HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Correspondence_20240722
July 23, 2024
Mr. Tracy Willis, Wastewater Treatment System Manager
Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc.
dba Evergreen Packaging
P.O. Box 4000
Canton, North Carolina 28716
Subject: Draft NPDES Major Modification
Permit NC0000272 Canton Mill WWTP
Haywood County
Facility Grade IV
Dear Mr. Willis:
Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the Draft Major Modification for your facility. Please review this Modification very carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the conditions
and requirements it contains.
The Draft Major Modification contains the following significant changes from your current permit:
The following changes have been made due to the cessation of all manufacturing processes:
The limits and/or monitoring for the following compounds at Outfall 001 have been eliminated: 2,3,7,8 Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin, Trichlorophenol, Pentachlorophenol, Adsorbable Organic
Halides, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Copper, and Total Zinc.
Mass color limits and instream color limits have been eliminated.
The flow limit was reduced to 4.9 MGD.
Instream Waste Concentration for toxicity test was reduced to 12.7%.
Internal Outfall 002 and Internal Outfall 003 have been eliminated.
Instream Sampling at the following locations has been eliminated: UP (upstream), DN2 (Downstream 2), DN3, DN4, DN6, BC, DN7.
Frequency of instream sampling at DN1 has been reduced to weekly for the following parameters: Temperature, DO, Conductivity, and Color.
Dioxin Monitoring Special Condition has been eliminated.
Clean Water Act Section 316(a) Thermal Variance Special Condition has been eliminated.
Best Management Practices Special Condition has been eliminated.
Effluent Guideline Sampling Plan Special Condition has been eliminated.
Requirement for Color Analysis and Compliance Special Condition has been eliminated.
Dissolved Oxygen Special Condition has been eliminated.
Limits for BOD and TSS have been converted to secondary treatment standards since the facility now primarily treats domestic wastewater.
Engineering Alternative Analysis Special Condition was added to the permit to assure that the new owner has a justification for the permitted flow volume in accordance with the state
Major Modification Application Special Condition was added to the permit to assure that the potential new waste streams comply with the state rules.
Please provide any comments you have regarding the Draft Modification to this office by August 30, 2024. At this time, the Division is also publishing a notice in the newspapers of
general circulation in Haywood County, inviting public comment on the Draft Permit. Following the comment period, we will review all pertinent comments received and take appropriate
action on the permit.
If you have any questions about the NPDES permit process, please contact me at the following e-mail address: sergei.chernikov@deq.nc.gov, or telephone number: 919-707-3606.
Sergei Chernikov, Ph.D.
Environmental Engineer III
Industrial NPDES Permitting Unit
cc: Central Files
EPA Region IV (e-copy)
Asheville Regional Office/Water Quality (e-copy)
WSS/Aquatic Toxicology Unit (e-copy)
TACU (e-copy)