HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243295_Site Plan or Location Map_20241028 EROSION CONTROL LEGEND / `\`\\ ;;`.`.` �:\\..` / __________ TRAIL RIDGE SD. -LOC- LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION(LOC) / ,./ i s' \ `\\\ l!.gma,\ TEMP.DIVERSION(TDD) \ ` \\\\`\;.'&' '� \ / \ :::: y0 I -_ S87'43"42 EF°667.03'(TOTAL), .I\\ ``\\.e \ \.\ \ .,...�.� 'y -SF TEMP.SILT FENCE(r5F) / 1,z\ i q- \\ x N �0 1 /�/:' � `OPEN SSPACE 319'-4y/9 Z3.5�.01' I 97.51' g7.511, I 57.51' sae.s\ ..\\?:\�'.; :x..`�:: w+E -LOG- LIMITS Or CONSTRUCTION(LOG) :// '�%/a�17880 Sq Ft, ra \ II wm 9�� 4y 1--�g'S:OI' 71 8' 107.2T .rl I NeT��t �gQ�\\`� • \\\\�, 6 0410 Acres J� `\ I u / i a I _\ s>s- Sg \ `\ `` \� ; \�\ SILT FENCE OUTLET(SFO) ,S / -L I/ Lof#30 // _ i9 \\\\ `\`, 'I Z .-a�/ eass'n'w - Lot#28 ' Lot#32 `b\ 1f .21906 SF 1I I, 2,600 SF, , // ' 2 50 \ \� s FISER CHK.DAM(FCD) .� ',9 I_� A h\ Lot#29 J� / / I P,- l. \\�� ,, s s w' h\ \ ',Ill 'll CCQ 9 N'', // _ # Lot 31 ' , ,OPEN SPACE, -- (WADDLES) '"3 s'� / �2,753 SF�, �/ «' # _ es lsi # 47952 S Ft I j 21447 SF Lot#33`I q II' I W _. - I 25230 SF''.6 1 Lol 45 \\1.,01 A,-�es�]' I ,I, h D IN / 24378 SF, - y ...J O i/I/I.% /�// ,Z _ \;`\ \ ,e` „I 3 COUNTY LINE ROAD TEMP.coNsr.ENTRANCE(rcE) / %I \ ,I /.. r,0,,0,, OR OTHER RIPRAP STRUCT.NOTED ( / \II --' 'b- _ I 1 1 +7y 'nL. i I \ 11 I Q p SF� 11.- SIC\v `. ,a '` I' / 11-; -JLs vV \I Iy( 1I, q �cR GENERAL NOTES(Important) � � t / L°t pa6 '"�l �y ee,,t 1. This plan is for individual lots,each with a disturbed area of less than 1 acre.Total s��� ��� �• 2870 sF r Ro site disturbance is expected to be 11.13 ac.t for the 22 lots. \1 '�' 7,,,t7,51<, E_ a- _ r- -- ,s, / / I'1', 2. A subdivisionplat orplan showingnumbered lots and the Limits of Disturbance(LoD) I 1 -` -'a'`'-:'_ ' P lei I i% �___=' } y` I `s " x ,' '1 is to accompany this standard plan.The LoD includes lots,access to measures, I �L°f#is r'I _ � ' �;�, rT) m; VICINITY MAP 26''7SF• /': i ' " ; Vi ;,`�_ •; 1 staging areas,and utilities that may extend off-site. j I 1 �I 1111;;�;I/ +,;( ,' _k_���'\,, ^.'�, ----Lot#,a � �•:�Pt\)�, I�I, No Scale 3. Lots will require minor grading to allow for the building foudations and blending into $ I,I T„\\' + •, a of#19 k' 2sz9, sF a '24 7#3e'/; p• ,,,, . the existing lot grades.Mass grading is not to occur. „ Ail,� r,t,/,/;^' _ F. _40042 sF \\-- II/� ire - 25P° " r`ggg5 -7P -�—I --sk `, ' J / 510'25'38"W 747.60' (TOTAL) 4. The ro ert has urisdiction waters Beaver Creek&Unnamed Tributa to same A`,,ri y/ 'OPE SPACE ,`,' �, '/P P Y 1 ( ry )� � -i - 6 / ,as shown on the plans.The waters reside within the Jordan Lake Riparian Buffer as. v A `t �''I I� 1 ���_ T„'sDa sqFt' t_Ilio' .vvv' • A A _ _ ANOTE FOR LOT OWNER/HOME BUILDER The site is located within the Lake Brandt watershed.Wetlands&Raperian Buffers \\ 11`Lot#25,11 II�, r _.], �-1 ts7,?,ores\ ,� fN C` \\\ 1 11(n� ��`� �_ �• - ;', NO CONSTRUCTION FOR HOME BUILDING OR SITCLEARING/GRADING CAN BEGIN have been identified and NCDEQ,COE and Kernersville have provided the required 1 1 1 2002o iF;I ft.],` I \\\\,s/_ , %1 - ;� \\`1o, \ \ \ ( K" -- 'Lot 37 ' ,.,,_,,,,,,, UNTIL THE LOT OWNER HAS APPLIED FOR&RECEIVED AN EROSION CONTROL permits.No discharges or work on this project will be allowed into raparian I, III�I� : ��\\ ifs 1lA i p �I # i ge.