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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241395 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20241015Shoreline Stabilization Application Form NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Qualify 15A NCAC 02H .0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Submission Form I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk * below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Primary Contact Email * Please provide an email address for payment and requests for more information here. Owner Information: ......................................................................... Name: * Jeffrey McKahan Email: * Phone Number: (479)586-2006 (xxx)xxx-xxxx Mailing Address: * Street Address 16741 100 Norman Place Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region Cornelius NC Postal / Zip Code Country 28031-8679 US Is there an agent working on the project? * Yes No Agent/Consultant Information Name: * Company Affiliation: * Email: * Phone Number:* Donna P. Hrko Lancaster Custom Dock and Lift Systems, Inc. (304)629-6096 (xxx)xxx-xxxx Mailing Address: * Street Address 1156 Perth Road Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region Troutman NC Postal / Zip Code Country 28166-8640 US A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter:* Mckahan Signed Agent Authorization Form.pdf Mckahan Signed Catawba Riparian Buffer Notification Form.pdf Link to: Sample Agent Authorization Form Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)] Project Name: * McKahan Dredge 195.52KB 387.99KB If your project has a formal name please use this. If your project does not have a formal name, please identify your project by the owner name and proposed activity (Jones Property Access Road, Smith Guest House, etc.) List in parentheses any other names that have been used to identify the project in the past. 1. Provide a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. * Upload File Look up address Property Address Lookup: * Latitude:* 35.653753 Street Address 1420 Roundstone Road Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region Sherrills Ford NC Postal / Zip Code Country 28673-9760 US Longitude: *-80.965303 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram under section 12.normal pool lake level/normal water level * Please use the diagram at the link below: 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) Nearest Town: * Sherrills Ford County:* Catawba Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to Norman property: Subdivisions name or site address:* Crescent Land + Timber Corp. Lot #290 Include phase/lot number Directions to site: * From NC-16 NB, Right onto Saint James Church Road, Proceed straight across NC-16 BUS at traffic light, Right onto Slanting Bridge Road, Left onto Sherrills Ford Road, Right onto Mollys Backbone Road, Right onto Azalea Road, Left onto Dog Leg Road, Left onto Roundstone Road, Continue on Roundstone to the right, Continue on Roundstone to the left. Property is on the right. Please include road names and numbers, landmarks etc. 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: * Residential Residential, undeveloped, etc. 6. Property Size 1.14 Acres Acres 7. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): Dredge area in and around slip for boating access. 8. How will the work be done? From Land From Water 9. Total amount of disturbance below the normal pool lake level/ normal water level: * (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) 2,250 sf square feet 10. Total amount of disturbance above the normal pool lake level/ normal water level and 50 feet land- ward:* * (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) 0 square feet 11. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ normal water level and 50 feet landward to be impacted:* (number of trees, for instance) NONE Sketch: Application Fee: Once the application has been accepted. You will need to send a corresponding fee in with the appropriate DWR#. The application fee is as follows (pursuant to G.S. 143-215.3D): d $323.00 for impacts to lake (below normal water level) of less than 1 acre • $767.00 for impacts to lake (below normal water level) of greater or equal to 1 acre By digitally signing below, I certify that: o I, the project proponent, hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief o I, the project proponent, hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. d I agree that submission of this Shoreline Stabilization online form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); o I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); o I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND d I intend to electronically sign and submit the Shoreline Stabilization online form. Full Name: * Donna P. Hrko Signature: Submittal Date: 10/7/2024 Initial Review Is this accepted into the review process? * Yes No Project Number:* 20241395 Version:* 1 Select Reviewer: * Jesse Mcdonnell:Jesse.Mcdonnell Select Reviewing Office: Mooresville Regional Office - (704) 663-1699 Has payment been received?* No Payment Needed Fee Received Need Fee - send electronic notification What amount is owed?* $240.00 $570.00 $323.00 $767.00 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO, 290 PLAN NO. PARCEL ID: 461902682631 STREET ADDRESS: 1420 Roundstone Road Sherrills Ford, 28673 Please print: Property Owner: Jeffrey McKahan Property Owner: The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize Donna P. Hrko , of Lancaster Custom Dock and Lift Systems, Inc. (Contractor / Agent) (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this permit or certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Property Owner's Address (if different than property above): 16741 100 Norman Place Cornelius, NC 28031 Telephone: 479-586-2006 We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Date: 9111 /24 u orized Signature Date: 9111124 TAMSA P ! MAN BUFFER NON [rnat'iLlre The approval is for the purpose and d al�llcatloer !s a violation of the Buffer Rule. Site in your application, 9m a ars not I�C�C �2G� o specific work should be indicated. . 5A 6 and 15A NC.AC 02B .per(8)] provided In s,- application. � A Trees are not allowed to be removed from Zone 1 of the app ed. Exception, those Fees that ereBuffer (within ft the full pond elevation), unless removed. Minimal shaping and sloping alongseverely underrrlCned aloes Immediate shoreline can be ,p��M,`` (, ��� p ng p �}p� �g the Immediate shoreline is allowed. [�,� NCAC 0213 .0243(6)] tfi5iC-7➢(6 i� the buffer �.r not �iY�avoWe Excessive �lF7V.Ye7i:��� { �q�����171 e0��9�1 Res cover. [ISA � �� 02Q� Beam' es, impeMeas patioo, if'nQert..®ate vidkwa ys, eta, are not al proved b the ElMsi �e . Mere are iinifi atIon on sinaE9 e�P In the buffer un1e:s s � r�il Mork to L. conducted m land must EuidIeaLe an ace and Indic an work corridor should be u�si. J trees�9�$r�' t; L@� The material must be °made the buffer. [15A AMEX02W .0502 and 15A NIaccess corridor shiCAC Ore9 n �+ spoil, construction SttrEmater earths, be Oped or dichannele l fop direct discharge to to lake. Alb constructed stogy r�s mtest be a�; thenatural elution and discharged sheet flow at non -end velocities to the lake. [15A NCAC 00 0r 24to 5),erot(l e hear dias diffuse or • 6)1 Riparian 8 v hereby sty that d have been informed of the Catawbale, Any work conducted irn the buffer, not spediisally stated In the application by the �rision of Warr Resource$ (DWB), Is a violation and subject to enforce ilig and approved taken such that the construction will be built within substantialDue diligence Water►be Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plan(s) and compliance and Intent of ,. a 4ai materials. sPsclfiaatlon(s),ond other supporting Si nature (owner): Date: 2-11- 4- MCKAHAN EXCAVATION AERIAL VIEW OF PROPERTY Image OO 2024 Airbus Legend 1420 Roundstone Rd Fr Proposed (Plan View) (At Full Pond/ Normal Water Level) e$ 0 {e4e. Sxso. cx.v dep i re9uired Slopes. Full Pond/ Normal Water Level Shoreline Lake � 2 Z 50 J r ----INN MINI NMI Full Pond/ Normal Water Level — IMIU Mil — MI Shoreli— ne 2ft.x15Oft. additional clearing • if necessary F Plan View 1 Lake (At Fu[I Pond/ Normal Water Level) rismie rrwr•Mrampv� rrrrrrr .weer ••.