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SW8211201_Historical File_20220609
Posey, Steven From: Amy Norris <anorris@ntengineers.com> Sent Thursday,June 9, 2022 11:21 AM To: Pusey, Steven Subject: RE: [External] GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building - permit SW8 211201 CAUTION:External email_Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. No problem...thank you Amy S. Norris I O`ice Manager; Executive Adrninistr:a ;ve Assistant NOR IS &TUNSTALIL CONSUMING ENGINEERS P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Dr., Suite 102, Wilmington, NC 28412 910-343-9653(Ext. 1) 1910-343-9604 (F) anorrist intengineers.corn www.ntenoineers.com Hours: M-Th 8:00 AM—5:30 PM &Friday 8:00 AM—Noon It is the professional opinion of Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers,Inc. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format,Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C.and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc.makes no representations as to the usability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems,or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C.and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the preparation of such data. From: Pusey,Steven<steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Thursday,June 9,2022 10:11 AM To:Amy Norris<anorris@ntengineers.com> Cc: Robbie Hennelly<rhennelly@ntengineers.com>;John Tunstall <junstall@ntengineers.com> Subject: RE: [External]GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building-permit SW8 211201 Amy, Sorry I left you out of the original email chair. And, yes you are correct. Thanks for pointing that out to me. So, this project would meet the law states that "all members will be managers for any period during which the LLC would otherwise not have any managers or other company officials." I will continue with the permit. Steve 5'rt4-6..., 99. Roe?, Steven G. Pusey Environmental Engineer II 1 Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910) 796-7215 Direct: (910) 796-7331. Email: steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov E Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From:Amy Norris<anorris@ntengineers.com> Sent:Thursday,June 9,2022 9:41 AM To: Pusey,Steven<steven.pusev@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Robbie Hennelly<rhennelly@ntengineers.com>;John Tunstall<itunstall@ntengineers.com> Subject: [External] GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building- permit SW8 211201 CAUTION:External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to ,Report Spam, Steve, Per your e-mail below to John Tunstall & Robbie Hennelly (please copy me on all e-mail correspondence), I've looked at the NCSOS Articles of Organization &see what you mean. Does the attached Written Consent by the Organizer of WLM PROPCO, LLC (provided in the original 11-30-21 submittal) not resolve that? If not, then I will forward your e-mail to the Owner(Ben Eberdt) to get you the needed documentation so we can get the permit issued. Please advise. Thanks, Amy Amy S. Morris I Office Manager I Executive Administrative Assistant NORRIS & TIN TALL -CONSULTING ENGINEERS tC.' 2602 Iron Gate Dr., Suite 102, Wilmington, NC 28412 910-343-9653(Ext. 1) 1910-343-9604(F) anorrisantengineers.com www.ntengineers.com From: Robbie Hennelly<rhennellv@ntengineers.com> Sent:Thursday,June 9,2022 9:10 AM To:Amy Norris<anorris@ntengineers.com> Subject: FW:GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building-permit SW8 211201 Importance: High 2 From: Pusey,Steven<steven.pusevL ncdenr.gov> Sent:Wednesday,June 8,2022 5:18 PM To:John Tunstall<itunstall@ntengineers.com>; Robbie Hennelly<rhennellvPntengineers.com> Subject: GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building-permit SW8 211201 Importance: High I was writing the subject permit and ran across something that needs clarification. The Articles of Organization for WLM PROPCO, LLC states that the members shall not be managers by virtue of their status as members. Therefore, per NCGS 57D-3-20, "then those persons designated as managers in, or in the manner provided in,the Operating Agreement will be managers. The Operating Agreement may provide that the LLC is to be managed by one of more company officials who are not designated as managers." In addition,this law states that "all members will be managers for any period during which the LLC would otherwise not have any managers or other company officials." Therefore,can you please clarify whether there is an Operating Agreement that declares the manager(s), and if so, provide a copy. Or, advise if it fits under the last clause about "all members will be managers ...", please confirm that. Your earliest response is appreciated. Thanks, 96w 9 P Steven G. Pusey Environmental Engineer II Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910) 796-7215 Direct: (910) 796-7331 Email: steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov DE Q •Emcil corrosp.ndence to and from this address i.;sub'ect to the Norm Cr^olina'iblic Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3 STORMWATER SYSTEM &EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS GOD PET HOSPITALITY SERVICES BUILDING 8130 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina For WLM Pi apCO, LLC 3717 Bentley Drive Durham, NC 27707 (919)812-8084 ,n// k�lII�nwx s AA. .,�,4 • sEAL- "z4 „ s. Revised March 2022(State SW Response) January 2022(Permit Responses) November 2021 Prepared by: NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Drive, Suite 102 W Irnington, North Carolina 28412 (910) 343-9653 ECEIV1 (910) 343-9604 (Fax) License#C-3641 MAR 16 2022 N&T Project No. 21162 By; tri 0 5 W CoO NCOoNocnus000 2 g U u I a 0 I- n ti a • 0 IOO Om1 N O m N0 'N'i v c1n N O 0 0 v cn 00 00 00 u1 O IN ° N 0 et N. - O O 5 N in N 00 N V R' N OD N H to N N N O: w O. 2 0 in MI I-I I-I CO Z O o 0 0 0 O O 0 ry 0 a tO 0 N' 4O N 7 Co LL l0 tO U- O N N O O a ts0 0 0 o O cc -V N a N lD F 0 Z 0 a LL im on M O < 0 0 0 a Woo ^v O O o o oqct Q n N 0 LI W Co a a Z La Cocc r" as .i to O Vr crl sN0 0 a p. 008000 N O J N' 4 CO tD N v N a aa.x .1 w < U U a a LL on Al co rn N Co 1-1 on ▪ m mi. W c1 00 O 00 on 1 N N O mV mr T N QJ (n t8 m 6 e} d' fY 00 1 .i 0 N Wi I 0 U, Z w a Z ,-IN Q co er in t0 1. co en O C tD IN •0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ‹ 171 W U. 0 ~ Z I P i0 a WET DETENTION BASIN CALCULATIONS GODOG NOVEMBER 2021 Protect Name;. I . -. - 'GoD'og '. ' . - • •,IN&T No: E •-2it.E2 : ...I , Contact Person: I • . tibial • •. .I Phone: (910)343-9653 ' For projects with multiple basins,specifywhlch basin this worksheet apples to: DA it: Description City Units Notes: 1-yeer,24-hour rain event,DI , 1017 inches TSS Removal Rate ',..,kp p% Drainage Area,DA= 8.23 at 140780 sf Pre-saiadngImpervious Area= . .s0A0 cc Preexisting Overall%Impervious,IR,= 0.00 % Proposed impervious Area= ..,:2.00 at 87,120 sf(Proposed+Future) Post Development Pervious Area= 1.23 ac Post Development Overall%Impervious,la„t= 61.88 .% Storage Volume Required(Simple Method): Within 0,5 mile&drain to SA waters? . '.y USE DIFFERENCE OF PRE-POST VOLUME Design Rainfall Depth,D,,a.= 1.50 In Design Rainfall Depth.D,ye= 3.87 in Pre-Devoipomem Runoff Volume factor,Rv,,= 0.05 In/In Rv,=0.05+0.009% Post Oevolpoment Runoff Volume factor,Rv,,,t• 0.60695 in/In Rep,,,=0.05+0.009'Ia,,, 1.5"Post-Dev Runoff Volume.V,,ram,= 10,680.60 ft' V,.r pm=3630*O,,p'Rv,,,,,.DA 1 Yr Pre-Dev Runoff Volume,V ty,,. 2,270.08 tY V,y,,,,=3630'D,y,*Rv *DA 1 Yr Post-Dee Runoff Volume,V,y,p= 27.556.68 ft' V,y,*,,,=3630*Diy,'Rvo,,,*DA Required Storage Volume= 25,287 fls DIN of Pre-Post V SHWT Elevation 31.83 ft Approximate Normal-Permanent Pool Elevation 29.00 ft Normal-Permanent Pool surface area 9,102 sf State Temporary Pool Elevation 31.25 ft Slate Temporary Pool Surface Area 14,782 sf !Provided Storage Volume= 25,254 R' OK!Provided V>Required V 4 It S 3' a icIR . is t is =l A 1 I I 11',74Zcxwt - N ; RAARXRX PM ' �w t: Ci kla o C T 2I ro 4 4 F. r. o V -_ a a- i = b 1 st ._ I ii; i i 747i i GP gg N 1 n I lii! id • R t o- A 1 1 L■ al* art j /:::::111:11 " 1 il 'el w a d sA..MgL. t ; } r t V i 1 111] gill M I Ii; 1"4 ii . tp NCDEQ Stonmwater Design Manual 0.m. Table 1:Piedmont and Mountain SAIDA Table(Adapt from Driscoll, 1986) Percent Permanent Pool Average Depth(fi) Impervious Cover 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 2.8.0 10% 041 0.43 0.37 0.30 0.27 O.25 20% 0.84 0.59 0.61 0.51 0.44 O,40 30% 1.17 0.94 0.84 0.72 0,61 0,58 4O% 1.51 1.24 1.09 0.91 0.78 0.71 5O% 1.73 1.51 1.31 1.13 0.95 0.87 60% 2.09 1.77 1.49 1.31 1.12 1.08 7O% 2.51 2.09 1.80 1.56 124 1.17 80% 2.92 2.41 2.07 1.82 1,02 1.40 90% 3.25 2.64 2.31 2.04 1.84 1.59 10O% 3.55 2.79 2.62 2.34 2.04 1.75 Table 2: Coastal SAIDA Table(Adapted from Driscoll, 1986) Percent Permanent Pool Average Depth(ft) Iffin Impervious Cover 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 28.0 10% 0.78 0.81 044 0 0 0 2O% 1.48 1.04 0.87 0.70 0.52 0.35 30% 2.18 1.86 1.39 1.13 0.87 0.70 40% 2.95 2.26 1.53 1.39 0.26 0.78 50% 3.65 2.87 2.35 1.83 121 0.96 '"-7 60% 4.35 3.31 2.78 2.28 1.74 1.13 70% 5.22 3.92 3.22 2.52 1.83 1.31 80% 5.92 4.52 3.65 2.78 1.91 1.57 90% 8.53 5.05 4.18 2.96 2.44 1.74 100% 7.13 5,92 4.87 3.83 2.78 1.83 )1w r E ram: to .- c.U.5c . 6, 'r ,' 'n &0% _41, _ �C�i � a/.5z2. (,(fit-3.31,,4,7% , �.4-J'3z - 3 Cr . t0 4 T C-3.Wet Pend 7 Revised: 11-23-2O20 21162 GoDog Nov 2021 JIMMY Drawdown Calculations Drainage Area = 3.23 AC Normal Pool= 29.00 ft Temporary Pool= 31.25 ft Volume to be drawn down= 25,287 CF Drawdown Orifice: Avg. Head= 1/3 of Flood Pool Elev 0.75 ft Co=Coefficient of Discharge 0.6a Drawdown Time= 2,00 days 172,800 s tntemal Diameter= 0.21 ft in Drawdown Time= 5.00 days 43 ,000 a Internal Diameter 0.13 ft 7 ' in Avg internal Diameter= 2.07 in Design Orifice Diameter= 2.50 in OK! 0.03 ft Design Drawdown rate 0.14 cfs - Design Drawdown time 2.06 days qq r f't'�A�.�•�rt'. p frtir'' Date Design NORRIS & TUNSTAI,L --- Wilmington, NC Sheet CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.— Brunswick County, NC Of Check Job / For Job No. 1 6M . ce,dzi,“Acx -i-of :i 1 1 • 1 1 1 III 1 1 ; 1 1 1 Dv vti0,77-bl5-Fi./. .z; 4z. 1 iI 1 1 111111 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ev. iotis.. ,I 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 !' [ ilill 1 4/0 , 17/to 1 F/, ip 1 1 1..1 GI ti-V-tc.iq i LpfItcCA-e ,i 6i-kr. , 5I . '1 4-); €-`1:4\14-:1 i I i Zi i0q -/a),oej Pt_ -- i ! • " i ,. 1 1 , '!Butilt /til" 1 I I Z-•i , 6 67 51F/60),5- !N.___, ! .1— : 1 1 i • • 1 1 1 i 1 ! ! i 1 '!1 6tv : ikr3LIA,A ccs 42iveli 116-; () 6 -5 t/6' -57i Ae. i-", 1 716. 6 i(' 05 / -i col il-z ! 07, czo spi , . : • .i , I 1 De.74e,vmi f‘e, 1 6 iv : 1 1 1 r 1 1 ! I i 1 I 1 ; 1 ! i , 1 i • 1 6100%1: 11.-e. 14- 2- .•-•:----71 4(i ( 81- 1 1 1 1 1 l ‘) j1 1 1 1 1 0 ,CN-ed-= '•• • 1 ' 1 I i 1 1 . • 1 II "v054---(0cfr11-1 oto. 0 ---1 0 l'S)1q • 4. L.26.>+- li z,--5' 'adj 1 i . 1 1 i 1 1 1 , , 1 1 !, , i 1 1I I , . , , i 1 1 , 1 1 ,1 , i i i , , , , . , . , . ; : V464 ‘‘, TABLE F1-1 Hydrologic Soil Groups for Local Soil Types Map Hydrologic Symbol Soil Type Soil Group Ba D Bayboro Be A Bh * Baymeade Bp * Baymeade-Urban Land Complex Cr Borrow Pit C Craven DO D Dorovan JO D Johnston Ke A Kenansville Kr A Kureb Ku * Kureb-Urban Land Complex La A Lakeland Le B/D Leon Lo * Leon-Urban Land Complex Ls C Lynchburg Ly B/D Lynn Haven Mp * Mine Pits Mu MD Murville Nh A Newhan No B Norfolk On B Onslow Pm D Pamlico Pn BID Pantego Ra BID Rains Rm A Rimini Se A/D Seagate Sb * Seagate-Urban Land Complex St C Stallings TM * Tidal Marsh To C Torhunta Ur * Urban Land Wa A Wakulla Wo B/D Woodington Wr C Wrightsboro * Requires field Judgment ND Refers to drained/undrained. Sources: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, USDA-SCS, 210-V1-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986. 5-52 NEWHANOVER COUNT Y STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL • SECTION40-RUNOFF DETERAIR1AT1ONPROCEEURES TABLE 40-5 SCS CURVE NUMBERS FOR VARIOUS COVER CONDITIONS ` • Hydraulic Soil Group Percent Cover Description AB CD Impervious Fully Developed Urban Areas Open Space • Poor Condition(<50%grass) 68 79 86 89 Fair Condition(50-75%grass) 49 69 79 84 Good Condition(>75%grass) 39 61 74 80 Impervious Area Pavement,roofs 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Dirt 72 82 87 89 - Urban Districts Commercial and Business .89 92 94 95 85 • Industrial 81 88 91 93 72 Residential Areas(by Lot Size) 1/8 acre(Town Houses) 77 85 90 92 1/4 acre 61 75 '83 87 65 3 1/3 acre 30 1/2 acre 57 72 81 86 30 lac acre 54 70 80 85 25 51- 68 79 84 20 2 acres 46 65 77 82 Agricultural areas - 12 Pasture,grassland Poor 68 79 86 89 Fair 49 69 79 84 Good 39 61 74 80 Meadow(mowed) 30 • 58 71 78 • Brush Poor 48 67 77 83 Fair 35 56 70 77 Good 32 58 72 79 Woods Poor 45 66 77 83 Fair 36 60 • 73 • 79 Good 30 55 70 77 Row Crops,straight`good 67 78 85 89 Row Crops,contoured,good 65 75 82 86 Small Grain,good . 63 75 82 86 Farmsteads 59 74 82 86 • Source: SCS' -55(SCS, 1986) • ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 PAGE 40-8 I ( S <2S > PRE-DEVELOPMENT POST DEV LOPMENT P POND AND FOREBAY Subca Reach 'on I Link Drainage Diagram for 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Prepared by NORRIS 8 TUNSTAL L HydroCADIS 7.10 sin 000479 C 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 111 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 2 HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=0.48" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=0.84 cfs 0.129 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=2.09" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=8.22 cfs 0.563 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=30.61' Storage=17,421 cf Inflow=8.22 cfs 0.563 af Primary=0.20 cfs 0.549 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.20 cfs 0.549 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=0.692 af Average Runoff Depth=1.29" 21162 Pond Routing NOV2021 Type 11!24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL Page 3 liydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 © 005 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S,, PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 0.84 cfs© 12.26 hrs, Volume= 0.129 af, Depth= 0.48" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH-SCS,Time Span=1.00-72.00 hrs,cft=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Area fac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le&Ly SOILS IN 1S"CONDmON Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min feet} ft/sec cfs i 2.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 16: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Nydropraph / -- 0.0- ae�a- II Runoff ta3rt.3 Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" i/ Runoff Area=3.230 ac 0.67 Runoff Volume=O.129 af 0.55, g a5j Runoff Depth=O.48" a �1 Tc 12,O min 035 0 3. CN=55 0.35- 0.2- 0.15 0.1 0.05 2 a 0 0 1012 14 18 18 23 22 24 28 23 30 32 34 30 38 40 42..4 48 46 50 52 54 56 56 00 85 64 66 OS 70 72 Time(haws) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr?yr Rakrfall=3 8T" Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL Page 4 !ygreCADO 7.10 sin 000479 ©2005 HydreCAD Software Solutions t.LC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 8.22 cfs i 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.503 af, Depth= 2.09" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UFt=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.8T" Area(at) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF.ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 81 OPEN SPACE GOOD 'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average To Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry,USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 9- tdG� RNf01t �- 4•� Type III 24-hr I yr l= . " Runoff/Area=Rainfal3.230.387 ac Runoff Volume=a.563 of 5' Runoff Depth=2.09" LL 4• Tc=5.4 min 3- CN=82 2 s 6 e tp 1.14 18 18 FC 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 '6 33 40 a 44 Off 49 66 12 64 Se 68 g0 62 434 66 Bd TO 72 Time Omura) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 5 H rydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area= 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth= 2.09" for 1 yr event Inflow = 8.22 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.563 af Outflow = 0.20 cfs @ 17.42 hrs, Volume= 0.549 af, Atten=98%, Lag=320.8 min Primary = 0.20 cfs @ 17.42 hrs, Volume= 0.549 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method,Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev=30.61'@ 17.42 hrs SurfArea= 11,925 sf Storage= 17,421 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 1,065.2 min calculated for 0.549 af(97%of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time=1,050.1 min(1,876.6-826.4) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic)Listed below(Recaic) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9.758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0'long Culvert CMP,square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert= Z2:75' S=0.00747' C 0.900 n=0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50'H Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00'Horiz.Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head(feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=0.20 cfs @ 17.42 hrs HW=30.61' (Free Discharge) t-1=Culvert (Passes 0.20 cfs of 5.86 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.20 cfs @ 5.9 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate (Controls 0.00 cfs) -4=Orifice/Grate Top Box (Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) t-5=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL Page 6 HydroCADS 7.10 sin 000479 ©200S HydroCAD Software Solu0ons Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrogriph rsifaw l s .� kl4= Inflow Area=3.23O ac ,y Peak Elev=30.61" Storage=171.421 cf 2 4. 3. -Saab I Ili Or r 2 6 6 A 121214181g20222426283632 34 36 311 40 42M4B496662a4666a1604264 86 66 7672 limo (Mors) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1.5 inch Rainfall=1.50" Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL Page 7 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ®2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=0.00" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=0.35" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=1.17 cfs 0.093 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=29.23' Storage=2,305 cf Inflow=1.17 cfs 0.093 af Primary=0.06 cfs 0.088 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.088 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=0.093 af Average Runoff Depth=0.17" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 11124-hr 1:5-Inch Rainfall=1.5O" Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL Page 8 HydroCADO 7.10 sin 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT (45]Hint. Runoff---Zero Runoff — 0.00 cfs© 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 at Depth= 0.00" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 his Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Area(ac) CN Description _ 3.230 55 Le&Ly SOILS IN-B"CONDITION To Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (mint) (feet) (ftlft) (fusec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct .. `"Entry,User entry Subcatchment PRE-DEVELOPIVEN ' Hydrograph 1- Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Volume=0.000 of Runoff Depth=0.00" Tc=12.0 r�tlt� CN=55 662. ar 2 4 6 B 10 12 1a f 6 181A 23 7A 26 a 3l 32 34 36 3i!40 42 9A 4 48 SG 53 s4 56$ 6o 62 64 66 68 70 77 T mo Ihow5) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type hi 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.5O" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 9 HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 - 2005 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 1.17 cfs 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.093 af, Depth= 0.35" Runoff by SCS TR 20 method, UH=SCS,Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt„0.01 hrs Type Ili 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Area(ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF.ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 81 OPEN SPACE GOOD'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ftiff) (fVsec) jcfs) _ 5.0 Direct Entry,USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 7 ■Runoff Type ltt 24-hr 1.5-inch t- Rainfall=1¢50" Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Volume=0.093 af Runoff Depth=0.35" Tc=5.0 mil CN=82 2 4 6 8 IU 42 14 18 f8 20 72 Z4 2$2B 333 32 3;:ls 3s 40 42 44 4s 4B aii 52 64 56 M 6O 52 54 66$9 70 72 Time (hoot* 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL Page 10 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 0.35" for 1.5-inch event Inflow = 1.17 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.093 af Outflow = 0.06 cfs @ 16.45 hrs, Volume= 0.088 af, Atten=95%, Lag=261.8 min Primary = 0.06 cfs @ 16.45 hrs, Volume= 0.088 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev=29.23'@ 16.45 hrs Surf.Area= 10,066 sf Storage=2,305 cf Plug-Flow detention time=662.3 min calculated for 0.088 af(94% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det.time=634.1 min(1,515.9-881.8) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0' long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=Zg.754 S= 0.D07('' Cc=0.900 n=0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50'H Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00'Horiz.Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary Outflow Max=0.06 cfs @ 16.45 hrs HW=29.23' (Free Discharge) "t-1=Culvert (Passes 0.06 cfs of 0.26 cfs potential flow) 14 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.06 cfs @ 1.7 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate (Controls 0.00 cfs) =Orifice/Grate Top Box (Controls 0.00 cfs) _ econdary Outflow Max.=0.00 cfs v© 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 111 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainbli=1.50' Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 11 IlydroCADO 7.10 sin 000479 0 2005 HwiroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydragraph HINC _ ICI Outflow Inflow Area=3,230 ac T3/4w2v Peak Elev=29,23° Storage=2,305 cf 3 a U. ff•iins.1,0411.1111Ft 41.111111E7 • • -.• ;.. __ 248ennumuummemonmaincameasams,msacau6mami2 mmiNeurs1 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 12 HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 0 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1 S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=0.74" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=1.64 cfs 0.200 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=2.64" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=10.35 cfs 0.710 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=31.03' Storage=22,525 cf Inflow=10.35 cfs 0.710 af Primary=0.23 cfs 0.688 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.23 cfs 0.688 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=0.909 af Average Runoff Depth=1.69" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type Ill 24-hr 2 year RainfaI1==4.5O" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 13 HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 1.64 cfs( 1.2.21 hrs, Volume= 0.200 af, Depth= 0.74" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS,Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 his Type III 24-hr 2 year Rainf tilm4.50" Area(ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le&Ly SOILS IN"S"CONDITION ... �..�_ To Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min] _(feat ft/ft ft/see cfs 12.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrevraph lam.f I Runoff Type ill 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4,50" Runoff Area--g3.230 ac Runoff Volume=0.200 of 1. ' F Runoff Depth=(L74" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 4 R 8 10 12 14 16 16,2)22 24 26?A 30 32 34 36 SS 46 42 44 46.18 50 Se S4 ES 68 60 62 64 s6 6E 14 72 Time (Minn) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type Ill 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4 50" Prepared by NORMS&TUNSTALL Page 14 fivdroCADS 7.10 sin 000479 0 2005 H droCAD Software Solutions t_LC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 10.35 cfs rfi 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.710 af, Depth= 2.64" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method.UH-1$CS,Time Span=1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Area(ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF.ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD 0.130 98 Future 1 3.230 82 Weighted Average To Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (Min) (feet) (ttlft) (ftlsec) (cis) 5.0 Direct Entr y,USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydragrhsh Baas Type Ill 24-hr 2 year g- Rainfall=4.50" 6= Runoff Area= .23t1 ac 7- Runoff Volume=0.710 af Runoff Depth=2.64" #- Tc=5.0 min CN=82 3.. 2- 0 3 .1 0 8 tb t2 14 16 18 u n 24 m a 3E}32 34 3Et 36 o 42.kt 36 4 m§2 s4 56 m BC 62 64 66 6!► m 7'2 'Thin' (hours} 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 111 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 15 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth= 2.64" for 2 year event Inflow = 10.35 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.710 af Outflow = 0.23 cfs @ 17.67 hrs, Volume= 0.688 af, Atten=98%, Lag=335.9 min Primary = 0.23 cfs @ 17.67 hrs, Volume= 0.688 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method,Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 31.03'@ 17.67 hrs Surf.Area= 12,476 sf Storage=22,525 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 1,183.7 min calculated for 0.688 af(97%of inflow) Center-of-Mass det.time=1,166.8 min( 1,986.6-819.8) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic)Listed below(Recaic) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0'long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=Z5.75" S=0.007eY' Cc=0.900 n=0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50'H Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00'Horiz.Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=0.23 cfs @ 17.67 hrs HW=31.03' (Free Discharge)1=Culvert (Passes 0.23 cfs of 6.99 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.23 cfs @ 6.7 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) =Orifice/Grate Top Box (Controls 0.00 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 2 year Ramfail=4.5(" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTAIL Page 18 HydroCADi 7.1 o at O(O479 @ 2006 HydraCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrngraph ismm o�Gfav 11, Inflow Area=3.230 ac Q f0� Peak Elev=31,03' s- Storage=22,5525 cf B- a- 4 3- 2 2 4 6 B 1O1x14f6 ta2Q?224262a3D3436io4G4Y44g648BQ5Z5d8'BSd5+62BdiscWieT2 m thous} 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 111 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 17 HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1 S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=2.12" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=6.12 cfs 0.572 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=4.92" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=18.99 cfs 1.323 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=31.69' Storage=31,021 cf Inflow=18.99 cfs 1.323 af Primary=3.08 cfs 1.293 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=3.08 cfs 1.293 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=1.895 af Average Runoff Depth=3.52" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 1J1124-hr 10 year RaWaff=T 00" Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL Page 18 H droC 7.1 a sfn 000479 2aas H roCAD Saftvrare Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 6.12 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume= 0.572 af, Depth= 2.12" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS,Time Span=1.00-72.00 hrs,di=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 10 year Ralnfa11=7.00" Area(ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le&Ly SOILS IN"8"CONDITION To Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ftlft) (fttsac) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry,User entry Subc atchrt nt IS: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrogravh f‘, . Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" 5 Runoff Area=3.230 ac rt. Runoff Volume=0.572 of Runoff Depth=2.12" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 2- 1- 0 2 t 6 8 10 12 14`E i$20 22 24 2B 38 32 31 276 ifs 4 4z 44 48 48 68 52 54 r+5 58 80 ea 64 66 613 70 72 Time Chews) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 11124-hr 10 year Raul!=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 19 Hy€froCAD®7.10 sin 000479 w 2005 HvdroCAD So tware Sviufinns LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 18.99 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 1.323 af, Depth= 4.92" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method. UH=SCS,Time Span=1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Area(ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF.ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD'S' 0.130 98 Future im . 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description jmin) Meet) (ftlft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydragraph 21 2 s6e3aF±� OR unoff to Type ill 24-hr 10 year tol Rainfall=7.0c" Runoff Area=3.230 ac 134 Runoff Volume=1.323 af Runoff Depth=4,92" $ to: Tc=5.0 min CN 82 4- 31 Q . 2 4 0 a 10121416 ,8 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 38 38E6 42 44 46 48b052 Si.!f64a6062e186&a7072 Tao (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 20 HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area= 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth= 4.92" for 10 year event Inflow = 18.99 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 1.323 af Outflow = 3.08 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume= 1.293 af, Atten=84%, Lag=28.2 min Primary = 3.08 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume= 1.293 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method,Time Span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev=31.69'@ 12.54 hrs Surf.Area= 13,347 sf Storage=31,021 cf Plug-Flow detention time=811.0 min calculated for 1.293 af(98%of inflow) Center-of-Mass det.time= 797.3 min( 1,599.4-802.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic)Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0'long Culvert CMP,square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=2a7c' S=0.0o76% Cc=0.900 n=0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50'H Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00'Horiz. Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head(feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=3.08 cfs @ 12.54 hrs HW=31.69' (Free Discharge) t_i Culvert (Passes 3.08 cfs of 8.49 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.26 cfs @ 7.7 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 2.81 cfs @ 2.1 fps) --4=Orllfice/Grate Top Box (Controls 0.00 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 11124-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 21 Hydr'oCADO 7.10,sin 000479 ©.2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydragraph Primary Is!!gOr> rea- Inflow .. C1 Outflow _,, Inflow A3.230 ac 201. 19- Peak Elev=31.69' is- IT= Storage=31,021 cf 14- 137 r 12- 11- t1° U. 9- 6 74 64 src.h s4 `acts 3' r oral 2 4 6 6 10121418i82Q222425 it 3p32gd36 is gp4744ds4BS,A25466566Q82@fCgdi7s7a Thar(Moms) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 22 HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 18: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=2.82" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=8.38 cfs 0.759 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=5.91" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=22.65 cfs 1.590 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=31.96' Storage=34,726 cf Inflow=22.65 cfs 1.590 af Primary=5.13 cfs 1.559 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=5.13 cfs 1.559 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=2.349 af Average Runoff Depth=4.36" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2421 Type II!24-hr 25 year Rainfaft=8 Q5" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 23 raCAD®7.10 sin 000479 ©2005 I-tydroCAD Software Soluittens LLD Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff - 8.38 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 0.759 at, Depth= 2.82" Runoff by SCS TR 20 method, UI =SCS.Time Span=1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 26 year Reinfaff=8.05" Area(ac) CN Description 3.230 55 La&Ly SOILS IN"B"CONDITION Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description mint (feet) (fflft) [ftfsec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry,User entry Subcatchment IS: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph ,," s II%al e e. Type 11124-hr 25 year Rainfall=$. " Runoff Area=3.235 acQ5 Runoff Volume=0.759 of 5" Runoff Depth=2.82" G it 4 To1--12.0 min 3 CN=55 1- 0 k _ 2 4 6 R 10 12 i�t 18 if 20 22 2Y 7 34 36 32 34 3S 1b 40 c[ A&48 5.0 53 5d 6.6 5B 56 62 64 6.0 68 70 7Y Ilnia(haws) 21102 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 25 year Reiifaif=8,O5" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 24 ,HydroCAD0 7.10 sin 000479 0 2005 HVdroCAD Software Solut arts LLC Subcatchment 25: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 22.65 cfs 12.07 hrs, Volume= 1.590 af, Depth= 5.91" Runoff by SCS TR 20 method, UH=SCS,Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Area lac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF.ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average r —Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) Sftlsec) cfs 5.0 Direct Entry,USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hyivgraph ■Runoff Type III 24-hr 25 year g= Rainfall=8.05" 1A Runoff Area=3.230 ac 17- 16S 'l.590 af 15- Runoff�ft� !!n]e : Runoff Depth=5.91" I 12- E 11 TG=5.0 min ta- t CN=82 4� 2i Q 2 4 6 8 10721416t820227. 262$3a3i'843'e3d4pdtdg4848505$345I356g662{L1if6669Q72 Time (howsl 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 25 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ®2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area= 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth= 5.91" for 25 year event Inflow = 22.65 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 1.590 af Outflow = 5.13 cfs @ 12.47 hrs, Volume= 1.559 af, Atten=77%, Lag=23.7 min Primary = 5.13 cfs @ 12.47 hrs, Volume= 1.559 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method,Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev=31.96'@ 12.47 hrs Surf.Area= 13,839 sf Storage=34,726 cf Plug-Flow detention time=687.7 min calculated for 1.559 af(98%of inflow) Center-of-Mass det.time=676.1 min( 1,473.1 -797.0) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic)Listed below(Recaic) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0'long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=Z2.75" S=.0.00767' Cc=0.900 n=0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert.Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50'H Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00'Horiz.Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=5.13 cfs @ 12.47 hrs HW=31.96' (Free Discharge) Culvert (Passes 5.13 cfs of 9.03 cfs potential flow) -2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.28 cfs @ 8.1 fps) -3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 4.85 cfs @ 3.2 fps) -- 4=Orifice/Grate Top Box ( Controls 0.00 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) 21102 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 25 year Rain if=8 05" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 25 Hy&roCAD®7.10 sin 00047�2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY 14ydragraph sass.j 0 MICwv E7 OulE�4w Inflow Area=3.230 ac sue, 24) 22- Peak lev=31.9 i' 20- Storage=34,726 cf 18- ',S, 14- i 1Z- 10- a 'MA 6 40400i6mummiminiir 2 4 6 8 10121418182022242828303234383840424448 48 22 52 54 82 88t1D82 84 85 88 70 72 Time 0112u14 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 27 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1 S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=4.23" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=12.93 cfs 1.138 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=7.78" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=29.41 cfs 2.093 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=32.44' Storage=41,548 cf Inflow=29.41 cfs 2.093 af Primary=9.92 cfs 2.061 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=9.92 cfs 2.061 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=3.231 of Average Runoff Depth=6.00" 21162 Pond Routing NOV2021 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfaii=f p 00° Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 28 HydroCAD }7.10 sIn 000479 4111Z005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment IS: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 12.93 cfs Itg 12.17 hrs, Volume= 1.138 af, Depth= 4.23" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS,Time Span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0,01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Area(ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le&Ly SOILS IN"S"CONDITION To Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (fdit) (ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry,User entry Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Nycfrograph , - Type III 24-hr 100 year „= Rainfall-10,00" 16 Runoff Area=3.230 ac 1P Runoff Volume=1,138 of I iv Runoff Depth=4.23" j �; Tc=12,0 min s CN=55 3; 1- 2 4 6 6 10 12 14/6 14 2422 24 262630 32 34 36 36 40 42 44 4D 46 50 62 54 56 68 00 62 64 06 64 7472 Tlmo tiwuryl 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type Ill 24-fhr 100 year Rah II=l 00" Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL Page 29 HydroCi 7.10 sir'000479 62005 HycJrcCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchrnent 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 29.41 cfs ig 12.07 hrs, Volume= 2.093 af, Depth= 7.78" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method.UH=SCS.Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs.dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Area(ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF.ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 81 OPEN SPACE GOODS' 0.130 98 Future,lmp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average To Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (rein) (feet) (tuft) (ftlsecl (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydragrapb 32/ tln Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" 2224 4: Runoff Area=3.230 ac 2o= Runoff Volume=2.093 of a , ' Runoff D$ th=7.78" e 144 Tc=5.0 min CN=82 10- a 4� 2! a •2 4 e a ist7s isla202224m3,3p 34mm ¢1 zI+1ma8ssens4sassso82eg eaiorz That (hews} 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 30 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 m 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth= 7.78" for 100 year event Inflow = 29.41 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 2.093 af Outflow = 9.92 cfs @ 12.34 hrs, Volume= 2.061 af, Atten=66%, Lag=16.1 min Primary = 9.92 cfs @ 12.34 hrs, Volume= 2.061 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev=32.44'@ 12.34 hrs Surf.Area= 14,569 sf Storage=41,548 cf Plug-Flow detention time=539.5 min calculated for 2.061 af(98%of inflow) Center-of-Mass det.time=530.4 min ( 1,319.8-789.4) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0'long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=Zg.75-' S=6.0076/' Cc=0.900 n=0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Veil.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50'H Vert.Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00'Horiz. Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=9.92 cfs @ 12.34 hrs HW=32.44' (Free Discharge) t--1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 9.92 cfs @ 8.1 fps) L32=Orifice/Grate (Passes<0.30 cfs potential flow) =Orifice/Grate (Passes<6.99 cfs potential flow) =Orifice/Grate Top Box (Passes<4.43 cfs potential flow) econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type ill 24-hr 700 year Rainfall=1O 0O" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 31 HydroCAD )7,10 sin 000479 0 2005 HydroCAD Software SoMorts LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FORMAY Hydrograph /I/ A�rtr�x Inflow Area=3.230 ac C]9ustta v I Rimy Secontlary 324 z�- Peak EIev®32.44" 20- Storage=41"548 cf 24- 22-f 207. Y T8 15 u. 14- *tub 12- 104 8- 44, 2 4 s a 14T214iess4p22g$2g2g34i2i4k3li40a2a446185C32S assioai44Bd'#tt7T2 Time (bout.) • <2S > PRE—DEVELOPMENT POST DEV LOPMENT POND AND FOREBAY Subcat !Reathj -on' Link Drainage Diagram for 21162 Pond Routing(Slay)NOV2021 �.,�. Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL 1 HydroCAO®7.10 sin 000479 ®2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 21162 Pond Routing (Spillway) NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 2 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ®2005 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-ind method Subcatchment 1 S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=4.23" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=12.93 cfs 1.138 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=7.78" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=29.41 cfs 2.093 of Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=32.77' Storage=46,440 cf Inflow=29.41 cfs 2.093 af Outflow=10.78 cfs 1.120 of Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=3.231 af Average Runoff Depth=6.00" 21102 Pond Routing (Spillway)NOV 2021 Type li!24-hr 100 year Raiefal1 10.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 3 HvdroQ„ArO 7.10 sin 000479 2005 HHdroCAD Software i LLC Subcatchment IS: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 12.93 cfs( 12.17 hrs, Volume= 1.138 at Depth= 4.23" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS,Time Span=1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Area(ac) CN Description 3.230 55 to&Ly SOILS IN"B"CONDITION To Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) MO (ftlsee)12.0 Direct Entry,User entry Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT )-ydro ,h tv u4sa.j !R 12 Type Ill 24-hr 100 year ��- Rainfalt=10.00" le- Runoff Area=3.230 ac 8 Runoff Volume=1 138 of 8- Runoff Depth=4.23" 3 7. O 6= Te=12.0 min 5- CN=55 4j 3= 2= t• 2 4 8 8 1Q 12 14 18 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 313 38 40 42 44 48 48 Si)52 54 58 58 80 62 64 66 68 73 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing(Spillway) NOV 2021 Type 11124-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00' Prepared by NORMS&TUNSTALL Page 4 HvdnoCADiit 7.10 s/n 000479 2005 H roC So€ware S IutIons LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 29.41 cfs Ct 12.07 hrs, Volume= 2.093 at, Depth= 7.78" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method,UH=SCS,Time Span= 1,00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Area(ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF.ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 81 OPEN SPACE GOOD'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) {feet) MA) (ftfsec) (cis) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydra/milli 32= Runoff �•�ecir Type III 24-hr 100 year 2a= Ratnfail=1 O-O0" Runoff Alyea=3.230 ac • Runoff Volume=2.093 of S 18- Runoff Depth=7.79" 16-' + - Tc=5.0 min 12- CN=82 10- 8 6` 4- 2; 2 4 6 a 10 12 14 1b 18 20 22 d4 26 its 131 34 36 3s a 62 44 ab ae e8 62 64 68 is t2 The (hew* 21162 Pond Routing (Spillway) NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 5 HydroCADO 7.10 sin 000479 02005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth= 7.78" for 100 year event Inflow = 29.41 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 2.093 af Outflow = 10.78 cfs© 12.31 hrs, Volume= 1.120 af, Atten=63%, Lag= 14.2 min Primary = 10.78 cfs© 12.31 hrs, Volume= 1.120 af Routing by Stor-ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs,dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev=32.77'@ 12.31 hrs Surf.Area= 15,063 sf Storage=48,440 cf Plug-Flow detention time=223.2 min calculated for 1.120 af(54%of inflow) Center-of-Mass det.time=113.6 min (903.0-789.4) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic)Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (so-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head(feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.66 2,69 2.67 2.64 rimary OutFlow Max=10.76 cfs @ 12.31 hrs HW=32.7T (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 10.76 cfs© 1.3 fps) t 21162 Pond Routing (Spillway) NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfait=1 a O0" Prepared by NORRIS& TUNSTALL Page 6 HydroCApe 7.10 en 000479 tR 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Haraph 32 ,3ss� 4 Maw ■paw Inflow Area=3"230 ac 25* 20 Peak Elev=32.77* 22 24 Storage=46,440 cf 20= M- s 16- a . 14- 12. Lies 10- 6- 6- 4 2- a- 2 4 5 81012141615262224 262130323436 26 40 42 44•4648605254 50 56 60 62 64 66 68 7072 Tina (Maus! 8 N L A a 8 V T N N i P, 1 W d 0 0 ._ 0/1/390),I -....„„.., ,,,,,1 .c. ci,2 ,, _._._o.....__ a Cl,0 i 0 V 0 4.0 Mimi 0 C 0 ILI ilia 02 0 0 co E .&t p Ca d 6 C! i- pi idlit E. s E Q. r al 0 N a. N i c mm C ¢ N :I r N C') '0" N IC) CO Is 0 Q € U 0 0 C) CI 0 O 0 re K N Er) CD _ I O > p Q a. - OWC ' MC CC E O M C) C) Co)') C) C) C) CO id_ ) CI l E. O to eOF O O ti .- N .- O C CC 0 E ,..9 - N CC) cJi C'')) CCO C) CC') C')co 6 v) (CO (N1 n CO 0 in CCeOl CC') Ol ON) > j • t7 C') CC) CC') M Co)C {") M CC') CN') • W CWO to 6 W CO .--OS O) Co W coCC) = e - Cr') C) CC) Cq CNn CCh') tt i eAi Cel CN9 O r st in C O O Or COO- Y0) O co - N s} Aa C > > N N N l7 PO) — CN') In CCn') N C• W `m otC� a C OO v 0 0 Or 0 l0 UU) N O E a N N N N N C'')) Ch CC) C'Cn) co Z 02 at • nOOW in. �; 0 O r r r r N N r O r r m 12. 0. � N N O O CO CO CC) IC) 0 0 C U) 0) C. 0) CO Co) r n. A f� CO N N N O Cl) U) N Is C') CO N N xf 'd C') C'! 'P N xx a II' OmORO�CO CO .0W O . W Cr - O C CV N lV a N .� r `n H 8 o E Os v)' s v. v O 8 ) W n 0 0. r sr- C) r Issr r r ` C (3 t II N N C') N CO W 0 N N N V 2co CO CO m CO F. h n -- O r C N O f0 O co C') W O O O a) 0) O U) CO CO tO N vi in u 1,- v C O O O O O O O O O O Q c E 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6to a , W E N O O N O O CO O N N N VFrO C r r O O G Cce ® x — M ■ I pCON. N N O CoO 0 COO N N O 03 C 0 0 C C 0 ci ci G ci O 0 lt� 8 00 C) COO CO CO A COCOO COCOO 0 0) 00) Ili .0 IY V V CO C C ci C C C O O O + CO I (� E C Cj CC`7 N I N V. CC')') CO CC O Co N A� I-. „!. N N O C r — C O O ci E 7 W to E co0 - N N O 0 a- COO CO N > ot C O O O O O O O O O to O N f� 8 co • O O O 8 O 0 O O O CO CD II M/ C') Cp .41 N V' 02 N CO h W O _T N co E m C E F W r N C') N Cq CO t� CO C') V- W 0 `o 0 r 'A . M♦ N J i r N C') v U) CO N. CO 0) O d Z r g g o.co s 0 i0 c J a- N CO V' N U) CO N. Q C) 0 C.) 0 0 0 0 0 X K RI th El a L; cc :p M - in C)) COI PO) CO') CO+) CO C') V) in ki ca 'O _ 0 to o o O A 0r N 0 0 0 E C �p y 0 C C0 0 - N CON M Co') cri CO/ i) M Cc) CND) O CO C)) 1 CD 7 CO 4 In COO CN M CO ll) 1u COI M CO CC) m W CO ..I co) PI CO "it CO 0)) �1 I. CI) = c a M CI Cam+) CC') CNI a') a5 N A a0 O U) 0 0 0 0 U) 0 0 CO It) N a 0 o CO in o co .- C C p. n a0 W e� p Oi N N N CI CI C') CN+) C) CC+) N ,S W m t o v 0 0 0 0 U In N 0 E 7 C p Ir N N N N N o v) co csi coc N Z coa a. .- acoO Op O0? U W U I O r r r .% N N r O r r d1 C N N co U) CO CO If) U) O O Co r. ^y CO CO IOA et co^ CO a 0 N CO a v .r CV iV NI: mr v ' ' N/ 0 Cs II vmo .0 o c W g m -a_ COrW G N CV CV O_ 0 a N a- O II W V CO In 0 In 77 r 64 pj It) CO CO a- It) 0) W N .- 4 .- CIO CO id 4 N r V II C p ... I; N co iF N CO CD 0 N N N C. A f ao ri I: ao COCD Rj 00 In N CL I 7i N. N .- O .- CO 0 0 0 CA £ €i a0 C0 It) co €6 Uj xi It) ICj ii V C I— ' C O O O O O O O O O O 0 C E '6 xi Id xii xi 1Q In It) IC) N E N III N N O co co O N g r CO O fO CO N N LC ® 0 F r C O r r C Ci O o Dim 1 K pp co 0 0 co N N N. O O CO N r G Y N N C CO Q C C7 C7 O O C ICE 0 C G 0 O N coO coo COO n co CO N 00) N to NO re u i 0 0 C 0 O C C O 0 C + o. (13 N. CR N in N Cr) CD 10 CO N 1 G I ii CO N N. N 1 C') W N CO N E vy I L. /- 'S of CV r r O o o G C] O t_I r00al } r W0 C or W co in N N ® N .- CO t C3 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 Uj LNCD Nw, O O 0 8 0 0 0 8 O OOo 8 8 0 o m CO IIC o O a OODO Xi CJ N CO n CO r m 'O O Cr- -----1 O Iu — N CI N It) CO h CO P) m 7 t _0 t W j o CO du, I J r N C') V' U) O N CO O) 0 d Z r m oi 8 d c ccti r (SiN to N N to I. C) U C) U 0 O 0 0 CL re N P. c o 0 0 o N o N o 0 0 U) 0. _ I0 e0 O 0 N. N 01 1D IC) to.': E O g cco co t07 co co ()) 0cOD CO ei M m 2 pp ea 'd 0 It) 0 0 0id v A 0r N 0 O OC 0 C - N M c�) CO c7 M M CI) M M Cl cc 03 Ito V N O .~-- Or n co et ie m W J 4 N co7 2 8 4 CND N % m x p cC M 0 N M CD M r) 0 r et O 0 O 0 0 Ill CD 0 0 C07 ICJ 0 7 C > j . (Si N N 0 c09 tel C)tu M c7 a) m N O W m` m O 0 O 00 0 cc) I) N SE D. C Is: N. CU a) CO G (Si pia) C Q C (Si N N N N M t9 co co N Z 0 OQ COD, I) a0) u0) O N O O �. r r .- .= (Si N r 0 . r a N N O U) O CO U) 10 0 0 to CI nO0nOn GIf r CO 0 i CO I. a u) ui a) .- ui u) ui a .f in a II aN. 00 � 00 00 C10 tD N 0) 0)Q� a ON0 - 0O n N CV �V a V N . e- 11 1 - Co M Cr! O OOD t0 COO N O I: r tf) r r 0) tC ICi N N 11 V i 0) 0) 0 CD ) CD CD CO •- 2 - Cr IS) Co 0 o) coo) o) o) o o) 0) a) 00 r E to r O O N O 1. O O O E O CO A Ir) co ca in O N U) e to a i- z S 0 0 too 0 0 0 0 0 o a c E 0 u) ui u) Ir) It) ui vi u) u) E 0)) CN OD N 0 0 O CD CO N N K () ' r O O r r o 0 0 0 _® X -- ♦� `, N. M r 0 I... CO 0) 0 I, r 0 O 1- N N O 0 0 O N N t {i < C 0 CI 0 O O O O O O O 0 to a 00) CO ID W CO0 0 in A CO COD N. CIO 10 ) N `. .2 ti V O O O ci O O O O O O +y CO Q"� I co I i) 0 N n CV c'M) CO U) COD N N yI a 1- (Si cV O C r .- 0 0 0 O o+l CA r CO `� a O r N N O 0) cU.I (Si O CD p C O O ci O O O O O O O 0 oi ....O § 0 8 0 p 0 8 O p N r II'^ C O 0 O O 0 o aQeNO OC 0 'J N 0 D n D - C c is. i J !L r N in N U) t0 I. t0 co 6 0 O 6 O r N M U) CO Z co J CD I• CO 0) a l •- a.m 3 GT m C 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O G� a- a- o c o r c a 66 a N N OS CON 0 N N U) Cr) CO 0 0 toO Cl) M CO CO 0 V' N CD 0 0 f •'C s- N N N h h CG Ifj C C c -) co en" . 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CD r) �i N N COC- MD ID N M M 0411) O o 0 co r, 0 0 O 0 O O O N 0 0 O1 _ Cl) 8 8 0 O 0 O O O O O 0 0Y O O O O o O o o O O y D i w C< 0 0 0 odd o Pi .- o E as o E. t COo Bu 0 , a CD v co r Z re G Q N (SiN Cr)M � (� tR CO [� +wa, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C7 CC X a) t W 2 QIoC f J a I . - N Cl) d• 41 CD N. CO CA O d Z Date Design NORRIS & TUNSTALL ng Sheet Wilrni ton,NC --CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. Brunswick County, NC Ot Check Job For Job No. grIt':g-)(01'*- (g-775-i7\i0.-az-- 0,86V u5c: a z : 4, 77- (s^ )4(. 0• 636"trI.i.7 G 0, use : . C ,J flit, r (1,,,,, 6 ,7 _ (7-47.m gs0E21 (.(3,25-"') (1414---7-3z-)(6.2\J = O. 674, ____Llsc! O_ 3 7+eit ket, (R5R\L"S)41,7.4-ijj81•7 .z 4.g� - ct : e— Ritz, 10, p7q C45—t-6/16:2f17.10•4"44'654 aeZ" " I 'L't` ..;6717 Ji"' e' fif ff !fr'E1 =f v.se .75" OIVP' "/a-t.., ; 4 =t_ 1-4/ 06, SF --- 1 t turf -7 +.ram '' al c .‘A 0-qT) l'illit->)1.° )(CLW\ idIALII)10.2)t: 646/ (456'.61 tOk-'• - c ;ire - SCIaz -3c b . r_ LA5c ; 0.' Channel Report Hydtafkriv Express Extension for AutodeskZ AutocADe Civil 3f]8 by Autudesk,inc. Monday.Mar 7 2022 21162 Swale 10-year Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.00, 3.00 Depth (ft) = 0.12 Total Depth (ft) = 0.20 Q (cfs) = 0.060 Area (sq t) = 0.04 Invert Elev(ft) = 32.90 Velocity(ft/s) = 1.39 Slope(%) = 2.41 Wetted Perim(ft) = 0.76 N-Value = 0.022 Crit Depth, Ye(ft) = 0.12 Top Width (ft) = 0.72 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.15 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.06 Elev(ft) De th Section p (ft) 34.00 1.10 33.50 0.60 Me 33.00 0-10 32.50 _ -0.40 32.00 - -0.90 0 .5 1 1-5 2 2,5 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraftow Empress Extension for Autodeake AutoCAD5 Civil 3DIIIE by Avtodesk,Inc. Monday,Mar 7 2022 21162 Swale 25-year Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.00, 3.00 Depth (ft) = 0.13 Total Depth (ft) = 0.20 Q (cfs) = 0.070 Area (sqft) = 0.05 Invert Elev (ft) = 32.90 Velocity(ft/s) = 1.38 Slope (%) = 2.41 Wetted Perim(ft) = 0.82 N-Value = 0.022 Crit Depth, Yc(ft) = 0,13 Top Width (ft) = 0.78 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.16 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.07 Qt') Lf rn. 0,Z. K G6 :�nr C7 .� e.tc _ 0.0G tie. r 07C tS Elev (ft) Depth ft Section P ( ) 34.00 1.10 33.50 0.60 33.00 4` _ 32.50 — . -0 40 32.00 — —0.90 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autcdesk®AutoCAD5 ChM 300 by Autodesk,Inc, Monday,Mar 7 2022 Temporary Diversion Ditch 10-Year Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes(z:1) = 100, 3.00 Depth (ft) = 0.60 Total Depth (ft) = 0.75 Q (cfs) = 4.520 Area (sqft) = 1,08 Invert Elev(ft) = 41.75 Velocity(Ns) = 4.19 - Slope (%) = 2.08 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.79 , N-Value = 0.022 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.68 Top Width(ft) = 3.60 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.87 j Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 4.52 -' _(n- -tilt I- L,,;,'4i- Elev(ft) Depth ft Section P ( ) 43.00 1.25 � P 42.50 —-- t — 0.75 42.00 0.25 41.50 -0.25 41.00 I - . - -0.75 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydrafiow Express Extension for Autodesk(i AutoCAOe Civil 3tXti by Autodesk,Inc. Monday,Mar 7 2022 Temporary Diversion Ditch 25-Year Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes(z:1) = 3.00, 3.00 Depth (ft) = 0.64 Total Depth (ft) = 0.75 Q (cfs) = 5.200 Area (sqft) = 1.23 Invert Elev (ft) = 41.75 Velocity(ft/s) = 4.23 Slope (%) = 2.08 Wetted Perim (ft) = 4.05 N-Value = 0.022 Crit Depth, Yc(ft) = 0.72 Top Width (ft) = 3.84 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.92 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 5.20 i_;r _ ;k.v 4_ .1"I- f~, 5C = 6-6. . o• ? )c r S 713 , 3. 23 !c-. P -S7 0 e _ vs<. ;-r r fc: s. f Elev (ft) Depth ft Suction P ( ) 43.00 - - - - 1.25 ::: - 0.25 41.50 -0.25 , 1 41.00 - - -0.75 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Reach(ft) Channel Report Hydreflow Express Extension for Autodesk4D AutoCAD Civil 31:18 by Autodesk,Inc. Wednesday,Mar 16 2022 21162 Blind Swale 10-Year Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes(z:1) = 3.00, 3.00 Depth(ft) = 0.22 Total Depth (ft) = 0.40 Q (cfs) = 0.260 Area (sqft) = 0.15 Invert Elev (ft) = 28.75 Velocity(Ns) = 1.79 Slope (%) = 1.66 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.39 N Value = 0.023 Grit Depth, Yc (ft) at 0.22 Top Width (ft) = 1.32 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.27 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.26 (...... --to t t 0-yor Pang e-oukir Cia,V.6. Qru+Lc tiZ Elev (ft) Section Depth(ft) 30.00 - 1.25 29.50 I- 0.75 29.00 V 0.25 28.50 _ -0.25 2800 ` -0.75 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesid$ArutoCADE Civil 3138 by Autodeak.Inc. Wednesday.Mar 16 2022 21162 Blind Swale 25-Year Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes(z:1) = 3.00, 3.00 Depth (ft) = 0.23 Total Depth (ft) = 0.40 Q (cfs) = 0.280 Area(sqft) = 0.16 Invert Elev(ft) = 28.75 Velocity(ftts) = 1.76 Slope(%) = 1.66 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.45 N-Value = 0.023 Crit Depth,Ye(ft) = 0.23 Top Width(ft) = 1.38 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.28 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (efs) = 0.28 Z.,1 -rot,-. 2.5--ier.Ar 19610 Elev(ft) Depth ft SectionP ( ) 30.0o 1 1.25 1 29.50 0.75 29.00 �,, 0.25 Iwo ..te.4. 1.°1°.. 28.50 p -0.25 28.00 M 0 .5 1 1.5 2 -0.75 2.5 3 3.5 Reach (ft) Date Design NORRISWilmington,STAL NC Sheet CONSULTING ENGINEERS RC. Brunswick County,NC Of Check Job For Job No. jissipikkr- 6;t it.-a IA OA tt 14 = 4.4/3 h 7-one i7'216'6cs (0,6zs - d /594. t -- c N Poe is = 3s 376- t: 0(ke- t 11 7 1 Z,e ile ,,ir-f ' 5-' . 75` ce 61A • I=S3 i�- _ t D iat ..'ffr "s I+c�+� 'r.: I,frg �tJ ' i V- = 0,7-. as (777±-6;2-73-y- - O 1 Z3 / . D }k -ewe_ i =7 / " { tits. '. ';47 �.I a >� I Z G1. Lf ;/ x/d`w l 'f 1 , -J NEW HANOVER COUNT SIVRM WATER DESIGNMAM/AL SECTION SO-PIPE SYSTEM DESIGN PROCEDURES FIGURE 50-14 NEW YORK DOT DISSIPATER METHOD FOR USE IN DEFINED CHANNELS Source: "Bank and Channel Lining Procedures",New York Department of Transportation,Division of Design and Construction. 1971 Note: To use the following chart you must know: 1) Q full capacity 2) Qio 3) V full 4) Vlo _. Where Q=discharge in cfs and V=velocity in fps. ESTIMATION OF STONE SIZE AND DIMENSIONS FOR CULVERT•APRONS Step 1) Compute flow velocity Vo at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts Da is diameter For pipe arch,arch and box culverts,and paved channel outlets, Do=(A.)1/2,where A.=cross-sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts,use Do= 1.25 x Do of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10%or steeper,use recommendations for next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). .; •�rn.a viess�r• •. -.r• r ..r•....G,..* , r..H:10 .: M •,: sue. ,i i, i3 , 1.101•t II�r A a iy��l Qd r 11188 1.1,...;f-* }rti?d � II • �hralffitiBilifli. ram, . r.�.Q� � .rra . n� Y_ il'f I:P• .'.:e:'.ti'.'il erSill hit aP..* f.MCC r.'iiiiffffitiliEiaB14I 1•rt • GL i4L13 18 a9 fsrpa1Fc1vAlz ri-�e:Ir ft llal,E T.8,C14OL:Isai lg 1�910 GL.P.4IIIl4,46214144 II^I 1 . ■-L'[IITL 14SItECSTn I[fYHY .-_1CY11� k FA tlffiEll 1J1i1G 1IIL JR aL:.tT[S-PSI a'14�'PIA tSYIfIIl;�Yt`llfS'.rta113L3t pLLppLya Cye\ . �t r C rtt II7 n'1,7?T,'43➢JTi.if .00y74Yk SIIIT L:Igi YaIIII('Q_1➢1.j,1 gip.:IKNl., w-- -- '+7t`4&1�Fnlilti4348EifA ftii s.--r r •J4 s3LT2.ILO C B tt'S.0 7..E_--17:u<C 414.1ktt Rr S ktl_11-,1SRrEZCDL pLIIGim' . 3T- C 1 b pli!'IMlr L70731 II:4kZi1Q.lEl"iSjf RE I IryI: r' J,r Cs CS.. O_Il4LI7b C➢5Aio.EN St I U.: .AQ tl�L�[C�iLQ V.-41S7P4�GAd1- !L IIeupri�-C��yy1y11,y—,SCQ��tlpIsAL'IpG.Cl1tlnJ..r1ri,,1,,,11..fEl... 4S/4 ALL,.-Inrj7-Qa pRQY rriPACE]CT.tTi1 WifiiiA ix_13'3-I ,illiR-p iLuI7111a�11 [Afl Ili ( ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 5,ZOO PAGE SO-25 NEW AANOVER COUNTY STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL SECTTONSO-PIPE SYSTEM DESIGN PROCEDURES FIGURE 50-15 RU PRAP APRON DIMENSION REQUI NTS LENGTH OF APRON TO PREVENT SCOUR TO PROTECT - HOLE USE L2 ZONE_ APRON MATERIAL CULVERT ALWAYS Li L2 1 STONE FILLING(FINE) CLASS A 3 X Do 4 X Do 2 STONE FLUNG(LIGHT) CLASS B 3 X Do 6 X Do 3 STONE FLUNG(MEDIUM) CLASS 1 4 X Do 8 X Do 4 STONE FILLING(HEAVY) CLASS 1 4 X Do 8 X Do 5 STONEFILLING(HEAVY) CLASS 2 5 X Do 10 X Da. . 6 STONE FILLING(HEAVY) CLASS 2 6 X Do 10 X Do Width=3 times pipe diameter(min) DETERMINATION OF STONE SIZE FOR DUMPED STONE CHANNEL LINING AND REVETMENTS • 1) Use figure ; Step F-18a to determine maximum stone size(e.g.for 12 fps or 550 lbs. Step 2) Use.figure F-18b to determine acceptable size range for stone(for 12 fps it is 125-500"lbs.For 75%of stone,and the maximum and minimum range in weight should be 25-500 lbs.) NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of roughness: Diameter Manning's Minimum Thickness (inches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9. 12 Light 6 0.035 12 . 18 Medium 13 0.040 18 .24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Channels) (Dissipaters) Source: Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual,NC Department .ofNRCD,Land Quality Section,September 1988,rev. 12/93. ' ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 5,2000 PAGE 50-26 Calculate Skinner Size Basin Volume in Cubic Feet 25,323 Cu.Ft Shimmer Size 3,0 inch Days to Drain' 3 Days Qrthce Radius 1.4 Wellies] 'Gel NC mum*3da 1¢dn:, Orifice Diameter 2.8 Mettles] Estimate Volume of Basin Length Wish Top of water surface in feet Feet VOLUME 0 Cu.FL Bottom dimensions In feet 'Feet Depth in feet Feet L:3, , 'i „ iOt .:... (z6j. 0 '- 11. Ni Date Design NORRIS & 1 U1rS A T.- 9 Sheet — Wilmiri tan, NC CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.— Brunswick County, NC Of Check Job For Job No. S'o ,vn ,-Trot fro D63 -a t i PoM as S!el -lilt- m0c-'- P Ott= 3 z s A . . itrA ,ZP . ,dif' i i t it 7a° f/l'/fe, .1 Z5 /rr, ff 0 A 6).a8- Ae.. `goEs It\Ar r3. Z e.Ss C � ;le 5 = r3. 2 4,f x. Z ,. 4/ g 5-7 if „� V • 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 12/21/21 Stage-Area-Storage for Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Elevation Surface Storage Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 31.60 13,184 29,826 29.05 9,824 490 31.65 13,274 30,488 29.10 9,891 982 31.70 13,365 31,154 29.15 9,957 1,479 31.75 13,455 31,824 29.20 10,023 1,978 31.80 13,545 32,499 29.25 10,089 2,481 31.85 13,636 33,179 29.30 10,156 2,987 31.90 13,726 33,863 29.35 10,222 3,496 31.95 13,817 34,551 29.40 10,288 4,009 32.00 13,907 35,245 29.45 10,354 4,525 32.05 13,982 35,942 29.50 10,421 5,045 32.10 14,057 36,643 29.55 10,487 5,567 32.15 14,131 37,347 29.60 10,553 6,093 32.20 14,206 38,056 29.65 10,619 6,623 32.25 14,281 38,768 29.70 10,686 7,155 32.30 14,356 39,484 29.75 10,752 7,691 32.35 14,431 40,204 29.80 10,818 8,230 32.40 14,505 40,927 29.85 10,884 8,773 32.45 14,580 41,654 29.90 10,950 9,319 32.50 14,655 42,385 29.95 11,017 9,868 32.55 14,730 43,120 30.00 11,083 10,421 32.60 14,805 43,858 30.05 11,152 10,976 32.65 14,879 44,600 30.10 11,221 11,536 32.70 14,954 45,346 30.15 11,291 12,099 32.75 15,029 46,096 30.20 11,360 12,665 32.80 15,104 46,849 30.25 11,429 13,235 32.85 15,179 47,606 30.30 11,498 13,808 32.90 15,253 48,367 30.35 11,567 14,384 32.95 15,328 49,131 30.40 11,637 14,964 33.00 15,403 49,900 30.45 11,706 15,548 30.50 11,775 16,135 30.55 11,844 16,725 30.60 11,913 17,319 30.65 11,983 17,917 30.70 12,052 18,518 30.75 12,121 19,122 30.80 12,190 19,730 30.85 12,259 20,341 30.90 12,329 20,956 30.95 12,398 21,574 31.00 12,467 22,196 31.05 12,484 22,819 31.10 12,501 23,444 31.15 12,517 24,069 31.20 12,534 24,696 31.25 12,551 25,323 31.30 12,641 25,953 ' 31.35 12,732 26,587 31.40 12,822 27,226 31.45 12,913 27,869 31.50 13,003 28,517 31.55 13,093 29,169 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 ®2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 12/21/21 Stage-Discharge for Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Elevation Discharge Primary Secondary Elevation Discharge Primary Secondary (feet) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 29.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.52 0.11 0.11 0.00 29.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.53 0.11 0.11 0.00 29.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.54 0.11 0.11 0.00 29.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.55 0.11 0.11 0.00 29.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.56 0.11 0.11 0.00 29.