HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240304_Emails_20241030 Beeker, Jacob I From: Beeker, Jacob I Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 3:28 PM To: Brittany Prince; Erik Haeffs; Erica Bruce-May; Augustine Appiah Cc: svc_post_construction_stormwater; Eplin, Jerry W; jeremiah.combs@lincolncountync.gov Subject: Re: SW3240304; Waffle House (Restaurant) (Lincoln) Good afternoon, The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) received a Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on July 12th, 2024. 15A NCAC 02H .1042(3)(c)of the North Carolina Administrative Code states that an application is considered approved if the required response times outlined in G.S. 143-215.1 are not met, unless one of the following exceptions applies: i. The applicant agrees, in writing,to a longer review period. ii. A public hearing is required for a final decision. iii. The applicant fails to provide necessary information for the Division's review. iv. The applicant denies the Division access to records or premises for information gathering. As none of these exceptions were relevant to your application,SW6240704 is considered approved on August 11th, 2024 based on the aforementioned regulation (15A NCAC 02H .1042(3)(c)). We are forwarding Permit No.SW3240304, dated August 11 th, 2024,for the construction, operation and maintenance of the built-upon areas(BUA)and vegetated conveyances or areas associated with the subject project.This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance and shall be subject to the conditions and Limitations as specified therein, and does not supersede any other agency permit that may be required. The original signed permit package and approved plans are being mailed to the permittee,Waffle House, Inc., at the following address (NOTE:An electronic version of this permit can be found in our online repository: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/Browse.aspx?id=494276&dbid=0&repo=WaterResources): Waffle House, Inc. Purchaser Attn: Erik Haeffs, Real Estate Director 5986 Financial Drive Norcross, GA 30071 1 will hold onto our hard copies of these projects for 30 days (in case any issues/typos with the permit are noticed and corrections need to be made)after which point,they will be kept on file at the Mooresville Regional Office. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Jacob Beeker at postconstructionCa)deq.nc.gov. Thankyou, i Jacob Beeker(He/Him) Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office:(919) 707-9214 iacob.beeker(a)deq.nc.gov oeaa�..a,EroDe Q Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Holland, Brianna <brianna.holland@deq.nc.gov> Sent:Wednesday,June 5, 2024 7:18 PM To: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deq.nc.gov>; Brittany Prince<brittanyp@thecontineogroup.com>; Erik Haeffs <erikhaeffs@wafflehouse.com>; Erica Bruce-May<ericab@thecontineogroup.com>;Augustine Appiah <augustinea@thecontineogroup.com> Cc: Peterson, Kathryn S<kathryn.peterson@deq.nc.gov>; Farkas,Jim J <Jim.Farkas@deq.nc.gov>; svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deq.nc.gov> Subject: RE: SW3240304; Waffle House (Restaurant) (Lincoln) Good evening, The Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR), received additional information for a Stormwater Management Permit Application for SW3240304 on March 7. 2024. A review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. Attached is a letter describing the items that need to be submitted. When responding to this request, please mail all requested documents to the address provided in the letter. Please upload all documents that you mailed into our office through the link provided below. Be sure to choose the Central Office as the Primary Contact office. https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/Forms/SW-Supplemental-Upload If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My contact information is listed below. Thank you, Brianna Holland Environmental Engineer Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality postconstruction@deq.nc.gov From: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 3:04 PM To: Brittany Prince<brittanyp@thecontineogroup.com>; Erik Haeffs<erikhaeffs@wafflehouse.com>; Erica Bruce-May <ericab@thecontineogroup.com>;Augustine Appiah <augustinea@thecontineogroup.com> 2 Cc: Eplin,Jerry W<jerry.eplin@deq.nc.gov>; Farkas,Jim J <Jim.Farkas@deq.nc.gov>; Holland, Brianna <brianna.holland@deq.nc.gov>; svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deq.nc.gov> Subject: SW3240304; Waffle House (Restaurant) (Lincoln) Good Afternoon, We received your post-construction stormwater permit application for the subject project on 3/7/24. Reviews under the Standard permitting process can take up to 90 calendar days to complete. You can see where this project stands in the review queue by emailing postconstruction@deq.nc.gov(We have an autoreply set up that has the review queue on it). Please upload all documents that you mailed into our office through the link provided below. Be sure to choose the Central Office as the Primary Contact office. https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/Forms/SW-Supplemental-Upload IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure that each file is uploaded under its appropriate file type. Additional file types can be entered into the electronic form by clicking on the "Add Another Post-Construction File Upload" link directly below the "State Stormwater Information Uploads" section of the form. YOU MUST CLICK ON THE"ADD ANOTHER POST- CONSTRUCTION FILE UPLOAD"TO ADD ADDITIONAL FILE TYPES TO THE SUBMISSION. Merely changing the file type dropdown as you upload the various files (without adding additional file uploads)will upload all of the files as the last file type selected, the