•••••r• 6. ,•i abAilAtai. RiproP . •N Existing Dock 30£;xlit 4p.rr 114.100404 h i-7 111,111010110 L_I AMPL 3 ft x 150 ft flelow full pond/ NM L O — 4 ft x 150 ft Above full pond/ NWL Proposed (Side View) 7 La k (At Full Pond/ Norn c.L /XID V\ al Waater ' Water Leve 0 -c 0 a a) 1:12 0 3 ft. below full pond water level 4 ftabove hill pond water level 10 ft. bank he:gL[ 2 ft. additional clearing •i! necessary 1 I Duke Energy Lake Services Guidance for Completing an Excavation Permit Application Note: If you are proposing excavation in association with the permitting of a new or expanded facility under the Marina or Conveyance Programs, you do not need to complete this application. Instead, you should incorporate the excavation request into the permit application for the marina/conveyance using the appropriate application. Step 1: Contact Duke Energy Lake Services Complete "Part P' of the application and develop a drawing of the proposed excavation area. Contact Duke Energy Lake Services to schedule a site visit. Lake Services will conduct a site visit to determine if Duke Energy will accept an excavation permit application for the proposed work. If the Lake Services representative determines the application process may proceed, he/she will initial Part I of the application. Step 2: Draft Application Development Complete Parts II-IIIA-G and Part V of the Excavation Permit Application. Step 3: Agency Consultation Send the draft application developed during Step 2 to the agencies for review and comment on the proposed activity. Refer to the Agency / Organization List available from Duke Energy to determine which federal, state, regional, and local agencies and organizations require consultation or review. Note: Duke Energy reserves the right to require consultation with additional organizations beyond those included in the Agency / Organization List. Each agency / organi7sition must be provided at least 30 days prior notification. Evidence must be provided (e.g., response letter or Certified Mail receipt) in the complete application to show each agency / organization was given the opportunity to review the proposal. Consultation letters must be dated within the two years preceding Duke Energy's receipt of the application. All permits must be valid at time of application and have a term longer than the projected schedule for completing the permitted project. What to Expect During Agency Review and Comment: • You will typically receive a letter from each agency / organization either documenting its concurrence with your proposal, requiring additional information, recommending modifications, or offering no comment. You must address each agency's / organization's comments with a follow-up letter and in your final application as described in part IV. • If you do not receive any documentation from an agency / organization within 30 days of its receipt of your proposal, you must provide the agency / organization with a follow-up letter requesting comment on your proposal within 15 days from the date of the follow-up letter. If you still do not receive any response as a result of the second letter, type "NO RESPONSE" Duke Energy Excavation Program Page l of 13 rev 07ro1/24 at the top of the follow-up letter and include it in the application along with proof of the agency's / organization's receipt of the letter (e.g., Certified Mail receipt). You may proceed with the application process recognizing, however, that if its comments come later in the application process, you will be required to address them. • From the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps): (** Note — The Corps may have additional forms to submit for your proposal and an additional fee.) If the excavation can be done under the requirements of the General Permit (GP) or a Nationwide Permit (NWP), you will typically receive a copy of the Corps' tear sheet documenting authorization and providing any additional instructions. If the excavation isn't covered under the GP or a NWP, you'll be required to obtain an individual 404 Dredge and Fill permit from the Corps. You must receive written documentation from the Corps that your application either (1) meets the requirements of the GP or a NWP or (2) the proper 404 Dredge and Fill permit has been received before Duke Energy can process your application. From the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Water Resources: (Note —NCDEQ may have additional forms to submit for your proposal and an additional fee) If the proposal meets the requirements of the Clean Water Act Sect. 401 Water Quality Certification, you will typically receive a letter from the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources documenting Sect. 401 Certification and providing any additional instructions. You may also receive a letter requiring additional information or recommending modifications. You must receive written documentation from NCDEQ noting any required Sect. 401 Certification has been received before Duke Energy can process your application. • From the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC): If you do not receive any documentation from the NCWRC within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you may proceed with the application process without submitting a follow-up request, recognizing however if comments come in later in the application process, you will be required to address them. From the South Carolina Department Environmental Services (SCDES): (Note — SCDES may have additional forms to submit for your proposal and an additional fee.) The SCDES conducts a joint application process with the USACOE in S.C. If the proposal meets any applicable requirements of the Clean Water Act Sect. 401 Water Quality Certification, you will typically receive a letter from SCDES documenting Sect. 401 Certification and providing any additional instructions. You may also receive a letter from USACOE requiring additional information for the agencies participating in the joint application process. You must receive written documentation from SCDES noting Sect. 401 Certification has been received if required before Duke Energy can process your application. • From the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA): The applicant must wait 30 days after receiving the signed postal returned receipt. If a response from SCIAA has !snot been received by this time you may proceed with the application process without submitting a follow-up request, recognizing however if comments come in later in the application review process, you will also be required to address them. Duke Energy Excavation Program Page 2 of 13 rev 07/D1/24 Step 4: Final Application & Submittal to Duke Energy Following the'. consultation process, finalize the application. The final application submitted to Duke Energy should incorporate all comments and recommendations provided by agencies and organizations during the agency consultation process as well as copies of all permits received. In addition to the final application include the following: • One check payable to Duke Energy for the application fee and security deposit • If applicable, a separate check payable to the appropriate Habitat Enhancement Program fund • Signed Excavation Program Applicant's Agreement Note: Co -applicants must also submit the application fees and applicable HEP fees with the application. Duke Energy Excavation Program Page 3 of 13 rev 07ro1n4 Duke Energy Excavation Permit Arnlication Form FOR DUKE ENERGY USE ONLY Duke File No. Application Fee $ Security Deposit $ Check # Date Recv'd Initials Date of Duke Energy Lake Services, applicant and/or contractor on -site inspections Date 1 j(.(1,1 Initials 6+ Date Final Protection/Avoidance Area Markings Field - Verified Initials Approved to Start Work By * : Date (Print) (Sign) Date Completion Required Date of Any Approved Extension Initials Date Passed Closeout inspection* Initials Any Stop Work Orders or SMG Violations*? (check one) ❑Yes ❑No (If Yes, explain in PART V) Date Deposit Refunded Initials Date Permit Database Updated Initials * Forward copy of approved application (all pages, plus any attachments that Duke Energy changed) back to applicant with Approval Letter and highlight any changes. File copies of Approval and Close-out Checklists and any Stop Work Orders with application. Part I. Applicant Information (Please Print) Name e f f re y M M c lira ha n Telephone .1 7g- s$ to -200 40 Email address: J ec f @ rn cJ aho j . (le-1- Lake ddrgs� Mailin Address (if differe Not) GU 11iac�nd5-�-o►� e �- -I_ . 