HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6240905_Property Deed_20241016 111111111111 2007017014 FOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS HARNETT COUNTY TAX ID* NARBERTY COUNTY. RGROVE NC 2007 SEP 19 11 :34:49 AM f 3 - 0619 - 020 _ 8K12426 PG:867-869 FEE;$17,88 NC REV STAMP:$289.98 ll1tN1' # 2117ø1i BY _N-6-71. Revenue - $289.00 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY P. TILGHMAN POPE, ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 928,DUNN, NC 28335 PARCEL NO. 130519 0120 PIN #: 0519-57-5161.000 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made this 19th day of September 2007, by and between Hugh Michael Ray and wife, Sheila Gilchrist Ray, 2417 Spring Hill Road, Lillington, North Carolina 27546, hereinafter referred to as Grantor and Thomas H. Womble and wife, Diane T. Womble, 1616 McKoy Town Road, Cameron, North Carolina 28326, hereinafter referred to as Grantee: WITNESSETH : That the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Upper Little River Township, Harnett County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: That certain 48.09 acres, more or less, as described on that map entitled, "Survey For: Thomas A. Womble", prepared by Bennett Surveys, Inc., dated September 12, 2007, and being recorded in Map #2007-814, Harnett County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more full and complete description of said real property. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 765 at Page 88, Harnett County Registry. Also see Book 728, Page 643 and Book 1737, Page 730, Harnett County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. AND the Grantor covenants with the Grantee that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: Easements, restrictions and rights-of-way of record. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter, as required by context. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. ]1 (SEAL) ugh iehael Ray w.6.41.4 er (SEAL) Sheila Gilchrist Ray, by and through orney-In-Fact Hugh Michael Ray STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT I, Carolyn J. Stone, Notary Public, do hereby certify that Hugh Michael Ray personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged tile, n execution of the foregoing instrument. ‘‘ ►/i .‘‘I oS Witness my hand notariO` tki ` •.�#1y September 2007. R j • n "*11147110 �` 41/ ! • a ►� 7 Notary Public • NY• My Commission Expires: q-1,9.--)1 ••••• "t,,,�a'N0 1.S ����‘" Fflui l . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT I, Carolyn J. Stone, Notary Public do hereby certify that Hugh Michael Ray, attorney-in-fact for Sheila Gilchrist Ray personally appeared before me this day and being duly sworn, says that he executed the foregoing and annexed instrument for and in behalf of Sheila Gilchrist Ray and that his authority to execute and acknowledge said instrument is contained in an instrument duly executed, acknowledged and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, North Carolina on August 15, 2007 in Book 2413 at Page 343, and that this instrument was executed under and by virtue of the authority given by said instrument granting him power of attorney; that the said Hugh Michael Ray acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed for and in behalf of the said Sheila Gilchrist Ray. t y i„ i/' NO sd�v ,, ,fin Witness my hand f? hi§-,17 day of September 2007. dit - •� •■ ?4 � � z 4> 0: Notary Public • ' . . • '* ■ $ My Commission Expires: 7� .// •.■■■••• f''%, �. N0lS ��0% Il►ttlllll�� • T. C00 ;`, r ✓ lk -'- **I a rr 7,•#7. f 1' 011.111.1.F �' etvt eS ,, , 4 r a �r « 4 ,,• r 11, �I a � *4rN KIMBERLY S. HARGROVE REGISTER OF DEEDS, HARNETT 305 W CORNELIUS HARNETT BLVD SUITE 200 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 Flied For Registration: 09/19/2007 11:34:49 AM Book: RE 2426 Page: 867-869 Document No.: 2007017014 DEED 3 PGS $17.00 NC REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX: $289.00 Recorder: ANGELA J BYRD State of North Carolina, County of Harnett KIMBERLY S. HARGROVE , REGISTER OF DEEDS DO NOT DISCARD * 20070 70 14 * 2007017014