HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06184_Well Construction - GW1_20241021 • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For internal Use Only: • I ..1 1.Well Contractor Informatlont R s &1 11 l PA-di �xo], .t., a.p f°IV? G{ l� Z T' 8G' Well Contractor N e tt, f6 r n• H o �:�IL`,d�ls"i�lrirt.II C]li NCWollContraotorCenlllostionNunrber a °1L�'1(;`''�°��}DQ �` `Ljjiul ltll�rii:TL•l;!�I''•Ili e..42.144/)k ii .-4-pa Z9 Company Name 1-1 ) L' ri/) fJ.i�,►r.I�sU 151��1rz1CL2IV!IU3r'I?�I41.(f•l:itir t)N•li�021-ix 5`1! rJ►74 Yee/`— �t0u �i�'�L�uLh :�_ ,—__,tlT]� u2,Well Construction Permit Ntrt,• ri' �— Glsr allapphcablrwillcaraoaarlonpena,UIC.Couuty,Slat..Varlanee,.e%) rt. rt, �� 11111111111111 3.Well Use(check well use); 31/1111l;�_} y (a�MEMIl,,s't( ��,r i YvY '►'b:K ').1 '1 f' � lM Wetersu I Wells ►;."t�r"�u ,`I � IIEMIIIII Agricultural 13Munlolpal/Publlo ft, ft, I ' In, MN • gili aeothorinel(Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft, ft, i. , In, ' M� Xi1lndustrleUCommoralal RealdOntlaI Water Supply(shared) nam;tole' om 'is'fx 4�raymommo �T a'• ` • T�' °p&AMOUNT Non•Water Supply We11t tt, n• *'Monitorin: )Rcoovory IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMII I ec on "c I ' tt, tt, ;1 AqulferRoohargo , •, aroundwaterRemedlatlon WOOD i gIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII • � � .. + •Y4;���Y�%�NY:°d� .l'�FI�iS1IC��i�- EINEMEM le Aquifer Storage and Rsoov®ry �Saiinity Battler •:o u ' 3Iormwater Drainage n. re. 181 Aquifer Test :;;t . • g,. U. I 111 Bxperlmental Technology `';,�5,?b` ' EiSubaldenoo Control - Rl '1ll'r>?J a'iJi�ii)',t,,: ..;.:.,... (h`fiaie1IEEJ?39Eff C�1 fiN111 r- rL f-91A11i(t, •:.- .i ,1Nil�aeothermal(ClosedLoop)`� �Traoer �olil• �, DPaCRP ION 000rherdna ,o�raek ,, •rolndze',Ie. *Geothermal(Hooting/Cooling Return) Other(explain under N21 Remarks) a tt, i 0 Cl. 1 — 5 /'t-.• G. G d,Date Wells)Codt�letedt, i)"d J1' Well IDO 6 f6 51.55rt'1 4 y"jQtt• ' -- Y tt, ft,I U.'t;�.4�A,•a. Sa,W l Location' }— ft. ft,; �1 - l,- ELLI 1�Y' ft. ft, �rj g Lllc'� • Feolllty 1D#(Ifeppileablo) FsollhylOwnerName ! ` ft, rR ".., i. L— r e.'I , Zip 1 ft, ft, L.•vi,,,..i�3 Phyalos(ll ddrom,Ci y,and Zip Fatly;•� t���i•�,d,+ b'Ibif 32 l Aid . '1.;,;' ,.•. .,. -f' 0 I �f County farce!ldontlflcatlonNo,(PIN):',a 5b,Latitude and longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees(•% 22,CerdtloaHont I • Orwell field,one let/long Is sufficient) 1 (/y 8lgdatureof� tied Well Cont r Dale 6.Is(are)tbe•weU(s) Permanent �r 'Temporary $y signing this from,I hereby oer!(!y!hal the we (s)was(were)contracted(a accordance WA IJA HNC 010,0100 a'IJA NCAC 01C,0100 Well Construction Standards and that a cf Isi is a a repair to0u anIf existing well;. QYea or �No f copy gltlds record has been provided to the well owner. Uthlsrsarepair,Jilloutknorn►wallconslraorfonhtforma►larandexph;radreabnrrc:o sire-; 23,Sitediagramoradditionalwell&taller repair under N I rrhrarkt.!fprlon or on the back oflidsJbrwr, • ' e to rovide ional e the construction,onlyOW-1 lePT or lnaod dpo • l!tdloa ohermal TOTAL Wells having of wells e coo Dirac I use the on details, You may alsopag attach additional pages if well sit necessary, or well drllledt 9,Total well depth below land siii facet O (ft') 24a, For A11 Wel1ar Submit We tbrm within 30 days or completion of we l permulttplewellsIlsealldepthsIfd(Qir.++l(example.'®200'and7®00') 'constructiontothefolioivingi „ go (tt,) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unlq • 10, er le water level belowg top of caeingt 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 11,Btinter level k above•oash+g,use + addition to e address-In 241 s 1 (in.) aboFor In submit one copy of this form within 30 daysf completion the lbrm to h of wel Bordhole'dlamotertabove,also submit onaI copy •`/`ethod; 6 I L- lJ gonetruotfon to the following; 12,Well aoastrou blo,dlroot push,oto,�T (i.e.auger,rotory, Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, • 1636114 I 1 Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; ► _„ .-_- .enty.8a Inleation We11et in addition to sending the form t i 2Ao, of this form within 30 days o 13a,Yield(gpm) - Method of teen the addresa(cs) above; also aubmit ono copy t Gam. S completion of well construction to the county health department of the count Amounts where oonatruoted, 13b,Disinfection types Revised 2-22.20I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quailty•Division of Water'Rosauroes pormOW•l