HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243168_ESC Approval Submitted_20241015 ORANGE COUNTY
Cy Stober,AICP,Director I cstober@orangecountync.gov 1131 W.Margaret Lane,Hillsborough,NC 27278 1919.245.2575
Letter of Approval
Tuesday, October 08, 2024
Robert Kardos
Beechwood Obey Creek, LLC
200 Robbins Lane, Suite D 1
Jericho,NY 28266
Re: Erosion Control Plan Approval for Land-Disturbing Activity in Orange County,NC
Permit Number: LDP24-0044
Project Name: South Creek- 1A
Parcel ID Number: 9787144842, 9787241209, 9787238844, 9787130667, 9787244637,
To Person(s) Conducting Land Disturbing Activity:
Approval of the Erosion Control Plan for this site is hereby granted. This letter and its attached
requirements, approvals, comments, and statements becomes part of the approved Erosion Control
Plan for this land-disturbing activity.
The land-disturbing permit (Erosion Control Permit) will be issued at the Pre-Construction
Conference.No timbering,grading,or other land-disturbing activities may occur prior to this
conference. Please read the attached Requirements of Approval carefully in order to understand
your responsibilities and liabilities. After reading the Requirements of Approval, please sign and
return the Letter of Acknowledgement provided. Failure to comply with the erosion control
requirements of the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance may result in a stop work
order, fines and/or penalties.
6 sa
Orange County Planning and Inspections Director
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Cy Stober,AICP,Director I cstober@orangecountync.gov 1131 W.Margaret Lane,Hillsborough,NC 27278 1919.245.2575
Requirements of Approval
Permit Number: LDP24-0044 Jurisdiction: Chapel Hill
Project Name: South Creek- 1A PIN or TMBL: 9787144842,
Approval Date: October 8, 2024
Approval Expires: 10/8/2026
Beechwood Carolinas is listed as the entity responsible on the Statement of Ownership and
Financial Responsibility form submitted for this site. (If you are not the owner/developer or other
responsible person, please take this opportunity to correct this error as soon as possible;
otherwise,you will be considered responsible.) Although you will probably contract someone (a
general contractor,grading contractor,subcontractor,etc.)to implement and maintain the erosion
control plan, it is your responsibility, according to the Orange County Unified Development
Ordinance, to see that the requirements of the Ordinance and approved plan are achieved. It is
also your responsibility to ensure the approved plan is successful in containing sediment on-site
and that all permanent erosion control measures are successful. If these responsibilities are not
fulfilled and enforcement and/or legal actions are taken,it will be against Beechwood Carolinas,
not the grading contractor or other contractor,unless they are the same person or firm.
Erosion Control personnel will cooperate with you and your designer and contractor to
implement the approved plan and meet the Ordinance requirements. To accomplish this, both
you and your agents must take the initiative in contacts with Erosion Control personnel.
However, this interaction must not be interpreted as relieving you of any responsibilities and
transferring it to the contractor or Erosion Control personnel. Neither should it be construed that
Erosion Control personnel are acting as liaison between you and your designer, contractors, or
other agents. If problems arise,Erosion Control personnel will suggest solutions;however,these
are only suggestions,since Erosion Control personnel will not act as your engineer. If necessary,
you must employ an engineer or architect to design a solution.
We will continue to work with you,your contractor,and designer,and we will contact personnel
at the site whenever possible to keep the site in compliance (so long as all of you are responsive).
If this approach fails,and you do not take the initiative in responding to requests for compliance,
you will be given written notices of violation and enforcement action will be taken should you
fail to respond by the specified deadlines. It is hoped, and is our commitment, that the first
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Requirements of Approval
Revised 04/17/24
approach to inspections and compliance will be successful and that a good working relationship
can be established and maintained.
In undertaking this land-disturbing activity,be aware of and observe the following requirements
of the Ordinance.
• PRIORITIES: Erosion and sediment control must be given equal,or greater priority with
grading,construction,and other efforts to develop the site.At certain times (for example,
during initial construction and when repairs and maintenance are required) erosion and
sediment control will require more effort to ensure success.
• EXPIRATION: Erosion control plan approval expires if work does not begin within 3
years of the date of this letter. The land-disturbing permit expires with the plan
approval or two years after work begins.
