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GW1--06281_Well Construction - GW1_20241022
i WELL CONjSTRUC1RON RECORD Fpr internal the ONLY: This farm caribe used torain&or multiige wells i.Well Contractor tnformntioa: . M0rK.At l 140VATERW ; �. FROM TO DESCRIPTION 1 WellCoatmatorName • le rt. p 32. siO A R. a. I' 1 NC Welt Contractor CettifiaMonManlier _IS�..OUTER CASING(!or n «'de�BR Ceticttt: + s�_ ?-.lelLI ER4Itas ,`,lteabte3 Clearwater Well Drilling Inc. i�' ft. r:tATetuAL . CoopanyName / ,�) !/ lie%INNSR 0 1RT�/ •- ;• I ; ,� ;,:, � �, 2.Well Censtrueilo*Permit#: i. . '—o()/(/111499(X2 - Cji7,. TO 5AM t� ass MATERIAL List all applicable nall inutraellan pernNts ft ,Oma Slate,Variaae.etel R.• tt. in. 3.Wall Use(cheek well use): 17,QCRBEN Water Supply Well: - - .ram TO 'oaME1 R . sLorsiZS THICKNESS MATE/UAL DAgricaiitulal ©Manioipal/Public °Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) °Residential WateeSupply(single) R'� R. •tn: I ❑blustrial/Commerefat °Residential Water Supply(shared) lil.�` I . I - ' pinigationTO .���a � triAc6rM}Rraoao�►![toUals It D fd-f'Ma-Water ISupply Welk' I f�'Zi Monitoring °Recovery. R' O Injection Well:' it. >a: QAgoifer Recharge OQroundwater Remediation 10:SENWCJtAYSL PAS naelfettple) ' I '. ' • °Aquifer Storage and Rccove y OSalinity Battier FROM TO MATERIAL' I il11PrACEMENI iNETNob °Aquifer Test t3Stmmwater Drainage - Ofixperimeatat'hrlatology L1SnbsidetueCoutrol 1 R UB(atateheddlttonalsheetritnecessary) ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) 177Yaeer FROM TO DESCRIPTION(Mon b' munoe.kq u;pe w,t�etc.)Dgeothermal(Heating/CoolingRetutn) �OOther(ex0ainunder#21 Remarks) , t ft. 3, ft• -s /1a 4.Date Welke)Completed:Q 5-a(r Welt MN ^i` �� • weltLomdium (IIlD7 �� 1- ! I . aI i �f a'fi -gr e - lip s . >�1 . Fpacccility/ ezcwwne 'f//J D Facility iEW(ifapplieestrle) _ _- R. ft. PalAddress,City. d 2;p 2L;l MARKS - ! nil i') `2 207.4 County Parcel ideottfimtian No.(PIN) , f. v ,4 ',�r r,:,r y,� Sb.Lattwte ant Longitude le degrees/I/dagter/seconds or decinit l degrees: " (ifweil field,cm btllong is sufficient) ]2.«� ,;r r n; gS`379���l�. .N 2.2 .Ol2S2a<<f w i, . -lU�� Sty 0;,-/----. riifiedWeltContractor pa 6.is(are)the well(s): Permaaent or ❑Temporary may,core, (-) I (low constructed in accordance BY g this jams,I that the trait jowl whir lr NCAC 02C.0100 or 1SA NOW 02C.0206 FP Construction Spoke*oral that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: Dyes or to ' copy this record has been prawded to tha well ironer.!Phil is a repair,fill oat Loom well construction iafameatioaa explain the mama of the repair under#21 rermtrkrsection at oft►reb rkefthiejmm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details« You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 9.Number of welts censlructedi • censttuctiotidetails. You may also attach additional pages itnrcessar}t Far multiple infection worm-water sap*wells Olig1'with the same mrutrttetlon,your can sutan0onafbrm. W. S1JBMITIALINSTUCHIONS 1 ` 9.Toat west depth below land suriace: (It:) 24a.For AAR wens: Submit this form•within 0 days of completion of well For multiple mills listall depths lfeAf erect(ample-38.2110'a 11101 • `., construction tothe following: 10.Static water level below topof easing: OD (D,) Division of Water Quallty,914arma(lotz Processing Unit; If note level isabore easing two/+" c�^ 1617 Mail Service-Center,Raid NC 276491617 11.Borehole dhimeter. (.#/d (in:} 24b.For-1nlecffmn Wells: 1n addition'to sendin the form to the address in 24a • above,also submit a copy of this form within 0 days of completion of well 12.-Wel1construction/dethod: ro cttnstmction lathe following:. R (i.e,auger,naLuy,rabic direct push,eta) Division of Water Quality,Underground la ectionControl Progrent, ' FOR WATRR SUPPLY WELLS ONLX: 1636 Mae Service Center, ANC 27694--1636 13a.Yield(gpm)_ . g 9 24c.Or waterSunnly BInS .id on at taste e:glan Wei: 1R on to sending the form to the addresses)above,also submit one copy of is ism within 30 days of 13b..Disinfection type:' Amount; completion of well conStiuctipn to the county h flit de paMieat of the county _ whore constructed. • Form OW-i North Carolina Department of Envtronment and Natant Resources-Division of WehrQualfty Revised lan.2013 • Will WNW Salf-fiweat CoIdicadon owner: eti-J iokr t/ Addlasz rPennit — Gva _ poi �� I hereby certlfytlatt tee above referencedwell was grouted inappearanceiin v ith all County Weil rules. Wed mer: Mark )d/IIM Ste: -�:�y Cep: 3a�e p G • Construct on: Grout 1! Told Depth: TYPE Cog T V(' Thickness:kneesss: /y fitlQ1 i Casing Depth: '3 Depth: o?() ! • -I riameier: 7 W ht/Thidc Drive Shoe: . GPM: i .