HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8050239_Historical File_20110628 ATA F1bENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary June 28, 2011 Mr. Bert Exum, President XDV, Inc. P.O. Box 1967 Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 050239 Mod. Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas High Density Subdivision Stormwater Project Brunswick County Dear Mr. Exum: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete, modified Stormwater Management Permit Application for Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas on May 16, 2011. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 050239 dated June 28, 2011, for the construction, operation and maintenance of the built-upon areas and BMP's associated with the subject project. The modifications covered by the attached permit include the following: 1. Redesigned the two (2) previously permitted non-discharging wet pond systems for a 1.5" design storm and a discharge via an orifice designed for a 2-5 day drawdown. Irrigation will continue to be allowed, subject to the Division's policy for irrigating from a wet pond. 2. Reduced the project area due to a property area overlap with the adjacent project, The Reserve at Palmetto Creek, under SW8 051045. 3. Reduced the total number of lots from 341 to 337. Associated built-upon areas for those lots still owned by the developer have also been reduced. 4. Minor changes to the drainage area and impervious areas for the wetland systems. 5. Added a level spreader and vegetated filter strip system to mitigate for the piped collection system from Liset Court and the area behind Lots 62-66 off Serrulata Drive in Section 2. This permit supersedes the one issued on June 7, 2005, and shall be effective from the date of issuance until June 7, 2015, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the storrnwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing by filing a petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). The petition must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The OAH accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The petition may be filed by facsimile (fax) or electronic mail by an attached file (with restrictions) - provided the signed original, one (1) copy and a filing fee (if a filing fee is required by NCGS §150B-23.2) is received in the OAH within seven (7) business days following the faxed or electronic transmission. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. You should contact the OAH with all questions regarding the filing fee and/or the details of the filing process. The mailing address, telephone and fax numbers for the Office of Administrative Hearings are: 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Telephone 919-733-2698. FAX 919-733-3378. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 One Phone:910-796-72151 FAX:910-350-2004\Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 NorthCarolina Internet:www.ncwaterquality.org Naturally An Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis, or me at(910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Coleen H. Sul ins, Director Division of Water Quality GDS/arl: S:1WQS\Stormwater\Permits & Projects120051050239 HD12011 06 permit 050239 cc: Jeff Petroff, P.E., Coastal Land Design Brunswick County Inspections Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO XDV, Inc. Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 1500 NC 211 at Palmetto Creek Way, Bolivia, Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of three (3) wet detention ponds and five (5) wetland infiltration basins in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until June 7, 2015 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This subdivision is permitted for a maximum of 2,363,363 square feet of built- upon area which equates to an overall maximum density level of 30%, based on a project area of 180.85 acres. 3. Each of the 337 lots is limited to a maximum amount of built-upon area as listed in Section II.14(f) of this permit. 4. The stormwater systems have been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Sections 1.6 and 1.7 of this permit. Wet detention ponds designated as IA, 1 B and 2 have been designed anc permitted to treat the runoff from a maximum built-upon area of 505,235 ft , 77,850 ft2 and 191,442 ft2, respectively. 5. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. Page 3of10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 6. The following design parameters have been approved for the wet detention pond systems, and must be maintained at design condition in each BMP: Pond 1A Pond 1 B Pond 2 a. Drainage Area, acres: 35.52 7.51 16.76 b. Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 505,235 77,850 191,442 Lots, ft : 315,600 60,000 143,750 Streets, ft2: 123,960 15,600 45,192 Sidewalks, ft2: 11,620 2,250 2,500 Other (Amenity Center), ft2: 54,055 0 0 c. Design Storm, inches: 3.93 1.5 3.93 d. Average Design Depth: 3.0 3.5 3.0 e. Permanent Pool Area, ft2: 224,172 51,456 64,018 f. Permanent Pool Elevation, fmsl: 27.83 30.75 28.33 g. Temporary Pool Elevation, 'msl: 28.5 31.0 29.25 h. Temporary Pool Volume, ft : 154,453 12,946 60,732 **i. Forebay Volume, ft : n/a n/a n/a j. Maximum Fountain HP: n/a n/a n/a k. Orifice Diameter, inches: 6.0 3.0 4.0 I. Receiving Stream / River Basin: Scotts Branch / LBR59 m. Stream Index Number: 15-25-1-10 n. Classification of Water Body: "C Sw" **The forebay requirement is being waived because the ponds were previously permitted as no-discharge ponds and no physical alteration to the ponds is needed to convert them to discharging ponds. 7. The following design parameters have been approved for the wetland infiltration basin systems, and must be maintained at design condition in each BMP: Wetland Basin # #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 a. Drainage Area, ac 8.91 16.49 3.82 10.12 6.32 b. Impervious Area, ft2: 124,177 255,898 36.620 133,642 85,256 c. Perm. Pool El., FMSL: 20.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 20.0 d. Temp. Pool El., FMSL: 22.0 23.0 21.0 23.0 23.0 e. Temp. Pool SA, ft 20,573 22,950 9,350 17,802 7,900 f. Required Volume, ft3 10,694 22,215 4,666 14,939 8,639 g. Permitted Vol., ft3 24,233 27,775 5,856 20,424 11,215 II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. No homeowner/lot owner/developer shall alter any feature of the approved stormwater drainage system shown on the approved plans without first submitting a revision to the permit and receiving approval from the Division. 2. The permittee shall monitor the project's built-upon areas on a routine basis to ensure that the proposed built-upon area for the project and for each lot, including driveways and sidewalks, does not exceed the allowable maximum built-upon area assigned by this permit. Built-upon area limits on individual lots may not be revised without approval from the Division of Water Quality. 3. If an Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is formed to review plans for compliance with the BUA limit, the plans reviewed must include all proposed built-upon area. Any approvals given by the ARC on behalf of the permittee do not relieve either the permittee or the homeowner of the responsibility to maintain compliance with the permitted BUA limit. Page 4 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 4. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size. b. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built-upon area. c. Further subdivision, acquisition, or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. d. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 5. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 6. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 7. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface. 8. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 9. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. 10. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 11. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure that all components of the permitted stormwater system function at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. c. Mowing and revegetation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of structures, orifice, catch basins and piping. g. Access to all components of the system must be available at all times. Page 5 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 12. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 13. Prior to transfer of the permit, the stormwater facilities must be inspected by DWQ personnel, and determined to be in compliance with all permit conditions. Any items not in compliance must be repaired or replaced to design condition prior to the transfer. Records of maintenance activities performed to date will be required. 14. Prior to the sale of any lot, deed restrictions must be recorded which limit the built-upon area per lot to the amount as shown on the Project Data Sheet, per Section I. The recorded statements must follow the form: a. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 050239, as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. b. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the Stormwater Management Permit. c. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. d. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. e. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. f. Each lot is limited to the following maximum amount of built-upon area: Section 1 - Lots 3-7, 11-14, and 20 at 6,§00 ft2; Lots 8-10 and 15-19 at 5,500 ft2; Lots 1, 2, and 21-58 at 5,400 ft . Section 2 - Lots 6, 7, 10, 16,22, 23, 25, 26, 30, 50, 53-57, 62, 71, 76, 121, 126, and 142 at 5,500 ft ; Lots 1-5, 8, 9, 11-15, 17, 18, Tract 2C, 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 31-49, 51, 52, 58-61, 63-70, 72-75, 77-120, 122-125, 127- 141, and 143-146 at 5,930 ft2. Section 3 - Lots 1-65 at 3330; Section 4 - Lots 5 6, 9-14, 16-23, 27-36, and 62 at 4,000 ft2; Lots 2-4, 24 and 45 at 3,556 ft2; Lot 63 at 4,756 ft2; and Lots 1, 7-8, 15, 25-26, 37-44, 46-61, and 64-68 at 3,500 ft . This allotted amount includes any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. There is no allocation for future development. g. Lots within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern may be subject to a reduction in their allowable built-upon area due to CAMA regulations. h. All runoff on the lot must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through providing roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales and directing them into the pond or street. Lots that naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these measures. Page 6 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 15. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be submitted to the Division within 30 days of the date of recording the plat, and prior to selling lots. The recorded copy must bear the signature of the Permittee, the deed book number and page, and the stamp/signature of the Register of Deeds. 16. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 17. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director. At least 30 days prior to the dissolution of the LLC, a change of ownership, a name change of the Permittee, or of the project, or a mailing address change, the permittee shall submit a completed and signed "Name/Ownership Change Form" to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by the appropriate documentation as listed on the form. The project must be in good standing with DWQ. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. The permittee is responsible for compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit until such time as the Director approves the transfer request. Neither the sale of the project area in whole or in part, nor the conveyance of common area to a third party shall be considered an approved permit transfer request. 3. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A thru 143-215.6C. 4. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 5. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Permittee grants permission to staff of the DWQ to access the property for the purposes of inspecting the stormwater facilities during normal business hours. 8. Permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 9. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. Page 7 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 10. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee at all times. Permit modified and reissued this the 28th day of June 2011. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION p &_ec—bf— .for oleen . Sullins, !rector Division of ater Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 050239 Page 8 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Page 1 of 2 Stormwater Permit No. SW8 050239 Brunswick County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form are a part of this Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications: SEAL Signature Registration Number Date Page 9 of i 0 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 050239 Certification Requirements: Page 2 of 2 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built-upon area. 3. All the built-upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 5. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 6. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 7. All slopes are stable with permanent vegetation. 8. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 9. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system. 10. The permitted amounts of surface area and volume have been provided. 11. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans. 12. All required design depths are provided. 13. All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, a forebay, and the vegetated filter. 14. The dimensions of the system, as shown on the approved plan, are provided. cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Brunswick County Building Inspections Page 10 of 10 DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: S:1wgs\stormwater\permits&projects120051050239 HD12011 03 excel WP_l b 050239 PROJECT#: SW8 050239 REVIEWER: L. Lewis Pond lb PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Original run date for mod: March 17, 2011 DATE: 28-Jun-11 Receiving Stream: Scotts Branch Class: C; Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber Index No. 15-25-1-10 Site Area 180.85 acres Drainage Area 327258.00 square feet Area = 7.51 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 60000.00 square feet 0.95 Streets 15600.00 square feet 0.95 Sidewalks 2250.00 square feet 0.95 Other/Future square feet 0.95 square feet square feet TOTAL 77850.00 square feet Rational Cc= 0.38 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 23.79% SA/DA Ratio 2.38% Average Depth 3.5 Req. SA 7785 sf TSS, %: 90 % Prov. SA 51456 sf VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "1" in the box if Rational is used FOREBAY Des. Storm 1.50 inches Perm. Pool Volume= 178795 Rv post= 0.264 Req. Forebay Volume= 35759 1yr 24 hr post VolumE 10803 cf Provided Volume= Rv pre= 0.050 Percent= 0.0% 1yr 24hr pre Volume 2045 cf Top of Sed. Storage 27 msl Perm. Pool 30.75 msl Design Pool 31 msl Design SA 52112 sf Req. Volume 10803 cf SA @ = Prov. Volume 12946 cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.042 ft Q2 Area = 9.16 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 0.063 cfs Q5 Area = 3.66 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.025 cfs Orifice Area 7.07 sq. in. No. of Orifices 1 Q= 0.048 cfs Diameter, inches 3.00 weir H x W j in x in Drawdown = 2.6 days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guideline: This modification converts the non-discharging pond system (irrigation) into a discharging system DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: S:1wgslstormwaterlpermits& projects120051050239 HD12011 03 excel_WP 1a 050239 PROJECT#: SW8 050239 REVIEWER: P.Bartlett/original Pond la L. Lewis for the modification PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Original run date: June 7, 2005 DATE: 28-Jun-11 Receiving Stream: Scotts Branch Class: C; Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber Index No. 15-25-1-10 Site Area 180.85 acres Drainage Area 1547455.00 square feet Area = 35.52 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 315600.00 square feet 0.95 Streets 123960.00 square feet 0.95 Sidewalks 11620.00 square feet 0.95 Other/Future 54055.00 square feet 0.95 square feet square feet TOTAL 505235.00 square feet Rational Cc= 0.44 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 32.65% SA/DA Ratio 3.76% Des. Depth 3 Req. SA _ 58261 sf TSS: 90 Prov. SA 224172 sf VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "1" in the box if Rational is used FOREBAY Des. Storm 3.93 inches Perm. Pool Volume= Rv post= 0.344 Req. Forebay Volume= 0 1yr 24 hr post Volume 174258 cf Provided Volume= Rv pre= 0.050 Percent= #DIV/0! 1yr 24hr pre Volume 25340 cf Bottom 23 msl Perm. Pool 27.83 msl Design Pool 28.5 msl Design SA 236883 sf Req. Volume 148918 cf SA @ = Prov. Volume 154453 cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.14 ft Q2 Area = 68.88 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 0.862 cfs Q5 Area = 27.55 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.345 cfs Orifice Area 28.27 sq. in. No. of Orifices 1 Q= 0.354 cfs Diameter, inches 6.00 weir H x W in x in Drawdown = 4.9 days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guideline: This modification converts the non-discharging pond system (irrigation) into a discharging system DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: S:1wgslstormwater\permits&projects120051050239 HD12011 03 excel WP_2 050239 PROJECT#: SW8 050239 REVIEWER: L. Lewis Pond 2 PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Original run date for mod: March 17, 2011 DATE: 28-Jun-11 Receiving Stream: Scotts Branch Class: C; Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber Index No. 15-25-1-10 Site Area 180.85 acres Drainage Area 729939.00 square feet Area = 16.76 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 143750.00 square feet 0.95 Streets 45192.00 square feet 0.95 Sidewalks 2500.00 square feet 0.95 Other/Future square feet 0.95 square feet square feet TOTAL 191442.00 square feet Rational Cc= 0.40 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 26.23% SA/DA Ratio 3.08% Average Depth 3 Req. SA 22518 sf TSS, %: 90 % Prov. SA 64018 sf VOLUME CALCULATION FOREBAY Des. Storm 3.93 ,inches Perm. Pool Volume= 192286 Rv post= 0.286 Req. Forebay Volume= 38457.2 1yr 24 hr post Volume 68380 cf Provided Volume= Rv pre= 0.050 Percent= 0.0% 1yr 24hr pre Volume 11953 cf Top of Sed. Storage 25 msl Perm. Pool 28.33 msl Design Pool 29.25 msl Design SA 68009 sf Req. Volume 56428 cf SA @ = Prov. Volume 60732 cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.251 ft Q2 Area = 19.49 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 0.327 cfs Q5 Area = 7.80 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.131 cfs Orifice Area 12.57 sq. in. No. of Orifices 1 Q= 0.211 cfs Diameter, inches 4.00 weir H x W j in x in Drawdown = 3.1 days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guideline: Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture Land Planning/Construction Management May 13, 2011 RECEIVED MAY 1 6 2011 NCDENR—Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension BY. Wilmington,NC 28405 Attn: Linda Lewis Re: Request for Additional Information—Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Stormwater Project No. SW8 050239 Modification Ms. Lewis, Thank you for reviewing our submittal. The following is in response to your letter requesting additional information for the above mentioned project. For ease,your questions are repeated in normal font and our responses follow in bold. 1. The positioning of the blind swale that feeds the proposed new level spreader in relation to the outlet pipe will be a problem. Per Section 8.3.5 of the BMP Manual,there is a"poor entrance angle"into the distribution or blind swale. Stormwater should be conveyed to the blind swale parallel to the level spreader to avoid short-circuiting. The level spreader has been redesigned,please find the attached calculations and drawing. 2. The level spreader and vegetated filter that are being proposed to mitigate for the added piping behind lots 63-66 in Section 2, should be designed per the requirements of NCAC 2H.1008(f), which requires the filter to handle the peak flow from a 10 year storm in a non-erosive manner. The peak flow is used to determine the length of the level spreader, (10 if per cfs, 1001f max.) and therefore, sets the width of the 30 foot long vegetated filter to create diffuse,non-erosive flow. Flow in excess of 10 cfs is bypassed. Please also demonstrate that the velocity into the wetland from the filter strip is no higher than 2 fps to avoid impacting the wetland. The level spreader has been redesigned,please find the attached calculations and drawing. 3. In regard to the use of a level spreader for this mitigation, I agreed to it thinking that the mitigation would be only for that piping added behind Lots 63-66 in Section 2. In looking at the proposed plans,not only had the piping been added behind lots 63-66 in Section 2,but I see now that collection piping, which was approved to be directed into Wetland Basin#1 from Liset Court, is now being directed into the Dined collection system that also ends up in this level spreader. This large amount of piped collection is not in keeping with the intent of low P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 910-254-9333 Fax : 910-254-0502 www . CLDeng . com density development and the use of a single level spreader as treatment doesn't seem to be enough mitigation. The level spreader has been redesigned, please find the attached calculations and drawing. 4. I understand that the previous reviewer, for whatever reason, approved this project with a lot more pipe than is considered reasonable under low density. While the existing approved design can't be changed now, I am obligated to make sure that the proposed modifications either meet the intent of the low density rules or if not,that appropriate treatment is provided: a. Please note that the area at the intersection of Serrulata Drive, Sennia Court and Natal Court was approved in 2005 with 4 curb outlet swales(14, 15, 16 and 17), however,now there is slightly less drainage area,but more piping, and runoff is treated by just two swales, 17 and 18. On-site topography was conducive to only two swale locations. The swales were installed properly and are functioning well on-site. b. Please check the swale drainage areas for 17 and 18 at the intersection area of Serrulata Drive, Sennia Court and Natal Court. There's a 150' stretch of Natal Court over the wetland that is not included in either DA17 or DA18. Please make the necessary changes to the drainage areas, plans, swale table(sheet SW-5), swale calculations, and swale supplement form to account for 3,600 square feet of additional road area. The area in question is actually a raised wooden bridge. It was shown on the original plans and built per plan,but accidentally left of the revised sheet. Please find attached sheet showing the raised wooden bridge. 5. The inset detail on Sheet SW-5 for the Amenity Area shows the dimension information,but not the grading. Is Sheet SW-5 from the November 10, 2010 submittal still applicable,or have changes been made? If changes were made,please resubmit another Sheet SW-5 with the grading information for the Amenity Area. Otherwise, I'll swap out SW-5 from the Nov. 10, 2010 plans and add it to the latest set. A layer with the grading information was accidentally turned off. Please find the attached SW-5. 6. I'm not perfectly clear on the design criteria the original reviewer used to size the wetland basins because the reviewer used the infiltration basin spreadsheets to check their design. The permanent pool area is marked as "N/A—Infiltration"on the supplemental form however the extended detention wetland design criteria in effect at that time required a minimum permanent pool area to be calculated using the percent impervious and SA/DA tables for a 3 foot deep permanent pool. Also, there is no soils report in the file to support the SHWT elevations or the reported infiltration rate of 20"per hour. While 4 of the 5 proposed built-upon area and drainage area changes to these wetland basins result in less drainage area and less BUA, 3 of the 5 basins result in a higher percentage of built-upon area. Since minimum permanent pool area is based on percent impervious,please demonstrate that wetland basins 1, 2 and 3 have sufficient surface area to accommodate the increased percent impervious. As part of that modification,please provide minimum surface area calculations and revise the Extended Detention Wetland Supplements to add the provided permanent pool surface area for basins 1, 2 and 3 and provide a soils report supporting the SHWT's and the 20"per hour infiltration rate. P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 91 0-254-9333 Fax: 910-254-0502 www . CLDeng . com The SHWT and infiltration rate were originally established from soils tables and tests performed in the field. At the time of original permit,the only supporting information required was field verification from your personnel. On May 13th 2005,Vincent Lewis representing NCDENR visited the site and performed a SHWT evaluation and also verified the approximate infiltration rate. The"N/A—Infiltration" designation was generated from a discussion with the NCDENR reviewer. Since we were using infiltration as the means of drawdown,storage volume was the design criteria,not surface area. I agree with your statement that 3 of the 5 basins result in a higher percentage of BUA, however the reduced drainage area results in the 3 basins having a negligible effect on required surface area. I've attached a calculation showing the original permit's required surface area and the revised drainage area's required surface area. Basin 1 has an increased surface area requirement of 55sf and the revised Extended Detention Wetland Supplement is attached. Please let me know if you have any additional questions and/or comments. Sincerely, effrey B. Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 910-254-9333 Fax: 910-254-0502 www . CLDeng . com 44 Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture REC'D MAY 18 2011 Land Planning/Construction Management To: NCDENR—Wilmington Regional Office-DWQ Date: May 12,2011 127 Cardinal Drive Extension File: 101-01 Wilmington,NC 28405 Subject: Stormwater Permit Modification for (910)796—7215 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Attn: Linda Lewis SW8 050239 ❑As Requested ❑For Your Files ❑For Distribution ®For your Review/Action/Approval ❑ Sent via Mail ❑ Sent via Courier Quantity Drawing No. Description 1 Response Letter 1 Original Level Spreader Supplement for Level Spreader#1 1 Original Wetland Detention Worksheet for Basin#1 1 Supplemental Calculations 2 Copies of the Drawings SW-3 and SW-5 RECEIVED MAY 16 2011 BY: REMARKS Hi Linda,please find the enclosed and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, L_ CC: File Coastal Land Design,PLLC Bert Exum Signed ��/ r ey etroff,P.E. Trans-NCDENR-05 13 11 Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 8:53 AM To: 'Jeff Petroff Subject: FW: SW8 050239 addinfo for Palmetto Creek Jeff: Although my supervisor says an extension is granted to March 13th, I think she meant May 13th, as requested. Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 Education is the progressive discovery of our own ignorance. -Will Durant E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Scott, Georgette Sent: Tuesday,April 19, 2011 9:35 AM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 050239 addinfo for Palmetto Creek Linda, An extension is granted till March 13th Georgette Scott Stormwater Program Supervisor State Stormwater Program NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington,NC 28405 Phone(910)796-7335 Fax(910)350-2004 E-mail conespondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday,April 19, 2011 9:12 AM To: Scott, Georgette Subject: FW: SW8 050239 addinfo for Palmetto Creek Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 i Education is the progressive discovery of our own ignorance. --Will Durant E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jeff Petroff jmailto:JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.netl Sent: Monday,April 18, 2011 5:04 PM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: SW8 050239 addinfo for Palmetto Creek Hi again Linda, I was going through my calendar and see where your Request for Additional Information on Palmetto Creek SW8 050239Mod. is due April 21st. I'm able to address all your comments except the ones dealing with the level spreader(1- 3). Do you have any thoughts on my email from last week utilizing a large stilling basin? Would you be willing to meet sometime next week to discuss or would you like for me to go ahead and submit with what I think would be a good solution? Either way I foresee the need for a little extra time from the April 21st deadline. Can I have an extension to May 13th? Thanks, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Project EEnineer Coastal Land Design, PLLC PO Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: 910.254.9333 ext. 1002 Fax: 910.254.0502 www.CLDeng.com From: Jeff Petroff Sent: Wednesday,April 13, 2011 2:28 PM To: 'Lewis,Linda' Subject: RE: SW8 050239 addinfo for Palmetto Creek Hi Linda, Hope you are doing well. I've been going through your comments on Palmetto Creek SW8 050239 and wanted to discuss the area we were proposing a level spreader. From your comments(1-3)and looking at the placement of the level spreader, I think we can both agree that this isn't the best solution. I also understand you are wanting more mitigation. So,what are your thoughts on designing a large distilling basin (approximately 100'x 20') with a vegetated weir that can distribute the 10-yr storm event at less than 2fps to the wetland? I feel that this large basin in conjunction with the three existing swales would offer enough treatment to bring us back into the intent of low-density. Let me know what you think of this idea and I can work up a plan and calcs. Thanks, 2 Jeff Petroff, P.E. Project En ineer L1.1.44 Coastal Land Design, PLLC PO Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: 910.254.9333 ext. 1002 Fax: 910.254.0502 www.CLDeng.com From: Lewis,Linda Imailto:linda.lewisCa�ncdenr.govl Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 1:06 PM To: Jeff Petroff Subject: SW8 050239 addinfo for Palmetto Creek Jeff: Please see my review comments, attached. Linda 3 Lewis,Linda From: Jeff Petroff[JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.net] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 4:48 PM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: The Reserve at Palmetto Creek SW8 051045 Great,thanks Linda. Have a good weekend, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Project Engineer IVr P .J Coastal Land Design, PLLC PO Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: 910.254.9333 ext. 1002 Fax: 910.254.0502 www.CLDeng.com From: Lewis,Linda jmailto:linda.lewis@ncdenr.govl Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 4:36 PM To: Jeff Petroff Subject: RE: The Reserve at Palmetto Creek SW8 051045 Jeff- OK-extension to April 15, 2011 granted. Linda Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 Education is the progressive discovery of our own ignorance. -Will Durant E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jeff Petroff jmailto:JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.netl Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 3:10 PM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: The Reserve at Palmetto Creek SW8 051045 Hi Linda, 1 INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS FILENAME: S:1WQS1Stormwater\Permits& Projects120051050239 HD12011 03 excel—IB—1 050239 � �(! PROJECT NUMBER SW8: 050239 DATE: 18-Mar-11 PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek Original Run Date June 7, 2005 DRAINAGE BASIN: Lumber REVIEWER: L. Lewis RECEIVING STREAM: Scotts Branch CLASS: C;Sw Index No.: 15-25-1-10 If ORW, is site within the 575'AEC? SITE AREA 180.9 acres DRAINAGE AREA: ( 333,893 SF IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION Rational C Buildings 66,600 0.95 Streets 53,277 0.95 Sidewalk 4,300 0.95 Other TOTAL 124177 C, 0.48 Place a"1" here if Rational 0 % IMPERVIOUS, I= I 37.2% RV= .05+.009( I ) = 0.38 ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE 18 FEET MSL REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE 20 INCHES/HOUR or 0.000463 FPS SURFACE AREAS AND ELEVATIONS Elev. (ft) Area, sq ft Inc.Volume Acc.Volume BOTTOM 20 4,342 21 11,775 8058.5 8058.5 21 11,775 0 8058.5 TOP 22 20,573 16174 24232.5 VOLUME/DEPTH/DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM, INCHES 1 DESIGN VOLUME 10704 CUBIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE 24232.5 CUBIC FEET DEPTH OF RUNOFF 1.95 FEET TIME TO DRAWDOWN 3.3 HOURS MUST BE <120 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = .33 inches/hour Qr= C i A= 1.21 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= 2.01 CFS Must be>Qr 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i =6.3 inches/hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event= 13876.60 CF< 24232.5 CF COMMENTS Volume and drawdown are(not)within Design Requirements. INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS Oer FILENAME:S:1WQS\Stormwater\Permits& Projects120051050239 HD12011 03 excel IB 2 050239 PROJECT NUMBER SW8: 050239 DATE: 18-Mar-11 PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek Original Run Date June 7, 2005 DRAINAGE BASIN: Lumber REVIEWER: L. Lewis RECEIVING STREAM: Scotts Branch CLASS: C;Sw Index No.: 15-25-1-10 If ORW, is site within the 575'AEC? SITE AREA 180.9 acres DRAINAGE AREA: 626,309 SF IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION Rational C Buildings 164,148 0.95 Streets 84,100 0.95 Sidewalk 7,650 0.95 Other TOTAL 255898 C 0.51 Place a"1" here if Rational 0 % IMPERVIOUS, I= 40.9% RV= .05+.009 ( I ) = 0.42 ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE 19 FEET MSL REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE 20 INCHES/HOUR or 0.000463 FPS SURFACE AREAS AND ELEVATIONS Elev. (ft) Area, sq ft Inc. Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM 21 5,300 22 13,650 9475 9475 22 13,650 0 9475 TOP 23 22,950 18300 27775 VOLUME/DEPTH/DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM, INCHES 1 DESIGN VOLUME 21802 CUBIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE 27775 CUBIC FEET DEPTH OF RUNOFF 1.97 FEET TIME TO DRAWDOWN 3.1 HOURS MUST BE <120 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i= .33 inches/hour QrCiA= 2.40 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= 2.45 CFS Must be > Qr 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, I =6.3 inches/hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event= 27524.34 CF< 27775 CF COMMENTS Volume and drawdown are(not)within Design Requirements. INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS FILENAME:S:1WQS\Stormwater\Permits& Projects120051050239 HD12011 03 excel_IB_3 050239 PROJECT NUMBER SW8: 050239 DATE: 18-Mar-11 PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek Original Run Date June 7, 2005 DRAINAGE BASIN: Lumber REVIEWER: L. Lewis RECEIVING STREAM: Scotts Branch CLASS: C;Sw Index No.: 15-25-1-10 If ORW, is site within the 575'AEC? SITE AREA 180.9 acres DRAINAGE AREA: 107,149 SF IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION Rational C Buildings 27,000 0.95 Streets 9,620 0.95 Sidewalk 0.95 Other TOTAL 36620 0.46 Place a"1" here if Rational 0 % IMPERVIOUS, I= 34.2% RV= .05+.009 ( I ) = 0.36 ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE 18 FEET MSL REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE 20 INCHES/HOUR or 0.000463 FPS SURFACE AREAS AND ELEVATIONS Elev. (ft) Area, sq ft Inc.Volume Acc.Volume BOTTOM 20 2,362 20 2,362 0 0 20 2,362 0 0 TOP 21 9,350 5856 5856 VOLUME/DEPTH/DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM, INCHES 1 DESIGN VOLUME 3193 CUBIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE 5856 CUBIC FEET DEPTH OF RUNOFF 0.55 FEET TIME TO DRAWDOWN 1.5 HOURS MUST BE<120 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = .33 inches/hour Qr=CiA= 0.37 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= 1.09 CFS Must be> Qr 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i=6.3 inches/hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event= 4242.94 CF< 5856 CF COMMENTS Volume and drawdown are(not)within Design Requirements. INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS FILENAME:S:1WQS1Stormwater\Permits & Projects120051050239 HD12011 03 excel_IB_4 050239 PROJECT NUMBER SW8: 050239 DATE: 18-Mar-11 PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek Original Run Date June 7, 2005 DRAINAGE BASIN: Lumber REVIEWER: L. Lewis RECEIVING STREAM: Scotts Branch CLASS: C;Sw Index No.: 15-25-1-10 If ORW, is site within the 575'AEC? SITE AREA 180.9 acres DRAINAGE AREA: 356,096 SF IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION Rational C Buildings 99,362 0.95 Streets 32,500 0.95 Sidewalk 1,780 0.95 Other TOTAL 133642 Cl 0.48 Place a"1"here if Rational 0 % IMPERVIOUS, I= 37.5% RV= .05+.009( I ) = 0.39 ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE 19 FEET MSL REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE 20 INCHES/HOUR or 0.000463 FPS SURFACE AREAS AND ELEVATIONS Elev. (ft) Area, sq ft Inc.Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM 21 3,500 22 9,773 6636.5 6636.5 22 9,773 0 6636.5 TOP 23 17,802 13787.5 20424 VOLUME/DEPTH/DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM, INCHES 1 DESIGN VOLUME 11507 CUBIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE 20424 CUBIC FEET DEPTH OF RUNOFF 1.08 FEET TIME TO DRAWDOWN 3.5 HOURS MUST BE <120 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = .33 inches/hour Qr= C i A= 1.30 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= 1.62 CFS Must be >Qr 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i =6.3 inches/hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event= 14877.95 CF < 20424 CF COMMENTS Volume and drawdown are(not)within Design Requirements. INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS FILENAME: S:1WQS1Stormwater\Permits& Projects120051050239 HD12011 03 exce11B_5 050239 PROJECT NUMBER SW8: 050239 DATE: 18-Mar-11 PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek Original Run Date June 7, 2005 DRAINAGE BASIN: Lumber REVIEWER: L. Lewis RECEIVING STREAM: Scotts Branch CLASS: C;Sw Index No.: 15-25-1-10 If ORW, is site within the 575'AEC? SITE AREA 180.9 acres DRAINAGE AREA: 267,378 SF IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION Rational C Buildings 65,756 0.95 Streets 19,500 0.95 Sidewalk 0.95 Other TOTAL 85256 C 0.44 Place a "1" here if Rational 0 % IMPERVIOUS, I= 31.9% RV= .05+.009 ( I ) = 0.34 ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE 19 FEET MSL REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE 20 INCHES/HOUR or 0.000463 FPS SURFACE AREAS AND ELEVATIONS Elev. (ft) Area, sq ft Inc. Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM 20 2,030 21 2,800 2415 2415 22 3,450 3125 5540 TOP 23 7,900 5675 11215 VOLUME/DEPTH/ DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM, INCHES 1 DESIGN VOLUME 7508 CUBIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE 11215 CUBIC FEET DEPTH OF RUNOFF 1.51 FEET TIME TO DRAWDOWN 3.3 HOURS MUST BE <120 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = .33 inches/ hour Qr= CiA = 0.89 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= 0.94 CFS Must be > Qr 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6.3 inches/hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event= 10189.13 CF < 11215 CF Hope you are doing well. I'm writing to request another extension to the Certification for The Reserve at Palmetto Creek SW8051045. The owner has just finalized the re-configuration of a few of the townhomes. I'm having him finalize the driveway layout so I can recalculate impervious and confirm we are within the permit allocations. I want to get you the certification, deed restrictions and plan update at the same time. Can we have an extension to April 15th? That should give us adequate time. Thanks and have a great weekend, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Project Engineer 1114,4 L. Coastal Land Design, PLLC PO Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: 910.254.9333 ext. 1002 Fax: 910.254.0502 www.CLDeng.com From: Jeff Petroff Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 3:39 PM To: 'Lewis,Linda' Subject: RE: The Reserve at Palmetto Creek SW8 051045 Hi Linda, Can we have until March 25th to get everything straightened out? Thanks, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Project En ineer L. Coastal Land Design, PLLC PO Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: 910.254.9333 ext. 1002 Fax: 910.254.0502 www.CLDeng.com From: Lewis,Linda fmailto:linda.lewis(6ncdenr.00vl_ Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 3:48 PM To: Jeff Petroff Subject: RE: The Reserve at Palmetto Creek SW8 051045 Jeff: Please tell me your anticipated submittal date. I can't approve an open-ended time extension. You have to propose a deadline date. 2 DWQ USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number 2-Z3-2011 412974. Sl,)d��D '�rk,a Applicable Rules: ❑ Coastal SW-1995 ❑Coastal SW-2008 ❑Ph II-Post Construction (select all that apply) ❑Non-Coastal SW-HQW/ORW Waters ❑Universal Stormwater Management Plan ❑Other WQ Mgmt Plan: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name(subdivision,facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications,letters,operation and maintenance agreements,etc.): Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 2. Location of Project(street address): 1500 N.C.Hwy 211 SE City:Bolivia County:Brunswick Zip:28422 3. Directions to project(from nearest major intersection): Approximately one mile east on NC 211 from intersection with Zion Hill Road SR 1114 4. Latitude:33° 59' 51"N Longitude:78° 13' 21"W of the main entrance to the project. II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1.a.Specify whether project is(check one): New ®Modification b.If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit,list the existing permit number SW8 050239 ,its issue date(if known)Tune 7,2005 ,and the status of construction: ❑Not Started ['Partially Completed* ®Completed* *provide a designer's certification 2. Specify the type of project(check one): ❑Low Density ['High Density ❑Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ['Other 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DWQ requesting a state stormwater management permit application,list the stormwater project number,if assigned, and the previous name of the project,if different than currently proposed, 4.a.Additional Project Requirements(check applicable blanks;information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ❑LAMA Major ❑Sedimentation/Erosion Control: ac of Disturbed Area ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater 0404/401 Permit:Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name,Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit REC V Elti FEB 2 3 2011 BY: Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 1 of 6 III. CONTACT INFORMATION 1.a.Print Applicant/ Signing Official's name and title(specifically the developer,property owner,lessee, designated government official,individual,etc.who owns the project): Applicant/Organization:XDV,Inc. Signing Official&Title:Bert Exum,President b.Contact information for person listed in item la above: Street Address:503 Olde Waterford Way,Suite 200 City:Leland State:NC Zip:28451 Mailing Address(if applicable):P.O.Box 1967 City:Wilmington State:NC Zip:28402 Phone: (910 ) 392-9325 Fax: ( ) Email: c.Please check the appropriate box.The applicant listed above is: ®The property owner(Skip to Contact Information,item 3a) ❑Lessee*(Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) ❑Purchaser*(Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) ❑Developer*(Complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below.) 2.a.Print Property Owner's name and title below,if you are the lessee,purchaser or developer. (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/Organization: Signing Official&Title: b.Contact information for person listed in item 2a above: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Mailing Address(if applicable): City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: 3.a. (Optional)Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project: Other Contact Person/Organization: RFC .!VED Signing Official&Title: Fhb 2 9 2011 b.Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: Mailing Address: BY. City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits: Brunswick County Point of Contact Beverly Coleman Phone#: (910 ) 253-2050 Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 2 of 6 1 1V. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below,briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. Stormwater is currently treated in Water Quality Swales,Wetland Detention Basins and Wet Detention Ponds 2.a.If claiming vested rights,identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved: ❑Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date: NTED ❑Valid Building Permit Issued Date: t -A' ' ❑Other: Date: 2011 b.If claiming vested rights,identify the regulation(s)the project has been designed in a cordance with: ® Coastal SW-1995 ❑Ph II-Post Construction BY 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin. 4. Total Property Area: 180.9 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: N/A acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: N/A acres 7. Total Property Area(4)-Total Coastal Wetlands Area(5)-Total Surface Water Area(6) =Total Project Area': 180.9 acres + Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following: the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water(NHIAI)line or Mean High Water (MHVV)line,and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW(or MHW)line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area(BUA). Non-coastal wetlands landward of the NHW(or MHW)line may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area/Total Project Area)X 100 = 30 % 9. How many drainage areas does the project have?9(For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP. For low density and other projects, use 1 for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as belowOVCRAl1 r Basin information Drainage Area 0 Drainage Area la Drainage Area 1b Drainage Area 2 _Receiving Stream Name Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Stream Class * C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw Stream Index Number* 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 Total Drainage Area(sf) 7,877,877 sf 1,547,455 sf 327,158 sf 729,939 sf On-site Drainage Area(sf) 7,877,877 sf 1,547,455 sf 327,158 sf 729,939 sf Off-site Drainage Area(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Proposed Impervious Area**(sf) 2,363,363 sf 505,235 sf 77,850 sf 191,442 sf % Impervious Area**(total) 30 % 32.6 % 23.8 % 26.2 % Impervious**Surface Area Drainage Area 0 Drainage Area 1a Drainage Area 1b Drainage Area 2 On-site Buildings/Lots(sf) 1,651,236 sf 315,600 sf 60,000 sf 143,750 sf On-site Streets (sf) 620,660 sf 123,960 sf 15,600 sf 45,192 sf On-site Parking (sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- On-site Sidewalks (sf) 35,276 sf 11,620 sf 2,250 sf 2,500 sf Other on-site (sf) 56,191 sf 54,055 sf -0- -0- Future(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Off-site (sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Existing BUA***(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Total (sf): 2,363,363 sf 1 505,235 sf 77,850 sf 1 191,442 sf * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications ** Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings,roads,parking areas, sidewalks,gravel areas,etc. ***Report only that amount of existing BUA that will remain after development. Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA. Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 3 of 6 10.Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Wetland Basin#1 Wetland Basin#2 Wetland Basin#3 Wetland Basin#4 Receiving Stream Name Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Stream Class* C; Sw C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw Stream Index Number* 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 Total Drainage Area(sf) 333,893 sf 626,309 sf 107,149 sf 356,096 sf On-site Drainage Area(sf) 333,893 sf 626,309 sf 107,149 sf 356,096 sf Off-site Drainage Area(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Proposed Impervious Area**(sf) 124,177 sf 255,898 sf 36,620 sf 133,642 sf %Impervious*Area(total) 37.2% 40.9% 34.2% 37.5 % Impervious** Surface Area Wetland Basin#1 Wetland Basin#2 Wetland Basin#3 Wetland Basin#4 On-site Buildings/Lots(sf) 66,600 sf 164,148 sf 27,000 sf 99,362 sf On-site Streets(sf) 53,277 sf 84,100 sf 9,620 sf 32,500 sf On-site Parking(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- On-site Sidewalks(sf) 4,300 sf 7,650 sf -0- -0- Other On-site(sf) -0- -0- -0- 1,780 sf Future(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Off-site(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Existing BUA***(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Total(sf): 124,177 sf 255,898 sf 36,620 sf - 133,642 sf Basin Information Wetland Basin#5 Receiving Stream Name Scotts Branch Stream Class* C;Sw Stream Index Number* 15-25-1-10 Total Drainage Area(sf) 267,378 sf On-site Drainage Area(sf) 267,378 sf Off-site Drainage Area(sf) -0- Proposed Impervious Area**(sf) 85,256 sf %Impervious*Area(total) 31.9% Impervious** Surface Area Wetland Basin#5 ' On-site Buildings/Lots(sf) 65,756 sf On-site Streets(sf) 19,500 sf On-site Parking(sf) -0- On-site Sidewalks(sf) -0- Other On-site(sf) -0- Future(sf) -0- Off-site(sf) -0- _ Existing BUA***(sf) -0- _ Total(sf): 85,256 sf Drainage Area Key for PROJECT INFORMATION table under item 10 on Page 3 Drainage Area 0 = Overall Project Drainage Area la= Stormwater Pond#1 A Drainage Area lb= Stormwater Pond #1B RECEIVED Drainage Area 2 = Stormwater Pond#2 The five drainage areas above are notated in the table. 2011 BY Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 3b of 6 11. How was the off-site impervious area listed above determined?Provide documentation. N/A Projects in Union County: Contact DWQ Central Office staff to check if the project is located within a Threatened& Endangered Species watershed that may be subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per NCAC 02B.0600. V. SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance(O&M)forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/bmp-manual. VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality(DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Office. (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/maps.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item.All original documents MUST be signed and initialed in blue ink. Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. Initials 1. Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form. 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions&Protective Covenants Form. (if required as per Part VII below) 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s)(sealed,signed and dated)and O&M '3Q c agreement(s)for each BMP. 4. Permit application processing fee of$505 payable to NCDENR. (For an Express review,refer to Sg() http://www.envhelp.org/pages/onestopexpress.html for information on the Express program and the associated fees. Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting.) 5. A detailed narrative(one to two pages)describing the stormwater treatment/managementfor the project. This is required in addition to the brief summary provided in the Project Information,item 1. 6. A USGS map identifying the site location. If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the '3j;P receiving stream drains to class SA waters within 1/2 mile of the site boundary,include the 1/1 mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed,signed and dated calculations. -5t3? 8. Two sets of plans folded to 8.5"x 14" (sealed,signed,&dated),including: -R a. Development/Project name. b. Engineer and firm. c. Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers. d. Legend. e. North arrow. .R' i � f. Scale. g. Revision number and dates. FEB 2 3 �011 h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of impounded structures,the banks of streams and rivers,the MHW or NHW line of , : waters,and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures,the banks of streams or rivers,and the MHW(or NHW)of tidal waters. i. Dimensioned property/project boundary with bearings&distances. j. Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned. k. Existing contours,proposed contours,spot elevations,finished floor elevations. 1. Details of roads,drainage features,collection systems,and stormwater control measures. m.Wetlands delineated,or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a qualified person. Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. n. Existing drainage(including off-site),drainage easements,pipe sizes,runoff calculations. o. Drainage areas delineated(included in the main set of plans,not as a separate document). p. Vegetated buffers(where required). Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 4 of 6 9. Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations(Please identify A'/A elevations in addition to depths)as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs.Include an 8.5"x11"copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs,the report should also include the soil type,expected infiltration rate,and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO:Schedule a site visit for DWQ to verify the SHWT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) 10. A copy of the most current property deed.Deed book: Page No: .✓7/1 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations(LLC):Provide documentation from the NC --s-bp Secretary of State or other official documentation,which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information,item la,2a,and/or 3a per NCAC 2H.1003(e).The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State,otherwise the application will be returned. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.aspx VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions,outparcels,and future development,the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary,a table listing each lot number,lot size,and the allowable built-upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs.Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner,it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s)below,the permit holder(s)certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project,if required,shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website,that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them,that they will run with the land,that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DWQ and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm(such as a consulting engineer and/or firm)so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project(such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting Engineer: Teff Petroff,P.E. Consulting Firm: Coastal Land Design,PLLC Mailing Address:P.O.Box 1172 City:Wilmington State:NC Zip:28402 Phone: (910 ) 254-9333 x 1002 Fax: (910 ) 254-0502 Email:jpetroff®CLDeng.com IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (if Contact Information, item 2 has been filled out,complete this section) I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information, item 2a) ,certify that I own the property identified in this permit application,and thus give permission to(print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la) with(print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information,item la) to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal,which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. .IV D FEB3Z011 B Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 5 of 6 As the legal property owner I acknowledge,understand,and agree by my signature below,that if my designated agent(entity listed in Contact Information,item 1)dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement,or pending sale,responsibility for compliance with the DWQ Stormwater permit reverts back to me,the property owner.As the property owner,it is my responsibility to notify DWQ immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days;otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to$25,000 per day,pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Signature: Date: I. ,a Notary Public for the State of ,County of ,do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this_day of ,and acknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I,(print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la) Bert Exum certify that the information included on this permit application form is,to the best of my knowledge,correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded,and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable stormwater rules under 15A NCAC 2H.1000,SL 2006-246(Ph.II-Post Construction)or SL 2008-211. Signature: lrlj C ,/44, Date: Z-Z l- I, /1,414 £H/u-5 ,a Notary Public for the State of nbrZawita.,County of id OAI OV CZ_ ,do hereby certify that k'1Zi C Lr C xtiM'i personally appeared before me this 21 day of %Elt20di2( ,ZV I( ,and ac • -.l•e A; •cution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal rjr , osir 4114 +s4r"" , <ftp‘ SEAL fit/ NOTARY ilf PU UO p4kyr, My commission expires / 2 /4 knows roffRECFlVED FEB 2 3 2011 IBY: Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 6 of 6 Permit No.Stu?0 SOZ39 (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM LOW DENSITY SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original A low density project is one that meets the appropriate criteria for built upon area and transports stormwater runoff primarily through vegetated conveyances. Low density projects should not have a discrete stormwater collection system as defined by 15A NCAC 2H .1002(18). Low density requirements and density factors can be found in 15A NCAC 2H .1005 through .1007. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name : Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Contact Person : Bert Exum Phone Number: (910 ) 392-9325 Number of Lots: 337 Allowable Built Upon Area Per Lot*: See Attached *If lot sizes are not uniform, attach a table indicating the number of lots, lot sizes and allowable built upon area for each lot. The attachment must include the project name,phase, page numbers and provide area subtotals and totals. II. BUILT UPON AREA See the Stormwater Management Permit Application for specific language that must be recorded in the deed restrictions for all subdivisions. For uniform lot sizes, complete the following calculations in the space provided below where: • SA Site Area-the total project area above Mean High Water. Wetlands may be excluded when the development results in high density pockets. • DF Density Factor-the appropriate percent built upon area dived by 100. • RA Road Area-the total impervious surface occupied by roadways. • OA Other Area-the total area of impervious surfaces such as clubhouses,tennis courts, sidewalks, etc. • No. Lots -the total number of lots in the subdivision. • BUA/Lot-the computed allowable built upon area for each lot including driveways and im, .+.' -s surfaces located between the front lot line and the edge of pavement. pECE1 VIi i-) FEB 2 3 2011 B� -- Form: SWU-104 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 2 (SA x DF) - RA- OA = BUA No. Lots Lots Calculation: (7,877,877 sf x 0.3)—620,660 sf—91,467 sf = 1,651,236 sf Total Lot Allocation= 1,651,236 sf 1,651,236 sf> 1,651,236 sf OKAY III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following requirements have been met and supporting documentation is provided as necessary. If the applicant has designated an agent on the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form,the agent may initial below. Applicants Initials --S1R a. A 30 foot vegetative buffer is provided adjacent to surface waters. Projects in the Neuse River basin may require additional buffers. b. Deed restriction language as required on form SWU-101 shall be recorded as a restrictive covenant. A copy of the recorded document shall be provided by DWQ within 30 days of platting and prior to sale of any lots. c. Built upon area calculations are provided for the overall project and all lots. d. Project conforms to low density requirements within the ORW AEC (if applicable). [15A NCAC 2H .1007(2)(b)] FEB �3 2011 Form: SWU-104 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 2 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 02/15/11 Lot Impervious Allocation Lot Numbers # of Lots Impervious Allocation Total Impervious Section 1 3-7, 11-14, 20 10 6,500 sf 65,000 sf Section 1 8-10, 15-19 8 5,500 sf 44,000 sf Section 1 1, 2, 21-58 40 5,400 sf 216,000 sf Section 2 6, 7, 10, 16, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30, 50, 53-57, 62, 71, 76, 121, 126, 142 21 5,500 sf 115,500 sf Section 2 1-5, 8, 9, 11-15, 17, 18, Tract 2C, 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 31-49, 51, 52, 58-61, 63-70, 72-75, 77-120, 122-125, 127-141, 143-146 125 5,930 sf 741,250 sf Section 3 1-65 65 3,330 sf 216,450 sf Section 4 5, 6, 9-14, 16-23, 27-36, 62 27 4,000 sf 108,000 sf Section 4 2, 3, 4, 24, 45 5 3,556 sf 17,780 sf Section 4 63 1 4,756 sf 4,756 sf Section 4 1, 7, 8, 15, 25, 26, 37-44, 46-61, 64-68 35 3,500 sf 122,500 sf Total: 1,651,236 sf viN W PROPOSED DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR PALMETTO CREEK OF THE CAROLINAS 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 050239, as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. 2. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the stormwater management permit. 3. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. 4. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. 5. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. 6. The maximum allowable built-upon area per lot is as follows: Lot Numbers Impervious Allocation Section 1 3-7, 11-14, 20 6,500 sf Section 1 8-10, 15-19 5,500 sf Section 1 1, 2, 21-58 5,400 sf Section 2 6, 7, 10, 16, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30, 50, 53-57, 62, 71, 76, 121, 126, 142 5,500 sf Section 2 1-5, 8, 9, 11-15, 17, 18, Tract 2C, 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 31-49, 51, 52, 58-61, 63-70, 72-75, 77-120, 122-125, 127-141, 143-146 5,930 sf Section 3 1-65 3,330 sf Section 4 5, 6, 9-14, 16-23, 27-36, 62 4,000 sf Section 4 2, 3, 4, 24, 45 3,556 sf Section 4 63 4,756 sf Section 4 1, 7, 8, 15, 25, 26, 37-44, 46-61, 64-68 3,500 sf These allotted amounts include any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 7. This project proposes a curb outlet system. Each designated curb outlet swale shown on the approved plan must be maintained at a minimum of 100'long with 5:1 (H:V) side slopes or flatter, have a longitudinal slope no steeper than 5%, carry the flow from a 10 year storm in a non-erosive manner, and maintain a dense vegetated cover. 8 Filling in or piping of any vegetative conveyances (ditches, swales, etc.) associated with th development except for average driveway crossings, is strictly prohibiteddly; riyrp r tra FEB 2 3 2011 Proposed Deed Restrictions for Palmetto Creek of the ' m age 1 of 2 9. Each lot will maintain a 30'wide vegetated buffer between impervious areas and surface waters. 10. All roof drains shall terminate at least 30'from the mean high water mark of surface waters. 11. Filling in, piping or altering any designated 5:1 curb outlet swale associated with the development is prohibited by any persons. 12. All runoff from the built-upon areas on lots permitted to drain to a piped collection system must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through a variety of means including roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales to collect the lot runoff and directing them into a component of the stormwater collection system. Lots that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these additional measures. Signature: W C_ J7 5/ Date: I, E.f t(,U-5 , a Notary Public in the State of plepTii— L.'41 .1st 4, , County of „b ki 04.4ov do hereby certify that RED-` ezr--C)c c2 M personally appeared before me this the 2l day of tiaZgoi.ii -y , 20 y( , and acknowledge the due exec •n o the e• rument. Witness my hand and official seal, 4111111:0r swum, ra yrarw Signature 'q,rr fr My Commission expires l/'29--f4 rTARY S = Pt 3UC c M99Rsx0 -yECAI V Ems' FEB 23 2011 Proposed Deed Restrictions for Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Page 2 of 2 76.2 Permit No---rLrC15Cofc.5 (to be provided by DWQr v.w A r6- ATA LNCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out,printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist(Part III)must be printed,filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. L PROJECT INFORMATION Project name ,-almetto Creek of the Carolinas Contact person Jeff Petroff,P.E. Phone number 910-254.9333 x 1002 Date 2011-02-11 Drainage area number Pond#1A GESb4N A CRrOTION Site Characteristics Drainage area 1,547,455 ff2 Impervious area,post-development 505,235 ft2 %impervious 32.65% Design rainfall depth 3.9 in Storage Volume: Non-SA Waters Minimum volume required ft3 Volume provided ft3 Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5"runoff volume Sid �d r / a� 66.5t 1 � �ReTer+r r S /✓�. Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 25,339 ft3 Post-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 174,336 ft3 -Tms PEcutafpwr Minimum volume required 148,997 ft3 Volume provided 154,407 ft3 Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre/post control of the 1yr 24hr storm peak flow required? N (Y or N) 1-yr,24-hr rainfall depth in Rational C,pre-development (unitless) ?`(El VED Rational C,post-development (unitless) Rainfall intensity:1-yr,24-hrstorm in/hr Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.85 ft3/sec FEB 3 2011 Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 2.33 ft3/sec Pre/Post 1-yr,24-hr peak flow control 1.48 ft3/sec B Y Elevations Temporary pool elevation 28.50 fmsl Permanent pool elevation 27.83 fmsl SHWT elevation(approx.at the perm.pool elevation) 27 83 fmsl Top of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation N/A fmsl Bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation N/A fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided. Sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond) 24.00 fmsl Sediment cleanout,bottom elevation 23.00 fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided. Sediment storage provided 1.00 ft Is there additional volume stored above the state-required temp.pool? N (Y or N) Elevation of the top of the additional volume fmsl Form SW 401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Parts I.&II.Design Summary,Page 1 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) -,. :DESIGN INFORMATION Surface Areas Area,temporary pool 236,; 3 ft2 Area REQUIRED,permanent pool 57,088 ft2 SA/DA ratio 3.69(unitless) Area PROVIDED,permanent pool,Ate,,,,_poci 224,172 ft2 OK Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,Aye,shell Na ft2 Area,sediment cleanout top elevation(bottom of pond),^6otpond 134,876 ft2 Volumes Volume,temporary pool 154,407 ft3 OK Volume,permanent pool,Vp,,,pod 689,499 ft3 Volume,forebay(sum of forebays if more than one forebay) me ft3 Forebay%of permanent pool volume #VALUE!% #VALUE! SAIDA Table Data Design TSS removal 90% Coastal SAIDA Table Used? Y (Y or N) Mountain/Piedmont SA/DA Table Used? N (Y or N) SAIDA ratio 3.69(unitless) Average depth(used in SA/DA table): Calculation option 1 used?(See Figure 10-2b) Y (Y or N) Volume,permanent pool,Vp„,_pod 689,499 ft3 Area provided,permanent pool,Ape,,,,yx,,4 224,172 ft2 Average depth calculated 3.10 ft OK Average depth used in SA/DA,dm„(Round to nearest 0.5ft) 3.1 ft OK Calculation option 2 used?(See Figure 10-2b) N (Y or N) Area provided,permanent pool,Ape,„_pod 224,172 ft2 Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,A6he n/a ft2 Area,sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond).Abot_Kod 134,876 ft2 "Depth"(distance b/w bottom of 10ft shelf and top of sediment) #VALUEI ft Average depth calculated ft Average depth used in SAIDA,day,(Round to nearest 0.5ft) ft Drawdown Calculations Drawdown through orifice? Y (Y or N) Diameter of orifice(if circular) 6 00 in Area of orifice(if-non-circular) in2 Coefficient of discharge(Co) 0.60(unitless) Driving head(Ho) 0.14 ft Drawdown through weir? N (Y or N) Weir type (unitless) Coefficient of discharge(C",) (unitless) Length of weir(L) ft Driving head(H) ft Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.85 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 2.33 ft3/sec Storage volume discharge rate(through discharge orifice or weir) 0.35 ft3/sec Storage volume drawdown time 4.87 days OK,draws down in 2-5 days. Additional Information Vegetated side slopes N/A:1 OK 7� Vegetated shelf slope N/A:1 OK ��C 1`I VEI Vegetated shelf width N/A ft OK I ✓ Length of flowpath to width ratio N/A:1 OK FEB 2 3 2011 Length to width ratio N/A:1 OK Trash rack for overflow&orifice? Y Cr'or N) OK Freeboard provided 1.0 ft OK I BY Vegetated filter provided? N (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? Y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Y (Y or N) OK Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: Gate valve in bottom of outlet structure Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rov.8-9/17/09 Parts I.&II.Design Summary,Page 2 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) f i E 1RK /fI MS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent,the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met,attach justification. Pagel Plan Initials Sheet No. 1. Plans(1"-50'or larger)of the entire site showing: -Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage(if applicable), -Delineated drainage basins(include Rational C coefficient per basin), Basin dimensions, -Pretreatment system, High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, -Proposed drainage easement and public right of way(ROW), -Overflow device,and Boundaries of drainage easement. <✓7/ 2. Partial plan(1"=30'or larger)and details for the wet detention basin showing: -Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, Maintenance access, Permanent pool dimensions, -Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, -Basin cross-section, -Vegetation specification for planting shelf,and Filter strip. /'�/� 3. Section view of the wet detention basin(1" 20'or larger)showing: -Side slopes,3:1 or lower, -Pretreatment and treatment areas,and -Inlet and outlet structures. 4. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction,clean out of the basin is specified on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. H//1 5. A table of elevations,areas,incremental volumes&accumulated volumes for overall pond and for forebay, to verify volume provided. T_ 6. A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. .SS34 7. The supporting calculations. 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance(O&M)agreement. 9. A copy of the deed restrictions(if required). zg 10. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation,soil borings,and infiltration tests. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. ..... i RECFI V EI-) FEB 2 3 2011 Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Part III.Required Items Checklist,Page 1 of 1 Permit No.✓�f1��S OLD9� (to be provided by DWQ) ukt AT4- AV4`.{ ■1CDEHR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out,printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist(Part Ill)must be printed,filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Contact person Jeff Poirot,.P.E. Phone number 910-254-9333 x 10E12 Date 2011-02-11 Drainage area number Pond#1B b- !ESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 327,258 ft2 Impervious area,post-development 77,850 ft2 %impervious 23.79% Design rainfall depth 1.5 in Storage Volume: Non-SA Waters Minimum volume required ft3 Volume provided ft3 Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5'runoff volume 10,803 ft3 �'(te$xr r s Nd J^Sit $Jr /1f 4a��'D Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 0 Post-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 0 ft3 Ta (iKmf (zdr0tltQIL.''w7 Minimum volume required 10,803 ft3 Volume provided 12,948 ft3 Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre/post control of the 1yr 24hr storm peak flow required? N (Y or N) 1-yr,24-hr rainfall depth in -- Rational C,pre-development (unitless) -' ••-' v 5� Rational C,post-development (unitless) Rainfall intensity:1-yr,24-hr storm in/hr FEB 2 3 2011 Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.18 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.40 ft3/sec B Pre/Post 1-yr,24-hr peak flow control 0.22 ft3/sec Elevations Temporary pool elevation 31.00 fmsl Permanent pool elevation 30.75 fmsl SHWT elevation(approx.at the perm.pool elevation) 30.75 fmsl Top of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation N/A fmsl Bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation NIA fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided. Sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond) 27.00 fmsl Sediment cleanout,bottom elevation 26.00 fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided. Sediment storage provided 1.00 ft Is there additional volume stored above the state-required temp.pool? N (Y or N) Elevation of the top of the additional volume fmsl Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17109 Parts I.&II.Design Summary,Page 1 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) [DESIGN INFORMATION Surface Areas Area,temporary pool 52,112 ft2 Area REQUIRED,permanent pool 7,854 ft2 SA/DA ratio 240(unitless) Area PROVIDED,permanent pool,A 51,456 ft2 OK Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,Abot their n/a ft2 Area,sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond),A ,d 44:477 ft2 Volumes Volume,temporary pool 12,946 ft3 OK Volume,permanent pool,Vp„,,n_pool 178,795 ft3 Volume,forebay(sum of forebays if more than one forebay) n/a ft3 Forebay%of permanent pool volume #VALUE! % #VALUE! SAIDA Table Data Design TSS removal 90% Coastal SA/DA Table Used? Y (Y or N) Mountain/Piedmont SA/DA Table Used? N (Y or N) SA/DA ratio 2.40(unitless) Average depth(used in SA/DA table): Calculation option 1 used?(See Figure 10-2b) Y (Y or N) Volume,permanent pool,Vp.,,,,y� 178,795 ft3 Area provided,permanent pool,Apenn_pod 51,456 ft2 Average depth calculated 3.47 ft OK Average depth used in SA/DA,da,„(Round to nearest 0.5ft) 3.5 ft OK Calculation option 2 used?