• THE WEATHER: Assume that this site will get at least one 6-hour, 10-year storm event
(0.67 inches/hour for 6 hours) and be prepared to handle the resulting runoff and control
the erosion it will cause on the site. If your site is located within the Neuse River Basin,
then erosion control measures are designed to withstand the 25-year storm.
• INITIATIVE: Beechwood Carolinas must take the initiative in implementing the erosion
control plan. This includes seeing that the construction sequence is followed, inspecting
the installed devices, performing maintenance, and installing additional devices when
necessary.Do not wait for Erosion Control personnel to discover problems;their function
is not to act as your construction inspector but to spot-check the site for compliance with
the approved plan. When Erosion Control personnel discover problems and there has
been no initiative on your part to make corrections, you will be expected to make
corrections immediately,usually within one or two days.
• OTHER APPROVALS AND PERMITS: This project must comply with all local, State,
and Federal environmental laws. You must have all necessary applicable approvals (i.e.,
zoning compliance, Department of Transportation, US Army Corps of Engineers, NC
Division of Water Resources,sewer,and water,etc.) required to begin this project so that
work can continue uninterrupted to completion and there are no delays that will increase
erosion and sediment generation. If these approvals are not obtained and work is
suspended while waiting for them,the site will have to be stabilized until work resumes.
If a Land-disturbing permit has not been obtained, it is your responsibility to ensure that
it is purchased before work begins.
• PROPERTY LINES, CLEARING LIMITS, ETC.: Beechwood Carolinas is responsible
for determining where the property lines and clearing limits are, and for staying within
those boundaries. You are also responsible for locating, and protecting such things as
setbacks, water quality buffers, absorption field sites, flood plains, protected wetlands,
undisturbed areas,trees to be saved,etc.
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Requirements of Approval
Revised 04/17/24
• PERFORMANCE: The Ordinance is performance oriented. If it is determined that
sediment damage (sediment lost off site or into streams, water bodies, or buffers) is
occurring despite proper implementation and maintenance of the approved plan, it is
your responsibility to provide additional sediment trapping and/or erosion control
measures.Although the plan has been carefully reviewed,unexpected difficulties may be
inevitable, and you must resolve them.
restore waters and land affected if you fail to prevent sediment damage resulting from
this activity. This is in addition to any other penalty or injunctive relief.
• CHANGES TO THE PLANS OR IN OWNERSHIP: If significant changes are required
to the approved plan, then you must have your designer make revisions and submit
copies to the Division upon request. If the site plan is revised in any way that affects
erosion and sediment control,you must inform us and submit revised plans.If ownership
of this project changes and responsibility is transferred to another person,you or the new
owner must inform us in writing with pertinent information such as contact name,
address, telephone, and fax numbers. Otherwise, Beechwood Carolinas will be
considered responsible. If you did not supply this office with the names and addresses of
all members of your partnership you are responsible for supplying them with copies of
this letter and any other correspondence from this office related to this project."For land-
disturbing activities on a single-family residential lot involving new construction
with land disturbance of less than one acre where the builder or developer is the
owner of the lot being developed and the person financially responsible for the
land-disturbing activity,the financial responsibility for land-disturbing activity on
that lot transfers to the new owner upon the builder's or developer's conveyance
of the lot to the new owner, recording of the deed in the office of the register of
deeds, and notification to the office or local program that approved the erosion
control plan."
trapping devices are not 100% effective in removing soil particles from runoff. Therefore,
the Ordinance requires that all land-disturbing activities be planned and conducted to
limit exposure to the shortest feasible time. To accomplish this requirement construction
must be continuous and uninterrupted until completion and permanent stabilization. If
construction is interrupted or delayed or the project is abandoned, the site must be
stabilized with adequate ground cover.
Make sure your contractor has a copy of the approved erosion control plan, has
considered it in their bid,and is prepared to proactively implement the plan. If phases of
the plan will be conducted by different subcontractors, Beechwood Carolinas must
ensure that their efforts are coordinated so that the approved plan is followed. For
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Requirements of Approval
Revised 04/17/24
example:if the clearing and installation of the sediment trapping devices will be done by
different contractors, the clearing must not get ahead of construction of the devices. As
stated in the approved plan,the initial clearing must be limited to only that area necessary
to gain access to and install the erosion and sediment control devices.
must ensure that sediment and erosion control is coordinated during timbering,clearing,
grading, and construction so that controls and devices are maintained and not removed
or damaged. If this site is subject to NCG010000, you must adhere to all applicable
requirements of that NPDES permit. More on NCG010000 requirements are mentioned
• KEEP A COPY OF THE APPROVED PLAN ON THE SITE: The plan must be available
to the contractor and inspection personnel. Failure to do so is a violation.
