HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8931005_Historical File_19950120 ESTATE q
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State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager
January 20, 1995
Mr. Doug Barrett, Airport Manager
Albert J. Ellis Airport
264 Albert Ellis Airport Road
Richlands, North Carolina 28574
with Stormwater Regulations
Stormwater Project No. 931005 Revision
Albert Ellis Airport
Onslow County
Dear Mr. Barrett:
The Wilmington Regional Office received a revised Stormwater Submittal for the Albert Ellis
Airport on January 11, 1995, with fmal information on January 17, 1995. Staff review of the plans and
specifications, including the statement of intent to deed restrict the allowable built-upon area to 12.1 acres
for the tract as shown on the approved plan, has determined that the project as proposed will comply with
the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1003(a)(3).
Any modification of the plans submitted to and approved by this Office or further development of
this site regardless of the fact that the modification may be less than 1 acre, will require an additional
Stormwater Submittal/Modification and approval prior to initiation of construction. Modifications include
but are not limited to; project name changes, transfer of ownership, redesign of built-upon surfaces,
addition of built-upon surfaces, redesign or further subdivision of the project area as shown on the
approved plans.
This Certification shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded. The project shall be
constructed and maintained in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Wilmington
Regional Office. This Certification supersedes the one issued to you on October 6, 1993. The developer
is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this
project. This could include the Division of Coastal Management under CAMA requirements, the Division
of Environmental Management under Wetland 401 Water Quality Certification and/or a Dredge and Fill
Permit and/or a Sewer Extension/Collection Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Wetland Permit,
NPDES stormwater permit if disturbing five acres or more, local County or Town Agency permits under
their local ordinances, or others that may be required.
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C.28405-3845 •Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Mr. Barrett
January 20, 1995
Stormwater Project No. 931005 Revision
An Engineer/Designer/Owner Certification (copy attached) must be received at the time the
recorded Deed Restrictions are submitted. The Certification will verify to this Office that the stormwater
controls, general layout of the project and the amount of impervious area are in substantial compliance with
the approved Stormwater Plan.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis or me at (910) 395-
- Dave Adkins
Water Quality Supervisor
cc: Scott Yarley, P.E.
Marshall Batchlor, Onslow County Inspections
Bradley Bennett
Linda Lewis
Wilmington Regional Office
Central Files
Albert Ellis Airport
Onslow County
Stormwater Project No. 931005 Revision
Engineer/Designer/Owner Certification
I, , having been authorized to observe
(periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project,
hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the
construction of the stormwater control system for this project such that the construction was observed to
be built within substantial compliance and intent of the plans and specifications approved by the NCDEM
Water Quality Section. The layout of the impervious surfaces and the road details, as constructed,
conform with the layout and road details shown on the approved plans. (Note: if a copy of the recorded
deed restrictions has not been forwarded, you must provide a copy along with this form.)
JAN171995 ,,
Project Name Albert J. Ellis Airport
Location(County,Township/Municipality,Address,State Road) NCSR 1265 - Onslow County
Owner's Name Mr. Doug Barrett, Airport Manager
MailingAddress Al bert J. Ellis Airport
264 Albert Ellis Airport Road, Richlands, North Carolina 28574
Phone Number (919)324-1 100 Submittal Date
Brief Description (include map and appropriate drawings) Construction of Perimeter Road,
Apron repair, and Taxiway widening. .
Name of Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff Back swamp and southwest creek
Classification of Water Body Csw/CNSW If SA waters, engineered system, and distance is <0.5
miles, attach report of chloride sampling results mg/1
State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required (Check appropriate blanks)
CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control X
404 Permit DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal
Other (Specify)
Built upon area means that portion of a development that is covered by impervious or partially pervious cover
including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, gravel, etc., but not including wood decking. If the project
includes areas draining to different water classifications, please note them separately below.
Subwatershed Subwatershed
Classification Csw/CNSW
Built upon area 12.1 A .
Total Project Area 672.75 AC.
% Built upon Area 1 .8%
Allowable BM Area 30%
Is the Project B/U Area 5 the Allowable B/U Area? Yes (If no, an engineered system is required.)
% Built upon area = (built upon area / total project area) * 100
Built upon area limits for projects to meet density: SA waters -- 25%, Other ---30% I Office use oniy4
Describe how the runoff will be treated Grass swal es with minimal AAN 1 7 995
pipe under Perimeter Road
Is the eu=built upon area at least 30 feet from mean high water of all surface waters? Y`_ if no,please
provide description
(Note: Only boat ramps, public roads,public bridges, and walkways to water related facilities are allowed
within 30 feet of the mean high water line if the project is intended to meet stormwater control
requirements through density limits.)
By my side below,I certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project
shall limit the allowable built-upon area per lot to N/A square Beet inclusive of right-of-way,
structures, pavement, walkways or patios of brick, stone, or slate, not including wood decking, state that
the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the
land, and that benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina, therefore, the covenant cannot be
changed or deleted without consent of the State.
I, DO v` PLSQ. Ajj E , certify that the information included on this
submittal form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with this information, and
that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15 NCAC
2H.1003 (b). I authorize the below named person or firm to submit stormwater plans on my behalf, and
agree to abide by the deed restriction statement above.
o :m ; . Date
Provide authorized person or firm name and address below:
Scott A. Yarley, P.E.
