HomeMy WebLinkAboutHowland Rock Project Narrative-Curts-LaptopProject Narrative The applicant is the association of the Howland Rock Property Owners. The proposal is to expand the boat basin dredge footprint and increase the depth to -6' nlw. The project site lies at the end of SR 1427 or North Shore Drive, off of Highway 70 in Beaufort, Carteret County. This is an existing and established residential subdivision with individual docking facilities on the North River and on a maintained canal, and community access and dockage within the common area at the mouth of the canal. The common property (approximately 20,000 sf) currently has a high ground basin stabilized with a bulkhead, and offers 9 boat slips and an access ramp. Other property owners within the basin area have private docking facilities which have been permitted for 1-2 vessels. A community gazebo, unimproved parking, and a small pier extending into the North River also exist on the common property. There are no water or sewer amenities available within the common area. The basin and canal are currently regularly maintained to - 4' nlw. There are no wetlands on the canal side of the property, while the northeast shoreline of the property bordering the river is an expanse of coastal marsh. The canal itself is approximately 30' across through the canal and the basin is approximately 1 25'across at its widest point. The property is approximately + 5' msl in elevation and is vegetated with common grasses and weeds. The Town of Beaufort Land Use Plan designates this project area as Conservation by virtue of its location within the AEC; the waters of the river at this point are open to the taking of shellfish; the area is not designated as a PNA; the waters are classified by the DWQ as SA. The proposal is to include in the dredge footprint the existing basin and canal area into the waters of North River to the natural -6' contour, not extending beyond the previously authorized dredge footprint into North River. The purpose and intent of increasing the dredge footprint and depth is to receive authorization under a Major Permit Modification to maintain the entire canal and basin under the existing Major Permit to avoid individual property owners requiring General or other Permits individually. This Modification will streamline the permitting process for property owners, the Division, and all other reviewing agencies. The dredge footprint would end approximately 70' waterward from the corner of the bulkhead containing the community pier. This dredge footprint will not exceed the previously authorized dredge footprint (area A) as depicted in the attached 2007 approved dredge footprint (drawing 7 of 7). During a bathymetric survey and an in -water assessment, no SAV was found within the proposed dredge footprint. Besides the opportunistic growth of oysters on pilings and bulkhead walls, no significant presence of shellfish resources was observed. The bathymetric survey was conducted on June 28, 2024 at approximately 6:45 PM during a normal low tide event. The proposed excavation would be to - 6' nlw and would require the removal of approximately 6,087 cubic yards of muddy sand within an area of 49,308 square feet (1.13 acres). Current conditions in the canal and basin average -2 to -3' nlw. The excavation method is proposed to be bucket to barge, and spoil will be removed to an approved inland location outside of the project area once a contractor is selected. No additional formalized slips are being proposed with this maintenance excavation expansion and the facility will not have a change of use from the originally permitted facility. r.y. �e{ N ` ;; �LQipisipn of, Coastal Management 6uildi +� Part- of,Mo h •ity. mow✓ A. .� s� .k Gvagle Earth Data SID. NCiAA, U.S. Nary, NGA, GEBGO Image ® 2024 Airtm 7 Illy A r� r Howland Rock POA Dredge Area Outline Howland Rock POA Dredge Outline Howland Rock POA Dredge Area Footprint _,.,W-'-.Iimmsxwlmi m: Howland Rock POA Dredge Area Footprint Howland Rock POA Canal and Basin Bathymetric Survey Bathymetric 41 00 rON 5 idejrl Water Surface Current Seafloor Proposed dredge depth -6" u 10 Howland Rock POA Previously Authorized Dredge Footprint PROPERTY JOSEPH TAYLOR AREA A NI NOTES: 1. AREA A - ACCESS CHANNEL" AREA C NEED PERMITTING FOR _ " . PRCPERTY MAINTENANCE DREDGING. " . " HOWLAND ROCK PROPERTY OWNERS 2. AREA B - BOAT BASIN ' " " ' " C/O LIONEL GILGO NEED PERMITTING FOR " ' 152 NORTH SHORE DRIVE MAINTENANCE DREDGING. _ _ _ _ BEAUFORT. NC 28516 3. AREA C - BOAT BASIN . . . • • " NEED PERMITTING FOR . . " " . " . . . NEW AND MAINTENANCE DREDGING. - - -."." SCALE: 1"=30' a� Drawing Date 8/27/24 Drawing 7 of 7 r 0 � d 5' MINIMUM OFF .., ALL SEAWALLS ARE 111 11 d Gity o:;u1 o � z Q o a s � o • m o PROPERTY & B.T. CARRIS 238 NORTH SHORE DRIVE iBEAUFORT, NC 28516 mm� �agmz i ----- ----- ROAD R/W PROPERTY a H.C. MERRICK ' N 249 NORTH SHORE DRIVE oog BEAUFORT, NC 28516