HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6231112_Emails_20241031 Beeker, Jacob I From: Beeker, Jacob I Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2024 1:38 PM To: Scott Brown; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505 @gmail.com Cc: Joyner, Melissa; svc_post_construction_stormwater; bsutton@harnett.org Subject: Re: SW6231112; Brayden Preserve Subdivision (Harnett) Good afternoon, The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) received a Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on April 12th, 2024. 15A NCAC 02H .1042(3)(c)of the North Carolina Administrative Code states that an application is considered approved if the required response times outlined in G.S. 143-215.1 are not met, unless one of the following exceptions applies: i. The applicant agrees, in writing,to a longer review period. ii. A public hearing is required for a final decision. iii. The applicant fails to provide necessary information for the Division's review. iv. The applicant denies the Division access to records or premises for information gathering. As none of these exceptions were relevant to your application,SW6240704 is considered approved on July 11 th, 2024, based on the aforementioned regulation (15A NCAC 02H .1042(3)(c)). We are forwarding Permit No.SW6231112, dated July 11 th, 2024,for the construction, operation and maintenance of the built-upon areas(BUA) and vegetated conveyances or areas associated with the subject project.This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance and shall be subject to the conditions and Limitations as specified therein, and does not supersede any other agency permit that may be required. The original signed permit package and approved plans are being mailed to the permittee,Triangle Land Partners, LLC, at the following address (NOTE:An electronic version of this permit can be found in our online repository: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/Browse.aspx?id=494276&dbid=0&repo=WaterResources): Triangle Land Partners, LLC, Developer Attn:Andrew Ross, Manager PO Box 5548 Cary, NC 27512 1 will hold onto our hard copies of these projects for 30 days (in case any issues/typos with the permit are noticed and corrections need to be made)after which point,they will be kept on file at the Fayetteville Regional Office. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Jacob Beeker at postconstruction(a)deq.nc.gov. i Thank you, Jacob Beeker(He/Him) Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office:(919) 707-9214 iacob.beeker(a)deq.nc.gov o.a.�..a,EroDe Q Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deq.nc.gov> Sent:Thursday, November 30, 2023 2:59 PM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com <andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com>; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com <pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com> Cc: Farkas,Jim J <Jim.Farkas@deq.nc.gov>;Joyner, Melissa <melissa.joyner@deq.nc.gov>; svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deq.nc.gov> Subject: SW6231112; Brayden Preserve Subdivision (Harnett) Good Afternoon, We received your post-construction stormwater permit application for the subject project on 11/30/23. Reviews under the Standard permitting process can take up to 90 calendar days to complete. You can see where this project stands in the review queue by emailing postconstruction@deq.nc.gov(We have an autoreply set up that has the review queue on it). Please upload all documents that you mailed into our office through the link provided below. Be sure to choose the Central Office as the Primary Contact office. https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/Forms/SW-Supplemental-Upload IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure that each file is uploaded under its appropriate file type. Additional file types can be entered into the electronic form by clicking on the "Add Another Post-Construction File Upload" link directly below the "State Stormwater Information Uploads" section of the form. YOU MUST CLICK ON THE"ADD ANOTHER POST- CONSTRUCTION FILE UPLOAD"TO ADD ADDITIONAL FILE TYPES TO THE SUBMISSION. Merely changing the file type dropdown as you upload the various files (without adding additional file uploads)will upload all of the files as the last file type selected, the submission will get flagged during review, and you will need to resubmit the files. Please do not upload entire plan sets through this form, but rather upload the relevant individual sheets under the appropriate file type. Selecting the correct file type ensures that the files are properly named in the electronic repository and it helps expedite the review process. NOTE:We do not require and we discourage the upload/submission of extraneous plan sheets (such as lighting plans, utility plans, striping plans, sight distance plans, etc...) as these files are not needed for review. Please type in permit#: SW6231112 NOTE:The email that was provided as evidence that the county has given permission for our office to review the entire project was not sufficient.This needs to either come from a county email address or be a county letter. Please either provide sufficient proof of this permission or you are responsible for obtaining local permission for the portion of your project that falls under local jurisdiction. 