The LPA GROUP of North Carolina, p.a.
900 Ridgefield Drive
Raleigh, NC 2 19
nN •
,allotary Public fior fate�f
Coup of , do iy certify that i „ _ personally
appeared before me this 9 3 day of . S'' and acknowledges the due execution
of the foregoing t. mli Witness my h •. and offi ' • /Pi
My commission expires .S=3- y'9 , o PUBLIC
Regional Office
20 -3-'Ar.) 95 Geoic aet(Ai4. 2
Date Individual Evaluating F, •
Date Regional ater Quality Supervisor
cc: Applicamt/1 t0/Bradley Bennett/Central Files
THE LPA GROUP of North Carolina, p.a.
Transportation Consultants ��
900 Ridgefield Drive
Post Office Box 17736 =
Raleigh, North Carolina 27619
(919) 954-1244
FAX (919) 954-1345
January 10, 1995
Ms. Linda Lewis
Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Management
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Re: Albert J. Ellis Airport
Taxiway "A" Widening
FAA AIP #3-37-0033-13
Dear Ms. Lewis:
Per your request, we have enclosed three (3) sets of Grading
Plan Sheets for the above referenced project. Under separate cover
the Airport Manager, Mr. Doug Barrett will forward the revised
submittal form containing the updated density calculations (copy
enclosed) .
Should you have any questions or require any additional
information, do not hesitate to contact either myself or Scott
THE LPA GROUP of North Carolina, p.a.
>17 9!111 EPTIF
Construction Manager RUE
E 2 n �a
JCF/mls D 15 U u u
JAN 1 1 1995
cc: Mr. Doug Barrett rD E M
9ROJ # 9S/005
Project Name Al bert J. Ellis Airport
Location(County,Township/Municipality,Address,State Road) NCSR 1265 - Onsl ow County
Owner's Name Mr. Doug Barrett, Airport Manager
Mailing Address Albert J. Ellis Airport
264 Albert Ellis Airport Road, Richlands, North Carolina 28574
Phone Number (919)324-1100 Submittal Date
Brief Description (include map and appropriate drawings) Constructi on of Peri meter Road,
Apron repair, and Taxiway widening. .
Name of Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff Back swamp and southwest creek
Classification of Water Body Csw/CNSW If SA waters, engineered system, and distance is <0.5
miles, attach report of chloride sampling results mg/1
State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required (Check appropriate blanks)
CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control X
404 Permit DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal
Other (Specify)
Built upon area means that portion of a development that is covered by impervious or partially pervious cover
including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, gravel, etc., but not including wood decking. If the project
includes areas draining to different water classifications, please note them separately below.
Subwatershed Subwatershed
Classification Csw/CNSW
Built upon area 12.1 AC.
Total Project Area 672.75 AC.
% Built upon Area 1 .8%
Allowable B/U Area 30%
Is the Project B/U Area 5 the Allowable B/U Area? Yes (If no, an engineered system is required.)
% Built upon area = (built upon area / total project area) * 100
Built upon area limits for projects to meet density: SA waters --- 25%, Other ---30% Office use only
Describe how the runoff will be treated Grass swal es with minimal
pipe under Perimeter Road JAN 1 1 1995
' oj # 93WO
Is the built upon area at least 30 feet from mean high water of all surface waters? Yes if no,please
provide a description
(Note: Only boat ramps,public roads,public bridges,and walkways to water related facilities are allowed
within 30 feet of the mean high water Iine if the project is intended to meet stormwater control
requirements through density limits.)
By my signature below,I certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project
shall limit the allowable built-upon area per lot to N/A square feet inclusive of right-of-way,
structures,pavement, walkways or patios of brick, stone, or slate, not including wood decking, state that
the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the
land, and that benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina, therefore, the covenant cannot be
changed or deleted without consent of the State.
I, , certify that the information included on this
submittal form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with this information, and
that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15 NCAC
2H.1003 (b). I authorize the below named person or firm to submit stormwater plans on my behalf, and
agree to abide by the deed restriction statement above.
Owner's Signet ire Daze
Provide authorized person or firm name and address below:
Scott A. Yarley, P.E.
The LPA GROUP of North Carolina, p.a.
900 Ridgefield Drive
Raleigh, NC 27619
I, ,allotary Public for the State of _
County of , do hereby certify that personally
appeared before me this day of , 19_, and acknowledges the due execution
of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal,
My commission expires
Regional Office
Date Individual Evaluating Forms/Plans
Date Regional Water Quality Supervisor
cc: ApplicaatfWrltOBradley B /Central Files
Transportation Consultants
900 Ridgefield Drive a_MA
Post Office Box 17736 = _
Raleigh, North Carolina 27619
(919) 954-1244
FAX (919) 954-1345 September 15, 1994
Mr. Doug Barrett
Airport Manager
Albert J. Ellis Airport
264 Albert Ellis Airport Road
Richlands, North Carolina 28574
Re: Albert J. Ellis Airport
Taxiway Rehabilitation and Widening
Dear Mr. Barrett:
Enclosed you will find a partially completed Stormwater
Submittal Form that will be submitted to the North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources for the
review of Stormwater Controls for the above referenced project.
