HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243247_Site Plan or Location Map_20241023 FtgOTg CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE main \ \ \ \ 1 I I \ / / / / ' /�/ /// / /�/��/ ]OTi0SON FARM E 1.Obtain all necessary permits and plan approvals.E and Sediment Control(EffiSC)permit ed a Cerdfiea4 of Coverage V / / q (COC)must be obtained before any land disturbing activities occm-A copy of Me EGSC permit,Ne COC and a hard copy of Me 1 ti / / / plan must be kept on site,preferably inapemmits box,and accessible during inspection. \ \ I 1 1 I / / / p0/ 'f�� // � � SITE ZlunWll graves construction entrances firm Men alit lances,reinforced silt fence \ I I // / / / A\ dish clearing and [. •� 3.Finish lot gni andexcngany necessary tees on the lotsazthryare stoned. J� - a.Begin orgre�ur andehog°°na%construction SODDING \\1 I I \ //%/ / / // / //// / / i'J 1 s.Begin DISTUnnewilSTEEP SLOPES)(SLOPEa°s. \ Y` 6.AN DISTURBED STEEP SLOPES(SLOPES 8%OR GREATER)MUST BE MATTED,NO DISTURBED SLOPES TO NAIRN ST m REMAIN UNCOVERED. / 7 GI]RRM ST erm ].Finish all rough grating and house cwswcdon.All areas not disturbed for]days needs to have temporary or Pennwent ®� `\\ \ \ \� / / / / 16 15/ / I I .� / / // W gro�rrdcover installed. axos ANOTHIMMwe Nacas „ins lldriveways.walksandpatios :EEFTEFLEFIF1 1 1\ I 1JA// 0.Begin f eing,m loflotareas �IIIII� \ \� \ \ tiyry / / / / I I ( I I //(7? AC'E 10.Final grassing,mulching end stabilizing of lot In most cases Ibis will involve the installation of sod on Helot The silt fence will ` / (/in place whl iM1e lot ie sodded or gassing is stabilized end takes M1old. \ \ \\ \ \ ` / n nI ' I r 11.The contactor shall conduct self-inspections of the erosion and sedimentation control measures and complete the following ^I combined selkinspeclian fomr found on the DEMLR websiteim (17 /J hops:llwww.dcg.nc.gogabouVdivisiongenergy-mineral-and-land-resourcesiswtmwaterlstothens[er-prograMnpdes-construction-pmgam. ��MATCHED CORRECT,.. \ \\ \ 1 f U V Twelve months ofco pl inspection firms shall be kept w' d 'lab)fir inspectionalltimes.It is recommendMe \\ \ \\ \ \ / s / / / I I I MCGLQ$KEy 401 copy be kept in permits box.RIG.5.113A 54.1 dvoughGS lISA Sections3] 13ANCAC 04A0101 through ISO \\\ \\\\ \\ \ \ / / / / 1 /// I I I RO NCAC 04E General030J Permit NCG 010000 NPDES for C Activities. /^Y/ /I / 12.3 If' P f d sedimentation1 be performed 1 every 1 d daysend g I\ / d th e C every event shall betg d 1 peelf'NYthed construction ad repairs shall details himmediately plan. ni,gauge gig6 smiled j maintain measures as /, \\\\\\\\\\ 5-, // ♦/ CONST(21T5 1O� / (/1‘ / //6/I / /13.1h ection dEnal I Wh W I th t" hWl DEMLR 1 th Effi9C L7711kM, /fl DEMLR-f N P - fN p 1 I 4--nsp«don rep ,iM1epermiace shallviait \ \ \ \ \ \ a\ / 43I ( ( \ \ \ 4 VICINITY MAP d4 M G01 bit electronicNotice oftermtwnon(o-NNOT),A$120 annual grnmlpermit cwill W charged �f N♦!,,,,,INIIM•krA \ \ 18 w[Ithe e NOT haabwn filled out p� I' M f!!(18j( �I!I U! 42 \ bLKwl,„ ! FS SOS SEM OF i ,dNll ... ��ISOS IS \ \\ \ I Lot Plan N.T.S. -� ACHIEVE FM WITS THasmL CONTACT AS wu°OXa" aos` x ESTABLISHES-aMDwaa \\ �\ \ \\ o ` \\ \\\\ GROUND STABILIZATION 12, \ \\ \ °g \ APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD �E�NgrRIfTION� SLOPES EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION ) ) SITE AREA STABILIZATION \\ 1 EXCEPTIONS \ \ / LIMITS \ MUST BE SECURED WITH APPROVED MATTING. DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME \ N \ NO SUBSTITUTES!SEE DETAIL PAGE 2 PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE 1I V I III III III n,Ta<naam. \\\ \\ \ / _ _ 41 -� / )4) 1 ) s' \ \ I ' I 1 1 SWA&ESLOPESDITCHES ����i��� i� I�j \ 1�• 1 I I 1 HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE °^ °� \ \ ` \ \ \ / -T \ 5\// / I I I I I I I ' 1 WATER ZONES _,,a.„,,,,,,,,-.-__-..*.-- -._ aa,e sent... /- 1� 40 rC A SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY (HOW) - - \ \ \ \ / �� \ COGS COMPLETED 54.1`N AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE o��Hnnaaa \ / , ' r s / PO d R�oa� I \AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. I 1l AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED THAN 3:1 10'OR LESS IN \ \ / I \ \\\ \ EROSION AND LENGTH AND ARE General Erosion Control Notes �� \\ \\ \\ \ \ / -" �- 'N \- 46 SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE i5A NOT STEEPER _ / \ NCAC 04B.0131 STATES THAT-...