HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120288 Ver 6_USACE Permit_20241118DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 November 18, 2024 Regulatory Division Action ID: SAW-2012-00040 Village of Bald Head Island Shoreline Stabilization Project Department of the Army Permit Modification Sent by email: cmccall@villagebhi.org Village of Bald Head Island Attn: Mr. Chris McCall Post Office Box 3009 Bald Head Island, North Carolina 28461-7000 Dear Mr. McCall: Please note: For purposes of containing all of the Village’s modification requests under one single and complete action, this authorization supersedes the initial March 19, 2024 permit modification. Please reference the August 26, 2024 permit modification request made on behalf of the Village of Bald Head Island (Village) to obtain authorization to increase placement of an additional 200,000 cubic yards (CY) of dredged material within the footprint of the project area. In combining these requests and the March 19, 2024 permit modification, this final modification authorizes the following one-time event occurring only during the 2024-2025 dredge season on Bald Head Island in Brunswick County, North Carolina: (1) dredging of 72.8-acre Jay Bird Shoals (JBS) borrow expansion area; (2) placement of material along 6,000 lf of beach at the easternmost point of South Beach, not previously permitted; and (3) dredging and placement of an additional 200,000 cubic yards (CY) of dredged material. Dredging is to occur using a hydraulic cutter suction dredge only, and material is to be pumped to the beach by pipeline and booster pumps (if needed). This current authorization is a modification to the November 19, 2014 issued DA permit for the construction of a terminal groin and other associated work of which the expiration date has been recently extended to December 31, 2034. It has been determined that the proposed project modifications described above are not contrary to the public interest and therefore, the DA permit is hereby modified. This permit modification authorizes a one-time beach nourishment activity that must be complete within the November 16, 2024 – March 31, 2025 timeframe. It is understood that all conditions of the original permit, with exception of those relating directly to the -2- construction of the terminal groin, remain applicable. Please note that additional permit conditions have been added (see Special Conditions, Attachment B). New Special Conditions are as follows: 1.No more than 72.8 acres of the Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area shall be dredged and dredging shall not exceed a depth of -22 +2 ft NGVD29. Material removed from Jay Bird Shoals shall not exceed 1.2 million CY. 2.All established cultural resources exclusion zones and the newly recommended exclusion zone identified in the attached plans, must be maintained. 3.The pipeline crossing for the hydraulic pipeline dredge shall not interfere with navigation through the federal navigation channel and shall be placed and/or buried at a depth greater than -44 feet. 4.Prior to mobilization, dredge activity and pipeline route shall be coordinated through the USACE Navigation Department so not to conflict with the FY2024-25 Wilmington Harbor Inner Ocean Bar channel maintenance contract. 5.Prior to mobilization of any equipment to the beach, the permittee shall coordinate the placement of all dredge pipelines with the Corps, the USFWS, and the WRC. 6.All work authorized by this permit modification must be performed in strict compliance with the attached plans, which are part of the permit (Attachment A). Placement of fill material shall be limited to Stations 52 +64 – 130+00 and 162+00 – 222+00. 7.Activities associated with dredging and placement of material under purview of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are covered under the 2017 North Carolina State Programmatic Biological Opinion (SPBO). Reasonable and Prudent Measures and Terms and Conditions associated with the -3- BO can be found in Attachment C. The complete BO with amendments can be available upon request. 8.Activities associated with dredging and placement of material under purview of the National Marine Fisheries Service, Protective Resource Division are covered under the March 2020 South Atlantic Biological Opinion (SARBO) with the implementation of associated Project Design Criteria (PDC). Specific PDCs can be found in Attachment D. The complete SARBO is available at: https://dqm.usace.army.mil/odess/#/technicalInfo 9.Dredging operations involving hydraulic cutter dredge plants must follow the protocols outlined in the Dredge Plant Conditions disclosed in Attachment E. 10. Dredging, dredged sediment placement, and monitoring of the dredging projects using the Dredging Quality Management (DQM) system shall be implemented for this permit when the project activity is using dredging equipment. The permittee’s DQM system must have been certified by the National DQM Support Center (DQM Center) within one calendar year prior to the initiation of the dredging/discharge/placement of sediments. The permittee is responsible for ensuring that the DQM system is operational throughout the dredging and discharge/placement of sediments, and that the project data is submitted to the DQM Center in accordance with the specifications provided at the DQM website. Questions regarding codification and/or additional information about L3QM program should be addressed to the DQM Center at (877) 840-8024 and/or https://dqm.usace.army.mil 11. In order to protect the endangered West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) the Permittee shall implement the USFWS’ Manatee Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at https://www.fws.gov/media/2017-manatee- guidelines-north-carolina. 12. The N.C. Division of Water Resources has issued approval of an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification No. WQC004002 (DWR #20120288v6) , dated October 31, 2024. The Division of Coastal -4- Management has issued CAMA Minor modification #91-14 dated November 14, 2024. Both are incorporated as part of the DA permit. This verification is only valid for a one-time maintenance event and expires December 31, 2025. Should you have any questions, please contact me in the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office at telephone (910) 251-4635 or email Emily.b.hughes@usace.army.mil. FOR THE DISTRICT COMMANDER Sincerely, Tommy Fennel Chief, Regulatory Division Enclosures: Attachment A: Permit Plans Attachment B: Special Conditions Attachment C: USFWS 2017 SPBO Terms and Conditions Attachment D: NMFS 2020 SARBO PDCs Attachment E: Dredge Conditions and Forms Copies furnished (via email): Heather Coats, N.C. Division of Coastal Management Todd Bowers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Kathy Matthews, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Maria Dunn, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Michael Meilinger, N.C. Division of Water Resources Anne Deaton, National Marine Fisheries Service Christian Preziosi, Davey Resource Group, Inc. Erik Olsen, Foth Infrastructure and Environment Steve Stone, Brunswick County Manager ATTACHMENT A BALD HEAD ISLAND DREDGING AND PLACEMENT PLANS SCALE 0 5,000 10,000 FT BALD HEAD ISLAND OAK IS L A N D FOR M E R C H A N N E L A L I G N M E N T NA V I G A T I O N C H A N N E L ATLANTIC OCEAN BALD HEAD ISLAND ATLANTIC OCEAN CAPE FEAR CAPE FEAR RIVER ENTRANCE NORTH CAROLINA FR Y I N G P A N S H O A L S A.I.W.W. of DATE APPROVED REVISION of DATE APPROVED REVISION of1 WAH DRAWN BY: SHEET VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION DATE APPROVED REVISION NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION associates, inc. olsen 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 9 4/13/2023 DATE: SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA SAND PLACEMENT AREAS SAND PLACEMENT AREAS JAY BIRD SHOALS BORROW SITE PROPOSED EXPANSION AREA ONSLOW BAY 18+ 0 0 20+ 0 0 22+ 0 0 24+ 0 0 26+ 0 0 28+ 0 0 30 + 0 0 32 + 0 0 34+00 36+00 38+00 40+00 42+0 0 44 + 0 0 4 6 + 0 0 4 8 + 0 0 50 + 0 0 5 2 + 0 0 5 4 + 0 0 5 6 + 0 0 5 8 + 0 0 6 0 + 0 0 6 2 + 0 0 6 4 + 0 0 6 6 + 0 0 6 8 + 0 0 7 0 + 0 0 7 2 + 0 0 7 4 + 0 0 7 6 + 0 0 7 8 + 0 0 8 0 + 0 0 8 2 + 0 0 8 4 + 0 0 86+ 0 0 88+ 0 0 90+ 0 0 92+ 0 0 102+ 0 0 104+ 0 0 106+ 0 0 108+ 0 0 110+ 0 0 112+ 0 0 114+ 0 0 116+ 0 0 118+ 0 0 120+ 0 0 122+ 0 0 124+ 0 0 126+ 0 0 128+ 0 0 130+ 0 0 132+ 0 0 134+ 0 0 136+ 0 0 138+ 0 0 140+ 0 0 142+ 0 0 144+ 0 0 146+ 0 0 148+ 0 0 150+ 0 0 152+ 0 0 154+ 0 0 156+ 0 0 158 + 0 0 160 + 0 0 162 + 0 0 164 + 0 0 166 + 0 0 168 + 0 0 170 + 0 0 172 + 0 0 174 + 0 0 176 + 0 0 178 + 0 0 180 + 0 0 182 + 0 0 184 + 0 0 186 + 0 0 188 + 0 0 190 + 0 0 192+ 0 0 194 + 0 0 196 + 0 0 198 + 0 0 200 + 0 0 202 + 0 0 204 + 0 0 206 + 0 0 208 + 0 0 210 + 0 0 212 + 0 0 214 + 0 0 216 + 0 0 218 + 0 0 94+ 0 0 96 + 0 0 98+ 0 0 100+ 0 0 0+0 0 2+0 0 4+0 0 6+0 0 8+0 0 10+ 0 0 12+ 0 0 14+ 0 0 16+ 0 0 22 4 + 8 0 23 4 + 8 0 24 4 + 8 0 25 4 + 8 0 26 4 + 8 0 27 4 + 8 0 28 4 + 8 0 -4+ 0 0 -8+ 0 0 -12 + 0 0 EB - 0 1 EB - 0 2 EB - 0 3 EB - 0 4 EB - 0 5 EB - 0 6 EB - 0 7 222 + 0 0 162 + 0 0 130 + 0 0 5 2 + 6 4 THEPOINT 220 + 0 0 DATE APPROVED REVISION NOTES: 1.) PROJECT BASELINE UTILIZED FOR BEACH MONITORING AND FEDERAL BEACH DISPOSAL PROJECT CONSTRUCTION BY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, USACE. 