This form will need to be signed, notarized and returned to The
Division of Environmental Management.
Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Management
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Attention: Ms. Linda Lewis
This form is a part of the approval process and needs to be
returned to the above address as soon as possible in order to avoid
delays in the issuing of permits and ultimately the construction of
the subject project.
Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.
Sincerely, STORM WTF
THE LPA GROUP of North Carolina, p.a.
� - a. VCEOVED
SCOTT A. YAkiEY, .E. JAIL 1 1995
Project Engineer D E
SAY/wp PROJ # `f 3 /oo 5
. ___= _ • " __: ' . . _ - _ . . __ __ .
Transportation Consultants
900 Ridgefield Drive
Post Office Box 17736
Raleigh, North Carolina 27619
(919) 954-1244
FAX (919) 954-1345
September 15, 1994
Ms. Linda Lewis
Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Management
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845
Re: Albert J. Ellis Airport
Taxiway Rehabilitation and Widening
Dear Ms. Lewis:
Enclosed are two additional sets of plans for the above
referenced project for your use. I have revised the Stormwater
Submittal Forms as per your comments and have sent them to the
client for his signature. You should receive this revised form
within the week.
If you have any questions or need any additional information,
please contact me at this office.
THE LPA GROUP of North Carolina, p.a. AtitTrn
SCOTT A. EY, .E. D 2 n i�
Project En neer IE+ u 15 n
SAY/wp SEP 1 6 1994
Enclosure Dse
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Regional Manager
September 9, 1994
Mr. Doug Barrett, Airport Manager
Albert J. Ellis Airport
264 Albert Ellis Airport Road
Richlands, North Carolina 28574
Stormwater Project No. 931005 Revision
Taxi and runway improvements
Onslow County
Dear Mr. Barrett:
The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Submittal for the Taxi and runway
improvements on August 31, 1994. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the
submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the
stormwater review:
1. The additional impervious surface created by the taxiway and runway improvements must
be added to the previously approved 8 acres for this project. Attached is a copy of the
previous submittal form. Please complete a new form with the built-upon area calculations
updated to reflect the additional impervious area.
2. Please provide three sets of plans. One was received, so two more are required for a
complete submittal.
3. Please provide updated density calculations.
127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,N.C.28405-3845•Telephone 910-395-3900•Fax 910-350-2004
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Mr. Barrett
September 7, 1994
Stormwater Project No. 931005 Revision
Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The
requested information should be received by this Office prior to October 7, 1994, or the submittal will
be returned as incomplete.
If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900.
4-7-Cfra Lgt(A)42
Ms. Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer
cc: (2) Linda Lewis
Central Files
II 893-1. 1 This item shall consist of furnishing, installing,
maintaining, and removing a geotextile barrier-fence designed to
remove suspended particles from water passing through it.
1 893-1.2 The quantities of temporary silt fence shown on the
drawings may be increased or decreased at the direction of the
III Engineer based on weather, construction procedures, and actual site
conditions that occur during construction. Such variations in
quantity will not be considered as alterations in the details of
construction or a change in the character of the work.
II893-1.3 Except as otherwise directed by the Engineer, installation
of temporary silt fences shall be completed prior to any excavation
111 or grading operations.
893-1.4 At option of Contractor and approval by Engineer, either
a wire supported geotextile silt fence or a self supporting
IIgeotextile silt fence may be provided.
I893-2 . 1 GEOTEXTILE. Fabric shall consist of rot-proof synthetic
fibers formed into a woven or non-woven fabric meeting the
II requirements shown in Table 1. The geotextile shall be free of any
treatment or coating which might adversely alter its physical
properties after installation. Geotextile rolls shall be furnished
with suitable wrapping for protection against moisture and extended
III ultraviolet exposure prior to placement. Each roll shall be
labeled or tagged to provide product identification sufficient for
inventory and quality control purposes. Rolls shall be stored in
01 a manner which protects them from the elements.
111 Tensile Strength ASTM D 4632 90 lbs. minimum
Elongation ASTM D 4632 50% maximum
IIApparent Opening ASTM D 4751 No. 20 maximum
Size (U.S. No. 50 minimuWialiEll
IStandard Sieve) J 1 i
Ultraviolet ASTM D 4355 Minimum i MOVED
Degradation at 70% Strengt
II500 Hours Retained AUG 3 ' 1994
E-893-1 D E M
IIr&oy #_U Iva
893-2 .2 POSTS. Either wood, steel, or synthetic posts may be 11
used. Posts shall have a minimum length of 36 inches plus burial
depth and be of sufficient strength to resist damage during
installation and to support applied loads after installation. Wood
posts shall be at least 2 inch nominal square or 2 inch diameter.
Steel posts shall weigh not less than 1.3 pounds per linear foot.
In soft ground, wet soils, swamps, and other similar conditions, I
provide a wider post or other means as needed to develop adequate
resistance to applied loads.
893-2 . 3 SUPPORT FENCE. Wire or other support fence shall be at 11
least 32 inches high and strong enough to support applied loads.
Wire support fence shall be at least 12-1/2 gauge, 6x6 steel.