-:'; I a I J--/20667 SF ^a buffer. 1 �`\�/s, t \�` �` \ \ _ I� E�i� ,I' I bd:9y�: PERMIT FOR NCDEQ-LAND RESOURCES OFFICE IN WINSTON-SALEM,NC.THE PHONE \ ; : - Ili,grr ' f +� \ \., \ `_\ Fgbs no i/ , ;- 6-' NO IS: 339-776-9800.THE PERMIT SHALL BE POSTED AT THE HOMESITE&A COPY 5. All disturbed areas not built upon shall be provided with permanent ground cover. a «, , 1 3a'�` \ ,'� \ §\\;; ;\ __ 11 ��j ;;a5 - 6. See Sheet 5 for general requirements that the contractor is to use to meet E&SC 5 1 'II`II j \ ">°s ,\�\ �+ \``L°t#,7 l((ii L — 'SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES GIVEN TO THE TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE ENGINEER. 7� e``, s,392 sF requirements.All site areas where erosion mayoccur shall beprotected during `. '8 1 m 1 L°t za\\\"•II d 1 .,z`g,w s , _-:-�?T*r + - --• - ON SHr.3 FOR E&SC 9 # T\ Ili�I � `V >I\ ,�N",1;;'4-�?� _ '�• _ '�,-- 1`,',20151SF,`, I .I \\\� w �%a_ti 1 - _ �_k'- - DETAILS. sitework and stabilization phases. N _ `�s'oT ". - e r r _ ' SEE SHEET 4 FOR TYP/MIN EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADING& \ °t'Fz6� ` r g52' - / 7. As of April 1,2019,applicant must apply online at deq.nc.gov/NCG01 for the NCG01 ,a„°„ „�,t,,,,,, °o ,\` ,t\ �'j \\\ 2ae7,sF l3 5i• _; ;�» lI� - °f#38 y`�CONSTRUCTION OF HOMESITES FOR EA.LOT. permit,as applicable. gEL,,,,,,' F `,\` ,���SR !� e1 \ •8� ';-:�,- - ^'_'`� i=p iII:L;-. -6721'SF ,o any °m"'" 7°rrt, \I\ \,P`� ` \ ' r'r -"e_.i--\ -1` rr itfift ` .a^9 8. Prior to beginningsite work,see the CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE w ,� \� �{ 11 ...LLLgt]///rI Sheet 2 and follow as closely as possible. N '\I\ \ �.►�1i0 'ooi, 7 f N _7, - ,,,\e__ II cif ,,,,,y�„---/_ 1- -9a' 9. This is the last phase of a 3-phase porject&all construction traffic shall access this 'a 1 �'✓ / /--' w 1 I/ �._--'; I / _- portion of the SD from Lake City Dr.as far as practicle. - Amp Lot#23 I/ f' r- / ,' _/ /' ti'-�� , Iliii FIR,.j -- `'-"„•2-,, z zs717 sF , I / f�` }� �'� �ll�1 - °r• /. 10.The design assumes that no off-lots)staging area will be required.Should Dream :------2 -: g0-s'� / r i �j�Lo(��.{;, �� _ / Finders determine that a staging area will facilitate the actural work,then a common - " 'e1 '/ ' /4,,`"/; "%///',' 20 I e SF';,:e'�1c Jordan Lake Raperian �'• �i`-�¢+Lr��1' 9 =-op - `? 'I INSTALL CONC.WASHOUT s '•� � ,};% / ,�I\'r _ s_`�i f i �y EN �EE ` area can be used so long as proper silt fencing w/outlets&temporary stone _ / 111"/ / X' �"5'�" -Buffer-Min.100'lade 7 I _77 Sq �'( ___ FEATURE IN THIS AREA entrances are provided.also,NCDEQ shall be notifided for approval of the revision -; -,9e'� ;" e Lot#2 / -°.._)y:,(No Work Allowed-Typ) -- ___ ,.