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.57 0.11 0.11 0.00 29.06 0.01 0.01 0.00 29.58 0.11 0.11 0.00 29.07 0.01 0.01 0.00 29.59 0.11 0.11 0.00 29.08 0.01 0.01 0.00 29.60 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.09 0.01 0.01 0.00 29.61 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.10 0.02 0.02 0.00 29.62 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.11 0.02 0.02 0.00 29.63 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.12 0.02 0.02 0.00 29.64 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.13 0.03 0.03 0.00 29.65 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.14 0.03 0.03 0.00 29.66 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.15 0.03 0.03 0.00 29.67 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.16 0.04 0.04 0.00 29.68 0.12 0.12 0.00 29.17 0.04 0.04 0.00 29.69 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.18 0.05 0.05 0.00 29.70 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.19 0.05 0.05 0.00 29.71 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.20 0.05 0.05 0.00 29.72 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.21 0.05 0.05 0.00 29.73 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.22 0.06 0.06 0.00 29.74 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.23 0.06 0.06 0.00 29.75 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.24 0.06 0.06 0.00 29.76 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.25 0.06 0.06 0.00 29.77 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.26 0.08 0.06 0.00 29.78 0.13 0.13 0.00 29.27 0.07 0.07 0.00 29.79 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.28 0.07 0.07 0.00 29.80 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.29 0.07 0.07 0.00 29.81 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.30 0.07 0.07 0.00 29.82 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.31 0.07 0.07 0.00 29.83 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.32 0.08 0.08 0.00 29.84 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.33 0.08 0.08 0.00 29.85 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.34 0.08 0.08 0.00 29.86 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.35 0.08 0.08 0.00 29.87 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.36 0.08 0.08 0.00 29.88 0.14 0.14 0.00 29.37 0.08 0.08 0.00 29.89 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.38 0.09 0.09 0.00 29.90 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.39 0.09 0.09 0.00 29.91 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.40 0.09 0.09 0.00 29.92 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.41 0.09 0.09 0.00 29.93 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.42 0.09 0.09 0.00 29.94 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.43 0.09 0.09 0.00 29.95 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.44 0.10 0.10 0.00 29.96 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.45 0.10 0.10 0.00 29.97 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.46 0.10 0.10 0.00 29.98 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.47 0.10 0.10 0.00 29.99 0.15 0.15 0.00 29.48 0.10 0.10 0.00 30.00 0.16 0.16 0.00 29.49 0.10 0.10 0.00 30.01 0.16 0.16 0.00 29.50 0.10 0.10 0.00 30.02 0.16 0.16 0.00 29.51 0.10 0.10 0.00 I 30.03 0.16 0.16 0.00 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by Norris &Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 12/21/21 Stage-Discharge for Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY(continued) Elevation Discharge Primary Secondary Elevation Discharge Primary Secondary (feet) (cfs) (cfs) (cis) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 30.04 0.16 0.16 0.00 30.56 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.05 0.16 0.16 0.00 30.57 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.06 0.16 0.16 0.00 30.58 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.07 0.16 0.16 0.00 30.59 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.08 0.16 0.16 0.00 30.60 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.09 0.16 0.16 0.00 30.61 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.10 0.16 0.16 0.00 30.62 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.11 0.16 0.16 0.00 30.63 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.12 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.64 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.13 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.65 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.14 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.66 0.20 0.20 0.00 30.15 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.67 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.16 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.68 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.17 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.69 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.18 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.70 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.19 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.71 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.20 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.72 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.21 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.73 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.22 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.74 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.23 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.75 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.24 0.17 0.17 0.00 30.76 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.25 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.77 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.26 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.78 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.27 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.79 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.28 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.80 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.29 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.81 0.21 0.21 0.00 30.30 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.82 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.31 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.83 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.32 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.84 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.33 U.18 0.18 0.00 30.85 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.34 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.86 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.35 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.87 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.36 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.88 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.37 0.18 0.18 0.00 30.89 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.38 0.19 0.19 0.00 30,90 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.39 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.91 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.40 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.92 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.41 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.93 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.42 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.94 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.43 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.95 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.44 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.96 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.45 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.97 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.46 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.98 0.22 0.22 0.00 30.47 0.19 0.19 0.00 30.99 0.23 0.23 0.00 30.48 0.19 0.19 0.00 31.00 0.23 0.23 0.00 30.49 0.19 0.19 0.00 31.01 0.23 0.23 0.00 30.50 0.19 0.19 0.00 31.02 0.23 0.23 0.00 30.51 0.19 0.19 0.00 31.03 0.23 0.23 0.00 30.52 0.20 0.20 0.00 31.04 0.23 0.23 0.00 30.53 0.20 0.20 0.00 31.05 0.23 0.23 0.00 30.54 0.20 0.20 0.00 31.06 0.23 0.23 0.00 30.55 0.20 0.20 0.00 31.07 0.23 0.23 0.00 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Type 11124-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" HydroCADID 7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions!!C 12/21/21 Stage-Discharge for Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY (continued) Elevation Discharge Primary Secondary Elevation Discharge Primary Secondary (feet) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 31.08 0.23 0.23 0.00 31.60 2.25 2.25 0.00 31.09 0.23 0.23 0.00 31.61 2.34 2.34 0.00 31.10 0.23 0.23 0.00 31.62 2.43 2.43 0.00 31.11 0.23 0.23 0.00 31.63 2.52 2.52 0.00 31.12 0.23 0.23 0.00 31.64 2.61 2.61 0.00 31.13 0.23 0.23 0.00 31.65 2.70 2.70 0.00 31.14 0.23 0.23 0.00 31.66 2.79 • 2.79 0.00 31.15 0.23 0.23 0.00 31.67 2.88 2.88 0.00 31.16 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.68 2.98 2.98 0.00 31.17 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.69 3.07 3.07 0.00 31.18 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.70 3.17 3.17 0.00 31.19 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.71 3.27 3.27 0.00 31.20 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.72 3.37 3.37 0.00 31.21 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.73 3.47 3.47 0.00 31.22 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.74 3.57 3.57 0.00 31.23 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.75 3.67 3.67 0.00 31.24 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.76 3.77 3.77 0.00 31.25 0.24 0.24 0.00 31.77 3.85 3.85 0.00 31.26 0.25 0.25 0.00 31.78 3.93 3.93 0.00 31.27 0.27 0.27 0.00 31.79 4.01 4.01 0.00 31.28 0.29 0.29 0.00 31.80 4.09 4.09 0.00 31.29 0.32 0.32 0.00 31.81 4.16 4.16 0.00 31.30 0.35 0.35 0.00 31.82 4.24 4.24 0.00 31.31 0.39 0.39 0.00 31.83 4.31 4.31 0.00 31.32 0.42 0.42 0.00 31.84 4.38 4.38 0.00 31.33 0.46 0.46 0.00 31.85 4.44 4.44 0.00 31.34 0.51 0.51 0.00 31.86 4.51 4.51 0.00 31.35 0.55 0.55 0.00 31.87 4.57 4.57 0.00 31.36 0.60 0.60 o nn 31.88 4.64 4.64 0.00 31.37 0.65 0.65 0.00 31.89 4.70 4.70 0.00 31.38 0.70 0.70 0.00 31.90 4.76 4.76 0.00 31.39 0.75 0.75 0.00 31.91 4.82 4.82 0.00 31.40 0.81 0.81 0.00 31.92 4.88 4.88 0.00 31.41 0.87 0.87 0.00 31.93 4.94 4.94 0.00 31.42 0.92 0.92 0.00 31.94 5.00 5.00 0.00 31.43 0.99 0.99 0.00 31.95 5.06 5.06 0.00 31.44 1.05 1.05 0.00 31.96 5.11 5.11 0.00 31.45 1.11 1.11 0.00 31.97 5.17 5.17 0.00 31.46 1.18 1.18 0.00 31.98 5.22 5.22 0.00 31.47 1.25 1.25 0.00 31.99 5.28 5.28 0.00 31.48 1.32 1.32 0.00 32.00 5.33 5.33 0.00 31.49 1.39 1.39 0.00 32.01 5.38 5.38 0.00 31.50 1.46 1.46 0.00 32.02 5.44 5.44 0.00 31.51 1.53 1.53 0.00 32.03 5.49 5.49 0.00 31.52 1.61 1.61 0.00 32.04 5.54 5.54 0.00 31.53 1.68 1.68 0.00 32.05 5.59 5.59 0.00 31.54 1.76 1.76 0.00 32.06 5.64 5.64 0.00 31.55 1.84 1.84 0.00 32.07 5.69 5.69 0.00 31.56 1,92 1.92 0.00 32.08 5.74 5.74 0_00 31.57 2.00 2.00 0.00 32.09 5.79 5.79 0.00 31.58 2.08 2.08 0.00 32.10 5.84 5.84 0.00 31.59 2.17 2.17 0.00 l 32.11 5.88 5.88 0.00 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type ill 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by Norris& Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 1 Cl27IL°I Stage-Discharge for Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY(continued) Elevation Discharge Primary Secondary Elevation Discharge Primary Secondary (feet) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 32.12 5.93 5.93 0.00 32.64 14.17 10.26 3.91 32.13 5.98 5.98 0.00 32.65 14.62 10.28 4.34 32.14 6.03 6.03 0.00 32.66 15.07 10.29 4.78 32.15 6.07 6.07 0.00 32.67 15.55 10.31 5.24 32.16 6.12 6.12 0.00 32.68 16.03 10.33 5.70 32.17 6.16 6.16 0.00 32.69 16.53 10.34 6.19 32.18 6.21 6.21 0.00 32.70 17.04 10.36 6.68 32.19 6.25 6.25 0.00 32.71 17.58 10.38 7.20 32.20 6.30 6.30 0.00 32.72 18.13 10.40 7.73 32.21 6.34 6.34 0.00 32.73 18.69 10.41 8.27 32.22 6.39 6.39 0.00 32.74 19.26 10.43 8.83 32.23 6.43 6.43 0.00 32.75 19.85 10.45 9.40 32.24 6.47 6.47 0.00 32.76 20.45 10.46 9.99 32.25 6.52 6.52 0.00 32.77 21.06 10.48 10.58 32.26 6.61 6.61 0.00 32.78 21.69 10.50 11.19 32.27 6.75 6.75 0.00 32.79 22.33 10.51 11.81 32.28 6.92 6.92 0.00 32.80 22.98 10.53 12.45 32.29 7.10 7.10 0.00 32.81 23.64 10.55 13.09 32.30 7.31 7.31 0.00 32.82 24.31 10.56 13.75 32.31 7.54 7.54 0.00 32.83 25.00 10.58 14.42 32.32 7.78 7.78 0.00 32.84 25.70 10.59 15.10 32.33 8.03 8.03 0.00 32.85 26.41 10.61 15.79 32.34 8.30 8.30 0.00 32.86 27.13 10.63 16.50 32.35 8.58 8.58 0.00 32.87 27.86 10.64 17.21 32.36 8.88 8.88 0.00 32.88 28.60 10.66 17.94 32.37 9.18 9.18 0.00 32.89 29.36 10.68 18.68 32.38 9.50 9.50 0.00 32.90 30.12 10.69 19.43 32.39 9.83 9.83 0.00 32.91 30.93 10.71 20.22 32.40 9.84 9.84 0.00 32.92 31.74 10.73 21.02 32.41 9.86 9.86 0.00 32.93 32.58 10.74 21.83 32.42 9.88 9.88 0.00 32.94 33.42 10.76 22.66 32.43 9.90 9.90 0.00 32.95 34.28 10.77 23.50 32.44 9.91 9.91 0.00 32.96 35.14 10.79 24.35 32:45 9.93 9.93 0.00 32.97 36.03 10.81 25.22 32.46 9.95 9.95 0.00. 32.98 36.92 10.82 26.10 32.47 9.97 9.97 0.00 32.99 37.83 10.84 26.99 32.48 9.98 9.98 0.00 33.00 38.75 10.86 27.90 32.49 10.00 10.00 0.00 32.50 10.02 10.02 0.00 32.51 10.11 10.04 0.07 32.52 10.27 10.05 0.21 32.53 10.46 10.07 0.39 32.54 10.69 10.09 0.60 32.55 10.94 10.11 0.84 32.56 11.22 10.12 1.10 32.57 11.52 10.14 1.38 32.58 11.85 10.16 1.69 32.59 12.19 10.17 2.02 32.60 12.55 10.19 2.36 32.61 12.93 10.21 2.73 32.62 13.33 10.23 3.11 32.63 13.74 10.24 3.50 Pusey, Steven Za From: Robbie Hennelly <rhennelly@ntengineers.com> Sent Thursday, March 17, 2022 2:53 PM To: Pusey, Steven Cc: John Tunstall;Amy Norris;Jason Clark Subject: RE: [External] RFAI GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building Attachments: Supplement-EZ.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you veri y.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Repo..Spam. Steven, I dropped off the response package today instead of overnight shipping it.Attached is the requested PDF of the Supplement-EZ. Thanks, Robbie Hennelly, ElEC• 'P"` y , NO. IS &TUNSDUL 11 MP%R 1 tam """"^CONSULTING ENG/NEELS P.C.--�► 2602 Iron Gate Dr., Suite 102, Wilmington, NC 28412 BY. 910-343-9653 1910-343-9604 (F) rhennellv cantengineers.com Hours: M-Th 8:00 AM—5:30 PM & Friday 8:00 AM—Noon It is the professional opinion of Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers,Inc. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. makes no representations as to the usability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages,operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the preparation of such data. From: Pusey,Steven <steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Thursday, March 17, 2022 11:46 AM To: Robbie Hennelly<rhennelly@ntengineers.com> Cc:John Tunstall<jtunstall@ntengineers.com>;Amy Norris<anorris@ntengineers.com>;Jason Clark <jclark@ntengineers.com> Subject: RE: [External] RFAI GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building No problem. I look forward to receiving it. Thanks for the notice. 9 St,n en. G. Pusey Ervironmer..t.1 Eisg,leer II 1 Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington. Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910) 796-7215 Direct: (910) 796-7331 Email: steven.puseycitincdenr.gov EQ4 Email correspondence to and from this address.is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be asclosed to third parties. From: Robbie Hennelly<rhennelly@ntengineers.com> Sent:Thursday, March 17,2022 11:45 AM To: Pusey,Steven<steven.pusev@ncdenr.gov> Cc:John Tunstall<junstall@ntengineers.com>;Amy Norris<anorris@ntengineers.com>;Jason Clark <jclark@ntengineers.com> Subject: [External] RFAI GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments rsnteas you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Steven, We have completed our response for additional information regarding GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building and have realized we missed the original due date of 3/15/22.Our office manager has been out of office unexpectedly which has caused delays in getting this to you.The response package will be mailed for overnight delivery today. Thanks, Robbie Her telly. E; NOBS 8r.TU T L --CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2602 Iron Gate Dr., Suite 102, Wilmington, NC 28412 910-343-9653 1910-343-9604 (F) rhennellyt ')ntengineers.com Hours: M-Th 8:00 AM—5:30 PM & Friday 8:00 AM —Noon It is the professional opinion of Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C.and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. makes no representations as to the usability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems,or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C.and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the preparation of such data. 2 NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Drive,Suite 102 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28412 V C: L. Ash,NC 28420 (910) 343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910) 343-9604 Fax MAR 1 7 2022 (910) 287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. BY: Joseph K.Bland,P.E. Robbie P.Hennelly,E.I. Thomas J.Scheetz,E.I. March 1, 2022 Mr. Steve G. Pusey, Environmental Engineer II NC DEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources— State Stormwater Program 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Stormwater Project No. SW8 211201 GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building 8130 Market St New Hanover County, NC N&T Project No. 21162 Dear Mr. Pusey: Pursuant to your comment letter of February 25, 2022, we offer the following responses. 1. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2): In addition to mailing a hard copy of the Supplement-EZ, please email a pdf of the supplement form to the email address provided below so that it can be preserved electronically per the regulatory requirements. Response: We have e-mailed you the Supplement-EZ as a PDF per your request. 2. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(iii): Please provide the boundaries of all surface waters, wetlands, regulatory flood zones, protected vegetated setbacks, and protected riparian buffers, or a note on the plans that none exist. If a note is already provided on the plans, please provide a citation of where it can be located. Response: Per wetland consultant, no wetlands exist onsite. See notes on CO. 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(iv) and .1050(3): DEMLR has not historically asked for details on retaining walls. Due to a lesson learned in another part of the State, DEMLR must now ask for that information. The plans note that the provided retaining wall will be designed by others. Please provide additional details on the plans, including the bottom and top elevation of the retaining wail to support whether structural plans by a structural engineer are required, per the following two building codes, as well as to NCBELS License C-3641 support the intended grading plan and delineated drainage areas. If the retaining wall meets the following two building codes, then two copies of the structural plans by a structural engineer will be needed. If the retaining wall does not meet these requirements, then a copy of the structural plans is not needed but a statement to this effect is needed in the response. i. 1807.2.4 Retaining Systems Adjacent to Structures: Retaining system less than 5 feet (1524 mm) in cumulative vertical relief and adjacent to a structure located closer than the vertical relief shall be designed under the responsible charge of a registered design professional. Response: Retaining wall provides less than five feet of vertical relief with no structure within 5 feet. ii. 1807.2.5 Retaining Systems: Retaining systems providing a cumulative vertical relief greater than 5 feet (1524 mm) in height within a horizontal separation distance of 50 feet (15 m) or less, including retaining walls or mechanically stabilized earth walls, shall be designed under the responsible charge of a registered design professional. Response: Retaining wall is less than 5 feet in height. 4. 15A NCAC 02H.1019(7)(c)(iv), and .1042(2)(1): The runoff in excess of the 1-year, 24- hour storm event must be released at a non-erosive velocity at the edge of the vegetated setback or to an existing stormwater drainage system. Since the existing drainage system (ditch) is located on an adjacent property, please demonstrate that there is or will be a drainage easement along this drainage system. Response: See revised plans. 15' Public Drainage Easement has been added. The 1- year 24-hour storm event is released at 0.2 cfs. An energy dissipator is in place as required. 5. 15A NCAC 02H.1003(2)(c): Vegetated conveyances: Side slopes shall be no steeper than 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) unless it is demonstrated to the permitting authority that the soils and vegetation will remain stable in perpetuity based on engineering calculations and on-site soil investigation; This applies to the detail on sheet C6.4 of the Level Spreader. Please show side slopes of the blind swale, with grass, and provide the bottom elevation (depth). Also, there must be something to protect the bottom sand filter section from erosion; we recommend using a surface of washed gravel or stone (see Section C6 in the SCM Design Manual, photo and Fig. 1, open bottom sand filter example). Response: See revised plans. NCBELS License C-3641 Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations, supplements, narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). For the revised plans, we do not need the following plan sheets: C1.1, C3, C6.1, and C6.3. Response: Noted. Enclosed are two (2) sets of revised plans, two (2) sets of revised calculations, two (2) copies of the revised Narrative, and one (1) CD (PDF of the complete submittal). Please let us know if you have any further questions or comments. Thank you for your assistance on this project. Sincerely, NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. John S. Tunstall, P. E. JST/asn 21162 03-01-22-s-sw-response-ftr Enclosures NCBELS License C-3641 Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent: Friday, February 25, 2022 10:48 AM To: ben.eberdt@gmail.com;John Tunstall (jtunstall@ntengineers.com);Jason Clark (jclark@ntengineers.com) Cc: Amy Norris Subject: RFAI on GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building/SW8 211201 Attachments: 2022 02 addinfo 211201.pdf Please reference the attached request for additional information on the subject project. Let me know if you have any questions. Regards, 541,e4i. Pam. Steven G. Pusey Environmental Engineer II Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910) 796-7215 Direct: (910) 796-7331 Email: steven.pusey a(�ncdenr.gov .001 Email corresponder-e to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and ma!„,be disclosed to third oarties. 1 1 ROY COOPER Governor ; ELIZABETH S.BISER ,.. Secretary - BRIAN WRENN NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality February 25,2022 Via email only: ben.eberdtcom WLM PropCO,LLC Attn:Benjamin H. Eberdt,Member 3717 Bentley Drive Durham,NC 27707 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No.SW8 211201 GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building New Hanover County Dear Mr. Eberdt: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on December 1,2021 with additional information received on February 23,2022. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete and that additional information is needed. To continue the review,plensP provide the following additional information m a single,hard copy submittal nackaee: /1. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2): In addition to mailing a hard copy of the Supplement-EZ,please email a pdf of V the supplement form to the email address provided below so that it can be preserved electronically per the regulatory requirements. 72. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2XgXiii): Please provide the boundaries of all surface waters,wetlands,regulatory flood zones,protected vegetated setbacks,and protected riparian buffers,or a note on the plans that none exist. If a note is already provided on the plans,please provide a citation of where it can be located. / 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(iv)and.1050(3):DEMLR has not historically asked for details on retaining V walls. Due to a lesson learned in another part of the State,DEMLR must now ask for that information. The plans note that the provided retaining wall will be designed by others. Please provide additional details on the plans, including the bottom and top elevation of the retaining wall to support whether structural plans by a structural engineer are required,per the following two building codes,as well as to support the intended grading plan and delineated drainage areas. If the retaining wall meets the following two building codes,then two copies of the structural plans by a structural engineer will be needed. If the retaining wall does not meet these requirements,then a copy of the structural plans is not needed but a statement to this effect is needed in the response. i. 1807.2.4 Retaining Systems Adjacent to Structures! Retaining systems less than 5 feet (1524 mm)in cumulative vertical relief and adjacent to a structure located closer than the vertical relief shall be designed under the responsible charge of a registered design professional. ii. 1807.2.5 Retaining Systems: Retaining systems providing a cumulative vertical relief greater than 5 feet(1524 mm)in height within a horizontal separation distance of 50 feet (15 m)or less,including retaining walls,or mechanically stabilized earth walls,shall be designed under the responsible charge of a registered design professional. 4. 15A NCAC 02H.1019(7)(c)(iv),and .1042(2)(1): The runoff in excess of the 1-year,24-hour storm event must be released at a non-erosive velocity at the edge of the vegetated setback or to an existing stormwater drainage system. Since the existing drainage system(ditch)is located on an adjacent property,please demonstrate that there is or will be a drainage easement along this drainage system. � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy.Mineral and Land Resources W1muigton Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilnungt nt.North Carolina 28405 � 910.7%.7215 State Stormwater Permit No.SWS 211201 Page 2 of 2 5. 15.A NCAC 02H.1003(2Xc): Vegetated conveyances: Side slopes shall be no steeper than 3:1 (horizontal to vertical)unless it is demonstrated to the permitting authority that the soils and vegetation will remain stable in perpetuity based on engineering calculations and on-site soil investigation;This applies to the detail on sheet C6.4 of the Level Spreader. Please show side slopes of the blind swale,with grass,and provide the bottom elevation(depth).Also,there must be something to protect the bottom sand filter section from erosion;we recommend using a surface of washed gravel or stone(see Section C6 in the SCM Design Manual,photo and Figure 1,open bottom sand filter example). Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations,supplements,narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). For the revised plans,we do not need the following plan sheets: C1.I,C3,C6.1,and.C6.3. All of the requested information listed above should be received in this Office by March 15,2022,or the application will be returned as incomplete. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request prior to this due date to the email address provided below with a justification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted,which shall be no later than 15 days past the original due date.Please note that only two letters requesting additional information is allowed in the State Stormwater Program for a total of 30 days to submit the requested additional information. If the information is not satisfactorily provided after either the second request or 30 days, the project will be returned If the project is returned and you wish to re-submit later,you will need to resubmit all required items at that time,including the application fee. The construction of any impervious surfaces,other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan,is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter,please feel free to call me at(910)796-7215 or email me at steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, .sue 9. Steve G.Pusey Environmental Engineer II DES/sgp: \1\Stormwater\Permits&Projects120211211201 HI)'2022 02 addinfo 211201 cc: John Tunstall,PE or Jason Clark,PE;vie email:ilanstalial,ntenrineers.cont or klark(aijtteniineers.com cc: anorrisfaintengineers.com Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File North Carolina Department ofErrvironmtmtai nalit I Division of Energy.Mineral end Land Resources Wilmington Regional 4lffice 127 Cartlinat Drive Extenaion[Wilmington North Carolina 28d05 ►: o.� Qti)a9t,rris ?P' e6-0' N-€0, A PG:RB 652B thllllhlllhlllllff!!IffIIff,,h, PG:1226-9229 RECORDED: 2021O61368 92�0-2Q21 N ,�HANYOVER COUNTY,NC NC FEE g2gAp 02:U2:42 PM TAMMY THEUSCH PryER REALSTATE 8Y:gNGELA ENGLISH DEPUTY R OF OOS EXTX 3300.0D NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $ 3,000.00 Parcel No.:R03600-005-008-000 JPrepared by JILLIAN C.S.BLANCHARD,ESQ. Shipman&Wright,LLP Return To: Grantee NO OPINION ON TITLE REQUESTED OR GIVEN THIS DEED made this 2eilay of December,2021,by and between GRANTOR: JOHN C.GRABOFSKI,single 465 Grace Avenue. Fairview,Pennsylvania 16415 and GRANTEE: WLM PROPCO,LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company 3717 Bentley Drive Durham,North Carolina 27707 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs,successors,and assigns, and shall include singular,plural, masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH,that said Grantor,for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey' unto said Grantees in fee simple,all of its right,title and interest in that certain lot or parcel of land situated in New Hanover County,North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: See Egibit.A attached hereto. flE C E 1 V E Return to _1- • FEB 2 3 2022 Mathison,Taylor&Gibson,PLLC I BY: The property hereinabove described was acquired by the Grantor by an instrument recorded in Book 1640 at Page 485 of the New Hanover County Registry. This property does not contain the primary residence df lire'-. .. . TO HAVE ' ill TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and rippurtenSep thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey;the same in fee simple,that title is marketable and free and clear of all encu and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all.persons vihtimsoelfgr except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is sdllje41641e. following exceptions: 1. Easements,Rights-of-Way,Restrictions and Encumbrances of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal,.the day and.year. ' above written. I 4A4c. ), P SEAL) d Si C.GRAB la STATE OF Pi rn yl✓46 a COUNTY OF C'77�`P, i, U4Ji f '+mil ll�, , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that JOHN GRABOFSKI, Grantor, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal,this day of December,2021: My commission expires: ei`/ "20gb Ale+r 4 ,Notary Public SEAL-STAMP / • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania-Notary Seal JANET R BILLINGS-Notary Public Erie County My Co A mmission Nu 1232692 23 ECEIVE II FEB 2 3 2522 I) -2- BY: . Exhibit A Beginning at an existing iron pipe in the southeastern right-of-way of U. S. Highway # 17, 100 feet right-of-way,.marking the western most corner of Lot 3 of the Linford W. Piner Division as shown on the map entitled"Survey and Division,Portion L. W.Piner Tract for Linford W.Piner" recorded in Map Book 21 at Page 49 of the New Hanover County Registry, said point also being the beginning point of the tract of land conveyed to Hugh Browning and wife, Edna Johnson Browning as described in the deed recorded in Book 582 at Page 17 of the New Hanover County Registry, said beginning point about 50 feet east of the centerline of U. S. Hwy #17 which said point is about 1784.5 feet from the point of intersection of the centerline of said highway with the centerline of Porter's Neck Road(S.R. 1402); running thence, from the point of beginning, South 45°57'00"East, with the southwestern line of said Linford W. Piner Division, 667.75 feet to an existing iron pipe marking the southern most corner of the tract of land conveyed to Charles F. Piner by deed recorded in Book 985 at Page 48 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence, South 46°06'42"West 210.53 feet to an existing iron pipe marking the eastern most corner of Tract 4 of the Charity P. Sidbury Division as shown on the map entitled "Survey of the V. Sidbury, formerly Batson,Backwoods Tract for Charity P. Sidbury"recorded in Map Book 14 at Page 6 of the New Hanover'County Registry; thence, North 45°55'02"West, with the northeastern line of said Tract 4, 671.71 feet to an existing iron pipe pinched in the southeastern right-of-way of U.S. Highway#17;thence North 47°11'28"East,with said right-of-way line,210.32 feet to the point of beginning, containing 3.23 acres as shown on survey by Port City Land Surveying,May 26,2021. IECEIVE1) FEB 2 3 2322 BY: 330429 • LSTY.� TAMMY THEUSCH o�. PIVER New Hanover County Register of Deeds _ 4A. Register of Deeds r„t 14 320 CHESTNUT ST SUITE 102 • WILMINGTON,NORTH CAROLINA 28401 ti J . S Telephone 910-798-4530 • Fax 910-798-7716 'suseev • .62 0- • •: . _ lir 0 .;"'A %13 1,1T• 41 lf° . 5.51 . • . E 2 b HHf State of North Carolina, County of NEW HANOVER Filed For Registration: 12/30/2021 02:02 :42 PM Book: RB 6526 Page: 1226-1229 4 PGS $3,026. 00 Real Property $26.00 Excise Tax $3,000.00 Recorder: ANGELA ENGLISH ����� Document No: 2021061368 FEB 23222 6Y: ************************************************************************************************************ DO NOT REMOVE! This certification sheet is a vital part of your recorded document. Please retain with original document and submit when re-recording. �U�• ,.Y ti NEW NOVER COUNTY c :6. '` Engineering Department 4 tf ‘g y /l !t� � 230 Government Center Drive•Suite 160 Soil Erosion Specie I � f`: � Wilmington,North.Carolina 28403 w TELEPHONE 910 -798-7139 i . -F �. Fax(910)798-7051 Beth E.Wetherill,C.P. ,: AA) „,,....„ • • Memorandum Date: 1 / t12-2— To: NCDENR - WQ a From: Beth Easley Wetherill Soil Erosion Engineer Re: Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plans Grading Permit # 2l 60 Den. RA-- p LizeQ24k1 LCO o -'I The attached plans have been submitted for approval • to New Hanover County Engineering. If you have any questions regarding these plans, please contact this - office. I . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR AFile# 4 LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY l-- 60III(r$ Under the conditions set forth by LD FeeReview Fee The New Hanover County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Date Pd Date Pd !2f/lJ It •�*DL[SHEo'0. N&T#21162 Engineering Department Applicant or Applicant's Agent: Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C./John S.Tunstall, P.E. Mailing Address: 2602 Iron Gate Drive,Suite 102 Telephone Number: 910-343-9653 Fax Number: 910-343-9604 Wilmington, NC 28412 Email Address: ltunstall@ntengineers.com cc: anorris@ntengineers.com Total Acres of Land Disturbance: 3.21 Purpose of Development: GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building Description of Land Disturbance: GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building(Dog Daycare w/Kennels) ,i Address of Land Disturbance 8130 Market Street,Wilm., NC Latitude: ° + ,1r AA IP 3y �� ��'I N Longitude:'1� � 35i5 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Land owner(s)of record: Person or firm(s)financially responsible for the land disturbing activity. If not a North Carolina resident,you MUST have a N.C.agent. (List Below) Name: John C.&Catharine M. Grabofski Name: WLM PropCO,LLC Address: 465 Grace Avenue Address: 3717 Bentley Drive City/State: Fairview, PA City/State: Durham, NC Zip Code: 16415 Zip Code: 27707 Telephone Number: 814-969-1255 Telephone Number: 919-812-8084 Email: solarscion @yahoo.com FaxNumber N/A Email: ben.eberdt@gmail.com FaxNumber: N/A Location of deed(s)or instrument(s):County: New Hanover Book: 1640 page: 0485 The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. (This form must be signed by the financially responsible person if an individual and by an officer, director, partner,attorney-in- fact, or other person of authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible person if not an individual.) I agree to provide corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein. Date: /0/Z 2/2 I N Ben' in H.Eberdt Title Member Signature ` l I, ar*rq ASS a Notary Public of the County ofrce,Vsrr . State of North Carolina,hereby certify that lmt " dl^ appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him. Witnes my hand and notary seal,thi ay of M f 03.,,, , . Notary My commission expires . SEAL Maria C Cross Notary Public Chatham Cou !MyComm1ssionExl*es Z; 44.a T� Permission to Enter on Land RECEIVED I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the Erosion Control Inspector and his agents to enter on the lan ' question in connection related to is permit application. DEC - 1 2021 - ij _0 1 S Zv 2 Z. ENUINEERINCi DEPARTMEN f Applic on Signature a Date John C. & Cattier' a M. rabofski, Owners. PLEASE COMPLETE AL PORTIONS OF APPLICATION STORMWATER SYSTEM & EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS GODOG PET HOSPITALITY SERVICES BUILDING 8130 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina For WLM PropCO, LLC 3717 Bentley Drive Durham, NC 27707 (919) 812-8084 SEAL 030p9, i2l • G'S November 2021 Prepared by: NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Drive, Suite 102 Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 (910) 343-9653 (910) 343-9604 (Fax) RECEIVED License#C-3641 N&T Project No. 21162 DEC - 1 2021 ENGINEERING DEPARTM • in 0 0 0 0ri 0 w 0000a) cooN oomi0000 X u u a a FT O 1— in ti � .0l0c to o N0 ^' 0a Li) ri l noi0 8 0 y 01 t0 00 u1 O O N 00 N Alo n �"� Q 5 " Ni' 00 00 N V' 4 N 00 a-i N W N N K tL 00_ L LL in to 00 ? O O O O O O O O ry 0 4 VD 0 N c-I N 5 m u. ID LL 00 0 0 0 0 r, w 0 0 0 O cDcr� a v "' N F. 0 z 0 0_ U 00 < o O In � O o O v O o O 00 N N 0 cc cr cc a - W cc W zui 0 0 z z a 0 Z V In N N to N to IL cr) VI O 0 00 to n o 0 0 0 o O O n o Tt J es N N 00 1.6 N N a " S !—J u u a a LL N N a M ID < n 0 O N. OI N N o ct iN M .1 M G1 9 N N [t v' 00 N -r Q N r ._. I6i O tY VI Z n 0 Lo 0_ z INNmInb000, O° ' O1.9 0 0 0 a 0 0 n< 0 0 0 O LL n C H I ,_ ,_ z O 1,21 WET DETENTION BASIN CALCULATIONS GODOG NOVEMBER 2021 Proiect Name. .. Gobs g N&T No: r 2303. Contact Person: T:-,lason blgricp,E Phone: (910)343-9653 For projects with multiple basins,speedy which basin this worksheet applies to: DA#: I t Description Qty Units Notes: 1-year,24-hour rain event,Dr yr 3-it inches TSS Removal Rate 90-6 46 Drainage Area,DA= 3,23.ac 140780 sf Pre-existing impervious Area= .0,00 ac Pre-existing Overall%Impervious,Ip,.= 0.00 % Proposed impervious Area= "'-.2.00 cc 87,120 sf(Proposed+Future) Post Development Pervious Area= 1.23 ac Post Development Overall%Impervious,I,,.t= 61.88 .% Storage Volume Required(Simple Method): Within 0.5 mile&drain to SA waters? :y USE DIFFERENCE OF PRE-POST VOLUME Design Rainfall Depth,13,,3= 1.50 in Design Rainfall Depth,D1yR= 3.87 in Pre-Devolpoment Runoff Volume factor,Rv=.= 0.05 in/in Rv,,.=0.05+0.009•Ipr, Post Devolpoment Runoff Volume factor,Rvet= 0.60695 in/in Rvp.,=0.05+0.009•Ip,,, 1.5"Post-Dev Runoff Volume,V 1.s.pee= 10,680.88 ft' V 15.p,.,=3630*D,"Rvp,,,.DA 1 Yr Pre-Dev Runoff Volume,V,y, ,.= 2,270.08 fr V,yr,,.=3630*Di Y,"Rvp„*DA 1 Yr Post-Day Runoff Volume,V,y,p,,,= 27,556.66 1t V,w p,,,=3630*D,y,*Rvp,,,*DA Required Storage Volume= 25,287 ft' uff of Pre-Post V SHWT Elevation 31.83 ft Approximate Normal-Permanent Pool Elevation 29.00 ft Normal-Permanent Pool surface area 9,102 sf State Temporary Pool Elevation 31.25 ft Slate Temporary Pool Surface Area 14,792 sf Provided Storage Volume= 26,294 ff11 OK1 Provided V>Required V 12 i i Y a p^ g ry r a m i f I E pepb o0000 000a 'n Amo Ea F EA .-irvr�'n�i in 3 1 v V Y u v el iE n .rn y1y OD 3e�p E �} oo� on$mu� .�a��o E ^ b 00000000gm'I�'n'�:IN^ .7.1'n rvnma m�o� yEy�[A ti 7m4 9 V 5 C O. z z g i ii " I E }EI QeQte oR8' o lvrrvienrlmRi i g# ' ~ 7i =874 8 pN#SWOArf E SI m �1 _ V N 10 OI g eY 4 n C ; Y a . a g H o o x 4 9 H g1LL15m$im� sMims ,garla smmirAgg J pc :s 11N11��o m.l ry r m dry 1�.1rrj 1s1 8 �p`1 y1 1��11 6 IV of NI T N N.-1'1 eel�-I g p 'n R N c0 �^y i.O O o O o O O fryy �m1 YN1 ^�p q Y. �p qM i ry NM MNA NN N12.1Te1T T 1 ry W N N n Ir;NM M.74.1T m m 6 9"I N O N> O z S 4 a O 1 3 te.N i z £ 'e pE 0 N A v c n N Fo r p .Y g 1. ? E > ats 13 _1 ' m u b m j < "a. gg4 Z MS gi 3 y75 �� � 1 my E., W a •o p z a d 11 gg n n 1a . n E i E Eu o o'1'm'�n Xi F.4 38 2 4p > X 10 �9 0 :1 elE P Q o b$�i s A a N RI E c o o 0 o o f d u , 6 .r.y N W q `Y DES a l` b Y: C Ys 4 r_. CO c n n d g mg E;48 ' Ro 3 ^ry .,E019,8 .A L. LL I IV E y yy ' Y .i (J m N 101rr11�ry .� f bm . N .W e1..Id = Q ? 11 � J ! a z ' 'c d o pl0o a qqq u ap pc 2 i 16 1 Ibl 1^7 p 6 6 tit 55 >$ t n r O 7 1 d 6> g C X e a c I �y1cY « an IV N N INI CY N n c.+ry m E l n a m m m m ;'o W tr o x 13 } n� i a n Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Q°°"'Y Table 1:Piedmont and Mountain SA/DA Table (Adapted from Driscoll, 1986) Percent Permanent Pool Average Depth(ft) Impervious Cover 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 ?8.0 10% 0.51 0.43 0.37 0.30 0.27 0.25 20% 0.84 0.69 0.61 0.51 0.44 0.40 30% 1.17 0.94 0.84 0.72 0.61 0.56 40% 1.51 1.24 1.09 0.91 0.78 0.71 50% 1.79 1.51 1.31 1.13 0.95 0.87 60% 2.09 1.77 1.49 1.31 1.12 1.03 70% 2.51 2.09 1.80 1.56 1.34 1.17 80% 2.92 2.41 2.07 1.82 1.62 1.40 90% 3.25 2.64 2.31 2.04 1.84 1.59 100% 3.55 2.79 2.52 2.34 2.04 1.75 Table 2: Coastal SA/DA Table(Adapted from Driscoll, 1986) Percent Permanent Pool Average Depth(ft) Impervious Cover 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 z8.0 10% 0.78 0.61 0.44 0 0 0 20% 1.48 1.04 0.87 0.70 0.52 0.35 30% 2.18 1.65 1.39 1.13 0.87 0.70 40% 2.96 2.26 1.83 1.39 0.96 0.78 50% 3.65 2.87 2.35 1.83 1.31 0.96 Q,--70/ 60% 4.35 3.31 2.78 2.26 1.74 1.13 �t 70% 5.22 3.92 3.22 2.52 1.83 1.31 80% 5.92 4.52 3.65 2.78 1.91 1.57 90% 6.53 5.05 4.18 2.96 2.44 1.74 100% 7.13 5.92 4.87 3.83 2.78 1.83 j( r •:,- 6I ro .mouseOVA „IQ ),N04-7- 3t & -- Ltd St & . , 4 uj: Sz14 t,vc�0 _ L/:3 � -2 % _ ' L5zL 66% J:.31_> (pz% , 3,L3� _ ' 3 CQ ' - LBIo �3 -7o°l©` �'z'Z 70%c-, 3:`12 �'_ ' ---� C-3.Wet Pond 7 Revised: 11-23-2020 21162 GoDog Nov 2021 Drawdown Calculations I Drainage Area = 3.23 AC Norma! Poo! = 29.00 ft Temporary Pool = 31.25 ft Volume to be drawn down = 25,287 CF Drawdown Orifice: Avg. Head = 1/3 of Flood Pool Elev 0.75 ft CD=Coefficient of Discharge 0.60 Drawdown Time= 2.00 days 172,800 s Internal Diameter= 0.21 ft 2.54 in Drawdown Time= 5.00 days 432,000 s Internal Diameter= 0.13 ft 1.60 in Avg Internal Diameter= 2.07 in Design Orifice Diameter= 2.50 in OK! 0.03 ft Design Drawdown rate 0.14 cfs Design Drawdown time 2.06 days /...et) - i . vetj . :14 tf;11441*°‘ t° F Tie FS Date Design NORRIS eic TUNSTALL Wilmington, NC Sheet CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.— Brunswick County, NC Of Check Job For Job No. trODD4\ Zi VOZ, 6 : Ia 1.....-1 1 V i 1 CZA iljatrAtiOiN 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 'ON II = \ifot-177D1 6F1/. .z,-- i44, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N ev. /i.o us.. 1 , 1 1 1 A 1 1 •1 i , , , ! , I 0! ftile.c4AA- , 607600 -e ti Lio 17/6 5.,F-/o.q2),. Zr Mil , -/b,0 ell AL. 6Air'T Cr3 1 I ' bf Z.i 67 1 5F/0,5- if)-4. . 1 1 , 1 1 1 066 1 '07 o57A- 1 1'4 eAs 3041) L 1 . 15 ' 6 / 0111'5 :A-t. ,--1,' Vg2 , 1 1 123-7,. ;1 zo' spl/ be4vi\NI 0.6 , 6 ,ii a§.. i 1 1 I 1 , i 1 4U "8: , , ....., 1 ! 1 In I 1 I ms+-:--(0,q141-0.0(0. 0,`"71 tot F5V 971-0,. --ik2.s. t- 0.z,--5tcoi - I . . 1 1 L ,7I4i I p4. nl 1 II i1 1 1 . { II , . 1 . , titawl* 7. V.) N cs- TABLE H-1 Hydrologic Soil Groups for Local Soil Types Map Hydrologic Soil Type Symbol Soil Group Ba D Bayboro Be A Baymeade Bh * Baymeade-Urban Land Complex Bp * Borrow Pit Cr C Craven DO D Dorovan JO D Johnston Ke A Kenansville Kr A Kureb Ku * Kureb-Urban Land Complex La A Lakeland Le B/D Leon Lo * Leon-Urban Land Complex Ls C Lynchburg Ly B/D Lynn Haven Mp * Mine Pits Mu A/D Murville Nh A Newhan No B Norfolk On B Onslow Pm D Pamlico Pn B/D Pantego Ra BID Rains Rm A Rimini Se A/D Seagate Sb * Seagate-Urban Land Complex St C Stallings TM * Tidal Marsh To C Torhunta Ur * Urban Land Wa A Wakulla Wo B/D Woodington Wr C Wrightsboro * Requires field Judgment A/D Refers to drained/undrained. Sources: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, USDA-SCS, 210-V 1-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986. 5-52 • NEW HANOVER COUNTY STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL SECTION40-RUNOFF DETERMINATION PROCEDURES TABLE 40-5 SCS CURVE NUMBERS FOR VARIOUS COVER CONDITIONS Hydraulic Soil Group Percent Cover Description AB CD Impervious Fully Developed Urban Areas Open Space • Poor Condition(<50%grass) 68 79 86 89 Fair Condition(50-75%grass) 49 69 79 84 Good Condition(>75%grass) 39 61 74 80 Impervious Area Pavement,roofs 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Dirt 72 82 87 89 Urban Districts Commercial and Business .89 92 94 95 85 • Industrial 81 88 91 93 72 Residential Areas(by Lot Size) 1/8 acre(Town Houses) 77 85 90 92 65 1/4 acre • 61 75 83 87 38 1/3 acre 57 72 81 86 30 1/2 acre 54 70 80 85 25 1 acre 51 68 79 84 20 2 acres 46 65 77 82 Agricultural areas 12 Pasture,grassland Poor 68 79 86 89 Fair 49 69 79 84 Good 39 61 74 80 Meadow(mowed) 30 • 58 71 78 Brush Poor 48 67 77 83 Fair 35 56 70 77 Good 32 58 72 79 Woods Poor 45 66 • 77 83 Fair 36 60 • 73 • 79 Good 30 55 70 77 Row Crops,straight,good 67 78 85 89 Row Crops,contoured,good 65 75 82 86 Small Grain,good 63 75 82 86 Farmsteads 59 74 82 86 • Source: SCS TR-55 (SCS, 1986) i ADOPTRD SEPTEMBER.5, 2000 PAGE 40-8 < IS > <2S > PRE-DEVELOPMENT POST DEV LOPMENT �►P POND AND FOREBAY Subca Reach, on j jnk Drainage Diagram for 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 1 / Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 9 yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 2 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1 S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=0.48" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=0.84 cfs 0.129 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=2.09" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=8.22 cfs 0.563 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=30.61' Storage=17,421 cf Inflow=8.22 cfs 0.563 af Primary=0.20 cfs 0.549 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.20 cfs 0.549 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=0.692 af Average Runoff Depth =1.29" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 11124-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 3 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 0.84 cfs @ 12.26 hrs, Volume= 0.129 af, Depth= 0.48" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Area (ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le & Ly SOILS IN "B" CONDITION Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 09 LRunoff 0.85 o.84 da - :-_ it - . 0.6 .. . Type III 24-hr 1 yr0.75 .. Rainfall=3.87" 0.7 0.65 Runoff Area=3.230-ac 06 Runoff Volume=0129 of ' 0.55 0.5 Runoff Ds. th= 0.45 `. Li 0.4 Tc=12:0min . 0.35 0.3' CN=55 0.25 • 0.2 0.15 0.05 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 5456 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr I yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 4 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 8.22 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.563 af, Depth= 2.09" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Area (ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF. ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD 'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph MCI Runoff 8= Type III ,24-h r 1 yr 7: .{ - .- Rainfall=3:87” r Runoff.Area=3.230-.ac- 6 r Runoff Volume=0.563 of 5- I. Runoff Depth=2.09" LL 4= Tc=5:0 Min 3- CN=82 2 1.. L .,,e„, ........p„,„ ./ ,/,./..„ . 0 +^+-f-7iT�T+tiRTr , Tm�-r ...........�,.,.,.�.,�..,m.� : �...�..._r�,-;-�,�.. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34.36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 5 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 2.09" for 1 yr event Inflow = 8.22 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.563 af Outflow = 0.20 cfs @ 17.42 hrs, Volume= 0.549 af, Atten=98%, Lag= 320.8 min Primary = 0.20 cfs @ 17.42 hrs, Volume= 0.549 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 30.61' @ 17.42 hrs Surf.Area- 11,925 sf Storage= 17,421 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 1,065.2 min calculated for 0.549 af(97% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 1,050.1 min ( 1,876.6-826.4) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recaic) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0' long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=28.00' S=0.0303 'P Cc=0.900 n= 0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert. Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50' H Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00' Horiz. Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0' long x 10.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 rimary OutFlow Max=0.20 cfs @ 17.42 hrs HW=30.61' (Free Discharge) =Culvert (Passes 0.20 cfs of 5.86 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.20 cfs @ 5.9 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) -Orifice/Grate Top Box ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) 4-5=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1 yr Rainfall=3.87" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 6 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrograph A Inflow .- 8.22cIa I • - ---- -- - - - - - -.:. - _ Outflow • 9 Inflow Area=3 230 ac. _°se ,, 8: Peak Elev=30-.61 Storage=17,421 cf- 7 " 6 , t 5 LL 4 3 . 2 o.aoda ",:...- ._.._. .: ,f 4 !/�/{r •.7,. 0 2 4�6 8 10 12 14 16 1620.22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 7 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=0.00" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=0.35" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=1.17 cfs 0.093 af Pond 3P: POND AND FORE3AY Peak Elev=29.23' Storage=2,305 cf Inflow=1.17 cfs 0.093 af Primary=0.06 cfs 0.088 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.088 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=0.093 af Average Runoff Depth =0.17" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 8 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT [45] Hint: Runoff=Zero Runoff = 0.00 cfs a@ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af, Depth= 0.00" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Area (ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le& Ly SOILS IN "B" CONDITION Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph a Runoff Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Volume=0.000 af Runoff Depth=0.00" LL Tc=12.0 min CN=55 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 9 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 1.17 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.093 af, Depth= 0.35" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Area (ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF. ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD 'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph ❑Runoff HEM Type 111:24=hr 1.5-inch 1 ��' Rainfall=t50 Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Volume=0.093 af Runoff Depth 0.35 Tc=5.0 min CN=82 0 �i i -.� - - � �i�iii �Iii/��/�T�ii� ii /ii�� 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 10 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 0.35" for 1.5-inch event Inflow = 1.17 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.093 af Outflow = 0.06 cfs @ 16.45 hrs, Volume= 0.088 af, Atten= 95%, Lag= 261.8 min Primary = 0.06 cfs @ 16.45 hrs, Volume= 0.088 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 29.23' @ 16.45 hrs Surf.Area= 10,066 sf Storage=2,305 cf Plug-Flow detention time=662.3 min calculated for 0.088 af(94%of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time=634.1 min ( 1,515.9-881.8 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recaic) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0'long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=28.00' S= 0.0303 '/' Cc=0.900 n= 0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50' H Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00' Horiz. Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=0.06 cfs @ 16.45 hrs HW=29.23' (Free Discharge) ti=Culvert (Passes 0.06 cfs of 0.26 cfs potential flow) -2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.06 cfs @ 1.7 fps) 2=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) -4=Orifice/Grate Top Box ( Controls 0.00 cfs) econdary OutFlov► Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 1.5-inch Rainfall=1.50" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 11 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrograph t ti cfs Inflow i I Outflow Infl©w Area=3.230 ac! os d ry Peak Ele.v=29.23'- Storage=2,305 cf 1- F. !. _r D.D3 do 24 2 .-..- ... 0 2 4 B 8 012141618 20 22 6 �r. 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 4450 52 54 56 586062 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 12 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=0.74" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=1.64 cfs 0.200 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=2.64" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=10.35 cfs 0.710 of Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=31.03' Storage=22,525 cf Inflow=10.35 cfs 0.710 af Primary=0.23 cfs 0.688 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.23 cfs 0.688 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=0.909 af Average Runoff Depth = 1.69" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 13 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 1.64 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume= 0.200 af, Depth= 0.74" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Area (ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le & Ly SOILS IN "B" CONDITION Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 1 S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph t8acta iJ Runde d Type III 24-lir 2 year .Rainfall=4.50 o0 Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Volume=0.200 of 1 Runoff Depth=0.747 o � LT. Tc=12.0 min CN=55 0/L- _s 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 111 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 14 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 10.35 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.710 af, Depth= 2.64" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Area (ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF. ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 11- I . C Runoff 0 107 Type III -24-hr 2: fear. Rainfall=4.50 Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Volume=0.7:10-af 6- Runoff Dlepth=2:64"- LL 5: Tc=5.0 min 47 CN=82... r6 3 2- , 1- � f r ZZ 2 �'rr_• rrrY;,rTrTT ri>>irrr�rm�rrr,., �.i 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 36 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 15 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 2.64" for 2 year event Inflow = 10.35 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.710 af Outflow = 0.23 cfs @ 17.67 hrs, Volume= 0.688 af, Atten=98%, Lag= 335.9 min Primary = 0.23 cfs @ 17.67 hrs, Volume= 0.688 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev=31.03' @ 17.67 hrs Surf.Area= 12,476 sf Storage=22,525 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 1,183.7 min calculated for 0.688 af(97% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 1,166.8 min ( 1,986.6- 819.8 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recaic) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0'long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=28.00' S= 0.0303'I' Cc=0.900 n=0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50' H Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00' Horlz. Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0' long x 10.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=0.23 cfs @ 17.67 hrs HW=31.03' (Free Discharge) t=Culvert (Passes 0.23 cfs of 6.99 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.23 cfs @ 6.7 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) -4=Orifice/Grate Top Box ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) T 5=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type lii 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 16 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrograph l io.asas I n Inflow Li Outflow Inflow Area ® =3 2 ac L Primary 11 ©Secondary ,0- - Peak EIev=31.03': torage=..22,525 S cf 8 . o _ U. 5 q 3 2 0.xsda 1 �"/./�/�_. :6'13, //:9/ / X:0/ /•�7%Wj /i'' ;/7 '/ 0.00ds- 2 4 6 8 10121416 18 20 22 2426 28 30 32 3436 38 4042 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 17 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SOS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1 S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=2.12" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=6.12 cfs 0.572 of Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=4.92" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=18.99 cfs 1.323 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=31.69' Storage=31,021 cf Inflow=18.99 cfs 1.323 af Primary=3.08 cfs 1.293 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=3.08 cfs 1.293 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume= 1.895 af Average Runoff Depth =3.52" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 18 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 6.12 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume= 0.572 af, Depth= 2.12" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Area (ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le & Ly SOILS IN "B" CONDITION Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 1 S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 9 Runoff 6- Type III 24-hr 10 year Raiilnfall=7_.00" 5- / Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Volume=0:572 of 4- � Runoff Depth=2.12°° a l - 3 i Tc=12.0 min _._ CN=55 2- 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 19 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 18.99 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 1.323 af, Depth= 4.92" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Area (ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF. ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 21: 20_' . - �asscra Runoff 191 Type III 24-hr 18 10 year . . Rai nfall=7.00" 161 , 15: • Runoff Area=3.230 ac 14= 134 Runoff:Volume=1.323:of Runoff Depth=4.-92" 0 10' G. Tc=5:0-min .. CN=82- ' 6 . 5=` r' 3= 2' % 2 4 6 8 101214 16 18 26 22 24 26 28 30 3 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 6'0 62 64 6 '� e (hours) 6 68 70 72 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 20 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 4.92" for 10 year event Inflow = 18.99 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 1.323 af Outflow = 3.08 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume= 1.293 af, Atten= 84%, Lag= 28.2 min Primary = 3.08 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume= 1.293 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-lnd method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 31.69' @ 12.54 hrs Surf.Area= 13,347 sf Storage= 31,021 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 811.0 min calculated for 1.293 af(98% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 797.3 min ( 1,599.4-802.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recaic) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0' long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert=28.00' S=0.0303 '/' Cc=0.900 n= 0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50' H Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00' Horiz. Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0'long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=3.08 cfs @ 12.54 hrs HW=31.69' (Free Discharge) t.Culvert (Passes 3.08 cfs of 8.49 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.26 cfs @ 7.7 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 2.81 cfs @ 2.1 fps) --4=Orifice/Grate Top Box ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) t5=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=7.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 21 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrograph +ass crs ray Inflow . ' Outflow 2,= Inflow Area.=330 L��:2 !ac: - Primary Secondary 19 :. - Peak;:Elev=31:.6.9.:: 18= Storage 31- -021 cf- 16 15'. - . 13 • c 10' " - 8 7. . 6i - 3.08ch 5- 3.oser� 4. • 3 >,. f 0 2 4 6 8 10121416 18 2022 24 26 28 30 32 3436 38 404244464350 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 6668 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type Ill 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 22 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=2.82" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=8.38 cfs 0.759 af Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=5.91" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=22.65 cfs 1.590 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=31.96' Storage=34,726 cf Inflow=22.65 cfs 1.590 af Primary=5.13 cfs 1.559 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=5.13 cfs 1.559 af Total Runoff Area= 6.460 ac Runoff Volume=2.349 af Average Runoff Depth =4.36" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 23 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT. Runoff = 8.38 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.759 af, Depth= 2.82" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Area (ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le & Ly SOILS IN "B" CONDITION Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 0 Runoff 18.3 chi$ )... . 8- Type III 24-hr 25'year.. �... Rainfall=8.05°° 7 Runoff Area:=3.230ac ._ 0 Runoff Volume=0.759 af t 5- Runoff Depth=2.82 LL 4- Tc=12.0 min 3 f CN=55. 1 0 • 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 24 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 22.65 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 1.590 af, Depth= 5.91" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Area (ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF. ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 25 24 ❑Runoff 22.66 ds 23 22 Type III 24-hr 25 year 21 20 Rainfall.=8.05„ 19 18 Runoff Area=3:230 ac 17 15 Runoff Volume=1 _.. . .. 16 :590 of 14 13 �. Runoff Depth=591"- 3 112u. 3 Tc=5.0.:m in 10 9. . CN=82 8 i 7. 6 5 3' 2fy o . .. -. ,; ���////�f///J///!///!f!f/1!//!f/ff///f ,. .,.. , . T T•ri ri r. �"ii!�'f.644 .., is a.�Yr:�,, 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 25 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ®2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 5.91" for 25 year event Inflow = 22.65 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 1.590 af Outflow = 5.13 cfs @ 12.47 hrs, Volume= 1.559 af, Atten= 77%, Lag=23.7 min Primary = 5.13 cfs @ 12.47 hrs, Volume= 1.559 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Peak Elev=31.96' @ 12.47 hrs Surf.Area= 13,839 sf Storage= 34,726 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 687.7 min calculated for 1.559 af(98%of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 676.1 min ( 1,473.1 - 797.0 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0' long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert= 28.00' S= 0.0303'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50' H Vert. Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00' Horiz. Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C=0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0' long x 10.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=5.13 cfs @ 12.47 hrs HW=31.96' (Free Discharge) 1- =Culvert (Passes 5.13 cfs of 9.03 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.28 cfs @ 8.1 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 4.85 cfs @ 3.2 fps) -Orifice/Grate Top Box ( Controls 0.00 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=8.05" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 26 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrograph - - . ;. . El Inflow I • r�Outflow Inflow Area 3.230 :ac OSrime Secondary ry 24 as .Peak: E.Iev=31.9-6' ao Storage=34a726-cf 18 16 F, 14 12 • 10 . 8 ands .... I5.13de 2 oao cfs • o . ! /// //. ff/. . ././... �. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14'16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 27 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment IS: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=4.23" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=12.93 cfs 1.138 of Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=7.78" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=29.41 cfs 2.093 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=32.44' Storage=41,548 cf Inflow=29.41 cfs 2.093 af Primary=9.92 cfs 2.061 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=9.92 cfs 2.061 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=3.231 af Average Runoff Depth =6.00" 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 28 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 12.93 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 1.138 af, Depth= 4.23" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Area (ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le & Ly SOILS IN "B" CONDITION Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph Runoff 1193de• 13= 12 Type III 24-hr 100 year 11- • Rainfall=1 0:00°° 10- • Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Volume=1.138 of 3 7= Runoff Depth=4.23" . F. 6- f Tc=12.0 min 5 CN=55 • • 2- • 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40{42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 29 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 29.41 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 2.093 af, Depth= 7.78" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Area (ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF. ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph /.. .: 32= ®Runoff • 30= 26 Type III 24 h_ " r 100;year 243- Rainfall=10.00" 24= 22 Runoff Area=3.230 ac-- 20- Runoff Volume=2.093 af -- Runoff Depth=-7.78" . 016- . LL 14= Tc=5.0 m i n CN=82_.. 10_ 8; ►� . 4 I-- 2= .