2.) LIMITS OF FILL SUBJECT TO REDUCTION BASED UPON CONDITIONS AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 3.) FINAL FILL VOLUMES PLACED IN EACH BEACH SEGMENT MAY VARY. associates, inc. olsen 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 0 1,000 2,000 FT SCALE OCTOBER 2022 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH ofofof2 WAH SHEET VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT PROJECT BASELINE & LIMITS OF BEACH FILL 9 4/13/2023 LIMITS OF 0.5 MCY BEACH FILL (STA 52+64 TO 130+00)LOCATION OF TERMINAL GROIN (CONSTRUCTED 2015) THE POINT EAST BEACH CAPE FEAR SO U T H B E A C H WEST BEACH LIMITS OF 0.5 MCY BEACH FILL (STA 162+00 TO 222+00) 10/23/2024 EJO 1 4 8 + 0 0 5 0 + 0 0 5 2 + 0 0 5 4 + 0 0 5 6 + 0 0 5 8 + 0 0 6 0 + 0 0 6 2 + 0 0 6 4 + 0 0 6 6 + 0 0 6 8 + 0 0 7 0 + 0 0 7 2 + 0 0 7 4 + 0 0 7 6 + 0 0 7 8 + 0 0 8 0 + 0 0 8 2 + 0 0 8 4 + 0 0 86 + 0 0 88 + 0 0 90 + 0 0 92 + 0 0 102+ 0 0 104+ 0 0 106+ 0 0 108+ 0 0 110+ 0 0 112+ 0 0 114+ 0 0 116+ 0 0 118 + 0 0 120+ 0 0 122+ 0 0 124+ 0 0 94 + 0 0 96 + 0 0 98 + 0 0 100 + 0 0 SEE N O T E 2 L I M I T O F F I L L S T A 5 2 + 6 4 DATE APPROVED REVISION NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION associates, inc. olsen 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 0 400 800 FT SCALE OCTOBER 2022 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH ofofof3 WAH SHEET VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT BEACH FILL WESTERN SOUTH BEACH 9 4/13/2023 APPROXIMATE TOE OF FILL (ELEVATION VARIES) BEACH FILL (PLACEMENT DENSITY VARIES) APPROXIMATE LANDWARD EDGE OF BERM (+9.0 ft-NGVD) APPROXIMATE SEAWARD EDGE OF BERM (+8.5 ft-NGVD) BERM SLOPE VARIES 1V:15H SLOPE PROJECT BASELINE NOTES: 1.THE FILL LAYOUT IN THESE DRAWINGS IS BASED UPON A NOVEMBER 2022 SURVEY. FILL TO BE ADJUSTED BY THE ENGINEER BASED UPON THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION SURVEY. 2.EASTERNMOST LIMIT OF FILL MAY EXTEND TO STA 130+00 BASED UPON RESULTS OF PRE-CONSTRUCTION SURVEY. FILL EXTENDS THROUGHOUT LIMITS OF 13 SAND TUBE GROINFIELD 10/23/2024 EJO 1 15 H : 1 V BE A C H F I L L DI S T A N C E V A R I E S EDGE OF BERM LI M I T O F P R O J E C T E A S E M E N T EX I S T I N G B E A C H PR O F I L E ( T Y P ) EX I S T I N G D U N E (V A R I E S ) AS S U M E D F I L L T E M P L A T E S L O P E DU R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N +8 . 5 ' N G V D MH W ( 2 . 5 ' N G V D ) SL O P E I N T E R C E P T OF F I L L T O E AT L A N T I C O C E A N LI M I T O F W O R K TY P I C A L S E C T I O N -1 2 T O - 1 5 F T N G V D ( T Y P ) AV E R A G E B E A C H F I L L D E N S I T Y AP P R O X . 1 0 0 C Y / F T ( V A R I E S ) +9 . 0 ' N G V D SL O P E V A R I E S DATE APPROVED REVISION associates, inc. olsen 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 ofofof5 WAH SHEET VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT BEACH FILL TYPICAL SECTIONS 9 4/13/2023 NO T E : FI L L D E N S I T Y T O V A R Y S P A T I A L L Y DE P E N D I N G O N C O N D I T I O N O F BE A C H A T T I M E O F CO N S T R U C T I O N . VE R T I C A L D A T U M : N G V D 2 9 LO C A L T I D A L D A T U M S ( F T - N A V D ) MH H W + 2 . 8 MH W + 2 . 5 NA V D + 1 . 1 NG V D ( 2 9 ) 0 . 0 ML W - 1 . 8 ML L W - 2 . 0 2, 2 9 2 , 0 0 0 E 2, 2 9 6 , 0 0 0 E 2, 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 E 48,000 N 44,000 N 40,000 N 36,000 N DATE APPROVED REVISION associates, inc. olsen 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 ofofof6 WAH SHEET VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT JAY BIRD SHOALS BORROW SITE 9 4/13/2023 0 800 1,600 FT SCALE BALD HEAD ISLAND Cap e F e a r R i v e r May 2022 Survey October 2022 Photography Proposed Borrow Site Expansion Area 72.8 acres (Yellow) Permitted Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Site Limits 225.6 acres (Purple) Previously Dredged Federal Navigation Channel ATTACHMENT B MODIFIED PERMIT SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACTION ID SAW-2012-00040 MODIFIED PERMIT SPECIAL CONDITIONS This Permit Modification authorizes impacts associated with the one-time dredging of Jay Bird Shoals 72.8 acre expansion area and beach nourishment along South Beach, stations 52+64 to 130+00, and 162+00 to 222+00. In accordance with 33 U.S.C. 1341(d), all conditions of the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management CAMA Permit 91-14, dated November 14, 2024, and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources 401 Water Quality Certification, dated October 31, 2024, are incorporated as part of the Department of the Army permit. Therefore, they are not listed as special conditions. 1. All work authorized by this permit must be performed in strict compliance with the attached plans, which are a part of this permit. Any modification to these plans must be approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) prior to implementation. 2. Dredging activities authorized by this permit shall not in any way interfere with those operations of the USACE Civil Works dredging and navigation projects. Specifically, there shall not be any interference with the USACE maintenance of the Cape Fear River associated with the Wilmington Harbor Inner Ocean Bar project. 3. The permittee shall require its contractors and/or agents to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit in the construction and maintenance of this project, and shall provide each of its contractors and/or agents associated with the construction or maintenance of this project with a copy of this permit. A copy of this permit, including all conditions, shall be available at the project site during construction and maintenance of this project. 4. Except as authorized by this permit or any USACE approved modification to this permit, no excavation, dredging or fill activities shall take place at any time in the construction or maintenance of this project, within waters or wetlands. This permit does not authorize temporary placement or double handling of dredged material excavated or material within waters of the United States outside of the permitted fill sites. 5. Except as authorized by this permit or any USACE approved modification to this permit, no excavation, dredging or fill shall take place at any time in the construction or maintenance of this project, in such a manner as to impair normal flows and circulation patterns within waters or wetlands or to reduce the reach of waters or wetlands. 6. All mechanized equipment will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. In the event of a spill of petroleum products or any other hazardous waste, the permittee shall immediately report it to the N.C. Division of Water Resources at (919) 733-5083, Ext. 526 or (800) 662-7956 and provisions of the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act will be followed. 7. The permittee shall advise the Wilmington District, Regulatory Division in writing prior to beginning the work authorized by this permit. The contractors name, phone number, and address, including any inspectors contact name and phone number must be provided to the Wilmington District prior to any work. 8. The permittee shall employ all sedimentation and erosion control measures necessary to prevent an increase in sedimentation or turbidity within waters and wetlands outside the permit area. Additionally, the project must remain in full compliance with all aspects of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4). 9. Violations of these permit conditions or violations of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act must be reported in writing to the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, Attn: Ms. Emily Hughes Wilmington District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 69 Darlington Ave., Wilmington, NC 28403, Emily.b.hughes@usace.army.mil, (910) 251-4635 within 24 hours of the permittee’s discovery of the violation. 10. The permittee, upon receipt of a notice of revocation of this permit or upon its expiration before completion of the work will, without expense to the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct, restore the water or wetland to its pre-project condition. 11. All material used for the beach nourishment must be beach compatible, clean, free of debris and clay, and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. The permittee shall ensure that an inspector is present during all beach placement activities and immediately reports to the Corps should any potentially incompatible material be placed on the beach. During dredging operations, material placed on the beach shall be inspected daily to ensure compatibility. During dredging operations, a sediment analysis of the material placed on the beach, including shell content (calcium carbonate) percentage shall be submitted to the Wilmington District, Regulatory Division, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, Attn: Ms. Emily Hughes, on a WEEKLY basis until completion of the project. If during the sampling process non-beach compatible material is or has been placed on the beach all work shall stop immediately and the Corps notified by the permittee and/or its contractors to determine the appropriate plan of action. 12. A representative of the Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division will periodically and randomly inspect the work for compliance with these conditions. Deviations from these procedures may result in cessation of work until the problem is resolved to the satisfaction of the Corps. No claim, legal action in equity or for damages, adjustment, or other entitlement shall be asserted against the United States on account of any such required cessation or related action, by the permittee, its agents, contractors, or other representatives. 13. The permittee shall provide written notification of project completion immediately upon completion of the work authorized by this permit. 14. This Department of the Army permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State or local authorizations required by law. 15. The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal, relocation, or alteration. 16. The authorized project must not interfere with the public’s right to free navigation on all navigable waters of the United States. No attempt will be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work for reason other than safety. 17. The permittee will comply with all U.S. Coast Guard regulations for dredging operations. The permittee will contact U.S. Coast Guard, District 5 Waterways at (252) 247-4525 at least 30 days prior to construction. Contact with the U.S. Coast Guard will initiate the Local Notice for Mariners procedures to ensure all safety precautions for aids to navigation are implemented. The permittee will notify our office when this coordination with the U.S. Coast Guard has been commenced and updates will be provided to our office. 18. The permittee must install and maintain, at his expense, any signal lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulations or otherwise, on authorized facilities. For further information, the permittee should contact the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office at (910) 772-2200. 19. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for: a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future Federal activities initiated on behalf of the general public. c. Damages to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the authorized activity. d. Design and construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES 20. Statewide Programmatic Biological Opinion (SPBO): The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) August 28, 2017, North Carolina Statewide Programmatic Biological Opinion (SPBO) contains mandatory Reasonable and Prudent Measures and Terms and Conditions that are associated with “incidental take” for beach placement activities. Your authorization under this Department of the Army permit is conditional upon your compliance with all the mandatory reasonable and prudent measures and terms and conditions associated with incidental take of the SPBO, which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference in this permit. Failure to comply with these SPBO reasonable and prudent measures and terms and conditions, where a take of the listed species occurs, would constitute an unauthorized take, and it would also constitute non-compliance with your permit. The USFWS is the appropriate authority to determine compliance with the reasonable and prudent measures and terms and conditions of its SPBO, and with the Endangered Species Act. The SPBO can be accessed at https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/pdfs/spbo.pdf. 21. Buoy Lines (Dredging Operations): In order to minimize potential impacts to federally-listed sea turtle species, in-water lines (rope, chain, and cable, including the lines to secure turbidity curtains) must be stiff, taut, and non-looping. Examples of such lines are heavy metal chains or heavy cables that do not readily loop and tangle. Flexible in-water lines, such as nylon rope or any lines that could loop or tangle, must be enclosed in a plastic or rubber sleeve/tube to add rigidity and prevent the line from looping and tangling. In all instances, no excess line is allowed in the water. 22. West Indian Manatee Protection: In order to protect the endangered West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) the Permittee shall implement the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Manatee Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at https://www.fws.gov/media/2017-manatee-guidelines-north-carolina. 23. Dune Planting Conditions: Dune planting will not be associated with this project and is not authorized under this permit modification. 24. Essential Fish Habitat Conservation Recommendations: The applicant shall monitor the permitted dredged area to evaluate sediment accumulation rates within Jay Bird Shoals. The applicant shall survey the dredged area within Jay Bird Shoals, including all areas located 500 feet outside of the dredged area, for a period of three years after dredging. The applicant shall provide the first survey of the authorized Jay Bird Shoals dredged area to the Corps within 30 days upon completion of all dredging. The monitoring shall continue for a minimum of 3 years. The applicant will provide these monitoring reports, including survey data and a report summarizing volume change, to the Corps by December 31 st of each year. 25. Cultural Resources: If submerged cultural resources are encountered during the operation, the District Engineer will be immediately notified so that coordination can be initiated with the Underwater Archeology Unit (UAU) of the Department of Cultural Resources. In emergency situations, the permittee should immediately contact Mr. Nathan Henry at (910-458-9042), Fort Fisher, so that a full assessment of the artifacts can be made. SECTION 408 CONDITIONS 26. This permission only authorizes you, the requester, to undertake the activity described herein under the authority provided in Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, as amended (33 USC 408). This permission does not obviate the need to obtain other federal, state, or local authorizations required by law. This permission does not grant any prope1ty rights or exclusive privileges, and you must have appropriate real estate instruments in place prior to construction and/or installation. 27. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31, 2025. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 28. Withough prior written approval of the USACE, you must neither transfer nor assign this Permission nor sublet the premises or any part thereof, nor grant any interest, privilege or License whatsoever in connection with this permission. Failure to comply with this condition will constitute noncompliance for which the permission may be revoked immediately by USACE. 29.The requester understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or an authorized representative, said work will cause unreasonable conditions and/or obstruction of USACE project authorized design, the requester wi ll be required upon due notice from the USACE, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim can be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. 30.Indemnification and Hold Harmless: The United States will in no case be liable for: a.any damage or injury to the structures or work authorized by this permission that may be caused or result from future operations undertaken by the United States, and no claim or right to compensation will accrue from any damage; or b.damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permission. c.The United States will not be responsible for damages or injuries which may arise from or be incident to the construction, maintenance, and use of the proj ect requested by you, nor for damages to the property or injuries to your officers, agents, servants, or employees, or others who may be on your premises or project work areas or the federal project(s) rights- of-way. By accepting this permission, you hereby agree to fully defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the United States and USACE from any and all such claims, subject to any limitations in law. d.Any damage to the water resources development project or other portions of any federal project(s) resulting from your activities must be repaired at your expense. REPORTING 31. All reports and written notifications required by these permit conditions, including the CAMA permit conditions, shall be sent to the Corps c/o the following POC and address: Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, Attn: Ms. Emily Hughes, Wilmington District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Ave., Wilmington, NC 28403, Emily.b.hughes@usace.army.mil , (910) 251-4635. MISCELLANEOUS 32.Excavation shall not exceed -22' +2 NAVD29. (Please note correction from NAVD88) 33.The permittee shall continue to adhere to all aspects and requirements outlined in the October 6, 2014 Inlet Management Plan, to include 3-year monitoring of Fort Caswell and Caswell Beach shoreline from Station 120+00 to 20+00. 34.If the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is engaged and agrees that dredging the in JayBird Shoals borrow area is causing unintentional effects on Caswell Beach, the applicant will be responsible for mitigation. Mitigation will consist of sand placement or other form of shoreline stabilization in the affected area(s) of Caswell Beach. The applicant shall notify the Corps any time the TAC is engaged. 35.No more than 72.8 acres of the Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area shall be dredged. No more than 1.2 million CY shall be removed. ATTACHMENT C USFWS STATEWIDE PROGRAMMATIC BIOLOGICAL OPINION REASONABLE AND PRUDENT MEASURES AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS NORTH CAROLINA STATEWIDE PROGRAMMATIC BIOLOGICAL OPINION (SPBO) BEACH SAND PLACEMENT August 28, 2017 INTRODUCTION A biological opinion (BO) is the document that states the opinion of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) as to whether a federal action is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat. This BO addresses piping plover (Charadrius melodus melodus), red knot (Calidris canutus rufa), seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus), and the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), green (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), and Kemp’s ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempii). Designated critical habitat for wintering piping plovers and terrestrial critical habitat for loggerhead sea turtles is also addressed. The BO evaluates the effects of the Action along with those resulting from interrelated and interdependent actions, and from non-federal actions unrelated to the proposed Action (cumulative effects), relative to the status of the species and the status of the critical habitat to arrive at a Service opinion that the proposed action is or isn’t likely to jeopardize species or adversely modify critical habitat. Jeopardize the continued existence of means to engage in an action that reasonably would be expected, directly or indirectly, to reduce appreciably the likelihood of both the survival and recovery of a listed species in the wild by reducing the reproduction, numbers, or distribution of that species (50 CFR §402.02). Destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat means a direct or indirect alteration that appreciably diminishes the value of critical habitat for the conservation of a listed species. Such alterations may include, but are not limited to, those that alter the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of a species or that preclude or significantly delay development of such features (50 CFR §402.02). The entire SPBO can be accessed at http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/pdfs/spbo.pdf . Below are following Reasonable and Pruden Measures and Terms and Conditions of the SPBO: REASONABLE AND PRUDENT MEASURES AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Service believes the following reasonable and prudent measures (RPMs) are necessary and appropriate to minimize take of piping plovers, red knots, seabeach amaranth, and sea turtles in the Action Area for the following sand placement activities: A.Sand