1 [0`4 i 1 r� rman PL S E rr;1 is �o Y-d, N C. at01.3 C.orriel i us, N C 2803 Contractor Company L.alCQ.S ►" CLL J1DYY7 Tv� g Contractor Contact Person -Thn Y1 nG F : H r)i) 0 Telephone 304 - co29- eao9e0 dr�nv a. IQY1CC--erdoc @,yria 1, corm Contractor Email Address: LAKE LOT INFORMATION N A� 4olgo26 I Lakef ►f�,r OrY lQ r County ` City )heir; 1L5 I rdState I Yi. Tax Map No. (i 15 \la &Do. Subdivision C L' 7- Lot / Section No. Z 7D Lot Size L. /*Acres Duke Energy Page 4 of 13 rev 07/01/24 Excavation Program Duke Enemy Excavation Permit Application Form Security Deposit Refund Information The security deposit will be refunded after the excavation permit has expired if no violations of the approval occurred. The applicant will receive the security depost refund at the mailing address in Part I unless an alternative recipient is identified. Send the security deposit to an alternative recipient? (check one) .2 {es ONo (If Yes, include name�and mailing address �7J below.� ` Name: ► nCa57n' r C Tax ID: 5(9- /g362944- Mailing Address: 11 S to Per 'Rd Fr out] Ymanj 28160(, Are there any Co -Applicants*? (check one) ❑Yes .)lo (If Yes, include names, street addresses or lot numbers, pier numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses in Part V — Additional Information) * Co -Applicants exist when the proposed work is being done under a single application, will be performed by a single contractor as one continuous project, and is done to benefit multiple owners / lease holders of Project -front properties within a single development. There can be no more than 4 co -applicants in addition to the lead applicant on any application. Do not continue the application until an on -site inspection has been conducted between a Duke Energy Lake Representative and the applicant and/or the excavation contractor. NOTE: Initialling this portion of the application by a Lake Representative in no way constitutes approval or eminent approval of the excavation or any other lake use permitting activity. Date of on -site inspection Initials (Duke Energy) (applicant/contractor) \_" Duke Energy Page 5 of 13 rev 07/01/24 Excavation Program Duke Enemy Excavation Permit Application Form Part II. Description of Project A. Basic Information 1. Type of excavation: (check one) ❑ New excavation JiMaintenance excavation 2. Purpose of excavation: (check one) )2 oat Access Channel ❑ Water Intake Channel 0 Wastewater Discharge Channel ❑ Other (specify): 3. Lake user category: (check one) 126ivate ❑Residential Marina ❑Commercial Marina ❑Public ❑Other (specify): 4. Max. Excavation Area Dimensions (ft): Length 45 Width_ Depth .�Z..2.v (Note: include additional area dimensions if necessary so response to #5 below equals max. area U dimensions in #4) 5. Volume of Excavated Material (TOTAL for the project): 509 CY Cubic yards 6. Type of material removed (applicant determines by field sample if practical): sand, Etay 7. Excavation Site area: (s) 05 Acre (s) Disposal Site area: Acre 8. Total Disturbed Area (including equipment staging area): • / Acre (s) 9. Does the project meet the requirements of the applicable General Permit? (check one) ,l211(es ❑No 10. Do you claim title to the disposal area? (check one) ❑Yes JalCIo 11. Do you claim title to the equipment staging area? (check one) ❑Yes 12. Are there any water -treatment facilities within 50 feet of the proposed excavation area? (check one) ❑Yes Ja'ilo (If Yes, spec fy): 13. How will the excavated material be entrapped and the erosion controlled? (e.g. see attached erosion control plan and disposal area design): Dre e. w►t-h Ion �99 �r-eac�h excavc�for. Nlc&Le mci-fe',q�S ivhopp �a • I c�tc 1 110.1 J barge -D 1 Dc� j * c1Ur rr. 165 -Irari5 Qr- o off � tD �s sa � � l �, Duke Energy Excavation Program Page 6 of 13 rev 07f01/24 Duke Enerev Excavation Permit Application Form 14. Type(s) of excavation equipment to be used: rse.S, 1�Ci mP --rLLc-A 5, LD nq reach eX c v' h r1, SriDr-�- reach excavo D r �J 15. Will waters or wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to or from the site? (check one) ,lYes No (If yes, explain) fired �n e9�i pmes-- win be -f czrjo clear from C.u.s+am 1�. o��, o ce. cri , 6 I r1 z'+^ecc (:LCrOSS Lt�e Nrmarn -D ro Pc %De'a <4)1-) �1 16. Will return water re-enter the reservoir? (Check one) ❑Yes ❑No (If Yes, spec point(s) of re-entry and show on Excavation Area Drawing) 17. Is there an existing facility (e.g. pier) that access is being maintained to by conducting the excavation? oes ❑No (If Yes, provide the exis-tii'ng mit number. If No, include a scaled drawing of the proposed facility). Permit # 1 7 18. Total planned duration of the work (Include first equipment mobilization, excavation through final mitigatio� meas re complete): START %C/ / /' FINISH Z / Z5 (Month) (Year) (Month) (Year) Duke Energy Page 7 of 13 rev 07/01/24 Excavation Program Duke Enemy Excavation Permit Application Form Part II. (Continued) B. Protection / Avoidance Area Description Complete the following table including all land areas within and immediately adjoining the disturbed area: Protection/Avoidance Areas Apnrox Identification Method ('") Avoid (A) or Mitieate (M) (check all that apply) Acre Field ID Work Area Dwe. ID a. Marshland, swamp, ponds, beneficial ��� aquatic vegetation or other potential wetlands (circle all that apply) b. Buffer Zones (specify width & source aeava/iivel 4) f,n /ell/a lS ee Wi Ohl ! be c epmpl M ion Math ex va�f�or: NlCtr /S of requirement) in 4♦rzn svi a�- j': O� m u S a ./ e. Environmental Areas as identified by a. 5 5 / )e_. i� ' y� - 5 W e O 62r N�� Y j r Duke Energybe.' d. Natural Areas as identified by Duke N/A Energy e. Historic properties (specify) N/4 f Rare or threatened species (specify) N/4 g. Buried gas, water, sewer, N /A communications or electric lines (circle) Duke Energy Excavation Program Page 8 of 13 rev 11/22/2021 Duke Enemy Excavation Permit Application Form Protection/Avoidance Areas APProx Identification Method (*) Avoid (A) or Mitieate (M) (check all that apply) Acre Field ID Work Area DwE. RI h. Impact Minimization Zones as N/A identified by Duke Energy i. Other areas requiring specific N/A avoidance, protection or mitigation (spec j') * For "Field ID" column, specify entity or person that performed the identification and how it was physically marked (e.g. Duke Energy (John Doe)/Pink and purple -dotted tape, Corps of Eng. (John Smith)/ yellow flagging). For "Work Area Dwg ID" column, show the symbol that is used on the drawings to identify the protection/avoidance area. ** List and attach mitigation plans Duke Energy Page 9 of 13 rev 11/22,2021 Excavation Program Duke Energy Excavation Permit Application Form C. Applicant's Signatures Comments: Applicant Name (print) Applicant Signature* -3-e-c'f,-ey N1c1il0.hAn V %YUN------- Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Date 9-11-24- Date Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Date Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Date Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Date *Per my signature, the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. Duke Energy Excavation Program Page 10 of 13 rev 11 /22t2021 Duke Enerev Excavation Permit Application Form Part M. Additional Information A. Deed and Survey Plat: A copy of the deed and registered survey plat or other instrument under which each applicant and co -applicant claims title to the affected property (the shoreline adjoining the excavation area, equipment staging area, area crossed by any spoil and return water lines, and the disposal area). If the applicant(s) is(are) not the owner(s) of said property, then forward a copy of the deed and registered survey plat or other instrument under which the owner(s) claim title plus written authorization from the owner(s) to carry out the project on their land. B. Excavation Area Drawing: An accurate drawing of the area to be excavated. The drawing must show at a minimum, a North arrow; the boundaries and acreage of the proposed excavation area and equipment staging areas; lake, county, city, cove, tributary, road and subdivision names and lot numbers (as applicable); property corners for project front lots; the full pond elevation contour and lines dividing the cove width into equal thirds (as applicable); approximate volume in cubic yards of the material to be excavated; point(s) of return water re-entry; the boundaries of any adjoining areas that are to be specifically avoided or protected during the work and the location (address) of the disposal area for the excavated material. [NOTE: A copy of this drawing must also be provided to the excavation contractor to ensure restricted areas are not impacted.] C. Disposal Area Drawing: An accurate drawing of the proposed design for the disposal area. The drawing must show at a minimum, a North arrow; the boundaries and