HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Comments_20240912CANTON
SEP 03 2024
Wastewater Permitting
1617 Mail Service Center NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 via email: publiccomments@deq.nc.gov
Subject: Comments on Draft NPDES Major Modification
Canton Mill - Blue Ridge Paper Products (d/b/a Evergreen Packaging)
NPDES Permit NC0000272
Dear Sir or Madam,
The Town of Canton appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on the draft major modification of NPDES Permit No NCO()00272 that was issued for public comment by the North Carolina
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on July 24, 2024.
The Town of Canton's understanding is the Pactiv Evergreen Canton Mill site where the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is located, and other properties owned by Evergreen Packaging
may be sold in the next few months. At that time, the /Town of Canton assumes the new owner will be responsible for the operation of the WWTP. This WWTP accepts and treats all wastewater
from the Town of Canton. The Town does not currently have another alternative for the treatment of wastewater from the Town.
The Town of Canton respectfully submits the following comments:.
Comment 1. In the "Supplement to the Permit Cover Sheet," (page 3 of 9), we request the following revisions to the description in paragraph #1.
"Continue operation of a 4.9 MGD wastewater treatment plant for the treatment of wastewater associated with the Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. pulp and paper mill, landfill leachate,
the Town Of Cantont s / municipal wastewater, stormwater runoff, and recovered /contaminated groundwater, black liquor, and fuel oil associated with the EPA Administrative Settlement
Agreement and Order on Consent for Removal Action [AOC] (CERCLA Docket No. CERCLA-04-2024-7000)."
The correct Ownership of the Canton Mill and WWTP should be clarified as a part of the final NPDES permit modifications. The Town of Canton understands that "Blue Ridge Paper Products
Inc" may not be the correctly titled Owner.
The Town of Canton understands that the term "municipal" is a more accurate description of the Town of Canton's wastewater than the term "chlorinated domestic."
The Town of Canton does not own the landfill. The Town of Canton understands that the leachate from the landfill is currently treated by the WWTP and that this process will continue.
The Town of Canton understands that the WWTP is responsible for treating stormwater runoff from the Canton Mill site. Said stormwater has the potential to be contaminated.
The Town of Canton understands that the WWTP will be responsible for treating the recovered liquids described in the AOC.
Comment 2. The Town is in general agreement to reduce the flow limit to 4.90 MGD with the understanding that the lower flow limit will allow operational cost savings to due to less staffing
requirements. However, a capacity analysis should be performed to confirm that the WWTP will adequately service the Town of Canton's current flow of 1.0 to 1.2 MGD, allow for future
growth of the Town, and be sufficient to treat the other known inflows described in Comment 1.
Comment 3. The Town of Canton understands that the stormwater from the Canton Mill is currently being treated by the WWTP and that this process will continue.
Comment 4. A provision should be added to SectionA. (7.) Engineering Alternative Analysis (EAA) which requires that the permittee also submit any EAA to the Town of Canton for review.
Comment 5. A provision should be added to Section A. (8.) Major Modification Application which requires that the permittee also submit any Major Modification Application to the Town
of Canton for review.
Comment 6. The Town of Canton request that the DEQ approve any change in ownership, operation, and effluent limits to ensure protection of human health and the environment and that the
Town of Canton be notified of the request in change of Ownership upon receipt of an application for Ownership change by DEQ.
Comment 7. The draft permit removes most requirements for instream sampling. The Town of Canton request that applicable instream sampling, both upstream and downstream, be included in
the revised permit. This sampling will be critical to the Town of Canton, new Owners of the Canton Mill WWTP and to DEQ to make informed scientific based decisions on future modifications
of the WWTP as well as options for the Town of Canton to provide treatment of wastewater generated and collected by the Town of Canton.
We appreciate your attention to these comments. If you need additional information, please contact me at 828-648-2363 or Istinnett@cantonnc.conl.
Respectfull ,
/Li Stinnett
Town Manager
Town of Canton