placement from beach nourishment activities; and B.Sand placement from navigation channel maintenance. If unable to comply with the RPMs and Terms and Conditions, the Corps, as the regulatory authority or construction agent may: 1. Inform the Service why the RPM or Term and Condition is not reasonable and prudent for the specific project or activity and request exception under the SPBO; or 2.Initiate consultation with the Service for the specific project or activity. The Service may respond by either of the following: 1.Allowing an exception to the Terms and Conditions under the SPBO; or 2.Recommending or accepting initiation of consultation (if initiated by the Corps) for the specific project or activity. REASONABLE AND PRUDENT MEASURES for: A.Projects that include sand placement from beach nourishment activities, primarily for shore protection (these projects are usually larger scaled) shall include the following measures: Post-construction requirements are listed in Reasonable and Prudent Measures A.13, A.16, A.17, A.18, A.19, and A.21. These post-construction requirements may be subject to congressional authorization and the allocation of funds. If the Corps or Permittee cannot fulfill these Reasonable and Prudent Measures, the Corps must reinitiate consultation. RPMs – All Species A.1. Conservation Measures included in the Corps’ Programmatic Biological Assessment (PBA) that address protection of nesting sea turtles, piping plovers, red knots, and seabeach amaranth shall be implemented in the Corps federally authorized project or regulated activity. If an RPM and Term and Condition address the same requirement, the requirements of the RPM and Term and Condition take precedence over the Conservation Measure. A.2. The Corps will notify the Service of the commencement of projects that utilize this SPBO for the purposes of tracking incidental take of all species. A.3. For the life of the project, all sand placement activities above MHW must be conducted within the winter work window (November 16 to April 30). A.4. Prior to sand placement, all derelict material, large amounts of rock, or other debris must be removed from the beach to the maximum extent possible. A.5.During construction, trash and food items shall be disposed of properly either in predator-proof receptacles, or in receptacles that are emptied each night to minimize the potential for attracting predators of piping plovers, red knots, and sea turtles. A.6. Pipeline placement must be coordinated with NCDCM, the Corps, the Service, and the NCWRC. Pipeline placement coordination may be accomplished through the permit application or Corps’ contract processes utilizing appropriate GIS tools. A.7.Access points for construction vehicles should be as close to the project site as possible. Construction vehicle travel down the beach should be limited to the maximum extent possible. A.8.A meeting between representatives of the Permittee or Corps, the Service, NCWRC, and NCDCM, must be held prior to the commencement of work on each project. A.9.The Corps shall facilitate an annual meeting with the Service to assess the effectiveness of the protection and minimization measures outlined in this SPBO. RPMs - Piping Plovers and Red Knots A.10. All personnel involved in the construction or sand placement process along the beach shall be aware of the potential presence of piping plovers and red knots. Before start of work each morning, a visual survey must be conducted in the area of work for that day, to determine if piping plovers and red knots are present. A.11. If project-related activities will potentially adversely affect nesting shorebirds or active nesting habitat, the Corps or Permittee must coordinate with the Service and NCWRC prior to proceeding. If the project is ongoing and shorebirds begin territorial or other nesting behaviors within the project area, then the Corps or Permittee must contact the Service and NCWRC as soon as possible. A.12. If project activities will be conducted in Optimal Piping Plover Areas (defined in Terms and Conditions A.13 and A.14), the Corps or the Permittee shall clearly delineate work areas within the Optimal Piping Plover Area such as pipeline corridors, travel corridors, and access points. Disturbance outside those delineated work areas must be limited to the maximum extent possible, thereby minimizing effects to sandy unvegetated habitat within the project footprint. A.13. If project activities will be conducted in Optimal Piping Plover Areas (defined in Term and ConditionsA.13 and A.14), the Corps, the Permittee, or the local sponsor shall provide the mechanisms necessary to monitor impacts to the piping plovers from the project for two years post-construction. RPMs – Loggerhead, Green, Leatherback, Hawksbill, and Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles A.14. Only beach quality sand suitable for sea turtle nesting, successful incubation, and hatchling emergence (defined in Term and Condition A.18) shall be used for sand placement. A.15. During dredging operations, material placed on the beach shall be qualitatively inspected daily to ensure compatibility. If the inspection process finds that a significant amount of non-beach compatible material is on or has been placed on the beach, all work shall stop immediately and the NCDCM and the Corps will be notified by the Permittee or Corps to determine the appropriate plan of action. A.16. Sea turtle nesting surveys must be conducted within the project area between May 1 and November 15 of each year, for at least two consecutive nesting seasons after completion, if the sand remains on the beach. Acquisition of readily available sea turtle nesting data from qualified sources (volunteer organizations, other agencies, etc.) is acceptable. A.17. Visual surveys for escarpments along the Action Area must be made immediately after completion of sand placement, and within 30 days prior to May 1, for two subsequent years after any construction or sand placement event. A.18. Sand compaction must be qualitatively evaluated at least twice after each sand placement event. Sand compaction must be inspected in the project area immediately after completion of any sand placement event and one time after project completion between October 1 and May 1. A.19. A report describing the fate of observed sea turtle nests and hatchlings and any actions taken, must be submitted to the Service following completion of work for each year when a sand placement activity has occurred. A.20. If a dune system is part of the project design, the placement and design of the dune must be coordinated with the Service. RPMs – Seabeach Amaranth A.21. The Corps Civil Works Program shall continue its annual seabeach amaranth monitoring program. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR: A. Sand placement from beach nourishment activities All conservation measures described in the Corps’ Programmatic Biological Assessment are hereby incorporated by reference as Terms and Conditions within this document pursuant to 50 CFR §402.14(I) with the addition of the following Terms and Conditions. In order to be exempt from the prohibitions of section 9 of the Act, the Corps shall comply with the following Terms and Conditions, which implement the Reasonable and Prudent Measures, described above and outline reporting/monitoring requirements. These terms and conditions are non-discretionary. Post-construction requirements are listed in Terms and Conditions A.13, A.14, A.17, A.18, A.19, A.20, A.22, A.23, A.24, A.25, and A.26. These post-construction requirements may be subject to congressional authorization and the allocation of funds. If the Corps or Permittee cannot fulfill these Terms and Conditions, the Corps must reinitiate consultation. Terms and Conditions – All Species A.1. Conservation Measures included in the Corps’ PBA that address protection of nesting sea turtles, piping plover, red knot, and seabeach amaranth listed on pages 10-11 of the SPBO shall be implemented in the Corps federally authorized project or regulated activity. A.2. The Corps or the Permittee must provide the following information to the Service at least 10 business days prior to the commencement of work: a) Project location (include latitude and longitude coordinates, as well as mile markers, cross streets, or street addresses if available); b) Project description (including linear feet of beach, actual fill template, access points, and borrow areas); and c) Anticipated date of commencement and anticipated duration of construction. A.3. For the life of the permit/project, all sand placement activities above MHW must be conducted within the winter work window (November 16 to April 30), unless a variance is approved after additional consultation with the Service. A.4. Prior to sand placement, all derelict material, large amounts of rock, or other debris must be removed from the beach to the maximum extent possible. If debris removal activities take place during shorebird breeding season (April 1– August 31), the work shall be conducted during daylight hours only. A.5. During construction, trash and food items shall be disposed of properly either in predator-proof receptacles, or in receptacles that are emptied each night to minimize the potential for attracting predators of piping plovers, red knots, and sea turtles. A.6. Pipeline placement must be coordinated with NCDCM, the Corps, the Service, and the NCWRC. This may be accomplished through the permit application or Corps’ contract processes utilizing appropriate GIS tools. A.7. Access points for construction vehicles should be as close to the project site as possible. Construction vehicle travel down the beach should be limited to the maximum extent possible. A.8. A meeting between representatives of the contractor(s), the Corps, the Service, the NCWRC, and NCDCM, must be held prior to the commencement of work. Advance notice (of at least 5 business days) must be provided prior to conducting this meeting. The meeting will provide an opportunity for explanation and/or clarification of the Conservation Measures and Terms and Conditions, and will include the following: a)Staging locations, and storing of equipment, including fuel stations; b)Coordination with the surveyors on required species