HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoore_Well Abandonment_20241025 (2) AK 'G WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Y Y= North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 1.WELL c-t' LL CONTRACTOR: 5. WELL DETAILS: ,. J1 /-3, &1,4/d1, a_Total Depth:ft Diameter: in. Well Contractor(Wividua))Name b.Water Level(Below Measuring Point): /Z fL L1811..t 414-A�c �ca/ec�i .f Measuring point is f ft above land surface. Well Contractor Company Name U.�2Y - STREET ADDRESS i�z� /7�/ Z3 6. CASING: Length Diameter Ct��S f - /V_i m z7 3.7.E' a Casing Depth(if known): ft T in. City or Town State Zip Code r� b.Casing Removed: j _R 5F in- �o -1!�q 7 9--30-3 Area code-Phone number 7. DISINFECTION: ?-WELL INFORMATION: (Amount of 65%75%calcium hypochlonite used) SITE WELL ID#(if applicable) & SEALING MATERIAL: STATE WELL PERMIT#(if applicable Neat Ceme>.t Sant Cement COUNTY WELL PERMIT#(if applicable) Cement ----—1b.' Cement--'Ib- Water �' gal. Water gal. �P a rat! DWQ or OTHER PERMIT#(if applicable) Bentonite �( WELL USE(Check Applicable Box):0 Monitoring Residential c�/C! 0 Municipal/Public ❑Industra iU ❑Ci mmerval Agricultural Bentonte��lb. Qj 5 0 r T 2 i` 2 G L 4 C Recovery ❑Injection C Irrigation Type:Slurry Pellets ❑Other(list use) Water i gal. J Other 3.WELL LOCATION: Type material COUNTY rn QUADRANGLE NAME Amount .SA K✓i z (JL NEAREST TOWN- T-C'N.7 /Ue Z rT 3 rf�i Ate-ei A& z (Stfect/Road Name N,wber,Community,Subdivision,Lot No-Pnmrl,Zip Code) 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: TOPOGRAPIEC/LAND SETTING: lly i a OSlope ❑Valley OFlat ORidge 0 Other � yR�ft"C !u �y 0,-"(Check appropriate box) 37 r �7 May d� IT LATUDE - `1 L I G�sa / ,minutes,seconds,or in a LONGTTUDE r' -3 t � r t d�COS �—� 10. WELL DIAGRAM:Draw a detailed sketch of the well on the back of this Latitude/longitude source: atQPS ❑Topographic map form showing total depth,depth and diameter of screens(if any)remaining (Location gfwe//instep be drown on a USGStwo map and in the well,gravel i tuval,intervals ofcasing perforations,and depths and attoebad to this force if not using GPS) types of fill materials used- 4a.FACHdTY-The now of the beaness where the well is locad Campteoe 4a and4b. 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED (Ifa fiat well,skip 4a;complete 4b,well owner information only.) FACTLTfY ID#(if applicable) J-aft t t /v e w 1 DO FWRFBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE ^. � - WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF NAME OF FACILITY T9*tArL S ti ' THIS HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER STREET ADDRESS fill./B�t ���• '- e Z L T 7 SIGNATURE OF CP IFEE.D WELL CONTRACTOR DATE City or Town State Zip Code 4b.CONTACT PERSONIWELL OWNER �-[ifG X✓�t i4 �/ — SIGNATURE OF PRIVATE WELL OWNER ABANDONING THE WELL DATE NAME 1 (Ile private well owner mat be an indMiltiai who Damalty abandons his&w residential well in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0113.) STREET ADDRESS yAt/l%e�o 4A( PRINTED NAME OFPERSON ABANDONING THE WELL city or Town State Zip Code C - 61 tips z sex code-Phone number Submit a copy to the owner and the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days Form GW-30 Attn:lnformation Management,1617 Mail Service Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1617, Phone No.(919)733-7015 ext 5W Rev.4/06