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SW8911207_Historical File_20020522
O� MAr�R Michael F. Easley, Governor Q William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary cO O - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director 'C Division of Water Quality • Wilmington Regional Office May 22,2002 rt Mr. C. Owen Bertschi, Partner Baden Investments PO Box 5628 High Point,NC 27262 Subject: Permit No. SW8 911207 Modification Jones Ford High Density Stormwater Project Brunswick County Dear Mr. Bertschi: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete modification to the Stormwater Management Permit for Jones Ford on May 9,2002. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project,as proposed,will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 911207 Modification dated May 22,2002, for the construction of Jones Ford. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 22, 2012, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit.Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts,requirements,or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable,you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty(30)days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition,conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes,and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings,P.O.Drawer 27447,Raleigh,NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions,or need additional information concerning this matter,please contact Linda Lewis,or me at(910) 395-3900. Sincerely, fz.e)ete..fQ geek Rick Shiver 41:r? Water Quality Regional Supervisor RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWATWERMIT1911207.MAY cc: David Bowman,P.E. Brunswick County Building Inspections Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files st N.C.Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,N.C.28405 (910)395-3900 Fax(910)350-2004 Customer Service 800-623-7748 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 911207 Modification STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT • HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143,General Statutes of North Carolina as amended,and other applicable Laws;Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Baden Investments Jones Ford Brunswick County FOR THE construction of impervious surfaces to be treated in an offsite system and for the operation and maintenance of a wet detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules")and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered apart of this permit.The stormwater runoff from a portion of the site as shown on the approved plans,will be routed to a wet detention pond also operated and maintained by Baden Investments,under the terms and conditions set forth in the latest version of Permit No. SW8 901102. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 22,2012, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I.DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit, the Project Data Sheet. The onsite stormwater control has been designed to handle-the runoff from 121,819 ft2 of impervious area. 3. The maximum built-upon area allotted to this development by Stormwater Management Permit #SW8 901102 is 6,916 square feet. This project proposes 6,916 square feet to drain into Pond 1 of the permitted offsite facility. 4. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 5. The tract will be limited to the amount of built-upon area indicated on pages 3 and 4 of this permit,and per approved plans. 2 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 911207 Modification 6. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. 7. The runoff from all built-upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system.A permit modification must be submitted and approved prior to the construction of additional built-upon area from outside of the approved drainage area. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PROJECT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Project Name: Jones Ford Permit Number: SW8 911207 Modification Location: Brunswick County Applicant: Mr. C. Owen Bertschi,Partner Mailing Address: Baden Investments PO Box 5628 High Point,NC 27262 Application Date: May 9,2002 Name of Receiving Stream/Index#: Lumber/Williams Branch/ 15-25-2-9-3 Classification of Water Body: "C Sw HQW" Pond Depth, feet: 3.5 Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 14.7 Drainage Area, acres: 4.38 Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 121,819 ft2 Offsite Area entering Pond, ft2: none per engineer Required Surface Area, ft2: 12,182 Provided Surface Area, ft2: 17,288 Required Storage Volume, ft3: 9,932 Provided Storage Volume, ft3: 10,474 Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL: 15.3 Controlling Orifice: 1.75"cp pipe 3 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 911207 Modification DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PROJECT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Project Name: Ocean City Chevrolet(Offsite Facility) Permit Number: SW8 901102 Modification Location: Brunswick County Applicant: Mr. C. Owen Bertschi, Partner Mailing Address: Baden Investments PO Box 5628 High Point,NC 27262 Application Date: March 18, 2002 Name of Receiving Stream/Index#: Lumber/Williams Branch/ 15-25-2-9-3 Classification of Water Body: "C Sw HQW" Pond Number: 1 2 Pond Depth, feet: 7 4 Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 28 35.1 Drainage Area, acres: 4.93 1.07 Total Impervious Surfaces, ftz: 180,080 39,701 Offsite Area entering Pond,ftz: 6,916 none per engineer (From 911207) Required Surface Area, ft2: 7,715 3,480 Provided Surface Area, ft2: 7,773 3,582 Required Storage Volume, ft3: 14,401 3,172 Provided Storage Volume, ft3: 17,929 3,545 Temporary Storage Elevation,FMSL: 30 36 Controlling Orifice: l.5"q pipe 1.0"cp pipe 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 911207 Modification II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. Both stormwater management systems shall be constructed in their entirety,vegetated and operational for their intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the systems will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater systems function at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including,but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. c. Mowing and revegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device, flow spreader, catch basins and piping. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. 4. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date,activity,name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 5. Decorative spray fountains will not be allowed in the stormwater treatment systems. 6. The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans.This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 7. Upon completion of construction,prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy,and prior to operation of this permitted facility,a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit,the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. 8. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device,it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 9. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans,specifications, and calculations prior to construction,for any modification to the approved plans,including,but not limited to,those listed below: a. Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built-upoii area, details, etc. b. Project name change. c. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built-upon area or to the drainage area. e. Further subdivision,acquisition,or sale of the project area.The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 10. The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans,prior to construction.If the proposed BUA exceeds the amount permitted under this permit, a modification to the permit must be submitted and approved prior to construction. 5 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 911207 Modification 11. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. 12. The permittee shall notify the Division of any name,ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days. 13. Prior to the sale or lease of any portion of the property, the permittee shall notify DWQ and provide the name, mailing address and phone number of the purchaser or leasee. An access/maintenance easement to the stormwater facilities shall be granted in favor of the permittee if access to the stormwater facilities will be restricted by the sale or lease of any portion of the property. 14. The permittee must maintain compliance with the proposed built-upon area and ensure that the runoff from all the built-upon is directed into the permitted system. 15. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership,or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by an application fee,documentation from the parties involved,and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved.Responsibility for compliance with all permit conditions remains with the Permittee until such time as the Division approves the formal permit request. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes,rules, regulations,or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily,including the creation of nuisance conditions,the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action,including those as may required by this Division,such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification,revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Permit issued this the 22°d day of May, 2002.eecti NOR CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION 4A.,0 .... 4 Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality �I By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission 6 OFFICE USE;ONLY Date Received Fee Paid ' ' Permit Number /2—f —O( U4ciQ- 9G//oz F `/tool- nod State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name(specify the name of the corporation,individual,etc.who owns the project): 0E10 INVF-S7'MOUTS• NC. 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance): •(?. ©cry ' crSc.411 Pi -rioE,� 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: . . P.O. max 5648 City: i-}(&I4 fb* r State: WA y Telephone Number: ( 356 ) $6?- 705 y 4. Project Name (subdivision,facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications,letters,operation and maintenance agreements,etc.): . (:•••xs Folio . 5. Location of Ptoject'(street address): Ctkepati . gl6FfGhY City: SNAUATr' ' ` $1 cob"n{y: �i fi.shaw,cg, 6. Directions to•pioject(from nearest major intersection): U.S 1-1-t6 A 4" = enose0 SR. 13 +A,JbASR 1345. a >1 NG sarn�. -ram sirs is nit) -ram Luca-m.40r (ASj%j AAA 4c I /2_ At seems Sl'2,i3tis 7. Latitude: age 59 r 3, r Longitude: '78" o . ` of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name: /lj¢i/11 t Telephone Number: ( cj/o ) IL PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): New -Renewal K. Modification Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 1 of 4 f ' t . . 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number SWB 9(IAA/ and its issue date (if known) 3. Specify the type of project(check one): Low Density V..