acreage of the proposed disposal area; lake, county, city, cove, tributary, road and subdivision names and lot numbers (as applicable); the full pond elevation contour (unless disposal is well away from the lake); the boundaries of any adjoining areas that are to be specifically avoided or protected during the work; the location (address) of the excavation area from which the material came and a statement of the disposal area's capacity with all dimensions labeled that were used in the volume calculation. [NOTE: A copy of this drawing must also be provided to the excavation contractor to ensure restricted areas are not impacted.] Also note for projects larger than one (1) acre in North Carolina, including excavated, equipment staging, and disposal areas, you must submit an erosion control plan. For projects larger than two (2) acres in South Carolina, including excavated, equipment staging and disposal areas, you must submit an erosion control plan. For projects < two (2) acres in South Carolina, you must submit a completed standard reporting form for construction sites disturbing; two (2) acres or less to the South Carolina Dept. of Environmental Services (SCDES) - Stormwater Management D. Vicinity Map and Driving Directions: A vicinity map and directions by road showing directions to both the excavation area and disposal area. Include the latitude and longitude of both the excavation area and the disposal area. Part IV. Agen Reviews and Approvals Begin this section with a summary table of all agencies consulted and applicant response to agency comments as shown in the example table below. Agencies should be listed in the order Duke Energy Page 11 of 13 rev 11/22/2021 Excavation Program Duke Energy Excavation Permit Application Form shown in the Agency/Organization List. Consultation letters must be dated within the two years preceding Duke Energy's receipt of the application. Table IV-1. Sample Agency Comment and R Agenicy Comment Applicant PF � Response Agency 1 The activity is approved as proposed. NA Agency 2 The on -site well provides drinking water to the public. Please contact Mr. Smith to discuss the proposed changes and potential issues associated with your proposal. Contacted Mr. Smith on 1/1/20xx. No further action needed. You must contact us immediately if endangered species are located during the course of construction. Applicant will contact Agency 2 if endangered species are located during construction Agency 3 Requested agency comments on 1/1/20xx and again on 2/1/20xx. No response as of 2/16/20xx. NA Agency 4 Section 401 Water Quality Certification Applicant will comply with the conditions of the 401 Water Quality Certification Following the table of agency comments and applicant responses, include a table of permits and certifications issued by the reviewing agencies. As with the table of agency comments and applicant responses, agencies should be listed in the same order as they are listed in the Agency/Organization List. Table IV-2. Sample Agency Per Agency Permit/Certification Name Date of Issuance Date of Expiration Agency 1 Surface Water Withdrawal Permit Agency 2 Section 401 Water Quality Certification Following the two summary tables, include a copy of all correspondence to and from any local, regional, state and federal agencies or other organizations with which you are required to consult, including any required permits (e.g., Section 401 water quality certifications, Section 404 dredge/fill permits, building permits, etc.) or other approvals or comments which have been obtained from these organizations regarding this activity. Include a copy of any local, regional, state or federal regulations or guidelines that will be followed. All permitting issues must be resolved and clearly documented. Correspondence should be organized in the order the agencies are listed on the Agency/Organization list with the applicant's request for comments followed by additional correspondence in chronological order. All permits must be valid at time of Duke Energy Excavation Program Page 12 of 13 rev 11/22/2021 Duke Energy Excavation Permit Application Form application and have a term longer than the projected schedule for completing the permitted project. Part V. Additional Information Provide relevant additional information. Reference previous parts as applicable. Include the FERC-required Environmental Assessment if you were directed to do so during the initial site visit. If there are co -applicants, this is where their information would be provided (see Part I). Duke Energy Excavation Progratn Page 13 of 13 rev l I2212021 3883 1394 Excise Tax: S2,200.00 FILED Catawba County on Jul 18, 2024 at 01:27:00 pm Excise Tax $2200A0 (ML) INST. # 12550 DONNA HICKS SPENCER, Register of Deeds Bic 03883 Pg 1394-1396 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Parcel Identifier No. Property 1: 4619026826310000Verified by County on the _ day of , 20 By: UBo> Thomas & Webber, PLLC, 514 Williamson Road, Suite 421, Mooresville, NC 28117 ant was prepared by: Thomas & Webber. PLLC. 514 Williamson Road. Suite 421. Mooresville. NC 28117 Title Insurance Company: Investors Title Brief description for the Index: Lot 290, Crescent Land & Timber Corp .ir THIS DEED made this jday of b , 20?� by and between GRANTOR Joseph A. Kelsling and Jill Ann Mangano, Married 4295 Keisling Ridge Road Monroe, TN 38573 GRANTEE Jeffrey Michael McKahan Revocable Trust dated March 14, 2023r - Address: Norman Place us, NC 28031 Enter in appropriate block for each Grantor and(Cnan:name, mailing address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e.g. corporation or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used here include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as requ ' by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby admowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot, parcel of land or condominium unit situated in Catawba County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Being Lake Lot 290 as shown on a plat recorded in Map Book 18 at Page 242 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, North Carolina. Commonly known as 1420 Roundstone Road, Sherrills Ford, NC 28673. NC Bar Association Form No. 3 0 Revised 7/ 2013 North Carolina Bar Acociatioa - NC Bar Form No. 3 Printed by AAgroematt with the NC Bar Association North Carolina Association of Realmrs, Inc. - Standard Form 3 3 3883 1395 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 3414 page 1E46 . !/ i All or a portion of the property herein conveyed ncludes or does not include the primary residence of a (iAidtbi. Delinquent property tams, if any, are to be paid by the closing attorney to the county Tax Collector upon disbursement of the closing proceeds. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book page . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee. that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and fee and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: 1. Ad valorem taxes for the curneat year (prorated through the date of Settlement); 2. Utility easements and unviolated covenants, conditions or restrictions that do not materially affect the value of the Property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly exocuted the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. 41 (1T uAl r 441 Q Itiuo P^ifP a h A. Feisbrjk, by Ann Mongene, his Attorney -In -Fact U 11 t its) (SEAL) 2 NC Bar Association From No. 3 01976, Revised 0111/2010. 