— ,I� (I -0 476 A ' p =ate,,, __ T9�x`w�: �',25461 SF _ p 3' prior to implementation of the change. ,-.. - -' '/ '/' ' -'r'� J~ -- -----_\____----__-_ ---__ +�' 4 N�9s,"W h _ rw _ _ I+V ` I. %/ a � ,Phase 2 Bounda r fpa --ti=�, • �'/,' el N-ter p „4, for E&SC @ Lots -- Ex.Ph.1&2a OfftiV. .,,- TABLE - LOTS FOR E�SC 9� d�-, `� E ,as� " �� 1��,�I �v� .E,�Mu '// 9ya :- !;i�r� / /' _ -c= "e. - Complete(23 Lots) f�i,� ,r v T , DRAINAGE / / { _ -- _ a<'w -_-_-_-,- a---- I �i- —; 'af 1,7 _ DISTURBED ;0 'o`.ge ; '/ i1 \ /_-- i� // _ - �b 1v✓ t-.�\ '' or u- LOT# PATTERN SPECIAL NOTES (See notes(1)*(2) Below) /!, ,' _/ , -___ °'____ =as „° _--___ __zg- -1-. 7 r q fr f T _ AREA(ac±) ''/; --';� / F' _ "`4s',% z — -_-- 1vy��04 --cam,03 \' 'i=� (Slit 5) r', , -�.';- ,0 w --- 69'.- -----2- -F_ .!i/ f,�yt. _ ` \ , 17 0.78 D No Work Allowed in Raperian Buffer(0.40ac.) Site Plan-Ph.2b 18 0.58 E E&SC MEASURES FOR LOTS 9' 19 0.60 F No Work Allowed In Raperian Buffer(0.32ac.) Scale:1"=100' • .a,/ 20 0.42 E No Work Allowed in Raperian Buffer(0.15ac.) 2 I 0.27 A No Work Allowed In Raperian Buffer(0.20ac.) , " n or SHEET INDEX: 22 0.44 E No Work Allowed In Ra erlan Buffer(0. 4ac.) �* SHEET# DESCRIPTION 'Lot#zfi #30 °t#32 i p 1',906 SF 0750 SF 2 ' 1 EROSION CONTROL PLANS&DATA 4 I .ot N2a_ =,� / 23 0.59 GIP 3 EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DSEOTAILSCE&NOTES I 22o3 2r of#33 243794SF i 25230 SF 24 0.46 B u hn 4 NCGOI:RECORD KEEPING � _ ` 1 � i 5 SITE DRAINAGE PATTERNS&E&SC SCHEMATICS Lot#46 25 0.46 B "taeLAW z287o SF :7♦1, Lot N26 26 0.46 B Lot#,8 of#36 [ 25291 SF 24371 SF 27 0.5 I 11 28 0.50 B Erosion Control Plan for Lots 17-33, 36-38, 45, 46 I 'd I Lot#37 Y - 20667 SF, 29 0.50 B TRAIL RIDGE-PHASE 28 - KERNERSVILLE N.C. Lot"_- h 20 3, 1 30 0.49 5 ffi 3 I 0.49 B*11 Builder r j DREAM FINDERS HOMES ® � 32 0.48 G 6420.• , of N2z 33 0.58 G sa6,sF —� if 45 0.56 F$ 11 Address: 21595SF ` ,,,/ 46 0.58 C$F Dream Finders Homes 2,4,51SF of#13 36 0.56 11 Lo SF 7200 Falls of The Neuse Road,Ste.202 °f#9 r Ls #10 .1190. 37 0.47 Fi 37090 SF Raleigh,N.C. 27615 25979 SF Lof 5,z LoL08 SF 38 0.35 C No Work Allowed in Raperian Buffer(0.26ac.) 299s'F • Attn:Mr.Joe Hornlein Phone: 336-802-1340 Email:joseph.hornlein@dreamfindershomes.com _ / AERIAL PHOTO(Late Fall 2023) 6 y _ (1) For all Lots:Follow Septic Field Permits&Clear/Protect with Minimal Impact. Do Not Distrube repair area if possible. EXISTING CONDITIONS F j(2) Reshape all Existing Ditch Lines if Disturbed&Maintain Waddles. t'200' (3) The area of disturbance was calculated 72%±of the Average Lot Size(0.64 ac).Actually About 87%for the Smaller Lots. Ma REVISIONS �`OtN�,C4R",,,, CONSULTING,CIVIL ENGINEER / 1 Scale: I"= 100' Sheet No.: 0 ' FOR REVIEW ONLY Phase 2b BY DATE DESCRIPTION SYM. �rC4oeEssl `�Y HIRAM J. T ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL Date: OG-10-2024 SEAL , = For TRAIL RIDGE SUBDIVISION Drawn: TS PryaI7NEE? ,1 Va ARZIANO PE ,,9 ,. . INDIVIDUAL LOTS (17-33 & 39-44) Checked: 11JM ",, t+++tM,. PO Box 278,Asheboro,NC 27204-(336)493-4450 KERNERSVILLETOWNSHIP- FORSYTHCOUNTY-NORTHCAROLINA JULY12,2024 hmarziano@triadbiz.rr.com Job No.: DR-02 Of:5 Version:i