(See Figure 10-2b) N (Y or N) Area provided,permanent pool,Ate, 51,456 ft2 Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,Abat abe n/a ft2 Area,sediment deanout,top elevation(bottom of pond),Abar „d 44,477 ft2 "Depth"(distance b/w bottom of 10ft shelf and top of sediment) #VALUE! ft Average depth calculated ft Average depth used in SAIDA,da„ (Round to nearest 0.5ft) ft Drawdown Calculations Drawdown through orifice? Y (Y or N) Diameter of orifice(if circular) 3.00 in Area of orifice(if-non-circular) in2 Coefficient of discharge(Co) 0.60(unitless) Driving head(Ho) 0.04 ft Drawdown through weir? N (Y or N) Weir type (unitless) Coefficient of discharge(Cw) (unitless) Length of weir(l.) ft Driving head(H) ft Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.18 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.40 ft3/sec Storage volume discharge rate(through discharge orifice or weir) 0.05 ft3/sec Storage volume drawdown time 2 59 days OK draws down in 2-5 days. Additional Information Vegetated side slopes NIA:1 OK Vegetated shelf slope N/A:1 OK Vegetated shelf width N/A ft OK Length of fiowpath to width ratio N/A:1 OK Length to width ratio N/A:1 OK FEB 2 3 2011 Trash rack for overflow&orifice? Y (Y or N) OK Freeboard provided 10 ft OK Vegetated filter provided? N (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? Y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Y (Y or N) OK Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: Gate valve in bottom of outlet structure Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Parts I.&II.Design Summary,Page 2 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) 9 . i c_iiiiRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent,the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met,attach justification. Pagel Plan Initials Sheet No. ›re 1. Plans(1"-50'or larger)of the entire site showing: -Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage(if applicable), -Delineated drainage basins(include Rational C coefficient per basin), -Basin dimensions, -Pretreatment system, -High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, Proposed drainage easement and public right of way(ROW), Overflow device,and -Boundaries of drainage easement. 4/7-4_ � 2. Partial plan(1"=30'or larger)and details for the wet detention basin showing: -Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, -Maintenance access, -Permanent pool dimensions, -Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, -Basin cross-section, -Vegetation specification for planting shelf,and -Filter strip. !+ 3. Section view of the wet detention basin(1"=20'or larger)showing: -Side slopes,3:1 or lower, -Pretreatment and treatment areas,and -Inlet and outlet structures. /vba 4. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction,clean out of the basin is specified on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. NL4 5. A table of elevations,areas,incremental volumes&accumulated volumes for overall pond and for forebay, to verify volume provided. _.. 6. A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. 7. The supporting calculations. 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance(O&M)agreement. 9. A copy of the deed restrictions(if required). 10. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation,soil eaLgo my soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. I -' FEB 2 3 2011 Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Part HI.Required Items Checklist,Page 1 of 1 Permit No.��A;`f` " 7J (to be provided by DWQ) Ar• OC. A7'9Q C3 G NCDENtt STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT AP PLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist(Part III)must be printed,filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. 9. PROJECT iNFORNIATl0t4 Project name Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Contact person deft Petroff,P.E. Phone number 910-254-9333 x 1002 Date 2011-02-11 Drainage area number Pond$t2 I)ESfGN INFCRMATiCnt Site Characteristics Drainage area 729,939 ftz Impervious area,post-development 191,442 ft2 %impervious 26.23% Design rainfall depth 3.9 in Storage Volume: Non-SA Waters Minimum volume required ft3 Volume provided ft3 Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5"runoff volume 26,099 ft3 d?car i r ,t/o„I�Si4 ��t �4aae,ao Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 11,952 ft3 I Post-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 68 PQ 36g ft3 T� Ts'J RG dLlu rAlRI+r Minimum volume required 56,417 ft3 Volume provided 60,729 ft3 Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre/post control of the lyr 24hr storm peak flow required? N (Y or N) 1-yr,24-hr rainfall depth in ����. Rational C,pre-development (unitless) REC.1...i 'V/L" . Rational C,post-development (unitless) Rainfall intensity:1-yr,24-hr storm in/hr FEB 2 3 2011 Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.40 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0,97 ft3/sec Pre/Post 1-yr,24-hr peak flow control 0.57 ft3/sec113* - Elevations Temporary pool elevation 29.25 fmsl Permanent pool elevation 28 33 fmsl SHWT elevation(approx.at the perm.pool elevation) - 28.33 fmsl Top of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation NIA fmsl Bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation N/A fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided. Sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond) 25.00 fmsl Sediment cleanout,bottom elevation 24.00 fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if pmvided. Sediment storage provided 1.00 ft is there additional volume stored above the state-required temp.pool? N (Y or N) Elevation of the top of the additional volume fmsl Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.69/17/09 Parts I.&II.Design Summary,Page 1 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) it. DESIGN INFORMATION Surface Areas Area,temporary pool b8,009 ft2 Area REQUIRED,permanent pool 22,482 ft2 SA/DA ratio 3.08(unitless) Area PROVIDED,permanent pool,Ape,,,,, 64,018 ft2 OK Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,Aboukir n/a ft2 Area,sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond),Abot-pe„d 49,903 ft2 Volumes Volume,temporary pool 60,729 ft3 OK Volume,permanent pool,Vim,,, , 192,286 ft3 Volume,forebay(sum of forebays if more than one forebay) n/a ft3 Forebay%of permanent pool volume #VALUE! % #VALUE! SA/DA Table Data Design TSS removal 90% Coastal SA/DA Table Used? Y (Y or N) Mountain/Piedmont SA/DA Table Used? N (Y or N) SA/DA ratio 3.08(unitless) Average depth(used in SA/DA table): Calculation option 1 used?(See Figure 10-2b) Y (Y or N) Volume,permanent pool,Vp„,„„_ppoi 192,286 ft3 Area provided,permanent pool,Ape„_pcd 64,018 ft2 Average depth calculated 3.00 ft OK Average depth used in SA/DA,dm„(Round to nearest 0.5ft) 3.0 ft OK Calculation option 2 used?(See Figure 10-2b) N (Y or N) Area provided,permanent pool,Amu.' 64,018 ftz Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,AbaLsnd n/a ft2 Area,sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond),Abot_po„d 49,903 ft2 "Depth"(distance b/w bottom of 10ft shelf and top of sediment) #VALUE! ft Average depth calculated ft Average depth used in SA/DA,dm (Round to nearest 0.5ft) ft Drawdown Calculations Drawdown through orifice? Y (Y or N) Diameter of orifice(if circular) 4.00 in Area of orifice(if-non-circular) in2 Coefficient of discharge(CD) 0.60(unitless) Driving head(Hn) 0.25 ft Drawdown through weir? N (Y or N) Weir type (unitless) Coefficient of discharge(Cw) (unitless) Length of weir(L) ft Driving head(H) ft Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.40 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.97 ft3/sec Storage volume discharge rate(through discharge orifice or weir) 0.21 ft3/sec Storage volume drawdown time 3.10 days OK,draws down in 2-5 days. Additional Information ``�__ Vegetated side slopes N/A:1 OK i .It�..�t,'.4% Vegetated shelf slope N/A:1 OK Vegetated shelf width N/A ft OK j FEB 2 3 2 01 1 Length of flowpath to width ratio N/A:1 OK Length to width ratio N/A:1 OK . Trash rack for overflow&orifice? Y (Y or N) OK. Freeboard provided 1.0 ft OK Vegetated filter provided? N (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? Y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Y (Y or N) OK Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: Gate valve in bottom of outlet structure Fnrm SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Parts I.&II.Design Summary,Page 2 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) it!. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent,the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met,attach justification. Pagel Plan Initials Sheet No. a$(7 1. Plans(1"-50'or larger)of the entire site showing: -Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage(if applicable), -Delineated drainage basins(include Rational C coefficient per basin), -Basin dimensions, -Pretreatment system, -High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, -Proposed drainage easement and public right of way(ROW), Overflow device,and Boundaries of drainage easement. Partial plan(1"=30'or larger)and details for the wet detention basin showing: -Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, -Maintenance access, Permanent pool dimensions, Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, -Basin cross-section, -Vegetation specification for planting shelf,and -Filter strip. 3. Section view of the wet detention basin(1" 20'or larger)showing: -Side slopes,3:1 or lower, -Pretreatment and treatment areas,and -Inlet and outlet structures. i✓7i'r 4. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction,clean out of the basin is specified on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. /✓f// 5. A table of elevations,areas,incremental volumes&accumulated volumes for overall pond and for forebay, to verify volume provided. ,a i4 6. A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. 7. The supporting calculations. ^8'Q 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance(O&M)agreement. SAP 9. A copy of the deed restrictions(if required). 10.A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation,soil borings,and infiltration tests. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. I 3.V.t _• ~.R A. M A./L' FEB 2 3 2011 BY Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Part III.Required Items Checklist,Page 1 of 1 DWQ Project No. l'vo Z).'-' DMSION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 EXTENDED DETENTION(and POCKET')WETLAND WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORM 4ATION(please complete the following information): Project Name: r7.4e.M6rr GeEGK K. OF Tarr CA2oLlNRr Contact Person: 1.1.ee r LCXvM Phone Number: (q i o) 3 92 — q 3 PS — For projects with multiple basins,specify which basin this worksheet applies to: 13 og Ar *. Permanent Pool Elevation U,0 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation .0 ft (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Pool Surface Area 1 s 1 77 sq.ft (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area za 7 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 2"15— ac. (on site and off-site drainage to the basin) Forebay Surface Area 4'77 sq.ft (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Marsh 0"-9" Surface Area 35bb sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)* Marsh 9"-18" Surface Area 3500 sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)* Micro Pool Surface Area 1 APO sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Temporary Pool Volume *,Y 23 3 cu.ft (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SA/DA used I (surface area to drainage area ratio)* Diameter of Orifice 4/4-T,,,oki ,ftwin (draw down orifice diameter) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met,attach an explanation of why.At a minimum,a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project Applicants Initials S3 P The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch rain. S\3 P The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. P A planting plan for the marsh areas with plant species and densities is provided. 36 P Vegetation above the permanent pool elevation is specified. 'SI3 P An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. "S"13 t -The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. * 1-e ss TWA.✓ s— DA r r '32,P Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool P A sediment disposal area is provided. -) 13 r' Access is provided for maintenance. 6 P A site specific,signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement is provided. "313 The drainage area(including any offsite area)is delineated on a site plan. 'S. Access is provided for maintenance. 5[3 Plan details for the wetland are provided. SI3 l' Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. .S 6 P A site specific operation and maintenance agreement,signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided(see http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/oandm.doc). *Pocket Wetlands have different design parameters and are only assumed to remove 35%TSS—See pp.19 and 20 of the NC DENR Stormwater BMP Manual,April 1999.10%open water,50%high marsh,40%low marsh. IVED MAY 162011 BY: DWG}Project No. SW 7 0 SO 2 3 9* DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 EXTENDED DETENTION(and POCKET*)WETLAND WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION(please complete the following information): Project Name: PAc..,n 6 r-0 G¢tee oP Twe G.F¢a«..-A$ Contact Person: BE, - i.r M Phone Number: (9 i o) 9'2 _'9 3 a 5 For projects with multiple basins,specify which basin this worksheet applies to: j3Asi„, Permanent Pool Elevation a.I. 0 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation 2 3. O ft (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Pool Surface Area /Y..4,Z '+o`oiP+ q.ft (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area 1 Y.3 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area C. 8 7 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Forebay Surface Area H/e4 sq.ft (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Marsh 0"-9" Surface Area Tooc sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)* Marsh 9"-18" Surface Area ti o p sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)* Micro Pool Surface Area i Soo sq.t. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Temporary Pool Volume 2 7,7 75-- cu.ft. (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SA/DA used .v/A-=..r,1..r0r., (surface area to drainage area ratio)* Diameter of Orifice nr�n- Aix-rc-r2.-1.,.,in. (draw down orifice diameter) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. if a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why.At a minimum,a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project Applicants Initials S t3 r> The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch rain. -t3P The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. --Tt3(' A planting plan for the marsh areas with plant species and densities is provided. —s-41' Vegetation above the permanent pool elevation is specified. 3DP An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. -3-Q P E- The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days.* Le rr T,v.gN S'DArs SQ P Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. - 13 P A sediment disposal area is provided. Yl3 P Access is provided for maintenance. 33 P A site specific,signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement is provided. 4 P The drainage area(including any offsite area)is delineated on a site plan. -34P Access is provided for maintenance. 313? Plan details for the wetland are provided. 3 P Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. 5a P A site specific operation and maintenance agreement,signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided(see http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncweflands/oandm.doc). *Pocket Wetlands have different design parameters and are only assumed to remove 35%TSS—See pp.19 and 20 of the NC DENR Stomiwater BMP Manual,April 1999.10%open water,50%high marsh,40%low marsh. DWQ Project No. 56t>8 0 SO 23 9 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 EXTENDED DETENTION(and POCKETI WETLAND WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION(please complete the following information): Project Name: PA L-,,1 6 rrc G 2 Lek. OF ME" 64-,442.1-1..-4 r Contact Person: j3 En r F xu... Phone Number: ( yre ) 3 '2 - 13 2-5-- For projects with multiple basins,specify which basin this worksheet applies to: 134r„r #3 Permanent Pool Elevation d. O ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation a r. 0 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Pool Surface Area .d�-IMFa.7Q,ariAv sq.ft. (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area .y6 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area a.8'/ ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Forebay Surface Area 7,200 sq.ft (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Marsh 0"-9" Surface Area 7000 sq.ft (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)* Marsh 9"-18" Surface Area 6000 sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)* Micro Pool Surface Area CWa sq.ft (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Temporary Pool Volume ..5 8S6 cu.ft. (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SA/DA used ,V/4-a-vFiLTQA-rp,,. (surface area to drainage area ratio)* Diameter of Orifice .v/,a-SNF,LTIArnr in. (draw down orifice diameter) IL REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met,attach an explanation of why.At a minimum,a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project Applicants Initials 7-3 P The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch rain. R P The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 3 l3 P A planting plan for the marsh areas with plant species and densities is provided. 313 P Vegetation above the permanent pool elevation is specified. '311 P An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. "3l3 P c- The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days.A Lerr 7-H.4.. S oA,r, 5 BP Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. -M P A sediment disposal area is provided. 313 P Access is provided for maintenance. 313 P A site specific,signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement is provided. -I—L3P The drainage area(including any offsite area)is delineated on a site plan. 3 I3 P Access is provided for maintenance. 311 P Plan details for the wetland are provided. -173 P Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. 313P A site specific operation and maintenance agreement,signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided(see http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/oandm.doc). *Pocket Wetlands have different design parameters and are only assumed to remove 35%TSS—See pp. 19 and 20 of the NC DENR Stormwater BMP Manual,April 1999. 10%open water,50%high marsh,40%low marsh. DWQ Project No. S co i t0 5o Z 3(::::, DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 EXTENDED DETENTION(and POCKET")WETLAND WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION(please complete the following information): Project Name: Rig-An FTTo e ae-e:c C. Titc 4.4zoc,.✓4r Contact Person: REa-i- Phone Number ( qro) 39 2 — q 3 n.S For projects with multiple basins,specify which basin this worksheet applies to: f3 A.r,.be #y Permanent Pool Elevation 1.0 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation . .3. 0 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Pool Surface Area 4,7,4-Te++twmfrreaq.ft (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area 8 17 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 3 G 7 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Forebay Surface Area ,-✓/•4 sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Marsh 0"-9" Surface Area Soon sq.ft (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)' Marsh 9"-18" Surface Area 40co sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)' Micro Pool Surface Area aa° sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)" Temporary Pool Volume 2 0, y P y cu.ft. (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SA/DA used .0 -2-.✓r]s7,Q,47,-r (surface area to drainage area ratio)* Diameter of Orifice //sr—.T.✓riL,aAs,oa in. (draw down orifice diameter) IL REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met,attach an explanation of why.At a minimum,a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project Applicants initials S13 P The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch rain. 3 BP The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. S c3 I' A planting plan for the marsh areas with plant species and densities is provided. 3 Q I' Vegetation above the permanent pool elevation is specified. SQ P An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. 'C13 P y The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. E Le.-r T,f.,... .S a wrs 3-13P Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. 5 t3 P A sediment disposal area is provided. 3"-BP Access is provided for maintenance. —313 P A site specific,signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement is provided. S13 P The drainage area(including any offsite area)is delineated on a site plan. vTtP Access is provided for maintenance. -313 P Plan details for the wetland are provided. "513 P Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. 313P A site specific operation and maintenance agreement,signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided(see http://h2o.ehnnstate.nc.us/ncwetlands/oandm.doc). *Pocket Wetlands have different design parameters and are only assumed to remove 35%TSS—See pp.19 and 20 of the NC DENR Stormwater BMP Manual,April 1999.10%open water,50%high marsh,40%low marsh. DWQ Project No. SlN Y 0 SO 2347 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 EXTENDED DETENTION(and POCKET*)WETLAND WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION(please complete the following information): Project Name: PAL,1 crry C 2 a-el p J. Tas e4�.l,,..AY Contact Person: 13 c-/t r C-xw.•. Phone Number: ( afro ) a —1 3 as"- For projects with multiple basins,specify which basin this worksheet applies to: jT,4.-'.-' Permanent Pool Elevation . a,0 ft (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation a 3.O ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Pool Surface Area N/A-.1NFeashi wsq.ft. (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area ( .(N ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area /°q6 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Forebay Surface Area ...;/4 sq.ft (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Marsh 0"-9" Surface Area 3.t:oo sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)* Marsh 9"-18° Surface Area 3cov sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 35%)* Micro Pool Surface Area a 000 sq.ft. (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)* Temporary Pool Volume /I,a Cu.l.5 ft. (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SA/DA used /t7A-.1-.1FI4-111AYie.o (surface area to drainage area ratio)* Diameter of Orifice .✓/A-2,r i t-r ak,ror in. (draw down orifice diameter) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met,attach an explanation of why.At a minimum,a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project Applicants initials SC3 P The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch rain. 3 13 P The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. .513P A planting plan for the marsh areas with plant species and densities is provided. 313 P Vegetation above the permanent pool elevation is specified. 33 P An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. 353 P * The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. -E Lesr THA' S p,Ars -MP Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. "51t P A sediment disposal area is provided. -STIP Access is provided for maintenance. -sal" A site specific,signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement is provided. IBP The drainage area(including any offsite area)is delineated on a site plan. S 13 P Access is provided for maintenance. -3-UP Plan details for the wetland are provided. 3 B P Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. 3 If- A site specific operation and maintenance agreement,signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided(see http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/oandm.doc). *Pocket Wetlands have different design parameters and are only assumed to remove 35%TSS-See pp. 19 and 20 of the NC DENR Stormwater BMP Manual,April 1999.10%open water,50%high marsh,40%low marsh. a�77: NCDENR i STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM LEVEL SPREADER-VEGETATED FILTER STRIP (LS-VFS) SUPPLEMENT This form must be completely filled out,printed,initialed,and submitted. �I bF OJEC7 I NFO'AY N Project name Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Contact name Jeff Petroff.P.E. Phone number 910.254-9333 x 1002 Date 2011-02-11 Drainage area number Level Spreader#1 1. DESIGN INFORMATION The purpose of the LS-VFS SW Rule: Diffuse flow at the end of a swabs,discharging toy5rwaters Stormwater enters LS-VFS from A BMP Type of VFS Engineered filter strip(graded&sodded,slope<8%) Explanation of any"Other"responses above If Stormwater Enters the LS-VFS from the Drainage Area Drainage area __ ft2 Do not complete this section of:he form. Impervious surface area _ _ ft2 Do not complete this sect on of the form. Percent impervious % Do not compete this section of the form. Rational C coefficient Do not complete this section of thl form. Peak flow from the 1 in/hr storm cfs Do nt'.compete this section of the form. Time of concentration min Do not complete this sect an of the form. Rainfall intensity,10-yr storm in/hr Do not comp:ate this sect:on of Jo form. Peak flow from the 10-yr storm cfs Do not comp:ate this section of the form. Design storm Pick one: Maximum amount of flow directed to the LS-VFS cfs Do not complete this section of the form. Is a flow bypass system going to be used? (Y or N) Do not complete this main of the form. Explanation of any"Other"responses above If Stormwater Enters the LS-VFS from a BMP Type of BMP Other: Explained below Peak discharge from the BMP during the design storm 18.5 cfs Peak discharge from the BMP during the 10-year storm 18.5 cfs Maximum capacity of a 100-foot long LS-VFS 10 cfs Peak flow directed to the LS-VFS 10 cfs Is a flow bypass system going to be used? Y (Y or N) Explanation of any"Other"responses above Water Quality Swales LS-VFS Design Forebay surface area sq ft I RECEIVED Depth of forebay at stormwater entry point in Depth of forebay at stormwater exit point 0 in Too shFfiow, i MAY 16 2011 Feet of level lip needed per cfs 10 ft/cfs Computed minimum length of the level lip needed 100 ft Form SW401 LS-VFS-29Nov2010-Rev.8 page 1 of 3 Length of level lip provided 100 ft Width of VFS 30 ft Elevation at downslope base of level lip 12 50 fmsl Elevation at the end of the VFS that is farthest from the LS 12.00 fmsl Slope(from level lip to the end of the VFS) 1.67 % Are any draws present in the VFS? (Y or N) OK Is there a collector swale at the end of the VFS? ht (Y or N) Bypass System Design(if applicable) Is a bypass system provided? Y (Y or N) Is there an engineered flow splitting device? Y (Y or N) Fiaase provide plan deta"s of flow split`u&support'ng calcs. Dimensions of the channel(see diagram below): M 2.00 ft B 3 50 ft W 1350 ft y(flow depth for 10-year storm) 0.86 ft freeboard(during the 10-year storm) 1.64 ft Peak velocity in the channel during the 10-yr storm 189 ft/sec Channel lining material Pick one. R tP- RAP Does the bypass discharge through a wetland? Y (Y or N) Rd s;gn channel to discharp to a dissipator pad adjacent to If Does the channel enter the stream at an angle? N (Y or N) Redesign ch2nn31 so that it enters the stream at an angle. Explanation of any"Other"responses above w f.s I 1 , f _ I freeboard @wing the 10-yr stonill y r do ang the 10-y1 sto rinJ 1 1 j 1 M 1d 1 B 1 O. REQUIRED REQURENTMn-Ems CWEEC ;LAST EDIT Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent,the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met,attach justification. Requried Item: Initials Page or plan sheet number and any notes: MAY 16 2011 �BY: Form SW401 LS-VFS 29Nov2010-Rev.8 page 2 of 3 1. Plans(1" 50'or larger)of the entire site showing: Pti.T 5-id, Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage(if applicable), -Delineated drainage basins(include Rational C coefficient per basin), -Forebay(if applicable), -High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, -Proposed drainage easement and public right of way(ROW),and -Boundaries of drainage easement. 2. Plan details(1"=30'or larger)for the level spreader showing: Sge SM -c'Harr / -Forebay(if applicable), S -High flow bypass system, -One foot topo lines between the level lip and top of stream bank, -Proposed drainage easement,and -Design at ultimate build-out. 3. Section view of the level spreader(1' 20'or larger)showing: �1 5-w-s Underdrain system(if applicable), Level lip, -Upslope channel,and • -Downslope filter fabric. 4. Plan details of the flow splitting device and supporting calculations(if applicable). P S Oster I,,•.:�"� 5. A construction sequence that shows how the level spreader will be protected from S S-t,.-C sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. 6. If a non-engineered VFS is being used,then provide a photograph of the VFS showing that no draws are present. /✓ /a 7. The supporting calculations. "Tar 54AppLar.ovr.Fc. Coster 8, A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance(O&M)agreement. 353E „ ,. s- rrvrD Cot D MAY 16 2011 Form SW401-LS-VFS-29Nov2010-Rev.8 page 3 of 3 741 Coastal Land Design, PLLC o 00,1% Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture ket Land Planning/Construction Management To: NCDENR—Wilmington Regional Office-DWQ Date: February 18,2010 127 Cardinal Drive Extension File: 101-01 Wilmington,NC 28405 Subject: Stormwater Permit Modification for (910)796—7215 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Attn: mural nda s SW8 050239 ❑As Requested ❑For Your Files For Distribution❑ ® For your Review/Action/Approval ❑ Sent via Mail ❑ Sent via Courier Quantity Drawing No. Description 1 Response Letter 2 Original and Copy of Application SWU-101 1 Original Low Density Supplement 3 Original Wet Detention Basin Supplement for Ponds 1A, 1B and 2 1 Original Level Spreader Supplement for Level Spreader#1 2 Original and Copy of Proposed Deed Restrictions 1 Revised Narrative with Calculations and NOAA table 2 Copies of the Drawings RECETVED FEB 2 8 2011 REMARKS Hi Linda,please find the enclosed and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, CC: File Coastal Land Design,PLLC Bert Exum Signed etroff,P.E. Trans-NCDENR-021 811 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Brunswick County, North Carolina Stormwater Modification -Report and Calculations Prepared for XDV, Inc. P.O. Box 1967 Wilmington, NC 28402 N1N , .rg lr Date: 18-February-2011 0 CA fit as k041 OOss) 4% Q4 .79 SEAL x 028858 k e. - i0 1, 6k Project #: 101-00 � t� `qd$ I Coastal Land Design, PLLC ''4 Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture � _ Land Planning/Construction Management III .i:^irr:; r? P.O.Box 1172 (910)254-9333 k='-` Wilmington, NC 28402 (910)254-0502 ` � f� www.cideng.com ',' °a ` ��2 \' , General This submittal is for a stormwater permit modification to the Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas development. The site is currently operating under permit number SW8 050239 issued on June 7, 2005. The site is located on Hwy 211 in the Lockwood Folly Township of Brunswick County and is a low-density residential development. The project site is bordered by NC 211 to the South, Old Lennon Rd. to the North, and Scott's Branch Creek to the West. The overall project remains low density(30% impervious under 1999 rules)with a small reduction in project area and a corresponding reduction in impervious allocation. The new project area is 180.9 acres. This modification includes the elimination of 4 lots and a reallocation of lot impervious. Four stormwater treatment methods are utilized in the development: 18 water quality swales, 3 stormwater pond systems, 5 wetland/infiltration basins and 1 level spreader. The combination of four types of treatment devices allows the project to meet NCDENR stormwater requirements. Site All infrastructure and site improvements are complete. The project area is approximately 180.9 acres. The site has fairly significant relief towards Scott's Branch. The interior of the site undulates with high and low points scattered throughout. Soils are sandy with few silts and clays. Vegetation is fairly thin. The roads utilize a curb and gutter collection system. Water Quality Swales and a Level Spreader Along Scott's Branch, 18 water quality swales are used to treat stormwater runoff. As shown in the attached calculations,velocities are within allowable limits. All swales were originally constructed several years ago and are now well established and stabilized. Updated calculations and a curb outlet supplement are included in this submittal. Also included are calculations and a supplement for a level spreader that is being used in conjunction with Swales 14, 15 and 16 for additional post piping treatment. Stormwater Pond System There are three stormwater ponds in this project. Ponds lA and 2 have been designed to contain the lyr-24 storm event(3.93in from NOAA). And Pond 1B has been designed to contain the 1.5in storm event as it discharges into Pond 1A. Properly sized orifices have been added to the ponds to address storage capacity and drawdown times. Calculations and supplements have been included for all ponds. Wetland Detention Basin There are 5 Wetland Detention Basins on this site that outlet through infiltration. All basins were constructed per original plan. Extended detention wetland worksheets are attached for each basin updating the actual drainage and impervious areas. The drainage and impervious areas are all within the approved allocations as shown on the following chart. Previously Permitted Current Submittal Drainage Impervious Drainage Impervious Area (ac) Allocation (ac) Area (ac) Allocation (ac) Wetland Basin#1 8.91 2.88 7.67 2.85 Wetland Basin#2 16.49 6.09 14.38 5.87 Wetland Basin#3 3.82 1.21 2.46 0.84 Wetland Basin#4 10.12 4.14 8.17 3.07 Wetland Basin#5 6.32 2.29 6.14 1.96 As originally permitted, infiltration is used to draw the pond back down to pre-storm conditions. Outlet weirs and structures are used to convey extreme storm events above the design storm. Deed Restrictions As part of this modification, a redistribution of lot impervious allocation is desired. Therefore, sample deed restrictions at the desired distribution are also attached. Upon approval from NCDENR, the recorded deed restrictions will be amended to match the proposed deed restrictions. The applicant still owns all lots that are having their impervious allocation reduced;therefore no individual lot owners are adversely impacted. Additional language has been added to the proposed deed restrictions to address both the low density portions of the project and areas treated by engineered solutions. Calculations - Pond IA - Pond 1B - Pond 2 - Level Spreader 1 Wet Detention Basin Design Sheet Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Storwmater Pond#1 A Total Drainage Area,Ad= 1,547,455 [sfi On-Site Buildings Impervious= 315,600 [sf] On-Site Streets Impervious= 123,960 [sf1 On-Site Parking Impervious= 0 [sf] On-Site Sidewalks Impervious= 11,620 [sf] Off-Site Impervious= 0 [sf] Other Impervious= 54,055 [sf] Total Impervious Area,Ai= 505,235 [s1 Surface Area Calculations Main Pond Permanent Volume Main Pond Main Pond Incremental Accumulative Contour Elevation Contour Area Volume Volume ftnsll [sq ftl [cu ftl [cu ftl 23.00 121,573 Sediment Storage 24.00 134,876 0 0 25.00 148,262 141,569 141,569 26.00 189,933 169,098 310,667 27.00 208,562 199,248 509,914 27.83 224,172 179,585 689,499 28.00 227,259 38,372 727,870 28.50 236,883 116,036 843,906 29.00 246,000 120,721 964,626 30.00 I 289,280 267,640 1,232,266 Average Depth(d)=Accumulative Volume/Permenant Pool S.A. d(ft)= 689,499 =3.1 ft 224,172 Minimum Average Depth=3ft < 3.1 ft < 7.5ft =Maximum Average Depth OK Percent Impervious(Imp): Imp= EAi/Ad Imp= 505235/1547455 Imp= 32.65 [%] Sediment Removal Efficiency= 90 [%] SA/DA Ratio Determination Higher Percentage= 40 SA/DA% Interpolation(Bi-Directional) Higher Depth= 3.5 4.00 1st-SA/DA @ Depth Interpolation SA/DA% Lower Depth= 3 4.50 SA/DA at Imp=40%,d=3.1 ft 4.42 SA/DA at Imp=30%,d=3.1 ft 3.42 Lower Percentage= 30 SA/DA% Higher Depth= 3.5 3.00 2nd-SA/DA @ Impervious Interpolation SA/DA% Lower Depth= 3 3.50 SA/DA Ratio at Imp=32.65%and d=3.1 ft 3.69 Pond Shall Have an Average Depth of 3.1 ft and Be Designed to Remove 90%TSS SA/DA= 3.69 [%] Required Surface Area at Permanent Pool Elevation(27.83 ft)for Pond SAREQ.= (SA/DA)*Ad SAREQ.= (3.69/100)*1547455sf SAREQ.= 57,088 [sf] SA Provided= 224,172 > 57,088 =SA Required Temporary Storage Volume Calculations Minimum Required Volume(Simple Method by Tom Scheuler): Receiving water body name.. •I Cape Fear River Receiving water body classification................. C;Sw Receiving water body location........................ Brunswick County,North Carolina Select the larger of the following: First Flush Volume Required,P= 1.5 [in] Rv= 0.05+0.009*(Imp) 60 S'r Rv= 0.05+0.009*(32.65) Rv= 0.344 Volume= P*Rv*Ad Volume= (1.5/12)*(0.344)*(1547455sf) Volume=I 66,511 [cf] Difference in Pre/Post 1 Yr-24Hr Event,P= 3.93 [in] (NOAA Table) Rv(p )=0.05+0.009*(Imp) Rv(pRE)=0.05+0.009*(32.65) Rv(PRE)= 0.344 Volume= P*(Rvpp-0.05)*Ad Volume= (3.93/12)*(0.294)*(1547455st) Volume= 148,918 [cf.] Pond:Storm Storage Volume Contour Contour Incremental Accumlative Elevation Area Storage Storage [fusll [sfl fell i [di 27.83 224,172 0 0 • 28.00 227,259 38,372 38,372 28.50 236,883 116,036 154,407 29.00 246,000 120,721 275,128 30.00 289,280 267,640 542,768 Minimum Temporary Storage Volume..................... 148,918 [cf] Permanent Pool Elevation.............................. 27.83 [fmsl] Minimum Temporary Pool Elevation......................................... 28.50 [finsl] Designed Temporary Storage Volume........................................ 154,407 [cf] Vol.Provided= 154,407 > 148,918 =Vol Required OK Drawdown Orifice Sizing Calculations Orifice Diameter,D= 6 I [in] Orifice Coefficient,Cd= 0.6 Ha,=(DTPE-PPE-D/2)/3 Ao= 0.25*7c*(D)2 H„,,g=(28.5ft-27.83ft-0.50*6in/12in/ft)/3 Ao= 0.78540*(6in/12in/ft)^2 Hare= 0.14 [ft] Ao= 0.196 [sf] Qorifice= Cd*Ao*(2g*Havz)o5° tad=Minimum Storage Volume/Qorifice Qorifice= (0.6)*(0.196sf)*(64.4fpss*0.14ft)^0.5 tdd=(148918cf/0.354cfs)/86,400sec/day Qorifice= 0.354 [cfs] tdd= 4.87 [days] 2 days < 4.87 days < 5 days OK Time to Drawdown Minimum Volume Wet Detention Basin Design Sheet Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Storwmater Pond#1 B Total Drainage Area,Ad= 327,258 [sf] On-Site Buildings Impervious= 60,000 [sf] On-Site Streets Impervious= 15,600 [sfl On-Site Parking Impervious= 0 [sf] On-Site Sidewalks Impervious= 2,250 [sf] Off-Site Impervious= 0 [sfl Other Impervious= 0 [sf1 Total Impervious Area,Ai= 77,850 [sfl Surface Area Calculations Main Pond Permanent Volume Main Pond Main Pond Incremental Accumulative Contour Elevation Contour Area Volume Volume ffmsll [sq ftl _ feu ftl [Cu ftl 26.00 42,849 Sediment Storage 27.00 44,477 0 0 28.00 46,130 45,304 45,304 29.00 47,808 46,969 92,273 30.00 ___ 49,511 48,660 140,932 30.75 51,456 37,863 178,795 31.00 52,112 12,946 191,741 32.00 54,770 53,441 245,182 Average Depth(d)=Accumulative Volume/Permenant Pool S.A. d(ft)= 178,795 =3.5 ft 51,456 Minimum Average Depth=3ft < 3.5 ft < 7.5ft =Maximum Average Depth OK Percent Impervious(Imp): Imp= EAi/Ad Imp= 77850/327258 Imp= 23.79 j [%] Sediment Removal Efficiency= 90 [%] SA/DA Ratio Determination Higher Percentage= 30 SA/DA% Interpolation(Bi-Directional) Higher Depth= 3.5 3.00 1st-SA/DA @ Depth Interpolation SA/DA% Lower Depth= 3 3.50 SA/DA at Imp=30%,d=3.5 ft 3.03 SA/DA at Imp=20%,d=3.5 ft 2.02 Lower Percentage= 20 SA/DA% Higher Depth= 3.5 2.00 2nd-SA/DA @ Impervious Interpolation SA/DA% Lower Depth= 3 2.40 SA/DA Ratio at Imp=23.79%and d=3.5 ft 2.40 Pond Shall Have an Average Depth of 3.5 ft and Be Designed to Remove 90%TSS SA/DA= 2.40 [%] Required Surface Area at Permanent Pool Elevation(30.75 ft)for Pond SAREQ.=(SA/DA)*Ad SAREQ.=(2.4/100)*327258sf SAREQ.= 7,857 [di SA Provided= 51,456 > 7,857 =SA Required OK Temporary Storage Volume Calculations Minimum Required Volume(Simple Method by Tom Scheuler): Receiving water body name......... ......... Cape Fear River Receiving water body classification................. C;Sw Receiving water body location........ Brunswick County,North Carolina First Flush Volume Required,P= 1.5 [in] Rv— 0.05+0.009*(Imp) Rv= 0.05+0.009*(23.79) Rv=I 0.264 I Volume= P*Rv*Ad Volume= (1.5/12)*(0.264)*(327258sf) Volume= 10,803 I [cf] Pond:Storm Storage Volume Contour Contour Incremental Accumlative Elevation Area Storage Storage 1 ffmsll fsfi I fcff fefl 30.75 _ 51,456 0 0 31.00 52,112 12,946 12,946 32.00 54,770 53,441 66,387 33.00 57,484 56,127 122,514 Minimum Temporary Storage Volume...... 10,803 [cf] Permanent Pool Elevation....................................................... 30.75 [fmsl] Minimum Temporary Pool Elevation..................... 31.00 [fmsl] Designed Temporary Storage Volume........................................ 12,946 [cf] Vol.Provided= 12,946 > 10,803 =Vol Required OK Drawdown Orifice Sizing Calculations Orifice Diameter,D= 3 [in] Orifice Coefficient,Cd= 0.6 Havg=(DTPE-PPE-D/2)/3 Ao= 0.25*a*(D)2 Ha°g=(31ft-30.75ft-0.50*3in/12in/ft)/3 Ao= 0.78540*(3in/12in/ft)^2 Hayg= 0.04 [ft] Ao= 0.049 [sf] Qorifice= Cd*Ao*(2g*Haa3° tad=Minimum Storage Volume/Qorifice Qorifice= (0.6)*(0.049sf)*(64.4fpss*0.04ft)^0.5 tad=(10803cf/0.048cfs)/86,400sec/day Qorifice= 0.048 [cfs] tad= 2.59 [days] 2 days < 2.59 days < 5 days OK Time to Drawdown Minimum Volume Wet Detention Basin Design Sheet Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Storwmater Pond#2 Total Drainage Area,Ad= 729,939 [sfj On-Site Buildings Impervious= 143,750 [sfj On-Site Streets Impervious= 45,192 [sfj On-Site Parking Impervious= 0 [sfj On-Site Sidewalks Impervious= 2,500 [sfj Off-Site Impervious= 0 [sfj Other Impervious= 0 [sfj Total Impervious Area,Ai= 191,442 [sf] Surface Area Calculations Main Pond Permanent Volume Main Pond Main Pond Incremental Accumulative Contour Elevation Contour Area Volume Volume [flush] [sq ftl [cu ftl [cu ftl 24.00 49,903 Sediment Storage 25.00 52,676 0 0 26.00 55,474 54,075 54,075 27.00 58,297 56,886 110,961 28.00 62,578 60,438 171,398 28.33 I 64,018 20,888 192,286 29.00 66,916 j 43,863 236,149 29.25 68,009 16,866 253,015 30.00 71,311 52,245 305,260 Average Depth(d)=Accumulative Volume/Permenant Pool S.A. d(ft)= 192,286 =3 ft 64,018 Minimum Average Depth=3ft < 3 ft < 7.5ft =Maximum Average Depth OK Percent Impervious(Imp): Imp= ZAi/Ad Imp= 191442/729939 Imp= 26.23 [%] Sediment Removal Efficiency= 90 [%] SA/DA Ratio Determination • Higher Percentage= 30 SA/DA% Interpolation(Bi-Directional) Higher Depth= 3.5 3.00 1st-SA/DA @ Depth Interpolation SA/DA% Lower Depth= 3 3.50 SA/DA at Imp=30%,d=3 ft 3.50 SA/DA at Imp=20%,d=3 ft 2.40 Lower Percentage= 20 SA/DA% Higher Depth= 3.5 2.00 2nd-SA/DA @ Impervious Interpolation SA/DA% Lower Depth= 3 2.40 SA/DA Ratio at Imp=26.23%and d=3 ft 3.08 Pond Shall Have an Average Depth of 3 ft and Be Designed to Remove 90%TSS SA/DA= 3.08 [%] Required Surface Area at Permanent Pool Elevation(28.33 ft)for Pond SAREQ.=(SA/DA)*Ad SAREQ.=(3.08/100)*729939sf SAREQ.= 22,494 [sf] SA Provided= 64,018 > 22,494 =SA Required OK Temporary Storage Volume Calculations Minimum Required Volume(Simple Method by Tom Scheuler): Receiving water body name........................... Cape Fear River Receiving water body classification................. C;Sw Receiving water body location........................ Brunswick County,North Carolina Select the larger of the following: First Flush Volume Required,P= 1:5 [in] Rv= 0.05+0.009*(Imp) Rv= 0.05+0.009*(26.23) Rv= 0.286 Volume= P*Rv*Ad Volume= (1.5/12)*(0.286)*(729939sf) Volume= 26,099 [cf] Difference in Pre/Post 1Yr-24Hr Event,P= 3.93 [in] (NOAA Table) Rv(PRE)=0.05+0.009*(Imp) Rv(PR )=0.05+0.009*(26.23) Rv(pRE)_I 0.286 Volume= P*(Rvp. -0.05)*Ad Volume= (3.93/12)*(0.236)*(729939s0 Volume= 56,428 [cf] Pond:Storm Storage Volume Contour Contour Incremental Accumlative Elevation Area Storage Storage [fmsll [sf1 [cfj I [cfl 28.33 64,018 0 0 29.00 66,916 _ 43,863 43,863 29.25 68,009 16,866 60,729 30.00 71,311 52,245 112,974 31.00 75,762 73,537 186,510 Minimum Temporary Storage Volume........................................ 56,428 [cf] Permanent Pool Elevation 28.33 [fmsl] Minimum Temporary Pool Elevation.......................................... 29.25 [fmsl] Designed Temporary Storage Volume........................................ 60,729 [cf] Vol.Provided= 60,729 > 56,428 =Vol Required OK Drawdown Orifice Sizing Calculations Orifice Diameter,D= 4 [in] Orifice Coefficient,Cd= 0.6 Haig=(DTPE-PPE-D/2)/3 Ao= 0.25*a*(D)2 Havg=(29.25ft-28.33ft-0.50*4in/12in/ft)/3 Ao= 0.78540*(4in/12in/ft)^2 Haag= 0.25 [ft] Ao= 0.087 [sf] Qorifice= Cd*Ao*(2g*Hayg)050 tdd=Minimum Storage Volume/Qorifice Qorifice= (0.6)*(0.087sf)*(64.4fpss*0.25ft)^0.5 tdd= (56428cf/0.211cfs)/86,400sec/day Qorifice= 0.211 [cfs] tdd=I 3.10_ I[days] 2 days < 3.1 days < 5 days OK Time to Drawdown Minimum Volume Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 POINT PRECIPITATION • nos 1, 01,1 FREQUENCY ESTIMATES FROM NOAA ATLAS 14 North Carolina 33.9885 N 78.2235 W 26 feet from"Precipitation-Frequency Atlas of the United States"NOAA Atlas 14,Volume 2,Version 3 G.M.Bonnin,D.Martin,B.Lin,T.Parzybok,M.Yektta,and D.Riley NOAA,National Weather Service,Silver Spring,Maryland,2004 Extracted:Wed Feb 9 2011 Confidence Limits Seasonality Related Info GIS data Maps flocs Return to State Map Precipitation Frequency Estimates(inches) ARI* 5 10 15 30 60 120 10 20 30 45 60 (years) min min min min min min 3 hr 6 hr 12 hr 24 hr 48 hr 4 day 7 day 4 day 4 1 0.53 0.84 1.06 1.45 1.80 2.16 2.32 2.88 3.38 3.93 4.54 5.02 5.71 6.42 8.60 10.67 r13.21 15.86 2 0.63 1.00 1.26 1.75 2.19 2.63 2.82 3.51 4.12 4.76 5.49 6.05 6.88 7.69 10.25 12.67 15.61 18.68 5 0.73 1.17 1.47 2.09 2.69 3.31 3.57 4.44 5.26 6.17 7.04 7.67 8.65 9.52 12.48 15.19 18.48 21.84 10 0.81 1.30 1.65 2.38 3.10 3.91 4.24 5.30 6.30 7.38 8.38 9.03 10.12 11.04 14.32 17.22 20.79 24.34 25 0.92 1.46 1.85 2.74 3.65 4.72 5.20 6.51 7.80 9.25 10.41 11.06 12.26 13.23 16.92 20.03 23.96 27.68 50 1.00 1.59 2.01 3.03 4.10 5.43 6.04 7.59 9.15 10.90 12.19 12.81 14.05 15.06 19.05 22.27 26.48 30.27 100 1.08 1.71 2.16 3.31 4.57 6.18 6.95 8.77 10.64 12.77 14.19 14.73 15.99 17.02 21.30 24.57 29.03 32.84 200 1.16 1.83 2.31 3.60 5.05 6.99 7.97 10.09 12.32 14.90 16.44 16.86 18.11 19.14 23.68 26.96 31.66 35.42 500 1.26 2.00 2.51 4.00 5.74 8.18 9.47 12.07 14.86 18.19 19.88 20.16 21.20 22.21 27.06 30.25 35:24 38.85 1000 1.35 2.13 2.67 4.33 6.32 9.21 10.81 13.84 17.16 21.10 22.89 23.00 23.80 24.76 29.82 32.84 38.05 41.47 •These precipitation frequency estimates are based on a partial duration series.ARI is the Average Recurrence Interval. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 Document for more information.NOTE:Formatting forces estimates near zero to appear as zero. *Upper bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) ARI** 5 10 15 30 60 120 3 6 12 24 48 4 7 10 20 30 45 60 (years) min min min min min min hr hr hr hr hr day day day day day day day 1 0.57 0.91 1.14 1.56 1.95 2.36 2.55 3.18 3.77 4.33 5.00 5.48 6.17 6.91 9.22 11.37 14.03 16.78 2 0.68 1.09 1.37 1.89 2.37 2.88 3.11 3.88 4.60 5.27 6.05 6.61 7.44 8.28 110.99 13.50 16.59 19.77 5 0.79 1.26 1.59 2.26 2.90 3.62 3.92 4.91 5.87 6.80 7.76 8.37 9.35 10.26 13.38 16.20 19.65 23.11 10 0.88 1.40 1.78 2.57 3.35 4.26 4.67 _ 5.85 7.02 8.14 9.24 9.87 10.94 11.89 15.34 25.74 25 0.99 1.57 1.99 2.95 3.93 5.15 5.70 7.18 8.67 10.19 11.48 12.09 13.26 14.26 18.12 21.35 25.49 .29.28 50 1.07 1.71 2.17 3.26 4.42 5.92 6.63 8.36 10.15 12.00 13.46 14.01 15.21 16.25 20.44 23.79 28.19 32.07 100 1.16 1.84 2.33 3.57 4.92 6.74 7.63 9.65 11.80 14.09 15.71 16.16 17.36 18.41 22.94 26.32 30.9i[34.87 200 1.25 1.98 2.50 3.89 5.45 7.62 8.72 11.10 13.65 16.47 18.28 18.58 19.72 20.79 25.62 28.98 33.90 37.73 500 1 1.36 2.16 2.72 4.33 6.21 8.93 10.39 13.29 16.49 r20.22 22.23 22.36 23.27 24.31 29.50 32.73 37.97 41.60 1000 1.47 2.31 2.90 4.69 6.85 10.08 11.89 15.27 19.02 23.61 25.77 26.03 26.31 27.30 32.72 35.72 41.24 44.64 •The upper bound of the confidence interval at 90%confidence level is the value which 5%of the simulated quantile values for a given frequency are greater than. "These precipitation frequency estimates are based on a partial duration series.ARI is the Average Recurrence Interval. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 Document for more information.NOTE:Formatting prevents estimates near zero to appear as zero. * Lower bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) ARI**I 5 10 15 130 1 60 120 3 I-9 12 48 4 I 7 10 20 30 45 60 (years)I min min min I min I min min hr h hr [ 24�hr I hr day day day i day day day day 1 0.49 0.79 0.98 1.35 1.68 2.00 2.13 1-2764 1-3.077 3.59 _ 4.17 4.63 5.31 5.98 8.07 10.04 12.47 15.02 2 0.58 0.93 1.1.7 1.62 2.03 2.43 2.59 3.21 3.73 4.37 115.05 5.59 6.40 17.17 9.61 111,93114.73117.69 5 10.6711.08 1.36 1.94 2.48 3.05 3.27 4.05 4.75 5.63 6.46 7.06 8.02 8.84 11.68 14.29 17.41 20.65 10 0.75 1.20 1.52 2.20 2.87 3.58 3.87 4.81 5.67 6.72 7.64 8.29 9.35 10.23 13.36_ 16.16 19.55 22.97 25 0.84 1.34 1.70 2.52 3.35 4.31 4.71 5.88 6.95 8.34 9.40 10.07 11.25 12.19 15.71 18.71 22.45 26.0311 httn://hdsc.nws.noaa.aov/cai-bin/ndsc/buildout.nerl?tune=nf8cllnits=iis&series=ndk..state 701 1-117-f19 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Brunswick County, North Carolina Stormwater Supplement -Level Spreader Report and Calculations Prepared for XDV, Inc. P.O. Box 1967 Wilmington, NC 28402 ��„�(J fa._l� RECEIVED Date: 12-May-2011 /teeff` Cry �` '0 4ttk MAY 18 Z011 <g BY: s SE-' ! 02885E Vf* ' Project #: 101-00 Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture Land Planning/Construction Management 11111 P.O. Box 1172 (910)254-9333 Wilmington, NC 28402 (910)254-0502 www.cldeng.com Level Spreader Narrative The Level Spreader has been redesigned and the supporting calculations are attached. • The first calculation is for the 10-year peak discharge rate, which is calculated to be 18.5 cfs. The splitter box shown on the plans distributes 10 cfs to the level spreader and vegetated filter strip. The remaining 8.5 cfs is directed to the bypass channel. • The second calculation is a Weir Report for the 100' long level spreader. This report shows a depth of 0.11 feet of water flowing over the level spreader at the flow rate of 10 cfs. • The third calculation is for the Vegetated Filter Strip. With the slope shown on the plans,the velocity through the filter strip is calculated to be 1.11 ft/s. • The fourth calculation is for the Bypass Channel. With the geometry shown on the plan and a rip-rap lining,the velocity in the channel is 1.89 ft/s at the flow rate of 8.5 cfs. • Level Spreader Design Sheet Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Level Spreader#1 Level Spreader#1 Combines Water Quality Swales#14,#15 and#16 Total Drainage Area,Ad= 7.46 [ac] Total Impervious Area,Ai= 3.17 7 [ac] Design Storm Discharge Calculations Qto= C* I*A Qio= Estimated Peak Discharge for 10-yr Storm Event(cfs) C= Runoff Coefficient = 3.17ac @.95 and 4.29ac @.15 = 0.49 I= 121.796 =5.06 in/hr (Brunswick County IDF) (T.+23.5)0.843 (Tc=Time of Concentration(min)=20min.Estimated with Kirpich Eq.) = 5.06(in/hr) A= Drainage Area(ac) = 7.46(acres) Qio= 0.49 * 5.06*7.46 Qio= 18.50 cfs Weir Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Thursday, May 12 2011,4:21 PM Level Spreader Rectangular Weir Highlighted Crest = Broad Depth (ft) = 0.11 Bottom Length (ft) = 100.00 Q (cfs) = 10.00 Total Depth (ft) = 0.50 Area (sgft) = 11.38 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.88 Calculations Top Width (ft) = 100.00 Weir Coeff. Cw = 2.60 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 10.00 Depth (ft) Level Spreader Depth (ft) t00 1.00 0.50 0.50 '7 0.00 - 0.00 -0.50 - I— -0.50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Weir Length (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Friday, May 13 2011,9:24 AM Vegetated Filter Strip Rectangular Highlighted Botom Width (ft) = 100.00 Depth (ft) = 0.09 Total Depth (ft) = 0.50 Q (cfs) = 10.00 Area (sqft) = 9.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 12.50 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.11 Slope (%) = 1.67 Wetted Perim (ft) = 100.18 N-Value = 0.030 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.07 Top Width (ft) = 100.00 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.11 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 10.00 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 14.00 1.50 13.50 1.00 13.00 - 0.50 12.50 .._ 0.00 12.00 -0.50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Thursday, May 12 2011,3:40 PM Level Spreader - Bypass Channel Trapezoidal Highlighted Botom Width (ft) = 3.50 Depth (ft) = 0.86 Side Slope (z:1) = 2.00 Q (cfs) = 8.500 Total Depth (ft) = 2.50 Area (sqft) = 4.49 Invert Elev (ft) = 12.10 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.89 Slope (%) = 0.40 Wetted Perim (ft) = 7.35 N-Value = 0.035 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.52 Top Width (ft) = 6.94 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.92 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 8.50 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 15.00 2.90 14.50 2.40 14.00 1.90 13.50 1.40 13.00 v 0.90 12.50 0.40 12.00 - -- -- - -0.10 11.50 -0.60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Reach (ft) Wetland Basin - Additional Information Wetland Basin — Supplemental Calculations Current Submittal Original Permit Wetland Basin#1 Drainage Area= 7.67 ac 8.91 ac Impervious Area= 2.85 ac 2.88 ac Percent Impervious= 37% 32% SA/DAfor3' pondat85%TSS = 3.1 2.7 Surface Area Required= 10,457 sf 10,402 sf • Surface Area increase by 55 sf. Permanent Pool Surface Area currently provided is 15,177sf. Current Submittal Original Permit Wetland Basin#2 Drainage Area= 14.38 ac 16.49 ac Impervious Area= 5.87 ac 6.09 ac Percent Impervious= 41% 37% SA/DA for 3' pond at 85%TSS = 3.5 3.1 Surface Area Required— 21,798 sf 22,483 sf • SA decrease by 685 sf. Current Submittal Original Permit Wetland Basin#3 Drainage Area= 2.46 ac 3.82 ac Impervious Area= 0.84 ac 1.21 ac Percent Impervious= 34% 32% SA/DA for 3' pond at 85%TSS = 2.9 2.7 Surface Area Required= 3,065 sf 4,459 sf • SA decrease by 1,394 sf. 'VP— -A 1 41 Coastal Land Desi , PC liv Civil Engineering/Landscapegn Architecture Land Planning/Construction Management L __.. RErEIVEL, February 18,2011 FEB 2 3 2011 BY: NCDENR—Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Attn: Linda Lewis Re: Request for Additional Information—Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Stormwater Project No. SW8 050239 Modification Ms. Lewis, Thank you for reviewing our submittal. The following is in response to your letter and email requesting additional information for the above mentioned project. For ease, your questions are repeated in normal font and our responses follow in bold. 1. It sounds like the previous permit writer approved the pond's design and volume based on the peak storage elevation from routing the 25 year 24 hour storm, instead of calculating a static volume associated with that rainfall depth. It's difficult for me to approve a modification using that method, especially as it is not allowed to be used. I'll have to get with a few of my staff and figure out if and how the write this permit mod. From our meeting on 2/4/11,please fmd the modifications to the plans,calculations, permits and supplements to show Pond #1A and Pond#2 modified with drawdown orifices at elevations that store the 1 year—24 hour event. 2. I disagree with your assessment that the only change to the proposed Pond#1 system is the addition of an outlet structure. One of the reasons for this modification is to convert what used to be permitted wet pond surface area to an"amenity"pond. When you do that,the amenity pond no longer falls under the jurisdiction of the stormwater permit therefore, its area and volume can't be used to claim any treatment for the runoff. Without the treatment afforded by the amenity pond,the inflow into the remaining permitted"wet pond"is immediately adjacent the outlet structure, creating a short-circuiting condition that must be eliminated as previously requested. From our meeting on 2/4/11,please find the modifications to the plans,calculations, permits and supplements that show the "amenity" pond back in the system as "Pond 1E". An orifice has also been added at an elevation that stores the 1.5" design storm. 3. The proposed deed restrictions are for a low density subdivision with curb outlet swales. Please address the high density aspect of this subdivision by adding the appropriate language from the high density subdivision deed restriction document. Lots that are permitted to drain P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 91 0-254-9333 Fax : 910-254-0502 www . CLDeng . com into a piped collection system will need to be graded appropriately to ensure that the runoff from the built-upon area on the lot drains into that piped collection system. Separate offsite permits for the individual residential lots are not needed. The proposed deed restrictions have been revised. Also,from your email on 2/4/11,the owner is investigating your concern with the Master Declarations and will address those issues upon the recording of these approved modifications. 4. In order to keep the pipe behind Lots 2-63 through 2-66,please propose some type of additional BMP such as a small bioretention basin, an infiltration area, or level spreader and vegetated filter strip system that will mitigate for the collection system. A Level Spreader and vegetated filter strip system has been added to this area. 1. There appears to be sidewalk along streets other than Palmetto Creek Way. The plans received on Nov. 10, 2010,have a 5-foot-wide sidewalk detail, road details that indicate Palmetto Creek Way is the only road with a sidewalk, and added 5-foot-wide Nature Trails. The latest plans indicate that the total sidewalk is 0.8 acres, but the latest application still shows the 2005 sidewalk total of 30,000 sf. The original 5' sidewalk was down one side of Palmetto Creek only, which is roughly 4850 feet long,which accounts for 24,250 sf of the sidewalk. The remaining 5750 should be covered by the new Nature Trails. However,the length of the nature trails scaled on the plans is 1370 linear feet, which is 6850 sf, exceeding the proposed sidewalk amount by 1100 sq. ft. I went over this calculation several times and fmally realized I had counted the sidewalk in front of the Amenity Center(along Palmetto Creek Way) as part of the Amenity Center. You can see the breakdown of Amenity impervious on sheet SW-5. With that said, all sidewalks are accounted for. 2. It appears that there is an overlapped project area with the adjacent project, The Reserve at Palmetto Creek, SW8 051045, issued to D. Logan,Palmetto Creek, LLC on April 21, 2006. The property line for Palmetto Creek is offset about 80' from and parallel to the 50' right-of- way for Palmetto Creek Way. The project area for The Reserve at Palmetto Creek appears to encompass that same 80' and go all the way up to the 50' right-of-way line of Palmetto Creek Way. Depending on who really owns that area, one of those projects will need to revise their reported project area. There was an overlapped project area that has been corrected. Please find the revised plans and permits that reflect a revised project area. Also, a sheet has been added to the plan set to show the overall boundary. Please let me know if you have any additional questions and/or comments. Sincerely, COI�� effrey B. Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 910 254-9333 Fax : 910-254- 0502 www . CLDeng . com Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 1:09 PM To: 'Jeff Petroff Subject: Palmetto Creek SW8 050239 Just to recap our discussion this morning: 1. Pond #1 was originally designed using a 25 yr 24 hr storm volume, and as a non-discharge pond with irrigation as the means of drawdown. We agreed that the design storm could be reduced to either the 1 yr 24 hour or the 1.5" design storm with the addition of a drawdown orifice at the permanent pool elevation. Irrigation can continue from the pond, per the Division's policy on irrigating from ponds. 2. A BMP will be added to treat the piped collection system runoff behind lots 2-63 through 2-66. 3. An overall subdivision map with the property line will be provided. The project area will be shrinking due to the overlap with the adjacent project, The Reserve at Palmetto Creek. As a result some of the lots in Palmetto Creek will have a reduced BUA limit. 4. The amenity pond will be sized to treat it's drainage area alone, using a 1.5" design storm and an orifice will be added. 5. You will provide the Designer's Certifications and a copy of the recorded deed restrictions for The Reserve at Palmetto Creek. I started looking at the recorded deed restrictions for Palmetto Creek and I notice that the Master Declaration recorded on January 31, 2006, is applicable only to the property in Exhibit A, which is Section 2. The recorded plats that were submitted in May 2010, show a Section 1, but there is no amendment which makes Section 1 subject to the Master covenants. As far as I can tell only Section 3 was officially made subject to the Master Covenants, but no BUA was assigned to any of the Section 3 lots—the current BUA allocation table lists only the lots in Section 1. The Master references only Exhibit A (Section 2) but the table in the Master only has BUA limits for Section 1 lots. Where are the BUA limits recorded for the remaining Sections and where is the supplemental that made the Section 1 lots subject to the Master'? When all is said and done, Mr. Exum needs to amend the Master and provide supplemental declarations so that all the Sections are made subject to the Master and each supplemental provides for the applicable BUA limits for that Section. Linda Please note my new email address is Linda.Lewis@ncdenr.gov Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 1:05 PM To: 'Jeff Petroff Subject: SW8 050239 addinfo for Palmetto Creek Attachments: 2011 03 addinfo 050239.pdf Jeff: Please see my review comments, attached. Linda 1 ArA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary March 21, 2011 Bert Exum, President XDV, Inc. PO Box 1967 Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 050239 Modification Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Brunswick County Dear Mr. Exum: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested additional information regarding the pending modification to the State Stormwater Management Permit for Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas on February 23, 2011. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The positioning of the blind swale that feeds the proposed new level spreader in relation to the outlet pipe will be a problem. Per Section 8.3.5 of the BMP Manual, there is a "poor entrance angle" into the distribution or blind swale. Stormwater should be conveyed to the blind swale parallel to the level spreader to avoid short-circuiting. 2. The level spreader and vegetated filter that are being proposed to mitigate for the added piping behind lots 63-66 in Section 2, should be designed per the requirements of NCAC 2H.1008 (f), which requires the filter to handle the peak flow from a 10 year storm in a non-erosive manner. The peak flow is used to determine the length of the level spreader, (10 If per cfs, 100 If max.) and therefore, sets the width of the 30 foot long vegetated filter to create diffuse, non- erosive flow. Flow in excess of 10 cfs is bypassed. Please also demonstrate that the velocity into the wetland from the filter strip is no higher than 2 fps to avoid impacting the wetland. 3. In regard to the use of a level spreader for this mitigation, I agreed to it thinking that the mitigation would be only for that piping added behind Lots 63-66 in Section 2. In looking at the proposed plans, not only has piping been added behind lots 63-66 in Section 2, but I see now that collection piping, which was approved to be directed into Wetland Basin #1 from Liset Court, is now being directed into the piped collection system that also ends up in this level spreader. This large amount of piped collection is not in keeping with the intent of low density development and the use of a single level spreader as treatment doesn't seem to be enough mitigation. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 One Phone:910-796-7215 I FAX:910-350-20041 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 NAthCa cliina Internet www.ncwaterquality.org (j' ►+'LK`aI ly An Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Exum March 21, 2011 Stormwater Application No. SW8 050239 Mod. 4. I understand that the previous reviewer, for whatever reason, approved this project with a lot more pipe than is considered reasonable under low density. While the existing approved design can't be changed now, I am obligated to make sure that the proposed modifications either meet the intent of the low density rules or if not, that appropriate treatment is provided: a. Please note that the area at the intersection of Serrulata Drive, Sennia Court and Natal Court was approved in 2005 with 4 curb outlet swales (14, 15, 16 and 17), however, now there is slightly less drainage area, but more piping, and runoff is treated by just two swales, 17 and 18. b. Please check the swale drainage areas for 17 and 18 at the intersection area of Serrulata Drive, Sennia Court and Natal Court. There's a 150' stretch of Natal Court over the wetland that is not included in either DA 17 or DA 18. Please make the necessary changes to the drainage areas, plans, swale table (sheet SW-5), swale calculations, and swale supplement form to account for 3,600 square feet of additional road area. 5. The inset detail on Sheet SW-5 for the Amenity Area shows the dimension information, but not the grading. Is Sheet SW-5 from the November 10, 2010, submittal still applicable, or have changes been made? If changes were made, please resubmit another Sheet SW-5 with the grading information for the Amenity Area.. Otherwise, I'll swap out SW-5 from the Nov. 10, 2010 plans and add it to the latest elan set_ 6. I'm not perfectly clear on the design criteria the original reviewer used to size the wetland basins because the reviewer used the infiltration basin spreadsheets to check their design. The permanent pool area is marked as "N/A-Infiltration" on the supplemental form however the extended detention wetland design criteria in effect at that time required a minimum permanent pool area to be calculated using the percent impervious and SA/DA tables for a 3 foot deep permanent pool. Also, there is no soils report in the file to support the SHWT elevations or the reported infiltration rate of 20" per hour. While 4 of the 5 proposed built-upon area and drainage area changes to these wetland basins result in less drainage area and less BUA,3 of the 5 basins result in a higher percentage of built-upon area. Since minimum permanent pool area is based on percent impervious, please demonstrate that wetland basins 1, 2 and 3 have sufficient surface area to accommodate the increased percent impervious. As part of that modification, please provide minimum surface area calculations and revise the Extended Detention Wetland Supplements to add the provided permanent pool surface area for basins 1, 2 and 3, and provide a soils report supporting the SHWT's and the 20" per hour infiltration rate. Please note that a revision to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers, which may require revision of the applications, calculations, supplements, plans, details, and associated documentation. Please verify all numbers are correct to ensure consistency in the application documents. Please provide 2 copies of any plans that will be revised as a result of this request for additional information. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to April 21, 2011, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. Page 2of3 Mr. Exum March 21, 2011 • Stormwater Application No. SW8 050239 Mod. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax:your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at linda.lewis(a ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, GetW-e-i Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III GDS/arl: S:1wgs\stormwater1permits & projects120051050239 HD12011 03 addinfo 050239 CC: Jeff Petroff, P.E., Coastal Land Design Linda Lewis Page 3 of 3 Linda Please note my new email address is Linda.Lewis@ncdenr.gov Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jeff Petroff jmailto:JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.netl_ Sent:Thursday, February 24, 2011 10:28 AM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: The Reserve at Palmetto Creek SW8 051045 Hi Linda, Hope you are doing well. I'm writing in regards to your Request for Recorded Deed Restrictions and Designer's Certification for The Reserve at Palmetto Creek SW8051045 issued on April 21, 2006. We've resolved the project area overlap by correcting the neighboring project's boundary(Palmetto Creek)and were in the process of addressing your other requests when the project owner asked us to look at revising the layout in a portion of the multi-family area. I anticipate submitting a stormwater modification due to this revision and request a time extension from you to be able to address all your concerns and ensure any modifications are properly permitted. Thanks for your help, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Project Engineer St4 Coastal Land Design, PLLC PO Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: 910.254.9333 ext. 1002 Fax: 910.254.0502 www.CLDeng.com 3 ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary January 5, 2011 Bert Exum, President XDV, Inc. PO Box 1967 Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: 2"d Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 050239 Modification Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Brunswick County Dear Mr. Exum: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested additional information regarding the pending modification to the State Stormwater Management Permit for Palmetto Creek of the;Carolinas on November 10, 2010. A review of that information has determined that the application is still not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. It sounds like the previous permit writer approved the pond's design and volume based on the peak storage elevation from routing the 25 year 24 hour storm, instead of calculating a static volume associated with that rainfall depth. It's difficult for me to approve a modification using that method, especially as it is not allowed to be used. I'll have to get with a few of my staff and figure out if and how to write this permit mod. 2. I disagree with your assessment that the only change to the proposed Pond #1 system is the addition of an outlet structure. One of the reasons for this modification is to convert what used to be permitted wet pond surface area to an "amenity" pond. When you do that, the amenity pond no longer falls under the jurisdiction of the stormwater permit therefore, its area and volume can't be used to claim any treatment for the runoff. Without the treatment afforded by the amenity pond, the inflow into the remaining permitted "wet pond" is immediately adjacent the outlet structure, creating a short-circuiting condition that must be eliminated as previously requested. 3. The proposed deed restrictions are for a low density subdivision with curb outlet swales. Please address the high density aspect of this subdivision by adding the appropriate language from the high density subdivision deed restriction document. Lots that are permitted to drain into a piped collection system will need to be graded appropriately to ensure that the runoff from the built-upon area on the lot drains into that piped collection system. Separate offsite permits for the individual residential lots are not needed. 4. In order to keep the pipe behind Lots 2-63 through 2-66, please propose some type of additional BMP such as a small bioretention basin, an infiltration area, or level spreader and vegetated filter strip system that will mitigate for the collection system. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 One Phone:910-796-72151 FAX:910-350-20041 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 NorthCaralina Internet www.ncwaterquality.orgatura/`i An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmafive Action Employer Mr. Exum January 5, 2011 Stormwater Application No. SW8 050239 Mod. 5. Georgette and I are currently scheduled to inspect Winding River on the afternoon.of January 18. Since Palmetto Creek is nearby, it may be possible to set up a site visit earlier that same day to check the wetland pond drawdown. Please note that a revision to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers, which may require revision of the applications, calculations, supplements, plans, details, and associated documentation. Please verify all numbers are correct to ensure consistency in the application documents. Please provide 2 copies of any plans that will be revised as a result of this request for additional information. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a second review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to February 5, 2011, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items,including the application fee. If the application is still substantially incomplete after this second round of comments, the Stormwater Supervisor, Ms. Georgette Scott, will determine if a.third request for additional information is warranted. If not, the application will be returned as incomplete and the application fee will be forfeited. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at linda.lewis(a.ncdenr.00v. Sincerely, '6e'('t/tf Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III GDS/arl: S:1wgs1stormwater\Permits & Projects120051050239 HD12011 01 addinfo 050239 CC: Jeff Petroff, P.E., Coastal Land Design Linda Lewis Page 2 of 2 REV "!QV 101114 20 10 Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture Land Planning/Construction Management -To: NCDENR—Wilmington Regional Office-DWQ Date: November 5,2010 127 Cardinal Drive Extension File: 101-01 Wilmington,NC 28405 Subject: Stormwater Permit Modification for (910)796—7215 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Attn: Linda Lewis SW8 050239 ❑As Requested El For Your Files El For Distribution ®For your Review/Action/Approval El Sent via Mail El Sent via Courier Quantity Drawing No. Description 1 Response Letter 2 Original and One copy of Revised page 2 of SWU-101 1 Revised Low Density Supplement 1 Wet Detention Basin Supplement—Pond#2(I saw a typo in the elevations that I corrected) 1 Updated Extended Wetland Worksheets 1 Signed Deed Restriction 1 Updated Pond#1 Wet Detention Basin Supplement—Pond#1 2 Copies of the Drawings 7VEDI 0 REMARKS Hi Linda,please find the enclosed and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, CC: File Coastal Land Design,PLLC Bert Exum Signed ey B-P�froff,P.E. Trans-NCDENR-1 10510 1Nt111 Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture Land Planning/Construction Management L__ _.. C,IV„ED Nov i 02010 BY: October 24, 2010 NCDENR—Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Attn: Linda Lewis Re: Request for Additional Information—Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Stormwater Project No. SW8 050239 Modification Ms. Lewis, Thank you for reviewing our submittal. The following is in response to your letter requesting additional information for the above mentioned project. For ease,your questions are repeated in normal font and our responses follow in bold. 1. Please provide revised required minimum volume calculations for Pond#1 based on the 25 year 24 hour precipitation depth form the NOAA table. The calculations provided simply say that the volume is 163,900 cubic feet with no accompanying derivation or documentation. The 25yr-24 hour storm event was previously modeled in HydraFlow Hydrographs 2004. Because the drainage area was less than 200 acres,the rational method was chosen as the modeling process. As with all stormwater modeling methods a balance between peak discharge and hydrograph volume had to be found. The initial hydrograph modeled in the rational method produced a peak discharge of 132 cfs and a volume of 79,648 cf. Experience has shown us the standard rational method produces unreliable volume estimates; therefore a modified rational method with a storm duration multiplier of 3 was used to produce the attached hydrograph with a peak discharge of 91.06 cfs and a volume of 163,900 cf. The design event utilized an IDF curve generated from the NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Manual—figure 8.03b (attached). These IDF curves have since been updated and the figures have changed drastically. The older IDF numbers were far more conservative (as in smaller,not the design as more conservative) than the updated numbers. 2. Using the"Penn. El."And"Max.El."And associated surface areas listed in the Non-Discharge Pond Table provided on sheet SW-3, and combining that with the surface areas and elevations in the HydraFlow stage-storage table, I get 211,528 cubic feet as the volume provided from 27.25 to 28.5. Please note that the volume reported on the supplement is 253,383. This appears to be in error because the Hydraflow volume calculations start at 27.0, when in fact they should start at 27.25. You are correct and this error has been resolved. P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 910-254-9333 Fax : 910-254-0502 www . CLDeng . com 3. By removing the amenity pond area from Pond 1 the treatment provided in the amenity pond can no longer be considered. The outlet from the amenity pond enters Pond 1 immediately adjacent to the outlet for Pond 1,which now creates a potential short-circuiting condition. This pipe will either need to be relocated to assure sufficient treatment for the runoff; or the amenity pond will need to stay as a part of the permitted treatment system. Because Pond #1 is a non-discharge pond,we don't feel we are creating a short-circuiting condition. The only change to this system from the previous approval is the addition of a riser structure on the amenity pond side,which adds treatment. The roadway drainage was previously approved to be piped to this location. 4. Please report the revisions to Pond#1 on the latest supplement form. Just because the project is being reviewed under the 1995 rules as a minor modification does not mean that the 1995 documents should be revised and reused. Please mark those items that do not apply as "N/A" and ignore any resulting error messages. Please fmd the attached updated supplement forms for the revised BMP's. 5. Lot 2-19 does not appear to exist. In its place is something noted as Tract 2C. Please revise the proposed deed restriction amendment to reflect this change. If Tract 2C has a BUA limit, please include it. If Lot 2-19 is mislabeled as Tract 2C,please revise the plans. Good catch Linda. Lot 2-19 became Tract 2C when the owner donated it and additional property to the NC State Land Trust. Tract 2C still carries the same BUA limit of Lot 2- 19 and the proposed deed restrictions have been revised to reflect the new lot name. 6. Please sign, date and notarize the proposed deed restriction amendment. Please fmd the attached deed restriction amendment. 7. Why is there a separate 4-foot wide sidewalk detail? Where will this sidewalk be located? Sidewalk is only proposed and shown on one street detail,Palmetto Creek Way and it is noted as being 5 feet wide. Palmetto Creek Way is the only roadway with sidewalk and the sidewalk detail has been revised. 8. Please provide additional contour elevation numbering. The 5-foot contour interval is too much for this site and I can't tell whether the contours go up or down. Additional contour numbering has been added. 9. Please provide high and low spot elevations for the roads,as per the previously approved plan, or provide plan and profile sheets. Hi and Low spot elevations have been added to the revised plans. 10. Many of the previously approved catch basins and connecting pipes that were located on each side of the road have been eliminated and replaced with a single curb cut on one side of the P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 910-254-9333 Fax : 910-254-0502 www. CLDeng . com road only. Has the road cross-section been altered such that it is a continuous cross-slope to the curb cut? If so,please add a detail of this to the plans. If not,how does the collected runoff on the other side of the normal crown street drain to the curb cut? Much of the roadway has been super-elevated in an effort to minimize piping. The road cross-section details have been revised to accurately reflect the road movement. 11. Please add a curb cut detail to the plans. A curb cut detail has been added to the revised plans. 12. There appears to be some added piped collection behind Lots 2-63 through 2-66 on the north side of Serrulata Drive. Under overall low density, it is not appropriate for runoff leaving a 5:1 curb outlet swale to be collected into a pipe. Please remove that pipe and provide a swale. The area behind Lots 2-63 through 2-66 had much higher ground elevations than the original survey depicted. This made it extremely difficult to swale the entire length of the rear of lots 2-63 thorough 2-66 and a culvert pipe was installed to convey the treated water from one side to the other. While we recognize this isn't the ideal configuration,the resulting layout produces a stabilized groundwork of conveyance with non-erosive flows. The catch basin CB102 allows the treated water to spill into the piped system with the pipe acting as an energy dissipater rather than an un-stabilized swale wall. Please take this into consideration with further review in conjunction with your site visit. 13. Please provide all pipe inverts and all catch basin structure invert,top and elevation information on the plans. There is no structure table on the proposed plans. The pipe table and structure table have been added to the revised plans. 14. The wetland ponds were permitted with infiltration as the drawdown device. Before approving this modification, an inspection of the facility is warranted to determine if infiltration is working for the wetland drawdown. Depending on the results,the Division may require that an orifice be installed in each wetland to facilitate drawdown to the permanent pool elevation. Please let us know a convenient time to schedule the inspection. 15. The wetland supplements indicate that the specific surface areas for each required zone (high marsh, low marsh, deep pool, etc.)can be found on the plans however,this information does not appear to be shown anywhere on the plans. Please either add this information to the plans, or revise the supplements and report the surface areas for each zone. The surface areas for each zone have been added to the supplements. 16. There is no extended detention wetland pond section detail on the previously approved plan or on the modified plans. Does the same "outlet detail" on sheet SW-3 apply to both the non- discharge wet detention ponds and to the extended detention wetland ponds? The outlet details have been added for non-discharge ponds 1 and 2 as well as wetland pond #1. The other wetland ponds have vegetative weirs for overflow. P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 910-254-9333 Fax : 910-254-0502 www . CLDeng . com 17. Please revise page 2 of the low density supplement. Because the lots have varying BUA limits, it is appropriate to calculate only the available lot BUA—do not divide by the number of lots. Instead,you need only calculate the total allowable lot BUA and compare it to the total proposed lot BUA for the lot listing. The proposed BUA must be less than or equal to what's allowed. Please fmd the revised low density supplement. 18. Please provide 2 copies of detailed layout(with dimensions) and grading plans for the amenity /recreation area. This area has been redesigned from what was previously approved, so detailed plans for this area are needed. Please fmd the attached detailed layout for the amenity area on sheet SW-5. An impervious breakdown for the amenity has also been added to the detail. A revised page two of Form SWU-101 has also been added to update the sidewalk and amenity allocations. Overall allocation numbers remain the same. 19. Please us the same nomenclature to describe the permanent pool and storage/overflow in the Pond Table and in the Outlet Detail. The Outlet Detail refers to the "Normal Water Surface" and the "Top of Outlet"elevations, but the Pond Table refers to "Perm El." And"Max. El.". This revised submittal clarifies the pond nomenclature. Please let me know if you have any additional questions and/or comments. Sincerely, Jeffrey B. Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC P . O . Box 1172 Wilmington , NC 28402 Phone : 910-254-9333 Fax : 91 0-254- 0502 www. CLDeng . com IV. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below,briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. Stormwater is currently treated in Water Quality Swales,Wetland Detention Basins and Non-discharge Ponds 2.a.If claiming vested rights,identify the supporting documents provided and the date ey werC � ❑Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Dat : IV( V 1 .1)❑Valid Building Permit Issued Date: 0 2010 ❑Other: Date: ` b.If claiming vested rights,identify the regulation(s)the project has been designed in accordance . ® Coastal SW-1995 ❑Ph II-Post Construction 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin. 4. Total Property Area: 181.5 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: N/A acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: N/A acres 7. Total Property Area(4)-Total Coastal Wetlands Area(5)-Total Surface Water Area(6)=Total Project Area+: 181.5 acres + Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following: the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water(NHW)line or Mean High Water (MHW)line,and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW(or MHW)line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area(BLIAA). Non-coastal wetlands landward of the NHW(or MHW)Iine may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area/ Total Project Area)X 100 = 30 % 9. How many drainage areas does the project have?8(For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP. For low density and other projects,use I for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Drainage Area 3 Drainage Area 4 Receiving Stream Name Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Stream Class * C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw Stream Index Number* 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 Total Drainage Area(sf) 7,906,170 sf 1,874,613 sf 729,939 sf 333,893 sf On-site Drainage Area(sf) 7,906,170 sf 1,874,613 sf 729,939 sf 333,893 sf Off-site Drainage Area(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Proposed Impervious Area (sf) 2,371,760 sf 583,085 sf 191,442 sf 124,177 sf % Impervious Area(total) 30 % 31.1 % 26.2 % 37.2 % Impervious"`Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Drainage Area 3 Drainage Area 4- On-site Buildings/Lots(sf) 1,659,986 sf 375,600 sf 143,750 sf 66,600 sf On-site Streets (sf) 620,660 sf 139,560 sf 45,192 sf 53,277 sf On-site Parking (sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- On-site Sidewalks (sf) 35,276 sf 13,870 sf 2,500 sf 4,300 sf Other on-site (sf) 55,838 sf 54,055 sf -0- -0- Future(sf) -0- I -0- ' -0- -0- Off-site (sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Existing BUA***(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- 11 Total (sf): 2,371,760 sf 583,085 sf 191,442 sf 124,177 sf * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications ** Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including,but not limited to,buildings,roads,parking areas, sidewalks,gravel areas,etc. ***Report only that amount of existing B LiA that will remain after development.Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA. Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 3 of 6 Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 9:49 AM To: Petroff, Jeff(jpetroff@CLDeng.com) Subject: Palmetto Creek SW8 050239 Jeff: I want to further explain about my first comment from yesterday's additional information request letter. The 25 year 24 hour storm is approximately 9" of rain in our area. Substituting this number into the Simple Method formula for Rd with the new drainage area and BUA numbers for Pond 1, yields a minimum storage volume of 479,301 cubic feet. The HydraFlow calculations say that the required volume is 163,900 cubic feet. This is where my confusion is coming from and why I requested some documentation on the derivation of the 163,900. Thanks, Linda Please note my new email address is Linda.Lewis@ncdenr.gov Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 ArilrmA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary October 5, 2010 Bert Exum, President XDV, Inc. PO Box 1967 Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 050239 Modification Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Brunswick County Dear Mr. Exum: The Wilmington Regional Office received a modified State Stormwater Management Permit Application for Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas on September 9, 2010. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed.to continue the stomiwater review: 1. Please provide revised required minimum volume calculations for Pond #1 based on the 25 year 24 hour precipitation depth from the NOAA table. The calculations provided simply say that the volume is 163,900 cubic feet with no accompanying derivation or documentation. 2. Using the "Perm. El." and "Max. El". and associated surface areas listed in the Non-Discharge Pond Table provided on sheet SW-3, and combining that with the surface areas and elevations in the HydraFlow stage-storage table, I get 211,528 cubic feet as the volume provided from 27.25 to 28.5. Please note that the volume reported on the supplement is 253,383. This appears to be in error because the HydraFlow volume calculations_start at 27.0, when in fact they should start at 27.25. 3. By removing the amenity pond area from Pond 1 the treatment provided in the amenity pond can no longer be considered. The outlet from the amenity pond enters Pond 1 immediately adjacent the outlet for Pond 1, which now creates a potential short-circuiting condition. This pipe will either need to be relocated to assure sufficient treatment for the runoff, or the amenity pond will need to stay as a part of the permitted treatment system. 4. Please report the revisions to Pond #1 on the latest supplement form. Just because the project is being reviewed under the 1995 rules as a minor modification does not mean that the 1995 documents should be revised and re- used. Please mark those items that do not apply as "N/A" and ignore any resulting error messages. 5. Lot 2-19 does not appear to exist. In its place is something noted as Tract 2C. Please revise the proposed deed restriction amendment to reflect this change. If Tract 2C has a BUA limit, please include it. If Lot 2-19 is mislabeled as Tract 2C, please revise the plans. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 One Phone:910-796-72151 FAX:910-350-20041 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 North Carolina Internet www.ncwaterquality.org Naturally atureiI y An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Exum October 5, 2010 Stormwater Application No. SW8 050239 Mod. 6. Please sign, date and notarize the proposed deed restriction amendment. 7. Why is there a separate 4-foot-wide sidewalk detail? Where will this sidewalk be located? Sidewalk is only proposed and shown on one street detail, Palmetto Creek Way, and it is noted as being 5 feet wide. 8. Please provide additional contour elevation numbering. The 5-foot contour interval is too much for this site and I can't tell whether the contours go up or down. 9. Please provide high and low spot elevations for the roads, as per the.previously approved plan, or provide plan and profile sheets. 10. Many of the previously approved catch basins and connecting pipes that were located on each side of the road have been eliminated and replaced with a single curb cut on one side of the road only. Has the road cross-section been altered such that it is a continuous cross-slope to the curb cut? If so, please add a detail of this to the plans. If not, how does the collected runoff on the other side of the normal crown street drain to the curb cut? 11. Please add a curb cut detail to the plans. 12. There appears to be some added piped collection behind Lots 2-63 through 2-66 on the north side of Serrulata Drive. Under overall low density, it is not appropriate for runoff leaving a 5:1 curb outlet swale to be collected into a pipe. Please remove that pipe and provide a swale. 13. Please provide all pipe inverts and all catch basin structure invert, top and elevation information on the plans. There is no structure table on proposed plans. 14. The wetland ponds were permitted with infiltration as the drawdown device. Before approving this modification, an inspection of the facility is warranted to determine if infiltration is working for the wetland drawdown. Depending on the results, the Division may require that an orifice be installed in each wetland to facilitate drawdown to the permanent pool elevation. 15. The wetland supplements indicate that the specific surface areas for each required zone (high marsh, low marsh, deep pool, etc.) can be found on the plans however, this information does not appear to be shown anywhere on the plans. Please either add this information to the plans, or revise the supplements and report the surface areas for each zone. 16. There is no extended detention wetland pond section detail on the previously approved plan or on the modified plans. Does the same "outlet detail" on sheet SW-3 apply to both the non-discharge wet detention ponds and to the extended detention wetland ponds? 17. Please revise•page 2 of the low density supplement. Because the lots have varying BUA limits, it is appropriate to calculate only the available lot BUA- do not divide by the number of lots. Instead, you need only calculate the total allowable lot BUA and compare it to the total proposed lot BUA from the lot listing. The proposed BUA must be less than or equal to what's allowed. Page 2 of 3 Mr. Exum October 5, 2010 Stormwater Application No. SW8 050239 Mod. 18. Please provide 2 copies of detailed layout (with dimensions) and grading plans for the amenity/ recreation area. This area has been redesigned from what was previously approved, so detailed plans for this area are needed. 19. Please use the same nomenclature to describe the permanent pool and the storage/overflow in the Pond Table and in the Outlet Detail. The Outlet Detail refers to the "Normal Water Surface" and the "Top of Outlet" elevations, but the Pond Table refers to "Perm. El." and "Max. El.". Please note that a revision to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers, which may require revision of the applications, calculations, supplements, plans, details, and associated documentation. Please verify all numbers are correct to ensure consistency in the application documents. Please provide 2 copies of any plans that will be revised as a result of this request for additional information. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to November 5, 2010, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at linda.lewis(ancdenr.gov. Sincerely, 4.-;/GeGt.). Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III GDS/arl: S:\wqs\stormwater\addinfo\2010\050239mod.oct10 CC: Jeff Petroff, P.E., Coastal Land Design Linda Lewis Page 3 of 3 DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: S:1wgs1stormwaterlexcel spreadsheets\POND1050239-1mod.octl0 PROJECT#: SW8 050239-1 mod.octl0 REVIEWER: P.Bartlett/original L. Lewis for the modification PROJECT NAME: Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas DATE: 06-Oct-10 Receiving Stream: Scotts Branch Class: C; Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber Index No. 15-25-1-10 Site Area 181.50 acres Drainage Area 1874613.00 square feet Area = 43.04 acres Non-Discharge Pond#1 Designed for 25-yr event IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 375600.00 square feet 0.95 Streets 139500.00 square feet 0.95 Sidewalks 9925.00 square feet 0.95 Other/Future 58000.00 square feet 0.95 square feet square feet TOTAL 583025.00 square feet Rational Cc= 0.43 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 31.10% SA/DA Ratio 2.79% Des. Depth 4 Req. SA 52266 sf TSS: 90 Prov. SA 164611 sf VOLUME CALCULATION *place a"1" in the box if Rational is used Rational ?* FOREBAY Des. Storm 940, inches Perm. Pool Volume= Rv= 0.33 Req. Forebay Volume= 0 Bottom 23 msl Provided Volume= Perm. Pool 27.25 msl Percent= #DIV/0! Design Pool 28.5 msl Design SA - 173851 sf Rai +` ,1;9 _ SA @ = P�ov.Volume 211539 cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.63 ft Q2 Area = 104.93 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 2.774 cfs Q5 Area = 41.97 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 1.109 cfs Orifice Area 0.00 sq. in. No. of Orifices Q= 0.000 cfs Diameter, inches weir H x W in x in Drawdown = #DIV/0! Idays COMMENTS Surface Area ,Volume and Orifice are within Design Guideline: This modification removes a previously permitted separate pond amenity area, resulting in a net decrease in the amount of surface area and volume provided in Pond#1. Two errors were found in the original calculations (design storm and provided volume)which need to be corrected with this modification. The top of outlet may need to be raised to contain the 25yr 24 hr volume. The drawdown mechanism is irrigation. They proposed to irrigate over 2.6" of runoff per week over 38.6 acres of green space. Need to verify that irrigation is possible and ongoing throughout the winter. Permit No.��.avif 2 7 37 (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWA_TER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM LOW DENSITY SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original A low density project is one that meets the appropriate criteria for built upon area and transports stormwater runoff primarily through vegetated conveyances. Low density projects should not have a discrete stormwater collection system as defined by 15A NCAC 2H .1002(18). Low density requirements and density factors can be found in 15A NCAC 2H .1005 through .1007. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name : Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Contact Person : Bert Exum Phone Number: (910 ) 392-9325 Number of Lots: 337 Allowable Built Upon Area Per Lot*: See Attached *If lot sizes are not uniform, attach a table indicating the number of lots, lot sizes and allowable built upon area for each lot. The attachment must include the project name,phase,page numbers and provide area subtotals and totals. II. BUILT UPON AREA See the Stormwater Management Permit Application for specific language that must be recorded in the deed restrictions for all subdivisions. For uniform lot sizes, complete the following calculations in the space provided below where: • SA Site Area-the total project area above Mean High Water. Wetlands may be excluded when the development results in high density pockets. • DF Density Factor-the appropriate percent built upon area dived by 100. • RA Road Area-the total impervious surface occupied by roadways. • OA Other Area-the total area of impervious surfaces such as clubhouses,tennis courts, sidewalks, etc. • No. Lots -the total number of lots in the subdivision. • BUA/Lot-the computed allowable built upon area for each lot including driveways and impervious surfaces located between the front lot line and the edge of pavement. RECEIVED SEP 0 9 2010 BY. Form: SWU-104 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 2 (SA x DF) -RA- OA = BUA No. Lots Lots Calculation: �ce&b07 (181.5ac x 0.3)-14.2ac-2.0ac = 38.11ac = 61-taefIot- = ",9mot -3s1- Tc ( ,po a++241,e 104- <<sh 1, CUS9 99C /Cn 599'8Cv < I C900077 j III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following requirements have been met and supporting documentation is provided as necessary. If the applicant has designated an agent on the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form,the agent may initial below. Applicants Initials a. A 30 foot vegetative buffer is provided adjacent to surface waters. Projects in the Neuse River basin may require additional buffers. b. Deed restriction language as required on form SWU-101 shall be recorded as a restrictive covenant. A copy of the recorded document shall be provided by DWQ within 30 days of platting and prior to sale of any lots. "r3 c c. Built upon area calculations are provided for the overall project and all lots. -313C' d. Project conforms to low density requirements within the ORW AEC (if applicable). [15A NCAC 2H .1007(2)(b)] RECEIVED SEP 09 2010 BY: Form: SWU-104 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 2 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 7/27/10 Lot Impervious Allocation Lot Numbers #of Lots impervious location Total Impervious Section 1 3-7, 11-14, 20 10 6,500 sf 65,000 sf Section 1 8-10, 15-19 8 5,500 sf 44,000 sf Section 1 1, 2, 21-58 40 5,400 sf 216,000 sf Section 2 6, 7, 10, 16, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30, 50, 53-57, 62, 71, 76, 121, 126, 142 21 5,500 sf 115,500 sf Section 2 1-5, 8, 9, 11-15, 17-21, 24, 27-29, 31-49, 51, 52, 58-61, 63-70, 72-75, 77-120, 122-125, 127-141, 143-146 125 6,000 sf 750,000 sf Section 3 1-65 65 3,330 sf 216,450 sf Section 4 5, 6, 9-14, 16-23, 27-36, 62 27 4,000 sf 108,000 sf Section 4 2, 3, 4, 24, 45 5 3,556 sf 17,780 sf Section 4 63 1 4,756 sf 4,756 sf Section 4 1, 7, 8, 15, 25, 26, 37-44, 46-61, 64-68 35 3,500 sf 122,500 sf .F5rJ Li,`1-S Total: 1,659,986 sf RECEIVED SEP 0 9 2010 BY: ii ' � �V roject Name: � f�e r ��� s� ,Crc,� - - er: ; ),•,�� n�1� Date: ;. r�L� j� Project Received Date: ‘tvAiph-v 60 Awe., -d/Rej ed, (circle one) 2 Project Location: '5.1 -F>w, /. c A .d info re uired ee'fn' Date received: __ Symbols for completing form: '✓'=Yes/OK; 'x'=No/Deficient; 'n/a'or'V or I Rule(s)Subject(check all that apply): 11.3 . ❑ 1995 Coastal ❑ 2008 Coastal ❑ Phase II ❑ Universal Papeerww rk: Or Check for$505(must be no older than 6 months) ❑ Application form with correct/original signatures(original plus 1 copy). If Corporation or LLC also: o Print the info from the NCSOS g o Either, 1.)The applicant is listed on the NCSOS with his/her correct title or, 2.)A notarized letter of authorization has been provided: t) f- Supplements (1 original per BMP). BMP type(s): pn° as 4 : 1 ❑ O&M with correct/original signatures(1 original per BMP, except el spreaders/liter strips and swales) wrb �p LYbeed restrictions (if outparcel or subdividing) (original plus 1 copy) CV/Lel I- o Deed restriction template (signed and notarized) or o Proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions(signed an notarized) 6Wfj'tES Soils report identifying the SHWT �W P Y 9 �daK� `((/1� /hwt,C,k�GI� am' � V Q�upporting calculations, signed &sealed (if necessary) Receiving stream classification: C 5�.1 , If SA or ORW also: �t o SA: USGS topo map with the site, the receiving waters and the 1/2 mile radius shown to scale. A " T 2 Nag Ji o ORW: 575 ft of MHWL for Area of Environmental Concern and max BUA per rule. �1r a m et i -9 ❑ Modifications: 1.) If built: Designer's Cert., 2.) If partially built: Partial Cert., 3.) If not built No Cert. needed. Development Type(check all that apply): O Cam' Residential or ❑ Commercial ❑ Deed restrictions match? •• o 'Subdivision or ❑ Single Lot ❑ Deed restrictions match? ® High Density or IYLow Density to J , © Deed restrictions match? ❑ Offsite project ❑ Redevelopment ❑ Modification a$c►39 ❑ Exempt ® NCGO2 (bulkhead) ❑ NCGO3 (clear/grade) Q NCGO4(linear) -r Density: k%t F �•—y ❑ BUA calculations include common areas, clubhouse, sidewalks, etc. ❑ BUA%: iv• , Matches high/low density requirement for rule and receiving stream class. p" pp ❑ o obvious math errors ^ . Oor Jar If High Density: Design storm correct for rule and receiving stream class. Plans, signed and sealed (2 sets): gi,ci 3 31 i ❑ Two sets received U Layout(with proposed BUA dimensions) " . P ❑ Grading ® Drainage area map(all HD systems&curb outlet swales) u ❑ Vicinity map ❑ Project Boundarie s es CI Legend ❑ Wetlands: o Delineated on plans o "No wetlands onsite"on plans ❑ Details: o Roads o Cul-de-sacs o Curbing o Sidewalk o BMPs/Level spreaders/Filter strips/Curb outlet swales o Buildings(Acts or Condos) Offsite Projects: U Desi er's Certification has been submitted for the Offsite BMP receivina the runoff from the project. /ye restrictions have been recorded and a copy submitted for thei"d�.ot size has not changed from what was approved under the Maste 1GT (f � .t �Correct lot number is referenced on the supplement form. C1a� 15 U ❑ Offsite system is in compliance with its permit, if known. � st7y Infiltrati n Projects: WdaW j' 'y ( _ 1 j 305 AtE Soils report: SHWT, soil type, and expected infiltration rate are prov • ac 0 DWQ has conducted a site visit? Date: `O' 51ar rn 4� 'Wet Ponds: Permanent Pool Meets One of the Following: Wt' dh5�n4�a�,. Nis m61:1 Rooio�S �o ❑ Is located no lower than 6" below the estimated SHWT. '% p 0� tc pN ktr Incoming groundwater is quantified and evaluated, AND Storage vc R P rnflt/1SiAtNS drainage to the receiving waters under SHWT conditions. d1 .ate• �m� dQs►�n 5 41P2 Decision (check one): Cha �q CJ ❑ Complete: Return file to admin (Jo Casmer)to log in. (Stamped in n Jl101 hactssckttly ❑ Slightly incomplete: E-mail consultant, request information to be re mtnausiv In Size, e. �' u.E request. Info requests on Friday, allow a return on the following bu.5 i) 1 application return letter and give everything to admin. (Add info reci INWOO `o immix uy Ti4E 0 Substantially incomplete: Issue an application return letter and givc1-A a N co co co L L L u ai 44 C c C 'E) ro O o a +' 111 m fa f i C .0 CO _ a 0 Y N In 3 c g *' CO EL' a) cn o i > c'� E > v) m ce c cCO m v w o 3 co +� a m C °Q c n. u H � .L N 41 0 IC a) L_ wO L N }' FO C �' p Q ` E 0 ej C ui t NNi o m V a c 3 a L� i . a o :Eo Toa ° a, a) a) W U ++ u N am1 N N cu 0.1 LA LA In IA d a� °J O' °1 E `u u U U t -0 0 C • `- a) a) aJ al ti ++ N a u 0 a O O O O Q O U U Y 0 m V) H LA LA In H in LA IAA O In w V) LA 1A aL.) M 13 a) Lf1 0 ri O l0 m- Lf1 ei N N L, 100 O N l0 Cr U O M O OL0 ei N Lf1 l0 N m 00 e-I Cr N 00 C1 N Cr Lf1 ei Fa co ei 00 n Lry N O l0 ei 00 c0 L0 N ei O O t e-! La' e1 ri o D fr' f� ri N Lf1 La fr; u i en �' L 0 O f. f% Lfl ei 00 l0 01 N LA M M Co H 01 M M C1 M ei ei 1-1N e-i E C 'a n N' N e1 0_ awl 0 im N a Ln I N C1 m N e-i 3 a) C C Lf1 O ei O o O N Lf1 O O 00 00 O O O o C ao O O r.j N Lf1 l0 ei Lfl C1 ei O N 00 co 1.0 01 O 0 M J it i= ++ co ri oo n. N O 00 O M O N01 L0 01 -C m al ei LO ci ei O ei M O Ni %i N l0 N 01 co 'O U 0 ++ 0 N. 0, 0 N Lf) ri ei N u'l Lf1 N- 01 a! � 1- - C1 ffl M 00 Lf1 Lf1 N M e-I N ei V1 ,+ C N N N ei i 0 — al a a Ln I 111111 1111 III E M E .0 IAm ++ N ea s a) E a o a, a H m 2 c � a aO v -o o co Q o 4 o c m ci c 0 m CO 013 a) i_ (0 vv) Ln +, M e_ ei N -0 -0 C -o "0 "3 a v! d -c >' >' v o ® •> m 0 m m m m 4 H m 13 anC d Q. m o= C .s C C a N c) dD 0 4, toga° 3aammm � °" 3 � � � �"` %**01\10 Coastal Land Desiqn, PLLC RECV SEp Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture 9 2010 Land Planning/Construction Management L To: NCDENR—Wilmington Regional Office-DWQ Date: Sept 8,2010 127 Cardinal Drive Extension File: 101-01 Wilmington,NC 28405 Subject: Stormwater Permit Modification for (910)796—7215 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Attn: 1 Linda Lev is j SW8 050239 ❑As Requested ❑For Your Files ❑For Distribution ®For your Review/Action/Approval ❑ Sent via Mail ❑ Sent via Courier Quantity Drawing No. Description 2 Original and One copy of Permit Application SWU-101 1 Original Supplements 1 Permit Fee of$505 1 Stormwater Report and Calculations 2 Copies of the Drawings RECEIVED_ SEP 0 9 2010 13Y- . REMARKS Hi Linda,please find the enclosed. This is the project we originally submitted for ownership transfer and some discrepancies were found with the lot numbers. From our discussion,we are submitting a full modification. The owner wanted to reshuffle some impervious allocations in addition to updating the lot numbers and that is also reflected in this submittal. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. CC: File Coastal Land Design,PLLC Bert Exum Signed JeF ey B. etroff,P.E. Trans-NCDENR-090 8 10 DWQ USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number f--,D .SDI —� �.3 76 — —Lv�D�'� 73 7 Applicable Rules: ❑Coastal SW-1995 ❑Coastal SW-2008 ❑Ph II-Post Construction (select all that apply) ❑Non-Coastal SW-HQW/ORW Waters ❑Universal Stormwater Management Plan ❑Other WQ Mgmt Plan: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name(subdivision,facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications,letters,operation and maintenance agreements,etc.): Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 2. Location of Project(street address): 1500 N.C.Hwy 211 SE City:Bolivia County:Brunswick Zip:28422 3. Directions to project(from nearest major intersection): Approximately one mile east on NC 211 from intersection with Zion Hill Road SR 1114 4. Latitude:33° 59' 51"N Longitude:78° 13' 21"W of the main entrance to the project. IL PERMIT INFORMATION: 1.a.Specify whether project is(check one): ['New NModification b.If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit,list the existing permit number SW8 050239 ,its issue date(if known)Tune 7,2005 ,and the status of construction: ❑Not Started ['Partially Completed* N Completed* *provide a designer's certification 2. Specify the type of project(check one): ['Low Density ❑High Density ❑Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ❑Other 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DWQ requesting a state stormwater management permit application,list the stormwater project number,if assigned, and the previous name of the project,if different than currently proposed, 4.a.Additional Project Requirements(check applicable blanks;information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): [LAMA Major ❑Sedimentation/Erosion Control: ac of Disturbed Area ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater 0404/401 Permit:Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name,Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit RECEIVED SEP 0 9 2010 BY: Form SW! -101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 1 of 6 III. CONTACT INFORMATION 1.a.Print Applicant/Signing Official's name and title(specifically the developer,property owner,lessee, designated government official,individual,etc.who owns the project): Applicant/Organization:XDV,Inc. Signing Official&Title:Bert Exum,President b.Contact information for person listed in item la above: Street Address:503 Olde Waterford Way,Suite 200 City:Leland State:NC Zip:28451 Mailing Address(if applicable):P.O.Box 1967 City:Wilmington State:NC Zip:28402 Phone: (910 ) 392-9325 Fax: ( ) Email: c.Please check the appropriate box.The applicant listed above is: ®The property owner(Skip to Contact Information,item 3a) ['Lessee*(Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) ❑Purchaser*(Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) ❑Developer*(Complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below.) 2.a.Print Property Owner's name and title below,if you are the lessee,purchaser or developer. (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/Organization: Signing Official&Title: b.Contact information for person listed in item 2a above: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Mailing Address(if applicable): City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: 3.a. (Optional)Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project: Other Contact Person/Organization: C TAT Signing Official&Title: SEp 0 9 2010 b.Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: $ Mailing Address: City: State: _ Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits: Brunswick County Point of Contact:Beverly Coleman Phone#: (910 ) 253-2050 Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 2 of 6 IV. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below,briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. Stormwater is currently treated in Water Quality Swales,Wetland Detention Basins and Non-discharge Ponds RE CFPTVED 2.a.If claiming vested rights,identify the supporting documents provided and the date th wer e p ov ❑Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date: 2010 ❑Valid Building Permit Issued Date: ❑Other: Date: BC b.If claiming vested rights,identify the regulation(s)the project has been designed in accordance with: ®Coastal SW-1995 ❑Ph II-Post Construction 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin. 4. Total Property Area: 181.5 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: N/A acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: N/A acres 7. Total Property Area(4)-Total Coastal Wetlands Area(5)-Total Surface Water Area(6)=Total Project Area': 181.5 acres + Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following: the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water(NHVV)line or Mean High Water (MHV1>)line,and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW(or MHVW)line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area(BUA). Non-coastal wetlands landward of the NHW(or MI-IW)line may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area/ Total Project Area)X 100 = 30 % 9. How many drainage areas does the project have?8(For high density,count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP. For low density and other projects,use 1 for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. p._., c.,,.,, a-t* r k\o. , Basin Information ' Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Drainage Area 3 Drainage Area 4 Receiving Stream Name Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Stream Class * C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw Stream Index Number* 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 Total Drainage Area(sf) 7,906,170 sf 1,874,613 sf 729,939 sf 333,893 sf On-site Drainage Area(sf) 7,906,170 sf _ 1,874,613 sf 729,939 sf _ 333,893 sf Off-site Drainage Area(sf) -0- -0- -0- _0- Proposed Impervious Area**(sf) 2,371,760 sf 583,085 sf 191,442 sf 124,177 sf % Impervious Area**(total) 30 % 31.1 % 26.2 % 37.2 % Impervious'Sun face Area , Drainage Area I. Drainage Area 2 Drainage Area 3 Drainage Area 4 On-site Buildings/Lots(sf) 1,659,986 sf 375,600 sf 143,750 sf 66,600 sf On-site Streets (sf) 620,660 sf 139,560 sf 45,192 sf 53,277 sf On-site Parking (sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- On-site Sidewalks (sf) 30,000 sf 9,925 sf 2,500 sf 4,300 sf Other on-site (sf) 58,000 sf 58,000 sf -0- -0- Future(sf) 3,114 sf -0- -0- -0- Off-site (sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Existing BUA***(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Total (sf): 2,371,760 sf 583,085 sf 191,442 sf 124,177 sf * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/cveb/wq/ps/csu/classifications ** Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings,roads,parking areas, sidewalks,gravel areas,etc. ***Report only that amount of existing BUA that will remain after development.Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA. Form SWIJ-1 01 Version 07Jun2010 Page 3 of 6 10.Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Wetland Basin#2 Wetland Basin#3 Wetland Basin#4 Wetland Basin#5 Receiving Stream Name Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Scotts Branch Stream Class * C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw C;Sw Stream Index Number* 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 15-25-1-10 Total Drainage Area(sf) 626,309 sf 107,149 sf 356,096 sf 267,378 sf On-site Drainage Area(sf) 626,309 sf 107,149 sf 356,096 sf 267,378 sf Off-site Drainage Area(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Proposed Impervious Area**(sf) 255,898 sf 36,620 sf 133,642 sf 85,256 sf %Impervious*Area(total) 40.9% 34.2% 37.5% 31.9% Impervious**Surface Area Wetland Basin#2 Wetland Basin#3 Wetland Basin#4 Wetland Basin#5 On-site Buildings/Lots(sf) 164,148 sf 27,000 sf 99,362 sf 65,756 sf On-site Streets(sf) 84,100 sf 9,620 sf 32,500 sf 19,500 sf On-site Parking(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- _ On-site Sidewalks(sf) 7,650 sf -0- -0- -0- Other On-site(sf) -0- -0- 1,780 sf -0- Future(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Off-site(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Existing BUA***(sf) -0- -0- -0- -0- Total(sf): 255,898 sf 36,620 sf 133,642 sf 85,256 sf Drainage Area Key for PROJECT INFORMATION table under item 10 on Page 3: Drainage Area 1 =Overall Project Drainage Area 2=Non-Discharge Pond#1 Drainage Area 3 =Non-Discharge Pond#2 Drainage Area 4 =Wetland Basin#1 The four drainage areas above are notated in the table. RECEIVED SEP 0 9 2010 BY. Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 3b of 6 11. How was the off-site impervious area listed above determined?Provide documentation. N/A Projects in Union County: Contact DWQ Central Office staff to check if the project is located within a Threatened& Endangered Species watershed that may be subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per NCAC 02B.0600. V. SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance(O&M)forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/bmp-manual. VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality(DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Office. (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/maps.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item.All original documents MUST be signed and initialed in blue ink. Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. Initials 1. Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form. 5j3 C' 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions&Protective Covenants 4Y/i� Form. (if required as per Part VII below) 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) (sealed,signed and dated)and O&M -5}3? agreement(s)for each BMP. 4. Permit application processing fee of$505 payable to NCDENR. (For an Express review,refer to "S3P http://www.envhelp.org/pages/onestopexpress.html for information on the Express program and the associated fees. Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting.) 5. A detailed narrative(one to two pages)describing the stormwater treatment/managementfor the project. This is required in addition to the brief summary provided in the Project Information,item 1. 6. A USGS map identifying the site location. If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the S' ? receiving stream drains to class SA waters within 1/2 mile of the site boundary,include the 1/2 mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed,signed and dated calculations. .• 3 P 8. Two sets of plans folded to 8.5"x 14" (sealed,signed,&dated),including: 3 Qp a. Development/Project name. b. Engineer and firm. c. Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers. d. Legend. e. North arrow. f. Scale. x g. Revision number and dates. SFp 0 9424) h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation •, CO/0 impounded structures,the banks of streams and rivers,the MHW or NHW line o •••: waters,and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures,the banks of streams or rivers,and the MHW(or NHW)of tidal waters. i. Dimensioned property/project boundary with,bearings&distances. j. Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned. k. Existing contours,proposed contours,spot elevations,finished floor elevations. 1. Details of roads,drainage features,collection systems,and stormwater control measures. m.Wetlands delineated,or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a qualified person. Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. n. Existing drainage(including off-site), drainage easements,pipe sizes,runoff calculations. o. Drainage areas delineated(included in the main set of plans,not as a separate document). p. Vegetated buffers(where required). Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun20 10 Page 4 of 6 9. Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations(Please identify ,Y/iQ elevations in addition to depths)as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs.Include an 8.5"x11"copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs,the report should also include the soil type,expected infiltration rate,and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO:Schedule a site visit for DWQ to verify the SHVVT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) 10. A copy of the most current property deed. Deed book: Page No: //4 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations(LLC):Provide documentation from the NC STK) Secretary of State or other official documentation,which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information,item 1a,2a,and/or 3a per NCAC 2H.1003(e).The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State,otherwise the application will be returned. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.aspx VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions,outparcels,and future development,the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary,a table listing each lot number,lot size,and the allowable built-upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs.Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner,it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s)below,the permit holder(s)certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project,if required,shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website,that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them,that they will run with the land,that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DWQ and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant: Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm(such as a consulting engineer and/or firm)so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project(such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting Engineer: Jeff Petroff,P.E. Consulting Firm: Coastal Land Design,PLLC Mailing Address:P.O.Box 1172 City:Wilmington State:NC Zip:28402 Phone: (910 ) 254-9333 x 1002 Fax: (910 ) 254-0502 Email:jpetroff@CLDeng.com IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION(if Contact Information,item 2 has been filled out,complete this section) I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item 2a) ,certify that I own the property identified in this permit application,and thus give permission to (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la) with(print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information,item 1a)_ to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal,which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. RECEIVED SEP 09 2010 Form SWU-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 5 of 6 As the legal property owner I acknowledge,understand,and agree by my signature below,that if my designated agent(entity listed in Contact Information,item 1)dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement,or pending sale,responsibility for compliance with the DWQ Stormwater permit reverts back to me,the property owner.As the property owner,it is my responsibility to notify DWQ immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days;otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to$25,000 per day,pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Signature: Date: I, ,a Notary Public for the State of ,County of ,do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this_day of ,and acknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la) Bert Exum certify that the information included on this permit application form is,to the best of my knowledge,correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded,and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable stormwater rules under 15A NCAC 2H.1000,SL 2006-246(Ph.II-Post Construction)or SL 2008-211. Signature: jC Y Date: /r lO I, l7JA1a/ • ,a Notary Public for the State of NC 7* WOW* ,County of t g.(1/ .574/teg ,do hereby certify that J 5)R gT C.G. v./in personally appeared before me this /fay of 411& - , oW/D ,and ac owledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, q.; ertele-,,jeeZ S rI F7y13 SEAL =C NOTARY PUBLIC ,9 :p er My commission expires v�G.49 cora& cipy �'"" RECEIVED SEP 0 9 2010 Form SWLJ-101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 6 of 6 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Brunswick County, North Carolina Stormwater Modification -Report and Calculations Prepared for XDV, Inc. P.O. Box 1967 Wilmington, NC 28402 sw0uo..,yo S lO-la 4. oe` FEssio (44% .�4Q,o �.y Date: 10-August-2010 SEAL r. �rfJD 028858 - ®`�= SEp U 9 2 O 4 % INEp .sg44oe BY: s Project #: 101-00 - II Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering Landscape Landsca a Architecture L.P'*1111111 Land Planning/Construction Management P.O. Box 1172 (910)254-9333 Wilmington, NC 28402 (910)254-0502 www.cldeng.com General This submittal is for a stormwater permit modification to the Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas development. The site is currently operating under permit number SW8 050239 issued on June 7,2005. The site is located on Hwy 211 in the Lockwood Folly Township of Brunswick County. It is a low-density residential development Ciio.' 2 consisting of approximately J81-5 acres. The project site is bordered by NC 211 to the South, Old Lennon Rd. to the North, and Scott's Branch Creek to the West. The overall project remains low density(30% impervious under 1999 rules)with no change in the permitted impervious allocation. This modification includes the elimination of 4 lots and a reallocation of lot impervious. Three stormwater treatment -methods are utilized in the development: 18 water quality swales,2 non-discharge pond systems and 5 wetland/infiltration basins. The combination of three types of treatment devices allows the project to meet NCDENR stormwater requirements as well as Brunswick County Pre-Post requirements. Site All infrastructure and site improvements are complete. The project area is approximately 181.5 acres. The site has fairly significant relief towards Scott's Branch. The interior of the site undulates with high and low points scattered throughout. Soils are sandy with few silts and clays. Vegetation is fairly thin. The roads utilize a curb and gutter collection system. Water Quality Swales Along Scott's Branch, 18 water quality swales are used to treat stormwater runoff. As shown in the attached calculations, velocities are within allowable limits. All swales were originally constructed several years ago and are now well established and stabilized. Updated calculations and a curb outlet supplement are included in this submittal. Non-Discharge Pond System There are two non-discharge pond systems in this project. Both ponds were constructed per original plan; however pond#1 had originally consisted of two interconnected ponds. During construction the two ponds that made up pond#1 had an elevation difference that required a riser between ponds. Therefore,this submittal removes one of the ponds that originally made up pond#1 and reclassifies it as an amenity pond. Calculations are included in this submittal for pond#1 showing it still has the freeboard to store the 25yr—24hr event with no discharge. Wet detention supplements have been updated for both ponds reflecting actual drainage and impervious areas. As originally permitted the pond system will be drawn back to its normal water level by an extensive irrigation system used to irrigate all of the road right-of-ways and common areas. There are approximately 36.8 acres of green space requiring irrigation at a rate of 70,000gal/ac/week. Irrigation needs are sufficient to draw down the design storm in the required 2—5 days. Also, emergency risers have been installed to accommodate extreme storm events above the design storm. Wetland Detention Basin There are 5 Wetland Detention Basins on this site that outlet through infiltration. All basins were constructed per original plan. Extended detention wetland worksheets are attached for each basin updating the actual drainage and impervious areas. The drainage and impervious areas are all within the approved allocations as shown on the following chart. Previously Permitted Current Submittal Drainage Impervious Drainage Impervious Area (ac) Allocation (ac) Area (ac) Allocation (ac) Wetland Basin#1 8.91 2.88 7.67 2.85 Wetland Basin#2 16.49 6.09 14.38 5.87 Wetland Basin#3 3.82 1.21 2.46 0.84 Wetland Basin#4 10.12 4.14 8.17 3.07 Wetland Basin#5 6.32 2.29 6.14 1.96 As originally permitted,infiltration is used to draw the pond back down to pre-storm conditions. Outlet weirs and structures are used to convey extreme storm events above the design storm. Deed Restrictions Recorded deed restrictions are attached. As part of this modification, a redistribution of lot impervious allocation is desired. Therefore, sample deed restrictions at the desired distribution are also attached. Upon approval from NCDENR,the recorded deed restrictions will be amended to match the proposed deed restrictions. The applicant still owns all lots that are having their impervious allocation reduced;therefore no individual lot owners are adversely impacted. Supplements and Calculations As previously stated, all supplements (1 low density, 1 curb outlet, 2 wet detention and 5 extend wetland)have been updated with"as-built"impervious and drainage areas and are within original permit allocations. Calculations are included for non-discharge pond #1 and the water quality swales because their drainage areas and impervious allocations have been increased. Sec. of State Documentation @111111111111 fit• SOSID:0758693 Date Filed:9/14/2009 2:06:00 PM Elaine F.Marshall D-479(42) Business Corporation North Carolina Annual I: North Carolina Secretary of State 10-28-08 CA200927500538 This report may be filed online at the Secretary of State website:www.sosnc.com ame of Bus.Corporation: XDV, INC. scat Year Ending: 12 31 08 State of Incorporation: NC Month / Day/Year scretary of State ID Number. 0758693 �> I hereby certify that the Information requested below(required by NCGS 55.16-22)has not changed since the most recently filed annual report and Is therefore complete.' • s V ature of Business: REAL ESTATE g egistered Agent ROBERT C.G. EXUM egistered Office Mailing Address: P.0. BOX 1967 ounty: NEW HANOVER City: WILMINGTON State: NC Zip Code:28402 egistered Office Street Address: 503 OLDE WATERFORD WAY SUITE 200 ounty: BRUNSWICK City: LELAND State: NC Zip Code:28451 gnature of New Registered Agent (Signature constitutes consent to the appointment) incipal Office Telephone Number.910—3 9 2—9 3 2 5 incipal Office Melling Address: P.O. BOX 1967 City: WILMINGTON State: NC Zip Code:28402 incipal Office Street Address: 503 OLDE WATERFORD WAY SUITE 200 City: LELAND State: NC Zip Code: 28451 ame,Title,and Business Address of Principal Officers: Name: ROBERT C.G. EXUM Title: PRESIDENT Address: P.O. BOX 1967 City: WILMINGTON State: NC Zip: 28402 Name: Title: Address: City: State: Zip: Name: Title: Address: City: State: Zip: edification of annual report(Must be completed by sit Business Corporations). / �- L � f cC //o(U1 Signature(Form must be signed by an officer of corporation) Date ROBERT C.G. EXUM PRESIDENT Type or Print Name Title USGS Map 33°39.000' N 34°00.000 N 34°0a,000° N >k4R5 1 , v r '1 t !C- #' f ' ,.;'i'-':-..-'..,: e; ` 'r ' l r: s t4}, 4 t a �t r•t f t , ��t "r.--, f - r'or,?o • ', �' -, � ' '1. i ' ► ,♦...+,.t A 1 , 1 a# tA,d f t t. ` -_ t e , 7..: 4, r r- "r ti 1t f� i4 1�♦ }r. { _ /�.f E+ i1 .ifJ * }t •R'?s,r t` , i. 4 y ii" 4 fi i, f 'i T.A lot t 4 1� 4*r Q el r , t 4 t 1,j: V ��_,7 ri;,4 ., .4 i. } r•�, �. t 3 6 y� r yr. 1}} i } 1 4 S t r� \ i 4�"' r, ' ► ,r• `� )7 / a't`�,��t:ft '� A,y� 1A 1� •t �� v i ' " f:1 ;t: 1 t, ry '.!C, �,. a� `i� rra:7 s i.�J: j". t +t} t 1 .'1.t 1 .. 1,' f �,'.5 9 CO 'f 1 } V -ri L f, t t. ;,r c> ,l 4 f:.fit /_ _-f ,. ;4 S }r . ` ;t 'S m F ; ,A. i ,w t ar; rs J1. •:,, . . t{.*f 4 i 1 t j 1�-.? , o ✓� .1� ar v t •A.c,% 7 o ��, Y- '"1 .� t AZI ri lip` �c ' �� I •ki 01�_� j}; 4 ; / _ o �, tltl 1 .!� �.p{ •,.�Ip #f;t' '+ �.+ �J r� p t y E 1 f Y� ¢ ftij ��,C4�ram. } it;f t}t f f J rr{fir , tt•,,-.,_._- • .- •,,1 • I.,_ , ,-.,\ ,,. ; %,tf, \., i i ,, pVp ,.. ! 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S ,, ,. r' 2..7.. !-< i'"fit N - OG, 8 mo :4 1 i} f{ try }i E ', - '' f .r R' (s.r ;, L.'s ._. `� 're• f q a t +`1}E f}y I:ri j r i AM. ,. k t • r, )_, !t '.'fin J ' • m :-." r ....,„ .,-- if('. - (.,,,-- )::.:;:',:c, .,.1---1‘riti'‘. \>,,\ ri--.?v,e,,-,17:27:, .' t `i6 J ,.\,. .._4. (r) f ,, ,. .4., :() ",.&'''*-- .' .12 \ \* '.,':1 ,1-dyL—) i'i .i,-;•,)? ir, •,- i -,;-..‘,..\,,7f,1- ?2, v4 .. . to ,z,....,_, ,,. 1 , 1.1 • 4 ' } 1 +J t Pt )L..I / 1 ' l •• j r&---P g ..,..1/ t),... 33°59.000' N 34°00.000' N 34°O1.000' N Storm Drain Schedule Storm Drain Schedule FROM I Rim Dn I Inv.Dn TO I Rim Up Inv.Up Description FES1 26.50 I 23.50 JB3. ! 30.00 I 24.19 j 138 ' of 36 " CPP JB3 I. 30.00 24.19 CB8 ' 30.34 24.91 143 ' of 36 " CPP CB8 30.34 24.91 CB7 30.34 ; 25.02 22 ' of 36 " CPP CB7 I 30.34 1 25.52 CB6 33.04 j 26.96 , 288 ' of 30 " CPP CB6 33.04 26.96 CB5 33.04 27.07 22 ' of 30 " CPP 035 33.04 28.07 JB1 34.21 28.58 101 ' of 18 " CPP JB1 34.21 28.58 CB3 36.57 30.07 149 ' of 18 " CPP CB3 36.57 30.07 CB4 36.57 I 30.76 69 ' of 18 " CPP CB3 ; 36.57 30.07 CB2 35.79 31.66 159 ' of 18 " CPP CB2 35.79 I 31.66 CB1 35.79 32.03 74 ' of 18 " CPP CB5 33.04 27.57 CB12 32.47 28.27 140 ' of 24 " CPP CB12 32.47 28.27 CB11 32.47 28.38 22 ' of 24 " CPP j CB12 32.47 1 28.77 JB2 34.85 29.31 107 ' of 18 " CPP JB2 34.85 29.31 CB 10 34.96 I 30.16 171 ' of 18 " CPP CB10 34.96 30.16 CB9 34.96 30.26 22 ' of 18 " CPP FES 16 I 26.64 24.64 CB17 29.65 25.43 158 ' of 24 " CPP CB17 j 29.65 25.43 CB 18 29.65 25.65 22 ' of 24 " CPP FES19 27.25 25.25 JB20 I 33.50 28.50 I 64 ' of 24 " CPP JB20 33.50 , 29.00 CB21 36.69 31.08 i 209 ' of 18 " CPP CB21 36.69 31.08 CB22 ; 36.32 31.65 56 ' of 18 " CPP JB20 33.50 29.00 CB23A 36.50 32.80 ' 169 ' of 18 " CPP CB23A 36.50 32.80 CB23 38.00 i 33.84 46 ' of 18 " CPP CB23 38.00 33.84 j CB24 39.21 1 34.84 i 100 ' of 18 " CPP CB24 39.21 34.84 i CB25 39.21 j 35.08 24 ' of 18 " CPP CB23A 36.50 32.80 CB23B 35.50 j 33.00 I 109 ' of 18 " CPP CB23B 35.50 33.00 CB23C 36.75 33.40 j 80 ' of 15 " CPP CB23C 36.75 33.40 I CB23D 35.75 33.55 I 30 ' of 15 " CPP CB23B 35.50 33.00 I CB23E 35.45 33.17 35 ' of 12 " CPP FES26 27.25 25.25 JB27 j 33.00 i 27.67 51 ' of 24 " CPP j JB27 33.00 27.67 CB29B 33.50 28.10 138 ' of 24 " CPP CB29B 33.50 28.10 CB28A I 33.50 28.22 38 ' of 24 " CPP CB28A 33.50 28.22 CB29A 35.70 28.88 207 ' of 24 " CPP CB29A 35.70 28.88 ' CB29 34.25 29.88 58 ' of 24 " CPP CB29 34.25 i 29.88 I CB30 34.25 30.00 24 ' of 24 " CPP JB27 33.00 27.67 CB31 33.06 28.98 263 ' of 24 " CPP CB31 33.06 29.48 CB32 33.06 29.60 24 ' of 18 " CPP FES33 ' 26.95 24.95 CB34 30.10 25.98 207 ' of 24 " CPP CB34 j 30.10 25.98 CB35 ; 30.10 26.10 24 ' of 24 " CPP FES36 26.34 j 23.84 CB37 I 29.50 24.88 j 208 ' of 30 " CPP CB37 29.50 24.88 CB38 j 29.90 j 25.00 24 ' of 30 " CPP CB38 29.90 25.00 RISER39 31.00 j 27.00 j 264 ' of 30 " CPP RECEIVED SEP 0 9 2010 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 1 of 3 • Storm Drain Schedule FROM Rim Dn Inv.Dn TO Rim Up Inv.Up Description FES51 21.50 19.00 JB52 24.00 19.04 26 ' of 30 " CPP JB52 24.00 19.04 JB53 25.00 I 19.63 118 ' of 30 " CPP JB53 I 25.00 I 19.63 CB54 25.96 21.46 368 ' of 30 " CPP I CB54 25.96 21.96 I CB55 28.73 24.65 305 ' of 24 " CPP CB55 28.73 24.65 I CB56 34.22 27.05 240 ' of 24 " CPP CB56 34.22 29.50 I CB57 i 35.39 30.77 I 182 ' of 18 " CPP CB57 35.39 I 30.77 CB58 35.39 30.89 22 ' of 18 " CPP JB52 , 24.00 I 20.04 CB59 25.00 21.50 141 ' of 18 " CPP CB54 25.96 22.36 CB62 25.96 22.46 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB55 28.73 25.13 CB63 j 28.73 25.23 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB56 34.22 29.50 CB64 I 34.22 29.72 I 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB56 i 34.22 27.55 CB65 i 32.96 28.39 170 ' of 18 " CPP CB65 32.96 28.39 CB66 32.96 28.50 I 22 ' of 18 " CPP JB53 25.00 19.63 CB60 25.03 I 20.20 113 ' of 18 " CPP FES67 21.00 19.00 I CB68 23.53 19.53 I 53 ' of 24 " CPP CB68 23.53 19.53 I JB69 25.85 21.35 170 ' of 24 " CPP JB69 I 25.85 21.35 CB70 28.40 23.90 294 ' of 24 " CPP CB70 28.40 i 23.90 CB71 29.75 25.25 106 ' of 24 " CPP CB71 29.75 25.25 CB72 31.06 I 26.36 I 121 ' of 24 " CPP CB72 31.06 26.36 CB73 30.83 26.77 83 ' of 24 " CPP CB73 30.83 27.21 CB74 30.83 27.33 24 ' of 18 " CPP CB68 23.53 19.93 CB75 23.53 20.03 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB70 28.40 I 24.40 CB76 28.40 ' 24.50 I 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB72 31.06 26.86 I CB77 I 31.06 27.01 30 ' of 18 " CPP I FES78 21.50 20.00 CB79 28.77 I 24.53 I 119 ' of 18 " CPP FES81 21.00 19.00 CB82 26.60 22.10 22 ' of 24 " CPP CB82 26.60 22.10 CB83 26.60 22.30 24 ' of 24 " CPP CB83 26.60 22.80 CB84 31.52 I 27.52 178 ' of 18 " CPP CB84 31.52 ! 27.52 CB85 31.94 27.94 57 ' of 18 " CPP FES89 18.26 15.76 JB90 25.00 j 16.22 91 ' of 30 " CPP JB90 25.00 16.22 JB91 I 25.00 16.56 68 ' of 30 " CPP JB91 25.00 16.56 RISER92 21.00 18.00 I 288 ' of 30 " CPP FES93 16.76 I 14.76 CB94 I 19.53 14.96 40 ' of 24 " CPP CB94 19.53 14.96 CB95 20.16 16.05 218 ' of 24 " CPP CB95 20.16 16.05 CB96 20.16 16.16 20 ' of 24 " CPP CB96 20.16 16.16 JB97 23.00 18.40 71 ' of 24 " CPP JB97 23.00 18.40 CB98 23.26 ' 19.14 I 147 ' of 24 " CPP CB98 23.26 19.64 aCB99 I 23.26 19.76 24 ' of 18 " CPP CB94 I 19.53 15.46 CB100 19.53 15.90 87 ' of 18 " CPP FES101 14.64 I 12.14 CB102 I 15.50 12.79 130 ' of 30 " CPP CB102 15.50 12.79 FES103 16.76 14.26 295 ' of 30 " CPP Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 2 of 3 / Storm Drain Schedule FROM Rim Dn Inv.Dn TO Rim Up Inv.Up I Description FES104 11.25 9.25 I CB105 12.65 9.34 35 ' of 24 " CPP CB105 12.65 9.34 JB105B 13.87 I 9.61 + 108 ' of 24 " CPP JB105B ! 13.87 ; 9.61 1 CB106 I 14.34 9.89 55 ' of 24 " CPP JB 105B 13.87 10.11 CB106B I 13.36 10.29 73 ' of 18 " CPP JB105B 13.87 9.61 CB106C I 13.36 j 9.80 74 ' of 24 " CPP FES107 22.00 20.00 i CB108 25.64 22.28 137 ' of 24 " CPP CB108 i 25.64 22.78 CB109 25.64 j 22.89 I 22 ' of 18 " RCP FES110 21.50 19.00 ! CB111 23.26 19.20 34 ' of 30 " CPP CB111 23.26 19.20 CB112 27.11 21.25 221 ' of 30 " CPP CB112 27.11 I 21.25 CB113 27.11 21.36 ! 22 ' of 30 " CPP CB113 27.11 21.86 CB114 27.26 23.15 j 258 ' of 24 " CPP CB114 27.26 23.15 CB 115 27.26 j 23.26 22 ' of 24 " CPP CB111 23.26 20.15 CB116 23.26 20.26 22 ' of 18 " RCP ! FES117 22.50 21.00 1 CB118 29.35 25.13 170 ' of 18 " CPP CB118 29.35 I 25.13 CB119 29.35 25.35 22 ' of 18 " CPP FES120 22.50 21.00 ! CB121 30.14 25.92 I 140 ' of 18 " CPP CB121 30.14 25.92 CB122 30.14 26.14 22 ' of 18 " CPP FES123 30.00 28.00 CB124 33.86 29.86 j 40 ' of 24 " CPP CB124 33.86 29.86 JB 125 35.00 30.53 ! 94 ' of 24 " CPP JB 125 35.00 30.53 CB126 36.37 32.27 349 ' of 24 " CPP CB126 36.37 32.77 CB127 36.37 32.87 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB124 33.86 30.26 CB128 1 33.86 30.36 20 ' of 18 " CPP f FES129 19.50 18.00 CB130 22.75 I 18.75 54 ' of 18 " CPP CB 130 22.75 18.75 CB131 28.27 23.55 j 150 ' of 18 " CPP CB131 j 28.27 23.55 CB132 28.27 i 23.77 j 20 ' of 18 " CPP FES133 27.50 25.50 CB135 ! 30.83 26.73 38 ' of 24 " CPP CB135 , 30.83 26.73 I CB136 30.83 i 26.83 I 20 ' of 24 " CPP ' FES137 27.28 25.28 JB138B ' 34.00 25.50 45 ' of 24 " CPP JB138B 34.00 25.50 JB138 33.50 26.16 133 ' of 24 " CPP JB138 33.50 26.16 j JB139 32.00 26.51 70 ' of 24 " CPP JB139 32.00 26.51 CB140 30.95 26.85 ! 68 ' of 24 " CPP ! CB140 30.95 26.85 ! CB141 30.95 26.95 20 ' of 24 " CPP FES142 27.50 25.50 CB143 30.80 , 26.47 ; 33 ' of 24 " CPP CB143 ; 30.80 26.47 CB144 30.80 26.70 1 46 ' of 24 " CPP CB144 30.80 ; 27.20 i CB145 30.80 I 27.30 1 20 ' of 18 " CPP 1 1 FES146 j 13.50 ! 11.00 JB147 20.50 16.00 188 ' of 30 " CPP JB147 I 20.50 16.00 EM OUT21 29.25 24.00 400 ' of 30 " CPP Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 3 of 3 Existing and Proposed Deed Restrictions Calculations Non-Discharge Pond #1 Routing Hydraflow Hydragraphs by InteliSOLVE Non-Discharge Pond #1 1 Drainage Area=43.04 acres �``,� - `t n'' �' QJ�a S 5 0 + �( Runoff Coefficient: 13.39 ac @ 0.95 (Impervious) A ,N� 29.65 ac @ 0.20 (Pervious) /At 2 SA Composite Coefficient: 0.43 Z`• Cl` Pond Storage See attached Hydraflow report: 25-yr event raises water elevation from normal 27.25 to 28.27 Riser Discharge See attached Hydraflow report: Pond model was run with water level at top of riser 28.5. Model shows 100-yr storm passing through riser at an elevation of 29.29 without overtopping. Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Volume Inflow Maximum Maximum Hydrograph No. type flow interval peak hyd(s) elevation storage description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (ft) (cuft) 1 Mod.Rational 91.06 1 10 163,900 --- •---- Non-Discharge 3 Reservoir 0.00 1 0 0 1 28.27 213,837 storm thru pond Non-Discharge Pond-1-rev.gpw Return Period: 25 Year Friday, Jul 30 2010, 12:17 PM 1 4 --1 1711 E. 03 ,... .4 X fl CY) CIS ._, 113 -• 'cl- .1 LA va ......•, ... .. 1 1 , N ...e. i 01 443/44.0 ] \ •i...... ......... 1 a I L I ; i I . ) . illiii 4 I . ..—L 4-.) r•) In C:t D /4 V( N ' Et4 ;LO'i Lt.,•_r CI L'•,'' • ...0,z.,... r 715 ea Ls- cn 3 In 5 la '•- .1 , 0... L....„ . 1 cr ,...„.„..., W! 1 .... ..,, tr) c c et. MIR '2 CD L/1 n V c 0 i L o:, 0 0 •cx Q: ,- IN O..6 Cill ix, i 15 0 II 0..: 0.2 g ........4. I-la .... -Pr ......4 ,.„, — vx ..., l:-.a.r..v_ L di ay ..-----------. t.1 C.1 it LCI CI c 411 -451 I i t L u . - . lifite. (..,-, .. - . .. aii nr p.p. N. n_s: 0 d vi L II l V L inc. a.. . 4 < (.t.., Cr) C1/41 CI ""< E.9 O 1 -. ii c:TA •=11.1,11•1., C8d1 '4) 1 17% .— ,...... LA 4 , ,..1 0 :15. - • •CEr i 4(.1._.t9. L5-k I a CI, 122I -- 0C.I % al TA 6 3 LAJ 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 ai .1. ' 11 to 0 0 0 0 4, - ."4 t.. I.. CD til 4 6 o C cJ ...: 97 1111111111I1111111111 • %.5 ‘ .... E. 1 era •-.. i.tj Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday,Jul 30 2010, 12:26 PM Pond No. 1 - SW Pond Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage/Storage Table Stage(ft) Elevation(ft) Contour area(sqft) Incr.Storage(cuft) Total storage(cuft) 0.00 27.00 162,776 0 0 1.00 28.00 170,138 166,457 166,457 2.00 29.00 177,564 173,851 340,308 3.00 30.00 232,292 204,928 545,236 • Culvert/Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise(in) = 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len(ft) = 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span(in) = 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El.(ft) = 28.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 No.Barrels = 1 0 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 Invert El.(ft) = 24.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = Riser --- Length(ft) 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = Yes No No No Slope(%) 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value - .013 .013 .000 .000 Orif.Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage n/a Yes No No Exfiltration= 0.000 in/hr(Contour) Tailwater Elev.= 0.00 ft Note:Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage(ft) Stage/Discharge Stage(ft) 3.00 I 3.00 i _ I ' ' I • 2.00 - I I , 2.00 I I • I I I 1.00 ! ' 100 I j • I . I I 0.00 " ' I i 0.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 Total Q Discharge(cfs) ,....- HX 11 . ...e.k....-51ir,....--..,..,. .: ...._z_44.2.-... Z g 4 •l'att.M.... ,• .14. 11 lit Tal 1-"I "4" r-• co (....... w fi .4. ..., hi..L). r,... O a).. • iefp:r0) • 0 0 0 in 0 l'.. Et co gs cr) kl 011 (TS cr ii: -, c\J CA N,weib -. N k L. 11 \.:41 fe.,....1 a.0 a, iv). im :::-.7-4 qt.,0 I ti - tr LO '.'..!.4.< 11•111111•Millik I a... Is g‘.. . 41141 • I 4‘\., v lR Qi •' cc < u.ii I- c)olliiii, Eb.... 1, t I: ie.2.'..... • - n c 74—i1-0.1 in r• C ,...., ' ..• i 0 , . am ‘6..- 11111111 11: P r—i ca (i. {ELI 0 of. ft in mi , 1 i 1.3 r''' 4 0 .3.0 . ., •. h -51 it, 0. • , 15 ri°= co.2: A i .......... ......, F 0 ... . I-1.61 r.fli•f, Zi. .. .',••.• li I e • e E A , "„..,.... ,....*,)r .r) ' ,„ l'y Cl* k-I PO , ) • 1 L ..---------- ..<?,•<‘.. . o c3. in ili .,5., ,• s, • z. , 1.. u.„ i.„..,,:( . f, 1110•17--liw. /,', 6 , ..* i ot t' .1111111W ',, ,--1.. ..i:1 ,,•:, L 8 F, stu, p tx..1 P N .h.o, t jr Et • rp . ...%, ' it II .... N r, ' ......r., 1/4.n --1 • - - L gr; .r,ii; P.$ ii : • 13; ,41.../.. A' 1 la 043 1.1:. ei .,,s,.. ' › u to ).. ...._., ,„... ....„_•,..„ 0...c.. .i.0\ = ....... ..) • T""' ° if it 1.• c 6 • 1,,LI 0 %% d :2 ..‘,....• itsiiiiiiii , 11 ac .>' ;,f) I II I ! it ' ll i II II iIIIII C.. A V 15 71 tu ib %id w <C 0 t-L1 .A._ Water Quality Swale Design co •o co U a) 0 a) U • U y� O 00 O, M r r 00 M O\ •J- r r en O\ 'n M N N O v 00 10 O M V) M �t O '-+ VD •ct N VD In M 00 N > N •ri ct m d d �t d NN M m m C f 7 + ^ 00 00 r N M In en oo m S oo N 11 vO to VD vl in et V v-) v1 \Q to N to co 00 ‘.0Q >, O O O C O O C O o C O C O O C C C C t. . N 0 en r oo Q� 0 00 00 m 00 .-� N v, COC/] t3 N Nen end- c- In et Ch d en mN .--i '-• N 0 (D0000. 0000000000000 O &1 C C C O C C C C O C C C O C C O C O U 14 in M `Zr t0 00 V1 VD vsin N N : N . x C .. O r O N O N O in in In O O O O to • Q en enN 0 N ON N '--� cc) N N 10 r en oN r 0 v� a -a o I O 4• yi In d' N .-+ r 00 0 to 00 On O O\ en tel 4.4 ) %.O 01 CT! 00 N O CTen .. h M O O 00 N N O a 00 r V7 ° M v1 ‘O 4 4 r oo r r 4 " 1/46 O Ln M en en en en eno 1 encf in et VD N O Cl 00 00 N N 10 en 0 0 0 N O N 1O U IE • No ND N: r \D r r 16 16 \D tD \o r 16 in 16 o•� O . U hz 1 p 00 00 V1 cs1V'1 s r to In 00 ° cs1 N ti Vl Ny .fir oo U c.) N ?-••• Cd O In N In O en 00 1D r oo .. r N N C/1 �ra U in VD NI: Ln v) v) rr 4 d• v, V, Ln v, o C C C C C C C co o C O C O o o C C I pm al � E a _ ��ir N N 00 Lc) enN 00 — %0 ON O1 ON 00 CO NO CI)) �..,",,E enc0 Vl N M O\ N N O In en 'n 0 In N O\ O, In tri A fV •- -- M C .