surveys; c)Pipeline placement; d) Minimization of driving within and around the Action Area; e)Follow up coordination during construction and post construction; f)Direction of the work including progression of sand placement along the beach; g)Plans for compaction monitoring; h)Plans for escarpment surveys and i)Names and qualifications of personnel involved in any required species surveys. A.9. Following the preconstruction meeting, the Corps shall provide the Service with specific anticipated shoreline lengths and anticipated duration of the project, using the form on the following web link: <https://www.fws.gov/northflorida/SeaTurtles/Docs/Corp%20of%20Engineers%20Sea%20Turtle %20Permit%20Information.pdf >. Only the following information should be filled out: Corps permit number, FWS Log Number, Project Location, Construction Activity, Duration of Project, and Actual Take (linear feet of beach). This form shall be emailed to the Service at <seaturtle@fws.gov>. The form should be filled out using information from the permit application or authorization. This form is in addition to the annual report, listed below. A.10. The Corps shall meet with the Service, NCDCM, and NCWRC (and cooperating agencies such as BOEM, as appropriate) annually to discuss the effectiveness of the avoidance measures and additional measures to include for future projects. The agencies will also review the projects utilizing this SPBO the previous year to ensure that the reporting requirements for calculating the extent of take are adequate. This meeting will also explore: a)The possibility of using dredged materials to enhance potential or existing piping plover habitat within and adjacent to the project area; b) Methods for funding beneficial use opportunities for dredged materials that are not least- cost disposal to benefit piping plovers and their habitat; c)The development of shore protection design guidelines that can be utilized during future project planning to protect and/or enhance piping plover habitat; and d) Incorporating artificial lagoons or ephemeral pools into project designs adjacent to inlets where sand placement is proposed. Terms and Conditions – Piping Plovers and Red Knots A.11. All personnel involved in the construction or sand placement process along the beach shall be aware of the potential presence of piping plovers and red knots. Before start of work each morning, a visual survey must be conducted in the area of work for that day, to determine if piping plovers and red knots are present. If shorebirds are present in the work area, careful movement of equipment in the early morning hours should allow those individuals to move out of the area. Construction operations shall be carried out at all times in a manner as to avoid negatively impacting shorebirds and allowing them to exit the area. A.12. If project-related activities will potentially adversely affect nesting shorebirds or active nesting habitat, the Corps or Permittee must coordinate with the Service and NCWRC prior to proceeding. If the project is ongoing and shorebirds begin territorial or other nesting behaviors within the project area, then the Corps or Permittee must contact the Service and NCWRC as soon as possible. A.13. If project activities will be conducted in Optimal Piping Plover Areas, piping plover habitat (sandy unvegetated habitat) within the Optimal Piping Plover Area shall be avoided to the maximum extent practicable when staging equipment, establishing travel corridors, and aligning pipeline. The Corps or the Permittee, to the maximum extent practicable, shall clearly delineate work areas within the Optimal Piping Plover Area such as pipeline corridors, travel corridors, and access points. Disturbance outside those delineated work areas must be limited, thereby minimizing effects to sandy unvegetated habitat. Driving on the beach for construction shall be limited to the minimum necessary within the designated travel corridor. The delineation of work corridors and work areas in authorized project plans will be sufficient to meet this term and condition. Optimal Piping Plover Areas are defined as having documented use by piping plovers, and they include coastal habitat features that function mostly unimpeded. Optimal Piping Plover Areas include: a) Designated piping plover Critical Habitat Units (see Appendix B); b) All Federal, State, and County publicly owned land where coastal processes are allowed to function, mostly unimpeded*, that have any of the following features in the Action Area: i. Located within 1 mile of an inlet; ii. Emergent nearshore sand bars; iii. Washover fans; iv. Emergent soundside and Ocean shoals and sand bars; v. Soundside mudflats, sand flats, and algal flats; or vi. Soundside shorelines. [*Publicly owned land where coastal processes are allowed to function, mostly unimpeded, generally does not include public lands that are solely state-owned water bottoms, street ends, parking lots, piers, beach accesses, heavily-developed or highly-manipulated parks, or shoreline developed for commercial or residential purposes. It generally does include public lands consisting of undeveloped parks, preserves, and other natural undeveloped shoreline and dunes.] A.14. If project related activities will be conducted in Optimal Piping Plover Areas, then the piping plover and red knot survey protocol in Appendix D must be followed. Two full years of post- construction monitoring is required. Optimal Piping Plover Areas include: a) Designated piping plover Critical Habitat Units (see Appendix B); b) All Federal, State, and County publicly owned land where coastal processes are allowed to function, mostly unimpeded*, that have any of the following features in the Action Area: i. Located within 1 mile of an inlet; ii. Emergent nearshore sand bars; iii. Washover fans; iv. Emergent soundside and Ocean shoals and sand bars; v. Soundside mudflats, sand flats, and algal flats; or vi. Soundside shorelines. [*Publicly owned land where coastal processes are allowed to function, mostly unimpeded, generally does not include public lands that are solely state-owned water bottoms, street ends, parking lots, piers, beach accesses, heavily-developed or highly-manipulated parks, or shoreline developed for commercial or residential purposes. It generally does include public lands consisting of undeveloped parks, preserves, and other natural undeveloped shoreline and dunes.] Terms and Conditions – Sea Turtles A.15. Only beach compatible fill shall be placed on the beach or in any associated dune system. Beach compatible fill must be sand that is similar to a native beach in the vicinity of the site that has not been affected by prior sand placement activity. Beach compatible fill must be sand comprised solely of natural sediment and shell material, containing no construction debris, toxic material, large amounts of rock, or other foreign matter. The beach compatible fill must be similar in both color and grain size distribution (sand grain frequency, mean and median grain size and sorting coefficient) to the native material in the Action Area. Beach compatible fill is material that maintains the general character and functionality of the material occurring on the beach and in the adjacent dune and coastal system. In general, fill material that meets the requirements of the most recent version of the North Carolina Technical Standards for Beach Fill (15A NCAC 07H .0312) is considered compatible. A.16. During dredging operations, material placed on the beach shall be qualitatively inspected daily to ensure compatibility. If the inspection process finds that a significant amount of non-beach compatible material is on or has been placed on the beach, all work shall stop immediately, and the NCDCM, Corps, and BOEM (as appropriate) will be notified by the permittee and/or its contractors to determine the appropriate plan of action. Required actions may include immediate removal of material and/or long-term remediation activities. A.17. Daily sea turtle nesting surveys must be conducted within the project area between May 1 and November 15 of each year, for at least two consecutive nesting seasons after completion of sand placement (2 years post-construction monitoring). Acquisition of readily available sea turtle nesting data from qualified sources (volunteer organizations, other agencies, etc.) is acceptable. However, in the event that data from other sources cannot be acquired, the Corps or permittee will be responsible to collect the data. Data collected for each nest should include, at a minimum, the information in the table, below. This information will be provided to the Service in the annual report, and will be used to periodically assess the cumulative effects of these projects on sea turtle nesting and hatchling production and monitor suitability of post construction beaches for nesting. Please see REPORTING REQUIREMENTS, below. A.18. Visual surveys for escarpments along the Action Area must be made immediately after completion of sand placement, and within 30 days prior to May 1, for two subsequent years after any construction or sand placement event. Escarpments that interfere with sea turtle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a distance of 100 feet must be leveled and the beach profile must be reconfigured to minimize scarp formation by the dates listed above. Any escarpment removal must be reported by location. The Service must be contacted immediately if subsequent reformation of escarpments that interfere with sea turtle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a distance of 100 feet occurs during the nesting and hatching season to determine the appropriate action to be taken. If it is determined that escarpment leveling is required during the nesting or hatching season, the Service or NCWRC will provide a brief written authorization within 30 days that describes methods to be used to reduce the likelihood of impacting existing nests. An annual summary of escarpment surveys and actions taken must be submitted to the Service. Parameter Measurement Variable Number of False Crawls Visual Assessment of all false crawls Number/location of false crawls in nourished areas; any interaction of turtles with obstructions, such as sand bags or