HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243249_Site Plan or Location Map_20241023 USGS U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 4a The National Map 7.5-MINUTE TOPO QUADRANGLE uJ U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Custom Extent science fur a changing world S�OnDemand Topo 7.5-MINUTE TOPO -79.3026° -79.1776° 36.1436° '53°mE 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 36.1436°0° r 4D07°DamN , °, -, IJ _ - �F ., ,� �� 1� � a • O • / yN /l p PA p,00 - 1\QuakO C i � _. .-ter �� s� �� Ims.0 w _ . i � 1-t�= Ali1 PA Res _ e / Iit..7,4ip..... ),)„...--,_,,,r-,--- L.� - -00 o<w � 'o� � �o� O �Y� Q,1IPV 1if? O "-.'"";.', 1 Sjire=7 nAT o • .0,00,,,,,,,:l . „_,,,, iiii.,:ai „("*"\s. (VI o 99uogg ,_,IP J 4R o p)-4,L I1‘1r1Vkitrte,, Wood azvn.1O.o(SC_,a.1‘s''1''),fi4,e':1'o r1f r,_„, v a. Il-_ 11p 1 1. j� o o '�y _ii � n fi I 14.) -` t e 7 -.,‘-Y„4)A 4 -‘'V-iwOfirAl0114.."_ 1 -K_'- — - - . f/j72 , -7_,' ,D .... V., v ys S � n r / � - ��p o 1 v :y11111.- Freu,ke , os �( AIACNJ� °wet . *� oa R •I lit k*.‘- �/�\\�J � I J� �J e v o Stit 1 5 -.��._ 1 O 97 41E; '''11 c -4-r" 1lir h o° 0. IN 047 It 1�� IIII \ .wU�gw�go . Ili'eel( I l� `�.. reel, E MAINS �I �t1� T�i• s'' �`� l --0,,,,,,, • _spi_ tirtia o ftvyl�Id.�l� 4111( wIl , -�E-' v:.J l - `._" ,� l�/-.. 96 , £' • �•r� chNr h'cemeterv�.wH`h"�!7I11� . - ,h. --../ s \ - a- ICU►�1 4rirti w. Ali." 414 �_ NI\\� __� �/114 ,---- _ N,,,,..-- �- 96 „ ti— • ayv,ped 1 ML°ow /�� i 65° �� -pc'emez.,y ���,_- \� j = ,I .� �_ CD ° 1� ,. fllb/ /swam �\ k ii. f� J L r Eve ., o qw-_ C, .. \ Ir. ry r195 RRr <Ae O --C. . . ' • a _ C ystal Lake o 1 ® , 6 ► 1� - 95 � � � �So,oN � \ �� S M11es _1 � \II � ! � � e kVi ° � _. ° yfRS 1` o e ' —�— En1, u w �_� r x (` \ A `w 94 oW ° G� - SITE LOCATION iiimiA -I aalr s -�� sod.` o TDB 94 am/ 3 , ��� J _ -)/ /" rsosrcxD z ,, 0 oAlkaris' _° I/ -�% _. -- - - oiltrik , Al ' ',,c 4, 11.0*#,„,', ,4,1- aD ..ter ( 1 -6 •l\I I drei r.-- ,I lli,i s#, 71_1e.A.k . * ,b1 1111 wTFwn C` VISIT"-----,--,,- --- --_ --r__=-_-_,_, ,,,,,,, -- "Jill; _. , 4. ,, c:f # ry< bio... ,0„te" lir fil ,-.`14---- ___-0-0 -(41F/0, ,1 0.,.., - L,,,_,./ 93 40 4 \ 11. '-'. 1110 CD Aerie% ‘ qi ,ril . i,,..11 oiti 0 /r _,, (_,:, , ,, „ ,. , gm ,- ."%st... 4,-4 0.-/e-- 0 , ii.._ •.‘,04, lb, IN\...,„,.,..,,.....A. --- ...,,, , ,N )c_ )\-,.. ,„A„,,,,„,„, 1 t� 1Piviii:ii.tv'' 4.001/0.4,-APP' 'r. itiNiM jpy/ ' - 92 •� % - i- aGN 'r- ', Lir le,AR itcwwwk-----A04-iirti, rrfra, -1401,_,, --die----- i L a('9 4-itir mail Et4,461 ‘,, �V " 412',. IhrIA'. Or!I / 1" f I.