2013 This uandard than lass bon approved by: Naiad by Agreammt with tbo NC Bar Association North Cnotins Bar Association - NC Bar Foam No. 3 3883 1396 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IREDW.L 1 396 Notary Public, do hereby certify that Jill Ann Mangano personally appeared before me this day and aclmowlei 'cd the due execution of the foie�oing instrument Witness hand aid o8ucial seal this fr day of Duty, 2024. ��C�P 9ublic°2'; Official SigoswrgdifNotary -g N°1uedeu Printed or typed name of Notary couro4 Comm. 26 My Commission Expires:57/ l iv = ,y ob 1/2p2g��=� �'''�RTH CPP0%., ///1111711111111" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IREDELL I, the undersigned Notary Public for the above named county and state do hereby certify that Till Ann Mongene attorney-in-fact/agent (the "AIF") for Joseph A. Riesling ply appeared before me this day, and being by me duly sworn, says that the AIF masted the foregoing instrument for and in behalf of Joseph A. Riesling and that the AIF's authority to execute and acknowledge said instrument is contained in an instrument duly executed, acknowledged, and recorded in the owe of Register of Deeds for Iredell County, North Carolina, immediately prior to this instrument and was executed under and by virtue of the authority given by said instrument granting the AIF power of attorney; that the AIF acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing and annexed instrument for the purposes therein expressed for and in behalf of the said Joseph A. Riesling. pa0aAN D/Fqs� 1o, vPt, Witne}py hand and official tiy(d this l day of July, 2024. a II"Public 2 NoterY Iredeli County —_ MY Comm. EXP• 05-17-2026 \�Q` Official Signature ofRotary Printed or typed name ofNotary My Commission Expires: 467»7a 3 NC Bar Aaociation Farm No. 3 O 1976, Revised O U1R010, 2013 This standard tbrm has boos apptovad by Pitted br Aaromnmt with tho NC Bar Association North Carolina Bar Association -NC Bs: Form No. 3 D�S DON ALLEN & ASSOCIATES.P.A. Commercial • 'Sint 1971' Mortgage Server Multi -Family C nstrucNon Residential �• Sub&Won Design • TopcyvphI 1 127 Promenade Drive - Suite E • Mooresville • NC • 281'i • (704) 664-7029 • InfoOdonalleneurve}oom I, certify that this map was drawn under my supervision from 'an actual survey made under my supervision recorded in deed book 3414 1846 page --�.and/or plat book 18 page 242 , that the ratio of precision is 1':10.000. that this map was prepared in accordance with the General Statutes of North Carolina Chapter 89C. my hand and seal on the 11TH _ day of JULY A.D. 20 24 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L.1 5 55'44'00' W 11.40' L2 S 31'06'00" W 34,93' La S 05'00'0O E 72.20' L4 S 22'48'00' W 58.31 LS 5 22e'O2'OO' E 27.12' LOT 112 SHERRILLS FORD LAKES HOUSE LLC. 3777/0282 NOTES 1) Tin PROPERLY MAY BE SUBJECT TO ANY EASEIETR AI�/OR MGM OF RBIY OF R�tD 4OVERHEAD POWERICE COORDINATE �� T 4) NO ORD wawa FOIOW want MOO FEET. e) Srr8Aars SLIM PLR PLAT (RAT BOOC 1e PACE 2 wBkimK SETBACKS PRIOR TO ANY CONeiRUORaC 8) PRONELY( ZONED: CATAN611 R-30 7) USING 760' & 7B1' CONTOUR a8w60N BAs® ON LAXE NORYAN UWE LE!II7. AT Man LORD DAY MEMO O dI 7 ELEVATOR 758.6' 0' 25' 50' 100' u SCALE IN FEET SCALE 1" = 50' ACQUIRED BY: NORMAN** WIWAM _ 4> sEAL i ; L'3499 780' CONUR LINE h/11\IH\N\1 110 LOCAlED ACTUAL SLSIVEY F iittiAraz reo•, I $7L PHYSICAL SURVEY OF 1420 ROUNDSTONE ROAD LOT 290 CRESCENT LAND & TIMBER CORP, CATAWBA TWSP.. CATAWBA CO.. N.C. Jeffrey M. Mckahon qftiftb ra TA\\ �PR NNL LEGEND £LP. - DOSLBW WON Fuse LPS - 4 RPBNA SET CP - COMPUTED Part RAY v RIOONTi-OF1rAY •1]s - PURER POLE ® - BELL RDA DOCK; DOM FIE QLT =PM TAX YAP Noe 4818.71 DAS DON ALLEN & AS S OCIATES, P. "Since 1971" Commercial * Residential ' Mortgage Surreys * Multi -Family Construction Staking * Subdivision Design * Topographical 127 Promenade Drive - Suite E * Mooresville * NC * 28117 * (704) 664-7020 * I, certify that this map was drawn under my supervision from an actual survey made under my supervision recorded in deed book 3414 , page 1846 and/or plat book 18 page 242 that the ratio of precision is 1'_ 10,000, that this map was prepared in accordance with the General Statutes of North Carolina Chapter 89C. my hand and seal on the 11TH , day of JULY A.D. 20 24 UNE TABLE UNE BEARING LENGTH L1 S 55'444 00" W 11.40' L2 S 31 VD6'00" W 34.93' L3 S 05'00'DO E 72.20' L4 5 22'46'00" w 58.31 L5 S 28'02'00' E 27.12' 2 B.18 pG.242 LOT 112 S'HERRILLS FORD LAKE HOUSE LLC. 8777/0232 R/1 a rn CNC NOTES 1) IVES PROPE7ifY MAY BE SSJ&ECf 7o ANY EASBIEuls AND/OR 16 1r1S OF WAY of RECORD. 2) ACREAGE COMPUTED SY THE cooRClNA1E LE1HOu 3) OVERHEAD POWER 4) NO GRID MONUMENT FOUND WJTFON 2000 FEET. S) SETBACKS SHOWN PER PLAT (PLAT BOOK 16 PAGE 242) *NERVY 9EBAQC5 MOOR 7d ANY CONSiRIXTIO 0* 6) PROPERTY ZONED: CATAWBA R-30 7) D2SIW0 7B0' & 761' CONTOUR E EVA ON BASED ON LAKE NORMAN LAKE LEVEL AT COWAN'S FORD DAM (READN6 ON 7/8/2024) ELL-YAYIOIM 756.6' 0' 25' 50' SCALE IN FEET 100' SCALE 1 = 50' ACQUIRED BY: -, </ {� `DLO Q d �AM M•. 4 �'- 44tiv'�il DES. 2 ?� s �9�I= N0RMAN** i I- e3499 <„+ lI M. - � 760' 6BRIOIJR LINE f ,t�it4.545 � TT �. LOCATED PER AC UAL ▪ FIE ID OO D SURVEY IPS k�► LOT 290 (1.14 AC.) 212 ( 4R/ 1 RQ r _J PHYSICALSURVEY OF 1420 ROUND$TONE ROAD LOT 290 CRESCENT LAND & TIMBER CORP. CATAWBA TWSP., CATAWBA CO., N.C. Jeffrey M. Mckahan Ea of co m �� 11 �5ro C ) c D2 Lkr oa EIP O. 9\ * PK & NAIL LEGEND E.LP. - DOMINO RCN FOUND I,P.S. a /4 REBAR SET CY co>apInED POINT R/W - RIGHT-.W-WAY - POWER POLE veal FIELD BOOK: 605' O FILM a r 290.DWG TAX MAP Net 46190 31 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF LANCASTERS DOCK& LIFTS SYSTEM INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LANCASTER'S DOCK & LIFTS SYSTEM INC I5 PROHIBITED. ALL DIMENSIONS USED IN THIS DRAWING ARE NOMINAL 0 ISSUE 10-02-24 DRAWN BY s.W. CLIENT Jeffrey McKhan 1420 Roundstone Rd Sherrills Ford N.C. 28673 Lancaster Custom Dock and Lifts 1156 Perth Road Troutman North Carolina CUSTOM DOCK & LIFT SYSTEMS, INC. 43( TEriPLATe- ( Ni EN r- Tc t \ i r I I 5 '....!..` 4 k_ -3. ( 1 •c (hi DeTrli r erri WilaZion Ad 4, s_Dujulai. 3ixa Dispasai Qrea required ism ft modioF Pei . vveter quai And Pee penixtissfon Mr _many: 1473 Oi etf a awafee tt.r4t the Bite must ociheFe on state regulations 111CO. o .ratkr del 115posQ1) „- • 84A 5ou+h Mai) 5+ CLo+5 4 4 5,) —Troui-man, NC Z81(1(.0 • • ,:.yr�it�lS��. ;7�;• :tea"°`.s..++w:p'>,%yjj URnital. GOIOirtt 0 $150.60 Real Estate Excise Tax Raabe Tax 009 110901 PG 1356 FILED IREDELL COUNTY 931/01115 PH 3: 13 8iiE1iDA D. BELL R:,;It?i ' ;•vf^S Recording Ttme. Book and Pa Tax Lot No. Parcel Identifier No. Verified by by County on the . ....... day of . 19 NO TITLE OPINION RENDERED Mail after recording to This instrument was prepared by ..J . dale Massa" Attorney. P. 0. Box 122 Statesville NC 28687 Brief description for the index t t NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this 10th . day of .. . . Novomher , 19. 93 , by and between GRANTOR PAUL C. WAGNER and wife, *.MARTHA R. WAGNER, of Iredell'Cotmty, North Carolina GRANTEE DOUGLAS ALLEN RANELI E, of Iredell County, North Carolina Mailing Address: Route 5, Box 571 Statesville, NC 28677 Lulea in cpprohrtate block for each patty, ream., address and. u apt *Priatt character of runty. t.G corporation ar partunship. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include meld parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNEBSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, his and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee la fee simple. all that certain lot or parcel of land eltuated in the City of N/A. Barringer Township, . Iredell County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEING ail of; Lots No. Four (4) and Five (5) of Troutman Business Park as the same is platted. planned and recorded in Plat Book 19. page 63, leach County Registry. 1The above -described 2 property is being conveyed subject to the restrictive covenants recorded in Book 862, pageounty Registry. eL C. ma Aua<rmn am a to I97L. Entire r,m, a.. w., em..a..,ac nms .vi Vi'w'�.'•ttr'—�y r, �51 "•M"rrc'itiei:'rG:,�Y.t{.Y..:aa .JS 1 r�,.�ri+.B��L'�eit. •°v.' ''"'. ¢>+. `' .k•-t•.ri:isal.`?:,ti; ...s:e;F.•tA4'+'. .r: . ,.._v,�=.„•r:roe BRO901 PG 1357 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book page ........_.............. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Crfabre In fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor ie seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances. and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title ;against the lawful claims of ail persona whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property bereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: Any and easements for public roads and utilities that may affect the premises and the restrictions herein set out and referred to. IN swans wuaaaor. sae Grantor bat bereento set his band and mat. or if corporate. bit awed ibis tnderni nt to be m eta enemata by ns duly anmorlaaa toe amass and w der to be hereunto aside b militarily of Its eyaId of bimewa, me my andabove situ fl'aspar.te Name) — _...---------- -------President .. ___.MMretary (corporate sash .. 3ddlitt .•• '' �i $ sown: CA60UNA. L a Notary Plaits of m. County and barn aforesaid. teddy mat _Pau;__G:.�TaBae>:_ Martha R.inner, -----_ Grantor. pessoaatb apposed before me MU day and acknowledged d m earceuiee of tba loeefetna instrotseat. mom aro a8A48141P 1 izd •.c r, . .msara ▪ Paul C. Wagner Y `�!