-+ -- ;--; N CV M N N -- m • Q i O 3 •--� N en 'Ct In NO r 00 ON O — N env.") 1 S o0 Sample Calculations (Swale 1) Columns correspond to attached spreadsheet. C (YL oluFnn "2" C=Runoff Coefficient (0.2 *Pervious Area + 0.95 *Impervious Area)/Total Area = (0.2 *1.51 ac + 0.95 * 1.02ac)/2.53ac = 0.50 The Flowrate was calculated using the following Intensity equation: IIo (Column "4'_) (Brunswick County IDF) ho Rainfall intensity (in/hr) = 121.796 = 6.65 in/hr (Tc +23.5)o.aas fib 2' �,1�, .S rr ;n ry Tc ( :olionn "3") = Time of concentration (min) 8 min. tin k �� Estimated with Kirpich equation �S7 Q � Q =Flowrate (cfs) = C (Colurnii "2') *I(Colu.:t l "4'•) *A (Column `1") = 0.50 *6.65in/hr *2.53 ac =8.45 cfs The Depth offlow was calculated by reworking the following equations: Depth (Column "9") Depth al) =y Use Mannings equation to solve for y: velkAg-) Q . =8.45cfs < C ' n Mannings roughness coefficient = 0.030 (dense grass) A Cross sectional area offlow (sj) (Bottom width *Depth) + (Side Slope ratio *Depth2) = 5y2 R Hydraulic Radius al) = — A P P = Wetted perimeter (ft) =Bottom Width + 2 *Depth * 111+SideSlopeRatio 2 = 2y*111+52 S Longitudinal Slope (ft/ft) (coiurini '8') = 0.012 L (Column "6.) Length of run (ft) — 130ft H "7') =Elevation Change (ft) = 1.5 ft Reformulate Mannings equation: y - 0.78ft The Velocity was calculated using the following equation: Velocity ( '.rrlu "19') C2lGU �(412- Gvl 1^ fJ� V= Velocity (fps) V= Q = 2.80 fps Lewis,Linda From: Jeff Petroff[JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.net] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 10:46 AM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Hi Linda, I'm completely forgot to let you know by the requested date of 5/21/10 how we are going to proceed. We've received direction from the client to proceed with submitting the modification,so we are working on that now. We should have everything pulled together for the modification by the end of next week(6/4/10). Thanks and have a good day, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC (910)254-9333 x 1002 www.CoastalLandDesian.net From: Lewis,Linda [mailto:linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov] Sent:Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:48 AM To: Jeff Petroff Cc: Sullins, Coleen; Matthews, Matt; Johnson, Kelly; Scott, Georgette Subject: RE: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Jeff: I went over the application documents you submitted for this permit transfer request. The documents indicate that the changes and additions to the built-upon area per lot were made and recorded in January of 2007. This is in violation of the existing stormwater permit because there was no request in house for either a plan revision or a permit modification to address these changes and no modification or plan revision was approved for these changes. At least 18 of the lots were increased to a maximum of 6,500 square feet of BUA, whereas the permit only had a maximum of 6,000 square feet. Furthermore, the lot numbering in the permit is just a straightforward 1-341, whereas the recorded documents show maximum lot BUA assigned by Section number and lot number within that section. It is impossible to determine which lot BUA's were increased or to match up the recorded lot numbers with the permitted lot numbers. At this time, given the violation, and the lot numbering changes, a permit modification is warranted. Please submit a complete permit modification application and fee. Additionally, please note that we cannot accept a request to transfer a permit to an HOA/POA where the current permittee/developer also signs off as the proposed permittee on behalf of the HOA. Here are the requirements for transferring a permit: 1. A minimum of 50% of the total number of lots must be sold such that the permittee no longer holds a majority vote in the HOA. There is a possibility of providing a secured bond with the HOA as the beneficiary should you desire to transfer the permit before 50% of the lots are sold. 2. The president of the HOA must be a resident of the subdivision, duly elected or appointed, and not affiliated with the permittee in any capacity, business or personal, i.e., no family members, business associates or close personal friends. i 3. The project must be in compliance with the permit. The Designer's Certifications for the BMP's approved under the permit must be submitted; the BMP's must be inspected by DWQ and determined to be in compliance with the permit; and appropriate deed restrictions must be recorded and submitted. Mr. Exum will need to bring the permit into compliance first by submitting the modification. Once the permit modification is approved, Mr. Exum can consider submitting a permit transfer request at the time that all of the conditions above can be met. Please let me know how you would like to proceed by Friday, May 21, 2010. Thank you, Linda Please note my new email address is Linda.Lewis@ncdenr.gov Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jeff Petroff[mailto:JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:46 PM To: Johnson, Kelly; Lewis,Linda Cc: Sullins, Coleen Subject: FW: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Hi Kelly and Linda, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. However I'm baffled by your decision. While I understand your agencies' mission is to protect surface and ground waters, I do not believe either is compromised by a simple reduction in the number of lots in a development. As you pointed out, historically DWQ staff have been fair to deal with and understand the variables in construction (a swale moves a lotline over to better match field conditions, or a lot cannot be built and is excluded,etc.). I've been told by many DWQ staff that minor changes that meet the intent and are within substantial compliance of a permit should simply be noted on the as-built certification. The question I keep asking myself is"what is the purpose of this modification?". We have a great looking development that was permitted and built. Roads, project area, stormwater ponds and impervious allocations are per plan. Actually, due to the slight lot reduction,the permitted impervious area is 2,371,760 sf and the recorded deed restrictions list an impervious allocation of 2,368,780 sf-a reduction in 2,980 sf or 0.1%. With our submittal,you have as-built drawings that accurately represent the construction. Again,what purpose does it serve to require our client to bear the costs to modify the permit? Please understand where we are coming from,we have a client that has done everything right on this project—except going from 341 lots to 336 lots. We have given you all the updated plans and paperwork necessary for a transfer of ownership. We do not feel a modification is warranted in this case and ask you to again reconsider. Thank you, Jeff Petroff, P.E. 2 Coastal Land Design, PLLC (910)254-9333 x 1002 www.CoastalLandDesion.net From: Johnson, Kelly[mailto:kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2:14 PM To: Jeff Petroff Cc. Lewis,Linda Subject: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Jeff, I discussed the lot reduction issue with Linda, and she confirmed that there had been a time where the Division processed lot reductions as plan revisions as opposed to permit modifications. However,the current policy is that if there is a change to the permit text then a permit modification is warranted. We also do not transfer permits that are out of compliance, and since the number of lots does not match the permitted plans that creates a problem for transferring in this case. The attached letter will be mailed today. KJ *** My email has changed to kellv.p.iohnsonPncdenr.gov KeL( oIileSOV'• Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7345 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3 Johnson, Kelly From: Jeff Petroff[JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.net] Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 3:42 PM To: Lewis,Linda Cc: Sullins, Coleen; Matthews, Matt; Johnson, Kelly; Scott, Georgette Subject: RE: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Hi Linda, Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the HOA information, I'll pass that along to our client and his attorney who prepared those documents. Please understand we are just trying to keep costs down for our client and the additional information you provided will help us to better explain to him why he's having to modify his permit. After he's had a chance to review this information we'll meet and I'll let you know how he would like to proceed. We'll also figure out a better way to illustrate the lot numbering—originally we had no way of knowing the order the lots were going to be recorded,that was why we supplied the recorded plats to act as a guide to the allocations. Thanks again for your help and I'll be talking to you soon, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC (910)254-9333 x 1002 www.CoastalLandDesion.net From: Lewis,Linda [mailto:linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:48 AM To: Jeff Petroff Cc: Sullins, Coleen; Matthews, Matt; Johnson, Kelly; Scott, Georgette Subject: RE: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Jeff: I went over the application documents you submitted for this permit transfer request. The documents indicate that the changes and additions to the built-upon area per lot were made and recorded in January of 2007. This is in violation of the existing stormwater permit because there was no request in house for either a plan revision or a permit modification to address these changes and no modification or plan revision was approved for these changes. At least 18 of the lots were increased to a maximum of 6,500 square feet of BUA, whereas the permit only had a maximum of 6,000 square feet. Furthermore, the lot numbering in the permit is just a straightforward 1-341, whereas the recorded documents show maximum lot BUA assigned by Section number and lot number within that section. It is impossible to determine which lot BUA's were increased or to match up the recorded lot numbers with the permitted lot numbers. At this time, given the violation, and the lot numbering changes, a permit modification is warranted. Please submit a complete permit modification application and fee. Additionally, please note that we cannot accept a request to transfer a permit to an HOA/POA where the current permittee/developer also signs off as the proposed permittee on behalf of the HOA. Here are the requirements for transferring a permit: 1. A minimum of 50% of the total number of lots must be sold such that the permittee no longer holds a majority vote in the HOA. There is a possibility of providing a secured bond with the HOA as the beneficiary should you desire to transfer the permit before 50% of the lots are sold. i 2. The president of the HOA must be a resident of the subdivision, duly elected or appointed, and not affiliated with the permittee in any capacity, business or personal, i.e., no family members, business associates or close personal friends. 3. The project must be in compliance with the permit. The Designer's Certifications for the BMP's approved under the permit must be submitted; the BMP's must be inspected by DWQ and determined to be in compliance with the permit; and appropriate deed restrictions must be recorded and submitted. Mr. Exum will need to bring the permit into compliance first by submitting the modification. Once the permit modification is approved, Mr. Exum can consider submitting a permit transfer request at the time that all of the conditions above can be met. Please let me know how you would like to proceed by Friday, May 21, 2010. Thank you, Linda Please note my new email address is Linda.Lewis@ncdenr.gov Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jeff Petroff[mailto:JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:46 PM To: Johnson, Kelly; Lewis,Linda Cc: Sullins, Coleen Subject: RN: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Hi Kelly and Linda, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. However I'm baffled by your decision. While I understand your agencies' mission is to protect surface and ground waters, I do not believe either is compromised by a simple reduction in the number of lots in a development. As you pointed out, historically DWQ staff have been fair to deal with and understand the variables in construction (a swale moves a lotline over to better match field conditions,or a lot cannot be built and is excluded,etc.). I've been told by many DWQ staff that minor changes that meet the intent and are within substantial compliance of a permit should simply be noted on the as-built certification. The question I keep asking myself is"what is the purpose of this modification?". We have a great looking development that was permitted and built. Roads, project area,stormwater ponds and impervious allocations are per plan. Actually, due to the slight lot reduction,the permitted impervious area is 2,371,760 sf and the recorded deed restrictions list an impervious allocation of 2,368,780 sf-a reduction in 2,980 sf or 0.1%. With our submittal,you have as-built drawings that accurately represent the construction. Again,what purpose does it serve to require our client to bear the costs to modify the permit? Please understand where we are coming from,we have a client that has done everything right on this project—except going from 341 lots to 336 lots. We have given you all the updated plans and paperwork necessary for a transfer of ownership. We do not feel a modification is warranted in this case and ask you to again reconsider. 2 Thank you, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC (910)254-9333 x 1002 www.CoastalLandDesian.net From: Johnson, Kelly[mailto:kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2:14 PM To: Jeff Petroff Cc: Lewis,Linda Subject: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Jeff, I discussed the lot reduction issue with Linda,and she confirmed that there had been a time where the Division processed lot reductions as plan revisions as opposed to permit modifications. However,the current policy is that if there is a change to the permit text then a permit modification is warranted. We also do not transfer permits that are out of compliance,and since the number of lots does not match the permitted plans that creates a problem for transferring in this case. The attached letter will be mailed today. KJ *** My email has changed to kellv.p.iohnsonCWncdenr.eov K.eL4jJok V sol Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7345 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3 Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:48 AM To: 'Jeff Petroff Cc: Sullins, Coleen; Matthews, Matt; Johnson, Kelly; Scott, Georgette Subject: RE: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Jeff: I went over the application documents you submitted for this permit transfer request. The documents indicate that the changes and additions to the built-upon area per lot were made and recorded in January of 2007. This is in violation of the existing stormwater permit because there was no request in house for either a plan revision or a permit modification to address these changes and no modification or plan revision was approved for these changes. At least 18 of the lots were increased to a maximum of 6,500 square feet of BUA, whereas the permit only had a maximum of 6,000 square feet. Furthermore, the lot numbering in the permit is just a straightforward 1-341, whereas the recorded documents show maximum lot BUA assigned by Section number and lot number within that section. It is impossible to determine which lot BUA's were increased or to match up the recorded lot numbers with the permitted lot numbers. At this time, given the violation, and the lot numbering changes, a permit modification is warranted. Please submit a complete permit modification application and fee. Additionally, please note that we cannot accept a request to transfer a permit to an HOA/POA where the current permittee/developer also signs off as the proposed permittee on behalf of the HOA. Here are the requirements for transferring a permit: 1. A minimum of 50% of the total number of lots must be sold such that the permittee no longer holds a majority vote in the HOA. There is a possibility of providing a secured bond with the HOA as the beneficiary should you desire to transfer the permit before 50% of the lots are sold. 2. The president of the HOA must be a resident of the subdivision, duly elected or appointed, and not affiliated with the permittee in any capacity, business or personal, i.e., no family members, business associates or close personal friends. 3. The project must be in compliance with the permit. The Designer's Certifications for the BMP's approved under the permit must be submitted; the BMP's must be inspected by DWQ and determined to be in compliance with the permit; and appropriate deed restrictions must be recorded and submitted. Mr. Exum will need to bring the permit into compliance first by submitting the modification. Once the permit modification is approved, Mr. Exum can consider submitting a permit transfer request at the time that all of the conditions above can be met. Please let me know how you would like to proceed by Friday, May 21, 2010. Thank you, Linda Please note my new email address is Linda.Lewis@ncdenr.gov Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 1 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jeff Petroff[mailto:JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:46 PM To: Johnson, Kelly; Lewis,Linda Cc: Sullins, Coleen Subject: FW: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Hi Kelly and Linda, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. However I'm baffled by your decision. While I understand your agencies' mission is to protect surface and ground waters, I do not believe either is compromised by a simple reduction in the number of lots in a development. As you pointed out, historically DWQ staff have been fair to deal with and understand the variables in construction (a swale moves a lotline over to better match field conditions,or a lot cannot be built and is excluded,etc.). I've been told by many DWQ staff that minor changes that meet the intent and are within substantial compliance of a permit should simply be noted on the as-built certification. The question I keep asking myself is"what is the purpose of this modification?". We have a great looking development that was permitted and built. Roads, project area,stormwater ponds and impervious allocations are per plan. Actually, due to the slight lot reduction,the permitted impervious area is 2,371,760 sf and the recorded deed restrictions list an impervious allocation of 2,368,780 sf-a reduction in 2,980 sf or 0.1%. With our submittal,you have as-built drawings that accurately represent the construction. Again, what purpose does it serve to require our client to bear the costs to modify the permit? Please understand where we are coming from,we have a client that has done everything right on this project—except going from 341 lots to 336 lots. We have given you all the updated plans and paperwork necessary for a transfer of ownership. We do not feel a modification is warranted in this case and ask you to again reconsider. Thank you, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC (910)254-9333 x 1002 www.CoastalLandDesian.net From: Johnson, Kelly [mailto:kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2:14 PM To: Jeff Petroff Cc: Lewis,Linda Subject: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Jeff, I discussed the lot reduction issue with Linda,and she confirmed that there had been a time where the Division processed lot reductions as plan revisions as opposed to permit modifications. However,the current policy is that if there is a change to the permit text then a permit modification is warranted. We also do not transfer permits that are out of compliance,and since the number of lots does not match the permitted plans that creates a problem for transferring in this case. The attached letter will be mailed today. KJ 2 *** My email has changed to kellv.D.iohnson(cancdenr.eov KeL ujolivlsoK, Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7345 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. • Lewis,iinda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:16 AM To: Johnson, Kelly; Scott, Georgette Subject: FW: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Just a side note here about the requested transfer. I notice that the transfer form was signed by Robert Exum as BOTH the current permittee, president of XDV, LLC and as the proposed permittee, president of Palmetto Creek POA, Inc.. Please remember that we do NOT process transfers of ownership where the current permittee signs on behalf of the the HOA. This in and of itself is reason enough not to accept the transfer. I will respond to Jeff as best I can regarding the need for a permit modification, and I will also explain our requirements for transferring permits. I would really like for all of us to be on the same page when it comes to handling low density with a lot reduction. It seems like every case has some nuance that makes it different and requires a decision. Linda Please note my new email address is Linda.Lewis@ncdenr.gov Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jeff Petroff[mailto:JPetroff@CoastalLandDesign.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:46 PM To: Johnson, Kelly; Lewis,Linda Cc: Sullins, Coleen Subject: FW: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Hi Kelly and Linda, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. However I'm baffled by your decision. While I understand your agencies' mission is to protect surface and ground waters, I do not believe either is compromised by a simple reduction in the number of lots in a development. As you pointed out, historically DWQ staff have been fair to deal with and understand the variables in construction (a swale moves a lotline over to better match field conditions,or a lot cannot be built and is excluded,etc.). I've been told by many DWQ staff that minor changes that meet the intent and are within substantial compliance of a permit should simply be noted on the as-built certification. The question I keep asking myself is"what is the purpose of this modification?". We have a great looking development that was permitted and built. Roads, project area, stormwater ponds and impervious allocations are per plan. Actually, due to the slight lot reduction,the permitted impervious area is 2,371,760 sf and the recorded deed restrictions list an impervious allocation of 2,368,780 sf-a reduction in 2,980 sf or 0.1%. With our submittal,you have as-built drawings that accurately represent the construction. Again,what purpose does it serve to require our client to bear the costs to modify the permit? • Please understand where we are coming from,we have a client that has done everything right on this project—except going from 341 lots to 336 lots. We have given you all the updated plans and paperwork necessary for a transfer of ownership. We do not feel a modification is warranted in this case and ask you to again reconsider. Thank you, Jeff Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC (910)254-9333 x 1002 www.CoastalLandDesion.net From: Johnson, Kelly [mailto:kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2:14 PM To: Jeff Petroff Cc: Lewis,Linda Subject: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Jeff, I discussed the lot reduction issue with Linda,and she confirmed that there had been a time where the Division processed lot reductions as plan revisions as opposed to permit modifications. However,the current policy is that if there is a change to the permit text then a permit modification is warranted. We also do not transfer permits that are out of compliance, and since the number of lots does not match the permitted plans that creates a problem for transferring in this case. The attached letter will be mailed today. KJ *** My email has changed to kellv.D.iohnson@ncdenr.eov Ktild johnsoo, Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7345 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture Land Planning/Construction Management L • (I\o NCDENR - Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. May 10, 2010 Wilmington, NC 28405 Attn: David Cox Re: Ownership Transfer and Stormwater Certification for SW8 050239- Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Dear Mr. Cox: Please find the attached ownership transfer and stormwater certification documents for Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas, SW8 050239 issued on June 7, 2005. Final construction was within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The updated plans, stormdrain schedule and impervious allocation table are attached. Impervious allocations are unchanged from the permitted plans; however the number of lots has been reduced by 5 with some of that allocation going to other lots as shown on the attached table. Recorded deed restrictions and plats that correspond to the updated plans and table are also attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Jeffrey B. Petroff, P.E. Coastal Land Design, PLLC RECEIVED MAY 11 2010 BY: P.O.Box 1172 Wilmington,NC 28402 P0one:910 54-9333 Fax:910-254-0502 Johnson, Kelly From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2:13 PM To: 'Jeff Petroff Cc: Lewis,Linda Subject: Palmetto Creek of the Caroinas, SW8 050239 Attachments: 050239.pdf Jeff, I discussed the lot reduction issue with Linda,and she confirmed that there had been a time where the Division processed lot reductions as plan revisions as opposed to permit modifications. However,the current policy is that if there is a change to the permit text then a permit modification is warranted. We also do not transfer permits that are out of compliance,and since the number of lots does not match the permitted plans that creates a problem for transferring in this case. The attached letter will be mailed today. KJ *** My email has changed to kellv.p.iohnson@ncdenr.eov Katt.)o 1.01 . Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7345 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 E i7� �� 01-30-2007 �,`"6'�"��; G 11111101111111111111. B2546 P0243 14:17:68.003 y\WlCi(Ct \I i J� Robert J. Robinson n i q Bru ck County, NC Register of Deeds page 1 of 1 0 A haadon y !min nd In % rnT v e f i,`;r � / '-,:. 14 REV TCli 3 4 . * A` r... ?` _+:t CK AMT i y CK;:.-5213 `1h' 5 .4'• �ti� /:* .. H REF BY_1?-_—_ . D -1121146 SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION TO MASTER DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR PALMETTO CRE ANNEXING ADDITIONAL PROPERTY 1-` STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA �ti`s COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK �� �Q� ' XDV, INC., a North Carolina corporate. `'-.,erein "DECLARANT"), heretofore executed the Master Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek, and caused the same to be recorded in Book 2324, Page 1195, et seq. in the Brunswick County Registry(herein the"Protective Covenants"); and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 8.1 a of the Protective Covenants,the DECLARANT has the right to amend the Protective C ants for the purpose of annexing additional property into the Properties;and Rfknif far fire. WHEREAS, DEC • ' •'\�desires f'• nex into the .s-, es the real property described herein and subject such real prop- to the lien of rotective Covenants. NOW,THEREFORE,the DECLARANT does hereby amend the Protective Covenants to annex all of the following real property into the Properties and thereby subject such real property to the lien of the Protective Covenants: BEING ALL of Lots 1 throng ,Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Three, as shown on that map record-,;n Map Cab- Pages 112 - 113 of the Brunswick County Registry, referenc `. whimap is' iJe for a more particular description. Jc' Do Except as amended herein,the resaid Protec -ve Covenants shall be and remain in full force and effect. This the a?q day of 2007. XDV,INC. •. � RobetxQ� sident NORTH AROLINA - 4, ,f�, � dpo C /1/e&) / /JMMb COUNTY J `'". I, rn NZy' g+°lC° a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid,certify that Robert C.G.Exum personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is President of XDV,Inc.,a North Carolina corporation,and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation,the foregoing instrument w. signed in its name by its President. ti WITNESS my hand and offici..i eat this dau. 2007. �c' �1 p,,n 4r.1 otaryP tic. • My commission expires: \����� Nt�/�P Name: (/f et r/ 11. "; _s es. 4,.....-Pr% C:.0 0 I; 1 flea 65182v4 Prepared by: Murchison,Taylor&Gibson,PLLC 16 North Fifth Avenue,Wilmington,NC 28401 ti n u �W1Cit C74'14 Brunswick County--Register of Deeds ,I'LtI rN v� 11 Robert J. Robinson I Fti I- + big In + '; � ledlo �y Inst 11313321 Book 2324Page 1195 tot A Wagon '-; , addle ,a 01/31/2006 02:53:20pm Recli c •l d PA 0 MASTER DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FO 'ALMETTO CREEK ����� VidtrifQ Prepared by: Murchison,Taylor&Gibson,P 16 North Fifth Avenue,Wilmington,NC 28401 NORTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK COUNTY \``° SE 0�'C�'GS(t THIS MAS DEC ,SN OF PRCTIVE COVENANTS FOR PALMETTO CREEK(these"Protective Covenant")is made this 3001 day of January,2006,by XDV,INC.,a North Carolina corporation("DECLARANT"). DECLARANT is the owner of the real property described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by ref ce. These Protective Covenants impose restrictions upon the Properties (as defined in ARTI 1) under a general scheme of development for the mutual benefit of the owners of each porti f the Propel DEC ereby declare t all of the p �rty described in Exhibit A and any additional property subjected to these Protective Covenants by Supplemental Declaration shall be held,sold,used and conveyed subject to the North Carolina Planned Community Act and to the following easements,restrictions,covenants,and conditions,which shall run with the real property subjected to these Protective Covenants. These Protective Covenants shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of all parties hay,',g any right, title or interest in the Properties or any part thereof,their heirs,successors,and.{ S. CLEI --'w1-4iU DE'`:>.:&I IONS The terms used in these Protective Covenants shall generally be given their natural, commonly accepted definitions except as otherwise specified. Capitalized terms shall be defined as set forth below. 1.1 "ARC": the Archite% al Review Committee,as described in ARTICLE 10 herein. 1.2 "Articles of I -r. .oration "Articles": IfirOttles of Incorporation of Palmetto Creek POA,Inc., as filed with the North Caro Secretary of State,and as may be amended from time to time. 1.3 "Association": Palmetto Creek POA, Inc., a North Carolina nonprofit corporation, its successors and assigns formed or to be formed by the DECLARANT as a property owners association for Owners (as defined g Section 1.22), all of whom shall be members of the Association. � � 1 1.4 "Board of Dire=irs" or" d": whether ' fled of one or more directors, the board governing the Association and managing affairs of the Association. RET tn'rc `IITOTAL y.REV TC#_— REC# CK 62077.4 CASH_ REF EY Inst:WY' 21 Book 2324Page: 1196 1.5 "Business" and/or "Trade": shall be construed to have their ordinary, generally accepted meanings and shall include,without limitation,any occupation,work or activity undertaken on an ongoing basis which involves the provision of goods or services to persons other than the provider's family and for which the .rovider receives a fee, compensation, or other form of consideration. 4�G 1.6 "By-Laws": theLaws wF'almetto C" m]i6. c.,as they may be modified or amended from time to time. The initial By- : fare attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. 1.7 "Class"B"Control Period": the period of time during which the Class"B"Member is entitled to appoint a majority of the members of the Board of Directors as provided in Section 3.3. 1.8 "Common Area":��•1 real and `"/n`.�e. •• ••erty which the Association owns or leases for the common use an• `joyme the Memo- , ing,however, any Recreational Trails (as defined in Section'28 herein) w ECLARANT or the Association may maintain within the Properties from time to time. 1.9 "Common Expenses": the actual and estimated expenses incurred or anticipated to be incurred by the Association for the general benefit of all Units,including any reasonable reserve and actual and estimated expenses c'f maintaining and operating the Common Areas, any Recreational Trails,conservation an ffer areas and landscaped areas within road right of ways,as the Board may find necessary an . .propriate p l r�'r �t •� se Protective Covenants the By-Laws, and the Articles of Incorporatio Acludin following: ,J (a) All sums lawfully assessed by the Association against its members; (b) Expenses of administration, maintenance, repair or replacement of the Common Areas,the Recreational Trails,and the stormwater system; (c) Expenses d- :red to be„j o,mmon Expenses by the provisions of these Protective Covenants or 1, :y-La,-; (d) Expenses agreed by t ` ;members to be Common Expenses of the Association;and/or (e) Any ad valorem taxes and public assessments levied against the Common Area. Common Expenses shall not inclu ny expense. 't urred during the Class"B"Control Period for initial development, original •nstru 'on, inry` I -j(f infrastructure, original capital improvements,or other origi•a`onstructio" is unless appro� y Voting Members representing a majority of the total Class"A"vote of the Asso''r.tion. 1.10 "Community-Wide Standard": the standard of conduct, maintenance, or other activity generally prevailing throughout the Residential Community. Such standard may be more specifically determined by the Board of Directors and the ARC. 1.11 "DECLARANT": -IV, Inc., ae...AA Carolina corporation, together with such successors or assigns of DECL �? w . should" than one undeveloped Unit from the DECLARANT for the p of develo t and who are s fically granted DECLARANT's rights hereunder. 1.12 "Design Guidelines": the architectural design guidelines and procedures set forth in ARTICLE 10 or adopted by the ARC pursuant to ARTICLE 10 and applicable to all Units within the Properties. 1.13 "Future Develo me roe ": roerty within a one(1)mile radius of the real property described on Exbi to attar. • hereto-MI' mated herein by reference. Gf� U 1.14 "Governing Documents": consi Y3 of the following, as they may be amended or modified from time to time: the Protective Covenants, the Articles of Incorporation,the By-Laws, 62077.4 2 ti , Ins �21 Book 2324Page: 1197 Y• any Supplemental Declarations, the Design Guidelines, the Rules and Regulations, Board resolutions,and recorded plats of the Property. 1.15 "Individual Assessment": assessments levied in accordance with Section 9.6 of these Protective Covenants. 1L'h 1.16 "Limited Comm. > 'rea yortions o *9i31-4. Area which the Association or DECLARANT has designate. designates 't.,,,. a common use P. enjoyment of one or more,but less than all, of the Members (including, witho"limitation, Common Area intended to benefit a particular Village or Villages). 1.17 "Master Association Assessment": assessments levied on all Units subject to assessment under ARTICLE 9 to fund Common Expenses for the general benefit of all Units. 1.18 "Member": a Per••.` entitled ta5k,fOrgship in the Association, as provided in Section 3.2. *� Vz% 1.19 "Mortgage": a mortgage,a deed"?trust,a deed to secure debt,or any other form of security deed. 1.20 "Mortgagee": a beneficiary or holder of a Mortgage. 1.21 "Mortgagor": any Pei( who gives ❑/aa Mortgage. 1.22 "Owner":the r-�,4 Own- .�„,hether one . .,i;'i sons or entities,of a fee simple title to any Unit which is a p2tt of the Prop'%; s, including contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the per ormance of an obligation. 1.23 "Palmetto Creek": the development created or to be created on the Properties. 1.24 "Person": a natural�a"c on, a corporation, a partnership or limited partnership, a limited liability company or partn, `yip,a trustee, for any other legal entity. 1.25 "Planned Comffiunity Act": t rth Carolina Planned Community Act(N.C.G.S. §47F-1-101 et seq.),as same may be amended from time to time. 1.26 "Property" or"Properties": the real property described in Exhibit A,together with such additions thereto(including, without limitation,portions of the Future Development Property) as may hereafter be brought within the' risdiction of the Association by the filing of a Supplemental Declaration. 1.27 "Protective Cov,"..nts": s'f� can this in Irc t Jas it may from time to time be amended or supplemented. 1.28 "Recreational Trails": any scenic or recreational pathways and trails that may be designated on the Properties from time to time by DECLARANT or the Association for the use and benefit of the Owners in accordance with the terms and conditions of Section 11.5(u)herein. The term"Recreational Corridor"shall ref to any area designated on a plat of the Properties recorded by DECLARANT in which DEC.�£ • shalt have the right, in its discretion, to install a Recreational Trail. 1.16 1.29 "Residential Community": the dential development created or to be created on the Property. 1.30 "Rules and Regulations": the rules and regulations adopted by the Board governing land use, individual conduct and uses or actions upon the Property, as they may be amended or supplemented from time to time, ��nn 1.31 "Service Assess ': ass ssment i.. cordance with Section 9.13 of these Protective Covenants. =�F, D, . ;f 62077.4 3 C �3U ELPTV 41 InselPirkt 321 Book 237.4PaGe: 1198 1.32 "Special Assessment": assessments levied in accordance with Section 9.5 of these Protective Covenants. 1.33 "Supplemental Declaration": an amendment or supplement to these Protective Covenants filed pursuant to ARTIC; 8 which subjects additional property to these Protective Covenants and/or imposes, expre-:j or by retiee changes to or additional restrictions and obligations on the land describe. :: ein. FL 1.34 "Unit": a portion of the Propertie`'whether improved or unimproved,which may be independently owned and conveyed and which is intended for development,use,and occupancy as an attached or detached residence for a single family. The term shall refer to the land,if any,which is part of the Unit as well as any improvements thereon. The term shall include, by way of illustration but not limitation,condominium units,townhouse units,cluster homes,patio or zero lot line homes, single-family detached 'o es on separately platted lots, and single family residential lots. sx, Co Subject to the terms a ..conditions o'w. se Protective Cov nants,Units may be combined, further subdivided, and/or recombined, and boun•'•ry lines of Units may be changed, only by the recording of a plat or other legal instrument further subdividing or resubdividing the parcel of property. In the absence of recording such a legal instrument, ownership of adjacent Units by the same Owner shall not permit such Units to be treated as a single Unit for purposes of voting and assessment,notwithstanding that such its may be improved with a single structure. ti 1.35 "Village": two or :re Units whip interests other than those common to all Units, as more particularly des •ed in ion 3.4. t' lustration and not limitation, a n condominium development, `wnhome dev"r, et, patio home development, cluster home 4. development, or single-family detached housing development might each be designated by the DECLARANT as separate Villages,or a Village may be comprised of more than one housing type with other features in common. Where the context permits or N;quires, the term "Village" shall also refer to the Village Committee, if any, established in ;``'cordance with the By-Laws, or the Village Association established to act on behalf of th?e wners of U.cR 9 ;;,-thee Village.la Village boundaries may be A- established and modified as pro din Se 3.4. ass fcp 1.36 "Village Assessments": assessments levied by the Association against the Units in particular Village or Villages to fund Village Expenses as described in ARTICLE 9. 1.37 "Village Association": any condominium association or other owners association having jurisdiction over any Village. , 1.38 "Village Declare : a declat� idin compliance with the Planned Community Act (or the North> rolina 'r, • 'nium Ac S. §47C-1-101 et seq.), as the case may be) and Section 3.4' erein encumbe and restricting a Village within the Residential Community. 1.39 "Village Expenses": the actual and estimated expenses incurred or anticipated to be incurred by the Association for the benefit of the Owners and occupants of Units within a particular Village or Villages,which may includ 7. reasonable reserve for capital repairs and replacements,as the Board may specifically auths v% and as be authorized herein or in Supplemental Declarations applicable to the Vi1.- s. �t1C ��.- ARTICLE 2 PROPERTY RIGHTS 2.1 Every Owner shall have a right and nonexclusive easement of use, access, and enjoyment in and to the Common ArVand for ingress and egress to and from the Common Area, which shall be appurtenant to an' .ass with the�title to every Unit, subject to the following provisions: ,e CIQ (a) The Governing Documen 62077.4 4 " Inst r Book 2324Page: 1199 4 (b) Any restrictions or limitations contained in any deed conveying any portion of the Common Area to the Association; (c) The right of the Board to adopt rules regulating the use and enjoyment of the Common Area and improvemti t thereon, including rules restricting use of the recreational facilities within the Commgke rea to occ of Units and their guests and rules limiting the number of guests who ay use.,e Comoro trjq e right of the Board to establish penalties for any infrac s thereof; "�'� �U° f, (d) The right of the Board to suspend the voting rights and the right to use the Common Areas and the recreational facilities within the Common Area by an Owner(i)for any period during which any assessment(s) secured by a lien against such Owner's Unit remains unpaid,and(ii)for a period not to exceed sixty(60)days for a single violation of the Governing Documents(other ,..i'i a failure to pay any charges or liens due),and(iii)for any period greater than sixty(6&s ays in the ,%r,;.v any continuing violation,of the Governing Documents,after notice,ea hear ursuant i';,-ir Q s; 4 (e) The right of the Associati-o ,acting through the Board,to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area pursuant to Section 4.7; (f) The right of the Association,acting through the Board,to mortgage,pledge, or hypothecate any or all of its al or personal property as security for money borrowed or debts incurred, subject to the-= proval requirements set forth herein and the rights of such Mortgagees in said prop--�i's shall bed I} 4 at�the rights of the Unit Owners hereunder;and 4`� 44414, rD (g) Easements as provided in ARTICLE 12. 2.2 Any Owner may extend his or her right of use and enjoyment to the members of his or her family,lessees,contract purchasers and social invitees,subject to reasonable Board regulation. An Owner who leases his or her Unit s `,I be deemed to have assigned all such rights to the lessee of such Unit for the duration of the \-'e and an such lessee shall abide by all the restrictions contained herein. Any such leash u all not rely+4�ner of his liability for damage to the Common Area caused by said l 7�`e. ���F. aDo ARTICLE 3 ASSOCIATION FUNCTION,MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS 3.1 Function of Association. The Association shall be the entity responsible for management,maintenance,ownershi a .eration and control of the Common Area owned or leased by the Association within the Prop ,.`-s. The As ;,,j-Len shall be the primary entity responsible for enforcement of these Protective rAenantwd such r : , s regulating use of the Common Areas owned or leased by the ,tsociation ail use of the Prop�y as the Board may adopt. The Association shall also be responsible for admu stering and enforcing the architectural design guidelines and controls set forth in these Protective Covenants and in the Design Guidelines. The Association shall perform its functions in accordance with the Governing Documents and applicable North Carolina law. 3.2 Membership. Every t::'er shall be a Member of the Association. There shall be only one membership per Unit. I ,--` nit is o F1%'sj`F�'t r- than one Person, all co-Owners shall share the privileges of that mem,-'hip. '..-members . T -r tAn Owner which is a corporation, partnership or other legal enti'' ay be exer :.•., by any officer, a rector,partner,or trustee,or by any other individual designated from time to time By the Owner in a written instrument provided to the Secretary of the Association,provided that only one person(and such person's immediate family members with respect to membership rights other than voting) may be designated to act in such capacity for such an Owner at any particular time. 3.3 Voting. The Associa(*shall have two classes of membership,Class"A"and Class ti C (a) Class"-b'. Class"A" hers shall be all�wners of Units except the Class "B"Member, if any. Class"A"Members shall have one vote for each Unit in which they 62077.4 5 tie 'AC.Vz /s Inst it 3a 1 Book 2324Page: 1200 hold the interest required for membership under Section 3.2;there shall be only one vote per Unit. (b) Class "B". The sole Class `B" Member shall be the DECLARANT. The rights of the Class `B" Me ° including the right to approve or withhold approval of actions proposed under t1i; e Protecti& enants and the By-Laws, are specified throughout the Governint ocum:h . The CTa� .bermay appoint the members of the Board during the C s"B"Contra` y Sod,which perisT is further defined herein. After termination of the Class`B"Control Pen'1,the members of the Board shall be selected as provided in the By-Laws. During the Class"B"Control Period,the Class`B"Member shall be entitled to three (3)votes for each platted Unit • d three(3)votes for each planned but currently-unplatted Unit in the Residential Co ity. The total number of planned Units in the Residential Community is currently fob hundred andrlY),,- 80),although the actual number of Units may be more or less, 't the `' 9F "B" M i fij -; no representation whatsoever regarding the actual ntanber of Units '6„,e included in t e Residential Community. The Class"B" Control Period shall terminate and the Class"B"membership shall cease and be converted to Class "A" membership on the happening of one of the following events, whichever occurs earliest: (i) when th 'ECLARANT owns ten percent (10%)or less of the total number of the planned Unit* the Residential Community, including any of the Future Development Property wh'�s u ay be annettQ,as herein provided, ftzea (ii) 11n January 1,21''...r (iii) when,in its discretion,DECLARANT so determines and declares in an instrument recorded in the public land records. (c) Exercise of Vo : Ri ts. In any situation in which a Member is entitled personally to exercise the v.5 for his or her Unit and there is more than one Owner of a particular Unit, the vote~such Unit r o f_-rcised as such Co-Owners determine among themselves an. ;vise th cretary of�+ IrF.rKr,; iation in writing prior to any meeting. Absent such)dvice, the Um ote shall be suspended if more than one Person seeks to exercise it. 3.4 Villages and Village Associations. In order to allow a flexible mechanism for the orderly development of the Residential Community, the DECLARANT may (but shall have no obligation to) divide the Residential ommunity into distinct Villages to account for varying standards, restrictions, uses and ntenance ties within the development. In the event DECLARANT elects to form$e o more(7�Wirt-N.., ithin the Residential Community, DECLARANT shall have the '_/,in its di1 yi 'on,to assign. it 47,allocate Limited Common Area responsibility to such Village(s °'Ff If a Village Association is to be formed,a Village Declaration shall be filed relative to such property(which Village Declaration shall be subject in all respects to these Protective Covenants). A Village Declaration may(but need not) subject Units within a particular Village to covenants in addition to the covenants provided b ese Protective Covenants. If a Village is created, each Owner of a Unit within such Villag�ti+'all becomeo. ember of the respective Village Association in addition to being a Member of ..`Asso :.tion. TsttC�S ass "B" Control Period, no Village Declaration shall be binding u = or applia:?,:, to any of the rties unless approved in writing by DECLARANT. The Artie es of Incorporate and By-Laws of any Village Association shall require the prior written approval of the DECLARANT. DECLARANT shall also be entitled to initially assign any of the Properties to a specific Village by name. In order to insure that all Villages in the Residential Community will be consistent with the general or common scheme, development, the DECLARANT may unilaterally amend these Protective Covenants, by Su emental Deskation, to designate and/or redesignate Village fi boundaries;provided,however,4, (2)o. ore Vi lla be combined without the consent of Owners of a majority of the ?its in the a' ,1 ed Villages. 62077.4 6 Ir/RQ V% Inst g 3133'-9t�Book 2329Page: 1201 ARTICLE 4 . RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION 4.1 Common Area and Recreational Trails, The Association,subject to the rights of the Owners set forth in these Protective tiPenants,shall manage and control the Common Area and all improvements thereon(as defined sectiorA ;'n including,without limitation,roads,road rights of way, recreation path a`es, de'... docks, olighting, irrigation, furnishings, equipment,and common lane • .ed areas)a'° 1 as any Recrea' al Trails(if any)(provided that the Association's obligation to maintain any Rem'''.tional Trails shall be limited as contemplated in Section 5.1 herein). The Association shall keep such areas and improvements in good repair and in a clean, attractive, and sanitary condition consistent with these Protective Covenants and the Community-Wide Standard. • 4.2 Personal Property a ,'•eal Property for Common Use. The Association may acquire, hold, and dispose of 'ble and i ':v_• e personal property and real property. DECLARANT may convey to ?-ssocia improve. Praitaffed real estate located within the Residential Community,perso q= property and• sehold and other property interests. Such property shall be accepted by the Association and there r shall be maintained as Common Area by the Association at its expense for the benefit of its Members, subject to any restrictions set forth herein and in the deed. 4.3 Rules and Regulations.,The Association, through its Board, may make, revoke, amend and enforce reasonable rule-ti'overning the use of the Properties, in addition to further defining or limiting, and, where •�cifically au;,nLC •ereunder, creating exceptions to, those covenants and restrictions set f. ji in the otecfive o'T" C?:Educh rules shall be binding upon all Owners,occupants,invitee;essees,guests licensees. 4.4 Enforcement. Subject to the requirements of the Planned Community Act, the Association may impose sanctions for violations of any of the Governing Documents, including reasonable monetary fines,suspension of the right to vote,and/or suspension of the right to use any recreational facilities within the Com k.n Area and/or the Recreational Trails. In addition, the Association may exercise self-help ti4 ure violations, and may suspend any services it provides to the Unit of any Owner who is mot? .. 30 days di Vr�.`+ 'r aying any assessment or other charge due to the Association. The B., may se elief in any tt J 'olations or to abate nuisances. The Board may assess the re'onable monet nes authorized by this Section as an Individual Assessment authorized by Section 9.6 of these Protective Covenants. 4.5 Implied Rights; Board Authority. The Association may exercise any other right or privilege given to it expressly by these��protective Covenants,the By-Laws,the Planned Community Act, or Chapter 55A of the No {earolina C,ieral Statutes, or reasonably implied from or reasonably necessary to effectua,:1'.ny s ch righTIV C E y3 I e. Except as otherwise specifically provided in these Protective C=``nants, -Laws, or � l'•L-s, all rights and powers of the Association may be exercised y the Board wi a vote of the membership. 4.6 Indemnification. To the maximum extent allowed by North Carolina law, the Association shall indemnify every officer, director, and committee member against all expenses, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred in connection with any action, suit,or other proceeding (including settlement of any suit or p %ceding,if approved by the Board incumbent at the time of such settlement) to which he or s`F ay be pagy reason of being or having been an officer, director or committee member. �� e Ass ciation N lE� gm,�mon Expense,maintain adequate general liability and officers'rid directo iability ins1184M fund this obligation, if such insurance is reasonably available. 4.7 Dedication of Common Areas. The Association may dedicate portions of the Common Areas to any local,state,or federal governmental entity,public agency,authority,or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the Association. 4.8 Security. The Ass%stion may, shall not be obligated to, maintain or support certain activities within the Pro 'es d igned o •roperties safer than they otherwise might be. NEITHER THE AS}'CIATIO R THE DEC M +. T(OR ANY SUCCESSOR TO DECLARANT) SHALL IN • WAY BE IDERED INSURERS OR GUARANTORS OF SECURITY WITHIN THE PROPERTIES. NOR SHALL ANY OF THEM BE HELD LIABLE 62077.4 7 h �� 4nst 0 31.3 2'1 k 2324Page: 1202 FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF FAILURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SECURITY OR OF INEFFECTIVENESS OF SECURITY MEASURES UNDERTAKEN. EACH PERSON USING THE PROPERTIES ASSUMES ALL RISKS FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PERSONS, TO UNITS AND TO THE CONTENTS OF UNITS RESULTING FROM ACTS OF THIRD PARTIES. tiro �~ Zrt�CS'r 4.9 Powers of the •. ciatio elating to he Association shall have the power to veto any action takes'r contempla to be taken by ar�°q Village Association which the Board reasonably determines to be adverse to interests of the Association or its Members or inconsistent with the Community-Wide Standard. The Association also shall have the power to require specific action to be taken by any Village Association in connection with any of the Village Association's obligations and responsibilities. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,the Association may(a)require specific m. tenance or repairs or aesthetic changes to be effectuated by the Village Association, and (b) ree'F e that a proposed budget include certain items and that specific expenditures be made, rv� (c) require*O a Association to ensure its members' compliance with all Governing!.%``'ument . Any action required by the Association in a written notice pursuant to the foregoing paragraph to be taken by a Village Association shall be taken within the reasonable time frame set by the Association in such written notice. If the Village Association fails to comply with the requirements set forth in such written notice, the Association shall have the right to effect such action on behalf of the Village Associa n. To cover the Association' iministrativ-f'O r connection with the foregoing and to discourage failure to comply w4t the req..-•eats of the Alt , on, the Association shall assess the Units in such Village fortieir pro rata s' of any expenses incurred by the Association in taking such action in the manner provided in Section 9.6. Such assessments may be collected as an Individual Assessment hereunder and shall be subject to all lien rights provided for herein. 4.10 Management and Administration. The management and administration of the Association Common Areas and • .;,nities shall be the sole right and responsibility of the Association. The management shag—. carried o pit in accordance with the terms and conditions of these Protective Covenants, the ; tcles, By-LaWtiiikliti* and Regulations, but they may be delegated to a manager or a ma -ment se ' at) 4.11 Assignment to Association. DECLARANT shall be entitled to assign all water, sewer, land use, stormwater system and utility permits, agreements and easements between DECLARANT and any governmental agency or department or public or private utility company to the Association, in which case the Association shall be required to assume same. After such an assignment, the Association shall be =-ponsible for and assume all duties, obligations, and rights and privileges of the DECLARAN i 'der such its, agreements and easements, including all maintenance responsibility, even+ =tart o the w�- 1.1 • d use, stormwater system or utility areas covered by the permits,a r ements an sements are ri t' ted within the Properties. 4.12 Common Area. The Common Area cannot be mortgaged,conveyed or encumbered without the consent of eighty percent (80%) of the Unit Owners. During the Class "B" Control Period, any such mortgage, conveyance or encumbrance shall also require the consent of DECLARANT. ART 11� 5 INT 5.1 Association's Responsibility. Association shall maintain and keep in good repair the Common Area and, while they are owned or operated by DECLARANT or the Association,the Recreational Trails. Such maintenance responsibility may include,but need not be limited to: (a) all Recreatio ti rails(if any)and all landscaping and other flora,parks,and signage for the Residenti.:ti ommunity ed upon the Common Area; structures and improvements situated uric .the t moo `rep' s creational Corridor(as specified on an applicable recordeV.lat), inclu.`": any private and rights of way and islands within their streets and cul-de-sacs;bicy ,and pedestrian pathways and trails situated upon the Common Area or any Recreational Corridor; ponds, lakes, drainways, recreation 62077.4 8 174" +tst ll 31332 k 2324Page: 1.203 pathways within or upon the Common Area or the Recreational Trails;the main entrance to Palmetto Creek from Highway 211 (including, without limitation, 500 foot approaches to such main entrance plaza in both directions on or along Highway 211); the secondary entrance to Palmetto Creek from Old Lennon Road(a/k/a Secondary Road 1504),including, without limitation, 500 foot a oaches to such secondary entrance plaza in both directions on or along Old Lennon • ?; the gateTjec ed at the main entrance and the secondary entrance; and any other;eas dKa ated as ', Y s ,.Area, Limited Common Area, or Recreational Trails by;, CL• ' • '`k a the Associatioirtkom time to time, excepting any real or personal property for which a `' age Association or some entity other than the Association has expressly assumed responsibility; (b) all pools,tennis courts,clubhouses and other amenities constituting a portion of the Common Area, excepting any real or personal property for which a Village Association or some other en'. c as expressly assumed responsibility; � � r (c) Commo • a or • ited Co R rei=1_ •'thin any Village which may be repaired or maintaine .y the Asso 4':.. in the Assoc 'n on's sole discretion either by agreement with the Village or because,iris°i e opinion of the Board,the level and quality of service then being provided is not consistent with the Community-Wide Standard. All costs of maintenance pursuant to this paragraph shall be assessed as an Individual Assessment only against the Units within the Village to which the services are provided. The provision of services in accordance with th'• Section shall not constitute discrimination within a class. The Association also has t 4'authority to take appropriate legal action to require the responsible Village to c. y with th•Jw<<` 'ons of these Protective Covenants, the Articles,By-Laws and ';'s and Dilations a.o.e t der•and (d) any other Common Area .esignated by the Board or the DECLARANT from time to time in a Supplemental Declaration. Additionally, if and to the extent DECLARANT or any principal or affiliate of DECLARANT shall install any board .lk,bridge, deck, pathway or other pedestrian amenity on property adjacent to or in the victi>' of the Properties for aesthetic, recreational, pedestrian, conservation or educational pus. . es (each, SiwerlkuRt Amenity") and shall request the Association to accept respons'r•l"ty for `"lc=,utenance iiaWfattOcent Amenity, the Association shall be required to accept sik responsibili ' d shall be entitled to include the costs of such maintenance in Common Expenses hereunder. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,the Association's obligation to maintain the Recreational Trails(if any)and/or any Recreational Corridors which are not Common Area shall be limited to(i)the replacement of concr%,- or other materials used to build or surface such trails and (ii) the trimming or removal of any,v`?-).ts,landsc sing,structures or other impediments which may have been installed by Owners in >areas sumo f: ational Trails. jrzD 5.2 Owner's Respicittsibility. Eac *weer shall maintain his or her Unit and all structures, landscaping, parking areas, and other improvements comprising the Unit in a manner consistent with the Community-Wide Standard and all applicable covenants, unless such maintenance responsibility is otherwise assumed by or assigned to the Association or a Village pursuant to the Supplemental Declaration or other Declaration of Protective Covenants applicable to such Unit. As to Units which abut a ;:tercourse or body of water,it shall be the responsibility of each Owner to maintain, in a mast' consiste with the Community-Wide Standard and these Protective Covenants,any area 1 ; .`_betw en the fi of line of such Unit and the waterline of such watercourse or body ater(as waterline ate from time to time). As to Units which abut or include a portion of any R ational Corridor or a pathway or sidewalk within the Common Area, it shall be the responsibility of each Owner to maintain,in a manner consistent with the Community-Wide Standard and these Protective Covenants, any area or landscaping, including any landscaping that may have been initially placed by DECLARANT, lying within any portion of a Recreational Corridor located upon such Owner's Unit or between the boundary or lot line of such Unit and the boundary such Recreational Trail, pathway or sidewalk (except as otherwise provided in these Prote Covenant Any fencing which is not maintained by the Association or a Village Associ. sha be mast e t in good condition and repair by the Owner of the Unit on wh'r"1 such fen is located(a wner's cost and expense). In addition to any other enforcement rights, i Owner fails properly to perform his or her maintenance responsibility, the Association may,but is not required to,perform such maintenance 62077.4 9 Inst # 31L �rr�nok 2324Page: 1204 responsibility and assess all costs incurred by the Association against the Unit and the Owner in accordance with Section 9.6. The Association shall afford the Owner reasonable notice and an opportunity to cure the problem prior to entry, except when entry is required due to an emergency situation,as such situation may be reasonably determined by the Association. ti Additionally, with respect.ir any Unit as a landscape berm located between the boundary of such Unit and any p`z ed str---. within the shall be the responsibility of the Owner of such Unit to maint.tr, in a mann ';,.nsistent with kommunity-Wide Standard and these Protective Covenants,any area or Iandscap":,including any landscaping that may have been initially placed by DECLARANT,lying between the boundary or lot line of such Unit and the top of such landscape berm. The obligation stated in the immediately preceding sentence shall apply regardless of whether the area in question has been or has not been designated as Common Area hereunder. 5.3 Maintenance of Una c `Each Own a/ `kjaaintain his or her Unit and all landscaping and improvements comprising nit i J., .miner co A.1, the Community-Wide Standard and these Protective Covenant( e Articles,E+s :y-Laws,the Riffs and Regulations and any other applicable covenants or Supplemental Declara :ns, unless such maintenance responsibility is otherwise assumed by or assigned to the Association or a Village pursuant to any Supplemental Declaration or other declaration of covenants applicable to such Unit. If in the opinion of the Association, any Owner shall fail to maintain any Unit owned by him in a manner which is reasonably neat and orderly and as required by ARTICLE 11 herein or shall fail to keep improvements constructed thereon in<: tate of repair so as not to be unsightly,all in the sole opinion of the Association, the Associati on its discre!'411ICy ; ,e affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Direc ,and f6 ring ten >.r dtten notice to Owner,may enter upon and make or cause to be*lade repairs to NI improvements and perform such maintenance on the Unit as the removal of trash,cutting of grass,pruning of shrubbery,weeding and items of erosion control. The Association shall have an easement for the purpose of accomplishing the foregoing,as provided herein and in ARTICLE 12. The reasonable cost incurred by the Association in rendering all such services,plus a service charge of fifteen percent(15%)of such cost,shall be added to and become an Individual Assessment to w� h such Unit is subject as provided in ARTICLE 9 herein. 5.4 Villa_•e's Re .onsi . (a) Upon :.and resolution, Owners of Units within each Village shall be responsible for paying, through assessments levied by the Village Association or the Association (as the case may be), the costs of operating, maintaining and insuring certain Limited Common Areas within or adjacent to such Village. (b) Any Village A: ;Aciation having any responsibility for exterior maintenance of property and/or lands g: ` within such Village shall perform such maintenance responsibility in a mannera?' sistent with + ?[«� j(+2 ity-Wide Standard. If it fails to do so, the Association may,b\a\' not req. to,perform •i ponsibilities and assess the costs against all Units within uch Village as ided in Section 9.6. (c) Upon Board resolution any Village may provide lawn maintenance to and for areas outside a Village boundary, pursuant to contract between the Village and the respective area's Owner. 5.5 Standard of Perfo ce. Mai enance, as used in this Article, shall include, without limitation, repair and re ceme t as nee' ::, 1 as other duties, as the Board may determine necessary or approp • �- to satin Communityty-iO4.tandard. All maintenance shall be performed in a manner consistent with Community-Wide Standard and all applicable covenants. ARTICLE 6 INSURANCE AND CASUALTY LOSSES As and to the extent provi. :on the By Jws of the Association and as required by the Planned Community Act, the ke ocia' n sha titradequate and appropriate insurance coverage on all Common Are.J3: d,while are owned ousted by the DECLARANT or the Association,the Recreational rails. 62077.4 10 lac Inst;24 74. Book 2324Page: 1205 4/4 ARTICLE 7 SUBDIVISION 7.1 Subdivision b DECL NT. Until January 1, 2042„ DECLARANT shall be permitted, without the joinder or co nt of the Association or any other Owner, to subdivide or replat which ais then owned by DECLAny Units owned by L NT and/or 1' 7+„�, .Iz t to these Protective Covenants 4 7.2 No Subdivision without DECLARANT Consent. No subdivision of a Unit, or any change of the boundary lines of any Unit after a subdivision plat including such Unit has been approved by DECLARANT and recorded,shall be permitted without DECLARANT's prior written consent and joinder. 7.3 General Provisions ':;``'rding Subvision. No Unit or Units shall be subdivided except to enlarge an adjoining Ulf,"..ut any Unit f li:^s ;_. cannot be improved with more than one single family dwelling. An er of '€.,,fit and a portal a--8/1 of an adjoining or contiguous Unit or Units may construct a&yelling or othe"`, cture permitted hereunder upon and across the dividing line of such adjoining and contiguous Unit(s). Even if one or more Units are combined as provided in this Section 7.3 the initial number of Units (i.e.,the total number of Units combined) shall remain the same and shall be treated for all purposes under these Protective Covenants as the original number of Units, so that the combined Units must conform to the obligations created by these Protective Covenants,in the same ay that these Protective Covenants initiallyattached to the Units. Notwithstanding anything in t Article 7 e contrary, Units or portions of the Property W this Section id thallt this not apply to p riy w�.� are en own (provided that t section shall apply once such Units or paeans of the 4,•erty are no lon filvned by DECLARANT). ARTICLE 8 ANNEXATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF PROPERTY 8.1 Annexation without Approval of Membership. l o (a) Until January $ 042,DEC j_r :NT may subject any portion(s)or all of the Future Development Prope >''• o the,lrovision‘ ective Covenants as provided in this Section 8.1. DECL ]•NT may a" c , er or assign this' i t to annex property,provided that the transferee or assignee is the devel a of at least a portion of the Property. Nothing in these Protective Covenants shall be construed to require the DECLARANT or any successor to annex or develop any of the Future Development Property in any manner whatsoever. (b) An annexation b a ECL4 a.NT under Section 8.1(a)shall be accomplished by filing a Supplemental 1).., . ation in records of Brunswick County, North Carolina,describing the pr C�'J' to ,, annexe y subjecting it to the terms of these Protective Covena Such Sup.F.;,ental Declaration all not require the consent of any Members other than DECLARANT,b```hall require the consent of the owner of such property,if other than DECLARANT. Any such annexation shall be effective upon the filing for record of such Supplemental Declaration unless otherwise provided therein. 8.2 Annexation by Membershii. Except as provided in Section 8.1 herein,annexation of additional property shall require the ass,•• of two-thirds(z/3)of the Class"A"Members at a meeting duly called for this purpose, written ce of whic - sent to all Members not less than ten (10)days nor more than sixty(60� ys in once of t R Ta(rl_r/ uring the Class"B"Control Period, annexation of additional operty unde his Section 8.2 s all also require the consent of DECLARANT. 8.3 Withdrawal of Property. The DECLARANT reserves the right to amend these Protective Covenants so long as it has a right to annex additional property pursuant to this Article, without prior notice and without the consent of any Person, for the purpose of removing property then owned by the DECLARANT, its.•fti, Hates, or the Association from the coverage of these Protective Covenants, to the extent o�{�'nally includift- ar or as a result of any changes in the DECLARANT'S plans for the Pro ies,pr. ed such wit', iot unequivocally contrary to the overall,uniform scheme of de opment for `-„Jv'pertics. 62077.4 u 4�0 C 44 -'41tpx. Inst Il :#l-3s3 s Book 2324Page: 1206 8.4 Additional Covenants and Easements.--The DECLARANT may unilaterally subject the property submitted to these Protective Covenants initially or by Supplemental Declaration to additional covenants and easements,provided that such amendment or modification does not alter the general or common scheme of development for the Properties described herein and further provided that this right to amend sh.4 of render these covenants and restrictions purely personal to the DECLARANT and the ben-,. and burd tained in these Protective Covenants shall remain mutual and reciprocal t•`<? Own Q 8.5 Amendment. This ARTICLE shall not be amended without the prior written consent of DECLARANT so long as the DECLARANT owns any of the property described on Exhibit A or any Future Development Property. ARTICLE 9 �ti. ASSESSMENTS •,� 2kij 9.1 Creation of Ass cents. '4 D (a) The Association is hereby authorized to levy assessments against each Unit for Association expenses as the Board may specifically authorize from time to time. There shall be five types of assessments for Association expenses: (1) Master Association Assessments to fund Common Expenses for the general benefit of all Units within the Properties; (2) Village Asses •,ents for Village Expenses benefiting only Units within a particular Village or Village `s the extent these are assessed by the Association as opposed to the applicable Village e,ociation); (33w,z_r K ssessments as described in Section 9.5; (4) Individual Assess i • as d 'bed in Sec {' nd (5) Service Assessments as described in Section i° 3. Each O to by accepting a deed or entering into a recorded contract of sale for any portion of the Properties is deemed to covenant and agree to pay these assessments. (b) All assessments,together with interest from the due date of such assessment at a rate determined by the Bo:.,.• (not to exceed the highest rate allowed by North Carolina law),late charges,costs,ands$.sonable attorney's fees,shall be a charge and continuing lien upon each Unit against�, 1-ich the asse _ ' ade until paid, as more particularly provided in Section 9.? ach su`'' ssessment, to 'th interest, late charges, costs, and reasonable attornee's fees,also s• '",•e the personal obligation of the Person who was the Owner of such Unit at the time the assessment arose. Upon a transfer of title to a Unit, the grantee shall be jointly and severally liable for any assessments and other charges due at the time of conveyance. However, no first Mortgagee who obtains title to a Unit by exercising the remedies provided in its Mortgage or any individual obtaining title by or through a foreclosure shall bev?..rsonally liable for unpaid assessments which accrued prior to,such acquisition of title.14:i the eventof any transfer of title to a Unit, the lien of the assessments shall not be e 4 guis ed. fti i. (c) No Owner may exempt elf from liability for assessments,by non-use of Common Area, abandonment of his Unit,or any other means. No diminution or abatement of assessments or set-off shall be claimed or allowed for any alleged failure of the Association or Board to take some action or perform some function required of it, or for inconvenience or discomfort arising from the making of repairs or improvements, or from any other action it takes. tio 1' r 9,2 DECLARANT'S ss:igati•,, for As tiring the Class"B"Control Period, DECLARANT may annually el `'either:(1 `'•,,,day regular assets on its unsold Units,(2)to pay the difference between the amount of assessments +.:lected on all other Units subject to assessment and the amount of actual expenditures by the Association during the fiscal year,or(3)to pay one-half(%2) of the assessments for an unimproved Unit for all Units which are platted of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County but which have not yet been sold to a Person other than DECLARANT or an authorized builder. Unless the DECLARANT otherwise notifies the Board in writing at least 45 days before the begi g of each fiscal year,the DECLARANT shall be deemed to have elected to continue paying on •1 same basim during the immediately preceding fiscal year. The DECLARANT's obligation4 eund- may beNCtit.to he form of cash or by "in kind" contribution of services or mat- :•,,s,or by a clv�..,••,ination of these. ��' t.,,fyG 62077.4 12 4a 4. nst # 3133121 L1ook 2324Page: 1207 9.3 Computation of Master Association Assessment. At least thirty(30)days before the beginning of each fiscal year, the Board shall prepare and distribute to the Members a budget covering the estimated Common Expenses during the coming year(including,without limitation,a capital contribution to establish a reserve fund in accordance with a budget prepared as provided in Section 9.4)as and to the extent requ..:: in the Planned Community Act. 9.4 Capital Reserve. dg a der z d et. a Boar 3'h� prepare a capital reserve budget for maintenance and replace /r7't of capitallitalovements whit 's all take into account the number and nature of replaceable assets, the expectedblife of each asset, and the expected repair or replacement cost. 9.5 Special Assessments. In addition to other authorized assessments, the Association may levy Special Assessments from time to time to cover capital improvements or unbudgeted expenses (including,without limitat'cs�; expenses required to complete repair, maintenance and/or clean-up which the Board deems .6i essary or .'i, ., after a storm,hurricane or other casualty event) or other expenses in ex `-F of the budgete• :in''R,O ay establish the amount of the Special Assessment if it is O t DRED`f-:a LARS($100.0I nor less in any assessment year for each Member. All other Special Assessments hall require the affirmative vote of sixty-seven percent (67%) of Members present and voting in person or by proxy who will be subject to such Special Assessment, and the affirmative vote or written consent of the Class"B"Member, if such exists. Special Assessments shall be payable in such manner and at such times as determined by the Board, and may be payable in install I ents extending beyond the fiscal year in which the Special Assessment is approved. tiro ti` 9.6 Individual Asse•:+tents. ' �Q&5 te (a) The Board shall have the power to levy Individual Assessments against a particular Unit or Units constituting less than all Units within the Properties or within a Village,as follows: (1) to cove�cthe costs, including overhead and administrative costs, of providing benefits,i t,`::,or services to the Unit or occupants thereof upon request of the Owner pursu. r. a menu of•4.:�a�:_ 'ces which the Board may from time to time authorize +``�a offe o Owners N"TprW: t t include, without limitation, landscape mai°°s- ance,hand service,pool cleaning,pest control, etc.),which assessments may be levied in advance of the provision of the requested benefit,item or service as a deposit against charges to be incurred by the Owner;and (2) to cover costs including overhead and administrative costs and reserves incurred for m.,,,i' tenance,repair and replacement of any private roads,signs, mail boxes, fences ei berms which are constructed for the benefit of certain specified Iots,ass be more spe /05islpik.-_ orth in a Supplemental Declaration. ,1:v '4f I iza (3) %cover costs i `r;;ed in bringing the Unit into compliance with the terms of these Protective Covenants, including, without limitation, Section 5.3,any applicable Supplemental Declaration, the Articles, the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations,or Design Guidelines or costs incurred as a consequence of the conduct of the Owner or occupant of the Unit, their lessees, licensees, invitees, or guests; provided,the Board sh. ,.,give the Unit Owner prior written notice and an opportunity for a hearing before i ing an Individual Assessment under this subsection(a). (b) The Ass-ration ma o levy an Ii 'ia )Assessment against any Village to reimburse the Assoc`.tion for costs ured in bringing the Village into compliance with the provisions of these Protective Covenants, any applicable Supplemental Declaration,the Articles, the By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations, provided the Board gives the board of directors from such Village prior written notice and an opportunity to be heard before levying any such assessment. • 9.7 Workin Ca ital A sment. ljR on the conveyance of title to any Unit, the acquiring Owner shall contribute a As ociatiolY'(4 E. e capital an amount equal to one year's Master Association assessment uch fun. .11 be used o .; „tip :1 ing and capital expenses of the Association,such as prepaid in rance,supplie,',,, ishings and equipment,etc. Amounts paid into 62077.4 13 &" InstTA-kW Book 2324Page: 1208 the working capital fund are not to be considered advance payment of regular assessments. All working capital funds shall become part of the general operating funds of the Association. 