HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130186 Ver 1_Year 0 Monitoring Report_2015_20160224CEDAR CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION PROJECT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT REPORT SAMPSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, PROJECT # 95718 Prepared for: Division of Mitigation Services North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 December 2015 Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring Report • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 Cedar Creek Sampson County, North Carolina DMS Project ID 95718 Cape Fear River Basin HUC 3030006090060 Prepared by: fires Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 919-209-1061 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC i Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring Report • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Cedar Creek Stream Restoration Project is located within an agricultural watershed in Sampson County, North Carolina, approximately three miles southwest of Clinton. The stream channels had been heavily impacted by channelization and agricultural practices. This project involved the restoration and protection of streams in the Great Coharie Creek watershed. The purpose of this restoration project is to restore and enhance a stream and wetland complex located within the Cape Fear River Basin. The project area is comprised of a single easement area along four tributaries to Great Coharie Creek (UT1, UT2, UT3 and UT4). UTI is the primary channel at this site, and had been channelized throughout the project area. It flows westward through the site from Boykin Bridge Road to Great Coharie Creek. The upper drainage of UTI originates to the southwest of Boykin Bridge Road (SR 1214) near Butlers Crossroads. The tributaries UT2, UT3, and UT4 flow southward into UTL UT2 begins at the confluence of two headwater streams and had been ditched to the edge of the field. Flow is redirected along the upslope side of the cultivated field to an unnamed tributary to Cedar Creek. This unnamed tributary (UT4) enters Cedar Creek upstream of the natural valley for UT2. UT3 begins below a pond east of the airport and had been channelized down to a cultivated field where it had been redirected to the west. The historical flow path continues in a southerly direction through the cultivated field to its confluence with UT 1. The site consists of cultivated farmland and wooded areas. The total easement area is 42.0 acres, 26.9 acres of which are wooded. The remaining area is agricultural or clear-cut. The wooded areas along the corridors designated for restoration are classified as disturbed deciduous forest, and invasive species are common along the enhancement reaches. Several ditches existed throughout the project and flow into the main channel. All existing agricultural channels were degraded to a point where they no longer could access their floodplain, water quality was poor, and aquatic life was not supported. Little habitat was available to support aquatic life, and the channels were not maximizing their potential to filter nutrients because they were entrenched and/or had no buffer. The objective for this restoration project is to restore wetland areas and design a natural waterway through a stream/wetland complex with appropriate cross-sectional dimension and slope that will provide function and meet the appropriate success criteria for the existing streams. Accomplishing this objective entailed the restoration of natural stream characteristics, such as stable cross sections, planform, and in -stream habitat. The floodplain areas were hydrologically reconnected to the channel providing natural exchange and storage during flooding events. The design was based on reference conditions, USACE guidance (USACE, 2005), and criteria that were developed during this project to achieve success. Additional project objectives, such as restoring the riparian buffer with native vegetation, ensuring hydraulic stability, and eradicating invasive species, are listed in Section 1 along with several other project objectives. The design approach for Cedar Creek was to combine the analog method of natural channel design with analytical methods to evaluate stream flows and hydraulic performance of the channel and floodplain. The analog method involved the use of a "template" stream adjacent to, nearby, or previously in the same location as the design reach. The template parameters of the analog reach are replicated to create the features of the design reach. The analog approach is useful when watershed and boundary conditions are similar between the design and analog reaches (Skidmore, et al., 2001). Hydraulic geometry was developed using analytical methods in an effort to identify the design discharge. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC ii Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring Report • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 The headwater valley restoration approach was performed along the upper end of UT2 and UT2C. The existing ditches/channels were plugged and then backfilled to the extent possible such that cut and fill was balanced along the reach. Priority Level I restoration was performed on UT2 and UT3 for the majority of the restoration reaches, the channel were rerouted from its current location to adjacent natural valley features. Enhancement Levels I and II were performed for UTI and Enhancement Level II only for UT4. Enhancement Level I included grading floodplain benches, bank stabilization treatments, and habitat improvements, while Enhancement Level II included minor bank grading and habitat improvements. Wetland restoration occurred adjacent to UTI and UT3. The approach was to reconnect the floodplain wetland to the stream, fill ditches, create shallow pool habitat, micro contour, and plant appropriate small stream swamp vegetation. The site has been monitored on a regular basis after all construction and planting activities were completed. A physical inspection of the site is conducted a minimum of twice per year throughout the seven year post -construction monitoring period, or until performance standards are met. These site inspections identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. The measure of stream restoration success is documented bankfull flows and no change in stream channel classification. Sand bed channels are dynamic and minor adjustments to dimension and profile are expected. The measure of vegetative success for the site is the survival of at least 210 trees per acre at the end of Year 7 of the monitoring period. Annual monitoring data is reported using the DMS monitoring template. Upon approval for closeout by the Interagency Review Team (IRT), the site will be transferred to the State of North Carolina (State). The State shall be responsible for periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement or the deed restriction document(s) are upheld. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC iii Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC iv Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring Report • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 Proposed Existing As -Built Mitigation Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Length (LF) Length (LF) Ratio SMUs UTI Enhancement 11 1+01 to 31+65 3,064 3,064 1:2.5 1,226 UTI Enhancement I 31+65 to 35+80 415 415 1:1.5 277 UTI Enhancement II 35+80 to 41+95 615 615 1:2.5 246 UTI Enhancement I 41+95 to 44+60 265 265 1:1.5 177 UTI Enhancement 11 44+60 to 53+51 891 827 1:2.5 331 UT2 Headwater Valley 0+11 to 3+48 364 337 1:1 337 UT2 P1 Restoration 3+48 to 9+28 587 518 1:1 518 UT2C Headwater Valley 0+02 to 1+95 NA 193 1:1 193 UT3 P1 Restoration 0+69 to 20+10 1,428 1,941 1:1 1,941 UT4 Enhancement II 0+36 to 1+14 78 78 1:2.5 31 Total 7,707 8,253 5,277 Mitigation Mitigation Wetland Mitigation Type WMUs Area (ac) Ratio W1 Restoration 13.72 1:1 13.72 Total 13.72 13.72 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC iv Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring Report • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES........................................................ 1 1.1 Location and Setting............................................................................................................... l 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives.................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Project Structure..................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.1 Restoration Type and Approach..................................................................................... 3 1.4 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data......................................................................... 5 1.4.1 Project History................................................................................................................ 5 1.4.2 Project Watersheds.........................................................................................................5 2 Success Criteria.............................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Stream Restoration................................................................................................................. 6 2.1.1 Bankfull Events.............................................................................................................. 6 2.1.2 Cross Sections................................................................................................................ 6 2.1.3 Bank Pin Arrays............................................................................................................. 6 2.1.4 Digital Image Stations.................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Wetland Success Criteria........................................................................................................7 2.3 Vegetation Success Criteria.................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Scheduling/Reporting.............................................................................................................7 3 MONITORING PLAN................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Stream Restoration................................................................................................................. 9 3.1.1 As -Built Survey..............................................................................................................9 3.1.2 Bankfull Events.............................................................................................................. 9 3.1.3 Cross Sections..............................................................................................................10 3.1.4 Digital Image Stations..................................................................................................10 3.1.5 Bank Pin Arrays...........................................................................................................10 3.1.6 Visual Assessment Monitoring.....................................................................................10 3.1.7 Surface Flow.................................................................................................................11 3.2 Wetland Hydrology..............................................................................................................11 3.3 Vegetation............................................................................................................................11 4 Maintenance and Contingency plan............................................................................................. 11 4.1 Stream...................................................................................................................................11 4.2 Wetlands...............................................................................................................................12 4.3 Vegetation............................................................................................................................12 5 AS -BUILT CONDITIONS (BASELINE).................................................................................... 12 5.1 As -Built Drawings................................................................................................................12 5.2 Baseline Data Collection......................................................................................................13 5.2.1 Morphological State of the Channel.............................................................................13 5.2.2 Vegetation.....................................................................................................................13 5.2.3 Photo Documentation...................................................................................................13 5.2.4 Hydrology.....................................................................................................................13 6 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................. 14 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 1 Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring Report • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 Appendices Appendix A. General Tables and Figures Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Figure 2. Current Conditions Plan View Figure 3. Condition Overlays Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Information Appendix B. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 5. Morphological Parameters Summary Data Table 6. Dimensional Morphology Summary — Cross Sections Data Cross Section Plots Stream Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Data Tables Table 7a. Baseline Planted Stem Count Summary Table 7b. Planted Species Totals Table 7c. Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot) Vegetation Plot Photos Appendix D. As -Built Survey Plan Sheets As -Built Survey Plan Sheets Design Red Line Plans Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC ii Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 l PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES 1.1 Location and Setting The Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Site is located in Sampson County approximately 3.1 miles southwest of Clinton, NC (Figure 1). To access the Site from the town of Clinton, travel west on Highway 24 (Sunset Avenue), take a left onto Airport Road and go 1.3 miles. Turn right onto West Main Street Extension, go approximately 350 feet, and turn left onto a dirt farm path. Follow the farm path along the cultivated field edge to the southwest corner and enter the forest. Follow the dirt path to cultivated fields adjacent to the project below UT2. Turning to the left will take you to UT2. Going to the right will take you to UT3. 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project has provided numerous ecological and water quality benefits within the Cape Fear River Basin. While many of these benefits are limited to the project area, others, such as pollutant removal and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, have more far-reaching effects. Expected improvements to water quality, hydrology, and habitat are outlined below. Design Goals and Objectives Benefits Related to Water Quality Benefit will be achieved through filtering of runoff from adjacent agricultural fields through buffer Nutrient removal areas, the conversion of active farm fields to forested buffers, improved denitrification and nutrient uptake through buffer zones, and installation of BMPs at the headwaters of selected reaches. Benefit will be achieved through the stabilization of eroding stream banks and reduction of Sediment removal sediment loss from field areas due to lack of vegetative cover. Channel velocities will also be decreased through a reduction in slope, therefore decreasing erosive forces. Increase dissolved oxygen Benefit will be achieved through the construction of instream structures to increase turbulence and concentration dissolved oxygen concentrations and riparian canopy restoration to lower water temperature to increase dissolved oxygen capacity. Runoff filtration Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of buffer areas that will receive and filter runoff, thereby reducing nutrients and sediment concentrations reaching water bodies downstream. Benefits to Flood Attenuation Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of buffer areas which will infiltrate more water Water storage during precipitation events than under current site conditions. Wetland areas will provide additional storage of runoff and flood waters. Improved groundwater Benefit will be achieved through the increased storage of precipitation in buffer areas, ephemeral recharge depressions, and reconnection of existing floodplain. Greater storage of water will lead to improved infiltration and groundwater recharge. Improved/restored Benefit will be achieved by restoring the stream to a natural meandering pattern with an hydrologic connections appropriately sized channel, such that the channel's floodplain will be flooded more frequently at flows greater than the bankfull stage. Benefits Related to Ecological Processes Benefit will be achieved by restoring riparian buffer habitat to appropriate bottomland hardwood Restoration of habitats ecosystem. Protected riparian corridors will create contiguous natural areas with uninterrupted migration corridors. Benefit will be achieved through the construction of instream structures designed to improve Improved substrate and bedform diversity and to trap detritus. Stream will be designed with the appropriate channel instream cover dimension and will prevent aggradation and sedimentation within the channel. Substrate will become coarser as a result of the stabilization of stream banks and an overall decrease in the amount fine materials deposited in the stream. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 Addition of large woody Benefit will be achieved through the addition of wood structures as part of the restoration design. debris Such structures may include log vanes, root wads, and log weirs. Reduced temperature of water due to shading Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of canopy tree species to the stream buffer areas. Restoration of terrestrial habitat Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of riparian buffer bottomland hardwood habitats. The Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project is located in the Great Coharie Creek Watershed (http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/DMS/priorities-map). This 14 -digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC 03003006090060) and is identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in the Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP). The North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) develops River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) to guide its restoration activities within each of the state's 54 cataloging units. RBRPs delineate specific watersheds that exhibit both the need and opportunity for wetland, stream and riparian buffer restoration. These TLWs receive priority for DMS planning and restoration project funds. Currently, no Local Watershed Plan (LWP) is available for the project area. The 2009 Cape Fear RBRP identified water quality and agricultural impacts as major stressors within this TLW. The Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project was identified as a Stream and Wetland opportunity to improve water quality, habitat, and hydrology within the TLW. The project goals addressed stressors identified in the TLW, and include the following: • Water quality improvements, • Natural resource protection, and • Manage agricultural impacts. The project goals were addressed through the following project objectives: • Converting active farm fields to forested buffers, • Stabilization of eroding stream banks, • Reduction in stream bank slope, • Restoration of riparian buffer bottomland hardwood habitats, and • Construction of in -stream structures designed to improve bedform diversity. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 1.3 Project Structure Table la. Cedar Creek Site Project Components — Stream Miti ation Reach Mitigation Type Proposed Existing As -Built Mitigation SMUs Stationing Length (LF) Length (LF) Ratio UT1 Enhancement 11 1+01 to 31+65 3,064 3,064 1:2.5 1,226 UTI Enhancement I 31+65 to 35+80 415 415 1:1.5 277 UTI Enhancement II 35+80 to 41+95 615 615 1:2.5 246 UT1 Enhancement I 41+95 to 44+60 265 265 1:1.5 177 UTI Enhancement II 44+60 to 53+51 891 827 1:2.5 331 UT2 Headwater Valley 0+11 to 3+48 364 337 1:1 337 UT2 P1 Restoration 3+48 to 9+28 587 518 1:1 518 UT2C Headwater Valley 0+02 to 1+95 NA 193 1:1 193 UT3 P1 Restoration 0+69 to 20+10 1,428 1,941 1:1 1,941 UT4 Enhancement II 0+36 to 1+14 78 78 1:2.5 31 Total 7,707 8,253 5,277 Table lb. Cedar Creek Site Project Components — Wetland Mitigation Mitigation Area Mitigation Wetland Mitigation Type WMUs (ac) Ratio W1 Restoration 13.72 1:1 13.72 Total 13.72 13.72 1.3.1 Restoration Type and Approach Stream restoration efforts along the unnamed tributaries to Great Coharie Creek were accomplished through analyses of geomorphic conditions and watershed characteristics. The design approach applied a combination of analytical and reference and/or analog reach based design methods that meet objectives commensurate with both ecological and geomorphic improvements. Proposed treatment activities ranged from minor bank grading and planting to re-establishing stable planform and hydraulic geometry. Reaches that required full restoration, natural design concepts have been applied and verified through rigorous engineering analyses and modeling. The objective of this approach was to design a geomorphically stable channel that provides habitat improvements and ties into the existing landscape. The Cedar Creek Site included Priority Level I stream restoration, headwater valley restoration, stream Enhancement Levels I and 11, and stream buffers throughout the project site have been restored and protected in perpetuity. Priority Level I stream restoration was incorporated into the design of a single -thread meandering channel, with parameters based on data taken from the reference Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 3 Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 site. Priority 1 stream restoration was performed on 2,459 linear feet of stream channel. Headwater valley restoration was applied to 530 linear feet of channel. Enhancement Level I was applied to 680 linear feet of channel that required buffer enhancement, bank stabilization and habitat improvements. Enhancement Level 11 was applied to an additional 4,584 linear feet of channel that required buffer enhancement and/or minimal bank and habitat improvements. UT1 (STA 1+01 to STA 53+51) UTI flows from southeast to northwest across the project, totaling 5,186 linear feet of Enhancement Level I and lI. The upper -most portion of UT (reaches UT1A and UT1B) is stable and has a forested buffer along both banks; however, privet was dominant within the right buffer. The downstream portion of UTI (reaches UTIC, UTD and UTIE) was moderately stable and exhibited some areas of localized erosion. The buffer along this section consisted of a five year old clear-cut along the left bank and cultivated fields along the right bank. A 60 -foot easement break is present within the downstream section (UT1E) to account for an existing farm crossing which has been upgraded. 