% High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements(check applicable blanks): _CAMA Major _Sedimentation/Erosion Control __404/401 Permit _NPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748. III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below,summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. . "The EXIS71.14 IMPEQt1Ws AREA is "TR.4-ftiaf ►A! AI £vI$T7A 011i -S,'r 979QNl4A—(102... e%OD. —Cite PROc5Eo{ 1MPLe✓IDS PIZE.a 1'RffF'FEn lit A QRAPO. , tslf.• FOND OFF-1TE (GCEAII) mil CTI'lEt7egCe?) 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the l.-uMeEIL River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 6.4 acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: . ,Q•.77 % 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? / ' :. 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. -11a -ra EAST!KEI Pour -�a —rb 4500:-5 PO-NO e eteroaIT' Basmri:Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Gatedlar Receiving Stream Name 40I A:MS 8RP.NCtt VJ«,�.�AAA . RArJCt-% Receiving Stream Class C Sw CS V./ Drainage Area /4.9 AG p,28 Existing Impervious*Area • ' Ig1 $iq .tea" aa,8;:ll`c, O Proposed Impervious*Area Q 6, 714 -k - b•/b R e- %Impervious*Area(total)., '. . . :6544 , 51.Pilo• .. :.., Area :Il aura a Arena 1 ' t • i rainage Area 2 Imperv�;iuus•. Surface On-site Buildings •1 t I-$ i „ , .0 ` On-site Streets On-site Parking 101,961 .(x,L 6916 e' On-site Sidewalks '. Other on-site r. Off-site • Total: 19,41811 ,,? Total: 6 91G P6 a *Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to,buildings,roads,parking areas, sidewalks,gravel areas, etc. Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 2 of 4 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? F'2Oni 77-Ie "IAA) Per-- PleCiagCf IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions,outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly,a table listing each lot number,size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number as issued by the Division of Water Quality. These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No more than square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials. Impervious materials include asphalt,gravel,concrete,brick,stone,slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. 3. Swales shall not be filled in,piped,or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. 4. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a mariner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below,you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above,that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them,that they will run with the land,that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State,and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at(919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form SWU-109 Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4 . VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete`application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality(DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Initials • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of$420 (payable to NCDENR) • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specifications,including: -Development/Project name -Engineer and firm -Legend -North arrow -Scale - Revision number&date - Mean high water line -Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours,proposed contours,spot elevations,finished floor elevations - Details of roads,drainage features, collection systems,and stormwater control measures -Wetlands delineated,or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage(including off-site),drainage easements,pipe sizes,runoff calculations -Drainage areas delineated -Vegetated buffers(where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf,please complete this section. Designated agent (individual or firm): BAST CDAST E siiv ,Us Co) PA Mailing Address: AO. "Bogc ca74(p 9 City: SNAGGOTTE State: NC Zip: 078S6, Phone: ( o f O ) 754-1da 5 Fax: ( 9/0 ) 750— S''d , VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information,item 2) certify that the information included on this permit application form is,to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded,and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. Signature —C' Date: lf9-4 ' Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 Permit No. D Q 9//ZC'7 Ito', (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM OFF-SITE SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT DRAINING TO PERMITTED OFF-SITE TREATMENT SYSTEMS This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a stormwater management permit application, an off-site system supplement for each off-site stormwater treatment system, appropriate supplement forms for any on-site stormwater treatment systems, and plans and specifications showing all stormwater conveyances and drainage details for the project. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name : `ONE Voer) Contact Person: 66,t)g pl oveS# cIi J Phone Number: ( 9/0) %54-4SV/ Is all drainage from the project directed to the off-site system? (circle one): Yes No II. OFF-SITE SYSTEM INFORMATION(please complete the following information for the off-site system that will treat runoff from your project): Permit No. E_ ' . • BMirtEo reg. Me01F r0,a-1-e5rl lawn 1 Project Name: OC &J Crni R C-r Type of System(wet pond, infiltration basin, etc.): Wel- POND Lot No. (if part of a subdivision): Aht How much built upon area draining to the permitted treatment system has been allocated to this project?_ 6, 9/4 -PI III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST , Prior to issuing an off-site permit, verification of the following information must be provided. Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met,attach justification. Form SWU-106 Ver 3.99 Page 1 of 2 ORIGINAL Applicants Initials a. Deed restrictions limiting the built-upon area on the site have been recorded. - b. Engineers certification for the existing off-site system has been submitted to DWQ. .DF c. There are no outstanding Notices of Violation for the off-site system. d. Off-site system is in compliance with the issued permit. �} OFF-Srla 5 E" t5 PR.OPC6Ec j ADO is C ei 146 5 MrrtEO FOIL APPR-a0 L ALOtJGI W t'n' 'C1-4t5 S*MITTN . IV. STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing will be accomplished as needed according to the season. Grass height will not exceed six inches at any time. 2. Accumulated sediment and trash will be removed from the collection system as necessary. Swales and ditches will be reseeded or sodded following sediment removal. 3. Eroded areas of swales and ditches will be repaired and reseeded. Swales and ditches will be revegetated as needed based on monthly inspections. 4. The collection system, including catch basins, curb cuts, velocity reduction devices, and piping, will be inspected monthly or after every significant runoff producing rainfall event. Trash and debris will be cleared away from grates, curb cuts,velocity reduction devices, and piping. 5. The collection system may not be altered in any way without prior approval from NCDENR Division of Water Quality. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for maintaining the stormwater collection system in accordance with the five maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print Name and Title: 1�At7EA] I NUEc rME Is1S— CO SE2TSCH I, PARTNEI'Z. Address: O P.O. —0 o)C 56a 8 14t614 MI t.Jr) me_ &7b.6 Phone: (33(0)$G9 7 Date: ///.0' e Signature: ( ,6) Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50%of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, JADE ARRELSoIJ ,a Notary Public for the State of M C.- ,County of CL IJ Ii taUS ,do hereby certify that C. 0 eaertSCIM personally appeared before me this day of 16" L Q•�- 20Q 1 ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing infiltration basin maintenance requ{ i EsR iss•coy hand and official seal, "4- , RV\ 's , �•. SEAid.�o� ca -My commission expires (p- d 1.003 i, jG,ft..a... es 13US G % \y\ Form.SWif!l't%"1ev 3.99 Page 2 of 2 East Coast 100 Engineering Company, P.A. 4918 Main Street Fax: 910.754.8049 Consulting Engineers Post Office Box 2469 Office: 910.754.8029 Shallotte,NC 28459 March 18, 2002 Ms.Linda Lewis Water Quality Section NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,North Carolina 28405-3845 Subject: Ocean City Chevrolet- SW8 901102 Jones Ford-SW8 911207 Dear Ms. Lewis: Enclosed are two (2) sets of sealed design plans for the above referenced projects. Please include these plans to the previously submitted packages dated March 11,2002. If you have any question or require any additional information,please contact our office. Sincerely, n7- E' beth M. Nelson Copy: File: 0283 (Ocean City Chevrolet) RECEIVED MAR 18 2002 PROD # D90110 . 1 East Coast Engineering Company, P.A. 4918 Main Street Fax: 910.754.8049 Consulting Engineers Post Office Box 2469 Office: 910.754.8029 Shallotte,NC 28459 March 11,2002 Ms.Linda Lewis i `'� Water Quality Section r '- f�� .r •, Ay•e. • NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 IL 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 44 R' Wilmington,North Carolina 28405-3845 1'1 2 09 Subject Jones Ford,Additional Information SW8 911207,High Density Modification Brunswick County Dear Ms.Lewis: Our office received your request for additional information dated February 13, 2002. Enclosed is the following additional information you requested. 1. Our client would be happy to address any compliance concerns your office may have regarding the existing pond. 2. The vicinity map on the plans has been revised to include the intersection of two major roads. 3. Dimensions for the impervious areas have been added to the design plans. 4. Our office did not prepare the original stormwater plan for Jones Ford, so we are unsure what was originally permitted. To prepare this stormwater modification, a survey was performed of the existing site. In addition, our office received a summary from your office dated November 9, 2001 indicating the approved built-upon areas (enclosed). The total existing built-upon area, including the gravel area,is approximately 119,194 square feet (SF),which is 2,625 SF less than the permitted 121,819 SF of built-upon area. A boundary line and note indicating the impervious area has been added to the plans for clarification. 5. The existing contours and the building finished floor elevation have been added to the plans. Our office does not have any design information for the existing pond. The proposed built- upon area will be directed to a new off-site pond located at Ocean City Chevrolet, and no additional built-upon area will be directed to the existing pond. If you have any question or require any additional information,please contact our office. Sincerely, abeth M.Nelson Enclosures: One (1) copy of Fax Transmittal from NCDENR,DWQ indicating approved built-upon area for Jones Ford Two(2) sets of revised design plans,Sheet 1 of 1 Copy: Mr. Gary Younts File: 0283 (Ocean City Chevrolet) o f \NAT Micnaei F Easley, Governor Q QG William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary F North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources _ _. �' � � p _ - ►,r Gregory 9 rY J. Thor pe, Ph.D.,Acting Director Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office February 13,2002 Mr. C. Owen Bertschi,Partner Baden Investments,Inc. PO Box 5628 High Point,NC 27262 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 911207 Jones Ford Brunswick County Dear Mr. Bertschi: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Jones Ford on December 10,2001. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The existing pond has had it's share of problems in the past.An inspection will be performed to determine if it is in compliance prior to issuing this modification. 2. Please add the nearest intersection of two major roads to the vicinity map.A major road is any 1, 2 or 3 digit NC,US or interstate highway. 3. Please provide dimensions for the entire site, existing and proposed. 4. The "existing gravel"behind the building extends beyond what was originally permitted. 5. Since these plans will replace those previously approved,please submit new plans that show all the previously approved items, including dimensions, grading, spot elevations, contours, wet detention pond and details, finished floors, etc.,just as if the existing structures were being proposed. N.C.Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,N.C.28405 (910)395-3900 Fax(910)350-2004 Customer Service 800-623-7748 Mr. Bertschi February 13, 2002 Stormwater Project No. SW8 901102 Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to March 13, 2002, or the application will be returned as incomplete.The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items,including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable.If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at(910) 395-3900. Sincerely, ef;ndAi (4( (-1.4 Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RS S/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWATIADDINFO\2002\901102.FEB cc: Linda Lewis Elizabeth Nelson Received Nov-09-01 01 : 13pm from 9103502004 -4 EAST COAST ENGINEERI page 1 NOV. 9.2001 12:09PM NC--NR WIRO NO.166 P.i • • WA NI 1110 I h re;ti Michael F.Easley, Governor ► ■■I 1 William North Carolina Department of Environment Natural��R ircevv Gregory J.Thorpe,MM.,Acting Director Division of Water Duey Wllmirigtent R40lont1 Office FAX COVER.SHEET Date: November 9,2001 No.of Pageas 2 )4,00,...." To: Elizabeth Nelson From:Linda Lewis Company: East Coast Engineering Water Quality Section.Stermwater FAX#: 910-754-8049 PAX#91045012604 Phone; 910495.3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 911207 Modification Project Names Jones Ford MESSAGE: It Dear Elizabeth; i, Sorry, I was wrong about having an application for you.Based on the old calculations we approved,this is the summary of the builtupon area you can use in your modified application: Building 11,858 ft2 Parking 109.961 ft2 Total • 121,819 f • Drainage area to pond 4.8 acres Total tract area 5.6 acres Of course,these numbers assume no changes to the approved plan. You may want to make an inspection of the facilities to assure yourself that no changes have occurred. S:\WQSISTORMWATAADDINFO1911207M,NOV N.C,Division of Water Quaity 127 Cs►dInat Drive Extension INIIminoton,N.C.28405 (910)3954900 Fax(910)3504004 Customer Wiles 0004234748 P. 1 * * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( NOV. 9.2001 12:10PM ) TTI NCDENR WIRO FILE MODE OPTION PDDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE 166 MEMORY TX 8-9107548049 OK P. 2/2 REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL_ E-2) BUSY E-3) NO ANSWER E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION Ar " ar Michael F. Easley, Governor North Carolina Department of Environment an Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D.,Acting Director DMsion of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Oft FAX COVER.SFJEET • Date: November 9,2001 No. of Pages: 2 A..," To: Elizabeth Nelson From: Linda Lewis Company: East Coast Engineering Water Quality Section-Stormwater FAX#: 910-754-8049 FAX#910-350-2004 Phone#910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SWS 911207 Modification Project Name; Jones Ford MESSAGE: Dear Elizabeth, Sorry, I was wrong about having an application for you. Based on the old calculations we approved, this is the sumuary of the built upon area you can use in your modified application; 110 Michael F. Easley, Governor • F William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary R,4 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D.,Acting Director {, Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office FAX COVER SHEET Date: November 9,2001 No. of Pages: 2 To: Elizabeth Nelson From: Linda Lewis Company: East Coast Engineering Water Quality Section-Stormwater FAX#: 910-754-8049 FAX# 910-350-2004 Phone#910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 911207 Modification Project Name: Jones Ford MESSAGE: Dear Elizabeth: Sorry, I was wrong about having an application for you. Based on the old calculations we approved, this is the } summary of the built-upon area you can use in your modified application: Building 11,858 ft2 Parking 109.961 ft2 Total 121,819 ft2 Drainage area to pond 4.8 acres Total tract area 5.6 acres Of course, these numbers assume no changes to the approved plan. You may want to make an inspection of the facilities to assure yourself that no changes have occurred. S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO1911207M.NOV r N.C.Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,N.C.28405 (910)395-3900 Fax(910)350-2004 Customer Service 800-623-7748 / 0$ ��"-~ I I 1 1 �sE -- , I I -1I Jr r `00 \ �\ I -- a L� 1�� ' 41fI�', , ''i • \ \ .�. 10 k if ' i j ._ r 4 l' 1 � hI W 'I IP U ER AAVEM�NT SHALL 1BE DU TILE < cc \, _ \ .. 'ON R SHAL BE S&L 40 PVC ENCA ED I 0: 1 CO t I 1' II CONC: e. RIICIJ:TR., \ a JILla . S OPE OF INE._ . . r .0%. W 1 ink ( t . ! 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