9.8 Date of Commencement of Master Association Assessments and Due Dates. The Master Association assessments pro <-d for herein shall commence on the date of conveyance of �� each Unit to an Owner other than >LARANTWAdue dates shall be established by the Board of Directors. �,e- Qy„ 0.0 9.9 Lien for Assessments. (a) All assessments authorized in this Article and levied against a Unit, which remain unpaid for a period of thirty(30) days or longer, shall constitute a lien against the Unit against which they are levied when a claim of lien is filed of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Bruns ' County. The lien shall also secure payment of any fees, charges, interest, fines, hat arges(sub�W Vr the limitations of North Carolina law), and costs of collection[Mel °`g,wi ..•ut limits t',R4'fi,1: onable attorneys fees allowed by North Carolina law, ' '.ding but n cited to fees des C.ed in N.C.G.S. §47F-3-1I6(e)], and other charges imposed pursuant idothe Governing Documents and/or the Planned Community Act. Such lien shall be superior to all other liens, except the liens of all ad valorem taxes or assessments,and any other liens which by law would be superior. (b) The Associatis may record notice of the claim of lien in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court .` Brunswick fl.,(1.7_ or file a suit to collect such delinquent assessments and charges e As-,,.ration may R TRr y 1. fif Lis Pendens,bring an action of law against the Own , personally'e'I:;'.,ated to pay the same and/or bring an action to foreclose the lien against the property, o'utilize any other remedy provided under North Carolina law. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein. 9.10 Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments: Remedies of the Association: Any assessments or portion thereof which 'not paid when due shall be delinquent. If the assessment or any portion thereof is not paid wi�`_..thirty(30)cf - the due date,the same shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at - :te not ,,,f xceed the '.:r"r.. t-gal rate allowed in the State of North Carolina per annum an•i n addition, a5',,; fee shall be assessed in such amount as may be determined by the Board of Directors. The Ass•elation may bring an action against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same,or foreclose the lien against the property in the same manner as provided in North Carolina for the foreclosure of deeds of trust,or both,and,in either event,interest, costs and reasonable attorney's fees(as allowed by North Carolina law)of any such action shall be added to the amount of such assessm- . The Association may bid for the Unit at the foreclosure sale and acquire,hold,lease,mortga and conve the Unit. The sale or transfer of any Unit shall not affect the assessment lien or reG t e such Unit ,�; ._-'en for any subsequent assessments. ` I 9.11 Failure to Ass. . Failure o Board to fix�assessment amounts or rates or to deliver or mail each Owner an assessment notices all not be deemed a waiver,modification,or a release of any Owner from the obligation to pay assessments. In such event, each Owner shall continue to pay Master Association Assessments on the same basis as for the last year for which an assessment was made, if any,until a new assessment is made, at which time the Association may retroactively assess any shortfalls in col` lions. 9.12 Exempt Property. .0 following I r.l-•t ....11 be exempt from payment of Master Association Assessments, Sern4 �r t•ssess and Specia .1-: i;,nts: (a) all Common Area; (b) any property dedicated to and accepted by any governmental authority or public utility; �c (c) any property ti by a co nervation trust or similar nonprofit entity as a conservation easement, e,>;-pt to the e�d y such easement lies within the boundaries of a Unit whit is subje',.. assessment s r(in which case the Unit shall not be exempted from alessment); F,,, 62077A 14 ,���\ v f`7Qr��ss 4 4 Inst # 32. Book 2324Page: 1209 (d) any Unit which is not approved by any governmental agency for residential use;and (e) any Unit or pro.erty owned of record by the DECLARANT,its successors or assigns,except as otherwise •e 'ded in Section 9.2. 1' 9.13 Service Assess . . oard sha� wer to levy Service Assessments against a particular Unit or .j's constitu s than all Units d/or against a particular Village or Villages constituting less than all Villages)"`"'thin the Properties to cover the costs, including overhead and administrative costs,of providing specialized maintenance and/or landscaping services to such Units and/or Villages and the occupants thereof. Such assessments may be levied in advance of the provision of the requested benefit,item or service as a deposit against charges to be incurred by the Owner. Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary,the fact that the Association levies a Service Assessment shall not be d ed to impose any obligation upon the Association to (i) monitor the quality of work or se<t`es being p .Q{ . " assume any responsibility for the quality of work or services provided,(" %ensure^..;+structura 1'T^rr',fuoundness of any construction or modifications provided or (i ensure corn.t,,,,ce with building codes and other governmental requirements relating to the work or services provi•ed. 9.14 Surplus Funds_ Notwithstanding the provisions of N.C.G.S. §47F-3-114,any excess of Association income over Common Expenses (as defined in Section 1.9 herein and which shall include reasonable reserves) shall be ap.Iied to reserves or other future expenses as the Board deems appropriate. ,? ~` Ct1 � ;1TICLE 11 (,r �- DESIG_ <<x IDELINES 10.1 General. (a) No structures or buildings shall be erected or maintained upon any Unit or the Properties, no improvements `r construction (which terms shall include within their definitions: clearing, gradi ; excavation, landscaping, and other site work) shall be commenced,erected,or ,._^` ained upon r-Nis n •,,. p i rr „,Properties,and no exterior addition to or change or alteratiorja"erein(ding,withou `F,t€t;3'n,any change of color)shall be made upon any Unit o til e Properties, t in compliance with this Article and the Design Guidelines. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no work described in the immediately preceding sentence shall commence until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, heights, materials, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ARC according to the provisions of ARTICLE 10. With regard to the provisi.`s of this ARTICLE 10,the terms, "structures,""buildings" and"improvements" shall i4ti'I de,but no,�be limited to any dwelling, garage, fence,wall, sidewalk, hedge, mass pl,,• ng, change lope, drainage pipe, drainage canal, ditch, swale, catch bas'`,-'swimm '',•f,.00l, tree hoirtilitohouse, sign, flag pole, exterior illumination, monume° or marker, on'.,tr statuary, exterior lights, security lights, storm door, well utility facility, mailbox, patio, deck, screening for outdoor trash cans or other purposes,sprinkler system,driveway,outdoor decorative objects,shrubbery or landscaping. (b) Any Owner may remodel,paint or redecorate the interior of structures on his Unit without approval. No app�`,val shall be required to repaint the exterior of a structure in accordance with the origin.4 approvedfiolor scheme or to rebuild in accordance with originally approved plans v spec cation OgQls'Q (c) This A' ICLE 10 shallapply to the activities of the DECLARANT,nor to alterations of or improvements to the Common Area by or on behalf of the Association. (d) This ARTICLE 10 may not be amended without the prior written consent of the DECLARANT, so long as the DECLARANT owns any land subject to these Protective Covenants or subject to annexal,., to these Protective Covenants. 10.2 Architectural Revi •s ;. U�7Q (a) Responstility for adminr''r tion of the Design Guidelines,as defined below, and review of all applications for construction and modifications under this Article shall be 62077.4 15 E��c n 'C ,- ' cet'�Fti Inst H pook 2324Paqe: 3.2111 r�. handled by the ARC as described in subsections(a)and(b). The members of the ARC need not be Members of the Association and may, but need not,include architects, engineers or similar professionals,whose compensation,if any, shall be established from time to time by the Board. The Board may establish and charge reasonable fees for review of applications hereunder and may require s fees to be paid in full and paid prior to review. r,,' 7 (b) Architec Rev�Comm � RCD. The ARC shall consist of at least three, but not,,Nre than > tiersons and shingve exclusive jurisdiction over all structures, buildings, improvements, : 'th construction on any portion of the Properties. During the Class "B" Control Period, the DECLARANT retains the right to appoint all members of the ARC who shall serve at the DECLARANT'S discretion. Upon the expiration of such period,the Board shall appoint the members of the ARC,who shall serve and may be removed in the Board's discretion. 10.3 Guidelines and P .„ dures. Th j LARANT shall prepare the initial Design Guidelines and application and 4-ew pry. -dures � - :. ( hi*:o elines')which shall apply to all construction activities within .„ Properties.''. - Design Guide i -s may contain general provisions applicable to all of the Properties,as well as spe''u c provisions which vary from one portion of the Properties to another depending upon the location, unique characteristics, and intended use. The ARC shall adopt such Design Guidelines at its initial organizational meeting and thereafter shall have sole and full authority to amend them subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.. The ARC shall make the Design Guidelines available to Owners who seek to engage in development or construction within the Properties a ,,o 11 such Persons shall conduct their activities in accordance with such Design Guidelines. `\F 1- ,z- 01/09,„apd . 10.4 Submission of•tl.'s and Spec`l';_..tions. `� (a) No construction or improvements, as defined in Section 10.1(a), shall be commenced, erected, placed or maintained on any Unit, nor shall any exterior addition, change or alteration be made thereto, until the plans and specifications ("Plans") showing site layout, structural design,.exterior elevations, exterior materials and colors, signs, landscaping, drainage, light1,f,nrigation, utility facilities layout, screening, and any other supporting documents, as a�`y be requires/ � - ARC, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by.e�ARC. a Design 'ern. ehall set forth the procedure for submission of the Pl. A reasonab for the review o said plans shall be required and submitted, along with said Plans and any they supporting documents required by the ARC and the Board may require a deposit to be posted prior to the commencement of any construction or work,which sum shall be used to collect any fees,fines or penalties incurred during construction or work. Any such sums remaining at the completion of construction shall be returned to the Owner. ti4~ (b) In reviewi ;, each submikat*k-!;.i.,..ARC may consider visual aesthetics, natural platforms and n` gradeliVations, h. Tir,I• j eternal design with surrounding structures and environtaent,and locate the relation to surrounding structures and plant life. The ARC may require relocation a native plants within the construction site as a condition of approval of any submission. Location of any driveways shall be subject to the approval of the ARC. (c) The Associatio shall have the right to refuse to approve any plans and specifications or grading plati hich are not suitable or desirable, in its sole discretion,for aesthetic or any other reas;'.. In so apprdt .laps,specifications and grading plans, the Association shall esider tl itability of urFIi 4,'osed building, improvements, structure,or landscapi '. and the materiP449f which it is to be built,the site upon which it is proposed to erect the same,the harmony thereof with the surroundings,and the effect thereof on the adjacent or neighboring property. (d) No bulldozing or clearing of trees or excavation of lakes or ponds shall be commenced until the plans,spe cations and grading plans showing the nature,kind,shape and location of work to be d..`< shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Association and a copy the�`a: ,as finally a ftlermanently with the Association. • eD (e) Upon r'' eipt of a sub ion of Plans, the ARC shall advise the party submitting the same in writing, at an address specified by such party at the time of 62071.4 16 �ti. 4 is Ins -a21 Book 2324Page: 1211 submission, of(i) the approval of Plans,or(ii) the segments or features of the Plans which are deemed by such committee to be inconsistent or not in conformity with these Protective Covenants and/or the Design Guidelines,the reasons for such finding,and suggestions for the curing of such objections. The ARC shall use good faith,diligent efforts to respond to a Plan submittal within 30 days aft f eceipt of same, although matters not within the reasonable control of the ARC may p<,4ent this froTy ^urrng in certain cases. In the event the ARC fails to advise the subm' g pa �<.,•y written 'n 60 days of either the approval or disapproval of the P1 , approvar''"">, be deemed to a been given. Notice shall be deemed to have been given at the tii''' the envelope containing such notice, properly addressed, and postage prepaid, is deposited with the U.S. Postal Service, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Personal delivery of such written notice shall, however,be sufficient and shall be deemed to have given at the time of delivery. (f) If constructiol,oes not commence on a project for which Plans have been approved within nine (9.\'` onths of (�roval, such approval shall be deemed withdrawn,and it shall . ecess:,, for the +R/151Ent the Plans for reconsideration. (g) Once construction has b"n initiated on a Unit, the Owner thereof must complete such construction within ten(10)months. If an Owner does not comply with such schedule, then DECLARANT,the Board and the Association shall each have the right(but not the obligation) to complete such construction on Owner's behalf and at such Owner's expense. In the event the DE LARANT, the Board or the Association exercises the right provided in the immediately;: ceding sentence,then DECLARANT,the Board and/or the Association(as the case m .e)shall be o collect from such Owner,in addition to a reimbursement of all exp , d in the-e� tI; .Ar Hof construction of the Unit, an administrative fee for: ch work,w fee shall be equ• to twenty percent(20%) of the costs incurred by such party in completin the work. Any and all of the foregoing costs and fees that may be incurred by or payable to DECLARANT,the Board and/or the Association shall be a charge and continuing lien upon such Unit until paid, and DECLARANT, the Board and/or the Association may bring an action against such Owner,or foreclose the lien against the property in the sam manner as provided in North Carolina for the foreclosure of deeds of trust, or both,and,d='either event,interest,costs and reasonable attomey's fees of any such action shall be a.:.'t' to the amo 1' . e to DECLARANT the Board and/or the Association. ��(`�'� `�t` ?Jl 10.5 No Waiver of Future Approvals. ach Owner acknowledges that the members of the ARC will change from time to time and that interpretation, application and enforcement of the Design Guidelines may vary accordingly. Approval of proposals, plans and specifications, or drawings for any work done or proposed,or in connection with any other matter requiring approval, shall not be deemed to constitute a `:iver of the right to withhold approval as to any similar proposals, plans and specificatio \$drawings, or other matters subsequently or additionally submitted for approval. ����� esim,„ ,t «, c o 10.6 Variance. '' ARC may F.+ ,,rize in its discretion reasonable variances or adjustments from compliance with any of its guide ines and procedures in order to alleviate practical difficulties and hardship in their enforcement and operation. Such variances may only be granted, however,when unique circumstances dictate and no variance shall(a)be effective unless in writing; or(b)prevent the ARC from denying a variance in other different or even identical circumstances. Any such variances shall not violate spirit or the intent of this document to create a subdivision of Units owned in fee by various .<4.ons with each such Owner having an easement upon areas owned by the Association. fi o r / �� �� 10.7 Limitation of liability. The A7 hall not bear any responsibility for ensuring the. structural integrity or soundness of approved construction or modifications, nor for ensuring compliance with building codes and other governmental requirements. Neither the DECLARANT, the Association,the Board,nor the ARC,shall be held liable for any injury,damages,or loss arising out of the review and approval of any application,including,but not limited to,the grant or denial of a variance, the manner or quality ��� construction, defects in any plans or specifications, or deficiencies in kind or quality of m.lc,'ials used,or for compliance or non-compliance with building codes and other governmental re. �•`-ments. U kk,1 Q 4/4 62077.4 17 ti�0 Vir VI Q '7r /� hF:, V��• f Inst # 313321 Book 2324Page: 1212 10.8 Enforcement. (a) Any structure or improvement placed or made in violation of this Article shall be deemed to be nonconforming. Upon written request from the Board or the DECLARANT, Owners shagat their own cost and expense, remove such structure or improvement and.restore and to subs ally the same condition as existed prior to the nonconforming work. ould r;,. Owner ve and restore as required, then DECLARANT,the El.,,. d and the f.,,,, iation shall eac gve the right to enter the property, remove the violation, and restore the +roperty to substantially the same condition as previously existed. All costs,together with the interest at the maximum rate then allowed by law, may be assessed against the Unit's Owner and the benefited Unit and collected as an Individual Assessment. In the event the DECLARANT, the Board and/or the Association exercises any right provided hereto in this Section 10.8(a), then DECLARANT, the Board and/or the Association (as ;'case may be) shall be entitled to collect from the relevant Owner, in addition to a re';'' ursement otklie sts expended in the removal of the violation and/or the restoration�` prop•r,s,an admir�T'iri • ®or such work,which fee shall be equal to twenty perce, -' 0/°)of the% :incurred by suc party in performing the work. (b) Any contractor,subcontractor,agent,employee,or other invitee of an Owner who fails to comply with the terms and provisions of this Article and the Design Guidelines may be prohibited by the Board from entering and conducting any activities within the Properties. In such event,none of the Association,its officers,or its directors shall be held liable to any Person for exerc'eg the rights granted by this paragraph. We (c) The Ass e �.tion 1 have the .�i c+�,1; •. establish fines for violations of this Article and the sign Guidelin ' eluding fines or continuing violations. The fine amounts may be deducted from any bon osted. If the fines are not paid,the Association may establish an Individual Assessment in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE 9. (d) In addition to the foregoing, the Association shall have the authority and standing to pursue all legal and quitable remedies available to enforce the provisions of this Article and the decisions of SL^.RC. �k. 10.9 Architectural C '�e Co i.J.'_,ee. At tthhe f�f,: ,f the DECLARANT or after the expiration of the Class "B"C 'trol Period, ` •:a the DECLARANT or the Association shall have the option,but not the obligation,to establish an •rchitectural Change Committee to review minor changes or renovations to improvements previously approved by the ARC. If the DECLARANT or the Association elects to establish such an Architectural Change Committee, the Board shall establish guidelines regarding the operation and jurisdiction of such committee and shall appoint its members, each of whom shall serve .` may be removed in the Board's discretion. Additionally, during the Class "B" Control Period DECLARANT shall have the right to remove and replace any member of the Architectural ,I ge Commitia9�,y ldestr 44A14641.,E 11 USE GUIDELINES AND RESTRICTIONS 11.1 Plan of Development;Applicability;Effect. (a) DECLARANT has cr.ted the Residential Community as a residential and recreational development and,in fu ,'-ance of its and every other Owner's interest,has established a general plan of development f0 e Residen+Mrt,. e4,, ,,ity. Accordingly, the Properties are subject to the affirmative and 4 ative co'%,..,, ts, easemeii F,restrictions governing land use, individual conduct,and uses oi'sor actions upon"sv,properties that are provided in this ARTICLE 11 (the"Use Guidelines and Restrictions"). (b) All provisions of these Protective Covenants and of any Association rules shall also apply to all occupants,Iessees,guests and invitees of any Unit. Any lease on any Unit shall provide that the lessee and all occupants of theme ased Unit shall be bound by the terms of these Protective Covenants,the By-Laws,and the rul:-�ti;f the Ass, iation;provided however,that the lack of such a lease provision shall not waive �,r se Protective i;* ,1Vilt the By-Laws, and the rules of the Association in any way. �a;' G��^^ 62077A 18 Inst 1 Book 2324Page: 1213 11.2 Rules and Regulations. Subject to the terms of this ARTICLE 11, the Board may implement and manage the Use Guidelines and Restrictions through rules and regulations which adopt,modify,cancel,limit,create exceptions to,or expand the Use Guidelines and Restrictions. 11.3 Owners'Acknowled; lakt (a) All 0 and the Propeirject to the Use Guidelines and Restrictions and are •'`n notice tha'�� their ability to use their privately owned property is limited thereby, and (b)the Board may d,delete,modify,create exceptions to,or amend the Use Guidelines and Restrictions in accordance with Section 11.2. (b) Each Owner,by acceptance of a deed,acknowledges and agrees that the use and enjoyment and marketabil'a of his or her property can be affected by these provisions, and that the Use Guidelines,:4?d Restrictions and rules may change from time to time; and each Owner agrees to be .~d thereby Uf G�� ,o+F. 11.4 Rights of Owrts. Except as ''°': „be specifically set forth in Section 11.5,the Board may not adopt any rule in violation of the following restriction: No rules shall interfere with the activities carried on within the confines of Units,except that the Association may prohibit activities not normally associated with property restricted to residential use,and it may restrict or prohibit any activities that,in the Association's reasonable judgment,create monetary costs for the Association or other Owners,that create a danger to q e health or safety of occupants of other Units,that generate excessive noise or traffic,that create' ightly conditions visible outside the Unit,that significantly block the normal views from oth; 3 nits,or that di` ' 1�easonable source of annoyance,or that create a nuisance. i I 11.5 Use Guidelines and Restrictions. (a) General. The Properties shall be used only for residential and related purposes(which may include,without limitation,offices for any property manager retained by the Association,business .).ales offices for the DECLARANT'or the Association, and certain recreational uses an` �ry to hom ership or as permitted in the Common Areas), except as otherwise prop '-d h-�,in. Nog��4 1 use shall be permitted on any Unit except in accordance AV, Section 'F ;(fin)and Section Ry). (b) Animals and Pets. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised,bred,kept or maintained on any Unit or in any dwelling except a limited number of domestic household pets, which limit may be set by the Board. Domestic household pets may not be raised,bred,or kept for any commercial purpose. Pets must be accompanied and leashed at all times when offs ner's Unit and droppings must be immediately removed. Fines assessed by the Asso ti'' on shall be an Individual Assessment in accordance with ARTICLE 9. All parties here.,}notifimit any dog kept or maintained on a Unit or in any dwel _ on the Pr es barks excesly,continuously or in a manner that constitutes a nuisance,the Board mar -quire the Unit Owner to employ a collar or other device designed to reduce or control such excessive barking(provided that such action shall in no event limit any other rights or remedies for such situation that may be available to the Board or to any other parties at law or in equity). (c) Placement of,Outdoor Clothes Drying Structure. No outdoor poles, clotheslines or similar equi shall be gpeAor located on any Unit. (d) Offen&; and Illega '.z,+'vities. No immbial,improper, illegal,noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upT any Unit, nor shall anything be done thereof tending to cause embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance or nuisance to the Association, the DECLARANT or any Owners. There shall not be maintained any plants or animals,odors, fumes,or devices or anything of any sort whose normal activities or existence are in any way noxious, dangerous, unsightly, unpleasant or of a nature as may diminish or destroy the enjoyment of other Propertie�� the Owners thereof. All laws, orders, rules, regulations, ordinances or requirements('any govern • .•ency having jurisdiction thereof,relating to any Person or the Prope vs'hall b. omplie.wf Rt&P a sole expense of the Owner or of the Association, w ever shall�'4 - the obligation 'd/or ri• ght to maintain or repair such portion of the Property. 62077.4 19 r �� Inst 1t PAr0Book 2324Page: 1214 (e) Parking. Parking of vehicles on any street in the Properties shall be allowed only in accordance with the policy determined by the Board of Directors. No truck nor other vehicle in excess of a three-quarter(3/4) ton load capacity, boat,vessel,motorboat, camper, trailer, motor or mobile home, or similar type vehicle or apparatus shall be parked or kept overnight or longer,on any s!~fc or on any Unit unless it is stored in an enclosed garage and in such a manner as to not 'sible to tha of other Units or the users of a street or recreation area. All to. e.r othe'-,,,aterials stor V,?F. -es for overnight parking shall be kept out of sight. No ..icle or equip`'v; which is unsight yin appearance as determined by the Board of Directors shall be allowed on" e Properties. (f) Repair or Removal of Buildings. Any dwelling or improvement on any Unit that is destroyed in whole or in part by fire or other casualty shall be either rebuilt or torn down and all debris removed o d the Unit restored to a sightly condition with reasonable promptness,provided,howe , that in no event shall such debris remain on such Unit longer than three(3)months.If: lacement Lift .e constructed,the replacement Unit must be approved by the AR _e�accor.`.a,Fe with AR �p (g) Outside Burning. No outside burning shall be permitted except as may be approved by the Board in advance (provided that in no event shall burning be permitted except in compliance with all applicable governmental regulations). (h) Signs. The AR shall approve all signs prior to installation and may impose size limits. No advertising ‘:l=.s.or billb.ards or other advertising structure(s) of any kind shall be erected on any 4.it or dispIa(Aid*,,, .ublic on any Unit subject to these restrictions without pri�� 'tten ;oval of the T C 1 j 5his covenant shall not apply to signs erected by the ':'CLARANT, iding signs used to identify and advertise the Properties as a whole. DECLARANT or ARC has the right to enter upon any Unit and remove any unapproved sign(s). Without limiting the foregoing, the ARC shall issue guidelines from time to time outlining the Residential Community's policy for the posting of "for sale"signs and similar temporary signs by or upon any Unit(which policy shall include the permitted dimensions and pearance of such signs and may even prohibit such signs altogether). rz (i) Huntin d Fishi No huntiingb a bharge of firearms within the subdivision is permitte . The Associate ough its Board of Directors,reserves the right to control or remove animals(including,without limitation,the authorization of bow hunting to reduce or eliminate nuisance animals)subject to rules and restrictions to be determined by the Board. Fishing shall be permitted only in locations designated by the Board from time to time and shall be subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by the Board. �c (j) Garbage. G.`#ge and trassg all be disposed by Owners in accordance with the rules and regulations e Ass,ciation. (k) Antennas. No outside a'z,nnas or satellite dishes shall be erected on any Unit or structure unless and until permission for the same has been granted by the ARC. The design and location of the dish must also be approved by the ARC. (l) Well Installation. The Owners of single-family residential Units shall be allowed to install one single w�"per Unit for the purpose of irrigating the land comprising the Unit. This right shall 1` subject to Oh ECLARANT'S reservation of rights in all surface and sub-surface w. in th.,.,'ropertie d y�rells and pumps permitted under these Protective Cove _`: must bated so as not"b°'be visible from any street or recreational area or Common Area and m be approved by the ARC,screened from view and kept free from discoloration, including rust. All structures within the Unit shall also be kept free from discoloration, including rust. In the event the use of water from any well is determined,in the Board's discretion,to be causing rust or discoloration on a Unit,the Board shall be entitled to require the Owner of such Unit to discontinue the use of such well. (m) Restricted ities. Th , wing activities are prohibited within the Properties unless expressl �' thori by the tto any conditions imposed by the Board: "+F,. �,D 62077.4 20 . In t: itilal21. Book 2324Paqe: 1215 (i) Activities which materially disturb or destroy the vegetation,wildlife, water or air quality within the Properties or which use excessive amounts of water or which result in unreasonable levels of sound or light pollution; (ii) Any :,e.iness or Trade,except that an Owner or occupant residing in a Unit may condu., usiness acti 'thin the Unit so long as: (a)the existence or operation of i - activ' is not app R- itilleKectable by sight, sound, or smell from outside .1'Unit; (b) ,, .vity does not involve regular visitation of the Unit by clients, employees, agents,'istomers, suppliers, or other business invitees, delivery services, or door-to-door solicitation of residents of the Properties; and(c) the activity is consistent with the residential character of the Properties and does not constitute a nuisance, or a hazardous or offensive use, or threaten the security or safety of other residents of the Properties,as may be determined in the sole discretion of the Board. (iii) ; ing s be kept an. 1 r: shall be carried on,by a Person other than DE ARANT or ssociation,in any building,structure or home or on the Common Area which will incr se the rate of insurance,applicable to residential use, for the property or the contents thereof. No Owner shall do or keep anything, nor cause or allow anything to be done or kept,in his home or on the Common Area or any Recreational Trails which will result in the cancellation of insurance on any portion of the property r the contents thereof,or which will be in violation of any law, ordinance, or r 'ation. No waste shall be committed on any portion of the Common Area,an ecreational I Recreational Corridor. (n) Property Damage. 0 I shall be responsible for any damage done to any streets, roadways, access ways, curbing, street gutters, sidewalks, Common Areas, Recreational Trails,or property of other Owners within the Properties which may be caused by the same Owner, his agents, contractor or its subcontractor lessees, employees, guests, licensees or invitees. The Association shall have the authority to assess any Owner for such damage and such charge shall . an Individual Assessment against the Owner and his Unit(s) and maybe enforced in acco .ce with tl e provisions of ARTICLE 9 herein. (o) Junk V " les. No i ped, partia '1ed,junk motor vehicle, or part •thereof, or any motor' chicle not di ing a current valid inspection sticker shall be permitted to be parked or kept on any Unit. (p) Garbage Cans and Fuel Tanks. All trash receptacles and garbage cans shall be screened so as not to be visible by the Owners of other Units or the users of any street or recreation area. All such sere 4ng shall be approved by the ARC. No fuel tanks or similar storage receptacles may be -2..sed to view,. The placement of any such receptacles may be approved by the ARC or ;"CLA a i�{.^ ' `I° Ze Iocated within the main dwelling house,within an access e building, in a screene u a it buried underground. (q) Mailboxes. All mailboxes and other such receptacles must be approved in advance by the ARC. Any boxes provided by the DECLARANT on a Unit shall be considered an improvement and must remain with the Unit and must be maintained by the Unit Owner. Boxes and/or posts damaged shall be repaired to an attractive condition or replaced by the Unit Owner wi 1-)i thirty(30)days of loss or damage. (r) Outdoor 0,�: cts. o outdor s or other decorative objects may be placed on any Unitt i/ess it is i - pliance wit oveming Documents,including the Design Guidelines.' u e American °:'e_ no larger than 3 feet x 5 feet may be flown on a pole no longer than 5 foot 6 inches from a pole holder attached to the home in an approved location which can be reached by hand from the ground below so as to be easily installed and removed. Any flags will be displayed in accordance with traditional rules and regulations governing the flying and display of the American Flag. (s) Alteration of mmon Are .4;io person shall undertake,cause,or allow any alteration or construction �r upog„any portiocftN. non Area except at the direction , of and with the express nen cons .f the ARC. Notvastanding anything herein to the contrary, in no events all any berms c other screening within any Common Area be 62077.4 21 t \tip. N. J` i0,rp Inst II 31 'L Book 2324Page: ].216 z removed or materially altered without the consent of the DECLARANT (or, after the expiration of the Class"B"Control Period,the Association). (t) Use of Common Areas. The Common Areas shall be used only for the purposes for which they are';>nded and reasonably suited and which are incident to the use and occupancy of the hom= �subject to**Ws or Regulations that may be adopted by the Association hereunder•i: rsuan . its By-LalvOr u F ( tD (u) License to Use Recreatio`:1 Trails. With respect to any Recreational Trails designated by DECLARANT or the Association from time to time,each of the Owners shall have a revocable license (the "Trail License") to use such Recreational Trails for pedestrian purposes. The Association shall have the right to establish reasonable rules and regulations relating to the use`, the Recreational Trails,and each Owner's rights under the Trail License shall be subje`4 d subordinate to such rules and regulations. DECLARANT, on behalf of itself and tl `'ssociation, a right to revoke the Trail License with respect to any Recrea fir``. Trai any portion t any time(it being understood and agreed that Recreational Trailsltesirtitts be initially located upon land that may later be converted to use for residential or other purposes). By acceptance of a deed within the Properties, each Owner acknowledges that the removal or closure of any Recreational Trail by DECLARANT (with the exception of a temporary closure for purpose of maintenance or repair) shall operate as an immediate and automatic termination of the Trail License relative to th,<?= reational Trail so removed or closed, and no written or other further notice shall`'~necessary.2 n the expiration or termination of the Trail License with respect t.,_) y R:- eationa hts of the Owners to use such Recreational Trails 1,F imrnediatf''•,a ,-nninate. As an o the extent provided in Section �. 5,1, the Association shall be responst:e for the maintenance and upkeep of certain aspects of the Recreational Trails, for so long as such Recreational Trails are owned or designated by either the DECLARANT or the Association. Notwithstanding anything he,,-,-n to the contrary,no Owner shall be entitled to erect any fence or any other structur- �thin any Recreational Corridor. Subject to the approval of the ARC,an Owner sha,i a entitled toqiiltanescaping and irrigation facilities within any portion of a Recr-,:tonal Co ' r lying withF!P^a�,undaries of such Owner's Unit, but only to the extent' uch landscapin d/or irrigation facilities do not impede or impair 4filIrthe use and enjoyment of any Recreational Trail therein,as determined in the discretion of the ARC. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the designation of a Recreational Corridor by DECLARANT1 'all not be deemed to impose any obligation upon DECLARANT or the Ass• ation to ins maintain a Recreational Trail in that area. (v) Storaus,i.f Personal erty. All lawn` tYfowers, bicycles, toys, grills and other similar objects must be stored wheiot in use so as not to be visible by the Owners of other Units or the users of any street,recreation area,Common Area,or Recreational Trails. (w) Exterior Features and Structures. All exterior storage areas, laundry facilities, utility areas, service rds or areas, carports, electrical meters,water meters,and gas meters are to be screen.tit m view from streets and adjacent properties by an enclosure, fence,wall or natural land 2`.e materials M (x) Road e. The roai:�,.re to be used t, vehicles or pedestrians for the purposes of transportation. The use of a" roads within Palmetto Creek shall be subject to all applicable governmental rules, as well as any restrictions in the Governing Documents. At no time shall any vehicle exceed the speed limit as determined by the Association or the applicable governmental authority. No permanent, frequent, or long-term parking is permitted along or on major roads and promenades except in specifically designated areas. Any parking is also subject &ose rules in Section 11.5(e). The Association is entitled to adopt reasonable rules a '''regulations a�''a g the supervision, maintenance, control, regulation and use of roads promenatli rl enforce the same in any lawful manner which may iiluude, but no limited to, the`imposition of fines for violations thereof,which fines shall be Individual A`""essments and may be enforced in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE 9. 62077.4 22 t PahttioInst # 313321 Book 2324Page: 1217 (y) DECLARANT'S Activities. This Section 11.5 shall not apply to any activity conducted by the DECLARANT or its assigns with respect to its development and sale of the Properties or any commercial activities of the DECLARANT or its assigns, including any sales office m..;" .fined by DECLARANT or its assigns; and DECLARANT shall be specifically autho h`"d to rent o ' any Unit which it owns or manages for other Owners,and to maintai ‘`odel ,S.'ts or sa es ' ) y Unit which it owns or leases. (z) Boats. Except as othe `>"•e provided in this subparagraph (z), the use of boats or watercraft in excess of sixteen(16) feet in length is not permitted upon the ponds, lakes and watercourses within the Palmetto Creek. The use of kayaks,canoes,skulling craft or other such vessels exceeding sixteen(16) feet in length may be permitted on a case-by- case basis subject to the approval of the Board(and, during the Class "B" Control Period, subject to the additional app. •1 of the DECLARANT). The approval of the Board and/or DECLARANT may be gro- d or withhe t.,Y��Fch party's sole and absolute discretion. The use of gas motors will `e be al 41�ed; prove 8 electric trolling motors may be used on permitted w craft. All .'f; and/or watercr�used or stored within Palmetto Creek must be kept in excellent con. "on and in good order and repair and must be acceptable in appearance to the Board and, during the Class "B" Control Period, to DECLARANT. In the event DECLARANT or the Board determines that any boat or watercraft does not satisfy the foregoing requirements or is otherwise inconsistent with the Community-Wide Standard,the owner of such boat or watercraft shall be required to remove same from Palmetto Creek : c'n forty-eight (48) hours (or upon such other timeline that may be imposed by the Bpi': or DECLA( `rM In the event such owner does not comply with such directive, D ,, •RA :4 or Boar.'R F'. [7 such boat or watercraft to be ,F removed from Palmetti3` reek,in wh't r,, ase the full cost o such removal and any storage of such craft shall be the sole responsi `ity of the owner of such boat or watercraft. Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary,the use of boats upon the waters of Palmetto Creek shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the Board from time to time. (aa) Recreational,;z'ethwa . Recreational pathways within the Residential Community (including, b` of limited fi$, • -creational Trails) may be used only by bikes,pedestrians,and`,?`.estria ving devic-V •1.`"q?,_ii,- quiet and otherwise satisfy the requirements of this '?- tion. "Perin moving devices" used within the Residential Community shall not exceed the size ora standard golf cart or touring cart used by the DECLARANT or its assigns,nor shall any such devices exceed a weight of 15 pounds per square foot dead load (or 100 pounds per square foot live load) if used on any wooden pathways, including, but not limited to, boardwalks, bridges, ramps, decks or the like. Persons using pedestrian mov.g devices upon wooden structures within the Residential Community do so at their o`' risk; DECLARANT makes no representation of the weight limitations of any such w`, :.en structure�L awes no liability for the operation of any rt vehicle or device upon•r..,�' struct 1 { � p 11.6 Stormwater Run Off Rules. All Units shall be subject to the State of North Carolina rules and regulations concerning stormwater runoff as these rules are amended from time to time. Without limiting the foregoing, DECLARANT hereby reserves the right to impose additional restrictions upon the Properties as and to the extent required by the terms of the stormwater permit for the Residential Community as issu, , by the State of North Carolina. Such additional restrictions may be imposed by DECLARANTS the recorcki� of a Supplemental Declaration,and no joinder or consent of the Association or •,,,,other Ownek i . hall be required on such Supplemental Declaration. These regulatio -�:' rently p d_e: �07.,`Va (a) The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit number SW8 050239, as issued by the Division of Water Quality under MCAC WH.1000. (b) The State of �� Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintai ti::mpliance yt th the Stormwater management Permit. (c) These -"tenants a =+ 4 run with thelattpd be binding on all persons and parties claiming under ''em. ��,Fa,,, 62077.4 23 Inst It 31332T/iBook 2324Page: 1.218 (d) The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina,Division of Water Quality. (e) Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take place without the concurrence of ski ivision of Water Quality. a R�C� (f) For tho a ots wi' "Section# lmetto Creek (including, without limitation,those Unite escribed on k,j- .lat referenced on Exhibit A attached hereto),the maximum built-upon area per Unit is as ollows: 6,000 square feet. This allotted amount includes any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries,and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, b does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 4, •s+ V Subject to the terms • 4 r•�?onditi.` ‘f f the appli`aT�r'f t.,A a water permit(s)for such areas as issued by the State of No Carolina, D • • NT reserves the right to establish different maximum built-upon square footage limitationsf which may be applicable to other sections within Palmetto Creek annexed at a later time. ARTICLE 12 EASEMENTS tiS 1B (�j� 12.1 Easements for , pities. e are here} /rr_` unto DECLARANT(so long as the DECLARANT owns any Itoperty descrittke Exhibit A or any Future Development Property which has been annexed into the Properties pursuant to the terms of these Protective Covenants), unto the Association, and unto the designees of each, access and maintenance easements upon, across, over, and under all of the Properties to the extent reasonably necessary for the purpose of replacing, repairing, and maintaining any cable television system, any master television antenna system, irrigation systems, any secur and similar systems, roads, walkways, bicycle pathways, recreation pathways, trails,ponds, e-s, wetlan• drainage systems, street lights, signage,and all utilities, including, but not limit0'to, water, s 'C•Lvt.I boxes, telephone, garbage pickup, and electricity,irrigation and for `: urpose Calling any o'r� +L� going on property which it owns or within easements designate. for such purpo 'n these Protective Covenants or on recorded plats of the Properties. Any damage to a Unit resulting from the exercise of this easement shall promptly be repaired by,and at the expense of,the Person exercising the easement rights. Utilities may not be installed or relocated on the Properties,except as approved by the Board or DECLARANT. 12.2 Easement for UtiIit<+ lation. e��� (a) All of the, pe includf� CAE i�.Tl Common Area,shall be subject to a perpetual non-exclusiv sement ater lines,s. l 1.ewers,storm drainage facilities, telephone and electric power lines,tele ' n antenna lines,and other public utilities as shall be established by the DECLARANT as may hereinafter be designated on any plat or replat of parcels within the Residential Community whether the same be within the boundaries of any Unit(s). (b) Easements an.r>ghts of way over and upon the rear,front and side ten(10) feet of each Unit for drain.;:''and the insulation and maintenance of utilities and services, including, without limi •:z n, w.,,er, sewei , nd stormwater runoff facilities, are reserved to DECLA'�`a� an. `' successorssl ssigns for such purposes as DECLARANT may deem incident an; •:•.. opriate to its overall development plan. If the side setback is less than ten (10) feet then the reserved easement shall be the width of the setback. The easements and right of way areas reserved by DECLARANT on each Unit pursuant hereto shall be maintained continuously by the Owner, but no structures or plantings or other material shall be placed or permitted or remain upon such areas or other activities undertaken thereo hich may damage or interfere with the installation or maintenance of utilities or.-4~r services,or which may retard,obstruct or reverse the flow of water or which may da, ge or�nterfere t hed slope ratios or create erosion problems. Improveme within s eas also shal�ftintained by the respective Owner except those for which a public authori utility company is responsible. These easements and rights expressly include the right to cut any trees, bushes or shrubbery, make any 62077.4 24 ti In.`:k4e-tifap21 Book 2324Paqe: 1219 gradings of the soil,or to take any other similar action reasonably necessary in the opinion of the DECLARANT to provide an economical and safe installation. The DECLARANT shall have no maintenance responsibilities for such easement areas. (c) The DECLA!'NT reserves a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for the installation, maintenance klarepair of w�� sewer, drainage and all other utilities within the right of way of all , ` and •,eets andL h shown on the recorded plats of the Property which ease U t may be e- .,;sed by DECL�TT or any public or private entity charged with the responsibility of maint `':nce and repair. (d) The Association hereinafter may grant easements for utility purposes for the benefit of the Properties and the Units now or hereafter located thereon,over,under, along and through the Common Areas. Provided, however that no such grant of easement shall have a material adverse effe 471 the use,enjoyment or value of any Unit. 12.3 Easements to S c'e Ad ' 'anal P n s CLARANT hereby reserves for itself and its duly authorized?ents,repres Ives, employees,° ccessors,assigns, licensees,and mortgagees, an easement over the Common Ar for the purposes of enjoyment,use, access, and development of any Future Development Property,whether or not such property is made subject to these Protective Covenants. This easement includes, but is not limited to, a right of ingress and egress over the Common Area for construction of roads and for connecting and installing utilities on such property. 12.4 Easements for C • raina e. �CC3D) +F, gl p (a) Every:i nit and the U., mon Area sha e burdened with easements for drainage of water runoff from other porti l s of the Properties;provided,no Unit Owner shall alter the drainage on any Unit so as to materially increase the drainage of water onto adjacent portions of the Properties without the consent of the Owner of the affected property. (b) The Properties : e burdened with a permanent easement for the benefit of the DECLARANT and its s ; ssors and assigns,for the stormwater runoff and drainage facilities located on the P�y,-rties,inclu.l.l'_4�y t.ut limitation,any stormwater retention ponds or ditches. Th *- asem '+,;.Fu cludes they '11, install, locate, maintain and use pipes,conduits aria'pumps runnin'2<;,the stormwater retention ponds and other related facilities located on the Properties. 12.5 Power to Grant Easements. Subject to the requirements of the Planned Community Act,the Association shall have the power and authority to grant and to establish in,over, upon and across the Common Area conveyed t`it such further easements as are requisite for the convenient use and enjoyment of the property. y-k'Y 12.6 Easement for .��? . The ociation shaltae right,but not the obligation,to enter upon any Unit for emerency,security, afety reasons,,to perform maintenance pursuant to ARTICLE 5 hereof, and to inspect for the purpose of ensuring compliance with these Protective Covenants, any Supplemental Declaration, the Articles, By-Laws, and the Rules and Regulations, which right may be exercised by any member of the Board, the Association, officers, agents, employees,and managers,and all policemen,firemen,ambulance personnel,and similar emergency personnel in the performance of theiruties. Except in an emergency situation,entry shall only be during reasonable hours and after ti ce to the Owner. This right of entry shall include the right of the Association to enter upon and y nit to cure art er hazard in the event an Owner fails or refuses to cure the condition._:'4 thin a ft,finable timef pest by the Board, but shall not authorize entry into any singlfamily detach-.`r. elling without permission of the Owner,except by emergency personnel acting in their official capacities. 12.7 Easement Maintenance. All maintenance of any water,sewer or drainage casement shall be the responsibility of the Owner of the Unit on which said easement is located. No structure, planting or other material shall be pla.;;. or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance old ilities, sewer or drainage facilities,or which may change the direction of flow of drainage c 3;� els in the edilickkr� a easement area of each Unit and all improvements in it shall be Of ntained is,,tinuously by" er of the Unit, except for those improvements for which a pudic authority orgy company is responsible. 62077.4 25 4 ,: "fn Inst Il 313321 Book 2324Page: 1220 12.8 Easement for Irrigation. (a) There is hereby reserved for the benefit of the DECLARANT, the Association,and their successors and assigns,a permanent exclusive easement and right(1) to pump water from the laketiLAonds,waterways,basins,water table,wells,water dependant structures and other bodi- ,,water locaK. on or under the Properties for the purpose of irrigating any portion . .c e Pr., -rties, an. ~F' install, locate, maintain and use wells,pumping statiot water towfi%-,.,ltration basins basiniVff tanks and related water facilities and systems within the Common Are. '''and/or lands within the Properties owned by the DECLARANT. The pumping or other removal of any water from any lake,pond,or body of water wholly or partly within the Properties, for any purpose other than fire fighting and as provided herein is prohibited without express written permission of the DECLARANT and/or the Association. c (b) The Prope q,`is hereby + -. d with a permanent, exclusive easement in v�'�o favor of the DECLA'�`" and successo + +t: 1.e , for overspray and/or surface or sub-surface flow of ter from ar gation system • 'ng the Properties. Under no circumstances shall the DECLARANT&the Association be held liable for any damage or injury resulting from said water,or the exercise of this easement. 12.9 Easements for Owner's Ingress and Egress. Every Owner, and his or her heirs, successors,assigns,guests and licensees,shall have a perpetual,non-exclusive easement and right of ingress and egress over and across a,e.f the roads and sidewalks located or to be located within the Properties, as shown on any reco +`d plats of t1 ',. rty, for the purpose of providing vehicular and pedestrian access to and e,- the '-,.s,erties. '1�; t� g the foregoing, DECLARANT shall be entitled to restrict ac.� s on certain'•,:+s and sidewalks + DECLARANT's discretion,and certain Villages may have restricted access and o" er Village-specific rules. Accordingly,the use of such roads and sidewalks shall be subject to applicable Rules and Regulations. 12.10 Easement for Common Area Pathways. Each Owner,and their authorized guests or invitees, shall have a perpetual, non- elusive easement for the use and enjoyment of any bicycle paths, pedestrian paths, or natur-i:reserve trails, if any, which may be established by the DECLARANT or the Associatio :+'thin the Co,:/n',nt. ;R a from time to time. Notwithstanding the foregoing,DECLARANT shal .. entitle restrict ace' c' 'i -li orementioned improvements and amenities in DECLARANTirdiscretion, 4, ertain Villages may have Village-specific rules therefor. Accordingly,the use of such improv ents and amenities shall be subject to applicable Rules and Regulations. 12.11 Common Area Easement. (a) Every Owner of a <,`�within the Properties,as an appurtenance to such Unit,shall have a perpetual, non-exclusive ement over ,' ' _2 e Common Areas within the Properties for each and every purpose o,;&.e to wsuch Co . `�+ were intended as determined by their type, or for which suck Common Arienerally are used, including, but not limited to, easement of access, maintenance, repair or replacement of the Common Areas. Such easements shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Unit located within the Properties, whether or not specifically included in a deed thereto. (b) An exclusive easeme1� is hereby established in favor of DECLARANT over all Common Areas for access to adja•,,.''t properti s for the purposes of future development and the installation of streets and public � ties, �D 12.12 Easements for Adjacent Pro and/or Adjacent Amenities. Each Owner and Member hereby acknowledges that DECLARANT, one or more affiliates of DECLARANT and/or one or more principals or shareholders of DECLARANT or its affiliates may (but shall have no obligation to) dedicate or grant easements on or relating to certain property adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Properties for educational, conservation or similar uses. DECLARANT hereby reserves the right to grant to third pa s reasonable easements of access over and across the streets, sidewalks,Recreational Trails and 'mmon Areas on the Properties as and to the extent necessary or appropriate for the full use an.Noyment of s 1 41ns or easements. 12.13 Easements R�i with the La'a, All easements and rights described herein are easements appurtenant,running with the land,and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on all 62077.4 26 �`' Inst # 3`I3 j Book 2324Page: 1221 undersigned, its successors and assigns, and any Owner, purchaser, Mortgagee and other person having an interest in said land, or any part or portion thereof,regardless of conveyance,or in any mortgage or trust deed or other evidence of obligation, to the benefit of and be binding on the undersigned,its successors and assigns,and any Owner,purchaser,Mortgagee and any other person having an interest in said land,or an art or portion thereof,regardless of whether or not reference to said easement is made in the r-� c.tive deeds. krrr rveyance,or in any Mortgage or deed of trust or other evidence of obligation,`?'t.a ea,., ents aandibed in these Protective Covenants. 4,33 AR 'CLE 13 MORTGAGEE PROVISIONS 13.1 Notice to Association. Upon request,each Owner shall be obligated to furnish to the Association the name and address of the holder of any Mortgage encumbering such Owner's Unit. 13.2 Failure of Mortga to Responds Mortgagee who receives a written request from the Board to respond to o 4tnsent : y actio ed to have approved such action if the Association does not r.. ive a writteE`- onse within t�(30)days of the mailing of such request,provided such request is delivered to t' Mortgagee by certified or registered mail,return receipt requested. ARTICLE 14 DECLARANT'S RIGHTS 14.1 Transfer of DECL 'S RigRighlpe or all of the special rights and obligations ip of the DECLARANT set forth •`these ^,1 ectiveCoF e By-Laws may be transferred to other Persons, `provided that•?e transfers :�>F�ot reduce an o •anon nor enlarge a right beyond that contained in these Protective Covenants or e By-Laws. No such transfer shall be effective unless it is m a written instrument signed by the DECLARANT and duly recorded in the land records of Brunswick County,North Carolina. 14.2 Rights of DECLA' ►T and Authorized Builders. Notwithstanding anything in these Protective Covenants to the ", trary, so long as sales of Units by the DECLARANT shall continue,the DECLARANT,an' ilders autho a rJe�: .DECLARANT,may maintain and carry on such facilities and activities �'in th e opinion •fyrarCLARANT, may be reasonably required, convenient, or inc'.`ntal to the 's-;.F,,.; ction or sale of such Units, including, but not limited to,the construction and use of sales and .usiness offices,signs and model units,and the use of any Common Areas and any facilities therein. The DECLARANT and authorized builders shall have easements for access to and use of such facilities. 14.3 Rights to Alter. The is reserved by DECLARANT in these Protective Covenants (including, without limitation, the t to annex property under ARTICLE 8 herein) include the right to change,alter or designat- ' it(s),roads, /' . drainage facilities and easements,and to change,alter or redesignate su,;.ther p t and propo T �i .j'es or facilities'as may in the sole judgment of the DECL ' '� be necessa r desirable. T e rights reserved in this Section specifically include the right of DECLARANT o redesignate, change, or alter any platted Unit(s) into road(s). ARTICLE 15 DURATION, ;i. •NDMENT AND TERMINATION 15.1 Units. Persons a�. ntities Sub 1i t Protective Covenants. All present and future Owners,tenants,and o c.ants ots and their t.-.4-.oinvitees,Iicensees,employees or agents, shall be subject to,'and shall com with the covenants, conditions, restrictions and affirmative obligations set forth in these Protective Covenants,and as the Protective Covenants may be amended from time to time. The Acceptance of a deed of conveyance or the entering into of a lease or the entering into occupancy of any 1-lnit shall constitute an agreement that the provisions of these Protective Covenants are accepted and ratified by such Owner,tenant or occupant and that they will fully comply with the terms and c<; ditions of said Protective Covenants. 15.2 Duration and T- !are ation. The conditions, restrictions, and affirmative obligations of these Protectiv,4 ovenan 11 inure to IfiraoTylfit of and be enforceable by the DECLARANT, the Associat n, or the Own f any Unit, their respective legal representatives, heirs,successors and assigns,for a term of forty(40)years from the date these Protective Covenants 62077A 27 e _ 00 # �p'�,Book ?.324Page: 3.222 are recorded in the Brunswick County Registry,` after which date these Protective Covenants shall be extended automatically for successive periods of forty(40)years,unless these Protective Covenants are terminated as provided in§47F-2-118 of the Planned Community Act(provided that,during the Class "B" Control Period, any termination shall also require the consent of DECLARANT). The covenants,restrictions,conditions a ti'` rmative obligations of these Protective Covenants shall run with and bind the land and shall . A any persoitjm at any time any interest or estate in any of the Properties as though such . ision w1 a madeand every deed of conveyance or lease. 15.3 Amendment. As long as DECLARANT owns any of the property, described on Exhibit A or any Future Development Property, these Protective Covenants may be amended by DECLARANT in its discretion. Retention of this right by the DECLARANT is not intended to materially alter the general or common scheme of development for the property herein described but to correct and/or modify situatio s$or circumstances which may arise during the course of development. Thereafter,these Phi`ctive Cove E�� . , , be amended by vote of not less than sixty- seven percent (67%) of the d ss "A' . embers, torment must be recorded at the Brunswick County Registry irsuch an am' ent to be effectt4. In addition,the DECLARANT may amend these Protective Covenants to annex G.ditional property and make it subject to the terms, conditions, restrictions, obligations and covenants of these Protective Covenants as provided in ARTICLE 8 herein. No amendments may remov- revoke, or modify any benefit, right or privilege of the DECLARANT hereunder without r ritten consent of the DECLARANT or the assignee of such right or privilege. vt M Qi-g 15.4 Stormwater gkestrictions. 7' +twithstanding tfie foregoing to the contrary, DECLARANT shall be entitled to unilaterally :mendthese Protective Covenants as provided in Section 11.6 herein. ARTICLE 16 COMPLIANCE WITH PROTECTIVE COVENANTS.THE ARTICLES THE BYLAWS AND THE t, ES AND REGULATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION kfteticg In the case of failure o„w Owneomply wttand provisions contained in these Protective Covenants, the Afcles, the By- for Rules and Regulations of the Association, the following relief shall be available: 16.1 Enforcement. The Association,the DECLARANT and any aggrieved Owner within the Residential Community shall have the right to enforce by any proceeding at law or in equity,all of the conditions,covenants and restr' ions of these Protective Covenants and the Articles,By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the ociation • d any and all laws hereinafter imposed pursuant to the terms of these Protective C. nants. The ( <f:Tti rty shall be entitled to collect all costs thereof, including reasonable��., omey's (which sha'Wtanermined using reasonable hourly rates). 16.2 Remedies. The Association shall have the right to remedy the violation and assess the costs of remedying same against the offending Owner as an Individual Assessment as provided in ARTICLE 9 herein. 16.3 Sus.ension of Ric :". For any v.!lation by an Owner,including,but not limited to, the nonpayment of any general, cial o indivi. (�4:j`:.. ent,the Association shall have the right to suspend the offending 0 , r s vothiN• is and the •:: :(such Owner, his agents, lessees, employees,licensees and invi ees of the Co. Areas and recreational facilities in the Residential Community for any period during which a violation continues. 16.4 Fines. The Association may establish a schedule of fines for the violation of these Protective Covenants,the Articles,By-Laws and Rules and Regulations. If an Owner does not pay the fine within fifteen(15) days the ,:e shall be an Individual Assessment against the property and may be enforced by the Associatio sue~ accordancdwith ARTICLE 9 herein and with applicable law. r 16.5 Remedies CuV>alive. },emediesprrov�tlei this Article are cumulative, and are in addition to any other remedies provid . aw. • 62077.4 28 ��� Inst #M` is ok 2324Page: 1223 ..,fjF 16.6 Waiver. The failure of the Association or any person or Owner to enforce any restriction contained in these Protective Covenants, the Articles, the By-Laws or the Rules and Regulations shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. ARTICLE 17 F 'NERAL PROVISIONS 17.1 Common Are,,«� d Am`r':,'es. All o jmon Area and any other park, recreation area, recreation f. s ity, dedicate s or other amenity appurtenant to the Properties, whether or not shown and delineated on any recorded plat of the Properties, shall be considered private and for the sole and exclusive use of the Owners of Units within the Properties. Neither DECLARANT'S execution nor the recording of any plat nor any other act of DECLARANT with respect to such area is,or is intended to be,or shall be construed as a dedication to the public of any such areas,facilities,or amenities. .. 4. 17.2 Conflict. In th `vent"of an U.t`„t z.K _•ble conflict between these Protective Covenants and the By-Laws Article�`•<,, the Associar� provisions of these Protective Covenants shall control. `',,;. 17.3 Severability. Invalidation of any one of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or any court, agency or legislative order shall in no way affect any other provision, covenants, conditions or restrictions contained in these Protective Covenants. 0 17.4 Captions. The cap:~ precedin e various Articles of these Protective Covenants are for the convenience of ref;.nee o ly, an '!•"NI' used as an aid in interpretation or construction of these Protect Covens s used her , singular includes the plural and where there is more than one Owner of a Um, id Owners are jointly and severally liable for the obligations herein imposed. Throughout these Protective Covenants, references to the masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine, the feminine to include the masculine and the neuter to include the masculine and feminine. 17.5 Use of the Words "'r metto Creek". No Person shall use the words "Palmetto Creek", "Palmetto Creek of the ct•linas", any ' ative or any other term which DECLARANT may select as the name of the l}-lopm t or any ereof in any printed or promotional material without the DECL v='1 's or ' ensee's prior consent. However,Owners may use the words "Palmetto Creek" in printed or Promotional matter solely to specify that particular property is located within the Properties and the Association shall be entitled to use the words "Palmetto Creek"in its name. 17.6 Conflict with Planned Community Act. To the extent any provision of these Protective Covenants is directly inc..ti`'stent with the terms of the Planned Community Act and such provision of these Protective e( enants car easonably be reconciled with the Planned Community Act, the terms of 'lann Commun %q,1.P�a controlling with regard to such term. [NEXT PAGE IS SIGNATURE PAGE] ,O 1> ?` :ficLr o 62077.4 29 F 7n Inst # 313321 Book 2324Page: 1224 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,the DECLARANT has caused this instrument to be executed in its corporate name as of the date first above written. 4'" v e N,„.... BY: 252pVt. `,f100(4 w..--- Presid Fti�o NORTH CAROLINA ��� `�D NQ L J 4\)30l5atr COUNTY I, i1 Av'vIr►s, S „A.toi 102_ , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that j\,4,1*y. t ,C,r, 4.sc. r..- personally came before me this day and acknowledged that •?''s ; . tL')6 - a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given .l as •the °�;kof the corppoothe foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its 4 President ''>>„ WITNESS my hand and official seal this 3' day of—‘51/40wa4.,2006. +, ,1,\,. cl,A.,, .. .' (tg�,,,, Notary Public tl My commission expires: �'� Q rizezapo LD 1?�O$ ``�Utttuunuiip��i �v C.1ARY Z - Z c8L�4 = C ',/,'-4Noviiikt, --kajzikyft Q 0 r�,6,k 0 /` 62077.4 30 k. (1-4414t ek egg ks ■ »332 EXHIBIT k2am7: q� BEING ALLth 7operty described as"Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Two,"es shown on map thereof and dltdthre as rec= n MapCabinet 34ha 235-245 of the Brunswick County Registry. Reference b said map:s ebyma&f Fp.je@±c#Gsritiom f y. � $ 22 � •� �, / ®Ntt J@222 ~ ��� � 2» ti`. . ` D/V64 � © VCI � ~ V LICLa,fir 644N1.4.4b I is P 4 � � z� » 9 ��� » 62077.4 EXHIBIT B Inst # 313321 Book 2324Page: 1226 Initial By-Laws of the Ass— _ - BY-LAWS '4,9,1 ME CREE Article I Name,Principal Office,and Definitions 1.1 Name. The name of the corporation is ,. metto Creek POA,Inc.(the"Association"). 1.2 Principal Office. �>F ` The principal office or the Associate f, hall be located in Brunswick County, North Carolina. The Association may have such other offices,either within or outside the residential community of Palmetto Creek("Palmetto Creek"),as the Board of Directors may determine or as the affairs of the Association may require. 1.3 Definitions. CUl The words used in thes y-La� shall b �!>i ° normal, commonly understood definitions. Capitalized term . 1 have �''-<.,; e meaning as so forth in that certain recorded Master Declaration of Protective Covenants for Pal'etto Creek(as amended from time to time,the "Declaration"),unless the context indicates otherwise. Article II Membership:Meetings,Quorum,Voting,Proxies 2.1 Membership. ‘ti�o Every Owner shall be a `- ber of a f ssociation. 'gaftiil be only one membership per Unit. If a Unit is owned by m:- than one Pe�''c,5 all co-Owners shall share the privileges of that membership. The membership rights of an Owner which is a corporation,partnership or other legal entity may be exercised by any officer, director, partner, or trustee, or by any other individual designated from time to time by the Owner in a written instrument provided to the Secretary of the Association, provided that only one person (and such person's immediate family members with respect to membership rights other than` ting)may be designated to act in such capacity for such an Owner at any particular time. The Association shall Jde two clas f membership "A" and Class"B", as more fully set forth in the Declaration. The provisio the Declaration pertaining to membership are incorporated by this reference. 2.2 Place of Meetings. Meetings of the Association s be held at the principal office of the Association or at such other suitable place convene.<>+ the Membgtegie Board may designate. 2.3 Annual Meeting�`' "f:,,, 4 The first meeting of the Association,whether a regular or special meeting, shall be held within one year after the date of incorporation of the Association. Subsequent regular annual meetings shall be set by the Board in the same quarter of the Association's fiscal year on a date and at a time set by the Board. ).o 2.4 Special Meetings. � LCti L The President may call 4iecial meetings!addition,it shall be the duty of the President to call a special meeting if so directed by resolution signed by a majority of the Board or upon a 62077.4 32 -41 � LJ ieti ,„ 4c, I1]st Book 2324Page: 17.27 petition signed by Members representing at least 10% of the total Class "A" votes of the Association. 2.5 Notice of Meetings. ti Written or printed notice : ng the placilrb, d hour of any meeting of the Members shall be delivered,either perso j y or b -.,;LF ii,to each', _Eititled to vote at such meeting, not less than 10 nor more thati.0 days befo ettin date of such meeting,by or at the direction of the President or the Secretary or the officers or persons calling the meeting. In the case of a special meeting or when otherwise required by statute or these By-Laws, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called shall be stated in the notice. No business shall be transacted at a special meetin, xcept as stated in the notice. If mailed,the notice shal dee., d to bey� i b sn deposited in the United States mail addressed to the Memb �` t his ad�i",, as it appears be Association's records, with postage prepaid. �« 2.6 Waiver of Notice. Waiver of notice of a meeting of the Members shall be deemed the equivalent of proper notice. Any Member may waive,in f°ting,notice of any meeting of the Members,either before or after such meeting. Attendant:+` a meetingl j: ember shall be deemed waiver by such Member of notice of the time,d.:_,and p thereof, p T!Tt 4, , ember specifically objects to lack of proper notice at the • '- the meeting led to order. . endance at a special meeting also shall be deemed waiver of notice of all business transacted at such meeting unless an objection on the basis of lack of proper notice is raised before the business is put to a vote. 2.7 Adjournment of Meetings. If any meeting of the Ass.+:'tion cannco.e held because a quorum is not present, a majority of the Members who ar./'esent,;t such r_, , adjourn the meeting to a time not less than five(5)nor more th.;'L irty(311' from the + II('^ original meeting was called. At the reconvened meeting,if a quorum is pres` any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting originally called; provided, however, in the event any meeting is adjourned and reconvened due to lack of a quorum, the quorum requirement applicable to such reconvened meeting shall be one-half ('/2) of the quorum requirement applicable at the meeting adjourned due to lack of a quorum. If a time and place for rec. ening the a::tiM1 not fixed by those in attendance at the original meeting or if for any/ison a date is '54Fi.z. convening the meeting after adjournment,notice of the tim:>..d place for •,, vening the meeting shall be given to Members in the manner prescribed for regular meetings. Members present at a duly called or held meeting at which a quorum is present may continue to do business until adjournment,notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough Members to leave less than a quorum,provided at any action taken is approved by at least a majority of the votes required to constitute a qu..ca' 2.8 Voting. 4z'' Lqfto The voting rights of the Members shall be as set forth in the Declaration and in these By- Laws,and such voting rights provisions are specifically incorporated by this reference. 2.9 Proxies. Members may vote in pers' r by proxy,(?'.: to the limitations of North Carolina law relating to use of general prox T and st ct to any��=_AlPr ,pp vision to the contrary in the Declaration or these By-Laws... ' L`' 62077.4 33 • �� �,,`' i; 3xt It 31 21� t 2324Page: 1228 Every proxy shall be in writing specifying the Unit for which it is given, signed by the Member or his duly authorized attorney-in-fact, dated, and filed with the Secretary of the Association prior to the meeting for which it is to be effective. Unless otherwise specifically provided in the proxy, a proxy shall be presumed to cover all votes which the Member giving such proxy is entitled to cast, and ',?-the event of any conflict between two or more proxies purporting to covet the same vot '`tights,the 1aifskt $ roxy shall prevail,or if dated as of the same date,both shall be deeme.k valid. zi ,,_ Every proxy shall be revocable and shall automatically cease upon:(a)conveyance of any Unit for which it was given or(b)receipt by the Secretary of written notice of revocation of the proxy or of the death or judicially declared incompetence of a Member who is a natural person, from the date of the proxy,unless a shorter period is specified in the proxy. ,o 2.10 Majority. :' �� As used in these By-L ,the to `'',;,ajority"shall sAli&those votes, Owners, or other group as the context may indicate totaling more':-: 50%of the total eligible number. 