2 This project will be reviewed by Jim Farkas, if you have any questions, please contact them at postconstruction@deg.nc.gov or at 919-707-3646. NOTE:The originally provided check for$505, that was replaced for the correct amount of$1000, has been voided and will be returned to the following address: 4D Site Solutions, Inc. Attn: C. Scott Brown 409 Chicago Drive—Ste. 112 Fayetteville, NC 28306 Scott, this submittal was dated 11/29/23 on the transmittal letter. If our office receives the submittal that was lost in the mail, I will void the check included in that submittal and return it to the same address. Thank you, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality postconstruction@deg.nc.gov NORTH CAHOLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Peck, Kaitlin Sent:Wednesday, November 29, 2023 1:12 PM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway Will do.Thank you. Please direct all post-construction permitting questions and correspondences to our new group email address, postconstruction@deg.nc.gov. Take care, 3 Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-9209 Kaitlin.Peck@deg.nc.gov D.- E Q:> NORTH GAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Sent:Wednesday, November 29, 2023 12:13 PM To: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. If the package ever sone arrive, please send the$1,000 check back to me Scott Brown, PE I Professional Engineer office:910-426-6777 1 ext 102 1 cell:910-489-6731 1 fax:910-426-5777 On time,every time. I www.4Dsitesolutions.com From: Scott Brown Sent:Wednesday, November 29, 2023 12:02 PM To: 'Peck, Kaitlin' <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway It appears UPS has lost the package. See attached. I will get another submittal out to you today. I enclosed the resubmittal letter from last Monday. Scott Brown, PE I Professional Engineer office:910-426-6777 1 ext 102 1 cell:910-489-6731 1 fax:910-426-5777 On time,every time. I www.4Dsitesolutions.com From: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov> Sent:Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:54 AM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway 4 Scott, I apologize. tThat email was not correct. We are still waiting on your package. Take care, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-9209 Kaitlin.Peck@deg.nc.gov NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Peck, Kaitlin Sent:Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:41 AM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway Hi Scott, I just wanted to let you know that this submittal has been received and I will be reviewing it shortly. Thanks, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-9209 Kaitlin.Peck@deg.nc.gov 5 b li;:;A cl ;NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 12:04 PM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com Cc: svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway Hi Scott, I have not yet received this. Our mail system could be catching up from Thanksgiving. Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-9209 Kaitlin.Peck@deg.nc.gov ie:f—o D--�E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 6:12 AM To: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com Cc: svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. I wanted to confirm you received the additional information last Tuesday. Scott Brown, PE I Professional Engineer 6 office:910-426-6777 1 ext 102 1 cell:910-489-6731 1 fax:910-426-5777 On time,every time. I www.4Dsitesolutions.com From: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov> Sent: Monday, November 20, 2023 10:12 AM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com>; andrew.ross@floyddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com Cc: svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway Good Morning, The deadline for your submittal of additional information is coming up, by the end of business day on 11/24/23. Where are you in sending these items in? Take care, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality postconstruction@deg.nc.gov D_ E NORTH CAROLINA Oepadment of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov> Sent:Thursday, October 26, 2023 3:12 PM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com>; Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov> Cc: svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway Scott, I just see the emails from 4dsitesolutions and from dm2engineering. If you could forward me an email from Harnett Co., I can add that to your application. Take care, 7 Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-9209 Kaitlin.Peck@deg.nc.gov D.