� 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 30 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 7.78" for 100 year event Inflow = 29.41 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 2.093 af Outflow = 9.92 cfs @ 12.34 hrs, Volume= 2.061 af, Atten=66%, Lag= 16.1 min Primary = 9.92 cfs @ 12.34 hrs, Volume= 2.061 af Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 32.44' @ 12.34 hrs Surf.Area= 14,569 sf Storage=41,548 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 539.5 min calculated for 2.061 af(98% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 530.4 min ( 1,319.8- 789.4 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recaic) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 29.00' 15.0" x 33.0' long Culvert CMP, square edge headwall, Ke=0.500 Outlet Invert= 28.00' S= 0.0303'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 #2 Device 1 29.00' 2.5"Vert. Orifice/Grate C=0.600 #3 Device 1 31.25' 3.00'W x 0.50' H Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 32.25' 4.00'x 4.00' Horiz. Orifice/Grate Top Box Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 #5 Secondary 32.50' 30.0' long x 10.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 primary OutFlow Max=9.92 cfs @ 12.34 hrs HW=32.44' (Free Discharge) 1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 9.92 cfs @ 8.1 fps) -2=Orifice/Grate (Passes < 0.30 cfs potential flow) -3=Orifice/Grate (Passes <6.99 cfs potential flow) -4=Orifice/Grate Top Box (Passes <4.43 cfs potential flow) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 1.00 hrs HW=29.00' (Free Discharge) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 21162 Pond Routing NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 31 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrograph i Li Inflow 29.41cfs -- -- -- - - -- Outflow Inflow Area=3:230-.a:c 32 Secondary 30 'Peak: Elev=32.44' 28.. 26 = - - -Storage 41�,548 cf 24 22 _ 20 - - . • 18 --- ...._.. 3 16 - .. - •:... ; . , - - 9.92 cfs . 12 9.92 ds , • - 10 -- 8 6 4 .. rt� al���l 111 ��f y���� f f� //��ee4�r lit!. . 2 4 6 8 10121416 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58.60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) < Is > PRE-DEVELOPMENT POST DEV LOPMENT A POND AND FOREBAY Subca/ Reach on Drainage Diagram for 21162 Pond Routing(Spillway)NOV 2021 I J Prepared by NORRIS&TUNSTALL HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 0 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 21162 Pond Routing (Spillway) NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 2 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=1.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=4.23" Tc=12.0 min CN=55 Runoff=12.93 cfs 1.138 of Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=3.230 ac Runoff Depth=7.78" Tc=5.0 min CN=82 Runoff=29.41 cfs 2.093 af Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Peak Elev=32.77' Storage=46,440 cf Inflow=29.41 cfs 2.093 af Outflow=10.78 cfs 1.120 af Total Runoff Area=6.460 ac Runoff Volume=3.231 af Average Runoff Depth=6.00" 21162 Pond Routing (Spillway) NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 3 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 12.93 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 1.138 af, Depth= 4.23" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II! 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Area (ac) CN Description 3.230 55 Le &Ly SOILS IN "B" CONDITION Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry, User entry Subcatchment 1S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 14 0 Runoff ._ 12.93 cfa 12= Type III 24-hr 100 year „= Rainfail=10:00" off Area=3:230._ad Runof Volume=1.138 af Runoff Depth=4.23" 3 7- a 8- _ Tc=12.0 min 5- . CN=55 4- 34 2_ `1 - 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2.4 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 84 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing (Spillway) NOV 2021 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 4 HydroCAD®7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Runoff = 29.41 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 2.093 af, Depth= 7.78" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Area (ac) CN Description 1.500 98 IMP 0.370 85 TURF. ASSUMED AS GRAVEL 1.230 61 OPEN SPACE GOOD'B' 0.130 98 Future Imp. 3.230 82 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, USER ENTRY Subcatchment 2S: POST DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph 32 • Runoff 30 2s.41 cre 28- Type_ III 24=hr 100 year 26 Rainfall=10.00".. 24 2 . Runoff Area=3.230 ac 20 • Runoff Volume=2:0:93 af t 18 • - . noff:16 o 14 Tc=5.0 min • 12 CN=.82 10 8. 6 • 2= 0 f Uk ff r — i�tifi��/i��lriri/iiii/ri�/1iice/ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 21162 Pond Routing (Spillway) NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS &TUNSTALL Page 5 HydroCAD D 7.10 s/n 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Inflow Area = 3.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 7.78" for 100 year event Inflow = 29.41 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 2.093 af Outflow = 10.78 cfs @ 12.31 hrs, Volume= 1.120 af, Atten= 63%, Lag= 14.2 min Primary = 10.78 cfs @ 12.31 hrs, Volume= 1.120 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 1.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 32.77' @ 12.31 hrs Surf.Area= 15,063 sf Storage=46,440 cf Plug-Flow detention time=223.2 min calculated for 1.120 af(54% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 113.6 min (903.0- 789.4 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 29.00' 49,900 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 29.00 9,758 0 0 30.00 11,083 10,421 10,421 31.00 12,467 11,775 22,196 31.25 12,551 3,127 25,323 32.00 13,907 9,922 35,245 33.00 15,403 14,655 49,900 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 32.50' 30.0' long x 10.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=10.76 cfs @ 12.31 hrs HW=32.77' (Free Discharge) Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 10.76 cfs @ 1.3 fps) I oak 21162 Pond Routing (Spillway) NOV 2021 Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=10.00" Prepared by NORRIS & TUNSTALL Page 6 HydroCAD®7.10 sin 000479 ©2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 3P: POND AND FOREBAY Hydrograph 32- 129.41 ds i inflow • Inflow Area =3.230 230 sac: 2:77' 26- Peak; Elev--3 e-4 22tO.rag Storage=46,440 20= 18- g 16- LL 14= 12-. (1O.7aas 10= 8_ . 8- 4- 2- _- 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2.6 28 30 32 34 36.38 40 42 44 46 48 50.52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 Time (hours) 0 cv N I E W 03 r W � O 0 0 O. c\N, Qo Im▪ w / ▪MN 019 c U, 0 L � 0 V) C X co .•11 0 N L ui LL .- a) a 8 c q cci j '" N Cc) V O CD co N. _5 U 0 U 0 0 0 0 C.) CC CC 0 H p co N a) O t S O O O O N O CD 8 V. E - in CO 0) 0) COS) M N M C0�) r V co xs O N O O O 0 O O O O 0 C �} N r O c cc (7 ao co M co M p1 CO C) C0') COS) C09 4) IC) Mr (0 r CD I� .- CD V. r ID Cc) N O CO M co CO co coC coM C') co0 co coN m W COo, o 6 fp n CD CO 00) 0 00) N = C - co• CN+) C+D 0) C•N) M Cam) M C) CV G M CO r-. O O O O piti r O 8 O C`D 8 O N - a) O n a) C)) si m n - N N N CO Cr) CO CO CO r) N G W a) 0 v o 0 0 0 Co u0), CO o E t QC ^, n I. a0 Oi 10 r N N N N N C') CO CO"N 0) N Z S. CO .- Co') co co co co co O ccO o u) Of r C') O ti O O — r r r CV CV r O .- r (L N N 0 (C) O CO O If) 0 0 Ca) .... CC) 0 r CO 'DOD O0D N. CN") C() Ps T. a C~i Pf CV CV co C') CM C+) C+) CN C a ii V CO pN4� 1- 0 e• 0- Co CO 1n N CV a 3 X S O C C� CI o a O 2 Z II H r — M r m CO sr a r r m v c .cII ‘- N C) N cc! 0) c.' 0! N N c) V C:. CD CO CO N. CO CC) N N. N I . 0 C es 1 CD sl 0) 0 COO 0 0 0 0 W D) ai ao 66 co 6 uiN } _ �II 1- O m C O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 c E u) u) ui ui u) ui u) ui it; u) a E coa0 0) COO tO CD N. r a0 N- O r O O CO O N N © 0r ci ci r r ci O 0 O ct M ri ..c. co N. N- a0 O co CD D) CD ti r co O 0 N r O 0 0 CON N O 103 Q C CO C O O 0 O O O O O c — O m a0 ar0 O.; n N 10 a00 CO p) O to ui irev (1 O C O O O C C O O O + C7 N O CI) C? CD O a0 Ni o Cti • 0V' C+) N. N CO ri 6) a0 N N Ls. I.- W. N Ni C O r N- C7 ci C O _E QD '- :.. 0) CO N O O CD CO O 00 N 03 O N N N O O aO N N E t) g. N0 C � O O O O O O O O O O 0 r oW OOOOOOOOOO O O OOO NIICDO 0 J Nri m Lc) N N CCO 0 N C C W 8 E A W r N C•) N O CD N. CD M . 0 C 1.J ni 0 0 F e Cl) y =1 r N CO V CO CD F- CO CI) 0 a Z r m 0 S ca 0. 1V o e c y J r N r) v o (0 QQ (03 n U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 te o "' 0 W ? _ It)), 0 0 0 0 Or N o COO 10) ca E - CO M CO C tri WO cn N ('W9 M co0 CO r re 4) W 'O O 1p o 0 0 0 O N O 00 0 0 goN N (49 CO CC0 COO CW9 CCOO C0 ce 0) N VW,' ON) 119 N. N 1.I0- wt > > coN co( M to N co V) C09 C9 C0 W J CO CO IC) W 10 0) 0 r 0 0) W st r Cr) r C.) 0 N. 0 C') C r N ') C7 M 'It 10 10 U) co = 0 - co CO CO 0.7 CO CI) CO Cr) CO CO O 0 0 0 0 0 C9 0 0ili N 0 O O (O 10 0 n . C > > N N Na; M (r) CNr) M W a, N O W • _ O N 0 0 0 0 (0 1C CO 0 .0 (O O 7 C Q N N N N N CI; C9 M CO N Z O _ CO 00 C7 M 0 CO 0 0 cq W) N O> r CO O 1. O O CO F r r r ' CH ....:in r O r r S. d N N CD 0 CO CO 10 10 0 0 0 ... Cy 10. N 0 'N CO sr V. CM CD A N CD — X N.O. 0 aro, 100 0 coM CWO .0 (�w co0 N .- co• ,- m co U) N CV b CO II D nniA 10 W CO CO — N. r N: 1` to sr N r m ..a) 11 C I� N N CO N 0) 0) O N N N O W^ h N n to N. h to Co CC! Cp to I N C: 0 O 0 CI N CDO 0 0 E E ci CO CO IC) K) Cfl IC) ui 0 to } (n C) 'g ~ z C o o o O o O o O O O e C E 1Ci u) ui ui 10 6 ui ILi ui u) E0. E to coW to 0 toCD P CO I v) r O O CO 10 N N 0 1- r 0 0 r r 0 O 0 0 re ■— la1` (0 0 CO 0 0) a0 �(� a C O N .- O O O 1 /� 100 N N C 4V 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 S amo 0 _ �0p co 0 m COO CO CO coN N COD 0 (O W0 00) (0) () O O O O O o C ci O C + E co N 0 o) CO co 60 CO N es (7 sr CO P N co Cl O) co N Cl L E F .W.. N CV 0 O 1- r O 0 O O E C a In' E0 t) V CO N N N 0 0 � Coo N N Ca r T CO C 10 C C G O C C C3 C O C7 ul) pi w� O O O 0 QO O O O O O N O _ O O O O `'' O 0 O O 0 cci en m 11 —,,., nl CO N CO W r r Cy 'y m 9 d C L C HJ C LL LU r N 0 N 10 CO N. CO C.) CO O O I- co— r e a z is coJ r N C) sr u) CO I` Co coO r m cog as o C N C r N CV '�t U) COCO CDIs• co U U U U O 0 p 0 Ce Ce 0 th N > 0) 0 0 O 0 0 0 O U) 0 O O (11 W Q N 0 CO co a r p coN M co co N C7 C�1 M M C'9 d E co mc 0 in O O O co .- N r ul O 0 8 G $ N COC N CO COC Cr) CO+) Cw') CV M ct 7 CD �CMy� C'.�}) CO CO N M N N CV�) 0) N s 0 C M M M coc coO CO co M N. M in co J 4 — N M N CO0 00) 0) OD) U0) Z Q C M M co coc N C'7 com M com coc O V 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 CD n- iri C c > > . CCVV N N M C) CO C'') C��) 07 CI 'S o 0 O 1• G O 0 O m M m O E 7 C Q N N N N N M C) CC) C) N Z as 0' 7 M O O OCOill V; 0) NO ip r r r r CV CV r r ‘- CO a NC N N co co CO CO 0 U) 0 0 fA C..ID' p O O A ? M - U0) M ti x 0 T. a U1 N M r U) U; ui Ni 6 o. II a. rn OD n 0 m co rn w a a1q pp csi v m r r r3 v M N Oi m CO Uf CV CV •m CO N Cc) N O N ClN CO 11 O330 co - U) r 0) O) co U) N N 'd 0 C t CO m 0) CO CO U) co co CO CO :^.. ? ai CL) CD 0) 0) 0) co 0) co 0) 00 r Csr N 0) 0 r 0 N. 0 0 0 CD. co n N Co CG u) U) U) U) p V I- % C o o O O O O O O O O a c E 6 U) 6 6 6 U) u) u) 6 u) . E 0 Tti O CO 0) CO r 0 0 0 N N M 0! n '0 r O O mte ® 0 F r C] C .- .- o C o C >K cocV ■ C7 �� 0 N. 9, N a- O CO CO N N t C!a a C 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 �C co CO 10 m CO CO CO 0 COO COD CO 00) CD ir 0 V C C C C O C O C O O + W O V V CV N N C0+) C+) Om) CO CO N E 15 L a l I•- .�_. tV N G G r r C C Q Q co /.+ • I ... �u E v v COO N N N 0 0 r COD CON N N. a C 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 C7 C7 co O N W 0 0 O O 00 0 NiO r1 CO C _ 0 OO C0 r pmSmN E rC ... $ N N COM m 0i 2 Sim -,.0 H J IL 4- N C+) N 10 m C• CO CVLL ® t N F_ i 0 C o *D J a- N CO V 10 CD Is- CO 0) Dr d Z I 1 Date Design NOR1ZIS & TUNSTALL Wilmington, NC Sheet CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.— Brunswick County, NC Of Check Job , f\ For Job No. &-Z- . 1 1 e,' cc '/N,4'H I 1 . e- ,Ci ' 414414i00 5 ; r— a!i , &1/4, .. .1 __ r, 44 ---- 1 ''. 17) pr- 1' 124,11-1 . )114\ 1436 iillz\ — .) 7171 us 0176- 1 ---a---- --P;(11% ‘ ; '34- 13----Fr$ ( I 1 I ° UttrZ 1 . 7-51cLi !cAree-j z q!06 Z-et l'-- ' ; 1 I 1 : I z 7 1;1 „zr1 \ l 7 zo , L , 61-8- 1' a 0, 0k sc 0.2 t 1 . ieit tA 1 ' , ge.fr q6izei 7 0 S :. —re*tv 1 are-ejr:= JO, 13 1 gi-kr7 I Li/3'i i ..4.i 12.12,7 i ., . ' -.- -. (041E'' 4 '----- laq5 f. tU- - ' r 7- ----- 0 .4:30 5- t,t5e 0,Z\ 1 )0,44.3 , cicif , 10e113 : -6-216:ed145\14- ,3761'-I 10,i15 -i-1 --61-2k lb,Z1':-- 0,-7 2 .--t use 07 3 o vv i werq . !1047 it : I I r • 0 , a 1 Lt5r-• a 2- `0A-egAd 75i_k 1 auf-42 --714 -7? -517-'1 -----1 . 1 ; , , I 1 1 1 11,6,?2:4_0,iy.,-) , 65.; c$e_„ 0:317 1 401? 1 -1 1 'OCk1616'' "e3-fal ' cutzi 111 9 A c 0 ..2- zHf u5(.. , • _ .0 ii 7 - I0. e}ea.,-_-:i '5--il, 7-, 1 , .-7-I91 / 4 1 ( 27 7iI3 i 3il7 li-i('-/q1- 51 1 0001 13' , di; Of Oft to ! , ' 1 1 . . loo04 id/we-v.045 --_,--_ --, L.L, 4 0.1,s-- 1 i 1 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®AutoCAD®Civil 3D®by Autodesk,Inc. Tuesday, Nov 23 2021 21162 Blind Swale Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.00, 3.00 Depth (ft) = 0.35 Total Depth (ft) = 0.50 Q (cfs) = 0.140 Area (sqft) = 0.37 Invert Elev (ft) = 28.00 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.38 Slope (%) = 0.04 Wetted Perim (ft) = 2.21 N-Value = 0.022 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.17 Top Width (ft) = 2.10 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.35 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.14 1 O(441.-Ovii F per( Oeg c.0 , VC 444iu.', Elev (ft) Depth ft Section p ( ) 29.00 1.00 28.75 0.75 28.50 - ... 0.50 7 Y .1FL'TF�O�C+FI:IfC�vii :�`:.'yF_�'AYd.4iiAYM�/T.SIYlr?s"tir� 28.25 N ,7 0.25 R Fr I 28.00 0.00 27.75 - ' -0.25 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Reach (ft) NEWIYANOYER COUNTY STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL SECTION S0-PIPE SYSTEM DESIGN PROCEDURES FIGURE 50-14 NEW YORK DOT DISSIPATER METTHOD FOR USE IN DEFINED CHANNELS Source: `Bank and Channel Lining Procedures",New York Department of Transportation,Division of Design and Construction. 1971 Note: To use the following chart you must know: 1) Q full capacity 2) Qio 3) V full 4) V10 Where Q=discharge in cfs and V=velocity in fps. ESTIMATION OF STONE SIZE AND DIMENSIONS FOR CULVERT.APRONS Step 1) Compute flow velocity V.at culvert or paved channel outlet. • Step 2) For pipe culverts D.is diameter For pipe arch,arch and box culverts,and paved channel outlets, Do=( )112,where A.=cross-sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts,use D0= 1.25 x Do of s' e culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10%or steeper,use recommendations for next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). •33'RiAit mntzt lrllx7fl lIII i na➢wmart. ca r=Ln WsiYn t>t v�guc nest lannutrl l:1c+i� ti-u�;n.- nR>�>:a-.0 curl aaiva. ., i�T'.1.`.F!l LtYl ll'`l1S Ylf2�iilRCillhaNlEL=IIII.T3S:i'3II L^l a nnunn in-wq:1Lp�y •,f: ••!Ci!LIlVAj1Z7➢Pa k�Lu1:IIZ fFM'aFiT ill llSi Zr �II'7T.i�J tiY►C rs_yn A�Saa =naic�r-�iIlly�.a,3iS�aZ�Ir:n er rrnyn]na.4 tl'lt�tiill^ �7T"-1`Fy]ly e n 95['1 `.,,rRiupcEIZLY'y5.1 A-IIIItriaa�QySt,� __Q`lfrYlyr• :. • .,:-,fir �l aID Lr1FLh� E-n rt'OLG�#411#Plif410*§Slil_• '„Lr• '1L lt2 ❑A � Alt.`1KI:G4-'.Q➢D9IlEa tin YINpq�L�1C4L1aSA T,- . Ril fl- X•-�I If':III1i-T'R'Q2la}I1fI3fr_I rt_. ' jti�CaaC^^j�iiCyyy(f 1:F'Th�qI O t•U .1-ll711W1i Tl,IT�nJ�C.t_4YS1➢got W. kiA • r an IItl1iF e:•TV.rdOni.l ,..rininnn.,pLvi_ lY 1^' '+ � :•�•�. Yi'7f.'/F: c_`I F�IILli'Lff➢lS:�9Y'-nn RK IP,17..('1L C,'N In Lli• h_"'Ll13nL3 • 'IF i[3 c1'h:� e4 a• tad • !.•C...3�5`LL71L,�Ci't ti�arli"SCLllLd tiIII LEarL lIICC1YIIi 4.1LAtl �•r.{- :ylt�Ll-....nnAte,oF,.•.L=I.i t1LIIlS SyO yr�'y1SP.+.YTi'IYI:Cr GLl`.7.4rniii n•inLni.tnuutan " " ...:11 1C7-�Q IILF7 M11h""`4, t'inBC kRiY�.Aa73,yiRwl�. .L.+ a3L nn riA b'.YM LIL2 EP T:. IAIIET➢➢T C1'fi.Y l $:cYtF by lJ dlfS-4➢..,II Rit;4'J•}'.g .0 __ CIXla Fi �i�R�JL R Lr.L iiS�Jt111J1i[II7 n.N Rt w,it =AT 1r2NU nt `• ➢� -QN�➢llZIIE➢_.._:ELut�IIt. lT.lilf • ccerv��-ezrr..�t NU_ rtsz� • y R • •-ram � ..�e� ire ,CS➢ 74a.,msha axitt. acnacn JY ttlin i [Y➢I3YEYgr.n V Funriri Sapa .F4i HardQ-Qj���L�' s�pII ,rj 1 tic• .r➢ —rrt•S1if RJ'nn t tir._¢.11 ➢Sr .rtnzilarSi��.Mnf tar lrtt ic rumpnrcx➢sasa linI x261-T-i.u•A . • , EYEF'04.j •. '• • ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 PAGE 50-25 NEW HANOVER COUNTY STORM WATER DESIGNMINUAL SECTION SO-PIPE SYSTEM DESIGN PROCED URES ••w FIGURE 50-15 EIPEAP APRON DIM ENSION R1i;QUlEMENTS LENGTH OF APRON TO PREVENT SCOUR XONE APRON MATERIAL CULVERT PROTECT • HOLE USE L2 CULVERT ALWAYS 7 STONE FILLING FINE LI L2 2 STONE FILLING UG CLASS A 3 X D° 4 X D° 3 STONE FILLING EDIUIy CLASS B 3 X D° 6 X b° 4 STONE FILLING HEA CLASS 1 4 X D° • 8 X D° 5 STONE•FILUNG HEA CLASS 1 4 X D° 8 X b, . 6 STONE FILLING HEA CLASS 2 6 X D° 10 X D°, CLASS 6XD° 10XDo Width=3 times pipe diameter(min) DETERMINATION OF STONE SIZE FOR DUMPED STONE CHANNEL LIFTING AND REVETMENTS . Step 1) Use figure F-18a to d etennine maximuq m stone size(e.g.for 12 fps or 550 lbs. Step 2) Use figure F-18b to determine acceptable size range for stone(for 12 fps it is 125-500•lbs.For 75%of stone,and the maximum and minimum range in weight should be 25-500 lbs.) NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone use the following coefficients of roughness:linings and revetment, Diameter Manning's Minimum Thickness (inches) `le, of lining n(i ches) Fine 0.0319.: 3 •Light 6 0.035 12 Medium 13 12 . 188 Heavy0.040 18 •24 23 0.044 30 36 (Channels) (Dissipaters) Source: Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual,NC Department •of NIZCD,Land Quality Section,September 1988,rev. 12/93. ADOPTED S ITEMBRR 5,2000 PAGE 50-26 Date Design N•RRIs & i UNSTALL Wilmington,g , NC Sheet CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. Brunswick County, NC Of Check Job For Job No. ho,....„ I 7-7-.) ' ! 1 1 I Jpe ()1 -5 ,p64,i/lIrr- ; 64lci,Lk+i o n s I j ' FiE. I *c I 1 'i I . I �_ ,iii'i-- I . I 1 i 1 j 1 velott jQ110- =16-, r / �=1 � 1 • i t I`.-7 1 �e Z I 1 _ I I _ l I 1 i 1 i 6 x rz - iii 1 ik)iljrh: -7 )(00 --: i -5 Cam ` I ICI (�. � 'r (SI I I 1 1 2 1 Aix" . ��1 1 1�5�. /2 ` � !d` x J?'" GL, Vetor C 10 341Ar C A. �,.10 Viz - Z 9. i / : _ I J I '7 \ 1 1 � i i I � 1 1 44-)'. IL/ X64, .-'1 #x I, ia' 17mil' I i; ,' I s ) 00 _ I , i ,L .� , I 1 � ��P . I �1n,. i 1 - ) 1z- 1 I I 1 '-2 ee6est-e0 j, )4 -i7G11 X AZ."' 61.14g Oredl ! (01 :/ ?' X "Z " 1-2- 1 I j 0.'-ice 5 . - I I i 1 I 1 bke = 1-;, T 412,h ! 1 ! i 3 i .;-71r) to -itu--4 oti,4 rv6e6 A I 1 LE-One, l. . i 1 I i i l O I I 1 I I 1 . 'G1 1 0 = IA( i zl' I L) 2 �jI Q.901: 1 .66(1- 1 -' ./Zi' l : 1 , _ I 1 1 ! i Date Design NORRIS & TUNSTALL Wilmington, NC Sheet —CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.— Brunswick County, NC Of Check Job For Job No. o-o 010 zgaz P401.1,d • 6eLioent 1 I IF 1! 1 I c%104 c4 3i3 P/4.. ziO P112- [ ! keO:trAire4 Volue, i1/3.)4' 6V A ,2-2. -6 15;*g 1 Pro vi-ge.J- Valive-1-77 46- 1.3Z-3 • . : 1 OH Z2JL ,i7.1 111- I ! '5,64 re'A 614 I 1.41 CIES X 3215 .L6F 1V-s1 - 37 ! • P6U.;ge 71- ell 7 5. 5F _ I Calculate Skimmer Size Basin Volume in Cubic Feet 25,323 Cu.Ft Skimmer Size 3.0 Inch Days to Drain* 3GDays Orifice Radius IA Inches]] Orifice Diameter 2.8 Inch[es] 'In NC assume 3 days to drain Permit No. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION REQUEST FORM This ister may be photocopier/for uss as arrorigioat I. PROJECT INFORMATION In order to determine the receiving stream for a project in a coastal county or whether a State Stormwater Management Permit will be required for a project in a non-coastal county,the classification of the closest downslope surface waters(the surface waters that any sheet flow or overflow from the project would flow toward) must be detentined.Please complete Sections land if beldw. MO Staff will determine the receiving stream classification,complete Section III,and return the completed form to yriu. 1. Project Name: e 30 AAA. n-idevt St County; Mew gattoped. 2.. Contact Person: -aostm Cto-itt &se-4e_ 3. Mailing Address: ci to Oa C-4004-_ a At 1,- 4. city W.ion t" hit StateNC_ZiplALPhone No. ft4 40131.6c37 Name of closest downslope surface waters: faii6.1 °tick 6. Signature of contact person: - Date: $-24-Z.I 7. Is a Sedimento Erosion Con . Man CAMA Major Permit reqtired??113W.S.ONO II. REQUIRED ITEMS An 8.5"x lin copy of the appropriate portion of a uses quad sheet showing the projects property boundaries„reoehrircr stream,major roads of State Roads numbers1,and nearest town or city must be attached. Mali the entire package NCflENR Division pf Water Quality Surface Water Protection SeOlort-Stormwater at the Appropriate Contact Address(see the Mowing page) III. CLASSIFICATION REQUEST(To be conipleled by Regional Office persoirmel) 1. Tsfarite of surface vqersc,,V 1fk AV a Aleik_.toviin 4-0Qays Gnat, 2., River A Basin: I141 LAIL- Index No:. VP, - 3. Classification(as established by the EMC): Ole.D301(445) 4. Proposed ClassificatiOn,if applicable: S. State Storrnwater Management Permit reetlitti Ea al 6. Signature of Regional Office personnel: Dade _14 I i5 124 cc: DWQ -Regional Office Consultant Building inspector Central Files mu-4114160608 Page 1 of 2 • r ,�` r Y. a t. •V S; - f i s . `vim .... .i L .w •:' � _ S lot Ali • "' F1.'.6 c,y 4 # • • t, ''. ' 4-4. 711.41:1-' 1 •-•• . • sti. T.. �� ti•� • • Al r• =, 4 N.reitt:'' •.L_Li y...' "..•: ., "-"- •N• r•-.....,!146411,1:: ',bp; ' ••• ..i. 6- .if 0. k.: „4:iii-, 4 • ili;I • • 41,,2% /.firs 1 ,* ;; � L .0...4 ,,,, • fr \-t...:. *..„ „ ,...m....!.. .?-: . . 4 filAt- . . • l. 'ice r '! T` 'r F . -'` '•1y?, ••. . •i i ',' +ti+ t C Jr. - 4. ,.• .• ..._ • . . • .., ,.. ... ,,,,,,... .. .• •._.;.. 4,„,:::,...„,..-..,,,,-,.., ,,,...,,,,,-.,..„... -. , ._ .c,,,..„,,t:e..„,s .. „., _J.:L .-it ' ►w • �.i •..„e'C' 'yr: ,„. ...,, •1. .„.4. „,„,..,,..., ›�f Y�r}7,rIr�� +'It. 4 P ,:,. *C- i• i 7.. • Y w •1" 5... Ski -.), •• /.3""" . . -1, -j•e• -.....r ' .....--•,..--,,,.-2.i:'. •" Up--..•,.....men tzp- -...-0, ii, .:1,,•-• V -- rcf 7;-,,,i • d _ .r r r" A'y = � ' .i le f . y ' .t • • it';i yr QA„j ' j'., , ;`L .- r;♦. - ' `�O. • • ft, • j� �' i e.4 ; •5 1•• a , #ram f soft 'k r^: •r %-'i ',• ...•. . � .r"• .'f , crr e- -is tY'1f'�''�y'%.�'t/:;1 r, rr • .r . • r titr. ; < i.. , eft •_ . ' }w ►1' 4 Ar PZ'!"."_ r ; •�7 *'. NOAA Atlas 14,Volume 2,Version 3 .j"�" °*,.. Location name:Wilmington,North Carolina,USA* "ri z�* �`. Latitude:34.2843°,Longitude:-77.7914° '1 ;' Elevation:5.37 ft** = ° ,,resa 'source:ESRI Maps `•, ,,,-. . "source:USGS ' ,�- POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M.Bonnin,D.Martin,0.Lin,T.Parzybok,M.Yekta,and D.Riley NOAA,National Weather Service,Sliver Spring,Maryland PF tabular I PF grm hical I Maps a aerials PF tabular IPDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Duration I I Average recurrence interval(years) I ° 2 g 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 0.521 )F 0.620 ) ( 0.725 )I 0.806 0.910 0.988 1.07 1.75 1.25 1.34(0.486-0.563 0.577-0.669. 0.673-0.782 I(0.746-0.869) (0.839-0.979) (0.907-1.07) (0.975-1.15) 1,04-1.24) (1.12-1.36) (1.19-1.45) 10-m)n 0.833 0.992 1.16 1.29 1.45 1.57 1.70 1.82 1.98 2.11(0.776-0.899)I(0.922-1:07) (1.08-1.25) (1.19-1.39) (1.34-1.56) (1.44-1.70) (1.55-1.83) (1.65-1.96) (1.78-2.14) ( 15-min 1.04 1.25 1.47 1.63 1.84 1.99 2.15 2.30 2.50 2.65 I(0.970-1.12) (1.16-1.35) (1.36-1.58) (1.51-1.76) (1.69-1.98) (1,83-2.15) (1.96-2.31) (2.08-2.48) (2.24-2.70) 2.35-2.87) 1-3-1;17-nln 1.43 7.72 2.09 2.36 2.72 3.00 3.29 3.58 3.97 4.29 (1.33-1.54) (1.80-1.86) (1.94-2.25) (2.19-2:55) (2.51-2.93) (2.75 3.23) (3.00-3.54) (3.2453.86) (3.56-4.29) (3.81-4.64) 60-min 1.78 2.16 2.68 3.08 3.63 4A7 4.53 5A2 5.70 6.26 (1.66-1.92) I (2.01-2.33) (2.48-2.88) (2.85-3.32) (3.34-3.90) (3.73-4.38) (4.13-4.88) (4.55-5.41) (5.11-6.16) (5.56-6;78) FF-ir 2.11 2.57 3.27 3.85 4.70 5A2 6.20 T.07 8.34 9.43(1.94-2.30) (2.37-2.81) (3.01-3.57) ( (4.29-5.12) (4.92-5.90) ( (6.33-7.68) (7.39-9.09) (8.30-10.3) 3-hr 2'25 2.7 I 3.51 4.17 515 60 69 7801 9.62 10(2.07-2.47) 2-3.01) (3.22-3.85) (3.81-4.56) -5:62) (5.42-6.56) (6.23-7.58) 2-8.72) ( 5-10.5) (9.57-12.0) F6T-ir 2.80 3.41 4.36 5.19 6.43 7.52 8.75 ) ( 10.1 ) ( 12.2 14.1 (2.57-3.08) (3.14-3.76) ( (4.74-5.71) (5.84-7.05) (6.78-8.24) (7.83-9.56 8.95-11.1. 10.7-13.4) (12..1-15.4) 12-hr 3.27 3.99 5.15 6.15 7.68 9.04 10.6 12.3 75.0 17.4 (?•9. (3.64-4.42) (4.68-5.70) ( ( (8.07-9.94) (9.36-11.6) (1.0.8-13 5) (12.9-16.5) (14.8-19.1) 1-71:171 p 4•69 6.07 7.28 9.15 ( 10.8 12.7 14.8 18.2 21.1 (4.27-5.24) ( (6.60-8.10) (8.19-10.2) (9.59-12.0) (11.1-14.1) 12.8-16.5).(15.4-20.3) ( 2-dey 4.58 5.54 7.17 8.48 10.6 IT. .4 14.5 ) ( 16.8 20.4 ) ( 23.6(4.18-5.08) (5.06-6.14) (6.46- (7.69-9 ) (9.49-11.7) 13.8) (12.7-16.1 14.6-18.8) (17.3-23.0 19.7-26.7) y 4.89 5.9,0 7,53 8.93 11.0 72.8 14.9 17.2 20.8 23.9 3-da (4.47-5.41) (5.40-6.54) 6.87-8.34) (8.11-9.89 i (. ) (9.93-12.2) (11.5-14.3) (13.2=16.6) (15.0-18.3) (17.8 23.4) (20.1-27.0) 4-day 5.20 6.27 I 7.85 9.38 1.1.5 13.d y5.4 17.7 21.2 24.2 (4.76-5.75) (5.74-6,94) 1 (7.25-8.79) (8.53-10.4) (10.4-12.7) (11.9-14.8) (13.6-17.1) (15.5-19.7) (18,2-23.8) (20.4-27.4) 7-day 5.98 7.21 9.06 10.6 12.9 14.8 16.9 19.2 ) ( 22.5 25.4 ( (6.65-7.88) (8.34-9.91) (9.74-11.6) (.11.7-14.1) (13.4-16.2) (15.1-18.5) (17.0-21.1 19.6-25.0) (21.8-28.3) 1.0-day 6.75 8.09 10.0 11.7 14.0 16.0 18.1 20.4 23.8 26.7 (6.25-7.35) (7.49-8.81) (9.26-10.9) (10.7-12.7) (12.8-15.3) (14.5-17.5) (16.3-19.8} 18.2-22.4) (20.9-26.3) (23.1-29.7) 20-day 9.05 10.8 13.1 15.1 17.9 20.1 22.8 I. 25.2 28.8 31.9 (8.42-9.75) 110.0-11.6) (12.2-14.2) (14.0-16.3) (16.5-19.3) (18.5-21.8) (20.5-24.5) I(22.7-27.4) (25.7-31.6) (28.0-35.2) 30-day 11.1 13.2 15.8 ( 18.0 20.9 23.3 25.8 28.3 31.9. 34.7 (10.4-11.9) (12.4-14.1) (14.8-16.9) (16.8-19.2) (19.5-22.4) ( (23.8-27.7) (28.8-34.6) ( 45-day 13.8 1.6.3 19.4 21.9 25.3 28,0 30.8 33.7 37.6 40.7 (13.0-14.7) (15.4-17.4) (18.3-20.7) (20.6-23.3) (23.7-27.0) (229.9) (28.6-33.0) ,(31.0-36.2) (34.3-40.6) (36.8-44.3) 170--; 76.6 1{- �.� 25.6 29.7 31.9 34.7 t 3 5 I( 4l.2 I 44.1 y ` (15.7-17.6) i 08.5=20.8) I (21.624.3) (24.1-27.1). (27.3-30.9) ( (32.3-37.0) I(34.7-40.1 37.8-44,3) (40.2.47. 1 Precipitation frequency(PF)estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series(PDS). Numbers In parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90%confidence interval.The probability that precipitation estimates(for a given duration and average recurrence interval)will be greater than the upper bound(orless than the lower bound)is 55%uEstimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation(PMP)estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Bade to Top PF graphical Non-Transfer Application Completeness Review Checklist ' Project Name: 6 .604 �E7 A$-/'1T4 L ry •SE/23//c-C S Date Delivered to WIRO: .ice///20 Z--/ • Project County/Locat:ion: 1V*'t f S !3(. MAe, eT Sr. BIMS Received/Accepted Date 1 y / zcZ( { Date Given to Admin: • i Permit Action: �` New Permit#2:� 3 _.1 9,0 1 BFM5 Acknowledged Date': ;y�am , ©Not located in the ETA of the following delegated arid functioning programs: WIC:Carolina Beach/Kure Beach/Wilmington,/Wrightsville Beach Bruns: Leland/Navassa(?)/Oak Island Cart: Emerald Isle Onsl: Jacksonville Pend: Surf City Major Mod / Minor Mod / Renewal Existing Permit#: CDApplicant&Permittee are the same?3 Expiration Date`: Permit Type: LD I LD Overall/HD&LD Combo General Permit/Offsite!FY?m pis + Redevelopment Doffsite to SW8: Deveio ment Type: � P YP ►Residential/Other ills Offisite Lot approved in Master permit?' Subdivided?:: Subdivision or g e Lot Rule(s): D2D17 Coastal 02008 Coastal 01995 Coastal 1rl' Phase II Universal 01988 Coastal Permittee Type&Documents Needed: roperty Owner(s) Purchaser ElLessee DHOA =Developer Viable? Viable? =Viable? =Viable? =Viable? 1 IlDeed ®Purchase Agmt Lease Election Minutes Paperwork VApplication Fee: ES$S05(within 5rno) Check#(s): at 2-0 DNa Fee Supplement'(1 new form or for older farms:1 original per SCtiA D&M2 ffili oils Report(lnfil or PP) ®Calculations(signed/sealed) Deed Restrictions,if subdivided2 ®Project Narrative ®USGS Map(or on file?) Subject to SA?- Y ] N Subject to ORW?: Y / N /.....k Lo Plans(2 Sets) n NOTES: T'P 4l s C►2r-C �t 'Enter BIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet 2For New Projects-Enter New Permit#on Supplements& Deed Restriction Templates. If permittee is different,STOP.Needs to be transferred first. if w/in 6 months and they are requesting a mod,STOP. Needs a renewal.first- -if Lot not approved in master permit.STOP. Master permit needs mod. 1 EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: Comments: REVIEWER NAME: ;S TG'1✓G G:WQ1';?Reference Librar'Proceaures\Checkhsts\Comrieteness Review Checkts 202109 08 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 9:43 AM To: ben.eberdt@gmail.com;John Tunstall;Jason Clark;Amy Norris Subject: SW8 211201 - GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on December 1, 2021. The project has been assigned to Steven Pusey and you will be notified if additional information is needed. Please be advised that the construction of built-upon area may not commence until the Stormwater Permit is issued. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance &Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 90,1"1011E 1::14;;" Em :i corre.mc r enco to Lid;tan k; _areas i subj i io Ma .mot ro!ii z f"'uL fi Ficw;=Js Law t (iiWks: i3•:y Lil title l: of /p.:. Website: http://dea.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19: the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public.Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes,all DEQoffice locations are limiting public access to appointments only.Plea::.,, check with the appronriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. 1 NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Drive,Suite 102 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28412 Ash,NC 28420 (910) 343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910) 343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K.Bland,P.E. Robbie P.Hennelly,E.I. Thomas J. Scheetz,E.I. November 30, 2021 NC DEQ 0 vim._ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Dec n I 127 Cardinal Drive Extension By ZO 2! Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: State Stormwater Permit Submittal GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building 8130 Market St New Hanover County, NC N&T Project No. 21162 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed are two (2) sets of plans for the above referenced project, one (1) set of calculations, one (1) copy of the Stormwater Narrative, one (1) USGS map, one (1) copy of the soils / infiltration system report, one (1) copy of the Deed, one (1) copy of the Articles of Organization, one (1) copy of the Purchase Agreement, the original Division of Water Quality Stormwater Management Permit application, the original Supplement EZ form, the original Operation and Maintenance EZ Agreement, a $505.00 check for the permit review fee, and one (1) CD (PDF of the complete submittal). Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your assistance on thi rojectt. Sincerely, DEC 0 1 2021 NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. BY: S. PJ J n S. Tunstall, P. E. JST/asn 21162 11-30-21-s-sw-Itr Enclosures NCBELS License C-3641 , ', t\s - , r , kik)\c, ci it t)....L 1 - ta, -h Sktivt, .449/ olf, 11-o 6 -11 V NORRIS &TUNSTALL COMULTINGErGINEERSBC. 2602 Iron Gate Drive,Suite 102 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,ton,NC 28412 S- 1 , 4v C _ I Ash,NC 20 (910)343-9653 ' 11.. v (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910)257-5942 Fax iviAliauk\kui , , John S.Tunstll,P.E. -- J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. A.- L 5 4. 4p bILL, Joseph K.Bland,P.E. Robbie P.Ilermefy,E.I. �ie) �,.. , brouifs4 `�' 'I homas J.Scheetz,E.I. November 30, 2021 . 1 U rV e ) ) 10 ,i, t , 1, ,, i c---, a- iNtic Li utea [— Yle,..Av (1._ \ W 4 Division of Energy, Mineral and Land ResourcesState Stormwater Program 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: State Stormwater Permit Submittal li' + + „p v L GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building 8130 Market St ` 2 3 2022 ` '1 New Hanover County, NC ! kJ N&T Project No. 21182 BY: Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed are two (2) sets of plans for the above referenced project one(1) set of calculations, one (1) copy of the Stormwater Narrative, one (1) USGS map, one (1) copy of the soils ! infiltration system report, one (1) copy of the Deed, one (1) copy of the Articles of Organization, one (1) copy of the Purchase Agreement, the original Division of Water Quality Stormwater Management Permit application, the original Supplement EZ form, the original Operation and Maintenance EZ Agreement, a $505.00 check for the permit review fee, and one (1) CD (PDF of the complete submittal). Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your assistance on this project. Sincerely, NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. SjUIL0111 J n S. Tunstall, P. E. (\# JSTlasn 21iffi 11-30-21�sw-itr Enclosures NCBELS License+C-3641 DEMLR USE ONLY Date Rege ived Fee Paid Permit Number Applicable Rules: C Coastal SW-1995 ❑Coastal SW-2008 ❑Ph II-Post Construction (select all that apply) 0 Non-Coastal SW-HQW/ORW Waters 0 Universal Stormwater Management Plan 0 Other WQ Mgmt Plan: State of North Carolina Rere j JLS Department of Environment and Natural Resources 0/1/411 Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION II �I I I/ 1. Project Name(subdivision,facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications,letters,operation and maintenance agreements,etc.): GoDog Pet Hospitality Services Building 2. Location of Project(street address): 8130 Market Street City:Wilmington County:New Hanover Zip:28411 3. Directions to project(from nearest major intersection): From Business 17(Market St.)&Porters Neck Rd.intersection,head South on Market St.for 1,805'. Project will be on the left. 4. Latitude:34°17'48.4"N Longitude:77°47'35.5"W of the main entrance to the project. II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1.a.Specify whether project is(check one): New ['Modification ❑Renewal w/Modificationt tRenewals with modifications also requires SWU-102-Renewal Application Form b.If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit,list the existing permit number ,its issue date(if known) ,and the status of construction: ['Not Started DPartially Completed* 0 Completed* *provide a designer's certification 2. Specify the type of project(check one): ❑Low Density ®High Density ['Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System DOther 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DEMLR requesting a state stormwater management permit application,list the stormwater project number, if assigned, and the previous name of the project,if different than currently proposed, 4.a.Additional Project Requirements(check applicable blanks;information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): DCAMA Major ZSedimentation/Erosion Control:3.28 ac of Disturbed Area DNPDES Industrial Stormwater 0404/401 Permit:Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name,Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit: 5. Is the project located within 5 miles of a public airport? No Dyes If yes,see S.L.2012-200,Part VI:http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/rules-and-regulations DEC 0 9 2021 $W Form SWU-101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 1 of 6 �L.19 III. CONTACT INFORMATION 1.a.Print Applicant/Signing Official's name and title(specifically the developer,property owner,lessee, designated government official,individual,etc.who owns the project): Applicant/Organization:WLM PropCO,LLC Signing Official&Title:Benjamin H.Eberdt,Member b.Contact information for person listed in item la above: Street Address:3717 Bentley Drive City:Durham State:NC Zip:27707 Mailing Address(if applicable):Same as Above City: State: Zip: Phone: (919 ) 812-8084 Fax: ( ) N/A Email:ben.eberdt@gmail.com c.Please check the appropriate box.The applicant listed above is: ❑The property owner(Skip to Contact Information,item 3a) ❑Lessee*(Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) / Purchaser*(Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) ❑Developer*(Complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below.) 2.a.Print Property Owner's name and title below,if you are the lessee,purchaser or developer. (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/Organization:John C.Grabofski Signing Official&Title:Owner b.Contact information for person listed in item 2a above: Street Address:465 Grace Avenue City:Fairview State:PA Zip:16415 Mailing Address(if applicable):Same as Above City: State: Zip: Phone: (814 ) 969-1255 Fax: ( ) N/A__ Email:solarscion@yahoo.com 3.a. (Optional)Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project: Other Contact Person/Organization: Signing Official&Title: b.Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits:New Hanover County Building Safety Point of Contact:Nicholas Gadzekpo,Director Phone#: (910 ) 798-7456 Form SWU 101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 2 of 6 8Y. V G,.9 9. Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations(Please identify (Ak - elevations in addition to depths)as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs.Include an 8.5"x11"copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs,the report should also include the soil type,expected infiltration rate,and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO:Schedule a site visit for DEMLR to verify the SHWT prior to submittal,(910)796-7378.) j .1%.-1 10. A copy of the most current property deed.Deed book:1640 Page No:0485 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations(LLC):Provide documentation from the NC Secretary of State or other official documentation,which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information,item la,2a,and/or 3a per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(e). The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State,otherwise the application will be returned. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.aspx VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions,outparcels,and future development,the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary,a table listing each lot number,lot size,and the allowable built-upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/state- stormwater-forms does.Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner,it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s)below,the permit holder(s)certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project,if required,shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website,that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them,that they will run with the land,that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DEMLR,and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant: Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm(such as a consulting engineer and/or firm)so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project(such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting Engineer:Tohn S.Tunstall,P.E.or T.Jason Clark,P.E. Consulting Firm:Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers,P.C. Mailing Address:2602 Iron Gate Drive,Suite 102 City:Wilmington State:NC Zip:28412 Phone: (910 ) 343-9653 Fax: (910 ) 343-9604 Email:jtunstall@ntengineers.com or jclark@ntengineers.com cc: anorris@ntengineers.com IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION(if Contact Information,item 2 has been filled out,complete this section) I,(print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item 2a)John C. Grabofski ,certify that I own the property identified in this permit application,and thus give permission to(print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la)Benjamin H.Eberdt with(print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information,item la)WLM PropCO,LLC to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal,which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. p":""PN Y*N.1,W. De 01 202i BY OUP Form SWU-101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 5 of 6 As•the legal property owner I acknowledge,understand,and agree by my signature below,that if my designated agent(entity listed in Contact Information,item 1)dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement,or pending sale,responsibility for compliance with the DEMLR Stormwater permit reverts back to me,the property owner.As the property owner,it is my responsibility to notify DEMLR immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days;otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action inclu ' g th assessmen' of civil enaltie f up to$25,000 per day,pursuant to NCGS 143-2 .6. ss Signature: C _ chi Date: 6 2oZ/ I, 1__/-1 . on kit-e, ,a Notary Public for the State of P'4n5yLAI "I',C unty of e``e ,do hereby certify that d-01-11.3 (--. c9,4 6QcS L personally appeared before me this 15 day of OC4 b{ /91 ,and acknow d the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, 4 L ,A,;-ems SEAL Commonwealth of Pennsylvania-Notary Seal Lara L.Buie,Notary Public Erie County My commission expires February 11,2024 Commission number 1239592 Member,Pennsylvania Association of Notaries My commission expires 02 f I t !Iv?1/' X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la)Benjamin H. Eberdt certify that the information included on this permit application form is,to the best of my knowledge,correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded,and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable stormwater . •s - + &.NCAC 2H.1000 and arty other applicable state stormwater requirements. Signature: W. Date: '/O/ 2-/zj I, 4C'tnu Cr ,a Notary Public for the State of t3C-- ,County of ANON") ,do hereby certify that 1 60.1ryk th Gbefok personally appeared before me thiay of and acknowledge the due exe • the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, A Maria C Cross SEAL Notary Public Chatham Coy ,a 6,,„, Commission'z I1 �i� r.P. • My commission expires 21 AD'3.s. , DE4 01 2021 BY; Form SWU-101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 6 of 6 (.2 • File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report* Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online • Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre-Populated Annual Report form• Print an Amended a Annual Report form CLArailtkik Limited Liability Company Legal Name ... WLn PROPCO, LLC DEC 01 2021 Information BY: Sosid: 2272829 Status_ Current-Active 0 Date Formed: 9/21/2021 Citizenship: Domestic Annual Report Due Date: April 15th CurrentAnnuat Report Status: Registered Agent: Eberdt, Ben Addresses Reg Office Reg Mailing 3717 Bentley Drive 3717 Bentley Drive Durham, NC 27707 Durham, NC 27707 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.O.S. 57D-3-20. SOSID:2272329 Date Filed:9l211202112:3O:30 PM Elaine F.Marshall State of North Carolina North Carolina Secretary of State Department of the Secretary of Stat C2021 264 00555 Limited Liability Company ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to §57D-2-21 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is WLMPROPCO,LLC 2. There shall be no limit on the duration of the limited liability company. 3. The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: G. Grey Littlewood, Organizer, 4208 Six Forks Rd., Ste 1000, Raleigh, NC 27609 4. The street address and county of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is:3717 Bentley Drive,Durham,Durham County,North Carolina 27707 5. The mailing address of the initial registered office is 3717 Bentley Drive, Durham, Durham County,North Carolina 27707 6. The name of the initial registered agent is:Ben Eberdt 7. Principal office information: The limited liability company DOES NOT have a principal office: 8. This i Manager-managed LLC and except as provided by N.C.G.S. Section 57[3-3- 20(d), the members of this limited liability company shall not be managers by virtue of their status as members. 9. These Articles of Organization shall be deemed effective upon filing. WLM PROPCO,LLC :;<<,./44--- G.Grey Littlewood,Organizer WRITTEN CONSENT BY THE ORGANIZER OF WLM PROPCO,LLC October 1,2021 The following resolutions are adopted by the written consent of the Organizer of WLM PROPCO,LLC,a North Carolina limited liability company(the"Company"). 1. Resolution Affirming Articles of Organization The Articles of Organization for the Company were filed with the North Carolina Secretary of State, a stamped filed copy of which was returned and shall be retained by the Company in its minute book. This resolution reaffirms all of the terms and provisions contained in said Articles of Organization. RESOLVED, that the Articles of Organization, as filed with the North Carolina Secretary of State, are hereby affirmed as being the Articles of Organization of the Company. 2. Resolutions Accepting Members The Organizer hereby recognizes that the following entity is the initial member of the Company, and from this point forward the Organizer shall have no further rights or responsibilities with respect to the Company. RESOLVED,that the Company hereby recognizes that Benjamin H. Eberdt, an individual resident of the State of North Carolina (the "Member"), as owning 100%of the interests in the Company,and the Member shall have all rights and responsibilities for the management and operation of the Company from this point forward until such time as additional members are brought into the Company under the terms of a comprehensive and complete operating agreement to be executed, with the Organizer having no further rights or responsibilities with respect to the Company. The above resolutions were adopted by the Organizer of the Company,and the Organizer has consented to these actions by signing below. These resolutions shall be effective as of the date first set forth above. yl G.Grey Littlewood,Esq.,Organizer I � ER ° ERYRSNTERNREVENUE SERVICE CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 Date of this notice: 10-11-2021 Employer Identification Number: 87-3046685 Form: SS-4 Number of this notice: CP 575 B WLM PROPCO LLC BENJAMIN H EBERDT MBR 3717 BENTLEY DRIVE For assistance you may call us at: DURHAM, NC 27707 1-800-829-4933 IF YOU WRITE, ATTACH THE STUB AT THE END OF THIS NOTICE. WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) . We assigned you EIN 87-3046685. This EIN will identify you, your business accounts, tax returns, and documents, even if you have no employees. Please keep this notice in your permanent records. When filing tax documents, payments, and related correspondence, it is very important that you use your EIN and complete name and address exactly as shown above. Any variation may cause a delay in processing, result in incorrect information in your account, or even cause you to be assigned more than one EIN. If the information is not correct as shown above, please make the correction using the attached tear off stub and return it to us. Based on the information received from you or your representative, you must file the following form(s) by the date(s) shown. Form 1065 03/15/2022 If you have questions about the form(s) or the due date(s) shown, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you need help in determining your annual accounting period (tax year) , see Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods. We assigned you a tax classification based on information obtained from you or your representative. It is not a legal determination of your tax classification, and is not binding on the IRS. If you want a legal determination of your tax classification, you may request a private letter ruling from the IRS under the guidelines in Revenue Procedure 2004-1, 2004-1 I.R.B. 1 (or superseding Revenue Procedure for the year at issue) . Note: Certain tax classification elections can be requested by filing Form 8832, Entity Classification Election. See Form 8832 and its instructions for additional information. A limited liability company (LLC) may file Form 8832, Entity Classification Election, and elect to be classified as an association taxable as a corporation. If the LLC is eligible to be treated as a corporation that meets certain tests and it will be electing S corporation status, it must timely file Form 2553, Election by a Small Business Corporation. The LLC will be treated as a corporation as of the effective date of the S corporation election and does not need to file Form 8832. To obtain tax forms and publications, including those referenced in this notice, visit our Web site at www.irs.gov. If you do not have access to the Internet, call 1-800-829-3676 (TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059) or visit your local IRS office. (IRS USE ONLY) 575B 10-11-2021 WLMP B 9999999999 SS-4 IMPORTANT REMINDERS: * Keep a copy of this notice in your permanent records. This notice is issued only one time and the IRS will not be able to generate a duplicate copy for you. You may give a copy of this document to anyone asking for proof of your EIN. * Use this EIN and your name exactly as they appear at the top of this notice on all your federal tax forms. * Refer to this EIN on your tax-related correspondence and documents. If you have questions about your EIN, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you write, please tear off the stub at the bottom of this notice and send it along with your letter. If you do not need to write us, do not complete and return the stub. Your name control associated with this EIN is WLMP. You will need to provide this information, along with your EIN, if you file your returns electronically. Thank you for your cooperation. Keep this part for your records. CP 575 B (Rev. 7-2007) Return this part with any correspondence so we may identify your account. Please CP 575 B correct any errors in your name or address. 9999999999 Your Telephone Number Best Time to Call DATE OF THIS NOTICE: 10-11-2021 ( ) - EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 87-3046685 FORM: SS-4 NOBOD INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE WLM PROPCO LLC CINCINNAT.I. OH 45999-0023 BENJAMIN H EBERDT MBR ���u��l���l�lul��nl�lulln�lfnlil 3717 BENTLEY DRIVE DURHAM, NC 27707 E - ' 111;•• C flaL 7 I 1 0-- . ...N. • • , DLL' 0 102i Dt4 By; jj BOOK PAGE 0 if 8 5 ADMITTED TO RECORD NEU HANOVER CO ft-14-9S itImy oF 5/14 s AT 1913g/PM $25.0. 00 MARY SUE COTS te slinitett.Au op REGISTER OF DEEDS Excise Tex NEW HANOVER COUNTY Recording Time.Book and Page Tax Lot No. Parcel Identifier No. . • • • ••••• Verified by County on the . day of . by Mail after recording to ..lir.....b..ftnA...Grabakati.,..131 . ng .cek..Lan.a.,...W1444gtone. NC 20401 ....... " " " • • 'This instrument was prepared by Clark, Newton & Hinson . Brief description for the Index I 3.2257 Acres Harnett Ttep. NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this day of Janury ,19 . by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE HEIGH BROWNING and wife, JOHN C. GRAEOFSKI and wife, EDNA JOHNSON BROWNING CATHARINE N.. GRABOFSKI Ewer in appropriate Mach ter each party:nonej address,and.If anprepriate,character of entity,ne.earperatisu or part/wash* The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs, successors,and;resigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of . . , Harnett Township, New Hanover . County.North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THERETO. 1 BOOK PAGE 16 't0 01186 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in ........ Book 582 at Page 17 and Book 2624 at Page 519 New Hanover County Registry A map showing the above described property fs recorded in Plat Book.. • . - page.. ... ... . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging I the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple.has the right to cony( the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and that Grantor will warrant ar defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: 1) 1993 ad valorem taxes: 2) All applicable easements, rights of way and restrictions of record. and 3) All applicable zoning and land use ordinances, statutes and regulations. corporateIN eby Rs UMEOF. the Granter �� 1 be li Ids hand wed or .it i iq loud et Directors.die this instrument W ask set signed lb shore written. irfr14."°147' (Collimate Nauss) - .1 - - = (SEA Dr allsge-4! r,-4,. --- l- -tmreaideat •• arras:: gocans id • ,S.i. -'-�;--------secMary(Corporate neon •- -• - -.._...--- 3▪ = .-.a: O/e1- NEW HANOVER cane - Y%•.- NOssIE CAaeLINA. county. :.7�: 1.a Notary Public of the County and state aforesaid. certify that .<f -B _and - `r<,5-Q EDNA JOHNSON BROWNING Grant at pr.' x • .t e...V} a penaeaay appeared before me ibis day sad acknowledged the.*eention of the ioregrieg Instrument.Witness 1 •i r? t ti�y4`V} a nand one anetal stamp or cask.this r/oh s y at Janes y - 9 3 • ,•f`• •s,•ir! My cominkadea expires:-.-I " 1 1 T .. _ _ Notary Pat ag MON78 CAROLINA. County. t, a Notary tit ub3 s e3 the County and Stara aferztid. comity that as o personally canoe before me Ibis day aid aeltsewledged Mal-- he is geetetary Y •- • a North Carolina cotpaeation,and that by authority d v I given aml as tke art of tame corporation. ea foregolvg instrument was signed In Its name by Its EXHIBIT A+ Beginning at an iron pipe in the southeastern right-of-way of U. S. Highway # 17, 100.00 feet right-of-way, marking the western most corner of Lot 3 of the Linford W. Piner Division as shown on the map entitled "Survey and Division, Portion L. H. Piner Tract for Linford W. Piner" recorded in Nap Book 21 at Page 49 of the New Hanover County Registry, said point also being the beginning point of the tract of land conveyed to Hugh Browning and wife, Edna Johnson Browning as described in the deed recorded in Book 582 at Page 17 of the New Hanover County Registry, said beginning point being South 45 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds East 50.07 feet from a point in the centerline of U. S. Highway # 17 that is South 47 degrees 04 minutes 53 seconds West, along the centerline of said highway, 1784.5 feet from the point of intersection of the center- line of said highway with the centerline of Porter's Neck Road S.R. # 1402; running thence, from the point of beginning, south 45 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds East, with the southwestern line of said Linford W. Piner Division, 667.75 feet to an old iron pipe marking the southern most corner of the tract of land conveyed to Charles F. Pinar by deed recorded in Book 985 at Page 48 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence, South 46 degrees 06 minutes 08 seconds West 210.08 feet to an old iron pipe marking the eastern most corner of Tract 4 of the Charity P. Sidbury Division as shown on the map entitled "Survey of the D. Sidbury, formerly Batson, Backwoods Tract for Charity P. Sidbury" recorded in Nap Book 14 at Page 6 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence, North 45 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds West, with the northeastern line of said Tract 4, 671.35 feet to an iron pipe in the southeastern right-of- way of U. S. Highway # 17; thence, North 47 degrees 04 minutes 53 seconds East, with said right-of-way line, 210.36 feet to the point of beginning, containing 3.2257 acres, the same being all of the tract of land conveyed or intended to be conveyed to Hugh Browning and wife, Edna Johnson Browning by deed recorded in Book 582 at Page 17 of the New Hanover County Registry. tu 4 T 0- CD CD O T O � $ iiiiance EAL AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE 64- i 04, �... OF IMPROVED REAL,PROPERTY it,/WO' North Carolina Association ?J of REAL?ORS7, TiiIS AGREEMENT,ENT,including any and all addenda attached hereto("Agreement"),is by and between David ti Sprunt and/or Assigns a(n) Individual ("Hover").and (indi idual or State of formation and type of entity) John C and Catherine M Grabafski a(n) Individuals ("Seller"). (individual or State ol'formation and type of entity) (NOTE:If the Buyer or Seller is an entity,in order to form a binding agreement and complete a transaction,the entities listed as Buyer or Seller in this Agreement should be validly formed and in good standing with the Secretary of State in the State of formation of the entity.) FOR, Ni)IN CONSIDERATION OFF TILE.MUTUAL PROMISES SET FORTH HEREIN AND OTITER GOOD AND VALUAiILE CONSIDERATION, TH-iE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WI IICI I ARE HEREBY ACKNOWI EDGED, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS MI.VOWS- Section I.Terms and Definitions: The terms listed below shall have the respective meaning given them as set liutb adjacent to each term. (a I"Proper])":(Address)8130 Market St,Wilmington,.NC Plat Reference. Lots) N/A ,Block or Section N/A ,as-shown on Plat Book or Slide N/A at Page(s). N/A N/A (minty,consisting of N/A acres. IX Ir this box is checked, "Property" shall mean that property described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated het ewith by refetence, (Fur intiirmatum in;-poses:li)the tax parcel number or the Property i.: R03000-005-008-000 and.(ti)some or all of the('ropeity.consi5tinc nfapprosimateiy 3.22 acres,is described in Deed Book 1640 Page No. 0485 New Hanover County.) together with all buildings and improvements thereon and all fixtures and appurtenances thereto and all personal property, it'any, itemized on Exhibit A. 5 1.51)0,000.00 (h)"Purchase Price"shall mean the sum of One Million,Five liundred'Tlunrsand Dollars, framable on the fallowing terms: 5 25,000.00 (i) jarnest Money"shall mean Twenty-Five Thousand _Dollars or terms as follows. The Earnest Money shall be deposited in escrow with Cap Fear Commercial (name of person/entity with whom deposited-"Escrow Agent") within live(5)calendar days of the Contract Date. to be applied as part payment of the Purchase Price of the Property at Closing, or disbursed as agreed upon under the provisions of Section 10 herein. Should Buyer fail to deliver the Earnest Money by the date required hereunder,or should any check or other funds paid by Buyer be dishonored,for any reason,by the Page Iof9 IThis form jointly approved by: STANDARD FORM 580-T Ilk North Carolina Bar Association Revised 7/2020 REaL'OR'North Carolina Association of REAL:TOR • Inc-. ('7/2020 Buyer Initials DIP Seller Initials /' _? rape Fear Conimerciii.IIC'.IOEI\litltxrl ria,n ltd.424O%i(iningunii i;C 2Y10[ / Ppane;9I0.N1-I0II fax Worst 1prU"t- nnnxld Morrison ared.eod w.lh x0rerm2l VI riatag T J 07C Fitlaen Nola Rcae 'rase,.Met can 48025 sww 2,cLoa..co'. the institution upon which the payment is drawn, Buyer shall have one (I) banking day after written notice of such dishonor In deliver cash,official bank check,wire transfer or electronic transfer to the Escrow Agent. If Buyer fails to deliver the required funds within one(1) banking day after written notice. then Seller may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Buyer at any time thereafter, provided Seller has not then received acknowledgement by Escrow Agent of its receipt or funds from Buyer. lithe Escrow Agent has not delivered to the Seller the acknowledgement of Earnest money on the last page of this Agreement by the calendar day following the date the Earnest Money is required to be delivered hereunder, it shall be presumed that the Earnest Money was not delivered by the required time (unless, upon the written request of Seller, Escrow Agent can provide proof of its receipt ol'the Earnest Money by the required time). Buyer and Seller consent to the disclosure by the Escrow Agent, to the parties to this Agreement, the Brokerfs)anti any Buyer lender, of any material facts pertaining to the Earnest Money. ANY EARNEST MONEY DEPOSITED BY BUYER IN A TRUST ACCOUNT MAY BE PLACED IN AN INTEREST BEARING TRUST ACCOUNT,AND! (check only ONE hox) ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BE APPLIED AS PART PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PROPERTY AT CLOSING, OR DISBURSED AS AGREED UPON UNDER 771E PROVISIONS OF SECTION 10 HEREIN. (Buyer's Taxpayer Identification Number is: _ ) ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BELONG TO THE ACCOUNT ifOLDER IN CONSIDERATION OF THi EXPENSES INCURRED BY MAINTAINING SUCH ACC'OU,17'AND RECORDS ASSOCIATED THEREWITII, N/A hi) Delivers of a promissory note secured 1w a deed or was:. said promissoty note in the amount Ill i)ollars being payable over a term of years,with an amortization pound of years, payable in monthly installments of principal. together with acented interest on the outstanding principal balance at the rate of percent( %)-per annum in the amount ofS _ , with the first principal payment beginning on the first day of the month next succeeding the date of Closing.or such other terms as may be set forth on Exhibit B.At any lime,the promissory note tiny he prepaid in whole or in part without penalty and wahoui further interest on the amounts prepaid tumor the date or such prepayment (NOTE: In the event of Buyer's subsequent default upon a promissory note and deed of trust given hereunder,Seller's remedies may be limited to foreclosure of the Property. If the deal of trust given hereunder is subordinated to senior financing, the material terms of such financing must be set forth on Exhibit B. If such senior financing is subsequently foreclosed,the Seller may have no remedy to recover under the note.) N/A tiff)Assumption of that unpaid obligation of Seller secured by a deed of trust on the Property, such obligation having an outstanding principal balance of S and evidenced by a note hearing interest at the rate of percent ( .- %)per annum,and a ct.nent payment amount ofS t.47S,000-U4 (iv)Lash, balance of Purchase Price, at Closing in the amount of One Million,Four Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars. Buyer.at Buyer's expense,shall be entitled to pursue qualification for and approval of any loan Buyer intends to obtain in connection vlith the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. (Note: Buyer's obligations under this Agreement are not conditioned upon obtaining or closing any loan. Therefore,Buyer is advised to consult with Buyer's lender prior to signing this offer to assure that the Examination Period allows sufficient time for Buyer's lender to provide Buyer sufficient information to decide whether to proceed with or terminate the transaction.) (e) '`Closing"shall mean the date of completion of the process detailed in Section I I of this Agreement.Closing shall occur on or before or See attached Exhibit B"Additional Terms" Va�e?of9 Buyer Initials J`� Seller Initials � � _ STANDARD FORM 580-T Revised 7/2020 7/2020 Peneuee9 will+More,i by zioLag.x won FIR¢a',Mir Read Raw.MaAgen 48C26 r i dmlcq,x un aa.id Sp one- (d) "Contract Date"means the date this Agreement has been fully executed by both Buyer and Soler. (e) "Examination Period" shall mean the period beginning on the first day after the Contract Date and extending through 5:00pm(based upon time at the locale of the Property)on See attached Exhibit B"Additional Terms" TIME IS OF TIIE ESSENCE AS TO THE EX4MINATION PERIOD. (1) "Brolterfsl"shall mean: --— Intracoastal Realty ("Listing Agency"), Gerald Evan s ('Listing Agent"• License/! 1988,38 ) Acting as:DC Seller's Agent; Dual Agent � 8 �' and Cape Fear Commercial,LLC ("Selling Agency"), Bryce Morrison.Jr ("Selling Agent" License/I 227277 Acting as: .Buyer's Agent; L Seller's(Sub)Agent; Dual Agent(g) "Seller's Notice Address"shall be as follows: Fairview,PA 16415 e-mail address: fax number: except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 12. (It) "buyer's Notice Address"shall be as follows 1201 B Columbus Circle,Wilmington,NC 28403 --- e-mail address:d:tvid.sprunt(i-cc.rr.com fax number. -- except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 12. (i) If this block is marked,adthunntal terms ot this Agreement are set forth on Exhibit Ii attached hereto and incorporated herein by ref rcnce. (Note: Under North Carolina law, real estate agents are not permitted to draft conditions or contingencies to this Agreement.) (j) If this block is marked, additional terms of this Agreement are set forth on the Additional Provisions Addendum (Form 58 I•'1')attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ski If this block is marked. additional terns of this Agreement are set forth on the Back Up Agreement Addendum (Form SY 1 A-f)atached hereto anti incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. Sale of Property and Payment of Purchase Price: Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy the Property for the Purchase Price. Section 3, Proration of Expenses and Payment of'Costs: Seller and Buyer agree that all plopeny taxes ton a calendar year basis), leases, rents, mortgage payments and utilities or any other assumed liabilities as detailed on attached Exhibit 13, if any, shall be prorated as of the date of(losing. Seller shall pay iur preparation of a deed and all other documents necessary to perform Sallcr's obligations under this Agreement, excise tax (revenue stamps). any deferred or rollback taxes. and other conveyance fees or taxes required by law,any fees required for miming Seller's account payment information on owners'association dues or assessments fur payment or proration;any fees imposed by an owners'association and,'ur a management company as agent of the owners'association in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement other than those lees required to be paid by Buyer in this Section 3 below.and the fallowing; None Buyer shall pay recording costs, costs of any title search, title insurance, survey, the cost of any inspections or investigations undertaken by Buyer under this Agreement, charges required by an owners' association declaration to be paid by Buyer for Buyer's future use and enjoyment of the Property, including, without limitation, working capital contributions, membership fees, or charges for Buyer's use of the common elements and/or services provided to Buyer,any costs or charges for determining restrictive covenant compliance,and the following: None Each party shall pay its own atturney's Pees. (r ,• Pagel3 of 9 Buyer Initials Pt Seller Initials . 