893-2 .4 PREFABRICATED FENCE. Prefabricated fence systems may be
used provided they meet all of the above material requirements,
perform satisfactorily in the field, and are approved by the
893-3 . 1 FENCE INSTALLATION. The Contractor shall install
temporary silt fences as shown on the drawings and at other
locations as directed by the Engineer. Fence construction shall beI/
adequate to handle the stress from sediment loading. Geotextile
shall be adequately fastened to the support fence. Geotextile at
the bottom of the fence shall be buried a minimum of 6 inches in a
trench so that no flow can pass under the barrier. The trench
shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the geotextile.
Fence height shall be not less than 32 inches or more than 36
inches above ground surface. The geotextile shall be spliced 11
together only at a support post, with a minimum 6-inch overlay.
893-3 .2 POSTS. Posts shall be' spaced a maximum of 8 feet apart I
and where possible placed or driven a minimum of 24 inches into the
ground. Where a 24 inch depth is impractical to achieve, the posts
shall be adequately secured to prevent overturning of the fence due
to sediment loading.
893-3 . 3 WIRE SUPPORT. When wire support fence is used, the wire.
mesh shall be fastened securely to the up slope side of the post.
The wire shall extend into the trench a minimum of two inches and
extend a maximum of 36 inches above the original ground surface.
893 . 3 .4 SELF SUPPORT_ When self supported fence is used, the
geotextile shall be securely fastened to fence posts.
893-3 .5 RESPONSIBILITY. It is the Contractor's responsibility to
maintain the integrity of silt fences as long as they are necessary
to contain sediment runoff. The Contractor shall inspect all
temporary silt fences immediately after each rainfall and at least
daily during prolonged rainfall. Any deficiencies shall be
immediately corrected by the Contractor. In addition, the
Contractor shall make a daily review of the location of silt fences11
in areas where construction activities have changed the natural
contour and drainage runoff to ensure that the silt fences are
properly located for effectiveness. Where deficiencies exist,
additional silt fences shall be installed as directed by the
Engineer. Should the silt fence become damaged, clogged, or
otherwise ineffective while the barrier is still necessary, it
shall be repaired or replaced promptly by the Contractor at his
893-3 . 6 SEDIMENT. Sediment deposits shall be removed when the
deposit reaches approximately one-half of the height of the silt
893-3 .7 REMOVAL. The silt fence shall remain in place until the
Engineer directs that it be removed. Upon removal, the Contractor
shall remove and dispose of any excess sediment accumulations,
dress the area to give a pleasing appearance, and vegetate all bare
areas in accordance with the contract requirements. The fence
materials will remain the property of the Contractor and may be
used at other locations provided the materials meet the
requirements in Table 1.
893-4 . 1 The quantity of temporary silt fence to be paid for will
be the actual ;umber of linear feet of silt fence, measured in
place from end post to end post of each separate installation,
which has been completed and accepted.
893-5. 1 No separate payment will be made for removal and disposal
of sediment accumulations. The cost of this work shall be
considered incidental to the cost of temporary silt fence.
893-5. 2 Payment for accepted temporary silt fence shall be made at
the contract unit price per linear foot.
The above price shall be full compensation for all work covered by
this item, including but not limited to furnishing all fence posts,
fence fabric, filter fabric, hardware, and other material;
installing and maintaining the silt fence; removal and disposal of
sediment accumulations from the silt fence; removal of the silt
fence; and dressing the disturbed areas after the silt fence has
been removed.
Payment will be made under:
Item E-893 Temporary Silt Fence -- per linear foot
ASTM D 4355 Deterioration of Geotextiles from Exposure to
Ultraviolet Light and Water
ASTM D 4632 Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles
(Grab Method)
ASTM D 4751 Determining Apparent Opening Size of a
ii : Description
895-1.1 The work covered by this section consists of furnishing,
placing, and securing either jute matting, excelsior matting; paper
II matting, or other approved matting on previously shaped and seeded
drainage channels, slopes, or other areas at locations shown on the
plans or as directed by the Engineer.
11 The quantity of matting to be placed will be affected by the actual
conditions which occur during the construction of the project. The
quantity of matting may be increased, decreased, or eliminated
i entirely at the direction of the Engineer. Such variations in
quantity will not be considered as alterations in the details of
construction or a change in the character of the work.
11 Materials
895-2. 1
Matting for erosion control shall be jute matting, excelsior
ill matting, or paper matting. Other acceptable material
manufactured especially for erosion control may be used when
approved by the Engineer in writing before being used. Ditch
ill liner for erosion control shall not be dyed, bleached, or
otherwise treated in a manner that will result in toxicity to
Jute matting shall be of a uniform open plain weave of single
III jute yarn, 48 inches in width plus or minus 1 inch. The yard
shall be of a loosely twisted construction and shall not vary in
thickness by more than one-half its normal diameter. There shall
MI be 78 warp ends, plus or minus 2, per linear yard; and the weight
shall average 1. 122 pounds per linear yard of the matting with a
tolerance of plus or minus 5 percent.
Excelsior matting shall consist of a machine produced mat of
1111 curled wood excelsior at least 47 inches in width. The mat shall
weigh 0.975 pounds per square yard with a tolerance of plus or
minus 10 percent. At least 80 percent of the individual
MI excelsior fibers shall be evenly distributed over the entire area
of the blanket. One side of the excelsior matting shall be
covered with a woven fabric of twisted paper cord or cotton cord,
or with an extruded plastic mesh. The mesh size for either the
;II: fabric or plastic mesh shall be a minimum of 1 inch x 1 inch and
a maximum of 1 1/2 inches x 3 inches.
