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GW1--06807_Well Construction - GW1_20241114
I WELL CONSIYE2UC°I'iON TdE:CORU.: Fort4erna1Usc,QNLY;•- -. ' '1'his;prulOp bc.tu4Wtl for".s,4*vi ritulnPkncIN � ° l Well ConriaCtorLefuriiahon' • iit:V'ATER^£ONES -t Josh Holt..- FROM' f'.TO i'! t)SCRtPTiO\+.. ,. .. - - 1.ell Giirttitc vrNatiw f1c' ft., 4698A `ft._ fl., NeVelTConikkta-lecttifciionTuiriicr a.15.OUTER.CASING'(furuiulIikiscliitHi ORLINERfiliiti'ticabk):" ' - _ 1:FROM 1:TO •I.DIAMETER _ '"THICKNESS •I MMERIAL. SAEDACCO 0 `ft:: 16 it. 2 !: ";in1 SCH-40 Il PVC 16INNER'CASING.ORTUBING;fgeotbetinal'ckisi.d•loiiji . (cin&p un ranii .- ,FROM. Tp DIAMETER -.THICKNESS.- gATERL1L--• [; 2.\Yell Constinttton Permit#r"WM0301381; 70003238 ft:;. ' - H. ' I' UI." l.ui ull cntilr rib! r.Kp.»nus(rr,Cnpnt -S;q.C.dta rift rrc,7r,eVab r:c<J • fl:' ft: in.' 3 Wc11[rse(chccl.wclt u'c) 17 SCRCCN \'attrSuppIy Well:: FROM: -.3O.. •i;DIAM ER: I 'SLOT SIZE,.t THICKNESS'•1 MtTERI•AL". bkgricn)tinal. U1vinnicipaU'Pnblic. I 16 ;'ft 31 fl: 2 m,• "."O10 SCH 40' PVC ii ,fl: ro: OGcothennah(Ueaun 'Cooling Supplr�) DReaidentia1 Water Sttppi);•(atngle);: •; fli I I OlndustmialiCoiitinetuial GORcsid&ntial Writer Suppir"(Shand t," 18 GROUT • - ' ' . - .. LFRON• 70 MATERIAL -I'.EMPIACEMENT METHOD S,4110UNT t]liiil�tfio»,. ., _ 0 .ft': 12 (1;',- Portland I Pour ' Not WaterSupply.WctL; • .J..:fpiiitoring. Glitccoccly,; Injection Wcllds . . . flX fl• OAqutf.r•Rech•trgc OGronndtt�itcr R imdi t ton' 19:SAND/C RASLL I ACK hr attiiluabtal' • - • .F1tOM i1O ' •• -1.N,t1'EHI,41. IMPlA(I,tIi'.r Mt TROD 1 DAgnikit'&origcitidReosct}+: fSftlrnitj 13imer ! 14 ft.: 31 ft..' Sand 2 DAquifer 1'cst G1Stomiis ttcr1)t•tini c. ! . '(1... ft. Dlsa'p nntcnial TC.hnOtO, fSuhsidcnmc Coi trol- a2D DRiLL11\G1OG(attach,additional irieets ifnecessanf'• : _ . - . G' DotlICtlnll'(C105edIc i))',. DTCacet: ".FROM 70. •j DESCRIPTION Rohr;Larilnoc.,ui tiwkl.ik:,.rnn'aic.Ncl• • OGeotlierinaI(RtatinerGool ug:Riautn).• ❑O her{e pI iiu tindef.11lt,Reniarhs). -0 f!.' '10 IL', redbrown'silt • • ' ' '10 •,ft:_. 20 ft,. ;light brown silt ' 4 Date W4t1(9)Coolilkled:':10/22/24 ' .. ... . .. .. -1 20 f1 31 fi: saprolite 5a.\Ud1•Lticittione _In,' Yt. m Freedom Drive Dream Center Project ft... , ft. ' Zf�q FaeTlity;O"cn r",l ait�e,. FactLtr 7Dk{iFapN,iablci: - , ��U'V-'1 ' U'L'4� . 5612 Freedom Dr., Charlotte, NC, .28214 , ,'ft..; fi• ).--,-of;,^0 : ':..E Phsse art•Addrsa Ciit indZtii:, ....MARKti" , . '' r w', Mecklenburg ' bentonite•seal. from 12=14'..