HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243330_Site Plan or Location Map_20241030 Eg gW� C NCHi„x;Z�qp II • CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE / ` 300 \ \\ I I ( ) \ ASELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY I 1.Obtain all necessary permits and plan approvals.Erosion and Sediment Control(E&SC)permit and a Certificate of Coverage / I \ NCGS 113A-54.1'IS AVAILABLE FOR USE IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR ® NC HWYET (COC)must be obtained before any land disturbing acmifesoam.campy of the E&SC permit,the COC»dabard copy of the / `- I I COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. plan must be kept our site,preferably inapermits box,and accessible during inspection. / 1 I I AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED 11; 2.Install gavel wmatmetion entrances first Men silt forces,reinforced silt fence \ \` \ I I I 1 I \ \ EROSION AND octets and wattles. / \ 1 SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A 3.Fini4h clearing and grubbing my necessary areas on the lots as they are atoned. I NCAC 048.0131 STATES THAT'...URE ORNTAPON SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY nemwc Rowo o ao 4.Begin lotgrading and excavation activities I INITIALING AND DATNG EACH MEASURE OR PRACPCE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE srVe iC• ea.mwsrz lTol S.Begino ea-continua mm�a.wmawamn activities. / „w / I I \ APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, 6.Fiction all rough wading and house construction.All areas not disturbed for]days needs to have temporary or cermanent ` TI /f3' I I 1 \ DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, goundcover mstaned. \ �CONSTRUC ION I -\ C I \ I I V PRACPCE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION �'""'� -� 8.Install fine gradingwalksof to and patios. LIMITS \ l `\ CONTROL PLAN.' g.Fi Be,t fine dim of lot areas `F 9.re Final n in plat mulching and stabilizing of lot g i most cases this will involve the installation of sod on the lot The edit fence will ` 1 \ L. StTNro<NST remain in pleceuntil the lot is sodded orgmssmgis stabilized and takes hold \ I I' REET 10.The contractorshall conduct self-inspections of the erasion and sedimentation control measures and complete the following NE = combined self-inspection famr found on the DEMLRwebsite 1 Otip M1tfps://wore.demoMsofcompleteins/ectionormsshand-landtonsir°e andavailaleforlinspectiprogram/imes.Iconstruction-progam. 1 ' ` \ 1 \ \ ` \ SODDING Twelve monNa of complete inspection forms shall be kep[rnsire end available for inspection,[all times.It is recommrndMs Ili\1 l\ \` 2 2 copy be kept in a permits box.Ref OS.113A-54.1 through G.S.113A-57 Sections 15A NCAC 04A.0101 tluuugh 15A �tF53' NCAC04ctions General Permit NCG0100w NPDE$fea lies are Activities. \ `_ I I 1 \ \ �� p 11.Self-inspections for erosion and sedimentation cotrbal m»sores aze to be performed at laser once every seven calendar days and Lot 61, llan SITE within hours of every rein event of greater than1 inch.Any needed repairs shall be made immediaUly to maintain measures» J e designed.All ESC measures shall be maintained as specified in the construction details an this plan.A rain gauge shall be installed\ 1O j \Lot PlanTOM FOR Toad.DOWN ille \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ e¢ sR-1010 "deguegmv/NCG01"to submit an electronic Notice of termination(e-NOT}A$120 annual general permit fee will be charged yg a writ the a-NOT has been filed cot • LIMITS N •Ire 28p M ali e m III • I I7-i-, _ _ 7 \ • I I I (' / � 55 \ \ \ � moo-II I I _ \ \ \ \\ wnHTHeataLACHIEVE COW TAsou.sm .roaoE.