- E Q:> NORTH GAROLINA_ Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Sent:Thursday, October 26, 2023 3:05 PM To: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov> Cc: svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. I forwarded you the copy of the email from the county engineer and county planner. Do you need more than that? Scott Brown, PE I Professional Engineer office:910-426-6777 1 ext 102 1 cell:910-489-6731 1 fax:910-426-5777 On time,every time. I www.4Dsitesolutions.com From: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov> Sent:Thursday, October 26, 2023 3:01 PM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Cc: svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway Hi Scott, Can you provide correspondence with the County to certify this? I need to have proof of approval to add to your application package. Take care, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 8 Office: (919) 707-9209 Kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov D- E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Sent:Thursday, October 26, 2023 2:45 PM To: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov> Subject: [External] FW: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. See below. County is good with NCDEQ reviewing entire plan. Scott Brown, PE Professional Engineer office:910-426-6777 ext 102 1 cell:910-489-6731 1 fax:910-426-5777 On time,every time. I www.4Dsitesolutions.com From:William Dreitzler<bdreitzler@dm2engineering.com> Sent:Thursday, October 26, 2023 8:43 AM To: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Cc: Meade Bradshaw<mbradshaw@harnett.org> Subject: Re: FW: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway Scott, Yes, the County is ok with the State reviewing the entire project. Sincerely, Bill On 10/25/2023 4:20 PM Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com>wrote: See below. Are you good with NCDEQ reviewing the entire project for storm water since part of this project is within the watershed?The DRB was reviewed last week. Scott Brown, PE Professional Engineer office:910-426-6777 ext 102 1 cell:910-489-6731 1 fax:910-426-5777 On time,every time. I www.4Dsitesolutions.com 9 From: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deg.nc.gov> Sent:Wednesday, October 25, 2023 11:54 AM To: andrew.ross@flovddevelopment.com; pattersonproperties27505@gmail.com; Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Cc: Farkas,Jim J <Jim.Farkas@deg.nc.gov>;Joyner, Melissa <melissa.ioyner@deg.nc.gov>; svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov> Subject: Brayden Preserve Subdivision; Broadway Good Morning, We received your application for a new post-construction stormwater permit on 10/25/23. At this time, the submission is not administratively complete and cannot be accepted for review in its current condition. Please provide the following submittal items within 30 calendar days (by close of business on 11/24/23) so that we may accept the project and begin the review process, otherwise, the project will be returned as administratively incomplete. • 1x application fee check in the correct amount (this item is required per Session Law 2023-134, Section 12.14(e)(2)): • Please be aware that, effective October 3, 2023, our permit application fee structure is as follows: • New Permit or Major Modification for a project with one (1) or fewer SCMs= $1,000 • New Permit or Major Modification for a project with two (2) SCMs=$1,250 • New Permit or Major Modification for a project with three (3) SCMs=$1,750 • New Permit or Major Modification for a project with four(4) or more SCMs= $2,250 • Minor Modification =$250 • Renewal =$750 • Transfer=$750 • Renewal &Transfer Combination =$1,500 • General Permit=$700 • Per the submittal items, this project will require an application fee of$1000 as this application is for a New Permit for a project with less than 1 SCM. Please provide a new application fee check in this amount so that we may process your application. We will void and return the provided application fee check to the permittee(unless a different return address is indicated by close of business tomorrow). • 2x hard copies of the Application with the following corrections made (These items are required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(a) and per Section VI, 1 of the Application): • Section I, 2-The county name listed on the Application does not match the project's address.This project appears to be located in Harnett County. • Section III, 4—Please provide the contact information (email address and phone number)for the local jurisdiction for building permits. 10 NOTE:This project is partly within Harnett County's Water Supply Watershed. Please coordinate with Harnett County to get permitted through their local permitting process. If given permission by Harnett County, we can review the entire project, but either local permitting or permission from their office for us to permit the portion, is needed to satisfy this requirement. NOTE:This is an administrative completeness review, not a detailed engineering review, there may be other issues that may be brough up during the engineering review. If these items are received within the stipulated timeframe, we can accept the project and begin the review process. Once accepted, reviews under the standard permitting process can take up to 90 calendar days per statute (one of our two reviewer positions is currently vacant). Hard copies should be mailed to the following address: For Fed Ex/UPS: Jim Farkas 512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 640E Raleigh, NC 27604 For USPS: Jim Farkas 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 If you have any questions, please contact Kaitlin Peck at post-construction@nc.deg.gov or at(919) 707- 9209. Thank you, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality postconstruction@deg.nc.gov D-.E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. William W.(Bill)Dreitzler,P.E. DM2 Engineering,PLLC 7854 Trap Way Wilmington,NC 28412 cell:(919)818-2235 12