WASTE: All debris and waste resulting from development of the site (stumps, brush,
demolished structures, construction waste, etc.) must be properly disposed of in
accordance with local and State regulations. Open burning of trees, limbs, stumps, and
construction debris is prohibited. Concrete, stumps and other clearing debris and
construction waste must be carried to appropriately permitted landfills.
• SITE INSPECTIONS: The Ordinance authorizes Erosion Control personnel to enter the
site for the purpose of investigation and inspection. Erosion Control personnel will
periodically inspect the site to determine if the approved plan is being implemented and
if it is successful. If problems or violations are found, the Erosion Control personnel will
attempt to contact site personnel to discuss with them and arrange corrections within a
specified time.Also,a written site inspection report will be left with site personnel,in the
mailbox on-site, or transmitted in another manner. If you, or your contractor, have
questions about the inspection report,contact the Erosion Control personnel immediately
-do not wait until the deadline to start asking questions.
• COMMUNICATIONS: In addition to leaving inspection reports on-site, a copy will be
mailed and/or faxed to Beechwood Carolinas. As the entity responsible for the land-
disturbing activity,you should ensure compliance with the approved erosion control plan
and see that your contractor corrects violations by the given deadline. Erosion Control
personnel are generally in their offices and available by phone between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.
and 4:30 and 5:00 p.m.and have mobile phones as well.Feel free to contact them with any
questions or concerns.
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS AT ALL TIMES: Maintenance is a critical element of
the erosion control plan needed to ensure that devices continue to operate effectively.You
must be prepared to work on the devices when the need arises. In order to do this, you
may consider stockpiling certain materials such as stone, sediment fence and wire, etc.
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Requirements of Approval
Revised 04/17/24
• PREPARING FOR WORK: Before beginning the project, be certain that all necessary
materials, such as skimmers, riser structures, pipes, etc., are available and ready for
delivery or already on site.
• ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS: If there is inadequate response to a verbal request or
Notice of Violation, or you fail to properly implement the approved plan, enforcement
action will be taken against the Beechwood Carolinas to bring the site into compliance.
Actions may include:
Stop Work Orders: All work not directly related to erosion and sediment control and
bringing the site into compliance, including building construction, must cease until
the site is brought into compliance.
Revocation of the Land-disturbing Permit: All work not directly related to erosion
and sediment control and bringing the site into compliance, including building and
home construction, must cease until the site is brought into compliance and another
permit is issued.
Fines: Up to $5000 per day may be assessed. Fines are the responsibility of
Beechwood Carolinas,not your contractor.
Injunctive Relief: Legal action will be initiated in Superior Court to restrain the
violation and bring the site into compliance.
• STABILIZATION: Disturbed areas must be stabilized within 7 or 14 calendar days of
termination / completion of any phase of grading per the following guidelines by a
temporary/ permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion.
Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches,and slopes-7 days
High Quality Water Zones- 7 days
Slopes 2:1 or steeper- 7 days
Slopes between 2:1 and 3:1 greater than 10' in length-7 days
Slopes between 2:1 and 3:1 less than 10' in length- 14 days
Slopes between 3:1 and 4:1 less than 50' in length- 14 days
Slopes between 3:1 and 4:1 greater than 50' in length-7 days
Slopes flatter than 4:1 -14 days
If grading is not suspended more than the specified time period, the disturbed areas do
not have to be stabilized until final grade is reached. However, if work is delayed or
suspended for more than the specified time period and you are given a written notice to
stabilize it,grading the area again does not allow you to disregard the notice. If an area is
to be worked again, it must be graded and stabilized by the given deadline. When
construction is completed,all disturbed areas must have a permanent,stabilizing ground
cover applied within the specified time period.
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Requirements of Approval
Revised 04/17/24
The intent of this requirement is to limit erosion by completing the disturbance and
stabilizing disturbed areas in as short a time as possible. To avoid stabilizing the same
area several times,schedule work so that grading and other construction are coordinated.
When a particular area is finished,permanently stabilize it immediately instead of waiting
until the end of the project to stabilize the entire site at once.
