HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4240903_Property Deed_20241114 FILED DAVIDSON COUNTY, NC DAVID T. RICKARD, REGISTER OF DEEDS 4/1/2014 9: 16: 07 AM BOOK 2138 PAGE 127 - 132 INSTRUMENT #2014000006107 Recording: $26. 00 Excise Tax: $0 . 00 Deputy: TWARD NORTH CAROLINA QUITCLAIM DEED Excise Tax: $ �• Prepared by: Schell Bray PLLC(JCK)(without title examination) Return to: STyv,, �rc .Ql SSW , -,).�,,.�.,�• . ✓UC o 71r9- 6)(6P' THIS DEED made this ,S day of r` A.k.c,(,-N , 2014, by and between GRANTOR Dallas G. Anderson, Kent A. Cundiff, and Wade & Jane Zimmerman Family Limited Partnership 2543 Enterprise Rd., Lexington,NC 27295 GRANTEE Villas at Hickory Tree, LLC P.O. Box 160, Aynor, S.C. 29511 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does remise, release, and quitclaim unto the Grantee in fee simple, all those certain lots or parcels of land situate in Davidson County,North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto. BK: 2138 PG: 128 The property herein above described does not contain the primary residence of Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. The Grantor makes no warranty, express or implied, as to title to the property hereinabove described. [signature pages follow] BK: 2138 PG: 129 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: Dallas G. Anderson Maxine Anderson joins in the execution of this deed for the sole purpose of waiving any marital interest she may have in the property described herein. Maxine Anderson State of North Carolina County2Orei,i of Guilford CI, �q, t,6L. , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that the following persons appeardd before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument: Dallas G. Anderson and Maxine Anderson. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the Ztday of I(Y\ Oy A , 2014 (Official Sea ��i,...PAR r�QQ: p'�A �G_ • t v Signature of No%ry o -7744/' '" a.nt4 Zr. Pardue, "-• 0„,o, Notary Public Printed or typed name My commission expires: 'f-oi,S- 11 BK: 2138 PG: 130 Kent A. C ndiff Dawn Cundiff joins in the execution of this deed for the sole purpose of waiving any marital interest she may have in the property described herein. 49eu_nr) 6.tAirkt Dawn Cundiff State of North Carolina County of Guilford Carte -37 Cam' Ot.ra , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that the following persons appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument: Kent A. Cundiff and Dawn Cundiff. .-. A� WITNESS my hand and official seal this the a t lay of lYlct '1 , 2014t (Official Seal) Pay �Rp ti. . Qt9tittAIL w Signature of N ry v ' L.E co Care4.1 a-. (Pare(44, .Y�,;r`r Notary Publk Printed or typed name My commission expires: �'-'as"- t') BK: 2138 PG: 131 Wade & Jane Zimmerman Family Limited Partnership a North Carolina limited. artnership By: tIV, ' effr Zimm an, General 1 rCffer By: 1 C - ucmda Z. Blac , eneral Partner State of North Carolina County of Guilford Car TY• tom` arcbA . , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that the following person appeared 'before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument: Jeffrey W. Zimmerman. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 4-day of 4't -c,k1 , 20 ' (Official Seal) P+�� J• .GROG •v: °TA* ..11*' qrab 0111, ° • QtAIAAt y :cs Signature�ta 9- %, : Cot re �. �cx.rdt,g,- x,: Notary Public' Printed or typed name My commission expires: State of North Carolina County of Guilford 61-�c'`� , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that the following person a eared before me this dayand acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing pp g g g instrument: Lucinda Z. Black. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the at day of Al di• (Official Seal) w ,J qR®__ Q . • 6 Ci)10“444.-- MO OW • Signature of N ary A .. As to S. rardtie., eE "°'5 )0" NotaryPublk Printed or typed name My commission expires: BK: 2138 PG: 132 EXHIBIT A Lying and being in the Arcadia Township, Davidson County, North Carolina, being located west of Hickory Tree Road, being the property conveyed to Kent A. Cundiff (Deed Book 1677, Page 1036, Davidson County Registry)and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an existing 1" pinched pipe having North Carolina NAD 83 (2011) GRID coordinates of N: 818,879.52'; E: 1,625,531.06'; said point being the northwest corner of Dallas and Linda Anderson (Deed Book 494, Page 763,Davidson County Registry)and being the point and place of BEGINNING; Thence proceeding from the point and place of BEGINNING with said Anderson line South 01° 57' 03" West 184.14 feet to an existing 1" iron pipe, being the northwest corner of Dallas and Linda Anderson (Deed Book 1710, Page 398, Davidson County Registry); thence with said Anderson South 02° 09' 16" West 210.26 feet to an existing 2" iron pipe, being on the northern line of Wade and Jane Zimmerman Family Limited (Deed Book 1489, Page 1728, and Deed Book 1667, Page 1816, Davidson County Registry); thence along the northern line of said Wade and Jane Zimmerman Family Limited South 89° 30' 05" East 189.93 feet to an existing 1" pinched iron pipe; thence South 02° 36' 41" West 673.51 feet to an existing#5 rebar, being the southeast corner of Kent A. Cundiff (Deed Book 1667, Page 1816, and Deed Book 1677, Page 1032, Davidson County Registry); thence along the southern line of said Cundiff North 88° 03' 30" West 356.61 feet to an existing iron pin, said iron pin being the southeast corner of James V. Edwards(Deed Book 502, Page 86, Davidson County Registry); thence along the eastern line of said Edwards North 01° 57' 30" East 1,064.50 feet to an existing iron pin, said iron pin being on the southern right of way line of Hickory Tree Road (SR 1508), said iron pin also being the northeast corner of property of James V. Edwards(Deed Book 502, Page 86, Davidson County Registry);thence along the southern line of Hickory Tree Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 3,953.65 feet, an arc length of 175.14 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 87° 35' 35"East 175.12 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 7.127 acres, more or less, as shown on survey labeled as "ALTA/ACSM Land Title Boundary for: Villas at Hickory Tree", prepared by CESI Land Development Services, CESI Job No. 1300909, dated March 19,2014. BTM:554250v1