Paper matting shall consist of a knitted polypropylene yarn with
uniform openings through which biodegradable paper strips have I
been continuously
interwoven. The openings shall be no greater than 3/4 inch in
their greatest dimension and 1/2 inch in their least dimension.
The interwoven yard and paper shall form a flexible mat which
will stretch in any direction so as to conform to the shape of an
irregular surface when applied to such surface. Paper matting
shall be 3 . 6 feet or more in width and weigh a minimum of 0. 09
pound per square yard.
Staples shall be machine made of No. 11 gage new steel wire formed
into a "U" shape. The size when formed shall be not less than 6
inches in length with a throat of not less than 1 inch in width.
Construction Methods I
895-3. 1 PLACING MATTING. Placing of matting shall be done
immediately following seeding. The earth surface shall be smooth and
free from stones, clods,' or debris which will prevent the contact of
the matting with the soil. Care shall be taken to preserve the
required line, grade, and cross section of the area covered.
Matting shall be unrolled in the direction of the flow of water, and
shall be applied without stretching so that it will lie smoothly but
loosely on the soil surface. The up-channel or top of slope end of
each piece of matting shall be buried in a narrow trench at least 5
inches deep and tamped firmly. After the end of the matting is
buried; the trench shall be closed and tamped firmly. Where one roll
of liner ends and a second roll begins, the end of the upper roll
shall be brought over the buried end of the second roll so that there
will be a 6 inch overlap. Check slots shall be constructed at each 50
feet longitudinally in the matting or as directed by the Engineer.
These slots shall be narrow trenches at least 5 inches deep. The
ditch liner shall be folded over and buried to the full depth of the
trench, after which the trench shall be closed and firmly tamped.
Where 2 or more widths of matting are laid side by side, the overlap
shall be at least 4 inches.
Staples shall be placed across matting at ends, junctions, and check
slots and shall be spaced approximately 10 inches apart.
Staples shall be placed along the outer edges and down the center of
each strip of liner and shall be spaced 3 feet apart. Staples shall
also be placed along all lapped edges 2 to 3 feet apart.
1 When excelsior matting is used, the matting shall be installed with
the fabric on the top side.
After jute matting has been placed and stapling completed, the matting
shall be rolled with an approved roller to assure that it is in proper
contact with the soil.
In the installation of matting on cut or fill slopes the Engineer may
require adjustments in the trenching or stapling requirements to fit
individual slope conditions.
Method of Measurement
895-4 . 1 The quantity of matting for erosion control to be paid for
will be the number of square yards, measured along the surface of the
ground, over which matting has been acceptably placed and maintained.
Basis of Payment
895-5.1 The quantity of matting for erosion control, measured as
provided above will be paid for at the contract unit price per square
yard for "Matting for Erosion Control" .
The above price and payment will be full compensation for all work
1 covered by this section, including but not limited to furnishing all
matting, staples, and other materials; and placing and securing the
Payment will be made under:
Item E-895 Erosion Control Matting Per Square Yard
11 Description
901-1. 1 This item shall consist of soil preparation, seeding at the
II areas shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer in accordance
with these specifications. This item shall also include periodic
mowing, as directed by the Engineer, in order to maintain the site.
I Materials
901-2 . 1 SEED The species and application rates of grass, legume, and
cover-crop seed furnished shall be those stipulated herein. Seed shall
conform to the requirements of Fed. Spec. JJJ-S-181.
IType Rate/Acre
Kentucky Fescue 80 lbs.
Wilmington Bahiagrass 50 lbs.
IKobe or Korean Lespedeza 25 lbs. (between May & August 31)
Seed shall be furnished separately or in mixtures in standard containers
ill with the seed name, lot number, net weight, percentages of purity and of
germination and hard seed, and percentage of maximum weed seed content
clearly marked for each kind of seed. The Contractor shall furnish the
ill Engineer duplicate signed copies of a statement by the vendor certifying
that each lot of seed has been tested by a recognized laboratory for
seed testing within 6 months of date of delivery. This statement shall
include: name and address of laboratory, date of test, lot number for
ill each kind of seed, and the results of tests as to name, percentages of
purity and of germination, and percentage of weed content for each kind
of seed furnished, and, in case of a mixture, the proportions of each
III kind of seed.
III 901-2.2 LIME. Lime shall be ground limestone containing not less than
85% of total carbonates, and shall be ground to such fineness that 90%
will pass through a No. 20 mesh sieve and 50% will pass through a No.
100 mesh sieve. Coarser material will be acceptable, providing the rates
ri of application are increased to provide not less than the minimum
quantities and depth specified in the special provisions on the basis 'of
the two sieve requirements above. Dolomitic lime or a high magnesium
III lime shall contain at least 10% of magnesium oxide. Lime shall be
applied at the rate of 4,000 lbs. per acre. All liming materials shall
conform to the requirements of ASTM C 602 .
ill 901-2 . 3 FERTILIZER. Fertilizer shall be standard commercial
fertilizers supplied separately or in mixtures containing the
percentages of total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and
water-soluble potash. They shall be applied at the rate and to the
depth specified herein, and shall meet the requirements of Fed. Spec.