submission will get flagged during review, and you will need to resubmit the files. Please do not upload entire plan sets through this form, but rather upload the relevant individual sheets under the appropriate file type. Selecting the correct file type ensures that the files are properly named in the electronic repository and it helps expedite the review process. NOTE:We do not require and we discourage the upload/submission of extraneous plan sheets (such as lighting plans, utility plans, striping plans, sight distance plans, etc...) as these files are not needed for review. Please type in permit#: SW3240304 This project will be reviewed by Brianna Holland, if you have any questions, please contact them at postconstruction@deq.nc.gov or at 919-707-9218. Thank you, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality postconstruction@deq.nc.gov NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3 From: Brittany Prince<brittanyp@thecontineogroup.com> Sent:Wednesday, February 28, 2024 3:28 PM To: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deq.nc.gov>; Eplin,Jerry W<jerry.eplin@deq.nc.gov>; Erik Haeffs <erikhaeffs@wafflehouse.com>; Farkas,Jim J <Jim.Farkas@deq.nc.gov> Cc:Augustine Appiah <augustinea@thecontineogroup.com>; Erica Bruce-May<ericab@thecontineogroup.com> Subject: Re: [External] Re:Waffle House (Restaurant); Denver, Lincoln County CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Kaitlin, Thank you for reaching out. We are making preparations to send all original copies requested and addressing comments received February 6. We will have everything sent over by 3/7/24 but your reminder was greatly appreciated. Warm Regards, Brittany Prince Project Coordinator 678-429-0760 755 Commerce Drive Suite 800 Decatur Georgia 30030-2623 www.TheContineoGroup.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)and may contain confidential or proprietary information.Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, immediately contact the sender by reply by email and destroy all copies of the original message. We try to ensure our communications are free of viruses but do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that viruses may cause. You should take your own steps to ensure that communications are free of viruses. On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 9:23 AM Erica Bruce-May<ericab@thecontineogroup.com>wrote: Hi Team! I believe this is Lowesville. Please update me with the game plan to meet the deadline of 3/7.Thanks! 4 ---------- Forwarded message--------- From: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deq.nc.gov> Date:Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 9:16 AM Subject: RE: [External] Re:Waffle House (Restaurant); Denver, Lincoln County To: Ron Crump<ronc@thecontineogroup.com>, Erica Bruce-May<ericab@thecontineogroup.com> Cc: erikhaeffs@wafflehouse.com <erikhaeffs@wafflehouse.com>, normanbeals@wafflehouse.com <normanbeals@wafflehouse.com>, svc_post_construction_stormwater<postconstruction@deg.nc.gov>, Farkas,Jim J <Jim.Farkas@deq.nc.gov>, Eplin,Jerry W<jerry.eplin@deq.nc.gov>,Juan Pablo Del Rio <JuanD@thecontineogroup.com> Good Morning, Additional information for this project is due by end of day, 3/7/24, where are you in sending these items in? Take care, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality postconstruction@deq.nc.gov NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Ron Crump<ronc@thecontineogroup.com> Sent:Tuesday, February 6, 2024 1:41 PM To: Peck, Kaitlin <kaitlin.peck@deq.nc.gov>; Erica Bruce-May<ericab@thecontineogroup.com> Cc: erikhaeffs@wafflehouse.com; normanbeals@wafflehouse.com; svc_post_construction_stormwater <postconstruction@deg.nc.gov>; Farkas,Jim J <Jim.Farkas@deq.nc.gov>; Eplin,Jerry W<jerry.eplin@deq.nc.gov>;Juan Pablo Del Rio<JuanD@thecontineogroup.com> Subject: [External] Re:Waffle House (Restaurant); Denver, Lincoln County CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Thank you. We will review and get back to you as soon as possible. Ron Crump I Owner I PE, PMP, LEED AP, CPESC, CPSWQ 5 Contineo Group RonC@TCG.Engineer Cell:404.556.7721 www.tcg.engineer Corporate Location: 755 Commerce Drive I Suite 800 1 Decatur I Georgia 1 30030 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including any attachments,is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)and may contain confidential or proprietary information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure,or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, immediately contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. We try to ensure our communications are free of viruses but do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that viruses may cause. You should take your own steps to ensure that communications are free of viruses. On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 12:40 PM Peck, Kaitlin <kaitl in.peck@ deg.nc.gov>wrote: Good Afternoon, We received your application for a new post-construction stormwater permit on 2/5/24.At this time, the submission is not administratively complete and cannot be accepted for review in its current condition. Please provide the following submittal items within 30 calendar days (by close of business on 3/7/24) so that we may accept the project and begin the review process, otherwise, the project will be returned as administratively incomplete. • The proposed SCM for this project, a dry pond, is a secondary SCM. For HD projects, primary SCMs are required. Please either revise or provide justification why the primary SCMs cannot be used for this project. • 2x hard copies of the Application with the following corrections made (These items are required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(a) and per Section VI, 1 of the Application): • Section