scarps, should be noted. False Crawl Type Categorization of the stage at which nesting was abandoned Number in each of the following categories: a) Emergence - no digging; b) Preliminary body pit; c) Abandoned egg chamber. Nests Number The number of sea turtle nests in nourished areas should be noted. If possible, the location of all sea turtle nests should be marked on a project map, and approximate distance to scarps or sandbags measured in meters. Any abnormal cavity morphologies should be reported as well as whether turtle touched sandbags or scarps during nest excavation. Nests Lost Nests The number of nests lost to inundation or erosion or the number with lost markers. Nests Relocated nests The number of nests relocated and a map of the relocation area(s). The number of successfully hatched eggs per relocated nest. Lighting Impacts Disoriented sea turtles The number of disoriented hatchlings and adults. A.19. Sand compaction must be qualitatively evaluated at least twice after each sand placement event, once in the project area immediately after completion of any sand placement event and once after project completion between October 1 and May 1. Compaction monitoring and remediation are not required if the placed material no longer remains on the beach. Within 14 days of completion of sand placement and prior to any tilling (if needed), a field meeting shall be held with the Service, NCWRC, and the Corps to inspect the project area for compaction and determine whether tilling is needed. a) If tilling is needed for sand suitability, the area must be tilled to a depth of 36 inches. All tilling activities shall be completed prior to May 1 of any year. b) Tilling must occur landward of the wrack line and avoid all vegetated areas that are 3 square feet or greater, with a 3-foot buffer around all vegetation. c) If tilling occurs during the shorebird nesting season or seabeach amaranth growing season (after April 1), shorebird surveys and/or seabeach amaranth surveys are required prior to tilling. d) A summary of the compaction assessments and the actions taken shall be included in the annual report to NCDCM, the Corps, and the Service. e) These conditions will be evaluated and may be modified if necessary to address and identify sand compaction problems. A.20. A report describing the fate of observed sea turtle nests and hatchlings and any actions taken, must be submitted to the Service following completion of the proposed work for each year when a sand placement activity has occurred. Please see REPORTING REQUIREMENTS, below. A.21. If a dune system is part of the project design, the placement and design of the dune must be coordinated with the Service. Terms and Conditions – Seabeach Amaranth A.22. The Corps Civil Works Program shall continue its annual seabeach amaranth monitoring program in accordance with April 19, 1993 Biological Opinion for various U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ projects and Terms and Conditions A.23 to A.26, below.. A.23. The Corps should survey beach sand placement areas for at least five years following each placement event, to determine the status of the seabeach amaranth populations in the project areas and the effects that beach disposal has on this species. Surveys should be conducted in August or September so that the number of plants reaching reproductive age can be determined. A.24. Suitable habitat along shoreline reaches that have received sand within the previous five years should be surveyed for the occurrence of seabeach amaranth. Documentation for each seabeach amaranth plant should include location (using a handheld GPS unit), unique features, abnormalities, or other relevant information. If multiple plants are observed in an area, a single representative GPS point may be logged with accompanying notes describing total plants associated with that point. A.25. A Corps report describing the seabeach amaranth survey and results should be submitted to Service, the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, and the North Carolina Plant Conservation Program, by December 31 of each year. The report should include a map showing locations of seabeach amaranth populations and the numbers of plants, with separate figures for those in flower or fruit, found in the sand placement areas. A.26. If tilling of the beach is required due to high compaction levels resulting from beach disposal, surveys should be conducted in advance of the tilling for seabeach amaranth (see sea turtle section - Reasonable and Prudent Measures). No tilling should be conducted in the immediate areas where seabeach amaranth plants are growing. ATTACHMENT D NMFS 2020 SARBO PROJECT DESIGN CRITERIA DREDGE.1 Maintenance dredging covered under this Opinion includes the list below, as described in 2.3.1 of the 2020 SARBO. • Maintenance dredging in navigation waterways and channels required to be maintained under Title 33 (Navigation and navigable waters): Maintenance to the dredge template provided in Title 33 or the deeper or wider template provided in the SARBO Biological Assessment (SARBA) Appendix B (provided on the NMFS dredging website at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/content/southeast-dredging) or analyzed in an individual Section 7 consultation, including the defined overdepth and advanced maintenance depth. • Maintenance dredging in navigation channels (not required to be maintained under Title 33): Maintenance to the dredge template provided in in SARBA Appendix B or to the dredge template federally authorized or permitted and previously dredged. The dredging template includes the overdepth and advanced maintenance depth analyzed in a consultation during the evaluation of the previous dredging event. • Maintenance activities should occur at a frequency such that the area is navigable, barring a sudden change from a storm, and that returning the area to the authorized or permitted dredge template does not alter the hydrology of the area. For example, dredging a channel that has not been maintained and gradually returned to the surrounding conditions, is not considered maintenance. • Maintenance dredging in navigation channels other than the main federal channels, such as the secondary channel sections of a braided river that is not part of the main channel, or a channel/canal that connects the main navigation channel to coastal communities and/or coastal neighborhoods. • Maintenance dredging areas other than navigation channels: Maintenance dredging of an area to the previously authorized dredge template, as further specified below. Maintenance dredging in areas other than navigation channels may include: o Maintenance dredging ports and berths along maintained navigation channels including those not owned and operated by a Port Authority. o Maintenance dredging in smaller areas such as public and private marinas, boat ramps, and around docks. • Maintenance of sediment traps: Maintenance of existing sediment traps to the previous dredge template. • Minor channel modifications, realignment, or bend easing: Minor channel modifications considered under this Opinion are limited to minor realignments that follow the naturally shifting deep water channel to the same depth and width as the previously maintained channel or realignment of an existing channel that shifted. Intentional minor realignment (e.g. bend easing) is not covered. PLACE.1 Beneficial use (e.g., beach nourishment, nearshore placement, or muck dredging considered under 2020 SARBO or marsh creation locations analyzed under a separate ESA Section 7 consultation, but filled with material dredged under 2020 SARBO) • Beach nourishment described in Section 2.4.1 2020 SARBO and PDC PLACE.2. • Nearshore placement described in Section 2.4.2 2020 SARBO and PDC PLACE.3. • Beneficial use placement of material where the dredging of the material is covered under this Opinion and placement of material in a specific location was analyzed under an individual Section 7 consultation (e.g., placement of material used in marsh creation). • Beneficial use activities not covered include thin-layer placement (e.g., used for marsh creation or other disposal method), filling of holes to improve water quality, filling of holes or minor depressions to restore the appropriate depth for habitat restoration, or other similar placement activities. PLACE.2 Beach nourishment projects are covered under this Opinion if they meet the conditions listed below and described in Section 2.4.1 of the 2020 SARBO. • Beach nourishment in the locations and defined beach sand placement template described in SARBA Appendix B. • Beach nourishment in areas that has been previously analyzed in a Separate Section 7 consultation, filled, and is being nourished again to the same beach sand placement template. • Placement on the uplands for activities with no intended equilibrium to occur in water (e.g., dune restoration) is outside of the jurisdiction of NMFS. • No beach nourishment projects are covered in the U.S. Caribbean. • New beach nourishment and placement is allowed outside the range of corals (as defined in the Coral PDCs in Appendix C) if it meets the conditions below. For the purposes of this Opinion, new beach placement is defined as placement of sand on an existing beach that has not been previously nourished. o Placement of beach sand outside of Florida will be compatible with the native beach sediment composition to minimize turbidity in the surrounding in-water environment. o New beach placement is allowed if the design profile is similar/consistent to adjacent beaches. This does not include non-traditional beach nourishment designs such as those that protrude and may obstruct species movement along the shore. o All new beach nourishment is limited to placement in areas lacking hardbottom (e.g., worm-rock or other forms of non-coral hardbottom) and seagrasses that may be used as foraging or refuge habitat for ESA-listed species. EDUCATE.1 All personnel associated with this project shall be instructed about the potential presence of species protected under the ESA and MMPA and the appropriate protocols if they are encountered including those in the PSO conditions listed below. EDUCATE.2 All on-site project personnel are responsible for observing water-related activities for the presence of ESA-listed species. EDUCATE.3 All on-site project personnel will be informed of all ESA-listed species that may be present in the area and advised that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing ESA-listed species or marine mammals. EDUCATE.4 All on-site project personnel will be briefed that the disposal of waste materials into the marine environment is prohibited. All crew will attempt to remove and properly dispose of all marine debris discovered during dredging operations, to the maximum extent possible. INWATER.1 All work, including equipment, staging areas, and placement of materials, will be done in a manner that does not block access of ESA-listed species from moving around or past construction. INWATER.2 Equipment will be staged, placed, and moved in areas and ways that minimize effects to species and resources in the area, to the maximum extent possible. Specifically: 1. All vessels will preferentially follow deep-water routes (e.g., marked channels) to avoid potential groundings or damaging bottom resources whenever possible and practicable. 