680 linear feet of Enhancement Level I was performed along reach UTI. Selective locations were identified to include streambed structures, minor bank grading, planting a native stream buffer and invasive species control. Primarily, Stabilization/Enhancement 11 activities included performing minor bank grading, planting the buffer with native vegetation, and invasive species control. UT2 (STA 0+11 to STA 9+28) UT2 is the middle tributary of the project, totaling 337 linear feet of headwater valley restoration along the upstream section and 518 linear feet of Priority 1 restoration through the downstream section. The upper section of the channel was channelized and bordered by cultivated fields to the northwest and a pine stand to the southeast, while the lower portion was a small ditch surrounded by cultivated fields. The headwater valley portion relocated the flow path to the natural valley (to the left of the existing ditch), and the abandoned ditch has been back filled. The performed P1 restoration included relocating the channel to follow the natural valley and emptying into Cedar Creek near STA 25+50. A 60 -foot easement break crossing is present at STA 4+66 along UT2. Twin 24" HDPE culverts were installed within the easement break crossing. Restoration activities included constructing a meandering channel, installing habitat and drop structures, filling and plugging the abandoned channel, planting the buffer with native vegetation, and invasive species control. UT2C (STA 0+02 to STA 1+95) UT2C is also located in the middle of the project (adjacent to UT2), totaling 193 linear feet of headwater valley restoration. The upstream end of the reach begins at an existing wetland that borders a farm path to the north. Flow from the wetland originally had been diverted to a ditch that ran east - west along the farm path before it was conveyed across the path and into UT2 near the upstream end. Restoration activities involved redirecting channel flow to the natural valley and grading out the existing ditch and path such that the area matches existing grade on either side of the path. Additional activities included planting the buffer with native vegetation and invasive species control. UT3 (STA 0+69 to STA 20+10) UT3 is the western most tributary of the project, totaling 1,941 linear feet of Priority 1 restoration. The upper section of the channel was incised/oversized and began at a pond outlet east of the airport and flowed through a wooded area consisting of saplings and some mature hardwoods, while the lower section flowed through a cultivated field. The restored channel has been relocated to the west to follow the natural valley, and now flows through the middle of the wetland restoration area (W1). UT3 now outlets into Cedar Creek near STA 43+10. Restoration activities included constructing a meandering channel, installing habitat and grade control structures, filling and plugging the abandoned channel, planting the buffer with native vegetation, and invasive species control. Small Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 ditches located adjacent to UT3 and within the conservation easement have also been plugged and filled to redirect and diffuse flow through the wetland restoration area and/or into UT3. UT4 (STA 0+36 to STA 1+14) UT4 is the eastern most tributary of the project, totaling 78 linear feet of Enhancement Level IL The reach was relatively stable, but had been historically channelized. The buffer along this section consisted of an agricultural field along the right bank, and a forested buffer along the left bank; however, privet was common within the left buffer. Stabilization/Enhancement 11 activities included performing minor bank grading, cutting a floodplain bench, and planting the buffer with native vegetation, and invasive species control. Wetland W1 (13.72 Acres) This 13.72 -acre wetland is located along UT3 and where it reaches the confluence of with UTI Reach E. The pre -restoration land use was sparsely wooded and active cropland. Wetland restoration activities consisted of removing valley fill, filling drainage ditches, removing subsurface drainage tiles, and raising adjacent stream channels to reconnect the floodplain with seasonal and out of bank flows. Raising the stream bed will also reduce the "dry shoulder" effect near the stream channel. Specific wetland restoration activities included: reconnecting low lying areas of hydric soil with the floodplain, plugging agricultural drainage ditches, planting native tree and shrub species commonly found in small stream swamp ecosystems, and surface roughening to increase infiltration and storage. Wetland restoration limits and hydroperiods will be determined by on-site soil investigations and hydrologic modeling in conjunction with pre -construction water table monitoring at the restoration sites and reference wetlands. Combined with the stream restoration, these actions will result in a sufficiently high water table and flood frequency to support hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology, resulting in restored riparian wetlands. 1.4 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data 1.4.1 Project History The Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Site was restored by Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES) through a full -delivery contract awarded by NCDMS in 2012. Tables 2, 3, and 4 provide a time sequence and information pertaining to the project activities, history, contacts, and baseline information. 1.4.2 Project Watersheds The easement totals 42.0 acres and is broken into four tributaries, UTI, UT2, UT3, and UT4. The land use in the 2,778 -acre (4.34 mit) project watershed that drains to UT1 consisted of row crop production, livestock production, silviculture, and sand mining areas. Past land use practices caused increased erosion and sedimentation along drainage -ways and stream banks in the watershed. UT2 has a drainage area of 32 acres (0.05 mit) and flows southwest into UTI. Land use in this small drainage area consisted entirely of row crop production and disturbed hardwood forest. UT2 originated in a disturbed hardwood forest and flows through a cultivated field to its confluence with UTL UT3 has a drainage area of 147 acres (0.23 miz) and flows south into UTI. Land use in this drainage area consisted of row crop production, historical and future livestock production, disturbed hardwood Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 forest, maintained open space, and impervious surfaces associated with residential commercial development. Portions of the Sampson County Airport, including parts of the runway, terminal, and apron areas, lie within the UT3 drainage area. UT3 originates at a pond that is adjacent to the airport property. This reach flowed through a disturbed hardwood forest, and then through a cultivated field to its confluence with UT I. UT4 has a drainage area of 77 acres (0.12 mi2), originates within a disturbed hardwood forest, and flows southwest into UTI. Land use in this small drainage area consisted of a mix of row crop production and disturbed hardwood forest located primarily along the drainage way. UT2, UT3 and UT4 were straightened, dredged, or re -aligned in the past to promote drainage. Soil investigations showed that much of the low-lying landscape adjacent to UTI and its confluences with UT2 and UT3 exhibited hydric characteristics and a shallow seasonal high water table. The low lying fields in this area were considered prior converted wetlands (PC) that were drained and are currently utilized for row crop and livestock production. The land use in the watershed is characterized by evergreen forest (47 percent), cultivation (31 percent), woody wetlands (9 percent), open space (8 percent) and shrub/scrub (5 percent). 2 Success Criteria The success criteria for the Cedar Creek Site stream restoration will follow accepted and approved success criteria presented in the USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines and subsequent NCDMS and agency guidance. Specific success criteria components are presented below. Monitoring reports are prepared annually and submitted to DMS. 2.1 Stream Restoration 2.1.1 Bankfull Events Two bankfull flow events must be documented within the seven-year monitoring period. The two bankfull events must occur in separate years. Otherwise, the stream monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have been documented in separate years. Bankfull events will be documented using crest gauges, auto -logging crest gauges, photographs, and visual assessments for evidence of debris rack lines. 2.1.2 Cross Sections There should be little change in as -built cross-sections. If changes do take place, they should be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a less stable condition (for example down -cutting or erosion), or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (for example settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross- sections are classified using the Rosgen stream classification method, and all monitored cross- sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. 2.1.3 Bank Pin Arrays Bank pin arrays will be used as a supplemental method to monitor erosion on selected meander bends where there is not a cross section. Bank pin arrays will be installed along the outer bend of the meander. Bank pins will be installed just above the water surface and every two feet above the lowest pin. Bank pin exposure will be recorded at each monitoring event, and the exposed pin will be driven Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 flush with the bank.here should be little change in as -built cross-sections. If changes do take place, they should be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a less stable condition (for example down -cutting or erosion), or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (for example settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross-sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method, and all monitored cross-sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. 2.1.4 Digital Image Stations Digital images are used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal images should not indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral images should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks over time. A series of images over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. 2.2 Wetland Success Criteria Success criteria and monitoring for wetland hydrology within the wetland restoration areas on the site follows NCDMS Guidance dated 7 November 2011. The target minimum wetland hydroperiod is 9 percent of the growing season. Stream hydrology and water balance calculations indicate the wetland area will meet jurisdictional criteria (5 percent hydroperiod). However, due to immature vegetation and reduced PET, a longer success criterion is appropriate. Auto recording gauges are used to measure daily groundwater elevations throughout the Sampson County growing season in all 7 years of monitoring. If a hydrology gauge location fails to meet these success criteria in the seven year monitoring period then monitoring may be extended, remedial actions may be undertaken, or groundwater modeling may be used to demonstrate the limits of wetland restoration. 2.3 Vegetation Success Criteria Specific and measurable success criteria for plant density within the wetland restoration and riparian buffers on the site will follow NCDMS Guidance dated 7 November 2011. Vegetation monitoring plots are a minimum of 0.02 acres in size, and cover a minimum of two percent of the planted area. The following data is recorded for all trees in the plots: species, height, planting date (or volunteer), and grid location. Monitoring occurs in the fall of Years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. The interim measures of vegetative success for the site is the survival of at least 320 three-year old planted trees per acre at the end of Year 3, and 260 planted trees per acre at the end of Year 5. The final vegetative success criteria is the survival of 210 planted trees per acre at the end of Year 7 of the monitoring period. Invasive and noxious species will be monitored and controlled so that none become dominant or alter the desired community structure of the site. If necessary, RES will develop a species-specific control plan. 2.4 Scheduling/Reporting The monitoring for the Cedar Creek Site stream mitigation follows current accepted and approved monitoring requirements presented in the USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines, NCDMS Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 requirements, and subsequent agency guidance. The monitoring program has been implemented to document system development and progress toward achieving the success criteria. The restored stream morphology is assessed to determine the success of the mitigation. The monitoring program is undertaken for seven years or until the final success criteria are achieved, whichever is longer. Monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each year of monitoring and submitted to NCDMS. The monitoring reports will include all information, and be in the format required by NCDMS in Version 2.0 of the NCDMS Monitoring Report Template (Oct. 2010). 3 MONITORING PLAN Annual monitoring data will be reported using the DMS monitoring template. The monitoring report shall provide a project data chronology that will facilitate an understanding of project status and trends, population of DMS databases for analysis, research purposes, and assist in decision making regarding project close-out. The success criteria for the Best Site stream and wetland mitigation will follow current accepted and approved success criteria presented in the USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines, NCDMS requirements, and subsequent agency guidance. Specific success criteria components are presented in Table 2. Monitoring reports will be prepared annually and submitted to NCDMS. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USCS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 Table 2. Monitoring Requirements Parameter Quantity Frequency Notes As per April 2003 Additional surveys will be performed if USACE Wilmington Pattern Baseline monitoring indicates instabilityor District Stream significant channel migration Miti ation Guidelines As per April 2003 Baseline, USACE Wilmington Years Dimension Surveyed cross sections and bank pins District Stream 12,35, and Mitigation Guidelines 7 As per April 2003 USACE Wilmington Additional surveys will be performed if Profile Baseline District Stream monitoring indicates instability Mitigation Guidelines Crest Gauges and/or Pressure As per April 2003 Transducers will be installed on site; the Surface Water USACE Wilmington devices will be inspected on a Annual Hydrology District Stream quarterly/semi-annual basis to document Mitigation Guidelines the occurrence of bankfull events on the project Groundwater monitoring gauges with data Groundwater recording devices will be installed on site; Annual Hydrology the data will be downloaded on a quarterly basis during the growing season Vegetation will be monitored using the Vegetation Annual Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) protocols Exotic and Locations of exotic and nuisance Nuisance Annual vegetation will be mapped Vegetation Locations offence damage, vegetation Project Sem i- damage, boundary encroachments, etc. Boundary annual will be mapped Stream Visual Annual Semi-annual visual assessments Wetland Visual I JAnnual Semi-annual visual assessments 3.1 Stream Restoration 3.1.1 As -Built Survey An as -built survey was conducted following construction to document channel size, condition, and location. The survey will include a complete profile of thalweg, water surface, bankfull, and top of bank to compare with future geomorphic data. Longitudinal profiles will not be required in annual monitoring reports unless requested by NCDMS or USACE. 3.1.2 Bankfull Events Three sets of manual and auto -logging crest gauges were installed on the site, one along UT2, one along UT2C, and one along UT3. The auto logging crest gauges were installed within the channel and will continuously record flow conditions at an hourly interval. Manual crest gauges were installed on the bank at bankfull elevation. Crest gauges will be checked during each site visit to determine if a Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 bankfull event has occurred since the last site visit. Crest gauge readings and debris rack lines will be photographed to document evidence of bankfull events. 3.1.3 Cross Sections A total of 27 permanent cross sections were installed to monitor channel dimensions and stability. Four cross sections were installed along UTI where enhancement activities were performed. Eight cross sections (three pools, two runs, and three shallows) were installed along UT2 also. UT2C has one cross sections installed throughout its length. Stream reach UT3 has 14 cross sections installed along its length where stream restoration was performed. Cross sections were typically located at representative riffle/shallows and pool sections along each stream reach. Each cross section was permanently marked with 3/8 rebar pin to establish a monument location at each end. A marker pole was also installed at both ends of each cross section to allow ease locating during monitoring activities. Cross section surveys will be performed once a year during annual monitoring years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 and will include all breaks in slope including top of bank, bottom of bank, streambed, edge of water, and thalweg. Permanent cross-sections were installed at a minimum of one per 20 bankfull widths with half in pools and half in shallows. All cross-section measurements include bank height ratio and entrenchment ratio. Cross-sections are monitored annually. There should be little change in as -built cross-sections. If changes do take place, they should be evaluated to determine if they represent movement toward a less stable condition (for example, down -cutting or erosion), or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (for example, settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio). Bank height ratio shall not exceed 1.2, and the entrenchment ratio shall be no less than 2.2 within restored reaches. Channel stability should be demonstrated through a minimum of two bankfull events documented in the seven-year monitoring period. 3.1.4 Digital Image Stations Digital photographs will be taken at least once a year to visually document stream and vegetation conditions. This monitoring practice will continue for seven years following construction and planting. Permanent photo point locations at cross sections and vegetation plots have been established so that the same directional view and location may be repeated each monitoring year. Monitoring photographs will also be used to document any stream and vegetation problematic areas such as erosion, stream and bank instability, easement encroachment and vegetation damage. 3.1.5 Bank Pin Arrays Eight bank pin array sets have been installed at pool cross sections located along UT2 and UT3. These bank pin arrays were installed along the upstream and downstream third of the meander. Bank pins are a minimum of three feet long, and have been installed just above the water surface and every two feet above the lowest pin. Bank pin exposure will be recorded at each monitoring event, and the exposed pin will be driven flush with the bank. 3.1.6 Visual Assessment Monitoring Visual monitoring of all mitigation areas is conducted a minimum of twice per monitoring year by qualified individuals. The visual assessments include vegetation density, vigor, invasive species, and easement encroachments. Visual assessments of stream stability include a complete stream walk and structure inspection. Digital images are taken at fixed representative locations to record each monitoring event as well as any noted problem areas or areas of concern. Results of visual monitoring are presented in a plan view exhibit with a brief description of problem areas and digital images. Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal photos Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 10 Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 should indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks over time. A series of photos over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. 3.1.7 Surface Flow The headwater valley restoration reaches on UT2 and UT2C will be monitored to document intermittent or seasonal surface flow. This will be accomplished through direct observation, photo documentation of dye tests, and continuous flow monitoring devices (pressure transducers). An auto logging crest gauges has been installed within the headwater valley channel and will continuously record flow conditions at an hourly interval. This gauge will be downloaded during each site visit to determine if intermittent or seasonal flows conditions are present. 3.2 Wetland Hydrology Wetland hydrology will be monitored to document hydric conditions in the wetland restoration areas. This will be accomplished with automatic recording pressure transducer gauges installed in representative locations across the restoration areas and reference wetland areas. A total of fourteen automatic recording pressure transducers (Auto -Wells) have been installed on the site. Eleven auto - wells have been installed within the wetland restoration area and three within reference areas. The gauges will be downloaded quarterly and wetland hydroperiods will be calculated during the growing season. Gauge installation followed current regulatory and DMS guidance. Visual observations of primary and secondary wetland hydrology indicators will also be recorded during quarterly site visits. 3.3 Vegetation A total of 20 vegetation plots were randomly established within the planted stream riparian buffer easement. Vegetation plots measure 10 meters by 10 meters or 5 meters by 20 meters (0.02 acres) and has all four corners marked with metal posts. Planted woody vegetation was assessed within each plot to establish a baseline dataset. Within each vegetation plot, each planted stem was identified for species, "X" and "Y" origin located, and measured for height. Reference digital photographs were also captured to document baseline conditions. Species composition, density, growth patterns, damaged stems, and survival ratios will be measured and reported on an annual basis. Vegetation plot data will be reported for each plot as well as an overall site average. 