�L�1 __��_ & - (ees,, • ?fertile R. Wagner x I MMSAL) so GC asap IREDELL County. band and afield stamp a seat, this lath dal al ovember, brr commtaaloa evilest 8-16-96 Nonni CAROUNA. causer. L a Notap MOM of fine County and Mato aforesaid. amity mat ....__—. pestonany came Odom me Rite day and a[kaoartolted met __._ he 6 ........—.�__...Imietaer a! a ttotth Carolina arpotetioa.aad stud by atideray duty Wiren and as 0u est of the eospoatloo, the toresmng testmmeos oat signed to lea tome by as itf _4_. MUM Paddle tmstd•aL amen trim us sofporate seal and attested by ea tit Rlineta my lend and Nadal stem' or star. this --dal or .„».. try cammiaa enemy 9)keLeettlini c of 1,..laski g Natant Publfct_of _?orth»Carolina .. », — d to be Iserfeet Ude instrument sod itee eettillgato ma Maly missend ai Me date and Mae and In Um bode and Page Mom an lite dna gage i 1. ___astern air DRUM Pon_—.. I i:...__..__....—..Came r --Deplity00119M.Reitister of aads N.C. fie Arw, corm do.1916. &Ward r r9N - .....w++. as ..... wt. ad.....•.. n c arms fill( OF :ORIN [M21RA _—A-0410001.E AOAi yy11,p-------.. — .COT CONSTRUCTOR] IlC. 745-9R0 PALL C WOMEN 711-307 ► [TC57T10 Bytom 610 3. LOTS 4 MO T1E Sd0T1ERN 01E HALF PT LOT A 1415T OE 50LIS TOCETRE71 TO TIE SASE IXf,TY ONIPHTC {GALS 75 1 25 00 1 50 100 0 100 100 TROUTMAN MISTRESS PARK PROPERTY OF PAUL C. WAGNER 1ARR016ER TOWNSHIP 1RE11ELL COUNTT WORTH CAR0LIRA DATA 00.10-07 SCALE I-•10C, NEED REF, 711-507 DRAWN 0T 0PP &RAMIRO N0. 03101( 0 07A wer E 516 0.017 ACNE LOT a SHALL E AETRYf 70 IEW SOUTH ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTORS AK. CURRENT LOT LLOTSa TAlps WAIT BE C9 024240 FOR SALE PLRP045 FOR SEWAGE DEPOSAL 0.E07 ACRE 0 '556 O \\ OL1A ACTy a rr a Do- w haaml 36560' A%LE NOTE LAT1121/AY 0 INAfT SE • 001A 0 A OUTER WHO 0LI. P110V01T AN ALT ERNA TIME MOM aTS7EN OR came TIN WITH LOT q FOR 0EIYANE DOPDSAL 410 Fac11A1 0. O3WALT A5A-100 PAAOS E7 2: ESAAF'PEL see IR0DLL [CORTY I 4E IR¢ I(S(ITRPOTWEF D41 11 10 II DOE 1E[T, nos IEITADI(NI WAS PRE 1E1T01 FOR REGISTRATION T111 DAY AND P00S NO OILY PECOS/OD IN 2141 OFFICE 02 REGISTER Or DEEDI 011l000F000EEI��REDyL EMIT. E. Id A. AT E�}} I T O'CLOD, _IA'DIrIf EA 0' CLOD, P ` �!T<R 71 LIEos t111PAOx115SITTTr DIE FLAT IS r001 OATS RECORDED A OF FUME A4F104AL, 11 IS 1EIPIVENOE3 1T 111[ F(A151110 90AR0 tray C0AI J70 ONL I /11 DASF �jf I nano. THAT}N1 PLl1l IS 0*145 9E0 riz1 51(! {6U1 OM OF FINAL Arg1/L. IT CI 1E[01R0NDE0 1Y ,NE lWASS CF COHISSI0411RS. En ,e D ,cExR DA,I ARpI A,Lxcx N HI! 1Af sExTS, NE1EWF CMFI FY 1RAT i AI TM WWII OF TElTNxa11 0x R. IRIS RAT. THAT AF1E1f 10013000E Tx11 TLA, R1/ AL DTIE4, 11 RE DED nos 1[T .MG DO EEA Eft 01111411E TO 0 11C 411E Tram ▪ S RAeE1Na on 1441NO aIr THIS it., M v N3 . COUNTY. 1.A151 pity run IC OFT NE T1EDONTYMAr'Sf A1�RE1AlRtNER 1Y TAA:AS 2121 THISODA A 3 A011,0O O RE THIS 11Y MIO b011I4I0GEI 11E ONT. WITNESS MY S1TUE11x.11. — ONh3F00IRAW 1 G..,, C�- GAIL C GRANT 1OTART PUBLIC IR'E6ELL coUNIT. Af[ NEu mWON !l411. I942 xY C0.1121104 WRIRS1I 1, GERALD V. GRANT , ECFr Ti FY 1xAT bus RAT AAS DAMN1 0AD£A 11 SUPEINIETGN FAO* Al KINI Er A[1 t"E E MOCSTHAT m THE ID. G (9A0, SUR- VEXED ME 'MOWN AT MLKEN L 111EA iPLOTTED 11114 . TOMA1S004 FOU1D TXIS A TA£1Ms0 IA RYOiF 010FT x1TA G.S. 41-311 u Raft DAD. WITNESS 1T OAI1IRa {pia TWE, R£LIS4 la1 RIR;R RRrrD A 11. IX 1 h f. AV6UST A.D., l� - - 'Cs ' 100 CMII i^A. IREOELL A ATMY F. IC OF TIE TY ,wD !iRALD Y, GAAIET[T* 11 FY TMAT A ILL 1 STOOD L ao IMMENDI, 4411 1014Lr AFFEAAEC .5 SE 1R TRIA DAY Alp A9SM n4E40111 TW TRO:V TIq OF PIA 212 044 x6 1ACTRUI EST, S TAESS RT NAND RIS 4LFa11 aT . STIR I: ORSEA.. THIS or AUGUST e. nit {{n• ANOT NIr NA lc i .. GALL cJGRANT ROTARY PUELIC ♦ 02R 11110N 1I FI 1ES GERALD V. GRANT 8 ASSOCIATES P. 0. 00A E160 STATESYILCE, W. 4. 2$677 P NORE 7011-872- 13E Iredell County, North Carolina February 5. 2024 Haneline Disposal Area - Lot #5 Tax Map Information • PIN • Address • Account # • Tax Owner • Mailing Add ress • •GIS Owner • Deed Info • Tax Acres • Lot # • Description • Zoning • Old Parcel # • Bldg Value • OBXF Value • Land Value • Total Valtie • Defer Value • Tax Districts 4740775627.000 SOUTH MAIN ST Acct77371963 HANELINE DOUGLAS ALLEN 3379 AMITY HILL RD STATESVILLE. NC 28677 HANELINE DOUGLAS A 90111356-WD-19931115 0.6 AC 5 TROUTMAN BUSINESS PARK PB19- 63 GB 1604F04000A005 $0 $0 $120,000 5120,000 $0 -ALLCNTY FIRE- - MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOTA LEGAL DOCUMENT IredeA County, North Carolina makes no claims and no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the vandity or accuracy of the GIS data presented on this map. Geometry updated 12115/2023 Data updated 11/1412023 Print map scale is approximate. Critical layout or measurement activities should not be done using this resource. Iredell County, North Carolina February 5, 2024 Tax Map Information • PIN • Address • Account # • Tax Owner • Mailing Address • GIS Owner • Deed Info • Tax Acres • Lot # • Description • Zoning • Old Parcel # • Bldg Value • OBXF Value • Land Value • Total Value • Deter Value • Tax Districts 4740775568.000 844 SOUTH MAIN ST Acct77371963 HANELINE DOUGLAS ALLEN 3379 AMITY HILL RD STATESVILLE, NC 28677 HAMM INC DOUGLAS A 90111356 -WD - 19931115 0.8 AC 4 TROUTMAN BUSINESS PARK PB19- 63 GB 1604F04000A004 $46,130 $4,380 $120,000 $170,510 $0 -ALLCNTY FIRE- - Haneline Disposal Area IRf f )I:I.L MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT Iredd County, North Carolina makes no claims and no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the validity or accuracy of the GIS data presented on this map. Geometry updated 11l1512023 Data updated 11/14/2023 Print map scale is approximate. Critical layout or measurement activities should not be done using this resource. DREDGE SPOM ®USPOSAL FORM Project Nave/address: Location! :l Pa #: il wl.J E Parcel/1ot size Disposal area regiiireci (sq ft and/or acreage) Acknowled,. ement o Notiflcation 14 Slier r 1 I v oUfty:J edPl I �1,� ___sql) and rules regarding sedl+ sent and erosion control and water am aware that the site must adhere to all state regulations a uaf;ty. and _..._ permission Name of Individual and Company [ _ �Qc to dispose of their dredge material at the above stated location ®caner: Date; Along with form, please provide: Aerial of parcel/lot (County GIS) Photo of proposed spoil site Identified proposed spoil site • BIG DADDY'S DISPOSAL AREA 1162 RIVER HIGHWAY MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 frr i je) 2024 Airbu Legend No Revenue Stamps per NCGS Section 1 No dosing held No ode opinion rendered Typo: CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY Recorded:112512018 3:09:51 19M Fee Amt $28.00 Page 1 of 6 i Revenue Tax: $0.00 :radon County, NC Ronald N. Wyatt Register of BK 2535 PG 17271-1732 Tune,Recording Tax Lot No. Ya1f 1(n, Pared Identifier No. 463840-1420 Mail after MOSIER to Homaley 8t Wingo Law Group PLI C die� dafr of 20 by This instrument was prepared by Clifton W. Homalry, Attorney at Law, lu..meda.. d WIMP South Maio Sheet, Moornsvgfe, NC 28115 www.Wreaormaelaw.00ns motion fir the Index Lot 2 of Reoombtasiloa Plat, Plat Book 61 at Page 111 NORTH CAROLINA QUITCLAIM DEED TI118 DEED made this 30th day of December, 2017 by and between GRANTOR Bryant F. Lancaster, Jr. and wife, Cynthia A. Lancaster 1 162 River Highway. Mooresville NC 28117 Jeffrey Thomas Lancaster and wife. Terry Leigh Lancaster P.Q Sot 1472. MoarasvW*. NC 28115 Sherri L. Bali and husband, Dcnnb Lynn Ball 471 South Main Street. Troutman. NC 28166 John Marcus Lancaster 1136 Path Road, Troutman, NC 28166 Bryant F. Lancaster, Jr., Trustee 1162 River Htghwrw. Mooresville. NC 28117 GRANTEE Lancaster Sy, LLC, a North Carolina liability company 1162 River Highway Mille. NC 28117 The desig adon Chanter and Grantee as used herein shall include avid partial, their heirs, aareoessors, and include singular, phial], masculine, &minine or caner as tecp red by context. NNSgePO si assigns, R.O.T.0 and shall Book 2535 Paw 1727 Pagel of 6 That said Grantor, fix and in consideration of the roan of Too DOM= ($10.00) to him pald, the receipt of wl admcnviedged, has remised and released and by these presents does remise, release, convoy and forever quiU Grantee, his heirs andlor successors and assigns, all right, tftle, claim and losorcstoftho Grantor in and to a certain land lying and kin' g in the Davidson Township of IRESDELL COUNTY. Ncutb Carolina and more partials& tbllows: th is hereby unto the tcrpereelof described as HEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED RERETO AND INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. =BIT "A" North Carolina Quitclaim Deed BEING all of Lot 