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SW8950109_Historical File_19950509
,; ao State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B.Hunt,Jr.,Govenior DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B.Howes,Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager May 9, 1995 Mr. Clu-is Stephens,Vice President Landmark Organization Post Office Box 4127 Wilmington, North Carolina 28406 Subject: CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE with Stormwater Regulations Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 Georgetown Estates New Hanover County Dear Mr. Stephens: Tliis Certification is pursuant to (:lie application for Georgetown Estates received on January 17, 1995, with additional information received on May 2, 1995. Staff review of die project plans and specifications has determined that the stormwater control system as proposed for Georgetown Estates will comply with die Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 21-1.1003(i). The runoff from 1,764,218 square feet of built-upon area, including 251 lots @4,100 square feet per lot will be treated in a detention pond sized to achieve 90%reduction in Total Suspended Solids. Any modification of die plans submitted to and approved by this Office or furdier development of this site regardless of the fact that the modification may be less than 1 acre, will require an additional Stormwater Submittal/Modification and approval prior to initiation of construction. Modifications include but are not limited to; project name changes, transfer of ownership, redesign of built-upon surfaces, addition of built-upon surfaces,redesign or further subdivision of the project area. Tliis Certification shall be effective from die date of issuance until rescinded. The project shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with die plans and specifications approved by the Wilmington Regional Office. This Certification does not supersede any odier permit or approval. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project. This could include die Division of Coastal Management under CAMA requirements, die Division of Environmental Management under Wetland 401 Water Quality Certification and/or a Dredge and Fill Permit and/or a Sewer Extension/Collection Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Wetland Permit, NPDES Stormwater Permit if disturbing five acres or more, local County or Town Agency permits under their local ordinances, or others tliat may be required. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,N.C.28405-3845 •Telephone 910-395-3900• Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal OpporwmLy Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Stephens May 9, 1995 Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 A professional engineer must certify that the stormwater system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications upon completion of construction. The attached certification should be received by this Office within 30 days of completion of construction. The detention ponds must be constructed in their entirety, operational for their intended use, and permanently vegetated prior to the construction of any impervious surfaces proposed as a part of the project, exceptroads. Deed restrictions must be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds. A copy of the recorded restrictions,including the built-upon area per lot,must be forwarded to dis Office within 30 days of the date of recording, and prior to the selling of any lots in the subdivision. Failure to record and/or submit die deed restrictions is considered a violation of tlis Certification. If you have any questions concerning this matter,please call Ms. Linda Lewis or me at(910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/arl:S:\WQS\STORMWAT\CERTIFIC\950109.MAY cc: Mark Veenstra, P.E. Alan Golden, New Hanover County Inspections Bradley Bennett Beth Easley, New Hanover County Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT DATA Project Name: Georgetown Estates Project Number: SW8 950109 Location: New Hanover County Applicant: Mr. Chris Stephens,Vice President Mailing Address: Landmark Organization Post Office Box 4127 Wilmington, North Carolina 28406 Submittal Date: January 17, 1995 Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff. UT Barnards Creek Classification of Water Body: "C SW' If Class SA, chloride sampling results: N/A Pond Depth: 7.5 feet Permanent Pool Elevation: 14.5 MSL Total Impervious Surfaces Allowed: 4,100 square feet Offsite Area entering Pond: N/A square feet Green Area entering Pond: 3,782,430 square feet Required Surface Area: 47,098 square feet Provided Surface Area: 47,273 square feet Required Storage Volume: 207,083 cubic feet Provided Storage Volume: 227,534 cubic feet Temporary Storage Elevation: 18.5 MSL Controlling Orifice Type/Diameter: pipe WET DETENTION POND EVALUATION 1.YesNoThe design storage is for the runoff from all impervious surfaces resulting from 1-inch of rainfall and is located above die permanent pool. 2.YesNoThe permanent pool is designed for 9096 total suspended solid (TSS) removal. Therefore, no vegetative filter is required. 3.YesNoThe runoff completely draws down to die permanent pool in 5 days,but not less dian 2 days. 4.YesNoThe mean depth of the permanent pool is a minimum of 3 feet. 5.YesNoThe inlet structure is designed to minimize turbulence and short circuiting. 6.YesNoAn appropriate operation and maintenance plan lhas been provided for die system. 7.YesNoTHIS PROJECT MEETS THE STORMWATER CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF 15A NCAC 2H.1003 (g), (i), (k), and (1) (For Yes, 1 dhrough 7 must all be highlighted Yes.) Brief Explanation: Tlhis detention pond is designed to remove 9096 total suspended solids widhout die aide of a vegetative filter. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SIGN-OFF Wilmington Regional Office ----------------- --------------------------------- Date Individual Evaluating Form/Plans ----------------- --------------------------------- Date Regional Water Quality Supervisor cc: Applicant/Bradley Bennett/arl/WiRO/CF Georgetown Estates New Hanover County Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 Engineers Certification I, ---------------------------------, as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Project) for _______________(Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of die approved plans and specifications. Signature------------------------------------ Registration Number __________ Date----------------------------------------- r--t MAY 0 Z 1995 MICKJM&cf� May 1, 1995 M&C0383.0031(42) Ms. Linda Lewis ENGINEERS NCDEHNR/DEM Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension SURVEYORS Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 ARCHITECTS RE: Georgetowne Subdivision PLANNERS Project No. SW8 950109 Dear Linda: In response to your review letter of April 20, 1995, we offer the following: 1) You were correct in your planimeter reading of 46,493 SF. We have revised our plans to show the permanent pool at 14.5 which makes the surface area at 47,273 SF which is greater than the 47,254 SF required. The storage contour is now 18.5. We have enclosed three (3) copies of revised plan Sheets ER-1, C-15 and D-4 the outlet structure. We have revised our storage calculations and orifice calculations and have enclosed one (1) copy of these. Sincerely, McKIM & CREED ENGINEERS, P.A. Mark A. Veenstra, P.E. Project Manager bbs � - PC: Margaret Gray IS 243 NORTH FRONT STREET D E V 0 ►/ OD WILMINGTON,NC 28401 !s1AY 0 ?�y�1995 910/343-1048 D E M FAX 910/251-8282 rxp� a� State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager April 20, 1995 Mr. Mark Veenstra, P.E. McKim and Creed 243 North Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 Georgetown Subdivision New Hanover County Dear Mr. Veenstra: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information for the Georgetown Subdivision on April 7, 1995. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. I am confused. One page of the calculations indicates that 47,254 square feet of surface area is required at the permanent pool and 47,899 square feet is being provided. The next page (volume calculation) shows that the surface area provided at 14 is only 46,493 square feet. I am able to planimeter that much and no more, so your surface area is now deficient by 1400 square feet. Please revise. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to May 20, 1995, or the submittal will be returned as incomplete. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\950109.APR cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C.28405-3845 •Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Jr V 1 cKIN4&CREED April 6, 1995 M&C0383-0031.OW(42) Ms. Linda Lewis ENGINEERS State of North Carolina, Dept. of Environmental Health and Natural Resources ; n W; SURVEYORS Division of Environmental Management ARCHITECTS 127 Cardinal Drive Extension D u U Wilmington NC 28405 LM PLANNERS RE: Georgetowne Subdivision APR 0 7 1995 Project No. SW8 95019 D E IV] 7 Dear Ms. Lewis: "Ro1 __ We are in receipt of your review letter dated March 28, 1995 and offer the following comments. The numbers below correspond to the comment numbers in your letter. 1. We appreciate your checklist and I believe we have included all the information listed in our submittal and/or in our responses to the review letters. 2. We have revised our pond calculations to account for 1" of runoff from the Green Areas as well as impervious areas. As such our new storage contour is elevation 18 and we have revised our outlet detail to have a top elevation of 18. Please see Sheet D4 for the revision to the outlet box. 3. We have revised our calculations to account for 1" runoff from the Green Areas as well as the impervious areas. These numbers match up to the composite "C" of .45 for the project. Please see the revised calculations sheets for the new runoff and volume calculations. 4. As stated in Item No. 3 above we have revised our calculations to include 1" of runoff from the Green Areas as well as impervious surfaces. Our revised storage contour is at elevation 18. We have shown the surface 243 NORTH FRONT STREET area at the storage contour of 18 as well as at the permanent pool of elevation 14 in our revised calculations. WILMINGTON,NC 28401 With our permanent pool of 14 and a storage contour of 18 we have used 940/343-4048 an average Head of 2' in calculating our orifice size. The revised orifice size is 4" and has a drawdown of 4.3 days. Please see sheets C15, D4 FAX 910/251-8282 and our revised calculations for details on these changes. Linda Lewis Page 2 5. We have revised our calculations to account for the Green Area runoff. As such our new permanent pool is elevation 14 and our new storage contour is elevation 18. We have also recalculated the orifice size as 4" with an average Head of 2' and a drawdown time of 4.3 days. Please see sheets C15 and D4 and the revised calculations for details. 6. We have added to sheet C15 the notation of the permanent pool contour of 14 and the storage contour of 18. We have also added to the revised calculations the surface area at these two contours to aid in the verification of the storage volume. 7. We have enclosed two copies each of revised sheets C-15, D-4 and two copies of our revised calculations. 8. We have enclosed two copies of the notarized operations and maintenance plans signed by Margaret Gray. Sincerely, McKIM & CREED ENGINEERS, P.A. Mark A. Veenstra Project Manager /vwh cc: Margaret Gray - Landmark McK M&CREED �5rA7p Q, A y.ae m. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager March 28, 1995 Mr. Mark Veenstra, P.E. McKim and Creed 243 North Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 Georgetowne Subdivision New Hanover County Dear Mr. Veenstra: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information for Georgetowne Subdivision on March 15, 1995. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please let me briefly review what the State is looking for as far as detention pond submittals are concerned: a. The drainage area to the pond. b. A breakdown of the impervious areas: B/U per lot, roads, buildings, future areas, etc. C. The pond depth, TSS chart used, and overall percent impervious. d. The required surface area, and the surface area actually provided on the plans. e. The green areas that drain to the pond. f. The surface area provided on the plans at the 1" design pool contour. g. The elevations of the bottom, permanent pool, design pool, and top of bank of the pond. h. The volume from 1" of rain from all surfaces that drain to the pond. i. The actual pond volume between the permanent pool and the design pool contours. j. The orifice size based on average head, and the actual pond volume provided. k. Plans and details that accurately reflect the calculated requirements. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 •Telephone 910-395-3900 0 Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Veenstra March 28, 1995 Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 ---------------------------------------------- 2. The outlet structure detail shows a top elevation of 19, but you have shown 17 on the plans as your storage contour. In order to do this, you must either revise the top of the outlet structure to 17, or provide a means for the.runoff volume to escape the pond at elevation 17. 3. In calculating the required volume to store, you have again not included the green areas. On the unnumbered sheet in front of page 1 of 2, you have calculated an overall impervious area equivalent of 45%, yet when you calculate the volume on page 2 of 2, you still use the 29.8%. Please revise this calculation and use the 45% figure calculated on the unnumbered page. 4. Referring to #1(i) and 0) above, my volume calculation, hence my orifice size, is based on the volume provided in the pond between elevations 14 and 19. That is why I suggested using 5' in your orifice calculation, but I left it up to you to notice that you had to use an average, not the full 5'. Since you have now submitted elevation 17 as your storage elevation, you must now use the average head of 3' of depth. The computer says that the volume provided in the pond between 14 and 17 is not enough to accomodate the calculated volume from the impervious surfaces and the green areas. . 5. The orifice size must be calculated using the actual volume that the pond as shown on the plans can hold between the permanent pool and the design pool, using the average head. Since you have now reduced the design pool elevation to 17, the average head will be 1.5'. Of course, you will need to revise 17 upwards to account for the deficient volume, and recalculate your orifice based on the new volume provided in the pond. 6. Please show in your calculations the surface areas associated with the permanent pool and storage pool contours as drawn on the plans. This will enable you and me to verify that the required volume you calculate is actually being provided in the pond. Your calculations provide only a list of the contours with their associated storage volumes. 7. Please provide two copies of revised sheets C-15 and.D-4. 8. Please have Ms. Gray's signature on the Operation and Maintenance plan notarized. Mr. Veenstra March 28, 1995 Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 ---------------------------------------------- Please note that this request for additional.information is in response to a review of previously requested information. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 28, 1995, or the submittal will be returned as incomplete. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\950109.MAR cc: (2) Linda Lewis Central Files 2 r ' C11,11 4 1'r� ; �I U' 1 i v GEORGETOWNE SUBDIVISION D U OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE D FOR MAR 1 5 1995 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM D. E M PROJ # 5W 8 cl56/D�( I. System Description and Operation: Georgetowne Subdivision is a single family residential subdivision located off NC 132 approximately 8,000 feet north of the intersection of NC 132 and US Highway 421 in New Hanover County. The development stormwater plan is based on a low density option with a total built-upon density of less than 30% stormwater is conveyed through the project by concrete curb and gutter and a piped storm drainage system. Runoff is then directed to a wet detention pond for treatment and then discharged off-site. II. Maintenance Requirements: Maintenance of the system components is necessary to the continued operability of the stormwater management facilities. The following are minimum requirements which the maintenance staff of the Homeowner's group will be required to follow to maintain the stormwater management system. 1. Monthly, or after every runoff producing rainfall event, whichever comes first: a. Inspect the trash rack; remove accumulated debris,repair/replace if it is not functioning. b. Inspect and clear the orifice of any obstructions. C. Inspect the pond side slopes and grassed inlet swales; remove trash, and repair eroded areas before the next rainfall event. 2. Quarterly: a. Inspect the collection system ( ie. catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. Accumulated trash will be cleared from basin grates, basin bottoms, and piping will be checked for obstructions and cleared as required. b. Pond inlet pipes will be checked for undercutting, rip rap or other energy dissipation structures will be replaced, and broken pipes will be repaired. 3. Semi-Annually: a. Accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure will be removed. DMcKU"&CREM b. The pond depth will be checked at various points. If depth is reduced to 75% of original design depth or 3 feet whichever is greater, sediment will be removed to at least the original design depth. 4. General: a. Mowing of the side slopes will be accomplished according to the season. Maximum grass height will be 6". b. Cattails are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however they will be removed when they cover more than 1/2 the surface area of the pond. C. The orifice/pump is designed to draw down the pond in 2-5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system will be checked for clogging. The source of the clogging will be found and eliminated. d. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. Repair or replacement components will meet the original design specifications as per the approved stormwater plan. 5. Deficiencies or inoperable conditions must be reported to the Homeowner's Representative of Georgetowne and/or the Project Engineer. If resolution to the deficiency can not be implemented within 15 days, notification shall be given to the Division of Environmental Management, Wilmington Regional Office, phone 395-3900. bbs SUBMITTED BY LANDMARK ORGANIZATION, INC. 51 4-/C�2 5 i nature ate P,rz 7)/ -- Title 4V MCK M&CREED rl A R 1 5—q 5 W E 11 1 0 Cl I r-1 L A H 11 rl A 910 350 OE-10 P. 01 Fax Tmisniiun-I L';AA N D R Organizat'On Inc Deliver To: Llh ------ c,owpany: 'rotAl Number of Pages. (Luc ,lu,jing Cover Sheet) Message: L ---------- 02.) If you do not receive all pages or have any problem call at 9191392-7201. 5022 Wrightsville Ave, @ P. 0. Box 4127 * Wilmington. N.C. 28406 (919) 392.7201 j'(-jOGopjc;! �s McKIN4&CREED March 13, 1995 M&C0383.0031(42) ENGINEERS Ms. Linda Lewis NCDEHNR/DEM Water Quality Section E 9 V SURVEYORS 127 Cardinal Drive Extension D Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 ARCHITECTS MAR 1 5 1995 PLANNERS RE: Georgetowne Subdivision D E SW8 950109 P$OJ Dear Linda: In response to your review letter of March 3, 1995, we offer the following comments: 1) We have enclosed a copy of the Operation and Maintenance Manual that has been signed by the Owner, Landmark Organization. 2) The information regarding the CP&L right-of-way agreement will be forwarded to your office directly from Landmark Organization. 3) We have corrected all the calculations to show an acreage of 135.6 acres. 4) We have revised the calculations to indicate 90% TSS removal at 7.5' depth. 5) We have revised Sheet C15 and D4 to show the orifice pipe to be 3". This reduction in pipe size results from a new "C" of .6 and an H of 5' as indicated in your comments. 6) Your statement about the "C" factors and the sub-drainage areas is correct. However, at the end of the pipe the total flow using our combination "C" 243 NORTH FRONT STREET factor is probably the same as assigning different combined factors to each subarea. In this case we felt it was not critical to pipe sizing to break each WILMINGTON,NC 28401 area down into Sub "C" factors. The pipe sizes were so large due to slope considerations that even with minor surcharging the pipes would handle 940/343-1048 almost 100% more than design flow. FAX 910/251-8282 7) We have enclosed a set of revised calculations for your review accounting for the green areas. 8) We have revised Sheet C15 to show the permanent pool and storage contour. 9) We have added these inverts to Sheet C15. 10) We have enclosed three (3) sealed sets of the requested prints. If you have questions please contact us. Sincerely, McKIM & CREED ENGINEERS, P.A. Mark A. Veenstra, P.E. Project Manager bbs PC: Margaret Gray/Landmark ��M�IQM � rd o+ { ( I o a �i� � � � r►' 1 Qj If D LID t0 P Q� I `-� i.il S, H C I 1 �J r .^_� , L W a- LID 9 1 I I 'i !Iq X J I I c:r 14 IC a Olt J UJ M 10 LLB !r I I rzu y 7 C Qj LU O C? I x C g � � gn _ c W C G ElW 4 y V � i I I ., ! al• u 1 tY e I I v r y , ro �, ° W w °w g j - z `- c a m = � x A a 7CO La c W - .. CD sl'1 y I �I l i ry y y •� y . � v � �:i � s: � � a� u � I 1 ro - � h. � ,,, - .. v r r � 'tip., � a• c I f a s 0 �' i o• } o ecc 11 "� .:a i kt a c y ;u 4 h "' a F.y 4 m C ' -'-G•G r y CO L CA y w a I O Z N I • -..�.� ��• Ui E+ ! ;.�S}-Tkw -rs'x 15H s! �+ � i. i . CFI `oga}2 •t'�� 2 y Ar . pp _ 7 e 3 s = E a` L C,", i2 >.E a i l• i ��33'3 E L _z .= 'n 'i* C c 7,. �' p, �/r r!I d �3+ ii Yr.G2c s ilc- .:a •c ` � E� '•lEwsws -ga s3 IS It •F da s �9 t.7 �.: 'U �i� �_!_- cX o "+ ] ! .0 ,! 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Cil �I R ¢F W7 U G) N C 1 C 11 r-' rG r••1 is r E 6} L': {J7 `0 67 Ql R1 '0 �fJ r; C w •rl '1J rG 'y .�. ; uJ N ,-+ 4) .0 v cC :a is • Ln cn � rn 0-� ---1 -rl G -a �I rt5 L5 ,J as sC �? '� • + -� cc C. T � r^l ra 0 raw -4 � a7 W r+ r^ y, - " r-} .� ,: r1 rnMwU � Nri-• ; '� rtla1T1c-' '� V c 3 cE- rE, t1 fr Zy+ W 'G r1 � E � Fj 4 r In LL (D 0 Cy t} Co C7 to 0 I115 r 4v �• � ;,� y 1.7 tI$ v W v w E- T-' 4) :5 W .a a� Q 0 t� N C rvS m 0 y 0 .^, 0) [F -'I v m U Ln 0 Ca 41 rz 0 0 J ai � co � kD13 �' 0 Mrl s'S t17 ri rn 0 rl} i w k.4 cQ rA :x. 0 m w G �+ T IVW '� r� R1 r6 rak � �1 V la -Li 0 O to Q9 W fir, v v �} .+J f6 •.1 ..: u f6 0 r+ 0 v '►i r '� N 0,ua m W Z 4-4 ro ru Lr) M' 0 Ut �!} a+ to Ct. v a) Ln y ' } 0 U a3 v j 41 qvj U �4 5i :s 1.1CO 0 { [J] Cit rtS Q Cq 0 4) ail ywmv ,n D r� `» t„� , 0 l P rq 0 0 m � 6 m lY N U r 1J CV '�4 C3 _t� � 0 � w 5+ rw v W 44 M 4ra ca d} ` ' 0 _ m m 'C7 � ^3 -d o J ACC _ � ti+. s m � r O f} c0 m D7 r U r N O � hi 4•4 -ri t.D v O �0 co -4 E-+ N ) G EE to W M m q •A yy LW .� dko 0 ; @ ;5 � -H N 0 0 C5 0 w Q! � k� ? �} H ..d-ri V' aj rtl W r+ —4 •Fi fsl 0 i m"C *� "G F rk rf: 4.4 N i IY t i d ��a State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager March 3, 1995 Mr. Mark Veenstra, P.E. McKim and Creed Engineers 243 North Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 Georgetown New Hanover County Dear Mr. Veenstra: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information for Georgetowne on February 28, 1995. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The Operation and Maintenance plan must be signed by the owner, not the engineer. If you wish to sign for the owner, you must produce a document signed and notarized by the owner granting you signatory authority. The submittal form only recognizes McKim and Creed as the engineer on the project and authorized to submit plans on the owner's behalf, not to sign for him. 2. I want to clarify that you have use of the CP & L right-of-way for placement of the ponds and that Landmark does indeed own the land and has sole rights over the use of that land. This Office is looking for assurances that CP & L cannot cause the ponds to be filled in, altered, or permanently disabled, and that no restrictions exist on the use of the right-of- way, or that if restrictions do exist, that CP & L agrees to the siting of the ponds within the right-of-way. 3. There are numerous site areas reported in various places. The calculations report an area of 135.6 acres and a drainage area of 133 acres. The plan sheet reports 136 acres in the project. Your calculations are based on 135.6 acres, not 133 acres. Please clarify. Do these figures include the CP & L right-of-way? If you are going to use 133 acres as the drainage area, please delineate the 133 acres. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Veenstra March 3, 1995 Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 ---------------------------------------------- 4. Please report in the calculations, the TSS removal rate chart you used, and the pond depth you used. 5. The orifice is calculated as 6", but is shown on the section view of the outlet structure detail as 12". Please revise. Additionally, the orifice equation you used shows the height, h, as 0.5', but you calculated a height of 5'. This will decrease the orifice size, however, when you account for your green area, (see #7 below), your volume will increase, and the 6" you provided should be sufficient. Please recalculate the orifice using the correct height. Also, the coefficient of discharge, 0.5, for the orifice seems too small. My reference books do not show any Cd less than 0.59. Please provide your reference for using 0.5. 6. You have multiplied your site area by your percent impervious to arrive at volume. I was always taught that C�-factors were assigned to the various surfaces that made up a drainage area and a flow rate and a volume are derived from that combined C factor. The C-factor for this subdivision is somewhere in the neighborhood of .42, based on 1,764,218 square feet of impervious area and 3,782,430 square feet of green area. Please revise. 7. Again, you have not considered the volume generated by the green areas that drain to this pond. Please include them in your volume calculations, and revise. The pond you have provided is adequate, despite the errors in calculation. 8. Please label the permanent pool contour. Please draw in and label the storage contour. Please dimension all three ponds, and label the radii. 9. Please label the inverts of the 54" pipes that connect the 3 ponds. 10. Please provide three sealed sets of the site plan, drainage plan, pond contour plan (sheet C15) detail sheet D4, and road detail sheet. Additional sets of profiles are not necessary. Mr. Veenstra March 3, 1995 Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 ---------------------------------------------- Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 3, 1995, or the submittal will be returned as incomplete. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\950109.MAR cc: (2) Linda Lewis Central Files b7777 F E B Z 1995 McKM&C11;TM------------------------- k + i t 4 y February 24, 1995 '%mt7i lvi& �$3003 (42)1 U` EC EIE Mr. Greg Stutts ENGINEERS NCDEHNR/DEM 127 Cardinal Drive Extension ` ��5 SURVEYORS Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 LI f. 114 P'ROJ 5GU 8 95010 q ARCHITECTS RE: Georgetown Subdivision - Review Comments PLANNERS Project SW8 950109 Dear Mr. Stutts: In response to your review letter of February 14, 1995 we offer the following: 1) We have included a revised submittal form showing McKim & Creed as the authorized firm. We have enclosed three (3) copies. 2) We have revised our calculations to show a breakdown of the impervious area. We have also sealed the calculations. We have enclosed three (3) more legible copies. 3) We have signed and notarized the Operation and Maintenance plans. Enclosed are three (3) copies. 4) The only offsite drainage that runs across the property is at the culvert pipe near the first cul-de-sacs. This sto_rmw.aUe�r by assin the ondss_and no road drainage for this project is tied into this culvert. The project is ditched on all sides and practically no offsite drainage enters the project. 5) We have enclosed a boundary map showing that the CP&L right-of-way is actually within the property purchased by Landmark. It is not a separate tract controlled by CP&L. Also enclosed is the deeds to the property. 243 NORTH FRONT STREET Sincerely, WILMINGTON,NC 28401 McKIM & CREED ENGINEERS, P.A. 910/343-1048 Mark A. Veenstra, P.E.� '' FAX 910/251-8282 bbs PC: Margaret Gray/Landmark State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Regional Manager February 14, 1995 Mr. Mark Veenstra, P.E. McKim & Creed Engineers, P.A. 243 North Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 Georgetowne Subdivision New Hanover County Dear Mr. Veenstra: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Submittal for the Georgetowne Subdivision on January 17, 1995. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. A properly completed Submittal Form - The "CERTIFICATION" section on the reverse side of the form you sent should list McKim & Creed as the authorized firm rather than Landmark Developers 2. The calculations you sent were not legible nor sealed - Please provide a readable set of sealed calculations and include a breakdown of the impervious coverage to reflect the individual roadway runs and areas, etc. 3. Operation and Maintenance Plan for the stormwater controls should be signed and notarized 4. The provided specifications and calculations apparently do not account for any offsite drainage onto the subject tract or drainage from the green areas within the project. Please address these factors in your resubmitted calculations and design specifications. 5. Please provide a legal document which highlights the status of the adjacent CP&L tract that you have included in your project area and selected for the placement of the stormwater ponds. This document should show that Landmark Organization, Inc. has the legal use and control of this land in perpetuity. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Veenstra February 14, 1995 Stormwater Project No. SW8 950109 ----------------------------------------- Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to March 14, 1995, or the submittal will be returned as incomplete. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Greg tutts Environmental Technician V DA/ges: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\950109.FEB cc: Mr. W. Christopher Stephens, Landmark Organization, Inc. (2) Greg Stutts Central Files 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 2 From: Landmark Developers, Inc. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 5022 Wrightsville Avenue PO Box 4127(28406) DATE: JOB NO: Wilmington,North Carolina 28403 919/392-7201 ATTENTION: Linda Lewis To: NCDEHNR/DEM RE: New Hanover County Agency Review Requirements (Hand Deliver) WE ARE SENDING YOU X]Attached C�Under Separate Cover Via the following items: Shop Drawings Prints Plans Samples Specifications Copy of Letter Change Order r� Copies Description 1 Set Georgetowne-Preliminary Plans 1 Setl Sentry Oaks-Preliminary Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Approval Approved as Submitted For Your Use Approved as Noted DAs Requested Review and Sign C—E-JFor Your Review&Comment Returned for Corrections r� REMARKS In accordance with County requirements we are soliciting your agency review comments for these residential projects. Please provide to Pete Avery/NHC Planning Dept at your earliest convenience and copy us as well. COPY TO: Pete Avery SIGNED: Transmittal McKIN4&CREED January 12, 1995 M&C0383.0031(42) ENGINEERS Ms. Linda Lewis NCDEHNR/DEM Water Quality Section SURVEYORS 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 ARCHITECTS PLANNERS RE: Georgetowne Subdivision Dear Linda: Enclosed for your review are three (3) copies each of the plans, specifications, stormwater calculation, density limit forms, and deed restrictions on the above mentioned tract of single family homes. The overall density of the project is less than 30%. Sincerely, McKIM & CREED ENGINEERS, P.A. Mark A. Veenstra, P.E. bbs PC: Margaret Gray/Landmark D .!AN 1 f 1995 243 NORTH FRONT STREET PRO J # ®O l�S O l O6 WILMINGTON,NC 28401 910/343-1048 FAX 910/251-8282 di:y of . ...._._.._..__.._ --.. '.V' of - •r aunty or._.._ o. ,.„f .., I --........of the first part, nnd_..._____._.._ .. r _ 1k, Se : t„c Coulity or- State of...-^crtl, Derr]is,+ a � of Lein second Tart. V.I1:\?:SGI:TIT, That the said part;'._.of the first part,for and in consideration of the sum of DOarn : y M.fR i.nd other ta!ul+hle considern;fons to.._ ':fir_ in hand paid bythe said part.t. -of the second �. p -t, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,ha.'!1____given,granted,bargained and sold, it:iened and conveyed,rnd by these presents iht."=-_..-....hereby give,grant,bargain and sell,alien, r r p,+rt..1 :E_of the second p:+rt and to.__!.._ Y____ __.heirs and nvcy and co:'.srm unto the eind t t"ipins forever,all that certain lot of hail situnted,lying and being In----. _._. --,--.- ° :_V_' _-. ... and State of N � orth Carolina,bounded and t 4 !"cri!) d as follows,to-nit: � ! .. •' CIr.{.., C„)t„............ .......... {t • _C^:{•_Ot tt` -:�Ci Lt], frC^{^ci '_•1'+{:.^ rnt rf tine,_O+mot' traot jort:• rl,,r {; _ C r i.Cl`•'cT_. _ ri1Ci .C'tl+t„"1:C 3 ^`r.r. a COrt.^r of { w old .t.•< ^via`t:.... _...4^_i'_ICC:, :;::'; ,.lf.tttC':. ___. t `iti••: t^_Qt J :I, - .i•.. C:(� .',;U:- '.t iz1C:• :Oilt::.:Git iticG ;.ciItc' i,GT:It ciecrees -f•aI_ .. .- .103�' thet. Cr:tt^r of 'did roan. 5<:°•1;; fC^t fro... 2Cv- • ` -_�_ WYG-' ��'t^r11 _Mile••rii--z.Urtit l:::IG11T,it •hab::,`•mil:.�. - _ , r) �1!:r' tls^nCC-1 70. i(1 ?.Ml11ai'r* •1�1l.t u2er,R `_ ! j i•w nt .:...�` L,C_ ',?rt?• trs,rlt :.+O ll Ley-a. Or`f•`!. iI tttPS.. - .., �. _r..._ s� 1 ".___-....-_-_�._. t' -,Ilea<e �t 011�.t t •'�cn�,1:: t Cf,7.trr O • 1C1 LC L_r(.S r. :C ,t t i� U.•r• " �...... �•.1 s'!.i••�' .. .a(.jtr• : rr. ~..tl I +' - �---'--3--D _Ci l'orzon ,zI•J7 f^^t t0 iiP. OICI COrCr�C�` C.. 'ttl J� C:••C•r^t•f 1 1 : ?hl'}^_ l:%,:F ZOP t— ^, _,..__^ • l c^ e r Ie. . .•.. c' t err C{ t ul f_ f rrt To it Concr•t i 111, UI' :•O'-ti: �ii+i Ulll:i' :�1C':,t%iz-_i,13:;; {�i�I1CC` ►.W Ci. J &!' )rr.^, i _ _.C. GZC:,r�_tltC -_i�t:i 12a.` Oi-LiiXti, (.GIGI7. tt i.lC_tlt:'i.�_]132 Uf t C-31 -' iC lI . t '1 r Urth 4J �ti9Ij1 i 1tl t �..tt? 1.rC.-t 5.0 rr.r{ fro _is:, iro:l_r�il�'i_�_-.fC..._. C ....... CY 'isl tl" �t t zt:C:rT=.U:cttt t:tCfr•{-tn_i".. + /kill ate, {{.+ t -_z...s-I'. IIIt^ O,. {• C,'s C! :,r l' w?•• r,a^ t t; ( Out �' a•S;z� '. Cs.`:1�I r' ,. ..1 t t L.+ Lr—.C1.-�?1•..__(.: UC': .•i 1 ••-f. _«•7t: i^^-t t(, .... CIi_ c:Ci^; :.C^ z Grtl" d. LB �Ltn'L 1 - _ - lL'it�.. i::':.,. itaoi'.•• :,: is ie (e.. _... .,�:•1.$ f^•-:. s_ rt• , 1(- ° _.^P vr:. :.] G,.,.rrL L.':' L I {j S tl' u.. 1:J: 'rj• �,: t:.! 11':"/^e Gt..�l: O: �.!'C,•. .. L t f'� to ai� iron hottice 6 Ct; tl,VDC,!- -Ii(I 1,5LA&I'ly lill'r Of h- tl- C-nt-1-0'f ... ..........------- . r. c:�-cjrcei; .1 minut-:. 111-0 f- t ..... e, tnt o16 corner 04: cl.'out. 1165.p -rt-Fr:.rtt:. run. t C"'Ti 1,(1 ............-................. .......... ...... -.-c: Loui Elinuter; Ennt tj') ti,e . . ......... ............ acre:., :core or le.,;z; tj�,e za;.v! containirg 2Vz-,'4 -�ortion c tl,e Old lien rYA ',qt2 dl.- — Ui -I tr -re-; L.-c 0-e!qoji,j clezcription that u Of :and c0nveYeQ June 0-'1 cl 6.5,cc: -26, anc.0 0. D. ��y, by dec 3, 1F,60, in booli: 666, at pLge 1121, of 1;ew I'anover together v.-.-',h all and singular,the lands,tenements, easements and appurtenances thereto belong- or ztP;nrtainitig. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises, together with all and the rightq, privileges, easements, tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging.or in:mywise--p-,wrtair.N.-unto the said part—it.2—of the second part--thtiXheirs and assigns. in fee simple,FOREVER. !'%ix the said part-y—.-Of the first p;,rt, executors and do.!'.!.:—covenant to wid,with the said part of the second part- xs and assigns,thrtt—.-1—I-. .----....seized in fee of the above granted and described premises, g"right to sell and convey the same in fee simple; that the sam a are fnLo Qi:a c*e"r from ar-,,r.