• - -' - • • ' • Ckttitil?`.. - 1'ar'cc1,J:ritift611&n Nc..'(P!r'), 51C I itttudc and LonJ itude in ilcgmcs/m nutcc/ieCondS of decimal tic iircic 22•Ccrtdkati ine. (1l inn fiftLi i:17lnong.i-411 ick;ru) . . . ' ,• . . . N V 10/22/2024 P�. Signiiiir-ofCenif>rd'Wc1tContratof., - D1,c- 6:is(are)the ttell(s)::XlPenii Incas• "-:oft :DTeritporar ... H, sry,,iint thtxioim /Ircrcbr a rr.ti That!hr nrl''.il.sirs(i;ric)Loriginiled in«ekyn.diince t i Ii 1;trt 1CAC 0'C OIO0 ar.I r t NCAC(2C 4'O911ktt Ciitsic'ctlwi 5ia'sfiratc a'idu sa!<, 7:U this a rcitair to an cantinii-,4i 11 : D\'es sir lQNo,%' u a a/tiitr,'cc till m I,.n prism ided t df a'1 ruin r, i Jtkfs u e it'n,tlr fill emit k»ann iitll cy'u1nu tan br/vrrnot'nn bast iuplaln put)niri( i ft1,e_ ,.: reli.iirrn.1.n611r.m¢ra:4./rcnor.r'.inthefireknl'ih.ajnriti.. $3 Sllldldj.18p10rAddltlOntlllftl)dCG1rI'ir ,.,. , Vba-ui"it use the b.'tek of;tins page to prosideaddtuonll welt°si. details or•`,,weil 8,Iiuutbet'of wells constructed: 1 •conshuetoi►delads Son hint also.att'ich additional n (N ) pagi saf4weessary. Fornnlnpe frJrlo ornirate r siipplr ifluOILY Ll d airtcgnshucllo it ccu nm - % •• CI1f11►11TT;1 f:INCiITCT1ONC.trvurrjoi:{: !'T,ot tl weli:depth 1►e(ow*.(4i,la«:• 31 (it.)` 24a..Far All'Wells S tbnut this form withal ttl ili»i of i,oinplction bf will Fo` n(ltiple iy41 ii:ird1 ltpths ,e.enitnictton(0Oit folla% na;: iu Ytte watt ksd below top'ofeasiiiiiv: - (f u S .00., Dn'ision of V,...i. Rcsource,Information l'tnuc%ini;'linit,' ifi,'u t r let,!l rbot�.(viral„ns'e"4"' - 1617 Mail Scr�ice Center,;Raleigh VC=27699=1617-. IUI 8•25" 24b • 0 ini ti w 1•. i 1:1,:Elmchnlddiatactcr: (tu:�) F T cS QO G lc ONLY ;bi•tddrtitan to sendrn�(la fowl to tit addr�in 'ibos a also;suborn a%cops bf tins butt w itlun 4 d'i s of completion of well' 24a I2,:Neff`colistrtiction'tllethod:"BSA IOlnUlielidtt.to the fdllotliin..':. , ' " (tc,rau"r star) .able direst posh ctoi), . ... . 3,fis i`ion ofVatcr Rccources Underground lu eetton Control Ptiograni, FOR\VATER SL3PPL\WELLS ONLY: ,1636 Mail Sei ice Cenfcr.'Raluth_NC.27699=1636 I3`t t idd \7cthod id'test lie For\Vater Siglplt.te lfnttttuin\\cites • u'h►m) • Also submit one cops•of this form Isulnit.1b da)s"ofcoinplelr000f: 13ii Dianfuctiun bin. .. .. Amount.a ct :t ctc nll,construction to tlie'counts hc:iltli dcp;tnitrpf olf the.Coiin l%w acre• 51 ::d.. i Farts f).* ,i -,19 lh C Colin Urpannucni of I:ai uonso Sanwa!tti,<sie and Sanwa! arces Unviiinn of WnterR..7.-pq , Rc+rscd 3trgust_Nrl