II, 2—Please specify the type of project relevant to this application and its density.This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(a)(iv).The project type for this permit was selected as"other," please clarify or else select"High Density." • Section III, 1c—If the Applicant, Waffle House, Inc., will be purchasing the property, they should be listed as the purchaser in this section and a sales agreement(required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(c)) should be provided, otherwise, the applicant should be listed as the developer. • Section IV, 8—The percent impervious area for the project area does not appear to be calculated correctly. Project density calculation information can be found in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(1). • Section IV, 10—Please use the information for the first named surface water("Forney Creek", "11-119- 2-3", &"C")for the receiving stream name, index number, and classification. • Section IV, 10—Please show the total drainage area in square feet instead of acres. • Section IV, 10—The value for the Proposed Impervious Area** (sf) should match the value for Total (sf). Please revise. 6 • Section IV, 10—the value for% Impervious Area** (sf) appears to be calculated incorrectly. Please revise. • Section VI—Please initial indicating that you have submitted all the required information relevant to the project's application. • Section IX—It appears that Section III, 2a has been filled out, providing contact information for the property owner's name. Please provide the property owner's original, notarized and sealed signature in this section of the Application. • Section X—Please provide the applicant's original, notarized and sealed signature in this section of the Application. • 1x hard copy of the complete, original signed Supplement-EZ Form (This item is required per Sections V&VI, 3 of the Application).This form can be found on our website at the following address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land-resources/stormwater/stormwater- program/stormwater-design. Please note that a complete Supplement-EZ form will have 3 or more pages and uses macros to generate the relevant sheets based on the information entered into the cover page. • 1x original, signed &notarized hard copy of the O&M Agreement Form (This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(j) and per Sections V &VI, 3 of the Application).This form can be found on our website at the following address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land- resources/stormwater/stormwater-program/stormwater-design. Please note that a complete O&M Agreement Form will have 2 or more pages and uses macros to generate the relevant sheets based on the information entered into the cover page. NOTE: It is recommended to get a second copy of this form signed & notarized for the Applicant's records (it will be helpful when they go to record it with the Register of Deeds). • 1x hard copy of a USGS topographic map identifying the site location. If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drains to class SA waters within % mile of the site boundary, include the% mile radius on the map.This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(d) and per Section VI, 6 of the Application. • 1x hard copy of official documentation showing that the owner organization (STTR Limited Partnership) is in good standing with the Secretary of State and showing the title and position information for the signing official (These items are required per 15A NCAC 02H .1040(1) and per Section VI, 11 of the Application). • 2x signed &sealed hard copies of a plan sheet showing the following corrected additions: • Wetland delineation or a note on the plans stating that there are no wetlands located on-site.This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(g)(iii) &Section VI, 8m of the Application. Please also list the name of the individual that made this determination in a note on the plans. Please only provide the revised sheets. NOTE:This is an administrative completeness review, not a detailed engineering review, there may be other issues that may be brough up during the engineering review. If these items are received within the stipulated timeframe, we can accept the project and begin the review process. Once accepted, reviews under the standard permitting process can take up to 90 calendar days per statute (one of our two reviewer positions is currently vacant). Hard copies should be mailed to the following address: For USPS: Jim Farkas 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 For FedEx/UPS: Jim Farkas 512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 640E Raleigh, NC 27604 If you have any questions, please contact Kaitlin Peck at post-constructionCcbnc.de ov or at(919) 707-9209. Thankyou, Kaitlin Peck Environmental Specialist Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality postconstruction@deg.nc.gov D,_.E Q NORTH CAHOLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 8 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. Kind Regards, Erica Bruce-May Program Manager Cell: 678.755.3771 755 Commerce Drive Suite 800 Decatur, GA 30030 www.TheContineoGroup.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. This email message,including any attachments,is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)and may contain confidential or proprietary information.Any unauthorized review,use,disclosure,or distribution is prohibited.If you are not the intended recipient,immediately contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. We try to ensure our communications are free of viruses but do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that viruses may cause. You should take your own steps to ensure that communications are free of viruses. 9