-I%.1 encumbrances,and that—!1IM—will and---.b-f-r 'T and DEFEND the title to t a me agal t (�XCCUtllr,4 and administratora ..hall WARRAN t:.e lxwf tj',cli.kas and demar.d6-of any and all persons whomsocver. the A;id_.HnYt "t Johnson,�nrty o: ti.- first r)•lrt, z a .; ,ipy ,?" s�� ff r.-mot ". .- - _.... ..........._..._._...._--- ..._._...._.__....•._.._.��....__ .,,, here.,)-Aubneribi..:'c.'.X-nAMC_'_ and ntTlx.___}ter-- aral _the c:::y ul,.l yr:\r tir=t above written. a E l.Sri ,YSf BY Itreddent S',ATE W'\ORT1I CAROLIIA. -- R 7 R +3�s CO[lNTY. lfl—,p-•rnonnlly tome Wore m•, who,Letnj:duly swom,.aya thnt knows the common peal of �`���-_ tfl� • ���` V�r,� .�_ _.A,ae.l is nrqualnecd with_ _ who is president of sold eve. �.t po-.lion,and that the sn'd corporation, ,r -, K r.' —_ !s secretary O!the acid co s�xf y rK� ' 3isi,t a.,d saw+re,aid president sign the ford :,.c imstrument,and saw the said common Beat of said eo noon affixed ! � • s to s,id instrument by said president,and that the said sue. ed_____—rume in atb•atation of the execution of said instrument In the dresenee of said president of said car. the instrument,with this certificate,be rr4 tered, _ t _ t Witness my hand and teal this any at_ C �•� ; L E• � � i ._ Notary FuLlia r— Clerk of Superior Court e Commission expires tha day of _IV STATE 0'. \OU1I.CAROLI\A � •.mot i :. .:...,.�:..: COU�`T�Y�.,[._ a E2tary Public in and for the state .% ` " ( :,.•w'"'Y."•t;`,rer'i:y that iiSrriet �O}inson F I ;•Ov�s ,,-°,�-�+ice-. Lefore me this day and acknowle4ed the due execution of the forpsotn`Instrrmeat for the 1 ZZ Y i'•., ••'_si%Sand and seal this_-'0 eayOf� December 66 Notary Nb4c. Clerk of Suprricr Coat. e);,r a tt.v.--/I__day of !'•'u'•'t��'l S:.:Tr OF NO11.7.11C?.:0bi\1.. � � '{;-a� �� i %• .C71 r-r\-v�.�.t-•^�— C,U(C\STY. �//� ,r� •� / 1 a.r 1 :Taton• ,nycca: crtooe +art CGcn:y,is .jod,;S to be correct Therefore Lt U-.*Instrument,with the certificate,be registered. s i W itt:c.,i my ha::a=Saa+l.thia. O day of— el Y� 19(_6 Jerk of Superior CourL Received an,, cc•+:\c I p��.t,K„" a�`� of Dc•e\'., S ,fit �•? �•�iMi'd�, �r .. • .. .:,il I11 IIIIi I r1::vl od illto ti U.i _l'•1) Vt,. :1. :r. 17 !)' :1110k-twtrn t r i '4;a[u rf-::u7 L1,utia)la, part i^of the tiret part. . _ c • r,: , ) .r•:, •'feat ' Tt _ . . -..__. Stutr of:meth Carolina, p,.rt of the srrrnd la,rt.and :__Irict_.1..a)'w.GL........_............ ._ ....-- _.._ ...._. _ .-. . ... _ _.......... Fy of '• ..:+:r :rity , Rate of North Carolina,rt rt l' of the third part: I r WITNESSGTTE: That whereas tite said `k l;,r c f the first hurt,._ - indebted to the sai,i 1+art: of the third l.:irt in j the aoln of. .................. .......... for whkh :he said part_i- of the first part have executed and delivered o the _:y r• ii ;aid part._. ...of'Le th�rJ hart noteff�$ of even date.with thi,deed, in the slim of '. •^0 ^it r"^ �.. S ).]U'•.'L. „'1,1,t .0 1 '.. l i.�i C.` •• 1. le• Gl. Zt ,r�-�;... _ /. :'.;: Y� •, )' .. .r••T•....`r,..r7 t..,:'•. ,t. r �:t[i MN,rP, t p a;..idi• : 1^ test_Uc t. ), isi Wail�14::wi:h=ir.::•rr, ur��:aht�i fin as `-u Il....' r . , f r .. o: I�rinc;t ' �u:. n ::r :,;•.ou:„ cf t Ys•iihtrK fr,.i,i=.... _..' _...... Na ...a �augiir ;? w'.1::iS)...wt, i.IL' dV- ,:)f:ja.'Iv-� lrr; t ! d):C] ty,..-.t lr lIl_1".._ a•,� inf'�,!la: 01 11 •r�, >.f , A .._, �. , ...0 �...ai.t fir of I :'•-. : 2o a+c ire .0 61,_ t•:c LUk '.. ..... 1 cat , U:t CV-2 T4 r ...mot^rt'�_iC r .SC .] Et:T: I:+t"t?$it1"21Y..}Lt:.i�_.. C_ aa,!!3 Hit:•.�retc�• a.-a- a . ]- •- .•.La. 1 a c f _ t OI 1_Cre4.. :Orr Ctt.... .................... _ ._._ _ i :uld it has liven agreed that the payment of the said debt shall be secured by the conveyance of the lard here- ' . X inafter described. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the remises,and for the ur t F p pose aforesaid,and for the sum of or=-doEtar to the part i^•-_._of the first part paid by the part.'s'...... of the sec-,nd part, said part i"= of the tint hurt ha}'e bargained, sold, given, granted and conveyed,and by these paesents io..-.bargain,sell,give, ' );rant :and convey to the:said p:trt..3'_._.of thed p second assigns, it {{ . aa3�., h i�.... successors and a ccrt:uri tract of land lying and beiag in,......._.........���_._ _._............... _._. ...__......... .......... County of ti ic V^I ........ ......................-_--_-..__...... State of North Carolina,and more 1 lariy described as follows: I - +-,- .., ii i s COP•Crr t. ',npL`:_•!r,'t F1;S7Y^ tt.e C-nter Of t:�-z• e.� 'C Fil .Ol[l'• ' :t-Y t"CtPC: )./}•wti.r -�?:t^.rn t SOr s true -•. Ow;,••ci r t • 'rC.:', ;:dlt; :..OIlit;;ettt i^_i:ds a COZIter of ti^ Cld i•Fir tl: .•t+` l?PC • 1 •�Gt ". :i i' COf:rer5 -J ,+ :1nlltC:. :._!-t •a0.2 ft••`t in olri 1- ..:.•t,C•ci 't7.c. rioraul.ent also, beinq :.^ v:~C:CIeeC Jl>� iC: L' a O;CT ^ {A,; A .• I U• :.1 'i,: r,ai•G 599.16 fe^t frc- ai.:. 1:.CI::CCt1U1:~ '.. �.. •• 7i1J2. ('.C�i •S: ISf•�.I�Ui�tdi,}•�'• ^.:r:i:ain .,.tf z'u frC•;, _i C 1 1.1 :•tA-nt ei_'Ont' the ..'_":�•'I:•ilt.c Gi 1Ci ,..:�:rt.a trrict $h. ( o� : laii••� ':!..t •11b.1 fee.t to a: 01c, :ne,ytl•� •-�uillt: lt^z Y �'' :r.s .:•)jrC tact; t1-.-nC•= Z'oilti. 31 4dec-re-z;`ll_ , ' • ; ' .ter:, flee of a tract n01•1 otaeci nv �. hortcn 421.37 t IVY I4 :: :. ,I�' G ,i i.: thencm- "oath J'i tier ree- �1 ..2I:L L• Fs1011- '.f' L.G:'ther:t i il:. c. is ertcn tract cul. feet c a ce cr•�t Y ��':.•:.t a [it l - of .ortl• .,,.rUli::a i]i[ri.t,;; .fi;2� ce t:, :)�a.errCr:. 10 :1:.t:-• cst line of :.ortl: 1:1 lie- center Ot C Ctlai_::, SGlC. i;,'.::.� t^.:.^ : Ort::r!t Sro;L Gf• 1.G: _ y .=Ccee:•:JarV C .0 I `i,1'.•, ai,•OUt: 45L0 rr'•t to 7.:5 1Ltera:••_t 1C L•�a, t:.•` .x t- s +1: C: t:.e o1C: :acne: ..:• 14(dle trcct� a.:..,:C!• a.GIL:'. .•�^t:eCICCL' •i•i .i:L •. .i, , rh 47, it --cLioii c.f 0- ki 4- ft to cs i irc,:� ni it ' ',t:rirdly lin- of :;r;id t-! u In Jlt t to Ili, uI,i irr,v 1 1 T-,- lit jW A.; 51 A itl L t Cl!I C F t tli r 1' t tj t col OW Y o z t t;-(-rn 41 r 'Air "I- ' -!It C. !1�!In- it; A oInr hh,,tit 16b.1 in".f•r:-t-C'Aon witli 'L; c t r of 1,J 1 t L,!rds it r U1 y a 11 on, Q. t. .rirlal o i.r! 