4 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLAN All identified problematic areas or areas of concern such as stream bank erosion/instability, aggradation/degradation, lack of targeted vegetation, and invasive/exotic species which prevent the site from meeting performance success criteria will be evaluated on a case by case basis. These areas will be documented and remedial actions will be discussed amongst NCDMS staff to determine a plan of action. If it is determined remedial action is required, a plan will be provided. 4.1 Stream Any stream problem areas which are identified during post construction monitoring activities will be documented and mapped on the Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) as part of the annual monitoring report. Stream problem areas or areas of concern may include bank erosion, aggradation/degradation, structure failure or not performing as designed, beaver dams, cattle Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 11 Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina - December 2015 encroachment due to fence damage, etc. If it is determined through NCDMS correspondence that remedial action is required to repair an area, a proposed work plan will be submitted for remediation. 4.2 Wetlands Any wetland problem areas which are identified during post construction monitoring activities will be documented and mapped on the Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) as part of the annual monitoring report. Wetland problem areas may include planted vegetation or wetland hydrology not meeting success criteria. If it is determined through NCDMS correspondence that remedial action is required to repair an area, a proposed work plan will be submitted for remediation. 4.3 Vegetation Any vegetation problem areas which are identified during post construction monitoring activities will be documented and mapped on the Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) as part of the annual monitoring report. Vegetation problem areas or areas of concern may include vegetation plot not meeting success criteria, invasive species abundance, sparse vegetation areas, etc. If it is determined through NCDMS correspondence that remedial action is required to repair an area, a proposed work plan will submitted for remediation. 5 AS -BUILT CONDITIONS (BASELINE) The Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration as -built survey was completed in August 2015. A topographic survey on the constructed stream channel and adjacent floodplain areas was performed to document post construction conditions. The survey involved locating the stream channel thalweg, top of bank, stream structures, culvert crossings, woody debris, monitoring cross sections, vegetation plots, crest gauges, and a rain gauge. The as -built survey drawings indicate that the Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration site was constructed to the mitigation plan design. Profile and dimension parameters are within the tolerances for stream and wetland mitigation construction. The Cedar Creek Site was constructed to design plan specifications with minimal modifications. Along UT2 and UT3 rock was placed in some of the riffle beds to prevent degradation and scour. Over time it is anticipated that the rock placed within the channel bed will be covered with sediment and perform as a grade control. A few additional log grade control structures were installed to the upstream portion of UT2 to prevent down cutting during construction activities. All changes were approved by the design engineer and are documented on the as -built drawings and red line markup drawings. 5.1 As -Built Drawings The Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration As -Built Drawing is located in Appendix D which documents post construction conditions for the project. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 12 Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 5.2 Baseline Data Collection 5.2.1 Morphological State of the Channel All morphological stream data for the as -built profile and dimensions were collected during the as - built survey performed during August 2015. Appendix B includes summary data tables, morphological parameters, and stream photographs. Profile The baseline (MY -0) profiles closely matches the proposed design profiles. The plotted longitudinal profiles can be found on the As -Built Drawings in Appendix D and morphological summary data tables can be found in Appendix B. Dimension The baseline (MY -0) cross sectional dimensions closely matches the proposed design cross section parameters. All cross section plots and data tables can be found in Appendix B. Sediment Transport The as -built conditions show that shear stress and velocities have been reduced for all restoration/enhancement reaches. Pre -construction conditions documented all four reaches as sand bed channels and remain classified as sand bed channels post -construction. Visual assessment shows the channel is transporting sediment as designed and will continue to be monitored for aggradation and degradation. 5.2.2 Vegetation The baseline monitoring (MY -0) vegetation survey was completed in May 2015. The baseline vegetation monitoring on the Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Site resulted in an average of 1,105 planted stems per acre, which is greater than the required 680 stems per acre density. The average stems per vegetation plot was 27 planted stems. The minimum planted stems per plots was 22 stems and the maximum was 42 stems. A total of 25,500 bare root stems were planted across the Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Site. A total of 3,500 live stakes were also installed along the stream banks for bank stabilization. Vegetation summary data tables and vegetation plot photos can be found in Appendix C. Invasive species treatment will be continued as needed to promote the establishment of the target community. 5.2.3 Photo Documentation Permanent photo point locations have been established at cross sections, vegetation plots, stream crossings, and stream structures by RES staff. Any additional problem areas or areas of concern will also be documented with a digital photograph during monitoring activities. Stream digital photographs can be found in Appendix B and Appendix C for vegetation photos. 5.2.4 Hydrology Three sets of manual and auto -logging crest gauges were installed on the site, one along UT2, one along UT2C, and one along UT3. The auto logging crest gauges were installed within the channel and will continuously record flow conditions at an hourly interval. Manual crest gauges were installed on the bank at bankfull elevation. Crest gauges will be checked during each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred since the last site visit. Crest gauge readings and debris rack lines will be photographed to document evidence of bankfull events. Wetland hydrology will be monitored with eleven automatic recording pressure transducer gauges that have been installed in representative Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 13 Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration • USGS HUC 03030006 Baseline Monitoring • Sampson County, North Carolina • December 2015 locations across the wetland restoration areas. An additional three gauges were installed in reference wetland areas. 6 REFERENCES Chow, Ven Te. 1959. Open -Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and DDMSwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, FWS/OBS-79/31. U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. Environmental Banc & Exchange (2014). Cedar Creek Stream Restoration Project Final Mitigation Plan. North Carolina Ecosystems Enhancement Program, Raleigh, NC. Horton, J. Wright Jr. and Victor A. Zullo. 1991. The Geology of the Carolinas, Carolina Geological Society Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. The University of Tennessee Press. Knoxville, TN. Johnson PA. 2006. Assessing stream channel stability at bridges in physiographic regions. U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Report Number FHWA-HRT-05-072. Lee, Michael T., R.K. Peet, S.S. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS). 2007. Stream Restoration Design Handbook (NEH 654), USDA NCDENR. "Water Quality Stream Classifications for Streams in North Carolina." Water Quality Section. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wqhome/html (June 2005). Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles and F.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDENR, Raleigh, NC. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 14 I: ' ' ► l :1 General Tables and Figures Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Figure 2. Current Condition Plan View Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2. Project Activity and reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Information Cedar Creek Stream• • Wetland Mitigation Hoondros . r WJ i4set 0 c� o` 0 Sampson County Airport m ai CD ° `I e o• $ Q 0 LT' - CI ° r d`war m I TUrk— v.0 v Le end e ill © Airports NC Highway o Kenn State Roads c� Ca er m i Streams -2 Cedar Creek Easement The Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Site is located in Sampson County approximately 3.1 miles southwest Waterbody of Clinton, NC. To access the Site from the town of Clinton, travel west on Highway 24 (Sunset Avenue), take a left onto Airport Road and go 1.3 miles. Turn right onto West Main Street Extension, go 5 -Mile Aviation Zone approximately 350 feet, and turn left onto a dirt farm path. Follow the farm path along the cultivated field 03030006090060 edge to the southwest corner and enter the forest. Follow the dirt path to cultivated fields adjacent to the project below UT2. Turning to the left will take you to UT2. Going to the right will take you to UT3. Figure 1 Date: 11/6/2015 Project Vicinity Map Drawn by: BSH Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Site 0 0.75 1.5 res Sampson County, North Carolina Miles a •� �' y: u. i',� "may �^' mol'NO 0 175 350 y4 M f r �g • . c�'� �Y Feet 1 inch 350 feet A a. • lit • •` t'rF Y` �•�-' ,r P �t'+�' r e r � p % .+;A-- a ., r � j � � r - w ..,f�,i�. 3 a"� :+' � .m y Restoration Project 7S � h .,;� f `'k - ,�' •••�„ µ � Y v ti�'�J .fit �' ,y 7 � rL Current Conditions ;L y1' Overview Map UT2 UT3 a. .- . UT1�.- tT t ► i , ;,. wf UT4 i �` .n..i l.•..K M• - `�' _ _ d r _ - �; �m -M.; ,u •.k` A yc V'��' 'lly,, 1�►� 1� I _♦ t.Fi Jnr k • ! �:•e �� . y t.. 47141 .. d !' ,. r 7S '�' :: �G , �n � •oi� i ' � +! 6i �,Y+ - ; F ,� 1� •�,i rte" `�- • .Jt ` `r�i„�" yn, yp . "f, `. C +. "'i ± a �" l 2 c r• tiro .ti. y�PP • !'fc` _ �.5�• V }r',�j,.,�,�ti?' 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Cedar Creek Restoration Project UT1 Current Conditions Plan View Map I Date: 1/5/2016 1 Drawn by: BSH LEGEND O Conservation Easement Vegetation Plots • Stream/Wetland Gauges State Roads Enhancement I — Enhancement 11 Headwater Valley Restoration 4 — P1 Restoration UT1 �• '•� Cross Sections Enhancement II t : k (44+60 - 53+51) UT1 t .�E; Wetland Restoration Area 9 �r .r , 3r r Enhancement - 35+80) REFAW-2 � _ w �d, 1. :/: ` ��Tt ';yrs c `'�'• v� �a' g'.• s r ik �,• � .�. ✓), aY .�,R,l ,� ''S",r. K.s,4 .� •,p"' _q}Y, 1,,�.�' *�- - 'h`•.a •.:+r C.�ri �'a �*.� i 'T ,� � �/� I:"!r ,. .�,:r'•�°`�"�`..� ° ��� ..�Y�. �•� �.. 1Yi '1,� fit`,^ .� t�:. +^ !6, via'. r. a +, - A�ri:a. E,�Y. -.-,� �-r: ..., ;h+r. r, '�'�J4'r :X�' LyG. ,.i M'J -•. j, ' ! �• � �r n A� yrri � 4T. ' N� � • -i �' ., J A - Y-� ` � "} .� \ w� � /- 1 ' IveY �Oriemap Aerial Imageryl� Riparian Buffer Conditions Target Community N Present Marginal Absent m •� Absent No Fill a rn IIIII Present IIIII Commor 1! - .• dr, tAl 1 UT1 Enhancement II (44+60 -53+51 4 P r % .41 Lt. 1.s�: I I Wetland 1 1 UT3 P1 Restoration (0+69 - 20+10) AW -10 VP 13 VP 12 01-0 1,9 Cross 5 UT1 Enhancement 1 ;41+95 - 44+60) 01 fires N 0 50 s 100 Feet 1 inch = 100 feet Figure 2d. Cedar Creek Restoration Project UT1 Current Conditions Plan View Map Date: 1/5/2016 1 Drawn by: BSH LEGEND O Conservation Easement L Vegetation Plots • Stream/Wetland Gauges State Roads Enhancement I — Enhancement 11 Headwater Valley Restoration — P1 Restoration Cross Sections ® Wetland Restoration Area Riparian Buffer Conditions Target Community N Present Marginal Absent m Absent No Fill a to Present IIII •y IIII I R > Common UT2 P1 Restoration (3+48 - 9+28) UT1 Enhancement II (1+01 - 31+65) %.4 T" Jim i h r•e t. REFAW 3 UT2C HWV Restoration (0+02 - 1+95) CG2 6055•Rain Gauae UT2 P1 Restoration (3+48 - 9+28) UT2 HWV Restoration (0+11 - 3+48) Source NC OneMap, NC Center fo Ge c fires N W E s 0 50 100 Feet 1 inch = 100 feet Figure 2e. Cedar Creek Restoration Project UT2/UT2C Current Conditions Plan View Map Date: 1/5/2016 1 Drawn by: BSH LEGEND O Conservation Easement Vegetation Plots • Stream/Wetland Gauges State Roads Enhancement I — Enhancement 11 Headwater Valley Restoration — P1 Restoration Cross Sections D Wetland Restoration Area Riparian Buffer Conditions kAi Target Community N Present Mar inal Absent m 0 Absent No Fill a 4, Present IIII •y IIII I R > Common ____ UT1 Enhancement 1 (41+95 - 44+60) Q C0 00 sNS m 5 u AW -9 VP 12 Crpss S v rn"�p O U VP 15 AW -11 17 -.. ,. • :: -- - Crp . VP 19' Crp ss h y n ` VP 18 p p n AW 3' u+NN VP 17f s 11 C, r: C'J0 C N O N CG -1 ACGy 0 P � U � 0 N NS VP9AW5 N O N co UT3 P1 Restoration M (0+69 - 20+10) ' VP 16 1Ft 4W.. f. �Wetland ,4 ro v, fires N W f s 0 50 100 Feet 1 inch = 100 feet Figure A Cedar Creek Restoration Project UT3 Current Conditions Plan View Map Date: 1/5/2016 1 Drawn by: BSH LEGEND O Conservation Easement Vegetation Plots . •Stream/Wetland Gauges State Roads Enhancement I — Enhancement 11 Headwater Valley Restoration — P1 Restoration Cross Sections Wetland Restoration Area Y . .. .. .. - i • 1 .: UT3 AW -6 ";f a.,• �<, y P1 Restoration f- (0+69 - 20+10) VP 8 .L " 4 a. r =V P, 1 -Ok Source. 2013 NC Onemap Aerial,71mager .= Riparian Buffer Conditions Target Community w Present Mar inal Absent m d Absent No Fill a to Present IIII •y IIII I R > Common ___ Appendix A. General Tables and Figures Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Baseline Monitoring Report Year 0 Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Pro'ect/DMS Pro'ect # 95718 Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non-ri anan Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE Totals 2,989 1 2,288 13.72 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Project Components Project Component -or- Reach ID As -Built Stationing/Location (LF) Existing Approach Footage/Acreage (PI, PII etc.) Restoration - or -Restoration Equivalent Restoration Footage or Acreage Mitigation Ratio SMUs/ WMUs UTI 0+01 to 31+65 3,064 Enhancement II RE 3,064 1 : 2.5 1,226 UTI 31+65 to 35+80 415 Enhancement I RE 415 1 :1.5 277 UTI 35+80 to 41+95 615 Enhancement II RE 615 1 : 2.5 246 UTI 41+95 to 44+60 265 Enhancement I RE 265 1 :1.5 177 UTI 44+60 to 53+51 891 Enhancement II RE 827 1 :2.5 331 UT2 0+11 to 3+48 364 Headwater Valley R 337 1 : 1.0 337 UT2 3+48 to 9+28 587 P1 Restoration R 518 1 : 1.0 518 UT2C 0+02 to 1+95 NA Headwater Valley R 193 1 :1.0 193 UT3 0+69 to 20+10 1,428 P1 Restoration R 1,941 1 : 1.0 1,941 UT4 0+36 to 1+14 78 Enhancement II RE 78 1 : 2.5 31 Wetland 1 Adjacent to UT & UT3 17.30 Restoration R 13.10 1 : 1.0 13.72 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (linear feet) Riparian Wetland Non -riparian (acres) Wetland Buffer (square feet) Upland (acres) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 2,459 13.72 Headwater Valley 530 Enhancement I 680 Enhancement II 4,584 Creation Preservation High Quality Preservation BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes BMP Elements BR = Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; DDP = Dry Detention Pond; FS = Filter Strip; S = Grassed Swale; LS = Level Spreader; NI = Natural Infiltration Area; FB = Forested Buffer Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Project Activity and Reporting History Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project / DMS Project #95718 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan NA August 2014 Final Desi — Construction Plans NA December 2014 Construction Completed March 2015 May 2015 Site Planting Completed May 2015 May 2015 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0 Monitoring — baseline) July 2015 November 2015 Year 1 Monitoring Jose h Wright Year 2 Monitoring Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Year 3 Monitoring Raleigh, NC 27605 Year 4 Monitoring (919) 209-1061 Year 5 Monitoring Seeding Contractor Wright Contracting Year 6 Monitoring O Box 545 Year 7 Monitoring (919)663-0810 Table 3. Project Contacts Project Contacts Table Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project /DMS Project # 95718 Designer WK Dickson and Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)782-0495 Frasier Mullen, PE Construction Contractor Wright Contracting O Box 545 Siler City, NC 27344 (919)663-0810 Jose h Wright Planting Contractor Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 (919) 209-1061 David Godley Seeding Contractor Wright Contracting O Box 545 Siler City, NC 27344 (919)663-0810 Joseph Wright Seed Mix Sources Green Resource Nursery Stock Suppliers Arbogen, NC Forestry Services Nursery Full Delivery Provider Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 (919) 209-1061 Project Manager: Daniel Ingram Monitoring Performers Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 (919)209-1061 [Project Manager: Brian Hockett, PLS Table 4. Project Information Project Information Project Name Cedar Creek Site County Sampson Project Area (acres) 42.0 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 34'57'59.663"N 7812210.778"W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Outer Coastal Plain River Basin Cape Fear USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -digit 03030006 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 -digit 03030006090060 DWQ Sub -basin 03-06-19 Project Drainage Area (acres) 2,890 acres Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 4.5% CGIA Land Use Classification Woody wetlands, Shrub/scrub, cultivated crops, evergreen forest Reach Summary Information (As -Built Conditions) Parameters UT1 UT2 UT3 UT4 Length of reach (linear feet) 5,250 917 1941 78 Valley Classification X X X X Drainage area (acres) 2780 35 151 77 NCDWQ stream identification score 50.0 34.5 40.0 42.5 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification N/A N/A N/A N/A Morphological Description (stream type) E5 E5 E5 E5 Evolutionary trend Stage II Stage II/III Stage Stage II/III II/III Underlying mapped soils BH Jo BH BH Drainage class frequently undrained frequently frequently flooded flooded flooded Soil Hydric status Hydric Hydric Hydric Hydric Slope 0.20% 1.40% 1.10% 1.0% FEMA classification N/A N/A AE N/A cultivated cultivated, mixed mixed Native vegetation community , mixed mixed hardwood hardwoo hardwood hardwood forest d forest forest forest Percent composition of exotic invasive <5 0 0 <5 vegetation Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland 1 UT1/3 Size of Wetland (acres) 13.72 Wetland Type (non-riparian, riparian riverine or riparian non-riverine Riparian Riverine Mapped Soil Series Bibb/Johnson Drainage class Frequently Flooded Soil Hydric Status Hydric Source of Hydrology Runoff/Groundwater Discharge Hydrologic Impairment Incised Channel, Dredging Native vegetation community Forested Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 1-2% Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable Resolved Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes SAW -2013-00389 Waters of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes DWR # 13-0186 Endangered Species Act Yes Yes USFWS (Corr. Letter) Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes SHPO (Corr. Letter) Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No NA N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes EEP Floodplain Requirements Checklist Essential Fisheries Habitat No NA N/A Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 5. Morphological Parameters Summary Data Table 6. Dimensional Morphology Summary — Cross Sections Data Cross Section Plots Stream Photos Table 5. Cedar Creek Morphological Parameters Reference Reach Existing' UT1 (Upper) I UT1 (Lower) I UT2 Reach A UT3 Reach A UT3 Reach A UT4 UT2 (Upper) (Lower) Design UT3 UT2 As -Built UT3 Feature Pool I Run I Shallow Shallow I Pool Shallow I Pool Shallow I Run Run Shallow I Run Shallow Shallow I Pool Shallow I Pool Shallow I Pool Shallow I Pool Drainage Area (ac) 81 2514 2780 34 116 150 79 41 146 41 146 Drainage Area (mi) 0.13 3.93 4.34 0.05 0.18 0.23 0.12 0.06 0.23 0.06 0.23 NC Regional Curve Discharge (cfs)Z --- --- 3.7 44.3 47.7 2.0 4.8 5.8 3.7 2.3 5.7 2.3 5.7 NC Regional Curve Discharge (cfs)3 --- --- 1.8 24.9 26.8 0.9 2.4 2.9 1.8 1.1 2.9 1.1 2.9 Design/Calculated Discharge cfs --- --- 5 - - - - --- 4.0 1 6.0 1 4.0 1 6.0 Dimension BF Width ft 6.3 14.0 6.2 18.2 14.1 11.0 10.9 4.8 5.2 4.0 10.4 7.7 6.2 4.6 5.4 6.0 7.0 7.5 7.1 7.9 7.2 Floodprone Width ft 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) 4.0 5.9 2.9 42.1 46.4 32.2 29.2 2.4 3.0 3.4 5.5 4.8 5.6 2.2 3.1 3.6 4.8 2.9 2.9 4.1 4.2 BF Mean Depth ft 0.6 0.4 0.5 2.3 3.3 2.9 2.7 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.0 0.5 0.8 3.2 4.4 3.7 3.3 0.7 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.1 1.3 0.7 1.0 0.8 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 Width/Depth Ratio 10.2 33.3 13.4 7.9 4.3 3.8 4.1 9.6 10.5 4.7 19.7 12.2 6.9 10.2 9.4 10.2 10.1 20.1 18.1 15.6 13.2 Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 1.2 1.3 1.6 2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Wetted Perimeter ft 7.1 14.2 6.7 20.4 18.8 15.8 16.2 5.2 5.9 5.8 10.7 8.2 7.1 4.9 5.9 6.4 7.6 7.7 7.5 8.3 7.7 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.6 0.4 0.4 2.1 2.5 2.0 1.8 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 Substrate Medium/Coarse Sand Medium/Coarse Sand Medium/Coarse Sand Medium/Coarse Sand Pattern Min Max Med --- --- --- --- --- --- Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Channel Beltwidth ft 13.0 19.3 13.9 --- --- --- --- --- --- 10.5 15.7 12.6 18.8 10.3 23.9 14.3 23.3 Radius of Curvature (ft) 5.2 11.7 9.9 --- --- --- --- --- --- 4.2 9.4 5.1 11.3 8.6 22.0 6.4 20.8 Radius of Curvature Ratio 0.7 1.6 1.3 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.1 2.9 0.8 2.6 Meander Wavelength (ft) 13.3 22.5 21.1 --- --- --- --- --- --- 4.6 13.8 6.0 18.0 5.0 18.3 6.5 19.5 Meander Width Ratio 2.1 1 3.1 1 2.2 - - - - -- - - 2.1 1 3.1 1 2.1 1 3.1 1.4 1 3.2 1 1.8 1 2.9 Profile Shallow Length (ft) 2.0 30.9 10.9 --- --- -- --- --- 1.6 24.5 1.9 29.4 2.5 26.2 2.3 33.2 Run Length (ft) 1.0 20.1 6.9 --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.8 15.9 0.9 19.1 2.1 18.5 2.3 23.2 Pool Length (ft) 2.6 12.1 5.8 --- - - --- --- --- 2.1 9.6 2.5 11.5 3.2 10.2 3.7 12.2 Pool -to-Pool Spacing (ft) 10.1 61.0 28.6 --- --- --- --- --- 8.0 48.3 9.6 57.9 12.5 55.6 10.1 60.7 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) 164 3376 1515 255 486 731 78 643 1600 643 1600 Channel Length (ft) 203 3694 1574 275 496 739 78 724 1912 740 1941 Sinuosity 1.24 1.09 1.04 1.08 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.13 1.20 1.15 1.21 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.009 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Channel Slope (ft/ft 0.009 0.0022 0.0016 0.012 0.0164 0.007 0.010 0.0170 0.0095 0.0202 0.0130 Rosgen Classification E/C5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 1 Bankfull stage was estimated using NC Regional Curve equations and existing conditions data 2 NC Regional Curve equations source: Doll et al. (2003) 3 NC Regional Curve equations source: Sweet and Geratz (2003) 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with EEP. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." Appendix B. Table 6a. - Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross Sections) Project Name/Number: Cedar Creek Site/ NCDMS Project # 95718 Cross Section 1 (Run) Cross Section 2 (Run) Cross Section 3 (Riffle) Cross Section 4 (Run) Cross Section 5 (Riffle) Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY r Record elevation (datum) used 89.8 89.2 88.1 85.8 106.1 Bankfull Width (ft) 19.0 14.3 23.8 14.4 6.9 Floodprone Width (ft) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 2.2 1 2.7 1 1.9 1 1.7 1 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3.8 3.9 3.3 2.5 1.0 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area L 41.6 38.0 45.5 24.7 3.7 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 8.6 5.4 12.4 8.4 12.8 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 2.1 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cross Section 6 (Pool) Cross Section 7 (Riffle) Cross Section 8 (Pool) Cross Section 9 (Riffle) Cross Section 10 (Pool) Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 105.3 103.5 103.5 97.9 97.4 Bankfull Width (ft) 5.9 7.3 7.1 7.5 5.7 Floodprone Width (ft) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.7 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area LL 2.1 4.5 5.0 4.0 3.5 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 16.0 11.8 9.9 14.2 9.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cross Section 11 (Riffle) Cross Section 12 (Pool) Cross Section 13 (Pool) Cross Section 14 (Riffle) Cross Section 15 (Riffle) Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 93.5 93.1 90.9 90.9 89.0 Bankfull Width (ft) 10.4 8.1 9.3 9.6 6.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.1 1.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ftZ 4.8 6.6 3.9 3.7 4.3 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 22.2 10.0 22.2 25.0 10.8 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cross Section 16 (Pool) Cross Section 17 (Pool) Cross Section 18 (Riffle) Cross Section 19 (Run) Cross Section 20 (Run) Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 88.8 87.4 87.1 108.8 105.4 Bankfull Width (ft) 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.5 8.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.1 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.6 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ftZ 3.8 4.2 4.0 2.9 2.7 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 13.1 12.0 12.3 19.6 29.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratiol 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with EEP. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with EEP. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." Appendix i. Table 6b. 1 1 ' Dimensional 1 1 1 1' I (Dimensional •arameters — Cross Sections) Project1' IProject95718 Cross 1 itl) Cross Section1 1n 23 (Riffle) Cross Sectionitl) Cross Sectionit Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' .. i i '' ®' ______®______ • • ______®______®______ •••. • 1 1 ______ 1 1 ______ 1 1 ______ 1 1 ______ 1 1 ______ BankfullMeanDepth(ft)MMMMMMMMMMMMMM=MMMMMMMMMMMMM=MMMMMM D•p m______ 1 • ______®______®______=______ Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) BankfullWidth/DepthRatiommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm R' • ® _ _ _ _ _ _ ® _ _ _ _ _ _ ® _ _ _ _ _ _ ® _ _ _ BankfullBankHeightRatio=MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Cross1 1 26 (Riffle) Cross Section 27 (Run) Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' Recordelevation (datum) Bankfall Cross Sectional Area (ft) BankfullWidth/DepthRatio=MMMMMM=MMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm R' • ® _ _ _ _ _ _ ® _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R' • m _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' .. i i i i ' ___________________________________ •••. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ De _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) BankfullWidth/DepthRatiommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm •R' • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i.� C - _' '••___________________________________ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation .. i i ' ___________________________________ BankfullCrossSectionalArea(ft2)MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM _ BankfullWidth/DepthRatiommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R' • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with EEP. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT1 Cross Section 1 - Run 95 94 93 92 91 4 c ° 90 400-00' 89 w 88 87 86 85 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (ft) �UT1 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT1 Cross Section 2 - Run 94 93 92 91 90 0 > 89 a) LU 88 87 86 - 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) —0—UT1 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UTI Cross Section 3 - Riffle 92 91 90 89 C: 0 88 WON Lu 87 86 85 84 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40. 45 50 Distance (ft) �UT1 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT1 Cross Section 4 - Run 89 88 87 86 c 0 > 85 a) LU 84 83 82 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*---UT1 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area 107.5 107 106.5 C: ° 106 W 105.5 105 104.5 0 Upstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 5 - Riffle 5 10 15 20 25 Distance (ft) --e---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Downstream 30 35 Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 6 - Pool 107 106.5 - t 106 c ° 105.5 > W 105 104.5 104 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 7 - Riffle 106 105.5 105 104.5 c ° 104 103.5 W 103 102.5 102 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --O---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 8 - Pool 105 104.5 104 c ° 103.5 Lu 103 102.5 102 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --O---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area 99 98.5 98 0 0 .7� 97.5 W 97 96.5 Upstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 9 - Riffle Downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) —�UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 10 - Run/Pool 99 98.5 98 c ° 97.5 W 97 96.5 96 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --O---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 11 - Riffle 95 94.5 94 c ° 93.5 Lu 93 92.5 L 92 i i i I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 12 - Pool 96 95.5 95 94.5 94 c ° 93.5 93 W 92.5 92 91.5 91 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --O---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 13 - Pool 93 92.5 92 91.5 c ° 91 90.5 W 90 89.5 89 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --O---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 14 - Riffle 93 92.5 92 91.5 c ° 91 90.5 W 90 89.5 89 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*---UT3 Approx. Bankfull FloodproneArea Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 15 - Riffle 92 91.5 91 90.5 90 c ° 89.5 > a) 89 Lu 88.5 88 87.5 87 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --O---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 16 - Pool 92 91.5 91 90.5 90 C: ° 89.5 89 Lu 88.5 88 87.5 87 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 17 - Pool 90 89.5 - - - 89 88.5 C: 88 0 0 87.5 Lu 87 86.5 86 - 85.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --o—UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT3 Cross Section 18 - Riffle 89 88.5 88 87.5 c 0 > 87 0 W 86.5 86 - 85.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*---UT3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT2 Cross Section 19 - Run 110 109.5 109 c 0 a) 108.5 - LU 108 107.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*--UT2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT2 Cross Section 20 - Run 106.5 106 105.5 c 0 0 105 W 104.5 104 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*---UT2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area 103 102.5 102 c 0 101.5 w 101 100.5 0 Upstream Cedar Creek Reach UT2 Cross Section 21 - Pool Downstream 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --o—UT2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area i' Cedar Creek Reach UT2 Cross Section 21 - Pool Downstream 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --o—UT2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT2 Cross Section 22 - Riffle 103 102.5 102 c ° 101.5 a� Lu 101 100.5 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --O---UT2 Approx. Bankfull FloodproneArea 98 97.5 97 96.5 c ° 96 W 95.5 95 94.5 94 0 Upstream Cedar Creek Reach UT2 Cross Section 23 - Riffle Downstream 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Distance (ft) --o--UT2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area 50 Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT2 Cross Section 24 - Pool 97 96.5 96 ° 95.5 > W 95 94.5 94 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) --*--UT2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream Cedar Creek Reach UT2 Cross Section 25 - Pool/Run 93 92.5 92 C ° 91.5 W 91 90.5 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) f-UT2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area a — 106.5 106 105.5 c 0 0 105 W 104.5 104 0 Upstream Cedar Creek Reach UT2-C Cross Section 27 - Run Downstream 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance (ft) —�UT2-C Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area 45 50 Appendix B. Cedar Creek Stream/Wetland Photos UT1 Cross Section 3 Looking Upstream (6/8/2015) UT2 STA 7+50 Looking Upstream (5/20/2015) UT3 STA 2+50 Looking Upstream (5/20/2015) Appendix B. Stream Photos UTI STA 25+50 Looking Upstream (7/30/2015) UT2 STA 8+50 Looking Downstream (5/20/2015) UT3 STA 14+00 Looking Downstream (5/20/2015) Appendix B. Cedar Creek Stream/Wetland Photos r ; :f j Wetland Restoration Area 1 and UT3 (5/13/2015) Crest Gauge 1 — UT3 (7/30/2015) Crest Gauge 3 — UT2 (7/30/2015) Appendix B. Stream Photos Wetland Hydrology Gauge AW6 (6/8/2015) Crest Gauge 2 — UT2C (7/30/2015) Rain Gauge and Ambient — (7/30/2015) Appendix B. Cedar Creek Stream/Wetland Photos -`, N L Bank Pin Array at Cross Section 6 (6/8/2015) Bank Pin Array at Cross Section 12 (6/8/2015) Bank Pin Array at Cross Section 16 (6/8/2015) Appendix B. Stream Photos Bank Pin Array at Cross Section 10 (6/8/2015) Bank Pin Array at Cross Section 13 (6/8/2015) Bank Pin Array at Cross Section 17 (6/8/2015) Appendix B. Cedar Creek Stream/Wetland Photos Bank Pin Array at Cross Section 24 (6/8/2015) Appendix B. Stream Photos Bank Pin Array at Cross Section 25 (6/8/2015) APPENDIX C Vegetation Data and Tables Table 7a. Baseline Planted Species Summary Table 7b. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Criteria Summary Table 7c. Vegetation Plot Data Summary (Species by Plot) Vegetation Plot Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 7a. Baseline Planted Species Summary Planted Date: May 26, 2015 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Total Stems Planted Asiminaa triloba Pawpaw Bare Root 800 Betula nigra River Birch Bare Root 3,500 Cephalanthus occidentalis Common Buttonbush Bare Root 600 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic White Cedar Bare Root 1,650 Malus angustifolia Crab Apple Bare Root 400 Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum Bare Root 1,500 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Bare Root 4,800 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Bare Root 4,900 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Bare Root 2,200 Quercus nigra Water Oak Bare Root 2,100 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Bare Root 900 Sambucus sp. Elderberry Bare Root 250 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Bare Root 2,400 931 0 Total 26,000 Salix nigra Black Willow Live Stake 2,000 Populus deltoides Cottonwood Live Stake 1,000 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Live Stake 500 0 1174 Total 3,500 Table 7b. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Criteria Summary Plot # Stream/ Wetland Stems2 Volunteers Total' Success Criteria Met? 1 1174 0 1174 Yes 2 1295 0 1295 Yes 3 1700 0 1700 Yes 4 1093 0 1133 Yes 5 1335 0 1335 Yes 6 1335 0 1335 Yes 7 1255 0 1255 Yes 8 971 0 971 Yes 9 890 0 890 Yes 10 971 0 971 Yes 11 931 0 971 Yes 12 931 0 931 Yes 13 890 0 890 Yes 14 1133 0 1174 Yes 15 1174 0 1174 Yes 16 931 0 931 Yes 17 890 0 890 Yes 18 1295 0 1295 Yes 19 890 0 890 Yes 20 890 0 890 Yes Project Avg 1099 0 1105 Yes Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 7c. Vegetation Plot Data Summary (Species by Plot) Current Plot Data (MYO2015) Current Plot Data (MYO2015) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 95718-01-0001 95718-01-0002 95718-01-0003 95718-01-0004 95718-01-0005 95718-01-0006 1 95718-01-0007 95718-01-0008 95718-01-0009 95718-01-0010 MYO(2015) Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Asiminatriloba Pawpaw Tree Pawpaw Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 13 13 13 30 30 30 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 13 13 13 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 28 28 28 28 28 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic White Cedar Tree 13 13 13 6 6 6 3 3 3 12 12 12 34 34 34 Liriodendron tulipifera 34 34 34 Liriodendron tulipifera Tuliptree Tree 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 7 7 7 3 3 3 19 19 19 Malus 1 Tree 19 19 19 Malus Crab Apple Tree 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 10 10 10 Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore 2 2 2 10 10 10 Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore Tree 1 1 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 9 9 Oak sp. Tree 14 1 1 1 40 40 40 Quercus Oak sp. Tree 9 9 9 1 1 1 7 7 7 11 11 11 15 15 15 23 23 23 14 14 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 181 181 181 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 6 6 6 4 2 2 2 6 6 6 2 2 2 5 5 35 35 5 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 35 35 35 Quercus nigra Water Oak Tree 1 1 1 Willow Oak Tree 2 2 2 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 6 6 6 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 Sambucus Elderberry Shrub 3 3 3 2 2 2 21 21 21 Sambucus Elderberry Shrub I I I 1 1 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Tree I 4 4 10 10 10 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Tree 31 31 31 23 23 23 142 142 142 Unknown 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 8 8 142 142 142 Unknown Unknown Shrub or Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 24 24 23 23 23 22 22 22 29 29 29 29 29 29 23 23 23 22 22 22 32 32 32 22 3 3 3 22 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 29 29 29 32 32 32 42 42 42 28 28 28 33 33 33 33 33 33 31 31 31 24 24 24 22 22 22 24 24 24 546 546 546 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.49 4 1 4 4 2 2 2 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 3 3 3 5 5 5 13 13 1890.3 13 1174 1174 1174 1295 1295 1295 1700 1700 11700 1133 1133 1133 11335 11335 11335 1335 1335 1335 1255 1255 11255 1971.2 1971.2 1971.2 890.3 18903 971.2 971.2 9711105 1105 1 1105 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Current Plot Data (MYO2015) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 95718-01-0011 95718-01-0012 95718-01-0013 95718-01-0014 95718-01-0015 95718-01-0016 1 95718-01-0017 95718-01-0018 95718-01-0019 95718-01-0020 MYO(2015) Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Asiminatriloba Pawpaw Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 30 30 30 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 2 2 2 5 5 5 28 28 28 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic White Cedar Tree 13 13 13 3 3 3 34 34 34 Liriodendron tulipifera Tuliptree Tree 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 7 7 7 3 3 3 19 19 19 Malus Crab Apple Tree 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 10 10 10 Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 7 7 7 3 3 3 40 40 40 Quercus Oak sp. Tree 14 14 14 4 4 4 15 15 15 5 5 5 10 10 10 8 8 8 21 21 21 7 7 7 7 7 7 181 181 181 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 4 4 4 1 1 1 5 5 5 35 35 35 Quercus nigra Water Oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 1 1 1 21 21 21 Sambucus Elderberry Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Tree 4 4 4 10 10 10 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 4 4 4 7 7 7 9 9 9 4 4 4 142 142 142 Unknown Unknown Shrub or Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 24 24 24 23 23 23 22 22 22 29 29 29 29 29 29 23 23 23 22 22 22 32 32 32 22 22 22 22 22 22 546 546 546 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.49 7 7 7 2 2 2 8 8 8 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 5 5 5 13 13 1930.8 13 971.2 971.2 971.2 930.8 930.8 930.8 890.3 890.3 890.3 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 930.8 930.8 890.3 890.3 890.3 1295 1295 1295 890.3 1890.3 1890.3 890.3 1890.3 18903 1105 1105 1105 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Appendix C. Cedar Creek MYO Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 5 (6/8/2015) Appendix C. Cedar Creek Site MYO Vegetation Photos Vegetation Plot 2 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 4 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 6 (6/8/2015) Cedar Creek MYO Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 7 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 9 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 11 (6/8/2015) Appendix C. Cedar Creek Site MYO Vegetation Photos Vegetation Plot 8 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 10 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 12 (6/8/2015) Cedar Creek MYO Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 13 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 15 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 17 (6/8/2015) Appendix C. Cedar Creek Site MYO Vegetation Photos Vegetation Plot 14 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 16 (6/8/2015) Vegetation Plot 18 (6/8/2015) Cedar Creek WO Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 19 (6/8/2015) Appendix C. Cedar Creek Site MYO Vegetation Photos Vegetation Plot 20 (6/8/2015) APPENDIX D Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Proj ect As -Built Survey As -Built Survey Plan Sheets Design Red Line Plans STfrox��EAM AN# CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN HUC** 3030006090060 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION PROJECT CONTRACT 1229 7262 1222 Sampson County Airport 7291 c� Q 1228 SITE 1222 1274 o� s VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE OF MITIGATION SERVICES # 95718 # 005011 A S ro 0 —iDDUILT SUIPAVEY PROJECT COORDINATES: LATITUDE: 34.9668277780 N LONGITUDE: 78.367605560 W PROJECT DIRECTORY DESIGNER: W. K. DICKSON 720 CORPORATE CENTER DR. RALEIGH, NC 27607 (919) 782-0495 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: WRIGHT CONTRACTING PO BOX 545 SILER CITY, NC 27344 (919) 663-0810 FULL DELIVERY PROVIDER: RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, NC 27605 (919) 209-1061 MONITORING PERFORMERS. RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, NC 27605 (919)209-1061 SURVEYING: MATRIX EAST, PLLC 906 N. QUEEN ST., SUITE A KINSTON, NC 28501 (252)522-2500 SHEET INDEX COVER SHEET LEGEND, NOTES, & CROSS SECTION CONTROL STREAM BASELINE OVERVIEW STREAM MONITORING OVERVIEW STREAM BASELINE AS-BUILTS WETLAND DETAIL CROSS SECTION CHARTS S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 THROUGH S10 S11 S12 SEAL � 9 � SEAL i149i8B CA ESEAL L-4712 f9sa R NO Uj M2 in wm z Uj D. W W y CC W � O t� ch Ul U) L U) UA d - d- N J N-1-a XL HN U) o Ln , � (� 00 N N X NXCD Q I U E zz ova LLJ o 0 p J a) �W �zN�� zYl�� N w _1 CO o INn Q 0)1 . •• N W Ln N J W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE DEPARTMENT DRAWNBY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 1 OF 12 APPROVED JRW DRAWING NO. sl DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 Cedar Creek Baseline Monitoring Cross Section Control SEAL CSA 0 516 -; ®� L,4712 m Description Northing Easting Elevation Description Northing Easting Elevation XS1-LEFT PIN 442909.73 2190246.16 91.00 XS15-LEFT PIN 443774.12 2189077.12 88.92 XS1-RIGHT PIN 442940.33 2190285.57 91.80 XS15-RIGHT PIN 443822.99 2189065.98 89.29 XS2-LEFT PIN 443219.45 2189973.62 90.92 XS16-LEFT PIN 443784.49 2189080.22 88.99 XS2-RIGHT PIN 443269.31 2189981.01 89.57 XS16-RIGHT PIN 443795.46 2189031.36 89.10 XS3-LEFT PIN 443226.78 2189431.41 89.16 XS17-LEFT PIN 443676.19 2188992.79 87.18 XS3-RIGHT PIN 443275.85 2189421.61 88.43 XS17-RIGHT PIN 443717.62 2188964.88 87.58 XS4-LEFT PIN 443585.84 2188910.65 87.67 XS18-LEFT PIN 443668.81 2188990.37 87.29 XS4-RIGHT PIN 443631.93 2188930.04 86.90 XS18-RIGHT PIN 443695.99 2188948.57 86.94 XS5-LEFT PIN 444773.29 2189675.02 106.00 XS19-LEFT PIN 443417.25 2190821.06 108.44 XS5-RIGHT PIN 444804.99 2189665.46 106.52 XS19-RIGHT PIN 443466.82 2190825.15 108.97 XS6-LEFT PIN 444764.44 2189661.76 105.58 XS20-LEFT PIN 443422.52 2190741.23 105.87 XS6-RIGHT PIN 444767.87 2189611.85 105.09 XS20-RIGHT PIN 443471.94 2190734.31 105.95 XS7-LEFT PIN 444610.33 2189566.84 104.07 XS21-LEFT PIN 443336.80 2190628.28 101.85 XS7-RIGHT PIN 444618.61 2189517.37 103.80 N XS21-RIGHT PIN 443378.65 2190601.27 101.85 X58 -LEFT PIN 444598.28 2189563.58 104.23 XS22-LEFT PIN 443337.84 2190614.80 101.79 XS8-RIGHT PIN 444608.19 2189514.63 103.80 XS22-RIGHT PIN 443359.99 2190570.06 101.15 XS9-LEFT PIN 444347.64 2189462.74 97.90 �> CO XS23-LEFT PIN 443264.39 2190400.45 94.46 XS9-RIGHT PIN 444378.78 2189423.44 98.03 XS23-RIGHT PIN 443308.72 2190423.22 96.44 XS10-LEFT PIN 444336.48 2189451.40 97.00 XS24-LEFT PIN 443254.69 2190406.53 94.35 XS10-RIGHT PIN 444367.99 2189418.79 97.93 XS24-RIGHT PIN 443314.00 2190398.54 96.02 XS11-LEFT PIN 444076.87 2189246.76 93.01 RALEIGH, XS25-LEFT PIN 443179.48 2190325.55 91.68 XS11-RIGHT PIN 444116.06 2189215.39 93.54 DRAWN BY JRW XS25-RIGHT PIN 443206.89 2190283.81 91.01 XS12-LEFT PIN 444067.66 2189228.24 93.12 DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB XS26-LEFT PIN 443167.33 2190305.38 91.16 XS13-LEFT PIN 443962.58 2189171.86 91.13 XS26-RIGHT PIN 443214.82 2190290.16 91.17 XS13-RIGHT PIN 443991.46 2189130.82 91.33 XS27-LEFT PIN 443464.26 2190664.31 105.64 XS14-LEFT PIN 443932.56 2189147.47 90.54 XS27-RIGHT PIN 443449.88 2190616.48 104.46 XS14-RIGHT PIN 443971.75 2189116.11 91.34 LEGEND CIL =CENTERLINE R/W =RIGHT OF WAY N/F =NOW OR FORMERLY HDPE =HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE XS =CROSS SECTION VP =VEGETATION PLOT 0 =WELL RG/A =RAIN GAUGE/AMBIENT GAUGE 0 =GAUGE CG =CREST GAUGE ACG =AUTO -CREST GAUGE AW =AUTO -WELL =LOG STRUCTURE ® =ROCK STRUCTURE =ROCK AREA LCE =CONSERVATION EASEMENT LINE - - - - =BOUNDARY LINE =WETLAND BOUNDARY LINE = WOODLINE NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. THE HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD 83(2011) AND THE VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD 88. J. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES. 4. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION AS -BUILT CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 5. NO PROPERTY LINES WERE SURVEYED DURING THIS SURVEY. ALL CONSERVATION EASEMENTS, PROPERTY LINES, AND ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS ARE SHOWN BY PREVIOUS SURVEYS BY MATRIX EAST, PLLC AS RECORDED IN THE SAMPSON COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE. SEAL SEAL CSA 0 516 -; ®� L,4712 m `°li%SiIIt�\l, 1Z kAO71a�g_ O UJ x O v z O LIJ LU L zW W O cccc04 I= z W I O Lai z w L z W W W d - h N J 0 J O (CONN NX O Q C/) U I E zz wz 0 _ ° Q ��oU) Cf)z Z N �> CO � W Y N CO LL_ _I W t0 O rn I Q � i-A� N N W J W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 2 OF 12 APPROVED JRW DRAWING NO. �� DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 i i \ SAMPSON COUNTY / CITY OF CLINTON i DB 1616, PG 268 FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS DB 704, PG 150 i DB 733, PG 298 \ DB 752, PG 729 \\<ce R4LPH H. HAMILTON DB 1148, PG 985 MB 1, PG 306 , 301 33l-- UT1 3" UT1 END ENHANCEMENT II (STA 53+51) RALPH H. HAMILTON DB 1148, PG 985 MB 1, PG 306 FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS DB 704, PG 150 DB 733, PG 298 DB 752, PG 729 UT1 END ENHANCEMENT I, BEGIN ENHANCEMENT lI (STA 44+60) AGE FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS DB 704, PG 150 DB 733, PG 298 DB 752, PG 729 I WETLAND W 1 UT3 JAMES L. HAMILTON ET ALS. l DB 955, PG 767 i POND i i i i UT3 / RALPH HARVEY \ \ /dill HAMILTON \ / DB 1220, PG 990 MB 29, PG 4 1 WETLAND W 1 RALPH HARVEY HAMILTON DB 814, PG 82 ' UT3 30l 331 RALPH H. HAMILTON DB 1148, PG 985 MB 1, PG 306 UT3 END P l RESTORATION (STA 20+10) N0 FR4NCES J. m HAMILTON HEIRS DB 915, PG 163 UT3 BEGIN P 1 RESTORATION(STA i \ 0+69) i THE ELEANOR H. LAMB REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DB 1442, PG 914 UT2C BEGIN HEADWATER VALLEY RESTORATION (STA 0+02) UT2C - \ END HEADWATER VALLEY RESTORATION (STA 1+95) ` UT1 1� END ENHANCEMENT //, BEGIN UT1 ENHANCEMENT I (STA 31+65) � ccf J, UT1 � Cf END ENHANCEMENT 1/, -6, \ BEGIN ENHANCEMENT 1 \ (STA 41+95) SHEET 11 WETLAND MITIGATION TYPE MITIGATION AREA WMUs W1 RESTORATION 13.72 ACt 13.72 REACH MITIGATION TYPE AS -BUILT LENGTH IN EASEMENT SMUs UT1 ENHANCEMENT I 680' 454 UT1 ENHANCEMENT II 4,506' 1803 UT2 HV RESTORATION 337 337 UT2 P 1 RESTORATION 518 518 UT2C HV RESTORATION 193' 193 UT3 P1 RESTORATION 1,941' 1941 UT4 ENHANCEMENT II 78' 31 TOTAL 8,253' 5277 RALPH H. HAMILTON DB 1148, PG 985 MB 1, PG 306 i UTI END ENHANCEMENT I, BEGIN ' ENHANCEMENT 11 (STA 35+80) I r I I I i I I i I I I UT2 \<cf UT2 END P 1 RESTORATION (STA 9+28) F R SHEET 5 UTI UT2C FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS DB 915, PG 163 UT4 END ENHANCEMENT 1/ (STA 1+14) RALPH HARVEY HAMILTON DB 814, PG 82 r- UT2 UT2 BEGIN HEADWATER VALLEY RESTORATION(STA 0+ 11) DONALD RAY \ I JORDAN IDB 1737, PG 137 \ -UT2 END HEADWATER VALLEY / \ RESTORATION, BEGIN Pl RESTORATION(STA 3+48) I j I i� I \ i \ I \ I ` i \ i i UT4 BEGIN ENHANCEMENT 11 (STA 0+36) \ UT4 MARY LILY JOHNSON NUCKOLLS, ET ALS. F DB 1807, PG\ MB 14, PG 100 � J \ U \ C> \ 191 WILLIAM M. BENNET\ DB 874, PG 756 16\ UTI �c F MARY LILY JOHNSON ALS. DB 18 DB 18077,, PGG 489 / MB 14, PG 10 O N UTI �9L. ��% BEGIN ENHANCEMENT J 11 ��> A` �� (STA 1+01) WATER TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT DB 1545, PG 316 0 200' 400' mmmml HORIZONTAL SCALE SEAL r SEAL S -a' s - • � L-4712 •®7, ®0 s, GY . \ W W L W �p0 W Z 3 J W W � W CCQ H d- vN < Ln I � ~O U7 00 N N N x � Q O ii U) Z z W Z O QZ �--O O CN J > i�W zY'Fcn W W O Q �A C N • i W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1 " = 200' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 3 OF 12 APPROVED JRW DRAWING NO. �� DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 JAMES L. HAMILTON ET ALS. FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS DB 955, PG 767 DB 704, PG 150 0� POND DB 733, PG 298 DB 752, PG 729 / VP -20 / WETLAND W l XS -5 XS -6 UT3 \ AW -2 G FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS DB 704 XS -7 VP -19 PG 150 / / / \ DB 733, PG 298 � l DB 752, PG 729 v X3-8 p-18 / THE ELEANOR H. LAMB REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DB 1442, PG 914 \ LAW -3 \ / / UT3 ' v� �\ /v� VP -17 FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS CF \/ XS9 DB 704, PG 150 DB 733, PG 298 / \ XS -10 / \ \ / RALPH HARVEY � " DB 752, PG 729 �, \ \ / HAMILTON � / v / DB 1220, PG 990 \ Q MB 29, PG 4 \ 2 /\ -- -- VP- 15 / VP-16 A \ WETLAND W 9 SAMPSON COUNTY WETLAND W l ( AW- 1 J \ \ CITY OF CLINTON \DB 1616, PG 268 v I CG -1 \ RALPH HARVEY XS -11 HAMILTON ACG -1 XS -12 \ DB 814, PG 82 FRANCES ✓. \ / FRANCES J. HAMILTON HE/RS HAMILTON HEIRS \ DB 704, PG 150 VP -9 \ DB 704, PG 150 / / DB 733, PG 298 DB 733, PG 298 \ DB 752, PG 729 FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRSAW-5 DB 752, PG 729 \ ` / DB 704, PG 150 / AW -6 �/ CF DB 733, PG 298 / XS -13 \ccF DB 752, PG 729 XS -14 JUS �R RALPH H. HAMILTON VP -8 m \ DB 1148, PG 985 VP -14 MB 1, PG 306 5� `cE� AW -9 _ / / FRANCES J. �LCE E AW -10 XS -16 . HAMILTON HEIRS DB 915, PG 163 UT REFAW-1 / / \ ao, / � � -12 .� -AL VP XS -15 VP - 13 XS -17 VP -10 \ \ RALPH H. HAMILTON XS -18 DB 1148, PG 985 �' - UT3 \ MB 1, PG 306 _ �_ AW-8 \<ce REFAW-3 3c> 30, 30, 3c, ` _ R %� w RALPH HARVEY OO ccF HAMILTON VP -6 REFAW-2-\ac��, XS -4 \ � VP -11 \ FRANCES J. UT2c ccF \ DB 814, PG 82 3�, \ HAMILTON HEIRS FRANCES J. \cce\ RALPH H. HAMILTON\\30(ND) I� DB 915, PG 163 WETLAND W l HAMILTON HEIRS W ACG -2 DB 1148, PG 985 AW -7 �l DB 915, PG 163 j ce MB 1, PG 306 \ / ccF CG -2 XS -27 " \ \\cce FRANCES J. RG/A VP -2 (f ] ' ccF HAMILTON HEIRS -3 3 \ \ DB 915, PG 163 CG \cc �� XS -21 XS -20 XS -19 F\ccF �cE ACG -3 e \ VP -5 c ccF �0� S-24 XS -23 XS -22 FRANCES J. UT2 �J \ XS -3 XS -2 6E/ of / DB HAMILTON E 15, PG 16J XS -26 UTI XS -25 3� _33' � 3 VP -4 U T2 RALPH H. HAMILTON DB 1148, PG 985 i \ MB 1, PG 306 ! FRANCES J. ' HAMILTON HEIRS DB 915, PG 163 �n ! F MARY LILY JOHNSON XS -1 \ ' NUCKOLLS, ET ALS DB 1807, PG 489 MB 14, PG 10 ccF `cF UT1 ! J� F ! � FRANCES J. � HAMILTON HEIRS / ! DB 915, PG 163 / i O nF ! ' poi / \ VP -1 ' uT4 0 150' 300' HORIZONTAL SCALE SEAL (� f D SEAL C Lu W � ui cc ul ul LO Z> z 0 O Z O a W W y W V ' N J J �0 (J°) DO N NXo'i co N � cn �' U LL 0 E z z wz @ ° Q F- O • Z N J > � � .- uj(o z W W CN O 0 � N Ln W W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL. SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1 " = 150' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 4 OF 12 APPROVED JRW DRAWING NO. �� DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 SEAL a 1� SEAL t�{r A P, , mw , Essa R L- 4 712 -7 R.* 24 HDPE W m J NE INV.=99.04' I�LCE�LCE----.110E- LCE \ CE-- LIJ 40 W `o Z W J J W u' SW INV.=98.92' 11 `°E-____- low Z W cc J I= W U) \\ \I =g / v6'/\ \ / / y \ \ \ \ — 114''_' T-- J CNo 0 co V) 00 N N N C:) QQ X Q � V) U E z z© wz 0 \ � 0 0 J > Z N Lu / / / \ \ (D O LN Q LO Lil RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1"=30' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW FRANCES /F ✓. HAMILTON HEIRS110 DB 915, PG 163 / i / / vel, / l l <� JRW DRAWING NAME ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 4 / / \to +OXOO / / 10wc� 102 > / / / / /I WOODS �\ 60 1 / / / STA: 0+ 11 1�ti / wooDs / / F / 500 / / — ( \ \ O \ / I \ \ Z \ I / / orf v XS -21 STA: 4+66 / 1 / STA:5+28 \ \ / �\ i v / XS -22 II'> \� ✓� UT2 l I Imo•/ / �� Z— 1 / / --� 1'-°0 L/ II j STA:3+48 / Dxx� / � o� I \ 24 HDPE �, I \ / END HEADWATER VALLEY RESTORATION BEGIN P1 RESTORATIONf \ / � \ \ / I \ _ NE INV. -99.47 \ SW INV.=99.01' \ \ �� XS -2J o G'� \\ ACG -3 XS -24 \ CO \2-00 _ < \ 9d \\ /00 xs-19 \ UT2C \ \ VP -3 _ \� `STA: 1 +95 ' _ �O3 �3s 30, �,�—i�---�,�--ao,—�—�, a °,\ END HEADWATER ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ UT2C 905 \ VALLEY RESTORATION — , 4 RG/A \\ \ /' / \ XS -20 \ XS -27 \ , 70 \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ RALPH HARVEY HAMILTON \ DB 814, PG 82 \ \ \ \ \ 7Os \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ACG -2 706 \ \ \ \ \ CG -2 \ 440 X106 0 30' 60' HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 3' 6' VERTICAL SCALE 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+33 115 115 RIGHT TOP OF SA VK LEPT TOP OF BANK w Z z w w 110110 AS BUILT THALWEG 0 ve- RIGH TOP OF BA NK w z LE TOP OF BANK RIGHT TOP F BA K 105 105 LE TO OF LANK a 24" DPE A —BUl T THA WEG 24" DPE 100 100 S—B LT T LWEG IN11. Q9.47' RIGHT TOP OF BANK IN 9 .04'INV. 99.01' LEFT TOP 0 BA N V INV. 98. 2' 95 95 A —BU! T TH LWEG 90 90 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+33 SEAL a 1� SEAL t�{r A P, , mw , Essa R L- 4 712 -7 R.* W m J m O LIJ 40 W `o Z W J J W u' 04 CC ccmL low Z W cc J I= W U) L N L d- N T-- J CNo 0 co V) 00 N N N C:) X Q � V) U E z z© wz 0 = fA 14 � 0 0 J > Z N Lu of InN z Y LL_ J W (D O LN Q LO Lil RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1"=30' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 5 OF 12 APPROVED DRAWING NO. JRW �20130080 s DRAWING NAME ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 7+33 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+28 95 .e 85 :/ 7+33 7+50 OF THAL 8+00 WA 8+50 TOP I OF TOP I OF 95 m 85 9+00 9+28 MARY LILY JOHNSON NUCKOLLS, ET ALS. DB 1807, PG 489 MB 14, PG 10 91 - < HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 3' 6' VERTICAL SCALE SEAL �� SEAL ®moi ®tla� a u� S E A+E L -47 A LIJ N 1- + ■ + cch W Z W J J W 00 Q � m L cd Wox Z CC LU CC IA L � N L F Lm N H N O Ln � D N N 00 N N X O L WIA 4-1 c/) U E zz� a wz ° :DU' � 0 > �LL- Lu Z N :3 ryU) zYi N J W CO O LN Q 0) 1 -, v� N W L0 J W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1 " = 30$ DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 6 OF 12 APPROVED DRAWING NO. JRW �� DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 / WOODS o UT2 \ \ XS -27 / REFAW-3 UT2C /0+00 ick WOODS J 1I 1+00 1 '\ )1 ACG -2 CG -2 \UT2C / O I ` — RG/A VP -3 X09\ cp \ UT2C \ \ \ STA: 1 +95 0+00 115 r- 110 110 105 0+50 v 0+50 \ \ LEND HEADWATER \ \ \ VALLEY RESTORATION OF WEG 1+00 1+00 1+50 1+50 LEFT 705 1-704— C) -704— i s \ UT2 \ STA:3+48 END HEADWATER VALLEY RESTORATION I BEGIN P 1 RESTORATION \ ACG -3 \ \ / CG -3 — 57 ,� 102� x0 O XS -21 wooDs- / \ // XS-22\�---- / 24" HDPE NE INV. =99.04' l SW INV. =,98.92' UT2 \�\ 1 \\STA:4+��� goo /101 , _ 100 � 1+95 r—I 115 110 105 100 'J 95 1+95 IV40 0 30' 60' HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 3' 6' VERTICAL SCALE SEAL �� 7 ,tt11§�PtBlil��� SEAL �,� 8 A rFSj� L-47 1(;�;Itett\ � e H W + J � O ca o H og 0W z� J um cc Qa UA L W N OL F W t� N ' 4-j Ho N o N N cn 00 NXO N - E— Q V) U z z - n 0 @- U) wz 0 C cn Lo ° J > :3 as 2 Z_ N zYI N ry _i W c0 O L rn Q . N DC7 N W _1 W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1" = 30' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED F9-30-15 SHEET No. 7 OF 12 APPROVED DRAWING NO. JRW S7 DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT N0. 2013080 0+60 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 115 110 105 100 95 0 30' 60' HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 3' 6' VERTICAL SCALE 7+00 7+26 LE TOP OF BANK RIGHT T0 OF BANK EFTOP 0 BAN RIGHT TOP F HAW RIGHT TOP F BA W LEFT TOP OF BANK AS -BUILT HALW G LFT TP OF BANK RIGHT TC P OF BANK AS -BUILT HALW G AS -BUILT T ALWE AS BUILT THAL EG 0+60 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 115 110 105 100 95 7+00 7+26 SEAL �qq SEAL yyq g gg g 4 , �@7 R ® i �� Q e y _46 ��o� W Ofmk 40 N F + J '` • ILLI CC LIJ L + Q O Z W J J Iiiiiiiiivii W �1. Q CC m L c Z W ch � J LU CC U)F L d' d' N ; 'c X cn00 NN N O Q �4-, U) z z w z D 0o C_ C3 ° � Q zz C" �W z�'�� N .J W CO ® INC) Q N N Li _i W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1"=30' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BYP9-30-15 JRW ATE STARTED SHEET No. 8 OF 12 APPROVED DRAWING NO. JRW �� DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT N0. 2013080 1� //— ---LCE / / / AW -4 109 / LiRE / \ OLCE CE LCE ° LCE -- LCE -- ---LCE T— / / 2 L6� / / / / / / / � ,1oa / / WETLAND Wl LIMITS / / WOODS / / / / '� / / l / WOODS / di, 2dL WOODS WOODS XS -9 \ I �JL / shit a,lic �hlt Milt �dL 0�� O VP -17 XS -10 \ / — — — O(} \ / / XS -13 / _ 0 AW -3 O—J/ — \ /���k ` \// XS -11 --,�� AW -5 N 0 \ o / CO vp—g L / \00 AIL \ XS -12 Q \�—/ \ l \� —� 96—__ UT3 \\—=� \ �� /j �\ ` ��— V) UT3 95 �-LI z ilc �\ �dL /' f gilt \ 1 ,,h, / J �f4+0,o; s 91 � . — \ � � � � � � � I � / VP-16 9 4 / � � M CV ACG- i / / �� - - 91 — \ Z XS- 14 � oCG-1 I\ \ _ 40p'-97 \ — --- \ UT3 \ �JL\ \ 9 \ WOODS / 1 / \__� ���5.,,� �> v� 9 ► „ l ( / WOODS -95 \ \ ► \ \ \ WETLAND W1 LIMITS / / IAL WETLAND W 1 LIM/TS \ \ \ — 98 \ \ ' / - / WOODS 93 -- — — — 93— 99 7+26 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 105 95 85 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 i 4 -I -nn 0 30' 60' HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 3' 6' VERTICAL SCALE 1,d -L r,n RIGHT TOP OF iANK LE TOP OF B NK RIGHT TOP OF BANK LEFT TOP CF BANK GHT 7 OP 0 BAN A BUIZ T THAL WEG 7 _7`7 E>-1 TOP OF BAN AS--BUIL7 THAL VEG �IGHT TOP C F BA K LEFT TOP OF BANK A -BUIL THA WEG AS BUILT THAL EG 7+20 +w 8+00 5+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 105 95 85 15+00 SEAL , SEAL CA 0 fill � Lu 00m% oft �64J � . W y N UJ L Z Q + r%W Z W 1 � W 116 O Q m L Z W Q J W L (AF 4-1 W d- N I J W ~ AN +, O Lc)vj (�00NN X NX�'� I- Q ( 0 E% (/) U XL LL E zzU)© W Z O O J aI- O a Z N ry WLu W ® LO Q W •N � k'� N J W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1"=30' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BYDATE STARTED SHEET No. JRW 9-30-15 9 OF 12 APPROVED DRAWING NO. JRW DRAWING NAME �� 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 15+00 100 r- 95 85 80 '- 15+00 15+50 15+50 T OF 16+00 16+00 AL oh, UTI \ \ o --- -A -- -4 ur3 \ \ /9 0 \ o C�51 \ � xs-18 \ \ \ I \ �> / XS- 17 XS -16 \ � 16+50 16+50 17+00 17+00 17+50 17+50 T OF OF 18+00 18+00 18+50 18+50 19+00 19+00 \II _ o�,� 20 O WETLAND WI LIMITS I \ \\ { \ \ \ II RALPH H. HAMILTON DB 1148, PG 985 MB 1, PG 306 l 20+ 10alL cp \\ \ UTIcp —as \ o \\\ \ o\\\ 19+50 19+50 TOP T 20+0020+10 --7- 1 1 100 95 •• m 0 30' 60' HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 3' 6' VERTICAL SCALE SEAL ( SEAL VP -12 \ 1 SEAL �L I114 _ a i x4712 AW -9 R. ( e I UT3 / �JL �II� / A �c 'lilt . r o \ Mj N LLI L 40 cc W 9 Z W plc alt LIQ -\IL Ah,I �llc �Ik 1c\\ alt U) O Q L zmCC Q I \ W Z cc a H J CC U) 0 L �\ L / �dL / W .IIIA .Ih, .III. All, ,Ih. / .III. All, .III. \IIIA 16+50 16+50 17+00 17+00 17+50 17+50 T OF OF 18+00 18+00 18+50 18+50 19+00 19+00 \II _ o�,� 20 O WETLAND WI LIMITS I \ \\ { \ \ \ II RALPH H. HAMILTON DB 1148, PG 985 MB 1, PG 306 l 20+ 10alL cp \\ \ UTIcp —as \ o \\\ \ o\\\ 19+50 19+50 TOP T 20+0020+10 --7- 1 1 100 95 •• m 0 30' 60' HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 3' 6' VERTICAL SCALE SEAL ( SEAL ���ia� i Wily! �� -0i SEAL _ a i x4712 R. ( e r o Mj N LLI L 40 cc W 9 Z W W � U) O Q L zmCC Q W Z cc a H J CC U) 0 L L F W d- N W N N cn 00 N NL X L- Q I V) U 0 E z z - U) Q wz _ U O O J N ° T > z r ry W O LN 07 Q . •+ N Ln W ` J W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1" = 30' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 10 OF 12 APPROVED DRAWING NO. JRW slo DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT N0. 2013080 `'CE 24" HDPE N.E. INV! =117.57' S.W. INV! =108.72' 1 14 \\ \ \ POND UT3 v�110 108 / VP -20 \ 1 \ \ \\\ ^)\� AW -1 XS -5 01 AW -2 y AW -2 �C)o�/��� � { I Ill l � f FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS v� ��g� / ` VP -19 DB 704, PG 150 O� o� - DB 733, PG 298 - DB 752, PG 729 XS 7 / WETLAND W 1 BOUNDARY �// / /'�`\ j j / / /l /l ��/ ^I��l//� ; 11 it WETLA ND W 1 BOUNDARY709— ` ((/ ////✓� lS� l THE ELEANOR H. 'oo III I I LAMB I l \ \\ \ REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DB 1442, PG FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS / / / i\, \ W-3 I I \ 914 DB 704, PG 150 — // 9g o \ DB 733, PG 298 DB 752, PG 729 — — /// / 98 \ XS -9 f. VP 17xs— 10 > �7 �100�c� RALPH HARVEY \ 97 _ / o ' I HAMILTON VP-16 / / l { m \ o \ DB 1220, PG 990 \ 96 � `� l� \ M8 29, PG 4 '/ \ \ \ / — — 98 / / v / / 9 \ �/�V// — 97�/ �/ VP -15 9599 v 96 i-� l -�-9s // I�/ / AW -11 �i� JI / /� \ AW� ---94 Z/^ �\ /\9 / r 9 ✓ // UT3 93 �� �Ir / V 7 CGI , \ RALPH HARVEY ACG - XS -11 ' �HAMILTON 6-— — 9� XS- 12 ` \ DB 814, PG 82 92 — 92— -3` / \ 95 \ G� XS -13 \ AW -5 WETLAND W1 / \ / 97-- — VP -9' 94 \ \ BOUNDARY \ xsj 4 ,l \ \ FRANCES J. HAMILTON HEIRS 9AL DB 704, PG 150 DB 733, PG 298 DB 752, PG 729 '98 XS -15 AW -9 { XS -16 \\ 92 _-LCE / i - - 87 _ / m \ i \ VP -12 \ \ [TIP, 8 6 HAM IL \ \ " 8j XS -17 \ \ VP -10 \ \ / / ^ / \ 1 m ` \ \ \ FRANCES HEIRS L\ \� 8UT3 \ \ DB 915, PG 163 xs-18 \ \\ 90 \ UTI \\ \ \ \ VP -11 3J� 3J'I � .. WETLAND W1 REFAAW-2 XS - \3J) 4 _ _ \ \�. \3J, \ I \ \ BOUNDARY \3J7 \ \ \ AW -7 VP -6 ) RALPH H. HAMILTON DB 1148, PG 985 MB 1, PG 306 3J7 UT1 \ VI -65 r x �J 90 xs-3 1 \ F / 3p� FRANCES J. A REA IN WETLA ND W I _ 13. 72 A C. �- HAMILTON HEIRS DB 915, PG 163 \CCF \�Cf \\ \ <CF z VP -5 UT 1 0 100' 200' HORIZONTAL SCALE SEAL SEAL P) pr t • UJ ml Ift JMl Z L W49 cc r z W ch UJ C C Gq L d - N N4-j Q LIJ0 J V) 0 N N N N •- JGCD L U W W U) z z @ W z o 0 a 14 J D o Ln �CO Z Y ' N W -I W CD In Q 0') ' � •�, Y N W LO W RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE 1 " = 100' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED F9-30-15 SHEET No. 11 OF 12 APPROVED JRW DRAWING NO. S11 DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 SEAL �o(5 XS- 71 XS -2 XS -3 SEAL w L-471 R.g�� ® ytl:���9Q4�� _ i\0 93 93 92 ■ ZN 92 91 Lu x 91 02 O cc W CC z D. zUA r ■ 0 z cl y Z 0 ■ chW O cc L ccW F XS- 4 J IN 4-j JLi L DN N N 92 xj-� H Q U W W F- zz w zd :)OCD - ° 92 91 > �a W zY W O L Q A ��.Tj� 91 90 N Ln N W w RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL 90 89 SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 89 N.C. 27605 SCALE = 1 1$20' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 12 OF 12 APPROVED JRW DRAWING NO. S12 DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 91 91 90 90 89 89 88 88 XS- 7 90 90 89 89 88 88 87 87 106 106 XS -5 XS- 6 89 89 88 88 87 87 86 86 108 108 107 107 105 105 88 88 87 87 86 86 85 85 107 107 106 106 104 1-11 100 11 104 87 87 86 86 85 85 84 84 106 106 105 105 103 103 86 86 85 85 84 84 83 83 105 105 104 104 102 111 1101 102 85 -20 20 85 84 -20 20 84 831-20 20 83 821_--H- 2 _20 20 82 104 -20 20 104 103 -20 20 103 101 -20 20 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 JO -10 0 10 -10 0 10 XS -8 1 XS -12 XS -14 106 106 100 100 95 95 93 93 XS -10 XS -1 1I XS -13 105 - 105 99 99 99 99 95 95 94 94 93 93 92 92 104 104 98 98 98 1 1111 98 94 94 93 93 92 92 91 91 103 103 97 97 97 97 93 J -IT LL 93 92 92 91 91 90 90 102 102 96 111 1 96 96 E 11111 96 92 I Ittli 92 91 91 90 90 89 89 101 -20 20 101 95 -20 20 95 I I 95 -20 I 1 11 20 95 91R--20 20 91 90 _20 20 90 89 -20 I Ti 20 89 88 -20 20 88 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 XS -15 XS- 6 XS -21 91 91 91 91 104 104 XS -17 XS -18 XS -20 90 90 90 90 89 89 89 89 107. 107 103 103 XS -19 89 89 89 89 88 88 8801 88 110 110 106 106 102 102 88 1 1188 88 if 88 87 87 87 87 109 00 109 105 1105 101 101 87 87 87 187 86 E 86 86 86 108 108 104 104 100 100 86 _20 111 Tim 20 86 E 86 -20 11L 1 20 86 85 -20 20 85 85 -20 20 85 J07 -20 20 1107 103 -20 20 103 99 -20 20 99 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 XS -23 XS -24 98 98 98 98 - XS -22 1 XS -26 XS -27 103 103 97 97 97 97 93 93 93 93 107 107 - 102 102 96 96 96 196 92 92 92 92 106 1 1 1106 101Lj 00 101 95 000 00 95 95 00 95 91 91 91 91 105 105 100 1 100 94 1 94 94 11 11 11 94 90 1 LLL. 90 90 - 111111 11111 111 90 104 104 99 -20 20 99 93 -20 20 93 93 -20 20 93 89 -20 20 89 89 -20 89 20 103 30 -20 20 30 03 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 0 2' 4' VERTICAL SCALE 0 20' 40' HORIZONTAL SCALE SEAL �o(5 SEAL SEAL w L-471 R.g�� ® ytl:���9Q4�� _ i\0 ■ ZN N Lu x 02 O cc W CC z D. zUA r ■ 0 z cl y Z 0 ■ chW O cc L ccW F N J IN 4-j JLi L DN N N xj-� H Q U W W F- zz w zd :)OCD - ° J CS) Z N'ryV) > �a W zY W O L Q A ��.Tj� N Ln N W w RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST., SUITE 110 RALEIGH, N.C. 27605 SCALE = 1 1$20' DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY JRW DATE STARTED 9-30-15 SHEET No. 12 OF 12 APPROVED JRW DRAWING NO. S12 DRAWING NAME 20130080 ASB PROJECT NO. 2013080 v ° ORi��]SC1neii7C)P3'dla Al I T�Ik., �Sampson County Airport Ck o ® Cedar Creek Stream and�� Wetland Mitigation Site John mar ..' w Vine r� �a -� a y,. Burke o c7 0 016 VICINITY MAP NTS AS -BUILT SURVEY PREPARED BY: MATRIX EAST, PLLC 906 N. QUEEN ST., SUITE A KINSTON, NC 28501 (252)522-2500 CEDAR CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION PROJECT SAMPSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN CU 03030006 JANUARY 2016 NC DMS PROJECT#: 95718 RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON ST, SUITE 110 RALEIGH, NC 27605 Resource Environmental Solutions 300 0 150 300 600 HORIZ. 1 inch = 300ft. Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 COVER 2 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 3 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 4 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 5 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 6 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 7 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 8 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 9 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 10 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 11 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 12 Reach UT -1 Plan & Profile 13 Reach UT -2 Plan & Profile 14 Reach UT -2 Plan & Profile 15 Reach UT -2 Plan & Profile 16 Reach UT -3 Plan & Profile 17 Reach UT -3 Plan & Profile 18 Reach UT -3 Plan & Profile 19 Reach UT -3 Plan & Profile 20 Reach UT -4 Plan & Profile 21 WETLAND \NCA �� ISEAL ' , w �v, a M } PROFESSIONAL SEAL 0 0 LJ jam© LTJ 0 Z 0 0 ZU (�j a OZoipz CL 0� ± 2 ", 3: w Q ON h o E i ci, ah izz EM U Z 0 U U 8 E V3 U) U) Y J � Z a w Z U 0 O (0 n � tV z z U_ a U' o � 0 U U n d d 0 113 O ccZ O I= Q ItY O C O V) cr Z 0 Z 0 I-- Ilr c'S Q W IIr H U) W w 11! z U U w 0 0 w w 0 I� W U w z Q w N z w z z Q O d � WKD PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA I Fxl%zll I I 'I", vv.r%. OL 11-o'. MLI RIGH i 3 RESERVED. REFRODUC, i ivni OR USE OF i HE CON I EN I S Or i rijo LjUUUIvIr_I-4 I ; AUU1 1 Iul'cnp UN Ut:Lt I IUNZj I U I Hlb UUUUMI=N I , IN MIULt UN IN I'Ah I , VVI I NUU I WHI I I tN UUNZjtN I OF W.K. DICKSON & uu., iNu., ib thumtm I Eu. uNLY uumimb I-HuM I NE, UHIUINAL OF I Hlb DUUUMENT, MAHKLL) W11 H AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL 13E CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES. FILE NAME: I:\Prpjects\EBX\20130001 0019A - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetiand Mitigation Site\CADD\Record DravVings\20130001 00 RECORD DRAWINGS UT -1 dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen Dvw DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (� 919.782.9672 A NC. LICENSE NO, F-0374 B C SEAL 0 435 31 old _'*#%fbQq FULL SCALE: 1"=30 0 30 60 211 = FULL SCALE 1 = HALF SCALE LEGEND z 0 I - a_ C/) Ir (9 z 0 AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR -50- En- w 0 5� -1 0 w w W AS-BUILT CONTOUR MINOR �46 - w AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS - 0 Cr a. 2 j AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE Z _j _j AS -BUILT STONE 0— (6 U_ 0 Ile I-- z 1 2 0 cc EXISTING TOP OF BANK EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK 0 _j A EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT W 15\ Uj of Z (/) �q PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE _j 0 � to Rol z � < w z CL _j 0 LL] F- 111 0 F- PROPOSED TOP OF BANK 0� Z 0 0 G) 'Tip- 0�' REACH UT -1 ENHANCEMENTII LIMITS OF PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT 3: 3 (STA 1 +0 1 TO STA 31+ 65) 0 < F:-: LOG TOE PROTECTION w w LJJ w cr z L) (PROPOSED) 3 0 < (1) 3+00 3+00 LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) z W CY > 4+00 Nk (9 z LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE N.VV WV-�92'12' -------- LL LL W z a 0 C) (PROPOSED) ir 0- 0+00 0=0 0 < 5- 2 5 + DOUBLE LOG DROP PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 LO (PROPOSED) FM ZZ, PROPOSED FILL AREA 2016 DRAWIN NUMBER: 2 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA J PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) '000i�' BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) Ile, DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) SCALE: 1 "=30' PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE 2 LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 0 AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE 105 105 (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) 102 - - ------------- ...... -N ................. ............. .......... ...... ...... ......... ............. ............. ............. ........... ............. ....... ........ ...... 102 AS -BUILT STRUCTURE EXISTING GRADE ALONG (PROFILE) A TOP OF BANK (LEFI) EXISTING GRADE ALONG 99 . . ........... ............... 1. TOP OF BANK (RIGHT) ............. ............. ....... ............. ............. ............. ...... ............. ............. ....... ...... ....... ............ . 99 RT— - - ----­------ 96 ....... ....... ........... ............ LT: LT / ....... .............. ........... �7-7 7 0 ........ T RT T_ ........... 96 LT tr EX113TING GRADE ALONG STF�EAM CENTERLINE 93 . . ........... ....... ........... ............. ...... ­: ........ ...... ...... ...... ......... ............. ............. ............. :­ .......... ........... 93 9 F. ...... 0 ....... ........... ........................... ........... ...... ...... ............. ........ ......... ........ ........ ...... ........ ............. ............. ..................... ............. ....... go 87 ............ ........................... ........... ............. .......... ............. ...... ............. ....... ............. ........... ........... 87 84 ............ ............. ....... ...... ......... ........ ............. ............. ............. .............. ...... ............. ............. ................. ......... :­ ...... 84 SME: HOR V -:F30'; VERTT'=3' 81 81 04 C14 C1 O� q C� qd: C3 o, CD v-: C\i C\i 0) C\I 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) CD 0) 0) co 0) cri 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 A C ...... - ----- I Fxl%zll I I 'I", vv.r%. OL 11-o'. MLI RIGH i 3 RESERVED. REFRODUC, i ivni OR USE OF i HE CON I EN I S Or i rijo LjUUUIvIr_I-4 I ; AUU1 1 Iul'cnp UN Ut:Lt I IUNZj I U I Hlb UUUUMI=N I , IN MIULt UN IN I'Ah I , VVI I NUU I WHI I I tN UUNZjtN I OF W.K. DICKSON & uu., iNu., ib thumtm I Eu. uNLY uumimb I-HuM I NE, UHIUINAL OF I Hlb DUUUMENT, MAHKLL) W11 H AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL 13E CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES. FILE NAME: I:\Prpjects\EBX\20130001 0019A - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetiand Mitigation Site\CADD\Record DravVings\20130001 00 RECORD DRAWINGS UT -1 dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen Dvw DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (� 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO, F-0374 cilp' SEAL 0 435 31 old _'*#%fbQq FULL SCALE: 1"=30 0 30 60 211 = FULL SCALE 1 = HALF SCALE 6i z 0 I - a_ C/) Ir (9 z 0 0 U_ Ir z 0 fr En- w 0 5� -1 0 w w W w 0 Cr a. 2 j w Z _j _j 0— (6 U_ I-- z 1 2 0 cc 0 _j CL 06 0 Uj of Z (/) z _j 0 � 1� z � < w z CL _j 0 LL] F- 111 0 F- 0� Z 0 0 06 L5 2� 3: :2 w > < ()� z 0 < F:-: w w LJJ w cr z L) C 0 < (1) z W CY (9 z CC (n w Q 0 111 IL) I<: cc LL LL W z a 0 ir 0- 0=0 0 < 5- 2 PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C': FM O.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWIN NUMBER: 2 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA COPYRIGHT ©, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC., IS PROHIBITED. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES. FILE NAME: I:IPro`ects\E W2013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1CADD1Record Drawings12013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1,dw -_January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urian Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 A (f) 919.782.9672 - B NC. UGENSE NO, F-0:374 C Net AL 031435 031435 � e LEGEND 0 30 60 2° = FULL SC�A�L�E____ 1" = HALF SCALE LIJ F— O AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 U Z I I a LL CE 0Lija .� DLL, O ac AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR F_ U w O C a Z F_ z 0 9 it AS --BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS ry Z © Z Z Z 11 �jp� h - z 06a2 _ AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE www W < W w z U) a w F_ z Lu F- 1w w < z w www Q �'CCzm U a O AS -BUILT STONE PROJ. DATE: INOV 2014 Q.C.: FM O.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: EXISTING TOP OF BANK 3 BO BO PROJ. NO.: B0 30 BO 30 BO �0 30 g0EXISTING - BOTTOM OF BANK O REACH UT -1 0� _Bvg EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT ( � 1 ENHANCEMENTII PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE 0 (STA 1+01 TO STA 31+65) PROPOSED TOP OF BANK r' LIMITS OF PROPOSED ' o� CONSERVATION EASEMENT 3 40 3 LOG TOE PROTECTION (PROPOSED) 8+00 LOG STRUCTURE e +Od +00 a (PROPOSED) �- I ,. / ,. s < -,� �_ —..'� LOG GRADE CONTROL _; -� $'iL1� g i��--;�- --� - - =a.s,� _ ..r--_-- — — �,� -' iiC1 C'� .�. STRUCTURE. (PROPOSED) r DOUBLE LOG DROP y � 1�-- (PROPOSED) -� LPROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND C) PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG 4 PRCHANNEL PLUG W/OSED OVERFLOW SPILLWAY ' s y LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) �...� 011 901 010� Ol 07 Old BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE a A� a7 (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL a t (PROPOSED) r DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) SCALE:1 "-30' F PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 2 PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) 105 105 PROPOSED BEDDED LOG (� STRUCTURE (PROFILE) U AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK 102 :...........................:............. '.............:...........................:...........................;........... , . ; ............ ........................... ; ..........................._........................... ..............;............. , ........... 102 AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK — - --- --- (PROFILE) — -- AS -BUILT STRUCTURE EXISTING GRADE ALONG (PROFILE) TOP OF BANK (RIGHT) : 99..................-...............................................: .................,...............,...............................,....,........................:.........,...;....................-....... ........ .....:........ ................. ..:........... 99 EXISTING GRADE ALONG TOP OF BANK (LEFT) — 98 ......�...� � -- ,��. �............ ......... ........... :............ ........................., ............ .,o......,..........,..... ,........... ....,......,o.....,................... .......................... ....................... 96 — i—; -- R—._.._._�_. ; �,4� PT—•—� RT 93 ............. .......................... ...................,............,........:......................... EXISTING GRADE ALONG..........:. STREAM �ENTEFtLINE•: .........,:........................ .:.,.,.........:...... .......:....,........ :............. :....... .,,. : 93 90 \�..:...�"...,� .... .r . ..:.............:.............:.... :`. -........ ............. .......... ...... _-...~......:............z :......-.—.—.—. —..... .....,,..... ". -...,-�. �..... 90 87 ........... .......................... ............ ...................................... ............................................................................. ............................................................... ........ .....:......... .. 87 1 1 84..................................:.............:....................................... .............:..,.......................:..........................:........ ...............,......,....,,......... ............. ......... ....:........... 84 SCALE: HOR 1"=30'; VERT:1"=3' 81 81 0 M N V: 0) co 0 ci' 0 G7r [� 00 (tit r~ 0 Ln DO N 0 co �' � O to Q � ¢1_ N a0 0) t� i7 C3G7 O? O p C) C! O 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) Q O 0) C 6 CS G7 0J 0 00 0) 0) W 0000 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 A B I C COPYRIGHT ©, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC., IS PROHIBITED. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES. FILE NAME: I:IPro`ects\E W2013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1CADD1Record Drawings12013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1,dw -_January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urian Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782,0495 (f) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. UGENSE NO, F-0:374 Net AL 031435 031435 � e FULL SCALE: V= 30 0 30 60 2° = FULL SC�A�L�E____ 1" = HALF SCALE LIJ F— O z O CL 07 rr 0 U Z I I a LL CE 0Lija .� DLL, O ac I ir Er Cr F_ U w O C a Z F_ z 0 9 it o _j 06 ry Z © Z Z Z 11 �jp� h - z 06a2 _ www W < W w z U) a w F_ z Lu F- 1w w < z w www Q �'CCzm U a O I QILM PROJ. DATE: INOV 2014 Q.C.: FM O.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 3 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA COPYRIGHT O, W.K. DICKSON & CO„ INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUQ1 IUN OH USL UI" 1 HL UUN I LN 16 OF I HIS DUCUMEN 1; AUUI I IONS UK DELL I TUNS I U I HIS DUUUMkN I , IN VVHULL UH IN rAH I , vvl I muu I W HI 1 1 tN UUNZ:1tIN I Ur W.K. UIC;I«UN & kiu„ IIVL;., 1z) rrjUr1101 I LLS. U1NLY uumr-S rnum 1 mr ul'il"w4mL Or F nFo LJu'vuFvFE:N F , witAr mmu m i n nry vn!%;Iw ALL oi`aiwne tin" ruku nr%L�� FILE NAME: I:IPro'ectslEBX12013000100RA-Caviar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1CADD1Recard Drawin x12013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1.dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen DDICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (� 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 ¢ 9. LEGEND 031t4�35 v' jVli`*oda FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" FULL SCALE HALF SCALE W F- m � a AS-BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR —50 z Q IL U) 0 x UjI Uj V_ O i Y w F IZ U AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR W 0 CL U AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS -- Z -� F_ Z X80` """� AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTUREF- U_ 0 B0� -�`"~�-BO 30 w(D0 W Z ani I•.��_ ��BO Z AS -BUILT STONE zz<IQ- ow - It © T EXISTING TOP OF BANK TB - - — www -� U EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK Uj z 0 O EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT w z (] F_ C\I W `� Z PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE 0 ❑ Z WZJ 0 a dad 0 a PROD. DATE; PROPOSED TOP OF BANK NOV 2014 0_ FM + LIMITS OF PROPOSED LCE ME JAN 2016 l // LID CONSERVATION EASEMENT 4 PROJ, NO.: 201 30001 00RA y 11+00 LOG TOE PROTECTION �`� W Z I � 12+00 I � f��• � W LU �� (PROP ED) LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) 00 X U - i -�_ l- LOG GRADE CONTROL3iQ STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) dD �� C? DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) -_ I — ��� \ �'ti I ti •�[�\`\ �-_- _ `� PROPOSED FILL AREA Il� / PROPOSED WETLAND III G Ii REACH UT -1 ENHANCEMENT If I\\ PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG II ✓ — 111I (STA 1+01 TO STA 31+65) / 07 � :. PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY Oi f LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) 0'I 0'1 y STRUCTURE BEDDED LOG (PROPOSED) 4 FLOODPLAIN SILL I (PROPOSED) _J - A DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPDSED) S'CALEA "-3Q' m, - '` PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED �2 2- STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE 105 i i i 105 LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG (j 0 STRUCTURE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) 102 :.............:............. ................ . . ........:.............:...... •...................:....................................................:............ .......................... ............-:.............:............. ..... , ..... 102 AS BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK - -- (PROFILE) - - - AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) -. AS -BUILT STRUCTURE 99 ........................................ ..:.......... ...:........... ..:...... ..................... .............. ......... ................... .............. .............. ..............:...........................:...........................:......................... 99 (PROFILE) rr 1, EXISTING:GRADE ALONG TOP OF BANK (RIGHT) .........................:............. .............. .............................................. .......... ..........,.................................: 9B96...... EXISTING GRADE ALONG TOP OF BANK (LEST) `^ E'i fa'F �- -LT _ LT- SRT � � �� � � � li 7 'r. � � �' : 93 ........................ .... T. :-,= .......,.............,,... �... 1......,..........rr..,�. � .,r.�rt.............,.Lr..,,..-,=. +r��. r. �. .. _ �7. - .� :,.� ,tr.�.......J r ' '-�•�'�r •�rr•.__.' ..� °-� -_ ��.� 93 +� EXISTING GRADE ALONG RT- x4 STREAM CENTERLINE 90e...................................+.......,............................ .......... ........... ....,........ .,..,..,..,....... ............. ..,....,.............. ...,........... ............... ..........,........ ...... 90 w :---�------ 1 87 ............ .......................... ....................................... ............ ............. ................................................... .............................................................................. .......... 87 1 84 ..................................... ............. :...... ....... ............. ..................................................:.. ..........:......... ................ ............. . . .......... . ................................................................ 84 SCALE: HOR 1"=30; VERT1"=3' 81 : 81 C) 00 Lr) CT 00(� st M 1�- (fS Co r T CST C T et C1 i4 Iti © It: O C37 00 6 00 00 6 QT rn co 00 rn 06 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 °D 00 t* 00 °° 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 A I B I C COPYRIGHT O, W.K. DICKSON & CO„ INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUQ1 IUN OH USL UI" 1 HL UUN I LN 16 OF I HIS DUCUMEN 1; AUUI I IONS UK DELL I TUNS I U I HIS DUUUMkN I , IN VVHULL UH IN rAH I , vvl I muu I W HI 1 1 tN UUNZ:1tIN I Ur W.K. UIC;I«UN & kiu„ IIVL;., 1z) rrjUr1101 I LLS. U1NLY uumr-S rnum 1 mr ul'il"w4mL Or F nFo LJu'vuFvFE:N F , witAr mmu m i n nry vn!%;Iw ALL oi`aiwne tin" ruku nr%L�� FILE NAME: I:IPro'ectslEBX12013000100RA-Caviar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1CADD1Recard Drawin x12013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1.dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen DDICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (� 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 ¢ 9. cmn ° 031t4�35 v' jVli`*oda FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" FULL SCALE HALF SCALE W F- m � a Q z Q IL U) 0 x UjI Uj V_ O i Y w F IZ U W CL U Z -� F_ Z J L) U_ 0 O a w(D0 W Z ani Z zz<IQ- ow It © T 06o0 :2W > D www -� U Uj z 0 O w z (] F_ C\I W `� Z Lr (n. LU 0 ❑ Z WZJ 0 a dad PROD. DATE; NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 4 PROJ, NO.: 201 30001 00RA REACH UT -1 30* l ENHANCEMENT II (STA 1+01 TO CTA 31+65) 16+00r � 00 ^f- / I 00 TB �p x Xx & VAS_ a x 2- 99 96 93 90 87 84 1 81 78 75 e t _s X' IX i �ix N 5 1 0XI 01 x 3071 X 371 01 X --. 1111 1111�� x,11 1 1111 11 t�� 1111 11 11111 11,1 SCALE:1 "=30' lE n. 93 TIE 87 A W. 75 +00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 A I B , INC., FILE NAME: 1:1Projects`EBX12013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1CADD\Record Drawin s\2013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1.dw - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen LEGEND AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR Urban Development + Geomatics AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS Raleigh, INC 27607 AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE (f) 919.782.9672 AS -BUILT STONE NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 s EXISTING TOP OF BANK — — TB --- -- EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK 031435 a EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE 0 30 60 PROPOSED TOP OF BANK ttl LIMITS OF PROPOSED u� u 3 CONSERVATION EASEMENT z O LOG TOE PROTECTION Z (PROPOSED) OW LOG STRUCTURE QC w (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND J PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE 0 rn (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) J_ Li. FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) 0 0 DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE W(�} 0 (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE 06 CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG ❑ � STRUCTURE (PROFILE) —2 PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG ❑w STRUCTURE (PROFILE) O AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) X02 AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) C DWK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, INC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (f) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 s A; SSI(j� m 031435 a PO. wwek� poll FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" - FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE` ttl 0 D 0 m _j T- CL z O L U) U � Z I o I OW ' 0 QC w W iw LIJ M CC aC U w J Z 0 rn L(J OZ J_ Li. 0 0 W(�} 0 a. W Z 0 06 ❑ � Z ddz ❑w a O�p X02 FL www U) w �e wz ui 0 < Wcc Q 0) r Z w U pC f=- � w Q "3 © Z I<:to ©C N W jrzm ate. a dCL2 PROJ. DATE: Nps/ 2014 Q.C., FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 5 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA _j 13 A I ! 2 — 99 96 93 90 87 84 1 81 78 75 REACH UT ENHANCEI STRUCTURE �O TO �O \ ELEV STA i 2 — 99 96 93 90 87 84 1 81 78 75 REACH UT ENHANCEI • 93 •a 87 84 81 78 75 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 1 A I B STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK" \ ELEV STA i LOG VANE 23+00 86.25 23+16 88.25 w_- " RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM (v) 919.782.0495 EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT (17 919.782.9672 PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LIMITS OF PROPOSED _L=—LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT LOG TOE PROTECTION 3 • 93 •a 87 84 81 78 75 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 1 A I B STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK" STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG VANE 23+00 86.25 23+16 88.25 w_- " RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C C LEGEND AS–BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS–BUILT CONTOUR MINOR AS–BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS --- AS–BUILT IN–STREAM STRUCTURE - AS–BUILT STONE 720 Corporate Drive EXISTING TOP OF BANK — — -- TOS– EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK (v) 919.782.0495 EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT (17 919.782.9672 PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LIMITS OF PROPOSED _L=—LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT LOG TOE PROTECTION 3 (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG MOM PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) H U DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE W O QrIL {J j (PROPOSED) Z J 0 (n W J lL PROPOSED LOG GRADE Q 0 CC CONTROL (PROFILE) Wc Q a PROPOSED LOG O� Z W 06 STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE Z LOG DROP (PROFILE) " ' 2 PROPOSED BEDDED LOG (� STRUCTURE (PROFILE) �J AS–BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) W W Q Lu U z AS–BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK c~i� w o YCC (PROFILE) - AS ---BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK U � (PROFILE) W z WW __2❑ Z AS–BUILT STRUCTURE U d 0 (PROFILE) ¢� CL COPYRIGHT O, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC., IS PROHIBITED. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES. FILE NAME; I:\Pro'ects\EBX\20130001 OORA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1CADD1Record Drawin s12013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1.dwg -January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Ceomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (17 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 �0ag11OW431ged4� CARO ®®. SEA 03143 w X s, V. .� a� W . Q ***owe o i FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE I' lil H � o O10 T fL z O I Q w O Q d Y W 0 9 /may.: /��.