2. Barges, scows, and other similar support equipment will be positioned away from areas with sensitive bottom resources such as non-ESA-listed seagrasses, corals, and hardbottom, to the maximum extent possible. 3. Pipelines will be placed in areas away from bottom resources and of sufficient size or weight to prevent movement or anchored to prevent movement or the pipeline will be floated over sensitive areas. INWATER.3 All work that may generate turbidity will be completed in a way that minimizes the risk of turbidity and sedimentation to non-ESA-listed non-mobile species (e.g., non-ESA- listed corals, sponges, and other natural resources) to the maximum extent practicable. This may include selecting equipment types that minimize turbidity and positioning equipment away or downstream of non-mobile species. INWATER.4 If turbidity curtains are used, barriers will be positioned in a way that does not block species’ entry to or exit from designated critical habitat and does not entrap species within the construction area or block access for them to navigate around the construction area. Project personnel must take measures to monitor for entrapped species in areas contained by turbidity curtains and allow access for them to escape if spotted. INWATER.5 If lines or cables are used (e.g., to mark floating buoys, lines connecting pickup buoy lines, or for turbidity curtains): • In-water lines (rope, chain, and cable) will be stiff, taut, non-looping. Examples of such lines are heavy metal chains or heavy cables that do not readily loop and tangle. Flexible in-water lines, such as nylon rope or any lines that could loop or tangle, will be enclosed in a plastic or rubber sleeve/tube to add rigidity and to prevent the line from looping or tangling. In all instances, no excess line is allowed in the water. • All lines or cables will be immediately removed upon project completion. • All in-water lines and materials will be monitored regularly to ensure nothing has become entangled. • Cables or lines with loops used to move pipelines or buoys will not be left in the water unattended. CUTTER.1 The cutterhead will not be engaged/turned on when not embedded in the sediment, to the maximum extent possible. OBSERVE.1 For generally stationary construction with work contained to a specific project area, such as mechanical dredging equipment: •All personnel working on the project will report ESA-listed species observed in the area to the on-site crew member in charge of operations. •Operations of moving equipment will cease if an ESA-listed species is observed within 150 ft of operations by any personnel working on a project covered under this Opinion (e.g., sea turtles, sturgeon, elasmobranchs [giant manta ray, scalloped hammerhead shark, oceanic white tip shark] or ESA-listed marine mammal). •Activities will not resume until the ESA-listed species has departed the project area of its own volition (e.g., species was observed departing or 20 minutes have passed since the animal was last seen in the area). OBSERVE.2 For a vessel underway, such as a hopper dredge or support vessel, traveling within or between operations must follow speed and distance requirements, defined below, while ensuring vessel safety: •All personnel working onboard will report ESA-listed species observed in the area to the vessel captain. •If an ESA-listed species is spotted within the vessel’s path, initiate evasive maneuvers to avoid collision. OBSERVE.4 Any collision(s) with an ESA-listed species must be immediately reported to the USACE according to their internal protocol and to NMFS consistent with the reporting requirements listed below in Take reporting Requirements “Pages 25 & 26 below). A vessel collision with an ESA-listed species is counted as take for the project. In addition, reports of certain species shall also be reported as listed below. A link to the most current contact information will also be available at (SERODredge@noaa.gov). Sea turtle take will also be reported to the appropriate state species representative (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/state-coordinators-seaturtlestranding-and-salvage- network). OBSERVE.5 Any collision with a marine mammal will be reported immediately to the Southeast Regional Marine Mammal Stranding hotline at 1-877-WHALE-HELP. NARW.2 • All on-site project personnel associated with a project covered under SARBO including the vessel captain, crew, and PSO on dredge vessels, survey vessels, and all supporting vessels over 33-ft in length will be instructed on the presence of North Atlantic right whale and other ESA-listed species and the requirements to observe, avoid, and report North Atlantic right whale in the area. • All captains of dredges, relocation trawlers, survey vessels, and support vessels over 33-ft in length will provide a text message address (that is capable of receiving short emails as text messages) to receive real-time whale alerts throughout the calving season. The text message address will be provided to nmfs.ser.rw.subscribe@noaa.gov at least 14 days prior to the start of dredging or annually on November 1 if the vessel is utilized year round. • The PSO will note all sightings of ESA-listed species and marine mammals according to the reporting requirements in the 2020 SARBO Section 2.9 and by submitting all necessary forms and information to the ODESS. All ESA-listed marine mammals spotted will also be immediately reported by calling 1-877-WHALE_HELP. • All project vessels will carry operational automatic identification system transmitters as required by the U.S. Coast Guard. Transmitters will be powered on and transmitting while vessels are underway and NMFS will be provided the vessel name and vessel tracking number (maritime mobile service identities) so that all vessels operating under SARBO can be tracked and confirm compliance with this Plan. Vessel tracking numbers will be recorded in ODESS and emailed to NMFS at SERODredge@noaa.gov for all vessels over 33-ft in length operating from the Virginia/North Carolina border south to Cape Canaveral, Florida, during the North Atlantic right whale migration and calving season from November 1 through April 30 (see SARBO General PDCs, Section 2, Appendix A). NARW.3 Vessel Speed Requirements Speed requirements must be followed if a North Atlantic right whale has been spotted or reported in the area as defined below. North Atlantic right whale presence may be determined by observers on the vessel, reports from aerial surveys, EWS, or confirmed public sighting reports. All captains are required to use daily available information and reports on the presence of North Atlantic right whales and aerial survey activities in the project area. These speed restrictions apply to all vessels associated with a project covered under SARBO. • Vessels over 65 ft in length: When a whale is observed or reported within 38 nmi of dredge or support vessels, vessels must slow to 10 knots or slowest safe navigable speed for 36 hours92 or until next North Atlantic right whale survey when no whales are observed, whichever is shorter. • Vessels 33- 65 ft: When a whale is observed or reported within 38 nmi of dredge or support vessels which are within the Southeast SMA, vessels must slow to 10 knots or slowest safe navigable speed until the next North Atlantic right whale survey when no whales are observed. Vessels may resume speed once outside the Southeast SMA. Outside of the Southeast SMA, but within the range of North Atlantic right whale habitat, the vessel must slow to 10 knots for 36 hours, or until the next North Atlantic right whale survey when no whales are observed. ATTACHMENT E Dredge Plant Conditions, Checklist, and ODESS forms 1 Special Conditions for Hydraulic Cutterhead and Hopper Dredge Plants 1.Reporting requirements: a.Pre-Construction Notification: At least 2 weeks prior to initiating the work authorized by this permit, the Permittee shall submit a completed “SARBO Pre-Construction Notification” form (see form below) to the following emails: RD.SARBO.GRBO@usace.army.mil and SERODredge@noaa.gov. The checklist must be completed using the form function (i.e. do not handwrite or create text boxes). Upon receipt of the notification form, you will receive a list of the Corps primary points of contact for reporting turtle take/incidents. If the permit authorizes multiple work events, the Permittee must submit the SARBO Pre-Construction Notification prior to each event. b.Take Reporting: All lethal and nonlethal take associated with a project covered under SARBO will be reported within 48 hours. Project details related to take that will be reported by completing “SARBO Take Reporting” form (see form below) and sent to the following emails: RD.SARBO.GRBO@usace.army.mil and SERODredge@noaa.gov. The checklist must be completed using the form function (i.e. do not handwrite or create text boxes). c.Post-Construction Reporting: Within 30 days of completing the work authorized by this permit, the Permittee shall submit a completed “SARBO Post-Construction Notification” form (see form below) to the following emails: RD.SARBO.GRBO@usace.army.mil and SERODredge@noaa.gov. The checklist must be completed using the form function (i.e. do not handwrite or create text boxes). 