-LI Nv........wrw. v �� it�� •�• 6� h1 `,Vj- 92 ..,-4 r-,/--,,-- ,\\1 'r 4 U o 1 ,1, ir �I �(1 1 ,��, �JgMpO/44,0 \� l 91 44 116- �` -a 4s , _ _ HTa0.ON _ G _ 1► �_ z,I� 8 �� �„ Ili_ � 91 �I •' V t o c f;:o�'` o 1rs"'n'ae- 'E �I,,I 1 apn,,,,,, o as , 550 o �� o b� d Oti / M h tl l 0 �� r5 9D I .,.....tie -=M1 cyhQemete r(\:friti4)'.0 p005 dr 1iA O -r� ^ 1V 1 , J ���jj0 " I 01.11, I 1 1 A ° o oLUNGp° 90 t. ii-) Ar:75,1^, ccOjillOillb 1, %)%in 7--) er ii . ,,,,,,,z,k---ir - ,„„...9- 0 v. -46-c19, 0,711,1°Q. a a) erta ret, (,,,cc 1 ,A,r--p,P-"(f. ..) ,, Iciip,:r ' v 89 ' l aI 7Mmo * j(��o p1 \ayi - , )1..,--,7 011.- Mal i '', toil\ pg/1q_l_ I N,./6 __\44,41,,rldiry, L lb, ;0 ...„ 0 6r,x404 Illktrip .?S 1 1 'ik.,-...14.,(> %,-___- • ,,,,,/' 0° 4,1:„.4)i) - - , c,( \ s,mmoNs,o,,0 1111,011.---1,-5/5)irst:j.),i, ,„,,,,,,,,01 ,,J-- ' ) 1,4trii W.)AA, , „,m41 --0A,, , �'J n ` r la "'^°"- ` - �I '� JJ 'I i 39S8ro°mN s I 4. 6-2,11---,,i-k=lip ,__,„,, - �� \ •/��-/ \I / 2P�� Cam. hNC\� .. ,� zI\ � ci �l�` i. (`lLr°1 n _n 0/�',,,�1 1117; 36.0184° 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 °64°0°mE -79.3026' -79.1776.36.184° ROAD CLASSIFICATION Expressway Local Connector Produced by the United States Geological Survey SCALE 1:24 000 sernneary Hwy Lpcal Rpaa 83(N06964 World Geodetic 50ystem o!1984(WG5841.P and I 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 2 Ramp 4WD 1000 er gnd:Universal Transverse MercameCZone 175 ' ' IS pmNded by The National Map ITNM1,is tM1e best available a[the Hme of map 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 •Interstate Route 0 US Route O State Route genera[ion,andincludecdStacenanut=:',pportingth ne, Elevation, t6a•ILB 1 0.5 QUADRANGLE LOCATroN 890 01raphy,Geographic Names,Boundaries,Transpp0)40 n,8 6991/19/land Cover, 1a•ag MILES and Or[Mimagery.Refer to associated Federal Geographic Datn Committee(FGDC) 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 .0 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 MHadata for additional source data infprmation. �-— FEET Burlington This''' is map'not a legal document.Boundaries maybe generalized far this map scale NE Grove Private ads96 p goremmenl reservations may not be shown.Obtnin permission DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET before entering private lands.Temporal changes may have occurted since These daw CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET were cpllec[etl and same data may m longer represent actual surtace conditions. NORTH CONTOURNTOUR S m SMOOTHNESS=Mediu Learn Aboul The National Map:ht[ps://nationalmap.gov ,wDnn. m VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 7.5-MINUTE TOPO, NC RA 50 USER DEFINED CONTENT Meb•le Etlaid 2024 Ca Ame 5 ADJOINING QUADRANGLES