• /c 1.L. i.i,. tY H U W O QrIL {J j Z J 0 (n W J lL Q 0 CC Wc Q a O� Z W 06 Z F Q 2 IZ LU O r V W W Q Lu U z c~i� w o YCC _ W w o _ d U � W z WW __2❑ Z U d 0 ¢� CL el PROJ. DATE; NOV 2014 Q.C.. FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 6 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA 2- 99 96 93 90 87 84 1 81 75 A I f \ N VP .4 n. 93 •A 87 84 81 75 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 A I g 0 STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG VANE 28+36 85.50 28+54 87.90 ---- RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C LEGEND AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE AS -BUILT STONE . EXISTING TOP OF BANK— EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK 3 LIMITS OF PROPOSED u� u CONSERVATION EASEMENT LOG TOE PROTECTION (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND p PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG — ,--PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/- VERQ_, FLOW SPIILLLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) U DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE w O .......... .......... w U Q J (PROPOSED) Z J © (n I.1J ZO J_ iL PROPOSED LOG GRADE O Q CONTROL (PROFILE) W O O CL PROPOSED LOG ..� 2 STRUCTURE (PROFILE) -e z PROPOSED DOUBLE z re Z LOG DROP (PROFILE) F!pw a PROPOSED BEDDED LOG � Z r O H STRUCTURE (PROFILE) IJ AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE :Ewj < X z = ¢ (PROFILE) U AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK W O (PROFILE) a W J) � _ AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK W �=- N ft Z (PROFILE) w Q LU N LU w w 4 Z AS -BUILT STRUCTURE Q QOm U O 010 (PROFILE) a. o vw DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (f) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NG. LICENSE NO. F-0374 �p04@g5ra�9gas® GCA Oqq�� •,JS�emO ea{ SEAL 031435 o ,41— AE /� iF"�, �•a�s�®g�st�� lll FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" - FULL SCALE `" 1 = HALF SCALE 111 H to O O 1D r d z 0 U Z © O < ' O IZ YU5d Q IW W " rr Ir CIC U w O w U Q J Z J © (n I.1J ZO J_ iL O Q W O O CL LL Z (h -e z z re Z F!pw a � Z r O H 06 U 0 :Ewj < X z = ¢ U W O a W J) � _ W �=- N ft Z w Q LU N LU w w 4 Z Q QOm U O 010 a. o PROJ. DATE; NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 7 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100 FSA 3 s 1 *nc I f x'35 lI REACH UT -1 ENHANCEMENT I (STA 31+65 TO STA 35+80)�t3n a Q0 r' z 00 REACH UT -1 I S ENHANCEMENT II L -ti \ ! S00010 (STA 1+01 TO STA 31+65) \ X X X 1 � Y _ \ 99 96 93 90 87 1 84 81 78 C L VP_5 -I of X 3� X �-x 01 SCALE:111=30' 30+00 93 87 0.1 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 A I B STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK*. STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG GRADE CONTROL 31+82 84.76 ---- ---- EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK LOG GRADE CONTROL 32+61 84.83 --- ---- --- LOG VANE 32+90 85.00 33+06 87.00 --- LOG GRADE CONTROL 33+43 84.79 - ---- --- LOG GRADE CONTROL 34+50 84.88 --- ---- ---- * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM DOUBLE LOG DROP qw ;� SEA (PROPOSED) - --_ PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG !uu �!�] PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY 030 60 LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) O �R DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE LL (PROPOSED) � U3 U 0 PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG E p STRUCTURE (PROFILE) i LOG DROP (PROFILE) Lu LL A p z w -I of X 3� X �-x 01 SCALE:111=30' 30+00 93 87 0.1 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 A I B STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK*. STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG GRADE CONTROL 31+82 84.76 ---- ---- EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK LOG GRADE CONTROL 32+61 84.83 --- ---- --- LOG VANE 32+90 85.00 33+06 87.00 --- LOG GRADE CONTROL 33+43 84.79 - ---- --- LOG GRADE CONTROL 34+50 84.88 --- ---- ---- * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C LEGEND AS—BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS—BUILT CONTOUR MINOR community infrastructure consultants AS—BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS - AS—BUILT IN --STREAM STRUCTURE -' AS—BUILT STONE - EXISTING TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT Raleigh, NC 27607 PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LIMITS OF PROPOSED u CONSERVATION EASEMENT LOG TOE PROTECTION 3 (PROPOSED) NC, LICENSE Nd. F-0374 LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL AN STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP qw ;� SEA (PROPOSED) - --_ PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG !uu �!�] PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY 030 60 LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) O �R DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE LL (PROPOSED) � U3 U 0 PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG E p STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) Lu LL A p z w —2 PROPOSED BEDDED LOG (j STRUCTURE (PROFILE) �J AS—BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS—BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK U (PROFILE) AS—BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) tr U �-J AS --BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) COPYRIGHT 0, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF W,K. DICKSON & CO., INC,, IS PROHIBITED. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES. FILE NAME: I:\Pro'ects\EBX1,20130001OORA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site\CADD\Record Drawin s\2013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1.dw -January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen 1 vw DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (f) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC, LICENSE Nd. F-0374 CRO AN ": �mID A qw ;� SEA 03143 FULL SCALE: V'= 030 60 2 - FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE` © 0 O �R LL Z O � U3 U 0 Z E p O Lu LL A p z w O cc F W O cc ir Er U LU O tr U �-J Z J Z J 0 H O Q � J a 0Y 06 Z 291- Z T 0 © FL> w = LLI W Q W U i- Z F- U "' oc Gj LU o_jz LU U �= 0 yi�y.� )cc Z m 0 a o aa2 PROJ. DATE: INOV 21314 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: ,IAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 8 PROD. NO.: 20130001 OORA It ENHANCEMENT] ` ISA 31+65 TO STA 35+80) A BOA s I QR ,A XS 3 I B 2 ___. 99 96 93 90 87 84 1 81 78 75 a e C LEGEND STRUCTURE AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS --BUILT CONTOUR MINOR STA AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS — -- AS--BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL AS -BUILT STONE 84.22 EXISTING TOP OF BANK -- — TB — — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE, REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT �aa�aeefia� 1� PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE 0 30 60 PROPOSED TOP OF BANK = LIMITS OF PROPOSED o CONSERVATION EASEMENT LCE La W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY 3 4 35+00 36+00 A )DUCTIOI 37+00 38+00 39+00 1 B I.K. DICI^ & CO., INC., Mr 93 N9 78 75 40+00 STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG GRADE CONTROL 35+75 84.22 ---- I ---- ---- I * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE, REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM I ;DOCUMENT, C 3CE LOG TOE PROTECTION DVW DICKSON (PROPOSED) Transportation + Water Resources LOG STRUCTURE 720 Corporate Drive (PROPOSED) (v) 919.782.0495 LOG GRADE CONTROL www.wkdickson.com STRUCTURE 8�e® (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) �aa�aeefia� 1� PROPOSED FILL AREA 0 30 60 PROPOSED WETLAND = PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG o PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG J 'P 0.. W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE r (PROPOSED) O BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) w FLOODPLAIN SILL IY ta.. (PROPOSED) O c6 W 00 J_ DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE l­_ I-- W 0 O 11 w Z U) 06 Q Z (PROPOSED) w W Q T 06 Q w PROPOSED LOG GRADE W LU Q CONTROL (PROFILE) Lij Q W © FJ- T PROPOSED LOG z aUj c ww-) STRUCTURE (PROFILE) Ct CL U a Qa 2 PROPOSED DOUBLE _ 2 LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 0 AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROJ. NO.: (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK - (PROFILE) AS --BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) i11 DVW DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (f 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 8�e® 03143 m b �aa�aeefia� 1� FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 211= FULL SCALE 1" HALF SCALE = 1,1,1 co � o b� J 'P 0.. z O U z Z 2 O Uj L- O 0 I -- Q w O IY ta.. Z J O c6 W 00 J_ I"i" QF— l­_ I-- W 0 O 11 w Z U) 06 Q Z w W Q T 06 Q w = W LU Q f) ry LU 0 W Y D IY Lij Q W © FJ- T Z U � FZ z aUj c ww-) w a oCZ=� 0 Ct CL U a Qa 2 PROD. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C, DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 9 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA -4-A - - I C "4y ,s rt +r BO -30-1 BO 33 �JO1--„ �0 30 BO 30 BOA, BO BO REACH UT -1 — ENHANCEMENT II 1 (STA 44+60 TO STA 53+51) 3 ��1-HCA UT -1 �� (STA 41 +95 TO STF 44+60)-00 � � �•ct f s' •riiy l Y 13L — ��45 r — = 4+00 � '' X11 ' `chi s TB X X X .�.� _ - x X X — X X XS -4 REACH UT -1 ENHANCEMENTII (STA 35+80 TO STA 41+95) 2 VP_ 11 AW -e C) trl~� 93 E:iI 1 81 m 75 u C 0 XS18 )<S 17 SCALE:1 "=30'4 E� CI 4 AW -10 Kaffelf, 93 75 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 45+00 A I B FILE NAME: I:�PrajeotslEBX12D13000100RA -Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Miti anon Site1CADD�Recard Drawin s12013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1.dwg -January 6, 2016 -Frasier Mullen STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG GRADE CONTROL 41+99 83.00 ---- -�- - -- LOG VANE 44+36 1 82.75 44+54 1 84.80 --- " RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C WK DICKSON LEGEND Transportation + Water Resources AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR —50 - AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR (v) 919.782.0495 AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS — - — AS -BUILT IN --STREAM STRUCTURE 40 f�AR AS -BUILT STONE EXISTING TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT FULL SCALE: 1 "= 30 PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE 2" — FULL SCALE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LLl LIMITS OF PROPOSED u CONSERVATION EASEMENT Z 0 LOG TOE PROTECTION 0 (PROPOSED) � O 121:LU 1L LOG STRUCTURE Y U) W O (PROPOSED) I -- U LOG GRADE CONTROL w U (L STRUCTURE Z (PROPOSED) W U 0 LL DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) -� PROPOSED FILL AREA 06 Qaf D PROPOSED WETLAND www q PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG \a= W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY O ¢M2 LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE Q.C.: FM (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) 10 FLOODPLAIN SILL PROD. NO.: (PROPOSED) DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 0 AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK — (PROFILE) AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS --BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 31 —21 WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (fl 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 40 f�AR E a Oq114 a • ,gyp ��//''//aa yy'1 FULL SCALE: 1 "= 30 0 30 60 2" — FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALA LLl © Q O R J r a. Z 0 w GD Fr 0 0 0 I o � � O 121:LU 1L ° n Q Y U) W O I -- U w O w U (L Z J J Z 0 O0 cc W U 0 LL IY Z U) 06 Z Iz- W d of Z0 FL 06 Qaf D 06 af H www q U W O pci U Z U CM U z qC (�i w o` 1300 O ¢M2 PRQJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 10 PROD. NO.: 20 1 3000 1 00 RA 0 E REFAW-2 (BO 1 \�. So REACH UT,1! r „ 0 ENHANCEMENT it STA 44+�� f ( 6a TO STA 53+51) � � --TB --IETL 48+00 '1 x 2- 93 90 87 84 81 78 11 75 ria 2-.a2o°corp C7 J N. VV. ! L0 S -E t v=7,9,. Uj X X�/�� �a 1� X ell CPP S.W. /A/V- =8'3.82` N.E, JNV.=84.33, j f' % X Ol X ,a� 01 X r � SCALE:1 "=30' [.*A 84 81 m 75 W As 45+00 48+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 i A , INC., FILE NAME: k: Pro'ectsjEBX120130001 OORA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1CADD1Record Drawings12013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-1,dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen COPI STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG VANE 46+85 82.50 47+01 84.40 EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK " RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM GINAL C LEGEND AS–BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS–BUILT CONTOUR MINOR AS–BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS AS–BUILT IN–STREAM STRUCTURE Of U a AS --BUILT STONE M- _ _ _> _ EXISTING TOP OF BANK ~– (B — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK O ( EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE IL PROPOSED TOP OF BANK Q LIMITS OF PROPOSED LM tCE 3 CONSERVATION EASEMENT LOG TOE PROTECTION ojf (PROPOSED) ©¢ LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL Dow STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) ~ DOUBLE LOG DROP 06O� (PROPOSED) PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND „ PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY iii w LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE U _ (PROPOSED)' BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE U (PROPOSED) pC U) w FLOODPLAIN SILL ez� [� (PROPOSED) U IL D DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) —2 PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG (� STRUCTURE (PROFILE) �J AS–BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS–BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS --BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS --BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) l� a DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Ceomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919,782.0495 (f) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NO. LICENSE NO. F-0374 `a®yea®e�eaess A SEAL w 431435 M irk FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" = FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE' z 0 F - w 0 w CC Q 0 a Q 2 cr F w O ¢ it Ir H U w O Of U a Z -J O ( LU O IL F- F- Q 0 W Z N ojf ©¢ z Dow a. ~ 06O� 2 LU 0� w d u1 q U z O iii w Uj aC U _ © z W U pC U) w ir w ez� [� 0 U IL D O O ¢a=-2 PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA UUr- 7 rlI+an 1 kW, vv. n. UIk,NOVIv O LU., IINk.. /Al -L, MIUr"I 10 1'1L,.,tL MV CU. nrrnUUUU I I u N Uri u7C Ur 1170 t%VIV I CIV I S UI- I N15 UUUUMtN I ; AUDI I IUNS UH UI Lt I IUNS I U 1 NI5 UUUUMtN I , IN VVhULt UH IN VA I , VVI I H U U I VV hi I I t U U N S t N I UI- VV. K, UIUKSUN & LU., INC:., IS VHUNIbII LU. UNLY C;UI'It5 i -HUM I HL UHIUINAL UI-• I H 1 UUUUMLN I , MAHKLU WI I H AN UHIUINAL Z5IUNA I U H L AN 6tAL bHALL kat= QUNZ5II..)tHt0 1 U E3 VALID, I HUt UUVIkS. FILE NAME: I:\Projects\EBX\2013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site\CADD\Record Drawings\2013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-i,dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen el DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (fl 919.782.9672 A -� , i I C d w y SE O 14 .` ���9PBeY � 'ma k41� FULL SCALE: V= 0 30 60 LEGEND 1" = HALF LLI ❑ C7 d r- O_ AS --BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 U) IUj < - _ �0 V J 1 Y 1 Q LU LU w LU AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR - 0L J ro_ O J 0 U_ AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS ZOIL U) 06 ❑� z F- z T 0(.5 AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE i www q W Wt E z F- L) l.l� +� O WO _ 7 z CC pOH O W ¢¢ rr UQ 0 4a2 PROJ. DATE: INOV 2014 Q.C.. FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016. DRAWING NUMBER: AS -BUILT STONE 12 PROJ. NQ.: 20130001 OORA EXISTING TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — ,� EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK r EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT ; 4 „ REACH UT -1 n• ENHANCEK4ENT II PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE m rt (STN44+60 TO STA 53+51) PROPOSED TOP OF BANK () -� - LIMITS OF PROPOSED LCE -LCIE REFAW-1 �� CONSERVATION EASEMENT 3 / /� m / `� _ LOG TOE PROTECTION 3 Y 65l`—,. -A. / !/ s (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE r - _-✓ 11 -l'- (PROPOSED) �= -- LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE r+*• ��.. _QO _ — n ~ ~=_ ` _ \ / f / %� � ^�4 =- ., �1� � -- (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP Q�- — _ -1--- 54+48 (PROPOSED) U r'_� f-~ y~'�._.�..`.'-�..� �' �` a T % - - �^��' -� PROPOSED FILL AREA _ _ PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG INV co\ W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY _1 X X X liX X X X X— LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE r (PROPOSED) ` /STRUCTURE BEDDED LOG (PROPOSED) ar VP -14 a� X Q E X 0 X FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) 01 0� X X `, DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) / SCALE:1 "=30' ; ,� PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE 2 -- LOG DROP (PROFILE) —2 Yf} PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) �J 93 93 AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) - AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK a :............. :.............:.............:.............:.............:............................................... ....:............. ........ ..... ............. ............. ............. ...... ....... ........ ............... 90 (PROFILE) EXISTING GRADE ALONG: TOP OF RANK (LEFT) AS -BUILT STRUCTURE - EXISTING GRADE ALONG TOP OF BANK (RIGHT) 87............:.............:.............:.............:.............:.............:..... :.............:........,....::.............:.............:.........................:.............:.............:.............: ....... 87 RT_ 117-_ f _LT LT 84......... ....:.............:...... ....... :.............:.............:............. :..............:...........,.:.........,...:......,......;....,,..,....;.......,.....:...... .:........ ....... f7 - ......,,...:,.......... 84 `' EXISTING GRADE ALONG : STREAM CENTERLINE ; 81 '4,, ,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,, ..,....,...,:....,.,,,,,.,;..,.....,.,.,:.....,.,.....:.............:.............:......,......:.............:.............:......,.,,...:...,.,.--.-.:.......,.,,..:.............:.........,...:...........81 78............. ......... ................. ......... ....:......................................... .......... ................:............. .............:...... :.............:............................................................... 78 1 75...............................................................................................................................................................• ,,..,.,,....,,,.,.....,...........,,.,............................... : 75 1 7............. :........ .....:.............:.............:.............:.............:.............:.............:.............:..........,..:.............:.............:.............:.............:......,......:............:............. :........... 72 SCAM: HOR 1"=30', VERT :1"=3' 69 69 M O c� v- Nr N C) c (P [1 LO lnrS (�OLo M N Co oo co ao °D ao Co Co 00 co CO 00 to a`o 0 o °b 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 54+48,22 A { 1 C UUr- 7 rlI+an 1 kW, vv. n. UIk,NOVIv O LU., IINk.. /Al -L, MIUr"I 10 1'1L,.,tL MV CU. nrrnUUUU I I u N Uri u7C Ur 1170 t%VIV I CIV I S UI- I N15 UUUUMtN I ; AUDI I IUNS UH UI Lt I IUNS I U 1 NI5 UUUUMtN I , IN VVhULt UH IN VA I , VVI I H U U I VV hi I I t U U N S t N I UI- VV. K, UIUKSUN & LU., INC:., IS VHUNIbII LU. UNLY C;UI'It5 i -HUM I HL UHIUINAL UI-• I H 1 UUUUMLN I , MAHKLU WI I H AN UHIUINAL Z5IUNA I U H L AN 6tAL bHALL kat= QUNZ5II..)tHt0 1 U E3 VALID, I HUt UUVIkS. FILE NAME: I:\Projects\EBX\2013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site\CADD\Record Drawings\2013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-i,dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen el DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (fl 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 ���gOQ8t4�e�edddd C/3Rjd® o% ,b'9�� pare 1 es1da,rJ,r ss d°�y,'�@®@@ 1% ®` d w y SE O 14 .