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY 1.Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. 39 \ THAN 2:1, 14 \ IlI INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE DAYS ARE 2.All disturbed areas shall be grassed and / / \ \ \ \ / �- A \ \ 1 ( ` \ I APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING. ALLOWED mulched as soon as possible and maintained \ _ \ 6'� \�\ \ DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION ONTTH REPORTED T LISTS EACH MEASURE,IMENTuntil pemanent cover is established. . - \ \ \ \ • \ _ -4T \ \. \ \ \\\ 1 PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR \ \ 23 \ CONTROL PLAN." FLATTER SLOPES GREATER THAN 50' IN \ LENGTH \ I \ 1 I \ \ //.Jl� ( \� \ \ \ \\\ \\ \1�1\\ ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE(EXCEPT) ; I'I I I I ��/ / -\ l--t %trD��_s_ \ \ 62 \ \ \WITH SLOPES FOR PERIMETERS I///// j - � " 37 _ 4$ ----- \ \ `\\\ \ \ FLATTER THAN 4:1 AND HOW ZONES / \` 2'� - DATE: PAGE: I I ,,�` ` I� a--_ - J� \\ S S / Btu s . /BottlervoT k DATE PAGE: (\ ' / / � - ' �O\ 61 D om` FLow-_�7 M) 1. '- rMna I n p� ' 36 - P� r ■I stakes M ' Stokes s. 'nwkhvamelsl%h°u -aleedpaaam I�E_ G � 1 1 1 �\\\�\ \ \ I 1 , SECTION sscnoN ne(ulI«aW e�xw ¶' ff It d• ! 1'i P d ✓! �' I Ic,\,.%\:........„'N.,,,,,.__\'',..__ ____ ,____---- ______ -� / / / /�/,Y\Y5•TL-,�\NOS -..--- land / `. ` -_ /) / /II and a minimum seta silly glOppe to ¶ 11 I A 'A ' \ \ \ I N. ` / \-\ `-/ \ \� =2D / / °"w'r est mel°i° °around the an a q qaced et a ly u HOUSE �a Nous'S A'1:2 ao Z - T Inch x 2 inch cross section should be driven vertically plumb, ter of the slit 4 „„„, ,._. i.i Trench Ingerval of RD• AY AY R DWAY RD• AY -aaAr rtAY \ \ -/! �� Wood Mulch or Cam d a Min. �e%t�W , Oak or other durable hardwood stakes s4th a 2 • ttle.Stakes placed l�ReI E:L,,..,°Oita \ - _ _ 'r TEN, group Notes: / �i / COyyttuL.TION - SILK FENC \es L��D�-E ir� umRErvcnL:Dl/sTALunory 2 height of 9 5socks/wades are used on pavement)heavy 1.If needed,Tree Protection fendng should be installed along the butter zone,wetland \1 / / LIMITS - ISOMETRIC IN ,"�•..,m.uo.,s.,,ma.v.®.w�.ro.,�..anv...mw,v. boundary and/or around protected trees,providing a radius of at least 1.25 feet for each • / / _ �/ ':^' 2` ) - 1�/ / ` r� 0 • ola, p ea g oaeverro. LEGEND 'rich of trunk diameter. \/ - Rle VIEW ' 2.Install Silt Fen on the low elevation sides of each lot.Install Silt Fence outlets shown on I ' / / / 190 \ WE Nqg ��� _� . Inspect sill goo...at least weekly and after ea.1 in.or greater rainfall.Remove N @ schematic/diagram am and field adjusted,if necessary,for placement at low points.If lots are / _ \ / SOCK wlnu now RATES as __ contiguous d have different land owners°r builders.each 1°l shouts have!ntlivitlual Silt _ WATT CON RUCTION /y --- Mulch 9uous an I \ 1 / : � wter- .• _,ENT CE SH i Tor Mulch oneoro,o, _ r Fences. 1 STEEP SLOPES EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION R eR -} _ � �_ ° 2. awe mud he laceadaa ea or ® I \ MUST BE SECURED WITH APPROVED MATTING. �r x -� O1•,s COMPOST(zoo sIiaotin)I4so„m)IBootmI a(''SO p dogged 3.Install requiem Silt Fence within 10 feet of property line to ensure there is no conflict with NO SUBSTITUTES!SEE DETAIL PAGE 2 SILT' NCE , �2x ___ 200_ O sea nm)n rim) s CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE septic system.It is the responsibility of the builder[O ensure the instellati°n°f sediment \ I y OU ET Of cow• ' N� shed Flow-� fro ae tse<k control measures does not impact the septic system and repair area(s). \ 1 / / / T FENCE AI° E- -� /' \ silt Sock/�ewm(axl nasrmj Msrmj I`M� tie•cem t`„o a CURB INLET 4.Antrol ea Constructiontimact the septic system and [ (DPPN �p Wattle m (aa m) (Des m) (dao m) - per 0. \ / I.J won,Ares urrrusu l`nos s• Roman if damaged shall bee spec a• aumulam 5.Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be at //// \ \ .5 N �` SO ` Tin ytm�n 'ms°/sx z��x m�a W,npele aria Inc area shove me least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets or drainage ditches unless!t can be shown that { (m b (t ( (° 'la.bee rm real a o other altannatNe exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,these areas must be 1 \ // ` � \ \� �_ � _ \ y aim/all aim/m) vm/m) I/m/m) Ogg mea%are ripe.....Ys nee. c \ \ I\\ // �� /� disturbance�% contained behind Silt Fence. ` \ �// / / F, \ SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION 6.Inlets downstream of disturbances should be protected;streets should be swept when \ \ \ / L------ sediment from the construction activity is present / WATTLE I�-Y ..\NC Envronmen lot jpeg T.Details for Silt Fence Silt Fence Outlets Construction Entrances and other measures are K�}' I provided an additional sheets.Erosion and sediment control details are not dawn to scale. / -� 33 TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER / REINFORCED"-��•-_-- DATE: cone Fence -FiNer Fabric PAGE: \\ /// / \ FENCE \� ` \\ 51 // �6-� s'- tea'Max.Branded/acre -- / ^ I FFF1 s amel Poa� 6Max.Etta strength fabric nceT.-Wire Fence PI SsMg Bockfill trench ' ` OUTLET /. __I G ss aloe �/////, and Compact DATE: PAGE: `\ /// CONSTRUOTI°N / - 1 \ \ \ it.mare ,.)` thoroughly LIMITS CL Steel Post jj ...� upaape \ \ \ // \ / / \ S" T / \ _/ / �S• TLRNDS ,r \ \�_iz // �5- / j �� Plastic or .0 10-2, rim -_\ /T I- t X ,=,a Mtrenahl a•IMin Jam\�o�/ r., \ -��___/ / \ \ \ \ \ 1 ��// T c 4'ne,w w �i \ / 1 Filter Fabric as forxeN Qre -I / \ \ \ �4 5 -54 1. .netruct the M fi %aovethe ° CROSS SECTION w / ► �� \ 2 I I 4a:sea 2.Engre that Me height oltlteHeetl men[,encetlostrength arts exec g (Higher I I volumesmay impound of water sided..guar failureW ) 1 3 Co%tru rice le rime from ...Me / mmee re r - - \ - � necessary,a«urely...a Mgr clog only at a support p �1. l"� r �1 ^ / // 4.Support standard strength nlrerkbnc by score mesM1 Maenad Y M ntl Melmmnence. / •r-- `I - _ / - \ _Pit I NewremnnsuppMbine Whim of the bench.Fasten rice wire re nforcemeM psope ,_ nspeasW'ment Rnces el eestonce eweek end ahem Becht shin ,_ I s s s ` -- J / 'c Side of Me fence patwreOrpaatc,pteseWnnhaveamnmum50poundten%eStrength nchorgreateranfa Make any regnadrepa,ammeaatr '` ����p�t / 5 When awire mesh...fence is usAN space posts a maximum of a feet aped.Supports should be driven Should Me fabric of a sediment ienoe collapse,team decompose Y' _e,e ryrk /7 �nnrcynmmegrowdarbmmumnf nnhea nib men• .ea,acrsre W / rr ry �# �� - "' ,/ cHrli ems ri6e - a.Eala steno.Pig fahn<Mathnfam post opanngdoesnot regareawire nigh supportfence.Securely a.Remarnsedmentdepostsasn°�%,erytoPeggedge. Q: fasten the ay p%NWrelode zip ammm�ma reeferenae me b0,ee2oeoe td csoe,n on Ste •w- v /� \�, / - � gth re to avod nnderm Be during 7.�caatr.,mme bra approximately inches ride and a inches p along proposedline of passand e 4,Remove all fencing mate..and unstable sgmengeposib Construction: Maintenance: ` __ .?7,.. j aI/ �� aftera Race 12 inch.of fabric the contributing 1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,roots,and other objectionable 1.Per NCG-01 inspect at least once a week and after each 1 inch or / / / 't'i' n.aBoll plead over the Mier fabric and compact.TThorough compaon W the hackle!Is drainage area has be properly thee. material end properly grade it. greater rainfall,make any required repairs immediately. . . .`6 - �I �rmdI/_ �� eerformance. 2.Place the gravel t°the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans,and 2.Maintain the gravel pad in a condition t°prevent mod or sediment / �_ \\ /:9 ,,,29.....111 /. \\ - 10.oo not attach finer fabric to existing trees. smooth It from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic WETLANDS G \ -_- _ _ ANC-Envirglmental.jpeg subject to seepage high tablevastability oro e n e ohs 3.trpketlsl o with 2 inch stone. mblcroaltlObee objectionable materials spilled,washed or ( / v �/ 1 t J3.Provide drainage to carryter to a sediment trap other suitable outlet to d n 4.Use t the fabrics in order to IraM the foundation locations Immediately T� / X / SILT FENCE page or g as on public \ / - - CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT _� -\\ \ \\ 170 7-r-7\ 1 - � _ \ �� ` DATE: PAGE: i>n MIx _7 mum - - �\ -�N\N ( n N\. .