MI T-901-1
O-F-241 and applicable state laws. They shall be furnished in standard I
containers with name, weight, and guaranteed analysis of contents
clearly marked thereon. •No cyanamide compounds or hydrated lime shall
be permitted in mixed fertilizers.
The fertilizers may be supplied in one of the following forms:
a. A dry, free-flowing fertilizer suitable for application by a I
common fertilizer spreader;
b. A finely-ground fertilizer soluble in water, suitable for
application by power sprayers; or
c. A granular or pellet form suitable for application by blower
Fertilizers shall be commercial fertilizer and shall be spread at the
rate of 1,000 lbs. per acre.
901-2 .4 SOIL FOR REPAIRS. The soil for fill and topsoiling of areas to
be repaired shall be at least of equal quality to that which exists in
areas adjacent to the area to be repaired. The soil shall be relatively
free from large stones, roots, stumps, or other materials that will
interfere with subsequent sowing of seed, compacting, and establishing
turf, and shall be approved by the Engineer before being placed.
Construction Methods
901-3. 1 ADVANCE PREPARATION AND CLEANUP. After grading of areas has
been completed and before applying fertilizer and ground limestone,
areas to be seeded shall be raked or otherwise cleared of stones larger
than 2 inches (50 mm) in any diameter, sticks, stumps, and other debris
which might interfere with sowing of seed, growth of grasses, or
subsequent maintenance of grass-covered areas. If any damage by erosion
or other causes has occurred after the completion of grading and before
beginning the application of fertilizer and ground limestone, the
Contractor shall repair such damage. This may include filling gullies,
smoothing irregularities, and repairing other incidental damage.
An area to be seeded shall be considered a satisfactory seedbed without
additional treatment if it has recently been thoroughly loosened and
worked to a depth of not less than 5 inches (125 mm) as a result of
grading operations and, if immediately prior to seeding, the top 3
inches (75 mm) of soil is loose, friable, reasonably free from large
clods, rocks, large roots, or other undesirable matter, and if shaped to
the required grade.
However, when the area to be seeded is sparsely sodded, weedy, barren I
and unworked, or packed and hard, any grass and weeds shall first be cut
or otherwise satisfactorily disposed of, and the soil then scarified or
otherwise loosened to a depth not less than 5 inches (125 nun) . Clods
shall be broken and the top 3 inches (75 mm) of soil shall be worked
into a satisfactory seedbed by discing, or by use of cultipackers,
rollers, drags, harrows, or other appropriate means.
a. Liming. Lime shall be applied separately and prior to the
application of any fertilizer or seed and only on seedbeds which have
previously been prepared as described above. The lime shall then be
worked into the top 3 inches (75 mm) of soil after which the seedbed
shall again be properly graded and dressed to a smooth finish.
b. Fertilizing. Following advance preparations and cleanup
fertilizer shall be uniformly spread at the rate which will provide not
1 less than the minimum quantity stated in paragraph 901-2. 3.
..I c. Seeding. Grass seed shall be sown at the rate specified in
paragraph 901-2. 1 immediately after fertilizing, and the fertilizer and
seed shall be raked within the depth range stated in the special
provisions. Seeds of legumes, either alone or in mixtures, shall be
inoculated before mixing or sowing, in accordance with the instructions
of the manufacturer of the inoculant. When seeding is required at other
than the seasons shown on the plans or in the special provisions, a
cover crop shall be sown by the same methods required for grass and
legume seeding.
d. Rolling. After the seed has been properly covered, the seedbed
shall be immediately compacted by means of an approved lawnroller,
weighing 40 to 65 pounds per foot (60 to 97 kg per meter) of width for
clay soil (or any soil having a tendency to pack) , and weighing 150 to
200 pounds per foot (223 to 298 kg per meter) of width for sandy or
light soils.
a. General. The Contractor may elect to apply seed and fertilizer
(and lime, if required) by spraying them on the previously prepared
seedbed in the form of an aqueous mixture and by using the methods and
equipment described herein. The rates of application shall be as
specified in the special provisions.
b. Spraying Equipment. The spraying equipment shall have a
container or water tank equipped with a liquid level gauge calibrated to
read in increments not larger than 50 gallons (190 liters) over the
entire range of the tank capacity, mounted so as to be visible to the
nozzle operator. The container or tank shall also be equipped with a
mechanical power-driven agitator capable of keeping all the solids in
the mixture in complete suspension at all times until used.