'iuui 42 0-(-T: oo L, t 17' f e t' .!; 'Ea A'.'v -n L t L I C04.1 5 1P..t r (i r 17- -C-7 e- cr and 11-i-Iii- a portior, r: ti LI!l ':,!:iry a. c:-tivi:,il- 2 Iro:,, cle.-crintie-ri that trivet of 3-niiA coriv—i-d I)y "rtV Y t jr 7!.,on "C' %). 1). .1 r; !.,y (;,r(�4 l'ati--d 3--r- '_16, 1959, ar.6 rp!Cor(!'-(i 11C"(" i:. F'OC!- 662 4121, of -w 1:orcv-r •Ccunty i:c-i:;try. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said land and premises, with all the rights,privileges and appurtenances there. intv belonging, to said ;Vd'3iG(.)11jieW1ett' Jr. ............. ............ .......... .......port...Y. of the second part, successors mW ati-AlRnvi, upon the trusts and for the uses and purposes following,and florie other,that is to say: If the said part it of the first pan shall fail or neglect to pay interest and principal on said note and debt as the same may hereafter become due,or both principal and interest at the maturity of the game,or any part of either,then on application of said part Y...of the third part,or.. or any other person woo may be entitled to the moneys due thereon,It shall be lawful for and the duty of the said......._........... .............. . .. . ........ ...... ..................�.Part.-Y...of the second part•to advertise,at the courthouse door of v,�,r ........_County for thirty days immediately preceding such sale, and in some news. 1 i p.tiKr published in said county at least once a week for four weeks,there-11 appointing a day and place of sale. and:it such time and place to expose said larij.4 at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, and upon such sulc-to corvey said hands to the purchaser in fee simple. And•the said__.�!!'. .-1........cot:...........t Jr. ........ Trustee.-......, first retaining five per centum commission on the proceeds of the whole of said land sold,as a compensation for making such safe,shall apply so much of the residue of Bald proceeds of such sale as may be necessary to pay off and discharge said note and debt,awl all interest then accrued and due thereon, and shall pay the surplus, If any rtmain, to said Tiart i-r!.. of the first part. And the said part:"-of the first part further covenant(s) and agree(s) to a"4 with said patties of the second and third parts that....t�"!5'y...... will keep the premises above conveyed insured in "me responsible company,acceptable to said trustee__.,in the sum of.. ................Dollars. arid •"bat will keep,all taxes paid upon gall property: and if said ot the first part s all f.,*1 lo do,this,said part..........h. of the second part or said part...Y...-of the third part may effect such Ili. stirance:.nd pay such taxe.i,and all premiurna so paid for Insurance and amounts so expended in payment of taxes by said part_Y__of the second part or third part,with.Intem-d from the date of payment:it 5. per cent. shall be seo!red under this conveyance art] be dje and payable at the time of the next in.,italinvin, of -M infer"t there.after. And the said parties of the first anti second parts do hereby covenant and agree to slid L -0 with V-said part of the third part,that in case the said trustees shall Lie,become inc. ble of acting, nr for other re.-son become unacceptable W s.dd pact...Y .. of the third, part, the first and second part.,,, it living. the part I ....... of tht, third Fitt may th-t u;x,ri r. tide to the parties of 71 riting,a trusttv to tale the place of the __o.' the an-und pari, and upon the probate and 'Ay r--::;stmticn of the same. the trustee !hu,4 aprn;!i*--d shall!,ucccrd to all the rights and 1;')wers of the part of !h.. st-Cond Part. or I LZ-V'Ilu AV,I I 4%,h Lt Au,.L,„LJ 1177MY 717.7717 or o.,F-7 I al 5y tru:;tce, ill relation to the tioni,nynnent of the mcxty to 1,a (%ilA. the Imount due, file rcc,lipt of the monvy, V.11,1 the exectiticn r,f Vx(ictd to the bo Ivccived as r.xie c,, .jol tic:. AND IT IS,STIIIL1j,ATP*,D AND AGR*21)th t if said part of 11;,fret parl. pay off jcijill v. f llte and ilit' red-fe.il, x t":,_)I,,r�rc ful,!y the lriwttrustsiircill ilvelared. Iwfvre suer: !WdO, G.- the ea.;!Q I),! donele i a of i';'id LknJ."Olell-o much Ul Igij hilid:4 �..s Inay not.have',x:cji vo!d,Laid .re rot.rcqu;n�! to ni�ot any f scIikl nhall :,e reconveyed to staid f the fir,t part.or the tille Mzito Le revciteI Ill 4iccolding to the pro%i�iomi of laiv. fa NX TESMMONY IVIIERE V. tile said._ . arr!- Ty J. ........ fr,.rl: and wife, ................. ............................... do........_.._.hereto sulzt seal fbe day and year first aWve wtitten. al) Kmed, sealed and delivered __(Seal) 'in the presunci of ,17 ............ C.. (Seal) .......... (Seal) (seal) Attest: 4 Trustee. By..... Secretary. Pre8*.d;,rTk ST-ATF OF NORTH CA-ZOLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY 45 Thia—day of 10—personally came before me who, twing duly sworn,says that—knowa the common seal of— and is acquainted with_ who Is president of said corporation,and thnt...--the ssid 6 secretary of the sail corporation,and saw the said president sign ac;foregoing instrument,and saw the said common aW of said corpor-ation arced to said Instrument by said president.slid that----. the Sol,; slLnod___ZAm6 In attestation of the oxicution of said imtrument in the presefica of said president of said corporation. IA, the Instrianent,with this cortIficate,be registered.. Witness my hand and seat this dayof Notary Public. Clerk of Superior Court All New Han-war County. ' Commission expires the day STATF OF N0rTI1 CAROMNA, 4 NEW IIANOV'-It COJUNTY. a ;.at- "n'13c in and for Cip- at&te c ;-111d cxnntv aioeesitid, do hereby certify that Ceorce Trav*r, Jr., and wife, Ruth Lavin 1rack, Allen L. If, :.a r..I,- ane Alex j... Tra!r'- and wife, Vimin-zl C. 1.4pof-ally _before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of t-t#foregoing instrument for purposes therein 30 day I If•.1"13 ray and sr%.l this of Notary Public. Clem of Superior Court. "N 1:1 res the ay ol ST.Tr. % . Oil NORTH CATIOLINA. NI-WI IIANOVL3 COUNTY. The foregoing cert:fi,,t4, 19 adJuJctd LI,a corn:ct. TLjrd:o-o let the cerudes, to I-e ns nVV to,be r gistcrc,L witritsa my hand Ana-4661. Received and Recorded 01��C erk of Superior Court F t �: *,ry. UPR