2.11 Quorum. Except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws or in the Declaration, the presence in person or by proxy of Members r=a-)senting a majority of the total Class "A" votes in the Association shall constitute a quo -.`at all Asso eetings. � 2.12 Conduct of M- +ngs. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association, and the Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and record in a minute book all resolutions adopted and all other transactions occurring at such meetings. 2.13 Action Without a M ,+' Any action required or :- itted b to be taken at eting of the Members may be taken without a meeting, without prior notice without a vote if written consent specifically authorizing the proposed action is signed by Members holding at least the minimum number of votes necessary to authorize such action at a meeting if all Members entitled to vote thereon were present. Such consents shall be signed within 60 days after receipt of the earliest dated consent, dated and delivered to the Associatio . Such consents shall be filed with the minutes of the Association and shall have the samti rce and effect as a vote of the Members at a meeting. Within 10 days after receiving au ,: zation for •'`0r‘"": , by written consent,the Secretary shall give written notice to all Memb . entitl-'zt.,F. vote who�i` :;r_j e their written consent,fairly summarizing the material fea s of the authJ'„,-y' action. Article III Board of Directors:Selection,Meetings,Powers A. Composition and Selection. 3.1 Governing Body;Co s osition. The affairs of the Asso J:ion shal 'I`, •overned by a i -d of Directors, each of whom shall have one(1)vote. Except with respect t.'Fdirectors appointed by the Class`B"Member, directors shall be Members or residents; provided, however, no Owner, resident or tenant representing the same Unit may serve on the Board at the same time. A"resident"shall be any natural person eighteen (18) years of age or older whose principal residence is a Unit within Palmetto Creek. If a Member is not a natural person, any officer,director,partner or officer of such Member shall be eligible to se Ss a director unless otherwise specified by written notice to the Association signed by such 4i ber;provi# Wember may have more than one such representative on the Board at a . e, exc in the casein r '`�� fa �s appointed by the Class"B" Member. e a 62077.4 34 1 r 3.2 Number of Directors. Dist * 313321 Book 2324Page: 1229 The Board shall consist of one(1)to five(5)directors,as provided in Sections 3.3 and 3.5 below. The initial Board shall con t of one (1) director as identified in the Articles of Incorporation. r 3.3 Directors During ass`B b itrol Period. Directors appointed by the Class`B"Member pursuant to Section 3.5 of these By-Laws shall be appointed by the Class `B"Member acting in its sole discretion and shall serve at the pleasure of the Class"B"Member. 3.4 Nomination and Elect i'Procedures. arc Prior to each election o a ector_;.,he Boa 1 Ll gibe the opening date and the closing date of a reasonable ng period , ch each and every eligible person who has a bona-fide interest in serving as a director may fi "as a candidate for any position to be filled by votes of the Members. The Board shall also establish such other rules and regulations as it deems appropriate to conduct the nomination of directors in a fair, efficient and cost-effective manner. Nominations also may be permitted from the floor. Except with respect to direr s selectecU y the Class "B" Member, nominations for election to the Board may als f t ie m..e byi • Committee.'The Nominating Committee, if any, shall consiJ;4. a Ch:' ``r: who shallleber of the Board, and three (3)or more Members. Members of the Nonii s:',,g Committee shall be appointed by the Board not less than thirty(30) days prior to each annual meeting to serve a term of one(1)year and until their successors are appointed, and such appointment shall be announced in the notice of each election. The Nominating Committee ,v 'make as many nominations for election to the Board as it shall in its discretion determine. r making it•Urv, Tns,the Nominating Committee shall use reasonable efforts to nomis candi.'"t wF represen '� -V:1 c - sity which exists within the pool of potential candidates. Each candidate shall be given a reasonable, uniform opportunity to communicate his or her qualifications to the Members and to solicit votes. 3.5 Election and Term of 0 ce. Except as these By-Laws .y of ise sl � .vide, election of directors shall take place at the Association's ual meekiotwithstan, other provision of these By- Laws: (a) Within thirty (30) days after the time that Class "A" Members other than "authorized builders" own 25% of the total number of the planned Units in Palmetto Creek (including, without limitation, any of the Future Development Property which may be annexed thereto), or whenever the Class"B" �. • ber earlier determines,the Board shall be increased to three (3) directors. The Presiden \4aall call for 1 ,ziff,gon by which the Class "A" Members shall be entitled to elect one f the ,Fa (3) d /TG%remaining directors shall be appointees of the Class"B"M '`-ber. The dir-'�». elected by the Members under this subsection (a) shall not be subject to removal by the Class` :"Member(except as otherwise provided by North Carolina law)and shall be elected for a term of two(2)years or until the happening of the event described in subsection (b),whichever is shorter. If such director's term expires prior to the happening of the event described in subsection (b), a successor shall be elected for a like term. tic (b) Within thirty (o0�e'.ys aster th �igr Class "A" Members other than "authorized builders" own 50 a�of the t , umber of t ie�ned Units in Palmetto Creek (including, without limitation, any of the Futur`'f+%evelopment Property which may be annexed thereto), or whenever the Class"B"Member earlier determines,the Board shall be increased to five(5)directors. The President shall call for an election by which the Class"A"Members shall 62077.4 35 r 0 � $ _lost It Book 2324Page: ].230� be entitled to elect two (2) of the five (5) directors. The remaining three(3)directors shall be appointees of the Class`B"Member. Directors elected by the Members under this subsection(b) shall not be subject to removal by the Class`B"Member(except as otherwise provided by North Carolina law)and shall be elected for term of two(2)years or until the happening of the event described in subsection(c)below, "chever is shorter. If such directors' terms expire prior to the happening of the event desc : `d in subsectAtly49w, successors shall be elected for a like term. ftcrD (c) Within ninety (90) days after termination of the Class "B" Control Period, the President shall call for an election by which the Class"A"Members shall be entitled to elect all five(5)of the directors. Upon expiration of the term o ffice of each director elected by the Members,Members entitled to elect such director sh: .4'a entitled ip ct a successor to serve a term of two (2) years. Directors elected by the 1mbe all holaraikegitLtheir respective successors have been elected. g 3.6 Removal of Directors and Vacancies. Any director elected by the Members may be removed,with or without cause,by the vote of Members holding a majority of the ,otes entitled to be cast for the election of such director. Any director whose removal is sou• ?``shall be _'ven notice prior to any meeting called for that purpose. Upon removal of a + r, a success.r a•z5 e elected by the Members entitled to elect the director so removed to�-i the va for the rem:u :LW the term of such director. Any director elected by the Members who has three(3) consecutive unexcused absences from Board meetings,or who is more than thirty(30)days delinquent(or is the representative of a Member who is so delinquent) in the payment of any assessment or other charge due the Association, may be removed by a majority of the directors present at a regular or special meeting at which a quorum is presen„t d the Board may appoint a successor to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. In the event of the death,disability,o'' ., gnation of a director,the Board may declare a vacancy and appoint a successor to fill the vacan until the next annual meeting,at which time the Members entitled to fill such directorship may elect a successor for the remainder of the term. This Section shall not apply to directors appointed by the Class "B"Member nor to any director serving as Declarant's repres.v tative. The Class "B" Member or Declarant shall be entitled to appoint a successor to ti?' any vac cy on the Board resulting from the death, disability or resignation of a direc,`appo; ted b9V a representative of the Class'B" Member or Declarant. r•i�Fyia B. Meetings. 3.7 Organizational Meetings. The first meeting of the Boar.., lowing each annual meeting of the membership shall be held within thirty(30)days thereaft $'.t such tim�ace as the Board shall fix. L 15 3.8 Regular Meetin_t zea Regular meetings of the Board may be held at such time and place as a majority of the directors shall determine,but at least four(4)such meetings shall be held during each fiscal year with at least one(1)per quarter. 3.9 Special Meetings. I; Tr Special meetings of the -Ward sha held when caVtr written notice signed by the President or Vice President or l'a majority of irectors. 62077.4 36 r t�0 1'‘ VrUeG$ZVa 3.10 Notice;Waiver of Notice. Lest: 1 313321 Book 2324Page: 1231 (a) Notices of Board meetings shall specify the time and place of the meeting and,in the case of a special meeting, the nacre of any special business to be considered. The notice shall be given to each director by:, ; ersonal delivery;(ii)first class mail,postage prepaid;(iii) telephone communication, either ectly to the rafgzto a person at the director's office or home who would reasonably b!..;'"pecteNommunicate driftgice promptly to the director;or (iv) facsimile, computer, "'.er optics order electronic communication device, with confirmation of transmission. AlI such notices shall be given at the director's telephone number, fax number, electronic mail number,or sent to the director's address as shown on the records of the Association. Notices sent by first class mail shall be deposited into a United States mailbox at least five (5) business days before the time set for the meeting. Notices given by personal delivery, telephone, or other device : 1 be delivered or transmitted at least seventy-two (72) hours before the time set for the m;; mg. UtiQf (b) Transactions o y Board .'s ;; g,however call'and noticed or wherever held, shall be as valid as though taken at a meetin•f".uly held after regular call and notice if(i) a quorum is present and (ii) either before or after the meeting each director not present signs a written waiver of notice, a consent to holding the meeting, or an approval of the minutes. The waiver of notice or consent need not specify the purpose of the meeting. Notice of a meeting also shall be deemed given to any dir for who attends the meeting without protesting before or at its commencement about the lack .dequate notice. 3.11 Telephonic P ation iNigetings. "fti Members of the Board or any committee designated by the Board may participate in a meeting of the Board or committee by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment, by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other. Participation in a meeting pursuant to this subsection shall constitute presence in person at such meeting. ej ��?a of 2, 3.12 •uorumofBo. .„.� Q At all Board meetings, a majority of f directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,and the votes of a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the decision of the Board, unless otherwise specifically provided in these By-Laws or the Declaration. A meeting at which a quorum is initially present may continue to transact business, 11.4. 'thstanding the withdrawal of directors, if any action taken is approved by at least a majt4 of the -'uired quorum for that meeting. If any Board meeting cannot be held because+r=uorum is no majority of the directors present at such meeting may adjourn the `eting to e not less T r (5)nor more than thirty(30) days from the date of the orig'ial meeting. ;- reconvened meeting,if a quorum is present, any business which might have been transacted at the meeting originally called may be transacted without further notice. 3.13 Conduct of Meetings. The President shall preside - all mee . the Board, and the Secretary shall keep a minute book of Board meetin•} records g all : 1?r,6,444 ons and all transactions and proceedings occurring at suchetings. ° 3.14 Open Meetings;Executive Session. (a) Except in an emergency,notice of Board meetings shall be posted at least forty- eight(48)hours in advance of the meerig at a conspicuous place within Palmetto Creek which the Board establishes for the posh , of notices relating to the Association. Notice of any meeting at which assessments ar- + be establis fid #014ate that fact and the nature of the assessment. Subject to the pro ions o"`:4.ktion 3.15 axtrd3 able law, all Board meetings shall be open to all MemberS'and, if requir=i.,,, law, all Owners; but attendees other than directors may not participate in any discussion or deliberation unless a director requests that they 62077.4 37 4tikka_ Inst # ?Aka Book 2324Page: 1232 be granted permission to speak. In such case, the President may limit the time any such individual may speak. (b) At regular intervals, a Board meeting shall provide Owners an opportunity to attend a portion of a Board meetin: ,.o to speak to the Board about their issues or concerns.The Board may place reasonable res..Sions on the i�R. .ersons who speak on each side of an issue and may place reasonabllm e res 'ons on pers. riftakapeak. (c) Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. (d) Notwithstanding the ,st ye,the President may adjourn any meeting of the Board and reconvene in executive sessist~and may ude persons other than directors, to discuss matters of a sensitive nature,sur.e s pen.'ng or tion,personnel matters,etc. 3.15 Action Without a Formal Meeti r'• Any action to be taken at a meeting of the directors or any action that may be taken at a meeting of the directors may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing,setting forth the action so taken, is signed by all of the directors,and such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote. tip° C. Powers and Duties. '," ,742,44uQtidirl D 3.16 Powers. The Board shall have all of the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the Association's affairs and for performing all responsibilities and exercising all rights of the Association as set forth in the Decl• �.s'on,and as provided by law. The Board may do or cause to be done on behalf of the Associ n all actsngs except those which the Declaration or North Carolina law require toil - do , and ex sively by the Members or the membership generally. J� �� 3.17 Duties. Duties of the Board shall include,without limitation: (a) preparing and adop ;?"'in accordance with the Declaration, an annual budget of expenses(including,without limi .<,.n Commoiblikompd; fG �� C�o (b) levying and co'': ting assessor-.:,,from the Owners; (c) providing for the operation,care,upkeep, and maintenance of the Common Area and the Recreational Trails consistent with the standards required by the Declaration; (d) designating, hiring, . dismissing personnel necessary to carry out the Association's rights and responsib�. es and w a propriate, providing for compensation of such personnel and for the pur 4„4 of uipmentt, • * d materials to be used by such personnel in the performance.,'i eir dutiee t (e) depositing all funds received on behalf of the Association in a bank depository which it shall approve; and using such funds to operate the Association;provided, any reserve funds may be deposited,in the Board's best judgment in depositories other than banks; (f) making and amend'.ftic use restrictions and rules in accordance with the Declaration; ems. (g) opening bank ccounts on E falf of the Association and designating the signatories required; 62077.4 38 a� *a„ Inst # Y� Book 2324Page: 1233 (h) making or contracting for the making of repairs, additions, and improvements to or alterations of the Common Area and Recreational Trails in accordance with the Declaration and these By-Laws; (i) enforcing by legal GA s the provisions of the Declaration and bringing any proceedings which may be ins $ted on bel(i% or against the Owners concerning the Association; provided, the , `ciatio °.<<obligation 1 gard shall be subject to the provisions of the Declaration (j) obtaining and carrying property and liability insurance and fidelity bonds, as provided in the Declaration, paying the cost thereof, and filing and adjusting claims, as appropriate; (k) paying the cost of alp, `-rvices rendered to the Association; (1) keeping book-4 ith de accounts of Association's receipts and expenditures; (m) permitting utility suppliers to use portions of the Common Area reasonably necessary to the ongoing development or operation of Palmetto Creek;and (n) indemnifying a direc .a officer or committee member, or former director,officer or committee member of the As20`iation, tori: t such indemnity is required by North Carolina law,the Articles of In 5�:orati.'=,,•r the Dec : I? ,_/. ,F J k ,_ 3.18 Compensation. Directors shall not receive any compensation from the Association for acting as such unless approved by Members representing a majority of the total Class"A"votes(and,if during the Class "B" Control Period, the C si,s "B" Member) at a regular or special meeting of the Association. Any director may be�.`' bursed foU-xpenses incurred on behalf of the Association upon approval of a majority of ' .ther irecto . ' 11ar, ' q-_ .- ein shall prohibit the Association from compensating a director any en v`rth which a�� t\r is affiliated, for services or supplies furnished to the Association in a caps , other than as a director pursuant to a contract or agreement with the Association,provided that such director's interest was made known to the Board prior to entering into such contract and such contract was approved by a majority of the Board,excluding the interested director. 3.19 Right of Class"B"M:ac.er to Disapprove Actions. So long as the Class"B",,,,embe :� exists,t -*Ilt.., -V Member shall have a right to disapprove any action, polic e.r program v,-,,,e Association, i e Board and any committee which,in the sole judgment of the Class`B"Member,would tend to impair rights of Declarant or authorized builders under the Declaration or these By-Laws,or interfere with development or construction of any portion of Palmetto Creek,or diminish the level of services being provided by the Association. (a) Notice. The Class" '' ember 4301 be given written notice of all meetings and proposed actions approved at 'ngs or by ' insent in lieu of a meeting) of the Association, the Board or anyy':mmittee. x�ch notice sha iven•by certified mail, return receipt requested,or by personal delivery at the dress it has registered with the Secretary of the Association, which notice complies as to Board meetings with Sections 3.8,3.9, 3.10,and 3.11 herein and which notice shall,except in the case of the regular meetings held pursuant to the By- Laws,set forth with reasonable particularity the agenda to be followed at such meeting. (b) Opportunity to be He. The Class"B"Member shall be given the opportunity at any such meeting to join in or t. :ve its reprk-LeVies or agents join in discussion from the floor of any prospective actio ., iolicy, ,, program i1� - ld be subject to the right of disapproval set forth herein. 6- 62077.4 39 0 .F., Insi: # Book 2324Paqe: 1234 No action, policy or program subject to the right of disapproval set forth herein shall become effective or be implemented until and unless the requirements of subsections(a)and(b) above have been met. The Class"B"Member, its sIresentatives or agents, shall make its concerns, thoughts, and suggestions known to the B.: and/or the s of the subject committee. The Class "B" Member, acting through s offic:>a,. r director,: plc).uthorized representative, may exercise its right to disappro �at any timea,.'n ten(10)days ollowing the meeting at which such action was proposed or, in the case of any action taken by written consent in lieu of a meeting, at any time within ten (10) days following receipt of written notice of the proposed action. This right to disapprove may be used to block proposed actions but shall not include a right to require any action or counteraction on behalf of any committee, the Board, or the Association. The Class `B"Membe�.hall not use its right to disapprove to reduce the level of services which the Association i iF ligated ti9n.rovide or to prevent capital repairs or any expenditure required to comply : app;cable a1'C;-!1? 3.20 Management. "<+t The Board may employ for the Association a professional management agent or agents at such compensation as the Board may establish,to perform such duties and services as the Board shall authorize. The Board may delegate such powers as are necessary to perform the manager's assigned duties, but shall not del .y a policy-making authority or those duties set forth in Sections 3.17(a) (with respect to :':option of Lily-•_!et), 3.17(b), 3.17(f), 3.17(g) and 3.17(i) herein.Declarant or its affiliate y be a toyed as m:�RrT'+;r 1; t or manager. The Board may delegate to one of its members the authority to act on the Board's behalf on all matters relating to the duties of the managing agent or manager,if any,which might arise between Board meetings. The Association shall not bed ound, either directly or indirectly, by any management contract executed during the Clas Control period unless such contract contains a right of termination exercisable by the }_ocia+' n wit '��t�,cause and without penalty, at any time after termination of the J''ass `B" ", .of Period upoigigt more than ninety (90) days' written notice. 3.21 Accounts and Reports. The following management standards of performance shall be followed unless the Board by resolution specifically dctcmun- , i erwise: (a) accrual account' as de d by genergfl ` d accounting principles, shall be employed; (b) accounting and controls should conform to generally accepted accounting principles; (c) cash accounts of they ssociation shall not be commingled with any other accounts; (d) no remunerati�ashall b cepted by th 1naging agent from vendors, independent contractors,or o ers providing g s or services to the Association,whether in the form of commissions, finder's fees, service fees, prizes, gifts, or otherwise (Le., any thing of value received shall benefit the Association); (e) any financial or other interest which the managing agent may have in any firm providing goods or services to the A. %iation shall be disclosed promptly to the Board; (f) commencing at as: end of e quarter r4 first Unit is sold and closed, financial reports shall be prep for the Asktration at least quaerly containing: 62077.4 40 �� 'N, Inst # 3133AZBook. 2324Page: 1235 (i) an income statement-reflecting all income and expense activity for the preceding period on an accrual basis; (ii) a statement reflecting all cash receipts and disbursements for the preceding period; ��u ~ ti� vLr (iii) a variant-eport ti���'Qng the s`o� th�accounts in an"actual"versus "approved"budget format; (iv) a balance sheet as of the last day of the preceding period;and (v) a delinquency report listing all Owners who are delinquent in paying any assessments at the time of the repo and describing the status of any action to collect such assessments which remain delinq : (any asse..!'ent or installment thereof shall be considered to be delinquent on the fifteen�; 5th)N. 5 folio'egkfi _ - date unless otherwise specified by Board resolution);and 4- slu (g) an annual report consisting of at least the following shall be made available to all Members within one hundred twenty(120) days after the close of the fiscal year: (i) a balance sheet; (ii)an operating(income)statement;and(iii)a statement of changes in financial position for the fiscal year. Such annual report shall be prepared on an audited, reviewed, or compiled basis, as the Board determines, byti° independent public accountant; provided, upon written request of any holder,guarantor urer of anVi4�`.�Rortgage on a Unit,the Association shall provide an audited financial st.sV•, ent. ,, ,,ing the hlefantrol Period,the annual report shall include certified financial statements. ' Nn 3.22 Borrowing. The Association shall have the power to borrow money for any legal purpose;provided, however, the Board shall obtain „giber approval in the same manner provided in the Declaration for Special Assessme tip. if the prqAosed borrowing is for the purpose of making discretionary capital improvem:v:, and a totrA such borrowing, together with all other debt incurred within ,�� revious nth period, a -s or would exceed ten percent (10%)of the Association's budgeted gross exp s for that fiscal year. 3.23 Right to Contract. The Association shall have the right to contract with any Person for the performance of various duties and functions. This--','''it shall include,without limitation,the right to enter into common management,operationa t r other agr _with trusts,condominiums,cooperatives, or a Village Association ani,,i er o rs' or re-1•Jj' ociations, within and outside Palmetto Creek. Any common managemen ement shall require the consent of a majority of the Board. 3.24 Enforcement. The Association shall have th ; ower,as provided in the Declaration,to impose sanctions for any violation of the Declaratio .' o the extrint specifically required by the Declaration, the Board shall comply with the foll,,> ng p •„cedure t osition of sanctions: (a) Notice. The Board or its delaeNe shall serve the alleged violator with written notice describing(i)the nature of the alleged violation,(ii)the proposed sanction to be imposed, (iii) a period of not less than ten (10) days within which the alleged violator may present a written request for a healing to the Board;and(iv)a statement that the proposed sanction shall be imposed as contained in the notice unless a challenge is begun within ten(10)days of the notice. If a timely request for a hearing is 4E?made,the sanction stated in the notice shall be imposed; provided the Board may, but sh. not be obliWeejo, suspend any proposed sanction if the violation is cured within the 1 0 i y peri . Such sus gri' la,�l not constitute a waiver of the right to sanction future viola'„ s of the sam other provisions and rules by any Person. 62077.4 41 Icu'ns-wit IF3-1-3`32°1��o23T_9Page= 1236(b) Hearing. If a hearing is rey� nm the allotted 10-day period, the hearing shall be held before the Board in executive session. The alleged violator shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard.Prior to the effectiveness of any sanction hereunder,proof of proper notice shall be placed in the minutes of the meeting. Such proof shall be deemed adequate if a copy of the notice,to:,?�er with a statement of the date and manner of delivery,is entered by the officer,director,o $ent who de�J�uch notice. The notice requirement shall be deemed satisfied if the al + 1 viol-,,, or its repY'eA appears at the meeting. The minutes of the meeting shal ontain a wn • statement of a results of the hearing and the sanction,if any,imposed. (c) Additional Enforcement Rights. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article,the Board may elect to enforce any provision of the Declaration by self-help(specifically including,but not limited to,towing c.ides that violate parking rules)or,following compliance with the dispute resolution proced ti�set forth J• the Declaration,if applicable,by suit at law or in equity to enjoin any violation,,,..,'o re .ver mb es or both,without the necessity of compliance with the proced = set forth'`•< .ve. In any ' action, to the maximum extent permissible, the Owner or occupant responsi for the violation of which abatement is sought shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney's fees actually incurred. Any entry onto a Unit for purposes of exercising this power of self-help shall not be deemed as trespass. 3.25 Board Standards. In the performance of th-;:' .uties, Ass directors and officers shall be insulated from personal liability as prov by „ Carofinn r4 ectors and officers of nonprofit corporations,and as otherwise`.rovided in ' !eclaration. Directors are required to exercise the ordinary and reasonable care of directors of a corporation,subject to the business judgment rule. As defined herein, a director shall be acting in accordance with the business judgment rule so long as the director(a)acts within the express or implied teens of the Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation and his or actions are not ultra vires(i.e., outside the scope of the director's authority); (b)affirmati undertak- to make decisions which are necessary for the Association's continued and sub`sful basis, oa disclosesons are a y realde, eor potential on an informed basis; (c) act•,-)n a disin`- conflict of interests(pecuniary or other),and a'Sa'.s participation in decisions and actions when a conflict exists; and (d)acts in a non-fraudulent manner and without reckless indifference to the association's affairs. A director acting in accordance with the business judgment rule shall be protected from personal liability. Board determinations of thc. -actng, scope, and application of the Declaration and the Articles of Theo Boardrtion shall all,.?4,upheld an Li, ed so long as such determinations are reasonable. ise it' =..wer in a APP.�j:� iscriminatory manner and shall adhere to the procedures esta.,:?shed in the ivy' .. ation and Artie es. ,fo Article IV Officers 4.1 Officers. Officers of the Associati hall .e a Prg rt-.R President,Secretary, and Treasurer. The President and Secretary " be elec -"s=..m among :. ,embers;other officers may,but need not be,Board members. The Board may`:«,.Dint such other officers,including one or more Assistant Secretaries and one or more Assistant Treasurers, as it shall deem desirable, such officers to have such authority and perform such duties as the Board prescribes. Any two(2)or more offices may be held by the same person,except the offices of President and Secretary. 4.2 Election and Term of .fice. Ur1n,Q The Board shall elect t ssoci., n's officeffi4ibrzfrt Board meeting following each annual meeting of the Memb ,to serve F'�:<f eir successors kfe elected. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the initial officers shall be selected b."a written consent or directive signed by the one 62077.4 42 f ��O ellpyrioq 0� Instslat21 Book 2324Page: 1237 (1) initial director and such officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Board until the Board's expansion to three(3)directors as provided herein. 4.3 Removal and Vacancies. The Board may remove ...`C officer wh�' its judgment the best interests of the Association will be served, .��+c'may fi iy vacanc f a afface arising because of death, resignation,removal,or other 'ise,for the urialkkired portion of the term. 4.4 Powers and Duties. The Association's officers shall each have such powers and duties as generally pertain to their respective offices, as well as s h powers and duties as may specifically be conferred or imposed by the Board. The Presid `'t`shall be t1K chief executive officer of the Association. The Treasurer shall have primary p � ary re��.nsibi'ty for the budget as provided for in the Declaration and may delegati1 or part , e preparation otification duties to a finance committee,management agent,or both. 4.5 Resignation. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board,the President,or the Secretary. Such resignation sha e effect on the date of the receipt of such notice or at any later time specified therein, . unless otl> ss, specified therein, acceptance of such resignation shall not be necess "to ma effective. �1 ,i c 4.6 Agreements,Contracts,Deeds,Leases,Checks,Etc. All agreements,contracts,deeds,leases,checks,and other instruments of the Association shall be executed by at least two (2) officers or by such other person or persons as may be designated by Board resolution. ti 4.7 Compensation. (�Q Compensation of officers shall be su t to the same limitations as compensation of directors under Section 3.18 herein. Article V Committees 5.1 General. The Board may appoi ;a'ch co .,fitte s asQropriate to perform such tasks and to serve for such period the Bo. . ` %'. designate by resolution. Each committee shall operate in accordance with the terms of such rso ution. Article VI Miscellaneous �c 6.1 Fiscal Year. The Association's fis year sha the calen a' unless the Board establishes a different fiscal year by resolution. 6.2 Parliamentary Rules. Except as may he modified by Board resolution,Robert's Rules of Order(current edition) shall govern the conduct of Associti .n proceedings when not in conflict with North Carolina law. 62077.4 43 ti Q- Er/g/tp. o s Lft Inst # 33332I Book 2324Page: 1238 6.3 Conflicts. If there are conflicts among the provisions of North Carolina law, the Articles of Incorporation, the Declaration, and these By-Laws, the provisions of North Carolina Iaw, the Declaration,the Articles of Incorpo :s n,and the By-Laws(in that order)shall prevail. uM 6.4 Books and Rec (a) Inspection by Members and Mortgagees. The Board shall make available for inspection and copying by any holder, insurer or guarantor of a first Mortgage on a Unit, any Member,or the duly appointed representative of any of the foregoing at any reasonable time and for a purpose reasonably related to his or her interest in a Unit: the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, the membership regis , books of account, and the minutes of meetings of the Members,the Board,and committ :'. The Boaashshall provide for such inspection to take place at the Association's office or • ch !ther p �,P,al metto Creek as the Board shall designate. `"�F p (b) Rules for Inspection.The Board shall establish rules with respect to: (i) notice to be given to the custodian of the records; (ii) hours and day c the week when such an inspection may be made;and Ubkqe.r (iii) payment, is a cos''-SyE reproduce mri=.j 'ts requested. (c) Inspection by Directors. Every director shall have the absolute right at any reasonable time to inspect all books,records,and documents of the Association and the physical properties owned or controlled by the Association. The right of inspection by a director includes the right to make a copy of relevant documents at the Association's expense. 6.5 Notices. UfiNztorz Except as otherwise p. ded in t laration or L.y-Laws,all notices, demands, bills, statements, or other communications un the Declaration or these By-Laws shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally or if sent by United States mail,first class postage prepaid: (a) if to a Member or Member, at the address which the Member or Member has designated in writing and filed with 4' Secretary or,if no such address has been designated, at the address of the Unit of such M-,�3:er or Mem (b) if to the Asso•;.'on,the Bo•'.,;r the managing agent, at the principal office of the Association or the managing agent or at such`.ther address as shall be designated by notice in writing to the Members pursuant to this Section;or (c) if to any committee,at the principal address of the Association or at such other address as shall be designated by noti in writing to the Members pursuant to this Section. 6.6 Amendment. (W,erg,, -aft)c "f; (a) By Class"B"1V`�ember. Prior t: - •ination of the Class"B"Control Period,the Class "B"Member may unilaterally amend these By-Laws. Thereafter, the Class "B"Member may unilaterally amend these By-Laws at any time and from time to time if such amendment is necessary(i) to bring any provision into compliance with any applicable governmental statute, rule or regulation,or judicial determination;(ii)to enable any reputable title insurance company to issue title insurance coverage on nits;or(iii)to enable any institutional or governmental lender, purchaser, insurer or guar or of mort oans, including, for example, the Federal National Mortgage Association edera Rome Lo �r�.i ,:{-corporation,to make,purchase, insure or guarantee mortgageg\oans on th iits. Provide., y such amendment shall not adversely affect the title to any Unit unless the efvner shall consent thereto in writing. So long as the Class "B" membership exists, the Class "B" Member may unilaterally amend these 62077.4 44 , afterg # Ins Book 2324Page: 1239 04) By-Laws for any other purpose,provided the amendment has no material adverse effect upon any right of any Member. (b) By Members Genera . Except as provided above, these By-Laws may be amended only by the affirmativ��ti►te or written consent, or any combination thereof, of Members representing fifty-one ; ent(51%)o�dweClass"A"votes in the Association and the consent of the Class"B" ����ber,it' h exists. a` v,the approval requirements set forth in the Declaration shallte met,if app_ice. Notwithstanding the above,the percentage of votes necessary to amend a specific clause shall not be less than the prescribed percentage of affirmative votes required for action to be taken under that clause. (c) Validity and Effective Date of Amendments. Amendments to these By-Laws shall become effective upon recoW''on in the Brunswick County Registry, unless a later effective date is specified there Any proce9 r challenge to an amendment must be made within six(6)months of its recr°ation v said regi;FRS;: . .vkinendment shall be presumed to have been validly adopted. event sic. , change of con.1 iler6ns or circumstances operate to amend any provisions of these By-Laws. No amendment may remove,revoke,or modify any right or privilege of Declarant or the Class "B" Member without the written consent of Declarant, the Class "B" Member, or the assignee of such right or privilege. (d) Officers Autho ' iS o Prepare, `- Certify,and Record Amendments to the Declaration and these By-La .:'`" In the ��; t an amen. 'Af E=u the Declaration and/or the By- Laws is approved in accord.i ce with the I' ,,,; ation and/or these By-Laws, such amendment shall be prepared, executed, certified and recorded in the Brunswick County Public Registry by the President or Vice President of the Association. CERTIFICATION I,the undersigned,do herebrtify: That I am the duly el , d and :i..;,,• Secretary Or '.etto Creek POA, Inc. a North Carolina corporation; °rE ' That the foregoing By-Laws constitute the original By-Laws of said Association, as duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors thereof held on the$011 day of Ja.rtutar,c , 2006. IN WITNESS WHEREOF ` ave here bscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Association this 3O'13' days;`' / '•,., 20 RN + D 9i [SEAL] Secretary 62077.4 44 4.1 kTff1HJJ111111 volt( t0473 2a-2a1a 74:26:66.a02 wick County, NC Register of Candle age 1 ns page 1 of 4 • Presenter' '`A, _4—._.`Ret: Li Total�?,3 GV'"' .z�v Int. Ck 4oCk#7_9-ZS/Cash$ U Q bnd: Cash$__Finance i, vurneotare illegible due to coat. of origm.fi'l iD C Cocurnecd runtolns seals verified by odglsal I:!:;i!ncat Mal cannot be reproduced or coped AMENDMENT TO MASTER DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FO'l,„`,ALMETTO CREEK Prepared by: Murchison,Taylor c��s1bso PLLC;Yt;'r5CO3Fh Avenue,Wilmington,NC 28401 STATE OF NORTH CAROL v» ?/COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK This AMENDMENT TO MASTER DECLARATION OF PR TECTIVE COVENANTS FOR PALMETTO CREEK (the "Amendment") is made this a8�ay of W/4 2010,by XDV,INC.,a North Carolina corporation("Declarant"). ITNESSETH: • WHEREAS, the Declar• c ereto ore eitire,.../44e, aster Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek, : 't caused same to be re'dfn:kin Book 2324,Page 1195,et seq. in the Brunswick Count egistry (as '.>., ofore or hereafter amended, the "Protective Covenants");and WHEREAS,capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings ascribed to such terms in the Protective Covenants unless otherwise defined herein;and WHEREAS, Section 10.3 of Protective Covenants provide that all construction activities on Lots shall be subject t�ti< e Designiidelines, which Design Guidelines shall be adopted by the Architectural Revi n, ommittee "hand may be amended by the ARC subject to the approval of the Bo _a,"of Dir s;and Ip WHEREAS,that certain Supplemental Dec aration recorded in Book 2545,Page 6 in the Brunswick County Registry, Declarant included on an exhibit, among other things, certain minimum square footage requirements which had been adopted by the ARC as part of the Design Guidelines at that time;and WHEREAS,pursuant to the aut z,;. ly granted in Section 10.3 of the Protective Covenants, the ARC,with the approval of the Bo•:'of Direct has amended the Design Guidelines in order to modify situations and circumsta - whi h have .. ' the course of the development of the Subdivision and to thereby raid}+ e stand of the Su. r jd WHEREAS,Section 15.3 of the Protective Covenants provides that as long as the Declarant owns any of the property described in the Protective Covenants,the Protective Covenants may be amended by the Declarant in its discretion;and 93945 ti "OkCox U7 Sep 0 /vn, �• lVllega Q® ti 44, AC 11411111tHy:111111 Pla91IT56 "2 leiter of Deeds page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, the Declarant has determined that if and to the extent that the prior square footage requirements were made part of the Protective Covenants,the amendment to the Protective Covenants contained herein is necessary in order to reflect the amended Design Guidelines;and NOW THEREFORE, in accord.;ce with its rights under Section 15.3 of the Protective Covenants,the Declarant does hereby , nd the Protective Covenants as follows: 1. A new Section 100 is ad r: to the Vrtr' dtl;' fs wenants as follows: s "10.10 Minimum Size of Resii"ice; Variance. Residences must be constructed with at least the amount of square feet of heated floor space shown on the Exhibit A attached to the Supplemental Declaration (and reattached to this Amendment), exclusive of porches, steps, walks, garages, carports, storage areas, etc. In computing the number of square feet allowed as provided herein,no square footage in any part of the dwelli _,that is constructed over a garage will be counted, unless it is on the same utility), up as the main dwelling and is a finished part of the constructed living space'he ARC mlYvZ $ 'ze in its discretion reasonable variances of up to ten pe;,c t (10''=:, of the re•`a.T:� um square feet when circumstances such as t graphy, nµ"'�,Y obstructions, or aesthetic or environmental considerations require." 2. Declarant hereby declares that the Property shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the Protective Covenants,as amended herein, which covenants shall run with title to the Property and shall be binding on all parties having any right,title,or interest in the described Property or any part thereof,and shall i re to the benefit of each owner thereof. EXCEPT AS AMENDED .<"•"IN,the aft. ' Covenants shall be and remain in full force and effect. t 1 lac kir vitta ee 93945 ti> 2 n L '27#1D 4� qaq_ z7ra5�N 83016 PO4T5 07-29-2010 rr , 'r 114 1111 1 {Il 1111 14:25:56.002 �� Branda N. Cleroroona 8r iek County, NC Register of Deeds page 3 of 4 XDV,INC. " Robert .G.Ex ,President (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROL I altta4.0200) COUNTY OF 23/1//U5uh (County where acknowledgment taken) I, l7ilw/e %J?• g{2r , a Notary Public in and for B R2ibt/SWi eg Co , North Carolina, certify that Robert C. G. Exum personally came before me this da d acknow1.4,v `� :the is President of XDV,Inc.a North Carolina corporation, and that :uthor'',. duly giv•r s'x.: e act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was sign t. its name :' ' s President. o WITNESS my hand and official seal this AS:lay of ,TAX/thri-R1J ,2010. PeeZrZi Notary blic My commission expires: Wye NOTARY PUBLIC t: 0CF)y ".„„, eAke Ntts,440,4z v'. 93945 tiE~ '•n fir, Ittk.� a�islJ 614U IIIII 1 1'11111111I III1 Pith P0416 29_Ze„ �[� 14:25:55.0 Brenda M. Clemmons Bru.aick County, NC Register of Deeds page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT A Phase I Section fti ' Minimum Minimum # # Lot# <+ Sq.Ft. `1 a„Sq.Ft.for 2 Max BUJA S story /' �.�� One One 1,2,21-58 1,8 2,100 5,400 One One 3-20 2,000 2,400 6,500 1,2, 11-110,113-A 115,119, 122 ,,•``� One Two 123,126, 1,,` 1,80(ilog 2,100 6,000 131, 13:4�'`6 'o r pifix) 3-10, 11 , 112, 1 116-118, 120, One Two 2,000 2,400 6,000 121,124, 125, 127,132-137 One Three 1-10, 13-32,3, ` - 38-65�,� 1,450 � ` ps 3330 11, 12,33,. ,36' One Three 37 1,4 N/A 3,330 1-11, 14,25-29, One Four 32-68 ii, 1,600 2,000 3,500 One Four 12, 13, 15-24,3 t4 31 1 160PA1jp ,000 3,500 I ?%% it t 93945 tiJ 9 � � �9u, c y- Il1fi ll'hl t - III IIIIIIIIII R25 5 .1. R i so 5°gym ‘ A, Drunsulok Co -tINC Register of Deeds page 1 of 3 C.K �VAL N +�I 'L')i�l �t �' jr. '1l1.11t1 I ','..�l"II_ I „u w a,�l� ' d '�� Li�l� �l I t l 1 U—R ItVWot it .and In Trkiptramr )„ a r + __.-RECt_ CK Ai1IT Clt# i�1�. 111:_= If CASK___ .. E�.. _..._ '•v ti" kvi. a tR ` SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION TO MASTER DECL ' ION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOti' 'ALMETTO CREEK Prepared by: Murchison,Taylo :"Gibson .CC, 16 Nortl►ienue,Wilmington,NC 28401 kko STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK This SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION TO MASTER DECLARATION OF PROTEC IVE FOR PALMETTO CREEK(the "Supplemental Declaration") is made this Oil day of (l(1h1 ,2007,by tii. ,INC.,a North Carolina corporation("Declarant"). 4 ;,,�` W ES WHEREAS, the Decl: : t heretoforeuted the Master Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek,and caused the same to be recorded in Book 2324,Page 1195,et seq. in the Brunswick County Registry(herein the"Protective Covenants");and WHEREAS,in accordance with Section 11.6 of the Protective Covenants,the Declarant has the right to amend the Protective Covenants for the purpose of imposing additional restrictions upon the Properties as : ,°o the extent required by the terms of the stormwater permit issued by the State of North t olina;and WHEREAS, in connect, with Sta ktormwater Mkiament Permit Number SW8 050239 issued to the Declarant from the Divis% of Water Quality ("DWQ") under NCAC 2H.1000,DWQ is requiring that the Protective Covenants be amended to include the rules and regulations as provided in this Supplemental Declaration; NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with its rights under Section 11.6 of the Protective Covenants,the Declarant does hereby and the ProtectiUht,ivve� ;•'o Covenants as follows: 1. The first senten f"Arfige 11, Secl7S 71 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by the f i owing: "(f) The maximum built-upon area per Lot is described in Exhibit A attached to this Supplemental Declaration." 71066 ivE I -74 ti`` d' `�*�r Tn�r tJ ah I�,ilort �IIII IIII III III EN ?�@?10 9Onc26B000 unewle aunty. NC Register of Deeds page 2 of 3 2. Declarant hereby retains and shall have the unilateral right, by Supplemental Declaration,to amend the Protective Covenants as DWQ shall reasonably require in connection with stormwater management permits a r.licable to the Property. ti;' 3. Declarant hereby der es that th 'llgy shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the Protective Coy-,c;, ts, ascended by'tlj sraftiemental Declaration, which covenants shall run with title W. e Property mall be binding on all parties having any right, title, or interest in the described Property or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. EXCEPT AS AMENDED HEREIN,the Protective Covenants shall be and remain in full force and effect. XDv,u ( ; .CRZ. ) 417 By: G-� _ (SEAL) Robert C. .Exum,Pr ldent NORT-•i CAROLINA dku),S,14)vi1Ei2 CO �' ' r/iaQa I, Di*iVC m. .� 1.441er "���� a Notary PuTilic of the State and County aforesaid,certify that Robert C.G.Exum persona came before me this day and acknowledged that he is President of XDV,INC.,a North Carolina corporation,and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President. zalt WITNESS my hand and official,. al this AT day of trANGSAV ,2007. `+`� Notar u lic My commission expires: et 72068 ,�4vt �� `f aV [Rt. � o e Ev.ti , ti�1 `� 11111 JQ 1111111111182545F00 801-Z9-2001�� 88a,Bruneulek CCCaunt , C RiWLjiir of Deeds page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A Phase Section ��,� Minimum Minimum # # Lot# �� Sq.Ft.t$3 Ft.for 2 Max BUA ,"' ;,tory Ipl One One 1,2,21-58 1,800 2,100 5,400 One One 3-20 2,000 2,400 6,500 1,2, 11-110, 113- One Two 115, 119, 12 ,'' 123, 126, .- 1+80SCo 2,100 6,000 131, 13:;446 % Napa � nra 3-10, 111, 112, 116-118, 120, One Two 2,000 2,400 6,000 121, 124, 125, 127, 132-137 1-10, 13-32,�,; One Three 6411 � 38-65. 450 D 3330 One Three 11, 12'33,' 4,36, 37 1,4 N/A 3,330 1-11, 14,25-29, One Four 32-68 0: 1,60t 2,000 3,500 One Four 12, 13, 15-24, /� ' 31 `' 4k 1,600' �?�ap0 o 3,500 �` �� kD nobs � 3 ;v ' �Q0S� 4., �� �;,S. CCi IQt 4ea ,� .�...<..�4d mt am-2mm7 =4��1CK e‘°A; •� IFII IIIII �' "IIlhIII I1I 82546 F024319:17:66.008 �• 1i1 ilj 4 �� Br County, NC Register ofbDeeds' Robinson page 1 of 1 ii y m ,bi' „, led tIo l/ f. 8 Istratloo t, ,, . ' rnT'v e` or � 4a 1 s -,. l r REV 3C _rA iptt -' fi coo �1 4Zr. Ci"'l REF EY_�- 9x*.vi.e.► Jet --u az SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION TO MASTER DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR PALMETTO CRE ANNEXING ADDITIONAL PROPERTY -.."- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK ,r's � C� � XDV, INC., a North Car olina corporatio ,4 erein "DECLARANT"), heretofore executed the Master Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek,and caused the same to be recorded in Book 2324, Page 1195, et seq.in the Brunswick County Registry(herein the"Protective Covenants"); and WHEREAS, in accordance with Sec ion 8.1 a of the Protective Covenants,the DECLARANT has the right to amend the Protective `4 ants for the purpose of annexing additional property into the Properties;and ��ti �� WHEREAS, DEC • • - desires ', Inex intootthelFl • .:r,'es the real property described herein and subject such real prop`' to the lien of i``aa,'rotective Covenants. NOW,THEREFORE,the DECLARANT does hereby amend the Protective Covenants to annex all of the following real property into the Properties and thereby subject such real property to the lien of the Protective Covenants: BEING ALL of Lots 1 througn ,Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Three, as shown on that map record* Map Cab'I jv Pages 112- 113 of the Brunswick County Registry, referent 7,;'. whi map is r i.i7ILinade for a more particular description_ 'C) ' ��sCC�� N. Except as amended herein, the resaid Protec've Covenants shall be and remain in full force and effect. This the d q day of ,2007. XDV,INC. ti` Robed um, sident NORTH AROLINA .��,. �V ZIft. ,o iiecL NORTH, COUNTY 1, rn Pa. ' ll�e7t' a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid,certify that Rob rt C.G.Exum personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is President of XDV,Inc.,a North Carolina corporation,and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation,the foregoing instrument w.s signed in its name by its President. ti WITNESS my hand and official thisJf 2007. Ja�� otary P tic. • otimi n igan:i t Na me: m y Ca. r . /44,,,ilgr-- rq} commission expires: \‘‘‘MaN iy-0q4/O ... .4� .... 'tp ` `. ". �p .yam �!` " v J� N C.• `` S: *I"fiuiiInoo0 65182v4 Prepared by: Murchison,Taylor&Gibson,PLLC 16 North Fifth Avenue,Wilmington,NC 28401 ti� •.4.T r a li i1H i,1 l Brunswick County—Register of Deeds p ,�(lll;>,.r,�;; iy`1� Robert J. Robinson %,•t, ? "I'll Inst 11313321 Book 2324Page 1195 s mt )l;aljii4iC IeAla ,r 0 A'Malin { l, ,,:and la �/I 01/31/2006 02:53 s 20pm Rec# � •(�( �y „Yap. W f 3 4,a. ,t Lyl *‘,.., eta ii CARE14 .`' L S`�JJ 41,,..„ (r) t.,...4. . MASTER DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Xi7 FO .'ALMETTO CREEK f9 23 • Prepared by: Murchison,Taylor&Gibson,P 16 North Fifth Avenue,Wilmington,NC 28401 NORTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK COUNTY t ' . THIS MAST DECLA , . a N OF PRR CTIVE COVENANTS FOR PALMETTO CREEK(these"Protective Covenan'`:")is made this 30+1+ day of January,2006,by XDV,INC.,a North Carolina corporation("DECLARANT"). DECLARANT is the owner of the real property described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by ref`ience. These Protective Covenants impose restrictions upon the Properties (as defined in ARTI ,. 1)under a general scheme of development for the mutual benefit of the owners of each porti ,t•f the Propel e -4 %can DECLARANT hereby declare t all of the property described in Exhibit A and any additional property subjected to these Protective Covenants by Supplemental Declaration shall be held, sold,used and conveyed subject to the North Carolina Planned Community Act and to the following easements,restrictions, covenants,and conditions,which shall run with the real property subjected to these Protective Covenants. These Protective Covenants shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of all parties hav'g any right, title or interest in the Properties or any part thereof their heirs,successors,and. ' u s. `. TICLLE 1 'E. aD DE IONS The terms used in these Protective Covenants shall generally be given their natural, commonly accepted definitions except as otherwise specified. Capitalized terms shall be defined as set forth below. 1.1 "ARC": the Archite• 1 0 al Review Committee as described in ARTICLE 10 herein. tv 1.2 "Articles of I :�'.oration ,"Articles' fha les of Incorporation of Palmetto Creek POA,Inc., as filed with the North Caro ,Secretary of State,and as may be amended from time to time. 1.3 "Association": Palmetto Creek POA, Inc., a North Carolina nonprofit corporation, its successors and assigns formed or to be formed by the DECLARANT as a property owners association for Owners (as defined<I Section 1.22), all of whom shall be members of the Association. 1t vim, . 1.4 "Board of Dir. rs" or"t3 and": whether ac ed of one or more directors, the board governing the Association and managing affairs of the Association. RET'►r►TG `IsTOTAL/q6' REV TC#_3i-- REC# CK AMTLr!4"CK#SR___. 62077.4 CASH REF 11Y ti st: $?21 Book 2324Page: 3196 1.5 "Business" and/or "Trade": shall be construed to have their ordinary, generally accepted meanings and shall include,without limitation,any occupation,work or activity undertaken on an ongoing basis which involves the provision of goods or services to persons other than the provider's family and for which the provider receives a fee, compensation, or other form of consideration. 1.6 "By-Laws": the,I -Laws` ,;,Palmetto Ch'irjnc.,as they may be modified or amended from time to time. e initial By- .''are attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. 1.7 "Class"B"Control Period": the period of time during which the Class"B"Member is entitled to appoint a majority of the members of the Board of Directors as provided in Section 3.3. 1.8 "Common Area": :`1 real and ,r, o o.erty which the Association owns or leases for the common use ar.14, joyme the Mem.eT,(Wing,however, any Recreational Trails (as defined in Section".28 herein) wfi ECLARANT or the Association may maintain within the Properties from time to time. 1.9 "Common Expenses": the actual and estimated expenses incurred or anticipated to be incurred by the Association for the general benefit of all Units,including any reasonable reserve and actual and estimated expenses �.f maintaining and operating the Common Areas, any Recreational Trails,conservation and: ffer areas and landscaped areas within road right of ways,as the Board may find necessary an''.propriate put r !iIP, e Protective Covenants the By-Laws, and the Articles of IncorporatioF' cludin following: ftliG (a) All sums lawfully assessed by the Association against its members; (b) Expenses of administration, maintenance, repair or replacement of the Common Areas,the Recreational Trails,and the stormwater system; p • (c) Expenses d :red to be„gImmon Expenses by the provisions of these Protective Covenants or •�`ay-La‘ vI1VCSapy, cifte (d) Expenses agreed by ttiitt members to be Common Expenses of the Association;and/or (e) Any ad valorem taxes and public assessments levied against the Common Area. Common Expenses shall not inclu.:.~ny expensehiwurred during the Class"B"Control Period for initial development, original ,,, .nstru ion, m kratiotirg infrastructure, original capital improvements,or other origin. onstructio G is unless approH y Voting Members representing a majority of the total Class"A"vote of the Asso"r tion. 1.10 "Community-Wide Standard": the standard of conduct, maintenance, or other activity generally prevailing throughout the Residential Community. Such standard may be more specifically determined by the Board of Directors and the ARC. 1.11 "DECLARANT": �<40V, Inc., a ���h Carolina corporation, together with such successors or assigns of DEC 1. shoul. .. Ftti ,,, - than one undeveloped Unit from the DECLARANT for the pu a of develo f"., t and who are 15 fically granted DECLARANT's rights hereunder. 1.12 "Design Guidelines": the architectural design guidelines and procedures set forth in ARTICLE 10 or adopted by the ARC pursuant to ARTICLE 10 and applicable to all Units within the Properties. 1.13 "Future Develo m ro er ": alnekproperty within a one(1)mile radius of the real property described on Exhi ' attaclhereto anTradtpokated herein by reference. uv 1.14 "Governing Documents": consist of the following, as they may be amended or modified from time to time: the Protective Covenants, the Articles of Incorporation,the By-Laws, 62077.4 2 LLQ, * Ins L 21 Book 2324Paqe: 1197 any Supplemental Declarations, the Design Guidelines, the Rules and Regulations, Board resolutions,and recorded plats of the Property. 1.15 "Individual Assessment":assessments levied in accordance with Section 9.6 of these Protective Covenants. t" 1.16 "Limited Commas Area portions��tetat 2 . Area which the Association or DECLARANT has designated,s designates'P+•, e common use.P. enjoyment of one or more,but less than all, of the Members (including, witho "limitation, Common Area intended to benefit a particular Village or Villages). 1.17 "Master Association Assessment": assessments levied on all Units subject to assessment under ARTICLE 9 to fund Common Expenses for the general benefit of all Units. 1.18 "Member": a Per P entitled t. p, . rship in the Association, as provided in Section 3.2. IPS +fir • 1.19 "Mortgage": a mortgage,a deernt trust,a deed to secure debt,or any other form of security deed. 1.20 "Mortgagee": a beneficiary or holder of a Mortgage. 1.21 "Mortgagor": any Pe :; who gives a Mortgage. 1.22 "Owner":the r- '• Own Nether one Oti r : ;& sons or entities,of a fee simple title to any Unit which is a .0 of the Prop s, including con act sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the per ormance of an obligation. 1.23 "Palmetto Creek": the development created or to be created on the Properties. 1.24 "Person": a natural =i"� on, a corporation, a partnership or limited partnership, a limited liability company or partn; ` p,a trustee,' or any other legal entity. 1.25 "Planned Co '1unity Act": rth Carolina Planned Community Act(N.C.G.S. §47F-1-101 et seq.),as same may be amended from time to time. 1.26 "Property" or"Properties": the real property described in Exhibit A,together with such additions thereto(including,without limitation,portions of the Future Development Property) as may hereafter be brought within the' risdiction of the Association by the filing of a Supplemental Declaration. 1.27 "Protective Cov;-,' nts": s can this insnimiMpas it may from time to time be amended or supplemented. 1.28 "Recreational Trails": any scenic or recreational pathways and trails that may be designated on the Properties from time to time by DECLARANT or the Association for the use and benefit of the Owners in accordance with the terms and conditions of Section 11.5(u)herein. The term"Recreational Corridor"shall refs to any area designated on a plat of the Properties recorded by DECLARANT in which DEC: sha-llhave the right, in its discretion, to install a Recreational Trail. v��Q 1.29 "Residential Community": thedential development created or to be created on the Property. 1.30 "Rules and Regulations": the rules and regulations adopted by the Board governing land use, individual conduct and uses or actions upon the Property, as they may be amended or supplemented from time to time. 1.31 "Service Assess r ': ass ssmenta cordance with Section 9.13 of these Protective Covenants. /uw 62077.4 3 v e ti J� Insets40321 Book 2329Page: 11.98 1.32 "Special Assessment": assessments levied in accordance with Section 9.5 of these Protective Covenants. 1.33 "Supplemental Declaration": an amendment or supplement to these Protective Covenants filed pursuant to ARTIC 8 which subjects additional property to these Protective Covenants and/or imposes, expre or by reference changes to or additional restrictions and obligations on the land describe.„1 rein. '�°'s•- 6 `Z., J' V L �� 1.34 "Unit": a portion of the Propertie ,whether improved or unimproved,which may be independently owned and conveyed and which is intended for development,use,and occupancy as an attached or detached residence for a single family. The term shall refer to the land,if any,which is part of the Unit as well as any improvements thereon. The term shall include, by way of illustration but not limitation,condominium units,townhouse units,cluster homes,patio or zero lot line homes, single-family detached *a••es on separately platted lots, and single family residential lots. ��� ���� Subject to the terms an, conditions oi+ a Protective Covenants,Units may be combined, further subdivided, and/or recombined, and bounary lines of Units may be changed, only by the recording of a plat or other legal instrument further subdividing or resubdividing the parcel of property. In the absence of recording such a legal instrument, ownership of adjacent Units by the same Owner shall not permit such Units to be treated as a single Unit for purposes of voting and assessment,notwithstanding that such I its may be improved with a single structure. ti 1.35 "Village": two or .re Units wh 'nterests other than those common to all Units, as more particularly des -d in ion 3.4. } TRF;xQ.G lustration and not limitation, a condominium development, wnhome dev ent, patio home development, cluster home development, or single-family detached housing development might each be designated by the DECLARANT as separate Villages, or a Village may be comprised of more than one housing type with other features in common. Where the context permits or `;quires, the term "Village" shall also refer to the Village Committee, if any, established in t`cordance with the By-Laws, or the Village Association established to act on behalf of th},,, wners of Un lit,'Li Village. Village boundaries may be established and modified as pro `din Se 3,4. L deD 1.36 "Village Assessments": assessments levied by the Association against the Units in particular Village or Villages to fund Village Expenses as described in ARTICLE 9. 1.37 "Village Association": any condominium association or other owners association having jurisdiction over any Village. 1.38 "Village Declara : a decla A;. ��`:� in compliance with the Planned Community Act (or the North,.'.rolina t 0. 'nium Ac .S. §47C-1-101 et seq.), as the case may be) and Section 3.4' erein encumbe''',,;,and restricting a Village within the Residential Community. 1.39 "Village Expenses": the actual and estimated expenses incurred or anticipated to be incurred by the Association for the benefit of the Owners and occupants of Units within a particular Village or Villages,which may include< reasonable reserve for capital repairs and replacements,as the Board may specifically autho``E' and as my be authorized herein or in Supplemental Declarations applicable to the Vies. d eat cltg ARTICLE 2 PROPERTY RIGHTS 2.1 Every Owner shall have a right and nonexclusive easement of use, access, and enjoyment in and to the Common Are„?,and for ingress and egress to and from the Common Area, which shall be appurtenant to an. :ass with th,�title to every Unit, subject to the following provisions: ,` �Q (a) The Governing Documen 62077.4 4 Inall''� Book 2324Page: 1199 'ktk, (b) Any restrictions or limitations contained in any deed conveying any portion of the Common Area to the Association; (c) The right of the Board to adopt rules regulating the use and enjoyment of the Common Area and improvem V: thereon,including rules restricting use of the recreational facilities within the Comm a:•rea to occ L of Units and their guests and rules limiting the number of guests wh. ay use, ,e Comm right of the Board to establish penalties for any infrac s thereof; (d) The right of the Board to suspend the voting rights and the right to use the Common Areas and the recreational facilities within the Common Area by an Owner(i)for any period,during which any assessment(s) secured by a lien against such Owner's Unit remains unpaid,and(ii)for a period not to exceed sixty(60)days for a single violation of the Governing Documents(other ,+t) a failure to pay any charges or liens due),and(iii)for any period greater than sixty(6e ".ays in the any continuing violation,of the Governing Documents,after notice :,_' a hea a .ursuant s• ,44 (e) The right of the Associatio,acting through the Board,to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area pursuant to Section 4.7; (I) The right of the Association,acting through the Board, to mortgage,pledge, or hypothecate any or all of its al or personal property as security for money borrowed or debts incurred, subject to the- proval requirements set forth herein and the rights of such Mortgagees in said prop- =`s shall be l iate to the rights of the Unit Owners hereunder;and 4s- ri o (g) Easements as provided in ARTICLE 12. 2.2 Any Owner may extend his or her right of use and enjoyment to the members of his or her family,lessees,contract purchasers and social invitees,subject to reasonable Board regulation. An Owner who leases his or her Unit s `I be deemed to have assigned all such rights to the lessee of such Unit for the duration of the 'e and an such lessee shall abide by all the restrictions contained herein. Any such least all not rel-!/•",1 {v�ner of his liability for damage to the Common Area caused by said 1--e. %At. —114- ca ARTICLE 3 ASSOCIATION FUNCTION,MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS 3.1 Function of Association. The Association shall be the entity responsible for management,maintenance,ownershi .eration and control of the Common Area owned or leased by the Association within the Prop-�^s. The Ass ,y�r shall be the primary entity responsible for enforcement of these Protective R enantnd such • • -s regulating use of the Common Areas owned or leased by the _?ociation an' use of the Pro:-n as the Board may adopt. The Association shall also be responsible for admr stering and enforcing the architectural design guidelines and controls set forth in these Protective Covenants and in the Design Guidelines. The Association shall perform its functions in accordance with the Governing Documents and applicable North Carolina law. 3.2 Membership. Every t,t ner shall be a Member of the Association. There shall be only one membership per Unit. I�<` nit is o d rz re than one Person,all co-Owners shall share the privileges of that mem.�-hip. members )j;t.L,.An Owner which is a corporation, partnership or other legal enti ay be exer rby any officer, rrector,partner,or trustee,or by any other individual designated from time to time'ily the Owner in a written instrument provided to the Secretary of the Association,provided that only one person(and such person's immediate family members with respect to membership rights other than voting) may be designated to act in such capacity for such an Owner at any particular time. 3.3 Voting. The Associat;j, shall have two classes of membership,Class"A"and Class e B v ftys r (a) Class"-. . Class"A" w,,bers shall be allqiwners of Units except the Class "B"Member, if any. Class "A"Members"shall have one vote for each Unit in which they 62077.4 5 tiro 44 ,q! Inst#" 1 Book 2324Page: 1200 hold the interest required for membership under Section 3.2;there shall be only one vote per Unit. (b) Class "B". The sole Class "B" Member shall be the DECLARANT. The rights of the Class "B" Me , including the right to approve or withhold approval of actions proposed under t‘,!t'e Protecti enants and the By-Laws, are specified throughout the Goveminy5 ocum.s _ a. The C i1�� -.�..er may appoint the members of the Board during the C;?s"B"Cone��`"''; 'ad,which pen••is further defined herein. After termination of the Class"B"Control Pen`h,the members of the Board shall be selected as provided in the By-Laws. During the Class"B"Control Period,the Class`B"Member shall be entitled to three (3)votes for each platted Unit d three(3) votes for each planned but currently-unplatted Unit in the Residential Corn ity. The total number of planned Units in the Residential Community is currently fo, ''''undyed and t �a 80),although the actual number of Units may be more or less, �;�. the ":qf "B" Me 1. T1-, & no representation whatsoever regarding the actual ntnber of Units''>.,.e included in t.e Residential Community. The Class `B"Control Period shall terminate and the Class"B"membership shall cease and be converted to Class "A" membership on the happening of one of the following events, whichever occurs earliest: (i) when th`,r ECLARANT owns ten percent(10%)or less of the total number of the planned Uni 4' the Residential Community, including any of the Future Development Property wh' ay be annekardwghas herein provided, oilftao (ii) January 1,2• 'r (iii) when,in its discretion,DECLARANT so determines and declares in an instrument recorded in the public land records. (c) Exercise of Voi: Ri_hts. In any situation in which a Member is entitled personally to exercise the v•,,;``for his or er Unit and there is more than one Owner of a particular Unit, the vote t such Unit 1�: +,*- �. rcised as such Co-Owners determine among themselves an' vise th cretary oft /Piagfiation in writing prior to any meeting. Absent such)dvice, the Um ote shall be suspended if more than one Person seeks to exercise it. 3.4 Villages and Village Associations. In order to allow a flexible mechanism for the orderly development of the Residential Community, the DECLARANT may (but shall have no obligation to) divide the Residential, ommunity into distinct Villages to account for varying standards, restrictions, uses and -«~�ntenance ues within the development. In the event DECLARANT elects to form t` e o more itli 'thin the Residential Community, DECLARANT shall have the ,in its di ion,to assignr. allocate Limited Common Area responsibility to such Village(s . If a Village Association is to be formed,a Village Declaration shall be filed relative to such property(which Village Declaration shall be subject in all respects to these Protective Covenants). A Village Declaration may(but need not)subject Units within a particular Village to covenants in addition to the covenants provided b:, ese Protective Covenants. If a Village is created, each Owner of a Unit within such Villagti+all become9.linember of the respective Village Association in addition to being a Member of s;`Asso tion. r.r.'._ .i-. bass "B" Control Period, no Village Declaration shall be binding v= or appli `: to any of they' :i rties unless approved in writing by DECLARANT. The Artic es of Incorpora and By-Laws of any Village Association shall require the prior written approval of the DECLARANT. DECLARANT shall also be entitled to initially assign any of the Properties to a specific Village by name. In order to insure that all Villages in the Residential Community will be consistent with the general or common scheme p development, the DECLARANT may unilaterally amend these Protective Covenants, by Sub emental De ation,to designate and/or redesignate Village boundaries;provided,however, r;�t (2)o ore i �t be combined without the consent of Owners of a majority of the .' its in the a ed Villages. -41 v 6207 7.4 ti, viv Li, a �s�i J �,� �� ' Inst R 3. 3 0 Book 2324Page: 1201 ARTICLE 4 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION 4.1 Common Area and Recreational Trails. The Association,subject to the rights of the Owners set forth in these Protective 7.$•enants,shall manage and control the Common Area and all improvements thereon(as defined '.. .ther sectioi ja ,'n including,without limitation,roads,road rights of way, recreation path •, deeltdocks, lighting, irrigation, furnishings, equipment,and common land,•_.ped areas)Migglil as any Recrea al Trails(if any)(provided that the Association's obligation to maintain any Recreational Trails shall be limited as contemplated in Section 5.1 herein). The Association shall keep such areas and improvements in good repair and in a clean, attractive, and sanitary condition consistent with these Protective Covenants and the Community-Wide Standard. • 4.2 Personal Property a , ,'eal Property for Common Use. The Association may acquire, hold, and dispose of �< ible and i,'a,L' personal property and real property. DECLARANT may convey to a� ssocia' improv-. . yed real estate located within the Residential Community,perso• property ri a 4 a ehold and other property interests. Such property shall be accepted by the Association and thereatftr shall be maintained as Common Area by the Association at its expense for the benefit of its Members,subject to any restrictions set forth herein and in the deed. 4.3 Rules and Reaulationsw The Association, through its Board, may make, revoke, amend and enforce reasonable rule:tii'oveming the use of the Properties, in addition to further defining or limiting, and, where.,Y ifically au i c R 1ereunder, creating exceptions to, those covenants and restrictions set f. in the. +,; otective o' .l tFauch rules shall be binding upon all Owners,occupants,invitee;essees,guests licensees. 4.4 Enforcement. Subject to the requirements of the Planned Community Act, the Association may impose sanctions for violations of any of the Governing Documents, including reasonable monetary fines,suspension of the right to vote,and/or suspension of the right to use any recreational facilities within the Com(,.n Area and/or the Recreational Trails. In addition, the Association may exercise self-help 4 ure violations, and may suspend any services it provides to the Unit of any Owner who is mo,:o• •n 30 days d t �t•� '1 .aying any assessment or other charge due to the Association. The B 6,;', may s elief in any .3 lit?ti• iolations or to abate nuisances. The Board may assess the reasonable moneta nes authorized by this Section as an Individual Assessment authorized by Section 9.6 of these Protective Covenants. 4.5 Implied Rights; Board Authority. The Association may exercise any other right or privilege given to it expressly by these i rotective Covenants,the By-Laws,the Planned Community Act, or Chapter 55A of the No 1�� arolina Ceral Statutes, or reasonably implied from or reasonably necessary to effectua :ny s ch rig �C E:j1Except as otherwise specifically — provided in these Protective C nants, -Laws, or es, all rights and powers of the Association may be exercised b the Board wi a vote of the membership. 