The unit shall also be equipped with a pressure pump capable of
delivering 100 gallons (380 liters) per minute at a pressure of 100
pounds per square inch (690 kPa) . The pump shall be mounted in a line
which will recirculate the mixture through the tank whenever it is not
11 T-901-3
being sprayed from the nozzle. All pump passages and pipe lines shall
be capable of providing clearance for 5/8 inch (15 mm) solids. The
power unit for the pump and agitator shall have controls mounted so as
to be accessible to the nozzle operator. There shall be an indicating
pressure gauge connected and mounted immediately at the back of the
The nozzle pipe shall be mounted on an elevated supporting stand in such
a manner that it can be rotated through 360 degrees horizontally and
inclined vertically from at least 20 degrees below to at least 60
degrees above the horizontal. There shall be a quick-acting, three-way
control valve connecting the recirculating line to the nozzle pipe and
mounted so that the nozzle operator can control and regulate the amount
of flow of mixture delivered to the nozzle. At least three different
types of nozzles shall be supplied so that mixtures may be properly
sprayed over distance varying from 20 to 100 feet (6 to 30 m) . One
shall be a close-range ribbon nozzle, one a medium-range ribbon nozzle,
and one a long-range jet nozzle. For case of removal and cleaning, all
nozzles shall be connected to the nozzle pipe by means of quick-release
In order to reach areas inaccessible to the regular equipment, an
extension hose at least 50 feet (15 m) in length shall be provided to
which the nozzles may be connected.
c. Mixtures. Lime, if required, shall be applied separately. in
the quantity specified, prior to the fertilizing and seeding
operations. Not more than 220 pounds (100 kg) of lime shall be added to
and mixed with each 100 gallons (380 liters) of water. Seed and
fertilizer shall be mixed together in the relative proportions
specified, but not more than a total of 220 pounds (100 kg) of these
combined solids shall be added to and mixed with each 100 gallons (380
liters) of water.
All water used shall be obtained from fresh water sources and shall be
free from injurious chemicals and other toxic substances harmful to
plant life. Brackish water shall not be used at any time. The
Contractor shall identify to the Engineer all sources of water at least
2 weeks prior to use. The Engineer may take samples of the water at the
source or from the tank at any time and have a laboratory test the
samples for chemical and saline content. The Contractor shall not use
any water from any source which is disapproved by the Engineer following
such tests.
All mixtures shall be constantly agitated from the time they are mixed
until they are finally applied to the seedbed. All such mixtures shall
be used within 2 hours from the time they were mixed or they shall be
wasted and disposed of at locations acceptable to the Engineer.
d: Spraying. Lime, if required, shall be sprayed only upon
previously prepared seedbeds. After the applied lime mixture has dried,
the lime shall be worked into the top 3 inches (8 cm) , after which the
seedbed shall again be properly graded and dressed to a smooth finish.
Mixtures of seed and fertilizer shall only be sprayed upon previously
prepared seedbeds on which the lime, if required, shall already have
been worked in. The mixtures shall be applied by means of a
high-pressure spray which shall always be directed upward into the air
so that the mixtures will fall to the ground like rain in a uniform
spray. Nozzles or sprays shall never be directed toward the ground in
such a manner as might produce erosion or runoff.
Particular care shall be exercised to insure that the application is
made uniformly and at the prescribed rate and to guard against misses
and overlapped areas. Proper predetermined quantities of the mixture in
accordance with specifications shall be used to cover specified sections
of known area. Checks on the rate and uniformity of application may be
made by observing the degree of wetting of the ground or by distributing
test sheets of paper or pans over the area at intervals and observing
the quantity of material deposited thereon.
11 On surfaces which are to be mulched as indicated by the plans or
designated by the Engineer, seed and fertilizer applied by the spray
method need not be raked into the soil or rolled. However, on surfaces
on which mulch is not to be used, the raking and rolling operations will
be required after the soil has dried.
11 901-3.4 MAINTENANCE OF SEEDED AREAS. The Contractor shall protect
seeded areas against traffic or other use by warning signs or
barricades, as approved by the Engineer. Surfaces gullied or otherwise
damaged following seeding shall be repaired by regrading and reseeding
as directed. The Contractor shall mow, water as directed, and otherwise
maintain seeded areas in a satisfactory condition until final inspection
and acceptance of the work.
11 When either the dry or wet application method outlined above is used for
work done out of season, it will be required that the Contractor
establish a good stand of grass of uniform color and density to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. If at the time when the contract has been
otherwise completed it is not possible to make an adequate determination
of the color, density, and uniformity of such stand of grass, payment
for the unaccepted portions of the areas seeded out of season will be
withheld until such time as these requirements have been met.
Method of Measurement
901-4. 1 The quantity of seeding to be paid for shall be the number of
units acres measured on the ground surface, completed and accepted.
Basis of Payment
901-5. 1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per acre or
fraction thereof, which price and payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing and placing all material and for- all labor, equipment, tools,
and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this item.
Payment will be made under:
Item 901 Seeding--per acre
Material Requirements
ASTM D 977 Emulsified Asphalt
Fed. Spec. JJJ-S-181B Agricultural Seeds
Fed. Spec. O-F-241D Commercial Mixed Fertilizer
908-1. 1 This item shall consist of furnishing, hauling, placing, and
securing mulch on surfaces indicated on the plans or designated by the
908-2 . 1 MULCH MATERIAL. Acceptable mulch shall be the materials listed
below or any approved locally available material that is similar to
those specified. Low grade, musty, spoiled, partially rotted hay,
straw, or other materials unfit for animal consumption will be
acceptable. Mulch materials, which contain matured seed of species
which would volunteer and be detrimental to the proposed overseeding, or
to surrounding farm land, will not be acceptable. Straw or other mulch
material which is fresh and/or excessively brittle, or which is in such
an advanced stage of decomposition as to smother or retard the planted
grass, will not be acceptable.
a. Straw. Straw shall be the threshed plant residue of oats,
wheat, barley, rye, or rice from which grain has been removed.
