HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243198_FRO Submitted_20241025 Orange County Planning & Inspections Department ORANGE COUNTY 131 W. Margaret Lane, Suite 200, Hillsborough, NC 27278 NORTH CAROLINA 919-245-2575 or planningapps@orangecountvnc.gov Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) Application Please refer to instructions and checklist in completing the following application. If completing by hand, please use black or blue ink. * Please fill out all required fields Date*: 10/11/2024 Case Number: LDP24-0058 Check all that apply*: ✓ Erosion Control Plan ❑ Stormwater Permit ❑ Stormwater Management Plan General Submittal Information" Name of Project: Carraway Village Enhanced Site Amenities Parcel ID Number (PIN): 9880081129, 9880071995 Planning Jurisdiction: Chapel Hill Size of Tract: 3.17 acres Area Disturbed 2.50 acres Review Fee Payment* = To be completed by applicant ❑✓ Credit Card (additional 3% fee)E✓ Check Note: A 2% technology fee will be applied to the permit fee as illustrated below. Review Fee — To be completed by staff Fee Amount Erosion Control Plan Review Required with Application $1,050.00 Land Disturbing Permit Optional with Initial Application $2,100.00 Stormwater Management Plan Review Orange County Planning Jurisdiction Only Required with Application $N/A Total $3,150.00 Technology fee (2%) $63.00 Credit Card fee (3%) If applicable $ Total $3,213.00 Approximate date land disturbance will begin: October 2024 Contact Information* Landowner(s) of Record* Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application Name: NR Edge Property Owner LLC Name: Street Address: Street Address: 3015 Carrington Mill Boulevard, Suite 460 Current Mailing Address: 3015 Carrington Mill Blvd Current Mailing Address: Suite 460 City: Morrisville City: Page 1 of 4 Revised 5/14/2024 State: North Carolina Zip: 27560 State: _ Zip: Phone: Phone: Email: Email: Contract Purchaser* (if applicable) (Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application): Company/Organization: Company/Organization: Contact Person: Contact Person: Street Address: Street Address: Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: Email: Email: Person(s) or Firm(s) Financially Responsible for this Land Disturbing Activity* Company/Organization: NR Edge Property Ownera,Z..Company/Organization: Contact Person: Jake Dinerman Contact Person: Street Address: Street Address: 3015 Carrington Mill Boulevard, Suite 460 Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address: City: Morrisville City: State: North Carolina Zip: 27560 State: Zip: Phone: 919-354-3680 Phone: Email: jake.dinerman@nwravin.com Email: Registered Agent (if any) for the Person(s) or Financially Responsible Party* 11111 - A North Carolina agent is required if the applicant is not a resident of North Carolina. - All firms and companies shall complete and_identify agent. Name: Corporation Service Company Name: Street Address: 2626 Glenwood Ave Ste 550 Street Address: Current Mailing Address: 2626 Glenwood Ave Ste Current Mailing Address: City: Raleigh City: State: NC Zip: 27608 State: Zip: Phone: (919)400-4138 Phone: Email: agent@northcarolinaregisteredagent.net Email: Page 2 of 4 Revised 5/14/2024 Consent to Receive Electronic Communication As the Financially Responsible Party, I consent to receiving notifications regarding this project through electronic communication. Email: •oev1/4s2-rr►ic..16)4.00,v01'(p.-'1 Initials: ;4_ I agree td-rovide any updated email addresses as necessary o ensure consistent communication is maintained between myself and Orange County Sedimentation and Erosion Control. Electronic notifications may include Plans Review Comments, Approvals and Disapprovals. The Financial Responsible Party is responsible for the distribution of correspondence from Orange County to other pertinent parties. Additional Project Information' Project Description* Detail the scope of the project and nature of land disturbance. Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application. Carraway Village Enhanced Site Amenities-grass seating lawn, dog park, volleyball court, pickleball courts, associated grading, utilities, landscaping, and sidewalk. Plans Prepared by* Name of Person/Firm: The John R. McAdams Company Contact Person: Z• Nathan Bales License Number: 044862 Mailing Address: 621 Hillsborough Street, Suite 500 City: Raleigh State: North Carolina Zip: 27603 Phone: 919-361-5000 Email: bales@mcadamsco.com Page 3 of 4 Revised 5/14/2024 Certification and Signatures' 11111.1111.11.0 Signature and Witness: The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. ` pg E Arkiew,....)1,004. 4 4-4- i> • A Signature of Financially Responsible Party Type or Print Name Legibly V cce Tres t.e * I'D /LP `ZO2 , Title or Authority Date I, ` r` Z-(zIAAVAAA.r a Notary Public of the County of yvaY'`e..,- hereby certify that 0`1 fAy personally before me this day and under oath acknowledged that this Application for Erosion Control Plan Approval, Stormwater Management Plan Approval, and Land Disturbing Permit/ Statement of Ownership and Financial Responsibility was executed by him or her. �„, �� Witness my hand and notarial seal, this\1 ' ay oft A.A-0 , L-'r '< ? 4-- Signature of Notary; m �•V\ J\ 7j ^ My Comm ssion Expires Y NOTAR IC ' U ,, pUBL = SEAL �' Property Owner Acknowledgement". _. . - � I hereby acknowledge the abotte Fif�tegiti ,arid parties referenced herein have been granted permission conduct idevelopmeritteiVIVon referenced property of which I own. Jai QLv..�a,-GGL <__� V c Ge 7 �le►..�` . .- - Signature of Property Owners Type or Print Name Legibly 1,0/to i-, zL/ Date I, 4-01,17 -- a Notary Public of the County of tA )#u -t- hereby certify that \7V(L N�/ personally before me this day and under oath acknowle ged that this Application for Erosion Control Plan Approval, Stormwater Management Plan Approval, and Land Disturbing Permit/ Statement of Ownership and Financial Responsibility was executed by him or her. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this b 6 Day of ()(2}D '17"2-4- )71L/k_____--- ' ----i ' 75 Signature of Notary . BREN'�,,�� My Commission Expires ��p .omrr,, Fxa,'t S SEAL _ ;�� lop - ' NOTARY ; - a PUBLIC : U _ G '.8i o2�- L � 3112.- .`- .� c '''''",,,,,,,.,,''''Page 4 of 4 Revised 5/14/2024