`-\ :'-' PAGE 1 of 2 + LLIIIIIIII.IIIIIIII.IIIIIIIII' - MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 1.25 ACRES I -- -' LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN General-All measures will be inspected and corrections made after runoff producing rainfalls,or at least once per week minimum.The builder will insure that the construction activities on any particular lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures.If IN construction dictates,measures will be relocated on the lot to insure that the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible.Silt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion control manual.Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing cover. LOTS 22, 23 42 TIIE WnsHED ST 1 3 - Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone.After each rainfalI,inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediately remove NI ELLIOT FARMS, PHASE 1 B STEEL FENCE POST 17.7objectionable materials spilled,washed,or tracked onto public roadways. ................._ - FOR HARDWARE CLOTHFRONT VIEW Silt Fence-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event.Any repairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabric should be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of properly to insure wIRE FENCE .._...._...._... �▪ Y WIRE FENCE, FILTE that the removed sediment does not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence at tall times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. CAV I N E S S & CAT E S BUILDING STEEL Wn5HEO srorvE _ vol.._D CLOTH IN TRENCH Sodding-The sod should be properly maintained to insure that the grass take holds in the areas being secured.The sod should be watered as necessary to maintain adequate moisture in the root zone and prevent dormancy of the sod.The sod should not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate growth AND DEVELOPMENT CO. zbr� caourv0 INTOsOA APART MIN. AND HARDWARE and stabilization of the root bed.The sod should be limed and fertilized as per soil type recommendations and type of grass recommendations when and if possible. NOTES, CARVERS CREEK TOWNSHIP CUMBERLAND COUNTY 1.Hardware cloth and gravel shouts overlay the silt fence at least 12 ^re Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should beproperlyfertilized and limed as necessa as an initial step in soil preparation. Once the grassing has been laced the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are germinating An bare areas should be o Stone. 9 9 9 9 9 ry p p p 9 9 p 9 9 y SCALE: 1"=100' SEPTEMBER 2024 oa 2.stone outlets fieldshouldcnd placed on low elevation areas of silt fence repaired,and reseeded as soon as possible.If the time of year does not permit the establishment of permanent grass,then•temporary grassing should be used until the growing season permits the use ofapermanent grass. GRAPHIC (SCALE' and based on field conditions. MAINTENANCE: Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or gullies upslope of the wattle and any undercutting is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair the filtration capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height.Removed _ BURY WIRE FENCE AND B RV el OF UPPER EOCE OF I.Per NCG-01,inspect outlet at lest once a week and after each 1 Inch or sediment shall be deposited within the project in such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER FABRIC IN TRENCH greater rainfall event.Complete any required repairs immediately. II 2.Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds 6 inches. 3.Keep mesh free of debris to provide adequate now. Reinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment.Remove all SECTION VIEW 4.Remove sediment when half of stone outlet is covered. fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. ( IN FEET ) q"" Id/)beg 5.Replace stone as needed to facilitate de-watering. 1 inch = 100 fit. J � SILT FENCE OUTLET MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC.115 BROADFOOT AVE.FAYETTEVILLE,N.C.28305 NC-Envir PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE BF-0106 LAST SAVED:9/3/2024 G.AM LAST PLOTTED:9/3/2024 9.52 AM PLOTTED BY,Dennis Glben FILENAME,G\CURRENT JOBS\CAMNESS AND CATES DEVELOPMENT IOC\22-2017-02 ELLIOT FARMS-EC\PLANS\EWOTFARMSEC-LOTs22.23k42.DWG