2 as shown on that certain plat eroded "Recombination Plat of 10.553 Acres IooetQd on N.C. Highway 150 prepared for Big Daddy's of Lake Norman" as same is shown on map recorded in Page 111 of the Iredell County PublicBook lax Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a name particular description. Also conveyed herewith is a perpetual non-exclusive easement for ingress egress and regress and such 4titer rights as are granted in that casement recorded in Deed Book 2293 at Page 1332 of the Iredell County Public Registry. This mammas Is also subject to such easements as are granted in that same easement agreement. This property (the "Property") has been held in the trust (the "Trust") established in item Six of the Last Will and Testament of Bryant F. Lancaster as found in Iredell County Filo Number 97 E 486. Pursuant to a family settlement agreement found in said file, Bryant F. Lancaster, Jr. is the trustee of the Trust and hold the Property In trust pursuant to the terms of Item Six which said terms included the payment of income ., :. _ .. m to Jo Anne P. Lancaster, the widow of Bryant F. Lancaster. Jo Anne P. Lancaster died in 2017. By dm. ions of the Trust, the Trust principal shall bo distributed to Bryant F. Lancaster, Jr., John Marcus ., , Jelii+oy Thomas Lancaster and Sherri Lancaster Ball (collectively the "Beneficiaries'), free of trust Lot 2, Property, is the principal of the Trust The Beneficiaries and the Trustee have determined that it is in their . best interest to distribute the Property to Lancaster Fatuity, LLC as this is a limited liability company that i sed of the Beneficiaries equal y as its members. By their execution of this deed, the Beneficiaries slimify their consent and agzeement to this transfer and authorize the Trustee to make this conveyance to the Lsnc Family, LLC. I Book 2535 Peg« 1727 Page 4 at 6 Pursuant to N.CG.S.;10S317.2(2), thb certain lot or parcel of land does not include the Grantor's p { residenee. The prepay hetelnabove described wet acquired by Grantor by instrraaent recorded in Book 1349, Page 1474 Page 415. lea and except Book 824, Page 703. Inc 3096. A map showing the property is recorded In Plat Book et Pages TO Hag � beireAVE ND TO HOLD successorsdm lax or parcel of land and all privilegea and appurtenances thereto tape claiming through or him. and assigns, �e and discharged from ail right. title. claim end interest to the �C3mntor a IN WPIwESS WHEREOF. the Greater has hereurtoo set hb band and seal, or if signed in its =porno name by Its duly authorized officers end lb seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of? Directors, the day and year fast above written. (Note: Do not place seal outside this box into the margin) F. , r. F. La der, Jr, Trustee STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF IREDELL I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me each acknowledging to me that he or the signed the Bryant F. Lancaster and wifb, C A. Lancasterand Bryan Lancaster, Jr, Trustee. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this, I day o 2Q,M. Notary Pnblio�[ _4 j j j} �r 1)-6U My Commission Expires: to be Board of /SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) Book 2535 Peg. 1727 Pogo 5 of 6 (Note: Do not place seal outside this box into the margin) (Notes Do not place seal outside this box into margin) STATE OF NORTH CAttOLINA, COUNTY OF Trt't'fe 11 1 certify that the following pwson(s) personally appeared before me each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the forgoing L. Bap and husband, Dennis Lynn Ball Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this 3O day of Notary Pub STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF 11 1 certify that the hollowing pormon(s) personally, appeared before me di day, Maa Mrcus oL � to me that he or she signori the forgoing document: John VP, : my hand and official stamp or seal, this jaday of Notary Pub 044 „ �-j, 1�P �E--- My Commission Expires:, Type: CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY Recorded: 4/1R014 5:02:58 FM Fee Amt $26.00 Pape 1 of 5 Revenue Talc $0.00 tradel! County, NC Matthew J. McCatt Reglater ofl Deeds BK 2293 PG 131! -1323 No Revenue Stamps Tax Gallo. Parcel Identifier No. Portion of 463E-10A4M Veriflo Countyon the „dr0' 20 hv to & Wingo Law Group P This htsdwnent was prepared by Laura a nipple, Attorney at Law. Homea1cy & Wtngo Law Group tab Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 Brief Description for the index Recording Time, Book and rage Lot 1 of Recombination Plat NORTH CAROLINA QUITCLAIM DEED THIS DEED made this 3J day of Mardi, 201411y and betweaa GRANTOR Bryant F. Land wife, Cynthia A. Lancaster 1 162 %Iva Flilehway. Mooresville. NC 28117 Jeffrey Thomas Lancaster and wife, Terry Leigh Lancaster p.o. Box 1472. Mooresville. NC 28115 Sherri I. Ball and husband, Denala Lynn Bail 471 South Main Sabot. Tkacustaq,j4C 28166 GRANTEE Lancaster Fami y, LLC, a North Carolina united liability company 1162 River Highway Mooresville. NC 28117 The designation Gaunter and Grantee as used be eln shall include said patties, their bairn successors, and era+, includo singular, plural, masculine, tbminine ar neater as required by context. That said Chanter, for and in consider of tho sum of Tea Dollars 010.00) to him paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has remised and released and by them presents does remise. release, convoy and forever gait unto the Grantee, Ms hells endlor successors and assigns, all right, title, claim and Interest of the Grantor in and to a certain It or parcel of �oland � and being In the Davidson Township of IREDELL COUNTY, North Caroline and more particularly described es SEE EXEUNT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED BY REPEREN Pa9000un$ ROTC N8 PC SI and shell Book 2283 Page 1319 Page 1 of 6 Pr euant to N.C.O.S. O 1O$317.2(2), this certain bt or parcel of lad does not Tnetode the Graatar's primal residence. Page 415, teo and except Book 824, page 7031. The property hoteinnbave dumbed was acquired by Grantor by instrumentrecorded in Back 1349, Page 1474 a4 Book 2096y A map showing the pmpe ny le recorded in Piet Book at Pages TO HAVE AND TO HOLD dm aforesaid lot or parcel of hand and all privileges asd appunmenoes thereto i r .,,, : to the (imam, his helm similar succors and assigns, Sea and discharged from all right, title. oaim and intoned of . Grantor or anyone claiming' trough or Bader him. I; 1N WITNESS WRERBOP, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused ilia fesikWeeet to be sigma in its eorpotate name by its duly authorized officers and ha seal to be hereunto axed by authority opts Board of Dueckon the day and year first above written. tZ 4 z_ ciair•Cia. A.Lancaster (SEAL) (Note: Do not place seal outside this box into the margin) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF IRBDEIL I cordfy that the following person(s) personally appeared before me Obis day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the rmgoing docurftent Bryant F. Lancaster and wife, Cynllda A. Lancaster Witness my hand ae� jal1or seal, this3lat day of March, 2014. Notary My Boole 2293 Pap:1319 age 2 et 6 (Note: Do not place seal outside this box into the margin) STATE OF NORTH CAROL INA, COUNTY OF IREDEl L that the following person(s) personally appeared before me eorsgned tho foregoing Jefikey Thomas Lancaster and wile, Terry Leigh Laetrter or seal, this3lat day of March,14114. Book 2293 Pepe:1319 Page 3 at 6 (Note: Do not place seal outside this lbbx into the margin) i STATE OF NORTH CAROL INA, COUNTY OF IRFDELL I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me each ac mowledging tome that ho or she signed tiro forgoing L. Ball aid husband, Denali Dyer Roll SAL) (SEAL) Witness my hand or seal, this 3lseday of March, �014. Notary Pu My x . Book: 2283 Page:1919 Page 4 of 5 SIT "A" North Carolina Quitclaim Deed BEINN,G all of Lot 1 as shown on that certain plat entitled "Recombination Plat of 10553 Acres located on N.C. Ilig , Page l prepared of i for Big Daddy's of Lake Norman" as same is shown on map recorded County Public Registry. to whichP Book description.hereby made for a in particular Boole 2293 Pep:1310 Pape 5 et 5 Zipe MAR. 0: •. pLINA .h4 ay, 388.00 Koehn Ms Tau Lot Ida. view by by ¥ IJ after recording to ............. This instalment eras prepared by Brief description for the lades FILED MOW'. COUNTY `91 MI 7 PR 9 26 IUD D. BELL REGIn c i OF DEEDS nraadisi Tem. soak eat mate County as the day of .. . �r , ,Gd188S , %IR seavi1Y81=3 . S��ea �"! Y, Jr., Attoraa_ 