HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5241001_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20241118 Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 8412 Falls of Neuse Road,Suite 104,Raleigh,NC 27615•Phone(919)846-5900•Fax(919)846-9467 sandec.com FLM Engineering September 25, 2024 Attn: Jon Frazier S&EC Job#15885.Sl PO Box 91727 Raleigh,NC 27675 Re: Detailed storm water soils evaluation for CP Land and Holdings Property, S Chavis St, Franklinton,NC Dear Mr. Frazier: Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc (S&EC)performed a detailed soil evaluation within the targeted area of the potential storm water control measure (SCM) on the site mentioned above. The purpose of this evaluation was to provide additional information for the proper design of the proposed SCM to treat the on-site storm water per 15A NCAC 02H storm water rules. A soil morphological profile description was performed at the specified location to determine depth to seasonal high water table (SHWT). The following is a brief report of the methods utilized in this evaluation and the results obtained. Soil/Site Evaluation Methodology The site evaluation was performed by advancing hand auger borings to sufficient depth to estimate SHWT. S&EC navigated to the pre-determined SCM location to describe soil morphological conditions using standard techniques outlined in the "Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils, Version 3"published by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS, 2012). Soil/Site Conditions This site is located in the Piedmont geological area of Franklin County. The soil boring was in one proposed SCM location. The soil observed at SB-1 is similar to a Vance series. These soils are well drained and have slow permeability. Field investigation revealed SHWT indicators within 6.5 feet from the top of the ground and there was no observed, apparent water table within 9 feet from the top of the ground. A soil profile for SB-1 is shown below. SB-1 Horizon Depth Matrix Texture Redoximorphic Other notes (inches) Color Features A 0- 3 1 OYR 4/2 Sandy Loam Btl 3 26 1 OYR 5/4 Sandy Clay Bt2 26—35 1 OYR 4/6 Clay Loam BC 35 —69 1 OYR 4/6 Sandy Clay Loam C1 69—80 1OYR 6/4 Sandy Clay Loam C2 80— 108 IOYR 6/4 Sandy Clay IOYR 7/1 Common,coarse Loam depletions, SHWT at 80";No apparent water table within 108" At the time of the soils evaluation, the type of SCM had yet to be determined. Each storm water device has different requirements with regard to in-situ soils. S&EC made no attempt to measure soil saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat) in the underlying soil at this time. Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc is pleased to be of service in this matter and we look forward to assisting in the successful completion of the project. If requested, S&EC can meet on-site with state or local regulatory agencies to discuss our findings and recommendations. Please feel free to call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc John Lewis `' • ( r NC Licensed Soil Scientist#1345 Encl: Soil Boring Location Map 13,15 Q- F ORT t'+ G N Page 2 of 2 COL LEGE S SAVAGES % low- e34 Lu > < w. g I0. '4 PIN .41 ie, I A J 1�40 .4 C/) 7 C-1 A A 4 WILDER DR' 4 4 N- SB 1 r na A J V. Project Number: Map Title: 15885.51 Project Manager: Boring Location Map DW CP Land and Holdings Site Scale: 200' franklinton, NC Source: NC OrieMap Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Date: 104, -,1, N--.- (111) 1 8129124 0