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GW1--06020_Well Construction - GW1_20241011
- . . . , .. _ .., _•• • .• • - ' -•' " ' -- - ._ •. . . . "---kkg-0---NsTRUCTION REMO(OW-il "Pi; tt:V7-rus Also0—rry:- //aie4 *< •OvAiliu zurixs, wilIcomette „,. • To Drscatrygft I a n. ... . - 1 I 1 NC Wet LbefeeoeCestiSerdertNr-drt LS.OUTER CARNO(Faf tdtkaied*rib OR LINER it 'bit) Morgan Well&Pump, INC YAW menu 1 Moven 1.1•47:0.1AL—— .aollazY Name 1 11.• it 6 1/8 m. L§CR21 PVC :vs CASING OR MING With.tiiril aWO . . - • - 1 2-Well Constraetion Permit A:/44 um=( nom To teaktzret imcia marrow, • t..*ea opproASIt mv,tUnssimaimtpenia pi UIC Cs..St at*rare*'14,1 ft. P. to 1 --— i Weil Ufa(cheek wet osr.):,. wutrsapply wait FIZAL TO rtimaret it.arfa i c ' narcifints female. clAgaz'demi CIMericipalfPnbtitt • ft. ft. to. ---- CIDeotbettnal(EleitiogcoolingSupply) jtatesideatial Wale Supidy 0410 ft ft. te ClealusteWConzteercial CResidcatial WaterSupply(slated) gismzovr,.,.:.••• -......;.. • .•...•.::: .. ,..,, . .:... . , ...• Ohriptioe OWells>I ft0,000 GPO ,71tOht VD --'humum. ZertAtifeeri amino a Amon' Near-Water Supply Welt 0 11 20 IL bentonite poured fitfonitoting EIReeavey ft. tt lajection Well: -- • n. ft ClAqtect Recterge CrefoundwanwRemedlation 19.ahlONGTIAYIL PAM heiekea4 ' - 7_, • • • -— ' ['Aquifer Storage and Recovery CSalinity Be:fix • nom re MATMILL DOrTD CIAcluifer iht • CfStonntnitathotinegt ft. ft. • ElEapetinseatal Tedmolou. CISubski arm Coend IL IL ElGeothennel(Chased Loop) Mace 20.-MUIDINGIOG otriarikstiaii sheitilf iitithatip) .. , .-- '.-• .' TO 11113aLtinOtt(earn• - -wiTncloypearia tw..) OGeotharnal 0ii 16ng/Coon li Retina M) aher(=plain under=Broari Tit=. dm s) 0 lt 11.• .R ." -2,9' 0 . 4.Date Welke)Cotipletere:-- Well IDif . I-.) itft- .'4 I_ : fp us,-, 0_ r1,. . 52-Zen Location: l'i 01 i b 5 6)for::74--c, . • IL i • - Per.thlyR.Cif eypliekk) • It It.. .10c 16b,•,15-,y) .4e1 ft. . ft. Physical Aditos.tay.=dm; Ciosik7"") 2L.I1imARLS-•--•• •- • ,•-:-'- .•-' .... . 9. o decimal degrees Ir.,,k-;:77A,i ---: ..),-,^•',,---;."-:::U-P'• Sh.Ledo&and longitudein doveeshobr' otos/second, r medic:40re /.0 leilmists1--. ' ' 22. :•;f .. ,...-., - 53C 11 5:3e7er w . . .... ... ,• Certified Wenteeneeer 1 Mstare)the Treks):flPennatent or I3Temporary fl).4ttaelitificro,rherelirotr*thatheaeflfal Ma teem)reenroariLe eaterieecewf,* 7.1a Oita repafrto an taistintrrell: Life or Elio ISA=MC.0104 ar JUN=OC.01•00 FletClistrxiks Stg:dares and&gaol* 1 gig Lra mat fill zsd kgrwai r.r17 coarmtkles ftSroistien azdaphein the=re of the 'OA iva"11*bco'Po vid oho aewll ir.qa% ,. mairbasierg21 rericrb sgraga er es de back ef rhi,Arm . • 8.•Per Cre:ePradDrr"acled-Loop Ge°thexmzi Wellileevth8 the Sa= lattlidSC.7 ooe01C1162istReraxi3"133ck'If thisI3o4217wellanDpeuvi may also.: iatiP&Dianal:1 if necessary..co Ea° conftmetitet.rely 1 GW-1 isreeied.fe TOTAL NUMBER of!et dd1k4 1• . 24.SORMMAL INSTRUCTIONS !, P.Total well&Pat below Land surface 1 hs 'it) Sewn this GW-1 with:ban days ofwat completies the follawing: For essAaleweils krt a diptia itiffmrar Oxerck-3,4240'wed DeAtl) r Pcr el...1 ,.,..: 24a.For AR Welt:Chigbal form to Dirixion of Weer IL...scm,..4(DWR), 2O.State ester level belawtop amen:: ,>" l."••1 Infonvation Processing Unit,16171.4SC,Releigli,:NC 27699-1617 reelect kw 7 is above ccbz wz"+" 6 - 24b,For lefeefian Way Copy to DWIt,Uarlectscouni la jection Centro!(RIC) IL Dorchole triameter:. 00 Program,1636MSC,Rettig'13,21C27699-186 i, 1 . 12.Weil conitructitt'n meted:rotarY 24e.For Water .ty aid Offen-loon Geothermal Restro Wear Copy to the (IA srsa,sottry,=bk.direct pe316 ea.) =toy my'n ..,. •.. ..deputment of the colatay viscr=stalled .FOXWATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: .24d.Far Water Welh producinkorer 1410,000;Gilt Copy to DWR,CCPCUA ' Prgram, 611 MSC,F. %Lk NC 276894611 iSa.Yield utPlll) 3- Method of tat air pressure P"' o oteeraw eett,he Antoonti_C, ( (31- 13b.flistofeetion type . Poset6W•••1 North Cadre Depette=s ufBrritormbi Qaahty•Division of-Wen Rom= &nisei 6- . '' . le...