=TM • • WATER TO A DEPTH°TER u m 1 m Ea \N'Z....._ srtoPoRO� II \ \\ \ \ \ \ APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD VICINITYMAP \ - _ _ \ Haw a, .T. \ 1 $ - �! \\ V mwr DATE: I PAGE: J (14 / °a°"u"°.x. 1-. e 4 MIN. SILT FENCE I I \ 284 lira / --� 14 \ _\ illlllllll IIIIIIII IIIII;1 A - - - 28D \ t \ / _� _� / / .itt/ / �� DATE PAGE aPaFaLTF ....... I✓✓/ 4 MusT eE AT cnc .' - - \ ABOVE THE rO ( 1 -- ---- �i . / / rHE WASHERS / STEEL FENCE POST NE .. _�28�_ / 19 / I "A•• "B" •,C" "D" "E" "F" _••G•• % ,_ WIRE FENCE HARDWARE CLOTH FRONT VIEW \euR r / / / T li G % % P' , xo S' FILTER 0.57 wnsnse STONE I TEAeLeTrsEFENCE AND TlHARDWAREi H y \ ZT� / �'- -- \ / \ �_ Tous R ll ll Hous Hous,- 4_, ra Hous Hous Has_ _ 20` \ __, ._,_1 .:'+ ' IoNaouxeNOTEaS: NTo oDR 07e0. \\ 27/ 4 \ \ S \ "�_ n-r- J rs--e lip opt-, I 1.H rtlware cloth and gravel should overlay the silt fence at least 12 / \ 1 EOP y+�Tx--zT u inch °�� ''�I 2.Stone outlets should be ed on low elevation areas of silt fence / / I / LEGEND Notes: ...: i I P ac �t 290 1.If needed,Tree Protection fencing should be installed along the buffer zone,wetland \\\`\ and based on Feld conditins. cb 4 BURY WIRE FENCE AND URY MAINTENANCE �� \ / % 21 \ \ 1 N boundary and/or around protected Vees,providing,radius of at least 1.25 feet for each I / / `� 1 inch of Vunk diameter. of1.PerNCG01Inspectoutlet at lestoncea weekandaftereach1nchorOyO 3 2.Install Silt Fence on the low elevation sides of each lot Install Silt Fence outlets shown on 0__ _ DIVERSION OlToff HARDwwaE ctoTH mtrER FaeRICIN TRENCH greaterrainfall event Complete any requiredrepairs immediately. 2, �� �o-T� schematiGdiagram and feed atllustetl.if necessary,for placement at low points.Iflots era WADDLE/SILT SOCKS2Freshens[onewhensediment accumulafonexceeds6lnches O \ \ scontguous and have dfferent land owners or bulders each lot should have indivdual5lt 3 Keepmeshfree ofdebristopray tleadequateflowC xT2oFences. E xv Ew 4 Remove sediment when half of stone outlet s covered -� 1 ® 3.Fence regdredSlltFence wttin10 feetof propertyIlnetoensurethereIsno conRct w th5.Replace stone as needed to facilitate de-watering set t ponsi ItyO..\NC-Envirpinleil uI./yey s�O - -- CONSTRUCTION ENTRAN plc sysem,tin the lies bit' fthe builder to ensure the installation Of sedimentJL. SILT FENCE OUTLET �� _ ti�� \ 11wirti me resdcesnotimpactthesePtic systemdrepao-area(s\ 111 \ d.Al leas[OneConstruction En[ranw/Ezit itO be instalperlot.�266� 5.Waste binsand otherareasdedicated fomanagingldingmaterialaste shallbeatleast 50 feet away from storm dreln Inlets or drainage ditches unless k wit be shown the[ / \ 1 \ / no other alternative exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,these areas must be coma tied bah nd 5lt Fence 1 2 25 R4\ 6 sediment door a the con samances should be protected streets should be swept when DATE: PAGE: --� _ - \ Details from (Fence construction activity sCre Construction Entrancesand other s 1 sock/watch, s t Sock/watt a NcnE / \ providedoon additional sheets Eros ontand sediment control details are not drawn to are FL7.�I aeambe Om - ...ale.pmrecaon r LccI:ErTivE pa -rr/12/2020 style TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH ROADSIDE DITCHES MY / �1111 3� �� FLOW-,.... -1L may be substituted for a measures -rxClr. IL s s_ \ 1r rail stakes 2 . Stakes to the desired length suM a. me1�lahould,weaollogsim°paaealromm. / �_ ` • \aL\ DATE: PAGE: SECTION SECTION and a mom lofamedrne roe rare \ • \ \\ 4 p Sin gnx W ,�;m<ar�bam // net areasouldbel�ateder edge of�.)shhoudSelu;;=1ghW;sm�to - - / Bennett-Road- �Skai0, \ v `- \V A q. A" M, �m g around the e e silt W W 4. Oak or other inch z 2 inch cross section runoff urs,through he '°bef GROUND STABILIZATION - ///�\ \ \ \�� a ��;;:= �P hardwoodN SITE AREA STABILIZATION / - - / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ Q.Oa maximum interval of 4 feet or a 181 1• EXCEPTIONS of 0 Met if We silt sock..Is Owed in a 4 h DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME / \M_ \� \ \ \\ NO / 0 