2 4.Dredging Quality Management (DQM): Dredging and dredged material disposal and monitoring of dredging projects using the Dredging Quality Management (DQM) system shall be implemented for this permit. The Permittee shall ensure that each dredge assigned to the work authorized by this permit is equipped with DQM, previously known as ‘Silent Inspector’, for dredge monitoring. The Permittee’s DQM system must have been certified by the DQM Support Team within one calendar year prior to the initiation of the dredging/ disposal. Questions regarding certification should be addressed to the DQM Support Center at 877-840-8024. Additional information about the DQM System can be found at https://dqm.usace.army.mil/. The Permittee is responsible for insuring that the DQM system is operational throughout the dredging and disposal project and that project data are submitted to the DQM National Support Center in accordance with the specifications provided at the aforementioned website. The data collected by the DQM system shall, upon request, be made available to the Regulatory Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Wilmington District. SARBO 2020 PCN Form Page 1 of 4 Form date 24 June 2020 South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion (March 2020) Pre-Construction Notification Form This form is used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to document compliance with Section of the South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion (SARBO). You are required to complete this form and submit it via email to the email addresses listed in the special condition in the USACE permit TWO WEEKS prior to commencing work. The form must be completed electronically using the form feature (i.e. do not handwrite or create text boxes). 1)USACE Project Manager (point of contact and contact information): 2)Protected Species Observer (PSO) a)Will a PSO be used?Yes No b)Provide the observer company, if a PSO was used, and contact information: 3)List all federal action agency/s associated with project (Select all that apply): USACE: SAD SAC SAJ SAS SAW FEMA BOEM U.S. Air Force Other: 4)All federal action agency project tracking numbers associated with the project, if applicable (e.g., USACE Regulatory tracking number, e.g., SAW-2018-xxxxx): 5)Biological Opinion(s) used to authorize the work: SARBO JAXBO (SAJ) SARBO 2020 PCN Form Page 2 of 4 Form date 24 June 2020 6)Estimated project start date: 7)Estimated project complete date: 8)Project name (Typically projects are referred to by the name of the area. If the area has more than one common name, all common names should be provided): 9) Project location: a)Project location for dredging 1. For regularly occurring projects with an easily referenced named location, a central location may be sufficient (e.g., latitude and longitude in decimal degree format [xx.xxxx, -xx.xxxx]). b)Project location for placement. For regularly occurring projects with an easily referenced named location, a central location may be sufficient (e.g., latitude and longitude in decimal degree format [xx.xxxx, -xx.xxxx]). 10)Is the project occurring in an area identified in this Opinion that requires additional protection (select all that apply)? ESA-listed coral (Appendix C) Johnson’s seagrass (Appendix D) Sturgeon rivers (Appendix E) When and where North Atlantic right whales may be present (Appendix F) 1 Project spatiolocation (i.e., shapefile/.kmz) to show the complete action area is needed if this information has not been previously provided to NMFS. SARBO 2020 PCN Form Page 3 of 4 Form date 24 June 2020 11)and 12) Is the project occurring within the geographic limits of a designated critical habitat, even if features are not impacted? Total area of the project that occurs within the geographic area of one or more critical habitat units, if applicable. Critical habitat Unit Additional unit (if applicable) Total area (Square feet) Green sea turtle Leatherback sea turtle Loggerhead sea turtle Hawksbill sea turtle Atlantic sturgeon Acropora (Elkhorn and staghorn coral) Johnson’s seagrass North Atlantic right whale 13) Project type/s (Check all that apply): Maintenance Dredging Minor channel modification/realignment Borrow site Muck dredging Beach nourishment Nearshore placement ODMDS G&G survey New placement location Other 14) Pre-project proposed dredge and placement total volume in cubic yards. 15) Previous dredge templates: a) Does dredging exceed the previously federally-approved or federally-authorized dredge template including previously considered overdepth and/or advanced maintenance? Yes No b)If you selected yes to question 16a, provide an explanation (e.g., approved through supersede, unintentional/unusual event and lesson learned). Dredge:Placement: N/A N/A N/A N/A SARBO 2020 PCN Form Page 4 of 4 Form date 24 June 2020 16) Select all of the vessels and specific equipment used on project. A single project may include more than 1 category of equipment listed below for a portion or all of a project. The equipment types expected to be used and listed with the pre- construction notification will be updated at the end of the project if modifications were necessary. Hopper dredge Modified hopper Non-hopper dredging equipment (e.g., bucket, clamshell, cutterhead, water- injection, bed-leveling to complete project) Bed-leveling (used as the sole form of material movement or just during clean-up phase of hopper dredging). Geophysical survey Relocation trawling New Equipment or construction method approved through the SARBO Supersede 2 process outlined in Section of this Opinion. 17) The Corps regulatory project manager confirms that all applicable PDCs have been reviewed and will be requirements of the permit, as noted in the decision document? Yes No 18) Date Pre-Construction Form completed and emailed: Operations & Dredging Endangered Species System (ODESS) Marine Mammal Observation Start Date (Required) Start Time (24 hours) (Required) End Date (Required) End Time (24 hours) (Required) Species Observed (Required) Magnetic Bearing to Sighting Estimated Distance Vessel’s Heading Heading of Animal(s) Coloration Fins or Flippers Observed Behaviors Observed Surfacing Intervals Time Comments (Was the behavior of the animal(s) affected by the vessel? How far did the animal(s) move? Who was notified?) ODESS Form 4(7) - 071116 Air Temp (°C) Water Temp (°C) Winds (K) Seas (ft) Cloud Cover (%) o 0 (0-1 kn, 0-0 ft) o 1 (1-3 kn, 0-1 ft) o 2 (4-6 kn, 1-2 ft) o 3 (6-10 kn, 2-3.5 ft) o 4 (10-16 kn, 3.5-6 ft) o 5 (16-21 kn, 6-9 ft) o 6 (21-27 kn, 9-13 ft) Observer(s) Name(s) (Required; Print) Observer(s) Signature(s) Observer(s) Company District Project Contract Dredge Dredging Company Load Number (Required)/Date Surfacing Intervals Distance o Bryde’s/Sei Whale #____ Est. Length (ft.) ____ o Fin Whale #____ Est. Length (ft.) ____ o Humpback Whale #____ Est. Length (ft.) ____ o Manatee #____ Est. Length (ft.) ____ o Minke Whale #____ Est. Length (ft.) ____ o Pilot Whale #____ Est. Length (ft.) ____ o 7 (27-33 kn, 13-19 ft) o 8 (33-40 kn, 19-25 ft) o 9 (40-47 kn, 25-32 ft) o 10 (47-55 kn, 32-41 ft) o 11 (55-63 kn, 41-52 ft) o 12 (>63 kn, >52 ft) Beaufort Sea State o Right Whale #____ Est. Length (ft.) ____ o Unknown #____ Est. Length (ft.) ____ Operations & Dredging Endangered Species System (ODESS) Sturgeon Incident District Project Contract Dredge Dredging Company Load Number (Required)/Date Recovery Date (Required) Recovery Time (24 hours) (Required) Is this a Take? (Required) o Yes o No Incident/Take Description Location Specimen Recovered o Deck o Hopper o Draghead o Overflow Screen (Circle one) o Inflow Cage (Circle one) Starboard/Port/Other Starboard/Port/Other o Pipe Rows of Preanal Shields (SSN = 1/ATL = 2) Location Comment Specimen Condition o Alive o Severely Decomposed o Dead o Skeleton o Fresh Dead o Skeleton Old Bone o Moderately Decomposed o Undetermined # Dorsal Scutes (SSN = 8-13/ATL = 7-16) # Lateral Scutes (SSN = 22-33/ATL = 24-35) # Ventral Scutes (SSN = 7-11/ATL = 6-9) Fork Length (cm/in) Standard Length (cm/in) Total Length (cm/in) Mouth Width (cm/in) Head Width at Eyes (cm/in) Other (cm/in) Use these diagrams to illustrate the specimen/part that was recovered. Observer(s) Name(s) (Required; Print) Observer(s) Signature(s) Observer(s) Company Comments Genetic Samples Taken? o Yes o No Samples Frozen/Preserved? o Yes o No Photo Attached? (If Yes, label the species, date, geographic site, and dredge name on the photo) o Yes o No ODESS Form 3(6)-071116 Species (Required) o Atlantic o Gulf o Unknown o Green o Shortnose Operations & Dredging Endangered Species System (ODESS) Turtle Incident Incident/Take Description Location Comment Age Class Gender o Juvenile o Female (10.1-80 cm) o Male o Sub-Adult o Unknown (80.1-87 cm) o Adult (>87 cm) o Unknown Tag Type o Flipper o Other (Specify) o Pit Tag Number Plastron Length (cm/in) Carapace Straight Length (cm/in) Carapace Curved Length (cm/in) Tag Date Plastron Width (cm/in) Carapace Straight Width (cm/in) Carapace Curved Width (cm/in) Final Disposition of Specimen Head Width (cm/in) ODESS Form 2(6) - 071116 Comments District Project Contract Dredge Dredging Company Load Number (Required)/Date Air Temp (°C) Surface Water Temperature (°C) Mid-Depth Water Temperature (°C) Bottom Water Temperature (°C) Use these diagrams to illustrate the specimen/part that was recovered. Photo Attached? (If Yes, label the species, date, geographic site, and dredge name on the photo) o Yes o No How Gender Determined o Tail Length o Eggs Observed o Other Observer(s) Name(s) (Required; Print) Observer(s) Signature(s) Observer(s) Company Species (Required) o Green o Hawksbill o Kemp’s Ridley o Leatherback o Loggerhead o Unknown Recovery Date (Required) Recovery Time (24 hours) (Required) Is this a Take? (Required) o Yes o No Project Incident # (Required) Specimen Condition o Alive o Dead o Fresh Dead o Moderately Decomposed o Severely Decomposed o Skeleton o Skeleton Old Bone o Undetermined Genetic Samples Taken? o Yes o No Location Specimen Recovered o Deck o Hopper o Draghead o Overflow Screen (Circle one) o Inflow Cage (Circle one) Starboard/Port/Other Starboard/Port/Other o Pipe