HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06765_Well Construction - GW1_20241114 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fur internal UseONLY: This comical]be used rut single or rnnitipk walls 1.Well Contractor Information: ;ta:WATER ZONES 1 Scott Hunt FROM TO pFSf,'RCRt1nN Well Contractor Name ft. ft. ft. ft. 4561A NC Well Contractor Ccnificativa Nwtllcr 15.OUTER CASING tfor`IntiiI14thkd WOO OR LINER fif hp`flcabkl , FROM I TO• DIAMETER TPoiMNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO 0 ft S 117 in, •6 ' in. SCH 40 PVC (:nnvi utt.Elam tG.INNER"CASING OR TIMING( ersthenriti elaed-IunLa,(�` FROM TO DIAMETER TRIMNESS MATERIAL 2,Welt Consttucttmr Permit n: 70003178 ft. ft, het - Litt all applicobre we'll lit-nulls(Le..County.State,Variance,IrjteLtiCel etc..) rt. ft, in. 3.Welt Use(cheek well use): t1_SCREEN Water Supply Well:. FROM i TO atAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS I MATERIAL DAgricultural bMunicipaL�'Public ft ft. in. I I OGeotbel(HeatingiCooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) ft. ft. In, nna DludustrialVConmtcreial °Residential Water Supply(sikttcd) lfli FROM GROUT TO 11h.TERrAL ] EMPLACEMENT SiEiiIOD S AMOUNT ❑irripatiun 0 ft. 117 it PORTLAND I TREMIE Non-Water Supply Well: , ft. ft. I81Monitoring DRecovery• , injection Well: D. ft. °Aquifer Recharge DGroundwaterRemcdiation 49.SAND/GIAVILL'PACKfifhigilicabk!' - . . • Fit(M to 1LCrnRI'AL EMPLACEMENTMET.I1011 f7Agurfcr Stortgc;tnd Recovery' i7Satinity Elarlicr R. ft, ❑AquiferTcst ❑Siormwatcr Drainage . ft. ft. ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control '1(lDRILLINC'LOG faltach add Mold sheds if nccc sars-1 DGeotlieiival(Closed Loopy ❑Tracer FROM TO DF.sCRtl'7ON(color.Isrnrnc+t.rarr4Mn:k,r ix.Itrain sin.tit., • ❑Geotlteimal(HeatinteCooliug.Retain) DOther(explain under A21 Retumks) . 0 ft, 20 it RED SILT 20' ft, ' 75 . • rt, GREEN SAPROLITE 4,Dote Well:(s)Completed: 6-12-2024 .Well iDff101-16BR 75 ft. 90 fl. PWR into: ' i>.� ' - .,..,i So.Well Linea t 90 It, 155 ft, ROCK, 5 N. r -'m_r. +�,A. ,r`�,? McGuire Nuclear Station rt. ft, NOV 2024 FacilayiOu'ncrNaih- Facility iD,i!(ifappliable) R. ft. 13225 McGuire Nuclear Station Rd. , HUNTERSVILLE, NC, 1 R,. !t. il, - r Ds1 28078 PItvsicauA4clrcnF.City..-and..Zip 21ItERLl RKS d I✓:� . =. MECKLENBURG Open hole from 117-155• County Parecl tdmdil'icadgri Net.(PIN I • I Sh..Lntialde nod L.ougitoile in,dcgreesinditutits,siesonds or dccibikt degrees; 21,Cciofieiitintt: . (lfueII rtohl,.li e:lattloug in'sidflcieiil) N W _ n,VP.-,1 r' 6/18/2024 SigeNtz ,Cal' ti',^i 54';71-Cantnctar Date. .6.Ls(arc)the wcll(s):.1tIPetw:mettt or 11Tempornry 'a stp orb tdris fruit,1 nort:..y wilily that the weilfsl tam 1.14•rm.J cmrrtrueted lit rrcrorrltrnce tilt,) f5A.NCAC 02C.0100 or f 5A NC,IC'02C.0.2200lot cl!Coirstraadtin Sramiards am(rim cr 7.Lsthinsii repair toanc.i`tingwel(: OWN ter EN* i' -yofdiirretoolbiis•du'rrotiniridedtrrtbr.uhddnn'trer, if rblsas a r'p+.tdr,Jilt er'r knr,riw reel!consrructr'na Iitfarrdurticrt malt rupladn ilk-Ain-me of the irda:ir roekr a2i roniuriw.secican arrm the bail.:ofthLe•farts. 23.Site tllagranfor additie mil Weil details: You ittap We the back of this page to provide additional well site.details or well S:. itutlit.r of wells'eon tenttetl:1 consttuLtiOlriletaiis. You rnai'alp titta.h additional pageS if necessity. For ntairdplc Jnfeerhnl.nr arrt-uefer,utoplr wed!;OS1.1'n'Jrtt rhn'.Ettirae eousrr•tterlou,ynarrura - siti„iir.naie form SUBMITTAL INSTUC`l TONS.. 9.Total well depth below land.'surface: 155 at.) 24a, Far AU Wells; -Submit this t'unt7 within 30 nit'days of eompletinu well Furinnl:4Ie i I!n-ilstRr1rkprksd1'di i,rest!to.rimi,lc- 4'200'c1Od?ra_�.100't - 'constmclitin(oittc.tollowia4: 10.Static Asatee level below lop ofcasint;: 24 (ff.) Ilhtslun of Water.Rcvotirees;Information Processing Unit. If nwtrr dt'trd is rrlydvr cue(n, LLte"4." 1617Mail Sirvice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I617 IL 13arehote diameter:12.25/6 tiri) 2-b,For Injection Welk ONLYo .in addition to sending the fonts to the address in 2410aMbve, also submit a.i opv of this fond within 30 days.of chmpleth ii of well 12.Well construction method: HSA/Air Rotary coustmctton Lathe followiirg: i - (tc.auger.rotary,cable dire i push clef i . 'D[visiou of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Pragratu, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Canter.Ritleigh,NC 27699-1636 [art,Yield(glum) Method of test: 2$e.For Water Supply&Injection Welts; Also subunit one cop of this.faint'icithin.30 days'of completion of I3h.lyisinfcctian type:. Amount',_ sell cnnstroctien to the comity health department rif the county ii•county constructed. i , Fona GALL Noah Carolina Dep unuettl.of Eoe inetnucra and Natural Resources-Dit:i;tonof Water FtmottcM Revised August NI