4A, Wood Mulch or Com N2 height ofINSTALLATION log st g nL a Min. a 1. PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE / / . \ \ \ \ \ \ en ��feet Wei ��t Mt Pt% mMaN HE AL roN ENTRENCHED INSTALLATION" awcrete blocks shall be used behiM Me silt SWALES,DITCHES \ ..,,...r.T°.w.101.E ..aPo.o°ar.OL...,a,..11.,,.r. sockMattle to bold it in clam during meal eve.. &SLOPES ��iattattrarararali ISOMETRIC v rcx NM sow RATES 1. Inspect silt saldwattle et least weekly end after as HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE / / �- \ \ `MAINTENANCE: / a! ea.1 in.or greater Remove WATER ZONES / �- \ \ \ •'._ .. •1 1 1 1 I I I I I Milt Mulch or C.V. tali umo-en<ned I Arero e,rome omMM.en po era COMPOST s(oo:m)(.1so:m)Ciao:rat ac sigs needed to allow for adecuate flow im, a replacedf°°° SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE ��/ / �� \ \ \� \ 4, s""" ?4 THAN 3:1 10'OR LESS IN - d'Sheet Flow-. silt Dock/" 9�hmeQ`n (;ssFmi fermi 1�ei°t 1r b° IFe50.r SSM,atne may need to be replaced WM a LENGTH AND ARE / / / \\ \\r or a different measure. �� \` \ \ / ir"`- n?�n_ wool (SOS m) (sae m) (Soo m) damaged lodge, NOT STEEPER \ - s Tr • meun`k Area i R is g'jn n11%n )mix zmin gain THAN 2:1, 14 <s, 0,1 one [z•1 ia,. 4 disturbance n»ba»parma a rtile.taa also.ma DAYS ARE // / \ \\ \ \ Construction. Maintenance, /m/m) /m/m) /m/m) VV.) ymym) s inspected tied ALLOWED / / \ \ \\ \ --- 1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,forts,and other objectionable 1.Per NGG 01'spec[at least ceaweek and after each l'nch or SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION \ \ \ material and properly grade it. greater rainfal¢make any required repairs immediately. SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR f \� \ z.Platy me Ito the ecine d and shown on me grave pa prevent/ / \ \ \ grave p grade pans,and 2.Maintain the din a conditionmud Or sediment FLATTER SLOPES GREATER \ ^ ,- 1 smwth iL from leaving the constmetlon site.This may require periodic THAN 50'IN \ \ \ \ 1 S.Use gedrelnafa to ris waterto sukable outlet a topdressingmmedilwith 2e all objec. LENGTH JI \ \ O.Use lee drainage in order to improve stability of the foundation in locations 3.Immatliately remove all objectionable materials spilled.washed or ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE EXCEPT ) subied to seepage or high water table. tracked onto public roadways. WITH SLOPES FOR PERIMETERS -� \ FLATTER THAN 4:1 AND HOW ZONES) / I \ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT ��J \ DATE: W.FenceFilter Fabric PAGE: �� ./ trergmgtaed rnmur10re tact Wre Fence Wire and t `� // sy \ Steel Post thoroughly t General Erosion Control Notes / 7 \ w�Paatr a Max.E., f _ Upslope 1.Only the D shown shall be disturbed - �� - / \ PAGE 1 of 2 Plastic I z. All disturbed areas snou be grassed and \ I I I \ TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 0.94 ACRES Wire ties rkd, mulched as soon as possible and maintained iPemanent dyer is established. - - \ / LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN a j < I I \\ \ LOTS 10 & 11 ? t"° :�n rtl 1 I TURLINGTON 1 Filter Fabric J 1 \ \ Construction: / \ ) ` I I2..Esurethan.plghtoldie`se^men standard a ems; synthetic filter CROPS gE°n°"VIEW MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES \OR LOT CONSTRUCTION ACRES may iropou.volumes of water sufficient to caum (Higher mneca lure of the so-mum S.Construct the»Wary fa.n theenl d.wily tsar u'Iwon atlt of wIth a Met minimum oveineoWhen tie neixttpoW.. FOR ,onto bottom fastened»wrelvrorceuent teameofine Meuneione General-All measures will be inspected and corrections made after runoff producing falls,or at least once per week minimum.The builder will insure that the construction activities on an particular lot do not adverse) affect an of the installed erosion control measures.If lot construction dictates,measures will be a.Support standard strength )ter. by Mromecdastnmawreely toMmem,manfeanaic Po.