1t_ Lev 1 ! NORTH GAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED r 1a DgED mad. this . ztb..... day of . . --- _ Jame .. .19 91 . by and between MAXTOR 80DIH il. BAILEY end wife. gib S. BAILIE of Iredel.l County. B.C. CRANING SIG DADDY'S OP LAIRVOINAD, pec., s North Carolina corporatim' Ihose nailing addresa Sat Route 8, Boa; 581 Mooresville, NC 28115 eaea to sineapeW Mak ter sate p4y: ass^ seams. &W. d gaawr4lc. dewier of way. o. .oryeenen or Sarum e deeitaatloa sh Creator and Graatae as used Insets all (uelade said parltn, dada hairs, saccessora ., ass(p,.nd flan blade stngalar, piatab enaescultne, bemlafs° or neuter as requhr by coated. T W1I218881T$, that the Grantor. for valuable easidsratloa paid by the 0rsatee. the readid ofwhip b baraby selnewlaaaed. has and by these presents dons grant. barla1o. sell and convey naW the Grantee le fee . aD Rua certain let or pared of and situated L, the city of Da*ideoa Township. Ilan Cam. North Carolina and more particuarty described as follows: BlIGi5Nl8G at a point in the center of S.B. 1396, said podtrt of beginning being the northeast canter of Y. A. Bovard and naming thence with the centerline of S.B. 1396 Worth 06 dig 03 attn. 40 see. last 150.03 feet to a point. tba corner of Sidney Hagan and running thence vitb the Hagar line Rostil 87 den. 56 min. 37 awe. lest 1.147.1E feet to an iron pin is the Albert X. Torrance line; thence with the Torrence line South 50 deg. 16 win. 47 sec. Best 270.12 feet to an iron pin, tba northwest corner of them Lancaster; thence with the Lances Iina North 88 deg. 53 min. 14 eec. Beat 652.12 feat to en iron pia, assaoa of Toney Lancaster sad R. A. ; thence with the Howard 1.tae South 83 deg. 36 min. 10 sac. last 273.0 feet to the pout e ISCERSISO. the sane beim in with a amrvey aide by Don Allen Inc., dated Nay 31. 1991. Axel being the same property conveyed to Eddie R. Dailey sad rids, Peggy by dead recorded in Deed Doak 759, at Page 808, Iredell fey Begiatry. aSCivAro.Vim No. J1r,rAat. jaemv-+...a...ab....,ruses....,esars kM..gray�n.yr C ••••INT -11111 Titraal The property herein/those described vas acquired by Grantor by Ind ricnent recorded in ._�...- Deed Book 759,.Page 808e Tredell Co. Re t A map &hewing the above described property is recorded in Plat Rook .....__ ......._.. _ .... TO HAVE AND TO iiOLD the aforesaid lit or parcel of land and all .. �� _ the Grantee in fee simple, privileges and appartaaaaces thereto belonging to Mad the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premixes in fee gimps; has the right to peavey the same in fee simple. that title la matlklbble and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful skims of all persona whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated_ Title to the property htrdne/lost described is subject to the fulioyallyl exceptions: This conveyance is atnde SUBJRCT TO all restrictions. aasemense and rights of way of record, including those for utilities and public roadways. IN s Vas e Or. the Gt..tor ban b..eeay sac 44a hams aaa sal, rr u corpmatr Lae eland Oda laatradedt ra w r�,0ea in 412 Mann watgelg.emir ardhosmed af9eem sad [te pat m w aaareaat• alil.cV ar au,kariq o� us m eerrrlsel tAd dal sod 9wi fiat y lEd a R. Bailey .. __..�.. __—..� Pleading •: Pe;Medley .�1ey ~_. tame) E �;,...= X ••----r;i.--tt-SKratrr:Ca.p..ty scary 1Z �:p . h o `r. wavd�yN nears r orslrsr ___ __Mina cry, pS.1 e'j +-, S.Y. a rindsry MAIL or the Calmly 1. 4 Etat■ .fareoed...+tlty ta.c -..... . _..-_ i - '' _' � 'x }9•-11.__Ile1 AY_8ad_r�ifes_.Rnso _$r_�allez__ .9..s r, s. b yp 0I...% ,. ; , g w *neaten Mews net Ma day and aodr:ed bba eaasows et Una raeapias [�a�..I. rru.... i, ti 'r .. �` head d and et4eiat tama p seal. ilia __7tll - da at --- June __ 91 •44;yri,..4.n..e'a�`� idesnmsrlaat.m.rpirec...u-12:-92---....... ---• raids 59tda,-arliOp- -- xottss MAMMA. ------------ _—Coen* ti a tratsa Plank at Oa lawny red stets araruaid. reach` that-„_..,._....�am.. prrsaeaily coma Ware rat adz dos and a sbnoestedred ah+t he t..........._ ....--Ileconcry ad —_ a I4Tt t t7rdma eoopoeasloaL amd rhea by am1 I '. duty 14 Olen and as lbe act at Our n serpatlao, the itennalat la leans rt ens dined lo Ca lama lend Wham asp Ina& and ellIeba ;lamp aT dat . lhla ----d ar ---------• -----. ta......,..� 1 eoarclsatan etylTee: =aa nne mina AltetaaaW d . _ .. .,..._... Wass, to be wreae - nab lastreunent had pia sal9tlwte era duty rediatared as the don and nos sad in tha atom .oe par. S/- -- _ ... nasin#ram--- Zenner at naada liC An err FireKa.7 4111976. Redding o 1971-an. ram.,ao,.� e., ur, o.�x,rc Tama &was 1.4T. o, ••• a eera.oe •MI we tea f DUKE ENERGY DIRECTIONS BY ROAD FORM Lake Use Permit Applications and Contractors: Ease of locating a proposed project site can have a big impact on permitting processing time. Please complete this form and return it along with your completed application to: DUKE ENERGY CIO LAKE SERVICES — EC 12Q 526 SOUTH CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 Applicant's Name: Jeffrey McKahan Street Address (at lake): 1420 Roundstone Road Lake Name: Norman Subdivision Name: Crescent Land + Timber Corporation Property Section: Lot #: Lot #290 City: Sherrills Ford County: Catawba State: NC Zip Code: 28673 Directions (from major road or highway): From NC-16 NB, Right onto St James Church Road, Proceed straight across NC-16 BUS at traffic light, Right onto Slanting Bridge Road, Left onto Sherrills Ford Road, Right onto Molly's Backbone Road, Right onto Azalea Road, Left onto Dog Leg Road, Left onto Roundstone Road, Continue on Roundstone to the right, Continue on Roundstone to the left. Property is on the Right. Descriptive Structure(s) on Property (i.e. brick garage, white fence, mobile home, etc.) Building Lot. Note: Please use the back of this form if desired to draw us a map to the site. 1420 Roundstone Road Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Veterinary Specialties Hospital At The Lake AZ-M-°' RD 35.653771, -80.965313 Drag Me! CRM ♦Deg ♦ DMS Help 11 Decimal Degrees Latitude: Decimal Degrees Longitude: 35.653771 -80.965313 DUKE ENERGY DIRECTIONS BY ROAD FORM Lake Use Permit Applications and Contractors: Ease of locating a proposed project site can have a big impact on permitting processing time. Please complete this form and return it along with your completed application to: DUKE ENERGY C/O LAKE SERVICES — EC 12Q 526 SOUTH CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 Applicant's Name: Haneline Disposal Area Street Address (at lake): 844 South Main Street Lake Name: Subdivision Name: Troutman Business Park Property Section: City: Troutman State: NC Directions (from major road or highway): From I-77 NB, Exit 42, Left onto US-21/South Main Street Troutman. The property is on the left just beyond Flower House Loop. Descriptive Structure(s) on Property (i.e. brick garage, white fence, mobile home, etc.) Building Lot. Note: Please use the back of this form if desired to draw us a map to the site. Lot #: Lot #4 & 5 County: Iredell Zip Code: 28166 844 South Main Street Troutman, NC 28166 ,.1 1 IYIVUII( 0 250 500 Y65i Fastener Co 9 35.680180,-80.859925 FLOWER HOUSE LOOP dMaps Legal CRM m Diamond i4 Detailing State Electric la Supply Co. • Deg v DMS Decimal Degrees Latitude: Decimal Degrees Longitude: 35.680180 -80.859925 Help co, RUSE ENERGY rnECrF.Ns BY ROAD FORM LANCASTER CUSTOM DOCKS DISPOSAL S ITE Lake Use Permit Applicants and Contractors. Ease of locating the proposed site canna big impact an P p d proj get return it along with your completedc S processing lr�g time. Please complete this farm and application to: Applicant's Name: DUKE ENERGY C/O LAKE SERVICES — EC 12 Q 526 SOUTH CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 25202 Di Site Street Address (at )• 1162 Ri Lake Name: Subdivision Name: H' 's o N Property Section: Lot #: 2 City: Anggagyule County: Xredell State: Zip: 281. i 7 Telephone: 7441-- 1-4 o2 Directions (from major road or highway): From 1-77 NB, Exit 36, Left onto NC- 150 WB, Disposal Area is on the right behind Big Daddy's Restaurant Complex. Descriptive Structure(s) on ]Property (Le_ brick garage, white fence. mobile home, etc.) *Note_ Please Me the back of this form ` dired tt© draw as a 111112P to dm at 1162 River Highway Mooresville, NC 28117 0 250 500 750 ft RUSTIC WAY LN 35.604043,-80.910286 Drag Me! Q 0 0 Foothills Marine o Lake Norman Maps L e� a I 2 0 m 0 I.' erfrormance Hitch and 3ruel Accessories CRM r Deg • DMS Help Decimal Degrees Latitude: 135.604043 Decimal Degrees Longitude: [-80.910286 J Clear Show Point