4.6 Indemnification. To the maximum extent allowed by North Carolina law, the Association shall indemnify every officer, director, and committee member against all expenses, including counsel fees,reasonably incurred in connection with any action,suit,or other proceeding (including settlement of any suit or p[ceding, if approved by the Board incumbent at the time of such settlement) to which he or s,-~ ay be par . reason of being or having been an officer, director or committee member. u e Ass ciation .`rE� .mmon Expense, maintain adequate general liability and officers' r"d direc ability insuu ra IrFCRb fund this obligation, if such insurance is reasonably availabre. 4.7 Dedication of Common Areas. The Association may dedicate portions of the Common Areas to any local,state,or federal governmental entity,public agency,authority,or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the Association. I 4.8 Security. The Ass`37t tion may, shall not be obligated to, maintain or support certain activities within the Pro+ ies d igned r roperties safer than they otherwise might be. NEITHER THE AS'i CIATIO R THE DEC sAT(OR ANY SUCCESSOR TO DECLARANT) SHALL IN A Y WAY BE IDERED INSURERS OR GUARANTORS OF SECURITY WITHIN THE PROPERTIES. NOR SHALL ANY OF THEM BE HELD LIABLE 62077.4 7 4'o �� net: # 31.321.'s 7 k 2324Page: 1202 FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF FAILURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SECURITY OR OF INEFFECTIVENESS OF SECURITY MEASURES UNDERTAKEN. EACH PERSON USING THE PROPERTIES ASSUMES ALL RISKS FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PERSONS, TO UNITS AND TO THE CONTENTS OF UNITS RESULTING FROM ACTS OF THIRD PARTIES. tip- 4.9 Powers of the cis:sciatic). 'elating to�f �he Association shall have the power to veto any action tak <'5r contempla'�.,F,to be taken by at�'y Village Association which the Board reasonably determines to be adverse to , interests of the Association or its Members or inconsistent with the Community-Wide Standard. The Association also shall have the power to require specific action to be taken by any Village Association in connection with any of the Village Association's obligations and responsibilities. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,the Association may(a)require specific m.` tenance or repairs or aesthetic changes to be effectuated by the Village Association, and (b) r „re that a proposed budget include certain items and that specific expenditures be made, (c) requirei a Association to ensure its members' compliance with all Governing %`ument . Any action required by the Association in a written notice pursuant to the foregoing paragraph to be taken by a Village Association shall be taken within the reasonable time frame set by the Association in such written notice. If the Village Association fails to comply with the requirements set forth in such written notice, the Association shall have the right to effect such action on behalf of the Village Associa;.gin. To cover the Association' 01 mini strativ-t'Ac _g 'n connection with the foregoing and to discourage failure to comply W. the req'r .-, ents of the TRl.:03.1,on,the Association shall assess the Units in such Village for'' eir pro rata s'::r: of any expenses incurred by the Association in taking such action in the manner provided in Section 9.6. Such assessments may be collected as an Individual Assessment hereunder and shall be subject to all lien rights provided for herein. 4.10 Management and Administration. The management and administration of the Association Common Areas and - ,,nities shall be the sole right and responsibility of the Association. The management sha,,` carried o}}, in accordance with the terms and conditions of these Protective Covenants, the fides, By-Lass/ s and Regulations, but they may be delegated to a manager or a m. `#ement s n 4.11 Assignment to Association. DECLARANT shall be entitled to assign all water, sewer, land use, stormwater system and utility permits, agreements and easements between DECLARANT and any governmental agency or department or public or private utility company to the Association, in which case the Association shall be required to assume same. After such an assignment, the Association shall be •?:possible for and assume all duties, obligations, and rights and privileges of the DECLARA t�••der such its, agreements and easements, including all maintenance responsibility,even <`'art o thew , d use, stormwater system or utility areas covered by the permits,a!•-ements an sements are n t'to W'ed within the Properties. 4.12 Common Area. The Common Area cannot be mortgaged,conveyed or encumbered without the consent of eighty percent (80%) of the Unit Owners. During the Class "B" Control Period, any such mortgage, conveyance or encumbrance shall also require the consent of DECLARANT. -<ti` ART ;l]�VVFF�W�//,,5 cv'Q IlVTF I]� 'u_L4J D 5.1 Association's Responsibility."NI Association shall maintain and keep in good repair the Common Area and, while they are owned or operated by DECLARANT or the Association, the Recreational Trails. Such maintenance responsibility may include,but need not be limited to: (a) all Recreation,.., rails(if any)and all landscaping and other flora,parks,and signage for the Residenti: ommunity gyp ed upon the Common Area; structures and improvements situated ut�>°"the a• mon Areal reational Corridor(as specified on an applicable recorde. lat), inclu +;;,any private st . itl and rights of way and islands within their streets and cul-de-sacs;bicy/" and pedestrian pathways and trails situated upon the Common Area or any Recreational Corridor; ponds, lakes, drainways, recreation 62077.4 8 i) ti 4 t # 31h2iftek 2324Page: 1.203 pathways within or upon the Common Area or the Recreational Trails; the main entrance to Palmetto Creek from Highway 211 (including, without limitation, 500 foot approaches to such main entrance plaza in both directions on or along Highway 211); the secondary entrance to Palmetto Creek from Old Lennon Road(a/k/a Secondary Road 1504),including, without limitation, 500 foot acoaches to such secondary entrance plaza in both directions on or along Old Lennon ,,'A; the gates*Nzd at the main entrance and the secondary entrance; and any others eas d ' ated as ^a, Limited Common Area, or Recreational Trails by;.,c CLARA the Association $bm time to time, excepting any real or personal property for which a age Association or some entity other than the Association has expressly assumed responsibility; (b) all pools,tennis courts,clubhouses and other amenities constituting a portion of the Common Area, excepting any real or personal property for which a Village Association or some other en . as expressly assumed responsibility; (c) P•l� CO�QER repaired or mainta neon. ea or kited Com rr:.l- thin any Village which may be p y the AssaSVAn in the Assoc .tion s sole discretion either by agreement with the Village or because,it Me opinion of the Board,the level and quality of service then being provided is not consistent with the Community-Wide Standard. All costs of maintenance pursuant to this paragraph shall be assessed as an Individual Assessment only against the Units within the Village to which the services are provided. The provision of services in accordance with thi Section shall not constitute discrimination within a class. The Association also has :;'`authority to take appropriate legal action to require the responsible Village to c'`;-y with th J/-,.•_ 'ons of these Protective Covenants, the Articles,By-Laws and`•,ef s and lotions a.o'e Ali>Z,t vder;and (d) any other Common Area ignated by the Board or the DECLARANT from time to time in a Supplemental Declaration. Additionally, if and to the extent DECLARANT or any principal or affiliate of DECLARANT shall install any board,,,• , bridge, deck, pathway or other pedestrian amenity on property adjacent to or in the vice of the Properties for aesthetic, recreational, pedestrian, conservation or educational p .` es (each, £4NC ent Amenity") and shall request the Association to accept respons' ,. ty for '"ii•'tenance o�t TT I::',;: ent Amenity, the Association shall be required to accept s . responsibili id shall be entitled to include the costs of such maintenance in Common Expenses hereunder. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,the Association's obligation to maintain the Recreational Trails(if any)and/or any Recreational Corridors which are not Common Area shall be limited to(i) the replacement of cone •,,, or other materials used to build or surface such trails and (ii) the trimming or removal of any,-,f:�`�ts,landsc•.ing,structures or other impediments which may have been installed by Owners in4kf:s areas surro t.''Yam creational Trails. p 5.2 Owner's Rest) sibility. Eac wner shall maintain his or her Unit and all structures, landscaping, parking areas, and other improvements comprising the Unit in a manner consistent with the Community-Wide Standard and all applicable covenants, unless such maintenance responsibility is otherwise assumed by or assigned to the Association or a Village pursuant to the Supplemental Declaration or other Declaration of Protective Covenants applicable to such Unit. As to Units which abut a yl tercourse or body of water,it shall be the responsibility of each Owner to maintain, in a ma.` consiste with the Community-Wide Standard and these Protective Covenants,any area 1 `betty en theVittti`,., of line of such Unit and the waterline of such watercourse or body ,.�v ater(as waterline Mate from time to time). As to Units which abut or include a portion of any ational Corridor or a pathway or sidewalk within the Common Area, it shall be the responsibility of each Owner to maintain, in a manner consistent with the Community-Wide Standard and these Protective Covenants, any area or landscaping, including any landscaping that may have been initially placed by DECLARANT, lying within any portion of a Recreational Corridor located upon such Owner's Unit or between the boundary or lot line of such Unit and the boundary 9) such Recreational Trail, pathway or sidewalk (except as otherwise provided in these Prot , Covenant*,Any fencing which is not maintained by the Association or a Village Associ••,n sha" be mai giit• _, e t in good condition and repair by the Owner of the Unit on wh' ;"such fen :,.• is located (a tf-0•wner's cost and expense). In addition to any other enforcement rights, i `'.,r Owner fails properly to perform his or her maintenance responsibility,the Association may,but is not required to,perform such maintenance 62077.4 9 4�0 wbveem Inst # % ook 2324Page: 1204 <;a responsibility and assess all costs incurred by the Association against the Unit and the Owner in accordance with Section 9.6. The Association shall afford the Owner reasonable notice and an opportunity to cure the problem prior to entry, except when entry is required due to an emergency situation,as such situation may be reasonably determined by the Association. Additionally, with respect 4 any Unit 10' as a landscape berm located between the boundary of such Unit and any p ed str within the shall be the responsibility of the Owner of such Unit to maint.y , in a mann` ;,..nsistent with t `� ommunity-Wide Standard and these Protective Covenants,any area or landscape'"°•,including any landscaping that may have been initially placed by DECLARANT,lying between the boundary or lot line of such Unit and the top of such landscape berm. The obligation stated in the immediately preceding sentence shall apply regardless of whether the area in question has been or has not been designated as Common Area hereunder. 5.3 Maintenance of Una` Each Own.t n• amtain his or her Unit and all landscaping and improvements comprising nit i anner co laivi : the Community-Wide Standard and these Protective Covenants he Articles, $•t,,,E y-Laws,the Ru es and Regulations and any other applicable covenants or Supplemental Declara`".ns, unless such maintenance responsibility is otherwise assumed by or assigned to the Association or a Village pursuant to any Supplemental Declaration or other declaration of covenants applicable to such Unit. If, in the opinion of the Association, any Owner shall fail to maintain any Unit owned by him in a manner which is reasonably neat and orderly and as .4 required by ARTICLE 11 herein or shall fail to keep improvements constructed thereon in .to of repair so as not to be unsightly,all in the sole opinion of the Association, the Associati 'anaits,aisc g t�yjT�affirmative notice to Owner,may enter members of the Board of Direc.s Ilj upon and make or cause to be • ade repairs to ,•improvements and perform such maintenance on the Unit as the removal of trash,cutting of grass,pruning of shrubbery,weeding and items of erosion control. The Association shall have an easement for the purpose of accomplishing the foregoing,as provided herein and in ARTICLE 12. The reasonable cost incurred by the Association in rendering all such services,plus a service charge of'fifteen percent(15%)of such cost,shall be added to and become an Individual Assessment to w�` h such Unit is subject as provided in ARTICLE 9 herein. 5.4 Villa•e's Res•onsi_ t . ZU'L�Q (a) Upon :.aid resolution, Owners of Units within each Village shall be responsible for paying, through assessments levied by the Village Association or the Association (as the case may be), the costs of operating, maintaining and insuring certain Limited Common Areas within or adjacent to such Village. (b) Any Village A),lciation having any responsibility for exterior maintenance of property and/or landsc``+g within R,such Village shall perform such maintenance responsibility in a manner,- iste t with lit= A 4, ity-Wide Standard. If it fails to do so, the Association may,b S�a not req F�;;,. to,perform :.��onsibilities and assess the costs against all Units within)uch Village as ided in Section 9.6. (c) Upon Board resolution any Village may provide lawn maintenance to and for areas outside a Village boundary, pursuant to contract between the Village and the respective area's Owner. 5.5 Standard of Perfo _`ce. Mai nce, as used in this Article, shall include, without limitation, repair and rel5'ceme s t as neV na 1 as other duties, as the Board may determine necessary or approp ,`"e to satis`�f e Communit�ttandard. All maintenance shall be performed in a manner consistent with '�'.•, Community-Wide Standard and all applicable covenants. ARTICLE 6 INSURANCE AND CASUALTY LOSSES As and to the extent provi`f. in the By ws of the Association and as required by the Planned Community Act, the �4-ocia'.n sha dequate and appropriate insurance coverage on all Common Are. ' d,while''t,:., are owned o & 14ted by the DECLARANT or the Association,the Recreational rails. F; 62077.4 10 InsP°V �1 Book 2324Page: 1205 ARTICLE 7 SUB`ION 7.1 Subdivision b DECL NT. Until January 1, 2042„ DECLARANT shall be permitted, without the joinder or co nt of the Association or any other Owner, to subdivide or replat any Units owned by DECL NT and/or which is then owned by DECLA =gtSect to these Protective Covenants 720 7.2 No Subdivision without DECLARANT Consent. No subdivision of a Unit, or any change of the boundary lines of any Unit after a subdivision plat including such Unit has been approved by DECLARANT and recorded,shall be permitted without DECLARANT's prior written consent and joinder. 7.3 General rovisions a rdin Sub ivision. No Unit or Units shall be subdivided except to enlarge an adjoining Ulf ut any Unit :fP: !IF cannot be improved with more than one single family dwelling. An ,, Unit or Units may w lling. a elli erng or of it and a porn. Lel of an adjoining or contiguous permittedrtisicture dividing line of such adjoining and contiguous Unit(s). Even if one or more Units are combined as provided in this Section the initial number of Units(i.e., the total number of Units combined) shall remain the same and shall be treated for all purposes under these Protective Covenants as the original number of Units, so that the combined Units must conform to the obligations created by these Protective Covenants,in the same •ay that these Protective Covenants initially attached to the Units. Notwithstanding anything in tax Article 7 e contrary,this ection 7.3 shall not apply to Units or portions of the Property w are hen owYfeeVi.l> _ . . shall apply once such Units or p. a,ns of the erty are no Ion '• ed bythat this section DECLARANT). ARTICLE 8 ANNEXATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF PROPERTY 8.1 Annexation without A royal of Membershi (a) Until January $ 042,DEC may subject any portion(s)or all of the Future Development Propep?- o the, ,'vision . ctive Covenants as provided in this Section 8.1. DECL•Jz�.NT may `-c,; er or assign ''� that the transferee or assignee is the develo eslue -t a rtion of the to annex property,provided in these Protective Covenants shall be construed ltosr quire the DECLARANT or any successor to annex or develop any of the Future Development Property in any manner whatsoever. (b) An annexation b,DECLARANT under Section 8.1(a]shall be accomplished by filing a Supplemental D 1.•ration in yd records of Brunswick County, sa y to annexe•i 1C North Carolina,describing the pr. �,.. ��,p�Y subjecting it to the terms of these Protective Covens Such Sup.^ ;1 ental Dec1arationStlall not require the consent of any Members other than DECLARANT, bifthall require the consent of the owner of such property,if other than DECLARANT. Any such annexation shall be effective upon the filing for record of such Supplemental Declaration unless otherwise provided therein. 8.2 Annexation b Membershi . Except as provided in Section 8.1 herein,annexation of additional property shall require the ass of two-thirds(2/)of the Class"A"Members at a meeting duly called for this purpose,written ce of whic'Av .e sent to all Members not less than ten (10)days nor more than sixty(60 `ys in g ance oft ER frr "B" Period, annexation of additionalo e ys a I alsoring the ClassCentro f DECLARANT. P rty unde s Section 8.2 s a I also require the consent of 8.3 Withdrawal of Pronertv, The DECLARANT reserves the right to amend these Protective Covenants so long as it has a right to annex additional property pursuant to this Article, without prior notice and without the cons nt of any Person, for the purpose of removing property then owned by the DECLARANT, its.:£'rliates, or the Association from the coverage of these Protective Covenants, to the extent o j1 natty includ DECLARANT'S plans for the Prop 'ies,p :.ed such ` c or as a result quof any lly contrarys in to the overall,uniform scheme of de e�'opment for F4 s.,; I perties. of unequivocally to 62077.4 11 \ ia, #s• goo ��t 11% Inst #-±1:42A Book 2324Page: 1206 8.4 Additional Covenants and Easements. The DECLARANT may unilaterally subject the property submitted to these Protective Covenants initially or by Supplemental Declaration to additional covenants and easements, provided that such amendment or modification does not alter the general or common scheme of development for the Properties described herein and further provided that this right to amend shy Scot render these covenants•and restrictions purely personal to the DECLARANT and the ben- s and burdcfgiatitaned in these Protective Covenants shall remain mutual and reciprocal 'Own G3 c� r7�ty • 8.5 Amendment. This ARTICLE lbshall not be amended without the prior written consent of DECLARANT so long as the DECLARANT owns any of the property described on Exhibit A or any Future Development Property. ARTICLE 9 l ASSESSMENTS 9.1 Creation of Assents. bQ� ��,0 D (a) The Association is hereby authorized to levy assessments against each Unit for Association expenses as the Board may specifically authorize from time to time. There shall be five types of assessments for Association expenses: (1) Master Association Assessments to fund Common Expenses for the general benefit of all Units within the Properties; (2) Village Assess`,ents for Village Expenses benefiting only Units within a particular Village or Villageti;� the extent these are assessed by the Association as opposed to the applicable Village . ociation); ( ,�,.` ': ssessments as described in Section 9.5; (4) Individual Assess ` • as d 'bed in Sec i• nd 5 Service Assessments as described in Section 3.? Each Og ( ) contract of sale for any portion of the Properties isl deemeda to covend or ant and agreing into a recordedo p these assessments. (b) All assessments,together with interest from the due date of such assessment at a rate determined by the Bo (not to exceed the highest rate allowed by North Carolina law),late charges,costs,and ' .sonable a orney's fees,shall be a charge and continuing lien upon each Unit against ,ich the asse.,tin, r ade until paid, as more particularly provided in Section 9. .ch su'' ssessment, to:' avith interest, late charges,costs, and reasonable attome s fees, also s me the personal obligation of the Person who was the Owner of such Unit at the time the assessment arose. Upon a transfer of title to a Unit, the grantee shall be jointly and severally liable for any assessments and other charges due at the time of conveyance. However, no first Mortgagee who obtains title to a Unit by exercising the remedies provided in its Mortgage or any individual obtaining title by or through a foreclosure shall be rsonally liable for unpaid assessments which accrued prior to such acquisition of title...4— the event any transfer of title to a Unit, the lien of the assessments shall not beet guis ed. -"lea (c) No Owner may exempt elf from liability for assessments,by non-use of Common Area, abandonment of his Unit,or any other means. No diminution or abatement of assessments or set-off shall be claimed or allowed for any alleged failure of the Association or Board to take some action or perform some function required of it, or for inconvenience or discomfort arising from the making of repairs or.improvements, or from any other action it takes. 9.2 DECLARANT'S R� ���� igati s for As�� uring the Class"B" Control Period, DECLARANT may annually el th either:(1''F9,•,jay regular assets on its unsold Units,(2)to pay the difference between the amount of assessments lected on all other Units subject to assessment and the amount of actual expenditures by the Association during the fiscal year,or(3)to pay one-half(2) of the assessments for an unimproved Unit for all Units which are platted of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County but which have not yet been sold to a Person other than DECLARANT or an authorized builder. Unless the DECLARANT otherwise notifies the Board in writing at least 45 days before the g of each fiscal year,the DECLARANT shall be deemed to have elected to continue paying on``l,ti same basin during the immediately preceding fiscal year The DECLARANT's obligation �,• eunde; maybe drii44e form of cash or by "in kind" contribution of services or mate s,or by a c a,.'s ation of theseLla 62077.4 12 c . nst if 313341Twilook 2324Page: 1207 9.3 Computation of Master Association Assessment. At least thirty(30)days before the beginning of each fiscal year, the Board shall prepare and distribute to the Members a budget covering the estimated Common Expenses during the coming year(including,without limitation,a capital contribution to establish a reserve fund in accordance with a budget prepared as provided in Section 9.4)as and to the extent requ,{`: in the Planned Community Act. 9.4 Capital Reserve dget. ,N e Board WNs. prepare a capital reserve budget for maintenance and replac t of capita�`'%s•ovements which all take into account the number and nature of replaceable assets, the expecteSolife of each asset, and the expected repair or replacement cost. 9.5 Special Assessments. In addition to other authorized assessments, the Association may levy Special Assessments from time to time to cover capital improvements or unbudgeted expenses (including, without limitat , expenses required to complete repair, maintenance and/or clean-up which the Board deems •i,`essary or . '.:.,_- after a storm,hurricane or other casualty P event) or other expenses in ex" .. of the;;; budgete..�' ratea< ay establish the amount of the Special Assessment if it is O DRED i-:+ LARS(S 100.0 i or less in any assessment year for each Member. All other Special Assessments`'"hall require the affirmative vote of sixty-seven percent (67%) of Members present and voting in person or by proxy who will be subject to such Special Assessment, and the affirmative vote or written consent of the Class"B"Member, if such exists. Special Assessments shall be payable in such manner and at such times as determined by the Board, and may be payable in install •ents extending beyond the fiscal year in which the Special Assessment is approved. ti? -\ti4 9.6 Individual Asse :dents. 444444 Ls (a) The Board shall have the power to levy Individual Assessments against a particular Unit or Units constituting less than all Units within the Properties or within a Village,as follows: (1) to cove the costs, including overhead and administrative costs, of providing benefits,it ,or services to the Unit or occupants thereof upon request of the Owner pursua�c��a menu of':1U�:-,,ices which the Board may from time to time authorize �a.e offe to Owners fT r ;E- :It include, without limitation, landscape mai ance, hand service,pool cleaning,pest control, etc.),which assessments may be levied in advance of the provision of the requested benefit,item or service as a deposit against charges to be incurred by the Owner;and (2) to cover costs including overhead and administrative costs and reserves incurred for m: tenance,repair and replacement of any private roads,signs, mail boxes, fences berms which are constructed for the benefit of certain specified lots,as�I be more spec orth in a Supplemental Declaration. (3) '• cover costs i "R.y ed in bringing the Unit into compliance with the terms of these Protective Covenants,including, without limitation, Section 5.3,any applicable Supplemental Declaration, the Articles, the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations,or Design Guidelines or costs incurred as a consequence of the conduct of the Owner or occupant of the Unit, their lessees, licensees, invitees, or guests; provided,the Board sh.,?i,give the Unit Owner prior written notice and an opportunity for a hearing before �z'''ing an Indjv_iidduual Assessment under this subsection(a). U ems (b) The Ass t°ation ma go levy an Indt ;t: Assessment against any Village to reimburse the Assoc.tion for costs t ed in bringing the Village into compliance with the provisions of these Protective Covenants,any applicable Supplemental Declaration, the Articles, the By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations, provided the Board gives the board of directors from such Village prior written notice and an opportunity to be heard before levying any such assessment. 9.7 Workin Ca ital A sment. Won the conveyance of title to any Unit, the acquiring Owner shall contribute . e As ocratiofi' CL; fcapital an amount equal to one year's Master Association assessment uch fun all be used o S If:1 ing and capital expenses of the Association,such as prepaid in rance,supplienishings and equipment,etc. Amounts paid into 62077.4 13 to 1E c, Inst1 Book 2324Page: 1208 the working capital fund are not to be considered advance payment of regular assessments. All working capital funds shall become part of the general operating funds of the Association. 9.8 Date of Commencement of Master Association Assessments and Due Dates. The Master Association assessments pro`` • for herein shall commence on the date of conveyance of each Unit to an Owner other than \. LARANT� ue dates shall be established by the Board of Directors. ��, 9.9 Lien for Assessments. (a) All assessments authorized in this Article and levied against a Unit, which remain unpaid for a period of thirty(30)days or longer, shall constitute a lien against the Unit against which they are levied when a claim of lien is filed of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Bruns ti' County. The lien shall also secure a charges, interest, fines, lat `',arges ( ,sub'���/ p yment of any fa,tq the limitations of North Carolina law), and costs of collection[incl Q'g,wi ,..ut limita e onable attorneys fees allowed by North Carolina law, ' ding but n:`F ,, led to fees des L:ed in N.C.G.S. §47F-3-116(e)], and other charges imposed pursuant '' the Governing Documents and/or the Planned Community Act. Such lien shall be superior to all other liens, except the liens of all ad valorem taxes or assessments,and any other liens which by law would be superior. (b) The Associate may record notice of the claim of lien in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court „:Brunswick 7/,,,:.% or file a suit to collect such delinquent assessments and charges e As 'anon may ' T„',R l isf Lis Pendens,bring an action of law against the Own i7personally ' ted to pay the same and/or bring an action to foreclose the lien against the property, o utilize any other remedy provided under North Carolina law. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein. 9.10 Effect of Non a ent of Assessments: Remedies of the Association: Any assessments or portion thereof which not paid when due shall be delinquent. If the assessment or any portion thereof is not paid wit thirty(30) •14rti, ,a the due date,the same shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at to not xceed the�`;:"-T,:r,:. gal rate allowed in the State of North Carolina per annum an n addition, a fee shall be assessed in such amount as may be determined by the Board of Directors. The Ass ciation may bring an action against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same,or foreclose the lien against the property in the same manner as provided in North Carolina for the foreclosure of deeds of trust,or both,and,in either event,interest, costs and reasonable attorney's fees(as allowed by North Carolina Iaw)of any such action shall be added to the amount of such assessme, . The Association may bid for the Unit at the foreclosure sale and acquire,hold,lease,mortga t,Y and conve the Unit. The sale or transfer of any Unit shall not affect the assessment lien or re 1.6e such Unit lJrt `, '.n for any subsequent assessments. 9.11 Failure to Ass=a� Failure o Board to fi��ssment amounts or rates or to deliver or mail each Owner an assessment notices all not be deemed a waiver,modification,or a release of any Owner from the obligation to pay assessments. In such event, each Owner shall continue to pay Master Association Assessments on the same basis as for the last year for which an assessment was made, if any, until a new assessment is made, at which time the Association may retroactively assess any shortfalls in col,`, tions. 9.12 Exempt Proberty. 44 following Association Assessments, Servi :sess a d Specia fte11 be exemptnts: from payment of Master (a) all Common Area; (b) any property dedicated to and accepted by any governmental authority or public utility; (c) ,, any property,<<:d by a coervation trust or similar nonprofit entity as a conservation easement, e,- pt to the Milt boundaries of a Unit wh':'<is sub assessment sy such easement lies within the not be exempted from essment); • r(in which case the Unit shall 02077.4 14 ti‘ -ifsLlg %4,4% Inst Book 2324Page: 1209 (d) any Unit which is not approved by any governmental agency for residential use;and (e) any Unit or pro.erty owned of record by the DECLARANT,its successors or assigns,except as otherwise • ided in Section 9.2. ti` 9.13 Service Assess r vG� fn�r,:a,� oard shacUr , ..wer to levy Service Assessments against a particular Unit or U s constitutiMsk than all Units nd/or against a particular Village or Villages constituting less than all Villages) thin the Properties to cover the costs, including overhead and administrative costs,of providing specialized maintenance and/or landscaping services to such Units and/or Villages and the occupants thereof. Such assessments may be levied in advance of the provision of the requested benefit,item or service as a deposit against charges to be incurred by the Owner. Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary,the fact that the Association levies a Service Assessment shall not be • c ed to impose any obligation upon the Association to (i) monitor the quality of work or se f es being pro Q a assume any responsibility for the quality of work or services provided,(i; ensure'ev ti structural i woundnction or modifications provided or (i a ensure com ce with building codes eand other govss of any ernmental requirements relating to the work or services prove.ed. 9.14 Surplus Funds. Notwithstanding the provisions of N.C.G.S. §47F-3-114,any excess of Association income over Common Expenses (as defined in Section 1.9 herein and which shall include reasonable reserves)shall be apIlied to reserves or other future expenses as the Board deems appropriate. ��ti (sn ��' 12TICLE 11141n tceaD, DESI _ ELINES 10.1 General. (a) No structures or buildings shall be erected or maintained upon any Unit or the Properties, no improvements �qr construction (which terms shall include within their definitions: clearing, gradi excavation, landscaping, and other site work) shall be commenced,erected,or '<4. p � �i` ained upon 1.-1 V:`'., T the Properties,and no exterior addition to or change or alteratio. erein("'"-..{ ding,withou l tjj,n,any change of color)shall be made upon any Unit o e Properties, "�.y.t in compliance with this Article and the Design Guidelines. Without limiting the genera ity of the foregoing, no work described in the immediately preceding sentence shall commence until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, heights, materials, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ARC according to the provisions of ARTICLE 10. With regard to the provisi r;s of this ARTICLE 10,the terms,"structures,""buildings" and"improvements" shall i.,Ode,but nq be limited to any dwelling, garage, fence, wall, sidewalk, hedge, mass pl f ng, change iiY r lope, drainage pipe, drainage canal, , ditch, swale, catch bas' swimmf ,,„•ool, tree hour, S;_..house, sign, flag pole, exterior illumination, monume or marker, ou statuary, exterior lights, security lights, storm door, well utility facility, mailbox, patio, deck, screening for outdoor trash cans or other purposes,sprinkler system,driveway,outdoor decorative objects,shrubbery or landscaping. (b) Any Owner may remodel,paint or redecorate the interior of structures on his Unit without approval. No app#val shall be required to repaint the exterior of a structure in accordance with the origin. a approvedkolor scheme or to rebuild in accordance with originally approved plans ` spec'ication W/e a This 10 shal apply to the activities to alterations of or improvements em ntsto the Common Area by or on behalf of theDECLARANT Association. (d) This ARTICLE 10 may not be amended without the prior written consent of the DECLARANT, so long as the DECLARANT owns any land subject to these Protective Covenants or subject to annexa to these Protective Covenants. 10.2 Architectural Revi v _rea _ sb tern v (a) Responsibility for admini tion of the Design Guidelines,as defined below, and review of all applications for construction and modifications under this Article shall be 62077.4 15 c ti� 3 nst #irrkti243ook 2324Page: 1210 handled by the ARC as described in subsections(a)and(b). The members of the ARC need not be Members of the Association and may, but need not, include architects, engineers or similar professionals,whose compensation,if any,shall be established from time to time by the Board. The Board may establish and charge reasonable fees for review of applications hereunder and may require su' fees to be paid in full and paid prior to review. (b) Architec ,j Rev' w Comm_'i� ry,"ARC'2). The ARC shall consist of at least three,but not `.re than i`": ,.ersons and sha ': e exclusive jurisdiction over all structures, buildings, improvements, a construction on any portion of the Properties. During the Class "B" Control Period, the DECLARANT retains the right to appoint all members of the ARC who shall serve at the DECLARANT'S discretion. Upon the expiration of such period,the Board shall appoint the members of the ARC,who shall serve and may be removed in the Board's discretion. 10.3 Guidelines and P dures. Guidelines and application and ��°`ew . 4 -du� Y 3 'j. 'defines")shall prepare hich shall apply Design o ll all construction activities within `Properties..'" ;- Design Guide{ A may contain general provisions applicable to all of the Properties,as well as spe'' c provisions which vary from one portion of the Properties to another depending upon the location, unique characteristics, and intended use. The ARC shall adopt such Design Guidelines at its initial organizational meeting and thereafter shall have sole and full authority to amend them subject to the approval of the Board of Directors., The ARC shall make the Design Guidelines available to Owners who seek to engage in development or construction within the Properties such Persons shall conduct their activities in accordance with such Design Guidelines. `tee vla 10.4 Submission of..r.ns and Spec B .,tions. tiED (a) No construction or improvements, as defined in Section 10.1(a), shall be commenced, erected, placed or maintained on any Unit, nor shall any exterior addition, change or alteration be made thereto, until the plans and specifications ("Plans") showing site layout, structural design, exterior elevations, exterior materials and colors, signs, landscaping, drainage, lighti"irrigation, utility facilities layout, screening, and any other supporting documents, as -: y be requir iJ , - ARC, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing byr"ARC. a Design rrt-y , hall set forth the procedure for submission of the Pla A reasonab for the review o said plans shall be required and submitted, along with said Plans and any Cher supporting documents required by the ARC and the Board may require a deposit to be posted prior to the commencement of any construction or work,which sum shall be used to collect any fees,fines or penalties incurred during construction or work. Any such sums remaining at the completion of construction shall be returned to the Owner. ti (b) In reviewi each submigil _}- ARC may consider visual aesthetics, natural platforms and fi.c%- grad rations }�'r,;, faxtel design with structures and environ ?-nt, and locati.t:;; the relation to surrounding structures and pliant life. The ARC may require relocation o native plants within the construction site as a condition of approval of any submission. Location of any driveways shall be subject to the approval of the ARC. (c) The Associatio hall have the right to refuse to approve any plans and specifications or grading pia hich are not suitable or desirable,in its sole discretion,for aesthetic or any other rea 1~ In so apprafe'ftkglarts,specifications and grading plans, the Association shall t`sider t itabili o} tto structure,or landscapi '=and the maten f which it is to be bultbthesite, s te,upon which it uilding isproposed to erect the same,the harmony thereof with the surroundings,and the effect thereof on the adjacent or neighboring property. (d) No bulldozing or clearing of trees or excavation of lakes or ponds shall be commenced until the plans,spe V tcations and grading plans showing the nature,kind,shape and location of work to be d. ``.`saave been submitted to and approved h pproved in writing by the Association and a copy the , ,as finally alligkeve permanently with the Association. (e) Upon rl?teipt of a sub 'on of Plans, the ARC shall advise the party submitting the same in writing, at an address specified by such party at the time of 62077.4 16 ti , In "`IC �21 Book 2324Paqe: 1211 submission, of(i)the approval of Plans, or(ii)the segments or features of the Plans which are deemed by such committee to be inconsistent or not in conformity with these Protective Covenants and/or the Design Guidelines,the reasons for such finding,and suggestions for the curing of such objections. The ARC shall use good faith,diligent efforts to respond to a Plan submittal within 30 days aft eceipt of same, although matters not within the reasonable control of the ARC may p<,ent this froi urring in certain cases. In the event the ARC fails to advise the subm'(�?gig p. •., ,y written'i j t 60 days of either the approval or _ disapproval of the P1.;,'', approval' ',i, be deemed to a been given. Notice shall be deemed to have been given at the ti'''. the envelope containing such notice, properly addressed, and postage prepaid, is deposited with the U.S. Postal Service, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Personal delivery of such written notice shall, however,be sufficient and shall be deemed to have given at the time of delivery. (f) If constructioti?aoes not commence on a project for which Plans have been approved within nine (9`t onths of 41 ..royal, such approval shall be deemed withdrawn,and it shall' ecess:,:•„ for the •cFR it the Plans for reconsideration. (g) Once construction has li n initiated on a Unit, the Owner thereof must complete such construction within ten(10)months. If an Owner does not comply with such schedule, then DECLARANT, the Board and the Association shall each have the right(but not the obligation) to complete such construction on Owner's behalf and at such Owner's expense. In the event the DECLARANT, the Board or the Association exercises the right provided in the immediately;s��'ceding sentence, then DECLARANT,the Board and/or the Association(as the case ¢,..e)shall be '.ij�:. o collect from such Owner,in addition to a reimbursement of all s exp ;,,-d in the �R x t'lgCp.f construction of the Unit, an administrative fee for ch work, wy',': ee shall be equa to twenty percent(20%) of the costs incurred by such party the work. Any and all of the foregoing costs and fees that may be incurred by1or payable to^DECLARANT,the Board and/or the Association shall be a charge and continuing lien upon such Unit until paid, and DECLARANT, the Board and/or the Association may bring an action against such Owner,or foreclose the lien against the property in the sam manner as provided in North Carolina for the foreclosure of deeds of trust,or both,and, _'s? ither event, interest,costs and reasonable attomey's fees of any such action shall be:��'�i to the amo I't,/` -..,l to DECLARANT,the Board and/or the Association. + o 10.5 No Waiver of Future Approvals. Each Owner acknowledges that the members of the ARC will change from time to time and that interpretation, application and enforcement of the Design Guidelines may vary accordingly. Approval of proposals, plans and specifications, or drawings for any work done or proposed,or in connection with any other matter requiring approval, shall not be deemed to constitute a v.iver of the right to withhold approval as to any similar proposals, plans and specificati. <$`"drawings, or other matters subsequently or additionally submitted for approval. ?c~ �ij�, 10.6 Variance. T'• ARC may '.'i',,.rize in its discretion reasonable variances or adjustments from compliance with any of its guide ines and procedures in order to alleviate practical difficulties and hardship in their enforcement and operation. Such variances may only be granted, however,when unique circumstances dictate and no variance shall(a)be effective unless in writing; or(b)prevent the ARC from denying a variance in other different or even identical circumstances. Any such variances shall not violate t spirit or the intent of this document to create a subdivision of Units owned in fee by various • ;''� ons with gQ ach such Owner having an easement upon areas owned by the Association. �� IS �MYZtivp 10.7 Limitation of `ability. The A hall not bear any responsibility for ensuring the structural integrity or soundness of approved construction or modifications, nor for ensuring compliance with building codes and other governmental requirements. Neither the DECLARANT, the Association,the Board,nor the ARC,shall be held liable for any injury,damages,or loss arising out of the review and approval of any application,including,but not limited to,the grant or denial of a variance, the manner or quality construction, defects in any plans or specifications, or deficiencies in kind or quality of m.e`gals used,car for compliance or non-compliance with building codes and other governmental re.:, ments. �i ag 62077.4 17 Inst # 313321 Book 2324Page: 1212 10.8 Enforcement. (a) (a) Any structure or improvement placed or made in violation of this Article shall be deemed to be nonconforming. Upon written request from the Board or the DECLARANT, Owners shac at their own cost and expense, remove such structure or improvement and restore • and to suha 'ally the same condition as existed prior to the nonconforming work. ould Owner DECLARANT,the B�,�? 4 ve and restore as required, then d and the iation shall eat lve the right to enter the property, remove the violation, and restore th roperty to substantially the same condition as previously existed. All costs,together with the interest at the maximum rate then allowed by law, may be assessed against the Unit's Owner and the benefited Unit and collected as an Individual Assessment. In the event the DECLARANT, the Board and/or the Association exercises any right provided hereto in this Section 10.8(a), then DECLARANT, the Board and/or the Association (as te'case may be) shall be entitled to collect from the relevant Owner, in addition to a re'., iursement oftgeo expended in the removal of the violation and/or the restoration o prop .�, an admirattr 4,40 or such work,which fee shall be equal to twenty perce 0%)of the to. . incurred by sue party in performing the work. .,f (b) Any contractor,subcontractor,agent,employee,or other invitee of an Owner who fails to comply with the terms and provisions of this Article and the Design Guidelines may be prohibited by the Board from entering and conducting any activities within the Properties. In such event,none of the Association,its officers,or its directors shall be held liable to any Person for exert°g the rights granted by this paragraph. (c) The Ass e;a tion 1 have ,R, a, establish fines for violations of this Article and the gn Guidelin ' eluding fines?Or continuing violations. The fine amounts may be deducted from any bon osted. If the fines are not paid,the Association may establish an Individual Assessment in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE 9. (d) In addition to the foregoing, the Association shall have the authority and standing to pursue all legal and quitable remedies available to enforce the provisions of this Article and the decisions of s 'C. • 10.9 Architectural C e Co 'tee. At thee.rf-rte f the DECLARANT or after the expiration of the Class"B"C trol Period,e the DECLARANT or the Association shall have the option, but not the obligation,to establish an rchitectural Change Committee to review minor changes or renovations to improvements previously approved by the ARC. If the DECLARANT or the Association elects to establish such an Architectural Change Committee, the Board shall establish guidelines regarding the operation and jurisdiction of such committee and shall appoint its members, each of whom shall serve .•.• may be removed in the Board's discretion. Additionally, during the Class"B"Control Period ,5 e DECLARANT shall have the right to remove and replace any member of the Architectural ,A:e Committ7 ass o A E 11 USE GUIDELINES AND RESTRICTIONS 11.1 Plan of Development;Applicability;Effect. (a) DECLARANT has cr?,;ted the Residential Community as a residential and recreational development and,in fu 4:ante of its and every other Owner's interest,has established a general plan of development f•4 e Resident I", Yti.t, ,ity. Accordingly, the Properties are subject to the affirmative and —ative c:%'_.;_ nts, easemen J,PgaUrestrictions governing land use, individual conduct,and uses o`sr actions upon`,s.,'roperties that are provided in this ARTICLE 11 (the"Use Guidelines and Restrictions"). (b) All provisions of these Protective Covenants and of any Association rules shall also apply to all occupants,Iessees,guests and invitees of any Unit. Any lease on any Unit shall provide that the lessee and all occupants of they-aced Unit shall be bound by the terms of these Protective Covenants,the By-Laws,and the rul ��f the Asso.piation;provided however,that the lack of such a lease provision shall not waive .r se Pro�t,, .e�ctive19%a` ;�� r 1 By-Laws, and the rules of the Association in any way. tra 62077.4 18 l�� �Mm _4411% I.nst Book 2329Page: 1213 11.2 Rules and Regulations. Subject to the terms of this ARTICLE 11, the Board may implement and manage the Use Guidelines and Restrictions through rules and regulations which adopt,modify,cancel,limit,create exceptions to,or expand the Use Guidelines and Restrictions. 11.3 Owners'Acknowled nt. (a) All Ow `;�F and the PropetYl>3rject to the Use Guidelines and Restrictions and are :'`n notice the-' heir ability to use their privately owned property is limited thereby,and Y (b)the Board may aid, delete,modify,create exceptions to, or amend the Use Guidelines and Restrictions in accordance with Section 11.2. (b) Each Owner,by acceptance of a deed,acknowledges and agrees that the use and enjoyment and marketabil' of his or her property can be affected by these provisions, and that the Use Guidelines 41 Restrictions and rules may change from time to time;and each Owner agrees to be d thereby CUJ� ��a 11.4 Rights of 0 s. Except as be specifically set forth in Section 11.5,the Board may not adopt any rule in violation of the following restriction: No rules shall interfere with the activities carried on within the confines of Units,except that the Association may prohibit activities not normally associated with property restricted to residential use,and it may restrict or prohibit any activities that,in the Association's reasonable judgment,create monetary costs for the Association or other Owners,that create a danger to .;e health or safety of occupants of other Units, that generate excessive noise or traffic,that crea A,knsightly conditions visible outside the Unit,that significantly block the normal views from oth �r3nits,o r that 'g re D ble source of annoyance,or that create a nuisance. 11.5 Use Guidelines and Restrictions. (a) General. The Properties shall be used only for residential and related purposes(which may include, without limitation,offices for any property manager retained by the Association, business . .ales offices for the DECLARANT or the Association,and certain recreational uses an to hom nership or as permitted in the Common Areas), except as otherwise pro 'd he in. No� r 1i use shall be permitted on any Unit except in accordance Section (Fn)and Section t ' y). (b) Animals and Pets. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised,bred,kept or maintained on any Unit or in any dwelling except a limited number of domestic household pets, which limit may be set by the Board. Domestic household pets may not be raised,bred,or kept for any commercial purpose. Pets must be accompanied and leashed at all times when o s ner's Unit and droppings must be immediately removed. Fines assessed by the Asso ti•'•on shall be e an Individual Assessment in accordance with ARTICLE 9. All parties here., notified t , ent any dog kept or maintained on a Unit or in any dwel on the Pil`s•:,!,'es barks exces t ly,continuously or in a manner that constitutes a nuisance,the Board ma ry,-quire the Unit Owner to employ a collar or other device designed to reduce or control such excessive barking(provided that such action shall in no event limit any other rights or remedies for such situation that may be available to the Board or to any other parties at law or in equity). (c) Placement of,t utdoor Clothes Drying Structure. No outdoor poles, clotheslines or similar equi.0-nt shall be tcd.or located on any Unit. G rzrg_ (d) Offensi,•`-and Illega 'vities. No immoral,improper, illegal,noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on up any Unit, nor shall anything be done thereof tending to cause embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance or nuisance to the Association,the DECLARANT or any Owners. There shall not be maintained any plants or animals,odors, fumes,or devices or anything of any sort whose normal activities or existence are in any way noxious, dangerous, unsightly, unpleasant or of a nature as may diminish or destroy the enjoyment of other Propertie �n the Owners thereof. All laws, orders, rules, regulations, ordinances or requirements '`^any governs:v ency having jurisdiction thereof,relating to any Person or the Prope hall b omplie. C iS t e sole expense of the Owner or of the Association, wl,y ever shall the obligation °•fd/or right to maintain or repair such portion of the Property. 62077.4 19 66, Inst $ 3� 65`F3ook 2324Page: 1214 (e) Parkin e. Parking of vehicles on any street in the Properties shall be allowed only in accordance with the policy determined by the Board of Directors. No truck nor other vehicle in excess of a three-quarter(3/4)ton load capacity, boat, vessel, motorboat, camper, trailer, motor or mobile home, or similar type vehicle or apparatus shall be parked or kept overnight or longer,on any st or on any Unit unless it is stored in an enclosed garage and in such a manner as to not .. `isible to th'- of other Units or the users of a street or recreation area. All too,, .r othe aterialsa storbtil kept out of sight. No k8`�icle orequip s,, �lttsles for overnight parking shall be the Board of Directors shall be allowed on`he�Propertie s ghYy in appearance as determined by (f) Re air or Removal of Buildines. Any dwelling or improvement on any Unit that is destroyed in whole or in part by fire or other casualty shall be either rebuilt or torn down and all debris removed d the Unit restored to a sightly condition with reasonable promptness,provided,howev,:E that in no event shall such debris remain on such Unit longer than three(3)months. If .,PF�constructed,the replacement Unit must be approved by the AR y accord iic with, AR 1^ (g) Outside . No outside burning shall be permitted except as ma be approved by the Board in advanceno yall burning be permitted except in compliance with all applicable goverm nental regulations). event h (h) Signs. The AR shall approve all signs prior to installation and may impose size limits. No advertising ;_ s or bulb•ards or other advertising structure(s)of any kind shall be erected on any it or displa(:aC., .ublic on any Unit subject to these restrictions without pri..'+ tten a;,,•val of the l�T�`elF( s covenant shall not apply to signs erected by the 'ECLARANT, ding signs used to identify and advertise the Properties as a whole. DECLARANT or ARC has the right to enter upon any Unit and remove any unapproved sign(s). Without limiting the foregoing, the ARC shall issue guidelines from time to time outlining the Residential Community's policy for the posting of "for sale"signs and similar temporary signs by or upon any Unit(which policy shall include the permitted dimensions and pearance of such signs and may even prohibit such signs altogether). (i) Huntin Fishi No hunting goo harge of firearms within the subdivision is permitte . The Associate hrough its Board of Directors,reserves the right to control or remove animals(including,without limitation,the authorization of bow hunting to reduce or eliminate nuisance animals)subject to rules and restrictions to be determined by the Board. Fishing shall be permitted only in locations designated by the Board from time to time and shall be subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by the Board. (1) Garbage. G.Si ge and trass }tall be disposed by Owners in accordance with the rules and regulations o e Ass ciation. (k) Antennas. No outsidennas or satellite dishes shall be erected on any Unit or structure unless and until permission for the same has been granted by the ARC. The design and location of the dish must also be approved by the ARC. (I) Well Installation. The Owners of single-family residential Units shall be allowed to install one single w per Unit for the purpose of irrigating the land comprising the Unit. This right shall jesubject to et",ECLARANT'S reservation of rights in all surface and sub-surface w-y .in thr., roperties 'F t.',; f 1 }�ells and pumps permitted under these Protective Cove :r-L must be''^f :ted so as no "t&be visible from any street or recreational area or Common Area and nor be approved by the ARC, screened from view and kept free from discoloration, including rust. All structures within the Unit shall also be kept free from discoloration, including rust In the event the use of water from any well is determined,in the Board's discretion,to be causing rust or discoloration on a Unit,the Board shall be entitled to require the Owner of such Unit to discontinue the use of such well. (m) Restricted A--' ities. Th j wing activities are prohibited within the Properties unless expressl thori by the rr^ Board; ,f uq any conditions imposed by the 62077.4 20 Inst 21 Book 2329Page: 1215 (i) Activities which materially disturb or destroy the vegetation,wildlife, water or air quality within the Properties or which use excessive amounts of water or which result in unreasonable levels of sound or light pollution; (ii) Any ;einess or Trade, except that an Owner or occupant residing in a Unit may condu. acti'3Wie thin the Unit so longas: or operation of � (a)the existence P activ' is not app.. oh , ctable by sight, sound, or smell i' from outside . Unit; (b) •vity does not involve regular visitation of the Unit by clients, employees, agents, stomers, suppliers, or other business invitees, delivery services, or door-to-door solicitation of residents of the Properties; and(c) the activity is consistent with the residential character of the Properties and does not constitute a nuisance, or a hazardous or offensive use, or threaten the security or safety of other residen of the Properties,as may be determined in the sole discretion of the Board. (iii) �: i in s'��: be kept and. .�'' >; shall be carried on,by a Peon other than DE kr ' NT or '• ssociation,in any building,structure or home or on the Common Area which will incr.-ase the rate of insurance,applicable to residential use, for the property or the contents thereof. No Owner shall do or keep anything, nor cause or allow anything to be done or kept,in his home or on the Common Area or any Recreational Trails which will result in the cancellation of insurance on any portion of the property .r the contents thereof,or which will be in violation of any law, ordinance, or r-�4'ation. No waste shall be committed on any portion of the Common Area,an r`^�ecreational t7, Recreational Corridor. (n) Pro.e Dama'e. • shall be responsible for any damage done to any streets, roadways, access ways, curbing, street gutters, sidewalks, Common Areac Recreational Trails,or property of other Owners within the Properties which may be caused by the same Owner, his agents, contractor or its subcontractor lessees, employees, guests, licensees or invitees. The Association shall have the authority to assess any Owner for such damage and such charge shall . an Individual Assessment against the Owner and his Unit(s) and may be enforced in accol ce with tll„e provisions of ARTICLE 9 herein. (o) Junk V-tea les. No ' ped, partialled,junk motor vehicle, or part thereof, or any motor`fchicle not di ing a current valid inspection sticker shall be permitted to be parked or kept on any Unit. (p) Garbaee Cans and Fuel Tanks. All trash receptacles and garbage cans shall be screened so as not to be visible by the Owners of other Units or the users of any street or recreation area. All such scr- ?:ng shall be approved by the ARC. No fuel tanks or similar storage receptacles may be - ;::.sed to view The placement of any such receptacles may be approved by the ARC or r,;°CLA house,within an access t���building, �an 4�`l�1 .Ye located within the main dwelling • 'n a screen. . callr buried underground. (q) Mailboxes. All mailboxes and other such receptacles must be approved in advance by the ARC. Any boxes provided by the DECLARANT on a Unit shall be considered an improvement and must remain with the Unit and must be maintained by the Unit Owner. Boxes and/or posts damaged shall be repaired to an attractive condition or replaced by the Unit Owner wi t thirty(30)days of loss or damage. (r) Outdoor O.a, 'cts. o outd� t fit; s or other decorative objects may be placed on any Unit ess it is „. pliance wit b' oveming Documents, including the Design Guidelines.` he American no larger than 3 feet x 5 feet may be flown on a pole no longer than 5 foot 6 inches from a pole holder attached to the home in an approved location which can be reached by hand from the ground below so as to be easily installed and removed. Any flags will be displayed in accordance with traditional rules and regulations governing the flying and display of the American Flag. (s) Alteration of moron Are , No person shall undertake,cause,or allow any alteration or construction • r upo• any pore6ciftkrgmmon Area except at the ion of and with the express itten cons `%_t f the ARC. ci ( s a ding anything herein tot the contrary, in no event s all any berms.''-,other screening within any Common Area be 62077.4 21 4e / 4-6, Inst 8 3533 ^l3ook 2324Page: ].216 removed or materially altered without the consent of the DECLARANT (or, after the expiration of the Class"B"Control Period,the Association). (t) Use of Common Areas. The Common Areas shall be used only for the purposes for which they are'Y.` ded and reasonably suited and which are incident to the use and occupancy of the hom subject to�s or Regulations that may be adopted by the Association hereunder. t rsuan its By_La y �, vC7 (u) License to Use Recreatio l Trails. With respect to any Recreational Trails designated by DECLARANT or the Association from time to time,each of the Owners shall have a revocable license (the "Trail License") to use such Recreational Trails for pedestrian purposes. The Association shall have the right to establish reasonable rules and regulations relating to the use,`, the Recreational Trails,and each Owner's rights under the Trail License shall be subje 1- d subordinate to such rules and regulations. DECLARANT, on behalf of itself and ~ssociation, r'''. ,;r?lte right to revoke the Trail License with respect to any Recrea �' Trai any portion. 1 f-;;,.t any time(it being understood and agreed that Recr*ational Trails' be initially located upon land that may later be converted to use for residential or other purposes). By acceptance of a deed within the Properties, each Owner acknowledges that the removal or closure of any Recreational Trail by DECLARANT (with the exception of a temporary closure for purpose of maintenance or repair) shall operate as an immediate and automatic termination of the Trail License relative to creational Trail so removed or closed, and no written or thpb other further notice shall necessary.U,r, the expiration or termination of the Trail License with respect y R=-,,eation: -Fa t: -,, • is of the Owners to use such Recreational Trails s._, immediat'�`>;;-rminate. As aan�Pie the extent provided in Section 5.1, the Association shall be respons'''e for the maintenance and upkeep of certain aspects of the Recreational Trails, for so long as such Recreational Trails are owned or designated by either the DECLARANT or the Association. Notwithstanding anything ha,,,'n to the contrary,no Owner shall be entitled to erect any fence or any other struc '''''..thin any y Recreational Corridor. Subject to the approval of the ARC, an Owner sha rye entitled to '��tY...caping and irrigation facilities within any portion of a Recr-<<j oral Co"',• r lying wi r -Sai,undaries of such Owner's Unit, but only to the extent Such landscapi i_ .d/or irrigation facilities do not impede or impair the use and enjoyment of any Recreational Trail therein, as determined in the discretion of the ARC. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the designation of a Recreational Corridor by DECLARAN l„ hall not be deemed to impose any obligation upon DECLARANT or the Ass ation to insg.�,. maintain a Recreational Trail in that area. za (v) Storag;.•f Personal erty. All lawn iaowers, bicycles, toys, grills and other similar objects must be stored whe of in use so as not to be visible by the Owners of other Units or the users of any street,recreation area,Common Area,or Recreational Trails. (w) Exterior Features and Structures. All exterior storage areas, laundry facilities, utility areas, service .rds or areas, carports, electrical meters,water meters,and gas meters are to be screen .y;1 m view from streets and adjacent properties by an enclosure, fence,wall or natural land` e materials�� C� (x) Road '•e. The ro dkfre to be used b vehicles or pedestrians for the purposes of transportation. The use of a' 'roads within Palmetto Creek shall be subject to all applicable governmental rules,as well as any restrictions in the Governing Documents. At no time shall any vehicle exceed the speed limit as determined by the Association or the applicable governmental authority. No permanent, frequent, or long-term parking is peAny along or on major roads and promenades except in specifically designated areas. y parking is also subject ;4 ose rules in Section 11.5(e). The Association is entitled to adopt reasonable rules a i regulations krwon the supervision, maintenance, control, regulation and use of tt roads AV promen g enforce the same in any lawful 4.1 manner which may i.a ude, but niMi g,,�limited to, the a position of fines for violations thereof,which fines shall be Individual A 3essments and may be enforced in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE 9. 62077.4 22 tip` n • Inst if 313321 Book 2324Page: 12.17 (y) DECLARANT'S Activities. This Section 11.5 shall not apply to any activity conducted by the DECLARANT or its assigns with respect to its development and sale of the Properties or any commercial activities of the DECLARANT or its assigns, including any sales office m:: ained by DECLARANT or its assigns;and DECLARANT shall be specifically autho `d to rent or J any Unit which it owns or manages for other Owners,and to maintai 4:;*del •ts or sa es , ny Unit which it owns or leases. (z) Boats. Except as othe a provided in this subparagraph (z), the use of boats or watercraft in excess of sixteen(16) feet in length is not permitted upon the ponds, lakes and watercourses within the Palmetto Creek. The use of kayaks,canoes,skulling craft or other such vessels exceeding sixteen(16) feet in length may be permitted on a case-by- case basis subject to the approval of the Board (and, during the Class "B" Control Period, subject to the additional app.l".1 of the DECLARANT). The approval of the Board and/or DECLARANT may be gr.., d or withhettp;(4, parry's sole and absolute discretion. The use of gas motors will be al ed; prove: :3 N-4. y electric trolling motors may be used on permitted w._ craft. All':'9:,; and/or watercrh used or stored within Palmetto Creek must be kept in excellent con.''on and in good order and repair and must be acceptable in appearance to the Board and, during the Class `B" Control Period, to DECLARANT. In the event DECLARANT or the Board determines that any boat or watercraft does not satisfy the foregoing requirements or is otherwise inconsistent with the Community-Wide Standard,the owner of such boat or watercraft shall be required to remove same from Palmetto Creek ,s3 in forty-eight (48) hours (or upon such other timeline that may be imposed by the B.-4% or DECL `.F In the event such owner does not comply with such directive, D s N h, or Boa . R,rFa such boat or watercraft to be removed from Palmetta�� eek,,in wit iv ase the full cost o such removal and any storage of such craft shall be the sole responsib`"ity of the owner of such boat or watercraft. Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary,the use of boats upon the waters of Palmetto Creek shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the Board from time to time. (aa) Rec eational :R'thwa s. Recreational pathways within the Residential Community (including, bpi ti of limited tv only ` 'ecreational Trails) may be used by bikes,pedestrians,and gt iestria �:..ving device quiet and otherwise satisfy the requirements of this ' -ction. "Pei e^ ;,{;n moving devices" used within the Residential Community shall not exceed the size o a standard golf cart or touring cart used by the DECLARANT or its assigns,nor shall any such devices exceed a weight of 15 pounds per square foot dead load (or 100 pounds per square foot live load) if used on any wooden pathways, including, but not limited to, boardwalks, bridges, ramps, decks or the like. Persons using pedestrian mov .g devices upon wooden structures within the Residential Community do so at their se'.risk; DECLARANT makes no representation of the weight limitations of any such w : en structur es no liability for the operation of any vehicle or device upon « struct 11.6 Stormwater Run Off Rules. All Units shall be subject to the State of North Carolina rules and regulations concerning stormwater runoff as these rules are amended from time to time. Without limiting the foregoing, DECLARANT hereby reserves the right to impose additional restrictions upon the Properties as and to the extent required by the terms of the stormwater permit for the Residential Community as issu?. by the State of North Carolina. Such additional restrictions may be imposed by DECLARANT 7-*the recorqu. of a Supplemental Declaration, and no joinder or consent of the Association or : other Own Declaration. These regulation`t rrently p 'de: � e required on such Supplemental a ( ) The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit number SW8 050239, as issued by the Division of' Water Quality under MCAC WH.1000. (b) The State of .a Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintai mpliance th the Stormwater management Permit. (c) These ,:'enants a .,Y,• run with thriragid be binding on all persons and parties claiming under ..em, 62077.4 23 nst N 31 '3 DBBook 2324Page: 1.218 (d) The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina,Division of Water Quality. (e) Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take place without the concurrence of i ivision of Water Quality. (0 For tho ots wi�F' "Section i j(, (almetto Creek (including, without limitation, those Unite;escribed on $ •lat referenced one Exhibit A attached hereto), the maximum built-upon area per Unit is as' ollows: 6,000 square feet. This allotted amount includes any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries,and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, b does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. tip tie Subject to the terms • 40'.onditi.‘ ; .f the appig r?,F,,,. wad permit(s)for such areas as issued by the State of No ::-Carolina, D'''-s; . •NT reserves the right to establish different maximum built-upon square footage limitations which may be applicable to other sections within Palmetto Creek annexed at a later time. ARTICLE 12 EASEMENTS inkjir 12.1 Easements for .o''ities. a are here R Tirtt`. unto DECLARANT(so long as the DECLARANT owns any operty descri n Exhibit A or any Future Development Property which has been annexed into the Properties pursuant to the terms of these Protective Covenants), unto the Association, and unto the designees of each, access and maintenance easements upon, across, over, and under all of the Properties to the extent reasonably necessary for the purpose of replacing, repairing, and maintaining any cable television system, any master television antenna system, irrigation systems, any secur`, and similar systems, roads, walkways, bicycle pathways, recreation pathways, trails,ponds, s,wetlan.s, drainage systems, street lights, signage, and all utilities, including, but not limier to, water, s-��i!�'Ct,R.�,boxes, telephone, garbage pickup, and electricity,irrigation and for .4turpose . .,,; tailing any o going on property which it owns or within easements dcsignat. for such purpo these Protective Covenants or on recorded plats of the Properties. Any damage to a Unit resulting from the exercise of this easement shall promptly be repaired by,and at the expense of,the Person exercising the easement rights. Utilities may not be installed or relocated on the Properties,except as approved by the Board or DECLARANT. 12.2 Eas ent for Utilityallation. (a) All of th p includ-f� W `;T: . Common Area,shall be subject to a perpetual non-exclusiv asement ater lines,s 1 n TF t:ewers,storm drainage facilities, telephone and electric ower lines,tele 'pn antenna lines,and other public utilities as shall be established by the DECLARANT as may hereinafter be designated on any plat or replat of parcels within the Residential Community whether the same be within the boundaries of any Unit(s). (b) Easements an.ghts of way over and upon the rear, front and side ten(10) feet of each Unit for drain.•'hand the in�j lation and maintenance of utilities and services, including, without limit; n, w.,er, seweM,, d stormwater runoff facilities, are reserved to DECL• T an. <s; successors atf 1 ssigns for such purposes as DECLARANT may deem incident an.` •,.ropriate to its overall development plan. If the side setback is less than ten (10) feet then the reserved easement shall be the width of the setback. The easements and right of way areas reserved by DECLARANT on each Unit pursuant hereto shall be maintained continuously by the Owner, but no structures or plantings o'r other material shall be placed or permitted or remain upon such areas or other activities undertaken thereo�,c,hich may damage or interfere with the installation or maintenance of utilities or. r services, hich may retard,obstruct or reverse the flow of water or which may da ci.ge or ;nterfere�4� hed slope ratios or create erosion problems. Improveme$``within su r+,a eas also shal�ntained by the respective Owner except those for which a public authori `'o_ utility company is responsible. These easements and rights expressly include the right to cut any trees, bushes or shrubbery, make any 62077.4 24 elloqm Inst zegp21 Book 2324Page: 1219 gradings of the soil,or to take any other similar action reasonably necessary in the opinion of the DECLARANT to provide an economical and safe installation. The DECLARANT shall have no maintenance responsibilities for such easement areas. (c) The DECLANT reserves a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for the installation, maintenance .+t repair of ssewer, drainage and all other utilities within the right of way of all r.;, and �eets and otlhown on the recorded plats of the Property which ease � t may be e.f.`,,'sed by DECL T or any public or private entity charged with the responsibility of maint''4' ce and repair. (d) The Association hereinafter may grant easements for utility purposes for the benefit of the Properties and the Units now or hereafter located thereon, over,under, along and through the Common Areas. Provided, however that no such grant of easement shall have a material adverse effec the use,enjoyment or value of any Unit. e.S 12.3 Easements to S e Ad ' 'onal Pro CLARANT hereby reserves for itself and its duly authorized ents,repres 'ves, employees,° ccessors,assigns, licensees,and mortgagees, an easement over the Common A for the purposes of enjoyment, use, access, and development of any Future Development Property,whether or not such property is made subject to these Protective Covenants. This easement includes, but is not limited to, a right of ingress and egress over the Common Area for construction of roads and for connecting and installing utilities on such property. 