` ���9PBeY � 'ma k41� FULL SCALE: V= 0 30 60 2" = FULL SCALE SCALE I` 1" = HALF LLI ❑ C7 d r- O_ L U) U 0 z U) IUj < O Ir U) p 0 ` QQ ir �0 V J 1 Y 1 Q LU LU w LU U W 0L J O J 0 U_ O00. O NS ZOIL U) 06 ❑� z F- z T 0(.5 est W Of www q W Wt E z F- L) l.l� +� O WO _ H {� Uj N 0 z CC pOH O W ¢¢ rr UQ 0 4a2 PROJ. DATE: INOV 2014 Q.C.. FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016. DRAWING NUMBER: 12 PROJ. NQ.: 20130001 OORA 3 2- 1 117 114 111 W10i 102 93 A B I � % / 1 le i f 1+001 1 \ } t \ 6 \ \ �4 \ \ � lam' —•. . ':�, f � J` \\ \ \ SCALE:1 "=30' � VP 3 j 40 RGIA G-2 / s � Jf � e rl S! / 0 117 114 111 U11:1 105 102 K-1 M 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 4+50 A i e FILE NAME: I:\Projects\EBX\20130001 ODRA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site\CADD1Record Drawings\2013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-2.dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* GTA ELEV STA I ELEV LOG STRUCTURE 0+00 113.00 ---- - - ---- LOG STRUCTURE 0+11 112.90 --- --- ---- LOG GRADE CONTROL 0+46 112.50 aIC11 CONSERVATION EASEMENT LMLCE 3 LOG STRUCTURE 1+11 109.90 --- --- ---- LOG STRUCTURE 1+66 107.90 ---- --_ v a J LOG STRUCTURE 2+45 104.50 --- --- m - LOG GRADE CONTROL 3+09 102.50 ------ - -- --- LOG TOE 3+49 102.00 3+56 102.0 R LOG STRUCTURE 3+73 101.80 -- - - ---- BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE 4+07 100.80 ---- --- ----- LOG TOE 4+30 100.40 4+37 100,40t R * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C LEGEND DICKSON AS --BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR —50- AS–BUILT CONTOUR MINOR 46 AS–BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS - s AS–BUILT IN–STREAM STRUCTURE www.wkdickson.com AS–BUILT STONE o®gee®e��oetn CAp, fig` �p EXISTING TOP OF BANK — TB — — EXISTING BOTTOM BOTTOM OF BANK e,OMOf& if � EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE 2" --FULL SCALE SCALE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK H Q co LIMITS OF PROPOSED aIC11 CONSERVATION EASEMENT LMLCE 3 LOG TOE PROTECTION 0ac z (PROPOSED) 0 LOG STRUCTURE I O Q F0 w O (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL w STRUCTURE v a J (PROPOSED) O W z0 J_ DOUBLE LOG DROP C J (PROPOSED) W z C PROPOSED FILL AREA J PROPOSED WETLAND EkfO cu 00 PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG w > PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG � w U I— H U < z W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY W 0 Iii cr LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE LU Lu (PROPOSED) ¢ 0 cZ ® O Q n. :E BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE Q.C.: FM (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) 1 3_ DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE 2013000100 RA (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) —2 PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG (} STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 0 AS—BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS—BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS–BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) — AS–BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 1 DICKSON community infrastructure consultands Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0496 (f) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NO. UCENSF NO. F-0374 o®gee®e��oetn CAp, fig` �p 4 3 U\ ea tl 0314Al- .i,Fy�+�ya9g ua'Y'17� �4 �. �9 fJa'g,C6 e,OMOf& if � FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" --FULL SCALE SCALE 1" = HALF H Q co © O aIC11 _J r d z O rr 0ac z i o 0 p Z uw-I tD I O Q F0 w O U w 0 v a J z J O W z0 J_ Q~ [1' LL C J w(.90 a. W z C z z z woLIJ g (L EkfO cu 00 F- w > ¢afz = ¢ � w U I— H U < z O U W 0 Iii cr Z U W ~ N LU Lu w w w UA ii Z J CCU ?tp�FO ¢ 0 cZ ® O Q n. :E PROJ• DATE: INOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 1 3_ PROD. NO.: 2013000100 RA w� SCALE:1 "=30' 102 99 96 93 1 87 84 81 C C C e 4+50 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 4- 105 102 Ro 93 87 RM, 1.1 STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV DOUBLE LOG DROP 5+15 98.82 5+21 98.37 -_-- DOUBLE LOG DROP 6+00 96.30 6+06 95.80 --- LOG TOE 6+63 94.42 6+70 94.42 R DOUBLE LOG DROP 6+80 94.08 6+86 93.58 --- LOG STRUCTURE 7+55 91.81 --_ --_ ar O ct j LOG TOE 7+65 91.25 7+71 91.25 L LOG GRADE CONTROL 7+83 91.10 ---- --- 2w5; www = LOG TOE 8+13 90.40 8+20 90.40 L BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE 8+41 89.93 ____ ____ ---- LOG STRUCTURE 8+78 89.34 ----- - - ---- LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE 9+07 88.45 ---- ---- ---- RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C LEGEND DICKSON AS --BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR —50— AS–BUILT CONTOUR MINOR 720 Corporate Drive AS–BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS — (v) 919.782.0495 AS–BUILT IN–STREAM STRUCTURE www.wkdickson.com AS–BUILT STONE r%"%JIM06418�� CAP0. I®rm W Z/ .. 9� EXISTING TOP OF BANK B EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK �`���trrtw�rrrrw° EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT FULL SCALE: 1 30 0 30 60 2"- FULL SCALE SCALE 1" - HALF Etl d PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK 3 LIMITS OF PROPOSED w Z CONSERVATION EASEMENT u LOG TOE PROTECTION O Q tr (PROPOSED) i Or L)L tr LOG STRUCTURE w n (PROPOSED) ar O ct j LOG GRADE CONTROL O LU ~ z0 J_ STRUCTURE O � 0 0) 0) J IY (PROPOSED) ....� DOUBLE LOG DROP F_ Z F_Qw (PROPOSED) (XO N PROPOSED FILL AREA 2w5; www = PROPOSED WETLAND o x PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W W Ir W ~ 191- U PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG w ww LU W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY IL 0 (L LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE Q.C.: FM (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) 4 FLOODPLAIN SILL PROJ. NO.: (PROPOSED) DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG -- 2 STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG (� STRUCTURE (PROFILE) AS–BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS --BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS–BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS–BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) r COPYRIGHT O W.K, DICKSON & CO. INC, ALL RIGHTS SERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS O CSIGNATURE A S S D K RE F THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS QR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHALE DR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF W.K. DICKSONDICKSDN & CO., INC., IS PROHIBITED. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL DI= THIS DQCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL ND SEAL HALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES, FILE NAME: 1:1Projects\EBX12013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetiand Mitigation Site\CADDIRecord Drawin s\2013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-2.dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (' 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 r%"%JIM06418�� CAP0. I®rm W Z/ .. 9� .4!Q4.7 ri Or YYY a Sp L w 03 1 w �`���trrtw�rrrrw° 4� FULL SCALE: 1 30 0 30 60 2"- FULL SCALE SCALE 1" - HALF Etl d ❑ a J r d Z O U 0 w Z � fr < 0 Uj LL q z w o O Q tr arc Uj w 0 i Or L)L tr w n O ar O ct j Z J O LU ~ z0 J_ O � 0 0) 0) J IY w 0 CL 06 z F_ Z F_Qw (XO N 0660 FL 2w5; www = rY w U i— o x w CC J W W Ir W ~ 191- U c� C\1 0 — v; w ww LU Xzm © IL 0 (L PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 4 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100 RA 3 IFM XS -20 r � f� 1 / 1 f rr f XS -27 r f f f � ACG -2 p I `N ___� " \ ` / CG -2 1 SCALEA "=30' rl II /r r� ,6' 1 0 117 114 111 106 105 102 W S L S '' P o RG1A 117 114 111 W: 105 W111% 93 0+00 1+00 2+00 THIS DOCUMENT: I ILL- IM/'IIYIL- 1.�1 IV GVL. LI..^%\ IUV 1 VVI V - VG4 -1G V -1 1 1 u - I.M -,vi -'I • v1 I VVVV. VV vI r. , INC„ STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG GRADE CONTROL 0+40 106.84 ------ - - --- LOG STRUCTURE 0+91 105.60 -- - - --- LOG STRUCTURE 1+41 104.50 --- ---- --- LOG STRUCTURE 1+76 103.06 --- _-- - LOG STRUCTURE 1+89 102.82 ---- ---- _-- * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C LEGEND AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS community infrastructure consultants - AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE=� Transportation + Water Resources AS -BUILT STONE - EXISTING TOP OF BANK - EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK 720 Corporate Drive EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LIMITS OF PROPOSED u _LCE — CONSERVATION EASEMENT www.wkdickson.com LOG TOE PROTECTION (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE CAP� ®� (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE aro 9 ; (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) x 031435 PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE FULL SCALE: 1 "'=30 (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) 2" = FULL SCALE FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE o (PROPOSED) 0 PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 8 8 0 Qi —21 DDICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (f 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NO. LICENSE NO. F-0374 CAP� ®� aro 9 ; W SEAL W x 031435 Z dds�i9�n6� FULL SCALE: 1 "'=30 0 30 60 2" = FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE LLI O o a z 0 L 07 U 0 Z uy I LU n z w I ❑ I O Vn Cc Uj w I I i c owc rW U w w �-J Z J Q z J O0 J 0� Z 06 z¢� z Q' F_pwLU 0 0°w `;r g0YZ = U ww w = N W W p O Iii Er Iw CD it W LLJ z CY N U Z lar ii w ® w wwr fr o� 0 = n. fU O ¢o_ PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C,: FM Q.C. DATE: .JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 15 PROD. NO.: 2013000100 RA 3 24" CPP N.E. INV.= 117.57' S.W. INV =409.72' KAZ 117 114 111 108 105 1 102 99 96 A SCALE:1 "=30' ..6 —) _ \\ FROM TO SANK* STA ELEV STA L../11V I IIYu 1 L.IY V1�, SEE ADJACENT DWGS 0 A I , WITHOUT 4+00 8 117 114 111 H111*1 105 102 5+0q .m STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO SANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG GRADE CONTROL 0+96 107.37 --- ----- - - LOG TOE 1+62 106.50 1+69 106.50 L LOG TOE 2+27 106.00 2+34 106.00 R LOG TOE 2+62 105.80 2+69 105.80 L DOUBLE LOG DROP 2+73 105.64 2+79 105.14 ---- LOG TOE 3+27 103.91 3+34 103.91 L LOG GRADE CONTROL 4+20 103.23 ---- ---- ---- LOG TOE 4+73 102.37 4+80 102.37 R * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C LEGEND AS–BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR —50- AS–BUILT CONTOUR MINOR vw AS–BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS – AS–BUILT IN --STREAM STRUCTURE AS–BUILT STONE community infrastructure consultants EXISTING TOP OF BANK - — — _I_P — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT Urban Development + Geomatics C PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LIMITS OF PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT LOG TOE PROTECTION (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) AS—BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS—BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS–BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS --BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) Q'Aa in 3 -LCE LCE vw Q'Aa in vw DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (� 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F 0874 '�„'wwL• � W SM.�Y 1�. W kh 31�"�3•. , � � ewall�e °q FULL SCALE: 1 "= 30 0 30 60 211 — FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE Q� � o � w a. CO 0 z I 1 0 Uj o O ! 1 Q (5 w 0 w aWc U LU n w U a - z z -� 0 o LU J O ~ U_ 0 cc CL wcx z rn _j Cif zQl`— z �pW LLI0CL 0 0 �? a�f UtY � Miw> D i� 2 U w (WjQ z W CU �e Z) J Ir W � z i- 1�r N N [ 0 w 0 z w W� iu,j 'wz°CZm U 0 °¢ate a o PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.G. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 16 PROD. NO.: 2013000100RA 13 IF V 108 105 102 99 93 108 105 102 M 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 w FILE NAME: I:\Pro'ects\EBX\2013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland mitigation siteNL;Auu\rtecora urawin swul uuuui uu htc:Uhu Uh AVV11'4US U i -0.awg - january o, 4Vlo - Frasier IVIIAIIeri STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE 5+37 102.00 - ---- --- LOG TOE 6+12 101.36 6+19 101.36 R DOUBLE LOG DROP 6+54 100.94 6+60 100.43 -- DOUBLE LOG DROP 7+17 99.34 7+23 98.82 -- LOG STRUCTURE 7+77 97.86 ---- --- - - LOG TOE 7+84 97.42 7+91 97.42 L BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE 8+54 96.78 --- -_- PROPOSED WETLAND LOG TOE 9+27 96.00 9+41 96.00 R LOG TOE 9+70 95.60 9+77 95.60 R LOG GRADE CONTROL 9+92 95.36 ---- --- z U IY h— RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM LEGEND AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 5O - AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS � o 0 � U O" AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE AS --BUILT STONE J Z EXISTING TOP OF BANK - — — TB — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK w J EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE z PROPOSED TOP OF BANK W(7 0 O LIMITS OF PROPOSED LCE—LGE CONSERVATION EASEMENT 06 LOG TOE PROTECTION, U) (PROPOSED) ^` LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) U 0 LOG GRADE CONTROL Z STRUCTURE +•� (PROPOSED) 0 DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) - PROPOSED FILL AREA LU PROPOSED WETLAND w w2 PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG IW PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT STRUCTURE (PRO FILE) ®1 =11 K DIC YYKSC)N community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (f) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 FULL SCALE: 1"=30 0 30 60 2"— FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE P N- U 6i w � o 0 � U O" 04 0 � J Z J •" 0 F -o 6 w J O Z) z W(7 0 O _ z¢� 06 U) ow Z F- U 0 Z I I. � 0 0 cn 0 in Q U_ (A cc w 0 J U <wZ LU U N- U w 0 � U O" J Z 0 F -o 6 w J O Z) O W(7 0 fel. _ z¢� 06 ow Z F- af Z[+0 00 <wZ U w w2 IW 0 1Qf W W 0 J I� � w Z Cr z U IY h— H 0 cV C) p -3w U w ui Ir zcrzm O a_ ¢a2 r PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q,C, DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 17 PROD. NO.: 20 1 3000 1 00 RA 13 AU - 11+00 AV w..- •. y y r � XS -12 - 13+00 ACC -1 fl �Ly a XS -14 ' a t S)'ALE:1 "=30' 2- 105 102 99 96 93 90 1 87 84 81 r 10+00 11+00 A imelf, COPYRIGHT 0, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIC FII F NAM F, 1-1Prn4ar-t_Q%PRYl9r)1 gnnni nnRA - r`.evA r r`ro®I, Q+-.- -4 1Aio+l—A IIAi+i rn+i QW-1f+nnniD, -, i -„,.,,.,., M----- ---I.H. -,r` , ,-r – . 13+00 THIS DOCUMENT, IP 14+00 1 g & CO., INC., 105 iwl �0I:1 93 .0 n 15+00 STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG TOE 11+25 93.95 11+32 93.95 L LOG STRUCTURE 11+50 93.72 z -- - LOG TOE 12+05 92.55 12+12 92.55 R LOG GRADE CONTROL 12+50 92.30 -- - - -- LOG STRUCTURE 13+46 91.30 --- - -- LOG TOE 14+69 89.65 1 14+83 89.65 R " RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C LEGEND AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR a AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE AS -BUILT STONE EXISTING TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LIMITS OF PROPOSED ice L CONSERVATION EASEMENT LOG TOE PROTECTION (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED)” LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) - PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) ...� BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG (� STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 0 AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 3 —2 DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (1) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F os74 CpaA'�� a. .. Oa i wr n 0314;35 F Mk3 FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" = FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE F- U d ca w n O O � Ll.` iJ r - Z -� � z ©_ O 4~4 J_ U) O M a � J 0 U w Uj ® Z f Q o V} III M < LL � ir W O M rr n F- U w n O Ll.` iJ Z -� ©_ W 4~4 J_ O M a � J LL. 0 Uj ® CLQ' Z W zz co w z F_ WZ O a " 2Y Ofz w :i ul 2 w H- _ Z U ix F- of H [tr w p 0 z im wIr � ui iii Ow U ¢ oom CL O Qczi2 PROJ, DATE: INOV 2014 Q.C.; FM O.C. DATE: ,IAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 18 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100 RA SCM A 2 --- 99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 SCALE: V=30' Kz 93 M V r1*1 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 A I B I C STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG GRADE CONTROL 15+02 89.40 --- ---- ---- LOG STRUCTURE 16+06 88.35 --- ---- LIMITS OF PROPOSED LOG TOE 16+77 87.67 16+84 87.67 R LOG GRADE CONTROL 17+06 87.45 --- ---- --- LOG TOE 17+91 86.45 17+98 86.45 R LOG STRUCTURE 19+25 85.37 ---- --- ---- LOG STRUCTURE 19+59 84.50 --- -- - LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE 19+72 84.41 ---- --- _-- RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM C AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR 3 AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS -- community infrastructure consultants AS---BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE +� AS -BUILT STONE EXISTING TOP OF BANK - - - TB — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK ----- EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT I PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE Raleigh, NC 27607 PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LIMITS OF PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT u ' 3 LOG TOE PROTECTION (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE NC. LICENSE NO. F -G374 (PROPOSED) LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) - s PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND m PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG 031435 PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE, p0'�4Y@4�®rW 1 � (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE 2" — FULL SCALE 1" — HALF SCALE (PROPOSED) W PROPOSED LOG GRADE o CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) _ r �2 PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) a � PROPOSED BEDDED LOG ff�� STRUCTURE (PROFILE) 1J AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE _z I pCIE '0 (PROFILE) AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) LU LL i a AS -BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS -BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) t.ur r rtiun 1 kw, vv.ra. uiur\0Ury ac UU., uvU�. n. M�iur� 10 ncor-orncrr-tuuuu i iuiv vri uar- ur a rlc uui-4 i r-1-41 a Ur- I M 5 UUUUMtN I ; AUUI I IUN� Uh UtLt I IUN6 I U 1 H16 UUUUMtN I , IN WHULE UH IN NAF{ I , WI I HOU I WHl I I EN UUN6LN I OF W.K. UICK`5UN & CU., INC., IS PROHIBITED, ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES. FILE NAME: I:\Pro'ects\EBX12013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1CADD\Record Drawings\2013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-3.dwg -January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (t) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F -G374 $A SCA& SEAQ. 031435 m • � OWE p0'�4Y@4�®rW 1 � FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 0 30 60 2" — FULL SCALE 1" — HALF SCALE W o 0' _ r z O a � 0 U 0 _z I pCIE '0 LU LL i a O � cr- cn w 0 0 W 0 Ir � a J Z J 0 W J 0 LL J cr_ Z� IL d�Z I - I -©w IL Xz d0 X F_ w> 0 U www = Q t— Ix W 0 Id w J 2 LLI � zv P N 3 W Z it Z x Cr 0 CL © 0 {( d 2 PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C., FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 19 PROD. NO.: 2013000100RA _j 3 2- A 102 M. 93 .E rr:3 w Q C C r f' REACH \UT -4 ENHANCEMENT�11 STA 13+36 TO STA 1+14 41 f�9 \ \ 0 r< J ll C1 / 0+00 1+00 --- -- - l� � r r / it SCALE:1 "=30' 0+00 1+00 102 R*111 99 93 M RE m FILE NAME: hProjects\EM20130001 OORA- Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site1,CADD\Record Drawin s\2013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS UT-i.dw -January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen B , INC., STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV u 1+04 88.65 --- --- -- * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM LOG GRADE CONTROL ZOO STRUCTURE �• (PROPOSED) c� DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) U z O 0 U z vs r� 1 p z W ❑ O rk ❑C SQ w 0 1 M Er arc H U B , INC., STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE FROM TO BANK* STA ELEV STA ELEV LOG GRADE CONTROL 1+04 88.65 --- --- -- * RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) BANK LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED LOOKING DOWNSTREAM , MARKED WITH AN rm C LEGEN D AS–BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 AS–BUILT CONTOUR MINOR AS --BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS AS --BUILT IN–STREAM STRUCTURE — – AS–BUILT STONE EXISTING TOP OF BANK — T3 — — EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE WK DICIC ON PROPOSED TOP OF BANK Transportation + Water Resources LIMITS OF PROPOSED 720 Corporate Drive CONSERVATION EASEMENT -LCE—LM 3 LOG TOE PROTECTION www.wkdickson.com (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) 83148 m LOG GRADE CONTROL ZOO STRUCTURE �• (PROPOSED) !� DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) �r PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) FLOODPLAIN SILL (PROPOSED) DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) PROPOSED LOG GRADE CONTROL (PROFILE) PROPOSED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) PROPOSED DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROFILE) PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) AS–BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE (PROFILE) AS–BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS–BUILT RIGHT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) AS–BUILT STRUCTURE (PROFILE) --2; WK DICIC ON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (f) 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. LICENSE NO. F-0374 A 83148 m ZOO FULL SCALE: 1'= 30 0 30 60 2" FULL SCALE 1 ° = HALF SCALE LLI of �r z O 0 U z vs Lu O 1 p z W ❑ O rk ❑C SQ w 0 1 M Er arc H U w rc 11 0 z J v� LLI OF- Z p J LL O O LLJ 0 LCL W z 06 z¢I¢ - Qw F- CCp 'gt 0FL0 FL Z www U z M Cr ty W ~ L) w P:04 z � w , illi Z �zm arc v a x Q a- ❑ O <[ CL PROJ. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 20 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA LEGEND '�X11 AS -BUILT CONTOUR MAJOR 50 1 ,•' } " k� `� ! AS -BUILT CONTOUR MINOR AS -BUILT CHANNEL LIMITS — ��l` AS -BUILT IN -STREAM STRUCTURE - AS -BUILT STONE 1�` I 1 `� • EXISTING TOP OF BANK _ - - - 13 - - — �o EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK r 1� � r ti • EXISTING (ORIGINAL) CHANNEL FOOTPRINT PROPOSED CHANNEL CENTERLINE �y111 I ` P1, PROPOSED TOP OF BANK LIMITS OF PROPOSED u CONSERVATION EASEMENT ��x /^ U LOG TOE PROTECTION ����� x I, - �' (PROPOSED) LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) .. LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) VPs � �� L -_�- AW -7, - DOUBLE LOG DROP (PROPOSED) - PROPOSED FILL AREA PROPOSED WETLAND J PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG R �ky 1 I \ <I f f 1 PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG W/ OVERFLOW SPILLWAY A. } c LOG OUTLET STRUCTURE / u; 1 j i 1 •. (PROPOSED) ., 1 1 f 1 AW-ro I j BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROPOSED) VP -11 I 1 l 1 i4 GP -10 y 4 yr 1p # ° FLOODPLAIN SILL - f f 1^ �. 1, ' y.r I 0 Avtr-s (PROPOSED) W 1 DIFFUSE FLOW STRUCTURE .,t __ _AA w _._ y As f 7- f j AW -4 f " I PROPOSED LOG GRADE - - = - - ` .� - �O� '` _ `� J;D- `� d � �,•/ ''` ,f f � 7., - � `^� 4,�� I '� ';�'��' • CONTROL (PROFILE) jk• ! f,'r f I 1 r o 1 " PROPOSED LOG Z` ' �A 1 f ✓ ri A, t STRUCTURE PROFILE AL- �' ,, PROPOSED DOUBLE - F AW -6 / � a� ` LOG DROP (PROFILE) f- 1 AyV_g PROPOSED BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE (PROFILE) a { f (�� \, w /`,�'- VP-16% ' ti "� _._.�1.`° i ✓II Iti AS -BUILT CHANNEL CENTERLINE AW-` PROFILE lu AS -BUILT LEFT TOP OF BANK (PROFILE) I f _� ... 1 I 1 I ,� �---. 1 f� - `��, ,.AVU-2 a J t °,.- •�-.. .,, ., � ;�..� ;� ,� M �f I '�, � " IAL AS RIGHT TOP OF BANK , (PROFILE) If I �, ',. VI'-2� r .a :.1�,✓` ri-�'•�r ,e. � -'_- _ '_ -- "�_�,--,_- - a r. a, � �I ,r "°' ; f ,` ��•'� �V tA,W-1 AS -BUILT STRUCTURE 1 � _— . I -- - -- _ - _Y _ X ` � � t, '' (PRO FILE) m = M� P-18 ,9�1 161, AL II� �. `\ _ .� ,\ \ ,-.\ I` \ _. :. i`J•! '^�' _ .._-^—~ -- "—V .4- — .`- _`_ - _,..- _ _ ._ _`. ,` - f f'YY 11 � 3 j 1 �, ,iaf � 01 `1� �.. \ � \1l1' •14 \I �• 9' � � j� , l � -q 1 ` i, 11 4 COPYRIGHT 0, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC., IS PROHIBITED, ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES. FILE NAME: I:IProjects\EBX\2013000100RA - Cedar Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site\CADD�Record Drawin s12013000100 RECORD DRAWINGS WEiLANDS.dwg - January 6, 2016 - Frasier Mullen D'DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (v) 919.782.0495 (t 919.782.9672 www.wkdickson.com NC. UCENSE No. F-0374 � ��� o R � �� m ie"S�r®P� py� ° .. l EA q� p �� 43 ar *0 Alp 1 FULL SCALE: 1" =80 0 80 160 - 2 FULL SCALE 1" SCALE��` HALF L!J O a I- a e � r a z O U � U7 Z t Q Lu r O (A LC ' U) Ul O ZE' U w x IL J 7s... J O pp I U)LLI 0Q C] �ZZ J X Z O W > U w w d ry W z O U w J U LU W ~ N z cc w Q Lu wWW 0 � Z q: z 0 a dal PROD. DATE: NOV 2014 Q.C.: FM Q.C. DATE: JAN 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: 21 PROJ. NO.: 2013000100RA