1. '•/ STANDARD FORM 580-T Revised 7/2020 7!2020 ssaaussa,s4t,esssam'r..p,cp.ug'+ 18070 Fifteen M Ie Reed.Fraser.Paicrlgan 15026 a+twt+ol.cax:corr It»+IV Sprung- Section 4.Deliveries: Seller agrees to use best efforts to deliver to Buyer, as soon as reasonably possible after the Contract Date. copies of all material information relevant to the Property in the possession of Seller, including but not limited to: title insurance policies(and copies of any documents referenced therein),surveys,soil test reports,environmental surveys or reports,site plans, civil drawings, building plans, maintenance records and copies of all presently effective warranties or service contracts related to the Property. Seller authori?es (I) any attorney presently or previously representing Seller to release and disclose any title insurance policy in such attorney's file to Buyer and both Buyer's and Seller's agents and attorneys;and(2)the Property's title insurer or its agent to release and disclose all materials in the Property's title insurer's(or title insurer's agent's) file to Buyer and both 13uyet's and Seller's agents and attorneys. If Buyer does not consummate the Closing for any reason other than Seller default.then Buyer shall return to Seller all hard copy materials delivered by Seller to Buyer pursuant to this Section 4 (or Section 7, if applicable), if any,and shall, upon Seller's request, following release of the Earnest Money, provide to Seller copies of(subject to the ownership and copyright interests of the preparer thereof)any and all studies,reports,surveys and other information relating directly to the Property prepared by or at the request of Buyer, its entployees and agents,without any warranty or representation by Buyer as to the contents, accuracy or correctness thereof: Notwithstanding the above provisions regarding delivery and return of information and documentation,should there exist a separate non-disclosure,confidentiality,or similar agreement between Buyer and Seller,the terms of which conflict with this provision Insofar as delivery and return of information and documentation,then the terms of shah non.disclosurc,confidentiality, or similar agreement shall control as to the delivery and return of information and documentation. Section 5.Evidence of Title:Seller agrees to convey lee simple insurable title to the Property to ithaut exLcption for mechanics'liens, free and clear of all liens,encumbrances and defects of title other than: (a) zoning ordinances affecting the Property.(b) Leaser(as defined in Section 7, if applicable) and (c) specific instruments on the public record at the Contract Date agreed to by Buyer(not objected to by Buyer prior to the end of the Examination Period), which specific instruments shall be enumerated in the deed referenced in Section I I (items 5(a),5(b)and 5(c)being collectively"Permitted Exceptions");provided that Seller shall he required to satis1 ',at or prior to Closing,any encumbrances that may be satisfied by the payment of a fixed sum of money,such as deeds of trust, mortgages or statutory liens Seller shall not enter into or record any instrument that affects the Property (or any personal property listed on Exhibit At after the C'nmrtc► Date without the prior written consent of Buyer, which consent shall not be unreasonably nit Wield,conditioned in delayed. Section 6.Conditions:This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement are hereby made expressly conditioned upon fulfillment(or waiver by Buyer,whether explicit or impt`tct!)of the following conditions. (a)Oualifieation for Assumption: The obligations nl Buyer under this Agreement are conditioned upon Buyer being able to assume the existing loan described in Section l(b)(iii)above. iI'such assumption requires the lender's approval,Buyer agrees to use its hest efforts to secure such approval and to advise Seller immediately upon receipt of the lender's decision. Approval must be granted on or betitre N/A . On or l:elure ibis date, Buyer has the right to terminate this Agreement lbr failure to be able to assume the loan described above by delivering to Seller mruen notice of termination by the above date, time being of the essence. if Buyer delivers such notice, this Agreement shall be nub'and void.and the Earnest Money shall h: refunded to Buyer. (f Buyer lads to deliver such notice, then Buyer will be deemed to have staived this condition. Unless provided °theruise in Section 3 hereof, Buyer shall pay all fees and costs associated with any such assumption, including any assumption fee charged by the lender. At ur before Closing,Seller shall assign to Buyer all interest of Seller in any current reserves or escrows held by the lender, any property management company andror Seller, including. but not belted to: any tenant improvement reserves, leasing commission reserves,security deposits and operating or capital reserves for which Seller shall be credited at Closing. (hi Title Examination: After the Contract Date, Buyer shall.at Buyer's expense,cause at title examination to be made of the Property before the end of the Examination Period. In the event that such title examination shall show that Seller's title is not fee simple insurable, subject only to Permitted Exceptions,then Buyer shall promptly notify Seller in writing of all such title defects and exceptions, in no case later than the end of the Examination Period, and Seller shall have thirty(30)days to cure said noticed defects. If Seller does not cure the defects or objections within thirty(30)days of notice thereof,then Buyer may terminate this Agreement and receive a return of Earnest Money (notwithstanding that the Examination Period may have expired). If Buyer is to purchase title insurance, the insuring company must be licensed to do business in the state in which the Property is located. Title to the Property must be insurable at regular rates,subject only to standard exceptions and Permitted Exceptions. (e) Sarre Condition: If the Property is not in substantially the same condition at Closing as of the date of the offer, reasonable wear and tear excepted.then the Buyer may(i)terminate this Agreement and receive a return of the Earnest Money or(ii) proceed to Closing whereupon Buyer shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the Property, any of the Seller's insurance proceeds payable on a::cotun of the damage or destruction applicable to the Property. ( a , Ply44 nf'9 Buyer Initials f) ' — Seller initials i-' STANDARD FORM 580-T Revised 7/2020 7/2020 Prod'c d with z¢Fecm.T mr npi.egix r8U*8 F.lcon Slra Road.Rasa,Wch-gan d8328 www zmect s coy:. D ld Sprung• (d) Jnspections: Buyer, its agents or representatives, at Buyer's expense mid at reasonable times during normal business hours, shall have the right to enter upon the Property for the purpose of inspecting, examining, conducting timber cruises, and surveying the Property;provided,however,that Buyer shall not conduct any invasive testing of any nature without the prior express written approval of Seller as to each specific invasive test intended to be conducted by Buyer. Buyer shall conduct all such on-site inspections, examinations, testing, timber cruises and surveying of the Property in a good and workmanlike manner, at Buyer's expense,shall repair any damage to the Property caused by Buyer's entry and on-site inspections and shall conduct same in a manner that does not unreasonably interfere with Seller's or any tenant's use and enjoyment of the Property.In that respect.Buyer shall make reasonable efibrts to undertake on-site Inspections outside of the hours Seller's or any tenant's business is open to the public. Buyer shall provide Seller or any tenant(as appheablc)reasonable advance notice of and Buyer shall cause its agents or representatives and thud party service providers(e.g. inspectors, surveyors,ett.) to give reasonable advance notice of any entry onto the Property. Buyer shall be obligated to observe and comply with any terms of any tenant lease which conditions access to such tenant's space its the Property.Upon Seller's request,Buyer shall provide to Seiler evidence of general liability insurance. Buyer shall also have a right to review and inspect all contracts or other agreements affecting or related directly to the Property and shall be entitled to review such hooks and records of Seller that relate directly to the operation and maintenance of the Properly,provided,however,that Buyer shall not disclose any information regarding this Property(or any tenant therein)unless required by law, and the same shall he regarded as confidential, to any person, except to its attorneys, accountants, lenders and other professional arse isors, in which case Buyer shall obtain their agrt.entent to maintain such confidentiality. Buyer assumes all responsibility tier the acts of itself anti its agents or representatives in exercising its rights under this Section h(d)and agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any damages resulting therefrom. This indemnification obligation of Buyer shall survive the Closing or earlier termination of this Agreement. foxcept as provided in Section 6(b) above, Buyer shall have from the Contract Date through the end of the Examination Period to pert'oim the ahtne inspections,examinations and testing. IF BUYER CHOOSES NOT TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY, i"OR ANY REASON OR NO REASON, AND PROVIDES WRITTEN NOTICE TO) SELLER TitEREOF PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE EXAMINATION PERIOD, THEN TIHS AGREEMENT SHALL. TERMIiNA'rE, AND BUYER SiHALL RECEIVE A RETURN OF THE EARNEST MONEY. Seefinn 7.Leases(Cheek one of the following,as applicable): X if this box i% checked, Seller affirmatively represents and warrants that there are no leases (as hereinafter defined) a fleeting the Property. If this box is checked,.Seller discloses than there are one or more leases affecting the Property("Leases")and the following foot•einnf are hereby made a Iran of this Agreement. (a)A list of all leases shall be set forth on Exhibit B.Seller represents and warrants, that as or the Contract Date, there are no other Leases.oral or written.recorded or not.nor any subleases affecting the Property.except as set forth on Exhibit B; (hI Seller shall deliver copies of;any).eases to Buyer pursuant to Section 4 as if the[.eases were listed therein; (c)Scllei represents and warrants that as of the Contract Date,there are no current defaults(or any existing situation which. with the passage of time,or the giving of notice,or both,or at the election of either landlord or tenant could constitute a delimit)either by Seller,as landlord, or by any tenant under any )..ease("Lease r)e+aault"). In the event there is any Lease Default as of the Contract Date, Seller agrees to pros,dc Buyer with a detailed description of ilte situation in accordance with Section 4. Seiler agrees not to commit a Lease Default as Landlord after the Contract Date; and agrees further to notify Buyer immediately in the event it Lease Default arises or is claimed,asserted or threatened to be asserted by either Seller or a tenant under the Lease. (d)In addition to the conditions provided in Section 6 of this Agreement,this Agreement and the rights and obligations of the panics under this Agreement are hereby made expressly conditioned upon the assignment of Seller's interest in any Lease to Buyer in form and content acceptable to Buyer(with tenant's written consent and acknowledgement,if required under the).ease).Seller agrees to deliver an assignment of any Lease at or before Closing, with any security deposits held by Seller under any Leases to be transferred or credited to Buyer at or belinre Closing.The assignment shall provide: (i)that Seller shall defend, indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from claims, tosses, damages and liabilities (including, without limitation, court costs and attorneys' Fees) asserted against or incurred by Bayer which are caused by or the result()laity default by Seller under any Lease prior to the date of Closing. and tit)that Buyer;hall defend, indemnify and hold Seller harmless from claims, losses,damages and liabilities(including, without limitation, court costs and attorneys' lees)asserted against or incurred by Seller which are caused by or the result of any default by Buyer under any Lease alter the date of Closing. (c) Seller also agrees to work diligently to obtain any tenant signatures on any estoppel certificates in such form as Buyer may reasonably request and to work diligently to obtain any subordination,nondisturbance and attonuncnt agreements in such form as Buyer may reasonably request, ' palip5oft9 Buyer Initials 1)1,44% Seller Initials\ , ( e i r STANDARD FORM S80-T f Revised 7/2020 O 7/2020 Preld,ced with tWrWire 6y t GL-ca ISOM F,lteen d. stead,F'asr+r Slr.tugan 4BC2.t taw yipt wilt cam na+id cpraal Section 8. Environmental: Seller represents and warrants that it has no actual knowledge of the presence or disposal,except as in accordance with applicable law, within the buildings or on the Property of hazardous or toxic waste or substances,which are defined as those substances, materials, and wastes, including, but not limited to. those substances, materials and wastes listed in the United States Department of Transportation hazardous Mater:als Table(49 CFR Part 172.1011 or by the Environmental Protection Agency as hazardous substances(40 CFR Part 302.4) and amendments thereto, or such substances, materials and wastes, which are or become regulated wider any applicable.local.state or federal law, including,without limitation, any material, waste or substance which is(i) petroleum. (ii) ashestos, (iri) polychlorinated biphenyls. (iv) designated as a Ilazardous Substance pursuant to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act of 1977(33 U.S.C. §1321)or listed pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977(13 U.S C. *1317),iv) defined as a hazardous waste pursuant to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976(42 U.S.C. §h903)ur (vi) defined es a hazardous substance pursuant to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980(42 U S.C.*9601).Seller has no actual knowledge of any contamination of the Property from such substances as may have been disposed or or stored on neighboring tracts. Section 9. Risk of Loss;Dantage/Repair: Until Closing. the risk of loss or damage to the Property, except as otherwise provided herein,shall be home by Seller.Except as to maintaining the Property in its saute condition,Seller shall have no responsibility lib the repair of the Property,including any improvements,unless the parties hereto agree in writing. Section 10. Earnest Money Disbursement: In the event that any condition hereto is not satisfied, then the Earnest Money shall be relirrided Io Buyer. in the event of breach of this Agreement by Seller, the Earnest Money shall he refunded to Buyer upon Buyer's request, but such return ,hall neat affect any other remedies available to Buyer liir such breach. In the event of breach of this Agreement by Buyer,the Earnest Money shall he paid to Seller as liquidated damages and as Seller's sole and exclusive remedy fur such breach,but without limiting Seller's rights under Section(itd)or Section 22 of this Agreement. it is acknowledged by the parties that payment or the Firmest Money to Seller in the event of a breach of this Agreement by Buyer is compensatory and not punitive, such amount being a reasonable estimation of the actual loss that Seller would incur as a result ol'such breach. The payment of the Earnest Money to Seller shall not cnnstitti_e a penalty or forfeiture but actual canipeneatiun lii; Sellet's anticipated loss, both parties acknowledging the diftieulte dcternri:zing Setter's actual damages for such breach. NOTE: In the event of a dispute between Seller and Buyer over the disposition of the Earnest Money held in csc uw,a licensed real estate broker is required by stale law(and Escrow Agent, if not a broker. hereby agrees) to retain the Earnest Money in the Escrow Agent's trust or escrow account until Escrow Agent has obtained a written release from the parties consenting to its disposition or until disburser/ten l is ordered by a court or competent jurisdiction. Alternatively,if it broker or an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina is holding the Earnest Money,the broker or attorney may deposit the disputed'bunks with the appropriate clerk ul coon in accordance with the provisions of N.C'.Ci.S. §93A- 12, Seller and Buyer hereby agree acid acknowledge that the Escrow Agent asumcs no liability in connection with the holding or the lamest :stoney pursuant hereto except for negligence or willful miscunduei of Farrow Agent. Escrow Agent shall not be responsible for the validity,eorreinness or genuineness of any&torment or notice referred to under this Agreement.Seller and Httyer hereby agree to indemnify.protect, save and hold harmless Escrow Agent and its successors. assigns and agents pursuant to this Agreement, from any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, claims, actions, suits, costs or expenses(Including attorney fees) of whatsoever kind or nature imposed on.incurred by or asserted against Escrow Agent which in any way relate to or arise out of the execution and deitvery or tins Agreement and any action taken hereunder;provided, however,that Seller and Buyer shall have no such obligation to indemnify,save and hold harmless Escrow Agent for any liability incurred by, imposed upon or established against it as a result of Escrow Agent's negligence or willliii misconduct. Section 1 I,Closing: At or before Closing.Seller shall deliver to Buyer a special warranty deed unless otherwise specified on Exhibit B and other documents customarily executed or delivered by a seller in similar transactions,including without limitation,a bill of sale for any personal property listed on Exhibit A, an owner's affidavit,lien waiver forms(and such other lien related documentation as shall permit the Property to be conveyed free and clear of any claim for mechanics'liens)and a non-foreign status affidavit(pursuant to the Foreign Inveestment in Real Property Tax Act), and Buyer shall cause to be delivered the funds necessary to pay to Seller the Purchase Price. The Closing shall be conducted by Buyer's attorney or handled in such oilier manner as the parties hereto may mutually agree in writing. Possession shall be delivered at Closing, unless otherwise agreed herein. The Purchase Price and other fiends to be disbursed pursuant to this Agreement shall not be disbursed until the Buyer's attorney's(or other designated settlement agent's)receipt of authorization to disburse all necessary funds. Section 12. Notices: Unless otherwise provided herein, all notices and other communications which may be or are required to be given or made by any party to the other in connection herewith shall be in uriling(which shall include electronic mail)and shall be deemed to have been properly given and received (i) on the date delivered in person or(ii) the date deposited in the United States mail. Pagc�6of9 7_1 Buyer Initials f i�'�;' Seller Initials �_ STANDARD FORM 580-T I ' Revised 7/2020 712020 Prdduca,i,d.,y4rn:RIiy tiptoj ram'.fleet 4l:e Road Fraser.Mici'5a,4HO2, anew;agovu&+!! DaidSprunt - registered or certified,return receipt requested, to the addresses set out in Section I tg)as to Seller,and in Section 1(h)as to Buyer,or at such other addresses as specified by written notice delivered in accordance herewith,(iii)at such time as the sender per-limns the final act to send such transmission. in a form capable of being processed by the receiving party's system, to any electronic mail address or facsimile number,if any,provided in Section 1(e)as to Seller,and in Section 1(h)as to Buyer or t iv)on the date deposited with a recognized overnight delivery service, addressed to the addresses set out in Section 1(g)as to Seller,and in Section 1(h) as to Buyer,or at such other addresses as specified by written notice delivered in accordance herewith. if a notice is sent by more than one method,it tic ill be deemed received upon the earlier of the dates of receipt pursuant to this Section. Section 13. Counterparts; Entire Agreement:This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, which taken together, shall constitute one and the same rniginal document Copies of original signature pages of this Agreement may be exchanged via fiti.simile or e-mail, and any such copies shall constitute originals. This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement among the panics herein and no modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by all parties hereto. The invalidity ul'one err more provisions of this Agreement shall nut affect the validity of any other pmvisions hereof and this Agreement shall he construed and enforced as if such invalid provisions were not included. Section 14. Enforceability: This Agreement shall become a contract when signed by both Buyer and Seller and such signing is eontnwnicated to both parties:it being expressly agreed that notice given in accordance with Section 12 is not requ,retl fife effective communication lire the purposes of this Section 14.The parties acknowledge and agree that: (i)the initials lines at the bottom of each page of this Agreement are merely evidence or their having reviewed the terms of each page,and(ii)the complete execution of such initials lines shall not he a condition of the effectiveness of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the panics,their heirs,successors and assigns and their personal representatives. Section 15.Adverse Infernmatiau and Compliance with Laws: (a) Seller Knowledge/Assessments: Seller has no actual knowledge of(i) condemnationts) affecting or contemplated with respect to the Property;(ii)actions,suits or proceedings pending or threatened against the Property:(iii)changes contemplated in any app:i.;,thte iaws, ordinances nr restrictions affecting the Piupeny. or (iv) governmental special assessments, either pending or confirmed, for sidewalk, paving, water, sewer, or other improvements on or adjoining the Property. and no pending or continued owners' association special assessments, except as follows(insert ''None"or the identification of any matters relating to (i) through (iv)above.if any): None Note: Fur purposes of this Agreement: (i) a "special assessment" is defined as a charge against the Property by a governmental authority in addition to ad valorem taxes and recurring gave:rnmenull service lees levied with such taxes,or by an owners'association in addi►ion to any regular assessment (dues), either id'which may be a lieu against the Property;a special assessment may he either pending or cuntirnted. City a"confirmed" special asses intent is defined its an assessment that has been approved by a governmental agency or an 04%net: association for the purposetsl stated. whether, at the time of Closing. it is payable in a lump sum or future installments, (iii) a "pending"special assessment is defined as an assessment that is under formal consideration by a governmental agency or an owners'association but to hieh has not been approved prior to Closing. Seller shalt pay, in full at Closing, all confirmed governmental or association special assessments, provided that the amnount thereof can he reasonably determined or estimated. The payment of such determined or estimated amount shall be the final payment between Buyer and Seller as to any confirmed special assessments, il'the amount of any special assessment cannot be reasonably determined or estimated,the special assessment shall he deemed a pending special assessment. Buyer shall take title subject to all pending spcda': assessments disclosed by Selle:t herein, if any. (b)Compliance: To Seller's actual knowledge.(i)Seller has complied with all applicable last,ordinances,regulations,statutes, mules and restrictions pertaining to or affecting the Property; (ii) performance of the Agreement will not result in the breach of, constitute any default under or result in the imposition of any lien or encumbrance upon the Property tinder any agreement or other instrument to which Seller is a party or by which Seller or the Property is bound; and(iii) there are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings pending or threatened against the Property,and Seller is not aware ol'any facts which might result in any such action,suit or other proceeding. (e) Owners' Association: If the Property is subject to regulation by an owners association, Seller shall de;ivcr the follow ing infbrmati to to Buyer pursuant to Section 4 as if the same were listed therein(or Setter shall state that Seller does not have same in their possession or that such item is not applicable):(i)the name of the owners'association;(ii)the amount of regular assessments(dues);(i;;) the name, address and telephone number of the president of the owners' association or of the association manager or management t .717of9 Buyer initials U 11 Sellerinitials , !Li , STANDARD FORM 580-T (� Revised 7/2020 7/2020 P,aduced wtln 7'Frcr' y,7igi.og,c 1riC7c F,ieei!He Road.F•dsv, Y!chidA'•45826 waLgagymmni Da.,d Sprung company.(iv) the owners'association urbsite address;(v)the Seller's statement of account;(vi)the master insurance policy showing the coverage provided and the deductible amount; (vii) copies of any Declaration and%or Restrictive Covenants; (viii)the Rules and Regulations,(ix)the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the owner;association;(x)the current financial Statement and budget of the owners' association; (xi)the parking restrictions and inliarrnation; and (xii) the architectural guidelines. Seller authorizes and directs any owners'associations,any management company of the owners' association,any insurance company and any attorney who has previously represented the Seller to release to Buyer, Buyer's agents, representative,closing attorney or lender true and accurate copies of the foregoing items affecting the Properly,including any amendments thereto. Section 16. Survival of Representations and Warranties: All representations, warranties,covenants and agreements made by the ponies hereto shall survive the Closing and delivery ol'the deed.Stiller shall,at or within six(6)months after the Closing,and without further consideration,execute,acknowledge and deliver to Buyer such other documents and instruments,and take such other action as Buyer may reasonably request or as may be necessary to more effectively transfer to Buyer the Property described herein in accordance with this Agreement. Section 17. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the state in which the Property is located. This Corm has only been approved for use in North Carolina. Section IS.Assignment:This Agreement is freely assignable unless otherwise expressly provided on Exhibit B. Section 19. Tax•Deferred Exchange: In the event Buyer or Seller desires to effect a tax-deferred exchange in connection with the conveyance of the Property, Buyer and Seller agree to cooperate in effecting such exchange;provided,however, that the exchanging party shall he responsible for all additional costs associated with such exchange, and provided limiter that a non-exchanging party shall not assume any additional liability with respect to such tax-deterred exchange. Seller and Buyer shall execute such adthtiunal documents.at no cost to the non-exchanging party,as shall be required to give effect to this pros'store Section 20. Memorandum of Contract: Upon request by either party, the parties hereto shall execute a memorandum rut contract in recordable form setting Ibrh such powisions hereof(other than the Purchase Price and other emus due)as either poorly may with to incorporate.Such memnrandum of camera~:t shall contain a statement that it autimuttically terminates and the Property is released from any effect thereby as of a spectre:date to he stated in the memorandum(which speci 11C date shall be no later than the date of Closing). The cost of recording such memorandum of contract shall be borne by the party requesting exeetttion of same. Section 21. Authority: Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full authority to shun this Agreement and such instruments as may be necessary to effectuate any transaction contemplated by this Agreement on behalf of the party for whom he or she signs and that his or her signature hinds such party. Section 22. Brokers: Except as expressly provided herein, Buyer and Seller agree to indeumiIy and hold each other harmless from ally and all drums of balers, consultants or real estate agents by. through or under the indemnifying party for fees or commissions arusiuu out of the sale of the Property to Buyer.Buyer and Seller represent and warrant to each other that:(i)except as to the Brokers designated under Section 1(0 of this Agreement.they have not employed nor engaged any brokers.consultants or real estate agents to be involved in this transaction and (n) that the compensation of the Brokers is established by and shall be governed by separate agreements entered into as amongst the Brokers,the Buyer and"or the.Seller. Section 23.Attorneys Fees: Illegal proceediegs are instituted to enforce any provision of this Agreement,the prevailing party in the proceeding shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party reasonable attorneys fees and court costs incurred in connection with the proceeding. TIES/SYNTHETIC STUCCO: If the adjacent box is checked, Seller discloses that the Property has been clad pietiously(either in whole or in pan)with an "exterior insulating and finishing system" commonly known as "EIFS" or "synthetic stucco". Seller makes no representations or warranties regarding such system and r3uyer is advised to make its own independent determinations with respect to condii:ons related to or occasioned by the existence or such materials at the Property. THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION Of REALTORSR, INC. ANt) TH•IL: NORTH CAROL INA BAR ASSOCIATION MAKE NO REPRESENTATION AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR ADEQUACY OF ANY PROVISION OF THIS FORM iN ANY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS FORM OR FEEL TiIAT IT DOI S NOT PROVIDE lOR YOUR LEGAL NEEDS,YOU SHOULD CONSULT A NORTH CAROLiNA, REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY BE.1 ORE YOU SIGN IT. \ -Pa13c 8 o1'9 Buyer Initials I.)lrki Seller Initials �. L:j'J _ STANDARD FORM 5804 Revised 7/2020 0 7/2020 Produced wm'r:iFrnreS;uy c•pL^g.a cock Fiticen ra,!e Road Fraser,Ac igae 48026 wnw,:ei ees cem U.aOid Spruar- BUYER: SELLER: individual - Indivi al David 11 Sprunt and! r Assigns John '-. • c t-trine I Grabofski 1-1 '0, '2 — . ...._ __. _. ._ .__ _ Date: -- • _4 Date, Date: Business Entity Business Entity (Name of l:ntitrl . . . {i ameofl:ntit i By: i;y: —. Name: Name: Title Title: Date: Date WIRE FRAUD D WARNING To Buyers: Belem sending any wire, you should call the closing agent's ollice to tetrfy the instructions. It you receive wiring Instructions for a different hank, branch location,account name or account number, they should be presumed fraudulent.Do not send any funds and contact the eiosing ttgetit's office immediately To Sellers: If your proceeds a ill be wired.it is recommended that you provide wiring instructions at closing in writing in the presence of the clas;ng agent. If you are unable to attend closing, you may be requited to send an original nctariecd directive to the closing agent's office containing the wiring instructions. This directive may be sent wilt the deed, lien waiver and tax Iinms ii those documents are being prepared for you by the closing.scent. At a minimum, you should call the closing agent's Mike to provide the wire instructions.The hire instructions should he verified over the telephone via a call to you initiated by the closing agent's oftiec to ensure that they are not From a fraudulent source Whether you are a buyer or a seller,you should call the closing agent's office at a number that is independently ohrained.To ensure that your contact is legitimate, you should not rely on a phone number in an email from the closing agent's office, your real estate agent or anyone else. The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Earliest Money set forth herein and agrees to hold said Earnest Money in accordance with the terms hereof. Cape Fear Commercial.LLC (Name of Escrow Agent) r Date: S 7-c Oa l Escrow Agent's contactunotice information is as follows: Julia Lackey (910)332.1595 e-mail address:julia n:eapefcarcommercial.com —— fax number:(910)344-1020 —except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 12. Page 9 of9 STANDARD FORM 580-T Revised 712020 : 7/2020 Pranced N.Ih,;:FormE by tipLn1n 18070 Feiteen beta Rawl.nasal.Michigan 48025 slawa.ciegpg,wl Dula 5pnro.