1 b. Asphalt Binder. Asphalt binder material shall conform to the
requirements of ASTM D 977, Type SS-1 or RS-1.
908-2 .2 INSPECTION. Within 5 days after acceptance of the bid, the
Engineer shall be notified of sources and quantities of mulch materials
available and the Contractor shall furnish him with representative
samples of the materials to be used. These samples may be used as
standards with the approval of the Engineer and any materials brought on
the site which do not meet these standards shall be rejected.
Construction Methods
908-3 . 1 MULCHING. Before spreading mulch, all large clods, stumps,
stones, brush, roots, and other foreign material shall be removed from
the area to be mulched. Mulch shall be applied immediately after
seeding. The spreading of the mulch may be by hand methods, blower, or
other mechanical methods, provided a uniform covering is obtained.
Mulch material shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied on the
area shown on the plans or designated by the Engineer. Straw or hay
shall be spread over the surface to a uniform thickness at the rate of
2 to 3 tons per acre (1800-2700 kg per acre) to provide a loose depth of
not less than 1-1/2 inches (37 cm) nor more than 3 inches (75 mm) .
Other organic material shall be spread at the rate directed by the
Engineer. Mulch may be blown on the slopes and the use of cutters in
the equipment for this purpose will be permitted to the extent that at
least 95% of the mulch in place on the slope shall be 6 inches (150 mm)
or more in length. When mulches applied by the blowing method are cut,
the loose depth in place shall be not less than 1 inch (25 mm) nor more
than 2 inches (50 mm) .
908-3 .2 SECURING MULCH. The mulch shall be held in place by light
discing, a very thin covering of topsoil, small brush; pins, stakes,
wire mesh, asphalt binder, or other adhesive material approved by the
Engineer. Where mulches have been secured by either of the asphalt
binder methods, it will not be permissible to walk on the slopes after
the binder has been applied. The Contractor is warned that in the
application of asphalt binder material he must take every precaution to
guard against damaging or disfiguring structures or property on or
adjacent to the areas worked and that he will be held responsible for
any such damage resulting from his/her operations.
If the "peg and string" method is used, the mulch shall be secured by
the use of stakes or wire pins driven into the ground on 5-foot (150 m)
centers or less. Binder twine shall be strung between adjacent stakes
in straight lines and crisscrossed diagonally over the mulch, after
which the stakes shall be firmly driven nearly flush to the ground to
draw the twine down tight onto the mulch.
a. The Contractor shall care for the mulched areas until final
acceptance of the project. Such care shall consist of providing
protection against traffic or other use by placing warning signs, as
approved by the Engineer, and erecting any barricades that may be shown
on the plans before or immediately after mulching has been completed on
the designated areas.
b. The Contractor shall be required to repair or replace any
mulching that is defective or becomes damaged until the project is
finally accepted. When, in the judgment of the Engineer, such defects
or damages are the result of poor workmanship or failure to meet the
requirements of the specifications, the cost of the necessary repairs or
replacement shall be borne by the Contractor. However, once the
Contractor has completed the mulching of any area in accordance with the
provisions of the specifications and to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, no additional work at his/her expense will be required, but
subsequent repairs and replacements deemed necessary by the Engineer
shall be made by the Contractor and will be paid for as additional or
extra work.
c. If the "asphalt spray" method is used, all mulched surfaces
shall be sprayed with asphalt binder material so that the surface has a
uniform appearance. The binder shall be uniformly applied to the mulch
at the rate of approximately 8 . 0 gallons (32 liters) per 1, 000 square
feet (100 square meters) , or as directed by the Engineer, with a minimum
of 6. 0 gallons (24 liters) and a maximum of 10 gallons (40 liters) per
1, 000 square feet (100 square meters) depending on the type of mulch and
the effectiveness of the binder securing it. Bituminous binder material
may be sprayed on the mulched slope areas from either the top or the
bottom of the slope. An approved spray nozzle shall be used. The
nozzle shall be operated at a distance of not less than 4 feet (120 cm)
from the surface of the mulch and uniform distribution of the bituminous
material shall be required. A pump or an air compressor of adequate
capacity shall be used to insure uniform distribution of the bituminous
d. If the "asphalt mix" method is used, the mulch shall be
applied by blowing, and the asphalt binder material shall be sprayed
into the mulch as it leaves the blower. The binder shall be uniformly
applied to the mulch at the rate of approximately 8. 0 gallons (32
liters) per 1, 000 square feet (100 square meters) or as directed by the
Engineer, with a minimum of 6.0 gallons (24 liters) and a maximum of 10
gallons (40 liters) per 1,000 square feet (100 square meters) depending
on the type of mulch and the effectiveness of the binder securing it.
Method of Measurement
908-4. 1 Mulching shall be measured in acres on the basis of the actual
surface area acceptably mulched.
Basis of Payment
908-5. 1 Payment win be made at the contract unit price per acre for
mulching. The price shall be full compensation for furnishing all
materials and for placing and anchoring the materials, and for all
labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item.
Payment will be made under:
Item T-908-5. 1 Mulching -- per acre
Material Requirements
ASTM D 977 Emulsified Asphalt
1 T-908-3