• SUCCESS OF PERMANENT MEASURES: These measures (vegetation, other types of
stabilization, channel linings, energy dissipaters, etc.) must be successful in restraining
erosion. For example: If an annual plant (such as annual ryegrass) is used instead of a
perennial for permanent stabilization, it is the responsibility of the owner to reseed and
establish a permanent vegetative cover when the annual fails after one season. If
vegetation in a ditch or channel fails to survive and establish a permanent cover so that
erosion is restrained, then some other type of lining, such as matting or stone, must be
provided by the owner.
• MAINTENANCE OF PERMANENT MEASURES: Maintenance is the responsibility of
the owner except those measures in a street or utility right-of-way accepted by a
government agency.
• APPEALS: You have the right to appeal the following: disapproval of the erosion control
plan; modifications to the erosion control plan; any requirements of approval; and
enforcement actions. Procedures are outlined in Section 2.26 of the Ordinance. Hearings
are conducted by the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings.
• NCG010000: As of April 1, 2019, all new construction activities are required to complete
and submit an electronic Notice of Intent (NOI)form requesting a Certificate of Coverage
(COC) under the NCG010000 Construction Stormwater General Permit.This form MUST
be submitted prior to the commencement of any land disturbing activity on the above-
named project. The NOI form may be accessed at deq.nc.gov/NCG01. Please direct
questions about the NOI form to Paul Clark at Paul.clark@ncdenr.gov. After you submit
a complete and correct NOI Form, a COC will be emailed to you within three business
days. Initially, DEMLR will not charge a fee for coverage under the NCG01 permit.
However, on or after May 1, 2019, a $120 fee will be charged annually. This fee is to be
sent to the DEMLR Stormwater Central Office staff in Raleigh.
Title 15A NCAC 4B .0118(a) and the NCG01 permit require that the following
documentation be kept on file at the job site:
1. The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation.
2. The NCG01 permit and the COC, once it is received.
3. Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days.
Requirements of Approval Particular to this Site
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Requirements of Approval
Revised 04/17/24
Several stipulations specific to this project must be met as requirements of approval for the
erosion control plan before any work may begin.These are discussed below.
1. The applicant must provide documentation from the applicable municipality to Orange
County Erosion Control staff, that all requirements have been met allowing general
construction to begin. For projects outside of any municipalities, the applicant must
provide written approval from Orange County Current Planning to Orange County
Erosion Control staff, that all requirements have been met allowing general construction
to begin.
2. BEFORE any land-disturbing activity can begin you must acknowledge in writing that
you have read this letter,understand its requirements and implications,and are prepared
to ensure that you,your contractors,agents,etc.will observe these requirements. A letter
of acknowledgment is included on the next page.
3. This approval is based upon plan dated 8/2/24), which indicates a maximum disturbed
area of 20 Acres.
4. Contact Tyler Sliger at (919) 245-2582 to schedule the pre-construction conference. Land
disturbance can only begin after the land disturbance permit is issued at the pre-
construction conference. Typical attendees are the Owner and/or Representatives,
Erosion Control Design Engineer,General Contractor, and Grading Contractor.
We look forward to working with you toward the successful completion of this project. If you
have questions about this letter or project,do not hesitate to contact Erosion Control personnel at
the telephone number in the letterhead.
Failure to appeal these requirements in writing within 15 days after receipt of this letter, or
initiation of land-disturbing activity,signifies your acceptance of these requirements of approval
of the erosion control plan and your intention to observe and implement the requirements.
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Requirements of Approval
Revised 04/17/24
Letter of Acknowledgement
Engineering/ Erosion Control/ Stormwater Division
Orange County Planning and Inspections
Post Office Box 8181
Hillsborough,NC 27278
Re: Acknowledgment of Receipt and Reading of Letter of Erosion Control Plan Approval for:
Project Name: South Creek-1A
Permit Number: LDP24-0044
Parcel Number: 9787144842, 9787241209, 9787238844, 9787130667, 9787244637,
To whom it may concern:
I, a person with authority to execute instruments for South Creek- 1A, acknowledge that I have
received this letter and the Requirements of Approval attachment, have read them, understand
the requirements, and am prepared to ensure that my contractors, agents, etc.will observe these
requirements and the approved erosion control plan. I also acknowledge that I am ultimately
responsible for compliance with the approved erosion control plan and the Ordinance, and for
ensuring that the plan is successfully implemented.
Please note that this site may have additional requirements regarding stormwater runoff during
construction as noted below:
Signature Date
Please Print Name and Title Legibly
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