- Exhibit A Property Description PARID;R03600-005-008-000 GRABOFSKI JOHN C CATHARINE M 8130 MARKET ST Parcel Alt ID 320)18.40.7924.000 Address 8130 MARKET ST Unit City WILMINGT()N Zip Code _ Neighborhood CFBM I Class RES-Residential Land Use Code 599-Retail Living Units Acres Zoning 8-2-BUSINESS DISTRICT Legal Description (t.22 ACRES)()WW2 la PT BATS()N HARNEVr Tax District FD , •,., '''' '137 '.. ' ' / 4...' • ...... ..., . • • '� I. -,` it , , 111F- A Sif. '' te}' l• • .• • -ice •, >•. 1 ,a~41114,4sI; q • 4" , i 440 . ;:iiiic - , 14 I I i '' ' .; s,..r 'r.i ir 6 , ,,.... . . _ . , ,, _,..., 4 -11',...Z. ff 4. lf; 4 N ',Y. , �,;t 4t. z in ,� �`^."ram f4• ?�', ° 'R r xF R t . -" • 1 N.. ;x 111114)\ l • . EXHIBIT B Additional Terms Examination.Period/Closing Initial Examination Period: 90 days from Contract Date • At the end of the Initial 90 day Examination Period,the Initial Earnest Money Deposit of$25,000 becomes non-refundable and applicable to Purchase Price • Buyer shall have three options to extend the Examination Period by 30 days each with an additional Earnest Money Deposit of$5,000 per extension that will also be non-refundable but applicable to Purchase Price Buyer to Close within 30 days of the expiration of the Examination Period. f. 3n z/ a kiaimio hA CapeFear Commercial DAVID HAREMS SPRUNT 2865 I2r 1-8 CQLLAIBUS CIR % IL':1NGTON.„C 284(13 "1i "23'^C: %'"? ITf "AO -_-5.' Sarsa LeF�, Payable Thr9 igb Welts� Advisors ;�, Fargo Bank,tl A eM U 8130 f4040- LI—. 15.—______ 1: 10 2307 1641: 9084 7 27137004 21365 1051 Military Cutoff Road,Suite 200 Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 .913.3-11. OCD Fax.C13.344.1320 rapefear;.ommercial cerr, SCANNED ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service" r:-- �- fir• Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Env" mental • Facilities NC Registered Engineering Fiim F-1O7? ,' - NC Registered Geologists Firm C-40€ "' ^'' .,,� SC Registered Engineering Firm 323.: ( w /y, 1 October 13, 2021 Mr. Ben Eberdt Godog Enterprises, LLC 3618 Durham Road Durham, North Carolina 27707 Reference: Report of Seasonal High Water Table Estimation and Infiltration Testing 8130 Market Street Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49.15088-A Dear Mr. Eberdt: ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) recently conducted a seasonal high water table (SHWT) estimation and infiltration testing within the stormwater control measure (SCM) area(s) at 8130 Market Street in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. This letter, with attachments, is the report of our testing. Field Testing On October 12, 2021, ECS conducted an exploration of the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, in accordance with the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual section A-2, at two requested locations shown on the attached Boring Location Plan (Figure 1). ECS used GPS equipment in order to determine the boring locations. The purpose of this exploration was to obtain subsurface information of the in situ soils for the SCM area(s). ECS explored the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions by advancing one hand auger boring into the existing ground surface at each of the requested boring locations. ECS visually classified the subsurface soils and obtained representative samples of each soil type encountered. ECS also recorded the SHWT and groundwater elevation observed at the time of the hand auger borings. The attached Infiltration Testing Form provides a summary of the subsurface conditions encountered at the hand auger boring locations. The SHWT and groundwater elevation was estimated at the boring locations below the existing grade elevation. A summary of the findings are as follows: Location SHWT Groundwater I-1 10 inches 24 inches 1-2 6 inches 18 inches ECS has conducted two infiltration tests utilizing a compact constant head permeameter near the hand auger borings in order to estimate the infiltration rate for the subsurface soils. Infiltration tests are typically conducted at two feet above the SHWT or in the most restrictive soil horizon. Tests in clayey conditions are conducted for durations of up to 30 minutes. If a more precise hydraulic conductivity value is desired for these locations, then ECS recommends collecting samples and performing laboratory permeability testing. ECS Capitol Services,PLLC • ECS Florida,LLC • ECS Mid Atlantic,LLC • ECS Midwest,LLC • ECS Southeast,LLP • ECS Texas,LLP www.ecslimited.com Report of SHWT Estimation and Infiltration Testing 8130 Market Street Wilmington, New Hanover County,North Carolina ECS Project No.49.15088-A October 13,2021 Field Test Results Below is a summary of the infiltration test results: Location Description Depth Inches/ hour I-1 Black silty SAND 10 inches 0.015 1-2 Black silty SAND 10 inches 0.008 Infiltration rates and SHWT may vary within the proposed site due to changes in elevation, soil classification and subsurface conditions. ECS recommends that a licensed surveyor provide the elevations of the boring locations. Closure ECS's analysis of the site has been based on our understanding of the site, the project information provided to us, and the data obtained during our exploration. If the project information provided to us is changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed and appropriate revisions provided, if necessary. The discovery of any site or subsurface conditions during construction which deviate from the data outlined in this exploration should be reported to us for our review, analysis and revision of our recommendations, if necessary. The assessment of site environmental conditions for the presence of pollutants in the soil and groundwater of the site is beyond the scope of this geotechnical exploration. ECS appreciates the opportunity to provide our services to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us. Respectfully, ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP glak 1.41 V'4."41' c -� K. Brooks Wall W. Brandon Fulton, PSC, PWS, LSS Project Manager Environmental Department Manager bwalleecslimited.com bfulton@_ecslimited.com 910-686-9114 704-525-5152 Attachments: Figure 1 - Boring Location Plan Infiltration Testing Form GBA Document 2 • , -.111 ,„ .„..k. -.":,,Ingigolff0...p. • ti �' • 1 + ' ; . 411111111r ars- , t t Y S . '.�. y Y 'i y� fib l K �y} 4 '� t C' '1 ••�+ R f s { YJ�.+4 5 .4 •,:4*• ,ft :R''.•. 0 .1:::' 4::;?k.' ''''''... , ' ..r. i _ 1s S. .. - • '�p Y" J a..`.. tti•.`- -.: ,-/ ',.. N'.'; . ',Sttr - ' ",„:,. ' %,,',.,. - ,,,N-• ' ,, .- •--'••,'?! '.....,• / ";s7/ s 'lc • r ./f 4 •^�Y f f f t t . Nve... +`- .r M1 1 A A. �' i .� .,- . , r ' J.. c • frl L C12 1 C•ti -� 0CH N p APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATIONS i W �� E1 . I SCALE SHOWN ABOVE s 8130 Market Street Figure 1—Boring Location Plan Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina C .. Provided by: Google Earth ECS Project#49.15088-A October 12, 2021 �, _: KBW I_____________ TM Infiltration Testing Form 8130 Market Street Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49.15008-A October 12, 2021 Location Depth USCS Soil Description -1 0-24" SM Black silty SAND Seasonal High Water Table was estimated to be at 10 inches below the existing grade elevation. Groundwater was encountered at 24 inches below the existing grade elevation. Test was conducted at 10 inches below existing grade elevation Infiltration Rate: 0.015 inches per hour Location Depth USCS Soil Description 1-2 0-24" SM Black silty SAND (heavy organics) Seasonal High Water Table was estimated to be at 6 inches below the existing grade elevation. Groundwater was encountered at 18 inches below the existing grade elevation. Test was conducted at 10 inches below existing grade elevation Infiltration Rate: 0.008 inches per hour Important Information about This Geotechnical-Engineoriog Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. While you cannot eliminate all such risks, you can manage them. The following information is provided to help. The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) Typical changes that could erode the reliability of this report include has prepared this advisory to help you-assumedly those that affect: a client representative-interpret and apply this • the site's size or shape; geotechnical-engineering report as effectively • the function of the proposed structure,as when it's as possible. In that way,clients can benefit from changed from a parking garage to an office building,or a lowered exposure to the subsurface problems from a light-industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; • the elevation,configuration,location,orientation,or that,for decades,have been a principal cause of weight of the proposed structure; construction delays, cost overruns, claims,and • the composition of the design team;or disputes. If you have questions or want more project ownership. information about any of the issues discussed below, contact your GBA-member geotechnical engineer. As a general rule,always inform your geotechnical engineer of project Active involvement in the Geoprofessional Business changes-even minor ones-and request an assessment of their Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a impact.The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot accept wide array of risk-confrontation techniques that can responsibility or liability for problems that arise because the geotechnical be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a engineer was not informed about developments the engineer otherwise construction project. would have considered. This Report May Not Be Reliable Geotechnical-Engineering Services Are Performed for Do not rely on this report if your geotechnical engineer prepared it: Specific Purposes, Persons,and Projects • for a different client; Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific • for a different project; needs of their clients.A geotechnical-engineering study conducted • for a different site(that may or may not include all or a for a given civil engineer will not likely meet the needs of a civil- portion of the original site);or works constructor or even a different civil engineer.Because each • before important events occurred at the site or adjacent geotechnical-engineering study is unique,each geotechnical- to it;e.g.,man-made events like construction or engineering report is unique,prepared solely for the client.Those who environmental remediation,or natural events like floods, rely on a geotechnical-engineering report prepared for a different client droughts,earthquakes,or groundwater fluctuations. can be seriously misled.No one except authorized client representatives should rely on this geotechnical-engineering report without first Note,too,that it could be unwise to rely on a geotechnical-engineering conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it.And no one report whose reliability may have been affected by the passage of time, -not even you-should apply this report for any purpose or project except because of factors like changed subsurface conditions;new or modified the one originally contemplated. codes,standards,or regulations;or new techniques or tools.If your geotechnical engineer has not indicated an"apply-by"date on the report, Read this Report in Full ask what it should be,and,in general,if you are the least bit uncertain Costly problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical- about the continued reliability of this report,contact your geotechnical engineering report did not read it in its entirety.Do not rely on an engineer before applying it.A minor amount of additional testing or executive summary.Do not read selected elements only.Read this report analysis-if any is required at all-could prevent major problems. in full. Most of the"Findings" Related in This Report Are You Need to Inform Your Geotechnical Engineer Professional Opinions about Change Before construction begins,geotechnical engineers explore a site's Your geotechnical engineer considered unique,project-specific factors subsurface through various sampling and testing procedures. when designing the study behind this report and developing the Geotechnical engineers can observe actual subsurface conditions only at confirmation-dependent recommendations the report conveys.A few those specific locations where sampling and testing were performed.The typical factors include: data derived from that sampling and testing were reviewed by your • the client's goals,objectives,budget,schedule,and geotechnical engineer,who then applied professional judgment to risk-management preferences; form opinions about subsurface conditions throughout the site.Actual • the general nature of the structure involved,its size, sitewide-subsurface conditions may differ-maybe significantly-from configuration,and performance criteria; those indicated in this report.Confront that risk by retaining your • the structure's location and orientation on the site;and geotechnical engineer to serve on the design team from project start to • other planned or existing site improvements,such as project finish,so the individual can provide informed guidance quickly, retaining walls,access roads,parking lots,and whenever needed. underground utilities. This Report's Recommendations Are perform their own studies if they want to,and be sure to allow enough Confirmation-Dependent time to permit them to do so.Only then might you be in a position The recommendations included in this report-including any options to give constructors the information available to you,while requiring or alternatives-are confirmation-dependent.In other words,they are them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming not final,because the geotechnical engineer who developed them relied from unanticipated conditions.Conducting prebid and preconstruction heavily on judgment and opinion to do so.Your geotechnical engineer conferences can also be valuable in this respect. can finalize the recommendations only after observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction.If through observation your Read Responsibility Provisions Closely geotechnical engineer confirms that the conditions assumed to exist Some client representatives,design professionals,and constructors do actually do exist,the recommendations can be relied upon,assuming not realize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other no other changes have occurred.The geotechnical engineer who prepared engineering disciplines.That lack of understanding has nurtured this report cannot assume responsibility or liability for confirmation- unrealistic expectations that have resulted in disappointments,delays, dependent recommendations if you fail to retain that engineer to perform cost overruns,claims,and disputes.To confront that risk,geotechnical construction observation. engineers commonly include explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled"limitations;many of these provisions indicate This Report Could Be Misinterpreted where geotechnical engineers'responsibilities begin and end,to help Other design professionals'misinterpretation of geotechnical- others recognize their own responsibilities and risks.Read these engineering reports has resulted in costly problems.Confront that risk provisions closely.Ask questions.Your geotechnical engineer should by having your geotechnical engineer serve as a full-time member of the respond fully and frankly. design team,to: • confer with other design-team members, Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered ▪ help develop specifications, The personnel,equipment,and techniques used to perform an • review pertinent elements of other design professionals' environmental study-e.g.,a"phase-one"or"phase-two'environmental plans and specifications,and site assessment-differ significantly from those used to perform • be on hand quickly whenever geotechnical-engineering a geotechnical-engineering study.For that reason,a geotechnical- guidance is needed. engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions,or recommendations;e.g.,about the likelihood of You should also confront the risk of constructors misinterpreting this encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. report.Do so by retaining your geotechnical engineer to participate in Unanticipated subsurface environmental problems have led to project prebid and preconstruction conferences and to perform construction failures.If you have not yet obtained your own environmental observation. information,ask your geotechnical consultant for risk-management guidance.As a general rule,do not rely on an environmental report Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance prepared for a different client,site,or project,or that is more than six Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can shift months old. unanticipated-subsurface-conditions liability to constructors by limiting the information they provide for bid preparation.To help prevent Obtain Professional Assistance to Deal with Moisture the costly,contentious problems this practice has caused,include the Infiltration and Mold complete geotechnical-engineering report,along with any attachments While your geotechnical engineer may have addressed groundwater, or appendices,with your contract documents,but be certain to note water infiltration,or similar issues in this report,none of the engineer's conspicuously that you've included the material for informational services were designed,conducted,or intended to prevent uncontrolled purposes only.To avoid misunderstanding,you may also want to note migration of moisture-including water vapor-from the soil through that"informational purposes"means constructors have no right to rely building slabs and walls and into the building interior,where it can on the interpretations,opinions,conclusions,or recommendations in cause mold growth and material-performance deficiencies.Accordingly, the report,but they may rely on the factual data relative to the specific proper implementation of the geotechnical engineer's recommendations times,locations,and depths/elevations referenced. Be certain that will not of itself be sufficient to prevent moisture infiltration.Confront constructors know they may learn about specific project requirements, the risk of moisture infiltration by including building-envelope or mold including options selected from the report,only from the design specialists on the design team.Geotechnical engineers are not building- drawings and specifications.Remind constructors that they may envelope or mold specialists. GEOPROFESSIONAL BUSINESS ' . ASSOCIATION Telephone:301/565.2733 e-mail:info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org Copyright 2016 by Geoprofessional Business Association(GBA).Duplication,reproduction,or copying of this document,in whole or in part,by any means whatsoever,is strictly prohibited,except with GBAs specific written permission.Excerpting,quoting,or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA,and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review.Only members of GBA may use this document or its wording as a complement to or as an element of a report of any kind.Any other firm,individual,or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be committing negligent .7_\I 6. 1_,-- � /�� U.S DHPARTMENT OPTH6INTERIOR DECSCOTIS HILL QUADRANGLE u D.a��D�, BUR�� y;.USTopo Q' NoRa ,aA ].SMINI,fE MIES almalradeaftwar BY MOW _•JI 4 I p W 'Y W axa�a+ar Q I J'. . ii' h �� rJ ��I'/ If Imo-. .. 1.1•• / -J 1 ` \ I 1 I l \ I • �,!1, I I / f l ) f I l 1 V J i ,� (j��' 1 ��a •• r; • ' 1• 1) tt4 `? ii 1 c ,L • H\ 1 "t I 1 ,i ?) 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I yy� +�� .J a per;• �w• -- •_"¢ 0.-... ♦ s ']tit sr1eB>r i .- -:. a .1 x. , r E 4nem. • O non.rrrx'r' •vat • I; WILMTNCrTON ��• Y F3 .xrr �• • • .. wmnr� - Ilf4 �„_ . erg k,.w • art 'a .m. 4p' '27 wrsil v .:.41 I RIP 'a I - Yamarly WAD CLASSFICATION Rome y ebb United Slabs a.exyblSunny • v.E 1:24 000 .rr"rm","".w"e"'"''`aiw. Ai—frilii, a e r.�..w Swat x r trwx.__".'__..e.iww ....".... " , I we xam.ar..vvrcx or.xe',.. ECM 3... •••w•"�t,ri:.aw i�w.uir. BEIM .w.r"m.osvx....e wrw.am..,x.su. '-' E■ SCOT1S HILL,NC 2013 WRITTEN CONSENT BY THE ORGANIZER OF WLM PROPCO,LLC October 1,2021 The following resolutions are adopted by the written consent of the Organizer of WLM PROPCO,LLC,a North Carolina limited liability company(the"Company"). 1. Resolution Affirming Articles of Organization The Articles of Organization for the Company were filed with the North Carolina Secretary of State, a stamped filed copy of which was returned and shall be retained by the Company in its minute book. This resolution reaffirms all of the terms and provisions contained in said Articles of Organization. RESOLVED, that the Articles of Organization, as filed with the North Carolina Secretary of State, are hereby affirmed as being the Articles of Organization of the Company. 2. Resolutions Accepting Members The Organizer hereby recognizes that the following entity is the initial member of the Company, and from this point forward the Organizer shall have no further rights or responsibilities with respect to the Company. RESOLVED, that the Company hereby recognizes that Benjamin H. Eberdt, an individual resident of the State of North Carolina (the "Member"), as owning 100%of the interests in the Company,and the Member shall have all rights and responsibilities for the management and operation of the Company from this point forward until such time as additional members are brought into the Company under the terms of a comprehensive and complete operating agreement to be executed, with the Organizer having no further rights or responsibilities with respect to the Company. The above resolutions were adopted by the Organizer of the Company,and the Organizer has consented to these actions by signing below. These resolutions shall be effective as of the date first set forth above. ,. gs G. Grey Littlewood,Esq., Organizer SOSID:2272829 Date Filed:9/21/2021 12:30:00 PM Elaine F.Marshall State of North Carolina North Carolina Secretary of State Department of the Secretary of State C2021 264 00555 Limited Liability Company ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to §57D-2-21 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is WLM PROPCO,LLC 2. There shall be no limit on the duration of the limited liability company. 3. The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: G. Grey Littlewood, Organiser, 4208 Six Forks Rd., Ste 1000, Raleigh, NC 27609 4. The street address and county of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is: 3717 Bentley Drive,Durham,Durham County,North Carolina 27707 5. The mailing address of the initial registered office is 3717 Bentley Drive, Durham, Durham County,North Carolina 27707 6. The name of the initial registered agent is: Ben Eberdt 7. Principal office information: The limited liability company DOES NOT have a principal office: 8. This is a Manager-managed LLC and except as provided by N.C.G.S. Section 57D-3- 20(d), the members of this limited liability company shall not be managers by virtue of their status as members. 9. These Articles of Organisation shall be deemed effective upon filing. WLM PROPCO,LLC G. Grey Littlewood, Organizer ►' • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT 111 1/6/2022 NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: WLM PROPCO, LLC Filing Office Use Only SECRETARY OF STATE ID NUMBER: 2272829 STATE OF FORMATION: NC E-Filed Annual Report 2272829 REPORT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR: 2022 CA21 2 1 2790 3/21/20/2022 12:01 SECTION A: REGISTERED AGENT'S INFORMATION nChanges 1. NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT: Eberdt, Ben 2.SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT 3. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE STREET ADDRESS&COUNTY 4.REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 3717 Bentley Drive 3717 Bentley Drive Durham,NC 27707 Durham County Durham,NC 27707 SECTION B: PRINCIPAL OFFICE INFORMATION 1. DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF BUSINESS: Pet Hospitality 2.PRINCIPAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (919) 812-8084 3.PRINCIPAL OFFICE EMAIL: Privacy Redaction 4.PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 5.PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 3717 Bentley Dr 3717 Bentley Dr Durham,NC 27707 Durham,NC 27707 6.Select one of the following If applicable.(Optional see instructions) ❑ The company is a veteran-owned small business ❑ The company is a service-disabled veteran-owned small business SECTION C:COMPANY OFFICIALS(Enter additional company officials in Section E.) NAME: Benjamin Eberdt NAME: NAME: TITLE: Member TITLE: TITLE: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 3717 Bentley Dr Durham,NC 27707 SECTION D:CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT. Section D must be completed in its entirety by a person/business entity. Benjamin Eberdt 3/21/2022 SIGNATURE DATE Form must be signed by a Company Official listed under Section C of This form. Benjamin Eberdt Member Print or Type Name of Company Official Print or Type Title of Company Official This Annual Report has been filed electronically. MAIL TO:Secretary of State, Business Registration Division,Post Office Box 29525,Raleigh,NC 27626-0525 Permit No. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION REQUEST FORM This form may be:photocopied•for use as an.original. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION In order to determine the receiving stream for a project in a coastal county or whether a State Stormwater Management Permit will be required for a project in a non-coastal county,the dassificaflon of the closest downslope surface waters(the surface waters that any sheet Row or overflow from the project would flow toward) must be determined.Please complete Sections I and fI below.DWQ Staff will determine the receiving stream classification,complete Section III,and return the completed form to you. 1. Project Name: V 130 Market S''r Coungt:. Mew4O.11et.Je:sf 2.. Contact Person: Capri C.:town( 3: Mailing Address: a—a G- M._ DI • a_ io 4. City WI Irk 115411A. Plateige..i Zip Zeta- Phone No. f 72 -14673 5. Name of closest downslope surface waters: fiv &J 0.4eJr 6. Signature of contact person: Date:T'2:f:.:�1 7. Is.a Sedimental' . Erosion Ca I Plan re CAMA Major Permit required?{ ES ONO • IL REQUIRED ITEMS An 8.5"x f t"copy of the appropriate portion of a US©S quad sheet showing the projects property bo indaries,receiving stream,major roads or State Roads numbers;and nearest town or city m u,,-t be attached. Mail the entire package to: NCDENFt Division Of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section-Stomevater at the Appropriate Contact Address(see the following page) Itl. CLASSIFICATION REQUEST(To be completed by Regional Officec personnel) 1. Name of surface rs: V yl hamicI et f0F;/.�T,c rrt„ -t'0 Y S 2: River Basin: WI �,le— ..Index Nor 1? Index Z 3. Classification(as established by the EMC): y j) 4. Proposed Classification,if apptiiablec OZ¢�•�30��� 5. State Stormwater Management Permit requ •d DYES. ON 6. Signature of Regional ice personnel: Date 0...116 ILI cc: DWQ -Regional Office Consultant Building Inspector Central Files swu-111-06060e Page 1 of 2 z• 7-G it'°" . • 4.. .�..,e ...� • . - .."..:��- .'•CJ -. .:rr�: - `tom. ,ear,•..: . • • fi.% REF me`µ k f"7'. .. ,:,z i }.l-;x`p.9 ••r° .�'.'.• .. ; • • io ,:.-� .,�y-ww . •� � ; � ty • • ip`• gyp' - - !°''p".j •:., .. sla. i •1' V '• • . .fir�'. _ :r : • "� :�a• _ : ` -; 'i .,ram; `�i• _ ;.L.:'" Y'. - . `s {w'>' -...i- =:. ..'_� .4 � - •._ ., �h'^,.jam w ....y,.:� .. 4' see' r sy• . '.:::U, .. -4 :, ^ _ - :ter S ,•r:, '•-t �'-5:' 'y:T;r'' , Jr• • - e. ' i ' Y %C dd'hJy . • i s ... ,.:a .: ` isT.. . s .'3•-. _:G15 •• its 6' • r�:: Y.+_tr - ' ii sir. NOAA Atlas 14,Volume 2,Version 3 a '' ` Location name:Wilmington,North Carolina,USA' .�:v. er a Latitude:34.2043°,Longitude:-77.7914°,1/4, , ° Elevation:6.37 it" I ,. : a,II,�.. 'source:EMI Mans roves uses .: POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES am 9onnin,D.Martin,B.Lin.T.Parry's*,M.Yekta,and D.Riley P1OM.National Mather Service,Silver Spam.Maryland PFjabular1 Er_graphical I fr aprtk_aerialg PF tabular IPDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90%confidence intervals(in inches)1 IDuratI011--- rAverage recurrnce Interval(years) i 2 r$ 10 25 56 100 200 500 1000 5•min 0.521 I 0.620 0.725 0.80E ) 0.910 )I 0.988 j 1.07 I 1.15 125 1.34 (0.486-0,563) (0.577-0.669) 0.673-0,782) (0,748.0.669 0,639-0.979 1(0,907-t.07)1(0.975-1.15)k1.04-t.24) (1.12-1,36) f.19.1,45) 10411in 0.833 0.992 1.1E 129j1i45 167 I(0.778-0.899) (0.922-1.07 1.70 1.82 1.98 2.11) (i.OB-1.25) (1.19-1.38} (1.34•t.SB) (1.44.1,70) (1,55.1.83) (} 15-men 1.04 1.28 1AT 7.63 1.Bd 1 99 2.15 I 2 S0 1 2.50 2.6E ) (0.970-1,12) I ( I( ( (1.69-1,98) I(1.83-2.15) (1,96.2.31} k2.08-2.48)K2,24-2.70)(2.35-2.87 30-min 1.43 1.72 Z38 2.72 3.00 3.29 3.58 3.97 4.29 I (1.33-1.54) (1,60.1.86) FIrc)-- (2.19-2.55) (2.5t-2,93) (2.75-3.23) (3.00-3.54) (3.24 3.66} (3.56-4.29)(3.eI.4,64) fi0•min I 1.78 2.1E 2.68 3.08 3.63 4.07 d.5a 5A2 b.70 6.2E IIII (1.t18-1.92) (2.01 2.33) (2,46.2.85) (2,85-3.32) (3.34.3,90) (3,73.4,38) ( �(4. -5.41) (5,11-6.16) (556.8.78) 2-Ti 2.11 2.57 3.27 I 3.85 4.70 5.42 6.20 7.07 8.34 9.43 (1.94•Z.30} (2.3T-2.81j ( (3.54 4.21} (4.29-5.12} ( (5,60 8.76) (B.33-7.68) (7.39) (B.:A•10,3) 3-hr 2.2E 2.T4 35f 4.1T 5.7E 600 6.95 8.01 9.62 11.0 I (2.07-2.47) (2.52-3.01) I(3.22-3.85) (3-61.4.56) (4.E7-5.62) (5.42.6,56) (6.3-7,58) 7,12.6.72) (,57.12,0) 6-hr 2.80 3.41 4 36 5.19 6,43 7 52 8.75 10.7 12 2 14 7 (2.57-3,06) (3.14-3.76) (4,00.4.E0) (4.74-5.71) i (5.84-7.05) (8.T8.8.24) ( (8.95•i1.1y ,2,t-15-4) 12-hr I 3•21 3,98 5.15 6.1b �( 10.E f2.1 t&o 17A (2.8 .3:ti ( (4,68-5.70) ( (8.D778.47) (8,07-9,94} f(9„w.11,6) 10,e-13.5} 12.9.16,5} 24-hr, , - 4.69 6.07 ( 7.2E 9.15 10.8 12.7 14.8 18.2 21.1 (4.2.--5.24) (5.561.477) (6,6088.10) (8.19-10.2) (} (11.1-14.1) 12.8-16.5) (15,4-20.3) (17.6,23.8) 2-day 458 5.54 7.11 8 48 10.E 12.4 14.5 16.8 20.4 23.E (418-508) (5.06.8.i4) (648-7.69j ( (9,4811.7) (11.0-138) (12.T-16.1) 14.E-18.8) (17,3.23.0) (19.7,Z6.7) 3a I 44?•65 9dt) I (5.305.9$0. ) (6.7.53 87-8.3 4) ( 8993.8 9) (9.9131.102 2 (11,152-9 3 ( 3.1 9 ( 7Z ) (1720-8 2 5•� 627 7.95 9.38 11.5 4-day (4.76-5.75) I( (7.25-8.79) (8,53.10.4 (10.4-12.7 .9-1 .8.1 17J 21.x 2422 ) } (fi.9-14,8) (i3.&17.1} I(15.5-19.7)I(f82.23,8}I(2Q4.27,4) y 5.98 7.21 9.08 10.E 12.9 14.8 16,9 19-2 22-5 25.4 7a (5.524i.54) (8-85-7.88) ( (9,74-11,8) (11.7-14.1) I(13.4-i8,2) (} 17.0 21.1j (19.6-25.6)I(2L&28.3) 10-ay ( rs.09A9-8.81) (9.26-10.9) (10.7?i 7) (12.6-15.3) (1417.5) (1E3.19.B) 182.22.4)(2093263) 23,179.7} 9.05 10.8 13.1 15.1 17.9201 20-day I ( (10.0-11.6 � i 22.E 26.2 ( .7-3 137.9 (t22-14.2} ( (16,5-19.3) {16.8-21.8) (20.5-24.5} 22,7.27.4y�{25.7-32,6} ,D-35,2) 3o-day 11-1 13.2 15.8 18.0 20.9 23.3 25.8 28.3 31.9 34.7 (10.4.1L9) I(12.4-14.1) (14,8-16.9) I(18.8•19.2) (19.5-224) ( I(232-27.7) 25,9-30.5) (26.8-34-8 I�I ��� ) (3i-1 37.3) 45-day I(1313.8 7) (15.4-3 A) (7819.4 7) (Z021.9 3) (23 J5.3 0) {Z6 0 30•8 33.T 37-8 . 40.7 Z9.8) I(28.8-33.0} I(31.0ti1'6.2) (34,340.6) (36.8-44.3} Foay i6.6 I 19.E 22.9 25.E 29.1 31.9 34.7 37.5 4f.2 44.1 !!I (15.7-17.6) (18,5-20.8) ( t (24.1.27,1} (27.3-30.9} ( (32.3-37.0) (34,7.40.1) (37.8.44,3)I(40.-4-7,7) 1 Predpitatian frequency(PF)estimates in thls table are based on frequency analysis of pastel duration ties(PDS). Numbers In parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90%confidence interval.The probabiity that precipitation frequency estimates Oar a given duration and average recurrence interval)will be greater than the upper band(or less than the fakeer bound)is 5%.Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation(PMP)estimates and may be higher than currently,raid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Alas 14 document for more information. Back tp Top PF graphical