-Exte 1p grain P any adversely Y side of the fence a minimum 50 al a palnim after relocated on the lot to insure that the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible.Silt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion control manual.Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing cover. A&G RESIDENTIAL LLC M1oeoPOlit fenceas u»E,spa»posts a maximum or a feet apart surpports should be driven 2.Shout,,he etabr,c�of a gsdingent mn<eml,,,,reenee<mmpose, secuGravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the Construction site.This may require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediately remove all eecae;"Mrta ce"srooPstopeclnudoesnotratulraavdremeshsupportta"».severely objectionable materials spilled,washed,or tracked onto public roadways. GROVE TOWNSHIP HARNETT COUNTY e.Extra me niter fabric directly to posts.Were or plastic zip Iles should have a minimum of 50 panne tensile ,tease volume one net as recce pressure on the Silt Fence-Sedimentfences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event.Any repairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabric should be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of properly to insure ware m y inches v e proposed lineormepostsand a deem., m°"°lexnearmlmrotactfarxeorating that the removed sediment does not wash back against thefence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence at tat times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. SCALE:�" ��0' OCTOBER 2024 Exw me .rtier. mI 4i mRernoveSodding-The sod should be properly maintained to insure that the grass take holds in the areas being secured.The sod should be watered as necessary to maintain adequate moisture in the root zone and prevent dormancy of the sod.The sod should not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate growth GRAPHIC SCALE .Place Inches offsso5 elongb+e bottom and side of the trench. and Ming theaea m gra,erand stabll`Izern rrhemntnbSits 100 0 50 100 200 400 soil placed over me nnerm.and compact.Thorough compaction or me badmu is 4 drainage area has been properly stabmzea and stabilization of the root bed.The sod should be limed and fertilized as per soil type recommendation and type of grass recommendations when and if possible. 10.Dwitical to o ram a silt Mnca fier eavc maxi s. Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed as necessary as an initial step in soil preparation. Once the grassing has been placed,the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are germinating properly.Any bare areas should be = MMI ° repaired,and reseeded as soon as possible.If the time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent grass,then a temporary grassing should be used until the growing season permits the use of a permanent grass. sera Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or gullies upslope of the wattle and any undercutting is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair the filtration capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height.Removed ( IN FEET I .ANC-Envirq,men tot Jpeg SILT FENCE sediment shall be deposited within the project in such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. 1 inch = 100 ft. JReinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout.Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment.Remove all MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC.115 BROADFOOT AVE.FAYETTEVILLE,N.C.28305 fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE ltF-0106 LAST SAVED:10/I/2024 11:42 AM LAST PLOTTED:10/1/2024 1:08 PM PLOTTED BY.Dennis Gilbert nuavvuc:G\CURRENT JOBS\A&G RESIDENTIAL LLC\23-2655-OS TURLINGTON ACRES-EC\PLANS\TURUNGTONEC-LOT510&11.DWG