12.4 Easements for Cro._`a aina -. fAait (a) Every:ynit and the Z,;tmon Area shall-he burdened with easements for drainage of water runoff from other porn.`"s of the Properties;provided,no Unit Owner shall alter the drainage on any Unit so as to materially increase the drainage of water onto adjacent portions of the Properties without the consent of the Owner of the affected property. (h) The Properties<re burdened with a permanent easement for the benefit of the DECLARANT and its a ssors and assigns,for the stormwater runoff and drainage facilities located on the P �: rties,inclu. fq. • ut limitation,any stormwater retention ponds or ditches. Th.,aseme chides then r'r=,Aftdrill, install, locate, maintain and use pipes,conduits a pumps runnin the stormwater retention ponds and other related facilities located on the Properties. 12.5 Power to Grant Easements. Subject to the requirements of the Planned Community Act,the Association shall have the power and authority to grant and to establish in,over,upon and across the Common Area conveyed t it such further easements as are requisite for the convenient use and enjoyment of the property. 12.6 Easement for k.3.14 The ociation sha 7- e right,but not the obligation,to enter upon any Unit for emer_'- cy,security, afety reasons,,to perform maintenance pursuant to ARTICLE 5 hereof, and to inspect for the purpose of ensuring compliance with these Protective Covenants, any Supplemental Declaration, the Articles, By-Laws, and the Rules and Regulations, which right may be exercised by any member of the Board, the Association, officers, agents, employees,and managers,and all policemen,firemen,ambulance personnel,and similar emergency personnel in the performance of their •uties. Except in an emergency situation,entry shall only be during reasonable hours and after ti`3 ce to the gwner. This right of entry shall include the right of ohs the Association to enter upon an nit to cure a er hazard in the event an Owner fails or refuses to cure the condition thin a unable time a e est by the Board, but shall not authorize entry into any singl family detacheelling without permission of the Owner,except by emergency personnel acting in their official capacities. 12.7 Easement Maintenance. All maintenance of any water, sewer or drainage easement shall be the responsibility of the Owner of the Unit on which said easement is located. No structure, planting or other material shall be play . or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance o4.i 'lities, seer or drainage facilities,or which may change the direction of flow of drainage c �l els in the etek% he easement area of each Unit and all improvements in it shall be 1,f ntained tinuously by ff er of the Unit, except for those improvements for which a puAlic authority or iy company is responsible. 6zc77.4 25 s Uv Inst 8 313321. Book 2324Page: 1.220 12.8 Easement for Irrigation. (a) There is hereby reserved for the benefit of the DECLARANT, the Association,and their successors and assigns,a permanent exclusive easement and right(1) to pump water from the lake�3aonds,waterways,basins,water table,wells,water dependant structures and other bodie�4�~water loca : '. on or under the Properties for the purpose of irrigating any portion .,,,�`'' e P .n-rties an`�� .r wells,pumping statio 'F%.,_ 1=l ;water tow �install, locate, maintain and use ltration basins :i. tanks and related water facilities and systems within the Common Area`''and/or lands within the Properties owned by the DECLARANT. The pumping or other removal of any water from any lake,pond,or body of water wholly or partly within the Properties,for any purpose other than fire fighting and as provided herein is prohibited without express written permission of the DECLARANT and/or the Association. (b) The Proper;`is hereby ., -d with a permanent, exclusive easement in favor of the DECLA• .`;; and ' success Iv si'Er, for overspray and/or surface or sub-surface flow of .;?ter from a 'gation systemng the Properties. Under no circumstances shall the DECLARANT the Association be held liable for any damage or injury resulting from said water,or the exercise of this easement. 12.9 Easements for Owner's Ingress and Egress. Every Owner, and his or her heirs, successors,assigns,guests and licensees,shall have a perpetual,non-exclusive easement and right of ingress and egress over and across a the roads and sidewalks located or to be located within the Properties, as shown on any reco��'�. plats of t fc p, .erty, for the purpose of rovidin vehicular . and pedestrian access to and �,� the .erties. p p g 1 g the foregoing, DECLARANT shall be entitled to restrict ac s on certain':r;'s and sidewalks tt) DECLARANT's discretion,and certain Villages may have restricted access and o" er Village-specific rules. Accordingly,the use of such roads and sidewalks shall be subject to applicable Rules and Regulations. 12.10 Easement for Common Area Pathways. Each Owner,and their authorized guests or invitees, shall have a perpetual, non-?�elusive easement for the use and enjoyment of any bicycle paths, pedestrian paths, or natur-w reserve trails, if any, which may be established by the DECLARANT or the Associatio t�`thin the Co Ida',vc: ea from time to time. Notwithstanding the foregoing,DECLARANT shal entitle. restrict acre`@§§ �5forementioned improvements and amenities in DECLARANT discretion, : '•<..^crtain Villages may have Village-specific rules therefor. Accordingly, the use of such improvements and amenities shall be subject to applicable Rules and Regulations. 12.11 Common Area Easement. (a) Every Owner of a 4 a within the Properties,as an appurtenance to such Unit,shall have a perpetual, non-exclusive,; ement over :'9,rLc2,' e Common Areas within the Properties for each and every purpose o��.a to w such Co . F}; v were intended as determined by their type, or for which sue Common Common Ar enerally are used, including, but not limited to, easement of access, maintenance, repair or replacement of the Common Areas. Such easements shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Unit located within the Properties, whether or not specifically included in a deed thereto. (b) An exclusive easeme is hereby established in favor of DECLARANT over all Common Areas for access to adja��` t properties for the purposes of future development and the installation of streets and public 3l ties. twiVez yam, 12.12 Easements fo Adjacent Pro and/or Adjacent Amenities. Each Owner and Member hereby acknowledges that DECLARANT,one or more affiliates of DECLARANT and/or one or more principals or shareholders of DECLARANT or its affiliates may (but shall have no obligation to) dedicate or grant easements on or relating to certain property adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Properties for educational, conservation or similar uses. DECLARANT hereby reserves the right to grant to third pa s;s reasonable easements of access over and across the streets, sidewalks, Recreational Trails and mmon Ary,al on the Properties as and to the extent necessary or appropriate for the full use any :joyment of sEY�t l ns or easements: 47,80 12.13 Easements R with the La All easements and rights described herein are easements appurtenant,running with the land,and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on all 62027.4 26 l• �f v0L? `? ?L 'last # Book 232..4Page: 1221 undersigned, its successors and assigns, and anf Owner, purchaser, Mortgagee and other person having an interest in said land, or any part or portion thereof, regardless of conveyance, or in any mortgage or trust deed or other evidence of obligation, to the benefit of and be binding on the undersigned,its successors and assigns,and any Owner,purchaser,Mortgagee and any other person having an interest in said land,or an,c art or portion thereof,regardless of whether or not reference to said easement is made in the re.S tive deeds�+Fp nveyance,or in any Mortgage or deed of trust or other evidence of obligation,`y;-t e ea ents an_c� r bbeed in these Protective Covenants. AR LE 13 MORTGAGEE PROVISIONS 13.1 Notice to Association. Upon request,each Owner shall be obligated to furnish to the Association the name and address of the holder of any Mortgage encumbering such Owner's Unit. 0' 13.2 Failure of Morteat:... to Respon4g� Mortgagee who receives a written request from the Board to respond to o��'� nsent any actio Ca •u ed to have approved such action the Association does not r.. w 'ive a ritten`"'. .onse within t�ii t (30)days of the mailing of such request,provided such request is delivered to t`" Mortgagee by certified or registered mail,return receipt requested. ARTICLE 14 DECLARANT'S RIGHTS 14.1 Transfer of DECL--' •NT'S Rid% or all of the special rights and obligations of the DECLARANT set forth,.;`these ' , ective Co(' a By-Laws may be transferred to other Persons,provided that we transfer s •>t0 of reduce an o ation nor enlarge a right beyond that contained in these Protective Covenants or e By-Laws. No such transfer shall be effective unless it is in a written instrument signed by the DECLARANT and duly recorded in the land records of Brunswick County,North Carolina. 14.2 Rights of DECLA' • . and Authorized Builders. Notwithstanding anything in these Protective Covenants to the ?c trary, so long as sales of Units by the DECLARANT shall continue,the DECLARANT,an• :•riders autho 't-r ` •ECLARANT,may maintain and carry on such facilities and activities c`'�in th • e opinion�'r"51aLICLARANT, may be reasonably required, convenient, or inc_:'- .tal to the�",P-.;f action or sale of such Units, including, but not limited to,the construction and use of sales and:usiness offices,signs and model units,and the use of any Common Areas and any facilities therein. The DECLARANT and authorized builders shall have easements for access to and use of such facilities. 14.3 Rights to Alter. The is reserved by DECLARANT in these Protective Covenants (including, without limitation, the :.4 t to annex property under ARTICLE 8 herein) include the right to change,alter or designa . �it(s),- roads. `uE< • drainage facilities and easements,and to change,alter or redesignate sub'!�therpt and propo rri`a:i'es or facilities as may in the sole judgment of the DEC • •':' be necessa r desirable. The rights reserved in this Section specifically include the right of DECLARANTo redesignate, change, or alter any platted Unit(s) into road(s). ARTICLE 15 DURATION, %� 1 - NDMENT AND TERMINATION E� 15.1 Units, Persons a 1.4` ntities Sub' 'tltl esProtective Covenants. All present and future Owners,tenants,and o r`.ants o is and their�j invitees, licensees, employees or agents, shall be subject to, nd shall comwith the covenants, conditions, restrictions and affinnative obligations set forth in these Protective Covenants,and as the Protective Covenants may be amended from time to time. The Acceptance of a deed of conveyance or the entering into of a lease or the entering into occupancy of any Unit shall constitute an agreement that the provisions of these Protective Covenants are accepted and ratified by such Owner,tenant or occupant and that they will fully comply with the terms and c ditions of said Protective Covenants. 15.2 Duration and Te ation. The Y 4,, onditions, restrictions, and affirmative obligations of these Protectiv ovenan all inure to'tli�fit of and be enforceable by the DECLARANT, the Associat n, or the Own f any Unit, their respective legal representatives, heirs,successors and assigns,for a term of forty(40)years from the date these Protective Covenants 62077.4 27 S�, Inst ft 311 Book 2324Page: 1.222 are recorded in the Brunswick County Registry,after which date these Protective Covenants shall be extended automatically for successive periods of forty(40)years,unless these Protective Covenants are terminated as provided in§47F-2-118 of the Planned Community Act(provided that,during the Class "B" Control Period, any termination shall also require the consent of DECLARANT). The covenants,restrictions,conditions a e," rmative obligations of these Protective Covenants shall run with and bind the land and shall .0 any perso at any time any interest or estate in any of the Properties as though such .;;t' ision re made and every deed of conveyance or lease. 4" ut,D 15.3 Amendment. As long as DECLARANT owns any of the property, described on Exhibit A or any Future Development Property, these Protective Covenants may be amended by DECLARANT in its discretion. Retention of this right by the DECLARANT is not intended to materially alter the general or common scheme of development for the property herein described but to correct and/or modify situatio i;�'or circumstances which may arise during the course of development. Thereafter,these P c tive Cove t:e/ 4 be amended by vote of not less than sixty- seven percent (67%) of the :e ss "A'- embers, e� ment must be recorded at the Brunswick County Registry suchl� an am F , ent to be effectifd. In addition,the DECLARANT may amend these Protective Covenants to annex ".ditional property and make it subject to the terms, conditions, restrictions, obligations and covenants of these Protective Covenants as provided in ARTICLE 8 herein. No amendments may remov revoke, or modify any benefit, right or privilege of the DECLARANT hereunder without t e'" ritten consent of the DECLARANT or the assignee of such right or privilege. �-� ((g�•Q % 15.4 Stormwater ft estrictions. twithstanding the foregoing to the contrary, DECLARANT shall be entitled to unilaterally amend these Protective Covenants as provided in Section 11.6 herein. ARTICLE 16 COMPLIANCE WITH THE , PROTECTIVE COVENANTS,THE ARTICLES THE BYLAWS AND THE 1i`' ES AND REGULATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION -, (fin In the case of failure o',•': Owne omply wttiand provisions contained in these Protective Covenants, the A'`"des, the By- or Rules and Regulations of the Association, the following relief shall be available: 16.1 Enforcement. The Association,the DECLARANT and any aggrieved Owner within the Residential Community shall have the right to enforce by any proceeding at law or in equity,all of the conditions,covenants and restr, ions of these Protective Covenants and the Articles,By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the z 4ociation a d any and all laws hereinafter imposed pursuant to the terms of these Protective Cy_,nants. The .M':r`= ie.rty shall be entitled to collect all costs thereof, including reasonable�:".mey's (which sha • ' rmined using reasonable hourly rates). 16.2 Remedies. The Association shall have the right to remedy the violation and assess the costs of remedying same against the offending Owner as an Individual Assessment as provided in ARTICLE 9 herein. 16.3 Sus.ension of Ri l ,~ For any vi elation by an Owner,including,but not limited to, the nonpayment of any general,,4��cial o indivi.1�+C4 ant,the Association shall have the right to suspend the offending 0 Jyr s votirikikhts and the tl a t,7such Owner, his agents, lessees, employees,licensees and invi ees of the Com-ft Areas and recreational facilities in the Residential Community for any period during which a violation continues. 16.4 Fines. The Association may establish a schedule of fines for the violation of these Protective Covenants, the Articles,By-Laws and Rules and Regulations. If an Owner does not pay the fine within fifteen(15)days the`jfe shall be an Individual Assessment against the property and may be enforced by the Associatio e" accordant, .with ARTICLE 9 herein and with applicable law. v �- �"vo t 16.5 Remedies Cud€)'native. ' ,emedies pro-vftietce this Article are cumulative, and are in addition to any other remedies provide aw. 62077.4 28 • t I k 2324Page: 1223 c • 16.6 Waiver. The failure of the Association or any person or Owner to enforce any restriction contained in these Protective Covenants, the Articles, the By-Laws or the Rules and Regulations shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. ARTICLE 17 NERAL PROVISIONS 17.1 Common Are.;.L' d Am es. All ofI mon Area and any other park, recreation area, recreation fa'� ity, dedicate itess or other amenity appurtenant to the Properties, whether or not shown and delineated on any recorded plat of the Properties, shall be considered private and for the sole and exclusive use of the Owners of Units within the Properties. Neither DECLARANT'S execution nor the recording of any plat nor any other act of DECLARANT with respect to such area is,or is intended to be,or shall be construed as a dedication to the public of any such areas,facilities,or amenities. 17.2 Conflict. In th��E`-vent of an ' . • •ble conflict between these Protective Covenants and the By-Laws c Article the Associa r+ae provisions of these Protective Covenants shall control. J 17.3 Severability. Invalidation of any one of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or any court, agency or legislative order shall in no way affect any other provision, covenants, conditions or restrictions contained in these Protective Covenants. 17.4 Captions. The cap:;:.`s precedin&j e various Articles of these Protective Covenants are for the convenience of ref+ nce o ly, and'�1(?i.f�..r�F used as an aid in interpretation or construction of these Protect Covens used here I�singular includes the plural and where there is more than one Owner of a Um, 'd Owners are jointly and severally liable for the obligations herein imposed. Throughout these Protective Covenants, references to the masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine, the feminine to include the masculine and the neuter to include the masculine and feminine. 17.5 Use of the Words "';?metto Creek". No Person shall use the words "Palmetto Creek","Palmetto Creek of the `:•inas",any ' ative or any other term which DECLARANT may select as the name of the `_�-lopm--+fit or any ereof in any printed or promotional material without the DECL 's or th:'• ensee's prior consent. However,Owners may use the words "Palmetto Creek" in printed or 'omotional matter solely to specify that particular property is located within the Properties and the Association shall be entitled to use the words "Palmetto Creek"in its name. 17.6 Conflict with Planned Community Act. To the extent any provision of these Protective Covenants is directly inc. 'stent with the terms of the Planned Community Act and such provision of these Protective enants ca w' easonably be reconciled with the Planned Community Act, the terms of ` •lann Commun Ft�be controlling with regard to such term. a [NEXT PAGE IS SIGNATURE PAGE] sic • tic 62077.4 29 Inst it 31332]. Book 2324Page: 1229 • IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,the DECLARANT has caused this instrument to be executed in its corporate name as of the date first above written. lac 4"- �' BY: a,,a4-c_."1..F4..., Presid t�G �? Wycv, NORTH CAROLINA �� `fbwris s po A •.AA41,. wa_t.COUNTY a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that this day and acknowledged that s personally came before me that y authority dulywa North Carolina corporation, and given as the of the corpo 1.10A 74, e foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of ,2006. 4`. 7 A04,_ Doge._ Notary Public My commission expires: fteoo kg.HAtei: ^ ' 0 RARy • ';gkoy.N cJ.�� ^ Li ant 4 yam, 62077.4 30 ri % eyz*$ ® # ,", ast ■ »a3 EXHIBIT& look aa%2222a BEING ALL theproperty desc Ag as"Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Two,"as sho on map tlrland titled th@_ro.,n Map Cabinet 34Page 235-245 of the BmnswickCo«@ Registry. Reference to said map is 4,T eby ma af#%ceartura=�km ƒ " Ofter6., 4.$44%14%) .4ftft # , � T,s £ / ~ -f 61.34*11 < ~ 22« �a �� +> . . Wit£ 620774 31 ---- -- a���` 1440114111411111IIIIIII B3011 P0473 e,-2�-2:1 14:26:66.002 kaunty, NC Register of Deeds• o eeeons � //J/pegs r of 4 Ake6 X.U.- Lf Present r ._—_Ret:—�, otae7- _ ,c.:v_. .Int. p ti4~S Ck$ �r,u __Ck#,�ifd�Cash$ �,, (UMe Hind:_ ____Cash$__Finance � a wuPent are illegible due to condition C Croirne„t contains seals verified by original I:r:::ur>nt[list cannot be reproduced orcoµed AMENDMENT TO MASTER DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FO'ti�`tALMETTO CREEK .• Prepared by: Murchison,Taylor :SF'ibsor6 PLLC;�'6 ;Irjfth Avenue,Wilmington,NC 28401 411 STATE OF NORTH CAROL •-' Va° COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK This AMENDMENT TO MASTER DECLARATION OF PRQQTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR PALMETTO CREEK (the "Amendment") is made this ,p/grday of VINVAAV , 2010,by XDV,INC.,a North Carolina corporation("Declarant"). 1�,�° ITNESSETH: . WHEREAS, the Declar• e-' reto ore er lifer aster Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek, .,'`cause,'IFt: same to be r- ,F.6in Book 2324,Page 1195,et seq. in the Brunswick Count J'egistry (as ' '': afore or hereafter amended, the "Protective Covenants");and WHEREAS,capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings ascribed to such terms in the Protective Covenants unless otherwise defined herein;and WHEREAS, Section 10.3 of`, - Protective Covenants provide that all construction activities on Lots shall be subject t.ti,'a Design 'defines, which Design Guidelines shall be adopted by the Architectural Revi`,` o ittee rlf viC�,` I may be amended by the ARC subject to the approval of the Boo: of Dir s;and U WHEREAS,that certain Supplemental Dec aration recorded in Book 2545,Page 6 in the Brunswick County Registry, Declarant included on an exhibit, among other things, certain minimum square footage requirements which had been adopted by the ARC as part of the Design Guidelines at that time;and WHEREAS,pursuant to the autt• 'ty granted in Section 10.3 of the Protective Covenants, the ARC,with the approval of the Bo...;4 of Dire has amended the DesignGuidelines in order to modify situations and circumsta <<:` whi hchhhave ,,.;'• the course the development of •the Subdivision and to thereby rail•c'I e stars of the Sus f ,G d WHEREAS,Section 15.3 of the Protective Covenants provides that as long as the Declarant owns any of the property described in the Protective Covenants,the Protective Covenants may be amended by the Declarant in its discretion;and ~\' 93945 < I C-u _.: / ct RECEIVED �; ~4 eg ~ �Q Q MAY 11 2010 ira ol, I-- a. d� t. 111111114414111III Brenda M. Clemmons a` wickunty, later of Deeds page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, the Declarant has determined that if and to the extent that the prior square footage requirements were made part of the Protective Covenants,the amendment to the Protective Covenants contained herein is necessary in order to reflect the amended Design Guidelines;and NOW THEREFORE, in accord:Ice with its rights under Section 15.3 of the Protective Covenants,the Declarant does hereby,ire nd the Protective Covenants as follows: 1. A new Section 10 013 is ad . tot eaPrfb l } , 8venants as follows: �N k "10.10 Minimum Size of Resice• Variance. Residences must be constructed with at least the amount of square feet of heated floor space shown on the Exhibit A attached to the Supplemental Declaration (and reattached to this Amendment), exclusive of porches, steps, walks, garages, carports, storage areas, etc. In computing the number of square feet allowed as provided herein,no square footage in any part of the dwelli that is constructed over a garage will be counted, unless it is on the same utility , up as the main dwelling and is a finished part of the constructed living space he ARC m':4.Z.04'ze in its discretion reasonable variances of up to ten pe t (10 of the re d:i', WI um square feet when circumstances such as t� graphy, n obstructions, Tdship, or aesthetic or environmental considerations require." 2. Declarant hereby declares that the Property shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the Protective Covenants, as amended herein, which covenants shall run with title to the Property and shall be binding on all parties having any right,title,or interest in the described Property or any part thereof,and shall i re to the benefit of each owner thereof. EXCEPT AS AMENDED .: 'EIN,the PiIk/stelt Covenants shall be and remain in full force and effect. ��•� -'tea ui eft 93945 ti4 2 J��G Q[0 L L (� 1I 1 B3016 P0415 0 .251:102 Njt"I!IIIIIII Brenda n. Cleseons Br Sek County, NC Register of Deeds page 3 of 4 XDV,INC. B :; G� (SEAL) tip~ Robert C.G. ,President (t9uQa STATE OF NORTH CAROL COUNTY OF glel//t/s1t A (County where acknowledgment taken) I, l7/4/ze M'. , ,¢gjr , a Notary Public in and for R2lJq/ GlJ!A_[C Coin m `, North Carolina, certify that Robert C. G. Exu personallycame before me this da . ` d acknowl ,:t he is President of XDV,Inc.a North Carolina corporation, and that .uthor-r„ duly giv- =r4 a act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was sign .- its name • President. �`"�DD WITNESS my hand and official seal this of Slay ay of ,7,�17/lJ/h 41 ,2010. dpe,a,x.:6 Notary blic My commission expires: afiNekep 9 NOTARY 9, PUBLIC n L J 93945 F• 3 kft ti 4 ' (� ti 4 I, I,Ilillllll�14' 1I�II!i !!!!rII Br lek County, NC of Deeds page . of 4 EXHIBIT A Phase Section +0' Minimum Minimum # # Lot# 4`` Sq.Ft.fp ,1t Sq.Ft.for 2 I Max BUA *4.`` 44.44tory apt One One 1,2,21-58 1,8 2,100 5,400 One One 3-20 2,000 2,400 6,500 1,2,11-110, 113-4, 115, 119, 122 ,,,\ One Two 123,126, 1 e 1,80(0ti 2,100 6,000 131, 13 ,6 '��FM7/7 pep 3-10, 11 F 112, ,,,,, 116-118, 120, One Two 2,000 2,400 6,000 121, 124, 125, 127, 132-137 ,I One Three 1-10, 13-32, `�� 38-65 sF 1,450 Q A. 3330 11 12 33 ;' ,36, f One Three 31' ' 1,4 N/A 3,330 One Four 1-11, 14,25-29, 32-68 «, 1,600 2,000 3,500 One Four 12, 13, 15-24,31 , 31 `4.s;� 1,600k 0 3,500 L00eo Sib 93945 tiF~ 4 1'?' 1� " !I II I I III I II III p����07_�_2®°' i I ,t�0..1,=� Robert J. Ro lnson 28.0e° 146% Brunswiok Cou 'NC Register of Dsads page 1 of 3 OCR c7N • t�p4 ! lr�l�p`}r , 64% t I 1 v 3 fmta�REv. TCI .3? RED .CK A„(T7-p CK# �I 1 a;:;.,,k.� SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION TO MASTER DECL ' ION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FO ALMETTO CREEK elAgezz Prepared by: Murchison,Taylo, "Gibson,r.,: C, 16 NoahVAIW,Ayenue,Wilmington,NC 28401 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK This SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION TO MASTER DECLARATION OF. PROTEC IVE FOR PALMETTO CREEK(the "Supplemental Declaration") is made this Oil day of h,y.,2007,by Xli ,INC.,a North Carolina corporation("Declarant"). nu � W S WHEREAS, the Decl: t heretofore uted the Master Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek,and caused the same to be recorded in Book 2324,Page 1195,et seq.in the Brunswick County Registry(herein the"Protective Covenants");and WHEREAS,in accordance with Section 11.6 of the Protective Covenants,the Declarant has the right to amend the Protective Covenants for the purpose of imposing additional restrictions upon the Properties as : the extent required by the terms of the stormwater permit issued by the State of North . olina;and fin WHEREAS, in eonnec`' with Sta't� tormwater anagement Permit Number SW8 050239 issued to the Declarant from the Divisi h of Water Quality ("DWQ") under NCAC 2H.1000,DWQ is requiring that the Protective Covenants be amended to include the rules and regulations as provided in this Supplemental Declaration; NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with its rights under Section 11.6 of the Protective Covenants,the Declarant does hereby•. nd the Protective Covenants as follows: 1. The first senten� Gael of Arfi a 11, Sec I, Ii is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by the f+)€owing: "(f) The maximum built-upon area per Lot is described in Exhibit A attached to this Supplemental Declaration." noes ti� 1 Co ti4 J`' 14 �1sC0 _.... ...._. ... 1iff�1111111111 III III az545 ��0e?1° o:7�samme unswLck County, NC Register of Deeds page 2 of 3 2. Declarant hereby retains and shall have the unilateral right, by Supplemental Declaration,to amend the Protective Covenants as DWQ shall reasonably require in connection with stormwater management permits a..licable to the Property. 3. Declarant hereby es that thAfr shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the Protective Cov Nor ts, as ended by�fsiel7$ emental Declaration, which covenants shall run with title t c e Property aiall be binding on all parties having any right, title, or interest in the described Property or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. EXCEPT AS AMENDED HEREIN,the Protective Covenants shall be and remain in full force and effect. ,tip By: i G _ (SEAL) Robert C. .Exum,P ident NORM DUES Co .:• I, A/iFNE /i{. :, C u),4ip.,` a Notary PU-Slic of the State and County aforesaid,certify that Robert C.G.Exum persona+came before me this day and acknowledged that he is President of XDV,INC.,a North Carolina corporation,and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President. WITNESS my hand and official, ±:al this/S day of +4RIl/,4 V ,2007. c"� �(r ”1' NOW ublic My commission expires: vl,,.s r9-07 " • IJ nobs < 2 �L�QU� fa a 1 1 �� t._ iw�`s�Li L a, 4 �F A q u''; ip) ti� ..._. ..ti .. I `� 1 ��� ���� ����� 12545 PN08 0, -26.0 ?� 10.28:26,000 Jc� obert T. Robinson Brunswick ount C Register of Deeds page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A Phase Section -. Minimum Minimum # # Lot# ,Nti Sq,Ft.il9 ,-_ Ft.for 2 Max BUA �'3` tory T `heel, One One 1,2,21-58 1,800 2,100 5,400 One One 3-20 2,000 2,400 6,500 1,2, 11-110, 113 0 115One Two 123,126, 12`-��~ 1,80& 2,100 6,000 131, 13 �, 46 k*G�p aD 3-10, 111, 112, Nta - 116-118, ]20, One Two 2,000 2,400 6,000 121, 124, 125, 127, 132-137 tip'" - One Three 1-10,13-32, �, (USb 38-65,�' lio44450 ` /RD 3330 One Three 11, 12'33,E-=4,36, 37 1,45 N/A 3,330 1-11, 14,25-29, One Four 32-68 .a� 1,60t 2,000 3,500 One Four 12, 13, 15-24,3.; 1 31 ._' . 6, 1,60 �3�1D 3,500 �F 72068 cr_ s--14,0E--- i if:( I 4 i k I 11 NI , i !I 1 V A d : ll I ■ : '� x�a 11mts4 Eta b'le,a_0oriel r g , 1 mil IMI! ii; dJ i•ffi. I ! !!NPIUM !III lad a 3 5 IlIli i E k ,i O aFi 6g , O2 25 3Grl�lxtni a 1IP~ . sb itili*• h -. A^N § fgg eT NWAC- <4 1.; ON 3 6 u' i l 7f ° a -y i91R==-Nw= . iii,- ----, ...40 ----- 101 IBM HI 1' II" Ili VP i t 1 '2 4 55 adtto,-4t/itzEt Pi. : ri , I 7-; lli ! ° AT 1 ........') _F / r /%) ,,'. / 1/ IV d // Ott S. 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As r 1 1 o r +1 s 1 � \� ����� i / /!li1! .4 X' ##np a{obi. 1 \ l / / �� '\ _\ �� i I/pl 21 v�ISY 'Pj,c,.,m I ! mt� tl J / r `\ /I ! d"w is /fj f Rht. 1 + _ — 445%,„, r r w VI / ,fri / A --14 / 9I/r , // II D $ $ ! ' / -il ! 1 110 -N • '-..', .,,,‘..--.--i Li--/- i �at. CI MAY 11 2010 cz lill BY: a [ '0 2 °°g a '<lirlitt ip _ 411 a hilill 1! 11 illeii 40 pl \--- 1 i; 1r , III i14EJ 1IIV a till l L° r8iV, ! a= 1€ 1 1 IA I ¢ t � L 1 laFaye Radii is e 41 ••• • 1 IMPA:igli IplEg.k. tfil1.1 c3 � q yl1�1 AW' tl _, _ `g € t4 OIpP14u°in a lig i t . . nnlligF .11F.g2Rn 9� �� « �� ��� 3g�lggR^. Nye °K� fie € 4 yl$atli4& r Nye l£ 1i Idq c 1 -4) pl" Reo 1 ril: 1 i a g s - ii ��.�W: ¢ uuuu05g :---91.62;416:.(--- 1.7-'---- g:iki - do ..-_-_, i / _.%, - i, ..:,•,.. 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CC: File Coastal Land Design,PLLC Bert Exum Signed ' o`,P.E. NCDENR-Trans-05 10 10 Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 5/10/10 Lot Impervious Allocation Permitted Allocation # of Lots impervious Allocation Total Impervious 62 5,400 sf 334,800 sf 146 6,000 sf 876,000 sf 67 3,500 sf 234,500 sf 66 3,300 sf 217,800 sf Total: 1,663,100 sf Recorded Allocation # of Lots Impervious Allocation Total Impervious Section 1 18 6,500 sf 117,000 sf Section 1 40 5,400 sf 216,000 sf Section 2 146 6,000 sf 876,000 sf Section 3 64 3,330 sf 213,120 sf Section 4 68 3,500 sf 238,000 sf Total: 1,660,120 sf MAY 11 2010 F Storm Drain Schedule FROM I Rim Dn I Inv.Dn I TO I Rim Up I Inv.Up I Description FES1 26.50 23.50 JB3 30.00 24.19 138 ' of 36 " CPP JB3 30.00 24.19 CB8 30.34 24.91 143 ' of 36 " CPP CB8 30.34 24.91 CB7 30.34 25.02 22 ' of 36 " CPP CB7 30.34 25.52 CB6 33.04 26.96 288 ' of 30 " CPP CB6 33.04 26.96 CB5 33.04 27.07 22 ' of 30 " CPP CBS 33.04 28.07 JB1 34.21 28.58 101 ' of 18 " CPP JB1 34.21 28.58 CB3 36.57 30.07 149 ' of 18 " CPP CB3 36.57 30.07 CB4 36.57 30.76 69 ' of 18 " CPP CB3 36.57 30.07 CB2 35.79 31.66 159 ' of 18 " CPP CB2 35.79 31.66 CBI 35.79 32.03 74 ' of 18 " CPP CB5 33.04 27.57 CB12 32.47 28.27 140 ' of 24 " CPP CB12 32.47 28.27 CB11 32.47 28.38 22 ' of 24 " CPP CB12 32.47 28.77 JB2 34.85 29.31 107 ' of 18 " CPP JB2 34.85 29.31 CB 10 34.96 30.16 171 ' of 18 " CPP CB10 34.96 30.16 CB9 34.96 30.26 22 ' of 18 " CPP FES16 26.64 24.64 CB17 29.65 25.43 158 ' of 24 " CPP CB17 29.65 25.43 CB 18 29.65 25.65 22 ' of 24 " CPP FES19 27.25 25.25 JB20 33.50 28.50 64 ' of 24 " CPP JB20 33.50 29.00 CB21 36.69 31.08 209 ' of 18 " CPP CB21 36.69 31.08 CB22 36.32 31.65 56 ' of 18 " CPP JB20 33.50 29.00 CB23A 36.50 32.80 169 ' of 18 " CPP CB23A 36.50 32.80 CB23 38.00 33.84 46 ' of 18 " CPP CB23 38.00 33.84 CB24 39.21 34.84 100 ' of 18 " CPP CB24 39.21 34.84 CB25 39.21 35.08 24 ' of 18 " CPP CB23A 36.50 32.80 CB23B 35.50 33.00 109 ' of 18 " CPP CB23B 35.50 33.00 CB23C 36.75 33.40 80 ' of 15 " CPP CB23C 36.75 33.40 CB23D 35.75 33.55 30 ' of 15 " CPP CB23B 35.50 33.00 CB23E 35.45 33.17 35 ' of 12 " CPP FES26 27.25 25.25 JB27 33.00 27.67 51 ' of 24 " CPP JB27 33.00 27.67 CB29B 33.50 28.10 138 ' of 24 " CPP CB29B 33.50 28.10 CB28A 33.50 28.22 38 ' of 24 " CPP CB28A 33.50 28.22 CB29A 35.70 28.88 207 ' of 24 " CPP CB29A 35.70 28.88 CB29 34.25 29.88 58 ' of 24 " CPP CB29 34.25 29.88 CB30 34.25 30.00 24 ' of 24 " CPP JB27 33.00 27.67 CB31 33.06 28.98 263 ' of 24 " CPP CB31 33.06 29.48 CB32 33.06 29.60 24 ' of 18 " CPP FES33 26.95 24.95 CB34 30.10 25.98 207 ' of 24 " CPP CB34 30.10 25.98 CB35 30.10 26.10 24 ' of 24 " CPP FES36 26.34 23.84 CB37 29.50 24.88 208 ' of 30 " CPP CB37 29.50 24.88 CB38 29.90 25.00 24 ' of 30 " CPP CB38 29.90 25.00 RISER39 31.00 27.00 264 ' of 30 " CPP Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 1 of 3 Storm Drain Schedule FROM I Rim Dn I Inv.Dn I TO Rim Up Inv.Up I Description FES51 21.50 19.00 JB52 24.00 19.04 26 ' of 30 " CPP JB52 24.00 19.04 JB53 25.00 19.63 118 ' of 30 " CPP JB53 25.00 19.63 CB54 25.96 21.46 368 ' of 30 " CPP CB54 25.96 21.96 CB55 28.73 24.65 305 ' of 24 " CPP CB55 28.73 24.65 CB56 34.22 27.05 240 ' of 24 " CPP CB56 34.22 29.50 CB57 35.39 30.77 182 ' of 18 " CPP CB57 35.39 30.77 CB58 35.39 30.89 22 ' of 18 " CPP JB52 24.00 20.04 CB59 25.00 21.50 141 ' of 18 " CPP CB54 25.96 22.36 CB62 25.96 22.46 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB55 28.73 25.13 CB63 28.73 25.23 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB56 34.22 29.50 CB64 34.22 29.72 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB56 34.22 27.55 CB65 32.96 28.39 170 ' of 18 " CPP _ CB65 32.96 28.39 CB66 32.96 28.50 22 ' of 18 " CPP JB53 25.00 19.63 CB60 25.03 20.20 113 ' of 18 " CPP FES67 21.00 19.00 CB68 23.53 19.53 53 ' of 24 " CPP CB68 23.53 19.53 JB69 25.85 21.35 170 ' of 24 " CPP JB69 25.85 21.35 CB70 28.40 23.90 294 ' of 24 " CPP CB70 28.40 23.90 CB71 29.75 25.25 106 ' of 24 " CPP CB71 29.75 25.25 CB72 31.06 26.36 121 ' of 24 " CPP CB72 31.06 26.36 CB73 30.83 26.77 83 ' of 24 " CPP CB73 30.83 27.21 CB74 30.83 27.33 24 ' of 18 " CPP CB68 23.53 19.93 CB75 23.53 20.03 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB70 28.40 24.40 CB76 28.40 24.50 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB72 31.06 26.86 CB77 31.06 27.01 30 ' of 18 " CPP FES78 21.50 20.00 CB79 28.77 24.53 119 ' of 18 " CPP FES81 21.00 19.00 CB82 26.60 22.10 22 ' of 24 " CPP CB82 26.60 22.10 CB83 26.60 22.30 24 ' of 24 " CPP CB83 26.60 22.80 CB84 31.52 27.52 178 ' of 18 " CPP CB84 31.52 27.52 CB85 31.94 27.94 57 ' of 18 " CPP FES89 18.26 15.76 JB90 25.00 16.22 91 ' of 30 " CPP JB90 25.00 16.22 JB91 25.00 16.56 68 ' of 30 " CPP JB91 25.00 16.56 RISER92 21.00 18.00 288 ' of 30 " CPP FES93 16.76 14.76 CB94 19.53 14.96 40 ' of 24 " CPP CB94 19.53 14.96 CB95 20.16 16.05 218 ' of 24 " CPP CB95 20.16 16.05 CB96 20.16 16.16 20 ' of 24 " CPP CB96 20.16 16.16 JB97 23.00 18.40 71 ' of 24 " CPP JB97 23.00 18.40 CB98 23.26 19.14 147 ' of 24 " CPP CB98 23.26 19.64 CB99 23.26 19.76 24 ' of 18 " CPP CB94 19.53 15.46 CB100 19.53 15.90 87 ' of 18 " CPP FES 101 14.64 12.14 CB 102 15.50 12.79 L130 ' of 30 " CPP CB102 15.50 12.79 FES103 16.76 14.26 295 ' of 30 " CPP Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 2 of 3 Storm Drain Schedule FROM I Rim Dn I Inv.Dn I TO I Rim Up I Inv.Up Description FES104 11.25 9.25 CBI05 12.65 9.34 35 ' of 24 " CPP CBIOS 12.65 9.34 JB 105B 13.87 9.61 108 ' of 24 " CPP JBI05B 13.87 9.61 CB106 14.34 9.89 55 ' of 24 " CPP JB105B 13.87 10.11 CB 106B 13.36 10.29 73 ' of 18 " CPP JB 105B 13.87 9.61 CB106C 13.36 9.80 74 ' of 24 " CPP FES107 22.00 20.00 CB108 25.64 22.28 137 ' of 24 " CPP CB108 25.64 22.78 CB109 25.64 22.89 22 ' of 18 " RCP FES 110 21.50 19.00 CB111 23.26 19.20 34 ' of 30 " CPP CB111 23.26 19.20 CB112 27.11 21.25 221 ' of 30 " CPP CB112 27.11 21.25 CB113 27.11 21.36 22 ' of 30 " CPP CB113 27.11 21.86 CB114 27.26 23.15 258 ' of 24 " CPP CB114 27.26 23.15 CB115 27.26 23.26 22 ' of 24 " CPP CB111 23.26 20.15 CB116 23.26 20.26 22 ' of 18 " RCP FES117 22.50 21.00 CB118 29.35 25.13 170 ' of 18 " CPP CB118 29.35 25.13 CB119 29.35 25.35 22 ' of 18 " CPP FES120 22.50 21.00 CB121 30.14 25.92 140 ' of 18 " CPP CB121 30.14 25.92 CB122 30.14 26.14 22 ' of 18 " CPP FES123 30.00 28.00 CB124 33.86 29.86 40 ' of 24 " CPP CB124 33.86 29.86 JB125 35.00 30.53 94 ' of 24 " CPP JB125 35.00 30.53 CB126 36.37 32.27 349 ' of 24 " CPP CB126 36.37 32.77 CB127 36.37 32.87 20 ' of 18 " CPP CB124 33.86 30.26 CB128 33.86 30.36 20 ' of 18 " CPP FES129 19.50 18.00 CB130 22.75 18.75 54 ' of 18 " CPP CB130 22.75 18.75 CB131 28.27 23.55 150 ' of 18 " CPP CB131 28.27 23.55 CB132 28.27 23.77 20 ' of 18 " CPP FES133 27.50 25.50 CB135 30.83 26.73 38 ' of 24 " CPP CB135 30.83 26.73 CB136 30.83 26.83 20 ' of 24 " CPP FES137 27.28 25.28 JB138B 34.00 25.50 45 ' of 24 " CPP JB138B 34.00 25.50 JB138 33.50 26.16 133 ' of 24 " CPP JB138 33.50 26.16 JB139 32.00 26.51 70 ' of 24 " CPP JB139 32.00 26.51 CB140 30.95 26.85 68 ' of 24 " CPP CB140 30.95 26.85 CB141 30.95 26.95 20 ' of 24 " CPP FES142 27.50 25.50 CB143 30.80 26.47 33 ' of 24 " CPP CB143 30.80 26.47 CB144 30.80 26.70 46 ' of 24 " CPP CB144 30.80 27.20 CB145 30.80 27.30 20 ' of 18 " CPP FES146 13.50 11.00 JB147 20.50 16.00 188 ' of 30 " CPP 111147 20.50 16.00 EM OUT2 29.25 24.00 400 ' of 30 " CPP Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas 3 of 3 RECEIVED A75141, MAY 11 2010 NCDENR �—=--_ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary STATE STORMWATER PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM I. CURRENT PERMIT INFORMATION 1. Stormwater Management Permit Number: 5 1 $ o5o Z 35 2. Project Name: ►?AL1,4d rr 0 i,4 4.S 3. Current Permit Holder's Company Name/Organization: X IV',. � 4. Signing Official's Name: 03aIZ.i 64.- gx 0M Title: �Zj rs•t�E..•f-' (person legally responsible for permit) 5. Mailing Address: -p0 30 x /4/#7 City: a,L4,4,1.1&roo.! State: rl G Zip: Z54oZ 6. Phone: ( 1/O ) 31Z- 13Z' Fax: ( 4,/(2 ) 342 - 43Z7 II. PROPOSED PERMITTEE / OWNER / PROJECT/ADDRESS INFORMATION This request is for: (please check all that apply) ❑ Name change of the owner (Please complete Items 1, 2 and 3 below) ❑ Name change of project (Please complete Item 5 below) E,Change in ownership of the property/company (Please complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 below) Mailing address/phone number change. (Please complete Item 4 below) ❑ Other (please explain): 1. Proposed permittee's company name/organization: PL.U-{, rrc, CIZ' - P7A, 1 tC 2. Proposed permittee's signing official's name: ?O13ar- 64- '6 -i 3. Proposed permittee's Title: f iZS1 �" f 4. Mailing Address: ll i6 px.L.r4 r i r, eft= K L / City: ZO -+vt h State: rl C. Zip: 7$4zz Phone: ( '10 ) 75 - ' / 5 Fax: ( qi(2) 75 5- 6e7.4 5. New Project Name to be placed on permit: Please check the appropriate box. The proposed permittee listed above is: [ HOA or POA (Attach a copy of the deed transferring ownership of all common areas. Print Name of HOA or POA in#1 above and provide name of HOA(POA)president in#2 above). ❑ The property owner. ❑ Lessee (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Property Owner Information on page 4) ❑ Purchaser (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Property Owner Information on page 4) ❑ Developer (Complete Property Owner Information on page 4) SSW N/O Change Rev16Nov2009 Page 1 of 4 III. REQUIRED ITEMS This application package will not be accepted by the Division of Water Quality unless all of the applicable required items listed below are included with the submittal. 1. This completed and signed form. 2. Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership. (For Permit Transfers Complete Current Permittee and Proposed Permittee Sections) 3. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions, if required by the permit. 4. The designer's certification, if required by the permit and if not already submitted to DWQ. 5. If the Proposed Permittee is a corporation, LLC or General Partnership, provide documentation from the Secreta of State office, which supports the named president, vice president, member, manager or General Partner. 6. The$40.00 processing fee. If this is an initial transfer from the original permittee to the property owner or other responsible party such as an HOA, the processing fee is not required. Subsequent ownership transfers will require the$40.00 processing fee. IV. CURRENT PERMITTEE'S CERTIFICATION Please check one of the following statements: ❑ Check here if the Current Owner is only changing the owner name, company name or project name, or the mailing address, and will retain ownership of the permit. I, , the current owner, hereby notify the Division of Water Quality that I am changing my name or company name and/or I am changing my mailing address and/or I am changing the name of the permitted project. I further attest that this application for a name/ownership change is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments as outlined above are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Ej Check here if Current Owner is transferring (selling) the property to a new owner and will not retain ownership of the permit. I, 0 1 42X CCU- gX , the current owner, am submitting this application for a transfer of ownership for permit# 5k.1 o Z3S . I hereby notify DWQ of the sale or other legal transfer of the stormwater system associated with this permit. I further acknowledge and attest that I have transmitted a copy of the most recent permit, a copy of the Designers Certification, a copy of the DWQ approved plans and/or approved as-built plans, a copy of the approved Operation and Maintenance agreement and copies of past maintenance records to the Proposed Permittee named in Sections II and V of this form at the mailing address listed in Section II of this form. I further attest that I assign all rights and obligations as permittee to the Proposed Permittee named in Section V of this form. I understand that this transfer of ownership cannot be approved by the Division of Water Quality unless and until the facility is in compliance with the permit and the Proposed Permittee signs this form. I understand that in the event the facility is not in compliance or the Proposed Permittee does not sign this form, the responsibility to bring the facility into compliance and to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit remains with me until such time as the Proposed Permittee signs this form and the Division approves it. Signature: ( C.J .CST Date: 1/°2 $-• /0) I, , a Notary Public for the State of Lin 6-15(-I OfLi O-Q lAtev , County of t.Vv1&ty l C...Lz_. , do hereby certify that 1�b L.L4 a 61 LkUENA personally appeared before me this the day of a Ph.J , 20 0, and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, (Notary Seal) • LISA B. BRITT1 �� �, Notary Public, North Carolina �ot.ry Signature Brunswick County My Commission Expires SSW N/O Change Rev16Nov2009 Page 2 of 4 September 16, 2013 V. PROPOSED PERMITTEE CERTIFICATION: (This section must be completed by the Proposed Permittee for all transfers of ownership) 1, Re213�Izr !.Cr- Ely v M , hereby notify the Division of Water Quality that I have acquired through sale, lease or legal transfer, the responsibility for constructing and/or operating and maintaining, the permitted stormwater management system. I have examined the permit and inspected the permitted facility, and agree to assume the rights and liabilities contained in the permit and to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit. I attest that I have reviewed this application for an ownership change and it is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. I further acknowledge and attest that in the event the required facility inspection reveals that the project is not in compliance with the permit, I understand this transfer of ownership will not be approved until the project is brought into compliance. I acknowledge and attest that I have received a copy of the most recent permit, a copy of the Designer's Certification, a copy of the DWQ approved plans and/or approved as-built plans, a copy of the approved Operation and Maintenance agreement and copies of past maintenance records from the previous permittee. I further acknowledge and agree that I will construct and/or operate and maintain the system per the requirements listed in the permit and in the Operation and Maintenance agreement. Signature: et( 4 (�____ ,i9 Date: i/- 24-- 1 U I, LLS_GL r-B • t L4-'t , a Notary Public for the State of I tYlq-1,. Oc'Lii Lin& , County of itin,S,..LA_)t 61,c— , do hereby certify that bl'2 tt" Ci3 personally appeared before me this the off? ' day of ap L I , 20 I b , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, Xar1-41)45-b y Signature US B. BRI T Notary Public, North Carolina Brunswick County Mv.Commission Expires September 16, 2013 Additional copies or the original permit and the approved Operation and Maintenance plan can be obtained from the appropriate Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality. This completed form, including all supporting documents and processing fee, should be sent to the appropriate Regional Office of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, as shown on the attached map. Please note that if the Proposed Permittee listed above is not the property owner, the property owner must complete and sign page 4 of this document. Both the lessee/developer and the property owner will appear on the permit as permittees. SSW N/O Change Rev16Nov2009 Page 3 of 4 VI. PROPERTY OWNER CONTACT INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION If the Proposed Permittee listed in Sections Il and V of this form is not the Property Owner, the. Property Owner must provide his/her Contact Information below and sign this form: Printed Name: • Organization: Title within the Organization: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Mailing Address: (if different from street address) City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: I certify that I own the property identified in this permit transfer document and have given permission to the Proposed Permittee listed in Sections II and V to develop, lease or purchase the property. A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal, which indicates the party responsible for the construction and/or operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. As the legal property owner I acknowledge, understand, and agree by my signature below, that I will appear as a permittee along with the lessee/developer and that if the designated Proposed Permittee dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement or pending sales contract, responsibility for compliance with the DWQ Stormwater permit reverts back to me, the property owner. As the property owner, it is my responsibility to notify DWQ by submitting a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days of procuring a developer, lessee or purchaser for the property. I understand that failure to operate and maintain the stormwater treatment facility in accordance with the permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1, and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day, pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Signature of the property owner Date: a Notary Public for the State of , County of , do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this the day of , 20 , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, (Notary Seal) Notary Signature SSW N/O Change Rev16Nov2009 Page 4 of 4 C200604200328 SOSID:08225699---- Date Filed: 1/13/2006 8:31:00 AM Elaine F.Marshall 1 North Carolina Secretary of State C200601200328 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF PALMETTO CREEK POA,INC. A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION In compliance with the requirements of Chapter 55A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned being of the age of eighteen years or more, does hereby make and acknowledge these Articles of Incorporation for the purpose of forming a corporation not for profit and does hereby certify: ARTICLE 1. NAME The name of the corporation is Palmetto Creek POA, Inc., hereinafter called the Corporation. ARTICLE 2. DURATION RECEIVED The period of duration of the Corporation shall be perpetual. ii MAY 11 20t0 ARTICLE 3. REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT,PRINCIPAL OFFICE The initial registered office of the Corporation and the principal office of the Corporation is located at 151 Poole Road,Suite C,Belville,Brunswick County,North Carolina 28451;the mailing address of the registered office and also the principal office is P. O. Box 1967, Wilmington, NC 28402, and the name of the initial registered agent of the Corporation at such address is Robert C.G. Exum. ARTICLE 4. PURPOSES AND POWERS This Corporation does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof. No part of the net income of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of any officer, director or member of the Corporation. The specific purposes for which it is formed are to provide for the maintenance, management and preservation of that certain development known as Palmetto Creek (hereafter"Development")as shown and described on the plats thereof recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, North Carolina, and any additions thereto which may be brought within the jurisdiction of the Corporation; and to promote the health, safety and welfare of the Owners of Lots in the Development, and any additions thereto as may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of this Corporation. 62078.2 G200601200328 -- ARTICLE 5. MEMBERSHIP The Corporation shall have members. Every person or entity who is a record Owner of a fee or undivided fee interest in any Lot which is subject by the Master Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek(the "Protective Covenants") to assessment by the Corporation shall be a member of the Corporation. The foregoing is not intended to include persons or entities who hold an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot which is subject by the Protective Covenants to assessment by the Corporation. ARTICLE 6. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The number, qualifications and method of election of the Board of Directors shall be fixed by the Bylaws of the Corporation (the "Bylaws"). Until his successor is otherwise selected and qualified as set forth in the Bylaws, there shall be one (1) Director whose name and address is as follows: Robert C.G.Exum PO Box 1967 Wilmington,NC 28402 Cathie Johnston 398 Carl Street,Suite 101 Wilmington,NC 28403 ARTICLE 7. DISSOLUTION The Corporation may be dissolved with the assent given in writing and signed by not less than eighty percent (80%) of the Members of each class of votes within the Corporation. Upon dissolution of the Corporation, other than incident to a merger or consolidation, the assets of the Corporation may be dedicated to an appropriate public agency to be used for purposes similar to those for which this Corporation was created or such assets may be granted, conveyed and assigned to any nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other organization to be devoted to such similar purposes or after all of its liabilities and obligations have been discharged or adequate provisions made therefor, or be distributed as provided for by the Non-Profit Corporation Act of the State of North Carolina or may be distributed as provided by the Planned Community Act of the State of North Carolina. Dissolution shall conform to the terms and conditions of the North Carolina Planned Community Act. 62078.2 2 000601200328 ARTICLE 8. TAX STATUS Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the Corporation shall be entitled to elect tax-exempt status under Section 528 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any corresponding sections or provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law (the "Code")to the extent provided by law. This Corporation shall not carry on any activities prohibited by a corporation electing tax-exempt status under Section 528. It is further provided that no distributions of income of the Corporation are to be made to members, directors or officers of the Corporation, except that members of the Corporation may receive a rebate of any excess dues and assessments previously paid to the extent permitted by the Code and applicable law. ARTICLE 9. INCORPORATOR The name and address of the incorporator of this Corporation is: Robert C.G.Exum P.O. Box 1967 Wilmington,NC 28402 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, for the purpose of forming this Corporation under the laws of the State of North Carolina, I, the undersigned, being the incorporator of this Corporation, have executed these Articles of Incorporation this the 11th day of January,2006. iZeita—C..-<) (SEAL) Robert C.G.Exern,Incorporator 62078.2 3 STD:0822569 Date Filed:5/9/2007 2:44:00 PM Elaine F.Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C200710700259 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE STATEMENT OF CHANGE OF REGISTERED OFFICE AND/OR REGISTERED AGENT Pursuant to §55D-31 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned entity submits the following for the purpose of changing its registered office and/or registered agent in the State of North Carolina. INFORMATION CURRENTLY ON FILE The name of the entity is: Palmetto Creek POA,Inc. Entity Type:❑Corporation,['Foreign Corporation,❑Nonprofit Corporation,OForeign Nonprofit Corporation, OLimited Liability Company,['Foreign Limited Liability Company['Limited Partnership,['Foreign Limited Partnership, ['Limited Liability Partnership,❑Foreign Limited Liability Partnership The street address and county of the entity's registered office currently on file is: Number and Street: 151 Poole Road,Suite C City,State,Zip Code:Belville,NC 28451 County; Brunswick The mailing address if different from the street address of the registered office currently on file is: P.O.Box 1967,Wilmington,NC 28402 The name of the current registered agent is: Robert C.G.Exum NEW INFORMATION 1. The street address and county of the new registered office of the entity is: (complete this item only if the address of the registered office is being changed) Number and Street: 1630 Military Cutoff Road,Suite 108 Wi City,State,Zip Code: lmington,NC 28403 County: New Hanover 2. The mailing address if different from the street address of the new registered office is: (complete this item only if the address of the registered office is being changed) 3. The name of the new registered agent and the new agent's consent to appointment pears Blow: (complete this item only if the name of the registered agent is bein d) Dave Swayer,Jr. � r}f'CSi to l�,t, Type or Print Name of New Agent *Signature&Title 4. The address of the entity's registered office and the address of the business office of its registered agent,as changed, will be identical. 5. This statement wil be effective upon f ing,unless a date and/or time is specified: This is t day of 2c , Palmetto Creek POA,Inc. `'''�� Entry Name Signature g a s ar G G 6K✓ems Pre5idetr' Type or Print Name and Title Notes: Filing tee is as.UU. This document must be filed with the Secretary of State. * Instead of signing here,the new registered agent may sign a separate written consent to the appointment,which must be attached to this statement. CORPORATIONS DIVISION P.O.BOX 29622 RALEIGH,NC 27626-0622 Revised January 2002 Form BE-06 E WV pg59g g;53:34.000 s 2008 ' 'tW�lnTs' `�I'�1'�Ited l'. '�I1I I���1111Il 1 I�IIII IIIS�I i NOC ds. P:. 1 0 2 t, kphln mediate Brunswick County, NC Ragieter n ist allon eq. Pa .. vi o _r ,f�4 a lar , :r �� > ti s z Y d4' d ti� T G Ret: R/r •nter 4v,____ e IK - 901 a' J�' ,F r r+JisfiL--Rev Int dye f ,1wQn; • 'iE,, Ck$ ._—_--Clc 4AWI Cash$ Refund: Cash 8 Finance 0 Portions of document are idegib':e due to condition of original. WARRANTY DE111D current contains seals veined by n•'T;inal Instrument that cannot be repo=or copied. Prepared by: ' ',ISON,TAYLOR,&GIBSON,P.L.L.C. 16 North tt` Avenue,Wilmington,NC 28401 e J�C' ca PARCi D NORTH CAROLINA ��' `^5•, so ,S,1 BRUNSWICK COUNTY REVENUE STAMPS: $0.00 . l t \' THIS WARRANTY DEED, made this tkday of ' p , 2008, by t-p and between XDV, Inc., a North C4 tlina corporation ("GRANTOR"), and Palmetto Creek POA, Inc., whose address is P €" Office B 67, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ("GRANTEE"). The designati./ rant nd Gr�gP'. t$r;-, herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and ass'''.s, and sha dude the singu ;plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by the context. W1TNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, GRANTOR is the Declarant named in the Master Declaration of Protective Covenants For Palmetto C,,e_ recorded in Book 2234 Page 1195, Brunswick County Registry(as heretofore or hereafter ;. ended from timmee,�the"Declaration"); AND WHERE ii,the Decl. : Vc, provides that`r Declarant may convey to the GRANTEE fee simple title to any of the prop" y subject to the Declaration, whereupon the GRANTEE shall accept such property and thereafter shall maintain such property as Common Area at its expense for the benefit of its Members, subject to any restrictions set forth in the Declaration and in the deed. AND WHEREAS, ' OR desires to convey to the GRANTEE the Property described herein; �� i?�IM�y �� , jiT NOW THERE"'e RE, GRA Ff for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and for other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,has bargained and sold,and by these presents does hereby bargain,sell and convey unto GRANTEE and its successors and assigns forever, in fee simple, all that certain real property and appurtenances thereto,located in Brunswick County, North Carolina, as described below,together with all s ‹ tures,buildings,parking areas,landscaping,fixtures and other improvements placed, const :```d, installed or situated on such property(collectively, the "Property"): �� t Oft ft�, F l BEING ALL of that 66rtain tract of •c(described as"CLUBHOUSE TRACT (REVISION), 170,183 sq. ft.,3.91 acres+/-"as said tract is shown on that map recorded in Map Cabinet 34, Page 501 of the Brunswick County Registry, reference to which map is hereby made for a more particular description. SUBJECT TO the Ma t.r Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek recorded in Book 2324, Page 11` "of the Brwi swick County Registry and all amendments thereto; all easements, rights . ay e�n�d res�i`� g record; all governmental land use statutes,ordinances and regul, ns, inclu'l3' zoning, su,1t and building regulations; and ad valorem taxes for the current and subsequears. 81813 4, IIII 91187 P059llnsfi 34000a JA ulek County, C ster of Deeds page 2 of 2 The Property described herein is hereby designated as Common Area pursuant to the provisions of the Declaration, and shall be for the sole and exclusive use of the and benefit of the Members of the GRANTEE, and shall hereafter be maintained at GRANTEE'S expense for the benefit of its Members. �E ikor TO HAVE AND HOED the a 1avpjfi�and described Property, together with all and singular, the rigs' „, privilege eents, tenet and appurtenances thereunto belonging,or in anywise appertaining unto the mTEE,its successors and assigns,in fee simple, forever. AND THE GRANTOR, for itself and its successors and assigns,does covenant to and with the said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, that it is seized in fee of the above granted and described Property; that��$ as good right to sell and convey the same in fee simple; that the same is free and clear fro .� ny and all fictions, easements or encumbrances except those mentioned above; and th.op'will .q I its succ W?';N,+tissigns shall warrant and defend the title to the same against th�?.wful clain' ;+d demands of: nd all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said GRANTOR has hereunto set its hand as of the day and year first above written. ‘�` XDV,INC. - thsli-f-/-"Weil•Zi- NA E: Diane Stewart TITLE:Vice President STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF "" Q (County where acknow ment tak '`-.A1L•" a ��� % I _ll� , a Notary Public in and for [eii. t arov r County, North Carolina, certify that Diane Stewart personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Vice President of XDV,INC., a North Carolina corporation,and that .y authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signedNts name by its Vice President. WITNESS myth- and o`'�. al seal thrs� 4r o, of Cjintich ,2008. 41-UAlt ``etuuuupprirr Not Public My commission expires: x ires: *EST J. - �-4.017 ` ... vti.` � Q � �. 1 tot v = Ebihy :::,.,1,0, ,o :,,," i.- 4,-R,p;,.,_ lfittab I te HO . c � E �,' zeo 8 18 13 IIi 1 Divr) `‘t -\ f 1 II 1 2 ! _. g _ N M E ? sZ N Q s664/. , ,1 ,,, _ niv oo a& u— o< -I 0‹ q tr) ,0 1 1 11 $/ IS =aA , Ii2 .4 m o JiI(312 ngi A § IIb 0:S.:;:o"-".4°Qi)g g • .i 11 °� 7'j it. 215 1 itil2 /I 1-- WI NH 1 ill E . p4 0 3 -_-_ . - ill! -6 I r, 1 pil f-. --.7— IPIN IS • J' I7:: r /v 2 i / ;w4. 2 / / / SITqO ` \ a i9%F/ / N '4,51• • j -� i/ .r I / 4 lh j1 / " / '�\:"- ...///r....-175.3..cit; „zr li / E / .344V �r0 i KZ ---- I__4(Ili !, r!/ I v ' ` Ili ro ` s, il w r t I ' it . ; Wj ; i `-•` ;j ,. / , N /, , ` �, v1 1 k 1 1'76 <` 1 [1 �3. Qom\ \\\\ /• a �` �' ,/.., `\,\`\\ // u /�> �'. / \ '�\ / / i ,\ \ \ I G�}{� \ ?_ e 4 111�V II II I 1111111 11111 IME P56s m ill:9mea Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page I of 4 s, "51:1;1:;..cli.24(13—____...,73.1404._________7 ::_,, -..eiE---._ - tiF�� Total - � L�JM SS C:cch � � .....--- ---• Finance of vivid ❑Doeumtit::..•.,....,.::,.•.-'—i,;•o'ginal irtstmrze r,u•.........,. „ _.'.:d Or copied. WARRANTY DEED WE PREPARED THE DEED IN THIS•y�NSACTIX4T WE MADE NO EXAMINATION OF TITLE TO THE PROPERTY AND j F'XPRESS N ct ON TITLE TO THE PROPERTY. Prepared b>`�MURCHIS,�''%�„:YLOR,&GIB � ,P.L.L.C. 16 North Fifth Avenue, 'ilmington,NC 28401 '4.41)' NORTH CAROLINA PARCEL: BRUNSWICK COUNTY REVENUE STAMPS: $0.00 ..'7 r''' P� THIS WARRA;,<' DE',I, made' raft_ day of OurmFja_r , 2008, by 0 and between XDV, Inc., a Carolin'•.i.oration (" .,. CCU p OR"), and Palmetto Creek POA, Inc., whose address is Post Office : ± fir 1967, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ("GRANTEE"). The designation"Grantor"and"Grantee"as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by the context. WI • ESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, G' -' aR ' the ggGiiitriaed in the Master Declaration of Protective Covenants For Pal< o Creek ' ,,, G in Book 'image 1195,Brunswick County Registry(as heretofore or hereafter amended fro`'n<, e to time,the"Declaration"); AND WHEREAS, the Declaration provides that the Declarant may convey to the GRANTEE fee simple title to any of the property subject to the Declaration, whereupon the GRANTEE shall accept such property and thereafter shall maintain such property as Common Area at its expense for the benefit • is Members, subject to any restrictions set forth in the Declaration and in the deed. l ti AND WHER �.��,G desires to 1 r+=t� the GRANTEE the Property described herein; NOW THEREFORE, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and for other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,has bargained and sold,and by these presents does hereby bargain, sell and convey unto G' and its successors and assigns forever, in fee simple, all that certain real property and appurtnces thereto,located in Brunswick County,North Carolina, as described in Exhibit A he.=i'., to ether Aafirt1t2fLuctures, buildings, parking areas, landscaping, fixtures and othe"' prove placed, coA•sfartrh installed or situated on such property(collectively,the"Prbl5erty"): SUBJECT TO the Master Declaration of Protective Covenants for Palmetto Creek recorded in Book 2324, Page 1195 of the Brunswick County Registry and all amendments thereto; all easements, rights of way and restrictions of record; all governmental land use statutes,ordinances and regulations,i ,,luding zoning,subdivision and building regulations; and ad valorem taxes for the current and,j .sequent years. The Property de 4 .ed her( is hereby� Common Area pursuant to the provisions of the Declaration,'%%shall be jo'oitsole and exclusi a use of the and benefit of the 81813.3 Ule Q ��� III � l II IIIIII z86l P0570 ,i2t03_22000 004 arwicknty, NC 'mister of Raids a emmona page 2 of 4 Members of the GRANTEE, and shall hereafter be maintained at GRANTEE's expense for the benefit of its Members. TO HAVE AND TO a LD the above granted and described Property, together with all and singular, the rights, tg ileges, Cas ents, tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging,or in anywise appertai•c unto a G ccessors and assigns,in fee simple, forever. �a s b AND THE GRANTOR,for itself and its successors and assigns,does covenant to and with the said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, that it is seized in fee of the above granted and described Property;that it has good right to sell and convey the same in fee simple; that the same is free and clear from any and all restrictions,easements or encumbrances except those mentioned above; and that it w4-+and its successors and assigns shall warrant and defend the title to the same against the law ?'claims and demands of any and all persons whomsoever. �:- Q IN WITNESS �:.' REO , said GRR• T''•'Ft; s hereunto set its hand as of the day and year first above w%ten. XDV,INC. �4,- BY: C'. J) NAIf Aer' C.G. dm ,�,�'� LE: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF $&/i1/S0)/LjfC (County where acknowledgment taken) I, • � Notary Public in and for ML•i!/ h tii/Djit2 4 Coun orth Carolina,cehifty that RDBEATC.G.exam personally came before me this and acknowledged that he/she is p_Aw-s ri6tI7" of XDV, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation,the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its IJpES/DtjCr vde WITNESS my hand :,?official seal this /9 day of 0.44/,2008. • Si‘ 4� ,s�, (,t' � GL.Q�4 r'. �'��•� Notary - blic My commission expires: 4 QZ*-Atr/aZ nlxnN„ "M. 9TF t "PAs ,ti• •TARY 1 :;?- PU:LIC fc i mneD Jc %, H., D 4,,4hg110,,,,, l<,ti 81813.3 .(°1GvQN'1i1fnii!niii BZ861 P05]172.2s-z°°B 4 11%411111I1111IIJII nsuick County, NC Reis er of Deeds Ctae�nona q page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT A Tract 1: BEING all of that property show ~ `Commo rea/Stormwater Pond 302,729 sq.ft.,6.95 Acres±"on that map entitled"P f� etto reek o v=G+r':1U ' Common Area/Stormwater Pond 302,729 sq.ft., 6.95 Acres±'"`�orded in Cabinet 34�' 68 in the Brunswick County Registry,reference to said map is hereby made a more particular description. (Tax Parcel# 185FA00103) Tract 2: BEING all of that property shown as'� ommon Area 19,317 sq.ft.,0.44 Acres±"on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek of the Car:‘, as Sectio%9ne"recorded in Map Cabinet 34,Page 305 in the Brunswick County Registry; . that .ropertg1 "Common Area 24,764 sq.ft.,0.57 Acres±"on that map entitled��r'almetto t^p f-k of the Ca 'iliftjction One"recorded in Map Cabinet 34, Page 306 in the Erunswick Cou'':,;,,Registry, references to said maps are hereby made for more particular descriptions; LESS AND EXCEPTING all of that property described in Book 2787 Page 0595 of the Brunswick County Registry. (Tax Parcel#185FA00101) Tract 3: 1F~ BEING all of that property sho). as "Comm& ° 5,119 sq. ft.,2.64 Acres ±" on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek�z`i e Car s Section Lied in Map Cabinet 34,Page 371 in the Brunswick Cou '1 Registry, re tce to said map is hereby made for a more particular description. (Tax Parcel#185CB00106) Tract 4: BEING all of that property shown .:Common Area 94,355 sq.ft,2.17 Acres±,""Common Area 4,243 Sq. ft.,0.10 Acres �`nd"Comm$ °12,413 sq.ft., 0.28 Acres±" on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek •,� e C ' as Section?ceded in Map Cabinet 34,Page 370 in the Brunswick Court� Registry, re nce to said map is hereby made for a more particular description. (Tax Parcel#185CB00104,Tax Parcel#185CB00103,Tax Parcel#185CB00105) Tract 5: BEING all of that property shown : " ommon Area 34,196 sq.ft.,0.79 Acres±"on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek of the C : linas Section recorded in Map Cabinet 34, Page 369 in the Brunswick County Reg , referte to sai may made for a more particular description. 4 `U kko (Tax Parcel#185 CB 00102) Tract 6: BEING all of that property shown as "Common Area 9,917 sq. ft., 0.23 Acres ±" and "Common Area 4,413 sq. ft., 0.1 J cres ±" on that map entitled "Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Two "A"" rec. s d in Map tJi 34, Page 333 in the Brunswick County Registry,reference to said map,4;. ..a de for a laz description. (Tax Parcel#185CA00101) . � 1 J Tract 7: BEING all of that property shown as "Common Area Stormwater Pond 29,883 sq. ft., 0.69 Acres±"on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Three"recorded in Map Cabinet 35,Page 113 in the Brunsw',' County Registry,reference to said map is hereby made for a more particular description. l ti (Tax Parcel#185BB00104) $ Q�- 81813.3 / •.) "tqa 111I11110111111111111E111 828fi1 P05 emmm2l3'200e ,1 07 22 000 Brunswick ounty, NC Regis sr of Deeds• page 4 of 4 Tract 8: BEING all of that property shown as"Common Area 14,766 sq.ft,0.34 Acres±"on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek of the Caro tip"s Section Three"recorded in Map Cabinet 35,Page 112 in the Brunswick County Registry\ slid-- erence to map is hereby made for a more particular description. �� ©l 1 (Tax Parcel#185BB00101) J�' rk0f D Tract 9: BEING all of that property shown as "Common Area 6,162 sq. ft. 0.14 Acres t" and "Common Area 21,298 sq. ft., 0.49 Acres ±" on that map entitled "Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Three" recorded is 0 ap Cabinet 35, Pages 112 and 113 in the Brunswick County Registry,# 5BB0e reference to said . is hereby,Nee for a more particular description. (Tax Tract 10: 4� /sO BEING all of that property shown as "Common Area 34,147 sq, ft. 0.78 Acres ±" and "Common Area 19,278 sq. ft. 0.44 Acres t" on that map entitled "Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Three" recorded in Map Cabinet 35, Pages 112 and 113 in the Brunswick County Registry,reference to said ma sue. hereby made for a more particular description. (Tax Parcel#185BB00103) `st Tract 11: J ' NR- Zept :, BEING all of that property shown as"Common Area 65,252 sq.ft.,1.50 Acres±"on that map entitled "Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Two (Revision) Lots 116R Thru 118R and Lots 125R-127R" recorded in Map Cabinet 34 Page 476 in the Brunswick County Registry, reference to said map is hereby made for a more particular description. (Tax Parcel#185BA00104) �,: Tract 12: op' CU1�Q�Q o Zeg BEING all of that property slit vn as"Com rea 75,009 sq.tt.,1.72 Acres±"on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section .wo"recorded in Map Cabinet 34 Page 245 in the Brunswick County Registry, reference to said map is hereby made for a more particular description. (Tax Parcel#185BA00103) Tract 13: ,;', BEING all of that property sho :��as"C a! on ArreaE 7 ,0.38 Acres±,""Common Area 52,237 sq.ft., 1.20 Ac; ±" and"Co— on Area 30,�61 tq.ft.,0.70 Acres±"on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas S-°'ion Two"recorded in Map Cabinet 34,Pages 235,236 and 237 in the Brunswick County Registry,reference to said map is hereby made for a more particular description. (Tax Parcel#185BA00102) Tract 14: ,., �tiE BEING all of that property sho,4,'on"C F.,A r,:mon Are - 1 R, t.,0.30 Acres±"on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek oft ? arolinas S 'i, Two"reco se, Map Cabinet 34,Page 235; that property shown as "Common Area 19,1.Itbsq. ft., 0.44 Acres ±" on that map entitled "Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Two"recorded in Map Cabinet 34,Page 242;and that property shown as"Common Area 41,362 sq.ft.,0.95 Acre±"on that map entitled"Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas Section Two" recorded in Map Cabinet 34, Page 243, all in the Brunswick County,references to said maps are hereby made for more particular descriptions. (Tax Parcel#185BA00101) s, ti 4r- J 81813.3 111 1 la - illig A VII 1 t ,,, 2 it 1 t .A �� f® �� ��'� �� a qp U z.d'. cla `.. 11 k o1 III 411 8; 1 1/ Pi E 2ri 2 2-1 0 f 9 1 p , 1p4AY g £ i$igii IhIg{gIgg,F'-R�AI ¢lE Z PliMg 9 t![ii'fw f 4 e �0i 11W .-5 s� i dighi!rI diE , u o E1 11 [[[[5555 , a 9 Ob N,1�b5, '/,, ix2` �j ` 1i v.V' 1� 1R v` .4.°%% 11 tri 1 ' ir L' 1 ' i 14 „:--, .- i ' A b i :+0 0 wealli !g 1 4 1115 'Ai§ 1 as qti a� 1 1 I " ( r -- til 1 rA PA\ @I- g ., a \ -/ til/-„il-_ iI , i ,, / v 4 %I 10000,/�A-N, � .�� ; to i to g L 2 � ,91 . . ,_ , ' . I h. IN/7 ......) ::'.." ,......_"----:;..... ---,..y4 of \-"\ lir ' ''' ‘" ...fer..----',....-'3.... S o'N 2 \1 i\ \ O , / N ox ,n , 8...„ � ,„ , __A 1 1 /i t,\ \ '�' � st \''/' ML2.r,,,ax 75.0 ,.f -/ i. 1\. SA \ \ \ lilt \\� ��"'IUn, /% a �'sci4 � � 1. \WM\ / i/ I. go N i : ,:eg gill oi Pr / , /. r ` \`\ / — /- ifi'& H: (3 ..--- :yr:: /1":, ---1 illI `ill i �- --�- � �� X N I 4; it f ! if ii 11. A m il g �I�G'd nF° ttH. 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Ross Jr., Secretary July 19, 2005 LETTER OF RECEIPT OF REVISED EROSION CONTROL PLAN XDV, Inc. Mr. Bert Exum, President PO Box 1967 �f Wilmington, NC 28402 V RE: Project Name: Palmetto Creek of the Carolinas /ti) Project ID: Bruns-2005-230 �JJ County: Brunswick River Basin: Lumber Submitted By: Coastal Land Design, PLLC Date Received by LQS: July 18, 2005 Plan Type: REVISED Dear Mr. Exum: This office has received the revised soil erosion and sediment control plan submitted for the project listed above. G.S. 113A-54.1(a)requires that this office approve or disapprove a submitted revised plan within 15 days of receipt of such plan. Failure to act by this office within this time period shall be deemed approval of the revised plan. Commencement or continuation of a land-disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act. The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicant's compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations and rules. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, C J- ( • - Todd C. Walton Land Quality Section cc: Jeffrey B. Petroff, PE, Coastal Land Design, PLLC LQS-WiRO; SWS-WiRO Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 28450 Phone: 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-350-2004