HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4240907_Wetland Determination/Report_20241015 David Brame From: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday,July 25, 2024 6:18 PM To: David Brame; Michael Brame Subject: RE: SAW-2024-00703 (5657 Prospect Street/Archdale NC/ Randolph County) Attachments: Wetland Map.pdf ALCON, Reference is made to ORM ID SAW-2024-00703, please reference this number on any correspondence regarding this action. We received information from you requesting the Wilmington District, Regulatory Division review and concur with the boundaries of an aquatic resource delineation. We have reviewed the information provided by you concerning the aquatic resources, and by copy of this e-mail, are confirming that the aquatic resources delineation has been verified by the Corps to be a sufficiently accurate and reliable representation of the location and extent of aquatic resources within the identified Site Boundary.The location and extent of these aquatic resources are shown on the delineation map, Wetland Map. Regulatory Guidance Letter(RGL) 16-01 https://usace.contentdm.ocic.org/utils/getfile/collection/p16021co119/id/1256 provides guidance for Jurisdictional Determinations (JD) and states "The Corps generally does not issue a JD of any type where no JD has been requested". At this time we are only verifying the delineation. This delineation may be relied upon for use in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. "This verification does not address nor include any consideration for geographic jurisdiction on aquatic resources and shall not be interpreted as such. This delineation verification is not an Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) and is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (33 CFR Part 331). However,you may request an AJD,which is an appealable action. If you wish to receive a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD), or an Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) please respond accordingly, otherwise nothing further is required and we will not provide any additional documentation. The delineation included herein has been conducted to identify the location and extent of the aquatic resource boundaries and/or the jurisdictional status of aquatic resources for purposes of the Clean Water Act for the particular site identified in this request.This delineation may not be valid for the Wetland Conservation Provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended. If you or your tenant are USDA program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs,you should discuss the applicability of a certified wetland determination with the local USDA service center, prior to starting work. Lyle Phillips Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive,Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 588-9200 1 Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/.Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. From: RaleighNCREG<RaleighNCREG@usace.army.mil> Sent:Thursday,April 4, 2024 3:01 PM To: David Brame<dbrame@pilotenviro.com> Cc: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Subject: SAW-2024-00703 (5657 Prospect Street/Archdale NC/ Randolph County) Good afternoon, Your JD request has been received, assigned action IDSAW-2024-00703 and forwarded to Lyle Phillips for further processing. Please refer to the action ID in all correspondence. Thank you, Josephine Schaffer From: David Brame<dbrame@pilotenviro.com> Sent:Thursday,April 4, 2024 10:23 AM To: RaleighNCREG<RaleighNCREG@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] 10742 - Prospect Street, Stokesdale, Guilford County, NC- USACE JD Request Please see attached. Sincerely, David Brame, PWS PILOT "" PILOT I N V I I O N Y I N T A l . I N C 336.708.4617(c) 336.310.4527(o) www.pitotenviro.com dbrame@pilotenviro.com 2 ,, l - '' r .' JJJ- a I • i - Ai SD SC 100 LF 4` 107 LF N N , i{, . 0 .. . ND2ON WB 1-12 WD 1 SB 0.112 Ac. 0.002 Ac. 208 LF - , - - • -- ti WA 1-7 0.037 Ac. •11:111. I ------"N ' DP30 S - Y�1 ,e ":t' 750LF 1 Fa I �w► t. < �. i 00\ . 4iN ' . . , ,._ ,. . _._ . '}'� ^'M 441 • /j ; �. ., W WC 1-7 k • ,', ' .` Ili t0.013 Ac 1 •• ' * 111 + 4 r • ..... fik,4iik a i, - p4 -,.. Jed" -it. , - . , :-,.. 4 ... /. ' • • A *41. S••\ / , - 741"19." WI . :k _ 4 -,pi. LEGEND41 _AditI. ailli �, Site Boundary s ±' Potential Jurisdictional Non-Wetland Water(Perennial Stream) y THE LOCATIONS OF FEATURES SHOWN ON THIS MAP Potential Jurisdictional Non-Wetland Water(Intermittent Stream) le ARE APPROXIMATE. THEY WERE VERIFIED BY MR. LYLE Potential Jurisdictional Wetland-Water 4 PHILLIPS WITH THE USACE ON JULY 25, 2024 (SAW- SA1-5 Flag Number 2024-00703). THIS MAP INCLUDES GPS LOCATIONS OF DP-1 O Data Point DELINEATED FEATURES. DELINEATED BY PILOT ON 3.20.2024. • Culvert Drawing 5 t Wetland Map Aerial Imagery from ESRI `''` f\- �i ' ,�?x- -{ Approximate 17.2-Acre Tract and Pilot GPS Data __ :r' y. Prospect Street Scale: 1" = 200' PIL01". Archdale, Randolph County, NC Date: 3.25.2024 PIS T !NVIR0 \ M!NTAL,INC Pilot Project10742