HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Report_20240313ENSAFE creative thinking. custom solutions. January 31, 2024 Mr. Kenneth B. Rhame via email: rhame.kenneth@epa.gov United States Environmental Protection Agency — Region 4 61 Forsyth Street S.W. #9 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Re: Project Progress Report for Fourth Quarter 2023 Pactiv Evergreen — Canton Mill, Canton, North Carolina Dear Mr. Rhame: This progress report provides a summary of Time Critical Removal Action (TCRA) activities undertaken by or on behalf of Pactiv Evergreen (PTVE) at the former Canton Mill (the Site) in Canton, North Carolina. This report complies with the requirements of Section VIII.25 of the Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Removal Action (AOC), CERCLA-04-2024-7000, effective October 24, 2023. This report covers the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2023. DESCRIPTION OF WORK COMPLETED A detailed Action Tracker (log) of TCRA activities is provided on the project -specific SharePoint site. The following TCRA field activities were performed during Q4 2023 (corresponding documents are listed below in Submittals/Deliverables): 1. Completed a one-time, site -wide comprehensive groundwater and surface water sampling event performed in September and October 2023, pursuant to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) approved Interim Work Plan Addendum — Comprehensive Sampling and Assessment of Black Liquor Impacts to Groundwater(EnSafe Inc., June 2023), to assess impacts to groundwater and surrounding surface water bodies as a baseline for the black liquor interim removal action required by the AOC. 2. Completed surface water sampling at the Campground Branch on October 2, 2023, per the approved work plan. 3. Completed removal of submerged fuel oil from the Pigeon River per the approved work plan. 4. Completed the Fuel Oil Area Interim Removal Action per the U.S. EPA approved Interim Removal Action Work Plan for Petroleum -Impacted Soils (EnSafe, August 14, 2023), including aboveground storage tank (AST) removal, soil excavation and disposal, dewatering/treatment and disposal, confirmatory soil sampling, grouting of sewer line in former AST bunker to the levee manhole, grouting of the levee manhole, and restoration of work areas. SUBMITTALS/DELIVERABLES 1. The following correspondence was issued or received by or on behalf of PTVE in Q4 2023: a. Received the executed Administrative Settlement Agreement and AOC for Removal Action, CERCLA-04-2024-7000, effective October 24, 2023. ENGINEERING I ENVIRONMENTAL I HEALTH & SAFETY I TECHNOLOGY 12402 N. 56th Street I Tampa, Florida 33617 1 P 813-930-0669 1 F 813-930-9809 1 www.ensafe.com Mr. Kenneth Rhame January 31, 2024 Paqe 2 b. Submitted the Implementation of Recovery of Submerged Oil Plan dated November 1, 2023); U.S. EPA approved the submittal via email dated November 2, 2023. C. Submitted the Health and Safety Plan, Revision 1 dated November 14, 2023, pursuant to the AOC. d. Submitted the Implementation of Interim Work Plan Addendum to Address Vertical Delineation Data Gaps via Limited Subsurface Investigations dated December 11, 2023; U.S. EPA approved the submittal via email dated December 27, 2023. e. Submitted the Implementation of Interim Work Plan Addendum to Replace Monitoring Well PZ-16 dated December 14, 2023; U.S. EPA approved the submittal January 24, 2024. SUMMARY OF SAMPLING RESULTS/TESTS 1. Attachment 1 provides the Technical Memorandum — Summary of 2023 Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling (EnSafe, January 2024) documenting the work and results from the site -wide sampling and Campground Branch surface water sampling efforts in September and October 2023. Key takeaways include: a. Groundwater, seep, and surface water contaminants of potential concern have been resolved, and future monitoring (scope to be determined when applicable) can focus on the known contaminants of concern (COCs) in groundwater and seeps; no COCs were identified in surface water and toxicity testing indicates no adverse ecological impacts to the Pigeon River. b. Historical thinking regarding groundwater COCs have been disproved as follows: dioxins and furans typically related to pulp/paper mills are not a concern in site groundwater; and volatile organic compounds and semi -volatile organic compounds are not prevalent in site groundwater and only a few of each are considered COCs. C. Groundwater impacts are primarily within the shallow unconsolidated aquiferat the Site. There is no evidence of groundwater communication between the surficial aquifer and bedrock aquifer. 2. Confirmatory soil sampling results from the former Fuel Oil AST bunker area will be documented in the Fuel Oil Area Interim Removal Summary Report scheduled for submittal in February 2024. Only one of 23 confirmatory samples exhibited results above soil screening levels (and that location could not be further excavated due to bunker wall/obstacle). WORK ANTICIPATED IN FOLLOWING QUARTER The following TCRA activities are planned for the first quarter of 2024 (January — March): 1. Continue implementing work and deliverables as required per the AOC. 2. Submit the Black Liquor Interim RemovalAction Work Plan per Section VIII.16.b of the AOC. 3. Commence data gap filling activities to refine the black liquor interim removal action design basis, per the U.S. EPA approved Implementation of Interim Work Plan Addendum to Address Vertical Delineation Data Gaps via Limited Subsurface Investigations (EnSafe, December 2023). This includes soil borings to assess vertical lithology, determine which hydrogeologic formation ENSAFE Mr. Kenneth Rhame January 31, 2024 Paqe 3 exhibit black liquor residuals in groundwater, collection of specific hydrogeologic data, and installation of wells for aquifer testing. 4. Replace monitoring well PZ-16 per the U.S. EPA approved Implementation oflnterim WorkP/an Addendum to Replace Monitoring Well PZ-16 (EnSafe, December 2023). 5. Implement the Black Liquor Interim Removal Action Work Plan once approved by U.S. EPA in consultation with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. 6. Participate in periodic status calls/meetings with stakeholders. 7. Support U.S. EPA's community relations and outreach as applicable. ISSUES/RESOLUTIONS None. COMMUNITY RELATIONS Provided data and information as applicable to support U.S. EPA and North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality in response to community inquiries. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at 813-734-7985. Sincerely, EnSafe Inc. �ti1 C� By: Bridget Morello, PE Principal Attachments: Attachment 1 — Technical Memorandum — Summary of2023 Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling (EnSafe, January 2024) cc: Alison Vincent, Project Coordinator, PTVE Project -specific SharePoint site ENSAFE