HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06408_Well Construction - GW1_20241025 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1 ,.. 1.Well Contractor lnformadon: r.tiPhi%lle g ilPii ii ky 14.WATER ZONES I I FROM TO DESCRIPTION Well ContfactorNarne i itCk M-D • 3S--iVl , ‘ '2 -1t AL.S"-ft- t 18 PI in NC Well Coteractor Certification Number IS.OUTER CASING(for tnnItIcased wells)OR LINER(if le) FROM ro DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL He/is fe il 1-& lag II br-‘, Iii u in. C. • IL 7.CIL 6,Ytt in' Company Name 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING-(genthermel closed-loop) 2.Well Construction Permit ll: to P-A 3- - FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL . _ Lis't all applicable well construction permits(Le WC County.Slate.Variance.etc.) rt. ft. in. 17.SCREEN i°-1 3.Well Use(check well use): IL ft. Water Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMETER ' SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 13Agricaural OtfimicipallPublic ft. ft, , in. 1, ElGeothemial(Heating/Cooling Supply) %Residential Water Supply(single) ft. ft. in. °Industrie' 1/Ccmmtercial ['Residential Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT °Irrigation OWells>100,000(3PD FROM TO MATERIAL ,RW*CEMENTESTigtOD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: 0 IL 71 0 IL 71271,4Mt- Pa 41./aeA ['Monitoring [Recovery Injection Well: , . ft. ft. ElAquifet Recharge .., EIGgrundwater Remediation : - - . 19.SAND/GRAVEL PA. (ir applicable)Al bi- ['Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinitY Barrier FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD °Aquifer Test OStormwater Drainage IL II. °Experimental Technology OSebsidence Control . . 11- • ft. °Geothermal(Closed Loop) °Tracer 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION(anon hardness.scant&type,grain size,etc.) °Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return).. °Other(explain under#21 Remarks) lir . n ft- ft 4.Date Well(s)Completed:/03/-20 4 Wei IDll (de-.23---.-0Z- A_ ft. 6 0 ft. 110 Pc ii,:4.). i i Sit.well Location: • .... „:: i S '•:6-;:;It*:. ,L-,.72:5T---.7, r ::• ',e4e . ni:1 - eL.:.,,,, '-...-,...,:-.-.v ,, . 1..-ff..t, : -:..., 1 .„, k,..i-,t t•-',11 ' - -.1.,.•. (.1.:i71,"1'.'.7, 1----K-oCt :-D='eon ki--6--r-2--- --- ---- ---------------. --,-----------7„,-,----' -1 S- --q'X' 64/..Qi.27A2 t.g-,:rz9ck_ Facisty/ownermane,,,,,,...: .,,,-..,i:-:, A : faofityjp#11fapplieebtel.....___., c,',....,..i,- .-. 1::::::.F.,F.„;;::-ki.kij,;-i.j7,1:: :•,:!,-,,-..:5.,_,,,,,„,..,,,;,,:,,-;,,I,,,,,;',.i .F•i:co .,.-(; I t,..d":, t5---R in et'64/rkierg-Vg-14.0thri A)C., " -,-,.'..-,,ft.r i, :. -!;5,'-'Vf711.:C':' t,-f''''P.---t*, '..71•:! , • i --- --. 1.. i -- i-' Airi g'6"-0 -- -.7_:.i.- T:-::,-11.,-.: .::: :;',:.771!W ,..,.)!::- :;',..vi.:_-.-'--&•:ti.--.e,,17.-',::,i':-.07.-".;,,a'::1;:i'''.:V.• "-, '- PhVaical Addrektiti,iand Zip t'.- • -• 4,4 1r reAej, :,..'-. ,'1 c - _ __ 21.REMARICS -. .. : . ,.,' 1.-•,..••-•?:"i.•.-•°-:.' '!.':'- ':....,1 .. ..... . ..._...„. . . , . . . .. ., . • .. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/ininuterfsecands or dedmal degrees: ' ' - • •'-' ' .. '-.-' ' ''''' " v 'OCT 9 .; '9024 ,/ • . , (ifwell field,ane latfiong is=Mihail) 22. ,1 i 7 on:/p . 0-il--7."••• •1..-:-,.:._,.,.., .,..., 3 3=2. ?j.,4) . N Irl. 5'7 gc-Pf w •,f/ -•. . i 0iuk..„,(../,:.3 :•I- .. , , • - i ,2 )-0.2- ,,.,: • . 6.Is(are)the well(s): ['Permanent or ['Tem s tore of ed Well Contractor porary' . Da Ily signing this form,!hereby certify that the well(s)was(were)constructed in accordance with 7.Is this a repair to an mishit g well: bYes or VIVO • 154 NC4C 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a cop; ythis is a repair-.fill out known well construction information and explain the mane ofthe ofihis record has been provided its,the Well owner. repair under#21 rernarlssectionor on the back Of this form • 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8:For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page.to provide additional well construction info construct*,tadytQW,1 is_needed..Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See OVers in Remarks Box):You may also attach additional pages if necessary:, 1 , . driuixt: • / " _.... 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS .9.Total well depth below land surface: 02 - il .(ft') Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of well completion Par n per the following: itdtipleue 1 l i list andeptlii f different(exaniple 3@200'and 2g100') Maticwater.level belowtop of casing' : ‘..' ,s 24a. For AU Wells: Original Tam to Division.of Water Resources (DW R), t"- Informatiortyrocessing Unit, 6I7-MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-161T frivoler level is aboVe caving.use"+" , ! III Borehole diameter:,:•:, 6 -..- .. •, ,..,- , 24b.For Injection Wells:Copy toiDWR,Undemtnnal Tojediort Control(RIC) - ---- Program;1 p6 msc;ita!ei-gh; 27699-1636 i;--: •.::----''.'.:• ';. .'' '--' '1' .' 12.WellitiiistSuctidintillind: - fil seo,779-12. • 24c.For Water Supply.andOpreo-Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the 0,e-,VIllcr,JotalY:9131e,&Feet Push.etc.) ..4 !-...' ----• •-• county environmental health department of the county where installed,--------'' FOR WATER 64UPPLY WELLS ONLY: A 24d.-Far Water Wellitirdiliiiiiiiiiiiif:100,4100 GPI) Copy to i1WR,CEP-CU---AT; --il`,•-,:`-'.:.,-..‘v 13a.Yield(gpm) I/0 - Permit Programc161 1 MSC Raleigh,NC 27699,1611_..: •, - ..,----.. ---• '•' • .._ ....-, ieh; /:2 -41- 13b.Disinfedion typjyg e- r -e--Amount 21)7---- . , . . . . ., .: . - • . _. . •. . Form 61.4-1 ' Nord'Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Walfr Resources ... Revised 6-6-2018 .. _ -