.30. .-,.1' -• C511141.1-n.).Vont' • NROM TO • DIAMETER TiliCKNISS- MATERIAL 2.:We1l'COnstruititin OM'Olit#: 0 11. 2,. - ft: 2" ; In, SCH4 0 . PVC proft.47iticnbie tri)1,06-nruz li.:Cr.ontnt3,,,,,'Stine,Variauc.,...., ' ' ft. • .ft. ' :. ':4)., • X'Wel.I11.ie-(0itelt..welltniejt -•;17YSQREEN, • • Water Smittl Wie.11:• . - • VOW-V. - ,..TO • ,ntfoor.Tgft storm*: . TORTMS$ I•7,1aTiintAt, . • - y - • -. • 2•• ft.- 12 ft; 2" im .010' SCH4 0 PVC Cl4gT1c.itIturat„ . liMonicipal/Thablie,. . R. 'in' • , . ' EiCtothemtal tlienting/CoOling&pity) . I:Residential Valet SutiplY(single) . 0! , ( OUT - .:-..,--,. .-7.'..7,.:-.?--=- -•,....--.,":":-._.::,-_...,,---:,._-..:-. -..,-•_ 1:3111dustfialiCotitufercial DResidential Waretsopb.(shared) TT,R0,57 MATERIAL ' EMPIACENIENT NIETHOD A/AMOUNT • 0 frritintion. . • . 0. ft.- 1 ft;• PORTLAND POURED Nola-Water Supply Well:: . - ft. " 'ft, ' • ' 1111,N10nitoting . • .•Ort-C.COWY . 1 . . InleetiOn Well:* . • ft. . • 0 AquifirlIeekarge: '. .ItiGnauridivalet RentedititiOU- 119zSANDIGRIVE1::.P.ACte(if aivOliCAblu)Y-- --,- --.:-.;....7.7:_:...L-..7.- -.7Z..:.7.-• 'PROM' ' , TO • ' 'I.AI ATP:MAL , totil...termENT larrtiOn.- nAiitilf.ci 56*arkl.0.*0r . Yd ,' 1:7Salioity Ramer . ' 1.5 ft., '12' 11.' SAND 1 #2 ' . • . ... . 1:1;1416,0-.Test, . ' tIMommatcr I)Mitingc- - . • hi- - ft: 00periptcrtial Teel:m.09U_ 0hsidctice.Couirctr. 10'.:4311B.LINGIOGIMtactifadditionlit itilitiiinceessarit : _ -.:.-. --- CICteothenual.(ClOsed.l.con) . ElTracer. - . . . :FROM' ' TO. DESCRIPTION Nolan ImitIncii,staMtch IMI.h.'ArAin''Ste,'at.) 13Geolitential aleatineCoOlinglietunt). Mather(explain under.al Rentarks) O ' ft, 12 ft. DARK'BROWN SILTY SAND . (4. - -ft. . - 4.Date Wei-KO exitiiiided:.10,•24-2024 Well ID#mw-9 5a.-Well LOcation:. . • ft, fr.- ; ,t . ,----, i. .Y:..... • WHITE STAR . - ' ,ft.• It; . Facvtgrypic • . - • Fdeility MN(2icappiieablc), ' • _ t\11 V-1-1,-210'24 , R.. fl; - . 610 Lakeland St., DURHAM, NC, 27701 ' - ftiL ' • ft.' . ' Inf.:,-.:7,-.-z-.272:, P7,-,nr•,.''- °t • PhYsi4111.130es;•Cir)....010 70.. :7111.41EM.ARKSQ, . • . . :)14,',.1..,--.•..i DURHAM ' BENTONITE FROM 1.0 TO 1.15'.- • . . (29 wily ' PArte]1( liftcatinnNn.(Pnt1), - . 1: . ' . ,511„-Littitiftdoatid 1.-Miiitude itdcgreesintinutr4/SeCilitls'Or decininl'degreeSi 22:Certifitationt • (11;ttelf COW.,ottO hitiongis saftleloa) _-- - ,...,-7-- '. , . •• Ct> '1V— * ...'..rt2i CX9- 4",0-.^.1!f-f• 10/24/2024 -_ IC • - . ' - •Sigtisotit o(Cent.,.._i.Well Coinntefeit.,' Date • 6.Is(are)the itch(s): KiPenitanent or LITetitborary.. .8.r..ti$tibig Mir-form-I lrireby erilify that./4 lid/(s)wax.(Krill)cy,,vrucipci in nivqiikinc:e • War'/51..KCAC 03C,OI(t eo!/51.404C Q2C..Q209 Wilf Cintsmiction Skonfont ond gm n -, 7,Is,tfifS n.rep*to an giititing well . OW*" or KIND 4-4;yof this)4vorti hirkl.4.;;Ni proiiidoc,6 dn,iirli inrirCr. . ' jyrkis:is n repor.:,0)nr kinwn 114.4.01151/Iftichg brfninnninq taut g,',Vph2ht thrownre of rut, *lnk.tali.).#2.1 Moods"i•eiltinl or on thdint.a.Of this;nem .23.Site diagram:or additional it CII details: • , - . . Yin)may use lime back of this-page to.protide additional welt site details of Well ' .8:Nntitherof-welb constructed: I. . consttuctient derails: You otay:alsa.allachadtliiional pages if neettisaiy. Far nuitiOn15.1,rokakm,of non-Icarcr svplx wcIppNix wini rfle.enc.twitruction,vat can suini i tone-fynn.. .STIBMITTAL INSTITCETOSS 9.tottil trelfilepth below land swine& . 12 (ft.) 24a.. For AU Waist..•Sitbinit this Allrill A;i1hiti 10 OA.of:cOltipictiOn-or*$ .it• For Pilik.gk WrItrliSrrell AVMs if ilif)ivent(OxempFc-3@200!and 2@ 10,9T ' conslitictiQR tO Clr9.110Nsillg..: 1: , ' •- - 1: . . 10.StAtic water lad-below top'of casing: 5.2 .(ft.) DA•iiiciii of Witter Rtiourees,Information Ptticcsiing Unit, ' 1:i tiia)ile kvei Li atripe t.Osfy$,WV'+" 1617' Mail§ervic...c.Center,Italcigh,NC.27699-1.617 11.Borehole tiliamerr,8•28" "(in.) 241,f;rny feilvap Welk ONLY:.In addition to sending the fomt.to the.addtess In 24a:itii0e.:also submit a cop y of this folio within.30`daYS of cOnipletiOn Of-well 12,-Well construction.method:-AUGER 'CODSIDictIOn to-tItO following:: I'. i : • (i.e',ttuer.ro*.ccalileAliect put....ctc.:} ' I • • , • pivkilan:of Water-Resources,Underground IttjeOlon COntriil Program, F.oR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY f 1636 Mail Scrtice.Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 • -I • . 7,4c.For•Water.Sttoolv&Ittieetilini Wells:- - I3a,Ifieldfglim) kthiotl tif test: . . i . dontidetn. AlSo Sialt one copy of this form Wihn30 daSOf io of -..1.3.h.biiinfeetion.typer , .. Amount: . well-eonsttoction to.the county health den:inn:int of the county whom- F constotetett. i Form ow-1 North Cntoltna De.ptirunest.ort twatintsetu and:gerund licsomees-1)N ii Ion OF Woier Reoaroim Bolted Attgust2o13 :. '