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Account# Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth
19489 608873 Print Legal Ad-IPL02026820-IPL0202682 $453.72 1 45 L
Attention: Wren Thedford STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA
1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Before the undersigned,a Notary Public of Dallas
RALEIGH,NC 276991617 County,Texas,duly commissioned and authorized to
administer oaths,affirmations,etc.,personally
wren.thedford@deq.nc.gov appeared Tara Pennington,who being duly sworn or
affirmed,according to law,doth depose and say that he
Notice of Intent to Issue or she is Accounts Receivable Specialist of the News&
NPDES Wastewater Permit Observer Publishing Company,a corporation organized
NCC000001 Neuse River Corn- and doingbusiness under the Laws of the State of North
pliance Association
Public Notice Carolina,and publishing a newspaper known as The
North Carolina Environmental Man- News&Observer,Wake and State aforesaid,the said
agement Commission/NPDES Unit
1617 Mail Service Center newspaper in which such notice,paper,document,or
Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 legal advertisementwas published was,at the time of
The North Carolina Environmental g
Management Commission proposes each and every such publication,a newspaper meeting
to issue a NPDES wastewater di5- all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-
charge permit to the person(s) listed q
below. Written comments regarding 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a
the proposed permit will be accepted qualified newspaper meaning
until 30 days after the publish date of p per within the of Section 1 597
this notice.The Director of the NC Di- of the General Statutes of North Carolina,and that as
vision of Water Resources(DWR)may such he or she makes this affidavit;and is familiar with
hold a public hearing should there be
a significant degree of public interest the books,files and business of said corporation and by
Please mail comments and/or infor- reference to the files of said publication the attached
matron requests to DWR at the above
address.Interested persons may visit advertisement for DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES-
the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, RALEIGH was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper on
Raleigh,NC 27604 to review the infor-
mation on file. Additional information dates as follows:
on NPDES permits and this notice may
be found on our website:httpsi/deq. 1 insertion(s)published on:
nc.gov/public-notices-hearings,or by
calling (919) 707-3601. The Neuse 11/07/24
River Compliance Association(PO Box
1410,Clayton,NC 27528)has applied
for renewal of its NPDES group pernit
NCC000001 to govern the discharge
of Total Nitrogen from 25 existing fa-
cilities discharging treated wastewater
into the Neuse River and its tributaries
in the Neuse River Basin.The permit
supplements discharge requirements
in the co-permittees'existing NPDES
permits.The subject discharges may C 1C' RtYrrOr()%%O.Arr)
affect future allocations in this river1�
IPL0202682 I certify(or declare)under penalty of perjury that the
Nov 7 2024
foregoing is true and correct.
(inaiyakilk ifijA
Notary Public in and for the state of Texas,residing in
Dallas County
•r My Notary ID# 134916732
E;•,' �� Expires May 24,2028
Extra charge for lost or duplicate affidavits.
Legal document please do not destroy!